#sora & naminé brotp
holly-natnicole · 5 months
Roxas: *nudges his sister*
Xion: *glances at her brother then turns to the rest of the Heart Hotel* "What does 'take out' mean?"
Sora: "Food."
Ven: "Dating."
Naminé: "Murder."
Vanitas: "It means all three if you're not a coward!!"
Sora, Ven, & Naminé: *turn their heads to give Vanitas an utterly unimpressed look*
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embraceyourdestiny · 3 years
kairi for the ask game
favorite thing about them
how much faith she has in others, but especially sora, and how kind she is. she is one of the few people to see soea for how he really is and not want anything from him and i appreciate that so much. but outside of sora, she has so much belief in others, like riku and axel. she trusted them to do what’s right and i think that pure hearted faith with no other expectations is very unique to her. she a very good girl
least favorite thing about them
that she is extremely helpful but all the things she does don’t get attention or happen off screen. that isn’t her fault but i don’t dislike anything about kairi and when there’s a problem with a female character most of the time it’s because of the male author
favorite line
Kairi has so many iconic lines, it’s hard to choose, but
"Thinking of you, wherever you are. We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend. Now I will step forward to realize this wish. And who knows: starting a new journey may not be so hard, or maybe it has already begun. There are many worlds, but they share the same sky — one sky, one destiny."
If the letter doesn’t count because it wasn’t originally her words then,
“Naminé was made when Sora freed me from his heart. So now that she’s a part of me again, I figured all was right. But she can’t look at this forest, feel the wind on her face, none of it. And if she could, it’d be different for her. Her time was short, but she lived it, and that makes it hers. What right did I have to take those feelings and experiences back? They don’t belong to me, nothing’s as it should be. Not for her or Roxas.”
Vanikai. I just think they’re neat.
Axel or Naminé. Y’all are nasty.
random headcanon
kairi is the best at school, not just because she actually went to school for longer but she’s more academically inclined. (riku and sora both struggle a lot, though riku is okay at literature and sora is enthusiastic about science)
unpopular opinion
kh3 kairi is the best kairi. while she wasn’t the main focus in kh3 plot wise she was a lot more involved in general and throughout the game and less of a background character, and even without that we got so much more about her thoughts and character in 3 than any other game and that’s important. also alyson stoner does a fantastic job as kairi and sounds like a natural evolution of her voice, you guys are just mean.
song i associate with them
her theme because it’s iconic.
favorite picture of them
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tharkflark1 · 3 years
kairi :3
favorite thing about them
Her outfit and keyblade. So good
least favorite thing about them
I want her to fight more >:/
favorite line
"If it wasn't for you, Sora and everyone else would be safe!"
Her and Sora. Her and Naminé.
Sokai actually. I'm not a huge fan of it
random headcanon
She can bench press Riku.
unpopular opinion
I like her hair shorter
song i associate with them
I dont think i rlly have one
favorite picture of them
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playablekairi · 3 years
namikai? 👀
NOTP | meh | it’s ok | i can live with it | BROTP | cute | i love this ship | adorable | OTP |
okay the shipping issue i have with sora i do NOT have with kairi and boy i love this ship. there’s this one line in beyond the ocean beach that goes “Kairi loves Naminé like a sister or herself or a lover or all three at once or maybe none of them at all” and i remember that line whenever i think about the two of them. just this indescribable connection between two hearts that canon is STILL not fully explaining to us, please, i want more of them. it’s still not really from a romantic ship perspective though i guess, though i’m not totally opposed to it? and fuck, you know that scene from remind of kairi holding naminé’s heart so gently in her hands?????? i love that shot so much.
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tina-nina · 4 years
Lauriam, Marluxia, call him what you want, we know you want to talk about him
Why I like him: he’s fabulous and knows it. He may have been mistaken, but he DID know there was something fishy about the Org and proceeded to try and do something about it. His solution left a lot to be desired but hey: it was a solution even if it was a  b a d  one. As Lauriam he is a Good Big Bro full of sass. His death scene made me cry. His scythe is super cool and gets summoned in a flurry of flower petals.
Why I don’t: This more has to do with his CoM personality (before he and roughly half the org were chilled out for future games), but he’s cruel, does not care for the lives under his command, blackmailed and mentally tormented Naminé enough that she was terrified of him, and also was just an all-around Dick in that game. (though that could be said about all the CoM group, they were pretty shitty people until it was decided that they were needed for future games and that they needed to be at least somewhat likable. Axel, I love you, but you are trash in CoM).
Favorite scene: It may have made me cry but his KH3 death scene was *chef’s kiss*. Honorable mention goes to UX scene with him and his sister talking before the whole white coat thing we still do not have a proper explanation for 
Favorite Line: “And now I am on the cusp of reclaiming my identity... my purpose for being... thanks to you, Sora.”
Favorite Outfit: He only has two, and as cool as his Organization coat is, I like his Daybreak outfit better
OTP: I don’t really have one for him, or at least not any ship im more partial to over any other, at least keeping inside KH as a fandom. I always thought Marluxia/Larxene was cute enough, but also @arya-rayne‘s fic Bloody Sakura Rose has Marluxia/Summer Rose as a ship and I think it's super cute
BroTP: Marluxia and Larxene, Marluxia and Demyx (no in-game evidence but shhh), Lauriam and Blaine
Headcanon: why has my brain suddenly fled Canon wise, Marluxia was particularly vicious to Namine cause she reminded him of something or someone but since he couldn't remember what it made him angry instead.
Unpopular Opinion:  I don't want him to turn evil back in the AoF and have that be his start as a nobody (is that unpopular? I dunno)
A Wish: Let him see his sister again pls. let him make amends even if its just living life on some remote world as a florist with his sister
An oh-god-please-dont-let-this-happen: Please don't stay dead, your story is NOT over (in my heart if nothing else) please come back and bring more UX lore with you into something that isnt a phone game
5 words to best describe them: oh god uhhh Conniving, Pretty, tragic, flowery, sad
My Nickname: Marly/Laurie
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code-verxnica · 4 years
*Ahem* Axel for the ask thingy
Valentine! 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Oh jeebus (I got into Kingdom Hearts super recently so please forgive me for this)
send me a character and i’ll list:
favourite thing about them
I’m going to say his character development. I only know so much from bits and pieces I’ve seen but learning about the character, his motivations and seeing him change from an antagonist to a close ally was cool. (He seems kinda sassy and I’m here for that. That’s my weakness)
least favourite thing about them
Legit can not think of anything right now (maybe when he mocks Naminé? Please I’m new ;-;)
favourite line
‘Got It Memorised?’ /j
‘If you have a dream, don’t wait. Act” yeah :D
His friendship with Roxas and Xion ;-;
Bro... Saïx and Axel were friends before the organization.... Saïx rejoined to try and make up for the way he treated Axel, Roxas and Xion....Hold on I need a minute
No one yet 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think I’ve seen him be shipped with Marluxia and Saïx but I’m waiting until I actually get to know the characters first before even think about that
If I see anyone ship him with the kids (Sora, Riku, Kairi, Roxas, Xion) it is on SIGHT
I will take their kneecaps
random headcanon
Metal head Lea :3
unpopular opinion
I think it’s a meme at this point, and hell I even made the joke in the favourite quotes, but come on... there’s more to him than just ‘Got It Memorised?’
song i associate with them
Yeah yeah I know, but I feel Iike it suits him (listen to the lyrics)
favourite picture of them
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Send Me A Character And I’ll List Stuff About Them! 🍦
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sorikaied · 4 years
for the salty ask: 2, 20, and 23 for kh!!!
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
yes? van.ven is definitely more of a brotp to me. like, i can defs see the appeal for them as a romantic thing, but like, their dynamic doesn’t give me that kind of vibe. and with their interactions in kh3??? with how ven really wanted vanitas to try and make his own path and not stay as being “darkness” because he was made / pretty felt like that was the only thing that was right for him. like oh man, just end me omg
that’s probably the biggest one imho, and the only one i think is “big”.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
kairi and getting the proper character development and growth she has wrongly been denied of for the past EIGHTEEN YEARS
ahem. anyway, not to sound like a completely biased binch, but i do think s.okai is probably one of the purest ships we have. i mean, does it have its faults? yes. do i have my complaints abt a lot of things in regards to them? oh hell yes i do. but honestly, s.okai was my first real kh ship, so it just... it resonates with me more. there’s just so much in the story that like, really shows how much they truly care about each other and it just gets me right here
but also kh1 and kh2 destiny trio/sor.ikai are also top tier purest ship because they were friends. that cared abt each other. AND HAD A CHANCE TO SHOW THAT CARE ABT EACH OTHER (wow remember kh1 r.ikai??? yeah why was that snuffed out. nomura turn on your location i just want to TALK). even with as much as i enjoyed kh3, the one thing i’ll never forgive is how it pretty much... put the nail in the coffin for the general destiny trio/sorikai dynamic because of the focus of s.oriku and s.okai
23. Unpopular character you love?
ig kairi and naminé would count for unpopular??? sorta??? i mean, i feel like kairi a little more. i know there are people that “love” her, but some of this fandom feels so fake abt their kairi appreciation. which is... whack. it’s not her fault that she’s gotten the card she was dealt with, not being able to flourish as the interesting character that she is because she’s either a damsel or used to motivate sora’s feelings/actions. and rEMIND BARELY SCRATCHED THE SURFACE OF HER POTENTIAL CAUSE NOW SHE’S IN A “COMA” AND I COULD SCREAM. MY SO.KAI HEART BE DAMNED. KAIRI SHOULD BE OUT IN THE FIELD SEARCHING THE WORLDS NOT BEING ASLEEP FOR A YEAR WHY
i mean almost every “loved” character has been unpopular for different reasons, but i feel like kairi still gets like... left out of things most of the time. which sucks cause she deserves the best...
also the only reason why i don’t feel like nams is as... “unpopular” anymore is because she’s shipped with xion, so she’s probably a little more appreciated now, but like. kai and nams are the two kh ladies that i feel like just don’t get as much love as any other kh lady or any other kh character in general (and again, more so for kairi than nams but maybe that’s changed)
salty ask list
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spktarchive · 5 years
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OTP- (☆)
BROTP - Xion! I love the thought of them bonding as sisters 🖤💙 and Riku and Roxas and Ven and Olette and- I want everyone to bond
NOTP - I don’t have a specific one for Naminé..
my favourite thing- her gentleness and kindness. I love the fact that she steps up and corrects her mistake after doing something that seems unforgivable, and I aspire to be like that; standing up for what’s right no matter the consequence. another thing I aspire is to be as selfless as she is. even though Sora doesn’t remember her, she still goes out her way to help him and his friends.
least favourite thing- hmm.... I honestly don’t think I have one, but I guess this is more what I least like about what’s happening with her(?) I’m sad that she isn’t given any friends. we see her alone on the covers and Idk.. I guess that’s one of the reasons why I like drawing her a lot, and with Sora and co. the thought of her and Sora reuniting and rekindling their friendship (for real this time) makes me happy.
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bisoras · 5 years
Naminé for character post!
send me a character!
How I feel about this character: namine is So Good and she deserves the World
All the people I ship romantically with this character: hhhhhhhhhhhhhh i liked the repliku/namine ship in canon, but i’ve never really thought about her as being part of a ship? i guess i just like namine on her own and like exploring her individually more than how she could be in a relationship
My non-romantic OTP for this character: KAIRI namine/kairi brotp ????? and normal riku?????????? like damn that’d be such an interesting thing????????????? also im Very Here for the idea of namine and ventus meeting and becoming friends
My unpopular opinion about this character: i...... don’t know if i have any that are unpopular? i guess it seems unfair that she has more of a fanbase than kairi, or at least it’s felt like that in years’ past. she’s literally a subset of kairi, so you’d think people who love namine would also love kairi? but bc people always viewed kairi as being “in the way” of soriku like they hated her. idk this was literally years ago and thankfully more people are in the Kairi Deserved Better club but still :/
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i wish she’d had more screentime in kh3, ofc, but like just in general i wish she’d been given a storyline or arc at all that didn’t revolve around her ties to kairi and sora. i’d love to see her interact with other characters :(
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ultyso · 6 years
Ventus and Sora Theories
I figured I’d post some things I’ve been theorizing since end of III and reading BBS Novel and what I’ve talked to with people. Of course all speculation and could be me just trying to find a way for more Sora and Ven content cause BROTP 😂
I played the proud mode quests in KHUX to get the 5000 jewel roxas deal and I coincidentally left off on Ven’s introduction from last time I played this mode, and I just do not believe Ven is the traitor after seeing it. They show Skuld and Ephmera chatting and coming across someone in the graveyard. It cuts to Ava and MoM talking about the child circled in red. Then it goes back to graveyard and Ven introduces himself. And with Brain his introduction showed after two wielders fighting over who was the true one to get lux or light or whatever and that the other is lying and then shows brain’s intro and I can’t help but feel what if there is a second book of prophecies and whoever has it framed Ven????
Also idk if it’s cause it’s been a long time since playing Ven’s story. But in the novel he mentions opening the door as Sora talks to him. Later in the story it talks of Kairi’s grandmother with the story of fairy tales and how the door in the innermost darkness will open and the true light will return. Idk gave me KHIII vibes that Sora returning after being stuck wherever he is at end of III, light will truly return when he gets out. But saying that Ven and Sora were opening the door. ‘ ‘He knew what they had to do together, and said it aloud.’ ‘Open the door’ I don’t remember the dialogue going like that in BBS? Did it?Idk could just be referring to Kh1 tho 😅
And I went theory mode and maybe Sora got chirithy to come back at end of III cause somehow Ven would be able to help Sora open that door??
Cause ya know how stubborn chirithy was about coming back saying he’d wait for Ven essentially. That he had new friends yadayada.
And then Sora now having Luxord’s card. I thought what if it had like the dandelion’s symbol or something. And Sora being all well how can I get back? All I have is this to go on? And chirithy being all, well I know someone but idk if they’d remember. And Sora kickin his butt out then saying to go to him cause Sora wants outta there. Ahzhsjakalla.
And that if Ven really was the child circled in red, he had the book, if he can remember what he read, may have info on how to to get Sora back.
And Naminé being coincidentally back up and running maybe she can see what’s preventing Ven from remembering. Or connects with the whole Ava thing. Since she or was it chirithy that erased the dandelions memory of at least the keyblade war?
I feel it’d go with the Ava and Naminé connection somehow. Same with her ‘truth about Naminé thing.
Either way just KH thoughts in feeling that Ven may have a part in saving Sora most outta them and would be alongside Riku based on knowing Secret Ending showed Riku in it. I’d like to believe like Kairi, Ven, and Roxas would join Riku in getting Sora back. But all just theories and hoping xD
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zyxabcqrs · 5 years
my holy trinity.. complete
im also not about to fall asleep so maybe ill keep my dumbass in check for this one. unlikely But
favorite thing about them: MANN. i love her determination! i love how her arc is about deciding for herself who she is, and how her life should go! she’s headstrong in a way that’s conveyed so well, and you get to see her slowly become more and more defiant. she’s so good
least favorite thing about them: making me cry is mean.
real answer: not rly a thing i don’t like about xion, but about how she’s treated, but: i don’t rly like how roxas gets so so much angst even after vanishing and she’s like? forgotten? WHICH, I MEAN, OBVIOUSLY, THAT’S WHAT HAPPENED, but i feel like maybe there could have been a better way to keep that plot point but also give her attention? idk. kh3 was alright with that, imo! wish there had been more of it
favorite line: "I love Roxas and Axel. I'm sure Saïx would scoff at that. Call it a trick of my artificial memories. But the time I spent on that clock tower was real.” and “I'll never forget today's sunset. Even if Roxas and Axel do, I won't forget.“
both are from the same diary entry! she’s so good..
brOTP: i’ve already talked about axel+xion and saix+xion so i will give u: riku and xion! i’m not sure why some ppl are under the impression he doesn’t like her? he’s just very understanding and... honest.
riku just wants to help sora, but that doesn’t mean he’s a heartless bastard, he understands the situation she’s in and knows it’s difficult. he gives her time to think and the choice to go back to the organization or not. he respects her a lot, they’re very sweet! wlw mlm solidarity, riku is the ultimate lesbian ally
nOTP: any pairing that has xion with a dude has me going “:/ shes a lesbian though”. i have little actual beef with them, i just dont like it hHGF
OTP: namixi! aside from riku, naminé is the only other person who is completely open with xion, and even before she met her she was so concerned about her well being.. they’re just both very sweet people who deserve more than what the world has given them. and they got a beach date!
random headcanon: because of why she was created, xion can like... synchronize with other people, to the point where she may start fighting a bit like they do or get a little stronger/faster. she’s not draining their power necessarily, especially not after kh3, just becoming attuned to them.
the strength she gains gets more noticeable the closer she is, relationship-wise, to the person she’s fighting with! because she knows them better, it’s easier to synchronize with them, to the point where she might be able to learn whole new abilities because of that!
the obvious example is her entering berserk mode, but one i like to think of is xion being able to use repliku’s dark mode, after they become friends (which is another theoretical xion friendship i think about a lot uwu;)!
unpopular opinion: xion is a stronger character than roxas (she’s way more active in her story and fate, roxas only gets more like that in the very end and still doesn’t come close to surpassing her), and her friendship with axel is more compelling than roxas and axel’s. i will not be silenced
song i associate with them: uhuHUUUU
under my skin by jukebox the ghost is a weird one
come home by cloud cult is a sad one
favorite picture of them:
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so dramatic... so cool.... punches me in the gut, makes me want to cry...
[send me a character!]
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holly-natnicole · 4 months
Naminé: "Here's some advice."
Sora: "I didn't ask for any."
Naminé: "Too bad. I'm stuck here with my thoughts and you're the only one who talks to me."
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embraceyourdestiny · 3 years
Namine for ask meme??
naminé :3c
favorite thing about them
her desire to be loved, and how later down the line that translating to her need to useful. it’s very similar to kairi in that instead of getting down over her weakness she learns from it and does something about it. while kairi strives to be stronger, naminé works to use the skills she already has to help as much as she can to make up for her past mistakes, and because she cares so much about all these people she’s only an observer to.
the whole reason naminé did what the organization wanted (when they weren’t using her) was because she just wanted to mean something to someone. she wanted to be sora and riku and kairi’s friend. even though she’s “an abomination,” even though she “isn’t meant to exist,” that didn’t mean those feelings weren’t there, and more than anything she wanted them to be realized.
she’s so wistful and yearns so much for love and it’s so painful and so endearing. with how badly she wanted it, the point the series is in now, where everyone is together, is enough for her. she just wanted everyone to be whole and friends, and not being at the center of it, not even really being included, is fine with her. she loves so hard that as long as the people she wants to be friends with are happy, then she’s okay, even if she has no place in it. but i want so badly for someone to reach out their hand and invite her in. to pull her into the circle and welcome her as their friend. i hope the fact that riku actually did this is good sign that from here on out the only things naminé will know are the very love and friendship she so desperately wanted since the very beginning.
also it’s not something that i “like” about her because it’s good or enjoyable but i find it so interesting how plainly her horrible self esteem and guilt is put on display. sora’s tells her not to cry and she says “you’re right, i don’t really have the right.” “oh, okay. nobody needs to keep a bunch of memories that arent real right? you want to remember all the people who are really important to you. anybody... would choose that” hearing her say those things breaks my heart and i want so badly for her to slowly learn to let go of the past and learn to love herself
least favorite thing about them
nothing about her character, but i hate that she’s shipped with riku so much. it makes me so uncomfortable for reasons i can’t really explain but i genuinely hate that ship so much
favorite line
“you won’t fade. you can’t fade. there’s no power that can defeat you. not the light, not the dark. so don’t run from the light, and don’t fear the darkness, because both will make you stronger.”
‘make me stronger? darkness too?’
“yeah, strength that’s yours. the darkness inside your heart, it’s vast and it’s deep. but if you can, truly stare into it and never try to look away, you won’t be afraid of anything again.”
‘all this time i’ve tried to push the darkness away’
“you’ve gotta just remember to be brave. know that the darkness is there and don’t give in. if you do that you will gain strength, the kind that’s unlike any other. you’ll be able to escape the deepest darkness—”
‘and ill be able to see through the brightest light’
“follow the darkness. it’ll show you the way to your friends.”
‘can i face them?’
“you don’t want to?”
while i hate their romantic ship, riku and naminé being (best) friends is very, very important to me. they both went through a lot and through a very specific experience together that only they can understand and them relying on and confiding in each other is so special to me. i also enjoy roxas, kairi, xion, sora, ven, and vanitas being her friends, but riku is def the top for me
namixi all the way baby. although namiolette(?) is cute too
rik*n*mi lmao. im also not the biggest fan of her and roxas as a ship but i take genuine offense to the first one
random headcanon
naminé hates the color white. after all that time alone in that cold, colorless castle, all she wants to do is fill everything she can with hues and streaks of color.
unpopular opinion
honestly i dont think i have one besides shipping related? i def think she should have a keyblade though she’d be more of a mage (maybe she trains under daisy/minnie or donald?). i’d love to see her interact with the wayfinder trio, especially aqua and terra. maybe that she’s such a vital character to the story? or that her being a villain would’ve be interesting, though ive def seen other people think the same thing. im not sure really.
oh i thought of one!! naminé def deserves to be a part of the heart hotel. her being excluded from something else yet again makes me sad and if vanitas counts, her coming from sora’s body should def count as well. (kairi too!! also naminé trans)
song i associate with them
tbh kairi’s theme mostly, specifically the more somber part in the second half of the melody because i feel like that represents her well, as “kairi’s shadow” and knowing the darker stuff of kairi’s heart
favorite picture of them
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tharkflark1 · 3 years
favorite thing about them
I love her fighting style. Its like a mixture of Axel's and Sora's with her being a hard-hitter and throwing her keyblade around
least favorite thing about them
God i wish she had more personality and relations in canon. Like I love her and Axel's friendship but i want MORE
favorite line
Her dialogue with dream-Xehanort is good. She's fiesty >:)
Her and Sora. Her and Naminé. Her and Aqua. Her and Axel.
Not sure. I think Olette and Kairi is cute.
Her and Naminé. Her and Sora. Her and Roxas.
random headcanon
Her and Axel are related plz goD NORMURA. YOU CANT MAKE TWO RED HEADS FROM RADIANT GARDEN AND JUST GO "yeah they never met" BULLSHIT
unpopular opinion
I think her training with Aqua instead of going to find Sora with Riku was best. She's been out of practice for a year, and she needs some character growth without the main boys.
Also I prefer her short hair >:P
song i associate with them
Not sure. Ill have to think about that some
favorite picture of them
Not rlly a picture but her Nendoroid is ADORABLE
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thatwitchrevan · 5 years
Kairi/Xion, Vanitas/Repliku, Naminé/Repliku, Lauriam/Elrena
I tried to do the graphic but I couldn’t get it to look good in a textpost and be readable! so you get bullet points and commentary instead.
not really my thing
would read a fic about it
I think I prefer Kairi and Xion as friends, but I can see how they would be cute as gfs, I guess? There is the argument that Xion is strongly influenced by Sora’s memories of/feelings for Kairi but I feel like that could be taken in a platonic way as well. 
why not/I ship it
would read a fic about it
I’m curious!
I confess that most of my interest in this pair is the fact that they kind of parallel SoRiku which is really cute to me. I think they could relate to each other a lot and take care of each other. I love my boys and I love the idea of them having somebody they really like to be with! 
would read a fic about it
I am invested in them as a friendship, not convinced on the romance front. All I see is that he cares a lot about her and that’s great! Caring about Naminé is very important to me. But I don’t think that necessarily means they have any romantic chemistry. I’m open to being convinced, though.
there needs to be more of it
would read a fic about it and potentially make it canon in my own fics??
Please tell me what the hell their shipname is because I need it. I’m ready to get hyped for this pair in any form tbh. Like Larxene doesn’t care about shit but she does, in one way or another, care about LAURIAM (and Strelitzia) so let’s pleaaaase explore that. Also I just wanna see her being supportive/defensive of him when he’s upset or someone’s fucking with him. And him being the one person who really knows how to deal with her anymore and what she really feels under all that leftover Larxene? Idk, there’s just a lot that could be done with them overall and I want it.
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snowembrace · 7 years
KH for the fandom ask?
• fav character: since I’m bad at picking just one among my favorites, I will list my main three - Riku, Axel and Terra. … actually no add Aqua too to the list because wtf she’s absolutely amazing.
• least favourite character: I’m not sure I have one, buuuut dear old Master Xehanort could be a possibility. … then again I am crushing on his young self so I’m a bit conflicted here :[
• otp: *Slams hands on the table* SOKAI (and TerQua)
• brotp: either SoRiku or Akuroku work perfectly as BROTPs. Terra and Ventus do too but tbh we didn’t get to see that kind of relationship displayed often between them during BBS, mostly because shit went down really fast in that game and they never interacted again ever since 👀 (BBS 0.2 doesn’t really count)
• notp: SoRiku and Akuroku most likely fall in this category. I actually have a ton of different KH NOTPs, which mainly include ships that give the selfcest vibe off (Vanitas x Ventus, Kairi x Naminé, Sora x Roxas etc.) or that are just plain weird (Riku x Mickey is a good example of that). Others I simply don’t like/don’t ship, like Akusai, but they’re still decent at least.
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