prismaticpichu · 2 years
Cloud strife has so much autism n adhd vibes pre getting fucked up by evil science
Y’know what? Valid headcanon! Cloud is so shy and endearing in CC <33 One thing for sure is that he definitely got thrown into the spin cycle once Mako and alien biochem got involved. The poor bean ;-; But even then, that doesn’t stop him from being an absolute CHAMPION, the kind who go and fling raging madmen into a big, steamy bowl of the planet’s lifeblood!
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angelwingsnaya · 4 years
excerpt from my newest fic “The Demon Hunter”
The uneasy feeling in Cloud’s chest kept growing with every step he took that brought him closer to the orphanage he had come to call home, at the outskirts of the small town of Nibelheim. He had wasted some time in town, selling the excess meat he had managed to gather during his hunting trip, hoping to earn a few more gil, that would allow him to get a nice hunting knife for Denzel, despite Tifa’s protests and knew he would receive an earful, when he got back, by the motherly brunette.
~Special thanks to @scribbleness for having me write this one and not taking “no” for an answer! It’s just the push and motivation I needed to start writing again!
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kingsglaivus · 4 years
Thank you for existing, you are loved! Send this to ten people, who in your opinion deserves such a sweet message in their inbox. Nothing bad will happen if you don’t, but imagine the smiles! 💞
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lockescoles · 4 years
FF7 for 2, 6, and 23!! ❤️
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP? Cle.rith tbh, especially in the remake. I’ve never seen their relationship as a deep romantic one, maybe just as a crush that could never grow into something more, but the remake really made me broship them with all my heart. I really love their interactions, but for me their chemistry is much more a platonic one. 
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated? No because I tend to love canon ships hehe :P But the fandom sometimes manages to show some fanon ships that could be interesting, such as Aerith and the Turks, especially with Reno.
23. Unpopular character you love? Leslie ?? I’m so glad the remake gave us this man because he’s such a good man and I love him. I hope we’ll see him again and that he’ll find his fiancée :3
Thanks for asking ♥
Salty Ask List
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The fire tingles, ready  to spark is the power in tip of each finger, in the slow fall of every step, its flickering coiling behind the hardened line of lips until the slither up and curl at the corner. Serpentine intention gazed down in air of retribution, wrath bleeding round slitted pupils, for such was he, the fate of this town. This world. To be chosen, matter not where one be made, was the rite of sweet decadence to leave tingling his tongue. The same not written for these...inhabitants... 
Ah, yes. For them, he would condemn under the infinite gravity- his abhorrence, the inferior and all that be ignorant and deceptive, would know displeasure... Taint traitorous pallets, let each taste the bitterness of pestulacne every person, shelter, wood, in these cyan embers  
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onewinged-sephiroth · 4 years
Thank you for existing, you are loved! Send this to ten people, who in your opinion deserves such a sweet message in their inbox. Nothing bad will happen if you don’t, but imagine the smiles! 💞
Thank you Dana 💙
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sweetcoppelia · 4 years
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:D :D Tagged by the wonderful @nibelheiim to make a pic-crew version of me!! Thanks so much!!  :D 
Tagging @jojopanda, @starry-gazes, @crazyeevee, @ipona, @itstotaltrash, @caramelpocky, and oh heck, i’m tagging all my followers, GO DO IT and tag me so i can see them!!!  <3 <3 
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sorikaied · 4 years
for the salty ask: 2, 20, and 23 for kh!!!
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
yes? van.ven is definitely more of a brotp to me. like, i can defs see the appeal for them as a romantic thing, but like, their dynamic doesn’t give me that kind of vibe. and with their interactions in kh3??? with how ven really wanted vanitas to try and make his own path and not stay as being “darkness” because he was made / pretty felt like that was the only thing that was right for him. like oh man, just end me omg
that’s probably the biggest one imho, and the only one i think is “big”.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
kairi and getting the proper character development and growth she has wrongly been denied of for the past EIGHTEEN YEARS
ahem. anyway, not to sound like a completely biased binch, but i do think s.okai is probably one of the purest ships we have. i mean, does it have its faults? yes. do i have my complaints abt a lot of things in regards to them? oh hell yes i do. but honestly, s.okai was my first real kh ship, so it just... it resonates with me more. there’s just so much in the story that like, really shows how much they truly care about each other and it just gets me right here
but also kh1 and kh2 destiny trio/sor.ikai are also top tier purest ship because they were friends. that cared abt each other. AND HAD A CHANCE TO SHOW THAT CARE ABT EACH OTHER (wow remember kh1 r.ikai??? yeah why was that snuffed out. nomura turn on your location i just want to TALK). even with as much as i enjoyed kh3, the one thing i’ll never forgive is how it pretty much... put the nail in the coffin for the general destiny trio/sorikai dynamic because of the focus of s.oriku and s.okai
23. Unpopular character you love?
ig kairi and naminé would count for unpopular??? sorta??? i mean, i feel like kairi a little more. i know there are people that “love” her, but some of this fandom feels so fake abt their kairi appreciation. which is... whack. it’s not her fault that she’s gotten the card she was dealt with, not being able to flourish as the interesting character that she is because she’s either a damsel or used to motivate sora’s feelings/actions. and rEMIND BARELY SCRATCHED THE SURFACE OF HER POTENTIAL CAUSE NOW SHE’S IN A “COMA” AND I COULD SCREAM. MY SO.KAI HEART BE DAMNED. KAIRI SHOULD BE OUT IN THE FIELD SEARCHING THE WORLDS NOT BEING ASLEEP FOR A YEAR WHY
i mean almost every “loved” character has been unpopular for different reasons, but i feel like kairi still gets like... left out of things most of the time. which sucks cause she deserves the best...
also the only reason why i don’t feel like nams is as... “unpopular” anymore is because she’s shipped with xion, so she’s probably a little more appreciated now, but like. kai and nams are the two kh ladies that i feel like just don’t get as much love as any other kh lady or any other kh character in general (and again, more so for kairi than nams but maybe that’s changed)
salty ask list
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hartofhearts · 4 years
Claudia’s words and memories of the promise
I know the Claudia/Cloud’s mother flashback scene has been discussed quite a bit, but I don’t think I’ve seen something yet which fully answers why Cloud had a starry sky in his eyes (a callback to his promise with Tifa) after waking up.
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(this infamous shot)
But it finally occurred to me: Cloud wakes up with the promise scene on his mind BECAUSE the flashback reminded him of it. And the flashback reminded him of the promise because the promise was on his mind during his entire conversation with Claudia.
(Spoilers for the Remake and OG throughout.)
Backstory for the memory, and spoilers for the OG: Cloud is only having this conversation with his mother because he was trying to hide from Tifa. He’s trying to hide because he doesn’t feel good enough for her. He doesn’t feel good enough for her because he isn’t a SOLDIER. A SOLDIER IS good enough for Tifa because a SOLDIER has the strength to protect her and take care of her. It’d be no surprise to me that a moody 16 year old boy would be sulking brooding on these thoughts while his mom is trying to mother him.
Now, onto the scene:
We start with Cloud lounging on his bed, looking at the ceiling, while his mom chats with him from the kitchen offscreen, to the right.
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Claudia: I’ve never been so proud. The man you’ve become... Women must be hounding you day and night.
Cloud: Not really.
We know from the OG that in this moment Cloud isn’t proud of himself. He became an infantryman, not a SOLDIER. And he’s only had one girl on his mind the entire time, so regardless of whether or not women were hounding him, he’s not into it. He tries to shut down this conversation because it’s not making him feel great. (Claudia, on the other hand, is a great mom and is trying to get her son to acknowledge his accomplishments. But as most people know, cheering up a broody 16 year old boy isn’t easy.)
Claudia: You know, there’s all kinds of temptations in the big city. I’d feel a lot better if I knew you’d found a good girl--one who’d make sure you didn’t get into trouble.
Cloud, with his voice slightly sulky: I can take care of myself.
We see him roll to the left, facing the wall and away from his mom’s voice.
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Cloud only joined Shinra because he wanted to take care of someone else: TIfa. He does NOT want to be told that in actuality, he needs his romantic partner to take care of him and that by extension he can’t be her hero, can’t take care of her. He totally disagrees with everything his mother is saying and doesn’t want to hear it.
Claudia, like any mom, knows her son is being mopey in the face of her advice (maybe that he’s being immature and a silly goose? 😜) and does NOT relent. (I do not buy that she is clueless to his feelings and doesn’t hear his sulky tone.)
Claudia: An older, more mature girl that could keep you on the straight and narrow--and tell you when you’re being a silly goose. That’s the perfect type for you, I’d say.
Cloud tries to totally ignore this part of the conversation. No verbal or physical acknowledgement. His eyes are closed and he’s plainly trying to sleep, to better shut out her words.
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Tifa has been on his mind throughout this entire conversation, as she is the reason he disagrees with every line his mother has said. Cloud wants to deny everything his mom said, because to agree with any of it would mean that he failed his goals and that he failed his promise to Tifa.
This is why when Cloud wakes up, we get a visual cue to his promise at the well. Because that promise at the well weighed heavily on his mind when he was living that moment.
Final thoughts:
>> Isn’t the C//erith interpretation way more straightforward than this, so wouldn’t that make it likelier?
Background to why Cloud is having this flashback in this moment, and spoilers for the Remake: the previous scene shows Cloud facing the full brunt of motherly scrutiny and protectiveness for her child. Elmyra has told Cloud that he can’t pursue a relationship with Aerith. That as a SOLDIER, he has made the choice to give up a normal life for power. The final shot of Cloud shows him staring after Elmyra and pursing his lips in thought, while Aerith wonders wtf happened while she was gone.
There are a couple big things about this scene that triggers the flashback for Cloud:
It’s been a while since he’s seen a mother in action, which reminds him of the last time he saw his own
Here he is disagreeing with one mom, and it reminds him of times he disagreed with his own (Elmyra tells him that SOLDIERs make the choice to give up normal lives and relationships, which goes against why Cloud wanted to become a SOLDIER... though this could only be acknowledged at a deeper level, as it reflects on his True Self)
I know that one common interpretation is that the flashback is triggered as a sort of “(Cloud’s) mother knows best” way to suggest that Aerith is the ideal partner for Cloud. (Which I disagree with on a thematic level... if mothers always know best as in the case of Claudia and Cloud, then why should we say Elmyra DOESN’T know best in case of her daughter, where Elmyra is saying her daughter doesn’t need to be hurt by another SOLDIER so Cloud should leave? But that aside.) 
FFVII has always been a game about double meanings and subversion of expectations, so I 100% expect that the devs put this scene here to suggest Aerith as a romantic partner. However, with the context of the actual event + Cloud’s behavior during that event + the starry sky scene in Cloud’s eyes, I think it’s safe to say that there’s a double meaning/subverted expectation here. The flashback is showcasing how Tifa has always been a very important someone to Cloud and was really the person on his mind at the time.
>> But what about Claudia’s actual thoughts on his perfect type? Doesn’t that preclude Tifa? Is Claudia actually wrong about what her son needs?
Well, it’s really only the word “older” that would exclude Tifa, and even then, translation of the original Japanese suggests that use of the word “older” is inaccurate. The Japanese script really just means someone more mature and lady-like. See this post by @100wendybirds​, which really made a lot of things click for me! Based on that, I think Claudia’s description actually could fit Tifa, though young Cloud doesn’t want to see it that way at the time (he’s hung up on how HE has to take care of HER, and hasn’t yet accepted that his romantic partner can take care of him, too). 
As a fun observation, given the context that Cloud was being a bit childish in this interaction with his mother AND that Claudia wasn’t surprised at all, it seems as though Cloud really does need someone more mature to guide him and keep him out of trouble. Now where do we see that happen?
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Sorry for the long post! And shout out to @silver-wield​, @otp-oasis-heavenxearth​, @nibelheiim​, and all those other amazing people who’ve written incredible analyses and inspired me to look at the game like this with their posts. Thank you! :)
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
Cloud and Tifa: Two Starcrossed Weirdos Lovers
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@nibelheiim​ your man ^
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silver-wield · 4 years
Is it just me or does ff7 as a whole have a big emphasis on hands, I didn’t start noticing it until remake but as I watch cutscenes from like crisis core or advent children I start seeing a big emphasis on hands, what do you think ? Are they trynna tell us something like “watch the hands !”
Hand symbolism by @nibelheiim
Gif source
Gif source 2
Yeah, they're making a point of showing Cloud clenching his fist whenever he thinks of the promise between him and Tifa to show how important it is to him.
Promise symbolism
Also, there's the concept of illusion vs reality.
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Illusion. Cloud is never able to take Aerith's hand when he offers it or makes an attempt to. Because any relationship people thought they had wasn't real. He also operated under the mistaken identity of being the 1st class soldier Zack was.
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This is reality. Cloud and Tifa take each other's hands in two separate catch scenes. The first is Tifa reaching for Cloud, the second is him taking hold of her.
These are mutual holds that focus on their hands as a physical and metaphorical union between them. It's not one sided. Tifa takes Cloud's hand. Cloud takes Tifa's.
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dipperdogrpg · 4 years
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This probably came up somewhere in reddit and other places, but how many of you think Jenova/Sephiroth has Cloud as a spy on Aerith? Sort of like a sleeper agent, he will behave until the cells in his body need take control. They manipulated Cloud into thinking he is going after Sephiroth for revenge, but it was for Cloud to join the reunion instead. Like the "I can feel her" line is Jenova/Sephiroth urging this action to get Aerith. If Aerith is with Shrina, then how can Sephiroth/Jenova get the black materia to summon meteor? Maybe there's way more to the whole "it's not real" line from Aerith than we thought. What if Cloud asking what she knows about Sephiroth is jenova/sephiroth trying to get information? If this is the case, then gosh. Cloud's warning he is dangerous to be around goes to another level for Aerith. Just how much is jenova/sephiroth manipulating Cloud while he's around Aerith? Jenova's goal was to wipe out the Cetras. Would love to hear some thoughts and theories if you think this is a possibility.
@silver-wield @otp-oasis-heavenxearth @nibelheiim
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aertifas · 4 years
Welcome to Dee’s Writing Blog!
I was known as nibelheiim on AO3. :)
However, because of recent policies that AO3 has supported regarding NSFW ficton involving real-life minors, I have decided that until AO3 takes action against this type of exploitative fiction, I am posting my writing here on tumblr instead!
My current project is called Broken Mirror, a CloTi multi-chapter fic retelling Final Fantasy VII from Tifa’s perspective. However, I also have several new projects in the works! Currently, I am also working on a short AerTi modern AU and a Stranger Things/FF7 crossover! Both these projects will be posted here. :]
I appreciate the support as I temporarily (or permanently) move platforms and appreciate the patience as I move my project from AO3 to this blog! Happy reading. :]
Broken Mirror
Part 1 of Series: The Truth Will Set You Free
Tifa Lockhart is settled into her routine in Midgar when the sudden reappearance of a familiar face turns everything on its head. Now, as they share tight quarters, she tries to piece together the man she knows in the present and the boy she remembers from her past in order to see the bigger picture. NOTE: Broken Mirror was rated M on AO3 for violence!
Chapter Selection:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
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lockescoles · 4 years
oooohh for the five of anything ask meme, can you do final fantasy 6, 7, 9, 10, and 13? ☺️💕
Of couuurse :D Those are all great games for sure hehe ♥
FFVII (I have to admit it was really hard between FFX and FFVII hehe :( )
Thanks for asking :D
Put five characters/episodes/shows/ships/anything in my ask and i'll put them in my order of preference ♥
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zacksoldiers · 4 years
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Fan Fiction Tropes Tier List (x) i was tagged by @sovahunter ❤️ thanks gin! i’m tagging @harmonization @zakkura @pianoslave @nibelheiim @unicorinspace @voxanonymi @dimidiumseras @skrivarmelodi @ivorydice @zacksfairest and anyone else who want to do this :)
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cheklmn · 4 years
pic meme
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tagged by @nibelheiim​ :D
imma tag: @lesslinette​, @rubyblackmoon​, @luv2koo​, @toffeen​
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