#sephiroth clone
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another doodle wip, complete. jenova's witness!drana and jenova.
in my original fic, she fell off the side of the crater that had icicle inn on it, so she could have proper human contact when she was born. but if she fell off the other side? and maybe like accidentally absorbed a piece of jenover and sephiroth, then she never stood a chance.
and would just start to casually... elongate, mimicking "mother".
didn't fuss too hard with the newer design's details, but they are pretty good, and her having an exposed "brain" in this form is wild.
...i gave her mother bearing hips even in more monster form. /crying emoji
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altocat · 3 months
Imagine Genesis has deserted and refuses to answer his phone when Sephiroth calls him. Instead, he just responds in cryptic shitposts.
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Genesis: 🤫🤫🤫
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tiskywhiskey · 3 months
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Redraw of official art !
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satoshy12 · 10 months
Danny Sephy??
Final Fantasy 7 and Danny Phantom 
This is a start idea for a bigger idea:
Danny and Sephiroth would be counterparts to each other, with a little Zack Fair in Danny Fenton. - Both have white hair. - green eyes - They were empowered after being exposed to green energy of supernatural origin. - They are almost immortal.
+ And as Cloud would technically be a clone of Sephiroth,
Danny: "So as I am Sephiroth counterpart."
Danny had been attacked by Cloud in the Ghost zone as he saw him and brought him to Clockwork. Who told him the whole story.
Clockwork:" And of Zack Fair."
Danny:" Okay, does that mean Cloud is my clone too?"
Clockwork:"Yes, you could say that."
Cloud: "I only accept it because you are Zack too. And it's better to stay here than in Sepiroth! You will better hold your word!"
Sephiroth even found him in Smash! He will wait to hear what this God will say.
Clockwork:" Yes, as long as you are in this universe, Sephiroth can't find you; there can't be two Sephiroth, but if you leave, he can find you again."
Cloud nodded his head, he accept staying here. Dani just was hugging the SOLDIER. Dani:" Baby brother, baby brother!"
Cloud:" I am pretty sure I am older than you by many years."
Dani:" You are the one who newly accept being a clone. I am your Clone Senior, and I will teach you all you need to know about being a clone!"
Jack and Maddie just accepted Cloud as a new Fenton pretty quickly. Even if Cloud will not wear an orange jumpsuit or hunt Ghost but having a family again is nice. With grandpa Jack and his Fudge or training with Granny Maddie. His sensible "Aunt" Jazz is helping him to overcome his mental problems.
The Zone and all the years running from Sephiroth, really really didn't do well for his mentality. And being in the Ghost Zone confused his body and mind even more thanks to that time God. So what if he was young as his clone age, he is save from Sephiroth. So what if he is 15 year old!
Try to think Crysis core cloud. He looked adorable
And poor Wes, only he thought it didn't make sense that Fenton suddenly had a new child or clone.
"I mean, who would clone a human/Fenton? He is Phantom!"
Star:" Be quite; Fenton isn't Phantom. But Fenton's new son is pretty cute-looking."
Paulina:"Yeah, Ellie was adorable, but Cloud is a cutie! How you think adult Fenton then will look then?"
Danny told them Time Travel, and all of Amity park and Casper High accepted it. It worked with Dani and now with Cloud, and he once brought a book signed by Shakespeare for class. + So Cloud and Dani are time traveled Clone(Children) of Danny. No idea who the other DNA is but not from Amity Park.
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bramblequeen · 1 year
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Silly Kingdom Hearts AU where the Destiny Trio are actually part of the OG FF7 world/Midgar, with Sora and Riku ending up as part of the Shinra SOLDIER program because their propaganda is insane. I wouldn’t put it past Shinra employing literal child soldiers…
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fightabear · 6 months
i'm uploading this one too because xemnas being given jfk's lines as transcendent bullshit that 16 y/o me could not have predicted
that man is a one man wacky stack of tragedy
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prismaticpichu · 11 months
Weenie Hut Jrs anti-Nibelheim request!
Flock of puppies🐶
Nibelheim Roadblock #2 ~ “Flock of Puppies 🐶”
Omg that is GREAT!! Ahhhhhh <3333
No one could believe their eyes.
No one.
No. One.
And it was a completely, utterly rational response too. Anyone else would have had the same reaction had they been watching the spectacle unfolding before them—them, as in one Zack Fair, one Cadet Cloud Strife, one other sadly irrelevant SOLDIER, and one tour guider Tifa Lockhart. To all four of these nonplussed individuals, the great dome of reality itself was starting to seem mighty suspicious.
Because the sight of General Sephiroth, melted to his knees, absolutely swarmed by a litter of Nibel wolf pups as he struggled to stroke and fondle them all, was not exactly something one could prepare themselves for.
“Gaia… look at those eyes…” No one had ever heard such raw, heartfelt fondness in the General’s tone before, two strong gloves squishing the cheeks of one of the slate-shaded pups—a pup whose tail was nothing but a whipping grey blur, wagging and smearing against the garnet sky that blanketed their morning.
“….Unbelievable,” Cloud breathed through his helmet.
“Can you believe this?” Zack folded his arms, watching now as the slaty pup rolled onto its side to receive a series of loving tummy rubs.
“No, I really can’t.” Cloud looked at his friend. “That’s why I said, ‘unbelievable.”
…How had this happened? How…? How had their unmovable, stoic leader possibly devolve to such a squishy state…?
Well, for one thing, it only happened about nine minutes ago. And what did happen was really just a perfectly-aligned amalgamation of over-efficiency, convenient timing, and a heart that was caught by surprise.
About 9 minutes ago
They were just about to cross the bridge when he heard it.
Sephiroth stopped in his tracks, bristling, snapping one hand in the air like an armored traffic cop to halt the rest of the squad behind him. Somehow he had managed to walk ahead of their designated tour guide and take the reins; either way, though, those reins were his, and the rhythmic sound of boots crunching into dirt froze all at once behind him.
“…What’s going on?” Cloud asked his friend, having hung in the back of the train with Zack.
“Seph senses something,” Zack answered easily. He blinked towards the General, well-accustomed to his odd and somewhat spooky ways. “What’s up, buddy?”
Sephiroth didn’t respond; he just merely narrowed his eyes, focusing on the sound—on what had plucked his attention. It was faint, yes…. distant… but there was an underbelly of aggression. A veneer of something violent. And that was enough for concern.
He wasn’t about to let another monster ambush them like that dragon had. He wasn’t going to fail again.
The graceful song of metal echoed through the air as Masamune was unsheathed. Sephiroth turned his head, turning towards the source of the sound—a small, natural barricade of jagged rock.
“Alright, we tackling something?!” Zack lit up with a smile, reaching behind his back for his own hefty sword.
“No.” Sephiroth stopped him before his hand could make it. “You stay back; keep the others safe.”
And before Zack nor the others could protest about their adequate survival skills, Sephiroth made his way over to the rock formation.
The sound got louder, the closer he got. More defined. Sharper.
A snarl.
Sephiroth narrowed his eyes further, shifting his blade in his hand, pearls of raw daylight scintillating off the metal as he reached the slab of stone. As he reached it, and slunk around it, and prepared to—
Well, one could probably predict what happened next.
“Shouldn’t you, y’know, intervene or something?” Tifa cast her own glance to the spiky SOLDIER. “We kinda got a job to do.”
By now, all the puppers were on their backs, Sephiroth running his gloves over the combined terrain of their fuzzy bellies as they kicked and squirmed and chirped with all sorts of playful barks in a hopeful plea that the massage wouldn’t stop. Zack’s eyes softened to dough.
He’d never seen Seph look like that before. Never seen him so… so… relaxed. So calm. So at ease. So open.
He’d never see him smile like that.
So much warmth flooded Zack’s heart then, as he caught sight of the soft, genuine curl on Sephiroth’s lips. It was veiled, yes, discrete… but he could still see it. And it was the biggest smile Seph had ever given.
No…. he couldn’t pry that happiness away from his friend. He wouldn’t. He’d let Seph cherish every second of this, even if they had a “job” to do. Gaia knew Seph did enough as it was.
“Alright, new plan!” Zack clapped his hands together, grasping everyone minus Sephiroth’s attention. “Me & Tifa are gonna head to the Reactor ourselves. Spiky and, erm… other guy, you stay back and keep an eye on Seph.”
“My name is Carl!” the infantryman corrected.
“We… we have to watch over the General?!” Cloud added with obvious confusion. “Isn’t that—“
“Yes you do!” Zack chirped. “No telling what kinda danger Seph’ll miss while he’s infatuated by puppies.” He didn’t wait for another response before whirling back to Tifa, smiling like the rising sun behind them.
“On we go!”
The trip to the Reactor went smoothly, all things considered. Genesis showed his face when they got there—Ifrit knows why—and completely blew up upon hearing that Seph got sidetracked by puppies. Anyway, guy eventually flew away and they fixed what needed to be fixed no problem. Bridge was a little wobbly on the hike up and back though—prolly couldn’t handle more than two folks. But they made it across just fine, both ways, and the sun was just beginning to descend as they rejoined the rest of the squad.
And lo’ and behold, Seph was still playing with the puppers.
Whatshisname had fallen asleep against a rock, Spiky still standing on-guard as instructed. But he did look tired. And bored. And kinda numb.
Alright. Prolly time to pack it up.
“Hey, buddy.” Zack started towards his friend, all the wolves having fallen fast asleep against his lap in a myriad of different positions. Sephiroth glanced up to meet him.
“You ready to go back yet?”
Sephiroth returned his gaze to the sleeping puppies, silent. It was clear what was unspoken in the air between them, what plea was being made.
“I know you don’t wanna leave them, Seph.” Zack kneeled beside him. “But….” The words twisted his heart, knotted his tongue. “We gotta go back. Reactor’s all clear.”
Sephiroth blinked slowly, letting out a sigh, looking back to the swathes of grey draped all over him.
“They… trust me,” he said then. “They know… I won’t hurt them.”
Zack was quiet for an undeterminable amount of time. Nothing seemed right to say, really. Not in that moment.
No wonder Seph got so attached so quickly. He had found someone—multiple someones—who weren’t afraid of him. Who didn’t run away, who didn’t flee when catching sight of him. Who didn’t assume the worst.
He didn’t want to let that go.
Doughy eyes melted even further. “Seph…” Zack leaned closer to him. And then, a soft smile of his own graced his lips, raising his arms to gently wrap around his friend’s form.
“Hey…. I trust you…” he said softly.
Sephiroth could only blink again, this time in surprise, in confusion, the tender weight wrapped around his upper body too delicate to make him stiffen.
Tifa and Cloud watched on, struck incredulous all again.
“…The folks back home are never gonna believe this trip…” the girl muttered.
Zack held his older friend’s figure and gaze, gazing deep into the emerald eyes rippling with awe of their own.
“See? I know you’re not gonna hurt me,” he said with a lingering smile. “You’d never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it.”
Sephiroth blinked again—and again, and again, and again, swatting away any remnants of glass trying to invade his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak.
“Aha! I’ve found you!”
And before any words could leave, a crippled blur of crimson and black shot down from the sky, alighting with a stirring of dust and stones as the figure collected himself and straightened.
“Genesis!” Zack shouted indignantly, tightening his gentle hold upon feeling Sephiroth bristle. “What you want?!”
“So you think you can hide from ol’ Genesis, do you?” He let Zack’s question ricochet from his ears, sailing towards the still-sitting Sephiroth—Sephiroth, whose eyes were narrowing by the second, a grid of slightly uncanny teeth flashing into view. Think you can avoid your fate by… by what?” He squinted for a closer look, looking at the snoozing fuzzballs. “Babysitting wolves?”
“Stay away from them!” the warrior snapped darkly. “I’m warning you, Genesis.”
It would have been a little more intimidating had he not been sitting criss-cross applesauce, but he digressed.
“Oh believe me, I’m not here for your whelps.” Genesis not so subtly eyed Zack, who didn’t have time to think of a retort before continuing on. “I’m simply here to inform you about something. Something that is LONG overdue.” He strode closer, closer, a certain haughtiness pulling at his leaden lips as he shouted,
“You, Sephiroth, my old friend, are a—
And just as Sephiroth had been rudely interrupted moments before, just as the words had been pried from his lips, every wolf snoozing on that warm leather coat snapped awake then.
And every wolf proceeded to lunge at Genesis then, an entire stampede of grumpy Nibel puppies proceeding to chase the shrieking auburn across the mountains and out of sight.
Tifa and Spiky exchanged a Look.
Sephiroth, meanwhile, sat flat on the ground, staring off into the horizon that had taken his friends away.
“Goodbye…” he mumbled quietly, completely stripped of the fluffy, fuzzy, indescribable warmth that had been enveloping him just moment before.
Well… not for long.
Zack rewrapped his arm around the crestfallen warrior’s shoulders, that gentle smile resurfacing as Sephiroth turned again to face him.
“Let’s head back to town,” he offered kindly. “I saw a really cute wolf plushie in one of the windows—and, well… I just soooooooo happen to have brought souvenir change.”
It took a few beats, but Sephiroth smiled.
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caeca-iustitia · 9 days
Not me coming to a horribly stark realisation that Seph and Vincent are practically identical...
Not just physically, mind you, but in terms of personality and psychology...
Oh God...
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chomesuke · 2 months
au where tifa ends up in the shinra mansion labs along with cloud and zack. tifa has a better reaction to the mako and is a little more successful as a sephiroth clone but zack breaks them all out before the experiment is completed. zack still dies trying to protect them both and they still end up in midgar joining avalanche, but this time it's tifa convinced she was a soldier and cloud ends up with tifa's memories instead, thinking he never left nibelheim and was a guide instead
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gcldfanged · 2 months
I keep getting jump-scared by the fucking Carp streamers my mom put up cuz we don't have a flagpole, so she just hung them up outside the guest house and every time I walk into the kitchen without my glasses on, I mistake it for some creepy human figure.
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altocat · 8 months
Every day, Genesis dies before Sephiroth's eyes.
And every day, Sephiroth kills him.
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just-absolutely-super · 4 months
Oh no, Cloud trying to follow the Seph clones to a watery grave before passing out
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empyreasheart · 6 months
Me when i still dont understand ff7 lore So i guess i just need to keep playing
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sephinova · 8 months
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Major Character Death
Fandoms: Final Fantasy VII (Video Game 1997)
Words: 458
Characters: Sephiroth
Additional Tags: Sephiroth Clones (Compilation of FFVII), Horror, Body Horror, Transformation, Blood and Gore, Vomiting, Sephiroth (Compilation of FFVII) Being An Asshole, Sephiroth Appreciation Week 2023, Not Beta Read
Language: English
Summary: My entry for Sephiroth Week 2023. Day 4: Free Day.
Mother's powers are a marvel to behold.
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thatrandombystander · 2 years
Getting towards the end of my FF7R re-playthrough, so we're approaching our first encounter with Sephiroth that isn't just a Cloud hallucination, and I'm just "Hiiiiii Sephiiiiiii 🥰🥰 You here to kill the president and psychologically torment Cloud a little bit 😍 Happy to see you, we'll talk later 😘"
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paintsplash1712 · 1 year
You know what would be a fun KH Fanfic Idea?
Riku is a failed Sephiroth clone created the same time as the Remnants of Sephiroth.
At a young age (around 5) he escapes the labs and somehow finds himself on The Destiny Islands where Sora finds him and the two become friends.
But then one day the scientists who created him (or the remnants idk) find Riku and he has to reveal the truth or something.
(It would probably be set in FF7 universe not KH)
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