Kendra Caldwell
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xxkendracaldwellxx · 16 hours ago
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The smile on Kendra's face faltered as he went through the rumors that were spread in court. It had been nice to forget about them for a small while. The very last one caused her to scoff. No man dared to look her way, let alone have some sort of an affair. Kendra was well aware of the lies that were constantly spread, but it still stung to hear them out loud and that some bought into them.
"Jealous?" That was hard to believe, someone envying her in any way. "I doubt that is the reason they say such things..." Kendra trailed off, knowing very well a lot of it had to do with the Queen. A smile was forced as he attempted a joke, but it was little to real to Kendra to really laugh at, because she could in fact imagine it.
"Oh, it would be the scandal of the decade." She commented, looking up at the hill they had started now climbing. "You sure it's worth it, the risk being seen with me?" Kendra turned little more serious, knowing that this could harm the duke's reputation. "I know you jest, but you're not very far off from my reality."
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"Yeah, that's one of the nicer rumors about you." He stole a glance her way, mostly giving her a look over to see how she was faring now that the small dirt road they were walking was starting to veer upward. "They say you're a priss, that you think you're better than everyone here, that you're very free and liberal with men..." he trailed off a little since some of the other rumors about her weren't exactly the best of things to bring up.
"I think a lot of the women that spread the rumors are jealous of you. You don't follow the rules of the court the same way they do and they don't like change." Of course, it could also be something entirely superficial like how she was much more beautiful than most the other women but he kept that thought to himself. "Can you imagine what they'd say if they caught sight of you and I gallivanting around town trying to hide from soldiers and you're not even in a proper princess gown? Imagine the scandal." He tried to keep things light, to joke about it so she wouldn't have to think too hard on the nasty things the women said behind her back. Or to her face, he couldn't be sure some of the women wouldn't do such a thing.
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xxkendracaldwellxx · 17 hours ago
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"A hill?" Kendra repeated, exasperated. Of course there was going to be a hill she would need to conquer after their little run. Without even realizing it, she leaned on Tristan as they continued towards the castle, slowly regaining her composure and catching her breath. The thought of him sharing this adventure with his sister made Kendra smile softly as she thought of the young girl.
"No?" Kendra turned to him curiously when he mentioned her not being what he expected. "What did you think I would be? A prissy little princess?" There was a part of her that was afraid that was indeed the truth, that is how the court saw her. Wouldn't matter in a couple of days, this place would be behind her, though she now felt a pang of sadness. She was really starting to like Tristan and his sister.
"Deter me, no..." Kendra trailed off, thinking about it little longer. "Definitely will take my wardrobe in account for the next time." There was a light chuckle that followed as she silently cursed her corset. "I'm very determined to see more than just the boring castle grounds." She admitted.
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It didn't take them long to make it to the alley that Tristan had mentioned; when Kendra slowed, he did as well but he kept close to her. Every couple of steps, he glanced over his shoulder but not once did the smile drop from his face. Talk about an adventure. "We might be good." He didn't want to lie to her and tell her that they were fully in the clear, not until he knew a hundred percent that they were.
With another glance behind them, he didn't notice anyone just yet but he wasn't quite ready to drop his guard. So instead, he shifted slightly so he could wrap an arm around Kendra's shoulders so he could start helping her a little bit with her walking. "Once we're in the castle, we're totally in the clear. It's going to be right up this little hill we're coming up to. Man, Thea is going to lose it when she hears about this." He laughed as he thought about how his sister would pout that she missed out on such an adventure.
"You did pretty well though, princess. I have to admit, you're not what I thought you'd be." Which was the case for himself too, he knew rumors could make or break someone as quickly as a candle could be blown out. "Hopefully this won't deter you from trying to visit the rest of the city though. There's still a ton of places that I'm sure you'd enjoy seeing."
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xxkendracaldwellxx · 18 hours ago
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"Guess we're going to find out if I can keep it up." Kendra wanted nothing more than to be able to catch her breath, but she was determined to not get caught. Hearing they were in the home stretch gave her slight boost as it was almost over, hopefully. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw an empty alley way. The shouts were growing fainter and she grew more confident that they might just pull this off after all.
Kendra kept the same pace all the way up to the tight alley Tristan had mentioned, then she could feel her body tiring. Slowly her pace as they reached the yard he mentioned, she unintentionally slowed, clearly more out of breath than before.
"We're good now, right?" Kendra started clutching her side as she looked behind them and saw no guards pursuing them, for the moment. "This is really starting to hurt." She admitted meekly, hoping they could slow down little bit.
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"For someone in heels and a corset, you're doing a damn good job so far." Tristan laughed with her, glancing over his shoulder to check on her. Aside from being a little winded, she seemed to be doing all right given the situation. After rounding another corner, he could hear that the shouts from the guards were starting to fade ever so slightly.
"This is the home stretch, we just need to go a little further." As he explained, he kept hold of her hand and used his other hand to motion ahead of them. "Past that house with the pink roses on the fence, we're going to turn another corner into a tight alley and sneak through their yard. That will put us at one of the side roads the servants take to get into the castle with the goods from the market. We're almost there."
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xxkendracaldwellxx · 19 hours ago
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Trust wasn't something that came easy for the princess, but she wasn't exactly swimming in choices. Turning down the alley, she flinched slightly as they nearly collided with the man and his chickens. Instantly, she felt guilty for the mishap, but she didn't slow down any. Instead, an apology was shouted as she continued to run.
"Keep up?" Kendra repeated, not confident in her ability to do that. She was already short of breath and her sides ached from her corset. "You're sure asking a lot from someone in heels and a corset." Laughing lightly, she did her best to fasten her pace, even if it was only a little bit. Her hand remaining firmly in his as she let him lead the way.
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Tristan didn't answer the princess' question right away; instead, he turned their path down an alley and nearly ran into a man carrying a couple of chickens at the end. He yelled out an apology as the chickens clucked and flapped their wings, one even managing to get out of the man's hand and started running away from him. It was a good distraction for the guards chasing them, giving them an extra few seconds to gain a little bit more distance.
"Trust me, Kendra." Tristan spared her a glance, the grin on his face showing how confident he felt about this little game that was being played. "I can get us back to the castle before they catch us. Just keep up with me and trust me, okay?" He gave her hand a little squeeze, trying to emphasize that he would make good on his word. They wouldn't get caught. He knew these streets better than anyone, after all.
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xxkendracaldwellxx · 20 hours ago
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Eyes narrowing, Kendra looked from the freshly baked good to Tristan, then back down. The two were just about as equally stubborn as the other. Ready to argue, she opened her mouth, only to freeze when she heard the guard shouting her name. If caught, it set her entire plan back. Silently, she berated herself for even taking the risk, when she was so close.
"Uh-" At a lost of words, it was clear that Kendra was beginning to panic. The Duke's son continued to surprise her as he took her hand and lead the way. "What?" Kendra hiked up the skirt of her dress, trying her best not to slow them down. She was hardly dressed for any extraneous physical activity.
"You really think we can out run them?" Kendra spared a glance over her shoulder to gage how far behind the King's guard were from them. The two were in pursuit, managing to keep them in view while the chase and still calling out for the princess to halt.
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"You are a woman of surprises, more like." Tristan couldn't help the laugh when she held out the bag to him, making it very apparent he wouldn't get out of taking one of them. Leaning closer, he took a peek inside as one of his hands came to rub his chin in thought. It took him a moment longer before he finally reached inside to grab one, even showing it off that he had picked one.
"I think Thea will like this one." He said with a cheeky grin, figuring he'd gotten away with it now that he had technically picked one. Kendra never said it had to be for himself after all. He was about to say something else when his attention was drawn to the sound of armor clanking nearby, followed by the sound of a man shouting Kendra's name.
"Oh shit, they found us." It was a couple of other guards, ones with jewels in their armor indicating it was the king's personal guard. Despite seeing them, Tristan found himself grinning slightly before he laced his hand with Kendra's. "Come on, we're getting out of here!" It was all he said before he started to run away from the guards, ignoring how they called out for them to halt and for Kendra to come with them.
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xxkendracaldwellxx · 1 month ago
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Kendra expression grew more serious as the baker did, when he mentioned for her to look out for Tristan. There was the smallest of nods of agreement, though she could tell by how quickly the subject changed that it wasn't a topic he wanted to linger on and she let it go for his sake. A soft hum left her lips as she genuinely shrugged, not knowing which to choose.
"Honestly, I'm just happy to be out and about." She admitted, her smile coming back once more as she held out the bag of baked goods. "I am a woman of my word, Tristan Von Doherty. If you think I'm about to go back on it, you're mistaken." Kendra waved the open bag slightly, urging him to take one. "C'mon, sooner you take one, the sooner we're off to the next adventure."
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"Okay, I don't like this." Tristan said when he glanced from Kendra to the baker and bake again. "No tag teaming against me, that's not fair." He pointed between the two of them, watching as the baker gave Kendra a wink before he stepped back.
"You keep an eye on him for me, lass. He helps everyone else but tends to forget himself." The seriousness of the baker's words caused Tristan to let out a small groan before he stepped forward, playfully nudging the older man.
"Come ooonnn, get out of here old man. You got customers waiting for you." Instead of answering back, the baker merely reached out to ruffle Tristan's hair before he turned to head back at a slower pace to his shop. Tristan watched him for a moment, wondering what brought that on, before slowly turning back to Kendra. "Right, well, still want to hit up the market?" He was hoping she wouldn't comment on what the baker just said by changing the subject quickly, even motioning back the way they had come. "Or do you want to see the floral shop still?"
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xxkendracaldwellxx · 1 month ago
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Kendra listened as the baker's background was explained, a deep respect was growing for the man, even though she hardly knew him. The bag of goodies was held out for her and she could smell it was freshly made. Quickly, she gave Tristan the side eye when she heard that he'd been the stubborn one, saying no.
"I see." Kendra smiled back at the man, accepting the small gift of treats. "He is a stubborn one." She hummed happily smelling the bake goods and boy did they smell delicious. "These look amazing, by the way. This is very kind and generous, thank you sir." Kendra smiled back at the man. "I'll make sure he eats at least one, if not more." She added.
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"He's very friendly, will talk your ear off if you let him too. He used to be a knight in the king's personal guard but he got really badly injured, so they let him out of the service. He's been baking ever since." Tristan explained just as the man was coming back with a bag that had a few different pastries in them, all neatly and individually wrapped.
"Tris doesn't make friends very often, so please. Take them." The baker held them out for Kendra, his smile wide and almost infectious. "He's been refusing payment for helping me fix the shop, so I try to at least give him some treats when I see him but he won't even take them!"
"Hey, the whole point is to keep your business booming and not give your stuff away." Tristan pointed out but the baker ignored him, keeping his attention on Kendra and holding the bag out for her.
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xxkendracaldwellxx · 1 month ago
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The consequence would be more dire for him, he was right about that, which made it make less sense to Kendra. Why risk it? There wasn't much a chance to ask as the bakery sauntered over, having apparently spotted Tristan. The word friend had been used to describe her and she liked hearing him say that. As quickly as he came, the bakery left. Kendra's best guess, was he was getting something from his shop.
"Good to know." Kendra laughed, liking the baker already. The man seemed quite the character and she could see why Tristan liked him. "He seems friendly." She noted, her gaze lingering on the baker's shop, before returning to Tristan. She'd never seen this side of him before and she was growing to rather like being around him.
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"If we get caught, I'd be in for worse consequences than you given you're the princess." He pointed out before giving her a lazy shrug like it didn't even bother him. "But yeah, even knowing that I wouldn't mind bringing you back to town, showing you around different places. It works with what I'd be doing anyway, so it's a win for both of us."
He would still be out and about the town area, checking on people as well as Kendra being able to not be trapped like a caged bird. "I think- ack!" Tristan didn't get to finish what his thought was when a sudden weight draped over his shoulders; with a fast glance to the side, he could see it was the baker putting most his weight on Tristan and grinning cheekily.
"Well, well, Tris is actually walking with a girl? Here I didn't think anyone would catch your attention." The man's voice was deep and baritone, even his chuckle when Tristan got out of the hold. "She's a new friend, so treat her right. She's never been around here before." That seemed to caused the baker to gasp in shock and he immediately told them to wait where they were before he ran off inside his shop. "That would be the baker I helped. He doesn't take no for an answer, just so you know."
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xxkendracaldwellxx · 1 month ago
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The offer he laid out was unexpected and she wondered to herself when he'd quit surprising her. Perhaps, if they'd connected earlier, life at court wouldn't have been so lonely. The thought faded as it didn't matter much now that she'd be departing soon. It was still sweet that he was willing to sneak her out again. Kendra stole a quick glance in the direction she was told the market was in earlier, before looking back at him, her pace slowing.
"Really?" It had been such a long time that anyone genuinely wanted to spend time with her, let alone risk the wrath of the king to chauffer her around town, just to make her happy. "You would do that? Even though if caught, we're both going to face serious consequences?" This sort of kindness she wasn't use to receiving and part of her was skeptical. It was difficult not to be, with how she'd be treated through the years.
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"Just one day?" Tristan repeated, raising a brow at the princess before he thought about it. He wondered why she would ask such a thing but chucked it up to her thinking she wouldn't have an opportunity like this again. "I can sneak you out again, you'll have more chances to see the places you didn't get to see today." He figured he'd lay that out there first before he continued.
"But if there's one thing you should see, I'd definitely say the marketplace is worth it. It has anything you can possibly imagine there and is the biggest market in the kingdom. Not just because it's near the castle but because this city is the central hub for traded goods. You want something that you likely can't find elsewhere, it'll probably be the market." He finished speaking as they neared the bakery; a tall, muscular man stood out front offering bite-sized pieces of a pastry for passerbys to try.
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xxkendracaldwellxx · 1 month ago
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Soft thoughtful hum left her lips when he mentioned the floral shop. It had certainly peaked her interest. Since it was in the area, she was hoping they could make a stop there too. The bakery wasn't far off, she could smell it and it made her mouth water lightly, though she didn't let it show.
"We should stop there too..." Kendra trailed off, thinking about all the places there was to visit and how difficult it was to choose. "Tristian." Kendra turned as she said his name, looking up at him expectantly. "If you only had one day in town, where would you go?"
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"The bakery it is then." He said with a small chuckle, glancing her way for a moment before he started to guide them in the direction they'd need to go again. "Oh, across the street from the bakery is a flower shop too. They have some pretty rare stuff, imports from the other kingdom and some of the towns around this kingdom. Some of the flowers that grow in the queen's garden were gotten from that shop."
As he explained it, the heavy scent of bread and other baked goods began to grow stronger in the air. Several people that passed them even had a pastry or a loaf of bread on them. It made Tristan rather happy to see that the baker was already doing well after the construction had finished not that long ago.
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xxkendracaldwellxx · 1 month ago
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The town was rather busy and she was trying to take it all in while remembering where everything was located. Kendra wasn't really interested in shopping, she just wanted to take it all in. The people, the hustle and bustle. Her gaze looked down each direction he pointed to as he listed off what was down that way.
"Uh-" Kendra was little overwhelmed with the options and shrugged lightly. At times she could be rather indecisive, but with the limited time she had, she didn't want to waste any. "The bakery?" Kendra kept looking around, watching the people. "Yeah, the bakery. It's only fitting, after all if you hadn't brought it up, we'd probably still be back in the gardens."
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"Oh there's a lot of places in town." Tristan found her eagerness to learn about the city cute, in its own right. "Down that way is the market, where there's a couple of proper stores like the armory and smithy. But the main places are stalls that sell a whole bunch of stuff from food to jewelry to everything in between." He motioned off to the east some as he explained the first bit and then motioned to the west.
"Down that way is the cathedral, some stables, the school, and the tavern. And the way we're walking is the bakery, an herbal shop, and the weaver. There's also a jewelry store too but it's not as popular as the stall in the marketplace." He paused so he could finish explaining everything to her, making sure they were off on the side of the road so they wouldn't be in the way of anyone. "Where do you want to go first?"
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xxkendracaldwellxx · 1 month ago
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"Oh, I'm sure you don't." Kendra was little envious of Tristian. He seemed to have much more of an exciting life then she did, though that would be changing soon enough if all went according to plan. She listened to the little bit of information about the guard that had guaranteed their little bit of freedom.
There was a little pep in her step for the first time in a long while and she was nearly skipping as they castle grew more distance behind them. All her royal duties had been forgotten as Tristian was sharing a rather juicy detail about the one guard.
"Soooo what I'm hearing is..." Kendra trailed off for a moment, before continuing. "There is a brothel and and a bakery. What else?" There was an eagerness in her voice as she wanted to know more about town. "AAND where should we go first?"
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"What, me? I'd never bribe a guard, dunno what you're talking about." Tristan feigned confusion for a moment but the grin that cracked his façade showed he was jesting still. "It wouldn't be the first time I've bribed some guards, likely won't be the last either. You just have to know what their weaknesses are."
Motioning over his shoulder, where the two guards were already fading in the distance, he continued talking. "That one guard is an advocate about not going to the brothel and staying true to his wife. But he got really drunk and wound up sleeping with a woman there after he'd gotten into a really bad argument with his wife. I just happened to be there when he was leaving. Right place, right time. I don't like to make a habit of it but I also bring them food and stuff when they're on duty to make their time a bit easier."
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xxkendracaldwellxx · 1 month ago
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Kendra had been swept up in the moment and forgotten her manners as she spoke her mind freely, realizing it when it was pointed out she was being cheeky. The smile remained plastered on her face as it didn't seem to phase Tristian very much, but it quickly faded when the guards stood at attention. The princess figured their plan was spoiled, but the duke's son seemed to think otherwise.
Astonished, she watched as the guards stepped aside, letting her pass through with out much of an argument. Walking pass them, she deeply inhaled, feeling like she could finally breathe for once. Kendra fought the urge to look behind her to check if they were still being compliant.
"Did you just blackmail the guard?" Kendra asked, once some distance was put between them and the garden. Looking up at him, it was apparent she was slightly shocked. "You're just full of surprises."
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"Does he even talk? The king seems pretty quiet all the time, I can't imagine he'd try to talk during dinner." Tristan said with a snort of sarcasm of his own, a smirk growing on his face. "You're a pretty cheeky girl, you know that?" He added in a teasing tone before he turned them down the last little corridor of greenery; two guards stood post at the gated end and both immediately stood at attention when they spotted Kendra.
"Leave this to me." Tristan whispered just low enough for Kendra to hear before he waved at the guards, the one on the left in particular. "Ward, Basset. Good to see you two again. We're going to take a stroll through the town if you don't mind but don't worry. I won't tell Penny about you being in the brothel last Thursday if I see her. Your secret is safe with me." He reached out to pat the one on the left on the shoulder, his smile genuine even as the man started to fumble over his words.
When it seemed like the other was going to stop them, Ward smacked the man in the shoulder and snapped at him to step aside. "I'll get her back before dark. If anyone asks, we're just wandering around okay?" He didn't wait for an answer and instead started to lead Kendra past them before either guard could change their mind about letting them through.
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xxkendracaldwellxx · 1 month ago
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"Uh - I mean..." Kendra looked away embarrassed by the admittance now. Silently she cursed herself for even opening up that way, when Tristian surprised her entirely. Jaw dropped, it was her turn to look at him in disbelief as he laced her hands with hers, stating they should just go.
"What?" she asked in disbelief, not sure if she'd heard him correctly as he changed the direction they'd been going in. The brashness took her by surprise and she was once left with a dumbfounded expression, before she laughed.
"Oh, well if I can tell the king of this grand adventure, whatever will we talk about at the dinner table?" Her words dripped with sarcasm as she slightly rolled her eyes at the idea. The king rarely even asked her about her day. "Don't worry, I'm pretty good at keeping secrets. Lucky for you, since I'm now keeping two of yours." She said cheekily, letting him lead the way.
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"It's nothing special, I just don't like sitting still." Tristan brushed it off like it wasn't a big deal though he knew some didn't see it that way. His father always got upset since it meant there was always the chance Tristan would get hurt in the process and the duke couldn't afford his only son to get killed. At least not over something so minute, according to the man. Not that Tristan ever listened.
"I'm sorry, did you just say you've never seen the town?" Tristan paused in his step so he could stare at Kendra in disbelief. Her expression alone showed that she was serious and it had him shaking his head a little. "I thought my leash was bad but I guess a princess' can be worse. All right, let's go." Shifting his arm, he laced his hand with hers before he started to guide her in a slightly different direction than the one they had just been going.
"I'm going to take you into town but keep your mouth shut about it to the king. If he hears I did this, he's going to chew my ass out if you aren't allowed to leave. But trust me, it's better for you to see it than for you to hear me talk about it."
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xxkendracaldwellxx · 1 month ago
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"Yeah, you." Kendra smile grew more genuine as she looked up at him, truly interested in what he had to say. The answer was little surprising and not what she was use to hearing from any of the noble men at court. They usually discussed how to help the people, while others had to put in the hard labor.
"Hmmm, a man of action." Kendra said brightly, impressed by his answer. The image of him out helping the people was a good one, though she couldn't picture the town very well. She rarely left these castle grounds. "That's pretty admirable." She noted, stealing a glance in his direction.
"W-What is it like...?" Kendra sheepishly asked, turning slightly red. The last thing she wanted was to be viewed as a sheltered out of touch princess, but that was the truth. Not by choice, but it was her reality. "The town." She clarified, tucking some hair behind her ear. "I haven't really seen it. Not really allowed to leave the castle grounds." Curiously, she looked over at him.
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"Your own flowerbed and they tell you to stop. How typical." Tristan let out a small sigh at the thought, finding it hitting a little too close to home for his own liking. He didn't think too hard on it though and instead kept his gaze on their surroundings; the over the top fountain they passed, along with the variety of flowers from all over the kingdom. Really, it was all beautiful but it was still a bit much for him.
"Me?" He stole a glance at Kendra, wondering if she was just being polite or if he should actually open up a little bit to her. He didn't see the harm in it so after a moment, a small smile started to grow on his face. "I actually spend a lot of time with the people." His free hand came up to scratch the side of his cheek as he spoke, the smile staying on his face.
"I help them with whatever they need help with. Most recently I helped the baker restore his bakery after it had been burned to the ground. Built it from the ground up, with a better foundation and a better type of stone so it will hopefully prevent the extensive damage it got last time. Not saying it will happen again but just in case. I don't like sitting with a group of people and just talking about fixing things when I can actually do something to fix it."
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xxkendracaldwellxx · 1 month ago
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There was a moment of hesitation, before she gently wrapped her arm around his. Kendra had seen Tristian around court many of times, but he'd never taken an interest in getting to know her before, so why suddenly now was he giving her the time a day? Kendra pushed aside her growing worry, given him the benefit of the doubt he was just being kind.
"Not very much." Kendra politely smiled at the guards as they left the inside of the castle and went onto the balcony. "When I was younger, there was a gardener that would let me help and I even had my own flowerbed I attended to." Kendra smiled as she silently reminisced about the garden she had with her twin when growing up. The two really just like playing in the dirt and the gardener was the one ensuring the survival of the plants "When I got older, I was told it was not a suitable hobby. Princesses shouldn't get their hands dirty, you know?" There was bitterness in her voice as she spoke.
There was beautiful a enormous three tier fountain that everyone liked to view from the balcony at gatherings and it was the heart of the first portion of the garden. The queen constantly bragged about it and the cost, as if the cost made it more beautiful. Kendra always found it over the top. Behind it, was three different paths. Kendra took a right, choosing the least traveled path that lead to her favorite garden. It was more natural, quaint spot and had a little pond she like to sneak out to at night and practice her powers.
"What about you?" Kendra raised a brow with small smirk, turning the attention off her for a change. "Hunting and fighting are boring, so what do you find interesting? What are some of your hobbies?"
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"A walk or just going to the balcony at the very least, yeah." Tristan had to wonder if Kendra was thinking of something else now with that kind of reaction. Did she actually have something planned? Or was he thinking too much? He set aside the question for the moment and gave her a nod, even shifting as he held out his arm for her to take.
"Sure, let's go to the garden. Any place would be better than staying here." Although he did feel a little guilty for leaving Thea on her own. He stole a glance her way and saw she was talking with another young girl that looked like she felt out of place. At least his sister had a couple of people she could talk to now, not just Kendra. That made him feel a bit better and he turned back to Kendra with a smile of his own.
"So the gardens, huh. Do you know much about plants or do you just enjoy looking at them?" He asked out of genuine curiosity; he didn't want to just walk in silence like most of the others did, that bored him to no end. If she knew the bow, maybe she knew more about other things too?
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xxkendracaldwellxx · 2 months ago
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"I'm inclined to agree with you. Trying to navigate court is difficult enough, then you have women like Lady Mole, whose sole purpose seems to be to tear down others." Clicking her tongue disapprovingly, she followed Tristian's gaze to the women. It was becoming apparent the two of them had become the talk of the room. Even a simple innocent conversation, like the two of them were having, would be twisted into something it was not.
Exhaling loudly, her arms crossed over her chest as she stared back at these women with a look of distain. Kendra would not have to put up with such nonsense for much longer. In fact, she'd received a letter from Neva that Finn and her travels were successful and they'd arrived safely in Milikor. Kendra had everything she needed ready to go, and tonight would hopefully be the night she slipped away and put this place behind her.
"Men do go on about hunting endlessly." Kendra softened as turned back to Tristian. "However, I've learned in most cases that's because they lack any other hobby, which is unfortunate." Kendra twirled her hair with her fingers curiously watching Tristian as he checked their surroundings.
Jaw dropped open, Kendra started blankly back at the Tristan, trying to figure out how he had learnt of her plan. She thought she had been careful in covering her tracks when she hid her to go bag. "Uh, I-" Kendra just realized he had simple referring to slipping away from this gathering. Immediately, Kendra turned a shade of red from the embarrassment.
"Oh! You mean have I thought about taking a walk?" Little smile grew as she liked what he his way of thinking. "I have been meaning to walk the gardens, they just planted some new flowers at my request and I very much do want to go see them." Kendra smiled at him. "Would you like to accompany me?"
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"No one, huh. Yeah I've noticed that about you." Tristan said as he crossed his arms over his chest, eyeing the group of women. They were glancing his way, using their fans to cover their mouths and thus their whispers. "Lady Mole isn't the only one that likes to cause problems. Sometimes I feel like the women in court have it worse than the men do."
If any of the men heard him say that, they would think him insane of course. Not that he cared much what they thought to begin with. "All the men talk about is 'hunt this' or 'fight that'. It's like that's all they really know so it's the only thing they can talk about. It's so boring." Glancing around, a small grin began to grow on his face before he turned a little more to face Kendra. "You planning on making a run for it any time?"
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