#soph aka the love of my life
stariial · 2 years
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Sophia Lockwood 🗝
Meet Sophia Lockwood (she/her)
Animal Enthusiast
Virgo ♍️
Sophia (affectionately known as ‘Soph’) didn’t have the most conventional upbringing. Raised by her loving grandmother Anna, after the sudden death of her parents when Sophia was four years old.
Growing up, Sophia didn’t want for anything… Anna gave her everything she’d ever want— food, shelter & all the love in the world 🤍🌎
Since the passing of Anna, Sophia has taken over the family farm full time & just wants to make her grandmother proud (even though she always has)
Sophia’s goal is to own her own bakery & build plenty of new memories on the farm while treasuring the old 🧁💭
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chaoticbindery · 1 year
Here's Looking at You Kid
By Messermoon(@sophsicle )
"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world..."
George wanders into a bar. Nothing is ever the same.
Thanks to Soph for accepting a copy of this story. Apologies for the delay and ups being trash 💀
Thanks to @upthehillart for approving my use of their art for this fic.
Special thanks to the @renegadepublishing server for all your support, advice, and encouragement during the making of these books.
To ups, I hope you never feel the gentle touch of a woman, that your child never hugs you again, and that every time you enter a room, you forget the reason you are there.
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Below, I will discuss the process, which will include a lot of spoilers. (But also more pics 😈)
When I heard this story was set in the same universe as choices, I lost my shit a little and read it. Slowly, however, this story began to mean a lot more to me than I could put into words. George's grief over the lost of his soul mate, the struggle to find himself, and Blaise's love, passion, kindness, and confidence in himself resonated to me in such a way that I knew I needed to hold it in my greedy little hands.
I started to think about what I wanted to do and how I wanted to bind this story. I struggle a lot from picking the font for the body text to picking the chapter titles. I finally, after fucking around with canva for more time than I'm willing to admit , I was able to come up with these:
(If you would like the files for anything I used, please dm me, and I will send them to you! I will eventually set up a google drive)
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In the story, there is this moment where Blaise casts a spell that creates a constellation, of which George got the inspiration to make a mood ring that created a little sky, and depending on your mood the sky changes to reflect how you feel. He gives it to Blaise, and they have a picnic under the sky, indoors, later at Blaise's party they have such a cute moment at night and so I wanted to implant the sky in some way.
I also wanted to use constellations in this bind. I didn't know how or where. I just knew I needed them in my life. So while i mop over my inability to impelent them, I took a break. So one day, I was reading a book with these very cute corners, and then it hit me. (No, I didn't finish the book i was reading. I was busy stalking the internet, trying to find the perfect image)
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After that, picking the page breaks was easy. I wanted something simple since I didn't want the typeset to look so busy that it took away from the most important element of the bind, aka the story. I added a few little things for me in Draco and Harry's 2 chapters because I'm weak, and that's for soph to find all on her own 👀
I will put this here, tho.
Lastly, because Tumblr won't let me post more pictures, here are the endpapers I used for 2 of the 3 books.
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As some of you may have notice, there are blues, pinks, and whites in this bind. It's a subtle yet very loud depiction of the Trans flag. It was very important to me to show that this story is of a Trans man that, as soph, puts it, saved himself.
I added all the chapter notes, trigger warnings, and more information about this bind on the typeset itself. Ultimately, to me, this is a form of archiving stories I think matter, and if for whatever reason, technology dies on us, this story will still live on.
The info that's only important to the binders 💀:
Materials list:
Bookcloth: Colibri in color Cornflower, this cloth has a silk like finish.
Htv: I used siser's htv easy weed vinyl with a bit of a pinkish undertone to it.
Endpapers: they are from paper tree nook in the uk
Endband: 2 mm 100% leather with blue viscous thread
Textblock: I used standard 20lbs cream color paper. I used toner to print. To sew the textblock, I use blue linen thread and remie bands gifted to me by my friend duranbinding. I painted the edges using golden acrylic paint, and the charm and ribbon are both from Michael's
(I will edit in this bit later since I made so many changes its hard to recall them all)
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sophsun1 · 1 year
I'm slowly (but surely) going through my dash and I just saw the ask about s3 and ethan and you've mentioned ethan's brianlike ex and I have a question to everyone in general and to you soph specifically: did anyone else had an impression that ethan made up the whole story just to get in justin's pants?? like justin was complaining the whole time to him how terrible™️ his boyfriend is and literally laid out to ethan everything he hated in said relationship and then bam ethan was conveniently in the same exact situation. ethan portrayed himself as the victim of such an ungrateful ex bf who 'randomly' behaved like justin's 'awful' current bf. but ethan, of course, wasn't like that at all and got what justin was going through, and of course would never treat justin like that (lol 💀💀). if you ask me it all sounds too fucking perfect to be a random coincidence. AND ethan's behaviour during his whole arc makes me believe that it's not too far fetched to be true. so who thinks what 👀
This is an interesting question as when I was reminded that Ethan's ex just happened to be a carbon copy of Brian - loved going to the clubs, bringing guys home etc I did think to myself what a coincidence.... not only is he the same age range as Justin, has a career in the arts but his romantic life is also a mirror. What are the odds?
Ultimately it makes the fact he cheated after ONE day post spouting monogamy was the path to true love even more hysterical to me.
But I will say it's not past the realms of possibility he did exaggerate his experience to Justin to come off relatable as I do believe he was capable of it (I don't think that was the intention by the writers some of this arc was just Bad Writing)
Ethan's personality is very "me core". He's possessive and jealous over Brian having any connection to Justin. He's not happy when he finds out Justin was hired to make the poster, purposefully kisses Justin in front of Brian to stake his claim. Is constantly suggesting Brian is trying to get back together when he makes any kind gesture towards Justin. Which would only make sense if Ethan was someone who already had the mindset of presenting himself in a good light to a person romantically in order to gain their trust and affection aka Ethan with his break up story.. 🤔
There's so many things that infuriate me about him - He makes major life decisions that would impact them both without consulting Justin after swearing to him that he wouldn't. On top of that he guilts Justin into lying about their relationship, by portraying it as some romantic secret between the two of them forcing Justin back in the closet, for his own financial and professional gain knowing what happened to him at prom!!!
This really angers me about Ethan - he reduces Justin to merely a "muse" an object to serve him as his inspiration - gross. Whereas Brian, Brian who loved Justin so much that regardless of whether they were together or not wanted him to shine and to grow individually. He wanted the spotlight on him, "hey everyone look at my amazing, talented boyfriend who you should all be so lucky to hire" To succeed but never at the cost of his own morals and needs. Brian was Justin's muse for his art, and Justin was Brian's in so many aspects of his life but they never sacrificed each other to get there.
So yeah, Ethan for sure is a candidate to be a lying liar who lies.
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breitzbachbea · 1 year
1, 3, 9, 11?
OH, thank you very much!!!!
Meta OC Question
What inspired you to create your oc?
Depends on the OC, but there's two reasons at the start of all my OC endeavours in the past, which also intertwine:
I've always been a very creative kid with adhd that makes her daydream all day long, so I've been plagued by visions that needed a creative outlet & writing was the choice.
Since I wrote since elementary school, whenever I liked another piece of media, I'd express it by writing fanfiction, which would usually involve OCs. I'd often spin so hard and so fast out of control that I would make up a whole batch of OCs, often together with friends, who'd interact with the main cast and story, but also spin off into their own storylines.
These days, where I only make OCs and write mostly for my Hetalia Human AU (which is 10% Fanfic, but 90% Orig Fic): The mainer characters come to me because I am plagued by visions and constantly inspired by real life. I have over 250 named characters in this AU, PLEASE stop me from making more. Went to Romania for Erasmus for a week and came back with an OC concept that could have such a dysfunctional and toxic queer romance with one of my underdeveloped Hungarian OCs. I need to be stopped.
However, once mainer characters are established, OCs related to them spring up out of necessity or because I am like 'You know what I didn't do yet and would be fun in relation to these new bitches and also the old bitches?'. OC creation never happens in a vacuum, I am all about how they add to the world I created for the past 10 years and could interact with its inhabitants.
3. What is the origin of the character's name?
Used to go on babynaming sites and look at the most popular options, which is why all my Irish mainer characters have English names (RIP). These days I like to do some research on the cultural background they come from and also take inspiration from public figures from their country/region/city. However, once that is done I usually just visit Behind the Name and spend 15 minutes browsing, talking with friends about options, ignoring their feedback and then choose a name by closing my eyes and throwing a dart at the PC. I do consider nominative determinism to a degree, but I'll tell myself that the parents who named the kid couldn't have known what they will grow up to be and I'll also get used to any name.
I also love to use names I encountered in life, too! Like old classmates or family names of friends!
9. In a group dynamic, what kind of role does the oc usually fill? Are they a worry wart? A troublemaker? The straight man?
I LOVE GROUP DYNAMICS AND I HAVE SOOOO MANY OF THEM. Let's take the Chaos Seven, aka Team Ireland + Soph and Team Sicily as an example.
Team Ireland shares one collective braincell. Paddy, who's twice as old as Harry and Charlie, is its keeper about 40% of the time. Since he helped raise Harry since he was six, is a father figure to Charlie and helped raise Sophie since she was born, he's the Guardian figure of the Group. Hashtag Daddy Paddy. However, he's also a bastard like his own kids, so while he tries to be a good influence, he's not exactly the voice of reason. Just hopelessly devoted to the three and wants to ensure that they don't make choices they will regret without return.
Charlie is the social butterfly, or at least the one who's the most willing to engage in diplomacy and also enjoys working people the most. Do not let that fool you, half of the European underground wants to punch his teeth in for being endlessly annoying, but the other half wants to either fuck him or keep him as a purse dog. He and Harry are brother's from another mother and when Harry is too stubborn and fatalistic to consider anyone outside of himself, Charlie will pick up the slack and care for him and their goals. To Soph, he's the big brother figure with whom she can discuss personal affairs that she feels Harry and Paddy are too close and guardian-like for comfort to discuss with.
Harry's the driving force that inspires the others, since if he is hellbent on something, he'll pull through with it and won't let anyone push him around. He bickers all day long with the rest (especially Charlie, Soph and Harry do nothing but pick on each other), but is also always there to root for the others and take risks on their behalf. Probably the biggest troublemaker, but since Team Ireland as a whole is nothing but troublemakers, it's a bit unfair to single him out. He's got an unmatched love for pranks, though!
Soph is the nestling, the little darling of the family. All the others care for her, and as she grows up, she takes more and more after her brother, for better and for worse. Being Harry's little sister, the two are especially close, but she worries and cares for all three of them, as they do for her. When she's with the other three, she's a troublemaker who's not gonna let anyone push her or her family around, much like Harry.
Michele ... he is the leader and the voice of reason in Team Sicily, the one who raised the twins Marco and Lorenzo together with his mother. Since Marco and Lorenzo look up to him, he's also their guardian figure and tries to be as good an influence as he can - he's also constantly herding cats with these two mischievous guys.
Marco and Lorenzo share their creativity and their analytical thinking, as well as their love for mischief. They're definitely troublemakers, but at the same time problem solvers extraordinaire. And while their devotion to Michele is blind to a degree, they also unite in pulling him back onto the rug at times. It's not often that they need to play the straight man and they aren't good at that role with anyone but Michele, but they can do it.
11. What is your least favorite trait regarding your oc?
I mean it is an Organized Crime AU, so for most it gotta be, among others, the uhhhh ability to justify the horrors to themselves.
But that aside. I don't really think in favourite and not-favourite, since an interplay of traits is what makes OCs so close to actual humans and simply fun as literary constructs.
If I was held at gunpoint, though - That Hugo is so persistent in his quest to be liked/loved/the best that he can't take no for an answer in the long run, to his own detriment and everyone else's. That SK, aka Sri Kadek, is so stubborn in her perceived role as being the fixer of the family that she won't consider someone else's motivation for how they treat her could be genuinely out of caring for her. And most of the OCs are assholes, again because of the circumstances and I am a messy bitch who loves drama, but the Arora twins (Frej and Freja) take the objectification and the prioritization of their entertainment a little bit far even for this crowd. (... but also, that does make them very very sexy <3).
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mcrcki · 10 months
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Was that [JESSIE MEI LI]? Oh no no, that was just [SOPHE HATTER-PENDRAGON], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE]. They are [TWENTY FIVE] years old, use [SHE/THEY], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here
just over two years !!
what is your character’s job
sophie owns and runs a flower shop. not so much selling arrangements, but more over a like, bulk shop for flowers? and some bouquets, but mostly like, you go in, there’s just buckets of flowers of different kinds for sale. they keep a small section of hats and some of the tailoring business because it gives them something to do in the slow hours, and they do really love sewing. their clothes do something have a tendency to become enchanted if she talks to them too much. (and they are known to just run their mouth. like she will just go off rambling and talking and just enchants things without meaning to. they may have gotten better at controlling their magic, sure, but they still can’t help themselves with the muttering. talking to herself like this calms them when they’re V Stressed. which is often considering their life.)
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
sophie is pulled from the end of the entire series, aka the end of house of many ways. they remember everything that happened in the first book/movie, from the mess with the djinns, all the way to getting morgan safely away from the lubbockin. they’re pretty stressed, considering everything that happened during the past two halloweens, and just everything that has happened to their family in the last few years back home. they’d like to just ! have a break ! thanks sm !
has any magic affected your character
it had but! she’s good, she’s cool, the magic has worn off and they fully remember everything! not that they’re very happy about how they originally forgot and all of that, but they are relieved to finally remember their family and all that happened during her time in high norland. so now, they’re back and better than ever!!
any other information
okay so i’m going to link my previous intro / update posts here so that you can see a bit more of their vibe and who they are, since i am going to use most of this updated intro to explain what’s new and where they are at now that they are fully updated to the end of the series!! but pls understand that i love sophie hatter with every part of my soul and i would do anything for her. that’s the most important thing to know. oh and there’s no doubt in my mind that sophie is autistic which i will fight tooth and nail about howl and sophie being the adhd / autistic relationship dynamic
first and foremost, sophie will be using she/they pronouns. she doesn’t have a preference on one or the other fully, so she uses both. but right now it’s more so that strangers she prefers they, and people she knows/she is more comfortable with can use she/her.
before sophie died during the gala, the last thing they remembered from home was the ending of the first book/movie. they had helped defeat the witch of the waste, howl and calcifer’s curse had been broken and their heart restored, and sophie’s own curse was broken. since then, within the city, howl had remembered what happened in the year since that day, up until their son, morgan, was born. morgan is here in the city, living with howl at the moment. 
sophie has had mixed feelings about it originally, considering they do not remember what happened when she and morgan were turned into cats, the issues that happened with the djinns, etc. it’s been stressful to say the least, to raise a toddler who expects you to understand everything he needs when you don’t even remember having children, or being married. she’s glad he is safe, but she’s still working on the whole mothering aspect of this. 
now , with her memories restored however, they’re definitely less worried about the whole concept of raising a child. they remember morgan, remember him at this age and know how to handle some of his tantrums a little better. of course, having to manage a toddler who can conjure things on a whim is !!! not easy !!!! but she figures with all of their family here, as well as a better understand of her own powers, they should be fine. 
sophie is now also the high witch of ingary, a position appointed to them both off of being married to howl but also from their own merit with how powerful they have become as a witch. does this mean that they are not as frequently accidentally speaking spells into existence? yes. does it mean that they have stopped doing it completely? no not at all. i cannot even lie, the talking to herself has got to be a stim or something because they do it no matter what, and unfortunately, their magic is rooted in speaking things to life, so no matter how good she gets, that will always be there. they wouldn’t be sophie if they didn’t just accidentally enchant things every once in a while.  
okay but a quick overview of what happens in house of many ways (although everyone should go read the whole series, esp the first book, it’s incredible. the second book is DATED but the third saves it) ANYWAYS. sophie is called to high norland, a neighboring kingdom, to help with solving some money problems the king and princess are having, she goes ON HER OWN THANK YOU, because they were called, they can handle it on their own, and they very much were looking forward to the week or two of silence and relaxation away from the castle. they love their son and their family, but god do they need the space every once in a while. unfortunately, howl.. is howl. and soon after sophie arrives in the castle, in comes morgan, calcifer and twinkle (the picture perfect image of a child….. with a lisp.) charmain – the main character of this book– is so fucking confused as to why sophie looks like she is about to throttle twinkle the second he comes waltzing into the room. 
either way, the whole moving castle crew is now inside of the castle to solve the missing money situation! many things happen,,, all of it absolutely chaotic in the way only dwj can really explain. so imma just skip to the end of what is really going to be affecting sophie here in the city
morgan is threatened by some anonymous source, telling sophie specifically “stop your investigation, and leave high norland, or your child suffers” so ofc sophie and howl are on high alert, doing what they can to trick whoever sent the note and save morgan along with finish the investigation. 
many more shenanigans take place, the person who attacked sophie’s child ended up being a half human child of a lubbock (a monster in this realm that LAYS EGGS INSIDE OF PEOPLE TO HAVE HALF HUMAN CHILDREN TO TAKE OVER KINGDOMS– AWFUL) but they screw up, and try to take twinkle instead, thinking that’s sophie’s child. eventually they can’t quite keep twinkle under control , and they go for morgan. 
sophie’s reaction is incredible, the only reason she didn’t take this guy out at the knees is because it’s a young ya novel. and howl had a plan. 
bUT. the lubbockin basically almost kills morgan (fully choking this two year old out to a point where he does pass out in his hand) but before he can fully kill him, howl teleports himself into morgan’s spot, and like mid choke hold, transforms back into a like grown adult man and just DECKS the guy, it’s incredible. sometimes you forget they are a rugby player from wales when they’re all wizard-y in their blue silk suits and shit. but he fully beats the lubbockin down until calcifer and him turn all the remaining lubbockins into rabbits lmao
either way, sophie is going to be pulled post fight there, when they all arrive back into the castle to make the journey back to ingary. their memories only go up until the castle door closes, so they’re gonna be having a time with this reunion on top of having to apologize a million different times to howl for everything over the past few months. 
they will not be taking responsibility for morgan knowing how to swear in two languages, that was unaware sophie, how were they supposed to know it was their kid.
either way, this is gonna be v much the same sophie we all know and love, except they’re a little older and little more confident in themselves.
✩ employees
she runs a flower shop, that does sell some clothing/hats on the side but it is mainly a bulk flower shop that will make arrangements for an extra fee.
it’s a very like ‘small business’ vibe kinda shop, so they treat their employees like family it’s a very nice place to work!!!
you would be stuck dealing with the most insane group of ppl with sophie, xie lian, and xiao lanhua (and the baggage they bring)
✩ friends
please she doesn’t have many ,, her best friends are literally a disaster man, her kids, a fucking fire, and two disaster immortals, please come be their friend she would be the mom friend of your group and you cannot change my mind
would also actually love some legitimate mom friends
magical friends! please they’re so bad at controlling their magic, they just speak everything into existence.
✩ babysitter/ nanny
doesn’t everyone wanna make a little extra cash?? especially when that charge would be a magical four year old with separation anxiety who definitely uses magic and speaks in welsh !!!
i promise they tip well
sophie would love a singular break for once so pls
their husband may never trust you but like that's a howl problem i promise sophie will pay you better as an apology
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pettyr · 7 years
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A late birthday gift for @baelishv , love youuuu babe 😘😘😘😘
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sophsicle · 2 years
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Hello lovely!
I thought it might be useful to have a lil' bulletin board of general info, so here we are! My name's Soph (hey! hi! hello!), I'm MesserMoon on Ao3, and you can find my stories here:
Choices - (Explicit, Jegulus Wolfstar Jily, multi-chapter, Completed) People make mistakes, but they also make choices. It’s important to James, that difference. He does his best not to confuse the two.
Chosen - (Explicit, Wolfstar, multi-chapter, WIP) A story for the ones left behind aka Choices sequel following Sirius, Remus, Mary and Narcissa after the events of Halloween 1981
Here's Looking at You Kid - (Explicit, George/Blaise Drarry, multi-chapter, Completed) George wanders into a bar. Nothing is ever the same.
Kill Your Darlings - (Explicit, College au, Jegulus Wolfstar Marylily Rosekiller, multi-chapter, Completed) Years after Regulus loses his brother they're reunited, and as he struggles to figure out where he fits in Sirius's life he also struggles not to get lost in the impossible feelings he has for Sirius's best friend.
The Girl Who Ate the Gods - (explicit, Iliad au, Pansmione, Drarry, George/Blaise, WIP) Pansy, in search of power and freedom, ditches her husband Aberforth, king of Sparta, and runs off with Theo Nott prince of Troy, igniting a war that will wage for years (this is not a faithful adaptation of the iliad or harry potter, but a secret third thing)
Of His Bones - (explicit, Pirate/Royalty au, Jegulus, Wolfstar, Dorlene, Nobleflower, Rosekiller, WIP) Once upon a time there was a pirate, who fell in love with a king
Into the Fic of It
I have a podcast about fanfic with two lovely humans: @berrylou and @twisted-tales-told If you wanna give it a listen click Here
That's a Choice
if you want to listen to me re-reading Choices and answering your questions and sharing my thoughts etc. you can do so Here
Printing / bookbinding - if you're going to print this story I cannot emphasize enough that you should be binding it yourself and not using third party sites, hand binding is the way to go friends! Don't sell fanfiction and don't buy fanfiction I beggeth of you!
Translations - I am very pro translations so if you wanna take on the task of translating this monster into another language you totally have my permission, all I ask is that you credit me as the original author and keep them off of wattpad :)
One-shots / Deleted scenes:
James shows Regulus his Animagus (Jegulus)
The life James wanted (Jegulus)
"Be My Baby" ( Choices Jegulus)
J's Birthday Letter to R (Choices Jegulus)
Dinner (Jegulus)
Remus and Sirius's First Kiss (Choices Wolfstar)
Regulus and Snape Chapter 50 original / deleted scene (Choices)
Sirius Afterlife ft. Regulus
Bad Day (Jegulus)
Jegulus goes to the beach (Choices)
Regulus's Memories (For Kerry)
Pirate au Marylily
Pirate / Royalty au Jegulus: Part I, Part II ,Part III
Prongsfoot Murder
Marylily Murder
Black Brothers
This Love Has Roots (Wolfstar)
Alternative James POV chapter 20 (KYD)
Dial Drunk (au James grieves Regulus)
James comforts Regulus
Choices playlist here!
Chosen playlist here
Kyd playlist here!
Kyd individual character playlists here
Hlayk playlist here!
Ohb playlist here
The Girl Who Ate the Gods playlist here!
Okay folks, I think that's it :)
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fuegofierce · 3 years
Part 4 of the Wild West WestWilder Duo …
*Iris goes to the Hold Up to talk to Sophie*
Sophie: *scoffs* anymore advice oh great one?
Iris: *smirks* actually yes
Sophie: *looks at Iris shocked* oh really
Iris: Yeah…ignore Ryan’s crush on me, it’s just a crush
Sophie: You know she has a crush on you?
Iris: Well I wasn’t entirely sure at first because she is very charismatic but I heard you mention it and well my suspicion was confirmed.
Sophie: *smirks* I know I shouldn’t be jealous but you are amazing. Badass reporter, wife of the flash, and hot as hell. How do I compete?
Iris: You want to know what we talked about the whole ride to the batcave?
Sophie: Sure
Iris: You
Sophie: *shocked* me? You talked about me?
Iris: she told me her story of course but the moment I asked her about you, her face lit up with joy. She had such a loving smile. She talked about how much she loves that you always care about her, asks how she is doing, what she wants. How you sit and listen to her, how patient you are with, in her words, “stubborn ass”. But most importantly *Sophie eyes fill with tears* you give her a reason to come home. Your the light of her life, the center of her joy, and the woman she loves. I’m just a crush, yeah she blushes with me but she melts with you. Even I can’t get that “Sophie smile” *laughs*
Sophie: *blinks away the tears* I got I like that, don’t I? *chuckles*
Iris: Yes *hugs Sophie* plus how can you be jealous of me taking your girl when I’m a married straight woman *laughs*
Sophie: Oh you would be surprised at how many “married straight women” come to see Ryan aka sexy bartender…she’s quite the enchantress.
*Iris and Sophie laughs and Iris checks her phone*
Iris: Ryan has a new plan, she wants us to return to the clinic. You coming?
Sophie: Yeah
*Everyone meets in the clinic, Sophie catches Ryan off guard *
Ryan: *Looking at Sophie* You came back?
Sophie: *walks towards Ryan* even though you are annoyingly stubborn and make me want to choke you half the time *Ryan deviously smiles* I will always be here *gives Ryan a soft kiss* you are stuck with me Wilder
Ryan: Good…Iris already sister-zoned me *laughs*
Iris: So what’s the new plan
Ryan: So, Falcone is having a party with Gotham’s rich and elite. He wants two things there, big money and an audience. I will go *Sophie winces and squeezes Ryan’s hand* listen…I will go as me, I’m a CEO and with money. Try to talk up to Falcone, say the usual ass eating shit you say to a rich white man. Sophie don’t worry, I won’t be getting in my suit at all and yes I will have someone with me, Jada will be my plus one.
Sophie: *confused* Jada? I’m confused
Ryan: Jada is by far the biggest name in Gotham besides Wayne…she will come with me as backup distraction and don’t worry, I been teaching mama martial arts and she is quite skilled with a baton. While we are doing that, you and Iris will go searching for Alice leaving Luke to kick some Falcone goons ass.
Sophie: I like this plan better
Ryan: you all made me realize that we are a team, regardless of the title I carry, there is no batwoman without the bat team. I will work on accepting the help you all give and making it home not in a stretcher. Deal?
Mary: well as the team doctor, I definitely accept this deal. I can’t keep seeing my bestie beat and torn.
Luke: Deal
Ryan: Soph?
Sophie: Deal *winks*
Ryan: Alright…let’s go whoop some ass and save our favorite crazy lady
{imagine a badass fight scene} The plan goes somewhat correctly. Jada and Ryan distract Falcone money hungry ass. Sophie and Iris successfully save Alice in time, though Sophie and Iris kicked some serious ass. Alice, angry as hell joins Luke in beating up some goons. Falcone tries to take Ryan hostage to escape the the GCPD but Jada proves how much of a great teacher her daughter is. Everyone makes it home safely without Ryan having to hurt herself further.
[The next day] *Ryan, Sophie, Luke, Mary, Alice, and Jada are at the Hold Up, Jordan runs up smiling*
Sophie: You are happier than ever
Jordan: Look at the article
*They all look at the article about Ryan written by Iris West-Allen*
Alice: Wow…she really fit your big head on the paper
Mary: Alice
Ryan: it’s okay, she gets a free day of teasing *reads the article* “Ryan Wilder is the new heart of Gotham. Anyone can write about her rags to riches story but that’s not all who she is. She is a friend when you need her, a mentor for young children, Gotham’s hottest bartender but more importantly she is someone who will willingly put her life on the line for you. Gotham’s hero may be Batwoman but Ryan Wilder is mine” * smiles*
Jordan: There’s more she wrote about you! Isn’t this cool!
Alice: I guess you are alright RyRy *smiles at Ryan while Ryan mouths “thank you”*
Jada: I am definitely framing this *gives Ryan a forehead kiss* my baby girl is a star. I am so proud of you
Ryan: Thanks mama
Mary: you know what *stands up on the bar* in honor of my best friend being the heart of Gotham, free shots for everyone!!
*the hold up cheers*
* Sophie pulls Ryan aside*
Sophie: I got to agree with Iris, you are my hero too *kisses Ryan knuckles *
Ryan: I want to apologize again for being a jerk…I will never dismiss your feelings again. You are my hero Sophie Moore and the love of my life. I will not act like Wild One anymore.
Sophie: Don’t get to hasty…*voice drops* I know one place where you can act like Wild One *winks* and heads upstairs to the loft
Ryan: *gives the iconic Sophie smile* Sophie Moore, you naughty girl *looks back at Luke* Luke!
Luke: Yeah
Ryan: Be prepared to take Mary and Alice with you *smirks*
Luke: oh God
Ryan: *rushes upstairs* Come bow down to your girl Sophie (season 2 reference)
Hope you enjoyed the WestWilder duo … I will do a flash version later with Ryan in Central City!!
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schrijverr · 3 years
Hold Me Together
Chapter 2 out of 4
Eliot gets hurt on a job and then sick. Hardison and Parker waste no time to jump in to care for him and it becomes harder and harder to say no to their care when it’s just so nice. After he has a nightmare, they’re there for him and feelings come to light.
AKA Eliot has a terrible time physically (and partly emotionally), but gets lots of cuddles and two partners in the end.
On AO3.
Ships: Thiefsome OT3
Warnings: Eliot's low self-esteem and the flu
Pull Me Close
When he awoke the next morning, he was pinned down by two warm weights at his sides. He kept his breathing steady, as if he were still asleep while he assessed the situation, before last night came back to him.
He felt a heat rising to his cheeks as he cracked open one eye to look, the other having swollen shut throughout the night. It was indeed Parker and Hardison who were pinning him down and he knew he couldn't sneak out without them noticing right now. He was trapped and sooner or later he would have to face them again.
Quietly he sorted through everything, hoping to come up with a plan to make this less awkward for everyone involved.
If he moved now, they would wake up and know he was awake and he would have to talk to them, but if he pretended to still be asleep maybe they’d leave him alone, however that would be unrealistic, because he would never sleep through them waking up and it was creepy to pretend to sleep just so that you could enjoy laying in the warmth of your two coworkers that you were in love with without having to deal with the mess that made.
But, fuck, he was comfortable. More comfortable that he’d been in years. The pain had dulled a lot and he was warm and cozy under the sheets with Parker and Hardison there. Hardison snored softly and Parker’s fingers skittered over him in her sleep, almost miming a pickpocket.
It was something nice that he would never have, never deserve. And while it was selfish, he didn’t want it to end just yet.
Still, he had no say in that and all his thinking was for naught when his door slammed open and the familiar silhouette of Nate appeared, saying: “Ah, there you all are. It’s eight, we want to leave as soon as we can.”
“We’ll be there,” Parker chirped, having gone from fast asleep to awake in a moment. Nate nodded at her, before leaving.
On Eliot’s other side, Hardison was taking his time, burrowing his face into Eliot’s uninjured shoulder as he whined softly. Eliot couldn't blame him, they’d gotten to the hotel around three in the morning, so they’d had less than five hours if it was eight now. Still, the hot breaths on his neck were not good if he wanted to keep this platonic, so he poked Hardison and grouched: “Get off me, man.”
“Wha?” Hardison looked up, smiling in a way that made Eliot’s heart twist when he saw it, before he said: “Hey, it’s you. How you doin’?”
“I’m fine, slight headache and sore muscles,,” Eliot told him honestly. “I’ll be up and running in no time, now just get off me so that I can get up.”
“Your eye is bruised,” Hardison frowned, noticing the black eye that had been a light bruise a few hours ago.
“Yeah,” Parker agreed poking it and making him wince.
“Don’t touch it, Parker,” he said, leading her hand away from his face. “It’s fine, just a bruise that I forgot to cool, it’s nothing. Now stop pinning me to the mattress.”
“Oh, yeah, sorry, man,” Hardison got off and Eliot could see the other man was just wearing sweatpants nothing else and his face got a bit hot again, so he looked to the other side, only to discover that Parker was in nothing but a shirt and underwear. God either loved or hated him very much.
So, instead of focusing on them, he focused on getting to a sitting position, pleased to find he could do that on his own.
He was still in Hardison’s hoodie and his own sweatpants and he really didn’t want to change. This was comfortable and warm and it would be easy to take off at home when he was by himself again, which twisted something cold in his chest. Besides he could always wash it and give it back later, an excuse to keep it for a little while. He asked: “Hey, man, can I keep this for today?” as he rubbed the sleeves between his fingers, trying not to think how sad it was that he wanted to keep it, just craving a bit of comfort for today. He still felt groggy and generally uncomfortable.
Hardison looked over, a strange look coming over his face when he saw how the sleeves fell over Eliot’s hands, before he nodded: “Yeah, course.”
“Cool, thanks.” Now this was just getting awkward, so Eliot swung his legs over the side of the bed where Parker had been, since she had disappeared a few seconds ago.
Before he could stand up, however, Hardison was crawling after him, nearly toppling off the bed, before he said: “Wait! Stop. You can’t just do that, Eliot. Your ankle is hurt.”
“Me and my ankle will live,” Eliot informed him. It would be slightly painful to walk, but not impossible.
“Just let me help for a moment,” Hardison asked, quickly pulling on a shirt he found on the floor, before offering a hand.
Eliot rolled his eyes at the fussing, but he was also selfish enough to allow it. It was going to be over soon anyway, why not enjoy a bit of contact? Hardison wanted to help, so it wasn’t taking advantage of it, and not putting any weight on his ankle would be a smart move.
So, they made their way downstairs, with Hardison carrying Eliot’s bag and laying his hand on Eliot’s waist again, while Parker met them at the elevator, her and Hardison’s stuff in hand almost as if they’d planned this.
He tried not to think about it as Hardison led him to the table where Sophie was sitting, before telling him he was to stay there and that Hardison would get him a plate from the buffet. Once he was gone, Sophie leaned over and asked: “So, good night?”
“Was fine,” he replied, eyeing her suspiciously after she’d grinned at him and flicked her eyes towards Hardison and Parker. Had she figured out his feelings? Was he being obvious? Did she think something happened between them? Trying to play it cool, he added: “Got more than 90 minutes of sleep for a change.”
“Oh, your productivity out the door like that,” she teased, luckily dropping any suggestiveness and prying.
“I was productive in healing my body,” he shot back, hiding his relief.
Sophie frowned at his face, cocking her head. “I can see that,” she said sarcastically.
“Come on, Soph, this is not my first black eye,” Eliot said. “My stitches are clean, my ankle is wrapped, my shoulder is back. I’m as good as I can be, little swollen eye is nothing. Could be much worse. Has been in the past.”
At that point Hardison came back with a plate of stuff Eliot actually liked, which touched him more than he’d liked to admit. He put the plate down in front of Eliot, inserting himself into the conversation: “Is he trying to tell you he’s fine by telling you everything that’s wrong with him and reminding you that he’s had a shit life?”
“Yes, it’s not really working,” Sophie said, before Eliot could protest that it was useful, because he was reminding them this was his job and it was okay, that he was okay and taken care off, because all his wounds were clean and it wasn’t that bad.
Instead of saying all that, however, he shoved a fork of food into his mouth and glowered: “See if I ever tell you about my injuries again.”
“He’s grouching, that means he’s okay, right?” Parker asked, poking his cheek again.
“Stop that, Parker,” he snapped, not really mad at her, because he was weak and would do anything to make her happy.
“Jup, he’s okay,” Hardison said, smiling and Eliot wanted to smack him, but he was right and cute, so he couldn’t. “And he’s telling us about his injuries next time.”
“Or we’ll force him!” Parker added enthusiastically.
“Was it that bad?” Sophie was immediately worried again and Eliot wanted them to stop fussing, because it felt weird and twisty in his chest when they did and he hated that he didn’t know what to do with the feeling.
“No, it wasn’t, I’m-” he got cut off by Hardison, who said: “He was kinda out of it for a bit, but nothing we couldn't handle. He was a bit grumpy about the whole thing, but he’s always like that. We just need to keep his leg up and as cool as we can during the drive and he should be set. Probably sleep a bit on the way too.”
“And how am going to sleep in that crappy van?” Eliot grouched. He wanted to protest it all, but no one was listening to him, so protesting seemed a bit redundant. Besides it was hard to be mad at them about it when it seemed like they all cared about his well being and the twisty feeling in his chest was only getting twistier.
“Excuse you, Lucille is a beautiful lady and you will treat her as such,” Hardison began. “And second off, you can sleep in the backseat. There’s a storage area between the front seats that you can rest you foot on. Promise me and Parker won’t bother your little nap.”
“I’m not sleeping in the van,” not between the two of you, he added mentally. “And why don’t I get to sit up front? Don’t I have injured rights?”
“No, there’s more space on the backseat and Nate’s driving and you’re horrible when Nate drives,” Hardison explained.
“I’m not horrible when Nate drives, he just sucks at driving,” Eliot frowned.
“He turned on his blinker once and you got annoyed, because it was too early, Eliot,” Sophie pointed out.
“Yeah and what about that time you said he switched lanes wrong,” Parker said. “You were very scary. You’re not even that scary when I drive and everyone hates my driving.”
“I can’t help that Nate can’t drive,” Eliot crossed his arms.
From behind him Nate’s voice said: “I’m glad you think so highly off my driving skills. You’re in the back seat, I don’t need you to grouch at me for hours about holding the steering wheel wrong or whatever you come up with.”
Eliot had registered him coming up behind him, but he didn’t care that Nate heard. He wanted to be mad about being injured and unable to fight, but he wasn’t able to, so he was going to be mad about something else and right now that was Nate’s driving and being in the back seat. He frowned (frowned, not pouted, Hardison): “I’m still gonna yell at you from the back.”
“Sure you are,” Nate said as he started to walk off with a cup of coffee. “Our mark has officially been taken into custody and the victims have been repaid. I want to be home before dinner, so buckle up everyone.”
They grumbled and groaned about it being too earlier to pack up, but no one stayed seated. This time it was Parker steadying him while Hardison carried all their stuff to Lucille.
Getting back into Lucille was another problem and Eliot was glad Nate and Sophie had already gotten into the van, because this was embarrassing enough as it was without onlookers.
Hardison had to support him fully on the left side, where his injured ankle was, but not his ex-dislocated shoulder, while Parker physically put his uninjured foot into Lucille. Then Hardison hoisted them into the van with Parker making sure they wouldn't fall back, until they were in and they could shuffle forwards and get seated.
Eliot was determined not to be visibly injured, so he crossed his arms and planted his feet on the ground, before staring ahead, vowing to keep his one, not swollen eye firmly open for the entire ride.
His plan was ruined by Parker the moment she settled on his other side, because she leaned forwards and put his leg on the little platform and right as he was about to protest, she put a bag of ice cubes on his foot and that actually felt really nice, so he cut himself off with a soft, grumpy thanks. She smiled: “Of course,” before handing him another ice cube bag for his eye.
Still, he could be awake and grumpy about everything, even when they were treating him like he was terribly injured, which he could understand after the fucking spectacle he made of himself last night. So he just told Nate that he shouldn’t pull up so fast, which earned him a glare from the man through the rear view mirror that he ignored.
Parker was on his right fiddling with one of her locks while she gazed out the window. Hardison was on his left and tapping away on a screen that was moving too fast for Eliot to follow. It was peaceful and they talked with each other softly, though Eliot didn’t have the energy to add his own commentary.
He felt bad about being in the middle of them again when they had already missed each other last night because of him. They hadn’t even seen each other during the job either with Hardison on tech support and Parker running between stealing and grifting.
He didn’t know how to bring it up that he wouldn’t mind switching with Hardison so that they could be next to each other and he could lean against the window. It wasn’t that he was tired and wanted to lean against something, he just wanted to have a clear line of sight, that was all.
The ice was slowly melting, until he had two bags of water and they were nearing their first stop, where Nate pulled over. Sophie would be driving the next stretch, because car-safety and all that jazz.
“Want me to get you anything?” Hardison asked when it became clear that Eliot wasn’t leaving the van.
“Nah, I’m good,” he said. “Maybe switch places with me? I can’t lean against anything in the middle.” He didn’t add: ‘and I’m sure you missed Parker,’ partially because he knew it would have come out sounding bitter and that was something he did not need to deal with, both mentally and in real life.
Hardison raised a brow. “And where are you going to rest you foot if you’re on the left? And I know you ain’t going to be on the right, I heard your shoulder that shit was just wrong.”
“I’ll be fine without resting my foot anywhere. Dammit, Hardison,” Eliot frowned, not sure why the hacker was even fighting him on this.
“You can lean against me, promise I won’t draw on your face,” Hardison said, before walking away so that Eliot couldn't reply. Parker skipped up next to him and asked about the drawing on the face with a bit too much glee.
The words caught up with Eliot and he could feel his cheeks getting warmer, which he pushed down immediately. Hardison had offered it so casually, like it wasn’t weird at all that he was turning down the offer of sitting next to his girlfriend so that Eliot could lean against his shoulder. But maybe Eliot was seeing things where there was nothing, he was injured (minor injuries but that didn’t seem to stop Hardison from worrying), so it could just be a normal offer. It wasn’t as if Hardison hadn’t fallen asleep on his shoulder from time to time.
It wouldn't be weird, he didn’t need to make it weird. Besides, he didn’t needto take him up on the offer and lean on Hardison. He could just not sleep and keep on looking forwards. Yeah, that was a plan.
Soon the others came back, piling into the van once more, with Parker shoving two cold things in his hands as she proudly proclaimed: “They sold ice packs!”
“Oh, thank you, Parker,” he smiled at her, starting to lean forward with a grunt only to find one of the ice packs stolen and being placed on his foot again. He nodded his thanks to Parker, before settling down against the backseat and putting the other ice pack against his eye.
The swelling had gone down already with the ice cubes from the hotel, but the fresh coolness of the ice pack was still welcome.
On his other side, Hardison said: “I managed to convince her not to take the markers, so you’re welcome.”
“And who gave her the idea in the first place,” Eliot shot back, getting an idea. “I’m not risking it by sleeping. You never know if she doesn’t have them anyway.”
“Come on, man, you need the rest,” Hardison tried to argue.
“I already had more sleep than normal, Hardison. I’m fine,” Eliot replied. He did feel tired, but he wasn’t admitting that.
“But I promise I don’t have the markers,” Parker inserted herself into the conversation as well, showing that she only had some hundred dollar bills in her pockets along with some earrings that weren’t hers and a small stuffed mushroom.
“You literally just asked me if we could switch places so that you could lean against something,” it was clear that Hardison wasn’t believing him.
“I thought that you would want to sit next to Parker, sorry for trying to be nice,” he huffed out the truth, hoping it would get them off his back. They stayed silent, so he called out to the front: “Soph, can we please listen to something else, I am so not in the mood for opera.”
Sophie did change the station to something more generic with less high notes that made his head hurt, even if she grumbled: “Someone’s in a mood today.”
He snapped back: “You try getting beat up on a regular basis, see if you’re still sunshine and rainbows after.”
“No, for real, man, you’re never this grouchy,” Hardison frowned, trying to subtly check him over and failing on the subtle part. “Is something wrong? What’s going on?”
“Is there an alien in your stomach controlling you?” Parker asked with wide eyes.
“Dammit, Hardison, I told you not to watch those stupid alien movies with her,” Eliot focused on something other than the uncomfortable questions Hardison had asked.
Because yeah, he was more grouchy than normal and something was wrong, but the something that was wrong was the fact that he had discovered that he was in love with his two best friends and now he was stuck on an eight hour car ride between them after they had seen him vulnerable and he feared that they would catch on or that he was coming between them and it was all the confusing twisty things he had tried to avoid and didn’t want to talk about.
Grouchy didn’t entirely cover that.
“Uhm, excuse you, alien movies are a staple of American culture that everyone should get to experience, so don’t even start there, also you didn’t answer my question,” Hardison told him, leveling him with a stare.
Eliot now had a choice. And it was easily made. “I have a huge headache, Hardison,” he sighed a partially lie, before going on with a whole lie, “I have a headache, I barely slept on the last con and you’re all very loud. I don’t need anyone’s fussing, I just wanted to sit quietly and everyone is making it really hard.”
“Thank you for being honest with us,” Parker said and it was obviously something she’d learned from Sophie and Eliot felt guilty about pretending to be open about his injuries a bit, just so they would get off his back.
“Yeah, man, we’ll be quiet,” Hardison added.
Hardison turned back to his screen and Parker to her locks and Eliot tried not to miss their soft chatter as he closed his eyes and tried to find his zen place.
After how much he’d insisted he wasn’t going to sleep, he was slightly embarrassed that the next moment he was waking up, having been asleep for some time. He could tell Sophie was behind the wheel, which meant he either hadn’t been asleep for long or they were on the last two hour stretch home.
He now registered that the ice pack on his foot had was cool again and the one on his cheek was held in place by someone – Parker his mind supplied – but he was leaning against something, someone, else with his other cheek. He was kind of groggy and he struggled to wake up, blinking bleary until he heard Hardison’s voice near his left ear: “Hey there, finally joining us in the land of the living again, huh?”
“Wha?” he was still feeling disorientated, the headache was much worse than when he’d drifted off and his muscles were sore, he was also cold and his throat ached slightly in the background. He levered himself into a sitting position and tried to take a deep breath to wake up, only to find his nose stuffy.
Fuck no.
It all clicked into place after a second. The confusion, the chills, the headache, sore muscles and throat and then also a stuffy nose. He was sick. He had managed to get himself sick.
“You okay?” Hardison asked, obviously concerned and Eliot felt guilty about having been asleep on his shoulder after everything, as well as guilt because that couldn't have been comfortable and Eliot just cozied up to him again, even when he knew Hardison had a girlfriend. A girlfriend who had been holding his ice pack for him.
He owed those two so much in just the last 24 hours alone, not to mention the past few years. That was something he couldn't pay back and he had treated them like shit and had caught weird feelings for them and gotten in between them.
Tears came to his eyes and he blinked them away as a hole started to eat away at his heart and he couldn't fully push that down, even if he tried.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew that his too emotional state of being was due to his lower defenses since he was sick. He felt too exhausted to fight it, but did it after a moment anyway, replacing it with enough grumpiness to be believable.
“‘m fine,” he mumbled, trying not to make his sore throat obvious as he rubbed his eyes in an attempt to wake up. They didn’t need to know he was sick, they would only worry. He would disappear when they got home and come back when he felt better again. “Are we near the brewpub yet?”
“Yes, you slept for so long, it was a bit boring, but your nose whistled and that was funny,” Parker informed him. “Hardison was trapped under you the entire ride.”
Now at that he did blush and avoided Hardison’s eyes as he softly apologized.
“No worries, man, you obviously needed the sleep,” Hardison assured him. “And I wasn’t trapped under you the entire ride, we managed to lever you over to Parker’s shoulder when Nate took Sophie’s place again. We only switched you back last stop.”
“I didn’t wake up?” Eliot asked, frowning, he must be sicker than he thought.
“Slept like a baby,” Hardison said. “Are you sure you’re okay, man?”
“‘m fine, I already said that,” Eliot grouched, trying not to let show how much he wanted to not be okay and wrapped up in a hug or a blanket or something. He was the tough one, he couldn't be weak, because his job was being strong. Just hold on, Eliot, he thought, then you can crash on your bed.
“Your voice sounds off,” Parker observed, “more gravelly than normal. And you didn’t wake up in a second and your eyes are still drooping.” She cocked her head, before her eyes got a knowing gleam in them. He was made. “Do you feel hungry? Or are you nauseous? Are you in any discomfort? Cold, perhaps? How’s your headache?”
“Hey, mama, why don’t you give the man a rest,” Hardison came to his defense. “You’re kinda overwhelming him with questions right now.”
“When has Eliot ever been overwhelmed?” Parker shot back and Eliot cursed her observation skills, there went his plan to hide until he was better.
“What are you getting at, baby?” Hardison frowned.
“She figured out I’m sick,” Eliot snapped, before Parker could tell him. “And I’m right here. No need to talk about me like I’m not.”
“You’re sick?” Nate asked. “How long has that been going on?”
“I only noticed it when I woke up,” Eliot replied, remembering one of Nate’s rules. “I would have told you if I was sick on the con. I wouldn’t have put you all in danger over me being sick, you know that.”
“Is his wound infected?” Sophie asked and before Eliot could tell them that no it was not, because he would have noticed that, two small calloused thief hands crawled under his shirt, feeling at the bandage, before lifting his shirt to inspect it. Parker reported: “The wound is fine.”
“Do we have supplies for soup at home?” Hardison asked.
“I think we have a blanket for him somewhere under the chairs,” Nate said.
“Oehh, we can build a pillow fort!” Parker exclaimed.
“I’m right here,” Eliot grouched, he didn’t need their care. Craved it? Yes. But he didn’t need it and he wasn’t going to let them. He was supposed to be invincible and while they were long past believing that, he couldn't let them see how pathetic he was. “And I don’t need a damn blanket or soup, or a pillow fort. I’m just a bit under the weather and I am fine on my own. I’ll take a few days and then I’m good to go, don’t be so dramatic.”
Hardison looked him over, then looked at Parker and raised his brow in an ‘are you hearing this guy’ manner, before he said: “I can be as dramatic as I want to be.”
“What? No,” Eliot said. “I’m the sick one and if I say I’m fine and you gotta stop being dramatic about it, then you stop being dramatic about it. Simple.”
“Sure, simple,” Hardison said, pulling out the blanket and teamworking with Parker to get it around his shoulders. “Except I worried my ass off last night because you could hardly walk, or even stand on your own and you dazed out constantly while trying to tell us you were fine. So when it comes to you telling me you’re fine, I’m not really trusting you, alright.”
The blanket around his shoulders was warm and he wanted to burrow into it, but he wasn’t giving in so easily.
“Dammit, Hardison, I said I was fine. I don’t need any of your fussing near me, alright. I’m not incompetent. It’s not even that bad,” he yelled, snapping because he had no energy to do anything but snapping or giving in at this point. And giving in wasn’t an option.
“I know you’re not incompetent, Eliot, we all do,” Hardison said, Parker agreeing: “Of course we don’t think that, you’re skilled.”
He crossed his arms and looked away. He knew they didn’t think he was incompetent, they wouldn't trust him with their lives otherwise, but that could change at any moment. He’d seen it happen before, so he wasn’t risking it.
“And I’m also hearing a lot about you don’t needing anything, which I also believe,” Hardison went on in a tone that had Eliot’s guard up. “But I ain’t hearing nothing about wanting. And we care about you, man, how many times have I got to tell you that? We want to take care of you, even if we know you don’t need it.”
“I don’t need anyone playing nurse,” he protested again. It was weak and he knew it, but he had to protest, he had to warn them without explicitly warning them, because that would also be a weakness and- His head hurt and the thoughts in it were swirling and confusing him.
“That kinda looks like a lie to me,” Hardison said, looking him over with concern in his eyes. “And you’re again talking about needing not wanting.”
“Are you okay, Eliot?” Parker was also not happy with his face it seemed, but he knew he must look like a confused, sweating, hurt mess, with a swollen eye and a shivering frame. He had even pitifully burrowed into the blanket without even realizing.
“I’m- I’m- I don’t know,” he finally admitted. He was just tired and upset about feelings he couldn't place. He wanted to crash someplace warm and not have to think for a moment. “I don’t know,” he said again, voice unsteady. “It’s- I- I can never want something. ‘s a weakness.”
If he was paying attention, he could have pinpointed when Hardison’s heart broke by the look in his eye, but instead he was distracted by Parker pulling him into a hug as she said: “I get it, but Hardison taught me how to feel stuff and you taught me how to like stuff, we can teach you how to be taken care of.”
“I think that’s a great idea,” Sophie’s voice was slightly fake in her enthusiasm as it came from the front seat, cutting off any half-formed protests from Eliot.
“Me too,” Hardison quickly agreed, throwing an arm over Eliot’s shoulder and pulling him close, until he was leaning against his chest, Parker on his lap like a pretzel. “We’ll teach you how to be taken care off and then you can work on your verbal explanations by teaching me how to make soup for you from the comforts of a bed.”
“Wha- I don’t-” Eliot’s mind was too confused to properly fight the argument, he somewhere knew needed to be fought, while also not wanting to fight it.
“It’s been a lot of don’ts from you, just accept it, alright?” Hardison said, pulling him closer and he wanted to protest again. Really, he did. But he was also very comfortable and warm and he was tired and they’d be home soon. He could fight them again when they were home.
In the end, it turned out that fighting them when they got home was a terrible plan. The sleeping had left him groggy and Nate and Sophie had already disappeared, leaving him with just Hardison’s comforting chattering and Parker’s puppy eyes. He couldn't drive home in this state and both had refused to drive him and he already had a room above the brewpub, so he could go home tomorrow if he felt like it and-
And he gave in, the great Eliot Spencer, defeated by cute little eyes and too many arguments about a comfortable bed nearby. What had his life come to?
His life had come to waking up in a soft bed, that Hardison had managed to get exactly right before he’d even arrived in Portland all those months ago, with a sore throat and muscles, while being nicely warm on his right side where a bony elbow was wedged into his side, while on the other side there was a consistent, comfortingly familiar tapping noise.
He blinked blearily and groaned when a wave of nausea rolled over him, before a coughing fit overtook him. Parker’s warmth disappeared, but Hardison’s voice came: “Hey, hey, you’re alright, you’re alright.”
A glass of water appeared and he took it gratefully, sipping it slowly and letting it sooth his throat and wash away the itch at the back of it.
“You’ve been clonked out for the past few hours, about sixteen. How you feeling?” And Eliot was grateful that Hardison knew him well enough to first tell him how much time he’d lost before asking him about his state.
“I’m fine,” he replied, but his voice was barely a whisper.
“That response is really ingrained, isn’t it, huh?” Hardison said, but there was no judgment in his voice.
“Oehh, is that one of the things we’re teaching him to stop with? Like how I had to look further than the alarms in a museum?” Parker piped up.
“Yeah, exactly, mama,” Hardison’s smile was obvious when he talked. “He can start by telling us how he really feels.”
And Eliot was honestly too tired to follow the conversation, so he gave up on trying and just answered honestly: “Like I’ve been hit by a motorcycle.”
“Not a truck?” Hardison asked.
“No, motorcycle hit is very distinctive.”
“You and your distinctive,” the mutter was more for Hardison himself than him, so he ignored it. “Parker, baby, if I go get the soup, can you make sure he doesn’t drop off again. He needs to eat if he wants to recover.”
“Of course, I’ll keep watch!” Parker saluted and Hardison left the room.
Eliot let his eyes close, content to just lie there, but Parker obviously thought he was falling asleep again, because she poked his right cheek where the bruise was. It was less tender than last time, but still sore, so he hissed: “The fuck, Parker.”
“I need to keep you awake,” she said with wide eyes and he wanted to roll his, but that would make her sad, so he just sighed and leaned back into his pillow, this time with his eyes open.
“What happened?” he asked, trying to put together the little bit of information his brain was willing to give him.
“Well, you were out beating people up in the rain,” she launched into an explanation, “and Hardison says you don’t actually get sick from the rain, but you did get sick and me and Hardison are taking care of you, but you were really grumpy on the drive back, but then you fell asleep. And your nose whistled.”
He let her voice wash over him as she went on.
“But then you woke up and you were really sad about something, but also grouchy and then Hardison did his thing, where he gets people and has like the voice that tells him what you need to hear. He and Sophie both do it, it’s fascinating, he’s teaching me how to do it too. And you gave in, because you wanted to, but you didn’t want to tell us, so we had to crack your emotion safe with our words and now we’re going to teach you how to be taken care of,” she finished.
Wait what? He had put most of the pieces together and part of him had only partially questioned why they were in his bed, but he hadn’t remembered this. He thought they were just here to see if he woke up again and now that he had, he could throw them out of his room (going to his apartment seemed too hard at this point), but not this.
Before the freak out could fully set in, Hardison entered with a bowl of steaming soup. “Here you go, chicken noodle soup, the best for when you’re sick and homemade,” Hardison grinned. “I really want to say by us, but we set a pan on fire and then asked the kitchen staff to make it.”
He wordlessly accepted the soup, still trying to figure out what was going on exactly, how he felt about it and how he would get out of it.
Yeah, okay, what the fuck had his life come to?
I really like the idea of Eliot being fine with the insane driving off Sophie and Parker, because it’s at least functional in a getaway situation, but he can’t stand Nate’s just below average driving (personal headcanon) in an everyday situation. It tickles me.
Also I know that Lucille doesn’t have a backseat bench, but the vibes were too good so just go with it
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tarlosbuddie · 3 years
When you get this, pretty please respond with five things that make you happy! :D Then, send this to the last ten people in your notifications (anonymously or not). You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity :)
This has probably been on my inbox for way to long, but I couldn’t name 5 things. 
But instead, I’m gonna name the people that make me happy (aka, my chaotic tumblr family)
Bri is my wife, she’s amazing and supportive, she’s my rock and I love her so much)
Mikayla she’s a talented writer, gif makers, she’s a disaster and I love her.
Nova is evil, I hate her. She makes me cry a lot with her talent. She’s the worse. But having her in my life makes me happy so I have to put her on the list.
Soph, she never done anything wrong in her life, pure angel unlike the person I just quoted. She’s the Queen of meme
Jess, see, Jess is the mom. She wants me to go to bed early, she spy on me. She’s awful and her gifs make me cry. 
I know you said 5, but let’s pretend I’m as bad as Buck and Eddie in maths. Cookie is a genius when it comes to videos, but every video hurts my soul, so I also hate Cookie.
That’s a terrible answer, I’m sorry anon.
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mcrcki · 2 years
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Was that [JESSIE MEI LI]? Oh no no, that was just [SOPHE HATTER-PENDRAGON], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE]. They are [TWENTY FIVE] years old, use [SHE/THEY], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here
just over a full year !!
what is your character’s job
sophie owns and runs a flower shop. not so much selling arrangements, but more over a like, bulk shop for flowers? and some bouquets, but mostly like, you go in, there’s just buckets of flowers of different kinds for sale. they keep a small section of hats and some of the tailoring business because it gives them something to do in the slow hours, and they do really love sewing. their clothes do something have a tendency to become enchanted if she talks to them too much. (and they are known to just run their mouth. like she will just go off rambling and talking and just enchants things without meaning to. they may have gotten better at controlling their magic, sure, but they still can’t help themselves with the muttering. talking to herself like this calms them when they’re V Stressed. which is often considering their life.)
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
biggest update here !! sophie is now being pulled from the end of the entire series, aka the end of house of many ways. they remember everything that happened in the first book/movie, from the mess with the djinns, all the way to getting morgan safely away from the lubbockin. they’re pretty stressed, considering everything that happened during the gala and now knowing what happened to morgan and their family in the last few years. they’d like to just ! have a break ! thanks sm !
has any magic affected your character
it had but! she’s good, she’s cool, the magic has worn off and they fully remember everything! not that they’re very happy about remembering the gala and all of that, they are relieved to finally remember their family and all that happened during her time in high norland. so now, they’re back and better than ever!!
any other information
okay so i’m going to link my previous intro / update posts here so that you can see a bit more of their vibe and who they are, since i am going to use most of this updated intro to explain what’s new and where they are at now that they are fully updated to the end of the series!! but pls understand that i love sophie hatter with every part of my soul and i would do anything for her. that’s the most important thing to know. oh and there’s no doubt in my mind that sophie is autistic which i will fight tooth and nail about howl and sophie being the adhd / autistic relationship dynamic
first and foremost, sophie will be using she/they pronouns. she doesn’t have a preference on one or the other fully, so she uses both. but right now it’s more so that strangers she prefers they, and people she knows/she is more comfortable with can use she/her.
before sophie died during the gala, the last thing they remembered from home was the ending of the first book/movie. they had helped defeat the witch of the waste, howl and calcifer’s curse had been broken and their heart restored, and sophie’s own curse was broken. since then, within the city, howl had remembered what happened in the year since that day, up until their son, morgan, was born. morgan is here in the city, living with howl at the moment. 
sophie has had mixed feelings about it originally, considering they do not remember what happened when she and morgan were turned into cats, the issues that happened with the djinns, etc. it’s been stressful to say the least, to raise a toddler who expects you to understand everything he needs when you don’t even remember having children, or being married. she’s glad he is safe, but she’s still working on the whole mothering aspect of this. 
now , with her memories restored however, they’re definitely less worried about the whole concept of raising a child. they remember morgan, remember him at this age and know how to handle some of his tantrums a little better. of course, having to manage a toddler who can conjure things on a whim is !!! not easy !!!! but she figures with all of their family here, as well as a better understand of her own powers, they should be fine. 
sophie is now also the high witch of ingary, a position appointed to them both off of being married to howl but also from their own merit with how powerful they have become as a witch. does this mean that they are not as frequently accidentally speaking spells into existence? yes. does it mean that they have stopped doing it completely? no not at all. i cannot even lie, the talking to herself has got to be a stim or something because they do it no matter what, and unfortunately, their magic is rooted in speaking things to life, so no matter how good she gets, that will always be there. they wouldn’t be sophie if they didn’t just accidentally enchant things every once in a while.  
okay but a quick overview of what happens in house of many ways (although everyone should go read the whole series, esp the first book, it’s incredible. the second book is DATED but the third saves it) ANYWAYS. sophie is called to high norland, a neighboring kingdom, to help with solving some money problems the king and princess are having, she goes ON HER OWN THANK YOU, because they were called, they can handle it on their own, and they very much were looking forward to the week or two of silence and relaxation away from the castle. they love their son and their family, but god do they need the space every once in a while. unfortunately, howl.. is howl. and soon after sophie arrives in the castle, in comes morgan, calcifer and twinkle (the picture perfect image of a child..... with a lisp.) charmain -- the main character of this book-- is so fucking confused as to why sophie looks like she is about to throttle twinkle the second he comes waltzing into the room. 
either way, the whole moving castle crew is now inside of the castle to solve the missing money situation! many things happen,,, all of it absolutely chaotic in the way only dwj can really explain. so imma just skip to the end of what is really going to be affecting sophie here in the city
morgan is threatened by some anonymous source, telling sophie specifically “stop your investigation, and leave high norland, or your child suffers” so ofc sophie and howl are on high alert, doing what they can to trick whoever sent the note and save morgan along with finish the investigation. 
many more shenanigans take place, the person who attacked sophie’s child ended up being a half human child of a lubbock (a monster in this realm that LAYS EGGS INSIDE OF PEOPLE TO HAVE HALF HUMAN CHILDREN TO TAKE OVER KINGDOMS-- AWFUL) but they screw up, and try to take twinkle instead, thinking that’s sophie’s child. eventually they can’t quite keep twinkle under control , and they go for morgan. 
sophie’s reaction is incredible, the only reason she didn’t take this guy out at the knees is because it’s a young ya novel. and howl had a plan. 
bUT. the lubbockin basically almost kills morgan (fully choking this two year old out to a point where he does pass out in his hand) but before he can fully kill him, howl teleports himself into morgan’s spot, and like mid choke hold, transforms back into a like grown adult man and just DECKS the guy, it’s incredible. sometimes you forget they are a rugby player from wales when they’re all wizard-y in their blue silk suits and shit. but he fully beats the lubbockin down until calcifer and him turn all the remaining lubbockins into rabbits lmao
either way, sophie is going to be pulled post fight there, when they all arrive back into the castle to make the journey back to ingary. their memories only go up until the castle door closes, so they’re gonna be having a time with this reunion on top of having to apologize a million different times to howl for everything over the past few months. 
they will not be taking responsibility for morgan knowing how to swear in two languages, that was unaware sophie, how were they supposed to know it was their kid.
either way, this is gonna be v much the same sophie we all know and love, except they’re a little older and little more confident in themselves.
connections :
✩ employees
she runs a flower shop, that does sell some clothing/hats on the side but it is mainly a bulk flower shop that will make arrangements for an extra fee.
it’s a very like ‘small business’ vibe kinda shop, so they treat their employees like family it’s a very nice place to work!!!
✩ friends
please she doesn’t have many ,, her best friends are literally a disaster man, her kids, and a fucking fire please come be their friend she would be the mom friend of your group and you cannot change my mind
would also actually love some legitimate mom friends
magical friends! please they’re so bad at controlling their magic, they just speak everything into existence.
✩ babysitter
doesn’t everyone wanna make a little extra cash?? especially when that charge would be a magical three year old with separation anxiety who definitely uses magic and speaks in welsh !!!
i promise they tip well
sophie would love a singular break for once so pls
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deadontheinsidebut · 4 years
hEHE heLLo telepathy twin this is my good morning message to you for when you wake up i just wanna say that i love you sOOO mUch and you bring so much joy and laughter into my life whenever im talking to you and you make my heart so hAPPYYYYY 😩😩💗💗 i love you fOREVER MAAM and i hope you have the best day today with lots of yuMMY FOOD, beautiful skies and wArM sUnshiNE HEHE kisskiss 😙❤️❤️
Hello Soph aka the loml aka my other half 🌛
Curse the 15 hour difference 🤬🤬
But anywayyyy I’m gonna eat breakfast now and make sure it looks pretty so I can send more foodie pics to you☺️☺️ the sun is definitely shining rn my telepathy twin.
Goodnight to you!! I hope your night is full of sweet dreams and pretty stars MWAH
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tirednotflirting · 4 years
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(hopefully did this right? we’ll see)
i was tagged by @escapesos​, @clumsyclifford​, @lukehummingbirdz​, and @simp4calum​ to do this guy! so thnx pals <3
haven’t been online much to know who has done this yet so I’m gonna tag @kaleidoscopeminds​, @calumcest​, @mashlums​, and anybody else still wanting to give it a go :)
here’s the link to do ur own !!!
alright and now onward with my rambling :))))
1. 1989 (deluxe edition) - taylor swift: picking a taylor album was HARD and ultimately 1989 probably isn’t even my favorite taylor album but its the one with the most impact in my life i think. i have this insanely clear memory of sitting in my car the first time i heard ‘wonderland’ and ‘clean’ and just crying like a BABY. up to that point it had been the biggest leap and risk she had taken in her sound and it was just such a joy to step into the planning of a new phase of my life with this album playing in the background. i had always been a taylor fan but for some reason this was the first of her albums (likely due a lot to age but eh) that i heard myself and my experiences in.
2. meet you there tour live - 5 seconds of summer: so (perhaps?) oddly enough this was actually the 5sos album that got me here into this space online. their first two records just didn’t really end up on my radar and while i loved youngblood when it dropped earlier that year, there was something missing in the sound of it at the time to really pull me into the band and their fanbase. and then i got babylon (live) our national anthem on a discover weekly or something and just FELL IN LOVE. like listened to this album only for probably 3 months straight fell in love. 5sos has been the first band whose fanbase i’ve found a home in and quite literally the people i’ve had the opportunity to cross paths with bc of this band are some of the only ones who have made these last six months tolerable. i’m so stupid thankful to 5sos and idk i’m kinda glad that this was the record they put out that brought me in. there’s a lot of them in this live record in a different way than their studio records.
3. BADLANDS (Live at Webster Hall) - halsey: okay anybody in the club seeing this specific choice is not even the slightest bit surprised like i am literally listening to it AS I TYPE THIS. as i’ve discussed many times with miss meg aka @kaleidoscopeminds​ i miss live music so much IT PAINS ME. so for one of my favorite records of all time to be released as a live concert album last month to celebrate five years since its release is basically a DREAM. the goddess that is halsey and her debut album found me at a hilariously low point in my life and it really brought me a sense of security i’ve never really gotten from another record. it’s so dreamy and LOUD and the perfect highway driving album it was such an ESCAPE. i could talk for days about this album but i’m just on another planet w this live album like she creates such a VISION w the live show for this and you can HEAR IT. more live albums 2k20
4. melodrama - lorde: our LORDE AND SAVIOR AMIRIGHT. this is another one kinda like badlands that sends me off into like a dreamland of color and sound and escape. lorde i think is only really capable of making perfect albums (perfect places amiright??? sorry). she’s such a patient and practiced artist with the way she writes both lyrics and music and it’s an album that i know i’ll be able to turn on in 40 years and just be swept back into my soph year of uni with the blink of an eye. supercut hits particularly deep but also sober and the louvre have such a youthful energy like they’re BURSTING w it. 
5. modern vampires of the city - vampire weekend: so excluding the ones i got once i had my car bc i didn’t have an aux in that car, this was the last CD i think i bought with the intention to listen to it on a CD player (still objectively late for that it was 2013). my favorite music moment in like modern times is on this record. it’s at 2:42 in ‘hannah hunt’ and i think it’s just the most happy/sad piano melody i’ve ever heard. last summer i had the chance to see this band for the first time while they were touring their most recent record and it was at a taping for ACL Live and no one was allowed to have their phones out during the taping and i think it was one of the most perfect moments i’ve ever experienced. VW just makes such simply good and beautiful music and this record shows that especially.
6. bad ideas - tessa violet: tessa’s music says so many things but i think most importantly it says “you’re going to experience bad things and they might even be your fault for some reason or another but it’s okay because you will be okay and you will grow and be better for it”. her music is so much about accepting the way your brain works and using that knowledge to better yourself and your decision making rather than letting it tear you apart. i saw her last fall and all i could think about when i left the show was how important it felt for me to be there. like i had been told and seen something impactful on a personal level, not just because it was a damn good show. i suggest listening to this album front to back bc it tells a really specific and detailed story that way. i’ve learned a lot from miss tessa.
7. some nights - fun.: (god i pulled it up just to get in the zone for this one and jesus christ). so in 2012 my life changed a LOT. so much good and bad that its hard to pick out what was what but i DO KNOW that the music was incredible. in 2012 i met the first person who would break my heart (i think?), i started high school, i met some of my best friends at camp, my dad moved and i had to move into a really toxic environment, i had my first marching season, and i spent three months straight that summer listening to this record. i hear this record and i think of climbing up on the roof w my best friend to sing and laugh and watch the stars and make up stories of how amazing perfect high school was going to be. i don’t have those stories or even that friend anymore. but i have this album. it’s like 50 min of pure nostalgia and impossible to not include here. and OF COURSE it’s a jack antonoff project djfkalgfj
always saying too much and nothing at all amiright? a regular ashton irwin over here. if you actually read this ur a real trooper lol
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
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As many of you are already saying goodbye to 2019 and welcoming in 2020, it’s time for Nikki’s annual love fest, aka: my end of year follow forever.
This year marks a full decade that I’ve been on tumblr (November 2019 was my ten year anniversary!). This year was a rollercoaster, but it brought so many new people into my life that I am SO happy to be bringing with me into the new year. Thank you to everyone who has made my experience on this site something worth sticking around for ♥️
Now, just a little bit of love for some of my favorite people on this site (and on this earth)...
@kekela717 ♥️ The Sana to my Noora, the Cristina to my Meredith, the Maria to my Liz — there is no better complement in the world than you. Thank you for being my forever reminder that fandom is the family you create with it, and for always making it easier to love myself because I know how easy it is for you. I love you in every universe our souls have met.
@soundoftherain ♥️ I always call you my better half and that never feels like an understatement. You are the most incredible person I have ever known, truly my soulmate in every sense of the word. I love you with every atom in my body and I cannot wait to give you the world’s biggest hug in February. We’ll get to celebrate bringing in a new year together in person soon, I promise x
sweet Chasing
@chasingshhadows ♥️ I cannot hardly wrap my mind around the fact that I only “met” you a few short months ago. Never before have I been so happy to make a subtly shippy gifset that brought you into my life. Thank you for being a bright spot in my life always, from your comforting messages to the pictures of your kitties, to just knowing you’ll always get it whenever I need to talk about something. You’re something special, to me and in this world. I love you so much.
Amanda darlin’
@bisexualalienblast ♥️ My life feels emptier when you’re not around; there’s a big giant Amanda-shaped hole in my heart. But then I remember you’re out there, being your beautiful self for all the world to see, and everything feels right again. Thank you for always being kind to me and giving me a place to belong. Without you, @goodvibesinroswell would never have happened. You gave me the courage and I’ll be forever grateful. Love you, cupcake.
Lucie angel
@lsobelevans​ ♥️ mon ange, how I adore you. Your talent is only surpassed by your giant heart, I hope you know. Talking to you always makes me feel the warmest, fuzziest feelings. You’re like a warm cup of hot cocoa in human form, just full cosy vibes 24/7. I always feel better after talking to you, I hope I can give you back even a fraction of that.
@driftcombatible ♥️ I miss you always. I hope that 2020 is your best year yet and you achieve everything you put your mind to. You’ll forever be one of those people that I met and changed my life, I hope you know that. I know you hate feelings and getting sappy, so just know this — thank you for putting up with me when you didn’t have to. It didn’t go unnoticed.
@bethxchilds ♥️ You might not see this but I couldn’t leave one of my most important people off this list, just in case you happen to log into tumblr at some point in 2020. I love you and you are capable of more than you know. Please know that you’re always on my mind and I adore you more than I can ever say.
@universallongings ♥️ This year marks an entire decade that my life has been blessed by you and I cannot imagine my world without you. I hope I never have to, and the universe lets me keep you for as long as possible. I love you, Katiebug. I know you’re a queen and a warrior, who will conquer 2020 :)
@some-mad-lunge ♥️ my birdie, I love you so much. You are so unbelievably kind, the world needs more people like you. You fight the bad feelings the same way I do, by trying to overwhelm them with love and positive feelings. It’s admirable and I hope you never lose that. May 2020 be as kind to you as you are to the world.
Christi dear
@christchex ♥️ I’m so incredibly grateful that I met you this year. I know we’re newer friends but I hope to get to know you even more next year and learn even more things about you that I just know I will love. I’ll never be over the fic you wrote me this month, I genuinely must reread it a few times every week. It’s absolutely perfect, you captured everything that makes me happy - - the same way that talking to you does.
@kylesliz ♥️ my baby girl, may we never part ways no matter how many fandoms with unlikable faves we encounter. I’m so glad the universe let me keep you after you stumbled into my life so many years ago. You’re my sunshine girl, forever and ever. Thank you for being the brightest babe in my galaxy x
@laurenkmyers​ ♥️ guhhh, I just love you a lot, okay? Every single time we talk is my favorite time. Every time I glance at the clock and it’s 21:21, it feels like the universe is giving me a little reminder that you are out there being your wonderful self and it makes my heart smile. Always remember: du er ikke alene.
@malicat ♥️ Thank you for being a constant in my life all these years. I never tell you enough how much I appreciate knowing that if no one else in my life is watching a given show, at least you probably are (at least half the time, haha). Your warmth and kindness you’ve given me over the years is something I hope to keep forever, ilu xo
@acomebackstory ♥️ I know that you don’t always feel like you have a place, but I hope you know that you will always have a place with me. I hope 2020 is kind to you, and that you find peace where you can. These good vibes are for you :)
@dingletragedy ♥️ Soph! Your little messages to me throughout the year have put a giant smile on my face every single time. Seeing all you’ve accomplished in 2019 has only made me more excited for what adventures you’ll go on this coming year. Thank you for always brightening my life with your sunshine.
new pals in 2019, can’t wait to get to know better in 2020
aka: you’ve been saved from my love fest for now, watch out next year ;)
@itslizortecho @jumbled-nonsense @lesbiennesdangereuses @manesguerin @ohstarlings @soberqueerinthewild
darlings that I will love in every universe
aka: y’all bitches love skam as much as me, buckle up for skamfr!
@beejohnlocked @capseycartwright @littlelooneyluna
forever babes (even tho I mostly lurk in the fandom now)
aka: robron is still in my heart but not as much as you darlings
@aarobron @benthighway @callumsmitchells @kayceecruz @maxbowdens @robertisbisexual @rcbertsugden @rollynchs @thisissirius @wycombewanderer
angels who have been in my life & my heart for years
aka: the mutuals who never unfollowed even tho we’ve fandom hopped
@joshdundun @oscarrbait @pretendtofly @ravenclawwit @watchp0int
Happy New Years, everyone. I love you all ♥️
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mudaship39 · 4 years
Alpha Centurion War
“Someone call 911!” “She needs medical attention now!” 
“I called the paramedics.” “The ambulance is on its way!” 
“Sofia.” “Hang on okay.” “Help is on the way!"
“I need a healer!” “Get me a superhuman or metahuman superhero with powers of healing now!”
“ETA on that healer in five minutes!” 
"Paqui/Cisca…I'm so sorry…” “I know I should have listened to you…"
Through the harsh rain and lightning  Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu (AKA Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato, Francisco Alejandro Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Alejandra Maria Garcia Ochoa, & Alexander Mark Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith) sat in front of a holographic tombstone which had the name "Sofia Velasquez" etched into it.
"No…don’t go.” Please stay Soph.” “You'll be okay!” “I promise! “Stay with me okay. “Stay awake!” “Don’t close your eyes.” “Don’t leave me!” “Please!” “I am not going to lose you too!” “You promised...” “That we would be together forever.”
"I-I will never regret meeting you Ryuu/Haruka…” “You brought light into the darkness…" 
It had been a week since the funeral. His/her/their heart and soul continued to break. He/she/they knew from experience that loving civilians as a superhero was difficult. He/she/they had already lost someone named Astrid Hanson when a supervillain went after her to get to him/her/them. She died in an explosion that destroyed a building tower. Champion had warned him/her/them that loving another superhero even as a superhero would come to this but Alexander/Alexandria had waved her off at the time saying that everything would be fine.
"S-Sofi…Please don't go…."
"I'm scared Francisco/Francisca.” “I don’t want to go b-but I am glad at least the last thing I'll s-see before I go is you…"
"Soph? Sofia?!"
Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu hadn't known that his previous enemies the remnants of the Earth and Terran Empire would come back into his life. He/she/they didn't know that they would send paramilitary intelligence officers after them. He didn't know that they would send super soldiers to capture her. He/she/they did not know that they would take his/her/their girlfriend of a year hostage. He/she/they fought to get her back. She fought with him/her/them side by side shoulder and shoulder and almost escaped. He/she/they didn’t know that they would corner them into a trap
He/she/they remembered cradling her body supporting her back and head with his/her/their clawed hands as he/she/they wept in the middle of the street. Hover vehicles stopped ahead of them. The dead bodies of the former super soldiers of the Earth and Terran Empire were mauled into pieces all over the city. The city was destroyed from the intense battle they had gone through. The sirens of the ambulance and police were in the distance.
Get her into the ambulance!” “Stabilize her!” “Keep her stable!” 
“Let me go with her please.” “I need to see if my partner is okay.” 
Why did this keep happening to him/her/them?
He/she/they didn't do anything wrong. He just wanted to escape his/her/their violent past. He/she/they just wanted a simple life with a family, work, college, & a girlfriend. He/she/they never asked to be kidnapped and stolen from his/her/their home by metahuman and superhuman traffickers. He/she/they never asked to experimented on! He/she/they never asked to be forced to become a metahuman and superhuman child soldier who fought until they were a young adult super soldier! He/she/they never asked to fight for Earth or Terran Empire. He/she/they never asked for any of it! Why did he/she/they have to suffer like this?
Gabriel Solari/Gabriella Solari traced Sophia's hand in the hospital for superpowered beings as she was sleeping healing from her injuries. He didn't know that she would get hurt from disabled and disfigured from her injuries needing bionic and cybernetic enhancements near her abdomen. 
He/she/they softly murmured as she clutched his/her/their hand, "Why does everyone I love get hurt?” “Why does everyone I love leave me?” “Why does everyone I love die?"
No she wasn’t refrigerated. She didn’t die to evolve her partner stealing away her agency just to evolve another character. We don’t do that here! 
But someone or something or a part of someone does die. Just not in the way you think.
Some of his/her/their chosen family of metahuman and superhuman child, preteen, teenage, & young adult died when they were experimented on. Other members of his/her/their chosen family as metahuman and superhuman child, preteen, teenage, & young adult super soldiers survived and came home but with mental illnesses of depression, anxiety, panic attacks, & PTSD. Other members of his/her/their family went missing in action, were captured by the enemy and became POWs, or killed in action when they were fighting in wars across the planets, star systems, & galaxies for Earth and the Terran Empire.
He/she/they and his/her/their men were brainwashed, indoctrinated, & mind controlled by the scientists who worked for the Earth and Terran Empire government and military. When the indoctrination, mind control, & brainwashing wore off he/she/they then rebelled against Earth and the Terran Empire. He/she/they led a space rebel army against the Earth and Terran Empire. He/she/they fought against the colonialism and imperialism of Earth in a Space Revolutionary War. He/she/they fought against neocolonialism and occupation of the Terran Empire in a Space Civil War. He/she/they were then rendered stateless and exiled by Earth and Terran Empire banned from returning to the Sol System as long as they were in power.
He/she/they were forced to become a supervillain and later antihero in the Vega System to repay a debt to someone an antihero and supervillain who took them in.
He/she/they defeated the Earth and Terran Empire. With the creation of the Federation he/she/they were finally able to return home to the Sol System. 
He/she/they then chose to become a superhero at the behest of Joanna Jacobson. He/she/they led many superhero teams. He/she/they found new families with his/her/their superhero teams the Exiles, Outlaws, Renegades, Outcasts, & Fugitives. His/her/their old superhero teams the Exiles, Outlaws, Fugitives, Outcasts, & Renegades were disbanded for unknown reasons leaving him/her/them alone.
And when he/she/they finally found a sliver of hope with the girl that he/she/they could see a future with. It was almost brutally ripped away from him/her/them by an organization who wanted vengeance. But what sickened him/her/them the most was how he/she/they were powerless in every situation that he/she/they were in…
Too weak to save some members of his/her/their chosen family.
Too weak to keep his/her/their superhero teams together.
Too weak to save the love of his/her/their life.
"If I was stronger and more powerful…” “If I had more control and influence.” “If I knew how to use my powers to the fullest…I would've been able to save them all…" Francisco Ochoa/Francisca Ochoa whispered as rain and thunder rumbled above the hospital.
It was then he/she/they remember the words of his/her/their mentor before he/she/they went solo and later started their superhero teams.
"The reason that I am so hard on you is because I see so much potential in you.” “You can change into any sort of being, animal, beast, creature, or monster.” “But I know that that's only the beginning of your true abilities.” “You have limitless potential.” “You could become one of the top heroes in the planet, star system, & galaxy.” “No maybe even the universe but you're pissing it away with your lazy and laid back attitude.” “If you don't take this seriously and go all in.” “All you'll ever amount to in life is being just a sidekick."
Champion had been so harsh with/her/them him back then. Ryuu’s/Haruka's cocky attitude and disrespectful replies hadn't made it easier. Why didn't he/she/they just listen to her? Rachel was trying to teach him/her/them. Yet he/she/they refused to listen. She was injured and now carried the scars of his/her/their failure. 
"Sofi…I know that it was my humor and carefree heart that attracted you to me in the first place.” “But I-I can't continue to be the Francisco/Francisca that you loved…” “Not anymore…” “Not when I failed everyone that I ever cared about," Alexander/Alexandria whispered before he/she/they stood up in front of the hospital bed. “Not when I almost lost you because of my weakness.” “That is why I've decided that today you will see this part of me…,” Ryuu/Haruka told her softly as he/she/they kissed her forehead, "this jokester, comedian, & flippant attitude will be no more…” “This is the death of the plural system Gabriel/Gabriella.” “Now only I and the others remain…"
Ryuu/Haruka took a deep breath and said "You asked me before about what I wanted to be.” “I told you that I wanted to be a superhero but now…” “I will be the greatest superhero of all time.” “I will be the superhero/superheroine that you wanted me to be.” “I will be the one to fight for all of those that can't fight themselves…" “I will create a superhero team full of those marginalized and disenfranchised.” “It will be a superhero conglomerate of heroes of color, Indigenous superheroes, queer superheroes, & disabled superheroes.” “They will be the most elite fighting force this planet has ever known.” “For they will be Elites.”  
Lexi/Alex leaned down and placed a kiss on her hand and murmured, "You made me happy Sofi” “More than you will ever know.” “I was happy…” “Happier than I had ever been.” “But this heart and soul of mine of Gab/Gabby will only get in my way of what I must become and what I must do to make my new dream a reality…” “So that is why I leave him/her/them here with you…" “I love you Sophie Velasquez.” “Forever and always baby.” 
Paqui/Cisca placed a red and white face mask on her hospital bed along with a necklace with an South American Indigenous pendant that hung over his/her/their neck. He/she/they took with him/her/them her Catholic cross.
“Keep my heart and soul in there," Kana’i/Ataahua said as he/she/they pressed a clawed finger into her heart before he/she/they turned around and walked away from the grave and into an unknown future. Leaving behind a corpse of his/her/their plural identity Gabe/Gabby or Gabriel/Gabriella.
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elhoppers · 5 years
When you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes.
bold of you to assume i have nice things to say about five people…
no I’m totally kidding!!!! how do I even pick bc i love literally every person i follow? ok here’s 5 randomly, but i love ALL of the people i follow
@mikewheeler because me and ally have literally met irl even though i’m a brit and she’s american (international implications!!) and she’s the sweetest most incredible person ever and we have so much in common and she’s literally mike wheeler and i’m el so??
@elshopper my darling soph who is such a bright light in my life and i just adore everything about her tbh also her smile brightens up my days!! We’ve also met irl and honestly she is the bestest ever
@lucascsinclairs jazz is literally the funniest person i know i’m not exaggerating, if i didn’t have her to troll with i’d honestly be lost. She’s also genuinely one of the kindest people on this blue hell hole 
@milevenhearteyes ellie is my cherub whomst i love and we have a bond bc she loves the summer of love as much as i do, she is also the sweetest person ever and has the world’s cutest cat (alongside my hugo)
@scooptroops mady is so fucking funny and her memes are literally what keep me going, she is also fiercely loyal and amazing and will go to the ends of the earth for her friends aka a babe
I know the rule is 5 or whatever so honourable mentions to some of my other faves humans/blogs @fatechica @hoppersjim @ericasinclairs @mikeswheeler @elizabthturner @summer-in-hawkins @serendipitousrambles @robinbuckleyy @martygalwrites @janehopperwheeler @milevens @nessa007 @milliebbrowns
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