heather123fan-blog · 5 months
Any thoughts on this? Normally, I like Estelle's videos but this one disappointed me. I don't think Edward would've been a tyrant had he lived to adulthood. She goes into a lot of speculation here without considering the actual facts of how Edward reigned when he was alive. I have a theory that the reason so many historians, Tracy Borman is another one that comes to mind, insist Edward would've been a tyrant and than insist in the same breathe that Mary wasn't one is because of their gender differences. Mary's reputation has to be reconsidered because she was a woman but apparently slandering Edward's reputation is okay?
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breitzbachbea · 3 months
💧and 🌩️!
Thank you so much for the ask!
WIP and Upcoming Projects Ask Game
💧Share something romantic/hot from your WIP, or just something sweet if it's gen.
Romance is taking a hard backseat to everything else in Irish Problems so far, so I'm offering you: Horny Michele 🤲🏻
“What?” he asked. “What, I don’t –” He noticed how utterly unimpressed they were. Lorenzo and Marco scowled at him. Michele changed course. “He carries himself well in person, okay? I enjoyed his presence. Full, bodily presence …” He used both his hands to gesture, eyes fixed onto the closet across from them. “I didn’t know he was that jacked, it’s so hard to see it underneath the suit. He has a nice ass. My god, what an ass he has on him.” He looked to and fro between them again. “I can’t be the only one who noticed that.”
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
Oh easy, I finished probably one of my favourite dialogues like two nights ago:
“Stop deflecting, man, what break up!” Now Charlie nearly shouted. “He called the Sicilian too stubborn for his own good in every regard and also a backstabbing, cheating snake. I mean, I am still aware that that’s the scorned lover speaking – “ “He’s François’ ex-boyfriend?! Gavin, I’m going to strangle you!” “Are you cracked?” Harry asked as he and Paddy stared at Charlie in bewilderment, but he kept giving out: “Do you know how much mental capacity I wasted on figuring out if Vento’s gay or Italian?! That’s vital information!” “For what?!” Gavin asked back and probably mirrored Harry’s face two bodies of water away. “I wouldn’t have mentioned that anyways, I didn’t want to distract you.” “Distract us from what?!” Charlie asked. “Diplomacy?! Are you in Fran’s pocket?” “Will yous stop it?” Paddy asked and Harry gave him an offended and confused frown over being included in the rebuke. “I doubt that you need that information for diplomacy,” Gavin said laconically. “I’m not hearing that from the continental bike ride, Gavin,” Charlie snapped back. Hannah snorted in the background and said something unintelligible to him.
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dilfsuzanneyk · 1 year
19, 30?
thank you for the ask nate :DD hope it's okay if i just do it for ace
19. a memory that still makes your OC sad?
mary's death definitely. it had a huge impact on her, especially since the two had a fight before it happened. she somewhat wishes it could have gone differently and she could have prevented it. there was a long period of time where she blamed herself for it, but she's mostly made peace with it over the years.
30. does your OC wish to be married someday?
ace is married!! she "married" her long-time girlfriend, nikk haas,i in 2002. it wasn't legal yet then, but they had a small gathering with close friends and nikki's family. they exchanged rings too. later in 2015, they got officially married after gay marriage was legalised!!
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cromwelll · 1 year
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@natequarter​, tumblr says we’re double mutuals!
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grandadtwelve · 2 years
twissy, twelveclara, and three/liz/brig?
(already did twelveclara <3)
twissy…. is everything to me like everything…. no master/doctor pairing has been better suited to be able to really love one another and they STILL couldn’t manage it god…
i do believe that the vault arc was unhealthy and the way that missy was punishing herself and trying to force herself to be whatever the doctor wanted was harmful and the way that twelve was at times cold or unsympathetic to what she was going through at the time was upsetting to me but. I understand every detail of why they did what they did and felt what they felt and I think they were beautifully beautifully beautifully written. i love them dearly they exist in a very quiet and warm and well-protected place in my heart.
three/liz/brig is so underrated it’s stupid <3 they’re such a good trio and I’m so sad they only had one season bc the dynamic between each of them individually and as a group was perfect. very much like. Three people who get stuck together and have very different interests and standards of living and really enjoy annoying and teasing one another but also indisputably care for one another and honestly it’s so inconvenient. I love the way that three and liz gang up on brig and I love the way brig and liz gang up on three.
I do hc three as aspec/arospec and liz as being more into women so I conceptualize the details of the platonic/romantic/sexual aspects of their relationship to be different between each pairing individually! but as a whole it’s like yeah we don’t know what’s going on but there’s love and also annoyance here <3
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fratricideknight · 1 year
🍓 :3
your historyposting is incredibly entertaining. i have absolutely no idea what you're talking about 90% of the time but you're SO right, thomas [last name] was a little bitch!! basically you are very funny
also i love your posts about humphrey and sophie, you are my #1 source for content about them
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sircarolyn · 2 years
12, 18?
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
in terms of stuff i'm actually likely to finish at all ever, 3 or maybe 4. including anything else makes a number far too large to contemplate....
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
maybe liv chenka? i pretty much exclusively write characters i either find easy to or ones i have an awful lot to say about, and though i do love liv, she and helen don't quite have the sway over me that some other characters do so writing for them took a little more thinking than some others do
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trailmixtime · 1 year
7, 11, 13 for the character oc questions?
i shall answer these questions for my oc liliana baxton (dweu, specifically gallifrey), in her original form (i have several versions of her lmao)
7. What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
i'd probably just shout her name. that, or i'd do my best to sound as much like the imperiatrix as possible and call out "lili, darling?" she'd probably hit me real hard for it but at least it would mean i found her.
her best friend or romantic partner would probably also just call out her name. there's not really a particular phrase or word she'll respond to.
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
one of those Safety Questions that only those within a family know the answer to, or maybe the first half of a secret code that she then has to come back with the correct second half of the phrase.
13. When do they fake a smile? How often?
well. liliana is the imperiatrix's first bodyguard (later replaced with the kiloran mentioned in the audios), and, as the imperiatrix's right hand, she has to fake a smile every damn day to keep her happy. not all lili's smiles are faked, but enough are that it sometimes gets hard to remember which smiles were real and which were fake.
oc ask game
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webtoon-devourer · 1 year
honestly love me to death is so good, i cannot recommend it enough! it's inspired by latin america, with particular influence from the catholic church in its church and necromany (necromancers are persecuted by the church of life), and the main character is a necromancer tasked with bringing a rich guy's dead wife back to life... except they fall in love. and go on the run. i won't spoil the rest but i love it!!!
yes yes yes!!! this sounds soooo good. thanks so much for recommending it, i'll dive into it soon!
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sergeantjessi · 1 year
Europe rn:
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[id: green text reading, "everyone disliked that." /end id]
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ozomatli · 2 years
guilt :)
do not guilt me here
i will not love you at the
cost of loving me
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breitzbachbea · 1 year
1, 3, 9, 11?
OH, thank you very much!!!!
Meta OC Question
What inspired you to create your oc?
Depends on the OC, but there's two reasons at the start of all my OC endeavours in the past, which also intertwine:
I've always been a very creative kid with adhd that makes her daydream all day long, so I've been plagued by visions that needed a creative outlet & writing was the choice.
Since I wrote since elementary school, whenever I liked another piece of media, I'd express it by writing fanfiction, which would usually involve OCs. I'd often spin so hard and so fast out of control that I would make up a whole batch of OCs, often together with friends, who'd interact with the main cast and story, but also spin off into their own storylines.
These days, where I only make OCs and write mostly for my Hetalia Human AU (which is 10% Fanfic, but 90% Orig Fic): The mainer characters come to me because I am plagued by visions and constantly inspired by real life. I have over 250 named characters in this AU, PLEASE stop me from making more. Went to Romania for Erasmus for a week and came back with an OC concept that could have such a dysfunctional and toxic queer romance with one of my underdeveloped Hungarian OCs. I need to be stopped.
However, once mainer characters are established, OCs related to them spring up out of necessity or because I am like 'You know what I didn't do yet and would be fun in relation to these new bitches and also the old bitches?'. OC creation never happens in a vacuum, I am all about how they add to the world I created for the past 10 years and could interact with its inhabitants.
3. What is the origin of the character's name?
Used to go on babynaming sites and look at the most popular options, which is why all my Irish mainer characters have English names (RIP). These days I like to do some research on the cultural background they come from and also take inspiration from public figures from their country/region/city. However, once that is done I usually just visit Behind the Name and spend 15 minutes browsing, talking with friends about options, ignoring their feedback and then choose a name by closing my eyes and throwing a dart at the PC. I do consider nominative determinism to a degree, but I'll tell myself that the parents who named the kid couldn't have known what they will grow up to be and I'll also get used to any name.
I also love to use names I encountered in life, too! Like old classmates or family names of friends!
9. In a group dynamic, what kind of role does the oc usually fill? Are they a worry wart? A troublemaker? The straight man?
I LOVE GROUP DYNAMICS AND I HAVE SOOOO MANY OF THEM. Let's take the Chaos Seven, aka Team Ireland + Soph and Team Sicily as an example.
Team Ireland shares one collective braincell. Paddy, who's twice as old as Harry and Charlie, is its keeper about 40% of the time. Since he helped raise Harry since he was six, is a father figure to Charlie and helped raise Sophie since she was born, he's the Guardian figure of the Group. Hashtag Daddy Paddy. However, he's also a bastard like his own kids, so while he tries to be a good influence, he's not exactly the voice of reason. Just hopelessly devoted to the three and wants to ensure that they don't make choices they will regret without return.
Charlie is the social butterfly, or at least the one who's the most willing to engage in diplomacy and also enjoys working people the most. Do not let that fool you, half of the European underground wants to punch his teeth in for being endlessly annoying, but the other half wants to either fuck him or keep him as a purse dog. He and Harry are brother's from another mother and when Harry is too stubborn and fatalistic to consider anyone outside of himself, Charlie will pick up the slack and care for him and their goals. To Soph, he's the big brother figure with whom she can discuss personal affairs that she feels Harry and Paddy are too close and guardian-like for comfort to discuss with.
Harry's the driving force that inspires the others, since if he is hellbent on something, he'll pull through with it and won't let anyone push him around. He bickers all day long with the rest (especially Charlie, Soph and Harry do nothing but pick on each other), but is also always there to root for the others and take risks on their behalf. Probably the biggest troublemaker, but since Team Ireland as a whole is nothing but troublemakers, it's a bit unfair to single him out. He's got an unmatched love for pranks, though!
Soph is the nestling, the little darling of the family. All the others care for her, and as she grows up, she takes more and more after her brother, for better and for worse. Being Harry's little sister, the two are especially close, but she worries and cares for all three of them, as they do for her. When she's with the other three, she's a troublemaker who's not gonna let anyone push her or her family around, much like Harry.
Michele ... he is the leader and the voice of reason in Team Sicily, the one who raised the twins Marco and Lorenzo together with his mother. Since Marco and Lorenzo look up to him, he's also their guardian figure and tries to be as good an influence as he can - he's also constantly herding cats with these two mischievous guys.
Marco and Lorenzo share their creativity and their analytical thinking, as well as their love for mischief. They're definitely troublemakers, but at the same time problem solvers extraordinaire. And while their devotion to Michele is blind to a degree, they also unite in pulling him back onto the rug at times. It's not often that they need to play the straight man and they aren't good at that role with anyone but Michele, but they can do it.
11. What is your least favorite trait regarding your oc?
I mean it is an Organized Crime AU, so for most it gotta be, among others, the uhhhh ability to justify the horrors to themselves.
But that aside. I don't really think in favourite and not-favourite, since an interplay of traits is what makes OCs so close to actual humans and simply fun as literary constructs.
If I was held at gunpoint, though - That Hugo is so persistent in his quest to be liked/loved/the best that he can't take no for an answer in the long run, to his own detriment and everyone else's. That SK, aka Sri Kadek, is so stubborn in her perceived role as being the fixer of the family that she won't consider someone else's motivation for how they treat her could be genuinely out of caring for her. And most of the OCs are assholes, again because of the circumstances and I am a messy bitch who loves drama, but the Arora twins (Frej and Freja) take the objectification and the prioritization of their entertainment a little bit far even for this crowd. (... but also, that does make them very very sexy <3).
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dilfsuzanneyk · 11 months
thank you for the ask!!
🍘 Is there a fic or idea for a fic that you've abandoned?
unfortunately there are quite a few (but i think maybe i'll pick them up again muuuuch later). there was a fic i started a while back which was a chess husbands secondary school au? it was up on ao3 at some point, but i deleted it with the intention of re-writing it and doing it better. sadly, i just don't think the story i had will work at all (or at least it won't work in an interesting way) so i've since abandoned it. sorry to anyone who was following that fic, but also it wasn't exactly getting much attention anyway.
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cromwelll · 8 months
happy birthday! 🎂
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faggotwalkwithme · 2 years
wait you know love me dead by ludo? :DDD it's SUCH a good song
yes!!! it’s so great
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abstractfrog · 2 years
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[id: art of pat butcher, robin and kitty from bbc ghosts looking up at the night sky. they are shown from the shoulders up and are shown staring up at the night sky so that the viewer appears to be standing behind them. robin points up at the brightest star in the sky, which represents mary. a halo of clouds surrounds the star. /end id]
There’s a twinkle 
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