wulfhalls · 3 months
If your smoking what I’m strongly starting to smoke right now, Claudia has openly said Benedict x Eloise is her fav ship so we are onto some good sh!t.
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WELL WELL WELLLLLLLLL. obviously this is shondaland so no one is fucking their sister on screen but I appreciate the sicko inclinations! ..................but then again it IS shondaland so..........
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fideidefenswhore · 2 months
despite having beef with michael hirst on various fronts, the tudors is genuinely one of my fav shows of all time, and yet....i was really never able to get into vikings.
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earlgodwin · 6 months
If you had a choice to put David in another historical drama who would you want him to play? xx
you know, i've always wanted to see him play robert dudley, with natalie dormer playing elizabeth i and holliday grainger playing his wife, amy robsart. i think it would be an interesting love triangle, with him torn between his love for elizabeth and his affection for his wife. but if i had another historical figure in mind for david, he would make a great mark anthony. i previously saw marlon brando playing him, and he was magnificent in it, so i kinda want to see david oakes playing him because i feel like he'd be perfect in portraying such a conflicted man who uses logic and emotion to sway the people lol
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heather123fan-blog · 5 months
Any thoughts on this? Normally, I like Estelle's videos but this one disappointed me. I don't think Edward would've been a tyrant had he lived to adulthood. She goes into a lot of speculation here without considering the actual facts of how Edward reigned when he was alive. I have a theory that the reason so many historians, Tracy Borman is another one that comes to mind, insist Edward would've been a tyrant and than insist in the same breathe that Mary wasn't one is because of their gender differences. Mary's reputation has to be reconsidered because she was a woman but apparently slandering Edward's reputation is okay?
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jamesfrain · 3 months
I finally got my idea so The Tudors or The White Queen characters as chess pieces? Forgive me if it has been done.
Sorry it took so long!, been super busy at work.
Yaaay! That's a good Ideaaaaaaa! than you, sweetie. Love you!!! ₊˚⊹♡
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isabelleneville · 7 months
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Episode Two George and Isabelle own me.
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ladiesoftheages · 3 years
Amy Mason played Catherine Gordon in The White Princess (wife of Perkin Warbeck and cousin to James IV) below are some stills of her in the show which may give us a vibe of her as Anne.
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Ooh very nice! I never watched The White Princess but that’s awesome! I know she’s Scottish in real life.
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glorianas · 3 years
Your Tudor posts are 🔥🔥. Thank you for sharing them.
omggg thank u that’s so sweet
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kathrynhoward · 3 years
agreed your icon is gorg! one of the most fun Kathryn's!
i need to find the full movie still- someone uploaded her scenes to youtube and i love her sm, and would love to see them in context w the rest of the film!! 
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ofmodernmyths · 3 years
Loving see this blog active again x
Thanks! I make no promise as to how often/how regularly it will be active again, but I’ll post on it again! 
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aethelredism · 3 years
🔥 + The Spanish Princess
I don’t think we needed this series at all. Like, it doesn’t keep at all in line with the Cousins’ War theme, since The Constant Princess is not part of that series, and also it’s a complete departure from what the previous series set up. The White Princess was about The White Queen’s Daughter, so narratively speaking, the third series should have been about The White Princess’s Daughter...but instead it’s about Catherine. The Curse that is introduced in TWQ and so prevalent in TWP is given the BAREST mentions in TSP.
And if it had been a good series I could have forgiven that decision, but it’s not?? It was bad from start to finish. 
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fideidefenswhore · 2 months
Something I have been meaning to ask in hindsight who do you think Henry's "best friend" was? I know this is a fairly modern concept and King's would of thought he was only equal to other Kings. But, something about Brandon being given this honour when we also have Compton does not sit quite right.
Glenn Richardson had an interesting insight into this question (that I haven't seen replicated or cited much, really):
The letter’s many pointed references to Wolsey as the king’s friend were intended primarily to remind its recipient of his duty. Yet, although full of angry sarcasm in the moment, Henry deployed them sincerely, and the letter may plausibly be read as evidence that he really did genuinely think of Wolsey as his friend, as well as his servant, and in a way very different from almost anyone else. Diplomacy with Francis I aside, the only other person whom Henry is recorded as calling his friend, on paper at least, was Anne Boleyn.
But assuming you mean male friends, I would say different eras mark different men having the most confidence with Henry. Of friends that were his 'earliest' companions, and were covert or overt supporters of CoA and Princess Mary; there were few survivors (Edward Neville, Henry Courtenay, Henry Pole, etc); and some that survived but lost favour, whether temporarily or otherwise (William Fitzwilliam, Geoffrey Pole, etc). And of friends that were strong supporters of Anne Boleyn, either by kinship or friendship, there were also few survivors (George Boleyn, Henry Norris, and Francis Weston all seem to have enjoyed close friendships with Henry, the former two the strongest, arguably), and likewise (Cranmer, Richard Page, etc).
We can view Suffolk as having survived the political culls by expressing loyalty towards Henry above all others; Compton he was probably closer to as you said, and then Norris inherited that confidence. Heneage he doesn't seem to have been as affectionate towards.
Among friends/advisors, those that Henry seemed to have the most fervent concern for during their illnesses were Wolsey, Anne Boleyn, and Cromwell.
If we're including friends of spiritual authority, I would say Wolsey and Cranmer, if we're limiting to secular power, I would say Compton, Brandon, Norris, and Denny were his closest friends.
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earlgodwin · 6 days
Something to ponder .... Lucrezia/Cesare/Juan/Sancia quad. You're welcome.
I always viewed Sancia as central to The Borgias jealousies and it is one of the things I was guttered was not explored in season two :/. And I could see The Borgias Sancia may be a little too open to it.
you know…i feel like it would've been beneficial for viewers to comprehend cesare's mounting envy and jealousy towards juan if there was a depiction of cesare's discontent over juan's affair with sancia during the s2 time skip. it would've provided more depth especially since their rivalry appeared somewhat childish and innocent in s1?? it also could've sparked more drama and arguments between cesare and lucrezia, a dynamic that was somewhat lacking in the first 2 seasons, especially considering lucrezia's jealousy towards sancia and her beauty….given sancia's bold nature and love for adventure, marrying into the borgias would probably have given her more freedom to manipulate the two brothers and even intentionally make lucrezia envious by teasing her with cesare lol the entire narrative would've been flavorsome and could've been enriched with greater intrigue and intensity between the siblings....kinda sad that these potential affairs and internal conflicts involving sancia were not portrayed :/ because one can only imagine how engaging it would've been to watch emmanuelle chriqui, david oakes, holly grainger, and francois arnaud bring these conflicts and envy to life. rip </3
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sejanuspiinth · 3 years
UGH ... your new URL is goals. xx
i spent months dreading the change so im so glad you like it boo
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jezabelofthenorth · 4 years
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please do!
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isabelleneville · 1 year
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Day Three - Most Underrated Character >> Isabelle Neville, Duchess of Clarence
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