#sonic opm x reader
the-daiz · 21 days
Speed-o’-sound sonic, falling inlove?
Headcannon of how sonic would be if he fell inlove with you Speed-o’-sound sonic x reader genre: fluff, sfw A/N: THIS IS VERY LONG, I REPEAT, VERY LONG!!! Anyhow no joke I’ve obsessed with sonic for like 2 years now. Like non stop, its actually insane, I HATE THAT HE’S SO UNDERRATED MAN, i need more content of him 😞
There are only 2 possible answers: protective OR full blown unhealthy obsession (aka yandere)
me personally, I’m more leaning into the Protective maybe stalker-y instead of the obsessive sonic. Sonic in the show honestly navigates his emotions better than most of the people in my life so…
He’s hesitant at first, almost unsure of what the hell he’s feeling. That little flutter in his chest, that almost ghostly force that pulls his gaze towards you, that sharp yet gentle impale that strikes him in the chest whenever you catch him staring. It almost irritates him.
perhaps he was sick. Or maybe his subconscious was picking up on something dangerous emitting from you that he couldn’t sense…? Whatever it was, it kept pulling him back to you, whether it was to watch you walk through the streets as he hid in the shadows, (he convinced himself that you were up to something and planning for his downfall so he must keep an eye on you.) Or “bumping” into you while you’re grocery shopping. (He blushes when you wave at him) or even pass by your house and watch you as you sleep (wtf??? Well in his defense he only watches you for a minute or two then leaves haha)
When he picks up nothing weird about you, or nothing that would point to you being a threat to him, he starts becoming increasingly frustrated by these new set of emotions. He honestly takes a moment to himself to think, maybe while he’s training or taking a bath in a lake.
Sonic may have lived most of his life isolated in a ninja village, but it wasn’t like he never heard of romance (though he does detest it and deem it a waste of time, space, effort, strength, anything you could think of, really…) and he’s definitely seen it with how comfortable people are with PDA in the outside world.
but when he realizes… DENY AVOID DENY AVOUD, well, only for awhile, when he realizes that denying these feelings weren’t going to do anything but intensify them and even interfere with his day-to-day life. He decided he had to accept those feelings, and inturn, overcome them!
In order to overcome these feelings, he needed to understand why he had them to begin with. So he stalks you. Ten times more than he used to. Watching your every move, every decision, EVERY TURN. Picking up on every little quirk and action you did, the good ones, the bad ones, the embarrassing/awkward ones… and he found he was infatuated by all of them.
“why am I getting so much goosebumps these days… It’s like someones breathing against my ear.” -Y/N
Those minute-or-two stares at you while uou were sleeping, became longer as he memorized every smooth end, bump and feature on your enchanting face.
he tried to approach you after he realized his feelings, but oh, no, he did not expect his heart to be beating this fast, or his face to feel this hot, or his hands to feel this sweaty. When you spot him and give him a very normal greeting. He’s frozen in place and so incredibly hot. He dashes off with no further explanation, leaving you confused, but not questioning too much since he wasn’t the most normal individual from the start anyway.
Everytime he tries to say anything to you, he just stumbles and stutters, then quickly disappears in sheer humiliation.
He decides to just avoid you, but he can’t even do that with the way his mind keeps nagging at him about you. Constantly making everything he sees somehow trail right back to you. Oh do you see that? It’s a black bird! Y/N wore a black coat that one day. Is that a shoe? Mannn Y/N loves [shoe brand name]. *Sonic staring down at his hands* …Y/N has real nice hands- FUCK
One thing tho is that his interest in you doesn’t completely consume the rest of his life, he still can manage his life as normal as possible along with his training and rivalry with Saitama, it’s just a lot more of his time is spent thinking about/stalking you.
after lots and lots of trying , he found that he couldn’t get rid of the constricting feelings in his heart. And he didn’t even want to anymore, he almost adored how it made him feel. How you made him feel.
his love language is acts of service, he’s not good with physical touch or words of affirmation. So instead of trying to have a conversation with you, he starts doing more stuff for you. Watering your flowers when you forget (how does he know you forgot?? Creepy.) sweeping the dust away from your balcony with his speed. Or maybe help you with grocery shopping once he finally stops stumbling over his words as much.
How I’d imagine he’d confess, is if you confronted him first, considering his over all personality and lifestyle, the way he acts towards youis definitely not normal, its not hard to pick up on that. He denies it at first, just for a little while cause he is kind of embarrassed, but after realizing this might be the only way to successfully confront his feelings, he does confess to you, but isnt really romantic about it. More like “Yeah, I’m interested in you.” And just looks elsewhere with his brows arched downwards as usual, waiting for whatever your response might be.
If he stays stuck with his feelings for you to the point he can’t handle not really engaging with them (and I mean like holding hands or being close to you in general…) he’ll confess, again with the same blunt attitude but he’ll be more awkward about it like, I kinda wanna hold your hand sometimes, or stand next to you, or stare at your face, I think?
or he just kills you (and falls into a deep state of depression, Ill write about that scenario later, maybe)
ANYWAY, when his feelings are reciprocated, he’s just like “why??” not because he’s actually confused on why you like him, well, he is a little confused, as he is not the typical lover boy… but he mainly just wants his ego to be stroked by the person he’s been crazy over for the past few weeks.
again, his love language is acts of service, (and quality time now that he can be as close to you as he wants to be), so he’ll mostly do stuff for you, get your handmade gifts, and little stuff like that. He’ll always sneak into your house through your window, even if there was no problem with him coming thriugh the door. And he just stays there with you. Whatever you’re doing, he’ll just sit there and watch you do it, as you talk to him about your day. It makes him feel at ease, and the warmth he feels sprout in his chest when your voice reaches his ears, or when your bewitching eyes gaze lovingly into his, it makes him feel like he’s about to melt at the spot.
one thing you notice is that he often gets a bit sleepy or dozes off when he’s with you, even if its the middle of the day. It shows how at peace and how off-guard he is around you.
He’s not the romantic type so don’t expect him to give you nicknames, unless they’re insults.
as unexpected as it may seem, he rarely ever hurts your feelings. He’s very vigilant, and has stalked you long enough to know what upsets you and what doesn’t. So although he may be protective and slightly possessive over you, your relationship isn’t really “toxic” or even unhealthy.
if you’re a yapper, then you’re in luck, he LOVES listening to uou talk or gossip or info dump, and he actually listens very well. He doesn’t talk much on his own, you guys can have long conversations though, that’s no issue. But long, solemn silences aren’t a foreign thing in your relationship
but also, when he does talk its mostly about himself, his improvements, and stuff, he lovess when you acknowledge his achievements, especially if he didn’t point them out. I told you, he loves having his ego stroked, especially by you.
as for physical affection…no PDA, lets just get that out of the way, but away from prying eyes… He’s desperate, rough, aggressive and so so needyyyy. His kisses make you feel like he’s searching for something in there istg, you have to tap him aggressively a few times on the shoulder to get him to pull away before you suffocate to death. A lot of the time, your kisses don’t just end at short, simple, cute “kisses”, they lead to makeout sessions quite quickly.
He’s the cockiest, most narcissistic bastard alive btw, loves teasing you like crazy… but that’s all I’m gonna say.
anyway he love love loves you and would kill for you, very very literally.
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him from one of the latest chapters omg he’s so pretty im kicking my feet and twirling my HAIIRIIRIRIRID
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itsthatmff · 7 months
Hello everything is fine? If requests are still open, can I request opm Garou, Saitama and Sonic with a partner capable of healing any serious injury and renewing their vital energy?
So interesting. It was my first time writing for sonic so don’t go too harsh on me 😞. And yes everything is fine! Just school stressing me out lmao. But I hope you enjoy!
Having an S/O who can heal wounds
Included: Garou, Saitama, Sonic
Requests are open !!
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It was in that shack where you and your friends often came to hang out because it was an unused and empty place in the middle of the forest that you found that white haired man resting after a long and tough fight.
It couldn’t even be considered resting the way he looked. Blood dripping down his body like water. Of course you immediately tended to him without thinking twice.
You were a B-class hero. Downplayed to the support role, a mere healer. People - especially the association did not see the potential in you. It always bothered you but in this situation you were lucky. God knows what Garou would have done if he had seen your name in the Heroes lexicon instead of just skipping the Pages with the B-class ranked heroes.
One instance lead to the other and it became the norm healing him up whenever he got injured. You developed a weak spot for him. The way he sat on the dust filled couch with his legs spread and his head leaned back. Always making snarky remarks. And always being shirtless.
“It’s great I have ya. Got my own private hopsital.”
“You good? Stop starin at my abs and heal them damnit..”
And of course he has a soft spot for you. May not show it but he cares for you in his own way.
It was when he began coming over for the most useless reasons that you realized he had a crush on you.
Like for instance before or in the middle of fights he’d come looking for you asking you to renew his energy. But after a while he came over every second day with the excuse that “What if I get into a fight?? I need all my power ya know.”
Once you start dating he eventually finds out about you being a hero. Doesn’t really care about it. He is just as upset with you that no one acknowledges your true powers and asks you if you want to join him on his hero hunting but you refuse.
That does not affect your relationship though.
Will lay on you as he lets you heal him. Is real snuggly. Will also groan extra loud to get you all flustered though.
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(Does this guy even get inured???)
After some research I’ve come to the conclusion that this guy has never gotten severely injured. He does feel pain but it barely hurts.
He does get some tiny scratches from time to time though.
Those if course you heal as his partner. He insists that he doesn’t need it but secretly loves the care you provide him.
When out on Monster battles you two are the best duo to see. While he takes care of the Monsters you take care of any citizens in the area.
He admires you so much and thinks you’re like the backbone of the heroes association because in the end you’re the one who contributes to the citizens and the heroes health.
If anyone dares to say otherwise they’ll have a problem with him.
Let’s you play support in video games because you’re “made for it”
What he does love getting from you are massages though. Your massages are magical because due to your healing and energy renewing powers they make one feel refreshed.
He’ll ask for one whenever he gets the chance.
“A massage’s always good. I can seriously start to feel the back and shoulder pain at my mid-20’s.”
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At first he’s very reluctant over getting treated by you.
The chairman he works for offered him a personal assistant/nurse. Which was you of course.
This guy knows no shame. Literally strips himself naked in front of you so you could inspect “all his wounds clearly.” It takes you some bickering around for him to put his clothes back on.
Also this guy CANNOT SIT STILL FOR A SINGLE MINUTE. always has to hop on from one place to another with his super speed. It’s just more ‘comfortable’. You literally have to cuff him down sometimes for him to sit still.
And will not stop talking during the treatments. Talking about being the fastest, avenging saitama and whatsoever.
It’s like a therapy and treatment session all at once.
Once you both start dating he gets so comfortable. Will enter the room and lay on you without saying a word expecting you to treat him.
Will justify the injuries he’s gotten like it’s his job.
“Ah that one..you see there was this frick of a cyborg who did not know when to quit. He chopped my hair off too..can you believe it?!”
“See but i’m still stronger than him though. Next time I’ll bring you his head as a souvenir.”
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suprababka · 7 months
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Texting them "I love you"
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• Saitama • Genos • Speed-o'-Sound Sonic • Garou • Metal Bat • Amai Mask • Flashy Flash • Zombieman • King
A/N: decided to at least try to do a bunch of posts with messaging opm boys as boyfriends <3
Thanks for all the likes, comments, reblogs and following me! I really appreciate your feedback and support, guys!🥰🫶
You can check my masterlist too see more of my other works.
Prepare for possible OOC!
(Sorry if there are any mistakes!)
And, most importantly, enjoy!!!
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Saitama & Genos & Speed-o'-Sound Sonic
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Garou & Metal Bat & Amai Mask
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Flashy Flash & Zombieman & King
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ior1me · 1 year
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flashy flash is too pretty
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0lshadyl0 · 1 month
Hello!! Idk if you still making one punch man headcanons,but could you do speed-o sound sonic headcanons? 🙏🙏
Of course I still write for the OPM fandom, if it's on my masterlist it's because I write about it, honey, don't worry about that.
speed-o sound sonic Yandere Headcanons
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This guy, like Flashy Flash (let's assume that he is a ninja crush thing, due to all the training put in since early childhood) has a taste for only strong women, so no civilian darlings for him either
But unlike his ninja partner who is a hero, his standards are even more ridiculous thanks to Saitama, since according to Sonic's logic, strength = beauty
So he doesn't really care how you look or what race you are (you can be a monster or an alien) he only cares that you are ridiculously strong… and have a high sense of fashion (he can't date someone who dresses badly, he has an image to maintain)
Also, the only way to get his attention (and arouse his obsession, mind you this is canon) is to simply kick his ass, that's it, that's all
After that event you will never be alone again because day and night, behind a tree, in the corners, hidden in your shadow or on the other side of the street, he will always be there, watching, stalking you without any shame (he is one of the most stalkers in OPM)
The type of yandere that he is is obsessive, possessive and sadistic (this can be interpreted from the side where he likes to scare you or see you cry to the other sexual side… where he also likes to see you cry)
He's also aware of how he feels about you, it's an obsession with the power you possess, his need to possess you, (and that he finds you hot, after all) but honestly he doesn't care, not out of selfishness (like Flashy Flash), but because he literally has no idea what a healthy relationship is and he doesn't care to find out
Honestly, his s/o is going to think that Sonic hates her or simply wants to be her rival, since the first few meetings (and a few months of the same routine) he'll look for a way to attack you to show how strong he's become (and he'll fail stupidly in the process)
Once he's better at interpreting his own emotions and feels more prepared to deepen the relationship to make it official, whether you want it or not (whether you're even aware of it or not), Sonic will change his dynamic from attacking you to kidnapping you (again failing epically in each attempt)
Sonic will invite you to train with him from time to time, for him they are dates and yes, it is your duty to go to each and every one of them
He spies on you when you shower and likes to put his special manly seed in your shampoo (he is marking you as his)
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btnclmrttn · 2 years
Hey!! How are you doing? 🥰 It's me again.
Came to request some opm four horseman hugging HC if it's fine with you! (Like how they cuddle n stuff)
Thanks u!
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thanks for asking! I've been wanting to do one of these for a minute! Threw in PDA hcs too
Hugs and Cuddles HCS
Dudes awkward at first. Hasn't done this before but gets the hang of it in his own weird way. When it comes to hugs and cuddles, he is the same energy to you as Genos is to him.
Hugs are snug, to say the least. He can get a little carried away, of course entirely unintentional. So usually can end up being bear hugs
If you're shorter or tall he picks you up in hugs, he don't care. He's showing off.
PDA is a bit new to him. He worries he's going to get looks for being with you as it is (you're effortlessly good looking, and he's just bald. my boy insecure). He'll play along if you initiate but it might take a while for him to be comfortable doing the same
He can't go to bed without cuddles. If you're busy late in the night he'll sit in the futon pouting more and more until you come with him.
He wants to be squished. You get trapped in an embrace on top of him usually. He'll roll over on top of you if you try to escape and smush his face in your chest. And he likes being a little spoon sometimes!
He is just clingier than he will admit. Very precious baby
Cuddle monster fr he cannot get enough of you. Has zero problems with initiating physical contact in any way
Super careful considering how he's just solid metals and you're a tender, squishy baby. When it's safe he likes to lay more on you and have you play with his hair
And he's always hugging you. Clingy little mf. You get trapped with affection often. Can get smothering sometimes! He just needs your attention is all
He picks you up a little if you're shorter in a hug. If you're taller he wants to be picked up. He won't tell you that just do it
PDA is without a question. He doesn't see why it should be its own term. Is lost if he's not holding your hand. He doesn't want any surprise attacks to separate you two so it's mostly a paranoia thing
Like Saitama, he silently refuses to go to bed without cuddles. He will make the futon and sit in it, then stare. He will stare at you, eventually if you're taking a while he will start getting closer. You haven't learned what happens if he gets too close yet.
Best personal heater. Loves spooning you closely, or holding you to his chest. Nothing less than qualified Cuddles, pillows and blankets for you, babe
If you can dig having a second shadow, this the boy for you. Once he starts, he can't stop.
The most baby of them all. Always all up on you, talking. Like he can't hold a single conversation without touching you
He likes putting his hands on your waist/tummy, so his hugs usually are with holding you there. Very gentle, unless he's messing around. He'll squeeze you tighter and tighter until you say stop
Your height makes a difference in how he hugs. He's more gentle if you're shorter and more playful if you're taller. Asserting dominance you could say
PDA can be weird for him. Light PDA. He doesn't like those couples in public that are overly on top of each other. That's a private sort of affection to him. He stares judgementally
Dudes a little spoon, no question about it. He likes you under an arm like a half hug. At times he has fallen asleep completely crooked with him laying his head on your stomach and holding one of your legs
He can and will go to bed without you just take your time. He fucking tired
Biggest hugger, loves the tummy
Has a hard time initiating any form of physical affection fr but he'll cave if he's needy. It's the asking part. He just sort of pushes himself into it and waits to see if you're not in the mood or reject it
Typically they're gentle and sweet unless he's fooling around, then he's bear hugging the life out of you
Assuming you're shorter he usually hunches into his hugs, like making a shield around you so no one else takes you away. If you're taller he likes hiding his face in you when hugging, and holds you tightly.
Actually doesn't mind PDA. People can mind their fucking business. You're his. So what? Cling to him he don't give a shit
He lays on top of you usually when you both aren't doing anything or going to bed. Sometimes you end up rolling around and changing positions but it's not uncommon he stays on top of you like that all night. Either he's on top or you are
You can't ever get out of cuddles. No way. Even if you're mad, or upset, eventually you're getting pulled to his chest and held like it's the last he ever will.
Your touch is his self medication for any inconvenience big or small
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thedoctorswholigan · 5 months
Texting with the gents of One Punch Man!
“She’s busy rn” text prank Part 2
Find Part 1 here: Pt. 1
incl: Metal Bat, King and Speed O Sound Sonic
warnings: Slightly suggestive themes but nothing explicitly nsfw, reader is female, cursing, mostly fluff!
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h3yo4its4toxin3 · 1 year
Speed-o-sound-sonic is so fucking hot....i just know he's a mean dom too...😍😍
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aces-sweetheart · 2 years
HI can you do Stinger, Lightning Max, and Lightning Genji with an S/O who has a bunch’s scars, and hella tough? (Gender neutral :D)
If you don’t do these guys then uhhhh any other character you want :’)
hello! unfortunately i don’t write for those characters so i chose my own (i hope they’re alright!)
cw: sfw, gn!reader (no pronouns)
he'd be impressed by your scars and toughness
he would probably ask to fight you tbh
((for training not to kill you obviously lmfao))
would loveeeee watching you fight someone
these features would earn his respect
he'd also respect you for them
would probably make a somewhat rude comment about your scars
but he doesn't mean it in a mean way, it's just his personality
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the-daiz · 7 days
Witness me whole | Speed-o’-sound Sonic
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Genre; fluff
Pairing: Speed-o'-sound sonic x reader
Synopsis; Sonic letting his guard down around you.
Side note: I wrote some hcs abt sonic and one of them was that he gets sleepy or drowsy whenever he's around his partner, yeah this is kind of an expansion on that hc. Also fuck me I wasted a lot of time writing/thinking about this fic and didn't finish studying and now its 1 am
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Alert. Speed-of-sound Sonic had always been alert. Nothing slid past his watchful gaze. He was raised to never let his guard down, or it would cost him greatly. His senses were always on high vigilance, it didn't matter where he was or what he was doing. Even in his slumber, his ears were always sharp, picking up on any slight shift or tatter. Like a camouflaged cat, his eyes would be blown wide even if a mere leaf swayed and fell beside him, jolting him awake.
Allowing himself to rest would be a mark of disgrace to his dignity. He was a ninja like no other, tiredness never even dared to gawn on him.
Yet as he stepped off the window frame, his feet making soundless contact with the cool floor, he was engrossed by a beguiling aroma, enveloping his lean frame with tender endearment. It tugged at his soul, ushering him, and all of him, into the warmth of the silent abode. Like a scheming siren, lulling its victim into its unrelenting fangs.
The atmosphere slipped into his muscles, incasing around them, causing his figure to promptly tense at the burdening constriction, however, as soon as he expelled a hurried breath through his lips, the sensation suffocating his being eased, and a newfound sense of soothing tranquility settled upon its departure. 
He could hear the soft hum of his inhales against the midnight silence. 
As he guided himself further into the apartment, already familiar with its parameters, the sounds of shuffling and clinking of trinkets escorted him in the direction of the bathroom. 
The door was open, light illuminating from the bathroom and into the dimly lit room. He stepped closer, his movement weary, slow, and deliberate, with the intention of not startling you.
"(Y/n)." He spoke, assiduously eyeing your back. You stood before the sink as you gazed at yourself through the mirror, lined with a thin layer of fog, whilst you patted your damp hair with a warm towel. Your skin was moist with the reminisce of your shower. Sonic's eyes scanned your outfit, a casual shirt paired with sweatpants. His gaze lingered as disappointment instilled in him. 
It would've been nicer if you were just in a towel...
An alert hum vibrated in your chest, your brows perking up as you blinked in the mirror, staring at the blurred reflection of your lover. For a few moments, you blinked at the unmoving, black blotch on your mirror, then your hand hauled up to wipe the mist off his reflection, your lips morphing into a grin as his form cleared.
"Breaking in, again?" Your smile turned smug as you glanced back at your reflection. 
Something akin to gravity pulled at him as your voice hung in the air, a heavy weight suddenly materializing in his core. His body moved to lean on the doorframe, using it as a means to support himself. He shrugged, a ghost of a smirk playing at his lips "You should really lock those windows."
"I'd get an alarm system if I thought they'd actually keep you out." You tossed the towel into a wooden basket beside the counter as you turned to face him.
As soon as your gazes locked, Sonic's eyelids felt like they were being pulled at by an unrelenting force. He pushed himself off the frame, pushing his hands into his pockets as he stepped inside, his eyes scanning the room briefly for no apparent reason
"You're quiet tonight," You stated with a raised eyebrow. He shrugged again, avoiding your gaze. You bit the inside of your cheek, inspecting his form curiously. You didn't push for answers and simply turned back to the mirror, combing your fingers through your now-dry hair. "What? You're not gonna say anything?" He rolled his eyes and gave a half-hearted scoff at the snarkiness in your tone. 
"Not much to say."
"That's new."
You observed him through the mirror, his heavy gaze fixated on your feet. His posture was laced with unfamiliar tension, but you knew better than to pry. Still, a small frown settled on your face. You didn't like knowing there might be something weighing on him whilst being unable to somehow lend him any sort of reassurance. You inhaled sharply and eased away the wrinkles on your face.
"Well, you could at least make yourself useful if you're not gonna entertain me." You grinned. then grabbed a strand of your hair. "grab me a comb or something, my hair's a mess..."
Sonic didn't respond to your quip, but instead stepped forward and closer to you, his limbs growing heavy. You caught the small action through the mirror. A faint frown crossed your features, but you continued to hold your smile.
"You wouldn't mind brushing my hair like last time, no? I'm kinda tired from..." The tilt in your lips slowly wilted as you continued to peer over at Sonic, watching him step even closer. His dull, downcast eyes indicate that your words went unheard, you could hardly make out his grey hues through his bangs. 
His presence was unmistakable as he stood tall behind you, your posture straightening slightly in response. The hair on your nape pricked up as you felt a chill of tension course through you. Your brows furrowed further the longer your eyes lingered on him.
"Hey,-" Your sentence was cut short when his arms slowly enclosed around your waist, his chest leaning into your back. You slightly tensed and pressed your lips to form a thin line.
His head fell against your shoulder. You could feel his hot breath scatter on your bare skin, causing a slight shiver to run down your spine. You glanced to the side to stare at his head, your expression softening as he shifted and nuzzled his nose further into the crook of your neck.
The silence was peaceful around you, allowing you to savor this ephemeral moment. The air was embued with an undeniable sense of tenderness as you carefully listened to Sonic's soft, yet deep breaths. You noticed how his inhales grew slower. Steadier.
His arms loosened and then wrapped tighter around you, his body leaning further into your radiant warmth. You felt a smile stretch across your face, hands lightly resting on his arms.
"Now this is new." You teased with a cheeky grin. Sonic let out a soft groan.
"Just shut up..." His voice was low as he spoke, as if he had no energy left in him to bite back like he usually did. You let out a soft exhale through your nose and eased into his embrace.
He could feel the tides of drowsiness wash over him as he held you, his limbs growing more leaden with every passing second. The feeling wasn't completely new to him. Whenever he was in your presence, tiredness always found a way to creep into his consciousness, something he thought he was utterly immune to. He would fight the feeling every time, refusing to go completely vulnerable, even if you were the only one who would witness it. 
For whatever odd reason, however, he had no desire to battle the bothersome sensation this fateful night, letting it consume him. His guard down, and his eyes weighed down by the adoration you encased to him. And only him.
You held onto the sink and readjusted your stance when Sonic's weight abruptly slumped onto you. You blinked. You still felt his arms slightly grasp you.
Your hand trailed up to gently caress his silky locks. At the contact, his head jerked slightly as his eyes fluttered open, pulling him out of his momentary stupor before his mind dove into a deep sleep.
"Come on," You murmured, gently tugging his arms to unwrap from around you. "Let's go to bed."
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itsthatmff · 2 months
helllooo, can you write boyfriends headcanons with other men like flashy flash and amai mask please? ~
IM FINALLY BACK WITH MORE HEADCANONS! writing for these was so hard- it was my first time doing amai mask too- I hope they turned out well 😩
Please keep the requests incoming I’ll try to work through them! I’m sorry for taking so long and Thank you so much for the patience.
Boyfriend Headcanons on OPM men Pt. 2
Included: Flashy flash, Amai mask, Saitama, Zombie man
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Flashy Flash
Having him as a boyfriend sure isn’t for the weak
He’s definetly the leader of the sassy man apocalypse
He takes his night routine SERIOUSLY like you will have a 20 step hair routine and a spa session
He gives great hair care tips though
Lets you braid his hair when you’re bored or does your hair when you’re tired
Gossiping with him is super fun
When he’s annoyed or jealous he scoffs a lot
Tiny bit reluctant over physical affection but his hugs and kisses feel so gentle, you could melt into them.
He goes all out when you’re on your period, like he knows exactly what you need and what to do.
Gifts you hairclips on random occasions !
Doesn’t like you touching his katana cuz he’s worried you’ll hurt yourself.
You get the best dates with him because he knows the best spots, prefers staying at home with you though in case one of his opps are after him.
He does bicker with you from time to time because he knows you too well and can’t be bothered to deal with your overdramatic ass
"Yeah fine we get it you’re just angry because you’re craving some desserts. Stop whining and lets go get it.“
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Amai Mask
Might seem like a narcissistic and selfish bastard at first but he really just has issues
As a boyfriend he might not be able to spend much time with you since he is a hero AND a celebrity with a filled schedule
Makes sure to spoil you rotten tho
You get expensive gifts from him on a weekly basis and he takes you out to the best restaurants
He has to be very discreet with your relationship since it could cause him a bad reputation and backlash from the media
Whenever he’s overwhelmed or had a bad day he seeks comfort in your embraces
Feels like you’re the only one who understands him
Genuinely opens up to you and shows you his vulnerable side from time to time
He gets VERY jealous like he better not catch you admiring some other hero
At first he’d laugh it off not wanting to believe such a thing but slowly the jealousy would start creeping up
“You’re mine understood?”
Is just scared of u leaving him
He calls to tell you there’s a new magazine out that features him and wants you to buy it.
Thinks you’re his biggest supporter and likes to brag about you.
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Dates consist of gaming or getting deals at different supermarkets
I can totally imagine that he’s willing to try some new things at the convenience store with you and do taste tests.
Never rates the food a 10/10 cuz he thinks Genos could do it better.
YES sometimes Genos DOES make dinner dates for you two, he goes all out making a 5 star dinner for his sensei and his girlfriend.
Saitama secretly loves it when you come and sit on his lap as he watches tv.
He may not look like it but he really notices the small details, like he’ll ask if you put on different perfume or shampoo. Does it so sleek too.
He’d lean in to your neck and WHISPER INTO YOUR EAR
"Hm..you smell so good, got a new perfume?“
This guy just knows how to get you flustered
Is very nonchalant about most things, doesn’t really get jealous. (Unless you’re being overly nice to someone that has like really good hair)
“Yo genos. How much do you think a hair transplant costs?”
“Why are you asking sensei?”
“No reason really..” as he GLARES at the guy you’re talking to.
Doesn’t call you often, more like he randomly texts you what he’s doing and if your schedule matches his you both hangout.
Wants to climb up the ranks in order to impress you and loves to tell you about his day when he gets home.
Gets the most expressive around you.
He kicks out Genos when you two need your private time.
Gives the best piggy back rides.
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Hands down the best boyfriend out there
He’s so chill about everything
Likes to take you everywhere with him, especially on shooting ranges, coffee shops or jazz bars
Respects your boundaries a lot, if you don’t like the smoke from his cigarettes he’ll try not to smoke around you, if you’re a smoker yourself he always looks forward to smoke some with you.
You both have a very casual relationship, there’s no awkwardness at all nor the cheesiness and pampering
That also includes physical affection. Cuddling on the couch or holding hands seems natural to you.
As nihilistic as he is, he can’t hide whenever he’s jealous.
“Was it fun chatting to that human?” He’d ask whilst pressing down the last remaining of his cigarette onto the whiskey glass. He wasn’t upset, more like curious of what you saw in another man.
Only calls you in the evenings after he walks you home. Likes to hear your voice before he goes to sleep.
He loves to get you roses
Asks childish emperor for advice on what to get you. Doesn’t even realise himself that he slips in your name in every conversation.
Is the kind of boyfriend that is happy enough to just watch you from afar.
Never ever gets aggressive with you. In fact you’ve never seen him angry.
Likes to polish his guns while you sit on his lap.
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suprababka · 2 months
You telling OPM men you can’t walk because of the night before? If yk yk🫣🫣🫣
Hellooo!👋 Thank you for the request, and, yes, of course I'm doing this!🔥 I hope I properly made this prompt. If something is not right, please let me know, and I'll fix it. Have fun!💕
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Telling them you can't walk because of the night before
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A/N: dang, I don't know what to say here🤷‍♀️
Thanks for all the likes, comments, reblogs and following me! I really appreciate your feedback and support, guys!🥰🫶
You can check my masterlist too see more of my other works.
Prepare for possible OOC!
(Sorry if there are any mistakes!)
And, most importantly, enjoy!!!
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Saitama & Genos & Speed-o'-Sound Sonic
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Garou & Metal Bat & Amai Mask
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Flashy Flash & Zombieman & King
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yoshu-yoshu · 1 year
I'm a noob at writing so I want requests. I need to get better at writing and at going off prompt.
!!Things I will write!!
- Fluff (☁️)
- Lemon (🍋)
- Against (🚫)
- Platonic (🌸)
Thank you<3
Fruits basket
- Akito
- Kyo
- Shigure
- Ritsu
- Yuki
- Tohru
One punch man
- Saitama
- Genos
- Speed-o-sound-sonic(Yûki)
Spy x Family
- Yor
- Loid
- Frankie
- any of the children platonically
- Yuri
- Miku
- Len
You may request any one thats not from this list and I will read about them to try and capture their personality the best I can. I have more but the tags wouldn't fit and its already 2am. Imma gts then make another one tomorrow(or- when I wake up)!<3
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`𝘢𝘨𝘨𝘩𝘩 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯 𝘣𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘴’
♧↝𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗎𝗋𝖾 ♤↝𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍 ♡↝𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿 ♢↝𝖽𝖺𝗋𝗄
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…𝗉𝖺𝗍𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝗂𝗌 𝖺 𝗏𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗎𝖾 𝗅𝗎𝗏💙
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ffsg0jo · 2 years
- s h o e s o p m c h a r a c t e r s w e a r -
not an x reader
WARNINGS: shoes,, toes -- masterlist
a/n: this is a shit post, im so sorry. i saw those shoes with fingers on them and it reminded me of sonic and then this abomination happened :|
also i apologise for the horrible colour matching, i tried to match the colours but it weren't working 😭😭
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© ffsg0jo 2022 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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the-daiz · 6 days
Whispers of the undying phantom | Speed-o'-sound sonic
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Genre; angst
pairing; Speed-o'-sound sonic x reader
Warning(s); dead reader haha
synopsis; "You left the lights on in your room, I turned them off for you."
Side note; 'so daisy, when are you going to stop getting distracted from your studies to write fics of him?' 'no'. I'm on my writing high I NEED HELLPPPP SOMEONE SAVE MEE
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The stars shimmered dimly against the ink-black veil accompanying the night sky. It was that unfit time of day again when Sonic's legs and swiftness would drag him to that same, lone apartment in the overly urbanized city.
Not an ounce of joy ever seized him whenever he had to visit the rowdy city. The displeasure that settled in his gut whenever he stood in its revolting glory was unignorable. He hated how loud it was all the time. There was always something making some kind of ruckus. It was disorienting. Everything was too bright and so uncomfortably close. He enjoyed the silent company of the forest much better, or even a ghostly area like city Z.
Despite that, the inwardly quiet he felt when making his way to your home felt almost better than the solemn silence of the woods. 
And when he was finally in your presence, it was the only time where he experienced any sense of glee, even as he was ensnared in the wen.
But today was different. 
His body shuddered as the cool air hit his frame, standing stiffly on the roof of a tall building, just beside yours. 
His eyes were gaunt whilst they leered down at that familiar window, his face etched with a resigned expression. Disillusion brewed in his chest, his jaw tightening as he stared at the light pouring out of the glass, illuminating the room within.
He blinked slowly, and then with one quick movement, he was already perched before the window, pushing it open. He sucked in a sharp breath, dismay now spoiling his lungs.
He used his flexibility to slip past the railing, his steps deliberate as he stood in the middle of your room.
His eyes grazed over the untouched place, his hands balling into fists at his sides. 
All noise drowned out as his thoughts consumed him.
Again, you had forgotten to turn off your lights.
He despised everything. He despised the utter emptiness he felt. The bitter taste of disgust itched at the back of his throat the longer he stood in the room. The room that once grounded him to reality. The walls that witnessed all his unspoken vulnerabilities and watched the softness that he never knew he harbored slip. The floor that he for once, slowed down as he strode over it. 
But what was this loathful room without you in it?
He refused to let his eyes linger on anything for too long, fearing it may intensify the dread coiling within him. 
There was now a cold, hollow ache in his chest that he couldn't satisfy, as it only yearned for one thing. One thing that no longer existed in the realm he roamed.
His gaze landed on the light switch as his nose scrunched.
He kept denying that he was distracted. He tried so hard to focus on anything else. Everything else he put his effort and strength solely into before you had stormed into his life like a raging storm and interrupted his grim routine. 
He hated this. He hated his species. He hated you. If he had never met you, he wouldn't be feeling so unbearably vacant all the time. He regretted everything. He regretted you. He regretted ever stepping into this house. He regretted letting you in. He regretted letting himself be.
But, oh, how he missed you.
He stood before the light switch, his hand hovering over it for a brief moment, before softly pressing down, the lights in the room flickering off.
Now they could rest with you.
And he could go back to attempting to bury the memory of you away, as he snarled at every semblance of joy he passed.
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I just have to add a pic of him after every fic shusudbd
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