#loup garou
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helenmask · 1 month ago
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I wanted to make a werewolf piece
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archivist-crow · 1 month ago
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Gilles Garnier (1873) - French werewolf
Gilles Garnier, also known as "the hermit of St. Bonnot," was an ugly recluse shunned by others. He lived with his wife, Apolline, in an inaccessible, turf-roofed, and rudely constructed hovel near Amanges, France.
In autumn 1873 a werewolf was said to have carried off several small children in the area of Dole. The court parliament at Dole issued a proclamation authorizing the peasants to hunt the creature down.
Initially, Garnier was not a suspect, despite his odd appearance and manner. He had bushy eyebrows that met, a pale face with livid complexion, a long gray beard, and a stooping walk. He seldom spoke to others.
On November 8, 1873, a girl was attacked by a wolf. Her screams attracted some of the peasants. When they reached her, they saw a ferocious wolf and the wounded girl trying to defend herself. The appearance of the peasants frightened off the wolf, who ran into the forest. Several peasants said they thought they had recognized the features of the hermit in the creature.
A few days later, on November 14, a 10-year-old boy went missing. Garnier was arrested and put on trial. Both he and his wife confessed to his being a werewolf, and their testimony was corroborated by witnesses.
Garnier confessed to taking the form of a wolf and attacking and slaying a number of children. On the last day of Michelmas, he attacked and killed a 12-year-old girl. He carted her body into the woods, stripped off her clothing, and gnawed her arms and legs. He thought the flesh so tasty that he took some of it home to his wife for her enjoyment.
Eight days later, he seized another girl but did not kill her, for he was surprised by three persons, and he fled. But soon he attacked a 10-year-old boy and strangled him to death. He ate the arms and legs, tearing one leg completely off with his fangs, and also ate most of the boy's belly.
Garnier's next victim was a boy of 12 or 13, whom he seized and killed. He intended to take the body into the woods to eat, but once again the appearance of peasants frightened him off. Those men testified at Garnier's trial that they had seen him in human form and not a wolf form.
Garnier was convicted and sentenced to be dragged to the place of public execution, where he was burned alive.
Text from The Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves, and Other Monsters (Checkmark Books, 2005) by Rosemary Guiley
[NOTE: it has come to my attention that Garnier lived 300 years earlier and died in 1574, not 1874. Unfortunately, the book from which I cribbed the text (above) made the same mistake several times.]
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solarainy · 3 months ago
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Les Chasseurs Frogchester.
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wingbuffet · 2 years ago
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Ariadne, Cursed Bladesinger
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ducotte-real · 7 months ago
YOU KNOW WHAT??? Laios’ monstersona was a chimera bc it drew from his fascination with monsters. If his values were more about his hunger than his admiration for life and biology he woulda been a Rougarou. That’s ALL I’m saying. This guy is hungry yeah but he eats to overcome, his eating has purpose. Food is strength and life in the dungeon. He admires what that food means for the ecosystem as much as he wants to participate
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disegnidipizzo · 5 months ago
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All my prints!
Ink on toned paper (with hand extractef vegetable pigments from stuff i picked up in the countryside).
Most of these I've been selling at events, I will update my k0f1 shortly with them, if anyone's interested!
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gouachevalier · 2 years ago
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rougeoiement-loupvoiement · 5 months ago
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shadowcecil · 3 months ago
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Made art of Loup Garou, I wanted a specific pose of him taking his jacket off.
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archivist-crow · 2 months ago
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Auvergne Werewolf (1558)
Woman executed for being a werewolf. The case of the Auvergne Werewolf took place in 1558 and was reported by the demonologist Henri Boguet in his book Discours des Sorciers (1602).
According to an account related to Boguet by a "reliable source," the events in the case unfolded in the following manner:
A gentleman asked a passing hunter to bring him some of his kill. The hunter was attacked in the woods by an enormous wolf. He tried to shoot it but could not wound it, and was forced to fight it with his hands. He was able to cut off one of its paws with his hunting knife. Howling, the wolf fled. The hunter took the paw to show to the gentleman, who lived near the place where the attack had occurred. When the hunter took it from his pocket, he was astonished to see that it had changed into a woman's hand with a ring on one finger. The gentleman recognized the ring as belonging to his wife. He went immediately into the kitchen, where he found his wife hiding her arm in her apron. He seized it and saw that she was missing one hand.
The wife confessed to transforming herself into a wolf in order to attend a Sabbat. She was burned alive at the stake in Ryon.
Text from The Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves, and Other Monsters (Checkmark Books, 2005) by Rosemary Guiley
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wuika · 1 year ago
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Arthur - They think that we’ll just sit there and take it like good little boys. That we won’t werewolf and go wild!
I hope you had a good Halloween. ^^
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wodeworm · 8 months ago
Loup garou vol 1 Libre Transformica manuscript
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valhallaimcomin · 4 months ago
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@aneurinallday tamed, well behaved ✨️ Loup-garou ✨️
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ducotte-real · 7 months ago
We as a society should talk more about the rougarou. Catholic guilt werewolves.... you feast instead of fast and thus your hunger becomes your fault. *You’ve* done this to your appetite, let it bloat with unclean food, let your eucharistic go from the Son’s body and blood to your brother’s. Your stomach is full but you’ll never be fulfilled again.
There is no word for ‘man’ in rougarou— not like in werewolf. The latter implies that its a transformation into a beast. The former says that you’ve been a dog from the start. Inner skin becoming outer skin. I think I’m dehydrated
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shinysparklesapphires · 1 year ago
decided to redraw one of my first attempts at digital painting! (rbs >>> likes!)
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og utc!
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side by side!
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and here's the og screenshot!
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papillondusublime · 4 months ago
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Halloween: la fête où l'on se déguise pour montrer qui on est derrière les masques sociaux. Enfin, nous mettons en lumière les monstres que nous sommes sous notre costume d'humain, et les sorcières sont en feu sans être mises sur le bûcher. "Des bonbons ou un sort!" s'écrient les enfants. Mais le choix n'est qu'une illusion: le sort de l'Humanité n'a jamais été bon. Bon, nul n'en sort avant d'avoir utilisé tous ses bons d'achat. Alors célébrons la Toussaint des damnés, où tous les saints sont allés au paradis pour laisser leur place aux loups-garous, aux zombies, aux fantômes tourmentés... Les films d'horreur ont beau nous faire hurler, n'oublions pas que nous crions aussi de joie, à la naissance et à l'intérieur des manèges.🧡
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