#wolf witch
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blackwolftinynightdancer · 1 month ago
Work in progress 🐺🪽🐍🔥
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nikki-on-edge · 7 months ago
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"An attempt~" | | | Stay tuned for the second part! >:3 Digital edit: MediBangPaint. Click on the pictures to see better quality! | Sukuna Ryoumen is from Jujutsu Kaisen. Don’t use/repost my work without my permission! Likes and reblogs are really appreciated! Enjoy and stay safe! ♥️
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theyareweird · 8 days ago
Creature Magic: Wolf —Aesthetic
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Animal Magic: Wolf
Creature Magic is a broad category of magical practice. Animal Magic is a sub-category of this. A person who practices the wolf subject can summon, control, bond and talk to the chosen animal. A person who uses their abilities for good, are known as a Wizard (male), a Wizardess (female), or a Mage (other). A Sorcerer, Sorceress, or Practitioner use their skills neutrally. Meanwhile, those who use their powers for bad or evil purposes are Warlocks, Witches, or Casters. The most powerful users can borrow their physical abilities and use their attributes to the point of being able to completely turn into a wolf themselves. Users who specialize in wolves are quite bonded to the creatures. They live in close proximity to the animal or directly in the environments with the wolves to protect them and strengthen their powers.
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vidreview · 6 months ago
[originally posted november 14 2023. NOTE: while migrating the archive from cohost i've discovered that tumblr has a 10 link-block limit, which means i have to split some of these roundups up in order to maintain the embeds. we love websites don't we folks]
hello from the pits of november! between random youtube recommendations and time spent trawling through cohost's video essay tag, i've discovered a lot of bangers this month. so let's just jump in!
"Why Does Attack of the Clones Look Like a Video Game?" by Empire Wreckers.
this is a fresh take on one of the internet's oldest, most time-honored traditions: complaining about the stars wars prequels. fresh in the sense that creator Edan has worked in hollywood VFX, and so brings an eye for hyper-specific details that you'll be amazed you never noticed before. clean, no-nonsense presentation full of surprising insights. immediately after finishing this video i then watched "How Bad Movies Are Made feat. The Rise of Skywalker" whose thesis that "bad movies aren't made on purpose" yields to a refreshingly nuanced perspective on exactly why the third star wars sequel was such a mess without resorting to droll hyperbole about JJ Abrams being a hack or whatever. these are great examples of materialist media criticism, in that they are as much a criticism of the production pipeline as they are the finished product. after watching these videos, i actually think that any other perspective on these later Star Wars is… kind of missing the forest for the trees? impressive stuff all around.
"women who wish they were 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐬: an analysis" by Costanza Polastri.
a quick and honest overview of how straight women often misunderstand the nature of lesbian relationships, thinking them somehow free of the conflict they experience in heterosexual ones. the insight that "you don't want a girlfriend, you just want men to be better" reminded me of when i admitted to having a crush on a cisfem friend shortly after coming out as trans, only for her to get mad at me and end our friendship because "i told you i'm not a lesbian and it's frustrating that everyone mistakes me for one!" this was before i'd even decided on Sarah as my preferred name. she was more invested in my newfound femininity than i was! anyway, Costanza Polastri has an enjoyable screen presence and brings a really interesting perspective to the table-- and in pretty short videos, to boot! not an easy feat by any stretch.
"A real history of video games | Pay to Win" by Jimmy McGee.
an essential deep dive into how the history of the modern video game industry is inextricable from the history of legal gambling. if you think you know how bad it is, trust me, it's so much weirder and more frustrating than you thought. Jimmy McGee is doing some really great stuff on his channel, providing an honest materialist perspective on media analysis that i've found sorely lacking. "The AI Revolution is Rotten to the Core" digs past the obvious criticisms of AI and LLM mania into the much more pressing question of what we, as a society, value in our art. for something shorter, i also recommend "The Dream of the Internet", about the war on the internet archive and why it's such an essential pillar of the open web.
"I Played EVERY Star Fox Game… Here's What I Learned" by wizawhat.
starfox 64 has been my favorite video game since i was a child, so naturally one of my favorite genres of youtube video is "Let's All Gawk At All The Ways Nintendo Has Catastrophically Mishandled The Franchise." wizawhat does a good job giving each game its due, mostly avoiding hyperbole while still acknowledging that picking favorites in a history this checkered is an inherently emotional, subjective process. the highest praise i can give to entries into this genre is that i was nodding along violently the whole time AND actually learned a lot of stuff i didn't know before, which i genuinely didn't think was possible! his other video "I Miss the Old Nintendo" is the closest i've seen anyone else come to really hammering home why i've soured so hard against nintendo over the last few years, despite having been a nintendo defender most of my life. my only complaint is that he uses some hack corporate language at times ("content" instead of "media," "consumers" instead of "audiences," etc), but i'm gonna dig deeper into that in a dedicated vidrev another time.
"Why We Can't Stop Mapping Elden Ring" by Ren or Raven.
a great little exploration of what maps in games do, and what they mean in an era of video games dominated by post-release patches and balance tuning. i'll be brief here because i've got a full length vidrev queued up for this one too, but it's worth stating that creator Renata Price is a games writer who has turned to video essays after being laid off by Vice earlier this year. as the first entry in a presumed corpus by an experienced critic from a very different critical tradition, i find this video exciting because it's an opportunity to study how the medium affects one's message. right now it feels like Renata Price doesn't quite know how to take full advantage of the video part of the video essay just yet, and that's a great place to start from. i just find it to be such a privilege when you get to watch someone grow their craft in real time!
"Death and Thriving - Discussing 920 London" by Wolf Witch.
just a solid textual analysis of the graphic novel 920 London, Remy Boydell's followup to their devastating prior book The Pervert. digs into serious questions about the death drive, and whether or not people can change or recover from trauma. not much else to say except that Wolf Witch is on Cohost doing speedruns of Snake Farm. Snake Farm rules! support your local Snarmers today!
"That one speedrun where you change your gender" by Minoan.
an astonishing little coming-out video in the form of a Dark Souls 2 speedrun tech overview. i don't have much to say about this one except that it put a huge smile on my face and gave me some serious vicarious gender joy. i love the sound of trans women's voices!!!
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twilightangelsworks · 5 months ago
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Here's the princess version of my Wolf Witch. This one was a bit tricky to do, because I wanted to draw her looking fabulous but not looking too sophisticated since she has a wild nature. Her make up was inspired by Mebh's make up from Wolfwalkers. I also felt like it was appropriate to add wolves to the work. I'm going to add animals related to my animal themed witches in this season's work.
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kilogramoftears · 6 months ago
To the tarot wolf who gives me fucked up and nonsensical tarot readings after the session goes on for too long fuck you, but also i completely understand that you're probably tired of working your likely minimum wage to cursed job so fair enough ill give you a break for today
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lycarael · 2 years ago
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Found this cool fae door on a hike recently.
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lonehuna · 2 years ago
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daily-spooky · 3 months ago
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what it’s like being a lover girl full of rage
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deeswriting · 6 months ago
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blackwolftinynightdancer · 1 year ago
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Journal entry 2 🐺
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nikki-on-edge · 7 months ago
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🎉 Happy Birthday! 🎉 | | | ...to me, I guess? ;D Aaaand a silly comic I had in my mind for a while now. Hope you enjoy! 💙
Digital edit: MediBangPaint. Click on the pictures to see better quality! | Yuuji Itadori and Sukuna Ryoumen are from Jujutsu Kaisen. Wolf Witch belongs to me. Capykyu (the capybara - as a character) belongs to me. Don’t use/repost my work without my permission! Likes and reblogs are really appreciated! Enjoy and stay safe! ♥️
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kentnaturaltribrid · 1 year ago
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There’s nothing logical about anything down under in the underworld. Everything is either got 12 beads or 17 heads at maximum. That and there’s that even those who are able to survive down in the Zederworld and Underworlds don’t exactly have much reason to stay other than that they have no other choice as safety or they can’t leave, somewhere along there is the Kortei Knot (Which is both literal and ventoral). Anyway, it’s all complicated no matter where you’re looking at it.
Keyes, Fires, and dogs with silver fur who have horns. None of that is logical, I never said it was supposed to be logical. One thing is lightning there is entirely red. Another illogical thing as if the rest was entirely sensible.
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superdogbiter · 2 years ago
Specify in the tags please what species or breed of animal you would choose as a witches familiar if the most obvious were off the table
Let's have fun with this
For example for me it would be a great white shark
Also yes men you can interact with this poll too
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twilightangelsworks · 1 year ago
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Here is the mermaid version of The Wolf Witch.  I could not think of a marine animal equivalent to wolves, so I decided to draw her with actual wolves. She won't be the only animal motif witch that I made this decision with. I also love how her hair looks in this.
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newgroundstier · 7 months ago
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ranni da witch (featuring ouppy dog)
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