itsthatmff · 2 months
helllooo, can you write boyfriends headcanons with other men like flashy flash and amai mask please? ~
IM FINALLY BACK WITH MORE HEADCANONS! writing for these was so hard- it was my first time doing amai mask too- I hope they turned out well 😩
Please keep the requests incoming I’ll try to work through them! I’m sorry for taking so long and Thank you so much for the patience.
Boyfriend Headcanons on OPM men Pt. 2
Included: Flashy flash, Amai mask, Saitama, Zombie man
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Flashy Flash
Having him as a boyfriend sure isn’t for the weak
He’s definetly the leader of the sassy man apocalypse
He takes his night routine SERIOUSLY like you will have a 20 step hair routine and a spa session
He gives great hair care tips though
Lets you braid his hair when you’re bored or does your hair when you’re tired
Gossiping with him is super fun
When he’s annoyed or jealous he scoffs a lot
Tiny bit reluctant over physical affection but his hugs and kisses feel so gentle, you could melt into them.
He goes all out when you’re on your period, like he knows exactly what you need and what to do.
Gifts you hairclips on random occasions !
Doesn’t like you touching his katana cuz he’s worried you’ll hurt yourself.
You get the best dates with him because he knows the best spots, prefers staying at home with you though in case one of his opps are after him.
He does bicker with you from time to time because he knows you too well and can’t be bothered to deal with your overdramatic ass
"Yeah fine we get it you’re just angry because you’re craving some desserts. Stop whining and lets go get it.“
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Amai Mask
Might seem like a narcissistic and selfish bastard at first but he really just has issues
As a boyfriend he might not be able to spend much time with you since he is a hero AND a celebrity with a filled schedule
Makes sure to spoil you rotten tho
You get expensive gifts from him on a weekly basis and he takes you out to the best restaurants
He has to be very discreet with your relationship since it could cause him a bad reputation and backlash from the media
Whenever he’s overwhelmed or had a bad day he seeks comfort in your embraces
Feels like you’re the only one who understands him
Genuinely opens up to you and shows you his vulnerable side from time to time
He gets VERY jealous like he better not catch you admiring some other hero
At first he’d laugh it off not wanting to believe such a thing but slowly the jealousy would start creeping up
“You’re mine understood?”
Is just scared of u leaving him
He calls to tell you there’s a new magazine out that features him and wants you to buy it.
Thinks you’re his biggest supporter and likes to brag about you.
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Dates consist of gaming or getting deals at different supermarkets
I can totally imagine that he’s willing to try some new things at the convenience store with you and do taste tests.
Never rates the food a 10/10 cuz he thinks Genos could do it better.
YES sometimes Genos DOES make dinner dates for you two, he goes all out making a 5 star dinner for his sensei and his girlfriend.
Saitama secretly loves it when you come and sit on his lap as he watches tv.
He may not look like it but he really notices the small details, like he’ll ask if you put on different perfume or shampoo. Does it so sleek too.
He’d lean in to your neck and WHISPER INTO YOUR EAR
"Hm..you smell so good, got a new perfume?“
This guy just knows how to get you flustered
Is very nonchalant about most things, doesn’t really get jealous. (Unless you’re being overly nice to someone that has like really good hair)
“Yo genos. How much do you think a hair transplant costs?”
“Why are you asking sensei?”
“No reason really..” as he GLARES at the guy you’re talking to.
Doesn’t call you often, more like he randomly texts you what he’s doing and if your schedule matches his you both hangout.
Wants to climb up the ranks in order to impress you and loves to tell you about his day when he gets home.
Gets the most expressive around you.
He kicks out Genos when you two need your private time.
Gives the best piggy back rides.
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Hands down the best boyfriend out there
He’s so chill about everything
Likes to take you everywhere with him, especially on shooting ranges, coffee shops or jazz bars
Respects your boundaries a lot, if you don’t like the smoke from his cigarettes he’ll try not to smoke around you, if you’re a smoker yourself he always looks forward to smoke some with you.
You both have a very casual relationship, there’s no awkwardness at all nor the cheesiness and pampering
That also includes physical affection. Cuddling on the couch or holding hands seems natural to you.
As nihilistic as he is, he can’t hide whenever he’s jealous.
“Was it fun chatting to that human?” He’d ask whilst pressing down the last remaining of his cigarette onto the whiskey glass. He wasn’t upset, more like curious of what you saw in another man.
Only calls you in the evenings after he walks you home. Likes to hear your voice before he goes to sleep.
He loves to get you roses
Asks childish emperor for advice on what to get you. Doesn’t even realise himself that he slips in your name in every conversation.
Is the kind of boyfriend that is happy enough to just watch you from afar.
Never ever gets aggressive with you. In fact you’ve never seen him angry.
Likes to polish his guns while you sit on his lap.
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huicitawrites · 5 years
Yandere zombieman headcanons (opm) please😍
Your wish is my command dear!!!
I don’t know much of the character but I’ve done a quick research. I hope it comes to your liking :)
I’ve added a little scenario, hope you like it :3
“Together Forever”
Yandere! ZombiemanxReader
trigger warning: possesive behavior, obsessive behavior, delusional attitudes, implied kidnapping, implied torture, human experimenting.
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Zombieman :
Zombieman is kind of a lone wolf. He is a bit reserved, and isn’t much of a talking person. He’d rather work alone than in groups.
He enjoys being alone, but doesn’t like feeling lonely.
And that, is your cue to enter.
Once you have entered into his life, Zombieman won’t ever let you go. If he has to, he’ll drag himself through hell and back just to be with you.
He is very affectionate, but don’t blame it on him. Zombieman has a lot of love to give. Be careful not to drown in it.
He adores to hold hands with you, the feeling of his calloused, rough, ash skin against your clear and smooth one.
The undead one is obsessed with his darling. It’s all about you. 
There is not a moment in which you leave his mind, so don’t expect to escape from him in real life.
Your beautiful eyes, your smooth hair, your perfect skin, that wonderful smile. Your delicate and stunning form, your amazing personality.
Zombieman is enamoured with your whole being. 
But, are you with his?
What is it? You have never agreed to this? To being ‘lovers’?
You do not ‘love’ him?
[“Oh darling, you’re not thinking straight. Maybe the heat is messing up your thoughts? How about we head back home, watch a movie as we lay on the sofa with the AC on. Cuddling together. Hm, yeah. That sounds good.”]
You are piece of evidence and a witness of Zombieman’s delusion. He has convinced himself and is sure with his whole rotted heart, that you will eventually love him.
Even as you try to claw out from his grip, or when you try to kick him away; he tells himself “[Y/N] just needs a little tad more time. They have yet to notice” As if you will. 
The immortal hero is possessive as well. [Full Name] is his. No other person can have them. Only HE can be your lover, the one you’ll ever have. 
If any other nears you with flirting intentions, or glances at your form in the wrong way; Zombieman won’t hesitate to throw punches. 
You wonder why he reacts so violently at the least of dangers.
 Once, a monster had knocked you unconscious and he had gone berserk. Zombieman had reduced the creature into a pile of hacked, mauled flesh. 
Later, when you woke up, your captor protector held you in his arms for hours.
He is afraid.
This twisted, hearted monster hero is scared you will die before him.
Which, so far, is a fact. The needles of your clock go way faster than his.
You cannot regenerate. You are a mortal.
You will leave him behind, all alone.
But Oh, he will NOT accept this.
He has investigated from past experiences and classified documents on the secret to a long, death-ridden life.
Zombieman hates to see you in pain, but sweetheart you HAVE to understand
He is doing this for you both. Don’t you want to live with him by your side, forever?
“Babe I know it hurts, I’ve been through this too! Trust me, okay? It’ll be quick.” he cooed as he stared at your eyes. You could distinguish in those crimson irises the putrid, rotting love he has for you.
The leather straps held your body flat to the hospital bed, but your head twitched in discomfort. He turned the switch on and fluids containing unknown substances entered your system. An excruciating pain shot throughout your body, hot tears sparked out from your terrified [e/c] hues and a blood-curdling scream left your throat. It was muffled by the gag.
In a matter of seconds, the sensations stopped and you are left numb but alive. The hurting you had been submitted to had paralyzed your body.
Greyish and icy-cold hands tuck the messy hairs away from your eyes and plant a soft , chaste kiss on your rosy lips. 
“You’ve done so well. We’re near, [Y/N]. The ‘together forever’ will be ours soon”.
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art credit by TGSmurf/Reddit (1st pic!) and uboa-s/tumblr (2nd pic). Go give ‘em some love <3
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