#sonic crystal gems au
vershl · 4 months
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I made it. Now I'm leaving goodbye-
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fosermi · 4 months
If the two sonadow kids do end up with gem based names I can imagine it'd be the most simple (Emerald, Amethyst, Garnet, Spinel, Peridot, Topaz, Jade) or the most horrendous (Aventurine, Chrysoberyl, Amazonite, Moldavite, Kunzite, Labradorite) names ever 💀. Good luck with naming the little troopers 🙏.
Thank you for the suggestion!!! I've actually been thinking about naming green ome Jade or Topaz though now that you mention it, I gotta look up more gem names, the fancier ones because sonic would wanna name one of their kids something horrendously fancy while shadow would go for a simpler name. Names are still up for debate tho!
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couch-house · 6 months
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woe, updated fleet reference sheet be upon ye...
full transcript/description under the cut
TOP: Left to Right: Cropped panel of Fleetway Super Sonic. This guuuuy.
Merger AU Fleet is like 14-17 (the earrings are for 17). He's sustained on occasional doses of chaos energy from the grey emerald, but otherwise runs low. This keeps him fatigued, gives him some minor joint pain, and makes his quills pale and brittle.
Two drawings of Fleet in the same pose; one is short and round (classic-like) and one is taller and thinner (modern-like) surrounded by various notes. Features are stated here in brackets, followed by their note.
[Eyes] Eyes get slightly redder tint than other whites. [Fingertips] Bare fingers + palms. NOT paw pads. [Classic-like] (Not younger Fleet, I just like drawing him round) [Dark color at back of quills] Quill gradient optional [Earrings] Industrial on left, 2x studs on right [Eyebags] He's tired!! [Necklace] "Healing crystals" amethyst + 2 quartz necklace [Peace sign on shoes] Peace sign tied to top lace, flops around [Stud earrings] A moon with a gem I think. idc, I change my mind. Whatever is simple and purple. [Arms] Split yellow top/peach bottom arms is just my preferred stylization at this age. (Younger = solid peach arms) [Socks and fingerless gloves] Compression gloves and socks [Separate detailed drawing of shoes] The first and only time I drew all the details on his shoes
To the left is a single head, with more vibrant fur colors. Note: If he takes a big sippy of chaos energy, his fur darkens to a healthier color. His usual skin tones are a little paler than Sonic skin tones.
Modern Fleet drawn with three outfits of increasing layers/complexity. Far left is a yellow peace hoodie tie-dyed with orange, green, and blue. Notes: Tie-dye peace hoodie too big for him. If I ever draw it fitting, I'm lying. Quills poke out the back.
Middle is a black Thrasher Magazine tank top with the hoodie tied around his waist. Note: Thrasher logo.
Right is the middle outfit with the addition of green shorts and a bulky orange patch jacket with green trim. The patches are: The Groovy Train logo (with original comic reference), NINtendo (stylized like Nine Inch Nails), a grey emerald, a crystal ball, and a smiley face. [Back quills] idc abt quill consistency here; whatever looks better [Shorts] Shorts optional (sk8 gear) The green and orange match Dog and Bebe
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galaxysodapopdraws · 7 months
Ok so, I had this fanfic thing for my sonic genesis au that’s been buzzing around in my head for a good long while and finally decided to actually type it up. I don’t really have a good title for it but I’m just gonna call it “Fatherhood” for now. This takes place five years after eggman’s first attack and just two weeks after Nigel has returned from the Zone of Silence.
This isn’t really supposed to have good grammar or anything grand just something I typed out of the blue so be warned about punctuation and things.
Also slight tw warnings: descriptions of severe injuries, childhood trauma/arranged marriage, and abusive parenting.
Hope y’all like it! (Fic under the cut!)
It was an early morning in the sanctuary village known as Knothole, and the people of the town were already bustling about opening shops and helping repair equipment that will guard the outer island from attacks from Dr. Eggman. It had been five years since the first attack that destroyed the kingdom of Starlight Archipelago and the disappearance of the now found king, Nigel Acorn. Nigel had only just recently been saved about two weeks ago from being thrown into a hellish special zone known as the Zone of Silence and is still recovering from his experience.
The saffron colored squirrel sits upright in bed, peaking from the window next to him at his people going about their business below. as much as he would love to go down and reassure them that he was okay, he would hate to have the see the state he is in now. His once healthy, well built frame was almost nothing but skin and bones from being starved of food and water. Bright, glittering emeralds pierce through his skin causing fur to fall out around the edges of the gems, showing infected skin and bruises. He felt constantly exhausted, no matter how much rest he would get he would always fall back into a nauseating drowse. Being in a place void of sound had made him restless, now having a constant sound near him at all times whether being a radio or even drips from a faucet to help keep his sanity. But this never deterred him from keeping his spirits up, he was so happy to be home with his two kids and husband that he always smiled no matter who entered the room, just glad he can even hear someone’s voice.
Nigel flopped backwards onto his pillow, already winded from just forcing himself to sit up all the way without support. He just sighed and turned his attention to the door on the opposite side of the room, wondering where could his husband, Charles be. He is supposed to take many medications to help with his health, pain, and to make the crystals growing in him halt for just a bit of time. But Charles seemed to be running late this morning, in fact, he could actually hear him from down stairs… arguing with someone. Nigel tried to figure out what Charles was saying but it only came to him in jumbled up sentences, he did always tend to mumble during arguments making it impossible to understand what he wanted. Suddenly, a door slammed making Nigel jump in surprise, who ever Charles was fighting must’ve been someone Charles hated with a passion. Nigel had his suspicions on who the person might be, but rather not think about it. Besides, he could already hear Charles marching up the stairs, the sound of a well worn boot and the clink of metal from a prosthetic leg.
“Damn, what a way to start the day” Charles mumbled to himself as he entered the room, carrying a tray with Nigel’s medicine and a cup of tea. He turned to see Nigel trying to force himself up, trembling while holding on to the window sill, only to once again nearly falling back onto his pillow. Charles immediately ran up to catch him before his fall, Nigel just turned to look at him and gave Charles that gentle smile he knows and loves.
“Oh thank you love! I don’t know how you manage my clumsiness lately, I really need to start being careful.”
“Clumsiness? Nigel! You’ve basically been to Hell for five years and just got back! Of course you’re tired, there’s no need to blame yourself for that!” Chuck reassured Nigel as he began to prepare his medications.
“Sigh, you’re right Chuck, but I wish I could be doing more to help everybody. Oh speaking of which, who were you talking to downstairs?”
Chuck paused for a moment before handing a tea cup to Nigel.
“You heard all that?”
“The floor boards and walls are very thin, Chuck.”
“Well… man I feel like a jerk now for slamming the door. It was your old man he wanted to talk politics with yo-“
Nigel choked on his tea in surprise, spilling some of it on his chest and arms.
“Oh bloody hell!” Nigel moaned in anger, beginning to try and clean up the mess. But was stopped by Chuck as he unbuttoned his shirt.
“No point of trying to clean it up, I don’t want hot leaf water all over you.” Chuck said smirking a bit.
“You’re very funny Charlie, now about my father, why has he only come now?”
“Like I said, to discuss some politic things, I don’t know what sort of politics seeing that the kingdom is….. anyways, I told him you need rest but he wasn’t hearing it. And you know how I feel about him, I lost my temper, I really should’ve asked if you wanted to see him.” Chuck finally pulled off Nigel’s shirt, being careful not to tear it on the sharp edges of the crystals in his skin. When he looked at Nigel’s chest he almost felt sick, seeing his husband’s ribs jutting out, bruising and scars scattered up and down his body made him feel crushed that he couldn’t protect him as both his knight and partner. He quickly turned away and walked to a dresser to find a clean shirt.
“That was all he wanted? Just to talk about any sort of kingly duties I may have left?”
“Seems like it.”
“Chuck, when I first came home, I went into a coma for about three days, right?”
“Yep, it scared the shit out of everybody, including me.”
“Did- did my father ever come to see me during that time? At any point did he come into the room to even glance at me?” Nigel’s voice began to quiver a bit.
Chuck’s heart began to sink, not wanting to tell Nigel the truth.
“….No. I’m sorry bu-“
“What about the kids?! Did he help you take care of Sally and Elias? Did he even try to see them at any point all this time?!” Tears began to form in Nigel’s eyes.
“So he didn’t? He never once cared about what happened to his son, I could’ve been dead this entire time and it didn’t even matter as long as he got his kingdom and fortune back right?!?”
“Let me guess, I bet he even tried to already make arrangements for Sally to be wed to someone, already planning his perfect view of a future for a ten-year-old! Am I wrong Chuck?!”
Chuck was absolutely stunned by that last comment, silence filled the room except for the muffled laughter and chatter of the village outside. Nigel’s eyes were already welled up with tears as he stared at Chuck, waiting for the answer he already knew.
“Yes… He tried to… Oh Nigel I hate for you to think about these things when you’re like this.”
Nigel laid back on the pillow and tried to wipe the tears from his face, Chuck slowly approached, sat on the bed, and picked up Nigel, embracing him in his arms.
“The world nearly ended, and he had the audacity to immediately try and change the life of his own granddaughter just like he did to me. Right after everyone assumed I was dead.” Nigel squeezed Chuck tightly, as more tears fell from his cheeks, Chuck stayed quiet, letting Nigel let his emotions go and helped him calm down.
“Darling, you don’t need to see him anymore. Even when you’re no longer king you never have to see him again. What he’s done to your kids and yourself is awful, you’re a million times a better father than he has ever been for his entire life.”
“I- I just wish I c-could have been there for them. I should have known better than to let h-him even meet Sally.” Nigel stuttered as he pulled back from Charles, he was about to begin to clean up his face only for Charles to grab his cheeks gently and wiped away his tears.
“You did that out of the kindness of your heart,” Charles stated, as he kissed the top of Nigel’s head, “Max should be lucky that you’d even let him catch a glimpse of his grandchildren, and you may not could have been for them then, but you’re here now! And they absolutely love you! They won’t stop talking about what an amazing dad you are, how their daddy fought off the evil troll wizard and sacrificed himself to save us all! Yes the past was painful for everyone, but you’re here now, they have their dad back again, and that’s all that matters.”
Nigel looked at Charles in his eyes, his breathing slowing down as he realized that everything will be okay. A small smile softened on his face as he leapt onto Charles for one more hug, using all his energy to do so.
“Thank you love, but you know, they already have another dad to keep watch and love them. And I couldn’t ask for anyone other than you to be their father.” Chuck got flustered when he heard this, they’ve been together for such a long time, and he still gets butterflies in his stomach whenever Nigel said kind words to him.
“Well, this certainly has been a morning, and I haven’t even changed your clothes yet, here!” Chuck swooped an oversized sweater over Nigel’s head catching him by surprise, Nigel simply laughed and helped Chuck to try and pull his arms through the sleeves. Nigel would then finish up his medicine and get into a comfortable position to spend the rest of the day in bed.
“Heh, it’s funny, usually around this time Sal-“ Chuck couldn’t finish his sentence before the loud bang of a door being swung open, revealing a young princess Sally and her little brother Elias in the doorway.
“Daddy! You won’t believe what me and the freedom fighters found!” Sally yelled as she leapt onto the bed, grabbing a hold of her father and hugging him around the neck.
“I can’t wait to hear it!” Said Nigel in a laughing voice,
“What about you Elias? Have you got anything to show today?” Chuck asked as he motioned him to come closer.
Elias simply climbed up on Chuck’s lap and dug around in his jacket pockets, only to then pull out a dagger that clearly he shouldn’t have.
“Elias! Where did you get that?!”
“That’s so cool! Where can I get one?!”
“Oh yeah, sorry Eli, you gotta give your old man the knife, it’s dangerous you know!” Charles sarcastically said as Elias carefully placed the dagger in Chuck’s hand. Nigel sighed and Elias climbed onto the bed to sit next to Nigel, leaning on him waiting for Sally to tell her story. As Sally began to reenact the adventure he had been on, Chuck couldn’t help but watch Nigel, his face beaming with joy and pride of his children. Despite being dragged through such devastating events, he keeps his head held high and heart full of love. And Chuck couldn’t ask for anything better.
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numberonepeacock · 25 days
Jewel Sonicure AU Masterpost
(Lots of emojis in these posts)
Many years ago a butterfly named Vanessa created different words, each with different types of magic. One world, however, did not have this and was the center of the universe. Vanessa reins over her own world, as the Empress of Crystal Empire.
But one day, a hedgehog named Diabolos was not happy with this. So he created words that were formed around the negative of each word. And one by one each positive world fell.
But when each world fell a Cure would be born. A cure was a person who can transform into a legendary warrior. The respected ruler of each world would send out one or multiple Cure Chaos, Flickies, or Spirits to search out chosen people to take up the role of Pretty Cure.
However one day, Diabolos, fed up with losing, attacked the Crystal Empire. With the last of her energy, she sealed him away in a mirror and soon she faded away. Even though their leader was gone the Black Crystal Empire still fought and this is where our story begins…
Note from author:
This is a crossover where the Pretty Cure world is turned into the Sonic Universe (meaning they aren't humans but Mobians)
The theme of this Cure team is birthstones, their meanings, gemstones, jewels, crystals, and elements.
January’s birthstone is Garnet, meaning is Friendship, and element is Snow
February’s birthstone is Amethyst, meaning is Harmony, and element is Love
March’s birthstone is Aquamarine, meaning is Strength, and element is Wind
April’s birthstone is Diamond, meaning is Wisdom, and element is Water
May’s birthstone is Emerald, meaning is Healing, and element is Flower
June’s birthstone is Alexandrite, meaning is Courage, and element is Lightning
July’s birthstone is Ruby, meaning is Love, and element is Fire
August’s birthstone is Peridot, meaning is Faithfulness, and element is Leaf
September’s birthstone is Sapphire, meaning is Royalty, and element is Sound
October’s birthstone is Tourmaline, meaning is Creativity, and element is Harvest
November’s birthstone is Topaz, meaning is Insight, and element is Light
December’s birthstone is Blue Topaz, meaning is Intuition, and element is Ice
(Yes most of the elements are based off the elements used in the Cure Series; most of which are in Healin' Good♥Pretty Cure)
Series Post
Book on Ao3
Book on Wattpad
Meet the Characters:
Sonic/Cure Lazuli - The Pretty Cure of Strength and Courage, and has the powers of the Aquamarine and Alexandrite birthstone
Shadow/Cure Garnet - The Pretty Cure of Love and Friendship, and has the powers of the Ruby and Garnet birthstone
Silver/Cure Moonstone - The Pretty Cure of Intuition and Wisdom, and has the powers of the Blue Topaz and Diamond birthstone
Amy Rose/Cure Quartz - The Pretty Cure of Healing and Harmony, and has the powers of the Emerald and Amethyst birthstone
Blaze/Cure Tourmaline - The Pretty Cure of Insight and Creativity, and has the powers of the Topaz and Tourmaline birthstone
Crown Princess Sapphire Devil Crystal - Crown Princess of the Crystal Empire.
Spinel - Partner of Cure Lazuli
Carnelian - Partner of Cure Garnet
Turquoise - Partner of Cure Moonstone
Pearl - Partner of Cure Quartz
Amber - Partner of Cure Tourmaline
Minor Characters
Information Posts:
Crystal Ranks
Negative Stones’ Origin
Origin of the Goddess & Gods
Vanessa’s Workshop
Wild Magic
The Pretty Cure Temple
Cure Chaos, Flickies, and Spirits
Cure Team’s Origin Story
Diabolos Powers and Lair (plus a little stuff on the Crystal Empire)
Gem Cuts
Cure Items
Cure Cards
Cure Characters as Mobians
Note - I started this project around the running time of Delicious Party♡Pretty Cure so I'm only doing the teams from the first Cure team to them.
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If you have questions about this AU, feel free to drop it in my ask box and I will answer.
Also, I don’t know if you noticed that most of the storyline is based on an episode from one of the Cure series. If you want to leave a suggestion of an episode I should do, leave the name of the episode, series the episode is from, and the number in the comments or an ask.
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itz-pandora · 3 months
Enlighten us about Grim The Goat
Okay, so in my AU, he's basically the replacement for Eggman Nega (aka. Sol dimension Eggman)
He's an OLD goat, like over 100 years, I don't have an exact age for him planned out yet though.
He's a wizard and an outcast from Soleanna (which is Blaze's kingdom instead of Elise's). He's an apothecary who runs a shop with his adopted grand niece, Lanolin (She is changed so much in my AU, I have her because sheep, goat, similar enough).
He's researched crystals and gems his entire life, fixating on two main ones. The Phantom Ruby, which gives him eternal life when properly handled, and the Sol Emeralds. He already has a Phantom Ruby, and he uses it to drain other's life force to fuel his own (They usually don't die from it! Also, Eggman tried to synthesize his own Phantom Ruby, which is what Infinite gets later).
Grim attempts to take the Sol Emeralds several times with less than desirable results, since Blaze has the high ground, but Grim is still incredibly skilled with his variety of magics he's picked up over his long life.
Some parts of Grim's motivation for wanting to obtain the Emeralds is that he wants power over Soleanna (and have access to the Chaos Dimension), and because eternal life can get boring.
Grim singlehandedly causes Sonic Rush, since that's the first time he activates the Sol Emeralds and yada yada rift, gets sucked into the Chaos dimension, hijinks ensure, team up with Eggman, get defeated, bleh
But Sonic Rush isn't his only cameo! Hi Sonic Rush Adventure! Idk what I'm doing for that yet tho!
And this might sound insane, but... Sonic Adventure (1) actually includes him too. Both the Chaos and Sol dimensions are in peril because Eggman fw Chaos and Grim fw Solaris (my diety-like wisp OC). So he's there too! (This game gets pushed to be one of the last parts of the timeline tho lol)
I feel like I might be missing some things but LMK IF YOU HAVE ANYMORE QUESTIONS!!!!
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demonangelgirl134 · 2 years
Cinos the Hedgehog
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One of the main villains in my main Sonic au "Freedom fighters from the hidden world" and the leader of the Dimension Jumpers
Name: Cinos (SIN-nohs)
Age: 17
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Location: Mobius: (dimension prime)
Place of birth: Mobius (dimension V)
Occupation: Villain
Favorite color: Green
Nationality: American
Species: hedgehog
Character trait: Evil
Voice actor: Aurelio Voltaire
Almost heartless
Doesn't care how many people he kills
Powers and abilities:
Dimension jumping
Reality warping
Shape shifting
Holographic transmissioning
Object animation
Super speed
Super strength
Shadow manipulation
Dead precipitation
Chaos blast
Dream Manipulation
Mind control
Derrange crystal
Limiter rings
Handplate on the left hand that reads "Experiment-001-Envious Z2-48"
Black Elbow-high Fingerless gloves over regular white gloves
White and blue high tops
Physical characteristics:
Has to wear limiter rings because he's overpowered and unstable like Shadow the hedgehog
Has a lot of the same powers as Infinite the Jackle, except way more powerful
Main source of power comes from the Derrange crystal that was forcefully implanted into his chest by Dr. Envious when he was young
Has sharp teeth
Eyes glow when he uses his powers
Gem glows when he uses his powers
Has a secret Handplate on the left hand that reads "Experiment-001-Envious Z2-48" that was forcefully bolted in by Dr. Envious that is always hidden by his gloves
The skin on his chest around his Derrange crystal is mostly scarring
Is an alternate counterpart of Sonic the hedgehog
Could drink 50 gallons of alcohol and not get drunk
Seeing children cry
Dimension jumping
Causing chaos
Tripping people down stairs (especially elders)
Hurting those weaker than him
Stealing candy from babies for the fun of it
Traveling to different dimensions
Anything with skulls
Anything evil
Hurting animals
Working for those in power (only so he can backstab them and steal their power)
Getting people to like him, then backstabbing them
Noxious fumes
Anything cute
When people are happy
Anything good
The color bright blue
Doesn't care about anyone but himself
Only worries about the past
Water (he's an alternate Sonic)
Losing power
Dr. Eggman (temporarily)
Walter Naugus (temporarily)
Infinite the Jackle (temporarily)
Scourge the Hedgehog (temporarily)
Princess Serenade the hedgehog/alicorn
Sonic the Hedgehog
Tails the Fox
Shadow the hedgehog
Knuckles the Echidna
Silver the hedgehog
Scratch the Cyberchicken
Grounder the Swiss army robot
Coconuts the robot monkey
Decoe and Bocoe the Robots
Sleet the Wolf
Dingo the dingo
Lupe the Wolf
Robecca the Dingo
Orbot and Cubot
Metal sonic
Metal Serenade
Maria the Cyberchicken
Zonic the Zone cop
Family members:
Darkness the Hedgehog (triplet brother)
Haze the hedgehog (triplet sister)
Missing mother
Missing father
Cinos was born on Mobius Dimension V with his brother Dark and sister Haze. When he and his siblings were 5, they were kidnapped by the evil Dr. Envious and had all sorts of heinous experiments performed on them, mostly Cinos, like forcefully bolting metal tag plates into their hands, drugging them, shocking them with powerful energy surges, and forcefully implanting Derrange crystals into their chests. (Derrange crystals are dimension V's version of the chaos emeralds, except there are tons of them, unlike the prime dimension that only has 7 and their powers are more like the Phantom Ruby.) Since Cinos got most of the abuse, he became the most messed up out of the three, and the negative energy of the Derrange crystal affected his brain and turned him evil. Cinos and his siblings then escaped when they were twelve and began a villainous career throughout the multiverse from the negative energy from the Derrange crystals, never being caught by the Zone cops. Years later, he and his siblings were hired by Dr. Eggman as henchmen to capture the freedom fighters, and after a while of working for Eggman, he betrayed him and took over the Eggman empire, But got kicked into a vat of power-draining fluid by Sonic the hedgehog in an attempt to push HIM into the vat and lost his powers and was finally arrested
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hikingsuper · 1 year
More of Steven universe x Sonic au
This time is the crystal gems! (Por mobigems?)
Rosy is Steven/nora
Tenko Is not a Gem but she is Greg and amathys sorta.
Iblis/Super and Sonic Fusion (yeah my STCO Headcanon IS that Iblis is the mind fusion between Sonic and super Sonic) is Garnet (but because they are pearls it's Mega Pearl)
Tikal is Lapis but serves as Amathys/Pearl
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GOD I'm going to change Iblis dessing
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sonicku · 2 years
okay, so sonic!su au thoughts. gah. also kind of notes for later. i'm also going to be changing character species because the hedgehog diamond thing is. awkward. these are also all in progress, before you ask 'where's x?' haha.
crystal gems:
ruby = knuckles (echidna)
saphire = silver (cat)
amethyst = tails (violet fox)
pearl = amy (chipmunk)
rose = sonic ('peach' 'fox')
steven = oc, rěw (human)
peridot = nichole (lynx)
jasper = shadow (fox)
bismuth = rotor (walrus)
pink = sonic (pink hedgehog)
yellow = manic (yellow hedgehog)
blue = sonia (blue hedgehog)
white = aleena (white hedgehog)
pink pearl = sally (pink chipmunk)
yellow pearl = breezie (yellow chipmunk)
blue zircon = hip (blue kangaroo)
yellow zircon = hop (yellow kangaroo)
gem types:
diamond = hedgehog
quartz = fox
ruby = echidna
saphire = cat
peridot = lynx
bismuth = walrus
pearl = chipmunk
zircon = kangaroo
no clue who greg or connie could be. help. maybe ocs.
also rěw's pink mode would be dark sonic <3
also also all these mobians would be fem nonbinary <<33
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apthepotat · 1 year
AP’s art dump time!! (Part two yippeee :D)
let’s gOoo
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Sonic is my childhood and I keep returning and sinking in it AAAND I watched recently sonic prime
so why wouldn’t I be in the fandom and make a sonic oc XD?
even tho I drew this last December coUgh
everyone meet Alice the wolf!
this is the first time I draw digitally full body in sonic/Mobian style :,] and there are errors and I think I need to upgrade her design a biiit- but that can wait I’m still very happy and proud and satisfied with how I drew her - ^^
and with no reference for pose? That is definitely something to be proud of ✨
She’s a 3’8 bubbly sweetie of a wolf that only means well :,D
And gets sick and cold easily like me and doesn’t get out much in winter
She loves crystals and gems as well as tea Aand- she can be a bit childish and playful and she’s really comfy and hanging out with friends
okay enough rambling moving onnNNn- my thumbs starting to h u r t
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my stupid scrunkly baby that is too clumsy for his own good/hj
meet Vanilla! He’s a cat-loving,sweet,clumsy blind,affectionate café owner!
.. cat café owner 🚶‍♀️
And he lives in another Au I made that’s named Anilliatale!
he has two children 🍵 and they’re twins and here they are :D!
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The boy bb is named Neo and the girl is Poli ^^
they are very chaotic but sweet caring twins and also absolutely loves felines XD
they like to help their papa during the job whenever they can :D
imma digitalise and fix some stuff later
nextttt we have-
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One of the artworks I am most proud of this year hshshs- and one of my fav
his name is Tracer-! He’s a variant of Ink from an AM named Destructverse ^^ .. I couldn’t think of a better name it’s - :,D all I thought of in 2021 and stuck to it HSHSH
also for once I adore the background
anddd a year ago I made a “future”(?) version of Tracer XD that goes by Ace
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And there he is :D
this is the first time I do an artwork like this like a “reflection” or smth
in this one Ace is sitting against a Sakura tree he takes care of in DV and - well he’s quite an overthinker and memories haunt him
Iii dunno how to explain more without going in a long ramble and dig deep into the lore of the Au-
it’s one AM rn and I don’t feel like it rn HSHSH
one last art work:
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A humanised art of ✨ Ace ✨
I finished this art on his birthday so I decided to do a lil ‘birthday special’
Ace and tracer are the same ink variant in DV and Ink ofc belongs to the lovely creator @/comyet ! :D
I suppose that’ll be it :D bai bai nowww
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vershl · 4 months
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Tails is a comfy little guy, I'm shaking him affectionately
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stardustnerdway · 2 years
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They are just little guys. I wanna imagine an silly au where some crystals shrunk them and now they kinda have to rely on Amy for some help until Silver can find out how to reverse these time/object compression gems.
Also, Sonic may or may not have set his and Shadow's house on fire on accident and that's why they are asking for Amy's help.
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fosermi · 4 months
Oh those fankid designs are super cool! There like literally amethyst and jade coloured, and I think that's really pretty
I didn't realise that!! Thanks for the spot!! I might start calling them the gem twins from this!!
I'm glad you think they're cool :D
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(ask game , fic you’ve day dreamed about but never wrote)
ok, so this has gone through many different variations and is constantly changing so things aren’t totally concrete but,
The Phantom Wasteland au
it’s a Sonic forces-ish story pulling in a couple elements from Raya the last dragon, an event from Steven universe and some vibes from legend of Zelda age of calamity. (Might not be obvious those vibes are there to an observer. But I feel them)
it’s not a happy story. Mostly angst and tragedy, it is post apocalyptic after all. It leans into horror at times but more on the unease type. The sort of prickle you get from analog horror and low key existentialism.
Anyway the big constant is that when the whole ‘dropping the sun on the earth thing’ happened, it instead caused a huge reality changing corrupting event that effected everyone both physically and mentally. (How strongly varies depending on how I’m feeling for that version of the daydream)
and in a drastic last hope the master emerald reaches out and gives most of its power to protect Knuckles. He does not escape from this unscathed and still receives some physical corruption. Some parts of his body seem crystalized and a shard of the master emerald can be seen embedded in his chest. (Infinite parallels! They are both are connected to a super powerful gem. This became a constant after hearing “I’m the last one that’s standing” infinite’s theme)
he does get extra abilities other than just being protected due to this, but I can never stick with any. The only constant one i use is a crystalline shield he can create. in some versions there are bad side effects. Like being unable to sleep or constant feelings of disorientation due to his regular senses being effected by the phantom ruby but the extra sense the Master Emerald gives being unaffected, Or one eye can’t see the illusions but other can.
while those on the battle field were the most effected the rest of the world was to. The closer to the battlefield. “The ground zero” The more severe the effects. But seven towns were protected due to the presence of chaos emeralds. The people there are safe. For now.
infinite and Eggman are hiding out in the ark. The eclipse cannon has been connected to the phantom ruby and as it orbits it keeps pumping out the corrupting effect. And if any one not already courrupted is too far from the chaos emerald towns or not by knuckles, (his shield can shealter others from the phantom Ruby’s effects) they get courrupted.
sometimes there are creatures like the droon from raya. as in they move around courrupt anyone they come into contact with.
knuckles can heal and ward off the effects but most of his progress gets reversed whenever the ark orbits overhead.
In Some versions Knuckles has to bring shards of the Master Emerald to the Gia temples to provide protection. In other versions he has to get up to the ark and stop it from there. And others he has to reach his friends one by one and free them, Providing them with a shard to keep them safe from getting recourrupted. Sometimes there’s a bad ending where Knuckles still ends up getting taken over by the corruption, but it’s worse because he had them master emerald’s power within him to.
While in most versions Knuckles is the only one he’s not always alone! Some variations he gets help.
Silver and Blaze: they were in a different dimension/time and were safe. (Because of this explanation I put them in the most. It’s quite an effective team.)
Shadow: ultimate life form. (I haven’t thought of this much)
omega: is Robot. (I also haven’t thought of this much)
pretty much everyone else: either in one of the towns or happened to be close enough to knuckles to get shielded instinctually by him. (I use team chaotix the most here.)
or characters from other Sonic universes. I mean Classic is there, boom, X, Movie etc aren’t too much of a stretch.
I do normally lean into unease type of horror when thinking about the courrupted characters. Especially for poor Knuckles who knows these are his friends but it’s all so wrong. As for what the corrupted other characters are like I’ll provide an example.
Amy. A hard hitting, slow, relentless persurer. It is incredibly hard to loose her once she has found someone. Keep on the constant move to avoid her.
I did her like this because, a) her whole following after sonic thing. B) zero acting like that in her sonic adventure levels. C) characters with hard hitting weapons are often slower for balance. D) I love the unnerving feeling of a enemy you can’t defeat and can only run from. And so on like that.
I haven’t come up with as in depth concepts for everyone else but. Espio: the unseen enemy. Could be lurking anywhere. Vector: Sound based. Keep him distracted with music. If it stops. He’ll find out why. He good at it to. Tails: Makes the environment harder to traverse. Watch out for his traps. Shadow, Silver, Blaze: Their powers are wild and dangerous. Best to avoid. And so on I’m not sure about the others.
I do want to use the corrupted versions to do a deep dive on their character and have their behavior reflect that. as well as drawing from how they act from a gameplay sense. (Like Silver being very difficult to escape from or get close to like In his infamous boss fight.)
there is also Knuckles dealing with the issue of ‘being the last one’ yet again.
And that’s about it. I pretty sure there’s some details that I’m forgetting, but whatever I like this and will definitely keep daydreaming about this. if you have questions go ahead and ask.
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numberonepeacock · 17 days
Gender: Male
Species: Cure Chao
Home Place: Crystal Empire
Cure Partner: Cure Lazuli
Before - A Hero Chao with blue eyes
After - Looks like Sonic but with blue eyes
Cure - A light blue and white colored smartphone with a black screen. In the middle is a heart with a smaller one in the center. It has three blue buttons shaped like a pear-cut gem; the first button on the left has an image of a telephone in it, the middle button has an image of a heart in it, and the last button on the right has an images of four different blue pear-cut gems. On the bottom is a red round brilliant-cut gem, turquoise cabochon-cut gem, pink rose-cut gem, and purple concave-cut gem. On the top is Spinel's head.
Accessorize: A large blue bow with a clear pear-cut medallion
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Masterpost of AU: Jewel Sonicure AU Masterpost
Want to learn more about Fairy Partners? Check out this post: Cure Chaos, Flickies, and Spirits
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charleecat-bat · 2 years
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Gemstone designs in my SU/Gem AU. Been working on these for a while.
From left to right on who’s who:
Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Cream, Rouge, Shadow
Silver, Blaze, Marine, Big, Vector, Espio, Charmy
Mighty, Ray, Matilda, Nack, Bark, Bean, Scourge
Jet, Wave, Storm, Gadget, Infinite/Zero, Honey, Tiara
Tikal, Shade, Julie-Su, Vanilla, Maria (RIP)
Pachacamac, Ix, Finitevus, Black Doom
UPDATE: Changed Rays gemstone entirely and changed the name of Marines-
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