#stco iblis
blastthechaos · 5 months
One fancanon I have is that whenever STC Sonic gets a little angry or stressed( but not enough to transform) Super Sonic seeps in through small ways.
Like whenever he gets angry his eyes becomes Super Sonic Red Spirals (You know how Danny Phantom's eyes becomes green in human formwhne he gets angry? It's just like that), sometimes when he's getting really stressed his quills stand up and flash golden until he calms down, whenever he's frustrated sometimes his claws and teeth sharpen, sometimes whenever he's furious he's much faster and stronger without realizing until he gets rough with a Badnik.
It's annoying whenever it happens to him, but it does make for some great theatrics and intimidation tactics...
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hikingsuper · 1 year
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This a edit for my Swap Au called The adventures of shadow the hedgehog and cream the rabbit, so in this Au Whisper IS dead so Eclipse Takes her role
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Sonic -> Shadow (and viceversa, Shadow IS still proyect shadow and Sonic is just a Guy)
Tails-> Cream (and viceversa but Tails is Evil)
Infinite-->The Avatar from forces
Iblis -> Fleetway Super Sonic/ STCO Iblis
Metal Sonic -> Shadow android
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fleetsonourgecentral · 11 months
Now that I talked about Fleetway King Sonic and Fleetway King Super how about Fleetway Sonic (and the good Fleetway Super) meet STCO Iblis? (He is super Sonic but were he wins) Also how does Scourge react to see the world in ruins?
Sonic probably responds with his usual "I think the fuck not" attitude tbh. It'd piss him off and deep down he'd be disturbed to see what so easily could've happened in his world, but he'd do his best to hide it and try to fix things - he's not the type to just sit back and let it happen, after all. As for Scourge, I think it would hit him hard to realise just how badly things would go if Super did win and get the destruction he wanted. In a scenario where he only knows Super as a pacifist, it would be an extra shock, because despite Sonic telling him (repeatedly) how dangerous Super is, Scourge would still always look down on him and see him as weak for being a pacifist. Seeing absolute ruin caused by the person he judges despite reluctantly finding kinship in him? It'd be a shock to the system for sure
I think the whole thing would hit Super the hardest, though. To be confronted with everything he's afraid of becoming, the part of himself he's scared of. To deal with the whispering doubt of "what if Sonic is right about him, what if he is a monster after all?"
He wouldn't take it well, to say the least
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cgsketchbook · 6 years
Chris G's personal Top 10 of STCO!
These are my personal picks from my experiences on the comic as a hume!  
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Evil Team Up (The syndicate #228-229) this was actually the story that first drew me into the wonderful world of STCO, so it holds a particularly fond place for me! Seeing the pages for this being coloured first hand was a real pleasure for me and I knew right there and then that I had to get involved with this amazing project!  
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Shortfuse flies again (Return of the Cybernik #232) this makes my list as it was my first opportunity to draw one of my absolute favourite characters from the original comic - having the opportunity to define Shortfuse's new comic look for all the adventures that followed was a huge honour and a great challenge to update a design classic! 
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Shadow Attacks! (vendettas - #237) This marks my first time colouring someone else's comic panels for STC, and I couldn't have asked for more spectacular lineart to work with! Zak Simmonds-Hurn’s amazing artwork is a great highlight in an already epic story and I hope I did justice in adding to the rain slicked grudge match! 
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The Fans Strike Back! (The Fandom Menace - #244) - This is the first published script I did for the comic, inspired in part by the riots over the cartoon depictions of the religious prophet that caused a huge outcry at the time! The story touches on just how far the most loyal followers are prepared to go for their idol - Who knew you could go so deep in a comic about a talking hedgehog and still have space left for a Harry Hill cameo? 
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What Happens on Solstice... (Sunrise - #245) I think I'd choose this as probably my favorite comic story artwork that I've done on the comic - the page with Shorty and Tekno arguing about being stuck on the technology free world of Solstice was a particular highlight for me! Seeing those two have a tender moment together before everything goes wrong was something I really worked hard to get right! 
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Farewell Sonic? (Goodbye Mobius - #248) While I don’t have any direct involvement with this story, I'm highlighting this one both for its gorgeous art and also the EPIC twist lurking in it's closing pages - It's a stepping stone to a bigger storyline sure, but it does an amazing job in it's own right and is not to be missed! 
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The War of Mobius Begins! (The battle for Mobius - #250) I mean, how could this NOT be included in a list like this? One of the most audacious stories we  attempted as a team (so far!), AND an excuse for me to draw Fabian Vane's first appearance in the online comic? What's not to like! Plus of course It was a spectacular way to celebrate the 250 issue milestone with a talented team who worked so hard to bring it to fruition! 
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Never Forgotten (The Elephant in the Room - 15th Anniversary Special) we've been lucky to have celebrated quite a few Sonic related milestones over the years, and this one is my personal favorite I think - a clever conceit to take a trip down memory lane for the print run of the comic, and beautifully executed too! 
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Rampage of the "Iblis" (Unleashed #266-268) I think this story is one of the online team's most popular stories, and with STC's Super Sonic front and centre it's easy to see why! I personally feel very proud to have been able to contribute lettering duties for it, and of course I was really pleased to see fans reactions to it as the epic unfolded! 
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It’s Only a Theory... (The Wrong End #274) This story was an amazing collaborative effort among everyone involved, and I was lucky enough to play a part in developing the initial ideas for it and helping with it in the dialogue and finally with the lettering. Finding a way to introduce a great character like Sticks to the comic, as well as combining her with the opportunity to recap the events of 50+ issues, was a fascinating challenge and I’m so pleased with how it all turned out!
Well that’s some of my personal picks, but what have been your favourites from Sonic the Comic Online so far? 
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blastthechaos · 1 year
Funny thing is that STCO already did Super Sonic 2/Enhanced Super Sonic years ago.
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Once again STC is The Simpsons of the Sonic Franchise.
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hikingsuper · 1 year
More of Steven universe x Sonic au
This time is the crystal gems! (Por mobigems?)
Rosy is Steven/nora
Tenko Is not a Gem but she is Greg and amathys sorta.
Iblis/Super and Sonic Fusion (yeah my STCO Headcanon IS that Iblis is the mind fusion between Sonic and super Sonic) is Garnet (but because they are pearls it's Mega Pearl)
Tikal is Lapis but serves as Amathys/Pearl
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GOD I'm going to change Iblis dessing
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blastthechaos · 2 years
Not a lot of people comment on the similarities between STC/STCO Sonic and Shadow but...come on...
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There's also Sonic being frames and that led to Super Sonic becoming Iblis down the line and Shadow being frames as the one that released Iblis, both led to them being hated and hunted by their former friends. I would have added it but I forgot and there was no space.
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blastthechaos · 2 years
STCO Iblis
So I wanted to talk a little about Sonic The Comic Online Version of Iblis, given I found him interesting despite only appearing one time and a lot of his early life being shrouded in mystery aside from "He is a One Hedgehog Apocalypse"
Now STCO Version of Iblis foregoes the concept of Solaris aside from using it as names and instead Super Sonic takes his place, becoming the being that left Silver's future into ruins.
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How he came to be is not explicitly explained, it's implied that It's the same thing that are shown in the Unleashed Arc without Silver being there...even if that story only kick-started because Silver interfered. My personal take is that Sonic just snapped out of being a fugitive for so long and Super Sonic took over permanently as a result.
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Now, one thing I noticed about STCO Iblis is that he actually (albeit loosely) does resemble his namesake:The Islamic Devil:Iblis
Now, Iblis(Also Known as the King Of Devils) is know as a Fire Djinn and a fallen angel because he refused to bow down to Adam on God's request, so he was banished to hell.
Now, Super Sonic got the Fire and Devil part down, but what about the "Banished because he refused to bow down" part?
Well, that's actually filled by STCO Sonic himself in a way.
Sonic was defamated and framed so he would become public enemy #1 by an elaborate plan made by Grimer as revenge for fighting back and defeating Robotnik so many times he became insane.
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Basically, he refused to bow down to Adam/God and therefore was turned into a fugitive Pariah, someone seen as evil, a devil.
This set the events in motion for Sonic/Super Sonic to eventually become the Iblis.
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Alternatively you can say that Super Sonic himself refused to bow down to Dexter and be a mindless guided missile and eventually that resulted in him becoming the Iblis, but that was something he did on his own.
It's hard to say if this was intentional or not, probably not but it's still a funny coincidence.
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blastthechaos · 2 years
STCO Memes Part 2:Chaos Boogalo
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blastthechaos · 2 years
STCO Memes(+STC meme)
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blastthechaos · 2 years
Rambling ahead.
One of my favorite things about Exit:Sonic is the reveal that there never was such a person as Super Sonic, it's just Sonic.
I think it's more interesting than them being a separate person, you can even see some of it in the original comic by how Sonic and Super flip flop between referring to each other as a different person or the same person.
Not just that, but Super Sonic personality is mostly derived from Sonic but corrupted to the point of being a murderous monster while Sonic was just a slightly mean jerk. Super Sonic mostly targets people Sonic was last thinking off, even Good Super is mostly derived from the good parts of Sonic's personality (Only being able to show his nice side more often).
Also the "I always hated you, wanted you dead more than anything but I don't know why" Maybe it's just me but I always saw it as being proof of Sonic hating himself to some degree and that hatred being transferred to Super Sonic. Some might argue it makes no sense cause Super Sonic hated him for locking him up inside of himself like he once said...but I like to think that he just dropped because it's not like Sonic ever choose to lock him up inside of himself, he never choose for Super Sonic to be born and be a part of him except when he resealed of him in the Adventure Arc and even then that was just cause there's no other choice.
And I like that the two rejoin permanently in the finale, their wavelengths in the same frequency. They might not intended it this way but I like to imagine it's symbolic of Sonic accepting every part of himself, even the bad ones and he's once again complete.
IDK I Just like the idea of STC Sonic and Super being the same person but them being confused about it or not wanting to admit it and wanting to distance themselves from the other.
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blastthechaos · 2 years
STCO Amy:And that's how Tails easily beat Robotnik once and for all
STCO Iblis:That's bullshit!
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blastthechaos · 2 years
STCO Iblis:Hey, remember all this time you hunted me like a wild animal, without being able to even get sleep? well LET'S SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT JERKS!
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blastthechaos · 3 years
STC/STCO Sonic and Super Sonic Headcanons
Because he has so much Chaos Energy in his body, his natural temperature is really cold due to Chaos Energy being unstable unless it's in cold temperatures, so his body adapted to it. Nobody notices because of his gloves or clothes and because he isn't touched very often.
His blood is glowing green due to Chaos Energy as well.
The reason he doesn't eat a lot like he used to early on is because his Chaos Energy supplied him with the stamina and...energy to his body to keep up with his super speed.
The reason he doesn't drink alcohol is because he wants to keep his emotions in check in case Super Sonic goes on a rampage, he keeps the habit up even during the times he and Super were split off from the other. Though if he ever were to drink it would take a while for him to get drunk...and you don't want him drunk, trust me.
Returning to normal after going Super is like a hangover to him:Tiredness, headaches and not remembering what happened before.
He can also speak Japanese and Latino Spanish, he sometimes uses them to insult others, swears or in general say something without others understanding him. Poor Freedom Fighters have no idea what he says when he does it.
While he hates to admit it because he thinks it's uncool, he actually knows some Technobable and knows some cientific stuff himself (how do you think he knows how to apply his powers so well?) Thanks to growing up with Kintobor.
He plays Videogames a lot and actually gets into speedrunning from time to time, he would have dedicated himself to that Post-Final Victory if Robotnik never returned.
The reason he bullies Tails so much aside of being annoyed with how stupid he can be is because it's his way of tough love and form him to tough up in case he's no longer around.
The reason he is not one to kill is because he's partly afraid of being like Super Sonic.
He could potentially have the powers/abilities/techniques of his Game Counterpart and also Game Shadow's due to the Chaos Energy on his body.
He would have started traveling the world like his Game Counterpart if Robotnik never returned.
I flip flop if he never had parents or if he had a biological family but he ran away because they're assholes, but generally he considers Kintobor like his first and only family.
Though he also considers Porker and Johnny like his lifelong friends, they know each other extremely well due to that.
Because Johnny's gigantic family he was often roped into doing stuff with them alongside Porker, poor Sonic had to attend so many weedings, family reunions, birthdays, ETC. More than anyone in a lifetime.
He's actually immortal because the Chaos Energy in his body (also because Super Sonic in Silver Timeline didn't age in 70 years) most other times he shows age was either a defective clone, he was aged artificially by someone with godlike powers or in the case of Exit:Sonic he didn't actually was feeling weak because his age but because he was being slowly drained of his Chaos.
During the time he split off from Super Sonic he actually felt unusually tired, drained and generally...incomplete but didn't say anything because he didn't want others to worry and because he didn't want Super Sonic back, after gaining his Green Eyes he felt better and rejoining with Super Sonic left him better than he ever was.
Despite all his bragging and boasting he actually hates himself as a person for various reasons (one of them is being a jerk) it gets worse overtime but he gets better at the end. He often looks at himself at the mirror and gets displeased at what he sees because of that (shameless fanfic plug).
He's really good with kids actually, they actually bring out his nicer side more easily, it's part of the reason Amy and Tekno asked him to be the Godfather to their son.
Part of the reason he got nicer after Johnny's death is because that really motivated him to better himself given he was given the wake up call that any of his friends could die and he didn't want to act like a dick nearly all the time.
At the end of Exit:Sonic he and Super Sonic didn't just got back to sharing a body, they merged and became the same person, Sonic now has access to all of Super Sonic's memories and Powers, he stops referring to Super Sonic as a different person all together and just refers to Super as himself, this includes amnesiac/good Super.
He often acts nicer to Charmy (this is actually canon) because he feels bad how the Chaotix treat him.
If you remove the Chaos Energy out of him entirely he will die, he can't exist without it anymore.
His last name is Fleetway actually.
He also has depression.
Wew, there's more but I don't recall them of the top of my head...now for the Super Sonic ones, but they're fewer.
It's actually better for him to stay in Sonic's body in the long run, because being pure Chaos Energy means he bleeds energy even while passive, which is why he started dying while he was good, an actual body can keep the Chaos Energy at all times and can recharge it. It's why during STCO he actually tried to maintain the transformation permanent rather than shed Sonic's body.
His hatred of Sonic is an extension of of Sonic's self-loathing, it's why he desired to kill him so bad even after knowing it won't be beneficial to him in the long run (he even acknowledges it in Exit:Sonic). Extending this, he actually hates himself too just as Sonic hates himself.
He could actually use all of Godlike Robotnik and Perfect Chaos powers but he doesn't know how and doesn't want to because he wants to drag out his opponents suffering.
He and Sonic often switched out if they refer to the other as a different person or one in the same due to their confusion at their nature and because they hate each other (and themselves) so much they didn't want to be associated with the other, at the end of the day the truth to them is that they're the same person.
If he had been called Iblis beforehand, he would have actually picked that up as his name to distance himself from Sonic even more (and Sonic would have been all in for that).
His evil persona and good persona are basically the extremes of Sonic's normal personality, with Evil Super being the bad parts of his personality up to eleven while good Super being his nicer traits but without some of the rougher ones to balance it out.
Part of the nature of his existence is that he is all of Sonic's repressed bad emotions jacked up to eleven thousand because of the Corrupted Chaos Energy, for example if Sonic was annoyed by someone or something, Super Sonic would have wanted to murder it.
I flip flop between having his voice have a demonic filter to it or just being regular Sonic's voice (because isn't it scary that this voice who often declared he would protect all of them suddenly was describing how the will disembowel them all?)
He looks back fondly at his time as part of the Swirlwinder gang if only because he enjoyed having a job of beating the crap out of people and making them suffer.
He also looks back fondly at his time as a good person, especially with Ebony and Pyjamas, even if he wants to kill them just as anybody else
If you call him Fleetway you get an instant death
The Iblis from Silver's future is Super and Sonic merged together (similar to my headcanon in the Sonic section) because Super managed to convince Sonic to merge into one person so he would have absolute control and could use his full power completely, Sonic accepted because all the bad things he went through as a fugitive already crushed his patience and sanity into nothing, Iblis could actually turn back into Sonic form but his personality will remain the same, he also has access to all of Sonic's memories.
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blastthechaos · 2 years
STCO Iblis as Omega Zero
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blastthechaos · 3 years
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Recently I have started drawing again
Here's the results:
-Sonic showing off Chaos Power
-STC Sonic doing a Nagito Komaeda Pose
-STC Super Sonic/Iblis doing another Nagito Komaeda Pose
-Sonic being pissed at Knuckles Post-Egg Saucer Fight (from Advance 2)
-First attempt at drawing Makoto Naegi
-Second Attempt at drawing Makoto Naegi
-STC Sonic and that Eff song
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