#son of jupiter (the god of the sky)
demigods-posts · 22 days
sometimes it's the grief that keeps you awake at night. that guides you out of your cabin and toward the docks. that places you careful on the edge and allows the water to rise just above your ankles. sometimes it's the helplessness that reminds you of how fragile life can be. of what a miracle it is that you're alive at all. of every time you wished you weren't. sometimes it's the gratitude that pulls you deep into the memory of when he saved you from that irreversible decision. of that late-night conversation about how you deserved to live a good life. of how he'd do anything to make sure you got that chance. sometimes it's the guilt that replays that phone call in your head. that reminds you of when you failed to return the favor. that eats you alive when you know he'd never hold it against you to save yourself every once in a while. that he'd be proud of you. sometimes it's the regret that rips you apart. that reminds of you that every breathe you take is one he won't get to. that let's the tears fall silent and slow. oh, what percy would do to spend one more day with jason.
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pippastrelle · 1 year
It's common trivia that the children of the Big Three have ironic fears.
Percy, son of the sea, fears suffocation.
Hazel, daughter of wealth, fears precious ore.
Nico, son of the underworld, fears the dark.
Bianca, daughter of death, feared dying.
Thalia, daughter of the sky, fears heights.
And though we don't get much screentime with Jason's past, I loved him feeling crushed under the expectations as a son of Jupiter, trained from 2 years old, and volunteered as Praetor.
The son of the king of the gods feared leadership.
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poppitron360 · 3 months
Sons of Jupiter do not cry.
They’re strong, powerful leaders. Tough soldiers, fearsome, lords of lightning. Crying shows weakness. It shows vulnerability. Something a child of the king of the gods could not afford to do.
Jason hadn’t cried in front of others since he was three. He’d had that beaten out of him by Lupa and her wolves. People looked up to him as their Praetor, their ideal Roman warrior. He had to always stay strong, always be vigilant, never show weakness.
The only time they’d seen the Son of Jupiter cry was the moment he lost Leo.
He screamed His name, his voice filled with utter sorrow as the explosion lit the sky. He fell to his knees, sobbing. Head in hands and just fucking sobbing. All sense of dignity was shattered, as he lay there, his knees in the wet grass, crumpled and crying like an infant. All his expectations, all the visages of the Prince of the Sky were lost alongside Him. He just bawled and bawled. No comfort could resolve him. He just stayed there, crying. A broken man.
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pourmercymercyonme · 4 months
the best part about valgrace that people don't talk about is their canon dynamics: (let me yap for a while, expect spoilers of heroes of olympus and trials of apollo)
they are physically different. jason is a 6"2'(6"?), hot (says aphrodite, not me), strong roman soldier. leo is a 5"2', built like a twig mechanic that doesn't know how to fight
jason is a son of jupiter, king of the gods, and leo is a son of hephaestus, god of blacksmiths. in leo's words: "I'm a lowly mechanic. You're like the prince of the sky, son of the Lord of the Universe. I'm supposed to resent you." (The Lost Hero, 342)
"TO STORM OR FIRE THE WORLD MUST FALL"????? wdym there's a prophecy saying one of them MUST die in order to save everyone??? and u expect me not to ship them, with that much angst potential???
jason, raised in an army, the perfect soldier, falling in love with leo, ran away 7 times from foster homes, seriously adhd ("even by demigod standards", Mark of Athena, 2), high-key genius
the whole "died for the other, the other died before they could see each other again" was completely devastating
i can't think of more rn, but i almost forgot to post it. it's like 3 am where i live
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talonabraxas · 14 days
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Assembly of Gods around Jupiter's Throne Talon Abraxas Hymn to Jupiter by Callimachus (c. 310-240 B.C.) Whilst we to Jove immortal and divine, Perform the rites, and pour the ruddy wine; What shall the Muse, with sacred rapture sing, But Jove th' almighty and eternal king, Who from high heav'n, with bursting thunder, hurl'd The sons of earth, and awes th' ætherial world! But say, thou first and greatest pow'r above! Shall I Dictæan or Lycæan Jove Attempt to sing?… Who knows thy mighty line? And who can tell, except by pow'r divine, If Ida's hills thy sacred birth may claim, Or far Arcadia boast an equal fame? The Cretans, prone to fasehood, vaunt in vain, And impious! built thy tomb on Dicte's plain; For Jove, th' immortal king, shall never die, But reign o'er men and Gods above the sky. In high Parrhafia Rhea bore the God, Where gloomy forests on the mountains nod; And hence such awful horror guards the grove, Made holy by the glorious birth of Jove, That now no teeming female dares presume To bear her young amid the hallowed gloom: Nor beast nor insect shall approach the shade, Nor matron chaste invoke Lucina's aid Within the dark recess, still known to fame, And Rheas ancient bed th' Arcadians name.
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audreyscribes · 1 month
Author’s Note: Alright, when I was writing the Greek demigods h/cs, I did keep in mind some of them and their Roman counterparts (i.e. Hera demigod), so when that one anon asked about doing Roman demigods, I got curious and this is my attempt. I do understand why there isn’t a lot but I gave it a shot. It’s not going to be the same for the Greek version and it’s not going to be very detailed since Camp Jupiter and New Rome is more limited than the Greeks, and there are some overlaps between the two, so that’s why. Hope you like it and enjoy! ROMAN DEMIGODS H/CS MASTERLIST LINKS: [TUMBLR] // [AO3]
You’re going to be held in high regard since your godly father is Jupiter Jove himself. The King of the gods, chief deity of the Roman state, Central member of the Archaic Triad, Capitoline Triad; guardian of the state with Juno and Minerva, and the Dii Consentes. You’re respected based on the premise that Jupiter is basically head honcho of the Roman state. However, this brings a lot of pressure as people expect you to be a leader and be just like Jupiter, and be the embodiment of Roman values. 
You’re probably either more composed or learn how to be more composed with your emotions and actions; not only reflecting how the Roman gods are more strict, disciplined, responsible, and calm; but because of your environment. You’re the child of Jupiter so they automatically look to you as a figure of leadership which means they’re always watching you.
In terms of power, between Greek and Roman demigods, I have this idea that Greek demigods have more broad and abstract range while Roman demigods have a more limited yet technical use with more accuracy. So compared to a child of Zeus whose powers have lightning and thunder which means general electrokinesis; as a child of Jupiter your powers are more refined, so you can pull off more tricks and technical control. Hey, that means you can fly more in a barrel roll, breaking the sound barrier while the children of Zeus can just generally fly. 
Another power as a child of Jupiter may have is light based powers; based on one of Jupiter’s epithet as Jupiter Lucetius (Of the Light) where he was esteemed as purveyor of the universe. It makes sense if you consider lightning having the word ‘light’ and lightning does produce ‘light’, so unlike a child of Apollo, your light is more lightning in nature then the rays of the sun.
On a more not so serious note, you find yourself saying “By Jove!” more often than not; not only as a sign of exclamation of surprise or emphasis, but also because Jupiter is also called Jove, so you’re basically required to say something like “my god! or “good god”.  Then again, everyone else says that, aside from “by gods” or some variation of it, so you’re constantly on edge or wincing because they’re basically yelling “Your Dad!”
I have a feeling that the people of Rome see the Gods more as figures while the Greek see the gods as representation of their domains. So you’re going to be seen as either Jupiter himself or the representation of Roman values and rites; which makes you being pushed into the head of politics, management, and the such.
Following above, it feels like a very high school drama; where you’re the Prom Monarchy, the popular kid. I mention about the pressure but it also extends to your social life; there’s going to be unspoken and spoken words of who you should be hanging out with, who not to associate with and whatnot. In terms of your love life, like Jason and Reyna being expected to be together romantically, you also have the same treatment. Either it’s someone of your station or above it, in terms of respect to your parentage, and so forth.
In terms of demigods or legacies, you’re often pushed together with a child of Venus, due to Venus being the ancestor of the Roman people through her son Aeneas who survived the fall of Troy and fled to what is now Italy, and Julius Caesar as well. And when there’s news of a child of Hera/Juno? Oh Jove.
If it’s a child of Hera, all of the senate immediately begins to plan a political debate on how you and the child of Hera get together, or should they send a word of decree or plan a war to seize them. If it’s a child of Juno, I’m so sorry but you’re definitely forced to be with them because the two of you are the living representation and figures for the people of Rome, and the two of you existence together is a sign from the gods.
Despite this all, what Cohort you get into will depend on the reference letters and your honours. Just because you’re a child of Jupiter, doesn’t mean you’re exempt from placement. Much like Jason Grace, if you’re not put into the 1st cohort, expect a ton of criticism. Unlike being a child of Zeus, you have less freedom of existing with every aspect of Jupiter and his associations being placed upon you.
If you’re a legacy of Jupiter, which is more likely then not, you’re not that entirely unexempt from the same problems nor benefits then a direct blood of Jupiter. Maybe less so or not, but the pressure is still there. Of course, with being a legacy, your powers and aspects you have with Jupiter become more individualistic and specific, but nonetheless, the powers that you do have are very strong.  
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Jason but he was never claimed.
Everyone knows he's the son of Jupiter.
He's known his whole life.
From his mother's whispers to not cry in storms, for they were a sign of his father's love.
To Lupa's howls and harsh temperament that this was not behaviour fitting Jupiter's son.
But never was Jason ever claimed.
There was never a lighting bolt dancing overhead.
No fanfare.
No cheers.
Because Thalia had a use, and she was favoured.
The one he actually tried to save instead of turning a blind eye.
But Jason?
He was the bitter reminder of a mortal having sway over the God's.
Over Jupiter himself.
He was nothing but afaceless soilder raised to fall in battle when his time was up.
Why should the King himself care for one so... Pitiful.
So Jupiter never claimed him.
Didn't acknowledge him until Jason dare spoke out against him.
But Jupiter always knew exactly who that boy was.
He even named him.
He just didn't care.
Jason knew, had known but it was something he never shared.
It was a dark secret, a shameful one.
For you see without being claimed, Jason could never access his full power.
He heard the laughter, the mocks and the digs.
Of how could the Prince of the Sky's be so weak.
Luckily he'd never had another like him to measure up to at Camp Jupiter.
... Which lead him to the bittersweet reunion with his sister.
Thalia was every bit the striking daughter of Zeus.
She even looked like him while Jason shamefully resembled their mother.
Thalia never put him down, never even insinuated he was weak.
Even glaring down anyone she caught whispering at his expense.
But Jason could see the confusion on her face when he failed something she did like breathing.
He would just smile and try again to no avail.
He waited for the day she left him too.
It came to ahead one night when his friends were all there. Laughing and smiling till their cheeks went red.
"And the dress! Ugh it was so embarrassing." Cries Piper, setting off another wave off laughter.
"Oh man, I'm glad I didn't get a dress. I'd burn it off." Declared Thalia with a snort before lightly elbowing Jason.
"Lucky we just got the lighting treatment, ey Jason?" Jason paused, nodding immediately "right..."
Something must've shown on his face because Thalia frowned.
But the one to ask was Leo "hey yeah we never saw yours! Must've been something special for Mr Prince of the Universe himself. Sooo what it was like?"
Jason looked down.
He shouldn't say it, but they were all looking at him expectantly.
He didn't want to let them down.
... But what if they left him because of it?
Sure they fought a war together but Jason learned quickly that can sometimes mean nothing.
But lying to them almost felt worse.
"I... I don't know..."
"What? Sorry can you, say that louder? Can't hear you man."
"I don't...I don't, I wasn't..." He took a deep breathe. "I don't know what it was like because I wasn't... I haven't been claimed."
Dread filled his bones, Jason didn't dare look up to see the disgust on their faces.
"That bastard!"
Jason blinked in suprise, hesitantly looking up.
And finding anger.
But not aimed at him.
"How... How are you... How are you still alive?!" Cried Thalia, anger blazed through her eyes.
But there was very clearly fear alongside of them.
Jason didn't understand.
"Before I got claimed I couldn't use my powers without getting tired so damn easily...and that was just your run of the mill monsters..." explained Thalia, seething.
Jason had fought "run of the mill monsters" since he could walk.
Percy clenched his fist "I knew he wouldn't keep his damn promise but... This is low even for him."
His eyes widened in realisation. And gave way to more anger.
"He knew... He knew this whole time! And he didn't do anything! We were fighting Gaea and he didn't..."
No one wanted to add on that it wasn't the first war either.
Jason felt tears well up in his eyes, he'd never known it to be an injustice against him.
He always thought he had deserved it. And he was supposed to die anyway soo... Why waste your powers unlocking his?
.... And by the look of horror everuone was giving him, Jason had spoken that part out loud.
"Jase...you are not a waste of anything. None of this was your fault." Said Piper firmly, angry tears in her eyes.
"She's right, none of this is right...which is why I have half a mind to go ask him what the Hades he was thinking..." Seethed Annabeth.
Nico nodded, his anger was quiet but simmering along the surface.
"I don't get why your so mad at him though... I should've... I should've been better." Said Jason, he'd never experienced something like this before.
If he wasn't so useless maybe his father would've cared about him.
"Besides, I already knew I was his son, that he didn't want me...I always have."
That little admission broke of all their hearts.
"That doesn't make this right Jase, and I know deep down you know that." Said Thalia, gently pulling him into a hug.
"We're gonna fix this, because you deserve it. You deserve so much and I'm going to spend every day of my life proving that to you."
"Me two."
"Me three."
They all began chiming in.
Tears spilled from Jason's cheeks, and for once Lupa's yells of them being weakness fell on death ears.
He was loved.
Jason rested his head on his sisters shoulder as everyone began brainstorming, threathing and maiming.
It was the most loved he'd ever felt.
Jason had always known Jupiter hadn't loved him back.
Would never love him back.
Jason had given up on anyone truly caring about him... And now he knew that he was loved by his little family.
It was worth more than his father's praise ever could.
"You think re-stealing the master bolt might do it?"
"Let's try to make sure we're still alive after this."
"... So that's a no?"
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alexwritingspot · 1 year
Hey! Could you do 7, if available, Jason Grace×Y/N fem?
an heated argument with your best friend leads the two of you to confess your feeling for each other.
Prompt 7: “Wait- are you jealous?”
warnings: argument maybe? Nothing else
pairing: Jason Grace x fem!reader
word count: 900
A/n: hi lovely! Sorry if I let you wait for a bit but in the begging I didn’t know what to write! Still hope you’ll like what you’re about to read! 🧡
It had been a month since Jason had broke up with Piper- on the contrary, it had been Piper to break up with Jason, because with all the Hera thing she didn’t feel like what they had was real. And in the start Jason was okay with it, he started working on his project about giving every god their own temple in New Rome and add new cabins to camp Half-blood and things were actually going smooth for once.
You and Jason had became friends after he arrived at camp, you had helped him with a thing he had to do since you were the daughter of g/p and you could have easily gave him a hand.
That’s how your friendship started. However as time passed by you found yourself catching feelings for the handsome blonde, and as much as you tried to push them away, they kept coming back, each time seeming even stronger than before.
But you had no intention in ruining the relationship you had build up with Jason in all those months, and if hiding your crush from the son of Jupiter was the price to pay to be close to him as his best friend, then you would have done it.
But this time… it had all started when you started noticing that if someone named Piper he would immediately turn his head their way. Or how he avoided looking you in the eyes after realising she wasn’t there and he had turned as a fool to her name.
You weren’t a jealous person. Okay- maybe you were, but Jason made you feel things you didn’t like. And so here you were, in an argument with him after responding back with a sarcastic comment about him and Piper.
“What is it with you today?!” He asked, you were in the Zeus cabin, at camp Half-Blood. “I’m not the one acting strange” you pointed out, he retorted back “yes, yes you are y/n. I don’t understand why every time someone talks about Piper you flare up!” There was crystal clear distress in his voice, he stood up and rubbed his forehead, you had never fought before.
“And I don’t understand why you still care so much about her! She broke up with you!” Your words weren’t mean to hurt, but they did anyway, Jason looked you in the eyes with a pained expression “Y/n, she is still my friend” he says, his tone more subtle than before. “Yes, and I am too Jason, but I’m here, not her, I’m here to support you, it’s me that makes you laugh every day, am I not? I just don’t get it” you say, shaking your head and letting out a bitter laugh, those words tasted wrong in your mouth.
he took a step closer, then another “Why are you acting like this?” He asked, he was still angry, but he tried to suppress his emotions, you could tell by simply looking in his sky blue eyes.
“Because it’s always about Piper!” You explain, making him flinch a little “Y/n-“ you cut him off before he can continue “no, don’t y/n me” you looked him in the eyes, were they glassy? Jason couldn’t take it anymore. He approached you and hugged you “I know that something is bothering you okay? And I honestly don’t know why Piper matter so much in our friendship, but I love you, okay?” Those words made your heart flutter “you don’t mean it” you said in his chest, he didn’t mean it, at least not in the way you wanted him to.
He looked down at you with a perplexed look “What do you mean? Of course I mean it, you’re my best friend” you looked away “no… you loved Piper, you don’t love me” you said, making yourself as small as possible in his embrace. As your words settled in a look of shock and realisation hit Jason’s face like a train “Wait- are you jealous?” He asked you. You didn’t answer, you forced yourself to avoid his gaze, looking in the other way, not daring to say a word. “Y/n” he called out “Y/n look at me” he gently moved your face by your chin, his hands felt safe. “Answer me. Are you jealous?” His voice was now soft, as if he was talking with a child “does it matter?” You asked him, finally looking him in the eyes, trying to ignore the closeness of your faces or how he held you tight.
“Yes, it does matter, now answer me… please” you simply nodded, looking away again “I am, and I know I shouldn’t be but-“ Jason places a finger to your lips gently “I like you too” and before your brain could even register his words he kissed you, his kiss firm, but it wasn’t a passionate kiss, it was a tender one, the type to show all the love and the care a person could feel.
There you were, kissing Jason Grace; hero of Olympus and son of Jupiter, and he liked you. Not as only his annoying best friend, but as the girl he had a crush on. You stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, until he pulled away and connected your foreheads. “No one else matters, it’s just me and you” and you knew now that things were never going to be the same…
A/n: Sorry again for taking so long! Hope you liked it, feel free to request anything! 🧡
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amoratearte · 3 days
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Now that I have finished all the Fourteen Flames of the Valyrian Pantheon, I decided to do a family tree. Due to the incest, it’s a bit confusing lmao
A little summary:
Terrax (the known world, “Earth”): is the antithesis of Chaos and her creation was set up by Fate. She is the Mother of all Creation, the light that came out of the darkness, the organization of the world from the chaos of cosmos. She is soil and earth and creates Arrax as her companion and they have six children together.
Arrax (Urano): The known world’s sky. Essentially the atmosphere that separates Terrax and the world she built from cosmos (the reign of chaos). Arrax is the first son of Terrax, and becomes her companion, husband and the father of her six children. He betrays her by trying to destroy all her creation and is slain and banished by his children with her aid. In many legends, he fathered Meleys with his daughter, Syrax.
Meraxes (Jupiter): the youngest of Terrax and Arrax’s children. She leads the war against Arrax and later banishes Terrax. The Queen of all the Gods, she becomes the Goddess of the Sky, giving the seas to her brother Caraxes and the underworld to her brother Balerion. Her sister Syrax becomes the new Goddess of earthly life and Vermithor forges the volcanoes. She marries her sister Shrykos, Goddess of marriage and family. She has many kids. Vhagar and Tyraxes with Shrykos, her wife. Vermax, by herself. Perzys and Tessarion with Vermithor. And in some legends, Meleys with Syrax.
Shrykos (Light of creation): Queen consort of all Gods, married to her sister, Meraxes. Mother of Vhagar and Tyraxes.
Caraxes (Neptune): King of the Sea, married to Perzys, God of Fire.
Perzys (Sun): Caraxes’ queen, and twin to Tessarion, the Sun to her Moon.
Tessarion (Moon): Twin to Perzys. Created by Vermithor and Meraxes, the twins meant to became fire and light in the sky.
Vermithor (the chain of Fourteen Volcanoes): the creator for the Gods, made the moon and the sun with Meraxes, and the fourteen volcanoes in the peninsula to represent all Fourteen. He was the one who started the cataclysmic events of the Doom.
Balerion (Pluto): King of the Underworld, married to his niece Meleys, the Goddess of Love and fertility.
Meleys (Venus): Balerion’s queen, daughter of Syrax with either Meraxes or Arrax. Is coveted by Vhagar, who fell in love with her (one-sided).
Syrax (Vegetation): Took over her mother, Terrax, as Goddess of Vegetation and Earthly life, and has a daughter, Meleys, whose paternity varies between legends.
Vhagar (Mars): daughter of Shrykos and Meraxes, lusts after Meleys.
Tyraxes (Chaos//Cosmus//Fate): son of Shrykos and Meraxes.
Vermax (Mercury): son of Meraxes, turns himself into a dragon to travel between worlds.
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vioranhyperfixation · 5 months
Damian : #011, it has come to my attention that you are unproductive at the leisure time you are excuse with during the time when I'm unavailable. And that's just improper.
#011 : um.. Then what I'm supposed to do? There's nothing here.
Damian : i have realized that too so I decided to brought upon you this
#011 : ???
Damian : this is doll's, a toy with a shell that have similarity to human that most use to play pretend.
Damian : that would also be the case for you. You shall use this doll's to help develop your productivity and creativity.
#011 : ahhh..
Damian : would you like to play it with me?
#011 : yeah!
Damian : then shall we make a series of stories with those doll? Let me start it, this girl is a star, her name is Khalila. She is a bright star, it just that she has a problem, she has not yet granted a human wish like all other star has done. So she was hoping to find someone to grant wish to, upon that thought she caught a brown girl looking hopefull at the sky and she thought, maybe this would be the day!
#011 :
Damian :
#011 :
#011 : uhhhh,, should I continue it?
Damian : yeah, just said anything you want
011 : "star, if you can hear me, please listen to my plea. My brothen had betrayed me and I'm left with the rubble of my home..
Damian : *nod and nudge him to continue
#011 : "I use to think that they would always stand besides me, I don't know they feel that that they are behind me! I- I just want the best for all of us!
Sometimes in the future at the wayne manor
Bruce : Rafi, is there anything you want to do on the weekend?
Rafi : yeah, I'm going to continue the ten wish
Bruce : is that a show you watch?
Tim : what it is about? I don't think I ever heard of that.
Rafi : of course you don't, because ten wish is not a show. It's my doll's lore on the 34th universe
Bruce : sorry?
Tim : well, that's interesting
Rafi : it is, currently my main character. River, is undergoing a survival competition to secure a position on the Catalyst. But because she is well known on her talent of fighting and intelligence she need to use other way to compete, and that's is by registering herself as a professional mourner
Bruce : what?
Rafi : you know, It is a tradition in South East Asia that a loud funeral will assist the dead as they travel to the afterlife, so professional mourners are hired to cry and weep loudly throughout the service. And she register herself as that. I mean, most of her loved one are dead, so she's pretty good at it. Crying and weeping that is.
Bruce : I don't think that's a good way to deal with having your loved one died.
Rafi : I don't want to hear that from someone going feral when his son died.
Bruce :
Tim :
Tim : yeah, I won't lie. It is pretty bad bruce
Rafi : anyway, it has been going pretty well on river part. On the other hand, things are going pretty badly on Khalila part. Jupiter and Neptunus heve yet to come back after the moon revolution.
Tim : wait- wait- you mean evolution?
Rafi : no, revolution.
Tim : okay- I think we skip a big part here.
Rafi : yeah, obviously. This is part 57, you skip 56 part, you're missing on a lot.
Tim : can't we, start from part one?
Rafi : god no, it's a lot. If we put it into book it can lead from 7 to 9 book! If you want to know about what you're missing at you can ask Jason, he listen from the start since we are at LoA. If you don't feel like asking then just skip it, you will understand later anyway.
Jason *who's putting a criminal body to a trash can : hatchuu-
Roy : bless you man
Jason : is someone talking about me? God I hope it's not Bruce.
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the1975attheirverybest · 10 months
Not so secret Santa
A/N: no plot just vibes
Warnings: none, not proofread I am still without glasses.
“It’s not going to snow, Matty.” George muttered, warning him.
Matty simply kept his eyes glued, out the window, on the starry night sky, listening to his friend’s pessimism soundtracked by the crackling of the fireplace, clinking of glassware, and the sound of John and Ross giggling over some YouTube video that one of them was showing the other.
George shook his head in defeat, weary of Matty’s unwarranted hope. He’d gotten Baby Hann to buy into the lie, too. Which is why George felt the need to balance him out. He didn’t want the kid to be disappointed. Matty had painted quite the picture. “Snowflakes so pretty. They look like tiny little stars falling from the sky.” He’d whispered into little Hann’s imagination.
“No chance of snow tonight.” George reiterated.
“You don’t know that.” Matty replied, his eyes still fixed on the window, holding the little boy’s tiny hand in his as he went on describing what snowfall feels like, watching his breath fog up the glass. “You’re not the god of weather.” He shot back at George again.
“I don’t have to be the god of weather to know that it isn’t going to snow. It’s London. The best we’re gonna get is slippery ice. Frozen rain.”
“Thor.” Matty suddenly said, finally pulling his attention away from the window and walking towards the fireplace. “The god of weather?” He explained in response to Ross’s puzzled look.
“Think that’s just for thunder.”
“Right.” Matty nodded. “Well, then, who’s the god of weather?”
“Jupiter in Roman. Zeus if you’re Greek.” He heard her voice from the doorway, his heartbeat rising, a smile creeping on his face, even before his eyes had turned to meet hers. “Jupiter.” He echoed. “Right. Thanks.”
She walked into the room with a bottle of wine, pouring some for everyone who’d raised their glasses in her direction. “Wine?” She offered Matty who gave her an apologetic look, shrugging. “Can’t. Babysitter duty.”
Her eyes lit up as she smiled. She always loved watching Matty interact with Adam and Carly’s son. It felt like Matty saw it as a responsibility to let his guard down and indulge the innocent, child-like side that everyone knew was still alive and well within him. So, the fact that she got to witness this tonight was great news to her.
Adam and Carly were all too happy to affirm that, grateful for the opportunity to be the ones drinking tonight.
Matty’s eyes followed her around the room admiringly as she made the rounds on everyone before settling,next to Charli, on the couch.
He couldn’t help thinking to himself how graceful she looked —like a goddess, her feet barely touching the ground — before he realized that Baby Hann had been trying to say something.
“Oh, yes! That’s right. Fire. No, you can’t touch it, Darling. Daddy said you could? Pretty sure he’d never say that. Sorry, mate….you know what you can do, though? Roast erm marshhh—-mellowsss??” The end of his sentence morphed into a question. He’d realized, mid sentence, that he hadn’t checked with the parents before offering their child heaping amounts of sugar.
Carly mulled it over in her mind. Maybe it was the contented joy of being around everyone in a stress-free environment, or maybe it was the wine she’d been sipping on, that had gotten her to loosen up, but she figured it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if her kid got to have a fun evening with his uncle Matty. Besides, if he got a sugar rush and refused to go to bed on time; he’d be his dear uncle Matty’s problem, not hers. “Sure” she mouthed to Matty to give him the green light.
“I’m starting to think that Matty came up with the marshmallow idea to avoid decorating the tree.” Ross observed as he watched Matty poke clouds of fluff onto wooden skewers and carefully place his hand over Baby Hann’s, teach ing him how to keep his fingers at a safe distance from the fire while still giving the marshmallow the “perfect golden color.”
“Oh, no. You mean that Matty is avoiding adult responsibilities and getting us to decorate his home for him while he has fun and eats sweets?” George laughed.
“How shocking.” Adam faked surprise.
“Uhhh- Adam?” They heard Matty from the other end of the room “Could you please come over here for a moment?” He called out.
Carly’s head whipped around. “He better not have given my baby any burns.” She tried to whisper into her husband’s ear, but everyone around the tree heard her. “Matty?! you better not have-“
“It’s nothing. He’s perfectly fine, thanks for the unconditional confidence, by the way.”
Satisfied, and not at all regretful of her doubt, Carly went back to debating the ornament color scheme with John and Polly.
Adam crouched down to be at eye level with his kid and Matty, who were both sitting on the floor by the fire. “What is it, then?”
Matty leaned in, “Erm, well, he wants to know how Santa’s supposed to come through the chimney if we use it to burn things and light fires.”
Adam’s face twitched, threatening to reveal his amusement, but he knew his son’s eyes were watching expectantly for an answer to what he believed to be a pressing issue. “Uhhh….” Adam thought about it for a moment. “Well, you see, Santa only shows up the night before Christmas. And….in the middle of the night. We’ll all be asleep. The fire won’t be on.”
“Ah! Right, cuz kids don’t understand thermodynamics.” Matty nodded along, seemingly as impressed with Hann’s answer as his kid.
Adam placed a sweet kiss to his son’s head before walking away again. He ran a reassuring hand on Carly’s back, letting her know that all is well. They could both hear faint remnants of uncle Matty’s conversation with their child, validating the strangeness of the idea that Santa would manage to deliver everyone’s presents on time if it all happens on one night.
“Love.” Matty stated firmly. “Love, and milk and cookies. That’s his secret.”
“No, no, no- I will NOT accept this ranking. It’s completely asinine.” Matty yelled out from the corner of the couch, a little too caught up in the passion of his feelings. “A Charlie Brown Christmas is CLEARLY the superior album.” He leaned forward as the debate between him and Jamie Squire had gotten heated, causing the sleeping child in his lap to stir. “Oh shit. Sorry little lad.” He whispered, Baby Hann none the wiser. “Also-“ speaking softer now, “remove Norah Jones from the conversation entirely. That album is just taking up a spot that could go to someone else.”
“You want to eliminate Norah Jones?” Jamie set down his beer. “Pray tell, what’re you replaying her with?”
“Uhhh- I don’t know. Only Weezer, The Beach Boys, James fuckin Brown….doesn’t Justin Bieber have a Christmas Album?”
“Justin Bieb- I can’t do this anymore. You’ve gone off the deep end. Call me back over once you’ve come back to reality, yeah? This conversation is over.”
Matty’s brows furrowed as he watched Jamie walk away from the seat that he’d only taken to get closer to Matty as they fought this out. Baffled by the sudden termination of the discussion, he moved his arms in the air shapelessly in a desperate attempt to get Jamie’s attention.
“No, Jamie! Come back- I think…I really think we could sort this out. We just need to establish a set of….criteria. Jamie- you coward! If you dare to have an opinion then you must be willing to defend it. I said come the fuck back!”
Matty’s self amused laughter got caught in his throat when he felt a whiff of her perfume. His head followed the scent as instantly as the instinct of a hunting dog. He hadn’t noticed that she was somehow standing right next to him. “Right. I hate to interrupt this….titillating existential debate but…it’s time for secret Santa.”
“What’s the matter with your face?” Charli approached Matty in the corner of the room, pointing to the sharp expression in his eyes as he kept glancing over at the other end of the living room.
“Who’d you get for secret Santa?” Matty answered her question with a question of his own. she immediately knew what was wrong.
“Oh! Oh, I see what’s going on here. You’re pouting.”
“I’m not.” He pouted.
“Yes you are. You’re pouting cuz you didn’t end up with a certain someone’s-“
“Hush!!! Are you crazy! She could hear us.” In a panic, matty placed his hand on Charli’s mouth to quiet her.
Charli licked his hand, causing him to retract it in disgust.
She chuckled. “So you admit it! You are pouting. For her.”
Matty rolled his eyes. But Charli was right.
“Sorry, babe. I already told you. I’m happy to trade, but only if you’ve got Charli’s name.”
“You think I WANT Matty? I’ve been buying him gifts our entire lives. Charli’s about to be my wife. I want us to start this off with a tradition. I’d be happy to give Matty away. But only if you’ve got Charli what’d be the point in trading for someone else?”
“Well- I- don’t.” She glanced up at George and understood the look in his eyes. “But….i suppose - if I were to acquire Charli’s name….then we could make an exchange?”
George smiled, nodding subtly.
“Fuck. Fine. Stay right where you are. I’ll…go see what I can do.”
“Go on, ask him.” Charli nudged matty encouragingly. “Trust me, John already knows you’ve been harboring this secret crush. We all do.”
Matty’s eyes shot wide open, his ears turning red. “All of you?”
“Well, all of us except for her. She likes you too, you know.”
Matty felt his heartbeat in his ears, stuttering and tripping over his words “shut- uppp…sh-she does…NOT.”
Charli rolled her eyes. “God the two of you are clueless. It’s kinda cute actually. It’s like school children.”
She glanced at Matty’s face and pitied him for his anguish. “You’re like a lost puppy. Can’t help but rescue you. Cmon. I’ll help.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you…”
“Okay, so, George has Matty, but he wants Charli. Charli is with Polly who will trade me if I can get her Ross. Ross is with Carly. Carly is happy to give him away in exchange for Adam...” I’m a fit of desperation. She tore up the napkin on which she’d been sketching out her network of secret Santas. Groaning and banging her head against the wall.
“Ouch, don’t do that.” She heard Vee, Ross’s partner, tap her shoulder from behind. “You look like you could use a drink. And some help maybe?”
“Okay, what’s the plan now?” Matty sipped his drink, glancing at Charli helplessly while she scanned the room and hatched out a plan of action.
“It shouldn’t be that difficult if we split up and double our efforts. You take Jamie and other Jamie. I’ll take Adam and Gabi….”
“And we meet back at John to make the trade.”
“Exactly.” They exchanged hopeful glance before branching off to put the plan into action.
On the other side of the room, George smiled thankfully at her.
“You got me Charli! Thank you!”
“Now hand over Matty’s name.”
“Fuckin gladly.” George presented her with her prized piece of paper, watching her burst with glee.
“You know what you’re gonna get him?”
A mischievous smile appeared on her lips. “I’ve got some ideas.”
George squeezed her shoulder. “Well, let me know if you need my help.”
Charli rush across the room to George as the dinner table was being set. “You won’t believe what just happened. I’ve got something to tell you.”
As Charli spoke, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Vee and Ross approaching, both giddy with knowing smiles.
“So,” Vee joined George and Charli’s secret corner, Ross right behind her. “You’re saying matty has her name? — sorry, wasn’t eavesdropping, you guys just look suspicious — well, guess whose name I just help her acquire?”
George burst out into laughter, earning judgmental stares from his group. “Do you think they’ll finally tell each other before the end of the year?”
“They’re so dumb.” Charli observed.
“We should do something.” Vee added, “you know, to help them along.”
Ross mused “what if we….just….added a love note. To each of their gifts?”
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mask131 · 6 months
The myth of Apollo (1)
Loose translation of the article “Antique Apollo: Shadow and Light” (Apollon Antique: Ombre et Lumière), from the “Dictionary of Literary Myths” under the direction of Pierre Brunel.
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In her “Nouvelle Mythologie de la Jeunesse” (New Mythology for Youth), wrote for the French school students under the rule of Charles X, madame Tardieu-Denesle tells the story of how Jupiter charged Apollo with the mission of spreading light throughout the universe: as such, every morning the god climbs in the Sun Chariot to ride through the sky until night. These poor students were such misinformed and taught to confuse two very different gods: Apollo and Helios. But miss Tardieu-Denesle can be easily forgiven, because the confusion between the two deities has been existing since a very long time…
When we want to associate the name “Apollo” with ideas, we associate him with “light”, “harmony” or “balance (equilibrium)”. Apollo means to us the Athens of Pericles, the sunrays descending upon the Acropolis, the “sôphrosunè”, this wisdom made of moderation and whose principles had been engraved on the façade of the temple of Delphi. We usually oppose (and Nietzsche greatly helped reinforced this antithesis) Apollo’s serenity with the barbaric drunkenness of Dionysos. The idea of Apollo as a god of light and harmony existed as early as Antiquity, but it does not correspond to the original character of the god – a god which has a dark face, obscured in mysterious shadow… For Apollo is a disquieting and complex god of contrasts, solar and chthonian at the same time, a bearer of life and death.
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I/ The problem of the origins
The hardships of understanding the origins and the personality of Apollo appear as early as the examination of his epithets. The god is said to be “Lukeios”, an adjective that the scholars have for a very long time tied to “lukè”, the light. This etymology fits very well the most famous nickname of Apollo, “Phoibos”, “the clear”, “the shining”, “the pure” – a name that is found as early as the first lines of Homer’s Iliad and Hesiod’s Theogony. This already paves the way for the assimilation by Apollo of Helios – a fusion that already appeared within a 7th-6th century BCE text known as “The Homeric Hymn to Apollo”: “It is there that appears the ship of Apollo, the Archer Lord, under the appearance of the celestial body that shines in bright day”. This assimilation will be later reaffirmed by Aeschylus’ “Bassarids” (Bassarae?) in the 5th century: Orpheus claims in the play that the Sun is also called Apollo. In a similar way, Aeschylus identifies within the “Xantriae” Selene, the Moon, to Artemis, the daughter of Leto and sister of Apollo.
And yet Apollo, “the light one”, is also called “Loxias”, “the skew one”, “the dark one”. According to an information within the “Etymologicum Magnum” (642), this name can be explained by the character of Loxô, a daughter of Boreas that raised the young god. Let us admit this, and let us admit that the oracles of Delphi were in truth very clear: writers, nonetheless, were more concerned with dramatic effect than reality, and as such they started spreading the idea that Apollo always expressed himself in an ambiguous way, forcing mankind to interpret his predictions, with a risk of misunderstanding them and causing disasters. Aeschylus wrote in his “Agememnon”: “Yet I speak the language of Greece. Loxias does too: yet his oracles are obscure.”
Herodotus shared numerous stories about the misfortunes of mistaken humans, such as Cresus who was unable to understand that the great empire he wanted to destroy was his own and that the “mule” he had to fear was Cyrus, son of a Mede and a Persian.
The obscurity of Apollo is also found back within his ambiguous relationships to the chthonian world. He is the killer of a female dragon (drakaina) that guarded the very ancient oracle of Gaia the Earth at Delphi (according to the “Homeric Hymn to Apollo”). A famous statue depicted him as a “sauroctonus”, a “lizard killer”. He is also “Smintheus”, the “destroyer of rats” according to “Iliad”. But at Epidaurus, within the temple of his son Asklepios (whose symbolic animal was the mole, another chthonian beast), snakes crawled among those who practiced the incubation ritual. A snake also wrapped itself around the staff of the physician-god, a deity who himself sometimes appeared as a snake (Pausanias, II, 10, 3). Another son of Apollo appeared sometimes as a snake: Trophonios, who had his own underground oracle at Lebadeia. As for Apollo “killer of rats”, he might have originally been a healing rat-god: it is implied by the numerous analogies between the Greek Apollo and the Hindu Rudra (the motifs of the bow, the disease, the mole, the rat, poetry and obliquity).
As such, translating “Lukeios” by “luminescent” feels incomplete, unsatisfying. The Ancients had proposed themselves another explanation. Apollo Lukeios might have meant “killer of wolves” (lukos). “And you, god that destroys the wolves, destroy the army of our enemies” (Aeschylus’ The Seven Against Thebes), “Here is the Lycian Square, dedicated to the god killer of wolves” (Sophocles’ “Electra”). This depiction of the god is not absurd, because there are many links between Apollo and the wolf. According to Pausanias, Danaos obtained the kingship of Argos because the god sent a wolf attack a flock, and the new king had a sanctuary built for Apollo Lukios. In the same city, it was known that wolves were offered in sacrifice to Apollo. The Lyceum of Athens, dedicated to Apollo, was, also according to Pausanias, named as such in homage to a hero named “Lukos”. On coins, Apollo was sometimes associated with wolves. Apollo was a master of wild beasts, like his sister Artemis. Destroyer of wolves, protector of wolves, or maybe himself a wolf, as once was Zeus Lukaios? Indeed, according to Servius, it was under the shape of a wolf that Apollo managed to get close to the nymph Cyrene… But it might be an abuse of the theriomorphism explanation, with a risk to derive into a polytheriomorphism: after all, what can prevent us to turn the Apollo of Delphi into an ancient dolphin-god, since Apollo supposedly jumped over a Cretan ship under the shape of a dolphin (Homeric Hymn of Apollo).
There is a third explanation of the epiclesis Lukeios, which is probably the most convincing of the three. Apollo is supposed to come from Lycia, a land of Asia Minor. It is why he was called Lukégenès, “Born in Lycia”. However, it is true that “Lukegenes” is sometimes translated as “born of the wolf” – according to Aristotle’s “History of Animals” Leto, to escape Hera’s jealousy, turned herself into a she-wolf. But it is also true that this version of Apollo’s birth does not correspond to the one claiming his birthland was Delos. Antoninus Liberalis, in his “Metamorphosis”, to reconcile what seemed like contradicting stories, decided to make Delos the place where Apollo was born, and Lycia the place where Apollo went immediately afterward – even adding that Lycia was named as such by Leto because wolves showed her the way. Let us note anyway that there are many sanctuaries of Apollo within Asia Minor ; that his sister Artemis is also strongly tied to Asia Minor ; that in the “Iliad” the god fights alongside the Trojans, not the Achaean ; finally, that the palm-tree of Delos under which Leto gave birth (Homeric Hymn) is an Oriental tree…
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The many interpretations of the word “Lukeios” do not exhaust the many hypothesis conceived about the origin of Apollo. For some he is an Indo-European god, close to the Hindu god Rudra. Others also claim that he is Indo-European, but rather say he comes from the North, highlighting his link to the Hyperborean. These same people like to point out that the first Greeks were nomad shepherds, and that the word “apella” (“assembly/gathering of the people”, but also “sheepfold” according to Hesychius) is very close to “Apellôn”, the name of Apollo according to the Dorians. The myth comes here to the rescue of the etymology: Apollo himself owned many different flocks, and acted as a shepherd for both Laomedon and Admetus. Dumézil analyzed all three functions typical of Indo-European societies within the speech Apollo addresses to the goddesses in the Homeric Hymn: the first (magico-religious sovereignty) appears within his allusion to the oracles, and to the lyre that is tied to the songs and dances of cultural celebrations ; the second (war) appears with the mention of the shooting bow ; the third (wealth, fecundity) appears in the gold that covers Delos, as a promise of a future prosperity.
For other scholars, the name of Apollo was originally “Pelun” – the god was as such the mythical ancestors of the Pelasgian. Finally, the “Homeric Hymn” itself gives us another path: the one leading to the Aegean world, especially Crete. Apollo of Delphi entrusted his Delphi temple to the guardianship of Cretan men from Knossos. And according to Pausanias, it is a Cretan that purified both Apollo and Artemis after the murder of the dragon – and it is a Cretan too that won the first victory at the Pythian Games.
As Robbe-Grillet wrote, the successive interpretations, by being piled up onto each other, erase each other. We can only conclude that Apollo does not have a singular origin, but that his historical personality is an amalgamation of gods coming from various countries – a succession of strata. The other epithets of the god unfortunately do not enlighten us. Apollo is called “Puthios”, but is it because he allowed the corpse of the dragon to “rot” (puthein), according to the Homeric Hymn ; or is it because, as an oracular god, he “informs” (puthestai) those that ask him questions (according to Strabon). Are the names “Paian”, “Paièôn” and “Paiôn” related to healing (the most traditional reading) or to a victory song?
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the greek/roman gods
Format is GREEK NAME/ROMAN NAME: description
starting at the beginning,
CHAOS: the void, everything and nothing, sometimes a deity, sometimes a stasis.
then there were the Primordials, that arose from Chaos and were more concepts than gods,
EROS (the elder)/PHANES: love and procreation
TARTARUS: the original deity/representation of the underworld
GAIA/TERRA: mother earth, the ultimate creator
EREBUS: darkness
NYX: night
AETHER: child of Erebus and Nyx, day
HEMERA: child of Erebus and Nyx, light
MOROS: child of Erebus and Nyx, doom
THANATOS: child of Erebus and Nyx, death
KER: child of Erebus and Nyx, violent death
MACARIA: death of the blessed
HYPNOS/SOMNUS: child of Erebus and Nyx, sleep
MOMUS: child of Erebus and Nyx, mockery and blame
GERAS/SENECTUS: child of Erebus and Nyx, old age
OIZYS/MISERIA: child of Erebus and Nyx, misery
NEMESIS: child of Erebus and Nyx, retribution
PHILOTES: child of Erebus and Nyx, affection
APATE: child of Erebus and Nyx, deceit
ERIS/DISCORDIA: child of Erebus and Nyx, strife
MOIRAI/PARCAE: child of Erebus and Nyx, the three fates
CHARON: child of Erebus and Nyx, ferryman of the Underworld
CHRONUS: the elder primordial of time
OUREA: created by Gaia, the mountains
NESOI: child of Ourea, the islands
PONTUS: created by Gaia, the sea
THALASSA: child of Pontus, a sea goddess
NEREUS: child of Gaia and Pontus, god of the sea
CETO: child of Gaia and Pontus, sea goddess
THAUMUS: child of Gaia and Pontus, a sea god
IRIS: child of Thaumus, goddess of rainbows
OURANOS/CAELUS: created by Gaia, the sky
TYPHON: son of Gaia and Tartarus, volcanic forces, the father of all monsters
CRONUS/SATURN: son of Ouranos, god of the harvest, slayed/castrated his father
then came the Titans, the children of Gaia and Ouranos (unless specified otherwise),
RHEA/CYBELE/OPS: goddess of fertility
OCEANUS: god of the oceans, conceived the Oceanids with Tethys
TETHYS: god of the rivers
TYCHE/FORTUNA: one of the Oceanids, goddess of good luck
STYX: one of the Oceanids
HYPERION: god of light, but more in a sunlight sense
THEIA: goddess of light, but in a light of the blue sky sense
HELIOS/SOL: child of Hyperion and Theia, god of the sun
SELENE/LUNOS: child of Hyperion and Theia, goddess of the moon
EOS/AURORA: goddess of dawn
CRIUS: god of the constellations
EURYBIA: child of Pontus, sea goddess
ASTRAEUS: child of Crius and Eurybia, god of stars and planets
PALLAS: child of Crius and Eurybia, god of war
PERSES: child of Crius and Eurybia, god of destruction
THEMIS: goddess of law and order
IAPETUS: god of mortal life
ATLAS: child of Iapetus and Asia (an Oceanid), carried the celestial sphere, god of astronomy
PROMETHEUS: child of Iapetus and Asia, god of foresight, creator of man and giver of fire to humans
EPIMETHEUS: child of Iapetus and Asia, god of hindsight
MNEMOSYNE: goddess of memory
COEUS/POLUS: god of the celestial axis
PHOEBE: a moon goddess
LETO/LATONA: child of Coeus and Phoebe, goddess of motherhood
ASTERIA: child of Coeus and Phoebe, goddess of falling stars
HECATE/TRIVIA: child of Asteria and Perses, goddess of magic, ghosts, and necromancy
ZEUS/JUPITER: god of sky, weather, and kingship
then the "modern" Pantheon,
ATHENA/MINERVA: sprung from Zeus' head, goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts
APOLLO: child of Leto and Zeus, god of the sun, healing, prophecy, music, and poetry
ASCLEPIUS/AESCULAPIUS: son of Apollo and a nymph, god of medicine
ARTEMIS/DIANA: child of Leto and Zeus, goddess of the moon, hunting, and the wild
HERMES/MERCURY: child of Maia and Zeus, messenger of the gods and patron of thieves and travellers
PAN/FAUNUS: child of Hermes, god of nature and shepherding
DIONYSUS/BACCHUS: child of a mortal and Zeus, god of wine, festivity, and madness
DIKE: child of Zeus and Themis, goddess of justice
EUNOMIA: child of Zeus and Themis, goddess of good laws
EIRENE: child of Zeus and Themis, goddess of peace
HERA/JUNO: goddess of women and marriage
ARES/MARS: child of Hera and Zeus, god of war and courage
EILEITHYIA: child of Hera and Zeus, goddess of childbirth and midwifery
HEPHAESTUS/VULCAN: child of Hera and Zeus, god of blacksmithing and fire
HEBE/JUVENTIA: child of Hera and Zeus, goddess of youth, cupbearer of the gods
DEMETER/CERES: goddess of agriculture
PERSEPHONE/PROSPERINA: child of Demeter and Zeus, goddess of springtime and queen of the Underworld
POSEIDON/NEPTUNE: god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses
TRITON: child of Amphitrite and Poseidon, messenger of the sea
HADES/PLUTO: king of the Underworld and god of the dead and wealth
HESTIA/VESTA: goddess of the hearth and home
APHRODITE/VENUS: sprung from the sea foam created by Ouranos' body being thrown into the sea, goddess of love, beauty and pleasure
HERMAPHRODITES: child of Aphrodite and Hermes, god of androgyny
EROS/AMOR/CUPID: child of Ares and Aphrodite, god of love
NIKE: child of Styx and Pallas, goddess of victory
ZELUS: child of Styx and Pallas, god of zeal
KRATOS: child of Styx and Pallas, god of strength
BIA: child of Styx and Pallas, goddess of force
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Thinking about Hera/Juno HEAVY so here are some headcannons for her that aren’t just ‘ooh jealoussss!’:
• calls every Mortal (and even her IMMORTAL children) she meets ‘Baby’ or ‘Son/Daughter/My child’ because she is THE Sky Mother of the cosmos and she genuinely views mortals as her children to look after and visit and love just as any other mother would.
• instead of being Jealous of Zeus’ escapades and hating the victims, she’s come to realize that Zeus does not love them. She has an understanding that the objects of his obsessions are not truly wise to his tricks, and therefore it would be unfair to punish them. And while she loves Zeus deeply, she understands that he is a being with free will. And sometimes beings with free will, even immortal and powerful ones, can make numerous mistakes and act childishly. She encourages him to never lie to her, and is stern with him when he cheats, but he does make efforts to act more appropriately when he slips.
• She’s become increasingly happy as she’s left Olympus more and become more active in the Mortal realm. She loves blessing Weddings between halfbloods, and she loves helping deliver Babies in hospitals and taking care of the Mothers as well.
• Helps turn Olympian Politics into a healthier system and makes sure new systems are put in place to help solve the gods’ political problems in a healthy and useful manor. If anyone has something bugging them on Olympus, Mom will definitely help sort things out without being Biased or showing Favoritism.
•Has a GIANT and I mean HUGE ‘Family Reunion’ day each year on Olympus where the gods are ALL expected to put their duties in the hands of their Nature Spirits or other Workers and COME HOME FOR DINNER. They pretend to be really inconvenienced but not once has anyone ever said they weren’t coming.
• anyone who prays in relation to their family, especially for their marriage or a mother praying for her child/a child praying for their mother always comes to be blessed by Hera/Juno.
• Moves all of the Unclaimed half-bloods into her cabin. It was a monumental occasion because she came down herself, marched right up to the Hermes cabin, and politely asked all of the Unclaimed kids to come home with her. She then leads them to her cabin where Cookies and new Bunks are waiting for them. Chiron was ABSOLUTELY MORTIFIED but something about this new attitude of hers was refreshing and he loved the idea.
• Juno started THE daycare of New Rome. Any family that is blessed to survive long enough to have a child in New Rome is FIERCELY protected by her.
• if any Half-blood teenager were to come to either camp Pregnant, Hera/Juno automatically throws her own Symbol above them to show she is watching and protecting them. She also does this to urge the parent of the half-blood to claim them. (For the record though if a half-blood comes to camp pregnant Hera and her staff have full claim to them. Yes their godly parent is still gonna claim them, and eventually they move out if they so choose, but The Hera Cabin is THE cabin a new or expecting Parent would want to be in.)
• Camp Jupiter had to expand because Juno likes to come to earth and sniff out Roman Half-Bloods as young as possible and just kind of… takes them home with her to camp.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Zadakiel, Archangel of Jupiter ♃ Talon Abraxas
Archangel Sachiel, also known as Zadkiel, is revered as the archangel of Thursday (Jupiter) and the Sixth Heaven (Zebul). Known as “The Righteousness of God,” Sachiel embodies qualities of benevolence, mercy, and memory. He is associated with Jupiter, the planet of expansion, growth, and abundance, underscoring his role as a bestower of blessings and good fortune.
Sachiel played a significant role in religious texts, such as preventing Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac. He serves as a chief aid to Michael during battles and presides over the celestial Temple and the angelic choirs in the sixth heaven. As a divine messenger, Sachiel encourages individuals to align their actions with principles of righteousness, mercy, and integrity.
The Role of Archangel Sachiel in Religious Texts
In iconography, Sachiel is often depicted holding a scroll or book, symbolizing his connection to knowledge and divine law. He is also shown with a merciful expression, reflecting his role as a compassionate intercessor and advocate for humanity. Sachiel’s connection to Jupiter highlights his expansive energy and the wisdom he imparts to those who seek his guidance.
How and Why People Pray to Archangel Sachiel
People invoke Archangel Sachiel for various reasons, primarily seeking abundance, wisdom, and spiritual growth. Here are some common reasons why individuals pray to Sachiel:
Abundance and Prosperity: Sachiel is called upon to attract blessings, good fortune, and the fulfillment of righteous desires.
Wisdom and Knowledge: Individuals seek Sachiel’s guidance in understanding divine laws, expanding their knowledge, and cultivating a generous and compassionate spirit.
Spiritual Growth: Sachiel aids in personal growth and spiritual development, helping individuals align with higher learning and spiritual understanding.
Offerings and Correspondences
Incense: Cedar, pine, sage, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove — Aromatic woods and spices associated with Jupiter’s expansive and purifying energy.
Foods and Items: Traditionally, animals and foods associated with life-giving power. In modern times, this can be symbolically represented by eggs and wheat.
Gemstones: Amethyst, lapis lazuli, sapphire — These blue and purple stones resonate with Jupiter’s regal and spiritual qualities.
Plants: Oak, fig, maple, sage, purple flowers — Trees and plants linked to growth, wisdom, and nobility are sacred to Jupiter.
Symbols: Thunderbolt, eagle, oak tree, royal purple, scales of justice — Representing Jupiter’s dominion over wisdom, sovereignty, and divine law.
Metals: Tin — This malleable and lustrous metal corresponds to Jupiter’s association with expansion and abundance.
Ritual Timing: Thursdays, during the day, during Jupiter’s astrological hour or election.
Colors Associated with Sachiel
Royal Blue: The rich, vibrant blue of the daytime sky is closely linked to Jupiter’s expansive and uplifting energy.
Purple: The majestic color of royalty and spiritual attainment aligns with Sachiel’s regal status and divine wisdom.
Gold: The warm, radiant glow of gold represents Jupiter’s solar and generous qualities, as well as its association with fortune and success.
Conclusion Archangel Sachiel is a powerful ally for those seeking abundance, wisdom, and spiritual growth. His expansive and benevolent nature lends power to workings seeking prosperity and good fortune. Whether you are looking to expand your knowledge, attract blessings, or grow spiritually, Sachiel’s guidance and support are invaluable. Approach Sachiel with an open heart and mind to fully embrace his transformative energy.
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skylarsblue · 2 years
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✦Wanderer's New Name✦
(SPOILER WARNING!  - In 3.3, we will apparently have the option to rename Scaramouche. He can’t be named what he’s had before; ie Scaramouche, wanderer, balladeer, etc. I overthink names usually so I made a list. I got these all from various sights with minimal fact-checking, so if these aren’t right, correct me.)
Aoi: Blueish green Arata: Fresh or new (Also, ARA, heh) Asahi: Morning sun, rising sun Asuka: Fly, bird, tomorrow Fujin: God of Wind (He wishes) Haruto: Soar or fly Hayate: Sudden & powerful sound of the wind Ichiro: One son Itsuki: Independence Kuragari: Darkness (Also sounds a bit like Kairagi, the enemy in Inazuma) Mokusei: Moon, Jupiter Osamu: Discipline, study, logic Riku: "Wise sky" Ronin: Drifter or Wanderer Ruka: Bright blue flower, spiritual Samuru: "His name is God" Shion: Aster (Like the flower) Shusuke: "One who learns to meditate" Soma: "Sudden sound of the wind" Takahashi: Bridge (Like bridging a gap) Takehiko: Prince, bamboo, military, martial Tsukiya: "One who resembles the white moon" Tsukiyomi: God of the moon Wakusei: Planet (He drops a fuckin' planet on us)
✧Celestia - Khaenri'ah✧
Aella: Storm wind, whirlwind Alto: High (He flies and also that vocal range bro) Amadeus; Lover of God (Irony) Ambrose: Immortal Aurelius: "The Golden One" Brutus: Heavy, dull, a brute Cassian/Cassius: Hollow (Does he have organs??) Coretin: Hurricane Lucian: Light Lucifer: Light-bearer (Demon names count, yeah? Or is this an angel name?) Notus: South wind Selwyn: Manor friend Silas: One who is prayed for, of the forest Thelonius: Lord Titus: Title of honor Valerius: Strength, health Vesper: Evening star Vito: Alive, life
Aahad: Unity, oneness, harmony Aalam: World, the universe Ali: Elevated, prominent, superior (He probably thinks so) Amir: A born prince Atum: Completion, totality Barak: Lightning Baran: Thunderstorm Buruj: A name for the signs of Zodiac Cyril: Lord Daboor: Soothing morning breeze Daiam: Everlasting, permanent (ETERNITY) Dajjal: To worship Dansith: Full of wisdom Dewen: He who brings water Enlil: Wind Mazin: Rain-bearing clouds Osiris: Mighty eyes Saladin: Righteousness of religion Sokar: Adored one Xerxes: Ruler over heros
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