#son lux is great
a-passing-storm · 1 year
I love Son Lux! I love that they keep coming back to the same few songs and just consistently making them better and gradually making them more hopeful.
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gaminegay · 2 years
SOUNDS that make you crazy. Not just songs or artists but the sounds in them. What's a sound that drives you nuts
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o-the-mts · 2 years
2022 Year in Review: Favorite Songs
2022 Year in Review: Favorite Songs
Following up on my Song of the Week posts all year long, below are my 20 favorite songs of 2022! If that’s not enough, check out the Tidal and Spotify playlists with 51 smashing songs of the year. https://listen.tidal.com/playlist/3851ab49-6894-419d-94f4-30f391cab05f   The songs are arranged alphabetically with only one song per artist! “Blue is the Eye” by Ye Vagabonds “Cheetah” by Jay-Jay…
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sapphic-luthor · 2 years
Happy Sunday! You recommended last the new god of war song (which was VERY lovely) so in return I’ll recommend you “In the Flood” from the Horizon Forbidden West soundtrack - been very good for walks on grey days. I’ve also been really into the Chick’s most recent album but I don’t remember your feeling on country enough to recommend you specifics other than just I’m enjoying it. Hope your week is well and you got good Wrap Results! - SMA
HELLO i’m sorry that it’s tuesday and also that i did not answer last week but i was way away and v busy for a bit and then got very ill on the way home lol BUT i am here i am i back i appreciate you and i also am fucking loving this song and i am deeply heartbroken all the time that i can’t play HZD because i only have an xbox and a pc : (
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bizarrebazaar13 · 2 months
FL-inspired book recs!
brought to you by hotel wi-fi
The Royal Bethlehem: “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and “The Room in the Tower” by E.F. Benson. these are short stories, not novels, but they are fairly quick reads and are about locations where reality becomes twisted. the yellow wallpaper deals with mental illness and medical neglect, while the room in the tower is more about the overlap between dreams and the real world.
Port Carnelian: Mycroft Holmes by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. ok, hear me out on this one. if you’ve ever thought port carnelian would be great if it actually dealt with British colonialism and racism in a meaningful way and also had a murder mystery, you might like this book. a much younger Mycroft Holmes goes with his friend Cyrus Douglas to Douglas’s home in Jamaica to investigate a series of mysterious deaths.
Ladybones Road: The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley. Nathaniel Steepleton finds a gold pocket watch in his bedroom one day, but he cannot open it or even hear it ticking. six months later, it opens on its own, and an alarm goes off at the precise time that a bomb explodes in Scotland Yard. he then goes in search of its maker, Keita Mori, who claims the watch was stolen from his shop. Mori has a gift for elaborate clockwork, and though he seems kind and relatively harmless, Nathaniel is sure he is hiding something.
Ambitions/Major Storylines
Early Light Fingers: The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz. it’s a Sherlock Holmes pastiche, but it can still be understood and enjoyed even if you don’t share my Sherlock Holmes autism. I specified early light fingers, because the mystery of what exactly the house of silk is, and the theme of corruption in highest levels of society, reminds me a lot of exploring and learning about the orphanage. just a heads up, this book is centered around a murdered child, and deals with the systemic abuse and neglect of children in victorian london. its biggest content warning is also its biggest spoiler, so I won’t give it here, but feel free to ask me. I had it spoiled for me on accident and still liked the book a lot.
Late-game Nemesis: “The Moonlit Road” by Ambrose Pierce. another short story, it recounts in three parts the murder of Julia Hetman, as told by her son, her husband, and Julia herself. it specifically reminds me of the dreams of the dead section of nemesis.
Evolution: Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant. Tory Stewart becomes obsessed with mermaids after her sister Anne’s disappearance. Anne was filming a mockumentary about mermaids in the Mariana Trench, but the ship she was on disappeared, and was recovered weeks later with no trace of the crew. footage was found that appeared to show the crew being murdered by mermaids, but it’s largely believed to be for the movie, not real. seven years later, Theodore Blackwell recruits Tory as part of his mission to return to the Mariana Trench and capture a live mermaid. it hits sort of the same spot for undersea survival horror that the diving bell section of evolution did for me.
Exceptional Stories
The Bloody Wallpaper: Sign Here by Claudia Lux. hell is an office. literally. Peyote Trip sold his soul while he was alive, and now works in hell, convincing other people to do the same. he’s one deal away from a big promotion, and all he needs is the soul of one last member of the Harrison family. normal laws of space and time don’t apply, the real hellscape is capitalism, and secrets don’t stay hidden forever… sound familiar? in terms of violence and body horror, I don’t think it gets much worse than the text of the bloody wallpaper. one of the main characters does have a pretty brutal backstory involving christianity-related child abuse though.
Totentanz: Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia. set in late 1920s Mexico, the story follows Casiopea Tun and the Mayan death god Hun-Kamé on a journey across Mexico and eventually into the underworld. Casiopea finds Hun-Kamé’s bones in a chest in her grandfather’s house, and when she cuts her finger on one of the bone shards, Hun-Kamé becomes bound to her. together, they must find the rest of his body, which has been scattered around Mexico by Hun-Kamé’s brother Vucub-Kamé, who took over control of Xibalba from him. Hun-Kamé intends to retake Xibalba, but he and Casiopea must face sorcerers, demons, and twisted family dynamics- and that’s before they even get to the underworld.
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meanbossart · 8 months
Well, I did it, I made an extremely annoying durge playlist for DU drow.
Because I can't help being pretentious, It turned out being a linear concept album. Some songs are about specific relationships and events, some are just mood setters. It's also split like this:
Childhood: Tracks 1-3
Teens: Track 4
Active Bhaalspawn, pre-Absolute: Tracks 5-10
The Chosen's Plan, and his downfall: Tracks 11-15
Game campaign: Tracks 16-31
It's a longass playlist and I reasonably don't expect anyone to sit through the whole thing, so here's a helpful little guide that lists the more stand-out tracks and what they're about, as well as whichever ones are specific to a character:
3. Teenage lightning - Coil: A little urge, and first contact with Sceleritas. 4. Bring the sun/Toussaint L’Ouverture - Swans: Several years between escaping the Underdark, trekking the surface's cities and wilderness, and seeking out greatness.
5. Fire Temple - Bobby Krlic: Finding where you belong. 7. Circles in red dirt - Jarboe: Orin. 9. Rocking back inside my heart - Julee Cruise: Orin, reprise.
12. Fan Letter - Michael Gira: Enver Gortash. 13. Pleasurer - JK Flesh: His sister's betrayal. 19. Cannibal's Hymn - Nick Cave: Astarion. 24. My True Body - Angels of Light: Bhaal. 26. Praise your name - Angels of light: Astarion, reprise. 29. All Directions - Son Lux: Friendship, and doing the right thing. 30. Ugly and Vengeful - Anna von Hausswolff: Finale. 31. Song for a Warrior - Swans: DU drow.
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brightest-stars-if · 1 month
Hiii dawn hope you are weeeeellllllll.
Okay, so i saw this ask...
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and it's suoer interesting, so I was wondering about the opposite.
A male Lux who his mother's world and her every desire and hope and ambition is hedged onto him.. with a Male MC who they fall inlove with.
And an MC that encourages Lux to think for himself to make things alil worse.
How would she feel about that?
I know all of these hypotheticals are probably stuff we will encounter in the game 🤔
Hi Liz! I haven't been great lately, but that's life right? We all just gotta keep trudging along. I hope to make a dent in chapter 3 soon 💪🏾
Isolde's reaction to MxM MC and Lux compared to FxF MC and Lux isn't any worse, it's just very different.
Keep in mind that this is my answer for right now, and aspects of her response could change as I continue writing. With the MxM version, she's devastated. She could have tolerated and even accepted the MC and Lux if Lux settled down and married a woman for an alliance and possible children.
But the minute her son chooses to forsake taking a wife, and in turn discard a great deal of her efforts into getting him where he is, the MC becomes a big problem. Her wrath is, of course, not directed to her perfect, shining hope, but instead to the boy who has set him on a wayward path. Especially if said boy is removing her influence over Lux ;). Of course, the depth of her discontent will depend on her opinion of the MC.
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unknownentry404 · 2 months
The Dragon Prince: Pre-Season 6 Thoughts.
(Post finishing my 3rd full watch-through)
It was SUPER weird going from S4-5 Viren back to S1-3 Viren. I think it’s amazing how- like, they didn’t really redeem him? Cause he CANT be redeemed, but they still- Showed us who he was underneath the corruption and- Really emphasised how much of Viren’s villainousness was DUE to Dark Magic corruption which just- And how much he did out of love. (CoughCallumCough) Is terrifying when you think of the other two characters that have ties to it…
Viren turning to dark magic to save his son. “Whatever it takes: however dangerous, however vile.” But then: choosing dark magic OVER his son. Being careless with Soren’s feelings and very life. Telling Claudia to choose the egg over Soren, almost turning Soren into a sunbeast, gaslighting him, etc…
It appears that he first saw the Mirror in his first “dark magic coma,” with his future self on the other side of it. Explaining again why he became so obsessed with the Mirror when he saw it- The fact that S5 Viren would agree with Runaan’s warning: “that mirror? You have found something worse than death-“ Kinda mindblowing.
I have and will always be on the “Viren is an irredeemable bitch” train but- I didn’t expect it to hurt so much when I got back to Season-4-him coming to terms with mortality and just wanting to spend the next 30 days enjoying life with his daughter like- It seemed so deeply unserious and out of left-field when I first watched it, but, post Season 5- Wow, it actually hurts?
His relationship with Terry was actually really sweet? And Terry really helped him unpack so much of the Toxic Masculinity in him… as a certified Viren hater, it’s disturbing how much of this is about him- I always thought the crew spent too much time with him but- He is actually such an amazing foil?
Once again: Harrow is the bird, (Pip), confirmed. Ghost Harrow standing over Viren with the staff saying “your soul is my treasure” in reverse, turning Viren into a Coin? With Pip right behind him for “no other reason?” Also, new theory but: I think this also might be pointing to how the star spell Callum will use, with the Quazar Diamonds, to “restore spirits to their bodies.” Will not only be able to save Rayla’s family, but potentially King Harrow as well…. (Harrow has been on an Oppa bird-side-quest journey this entire time, mark my words: one does not simply emphasise bird and then let bird escape so he is “conveniently” never in the same room as the only known animal speaker, King Ezran, ever again).
Umm, something I noticed that I actually hope is just thematic and is not an important observation but: Callum has learned/connected with both of his Arcanum DIRECTLY after having used Dark Magic… (Also after doing so to save Rayla, but yeah-) And Dark Magic appears to have been something cultivated by Aaravos? Oh great master of all six primal sources?Basically, I’m hoping that it is just thematic and showing triumph over evil! Of choosing your own path! But… there is a non-zero chance that Callum might ONLY have made these connections BECAUSE he used dark magic and- (Don’t let it be so, please- I love Mage Callum, he loves magic why- /scared) It’ll take three to make a solid pattern just- don’t make it three for three, please-
Aaravos is basically whispering in Karim’s ear, via the old high mage that his caterpillar (son) bit, isn’t he? Meaning he’s being manipulated by the person who killed his sister, destroyed Lux Aurea and swallowed his grandmother. And hence Sol Regrem is, too, being manipulated, through Karim, by the person who GAVE humans dark magic, gave them the wizard staff and LEGIT took his eyes- It is LITERALLY the end of S3 again- Karim in Viren’s place. Aaravos, master warmonger-
Rayla to Callum, finally opening up about the coins: “there’s a burden I’m carrying, but I know I can trust you with it.” To trust is to be stronger. If we’re gonna do it, we’re going do it. Together. Meanwhile: Callum carrying the burden of using dark magic alone. And I’m not even sure if he’s TOLD anyone that the cube is called the @Key of Aaravos!” He tried to destroy it but- he couldn’t and- (This is gonnna FUCKING HURT I-)
Another small observation, but to the Earth Archdragon in S4, Callum offered the least valuable item as a gift when- I’m pretty sure if he offered the Key of Aaravos, it would have been enough on its own and really gotten the ball rolling too? Would it have been smart to give it up? Unclear. But that thing is also a potential danger and-
(I love my baby Callum and I fear for his fate a bit more each day-)
Claudia… oh Claudia… I dunno what it is, but the fact she is so “committed to her family,” but at the same time… they are still alive. As far as we know, her mother is still alive in Del Bar. Soren is still there, and even tries to reconnect with her in Season 4. The only one who’s dying is Viren, but all Viren wants is to spend his last month with his daughter in peace and-Oh Claudia
Extra: I bought and read the graphic novels for a fuller experience, and found them quite interesting:
Callum was going to go off with Rayla on her search for Viren. And she accepted as a lie, before sneaking off in the night. Ouch.
It’s not explicitly stated, but it appears Rayla developed her fear of water from when she almost drowned on the Harvest Moon, as a child, after a run in with the Bloodmoon Huntress. She was alone and pushed off a cliff/waterfall into a lagoon where she was too weak/young to save herself and Runaan had to miraculously appear and save her. We see her carelessly dangling on a log over a stream before this scene, with seemingly no fear. And she also hasn’t interacted with the Bloodmoon Huntress yet, as of Season 5: literally JUST missed her but, I wonder if it’ll come back? 🤔
The third graphic novel takes place before Ezran was born and follows Claudia (and Soren) searching Viren’s old mentors house. It is very much a kids book, but one with very sinister undertones. We learn two things of interest: 1). The timeline of events are as follows: “Soren got deathly ill, Viren’s old mentor ‘mysteriously disappeared,’ Soren got better, Viren and his wife started fighting, wife left-“ Which, I’m- well. That’s fun? Also: the King, Harrow’s father, comforts Viren and asks how he’s doing and how the search for his mentor goes which- well then. 👀 2). The story ends with Claudia obtaining a map to a Unicorn, a map that only she can read because she is… “pure of heart” which- is such a standard, happy ending to a kids book until you realise… what she did… once she found that Unicorn… and then what its horn went on to do…
This show is too well written for the tiny fan base it has. If it sticks the landing, like I think it will? Cult classic on our hands people. Again, I’m just pissed about the depth they brought to the show with Viren: how he was a COMPLETELY different person in Part 1 vs Part 2. How that is terrifying not because we love HIM as a character, but because of how much we love Claudia and Callum… How they made me, a Viren Hater, sad that he died? Because his death was a tragedy? Not because he died, but because he died BEFORE he could warn Claudia not to go down this path. HIS path. That he didn’t want this for her- That she could still stop-
Oof. I simultaneously dread and cannot wait a second more for Friday-
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moonsanoverthinker · 10 months
Songs I think fit The Magnus Archives (It’s mostly character vibes)
(There’s some for a JonMartin type of vibe but there’s some for other characters but that’s more subjective than anything) // (I love seeing these when other people do them so thought I’d add some to the mix)
Also this will (hopefully) be updated when I think of more
All Things End - Hozier
Francesca - Hozier
I Always Knew - The Vaccines (For the romcom office flashback sequence we never got)
Family Jewels - Marina
Just Take My Wallet - Jack Stauber’s Micropop
As The World Caves In - Matt Maltese (ouch)
Burning Pile - Mother Mother
In A Week - Hozier/Karen Cowley
Fourth Of July - Sufjan Stevens
Persephone - Daisy The Great
One More Hour - Tame Impala (to me at least it’s kind of end of series 3 Tim vibe…)
Vending Machine Of Love - The Stupendium (On the contrast, before/during series 1 Tim vibes)
The Stand - Mother Mother
Problems - Mother Mother
Like Real People Do - Hozier
The Fine Print - The Stupendium (Always get your contracts checked)
Do It All The Time - I Don’t Know How But They Found Me
Ramblings Of A Lunatic - Bears In Trees
Absinthe - I Don’t Know How But They Found Me
Mary On A Cross - Ghost
Saint Bernard / Saint Bernard 2 - Lincoln (same song but different music)
Alien Blues - Vundabar
I love you so - The Walters (JonMartin vibe but also Tim and Sasha, again ouch)
Will We Talk - Sam Fender
She Wants Me To Be Loved - The Happy Fits
Rises The Moon - Liana Flores
Sunflower - Michele Leigh
Last Words Of A Shooting Star - Mitski (Someone on TikTok used this for a Sasha cosplay and it was nothing but pain)
Two Birds - Regina Spektor
I Know The End - Phoebe Bridgers
This Is A Life - Son Lux, Mitski, David Byrne (The movie Everything, Everywhere, All at once has a weirdly fitting title in this context)
Fred Astaire - Jukebox The Ghost
The Main Character - Will Wood
Wrecking Ball - Mother Mother
Little Dark Age - MGMT
The Loneliest - Måneskin
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raayllum · 1 year
Teach Me How to Name the Bigger Light
summary: Following their successful retrieval of the prison, Callum and Rayla embark on a quest to the Starscraper while Ezran deals with mounting political tensions in the Pentarchy following Zubeia’s sudden disappearance. Claudia seeks a new but no less dangerous direction, and Aaravos waits for his pawns to come all into place. Ch1 is linked above. Ch2 is linked below. chapter summary: Claudia dreams (and schemes). Janai and Amaya reach out to an under utilized resource. The kids try to get Katolis (and themselves) in order. word count: 9.7k
Chapter Two: Spectres
They hitched a ride from a water dragon once they got to shore. There were plenty milling around, as the Sea of the Castout was one of the few places that had a body of water this large this far inland, and Ezran had appointed all the dragons to search as far and wide as they could. The three of them rested on the shore, this one pebbled rather than sandy, while Zym flew out and brought one back with Ezran’s help.
It was far from the biggest dragon Ezran had ever seen, but it was sleek and would be fast, its dorsal fins flapping in the wind. He climbed aboard closer to the head, knowing he’d need to give some directions and guidance—most dragons were flighty and were unused to flying in a manner that suited humans (or elves) as passengers—as everyone else clambered on along its coral-like back spikes. Callum helped get Bait situated, Zym’s wings fanning out on either side of his light blue body on the ground. He’d fly part of the way and then they’d rest when need be.
He wondered if they’d all been as relieved to see the Storm Spire for the first time as he was now, the great mountain cutting through the cloud line. It was maybe two hours from dusk, the sun beginning its descent on the Spire’s other side, basking the upper cloud layer in a warm glow as they landed right at the Pinnacle. 
He patted the dragon, Alba, on the nose once they’d all dismounted. “Do you mind sticking close by?” Ezran requested, voice a little hoarse. Flying high meant your throat dried out twice as fast and they hadn’t had much to drink either, just whatever was leftover in Rayla’s canteen (Callum had made sure she took a few sips for herself). 
Soren had mentioned that Zubeia had been tired after rescuing his brother and Rayla from Lux Aurea, and Ez didn’t know if she’d be up for much even after half a week’s rest. It would’ve taken something serious for her to not show up for them, and especially for Zym. She loved her son and was protective over him more than anything.
The view from the Pinnacle was no less beautiful, though, as Ezran watched Alba circle around and then descend to a lower cloud level, even if they didn’t have time to appreciate it before they headed down the familiar steps to the queen’s personal antechamber. With Ibis gone, if Zubeia needed something she couldn’t get herself, perhaps they could get it for her, just in case she—
She was gone.
Read the rest on AO3
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maximumharmonything · 5 months
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Here's the second Trovy Empress I created. She is the second Trovy to marry into the Eastern Empire's Imperial family. She was drawn by the very talented @vanisagi27 (just look at the eyes).
Here's her story:
Sourvier Tina Trovy
Second Trovy Empress (9th empress of the Empire).
Her marriage happened 125 years after the last Trovy-Victor marriage. The Empire was 367 years old.
Sourvier was married to Valentius Theodore Victor, the third son of the Imperial family and the last in line for the throne. Sourvier was 14 when she married Valentius who was 16 at the time. The marriage was consumated 5 years later when they were both of age.
She remained in the Trovy kingdom until she was eighteen.
Even though they were quite young when they married, they had an incredibly successful marriage. They grew closer while the prince was staying in the Trovy kingdom. Her husband used to give her flowers every day and would order portraits of her every few months. They slept in the same bed and had dinner together every night. After her death he kept visiting her grave every day until he eventually passed away.
The marriage happened for purely political reasons. The Western kingdom attacked the Eastern Empire and tried to conquer Lux. Lux is a territory of the Eastern Empire that borders the sea. That city is considered a pillar of the Empire because of its soil fertility and strategic port.
The Trovy-Victor alliance permitted the victory of the Eastern troups. The war had revealed that the Eastern army was no longer as mighty as it was during the conquest. The Trovy king at the time, Lilder II, showed the entire continent his warfare capabilities by winning the war in a mere four months. Furthermore, the king proved to be a strategic genius by winning 3 victories in two days.
Valentius' two older brothers were twins and building tention between them had made the political scene tense. Because of that, Valentius was sent to the Trovy kingdom for three years. He was welcomed by king Lilder II, who taught the shy prince how to rule. The heir to the Eastern Empire died in mysterious circumstances and the second in line was poisoned by his mistress. Valentius ended up becoming the Emperor with Sourvier as Empress.
Together, they created the Great Magical Army and reformed the Empire's military. They also layed the foundations of what would later become the Magical Academy of Magic. They got along really well. Sourvier gave birth to 3 children twin daughters and a son. She was Empress for 15 years, she died due to complications following her fourth pregnancy. Valentius never remarried. Their oldest son, Lilder Kosair Victor, inherited the crown.
I decided to space out the Trovy-Victor marriages because it always bothered me that Sovieshu's mother was a Trovy. She was most likely Navier's aunt and I find it weird that an Empire as advanced as the Eastern Empire (as it's depicted in the manhwa/novel) was not more worried about the possible consequences of incest.
Also, I decided to include some nuances and lore behind the diplomatic relationship between the Eastern Empire and Western Kingdom.
First point, because the Eastern Empire and Western Kingdom are on the same continent (Wol). They have similar customs. In this point in time, both nations have the same "lucky color," blue (it will change later on). They also have similar fashion.
Second point, there will be many mentions of military and political conflicts between the two nations. These will set the scene for what happens later in the movel and manhwa.
Finally, there will be more lore about the empire that will change the story later on.
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iron-sparrow · 11 months
Character themes? Character themes! I don't know if any of y'all have a process with OC playlists, but mine is literally just throwing anything with the OC's vibe into their music collection and then forgetting I have a playlist at all.
Doesn't help that I hit a massive creativity roadblock earlier this year.
But I was inspired by a post from @archaiclumina, and the resulting itch never quite went away. So here are some instrumental tracks that hit the OC vibes just right...
Yein Que-Sae
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Despite their intimidating size and appearance, Yein is typically very polite and friendly to others. When they speak, their voice rolls forth in a low, comforting growl -- a gentle rumble reminiscent of smooth river rocks tumbling over each other.
Yein is no stranger to the ugliness of the star, and it's ravaged their appearance. Even so, they are sworn to preserve and honor the sanctity of all life. To achieve this, they greet the world they have devoted themself to with an open heart. They give their love to others freely, in spite of all their fears and their pain. In combat, they will raise their shield before they draw their sword.
Yein is a fighter, and this is how they fight.
Sacheo Maz-Yeh
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Sacheo loves his sibling, but he is very much not like them. Here is a gaping wound of a man, a scar upon the aetheric tapestry woven into the world.
Anyone with special sight can see the rot he has allowed to spread across his own heart. His sorrow runs deep, and rather than try to heal from it, he's nurtured it with poison until it grew into an unquenchable rage. He wields this rage expertly, however, and directs it at (perceived) threats against himself and his clan.
To his credit, Sacheo is an effective protector. For him, no sacrifice is too great.
Lia A’yue-Len
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House Amedelune is built upon the A'yue-Len bloodline and their enduring legacy of survival. Little of the old clan remains today except for Lia and the family she guides with her iron fist.
The youngest of her generation, she was determined since her youth to carve for herself a life that could be lived on her own terms. She has shed the blood of many to achieve this; her spear knows the taste of dragon and elezen flesh very well.
Currently, Lia remains the head of House Amedelune and continues gazing ahead into the future. After all, the present is fleeting.
I do have a few other OCs floating around, but these three are kind of the "mains" in my head. Hope you enjoyed.
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darkkittyart · 2 years
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The great and lonely god 🌙 🌊
“I’ll keep my lanterns lit” ❤️‍🔥
The agony of losing Shuri, but despite everything, he keeps a glowing thread of hope close to his heart (always.) Inspired by the song “Lanterns Lit” by Son Lux
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steven1123x · 6 months
A Half-Gem Boy’s Adventures In The Creek: Chapter three.
They were all at a restaurant called Grand Lux Cafe. It was a restaurant by the mall in Herketon, Steven was having that sleepover with his friends the next day, but Greg decided to go to a restaurant with his son and his friends.
Steven knew what he wanted, so he was playing Angry Birds as they waited. Craig was talking with JP and Kelsey, and Connie looked at Steven.
“Hey, Steven?” Connie asked
“What’s up?” he looks up at her, pausing his game.
Connie wasn’t sure if he would want to go back. but it was worth a try, he can see Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl again. and probably Craig, Kelsey, and JP can come to Deleware too. She looked at him and said it.
“Do you guys want to come to Deleware with me for a day, maybe Steven could show you guys around Beach City and hang out, Steven. Sadie and Jenny keep asking me when you're coming back.”
Steven sighed and pulled out his phone and texted them on the Group Chat that Jenny set up for them for hangouts and plans.
Hey guys! Steven started the chat back up, it’s been a while since they’d hung out.
Jenny texted Steven! what’s up, dude?
Buck texted Yo, Steven Quartz, what’s up?
Sour Cream sent a rock-on emoji.
Steven smiled and typed: Hey guys, I’m doing okay. Do you want to come to Maryland maybe this weekend to hang out with my friends in the creek?
Yeah! we want to hang out with you again! we can go to the arcade there, what do you say? Buck texts
Steven smiled and then texted the group; Yeah! only if it’s alright if my new friends come along.
Of course, Steven! any friends of yours are friends of hours! We’ll see you maybe…Next week? Sour Cream can maybe bring his DJ equipment and DJ for you guys! Steven read Jenny’s text
Sour Cream then texted back. I’ll make it happen, bye. Universe, We’ll see you probably…Next Friday?
Steven smiled, he texted a thumbs-up emoji then put his phone on the table. Connie also smiled.
“They said that they will come to Maryland on Friday, I’m so excited!” Steven said. Connie smiled. “I am happy for you, Steven!”
“Thanks, Connie. Maybe you can see them too. I would love to have everyone back together. Wait you didn’t meet them, did you?” he asked
“I don’t think so, I met Jenny Pizza before,” she said. Steven nods. He believed her one hundred percent.
Steven, the Creek kids, and Connie were back at his house, watching a movie, Connie had to go home on Lion but she thanked Greg for letting her stay for a few hours. She hugged Steven, they said their goodbyes and she mounted on Lion as a portal opened up and she went through it.
The boy was running through the dark forest, he was trying to get away from whoever was chasing him. Steven was alone, Craig, Kelsey JP, and Omar were nowhere in sight.
He ran as fast as he could. The figure was close.
He didn’t dare to look.
But when he heard the voice. It sounded so, familiar.
“Hey, Rose! Where ya going!”
“How did you find me?” Steven asked the figure inched closer, and Steven just saw a pair of orange eyes that were glowing in the dark Creek. The figure didn’t say anything but it inched closer, and closer.
Steven saw Jasper hanging over him, smiling evilly at him as she picked him up by his shirt. Steven was struggling to break free, he tried to summon his bubble but it wasn’t working, his powers were not activating.
Great…the ONLY time that I need my powers they DON’T WORK! Is this how I’m going to go out, by the hands of an insane Gem who has it out for me?
Steven then felt a hand ring around his neck as he was being choked. Steven gasped for air and he was struggling, his legs desperately kicking her body for her to let go, but… there was one problem. She was a gem and he was half of that.
He tried to put his hands on her face to get her to stop, but nothing was working, Jasper just stood there silently, not saying a word but, she had that creepy smile that showed all her teeth, like the Joker’s — but more terrifying.
At least to him. Then she said something.
“Well, well. Rose, how does it feel now?”
“L-let me g-go…” The boy gasped.
Jasper laughed, Steven felt a chill go down his entire body. She lifted his shirt so it exposed his gem, Jasper grabbed it and pulled it out, and Steven felt the pain go through his entire body. It was the worst pain he’d ever experienced in his life.
“Hey, Rose,” she said, Steven struggled to keep his eyes open, but he managed to see her holding the diamond-shaped gem in her right hand.
Without thinking, Jasper squeezed hard on his gem, shattering it. She laughed evilly as she threw Steven into the Creek where his body couldn’t be found.
Steven jolted awake. He was hyperventilating. The boy lifted his shirt and touched his gem to make sure it was still there. Steven breathed a sigh of relief and pulled the covers off of him, he stepped out of his room and went to his dad’s room.
He walked up to him and poked him in the arm. “Dad…” he whispered.
Greg opened his eyes to see his son. “Steven?”
He knew that something was wrong, he saw tears welling up in his eyes. Greg got up and sat on the edge of the bed.
“Hey, what’s wrong, kiddo?”
“I-I had a nightmare….”
Greg’s heart tightened, he hadn’t had a nightmare since he was seven. He always had the gems to protect him, but they weren’t here.
“About what, buddy?”
“J-Jasper… She was chasing me through the Creek in the middle of the night and… And.” he was breathing heavily. Greg put a hand on his son’s back, rubbing it. Steven’s breathing relaxed a little as he calmed down, but his voice was still shaky.
“S-she… She found me and choked me. and… And…” he clenched his shirt where his gem was then, he leaned on his father’s shoulder. Greg didn’t want him to continue. he got what he was trying to say.
“Oh, Steven…” he hugged his son tightly, Steven rested his chin on his shoulder as the tears kept flowing. Greg hugged him, and Steven started sobbing heavily, he knew that the nightmare he had wasn’t real, but it was scary.
Very scary for him.
Greg didn’t understand gem stuff, but he understood that his son needed comfort right now, that was all that mattered to him. Greg continued to rub his back as he felt him not move, his breathing was steady, Greg looked at him and smiled. Steven was asleep.
Greg set him down on the other side of the bed and he laid down with him, He closed his eyes and went to sleep also.
Steven was in the living room, watching a recorded episode of Regular Show, and his father was making eggs for the both of them, Steven was feeling better after last night. He wanted to go to the Creek today and play with Craig and the others. Steven ate his eggs and went to the creek.
“You had a nightmare about Jasper?” Craig asked, they were all at the stump. He was with Kelsey, JP, and Omar now at the creek. Steven nods, JP and Omar are listening in.
“Once I had a nightmare of a pack of dogs trying to eat me.”
“This is serious JP, I met her. She knocked me out and put me on a prison ship heading to Homeworld, it was traumatic for me.” Steven said, sitting on the ground and hugging his knees. Craig walks up to him and puts a hand on his shoulder. Steven looked up and hugged him, He wrapped his arms around him in an embrace. He has never seen Steven so afraid before.
Steven looked at the ground, he thought of Jasper finding them and then capturing them. Craig put a hand on his shoulder, Steven looked up at him. “Steven, It’s okay. What if she doesn’t show? What if you're safe here.”
“I… I don’t know… I don’t want to move again, I’m getting adjusted here and I love it here.” Steven said. Craig nods, they all have his back.
“Thanks, Kit!” he said. opening up his bag of popcorn he got from The Traiding Tree. Steven felt a little bit better about this. But — he still had a bounty on his head for what his mom did, and Lapis and Jasper are still fused at the bottom of the ocean. And he’d seen that, he felt bad for Lapis, but he knew it was for the best to keep Jasper underwater and contained so she wouldn’t escape.
Steven went back to where he usually hung out with The Stump Kids. A boy was there that he’d seen before, Craig was also on a BMX bike that must’ve belonged to the boy, Steven saw the new kid that he’d never met before.
The boy was short and had dark skin, with hair covered by a silver helmet and thick eyebrows. He wears a black shirt with blue long pants and brown shoes.
“Hey, Steven. Meet Cannonball, Cannonball this is Steven Quartz Universe.” he introduced.
Cannonball waved and leaned on the handlebars of his bike. “Hey, Steven. What’s goin’ on?” he asked.
“I’m fine, are you a friend of Craig’s.” Cannonball nodded.
“I heard you moved in three days ago. How do you like it so far?” Cannonball asked. Steven smiled and nodded.
“It’s great here! I love it, everyone’s so friendly here too, and my friends are coming too on Friday to hang out.”
“Cool, Can’t wait to meet your friends, Steven,” he said, Craig smiled. “Hey, Steven. Wanna come with us, I have an extra bike or the Ten Speeds can lend you one,” he said.
“Yeah!” Steven said.
Steven heard Greg in the living room strumming his acoustic guitar when he walked inside the house. He didn’t hear him come in Steven walked into the living room, and Greg looked up and saw his son.
“Hey, Dad.” he smiled.
“Hey, Schu-Ball, what’s up?” he smiled. Steven sat by him, and Greg placed his guitar down.
“You alright?”
“I-I’m just nervous… What if Jasper comes here?”
Greg smiled softly. “Steven.” he started. “There is no way that she will come here, she’s fused with Lapis. Remember? you told me that yourself.” Steven nods
Steven could still see his gem in Jasper’s hand, and her shattering it. Steven shook his head as if the dream was going to go away. “Steven…” Greg said putting an arm around his son. “It was just a dream… Dreams can’t hurt you… I have bad dreams all the time.”
Steven looked at his dad and smiled, he always knew how to make him feel better. He hugged him, Steven felt his phone buzz and got it out. It was a text from Craig, they were going to have pizza and watch Sonic Underground.
Graig saw the text. “Go, Steven.”
“Thanks, Dad!” he smiled and hugged him, Steven ran out the front and went to his neighbor’s house.
Greg looked at Rose’s portrait again and picked up his guitar. He got up and went to the basement.
He came back with his electric guitar and his amplifier. he sat on the floor again, his back resting on the back of the couch, He connected his amplifier, inhaled deeply, and strummed his guitar, Still looking at the large portrait.
“I close both locks below the window
I close both blinds and turn away
Sometimes solutions aren't so simple
Sometimes goodbye's the only way, oh
And the sun will set for you
The sun will set for you
And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey
And the sun will set for you”
Greg sang the lyrics to the song. His heart tightens with the pain and the loss of his girlfriend, he misses her every single day, but he does have Steven to help him through this.
“In cards and flowers on your window
Your friends all plead for you to stay
Sometimes beginnings aren't so simple
Sometimes goodbye's the only way, oh
And the sun will set for you
The sun will set for you
And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey
And the sun will set for you”
Greg felt tears leave his eyes, but he didn’t care if he’d cried, or if Steven could walk in at any moment. This was the first song he’d listen to when he held Steven in his arms for the first time, he just kept playing and singing the Linkin Park song.
“And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey
And the sun will set for you
And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey
And the sun will set for you”
He stopped strumming and looked up at it again. Greg stood his guitar up on the back of the couch and texted Steven that he could spend the night with Craig if he wanted to.
Steven texted back. Greg smiled, glad that his son was having some fun. He knows Duane but they’d never hung out before. Maybe that’ll be an idea, they can go to a sports bar or something, eat wings, and drink some sodas. And just talk. Greg walked upstairs to his bedroom.
His bedroom is spacious and well-appointed, with a large bed. The bed is made up of two pillows and a throw blanket, giving it a cozy appearance. It is situated in front of a large window, which provides ample natural lighting and a view of the outside world.
The room is furnished with multiple chairs, including two chairs positioned on either side of the bed and another chair placed near the window. The chairs are arranged in a way that creates a comfortable seating area for relaxation or conversation.
There are also two lamps placed on the bedside tables, adding warmth and illumination to the space. Additionally, a television is mounted on the wall, providing entertainment options for the occupants. A potted plant adds a touch of greenery to the room, creating a pleasant ambiance.
Greg plopped on the bed and turned on the TV.
A\N: Hi guys. I hope you guys like this chapter. I don’t know if Jasper will show up in the fic at all.
But it was just a dream, and maybe Greg was right. It was just a dream and she wouldn’t show up (Besides, she is fused with Lapis in the ocean. so there is NO WAY that she will come for Steven and the others) Well, bye guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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canon-vi · 11 months
Prepare for mistakes, I finished this at 4 am and am going to bed
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I overcame myself and now I won’t create guys for another 100 years
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Name: Selena
Gender: girl
Age: 9
Height: 150
• is the youngest
• she covers Elius and pulls her brother out of each ass
• is mentally older
• even though she is smarter, she also causes trouble with her older brother
• kicks Elius
• she likes her brother's eyes better
• hates it when her brother calls her an angel with visible affectation
• wants to become a knight
• name meaning: Moon
Name: Elius
Gender: boy
Age: 9
Height: 151
• older twin
• always finds adventures for the ass
• initiator of the destruction of the castle from the inside
• while Selena likes Elius's eyes, he likes Selena's
• just like his sister, he wants to become a knight
• praises his little sister as an angel... a dark angel—
• he will soon have prints of Selena's soles as a brand
• name meaning: Sun
Relationship between Selena and Elius:
They get along well, although they fight, but the fights don't go too far, these two are the ones who like to dress almost the same, give them the opportunity and they will do everything possible to look the same
Selena's attitude towards others:
I love dad, he always knows what I want! How he does it?
My father is very sweet in life and very strict in training, while training with him I already doubt whether I want to be a knight
Miss Hope is the best! Spending time with them is a great pleasure! We go to the forest, to theaters, to circuses, they takes us everywhere!
Brother Pallete's mom? I heard she’s beautiful, maybe my brother will introduce us to her someday?
All I know about him is that he is Pallete's mom's husband
Just hearing his name gives me goosebumps, he’s so scary! He also killed his sons! I can't let Elius meet him!
King Alphonse's wife is truly beautiful, together they look like beauty and the beast
Dust, Horror:
My father speaks quite well of them, but I wouldn’t want to meet them
Sister is very beautiful, it makes me so sad to look at her blind eye, but even with it she remains beautiful!
I feel so bad for him, especially when he's bothered by Starcross
If he had not tormented Pallete, then I would have loved him 100 percent, but he is unfair to treat, even if only half, our older brother! But he's still a lot of fun!
She cries so much, why? Is it just me, or is she afraid of Starc? What has he already done?
A priest from another empire, so what? I don’t know him, and I don’t go to church
Artemis - Mist (by: @itzcherrybonbon ):
She, he..? I'm confused... He? Compared to the old photographs, he has changed a lot, I like how he turned out, now he looks... Alive?
Angst (alive):
I know practically nothing about him, just rumors
Merciless (alive):
Big sister is apparently in love with him... I like his scars, I also want to get scars in battle!
Sister constantly walks next to sister Lux and is afraid of something, she never plays with us
Elius' attitude towards the others:
How does father differentiate between us? We are the same! Is he a sorcerer??
Dad is the best! He makes delicious baked goods and teaches my sister and me how to fight!
Although walking with Miss Hope is tiring, they are excellent in everything else, when I grow up I will marry them!
Father's ex-wife? I heard that Pallete goes to her, but I don’t know her at all
I've never seen him
He's scary, but so cool! Have you seen his armor? I want one for myself in the future!
When she stands next to King Alphonse, they look like opposites, like fire and water!
Dust, Horror:
I don't know, dad said something about them, but I didn't listen
Big sister is truly an angel! She looks so much like a dad, I love her!
He looks just like father, sometimes I want to eat his hair, it looks like honey, I wonder if it tastes good?
I love playing with him and causing chaos in the castle! He's a lot of fun!
When I grow up, I will be a knight and begin to protect Drop and Starcross from all troubles, then Drop will stop crying and being afraid?
Is this the same priest from another empire? Son of King Alphonse?? Why is he here then, and not in his empire??
Artemis - Mist (by @itzcherrybonbon )
I wonder if he grows his hair, will he look like those Chinese people from the anime?
Angst (slive):
All I heard about him is that he sits at home all the time, that’s all
Merciless (alive):
Where did he get these scars? Did he fight a lion? When I grow up, I will also fight lions!
It's boring to be with her and she's constantly afraid of something, I wonder what?
E. L. A. WIA by @anotherrosesthatfell
E. L. A. Mist by @abloomingsunflower / @itzcherrybonbon
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lilbirdblu · 2 months
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jfc Son Lux was a great pick for tonight’s reading session, albeit unintentional in how much it fits the atmosphere
aaaaaah this entire chapter of them all arguing is hard to get through but the emotional blows between nick and ellis are especially hard ;~;
“Act like it's the damn end'uh the world if I loved you, like the world ain't already ended.”
oooouuggghhh why did this line specifically cut so deeply 😭
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god BLESS rhiannon
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