#somewhat controversial
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astreamofconsciousness · 1 month ago
throwaway account for all of my nonsense thoughts
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assiraphales · 5 months ago
the most “yah we gay keep scrolling” image I have come across in years
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zabiume · 2 months ago
it's 2025 and orihime is still my favorite bleach character ever because of just. everything she is, all of it. from the very first peek we get into her life, we learn that she's so fundamentally unlikeable that even her parents despise her (a literal baby), and this pattern repeats yet again into middle school, where she falls victim to bullying. her own brother turns into a monster and resents her for trying to bounce back from grief. everything she does is wrong. even from a meta standpoint, orihime has never been widely liked, and even when she has, it's sometimes followed by a disclaimer or an 'i like her, BUT-" which is soooo congruent to how she is in canon as well? in a way, perhaps, no other bleach character is? what she is and goes through in-universe is exactly what she is and goes through out in the real world as well. of course, in canon as well as outside of it, there has always been a small group of people who fiercely love her too (in-universe, it's her friends, and outside it's...well. it's us, those of us who love her). but the point is. i've never seen a character who is so meta in her existence, who is always going through things on a double-layer - how other characters respond to her in the story vs how fans respond to her in their discourse. there's no separation from Orihime The Character (as she exists in text) and Orihime The Topic (the discussions we have about her as a character). there is a certain type of bleach fan who is a loly and menoly equivalent in the real world, there is a certain type of bleach fan who is a shishigawara/kon equivalent in the real world, there is a certain type of bleach fan who is an ulquiorra, challenging her worldviews, pushing her into corners to prove herself, and of course, there is a tatsuki or an ichigo, fighting for our lives defending her and it's just. so interesting. it makes orihime more real, more grounded to me than any other bleach character. how characters respond to her in the story is often EXACTLY how people respond to her in real life. plenty of times, we've gotten to see characters' inner thoughts and their POVs, but we haven't gotten much insight into the ways other characters see them, how they're perceived by several other characters, but orihime is. she is so discussed (BOTH by the other bleach characters, AND the fans), and the diversity of these discussions is so present too. her powers, her love life, her flaws, her personality,,,,,all of it is a major part of the storyline, as WELL as the discourse. it's inescapable. SHE is inescapable.
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kabumek · 2 months ago
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🌌 through hardships, to the stars! 💫
a deviation from my usual medium and muse, but my bestie got me into collage and a new old man has gripped my heart 👉👈 i love dr gravity man
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zonepurified · 24 days ago
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give it up for ghouls everyone
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princeloww · 2 months ago
i dunno if ao3 is down still has this actually posted? if it has: chapter four of my daisy-dies broadchurch fic
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thereadingaddic7 · 8 months ago
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raynavan · 1 year ago
I find it so hilarious when I see stuff like “Ingo and emmets facial hair aren’t sideburns”. Bc like. this is a real person. With real side burns
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The twins are nothing in comparison to this man. (Meet General Burnside! The man who led his men during the civil war, and had such fantastic facial hair they coined the term after him!)
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terror-of-the-seas · 1 month ago
What’s my favourite part of Fire and Hemlock? Thanks for asking it’s when she goes to Bristol and her father sucks so much he doesn’t tell his girlfriend that his daughter has come to live with them so she pretends she’s going home and wanders around the city trying to work out what to do when she finds the quartet
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full-of-malice · 11 months ago
i sometimes feel like the community can give allos the wrong idea of what it is and feels like to be asexual or aromantic, and especially both.
like i feel when searching for perspectives you either find that being aroace is the greatest thing that ever happened it's so cool and swag or that's it's utterly miserable. when it's more then often both. it's a big package of good and bad.
it's part of you which means it's something so beautiful and powerful and right and wonderful and that's something to be proud of.
on the flip side as a romance favorable aroace person, it hurts like shit. i know that i won't feel like other people. i want to seek out a relationship but i know i'll never love them the way that they deserve and the way that any other person could love them because i will never feel romantically attracted to them. i feel the need to disclose this to people because i don't want to hurt them. i don't want to be a shitty person just for trying to find a relationship.
i've seen allos online claim how Easy it would be to be aroace. oh how they wish they were aroace no more crushes no more problems.
they don't realize that society is so romance and sex focused that you are forgotten and left to the side. and that even your own community might not support you if you aren't perfect. they fail to realize that people around you won't believe you or care. that society tricks you so you feel like you're missing out on things. being queer means that conservatives hates you and even if you don't feel attraction to anyone they still want you dead. like it is not all sunshine dragons and rainbows i swear to god.
also a completely different gripe but i will Kill the asexual extra free time jokes with my bare hands goodness gracious
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spidermilkshake · 2 months ago
Chrimas Eve Fandom Opinions Yeeee-haw!!
Team Fortress 2 Canon Name Reveal opinions, but I don't even think Valve trying to give the Medic a canon first name or Scout a canon last name were even necessary or a good idea this much time later. The other characters' with at least some of their name shown in older comics over time made sense--we got a bunch of the Demo man's backstory and it made perfect sense to fully name the guy. But seven years later suddenly scrambling up "Herbert" and especially "Willis", with the former not even being in the comic, just a random infodump on social media, was just... *deflating balloon noise*. Valve shoulda known by now the fandom was all about just coming up with a name, or the other half of a name, or just leaving it mysterious and calling them by their class all on their own.
I think Herbert is fine. Just fine... it's a Re-animator reference which is cool and all but I think confirming Fritz in honor of Emesis Blue--one of the best fan-made TF2 films of all time--would have been better. Also in a roundabout way would be a nod to Fritz Lang. Also it would still mean our Dr. Ludwig would have an embarrassingly nerdy name as "Fritz" is short for "FRIEDRICH".
My more controversial name opinion is that I HATE giving Scout the last name "Willis". This is not even a Ludwig situation, where it's a last name as often as it is a first name. Willis is almost always a first name. Also, it's... so SO generic ambiguously English-White of a name. I would have hoped for a surname that at least hinted at some Italian, or Greek, or... I dunno, make it Moldovan or even, hey, oops, FRENCH for all I care, but make it something. Not basically the equivalent of revealing his name is "Jeremy John". I actually hope they don't reveal any more names (or unknown halves of names. Seriously, Mikhail still doesn't have his family's last name known but they felt the need to give Dr. Ludwig and poor Jeremy a fully known name at the last minute? Bogus). I think they should leave the rest to the fans, since most people making fanart, films or stories already have their fun headcanon names to use when they want.
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months ago
Sometimes reading reviews of shows/movies with complicated/controversial characters makes me concerned at other people's lack of empathy. Or maybe I'm too empathetic 🤔
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reservoirreputation · 1 year ago
Me: Height difference is nice, can be cute. Not my favorite thing in a ship, but it's nice.
Cuddy in 3X15, having to get on her tippy-toes to give House a hug.
Also me: jdhsaf;dsh;fkjds;lkgjaflkgjlaksdfjalsdkjflk
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langedufoyer · 1 year ago
its funny to me when hyperrealists of today are reactionary about art because at the time the hyperrealism predecessor, photorealism, began it was controversial because Theyre just copying photographs its not real art theres no creativity....
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spokelseskladden · 10 months ago
I hate the capitalistic idea of exponential growth, can't a stable profit be enough? Can't we just provide a service and be happy? Why am i constantly being asked to talk people into buying shit they don't actually need just for the numbers??? I don't even make more when the business does well, it's all for the executives and i don't care about them. I think they should rot actually.
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charlesoberonn · 2 years ago
wait if you came here from homestuck, are you Just Some Guy? i thought you were a celebrity like neil gaiman or lynda carter or the cat who hacked the no-fly list
i just assumed you were super famous and that i lived under a rock
I decided to go about it the other way around and become a Tumblr funnyman before I became a famous published author.
Tumblr stuff is going great so far. I'm still working on the published author part.
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