#sometimes we want to post something stupid and have our followers be like ''we see you sweetie and we still love you''
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panevanbuckley · 2 years ago
a small note for the incoming 'reddit refugees' because i've seen multiple posts contradicting this:
reblogs are wonderful things. especially when it comes to work people have created because it's the most effective way to share it amongst this site. absolutely reblog posts. but LIKE them too!
when someone likes one of my dumb shitposts it's like receiving a pat on the back for my insanity. it's a subtle nod of appreciation as you pass each other on the street. i love it.
and i keep seeing people saying "don't like posts, that's annoying and serves no purpose to the non-existent algorithm" but that just dismisses all the people on here that love getting likes too? i have a handful of followers that spam like things i've posted/reblogged daily and i treasure those people dearly ✨️
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chrome-barkz-aac · 7 months ago
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i made this instagram post !!! there isn't as big of a community of AAC users on instagram so I thought I would share this on my instagram (@cytochromesea).
EDIT: i got an ask that states that not everyone knows what AAC is which is an oversight on my part, it stands for alternative and augmentative communication!
Image ID:
A light blue background with a rainbow and a cloud and some stars. There is a blue border collie with wings holding an aac tablet that says I love you! Text reads: AAC etiquette. Do’s, Don’ts, and other stuff. By cytochrome sea.
The same background appears in every following slide. Text reads:
AAC is my voice! It is not a toy or accessory
Don’t touch my AAC without my permission
Don’t take my AAC away from me, for any reason (joke, punishment, etc)
Don’t press buttons randomly or flip through my communication cards without permission
How would you like it if I randomly poked you on the mouth and throat (or on your hands if you sign)? It would be unpleasant, so don’t do that to me
Some AAC users can speak sometimes. It is not your business why someone can or cannot talk
Don’t ask questions about why an AAC user cannot speak. 
Do let us communicate however is best for us in that moment
Don’t ask us if or when we will be able to speak verbally. It’s not your business 
Do not value verbal speech more highly than AAC. Any communication is good communication
Some of us never talk, either, and that’s ok! Those of us who can talk sometimes are not better than those of us who can’t. None of us owe you an explanation for our use of AAC.
Don’t look at my screen until I show you. It feels really invasive!
It feels like when someone is looking at your phone screen over your shoulder, so please don’t do this
This applies to low tech AAC as well, don’t look at someone’s cards or letter board until they show you
You have the dignity of forming your thoughts in your head before you say them, whereas my thoughts are all on display. Please afford me the same dignity that you get automatically.
Don’t shame someone for not being able to speak verbally. It makes us feel horrible
We are real people with thoughts and feelings. Please treat us with kindness. 
We are trying our best
Don’t shame someone if their device mispronounces a word. It’s quite literally out of our control.
Other Don’ts. Don’t
Don't Treat an AAC user as childish or stupid for not being able to speak. Our ability to speak does not define our worth
Don't Show frustration at the way someone communicates
Don't Make comments about how fast or slow we communicate
Also don’t…
don't Act surprised when we swear or talk about adult topics like sex, drugs, or violence. We are not pure uwu precious smol beans, we are normal fucking people
don't Assume what is “wrong” with us. There are about a hundred reasons for someone to use AAC and you probably aren’t the expert in any of them.
“OK, so what CAN i do?” im glad you asked! When interacting with an AAC user, DO…
Ask us how we prefer to communicate and support us as you are able
Assume that we are competent
Talk to us with the same respect, tone and vocabulary that you would for any one else
Give us money (this one is a joke)
Understand that AAC grammar isn’t perfect and we are doing our best
Is it rude if…
I can’t understand your device? Not rude! Misunderstandings happen all the time in any conversation, just be patient as you would normally. 
I want to complement your AAC? Not rude!
I ask to see your AAC and understand how it works? This isn’t rude if you are already talking about AAC, but don’t ask random strangers this. They don’t owe you an AAC tour. 
Thank you for listening! This post is for the community! If you are an AAC user, let me know if I missed something in the comments and I will pin it! I hope you are filled with peace and love and I hope something good happens to you today! End ID. 
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giannaln4 · 4 months ago
For you? Anything.
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lando norris x fem reader
summary: Even during the worst week of you life, and no matter how tired he is, Lando would do anything to make you feel better.  (2.6k words)
warnings: fluff, established relationship, language.
a/n: And we are back to our regular schedule! Kinktober is officially over (kinda, more context here) so it's time to post regular fics. So, I wrote this sometime last week before the shit show of yesterday's race so that's why there are no mentions of it, but I do have some planned about that so we'll see when I can work on them. Anyway, this is for me and all the girlies who have been feeling stressed about work, let me know what you think!
↺ back to navigation — send me a request!
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What a week it has been for you. You had done nothing but work on a stupid project your boss put you in charge of. It was very short notice, and the due date was creeping up on you faster than you would’ve liked. 
The good thing is Lando had been away for weeks due to his job; not that you didn’t want to see him or that he was a distraction, nothing like that, but you always preferred to be with him instead of working, which isn’t something you would be able to do this time due to the amount of things you had to go over, but with the house all to yourself, you had the chance to get tons of work done.
It was finally the day of the presentation; you were supposed to pitch the finished project to management and honestly, you weren’t 100% confident in the job you had done. Usually, you were never too harsh on yourself, but with so little time to work on it, you knew there were some parts here and there that could’ve used a little more of your attention, but it was either use what you already have or show up with an unfinished project, so that would have to do. It wasn’t terrible; you were sure of that, but these people always found something to complain about.
You were there for only a few minutes before you were dismissed. What a fucking joke, you thought.
You didn’t even get half the presentation done, and the old dudes sitting across from you were already attacking you with questions, questions that didn’t even make sense or barely fit the theme of what you were trying to talk about. 
Your boss was the one to send you out, saying something like “You have another week; we hope you’ll be more prepared next time,” before standing up and leaving the cold conference room, followed by the rest of the men that were surrounding him.
Only minutes after going back to your office you saw him come in, giving you notes on the things he thought you should work on. As the polite girl that you are, you just nodded and wrote down whatever he was saying, apologising for not turning it up on time, but as soon as he left, you couldn’t stop the tears from falling down your face, ruining your make-up in the process. You still had half of your day ahead of you, so you calmed down, washed your face, and went back to work like nothing happened.
At the end of the day, however, that’s a different story. You went back home completely devastated. All those sleepless nights you spent with your nose buried in your laptop felt like a total waste. 
As you drove back home, you tried your best to hold the tears, but it was getting harder by the second, especially with each step you took down the hall that led to the door of your apartment, and when you made it there, you started crying as soon as you closed the door behind you.
You instantly got rid of your uncomfortable clothes and got into one of Lando’s shirts, curling up in your bed and letting all that consuming and irrational feeling of failure sink in. You knew you weren’t a failure; you were well aware of your worth, but you couldn’t help but feel like that after miserably failing the presentation you worked so hard on.
Suddenly, the front door opening pulled you out of your thoughts. You let out a loud sigh as you left the bed. You knew it was Lando coming back from his last race, and any other day you would’ve been happy to see him, running to the door to greet him with a hug like he deserved, but right now, you didn't want him to have to see you in that pathetic state.
You stared at yourself in the mirror for a moment, sighing again when you realised how obvious it was that you had been crying, so you’d just have to avoid eye contact.
“Hi baby,” Lando greeted you with his usual pretty smile as he entered your room.
"Hey,” you replied, immediately turning around and walking towards your desk, sitting facing away from Lando as you opened your laptop.
“Did you sleep okay last night? How did your presentation go?” He walked closer to you and wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug, kissing your temple.
“It was okay.” He stopped when he noticed your heavy mood. 
"You alright, love? You seem down." His brows were slightly furrowed as he tried to make eye contact.
​​"Yeah, fine. I think I’m just gonna work on it a little more; there were some things missing that I need to include," you replied, clearly lacking energy.
“Hey now, let’s not do that." Lando turned the chair over to make you face him. He looked down and noticed your glossy eyes, a worried feeling growing inside him. “Talk to me, please. What’s wrong?”
You just shook her head briefly, a lip-tight smile covering your face. “Everything’s fine.”
“Y/N…” The slip of your name past his lips made you want to cry again. Of course you wanted to be comforted by your boyfriend, but you didn’t like the thought of him having to pick up the pieces anytime you messed up. As a tear rolled down your face, you realised that you didn't have the energy or even the desire to push him away “Oh baby, come here.”
Lando took your hand as he sat on the floor next to you, pulling you onto his lap. Your face was now buried in his black hoodie, the tears wetting it instantly as he brushed a hand softly up and down your back.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you." He would understand if you didn’t want to talk about it but would still like to know what was happening. If there was anything he could do to help, he would gladly do it. “Do you wanna talk?”
“I just-” A sob cut you off, “I- I couldn’t do it, even after everything I did, it wasn’t enough.”
“Is this about your presentation?” He asked, his voice softer than ever, and you simply nodded. “It’s alright-”
“No, Lando, it’s not alright. I worked hard to get it together, to get it ready for days and nights and I still failed, I’m so stupid-”
“Hey, baby, look at me," he interrupted you, pulling back a bit and gently lifting your chin to look into your eyes. “You know that’s not true; you’re so smart, and I've always admired your beautiful mind. You gave it your best, like you said, you worked really hard, and even if you didn’t get the reaction you deserved, you know I’m right here.” You simply nodded at his words as the back of your hand wiped some of the tears. “Why didn’t you wanna tell me?”
"Because I don't want you to be disappointed in me like I am right now." You looked down to your lap as more tears fell from your tired eyes.
“You should know that I could never be disappointed in you, Y/N. You are so intelligent and kind; I’ve never met anyone with such a beautiful soul, so I don't ever want you to feel down about yourself because you are perfect." You felt both of Lando’s large hands caress either side of your face, bringing it up so he could look into your eyes again as he swiped at the tears that had managed to escape from your eyes.
The slight smile that had formed on your tear-stained face told Lando that his words meant something to you, and they did. “You’re only saying that because you’re my boyfriend.”
“No, I’m your boyfriend for all those reasons." You giggled slightly. “And I’m sure that no one would disagree with me.”
“My boss would.”
“What does he know?” That made you laugh again, making Lando smile, a smile so sincere that told you he believed everything he just said.
"Thank you, baby, even though you’re being a little biased." You sniffled as you gently stroked the hand that was still on your cheek, keeping your eyes locked with his “I love you.”
“I love you more,” he smiled, pressing his lips to your forehead. You took a deep breath, feeling a lot calmer than you did five minutes ago as you looked at your laptop briefly. 
“I should probably get back to work, though; I have to basically remake the whole thing and meet with them again next week.”
“What? Right now?”
“Yes, right now. I’m sorry.”
“Are you sure you don’t wanna go to bed? You look pretty tired. We can cuddle, I know we both need it.”
“I would love to,” your gaze fell on your bed momentarily; it looked so comfortable, and it was literally calling your name, “but I really need to get this done, and I have to do it right this time. I don’t wanna be embarrassed again in front of a bunch of old dudes.”
You stood up from his lap and sat back on your desk, focusing on the screen in front of you as you began to analyse what you should take out and what you needed to add. 
Lando just sighed. He knew there was no way he would get you to stop working if you already set your mind to it, but honestly, he thought he would get to spend every second with you once he got back home, so needless to say, he was a little disappointed that wasn’t the case.
He got it though; your job was important for you, and you would never settle for anything unless it was perfect. What made his blood boil was the fact that your boss had the nerve to make you feel like you weren't worth it. 
“Did you eat something already?” He asked you, getting up from the floor and wrapping his arms around you once again.
“Uh- I’m not really hungry.”
“Why don’t I cook something for us? What do you say?”
“It’s okay, baby, you should go to bed.” You tilted your head to look at him and give him a quick kiss. “I know you are tired, the triple header couldn’t have been easy.”
You started collecting your things so you could take over a different part of the apartment. He had been travelling for weeks; it wouldn’t be fair to keep him up just because you needed to get work done.
“Where are you going?”
“To your office, if that’s okay. I really don’t want to bother you.”
“You’re not-”
“Lan, I’ll be okay, I promise. Just go to bed, don’t worry about me.” Taking a few steps closer to him, you gave him a loving hug, “I love you.”
You left the room, holding everything in your hands as Lando just stood in the same spot. There was no way he would go to bed without you, not when you were feeling so down and it was clear you just needed to take a break.
Taking a deep breath, he started to make a plan in his head. He took the quickest shower of his life and got into something comfy, praying there was food, or more specifically, ingredients to cook you something that he wouldn’t mess up and that you would enjoy.
Everything seemed to be on his side when he found everything he needed to make some Alfredo. Everything was pretty much premade, so he knew he wouldn’t ruin it. He happily got to work, setting up a nice dinner as he hummed one of the songs that had been stuck in his head for who knows how long. 
In the office, you were nearly breaking your head as you read the information you had over and over again. You kind of knew what it needed to be since your boss gave you a few specific notes, but then again, you weren’t feeling completely confident in your own ideas. 
You didn’t realise you had been locked away for over an hour, your eyes getting insanely tired as you typed away. A break was needed and well deserved, and you were aware of this, but somehow it didn’t feel like you were making any progress, even though you had been working non-stop and you had already readjusted about half of the project.
A loud sigh escaped your lips as you abruptly closed your laptop, your face falling to your hands as your eyes felt wet yet again. That was it; there was no way you could keep going. You needed to grab a quick snack and head straight to bed. You did have an early morning the next day after all. 
Just as you were gathering all your strength to get up, you heard the door open, making you jump a bit.
“Fuck, you scared the shit out of me.” You laughed as your hand fell on your heart.
“Sorry, love. Didn’t mean to scare you,” he giggled, walking towards you.
“What are you doing still awake? I thought you went to bed.” 
“I couldn’t sleep without you. Are you almost done here?” He looked at your closed laptop, celebrating internally as he assumed you were done working for the night. 
“Yeah, I guess. My brain stopped working, so I thought my future self can worry about the rest tomorrow.”
“Good. Come here.” He extended his hand out to you, which you happily took. “Please stop overworking yourself, you know this isn’t healthy.”
“I know,” you let out a sigh as you accepted his embrace. “I’m seriously thinking about quitting. Who knows, maybe I’ll find something that doesn’t make me feel this stressed all the time.”
His hand was caressing your back softly as he pulled away to look down at you. “You know you can, right? And I really think you should. I make enough to support the both of us and even a family in the future... Baby, you don’t have to keep working there if you don’t want to.”
His words made a smile appear on your face. Not because he was offering to basically support you for the rest of your life, but because he brought having a family with you. “You know I’d never let you do that-”
“But if you do want to quit and just take a break, you can do that too,” he interrupted you. You nodded, seriously considering it, but that was something you would have to think about and have a serious conversation in the future if you ever did decide to do it.
“We’ll see. Right now, I just need something to eat and some sleep. I have to get up early tomorrow.”
“Speaking about dinner, I made something for you.”
He took your hand and guided you to the dining room, a big smile on his face as he proudly showed off the beautiful set-up and the (hopefully) delicious dinner he managed to cook. He looked back at you expectantly, but his happiness quickly turned into a worried look when he noticed tears falling from your eyes again. 
“What’s wrong, baby?” He asked, a hand softly falling on your cheek as he leaned down. 
You were out of words; you truly didn’t know what to say. This is just what you needed, and the fact that he went out of his way to do it for you meant a lot more than he could ever imagine.
“I- Lando, this is-” you cut yourself off when you couldn’t find the right thing to say, so you just jumped in his arms and gave him the tightest hug ever. “Thank you for everything. And I mean everything.”
He let out a sigh of relief, hugging you back as he buried his head on the crook of your neck. “For you, my love, I’d do anything.”
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ahhnini · 8 months ago
midas touch - rafe cameron x fashionista!reader
synopsis - based off this ask!
moodboard ⋆·˚ ༘ *
word count - 1.4k
warnings - oblivious!reader, bestfriend!rafe, flirting (from rafe), alcohol consumption, fluff, slow burn, not proofread!
a/n - i diverged a little from the request, but i hope you still enjoy! <3
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you snap a mirror pic of your outfit for the day, putting up a caption, then uploading it to your instagram story. you fix any wrinkles from your outfit before heading outside to meet up with your friends.
“there’s our little influencer,” kelce says as you enter the cameron household. you smile and roll your eyes playfully, sitting down on the couch, “to be fair, I never thought my account was gonna get popular,” you shrug before continuing, “but it does feel nice knowing that people around the world like my outfits.” rafe comes through the back door, four beers in his hand. “we still waiting for top?” “yeah, should be on his way, though,” kelce replies as he puts an arm around your shoulder. rafe hands you a beer while you lean on kelce’s shoulder. you don’t miss the look rafe gives you. his gaze becoming sharp. you clear your throat as you open the can and take a swig.
as soon as topper arrives, the hangout officially begins. this was a tradition between you four, once a week you would hang out at each other’s houses.
this “tradition” started a long time ago. at first, it was just you and rafe. you remember how he defended you from your bullies, how he had been so selfless, despite everyone saying he was the opposite. you remember how his kind blue eyes would glance at you during homeroom, to make sure you were all right. you noticed how during lunch he would sit in close proximity to you, just in case anyone would try to be a bother.
you were shy when you asked him if he wanted to hang out with you outside of school for the first time. fingers fidgeting, voice soft and eyes looking down. you thought he was gonna laugh in your face, but when he said yes, you felt something spark in your heart.
rafe eventually became friends with topper and kelce, and the four of you clicked together like missing pieces in a puzzle. the summer after you graduated high school, you started a fashion account on instagram. posting various outfits, recommendations, and making get ready with me vlogs. you were hesitant, but the guys assured you that you had nothing to worry about. they were right, and everyone absolutely loves the content that you post.
after your account started blowing up, people from the obx found out and started following you. it made you slightly insecure at first, thinking they had been following you to poke fun at your content. but when you realized that you had started setting fashion trends across the island, that insecurity dissolved.
topper jumps off the roof into the cameron pool, splashing the three of you. “so stupid,” you mumble, shaking your head and smiling at him as he swims to the surface.
midnight struck, you were outside with a blanket wrapped around you. you all sat in a circle, eating takeout while gossiping — yes, gossiping, about the new family that moved into figure eight. it was the guys’ guilty pleasure, though they’d never admit it.
you scoffed at their endless conspiracies, deciding to just listen. you take a deep breath, crisp air hitting your nostrils. topper and kelce stand up, announcing that they’re going home. you, however, don’t want the night to end, so you ask rafe if you can stay over. thankfully, he says “yes, of course.”
both of you snuggle on the couch, rafe breathing the scent of your hair in as he not so sneakily peeps at your screen. you check your socials, and see that engagement is going up. rafe softly speaks, “how does this work?”
“hm? what do you mean?”
“do you get free stuff?”
“sometimes. but I mainly post things I already have,” you shrug.
rafe makes an ah sound before putting his chin on top of your head.
this felt…intimate. none of the other guys would be this physically close to you. you quickly brush those thoughts away, concluding that rafe is only this close to you because you’ve known him the longest. you put your phone down, leaning against rafe’s chest. this felt so natural for some reason. closing your eyes, you fall asleep, rafe loosely hugging your waist.
the next week, you were sunbathing in the sunny skies of saint-tropez. you had been invited to paris fashion week, and you had some free time after the event. however, you missed your friends, and you were texting them 24/7. you were replying to something topper said in the group chat, when someone approached you. good lord, he was attractive. he smiled at you, pearly whites adorning his face. you swore you could’ve heard church bells ring. “hey, mind if I set up my towel here?,” he asks, voice smooth and sultry.
“go ahead,” you move your sunglasses to the top of your head, taking a good look at him.
“i’m johnny,” he sticks his hand out.
you smile and say your name.
“are you from the states too?” he asks, quirking his head over to the side.
“yeah — north carolina,” you clear your throat, suddenly becoming nervous.
“oh cool, i’m from Illinois,” his eyes run up and down your body, and your cheeks grow red.
you two banter for a couple of minutes, before johnny bites his lip, as he asks for your number.
you smile and give it to him, he does seem like a nice guy after all.
the humidity of the outer banks is painful. turns out, when you came back, there had been a heatwave going on. to add onto that, the ac at your house broke down. so here you were, back at rafe���s, waiting until your cooling system gets fixed.
“how was your trip?” he asks, bringing out popsicles from the fridge and handing one out to you.
you beam at him, “absolutely amazing. I was freaking out over how many designers I met.”
“damn rafe, we don’t get one?” kelce says, laying down on the cold tile floor. “get one yourselves,” rafe gruffly replies.
topper and kelce glance at each other, wiggling their eyebrows. you don’t see it, but rafe does, and he scowls at them.
topper calls out your name again,“why’d you stop texting us halfway through our trip?”
“yeah, did you run out of data or something?” kelce questions.
“um—yeah, so…” you trail off, looking at the ground. “I met someone, and we really hit it off,” you smile, and the two boys make an ooooh sound, teasing. you continue, “yeah, we’ve been talking for a week now, and he seems like a chill guy,” you chuckle. “so sorry I ghosted you guys.” “you’re good, just, rafe was gettin’ all pissy when you wouldn’t answer,” topper sprawls across the tile. “shut up, top,” rafe groans.
“c’mon, don’t act like you were about to hop on a plane yourself to go visit her,” you giggle at topper’s teasing. you found it endearing that rafe cares about you so much. guess he’s still the same boy after all these years.
“rafe, I hate him!” you scream into your pillow. “I know sweetheart,” rafe gently rubs your back, sighing. after a month of talking, you and johnny decided to meet up again. in new york. it was stupid, meeting up with a guy you’ve met in real life once. he played you, hard. he had completely flaked on the meet up itself and ghosted you. money wasted and heart broken, you sulked on your bed.
“am I stupid, rafe?” you ask, tears staining your cheeks. “no, sweetheart. a bit oblivious, yes. stupid, definitely not.”
you sniffle, rafe handing you a tissue.
rafe whispers, “i’ll beat his ass for breakin’ your heart.” you know he didn’t mean it, but you shake your head regardless. sitting up, you face him, “he doesn’t deserve your time anyway.” he smiles, eyes crinkling, “that’s the spirit.”
there’s a sparkle in his eyes. without knowing it, you lean closer to him. you feel him breathe, soft breaths hitting your face. you don’t stop, tilting your head and pressing your lips against his. oh god, what have you done?
he kisses back, arms wrapping around your waist. your mind moves a million miles per hour. you tangle your hands in his hair as he lays you down, crawling on top of you.
“are you sure you wanna do this, sweetheart? you know, our relationship’s gonna change after this, no going back,” he says breathlessly.
he’s so beautiful. taking a deep breath in, you blissfully say,
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darksonofsparda · 1 month ago
Omg its another update post!/return notice
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Look who isn't dead, hello. You may or may not remember me from last year as an active role player. I didn't want to take long to post this, but I haven't had any internet access for a whole year There's a lot of reasons why I disappeared for one year It's a pretty big read, but I ask that you please read below the cut, as its important, especially those who are still looking to write and ship with me.
I don't wanna make this too long, but its probably gonna end up long anyway. So a little bit into the year, while I put on a happy attitude, behind the scenes, I've been struggling. Lots of things were stressing me out irl and it was affecting how I talked to people. I started to notice myself becoming more easily irritable for stupid little things, and it kept happening more and more, I almost ruined a friendship with my attitude, and I've already ruined one with my actions, and I don't ever wanna do that again. The moment I finally realized this, I knew I just had to step away for a while, get my head back together and just fix myself. I've been writing on this website for over 10 years, about 13 or 14 now, and treating others with kindness and respect is something very important to me, had I not taken a break, I was afraid I would explode on the next person who barely upset me, and that is not the kind of person I wanted to be, or ever want to be. I'm not this toxic person, but I almost became toxic, and I had to stop myself by giving myself some distance from the internet. So taking some time away was much needed. I was able to get a better look at myself and finally see the person I wanted to be. While I still have some important things to do in life, I'm decided to come back. To be honest, I wasn't sure I was even going to return, but after A LOT of thought, I realized, there are still so many stories I want to tell with others, so many characters and ships i want to explore for all my muses. To save me some trouble, I'm gonna reblog this or repost this on my other active blogs. I'm coming back sometime next month, I'm not sure when exactly, but definitely sometime in February, by then I'll have internet again, and will be able to be here once more. That being said, I'm going to be spending the next few weeks reaching out to people. Ship partners and mains who I've interacted with. I know there are a select few number of ships and partners of mine that I will definitely be reaching out to, to find out who would like to continue certain threads with me and see who would still like to ship, especially if its a thread I've spent a lot of time plotting with you. I'd tag people, but this is gonna be used on all my active blogs, so I'll just reach out. I'm sorry I didn't come back sooner, but I just needed some time to feel isolated to kill all this negativity and toxicity that followed me. To those who remember me, I hope to continue writing with you and tell out characters stories, because there's always more adventures to get into. I understand if a majority of people both who I've yet to write with and have already written with want to drop our threads and move on, my break was very unplanned. But if you are one of those people who is still wanting to write with me, and give our muses a chance, than I want to take a moment to thank you for being here, especially the people who always stick with me despite my track record of sometimes disappearing without a trace. P.S: Since not everyone is on right now, this will reblog for one week, but spaced out in between so I don't clutter the dash. I look forward to continuing our muses stories, whether we've already started their adventures or if we have yet to do so, thank you. Hope to write with you all again soon. ~Chase
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dxfiedfxte · 1 month ago
Omg its another important update/return
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Look who isn't dead, hello. You may or may not remember me from last year as an active role player. I didn't want to take long to post this, but I haven't had any internet access for a whole year There's a lot of reasons why I disappeared for one year It's a pretty big read, but I ask that you please read below the cut, as its important, especially those who are still looking to write and ship with me.
I don't wanna make this too long, but its probably gonna end up long anyway. So a little bit into the year, while I put on a happy attitude, behind the scenes, I've been struggling. Lots of things were stressing me out irl and it was affecting how I talked to people. I started to notice myself becoming more easily irritable for stupid little things, and it kept happening more and more, I almost ruined a friendship with my attitude, and I've already ruined one with my actions, and I don't ever wanna do that again. The moment I finally realized this, I knew I just had to step away for a while, get my head back together and just fix myself. I've been writing on this website for over 10 years, about 13 or 14 now, and treating others with kindness and respect is something very important to me, had I not taken a break, I was afraid I would explode on the next person who barely upset me, and that is not the kind of person I wanted to be, or ever want to be. I'm not this toxic person, but I almost became toxic, and I had to stop myself by giving myself some distance from the internet. So taking some time away was much needed. I was able to get a better look at myself and finally see the person I wanted to be. While I still have some important things to do in life, I'm decided to come back. To be honest, I wasn't sure I was even going to return, but after A LOT of thought, I realized, there are still so many stories I want to tell with others, so many characters and ships i want to explore for all my muses. To save me some trouble, I'm gonna reblog this or repost this on my other active blogs. I'm coming back sometime next month, I'm not sure when exactly, but definitely sometime in February, by then I'll have internet again, and will be able to be here once more. That being said, I'm going to be spending the next few weeks reaching out to people. Ship partners and mains who I've interacted with. I know there are a select few number of ships and partners of mine that I will definitely be reaching out to, to find out who would like to continue certain threads with me and see who would still like to ship, especially if its a thread I've spent a lot of time plotting with you. I'd tag people, but this is gonna be used on all my active blogs, so I'll just reach out. I'm sorry I didn't come back sooner, but I just needed some time to feel isolated to kill all this negativity and toxicity that followed me. To those who remember me, I hope to continue writing with you and tell out characters stories, because there's always more adventures to get into. I understand if a majority of people both who I've yet to write with and have already written with want to drop our threads and move on, my break was very unplanned. But if you are one of those people who is still wanting to write with me, and give our muses a chance, than I want to take a moment to thank you for being here, especially the people who always stick with me despite my track record of sometimes disappearing without a trace. P.S: Since not everyone is on right now, this will reblog for one week, but spaced out in between so I don't clutter the dash. I look forward to continuing our muses stories, whether we've already started their adventures or if we have yet to do so, thank you. Hope to write with you all again soon. ~Chase.
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petit-papillion · 8 months ago
It's crazy how misinformation keeps being spread. I saw a person on twitter who had a lot of followers and a podcast about f1 saying ferrari asked what tires carlos thought it was better and carlos answered "soft". And then they gave the soft to charles and hard to carlos.
When someone posted the transcription of the radio (from twitter user team55) that shows carlos answered "hards or softs" they said the transcription was wrong.
When someone mentioned ferrari wanted to give charles hards but charles refused, they said its not true and the only reason they gave charles soft was because carlos said it was the better tire.
I went back to listen the radios and the person is simply lying.
Ferrari asked carlos what he prefer between mediums, soft or hards and he said "hards or soft"
Ferrari told charles they were thinking about putting hards and he said "no that's stupid".
So whats the point to make up things like this ? Just so people can keep the narrative that carlos is the strategy master and ferrari favors charles ?
And it's one thing if it was just a random account but it's someone with a plataform. there's a lot of fans that don't have access to f1tv there are just believing what this person said.
Hi Anon! I feel like the F1 broadcasts have hugely contributed to this perception of Carlos being a strategic mastermind by being very selective about what they broadcast from team radio. Drive to Survive gets picked on for painting false narratives, but the main broadcast is, at times, just as bad. They pick and choose team radio, sometimes don't broadcast everything that was said or omit follow-up radio that puts the original one in a different light, or don't transcribe it correctly ("There was a cut." when Charles said "There was a cat." comes to mind). I do like that they put "I'm OK." on screen when a driver has crashed and they know from team radio the driver is okay. And I also understand it takes a little while to transcribe team radio. But to my recollection they have never actually said it's just a standard message they use, and instead they make it seem like they are quoting the driver, who in fact may have said, "I'm in the fucking wall." or "Red flag! Red flag! I'm in the middle of the track!!!"
Anyway, on to your point: why make things up? For the same reason drivers lie (and yes, they all do at one point or another) when they are on team radio or talking to the media. To make themselves look good/innocent. And some go to far more extremes than others. Fans are no different: we are biased towards our fave and have a really hard time accepting when he does something we don't like or agree with, as our meow meow just can do no wrong. Some people come up with excuses, others with just blatant lies. See recently Lestappen fans when Max chose Lando, Daniel and Checo as his top 3 friends on the grid, and they said he had to pick Checo because he's his teammate, otherwise he would've said Charles. Could be true, but that would still only put Charles as his 3rd best friend. Wouldn't Max have put Charles as his undisputed number 1 if they are really that close?
Sorry, I digress. The point is, we all need to use critical thinking to the best of our ability, check facts when we can, and try not to stay in a vacuum of like-minded people, but it's unavoidable to have false narratives slip in when it is being fed to us every race weekend. Commentators are biased and although we expect them to be objective, they often are not. I stopped listening to Sky, but it is incredibly clear Crofty's favourite driver is Norris, Chandhok is a Carlos-fan, etc. And you are right, not everyone has access to F1TV to check the onboards, but in this case, they do have access to Twitter and can look at more than just the tweets telling them lies.
In case anyone needs proof of what Charles said:
🎥 bliss_n16
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your-favblondie · 1 year ago
The Genius
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ART CREDIT: novalise1 on Twitter
(I found this on Pinterest so if I'm wrong please correct me)
Hi again, thank you guys so much for the amazing support on my last post!! And I hope this post also lives up to your guy's expectations.
Word Count: 2.1k (and somehow 11k characters?! TuT)
-----Younger Armin ( Bowl Cut ) -----
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Armin wasn't exactly the most social type back then, so I imagine for you two to get close enough to date you must have spent quite a bit of time together.
I can think of a few ways you two may have met and gotten close. Maybe you guys sat next to each other in classes, were sparring partners, or maybe you were there for Armin all the times Mikasa and Eren seemed to have forgotten he was also a part of their friend group.
It had been just a few minutes after lights out when Sasha shook me out of bed and yelled whispered for me to grab my coat and follow her. By the time we were out of the cabin a few of the other girls had gotten up and were grabbing a few items. Sasha led our small group until we reached a clearing in the forest, a good distance from the bases. "Sasha, what's all this?" I asked her as the rest of our group ran over to their own friends. "It's a party, Duh." She said looking at me with a goofy smile until Connie yelled for her to come help him roll a joint. I watched her run off and then made my way to a group of my classmates sitting in a circle. Jean, Ymir, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin Arlet all sat around a small bonfire. Spewing out a few 'hey's and 'hello's before claiming a seat in the circle. Jean and Ymir were in some argument over brunettes or blondes being cuter, and next to them Eren sat trying to carve a spoon out of a small log. Mikasa and Armin were talking about something I couldn't really make out over the sound of the fire crackling and Jean and Ymir arguing. As I watched the fire crackle all I had on my mind was why the hell Sasha had brought me along. It's not like I'm antisocial but I hadn't really established many close friends and the ones I had were human meatballs now. So a party wasn't the most comfortable place to hang out. Before I could continue my thoughts I got distracted by Mikasa getting up pretty abruptly and running after Eren who had somehow broken the log he was carving and wanted to look for a new one. Doubt we'd see them again tonight. My eyes flicked over to Armin and as we looked at each other, a mirror of slight shock reflected on both our faces. Before either pf us could look away I burst into laughter at Mikasa's weird behavior and Armin just stared at me even more confused than before. "I'm sorry it's just I never see anyone so serious act like that, I'm not trying to be rude she just catches me off guard," I tell him, feeling like he may have kinda misunderstood me. A shy smile pulls on his lips as he looks back at me. "Yea it is kinda odd isn't it?"
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And that's where your friendship bloomed from. A right place and right time you could say. Though Sasha says it's all thanks to her.
Over time the two of you became really close. While Armin read you'd sit near him fiddling with your own hobbies. Sometimes you'd get caught up in him and end up spending a few moments watching him while his eyes scoured over dusty pages.
Armin was such a sweet friend, always asking how you are, being there to talk, explaining the stuff you don't understand from class to you a million times until you understand.
And once again you both were at a party when your guy's relationship finally takes the next step.
Through a stupid game of truth or dare...
Sasha scans over each and every one of us as she carefully picks her victim. "Jean!" She exclaims and Jean looks at her with an annoyed expression. Sasha and Connie have been picking on him all night, each time either giving him the truth of exposing his crush on Mikasa or the dare of letting them draw on his face. This time was no different as Sasha added a small horse on his forehead that would definitely not be gone by tomorrow. After Sasha got done we all burst out laughing. "Hey!" Jean yelled, "It's my turn alright so shut it!" And of course, I had responded to him with a snarky "Okay, Horse face" Jean turned to me with a sarcastic smile and asked me truth or dare. "Dare" I chose nervously. Jean turns to Connie and they start to whisper between themselves before Jean turns to me with a smirk plastered on his face.
"Kiss Armin."
So now here you and Armin were. At first, he'd be kinda shy about y'all's relationship but I could see you bringing out a more confident side of him.
He would be the type to remember all the little anniversaries, picking you a small bouquet for your first month.
Now I can't see him being great at making gifts but he would try his hardest!
Would definitely choose you as his partner for almost all group activities. Don't think that means he's gonna let you do no work, oh no no no. This man would rather teach you it a million times than let you get by being ignorant. (Sees this as an act of service kinda love lol) Told you before with the most serious face that " Knowledge was the greatest currency he knew"
Speaking of acts of service, that and praise is probably his love language. Of course, he would love holding your hand, a little bit of cuddling, or a few pecks on the cheek. But when he wants to show his love for you he'd tell you what he's thinking and just genuinely spend a lot of time with you.
I can't see him being big on any forms of PDA, except hand-holding. Hear me out though, I think he'd be the type to hold pinkies instead though.
I could see him writing you hundreds of love letters he'd never give to you but be too scared to get rid of them in case someone else (Jean and Connie) read them, or God forbid you saw them.
He would swap books with you if you were an avid reader. ( Would want for you guys to make matching bookmarks as a kinda of date!! )
But if you were more of a sporty type then he'd definitely love to watch you play, even if he cares nothing for the game itself. Maybe even give you some pointers he noticed or help you strategize. After watching you for awhile he would be able to go on like hour-long rants breaking down each and every little detail and rule of the game and way overthinking it.
Now if you guys for whatever have a fight he'd be quick to apologize because he'd never want you mad at him. (Still believes he's right though, just won't tell you that )
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Definitely has a few red flags and will work on some of them.
When he's struggling with all the things going on with Eren, one of his main stress relievers would be you playing with his hair, tracing your nails against his scalp.
If you ask realllllyyyy nicely he just might let you braid his hair or tie it up. Even though he knows he won't hear the end of it from the others.
Surprised you a few times with flower rings he made for you.
I could see him being really involved in the wedding planning. If it was up to him either a light purple or sea blue color theme.
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In a more modern au, I could see him offering to paint your nails for you if you ever complain about it being able to get them done. He would spend hours trying to perfect it and maybe it didn't match the reference perfectly but they were perfect to you ♡
(These are less relationship-focused and more so things I think about Armin )
Struggles so much with Eren always doing everything so rashly and getting into trouble that he never lets anyone help with it. I feel like he may have had a fear of being replaced or left behind by Eren and Mikasa because he isn't as strong as them.
Just someone tell him he's making the right choices and that he can't make everything right. He needs to hear that.
Jean and him are really close and hang out a lot. Jean is a way more chill and less stressful friendship for Armin compared to half of his other friendships. I can see Armin feeling like he needs to be a therapist friend for everyone, outside of just Eren and Mikasa too, big people pleaser.
Jean just really knows how to chill and not ask a lot of Armin, of course they've talked about heavy stuff before but it's a lot more talking from both of them rather than Armin needing to comfort the other person. Every once in awhile Jean actually is the therapist for Armin.
He does grow out of that though. Starts to become a lot more set in reality after seeing all the deaths in the recon missions. Some meaningless little drama isn't something he needs to focus on helping a fellow cadet out with. Still holds onto some of his people-pleasing tendencies but has figured out a lot of his priorities in his personal life.
I think Armin truly believed that fighting those bullies back in his childhood wouldn't have been the right choice and wasn't just because he was weaker.
I could see him knowing how to play a ton of card games that he learned from his grandpa.
I also think at one point he learned how to sew from Eren's mom. Eren would tease him by saying things about how he's "finally fitting into his girly hair" Then when he actually tries it and sees how hard it is and how much better Armin was he quits the teasing comments.
I think Armin has a lot of trust issues in almost everyone after figuring out Annie was a traitor. To him, they seemed pretty close and had a good understanding of each other. But Annie's betrayal really shattered some of his innocence and trust in the world.
One time he told Connie that if he walked around barefoot he could get flesh-eating worms. Connie was a bit more than traumatized by that information.
As sweet as Armin seems he is honestly so manipulative. It can hardly be noticed by anyone except maybe Commander Erwin or Levi but Armin's a bit too smart to try it on them. He accidentally tried to manipulate Commander Erwin one day over something small and when Erwin subtly commented on it he almost died of shock.
I could see Armin having a lot of respect for his superiors but not being the type to follow them blindly. Like the smart kid who isn't afraid to correct the teacher. And yes he was that type of student, to an annoying extent.
Armin as a student mostly just studied the material he was being tested on to a point where he was confident he knew it. And then would dig extremely deep into any topics that interest him. He knew every type of rock that existed inside the walls but couldn't remember his 12 multiple facts.
He definitely isn't antisocial or introverted. A little shy, yes, but mainly he's just a extrovert or ambivert who's not very loud. In no way has he ever been afraid of talking to people or making his thoughts known.
Speaking of talking to people, him and Hange are total geek besties. The spent hours looking at the hardened titan skin fragment and theorizing on all sorts of topics
I think when he was younger he saw a really huge pond and thought he had some how found the ocean inside the walls.
Probably would spend days going on picnics with his parents and reading in flower fields before the wall break. Once tried to bring Eren and Mikasa on one and never got any reading done.
This man's library card would be personalized in his favorite color (sea blue) and bedazzled.
I could see Armin being a really big Jazz and blue grass guy. Mostly because it's non-lyrical and doesn't tend to distract him as easily.
Would bust down to some Megan thee stallion and nasty redd. I mean, look at that stance-
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Sorry to all those hoping for older Armin, I STILL haven't watched season 3/4 of AoT so I don't really have too many thoughts on older Armin other than that ma is SOOO FINEE Soon enough I'll write for him, and yes there will be another poll for writings posted after this post!! I like when you guys interact with the story's makes it feel really personal. And thank you again to everyone who liked and reposted my last post!! It did so much better than I ever expected. A Big thank you to all my new followers. I'm so glad to have you guys as followers!! And I hope this post is just as good as the other if not better.
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corpseconvulsive · 6 months ago
Hi! My name is August and im here to address the rumors of Toby/Plague, a cosplayer and content creator being a groomer and other accusations made within the last few days
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You may recognize my name from other posts made regarding myself and other rumors including the rumor that i am one of the people Toby is grooming, which is devastating in my eyes because never once has Toby acted in a predatory way towards me, he is truly one of the coolest dudes ever.
Why did this rumor start? Its because of one screenshot where i am describing that i am cold and toby makes a joke saying he will “wrap his feet around me” which was obviously a joke, wrapping your whole ass feet around someone is not even humanly possible?
I fully consent to the sexual and darker jokes and fully enjoy them as we use in private in our servers for just ourselves and friends watering our humor down in the Blood of Salvation server, Toby always makes sure to respect a boundary if it is brought to his attention, still TO THIS DAY i am asked at least twice a month sometimes even three times if my boundaries have changed, the only one being to not make fun of me for my weight as it makes me incredibly insecure, Toby has never broken that boundary. If people had an issue with our humor, we have always communicated in the server that they can message a moderator to discuss any issues, no one ever messaged us saying they felt uncomfortable.
I can address that our humor is quite sexual and dark to begin with, however if toby is not personally friends, he controls his humor ESPECIALLY around minors, there have been many occasions where Toby has mentioned he is kind of sick of minors joining the server just because they simp and suck up to him and how gross he feels when people act like that just because the find him hot.
Majority of the jokes made were in a chat where only the moderators and admins can talk which you can choose if you want the channel to be visible or not, all moderators who are close friends talk here, we didnt say many of the screenshots shown to random members although we should have been more careful with what we say as some people are incredibly young.
Also the way this was handled was horrendous, Seirei has a large platform that i stopped following a few months ago, her content was great in my eyes and i completely idolized her because she seemed really cool, however things like calling ticci toby an abuser and other drama that arised has caused me to stop following her. She should have handled it like an adult and talked to everyone mentioned to get both sides as some people involved are minors which is so dangerous seeing how people are being doxxed now, some involved are as young as 14. Seirei’s posts are in my eyes, the reason this stupid situation has gotten to the point people have begun doxxing Toby and others, this in my eyes, is terrible, even for the ones making up these rumors and statements that are being doxed as well. I have no respect for those making up these things about my friend, however i think everyone deserves the right to feel safe in there own home without worrying about there information being leaked and something happening to them.
I have messaged Seirei who said to message her if you have more information or input as it says on her tiktok, explaining that Toby is indeed not a fucking creep towards me, is definetly not grooming me as I know the signs I have been groomed twice in my life for long periods of time such as 2-3 years starting before i was even a teenager, and about screenshots and things said about me in general regarding an old situationship. Seirei has not acknowledged my message along with another friend who has messaged her for a simple question.
Regarding the things with my ex situationship, i do not know why it is being brought up as it was irrelevant to this however all i will say is yes i sent her nudes however she did happen to start sending them first and it was a common thing for us to act sexual with one another, also one of the people who happens to be making accusations about Toby has told me i must not have sexual trauma if i sent nudes to her when I admitted i was a victim of sa and grooming which is a horrible thing to say to any victim to disregard what happened to them, it is not right and vile to do that to any victim no matter what abuse they have trauma and scars from, especially when some have developed hypersexuality from the trauma such as myself.
I would also like to discuss how these people accusing toby are hypocritical as well, they act like they have not done similar things while they have.
Robin, someone who started this mainly from what i know, loves to simp and support Jimmy Urine, who if you dont know who that is, he is a giant pedophile and was the singer of MSI(Mindless Self Indulgence). He has been charged with sexual battery against minors and they fully support this man and call him hot and basically drool all over him.
Virus is a person Toby used to be friends with before i came into the picture, a minor who said sexual shit and has wrote multiple in depth paragraphs about wanting to do sexual things with Toby as a minor before Toby finally kicked him from the server and blocked him entirely due to the shit he was saying. When i became friends with Toby I had heard stories about Virus as the server was still below 100 members(believe i was the 96th member after i messaged Toby asking if he had a server since his discord was on his IG) so the server was a close tight knit group with the moderators and there friends before it was opened for the public. After making it public Virus made MULTIPLE TikTok accounts and Discord accounts to join the server after being banned for his weird actions, how do we know? Because this dude kept posting art in his style, I was one of the people who analyzed the art as I am an artist myself, the eyes, nose, face shape, style, is all the same. He even presented us with a fake tiktok account, it was him in a red curly wig, same background as his other tiktoks. He is obsessed and seems to come back at least once every month or two.
Many others have made r34 of characters which is gross, like i mentioned before told me i couldnt have been sa’d and groomed if i sent nudes, someone tried accusing me that i was an adult talking to my situationship who is a minor despite the fact that my ex situationship was older than me, accused Toby of asking a minor to show him their tits as a joke meanwhile the “minor” i question is our friend Kat who is 23 so definetly a minor, people have called moderators who do there job mean, saying its wrong that we “shit talk” members meanwhile we only “shit talk” members if youre being stupid and we think its a possibility youll break the rules and start shit meanwhile these people accusing toby have servers and gcs on discord made for the purpose of shitting on Toby, myself, and other members of the staff in the crp server, and a bunch of other stuff.
As you can see, the list goes on with how hypocritical these people are, using things out of context to try and get the point across when all they are doing is lying to paint Toby in a bad light, its disgusting how they accuse Toby of being a groomer when this is who happens to be accusing him. Again to the rumor Toby is grooming me, i can fully state that no he is not grooming me, he has never acted romantically in any shape or form with me, he has never acted predatory towards me or any others, I mean if I dont text him, my dms are drier than the sahara desert with that man, hes not one to text first so sometimes i go a day or two without actually speaking to him. I know the signs of being a groomer from experience and research, Toby is not grooming myself or any others and its bullshit that people are accusing him based on messages taken out of context.
Thank you for reading🖤🖤❤️❤️
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ridiasfangirlings · 11 days ago
If Fushimi ended up writing an anonymous Yahoo Answers/Reddit question about his relationship with Yata pre-betrayal, post-betrayal, and after they reconcile, what would it look like? I just saw a post doing this for another fandom and I thought it might be funny/interesting to see how Fushimi would describe his situation while either asking for advice or just plain venting.
Would I be the asshole if I betrayed my best friend because he isn’t paying attention to me anymore?
There’s this idiot who’s been clinging to me since middle school, I’ll call him M. In middle school he used to call me amazing all the time and we had all these plans to take on the world and show everyone that we weren’t just powerless kids. M was always useless without me, I was the one always telling him what to do and he agreed that my plans were the best even though it’s not like I needed to hear that. Anyway we had this one big plan that got ruined and some other guy had to step in and save me (edit: us). We ended up joining this group that was supposed to give us power but everyone there is so useless and lazy, the guy in charge just sleeps all day and still M keeps calling him amazing. It’s obvious I don’t belong there with those morons but M can’t ever admit it, he just stares at our lazy leader all day long wagging his tail like some yappy dog. Even the only guy with any sense in the group keeps telling me stupid stuff like ‘I want you to always stay here,’ which he wouldn’t say if he thought I actually fit in, it’s clear no one wants me here but M can’t see it. He’s supposed to be looking at me and now it’s like I’m not even here, every time he asks me to go to do something I tell him no and he just shrugs like it’s nothing and asks some fatty to accompany him instead.
Anyway, I got a job offer the other day and I’m thinking of leaving and joining this other team. The thing is, the job I’m thinking of taking is at odds with the group I’m in now. I think our leader suspects but of course he doesn’t care at all, why would he. But I want to be sure M cares, so that he knows I had to leave because our friendship is obviously already over. I’ve been thinking of doing something big, so that he’ll really hate me. WIBTA if I burned something precious to him and tried to goad him into killing me? It feels like this is pretty much the only sensible course of action I can take right now to make him pay attention, it’s obviously his fault anyway. WIBTA? 
Am I Overreacting by trying to get my ex best friend to fight with me?
A few months ago I had a bad breakup with a former childhood friend, we’ll call him Blossom. We used to be really close but he stopped caring about me and I took a new job, I’m not typing it all out again, check my post history if you care that much. Anyway, this new job is fine, my coworkers are morons and my boss is irritating but he gives me a lot of freedom. Sometimes my path crosses with Blossom just in the regular course of things. The other day I saw him walking around smiling and laughing, like I hadn’t even left. He hasn’t even made a single attempt to get a job at the same place as me either, it’s like he’s not even trying to chase me at all. It’s not a big deal to me but it’s annoying because he’s acting so stupid that it pisses me off and makes me want to do something drastic. 
I’m thinking of just following him around secretly and goading him into fights whenever possible. I don’t really want to hurt him — much, and anyway I want him to hurt me more — I just want to remind him how it’s all his fault that I’m gone and he doesn’t get to forget me that easily. If I don’t do this then I won’t be able to get him to hate me, and it’s important that I’m the guy he hates the most. AIO by trying to get him to notice me a little more? 
How do you know if someone actually likes you?
This is such a pain but I guess I need advice. I have this former childhood friend, we’ll call him Idiot Virgin. We had a falling out a few years ago but now we’re back together again. He said he was excited that we can be friends again but lately I’ve started to realize that I care about him in a way that’s more than friendship. I guess it’s something like love, who knows. I just want him to look at me more than anyone else and it makes my heart beat a little faster when he smiles. He’s a total moron and uselessly energetic and is so stupidly honest that he’s hard to handle. Everything he says is either zero or one hundred points and lately I keep feeling like every time he talks to me it’s one hundred.
Clearly I can’t tell Idiot Virgin this though, because if he doesn’t feel the same way we won’t ever be able to talk again. I’ve been trying to think of ways to get him to admit that he likes me, so that I know it’s safe to tell him that I like him. The problem is I already did something once that really hurt him and I don’t really want to do that again, because then he’ll really hate me and I don’t think I could handle that this time. Maybe I just won’t say anything, these stupid feelings will go away eventually right? If he wasn’t such a virgin it would be easier to know how he feels, but he keeps blushing every time I get too close and it’s impossible to say what that means. Does anyone have any suggestions that aren’t stupid for how to get someone else to confess first?
TheHatGuy Fushimi, everyone knows it’s you. 
BandoutheGreat lol it’s definitely Fushimi 
ShoHey I thought you guys were already together?
 LadiesManYo just tell him dude don’t make us deal with this shit again
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kingscourthouse · 8 months ago
TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT /nf ofc I'm just really curious as to how our ideas compare and contrast :D
I'll be honest it's not really set in stone. It started as a joke concept of Boat Boys since I was talking to my friend about how they're obsessed but infatuated like how Odysseus is with Penelope in the Odessey.
<Massive ramble incoming>
It's very loosely based on Epic since there's some things in epic that would be hard to work around and also I feel bad putting some people in certain roles. Since it's loosely based on it, everything I post about it won't always be following the story because I had this really stupid idea of Grian following Scar to the underworld after he died bc he's in love. /silly
Over all its a very stupid au.
Mainly its Joel fighting in the war for years so he can return to Etho. Unlike Odysseus though, Joel carries an oar given to him from Etho everywhere he goes. The end is sharpened into a spear and is enchanted with fire aspect. The bands wrapped around his arms are from Scar who believes they will bring him safety. Throughout the journey, Joel will cycle through a lot of looks as he grows in age and changes. Near the end of the war and beginning of the story, he's inspired by his Stratos outfit. As he's in the underworld his hair grows out and covers more, he looks more like (my design) of Bad Boy Joel from Limited Life. Only difference is that instead of his hair being wild, it's long braids that he's never touched. And then when he finally returns home he'll look more like his skins in the early Life Series with long hair, long beard and obviously out for blood. He's a man with a trail of bodies and isn't afraid to leave more.
Beef takes the place of Eurlylocus, as Joel's second in command and a brother in arms. Beef is the one of the people always by his side and knows what Joel is fighting for. He makes the most level headed decisions but won't hesitate when he thinks it's time to kill or leave. While Joel wants a peaceful way out, Beef will do what it takes to make sure their men survive. When perishing in the storm, Beef is found with Scar in the underworld. Speaking of llamas-
Scar takes the place of Polites. Throughout the story the amount of scars he has grows from his working on the ship. Most on his face and chest are from the war, but a good portion of the ones on his arms are from working on the galley. He uses a bow and his sharp aim had gained him a title in the war, but he's actually fairly strong, tying ropes around his arms and fallen men to drag them across the battlefield. He'll tie the rope to multiple oars on the ship so people can have breaks. A lot of his scars are barely seen as scars now and more as his stories. A walking display of honour and comradery. Some say he was blessed by one of the gods for his silliness and bravery. Sometimes being near him you can hear faint laughter. Some think it's the messenger god. Others believe it's the vex that haunt the lotus eaters. Scar is a mystery to a lot of them.
Now that we got the boring ones out of the way (/that's a joke, I love them)
From what ones I've posted so far there's a few that I think I've finally settled on.
Skizz takes the place of Posiden. And yeah yeah I hear you, Xb would've made a great Posiden he's literally known for guardian stuff. But while I agree, I think Skizz would make a better fit to match the energy and motives from the musical.
Instead of Skizz having a son and that's what sends him into drowning Joel's ship, Skizz made a friend. Which is odd for the gods seeing as they're above everything. Skizz found a cyclops one day on the shores with his sheep. He would spend his days around it til eventually the cyclops just told him he knew he was there. Weirdly enough, he ended up becoming really attached to this cyclops. They became close friends and something that Skizz really cared about, even if he couldn't see him that often without being caught or seen. When Skizz returns one day to see that his friend is blinded and suffering, he goes into a rage and follows Joel to make him pay.
The cyclops is Impulse. He's kind, but if you wrong him then it's over. His sheep were a gift from Skizz and to have them slaughtered is a crime that won't go unpunished.
Gem is Athena. I actually struggled with who to make Athena because so many of them would make a great Athena. Honestly all the female hermits I've struggled with. Gem is Athena, the god of wisdom and war. She helps Joel until she realises the mistake she's made and leaves him to suffer his own consequences. Gem can take the disguise of a deer and sometimes owl. She was gifted her two fish, Aylin and Lucien, by whoever will be Circe. One of the moon and one of light. They are disguised under her cloak as a part of the patterns she wears but are used as messangers and omens for those who look. Her fish are actually how she found out that Skizz had gotten attached to Impulse. She promised she wouldn't tell and mostly teases him about it.
GRIAN. Ough sorry but I LOVE how Hermes is depicted in Epic. There's no way I couldn't make him Grian. He has a habit of watching everything that's happening. Especially with Scar. He'd whiz through the battlefield unseen by the gods just to grant him small blessings at a time to aid his fight. When he returned eventually to the ship and found that a bunch of men had died, including Scar, he started taking longer trips to the underworld. It's not often he stops to sightsee. Always places to go, places to be, orders to be carried out and messages to be sent. But for once he doesn't take the quickest route. Will take detours. He won't get close, he never has and never will. But he'll spot Scar's spirit mindlessly singing and spreading hope throughout the underworld, and will enjoy it for only a moment before leaving. When helping Joel, he wants nothing more than to see him escape safely. Though he does mess with him a bit. Pulling a few pranks here and there until he reveals himself. After the underworld saga, Grian is seen carrying Scar's old bow that had been blessed by him. If anyone asks he'd just say that he was taking back what was rightfully his. He has no use for it, but it is his none the less.
Circe and Aeolus are still in the works because as I said before, I keep switching the female hermits to and fro and can't decide. Though I've got an idea of who I want them to be.
Idk man this whole au was supposed to be a joke to teach my friend about the Odessey through Epic and it somehow became serious and I really like it and like designing it and oh my god I cannot wait for Thunder saga because then we get to see more of the full pantheon and I already have ideas of who's gonna be who.
But yeah. That's ehhh.... That's all I can think of off the top of my head. What's hard is not confusing this with my Hades au which is a whole 'nother can of worms I do NOT wanna touch rn XD
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pensat-i-fet · 2 years ago
I chose you (Julián Álvarez x Reader)
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**Got another Julián request recently and it’s always funny how easy it is to write for him. So hopefully it’s easy and enjoyable to read for all of you ❤️**
Word count: 1879
“Are you ok?”, asks my mum, and I can see the worry in her expression even through the screen.
“Yeah. Just not feeling 100% at the moment, you know?”
“Why? Are you sick or something?”
“No. I guess I’m just going through one of those moments where I don’t feel super confident or whatever. No specific reason. For all I know, it could just be the bad weather making me feel this way”.
“Is everything ok with Julián?”
I smile without even noticing. “Yes, mum. It’s nothing to do with him”.
“Well, I’ll still tell him to take better care of you so you don’t feel this way”.
“Mum, I’m a grown woman. I don’t need my boyfriend to take care of me”.
“We all need people to take care of us. Don’t forget that”.
I don’t want to admit it but I know she’s right. I’m always in my own head, not sharing how I feel and it can be a bit much sometimes.
“I’ll talk to Julián when he comes back”, I promise to myself before picking up my phone to waste my time on social media.
I see City have posted some photos, including one of Julián, so I like the post. Then I click on his profile and go to the tagged photos. I always love seeing all the photos of him that professional photographers take. I have an album full of them.
But I also see photos fans have posted. It seems like there are more girls taking photos with him after training. With him and all the others, but I only care about my boyfriend.
I’m not a jealous person. I’ve never been, honestly. It’s easy to say you aren’t but then your actions show the opposite. However, that’s not me. I don’t think I’d be able to deal with the stress if I was a jealous person and dating a football player.
So it’s not jealousy I feel while reading the captions they write for my boyfriend. Or seeing the videos where they try to hug him or kiss his cheek. But if it isn’t jealousy, then what is it?
I usually would just laugh it off. Julián himself tells me stories of these meetings whenever something funny happens, knowing how little I’ll care about their flirting with him.
Opening TikTok is probably the stupidest idea at the moment. Yet here I am wasting more time making myself feel ugly seeing all the gorgeous girls I follow for beauty and fashion inspo and getting annoyed at the edits Julián’s fans make for him.
“I’m so stupid”, I say, throwing the phone on the sofa before hiding underneath one of the blankets.
A couple of minutes later, Julián is back and starts to call my name. For a second, I think about pretending to sleep but he would notice the lie.
“I’m here”, I say in a small voice, getting my head out from underneath the blanket so he can see me.
“What are you doing there? Are you feeling alright?”
I nod, not wanting to worry him with my silly thoughts. “Just tired”.
“Well, I’m tired too. How about you move so I can fit next to you and we cuddle?”
“I’d like that”.
My promise to tell him about how I was feeling is gone the second I place my head on his chest. Because I have no reason to feel like this. I should be fine. This will pass soon.
"So how was your day?, asks Julián while he sets the table for our dinner. We fell asleep on the sofa the moment we cuddled and didn't get to talk at all.
"Ok, I guess", I shrug.
"What did you do? You always tell me about the whole day. Come on, I want to know".
I'm usually excited to talk about my day. But not right now. "You know. Studied in the morning, face timed with my mum and then went to the sofa to nap".
"Everything ok with your parents?"
"Sure. Why do you ask?"
I can see him trying to find the right words. "I don't know. You seem a bit off. I thought maybe they gave you bad news or something".
"No. I'm just tired. I told you".
"Well, then you sit here", he says, putting his hands on my shoulders and guiding me to the chair. "And I'll finish getting everything ready".
"Thank you", I say, offering him a small smile. His is a lot bigger and after kissing my temple he goes back to the kitchen.
During dinner, he updates me on everything going on at the club and focusing my attention on someone else for a second helps me a lot.
"Feeling better?", he says, hopeful.
"Yes. I think I'll just take a shower before bed to help me relax".
"Go do that. I'll put this in the dishwasher".
I get up to go to the room and stop when I reach Julián to give him a hug.
"I love it when you're clingy like that".
This time the smile is bigger. It's easy to smile when he's around. It's when I'm alone with my thoughts that I struggle.
When I get out of the shower, I try to make a bit of an effort. It's not as if I have to impress Julián right now, but I need to impress myself, sort of.
Whenever I'm having these confidence issues or whatever they are, the first thing I drop is looking after myself. I struggle with simple things such as putting on moisturizer after the shower or picking cute outfits. And it only makes me feel worse in the end because I look worse. It's such a stupid cycle.
Julián is already in bed looking at his phone when I get back to the room. He puts the phone away the moment I get to the bed and puts one of his arms around my shoulders to bring me closer to him.
"You smell so good I could eat you".
I laugh. "You don't like coconut".
"Not the fruit. But I like it when you smell like this", he says, nuzzling his nose on my neck.
"Feel free to use the body butter if you want to smell like me", I joke.
"Wouldn't that make me too irresistible to other women?"
I roll my eyes at his bad joke. "I'll take the risk".
"Actually, I didn't tell you this funny story from today. These three girls asked for a photo when I was in my car and kept complimenting me, my clothes, my car …no subtlety", he laughs but I don't join him. "And then a kid showed up and they had to let him get closer and were so annoyed. They'll probably be there again tomorrow".
I don't say anything because what can I say? I already saw the photos and I thought the girls looked familiar. I guess they spend their days there.
"Hey, you ok?"
"Yes", I say, turning my back to him and pretending to get ready to sleep.
"What was that?"
"I'm sleepy. Good night".
"What did I do for you to react like…wait, are you jealous?"
"What?", I say, turning again to look at him.
"I told you about those girls and you got all weird. You have no reason to be jealous, you know that".
"I'm not jealous of any fangirls, Julián".
And I'm not, but my tone and my face make it sound like a lie. I hate this feeling.
I go back to my previous position and a couple of seconds later I notice Julián wrapping his arms around my waist and bringing me closer to his chest.
"It's you I want. Please know that".
"I know", I whisper. Maybe it's better if he thinks I'm jealous instead of having to dig deeper to explain everything else. "I love you".
"I love you too. Sleep well now. You'll feel better tomorrow after a good night's rest".
If only it were that easy.
The next couple of days, Julián seems to be tiptoeing around my feelings and he doesn't bring up any meetings with fangirls. Actually, by checking Instagram, I've noticed one of them mentioned he didn't stop to attend them at all. I don't even know how I feel about that.
By the time he comes back from training, I'm back under the blanket and when he gets to the sofa, he moves it to see my face.
"You were worrying me so I spoke to your mum".
"What?", I say, sitting up.
"Well, you don't talk to me so I had to do something. I can't see my girlfriend hurting and do nothing".
"I just don't know what happens to me", I say, feeling the tears on the back of my eyes.
"It's not going to solve everything but sit here", he says, patting the spot between his legs. "So I can hold you while we try to make sense of it, ok?"
I nod, sitting there and letting him share his strength with me through this hug.
"It's just something that happens sometimes. I don't know if it's anxiety or something else. But I just feel like I'm not enough. Like all my confidence is gone. Like anything I have to do, no matter how small, demands too big of an effort from me".
"Ok. Does it usually take long for that feeling to go away?"
"It depends. It used to be worse when I was younger. Now it's usually a couple of days. Maybe a week and a half or something like that".
"And do you know anything that can make you feel better? Whatever it is, I'll make sure you have it".
He looks at me confused. "What do you mean?"
"I need you. You don't even notice how much you help me just by being you. It's when you're not around that it gets worse".
"That means a lot to me. But we need to find other ways to help. I wish I could always stay with you but I can't".
"I know", I say, hugging him tighter and placing my head on his chest.
"And you're sure there is no jealousy involved in this? It's ok if there is. I mean, I'm jealous of every man that talks to you".
I chuckle. "No, I'm not jealous. I guess what made me feel worse about those fans was their confidence. How they had no fear of going to talk with you guys and being so direct to you. I wouldn't be able to do something like that. Not in the state I'm in at the moment".
"You don't need to. Because I chose you a while ago. And I keep choosing you every day".
"But you didn't know all these issues were included in the package when you chose me. What if it gets too much for you? I don't want you to feel like you have to baby me".
"I'm not. I'm just looking after you like you look after me. Can you just let me do it? Let me look after you, please".
"Does looking after me include cuddles and watching my favourite movies while we eat ice cream?"
"Of course it does".
"Then count me in".
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kaiserin-erzsebet · 1 month ago
This will sound a little like a love letter, because perhaps it is? But I hope I hit notes of sincerity instead of creepy. My anonymous opinion of you is that you are thoroughly interesting as a person--one of the best things about tumblr remaining a largely anonymous social media platform is that we literally choose to follow people based on nothing but the strength of their personality and their interests. Without any of the terrible biases that accompany our flesh prisons--age or gender or nationality or race or accent or any number of things our bodies convey without our permission. It is quite lovely to receive another human being without distractions, and from the very first moment I came across one of your posts I knew I wanted to follow you instantly. And everything you have talked about since then--the opinions and passions and struggles that you have shared, whether in a post or within tags--has only increased my fondness and respect for you.
(I hope this doesn't make you self-conscious since a lot of tumblrites do not like to be Perceived... Genuinely I do not know how else to express this except to try and offer assurance that if you must be perceived you are at least being perceived with obvious delight)
I adore your overwhelming and passionate interest in the topic(s) you're studying and researching about--and your acknowledgement of your feelings surrounding your love just... brings me so much comfort and relief, somehow? It's a not-quite happiness, but more a sense of kindred understanding, which is a feeling I experience constantly with the things that you say. When I love something (gain a hyperfixation, in a true sense of the word), it often accompanies complex emotions that are highly charged in both positive and negative senses. I see you acknowledging it, and that is powerfully resonant. To care about something deeply is to be rather insane and abnormal about it, and oftentimes in certain contexts it feels like people assume only positive feelings exist? To be energetically joyful, or enthusiastic, or to express boundless love and pleasure when discussing the topic. Or in your case, to be professionally (but not personally) interested. Yet, there are also such negative feelings sometimes, and it's not something I can help? I feel angry when people misunderstand my blorbo or fail to do them justice, and that anger can be a driving force in writing my own work to present or defend what I believe. I feel extremely alone and disappointed whenever nobody cares about my ideas, or if people seem dismissive, and become crippled with doubt about whether it's my failure (to convey my vision properly) or whether I am just plain wrong (totally barking up the wrong tree), or, in my least charitable moments, whether everyone else is just too stupid to understand my special interest. In other words, my love becomes my vulnerability--it can make me worse, instead of better. The more I love something, the more extreme it amplifies my every feeling about it, and that includes the whole gamut of rage and grief and jealousy and feeling slighted etc. etc.
All of the above, of course, causes wildly unstable moods, but of course we mask--we mask, and mask, and mask, and try to be less forceful, less crazed about the thing, and privately spend a lot of time crying about it like a mad person. Over time we become guarded when sharing the special interest, but that can mean having no one to talk to, but talking to people means exposing oneself, and every option just sucks so bad. When you talk about your grad school struggles, I feel as though you clearly know all of this but you carry on regardless.
I admire your intellect and knowledge, and the courage to pursue the field of study that you like. Of course your raw skill is incredible too, if I rightly recall how many languages you speak. It is immediately evident that your mind is brilliant; you regularly display both conviction and nuance, and you are funny too. Very, very funny, not necessarily in the sort of lol-jokey way but a dry sort of humour with a bit of an edge to it (especially when you are poking fun at something that irks you).
There are other bits and pieces of stuff you've said that I found very relatable and poignant, but to avoid The Creepy I won't trawl through your blog to cite you academically. I suppose what I really want to say is that I really like you as a person. Your values, your intelligence, your personality. You, the cerebral soul I know only as kaiserin-erzsebet, are fundamentally a very attractive human being. The you that shines through is definitely someone I'd love to chat with for hours and hours; listen to you vent about everything that's wrong with sisi portrayals/interpretations over 50 pots of tea maybe. I envy your friends and those who live in your orbit, and I am convinced you enrich their lives enormously. I hope you achieve all that you wish in your field and your profession <3
This is really sweet, anon. And I honestly got a bit emotional reading this, because you explained the emotions with hyperfixation so well.
This also makes me feel more assured about being open about all of the emotions that go into my work, because I was not sure if I should keep being so personal in my posts (lest people think I'm being unprofessional).
Thank you for that reassurance.
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severalforraelee · 2 years ago
No More Fighting: Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
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Photo credit to danielricciardo.com
Word count: 2,026
Written by raelee / Posted May 11
Formula 1 Masterlist
“And then Max-””Give me my hat!” “It’s my hat!” I watch as the two boys stumble into the kitchen, Kameron trying to rip the navy blue material off of his brother’s head.
“Boys, stop fighting with each other,” I holler to the two preteens, hissing as I grab the two burning hot waffles from the toaster while balancing the phone in between my shoulder and ear. “Sorry, babe, what were you saying?”
“Are they arguing?” Daniel asks, concern evident in his tone.
“Yeah, they’ve been fighting a lot recently,” a sigh is released as I notice Ryker and Kameron sitting at the table while they wait for me to serve them breakfast. They have innocent expressions on their faces but I can clearly see them kicking each other under the table.
“About what?”
“Normal sibling things. Clothes, food, interests,” I slide a waffle onto Ryker’s plate and a waffle onto Kameron’s plate, pointedly looking down at their feet to get them to stop.
“I feel like I should be there to help you,” my husband comments.
“Don’t be silly, Daniel, you should be doing whatever Red Bull needs you to do. They’re preteens, that’s the age when all siblings don’t get along,” I reassure him.
“I just don’t remember fighting with Michelle.”
“Yeah, well, we have two boys,” my eyes narrow at them as they begin to hit one another. “I have to go, Daniel. Have fun with Max and Checo today. Love you, bye.”
He says I love you and goodbye before we end our phone call for me to deal with our two rambunctious sons.
Daniel smirks at me as I stir the spaghetti sauce.
“You just look good like this.”
“Like what?” I giggle, pulling the garlic bread out of the oven.
“Your hair pulled up into a messy clip, your face flushed. It brings me back to that one night that-””I finished my homework before Ryker did,” Kameron saunters into the kitchen, a smug smile on his face that matches his tone and words.
“It’s just because you’re younger than me and you get easier homework than I do,” Ryker scoffs, following closely behind his brother.
“I’m only a year younger than you,” the eleven year old defends himself.
“That makes you a year stupider-””Alright,” Daniel says loudly, interrupting our older son. “Let’s be nice to each other, okay?”
“Why? He doesn’t need his ego boosted any more,” Kameron asks.
“Oh, but you definitely do,” Ryker chuckles.
“Boys,” Daniel interrupts again. “What is with all of the fighting?”
“He just needs to be knocked down a few pegs,” our younger son responds.
“No, he doesn’t. You two are siblings, you should be uplifting each other, supporting each other, being a shoulder for the other one to lean on,” he encourages.
Kameron and Ryker stare at him blankly.
“Why?” Ryker asks. Kameron, surprisingly (or not surprisingly, I guess) nods in agreement.
“Because I said so,” Daniel’s face hardens. “Now go play Mario Kart or something, I don’t care, do something that’ll make you bond.”
“But won’t Mario Kart have us competing against each other?” Ryker questions.
“Just go,” Daniel demands.
The two boys huff in disagreement but head towards the living room. My husband turns back to face me, eyebrows raised and mouth open in exasperation.
“Don’t look at me, you’re the one who wanted a second child right away,” I tease.
“Sometimes they make me regret it,” he mumbles, leaning his lower back against the countertop next to me, crossing his arms.
“Oh, you weren’t the one who had to deal with them last week when they were fighting nonstop.”
He winces. “Are they that bad all of the time?”
“Honey, they inherited their dad’s arrogance. Of course they are.”
“Hi Max,” I grin at the Dutchman as he walks past Daniel in the background.
He turns towards the phone screen at the sound of my voice, a smile also appearing on his face. “Hi Y/N, how are you?”
“I’m good, how are you?”
“I’m doing well. The car is-”Before he can get into maxsplaining, he’s interrupted. “Mom, can you tell Ryker that it’s my turn on the Switch?”
“It’s not his turn, mom, he was on it for three hours straight yesterday.”
“I was not!”
“Yes, you were.”
“You’re a liar.”
“No, you’re a liar!”
“Stay childless as long as you can, Max,” I interrupt their fighting. It doesn’t seem to do anything, though, except make the boys bicker even louder to be heard over me.
“Boys, can you just make it easy for your mom for once?” Daniel requests.
“Well that’s hard to do when Kameron is such a- ow!” They start to argue again, completely disregarding their dad’s words.
“What are they arguing about?” Max questions, confused.
“Who’s turn it is to play on the Nintendo Switch,” Daniel answers.
“You just have one?”
I nod.
“Why don’t you get another one?”
I glare through the phone, not wanting Ryker and Kameron to hear the question but, of course, it instantly captures their attention.
“Yeah, why don’t you?” Kameron asks.
“Because you don’t need another Switch,” I answer.
“But we do!”
“Okay, fine, do you want another Switch or do you want that xBox for your birthday?” Daniel inquires, backing me up.
I turn to the boys with raised eyebrows, already knowing what the response will be. Kameron rolls his eyes but doesn’t say anything and Ryker kicks at the carpet, staring down at it.
“Just please stop fighting until I get home, your poor mother has to break up so many fights daily,” Daniel pleads, “You don’t want to send your mom into an early grave, do you?”
“Daniel,” I hiss.
“Don’t act like I’m going to die just because they have a sibling rivalry.”
“Well if it gets them to stop, then why not?” he responds.
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow, babe.” I hang up the phone, now being the one to roll my eyes.
“Don’t be so nervous, they’ll be fine,” Daniel reassures me. He stands on the bleacher behind me, arms slung around my waist and chest pressed to my back as a way to comfort me. It doesn’t work, my hands still clasped in front of my face nervously.
“My two babies are karting right now, Daniel, I have to be nervous.” I watch the small blue kart speed on the track past where we’re standing, the red kart following closely behind. A few other karts drive behind them, but really, it’s a race between Ryker and Kameron.
When we introduced the boys to karting, we knew that they would often race against each other because of their small age gap. We thought that it would be a good thing- if they were to ever become teammates they would already have a bond, we would be able to go to karting competitions as a family, they would have a common interest.
What we didn’t think through, I guess, was that Ryker and Kameron would have to race against each other.
And with their competitive Ricciardo blood, it can get insane.
“I don’t like how close Ryker is getting to him,” I tell Daniel as the red kart is practically on the tail of the blue kart.
One wrong move and both boys will go flying into the wall.
“They’ll be fine-”Daniel pauses, taking in the scene. “No, he’s definitely too close to him.”
And then it happens. Kameron falters on a corner while Ryker goes full force, most likely predicting that Kameron will go full force as well. Ryker clips the back of his brother’s kart, sending Kameron’s kart spinning into the wall and Ryker’s kart to slide straight into it.
Daniel and I stand by the side of the track, watching as they help their coaches pull their now damaged karts out of the way. I wait in worry, eyebrows crinkled as I watch my sons for any visible signs of hurt, while Daniel crosses his arms beside me, fury coming off him in waves. Once I see that Ryker and Kameron are safe and sound, I pull them into my arms in a tight embrace.
I don’t care if I’m embarrassing them right now, all I care about is that they’re safe.
“I was so worried about you two,” I confess.
Ryker rips himself out of my arms, glaring daggers at his brother. “I don’t even want to be near him right now.”
“You don’t want to be near me right now? You’re the one who ruined my race,” Kameron sneers, resting back into my arms.
“You should’ve just let me pass-””Why would I let you-””Enough,” Daniel’s voice interrupts the bickering once again.
But this time, his tone is different. It’s no longer his comforting, fatherly tone. It’s stern. It’s strict. It’s one-more-word-and-you’ll-suffer-my-wrath dangerous.
Ryker and Kameron notice the tone change because they instantly stop their fighting, standing up straight and staring down at the ground blankly.
“I am so sick of you two always fighting. That little incident on the track was dangerous, not only for you but for your competitors. You let your egos come ahead of safety, something that you promised me and your mother that you would never do. And your mother- she’s had to deal with you two fighting at home for months. But now she has to worry about you fighting on the track, too?”
Ryker and Kameron don’t respond, frozen in place.
“No, you know what, I’m done with this.” Daniel holds out the set of keys to our car. “Go to the car and figure out whatever is going on between you. I don’t care if you ever tell us what it is- I’m tired of dealing with this fighting. Don’t come back until you can agree on a way to figure out your disagreements without letting it affect your other relationships.”
Kameron silently takes the keys, Ryker surprisingly not putting up a fight to grab the keys first. He knows that if he does, Daniel will lay into him.
We watch the two walk in the direction of the car and Daniel wraps his arm around my waist. He sighs. “I’m sorry.”
“What are you sorry for?” I look up at him.
“Maybe if I was around more they would be more well-behaved.”
“Are you saying that I didn’t raise our kids to be well-behaved, Ricciardo?” I raise my eyebrows at him.
His eyes widen frantically. “No, of course not-””I’m kidding,” I reassure him. “We know that you’re doing good work at Red Bull, Daniel. We admire you for it.”
He sighs. “It’s just hard to want to keep doing it. Especially in times like these. They could’ve gotten seriously injured out there, Y/N.”
“I know,” I agree, rubbing his back in support.
It’s the first time in all of the years that I’ve been with Daniel that I’ve seen him this shaken up. He’s known for being the calm and humorous presence in the paddock, but right now he’s anything but. His tone is shaky, I saw him blink away the tears brimming in his eyes. Our sons’ crash really affected him.
About twenty minutes go by, Daniel and I watching the rest of the race in silence, before the boys walk back from the car.
“We’re sorry for scaring you guys on the track just now,” Kameron starts.
“And we’re sorry for making it so hard for you while dad’s away, mom,” Ryker continues. “We’ve decided to… compromise from now on, instead of fighting over everything.”
“And to be more understanding of each other,” Kameron adds.
I reach out, resting a hand on each of their shoulders. “I’m proud of you boys.”
“Me too,” Daniel adds. “And we accept your apology.”
“Okay, Ricciardo family hug,” I cheer, pulling the boys into yet another hug. Daniel hugs me from behind, wrapping his long arms around me and our two sons.
“I love you, mom,” Kameron tells me.
“I love you more, mom,” Ryker teases.
I can sense Daniel giving him a look from over my shoulder.
“Too soon?”
“Way too soon.”
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villainsandvictimsalliance · 10 months ago
Hello. Okay, so I'm going to start this off with 'this might be an crazy thing to ask'.
I just saw your post from January about Nana Shimura, and I feel like I'm insane.
I'm legitimately not trying to be belligerent here, but can you please explain to me, in your opinion, why you think that it is Nana's fault for anything that has happened in relation to her? I'm just trying to understand, because I don't see how anything could necessarily be her fault solely. Specifically when talking about the 'creation' of Tomura.
If AFO had wanted to get his hands on someone from that bloodline, if only to be a bastard or whether it was for an actual reason, he would have done it regardless of what Nana's choices would have been.
And I can't help but notice the fact that all of this skips an entire generation. Everyone is so quick to blame Nana for doing what humans do, I.E. having a husband and a child, and I feel I'm not really qualified to speak on that front because I never have wanted children and I don't foresee that changing at this ripe old age I'm at, so I'm not even going to go into whether or not I think it was wrong of her to have a family.
I just find it very interesting that people are blaming Nana for something that happened literal years after her own physical death. Things that happened at the hands of her own son. Things that would have never happened had it not been for her son, that she had no part in.
It's just that the way I see it, that man had years upon years to come to terms with what his mother had done in order to protect him, but in the end he failed anyway. Whether he knew it or not he failed more than his own mother did. He failed and he gave his fucking own child over to this horrible person, and he couldn't have been completely ignorant of that, let's be honest. Whether or not what she did was the right choice, Nana gave him up for a reason, and the fact that he couldbut possibly put himself in his mother's shoes, after how many years? Is more telling of him than it is of her.
Even if what Nana did wasn't the right choice, then what WAS the right choice? How was there a wrong or a right choice when you could never possibly predict the outcomes of whatever you chose to do? In my opinion, people are trying to pin everything on Nana when all she was doing was doing the best she could with what she was given, and I think that's unfair and stupid.
I haven't been following you for long, but I've seen your posts for quite a while, so I actually do respect your opinion, which is why I am asking you.
I really don't like the way Horikoshi writes women as a whole in this particular story, and I don't know if that's a track record of his or if this is his only work or whatever, I don't really pay attention to that sort of thing. And that's a whole other post for another time. But I just find it really weird that everyone seems to be coming after Nana while simultaneously defending her son, when her own son is the one who is committing these atrocities long after she is dead?I find it very weird indeed.
Sorry for the long post, I have far too many feelings about MHA.
First of all, sorry for taking so long to answer and thank you for taking the time to write this ask 💜
Nana Shimura is one of my favorite bnha female characters because of how complex and flawed she is!!!
Here's the short answer:
Regardless of the actions of the people around her, Nana Shimura had a responsibility with her son as a mother and with the world as a hero.
We all have to make decisions without knowing the outcomes. That's life. It doesn't absolve us from the consequences of our actions. It also doesn't mean we are evil, but simply human. It is in our nature to make mistakes and make bad decisions sometimes.
It seems extremely harsh to judge a woman for doing her best against an enemy that was so much stronger than her, but that's the whole point of writing a character like Nana. There are no easy answers.
What was the correct thing to do instead of abandoning Kotaro? How could she have won against AFO? How could one (1) woman do both and do it well?
Nana isn't responsible for what Kotaro did so many years after she left him, but she did leave him. She had a son and then left him because she needed to be a hero. We don't know the exact circumstances of how she had Kotaro, but many fans ask why she had him if she knew her hero job would put him at such risk. Or why she chose to be a hero over being his mother.
Logically, we know it was to save the world. It's just that her choice isn't black and white. She caused a lot of pain in doing what she did, even if she contributed to a lot of joy.
AFO defeating her was inevitable. Like her OFA predecessors, they were alone on their journey. See, it took Deku an army to fight AFO and his influence.
There's also the fact that Nana took Toshinori in after she left Kotaro. Of course she only did it because the kid meant to sacrifice himself for the cause just like her, but it doesn't erase the parallel between Toshinori and Kotaro. One got to enjoy her company until she died because he had the right conditions to be her heir while the other lost her forever because she loved him.
Sadly, her love didn't save Kotaro and didn't make All Might's life easier.
Any person with responsibilities is a person with failures. That rings true for every single bnha hero and villain.
The way I see it, people either have a reason to hate her or not.
Some dislike her 'cause she left Kotaro. Some are unreadable in their judgment and hate her just because she is a woman. Some just dislike her general writing or don't enjoy her type of character.
At the end of the day, Nana Shimura is still a tremendous female character. She inspired All Might himself (he who is hailed as the best hero of all times). She faced AFO alone and she died mocking him with a smile. She sacrificed her happiness and all the things dear to her in order to save the world. Nana passed down OFA and kept hope alive in a time full of violence and chaos. She is one of the best female pro-heroes to have existed and the only female OFA user. He was freaking jacked with muscle because her quirk was float.
Her flaws depict her greatness and the weight on her shoulders. Nana Shimura, everyone.
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The hazbin hatedom is getting out of hand for me it's really cringe. Your thoughts
I have mixed opinions on this. So beforehand, I am going to say that this is a longer post from me, and I appreciate the anonymous message! <3 I will be talking about this specific question, as well as my interpretation, thoughts, and overall feelings on this matter. Please feel free to reblog, like, and comment your opinions and keep it civil. I want to have a friendly discussion, no matter how brash I seem: this is brutal honesty coming from my heart.
For those who have ZERO clue: Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss are dark "comedy" shows for an adult audience, created by Vivienne "Vivziepop" Medrano, originally airing on YouTube. Helluva Boss is currently in its second season, while we have yet to find out anything else on Hazbin Hotel, as it is now a part of A24 and BentoBox. They center on the same setting, Hell, but have two different plot lines.
Hazbin Hotel is redemption focused, led by Princess Charlie Morningstar, the daughter of Lucifer. She wants to help the sinners in Hell become good and go up to heaven to avoid the yearly Exterminartion, aka a Purge. Helluva Boss, however, is about a murdering business called I.M.P., with Blitz, Millie, Moxxie, and Loona, going up to Earth with a grimoire that is provided by Stolas of the Ars Goetia, a prince. So here we go, into the Depths and reasoning of this post: the Hatedom. So lo and behold, my answer below.
On one hand, yes. The Hazbin Hatedom is a bit over the top. Yes, people are assholes. However, the Vivziepop stans who don't want to admit their precious senpai Vivziepop has done some pretty fucked up shit in the past. The hate can be unnecessary, but you know what else can be unnecessary? The toxic stans. I follow #vivziepop for certain analysis portrayals and criticism, or just general news. Sometimes people are tiresome. This is no exception.
I am falling out of the fandom because it can be toxic. I enjoy most of the characters, but other than that? Helluva Boss's current writing is NOT good. At all. The latest episode irked me to no end. I'm unimpressed with Seeing Stars. I am not very happy that they are forcing Stolitz down our throats as an "uwu pwease wove us" type of bullshit ship. I would much rather prefer Blitz and Stolas to be friends. I wished Stolas had his pilot personality and not the "uwu im a gay, tragic prince with a shitty wife, feel bad for me" bird we know in the series.
Moxxie in the latest episode is bitchy. He got on my nerves and was pissed at Millie being happy. This girl deserves more screentime (and I'm glad she got some of it) but seriously...Millie is always there for Moxxie, and Moxxie needs to reciprocate.
They made Stella seem stupid, when in reality, and if written properly, she can be a cunning and calculating villain with her brother. We've yet to see how Octavia and Stella interact, but I'm unsure.
I have definitely tried to keep my mouth shut as much as I could on this matter, because when I finally openly admit how I feel, it's not a pretty thing, especially with something that I'm so passionate about. Animation takes time, writing takes time, scripting, acting, everything takes so much time, and this is wasted potential. We can have so much better than just a fan-ficcy type rom-com, dark humor, sexual humor schtick. It's getting annoying, and I fear the worst when it comes to Hazbin Hotel.
Criticism is welcome here! Let me know what I left out. I'm willing to hear other opinions, so long as they're nice. If anons start flooding my inbox and getting mad, anons are off. Anon is a privilege, not a right.
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