#sometimes theres a point of confusion about who rolls what
percentageweirdo · 11 months
The biggest challenge I face collecting my data is that I get swept away by the transcripts and have to scroll back up to log the rolls bc I just started enjoying the narrative and forgot...
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jokeson-u · 1 year
ok so u know how even though allie and nat clearly weren't friends or anything, nat was somewhat protective of her when it came to the other members? like, defending the fact that shes a freshman, arguing about how freezing her out is bullshit, how angry she was at taissa after allies leg broke? i have a headcanon that when they were all junior varsity players, the some of the varsity girls treated nat like shit, and it totally contributed to her freshman and sophomore years being shit. and it wasnt cus she was a crappy player; natalie was always pretty good on the field. but some varisty girls still saw her as an easy target for other reasons. they often made jokes about how the locker room smells like booze and cigarettes the second she walks in, and about her generally worn down clothing. they talk a lot about how gross they think it is that she hooks up with older guys as a freshman/sophomore and joke about not wanting to catch anything from her. there was probably a couple varsity members who didnt participate and/or sometimes told the others to back off. natalie wanted to be that kind of person for someone, and she cant help but get defensive when the girls talk shit about allie.
on a more lottienat note. i picture there being a yellowjackets gathering after a game pretty early on. some varisty girls laugh about how they're glad natalie got the hint that she wasnt invited, and the JV girls are kinda uncomfortable cus they actually do kinda like natalie but they dont wanna get the same treatment so they usually dont say anything. at first, anyways. cus once the conversation goes past saying theyre glad shes not there and turns into random shit talk that isnt even true, lottie speaks up and says they shouldnt talk about her that way. the JV girls are kinda shocked and most the varisty girls were confused and vaguley annoyed. but they kinda laughed awkwardly about 'JV looking out fir JV, how cute,' and change the subject. of course, that made lottie a target to some of the particularly judgemental varsity girls. its not as bad as with natalie, but they give lottie a hard time and talk about how spoiled she is and that they heard she takes pills at lunch and this and that. natalie tells them to shut up once when she hears them talking about lottie, and it only makes things worse for her but she doesnt really care. lottie never has had a bad thing to say about her and is the only person that doesnt treat her differently when theyre around the varsity members
also, I think nats dad died near the end of sophomore year. while most the particularly bitchy varsity members graduated, a couple still lingered. all the news said was he died from a self inflicted gun wound to the head, so theres a lot of talk around the school about what really happened. a few days after it happens, nat still isnt at school, and some of the girls in the locker room swap theories theyve been hearing about really happened. one heard from her friend that nat dad was an employee at his dads shipping company and was recently fired, which is probably why he killed himself. another girl says she heard natalie is the one who killed him, and it was covered up cus shes a minor. lottie instinctively blurts out that natalie didnt kill him. the varsity girls kinda roll her eyes and ignore her, but one agrees and says he probably killed himself because he got sick of living in a trailer with a drunk wife and slut daughter. van yells 'hey!' without thinking at the same time as shauna goes to speak up before jackie stops her. a varsity girl who wasnt talking shit actually backs the JVs up up and tells varsity to drop it and focus on getting on the field. the remainder of the awful varsity members graduate soon after that. come junior year, the girls all made it to varisty. but at that point, natalie wasnt interested in being cloe to anyone on the team. mostly due to mistrust. but she always liked lottie for not treating her differently back in freshman/sophmore year, and van isnt too bad so long as natalie isnt drunk and getting weird looks from her. but she can be weary of taissa and mari, who can be pretty harsh with the JV players. obviously nothing like the varsity girls nat dealt with, but still, it rubs her the wrong way, so shes the first defend them from any unnecessary scrutiny
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1tsjusty0u · 6 months
YIGA CLAN! what are they up to....what are they doing...
OH ough so haha funny story actually..!
they sure are Doing. theyre actually banned from certain places and by banned i mean met with ruthlessness and immediate . not violence but the places where theyre banned from Will resort to that its just theyll drive them away by firing warning shock to freeze shots, to actively shooting them and starting a fight. these places include zoras domain, rito village (though less hostile), gerudo town, and kakariko village (for more obvious reasons, uh. oh man this causes grade a Problems for cado. poor guy). thered be more but theres not a lot of villages left standing, and most hylian towns only know them as bandits and nothing more. the zora were Really headstrong with the yiga, sometimes actively hunting them in areas they were in, and during the calamity their anger surged MASSIVELY with miphas death but then . turned over? rolled over? mellowed out later on. hey like a wave tide. but anyways yeah they dont hunt them anymore thankfully. the rito dont either and are honestly the better of the places to get caught by. they arent that angry but they do ban them and escort them out through whatever means they have to. most yiga only really go to hebra rather than rito village so its mostly chill. teba is a little more forceful to the yiga though- revali was known to be extremely pissed at them, enough to find and raid their hideout and wouldve done it alone were it not for urbosa. however teba doesnt want them all dead. revali doesnt either really but he absolutely uses them at target practice he doesnt like them. and kakariko village!! they dont hunt yiga really. theyre close knit and dont really Leave so they mostly just observe the travelers who pass by. yiga can station near kakariko to get to link however inside the village is immediate fury. some shekiah Wouldnt be lenient towards them. at all. theyd likely escort them out or question them, letting impa do some of the work. luckily none have been killed when caught but they absolutely sustained injuries. gerudo town is surprisingly less angry? than the others? like yeah theyll point their weapons towards you once they know youre a yiga but theyll warn you to get out or get bularia. theyre more of a nuisance rather than a true threat (besides the thunder helm). but urbosa surprisingly didnt send anyone after them though she did task them with finding the hideout. no this was personal to her and she had to be physically restrained from committing an actual war crime. goron city isnt chill with them but they arent really banned? per say? they mostly dont know about the yiga daruk didnt have the others hunt them down and was pretty quiet about it. like urbosa it was more personal to him which meant He had to deal with it, as it wasnt his comrades problem. also as death mountain became active again the yiga decided it really wasnt worth it to go there. theres easier places to get em
so whatre they doing!! theyre still robbing places for valuables and such and still going after the thunder helm and gerudo things like bowls and such. but they actually lay fairly low compared to canon. they dont destroy stables or kill people like in gboh (i dont know. if seldon died to the yiga actually, or even if the stables are Their fault but just to clarify yeag they dont do that. also SELDON D: ). they only go after link but uhm. theres actually some controversy about it? some are against it because of “more work” while others are for it to “finish what we started.” kohgas confused about the entire thing and while he knows how wreath survived he honestly doesnt know what to do. some yiga are actively mad at the clan because it now feels pointless or like theyd have to kill the hero Every Time. the monarchy isnt even action guys why bother . some are more vocal about it than others too, while others hide their disdain to be more accepted. others are actively joining the clan for purpose and to not be slaves to a day by day lifestyle, only to be slave to a day by day lifestyle because nothing is safe from that </3. others genuinely want to kill link, some hate him but question why theyre even. killing him at this point. so the clan isnt in shambles but its going through one hell of a time. absolutely No One knows what to do. it was actually more in shambles pre cal for a bit. it regained hope after calamity ganon rose but people are doubting it again now, especially because its been 100 years. but otherwise some are trying to kill link and rob people. mostly same as canon in that regard. maybe sprinkle in sheikah tech research or more actual. Studies about it. something something theyve clung to their roots far more than the actual sheikah.
also note about cado. uh. he’d be in absolute Hot Water if he was found out. hed be forgiven if they knew he was being threatened, but thered still be doubts about him and people would fear him really badly.
post . Everything. when zeldas free. uh things actually get back on track because i do want her to try and reinstate the monarchy. and while some things are good ideas (rebuilding towns and getting more houses/making areas generally safer) some are Not (REINSTATING THE MONARCHY AND A RULER CHOSEN BY DIVINE BLOOD.) focus changes from killing link to killing zelda; the ones who doubted killing link would fix or do anything moved on to killing zelda, while the other half worked on killing link. zelda has sheikah tech knowledge however, while not enough to rival the yiga she actually has some from when the monarchy exiled and hunted the sheikah, burying it but also taking a glance at it to make sure at the very least, it was Theirs rather than the sheikahs. most of her knowledge comes from studying the tech herself though, but terms and slang forgotten come from the previously stated monarchy things. so basically their knowledge collides and zelda would put up a fight against them. she can exploit their own tech theyd despise her for that. she also knows how to fight thanks to cado and. sometimes link. he doesnt train her a lot but he helps her with strength shrines and also helps correct her when need be to make sure she doesnt pull a muscle. thered be fights over whos easier to kill vs who Has to be killed.
she wouldnt manage to reinstate it and while they still go after her after that shes mostly safe while living in kakariko. i think ganon the guy would . Happen. after the reinstating the monarchy attempt however thats for later me to decide. basically its complicated. kohga respects however also fears and detests zelda. i dont think he hates her but he sees her as a bit of a threat. hes still silly though he isnt like a dark brooding “so the princess awakens…… mwuhahahahahaahaha………. once the blood moon rises Kill Her…. or else i will break your bones……….” or something hes just. “HOW IS THE PRINCESS STILL HERE????? SHE KNOWS MY SECRET TECHNIQUES. HOUSTON WEVE GOT A PROBLEM.” he sometimes goes to personally stop her but otherwise he just. half chills and half lives in fear. hes kind of mad about the monarchy honestly but once again its like “YOU HAD ONE JOB??”. not “cursed princess and her toilsome guy……………. that loathsome monarchy i will rule it” or something. hes doing his best </3. think of him constantly like. in a shinji chair pose. or that stickman reaction of a guy on his hands and knees crying. also. more tech afterwards. like the zonai tech however its the sheikah tech instead . study overdrive…..
uhhh yeah just totally normal things. :).
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Hi sorry I havent blogged in a minute ive been having the weirdest dreams....
So again apologies about not detailing out those other dreams. I guess I should start there....
When i went to my sisters over the weekend i had a dream where my friends and I were at this immersive show. Where everyone around us was having sex. I can’t really remember if it was like “oo self volunteer, go ahead and have an orgy” or they were performers who planned to have porn like sex for people.
Liam was there, and it was present day so we hadnt seen eachother or hung out for months. We were all sitting in the same row like a theater. Some of my friends were leaving in and out. So eventually Liam and i had ended up sitting closer together. And of course, we naturally started cracking jokes and making eachother laugh about the situation. It literally came so naturally i didnt even hve to think about it, we just started finishing eachothers sentences and laughing like we used too. And he was doing that remarkable thing where he surprises me by how funny and clever he is. Like the perfect unexpected humor and amazing comedic timing. I was laughing so hard sometimes i would like playfully hit him. It felt like old times so easily. To the point where once i hit him laughing, and thought “holy shit, should i be keeping better boundaries? i need to pull back, this is too fast” So i muted my excitement a little bit and made sure not to touch him again. 
I think it widdled down to it being me him and bff, the og gang. And bff somberly said “im going to the bathroom” and rolled their eyes. But i didnt think much of it. So now it was liam and i alone. And at first it was awkward. There was one theater seat between us and after bff was gone for a while i kept thinking....do we fill the gap? 
But we were talking, and giggling and talking about the show. And i felt safe, and secure. I was admiring him because i hadnt in so long. Ya know, really looking at him and was starting to fall in love all over again like “hes so pretty, he’s my good ol liam, hes perfect, i adore this boy” and i ws getting the vibes that he was feeling that back. That we were just warming up to eachother again. 
So then, i think we closed the gap? And this music?? or funny song? started playing as apart of the show. And he started dancing in his seat and being cute, so i started dancing with him and we were just being the cutest and getting close and being into it. And ALL OF A SUDDEN, here comes bff sobbing and came to our row and was like “what the actual fuck you guys??” like SO pissed at us. And liam and i were both like huh? And they were like how long was i supposed to be waiting for you guys like, what is this now” and kinda walked away.
So im so confused and thinking we’re all gonna talk about this now. But Liam just got up and left, and then h$ came up to me and was like “okay at first i thought they were being dramatic, but after i talked to them crying in the bathroom even i was like ‘u guys are fucked up for this” 
So liams gone, i go to bff and am asking like “can you explain to me what your upset about?” and theyre like so pissed at me, rolling their eyes, being so cryptic. 
Long story short, i genuinely felt bad for a while....or that i mightve been insensitive. But then i was like no fuck this, theres no specific reason ur upset u just dont want to see us together. And when you were bragging about Liam i was always supportive and blah blah double cross double cross.
All the while i was feeling giddy and warm about Liam cause we had such a sweet time but i didnt know when i would talk to him again. 
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retroellie · 3 years
Farm. Ellie. Making. You. Squirt. 👀 👀👀AAaRAghg now I NEED a whole fic for that!!!! For the sake of my sanity pretty pretty pleaseeeee 😩🙏🏼
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Summary: Ellie finding scandalous polaroid's of you before finding out what she can do to you :)
A/N: Thanks for the ask<3 it was a bit rushed but i tried, theres so many asks to do so plz bear with me lol. Also i did research for this one cause idk much about this subject so be proud of me ASHAH
Warnings: NSFW, Squirting, fingering, cunniligus
Word count: 3.2K
She didn’t know what happened, one minute she was listening to Joel strum his guitar, wondering when the hoard will pass so she can finally be with you again. Then the next minute she was looking down a scandalous picture of you, gripping the paper so tightly her knuckles had turned white.
She was digging through her backpack when a piece of paper fell out of it. The paper was folded neatly, the words “For ellie<3″ standing out. Her eyebrows knitted in confusion, not quite sure who had put it in there but there was only one way to find out. She picked it up, it was heavier than it looked.
She opened it up and something fell out of the folded paper onto the ground. She looked down towards the floor to see 5 polaroids scattered, she was even more confused. She picked one up and examined it.
It was a picture of you and her, you two were on her bed. You had a huge smile on your face as ellies lips were on your cheek. Her arms were draped across your stomach lazyly, Ellie smiled. She remembered that day so well, you both were sick with colds and you both stayed in bed all day with each other watching old 80s movies.
The next one she didn’t recognize. You were in her bed once again, you were laying on your back with the camera pointed at your chest. You had a small tank top on which didn’t leave too much to ellies imagination. Your neck and chest were covered in hickeys, the dark shade complementing your lips.
The next was even more scandalous. You were in the mirror with only a set of back lacy underwear Ellie had gotten you on one of her trips. Your hand was over your boobs, covering them up so she couldn’t see them. She could see marks on your waist, finger prints from her. It was evident she had once been in the room with you, judging by your puffy lips and sweat drenched body.
The last one made her heart drop and the blood from her face drain. You were on her bed once again, you were topless. Your hair was draped over your boobs and your legs were spread slightly allowing her to see a small sliver of all of you. One hand was on your hip and the other was placed on your chest, right above your boob.
She looked down at the paper and saw sloppy writing on it, she didn’t hesitate in ripping it open and reading it.
Dear ellie,
I thought you were gonna miss me so i decided to have a photo shoot just for you<3 I hope you like them, I'm no model but I thought having these would make you miss me less. (or to show what your missing, don’t want you running off with another girl)
I miss you like crazy and you haven’t even left now, but by the time you're reading this I know I'll be missing you :(. Please be safe and don’t die, I don't want some asshole getting these pictures off your dead body. Oh and I'll miss you when you're dead of course:)
Anyway, please be safe baby and come back to me. I can’t wait to be ruined when you get back, Muah muah
Her jaw tensed up, her hand grabbing the paper tightly. She tried everything to stop the thoughts of ruining you from running through her head, she couldn’t do anything about it either. She only had these pictures of you, she couldn’t touch you or be touched. The frustration was really getting to her.
She was pulled back to reality by Joel strumming the strings of his guitar.She shoved the pictures into her backpack hoping Joel didn’t see them. She let out a loud sigh, trying to calm herself down. She couldn’t wait to get home, she knew exactly what she was going to do. She knew this was gonna be a long trip.
The next couple days were hell for ellie. She couldn’t get her mind off the pictures and she couldn’t get off either. She didn’t get much alone time thanks to Tommy and Joel so all the frustration was building up. She couldn’t sleep sometimes, she was so touch starved it interrupted her dreams
When they finally arrived at Jackson she didn’t hesitate in running to her house, knowing you’d be there. With a couple welcome backs and half assed replies from Ellie, she finally arrived at her garage. She slowly opened the door, being greeted with warmth and the smell of your perfume.
Her room hadn’t changed much, there was still clutter of books and you were on her bed with little clothes on. When you heard the door open your head perked up, your eyes leaving the book you were reading. You gave her a big smile before throwing your legs over the bedside, running over to her.
You wrapped your arms around her neck, bringing her into a deep kiss. You guys had been away from each other for a bit. You hated when Ellie went out on trips like these, trips that took days to come back from. You never knew when she’d be back or if she’d be back.
Her hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you unbelievably close to her. You both basked in the warmth, your hands running through her auburn locks. She felt the most relaxed she had in days, feeling so close to you made her feel safe.
"I missed you..." You said while pulling away from her.
Her eyes had gotten a bit darker, almost now dulled completely. You thought it was because of the long trip she just had but Ellie had other things on her mind. The tourture your little photoshoot put her through, the hunger she felt it was enough to make anyone snap. she thought it couldn't get worse but when she walked in on you with just a shirt on and some cute panties, that was the cherry on top.
"Don't act all cute...." Her voice was thick with dominance, maybe the most you've ever heard. " 'i can't wait to get ruined when you get back'' ' She recited from your letter
She had read the letter so many times she could speak it all without the paper. The words haunted her and she was going to make sure you were ruined by the end of it. You looked speechless, like you hadn't any idea what she was talking about.
The innocent look in your eye made her hands shake and her mind wonder to all that she could do to you while that innocent look was still there, how far could she push you until you broke? She grabbed a fist full of your hair, forcing you to look into her dull eyes.
She pulled you into a deep kiss, hand still gripping your hair to keep you in place and the other one wrapping around your waist. You let out a small whimper, surprised by how fast it happened. Your muscles then relax, your head dizzy.
You hadn’t been touched, neither of you did so you both were touch starved. You brought your hands up to grab at her. Her hair, her neck, her chest you grabbed at everything. Her hand wandered down to your ass that was only covered by lacy underwear, giving it a squeeze. You moaned into the kiss, allowing her to move her tongue into your mouth.
The sudden affection made your legs shake and your eyes roll back into your head. She noticed this, watching as you became a moaning mess just by kissing. She took this as a sign to get you on the bed so she took a step forward, hinting at you to walk to the bed.
You started to walk backwards, your lips still on hers. You reached the bed, falling back on it. You pulled Ellie closer and closer to you, legs around her waist wanting more of her. She pulled a way for a split second just to pull her backpack and shirt off, not wanting to waste precious time she could spend in between your sweet little thighs.
You eagerly watched her, face heating up causing a soft red glow on your face. Her shirt trailed up her body, revealing more and more of her. She was only in a sports bra and a pair of jeans when she finally got her shirt off. You bit your lip at the sight, seeing how her nipples could be seen from underneath her sports bra.
When you drew your attention back to her, you saw her giving you a stern look. You could tell she was waiting for you to also take your shirt off, you gave a small giggle at how distracted you were before pulling your shirt off as well. The cold air hit your bare chest, making you shiver underneath her grasp
Ellie’s breath hitched, watching as your chest rose up and down. You looked like an angel to her, your hair sprawled out on the bed, only in a pair of lacy underwear, soft thighs around her waist. How can someone so angelic do something so dirty?
Ellie ran one of her cold hands up your stomach, enjoying the softness of your skin. You reacted to her touch with a small whimper, Goosebumps rising on your skin. She admired every scar and bump on your skin, loving how it looked on your skin. She reached your boobs, placing her hand on top of one. She bent down to place small kisses on your chest.
“I missed these.” She said between kisses.
You giggled, watching her every move. You moved a hand up to her hair, running your hand through it as she kissing and sucked on your skin. You let moans and groans fall off from your lips. She backed them, they encouraged her to do more. She regularly wanted to taste you so her kisses made their way down your neck, down your breast, down your stomach and finally to your lacy pair of underwear.
She placed small kisses on the inside of your thighs, watching you squirm. You watched her every move with wide eyes, she looked up at you nipping at your thighs. She kissed up your thigh until she reached your underwear.
She hooked her fingers on the sides of your underwear and slowly pulled them down, coming face to face with all of you. She slid your underwear off and threw them somewhere in the room. She looked up at you and then back at your thighs.
“Your soaked baby,” she said, breaking the silence.
You just bit your lip, a bit embarrassed about how your cunt was dripping onto your bed sheets. You couldn't help it, Ellie made you feel things no one else has. She noticed your embarrassment.
"Let me guess." She said, sliding a finger up and down your cunt. "You touched yourself to the thought of me, every. single. night while i was gone.
She swiped up and down your cunt a few more times before shoving two fingers inside you. You threw your head back, only ellies long slim fingers could reach that one place inside you that made your toes curl and she hit it every. single. time.
"What'd you think about huh?" She said, planting another sweet little kiss on your thigh.
you didn't respond, more like you couldn't respond. She curled her fingers, just grazing you g-spot. She chuckled up at you, leading her kissing up and up. She was promised to ruin you and she was going too.
"Was it me fucking you with the strap, you hands tied to the bed post while i thrust in and out.." Her fingers forcefully shoving in and out of you harshly to accentuate her words. "of your sweet little cunt."
You let out a high pitched moan in response to those harsh thrusts, making you see stars. She grinned, gripping onto your thigh roughly before licking up your cunt as if she was licking an ice cream cone on a hot summer day.
She scissored her fingers inside of you, not going too fast but deep and rough. the sinful sound of her fingers working in and out of your cunt filled the room along with your sweet moans. She licked you one last time, lapping up your juices before savoring the way you tasted.
"or was it just like this?" She asked once again, fully aware of you too lost in the pleasure to answer her. "My head in between your thighs, fucking you with my tongue and fingers while you sit back looking all cute."
She was right to say the least, you did run your hand down your body at night while thinking about her. You thought about it all, every position, every toy you had, every single dirty thing you thought about while fucking yourself until you were too tired to stay awake.
Your hands gripped onto the sheets, your knuckles turning yellow. A thin sheet of sweat was developing along your flushed body. Ellie's fingers got faster, curling and thrusting and then spreading apart before doing it over and over and over again. It was enough to make you cum right then and there if she asked.
"Your lucky baby..." she stated, looking up at you seeing you come apart. "I'm going to fuck you until you've made a pretty mess out of yourself and than i'm going to fuck you all over again."
Ellie's hand pushed your thigh all the way down to the bed, then returned to it to grip at it as she divided her tongue into your cunt. She started slow with her tongue but her fingers stayed the same pace , rough and fast.
Her tongue was so sudden it made you moan a little too loud for your liking. That didn't stop her but made her movement quicker, her fingers jabbing at your g-spot head on now. You were absolutely on fire, your skin felt hot and sticky.
You reached up to your boobs and grabbed at them, only maximizing the pleasure. Ellie licked circles on your clit, the sensitive bud sending waves of pleasure throughout your body. You threw your head back, back arching and waist thrusting along with her fingers.
Her nails dug into your thighs flesh, leaving small moon shapes there. Your moans became louder and at this point you didnt care if anyone heard, right now the only thing you cared about was Ellie's mouth on your aching cunt.
Ellie blew cool air onto your cunt, making you jerk up to meet her mouth. She chuckled at your neediness before giving you what you wanted, her mouth. There was no point in teasing you now and she obviously wasn't done punishing you.
Her tongue sped up, lapping at your cunt and really focusing on your clit. She added another finger, allowing her fingers to go deeper. Your hand gripped at her hair to grab it, thrusting your hips up faster and harder than before.
She couldn't get a good angle on your cunt so she took the hand that was on your thighs and brought it up to your waist to keep you down. You could feel your orgasm near but it felt different this time, your belly felt like it was on fire.... it didn't hurt it just felt different, a good difference?
Ellie added another finger, stretching you open. Her tongue was set and determined on your clit, the sensitive bud becoming overstimulated. You could no longer control your volume, you were basically screaming to the point ellie decided if she should stop or not. She didn't need more noise complaints.
Your body was already shaking violently, your stomach felt like it was on fire. This was terrifying how you felt but at the same time you didn't want it to stop. It felt so good and hurt in the best way possible.
Ellie didn't slow down but only sped up more and more until you let out a loud scream. The building knot in your stomach finally snapped and you were overcome with such ecstasy such pleasure, pure fucking light. It was all too much for you, your vision almost went and your hearing ceased for a split second.
From ellies point of view her fingers were soaked, along with her chest and face and even her jeans. She didn't know what was happening for a minute, her first thought was you had peed on her to be honest but after taking one look up at you she knew what had happened. You had squirted.... it had been something she had seen in an old porn tape she came across.
You felt far away from your own body, feeling only wetness on your lower half and after shock waves coming from your cunt. You came back to your body when your head was talking to you.
"Holy shit.... i didn't think i could do that..'' She admitted to you as your eyes fluttered open.
You looked over at her to see her completely soaked with your juices, you suddenly became embarrassed. You didn't know your body did did that, you didn' think it could do that. You closed your your sticky legs as best as you could.
"I'm sorry..." You said, sitting up slowly.
"No no.... It's okay!" Ellie laughed, pushing you slightly back down.
She laid on top of you, kissing you softly. She never wanted you to be ashamed of yourself even after doing something so fucking hot. She brushed your hair out of your face.
"That was a hot babe.... don't be sorry." She smiled.
You let out a sigh, honestly you were still slightly in shock and not yet fully conscious. You were sticky and sweaty, your bottom half tingling and drenched. Ellie's body on yours didn't make it any better but you were okay with that, you just wanted to be with her.
She could sense you not being all there by the way your eyes were still foggy. So she lifted herself off of you and made her way across the room to put on some music, trying to coax you back into your body again.
She went back to the bed and cuddled you up into a blanket before laying beside you, talking to you in a sweet and calm voice telling you all about her journey. She told you about the forest they traveled through and how she swore she saw fairies at one point. She just said anything to relax you and ground you.
"You're cute when you babble." You spoke, voice raspy from screaming.
"look who's back.." She joked, moving a hair from your face.
"That was intense..." You replied, you moved your hand up and down her arm before grabbing her hand in yours
"I know, they make it look so easy in porn." She said, making you perk up.
"Porn?!?!" You asked
You gave her a wide eyed look wanting to know the story behind her porn experience. She scoffed at your sudden interest and threw her hands up, regretting the decision to stay that.
"It was one time when I was 15.... I came across a tape!" She said, laughing at her stupid teenage self.
“Well i have to know the full story…”
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reidsnose · 4 years
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overview: spencer has a new upstairs neighbor who arrives at the same time as the BAUs newest agent
genre: fluff
a/n: this one isnt very romantic but i think its cuteee and could definitely maybe have a part two or something if yall want so lmk what you think :)
Spencer could not stand his new upstairs neighbor.
she had moved in a few months ago. he had never met her (he assumed she was a girl based on the fall of her footsteps and the music she would sometimes blast) but she always seemed to be up when he was getting home from a case. infact, she was always home when he was and she paid absolutely no heed to her downstairs neighbor when she was walking around at 2 in the morning. not that Spencer could sleep anyway, but if he could, it would be exponentially more annoying.
he assumed she was some sort of first responder, maybe a nurse or doctor, because she had incredibly weird hours. or maybe she had no job, or worked from home. after all, he had never seen her and he had no proof of whether she was home when he was not.
he would come to work and occasionally complain to the team about her, how she was walking around and keeping him up.
"why don't you knock on her door and ask her to stop? thats what i would do but all my neighbors are quiet as a mouse." you offered, spinning nonchalantly on your chair one morning.
"yeah newbie is right. just ask her." morgan agreed.
"i cant do that! that would be rude." Spencer shook his head as he spoke.
you laughed, "think of it as being neighborly."
"i dont think telling someone theyre bothering you is very neighborly." he chuckled.
"bake her a cake that says 'kindly shut the hell up' in icing."
"i cant bake!" he whined
you laughed, ruffling his hair, "i dont know what to tell you. just suffer i guess."
he groaned, stifling a smile at the obscurity of your sentence. or maybe at the entire essence of your being. you could always make him smile, and that was a difficult thing to do. you had only been welcomed to the team a few months ago but in a matter of days he decided he probably liked you best on the whole team.
you definitely felt the same about him.
after some regular banter, everyone got to work, filling out and organizing old case files. paperwork days were a breeze for Spencer, almost therapeutic. writing up a report on a case and then being done with it, never having to think about it again after that.
you were breezing through work today as well, wanting to get home as soon as you possibly could. there was a new episode of your favorite show airing tonight and you did not want to miss it. and you had another reason.
theres is a rumor in your building about an elusive man that lives in the apartment below yours. all the old women on your floor always talk about him to you. they said he's rarely home, and when he is, you wouldn't know the difference. but he's very kind, often rushing to help them up the stairs or with groceries. and apparently, you always just miss each other by a matter of minutes.
so you've been trying to arrive home at different times, switching it up by a matter of minutes. but so far that hasn't worked.
when the clock struck 5pm you were ready to practically run out of the doors of the bullpen, excited to finally be on time to watch your show and maybe hopefully run into mystery man.
the team sent you confused glances as you rushed to stuff your belongings into your bag.
"my show!" is all you said explanation, as you slung your bag across your shoulder and speed walked out of the building, "bye guys!"
"she is something," prentiss chuckled after you left, sitting on the corner of your now empty desk.
"how does she have all that energy?" morgan laughed, shaking his head slightly.
"she takes her coffee/tea [ur coffee/tea order]. and she naps all the time." spencer's responded eyes glued to his computer screen. all eyes were now on him and his vast knowledge about you. he looked up and felt his face flush, "i- i think." he looked back at his computer in attempt to hide his embarrassment, "or maybe she just doesn't have an annoying upstairs neighbor keeping her up."
a couple of snickers followed as they dispersed back to their seats and began getting ready to go home as well. Spencer thought about his neighbor, wondering if he hurried home, maybe she wouldn't be there yet.
so he packed up and began heading out, hopping on the train and wondering if his hypothesis would be correct.
it wasn't.
when he got home he heard the rhythmic stomping of his upstairs neighbor dancing. he rolled his eyes; she was dancing to some short song that was likely the intro to a tv show. he sighed. there was no point in complaining now, it wasn't late at night and she turned down her tv volume once the song was done.
he collapsed exhausted on the couch, turning on some quiet piano as his eyes drooped closed.
your show finished after an hour and you started getting a little sleepy so you decided to take a nap on your couch.
you weren't sure how much time had passed but you woke up on the floor, your hip aching. you had fallen off of your couch in your sleep. you groaned as you sat up.
Spencer jolted awake at the sudden thud from upstairs, his eyes shooting open and his heart racing. he wasn't sure if he was more annoyed at the fact that she woke him up, or how she woke him up. but he felt bad, it sounded like a person falling. was she ok? what if she was hurt and he was sat here rolling his eyes about it? it was very late, his clock read 1:34am.
he was curious to meet her finally...and maybe going upstairs would make her more conscious and considerate of her poor, tired downstairs neighbor.
should he check on her?
you were startled by the knock at your door, glancing over at the clock and seeing how late it was. you cursed yourself for putting an obnoxious wreath on your door because it was covering your peep hole. you grabbed a baseball bat that you kept hidden under your table.
just as Spencer was about to walk away, the door opened and his eyes gazed up from the floor to finally see the face of his insufferable upstairs neighbor.
"Spencer? are you alright? come in. what are you doing at my house in the middle of the night?" you chuckled, tossing the baseball bat aside.
"no way.." he breathed in utter disbelief, looking around for a roommate that could be the one making all the noise.
"um...what?" you furrowed your eyebrows.
his mind moving a mile a minute and suddenly it all made sense. the music was the same as what you played in the car because it was your playlist. the steps were obviously female because they were yours that he'd often heard echo around the office. and you had never crossed paths because he took the train, and you took your car, so you would never leave at the same time. and you were always home when he was because you'd come back from cases at weird hours.
"i should have baked you a cake," he said finally breaking the silence.
you let out a confused laugh, "why?"
"so i could write 'kindly shut the hell up' on it with icing." he laughed as your eyes widened as your brain connected the dots.
"IM THE ANNOYING UPSTAIRS NEIGHBOR?!" your hand flew to cover your mouth, embarrassed at your volume level this late at night.
"i cant believe i didn't connect the dots!" he laughed, dumbfounded.
"wait.." your eyes grew impossibly wider, "if i'm you're annoying upstairs neighbor...that makes you mystery man!"
"mystery man?"
"can i explain tomorrow its like ass o'clock in the morning right now."
he laughed, "yes but only because someone woke me up from my nap."
"i was just being neighborly."
"mhm," he hummed.
you were sleepily staring at each other, dopey smiles complimenting the comfortable silence settling in the air. the sudden butterflies erupting in your stomach startled you into breaking the silence.
"goodnight Spencer," you whispered.
"goodnight y/n." he smiled, giving a small wave before heading down the stairs back to his own apartment.
ultra mega super cool taglist:
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @sonnydoesrandomshit @coffeereid-deactivated20210303 @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9
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eremiie · 4 years
i dont know if its ok to ask but- jealous possesive eren pleassee.. tyy🤸‍♀️
no, nothing;
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❥ eren x reader | 2.4k words | modern au
❥ content: possessive eren wooo, wall sex??, cum play i guess
❥ a/n; yes yes this is late idk what happened??? anyways this is season 4 eren, that’s the vibes this gives me
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"what are you doing?"
eren had your jaw in between his fingertips, head pointed up towards him yet eyes darting around to avoid his gaze.
you hated when he was like this— when he thought every little interaction with anyone other than him was some kind of advancement. it irked your nerves, yet your mouth stayed quiet and you stayed compliant when he spoke to you, when he confronted you.
your fingers danced up and down the material of his sweats to distract yourself. "nothing." your voice came out in a low mumble, nervous that if you spoke any louder than you were, eren would find it offensive.
at least to you it was nothing, only a couple minutes ago before eren called you to stand in between his legs from where he was perched on the railing of the stairs, you were a distance away with your other friends, namely sasha, jean and connie.
it was late at night, moon in the sky as the five of you goofed off in front of connie and sasha's apartment. you had no reason to be out so late— other than the fact that you all were bored. you'd decided to get together at their shared apartment for a small get together but the house quickly became a bore.
connie tried to teach you a skateboard trick that sasha couldn't seem to get the hang of, although he deemed it as "one of the easiest tricks to learn." and since the title of the trick was self proclaimed, you wanted to try to see if it really was that easy. you didn't see any harm in that, you didn't see any harm when you finally attempted the trick and almost fell back, the rough surface of the skateboard flying out from underneath you and jean having to catch you before you injured yourself.
the four of you had a moment of laughter, and you had thanked jean for catching you. you didn't process what you were doing at the time because once again— you found nothing wrong with what you were doing. you found nothing wrong when your hands were encased with connie's for him to steady you, because it was just to steady you. you found nothing wrong when his hands were around your waist to prevent you from falling, and you found nothing wrong when you and jean were play fighting, you getting him back for letting the smoke from the joint ghost right in your face.
but eren did, he always did. every little gesture that was just friendly to you was flirty to him, every little gesture that mean nothing meant something in his eyes. it was irritating, you could always feel his eyes burning into your back, and you always felt like you had to watch your back. you felt like prey that was constantly being hunted, constantly being stalked and watched.
eren took a drag of the joint between the fingertips of his other hand, turning his head to the side to blow the smoke out before looking back down at you again. his gaze was intimidating, the way his eyes were low lidded in boredom— as if he's not surprised. like you have done this before and still haven't learned, even though there was nothing to learn, and a viridian stare that felt like it was looking right through you didn't help to ease the tense feeling in your muscles either.
"what do you mean nothing? you didn't see how they were all over you?" he asked you, tone low much like yours earlier, except it was steady and made you shrink from below him.
do you shake your head no? you didn't see how they were "all over you," but no didn't seem like a good answer for you, then again, you had no reason to lie to him.
you felt the tips of his fingers on your jaw tighten. eren let out a small incredulous laugh, as if he was in disbelief with your answer. wasn't it obvious? how could you not see the way they were touching you, messing with you, they were practically trying to make eren upset, they always did, and he didn't know how he was the only one who saw it.
his eyes trailed over your body, almost as if he was searching for something. "look at what you're wearing." your eyes skimmed over your attire. it was simple, his jacket draped over your shoulders at his request, covering both you shirt and your shorts completely as it was too big on you.
"eren, theres nothing wrong with what i'm wearing, they don't care,"
"how do you know?" eren furrowed his eyebrows at you in confusion, or maybe slight frustration at the fact that you weren't getting it. his hand dropped down from your jaw to your neck, resting it there while his thumb smoothed over your jawline in a relaxing manner if it wasn't for the conversation at hand. "baby, you're not watching them, i am."
the joint was brought back up to his mouth as he took another hit before letting go of you and sliding off the railing. "sasha," he called out for the girl, her hickory ponytail whipping as she looked towards the two of you. "here." his hand was out with the drug in hand, using his fingers to beckon her over to retrieve it while his other hand snaked around your waist pulling you close to him in a possessive manner.
sasha scurried over from where she was sat on the concrete, saying something to jean and connie before jogging over. "where are you guys going?" she asked as she plucked the joint from eren's fingers, putting it up to her own lips.
"______ needs to get something in the house, we'll be back in a minute."
you shuffled on your feet at his words— you didn't have anything to get.
sasha dismissed the two of you with a nod of her head, walking back over to the other two and repeating what eren said as he took you up the stairs of the apartment complex. he twisted the knob to the apartment until the door swung open, pushing you inside and shutting the door behind the two of you.
"eren, what—" his hand flew to your hips to push you against the door, your back hitting it with a thud that you were sure could've been heard by someone on the other side of the door. he towered over you, eyebrows coming together in aggravation.
"why can't you just fucking listen?" his question came out laced with venom, and you let out a small whimper with how tight he was holding you in place, his hips pressing into yours keeping the distance between the two of you almost nonexistent. "i'm not just saying this shit for no reason, you don't need to be letting them touch all over you. is that what you want?"
you repressed rolling your eyes and held your tongue, not responding to him once more. it almost seemed like your favorite thing to do— leaving him without a response, leaving what you were thinking up for interpretation although it looked like he already knew what you were thinking.
"i'm just trying to do you a favor." he murmured as he studied your face, grip softening just like the features on his face when you didn't respond, only a small pout gracing your features. his hand dipped down until it was underneath the fabric of his jacket, smoothing over the skin on your hip when it slipped between your shorts and shirt. "here,"
his mouth came down to kiss your forehead before pecking kissed down the side of your face, and you closed your eyes. you were used to this, it was the same process every time, he'd get envious, talk to you about it as if it was your fault, and then try to sweet talk you, convince you that it's you, and that it's okay, as if there was an issue in the first place. it happened every time.
eren let both of his hands slide to your ass, lifting you up until you were pushed against the door and leveled with his face. he held you up by your thighs, pressing his self into you and continuing his kisses down your neck.
his teeth nibbled at the soft skin and you held back the noises trying to elicit from your throat. it felt good, it did, he felt warm against you, and despite how he tended to act sometimes; you felt safe when you had him so close to you.
"since you seem to forgot," his hands moved quick, one of them wrapping around your torso to hold you up while the other one moved to pull down your shorts. the cold air of the apartment hit your legs all too quick— goosebumps spreading over your skin that were quickly soothed by eren's warm hand smoothing over your thigh once more. "let me remind you who you belong to."
and there he went, grinding himself against you, attacking your neck with kisses, you were sure he left a couple hickeys that'd be visible in the right lighting.
eren groaned when his finger went down to pull your underwear aside, the warm slick from your cunt meeting the side of his fingers.
he brought his hand up to his mouth, tongue sliding over his index finger as he tasted you, and you bit your lip feeling yourself clench around nothing.
eren shuffled to untie his sweatpants with one hand, then pulling them to his thighs along with his boxers before holding your underwear to the side and sliding into you with one quick motion. "fuck," he groaned feeling you sheath him inside of you.
a soft moan left your parted lips and you grabbed onto eren for support, your fingers twisting the fabric of his shirt as you held onto him, like how he held on to your waist.
his head buried into your shoulder as he pulled out and back into you, groaning into your neck as he continued to kiss you, your back hitting the door with every thrust. "oh, shit—" your sentence came out choppy, every stroke of his was hard, cause you to jolt up every time.
one of eren's hands went down to rub at your thighs before trailing back up your back to grab a fistful of your hair, pulling your head back to expose your neck more to him. you winced, but the hold he had on your hair soon felt like nothing when his lips were on your skin again.
"nobody fucks you like this, yeah?" his voice came out muffled as he spoke against your neck.
you struggled to respond, pleasure was flooding your body and you almost felt incoherent with the way he was fucking you, it felt all too good, it always felt too good. it was something about the way he wanted to fuck you and let you know that you were his, and that you'll never be anyone else's.
"yes, yes." your voice was shaky, and you could feel eren smiling against you. he let go of your locks and moved his hand just a little bit further south to grab your neck instead.
he sped his pace up, and your hips moved to get him deeper— you were practically impaling yourself on him, every time he fucked up into you, you tried to meet his hips.
the lewd noises between the two of you were dirty, they made eren want to fuck you harder, knowing that despite everything that was happening moments ago you were always ready to let him fuck you good. "god, eren," you choked out, feeling his hand around your neck tighten.
you weren't worried about anything else— not about the fact that the other three could walk in at any moment, not about the black spots that were appearing in the corner of your eyes, not about the fact that this was supposed to be your lesson. you were only worried about the way his cock slid against your walls, the way that small tinge of pain made your body jerk when he would hit your cervix yet feel so good at the same time. your were worried about how your clit would hit the fabric of his shirt every time he fucked into you, and how close you were.
and by the way his hips were stuttering, the way his movements were becoming more sloppy, and his grip loosening on your neck, you knew he was close too. "what?" he breathed out, it almost sounded like a pant.
"i'm gonna cum," you moaned, and he dropped his hand from your neck to reach in between the two of you, thumb rubbing your clit in large messy circles until you tightened around eren, a cry of what could have only been his name leaving you as you came around him.
his eyes screwed shut as he felt your slick run down him, when he pulled a little out of you he could see the white ring you left around the base of his cock and he groaned as he used you to get himself off, thrusting into you a few more times before filling you up with his own cum with a grunt.
your legs felt weak, if he were to put you down now you weren't sure if you would be able to stand. so you sat there in his arms for a few minutes, both of you trying to catch your breath and come down from your high. your head was rested against his shoulder and his against your chest.
finally, eren slowly pulled out with a hiss, he was still a little sensitive. he let you step down, still holding onto him to not fall and he pulled your underwear back into place, his fingers pressing the cloth against your cunt  until he could feel his cum wetting the fabric, the squelching noises making you whimper.
"now let's go back out there," he sighed, content with the way you still gripped onto him as you pulled your shorts back up unsteadily.
"and remember who's cum you're filled with when we do."
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ange1s · 3 years
cherry emoji - mark lee
synopsis: in which mark asks to see your boobs, and the idea you had of your relationship is thrown up in the air.
wc: 3.6k
genre: this is so fluffy it hurts, some angst but nothing crazy
tw: suggestive themes (boobs), swearing
playlist: pluto projector by rex orange county, ivy by frank ocean, tapestry by bruno major
a/n: guess whos back ,, back again ,,, ange1s back ,,, tell a friend,,,, also this is unedited so i'm sorry if theres a mistake :')
my anon asks are open !! feel free to ask me anything or request something <3
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“i have a weird question.” mark says timidly. you’re sat on the floor, your back against his bed playing a rhythm game on your phone. he is sat at his desk, parallel to his bed, but with the rolling chair swivelled around to face you straight ahead. you don’t look up.
“hmm.” you hum, focused on the game.
mark swallows. “can i see your boobs?”
you drop your phone into your lap, forgetting about the game. you look up at him, straight into his eyes, and you giggle.
“wait, what?”
mark avoids your eyes almost fearfully, as if you were a detective questioning him for a crime. “can i see your boobs?” softer, this time.
you let out a shallow laugh. “don’t you watch porn? there are boobs there.”
mark blushes. “no! i mean, yes i do, but not real boobs.”
you cross your arms under your boobs on purpose, just to push them up a little higher to drive him nuts. mark sits back in his chair in frustration.
“so you think women aren’t real? that all boobs in porn are fake? jeez mark i thought you cared about women-“
“no! that’s not what i meant!” he says, exasperated. he continues to avoid eye contact with you. “of course i don’t think-“
you laugh again, keeling over. “relax mark, i know you don’t think all women are plastic.”
“look, there’s nothing wrong with being plastic, women can do whatever they-“ mark speaks quickly and nervously as if he were on trial.
“shut up minhyung,” you cut him off with a softer, more serious tone. “why do you want to see my boobs? you’re famous and cute. you could instantly find boobs wherever you go.”
he chuckles. “the word boob is so funny.”
“not the point, minhyung!”
he leans back over, the embarrassment slowly washing away. “stop calling me minhyung!”
“never, minhyung!” you retort without even thinking. you stand up to sit on his bed, now at eye level with him. “now, explain.”
“i… i dunno. i’ve just never seen boobs before. like, in person.”
you look directly at him, brain not even thinking anymore. words just fly out of your mouth with ease. “were you breastfed?”
“y/n!” he exclaims out of frustration. the embarrassment fizzles back in. he throws his head to the back of his chair and covers his eyes with his palm dramatically. he runs his hand down his face, tugging on the soft skin as it travels down. as his hand makes it back down to his lap, you giggle a little louder. “my mom’s boobs don’t fucking count. god, you made me think of my mom’s boobs. what the fuck?”
“sorry,” you manage in between giggles. “sorry, this is so funny.”
“this is impossible. i knew i shouldn’t have asked you.” mark pulls himself out of the chair and heads for the door, but you’re just as fast as him.
“now wait…” you grab his wrist to keep him from leaving. a wave of guilt washes over you. “i was just kidding.”
“were you? you didn’t sound like you were.” he says, his face still turned away from yours.
he sounds strangely hurt. “mark, are you okay?”
mark turns to face you and he looks defeated. he slumps down on the floor next to you, his knees up near his chest and his head in his hands.
“they were making fun of me.”
“my friends! they were making fun of me. god, i sound like such an idiot now, whining about my friends like this, oh my god. i sound like a child.”
you rest your elbow on his shoulder giving your hand access to run through his soft, black hair. “you don’t sound like a child. you’re allowed to get upset.”
you take note at how the air shifted in the room. how quickly you focused and listened. you’re only like this around mark. with him, conversations can shift in an instant to anything. you understand each other on a deep, personal level. it’s something you don’t think you’ll ever have with another person for your entire life. maybe your soulmate. honestly? you can only dream to have this sort of connection with your soulmate, a connection so alive and so full of trust. is it even possible to have this with someone else? the fact that mark can make you think about how much he trusts you during a conversation about boobs is something only mark can make you feel. no one else. just him.
has it always been just him?
“it’s so stupid though. one minute lucas is bugging me about the fact that i’m a virgin and i’ve never seen boobs before and the next minute i’m on the floor of my bedroom with you, still not having seen any boobs mind you, nearly crying. damn. this is the lowest point i will ever reach.”
you push his hands away from his face and place your hands on his cheeks instead. “mark, please don’t cry. i hate it when you cry.”
the last time you saw mark cry was a month ago after watching a disney movie. seeing him cry just makes you cry, and since you were already crying, you just cried harder. seeing you cry makes him cry too, so he cried harder as well. the two of you just cried together until your heads hurt, to which you both took tylenols and tried to dance it off.
“i’m pathetic. insecure and pathetic.”
this is when you realize that there is more depth to his feelings than you thought.
“look, mark, i’ll show you my boobs. i trust you. i’m honestly surprised you haven’t seen them accidentally yet since i’ve known you for so long.” you chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. didn‘t work. “but i get the feeling that there’s more to this then just boobs.”
mark never really vented to you like this before. despite how close you are, he still kept things from you growing up, as a teenage boy does. you never took offense to this, as you kept plenty from him too. he never quite talked about his insecurities, his fears. he didn’t want to burden you with them. mark, so sweet and thoughtful. maybe too much for his own good. he needs to learn to share things.
he's starting to, though.
it takes him a while to speak, avoiding your eyes entirely. he speaks lowly, as if he was scared to tell the world what he was about to say.
“it’s just… everything about this sucks. everything. i’m kinda scared to tell you things, which can make us drift apart because we lose trust. then again, if i do tell you things, i’m scared it’ll freak you out and i’ll lose you. those are both bad endings. then, i’m scared to put myself out into the world. like, lucas is telling me to just find someone. go out, ask for a number, have a good time, live like someone in their 20s should be living. i can’t really do it though. every time i try, i choke. lucas once tried to set me up, you remember that, right?”
“yeah, that was the girl who stood you up.”
“yeah. it’s awful. every time i try it fails. i’ve been trying to get to the bottom of why it fails every single time but i just couldn’t. but then, i realized.” he shifts and faces you causing your hands to fall off his face and into your lap. “when i came home after being stood up, i wasn’t sad. i forgot the moment i left the restaurant. i texted lucas that the date didn’t happen and just shut my phone off and went to your place. i wasn’t sad because i knew i had you. i knew that you were going to make me feel better and that made it all go away.” he pauses. “you know? sometimes i get worried that i put too much on you. you’re my happiness, my relaxation, my joy. i worry sometimes that you’ll suffocate because i take so much from being with you. i keep this in the back of my head all the time because i just don’t want you to go. ever.”
holy shit.
“let me finish. i talked about this with lucas, and he told me that i can let myself be selfish sometimes. he said that i can want this that… that i can want you. i can think about you and how you make me happy and i can want that happiness yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and the day after. shit, i care about you more than anything. my heart swells and my stomach gets all these annoying little butterflies when i think of you. it’s fucking crazy. and now, today, here i am. you know, lucas, jaemin and i were talking about girls and boobs and fuck i don’t know, jaemin said that i just had to get that intimacy with someone. and it just fucking clicked. the only person i want to be intimate with is you and i’m thinking now that maybe i was stupid for asking to see your boobs. which is so stupid, i could’ve just asked to kiss you or share a bed with you or i don’t know. i’m really sorry if that was gross of me. i just wasn’t thinking. it’s so damn hard to think straight when it comes to you. i just really want to be closer to you, however that might be.”
your heart races at a speed that doctors would deem impossible. you don’t know what to think or where to look. you feel like you’re going to explode. though, if you explode, he’ll probably explode too. that wouldn’t be good.
mark looks down. he fills with regret. he doesn’t think he should've said that. maybe you'll hate him now. maybe you’ve never felt this way about him before.
you inhale slowly, trying to convince your lungs that breathing is normal and not something that can just stop when hearing speeches like this.
what is the proper thing to say? mark i love you? but do you love him? everything is so confusing right now. of course you love him, but you never considered love in this way. can i kiss you? too forward? but he wants intimacy, and you want it too. i feel the same way? boring. you can do better. mark, and his way with words. so beautiful. how do you compete? mark, you’re beautiful. mark is so beautiful. you try so hard to compose the words. maybe too hard. maybe it’s okay to go with option 3.
now, they just flow out. “mark… i think i feel the same way you do. i don’t know it’s just- i’ve always felt some sort of way toward you. something is so special about you. i spent years trying to decipher it, thinking it was just something platonic or brotherly or i dunno. i just never considered… this. i don’t even know what to call this. but it feels right. you’ve always felt right.”
he has. and he always will. he looks at you so lovingly, his enamoured gaze stuck on you. you can’t look up at him, but he watches you.
you continue. “fuck, i don’t know what to say. i’m so… god.” you run your fingers through your hair, as if to comb your brain in search for the right words. “i think you’re so beautiful. everything about you. and i’m so fucking grateful to have someone as amazing as you in my life. i don’t know what i did to deserve someone like you, and i feel like i really don’t deserve you. but it feels right. to be with you. to be alone with you. it’s just right.”
you let a little tear trickle down your cheek. you know if you look up at him, you’ll probably cry harder. you know this well, yet you look up.
“i don’t know what i did to deserve you either.” mark sighs. it’s his turn to wipe your tears now.
“so… what is this? what… are we?” you ask, melting into his hand, which somehow feels softer on your face.
“i don’t know. we can be whatever you want us to be.”
you playfully punch his shoulder, his hands sliding off your cheeks. “come on, you know i hate it when you say that.”
he gets defensive. “and you know i hate it when you hit me! you have a strong hand, yanno? shit!”
you laugh at him, clearing the last unwanted tear off your cheek with the pad of your thumb. “what can i say? gained strength from all those pillow fights over the years.”
“yeah, pillow fights i won.”
“shut up! you know i won the one at jeno’s party!”
mark laughs aloud. your favourite sound. “yeah, because everyone was drunk and you were still on your second drink. it was a very unevenly matched fight!”
“i still won!” you cross your arms and sit up straight as if you assert dominance over the conversation. who are you kidding? it’s all a joke anyways.
you crack after a moment and both of you erupt in a fit of giggles. his head falls into the crook of your neck, and it feels right. it’s almost as if your skin buzzed. you don’t know why, he’s done this many times before. but now, it’s different. the air has shifted again, so quickly. only with mark.
when he comes off of your neck, you stand up. you walk up to the door of his room, and lock it.
“y/n, what-“
you sit on his bed. “can’t have someone walk in while you’re ogling at my boobs, right? i know you and you’d never be able to live that down.”
mark is quick to stand up in defence. “what? no, we don’t have to do that anymore. i said my piece and im over the boob thing and-“
“shut up mark. you know you want to. and i kinda wanna show you too.”
he sits down on the bed across from you without another word but before either of you can move, he speaks again. “wait, kinda? please don’t feel obligated. only do this if you’re-“
“minhyung, please! i want to, ok? i really appreciate how you’re taking care of me but it’s fine. i trust you, and you trust me, right?”
he swallows hard. “right.”
“okay, perfect.” you pull your shirt off over your head, leaving you in your bra. if this was with any other boy, you’d be self conscious about literally everything: the bra you chose, the shape of your body, the hair in the places you let grow out. with mark, none of it matters now. he’s seen you in bathing suits before, this isn’t much different. and knowing how much he cares for you anyways, you know his head is clouded with praise and nothing less. his brain is working so fast right now, he probably won’t even register any imperfections.
“can i take your bra off?” mark sputters out as if he were holding onto the words for hours. “or wait, fuck-“
“yes, you can.”
he is almost shocked at your answer, and it shows. mark’s hands move slowly, his skin slightly cold as he grazes your skin. he leans in unbelievably close to wrap his arms around you to reach your back. he feels your breath on his chin, and your beautiful eyes look so sweet as you look up at him. when he finds the clasp, he kisses your nose as he pulls away, your bra coming back with him. you straighten your arms so the straps fall right off, showing your boobs.
mark is shocked. flabbergasted, even. his jaw almost drops in a shameless, teenaged boy way.
“dang. they’re so cute.”
you scoff. “cute? first boobs of your life and all you have to say is cute?”
“well what else can i say? i am not very well versed in the vast vocabulary that exists to describe your boobs.” he chuckles. “jeez, why is the word boob so fucking funny?”
you can’t help but smile timidly alongside him. that is what mark does, he makes you feel safe no matter what the situation. mark is always worried about you, worried if you are feeling comfortable and if you are okay with what is going on. he never wants things to be tense when you are around, because he hates to see you upset.
right now, you are the opposite of upset.
“y/n,” he brings your attention back to him. you hum in response. “can i touch?”
you freeze for a moment, and nod timidly. mark scoots a little bit closer, and reaches out with his right hand to gently cup your left breast. his hand is warm, and your skin needs a second to adjust to his temperature. he squeezes the flesh in the absolute slightest way, and quickly brings his hand back. he laughs almost exasperated.
“oh my god, it’s squishy? boobs are squishy?! why did that never register in my head?” he laughs loudly, as if he had just discovered something monumental.
“you’re just finding out now? oh my god mark, that’s common knowledge!”
mark looks down, his cheeks red from laughing. “dang, i’m so touch starved that i never knew until now that boobs are squishy. insanity.”
“the more you bring it up, the sadder it gets.” you reply.
he looks up at you with scrunched eyebrows. “don’t be mean. can i touch again?”
“yes, you can.”
mark cups your left boob with his right hand again, this time running his thumb softly over the supple skin. he doesn’t know what his limits are yet. can he go further? can he touch other parts of your boobs? can he touch other parts of your body? he is scared of going too fast and scaring you. mark is doing his very best today to be as careful as possible, as this is probably, remarkably, the best day of his life so far.
he pushes his index finger into your boob gently to poke it, and you laugh softly. at this point, you are just looking down at mark’s hand on your body. honestly, the fact that he isn’t doing anything is almost relaxing.
you look at how slowly his finger moves, like your skin is made up of the most delicate material in the world. he holds you with such care, such control. it is a feeling you want to feel again, and again, and again.
mark inhales slowly. he wants to go further. he wants more. he doesn’t know how you feel yet, but he will wait for you every step of the way.
but just as he opens his mouth, he hears a thud on his door. “mark hyung, we’re home! is y/n here? come eat with us!”
you both jump, as jaemin’s loud voice destroys the entire atmosphere. mark turns a cute shade of pink almost immediately, and takes his hand off of your skin. you are surprised at first, but lose all tension as you watch mark’s reaction. the poor boy is so embarrassed, but even more upset at how shortly your time was cut off. you laugh as he grabs your bra and tries to put it back on you. unfortunately, he cannot figure out how to close the back shut.
“i’m here! we’ll be there in a sec.” you shout, sparing mark from saying something stupid. you clip your bra straps together, and pull your shirt back on.
mark looks upset. “i’m so sorry they cut us off. they were supposed to be out all day, fuck. i’m sorry-”
“mark, baby, it’s okay. you didn’t know. besides, this isn’t ending here.”
mark looks up at you. “baby?”
“oh gosh, i don’t know where that came from. i’m sorry.”
“no no, its cute. i like it. baby. it just…”
“makes sense?”
he nods. “yeah. this makes sense. it really does.”
mark’s heart pounds in his chest as he takes your hands in his. today, they feel softer, warmer. he inhales sharply once again, hoping this time jaemin doesn’t break his door down, or something of the sort.
his thumb does the thing again, rubbing your skin gently. “y/n, i don’t want to be friends anymore. i think we are more than friends.”
you smile. “i do too. this makes sense.”
mark feels like he is going to explode. that would be bad though, because if he exploded, you would too. that wouldn’t be good for anyone.
“so i guess you’re my girlfriend now.”
you giggle softly. “that sounds so much better than best friend.”
“dang, it kinda does, doesn’t it?”
you let go of his hands and climb off his bed. he follows instantly after you do. right before you go to unlock the door, mark takes your hand once again, and turns you to face him.
you heart races as you lock eyes with him. you cannot believe everything that happened today. how your best friend, who you’d known for your whole life, confessed everything he felt for you, and poked your boobs mere minutes after. and that’s okay, because that’s mark. your mark.
“do we have to go down? i really want to see your boobs again.”
you lean over and place a kiss on his cheek, which causes him to lose his train of thought completely. “you’ll see them again soon, i promise. but if we don’t go down, jaemin will come upstairs and try opening your door. you know him, he’ll freak out when he sees that it’s locked. we’d get found out before we even have a chance to start.”
mark sighs. “fine. no more boobs today. guess i’ll just have to suffer without your boobs in my hands. shit, how am i going to survive?”
you unlock the door, and twist the handle. “well baby, i guess you’ll have to figure it out.”
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IUI - Roach is Baby
Wifey told me Jask needs to meet Roach and fuck she was RIGHT
warnings: I... went a little horse girl on main? sorry? no triggers, just cuteness. also i was tipsy whilst writing the last half so like... im sorry if theres typos or its unreadable lol
“I’m sorry. I just have to go check on Roach before we go to dinner,” Geralt cringed as he turned away from the restaurant Jaskier had wanted to go to. 
Jaskier just put a foot on Geralt’s dash and made himself comfortable, “Oh what’s wrong with our baby?”
“Our baby?” Geralt nearly swerved into a ditch. 
“I’ve seen enough pictures and heard enough stories that I happen to have grown attached. Now answer my question,” Jaskier didn’t seem phased at all. In fact, he seemed to think it was perfectly normal to just adopt your partner’s animals after three months of dating.
Geralt took a steadying breath and tried not to read into it. Jaskier said wild things all the time, he was just beginning to get used to it, “She got her teeth floated.” 
Jaskier was quiet for a moment, tapping Bonnie the Blue Footed Boobie on his thigh, “I’m having some horrible image of pumping her mouth full of water until her teeth come out, please tell me what this means.” 
“Horse dentist filed down the sharp bits of her teeth so she can chew better.”
“Oh! Ow!”
“Oh no, they sedate the horses. That’s why I didn’t answer last night. I- uh. Didn’t want to leave her in case she laid down and got cast.”
Jaskier shifted and peered at him over the rim of his sunglasses with a fond smirk, “Sweetheart, I don’t speak Horse Girl.”
“Cast is… cast? Getting stuck laying down? But stuck on or under something? Once Roach did it by rolling on a pile of shavings I hadn’t spread yet so she couldn’t roll back over where she had room to get up. I had to pull her back over it by her legs…” he chuckled at the memory then paused as he turned into the barn’s driveway, “I see how this sounds odd.”
Jaskier sat upright and leaned forward, mouth open in awe as he took in the stables that looked like something straight out of a high(er) budget daytime soap, “So this is why you live in a studio.”
Geralt sighed as he parked the truck in front of Roach’s barn in between the indoor arena and the massive covered wash racks, “Yup.”
Jaskier got a brief tour, or more accurately, he followed Geralt to Roach’s stall and pointed at things and asked questions the entire time. There were so many horses. He’d never seen a horse up close, except for that one mounted police officer on his trip to Canada and that wasn’t an all too fond memory. He was almost vibrating with excitement when they reached Roach’s stall. 
Geralt stepped in and greeted her so softly Jaskier thought he might faint, “Hey, Ro. How’s my sweet girl?”
She pressed her forehead into the hand he held up and nickered. Geralt just laughed and scratched under the little tuft of long hair between her ears. He leaned forward to give her a kiss and whispered something in her ear that Jaskier couldn’t catch despite his best efforts. 
Geralt turned back to face Jaskier, looping one of his arms over Roach’s neck and giving him a proud almost-smile, “Wanna come say hi?”
Jaskier ever so hesitantly stepped down into her stall, “She won’t step on my toes if she doesn’t like me right?”
“She might. She’s never met someone in Berks and daisy dukes,” Geralt winked as he ran his fingers through Roach’s mane. 
Jaskier took a moment to register his sarcasm and flipped him off with a grin. Geralt gently gripped his wrist and manipulated his hand into a flat surface, popping a sugar cube in his palm.
“Just keep your hand flat and let her sniff you. She’s easy to win over,” Geralt’s voice was unbearably fond and Jaskier found him watching his face more than the horse reaching her nose toward his outstretched hand. 
It was one of two times since he’d known Geralt that he didn’t have at least one solid worry line in his forehead. Hell, his whole body was more relaxed.
Roach took the sugar cube and explored his hand, wiggling her upper lip over his palm and wrist before snorting and shaking her head.
Jaskier yelped and jumped back, earning a confused head bob from Roach and a laugh from Geralt, “It’s okay. Something just tickled her nose.” 
“She’s just so big…” Jaskier muttered, stepping forward and holding his hand out just like Geralt had shown him.
“You can pet her too.”
Jask just brushed his fingertips over the white patch on her face but she pressed into him, bobbing her head a bit to use his hand to scratch at a certain spot between her eyes. 
“Oh! Hello! Does this mean she likes me?”
Geralt’s smile covered his whole face, another thing Jaskier had only seen a handful of times, “She does. You want to go for a ride?”
“Now!? In shorts?!”
“Oh no, sometime next week maybe? You’re not supposed to ride for a couple days after a float.” Geralt started running his hands over her back and belly, then her legs as if he was looking for something. He pinched right at the peak of her rump, making her flinch a little bit and swish her tail, which he seemed satisfied with. Then he pushed at her middle, just gently leaning against her and watching her feet. When nothing happened he seemed pleased and moved on to checking her water and kicking around some of the shavings and, to Jaskier’s disgust, poop. 
“Darling what are you looking for?” 
“Anything unusual. She looks fine though,” he draped his arms over her back, now on opposite sides from Jaskier, “Could I convince you to walk her up and down the breezeway for me?”
Was this the date night Jaskier had been expecting? No. Was it absolutely adorable and delightful to see Geralt so clearly in his element? Fuck yes. He giggled and played little games with Roach and was so gentle and patient with both Roach and Jaskier. It was, so far, the best date they’d been on, first one included. Jaskier had gotten a little peek at who Geralt was when he was truly at home. 
After a brief and very goofy showmanship lesson, they strolled out of the barn with Geralt’s arm draped over Jask. 
“I’m sorry. Restaurant’s probably full by now…” Geralt sighed, opening Jaskier’s door for him. 
Jask hopped up on the seat and pulled Geralt to stand between his knees, “I don’t give a flying fuck about where we eat. This was lovely.” 
There was a look in Geralt’s eyes that reminded Jask of a little kid being told they could play outside for one more hour, “Really? You had fun?”
“Of course, darling,” Jask mumbled as he pulled Geralt further into a kiss, “Just give me heads up next time so I can wear my boots.” 
“You have cowboy boots?”
“Well they’ve got a rather high heel… but they’re still technically cowboy boots.” 
Geralt leaned his head back and laughed, “I’m getting you barn boots.” 
“If you insi-,” Jaskier shrugged, cut off by Geralt’s lips on his, where they stayed for several minutes. 
They were definitely too late for a table. 
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ldouble · 3 years
Can’t Help It | Antonio Dawson x Reader (Chicago PD)
summary: You never expected flowers to be delivered to you. You weren’t one for girlish things, for goodness sake you were a cop who liked strapping a gun more so than clicking into heels. With this, it’s a pleasant surprise when you are delivered flowers not once, not twice, but three times in the span of a week. For Antonio, your partner and the guy who definitely did not have feelings for you, its more suspicious.
You stare at empty board, the lack of thumbtacked pictures a rare sight. This was the Intelligence Unit. There was always a case. Sometimes you thought the crimes rolled in like such clockwork you could have a TV show.
Wednesday. 9 PM Central.
With the clear board, you were sure to get cancelled.
You didn’t want anything up there. The first piece of evidence or any sort of lead usually meant someone was dead. You didn’t wish that at all.
The sight just made you uneasy.
Work wasn’t supposed to be mundane. You were supposed to be constantly thinking. Gears shifting as you tried to catch up with whatever or whoever you were after.
Drug cartels. Sex trafficking. Gang related violence.
It made its way to this board. And you sure as hell always found your way back to it.
The sound of a phone brought you back. The rough voice of your partner cueing in that your team was up to bat.
You looked to Antonio, your arms crossed, half your mind still on the blank panel, for answers.
Even fewer leads sat with him, his face stone cold and unreadable. That was weird. After working together for years, literally saving each others lives (after nearly losing each other one or twice) you could always read Dawson. His quiet demeanor was easy for you to pick up on, you yourself one to speak without words. You thought the time spent wordlessly communicating - either over beers at Molly’s or the barrel of your gun prior to a riot - would help you figure out who was on the other end of the phone.
His eyes met yours, a low ‘mhm’ escaping his lips before he let the receiver clack gently against its holder. “Delivery for you.”
“Screw up your address-”
Ruzek called after you, your last names barely heard as you skipped down the steps to meet whoever was at the cage entrance.
“Didn’t order anything.” You called before lowering your voice. “Especially nothing I’d get sent here.”
Your mind wandered to the Wine of the Month club you just subscribed to, and for a second you started believing Adam that you really had fumbled the address. But upon opening the cage door to see a patrolmen standing with your package, you knew you definitely didn’t mess up.
You told the officer just that, laughing at the sick joke it was. Sergeant Platt was having none of it, yelling up at you (without so much as lifting her gaze from her desk), “Take the goddamn flowers.”
So you did. You awkwardly and begrudgingly, took the goddamn flowers.
The goddamn flowers that had you sneezing upon arriving back in the bullpen.
A low whistle from Kevin was heard despite the allergy response. You didn’t know which one had caught the attention of the entire squad. Honestly, you didn’t know which was worse.
“Nobody give me that look.” You spat, concluding it was neither whistle nor wheeze that had everyone curious. Rather it was you, dressed in dark jeans and an ever darker long sleeved shirt, holding a budding bouquet of bright yellow-
“Are those sunflowers?” Jay asked, leaning closer to take a look.
“Yes.” You huffed, setting down the gift like it was a bomb. That’s what it felt like. Like any second something was going to go off. 3....2...
“Who got you flowers?!?” Adam buzzed, jumping up to peer at the present.
“No one.” You quickly said, hating this. Hating the attention. The attention brought on by some stupid-
“Nice greenery.” Voight said from his classic perch of leaning against the door of his office.
At the sight of your boss you gulped. You were chummy enough with him but knew even he wouldn’t appreciate a dispute over something as stupid as this.
So you took a breath, smiled, and agreed with him. “Yeah, nice.” You peered at the object in question...just like you would a suspect.
Jay called you out on it, coming to look at it beside you. He hip checked you. “Whose it from?”
“Great question.”
“There’s usually a card someone.”
You looked over your shoulder at Antonio whose attention now seemed completely enthralled with his computer. You knew for a fact there was nothing on there of importance. if there was, he wouldn’t be asking about flowers. Flowers you never would have gotten because you wouldn’t be here but rather out on the case that filled that goddamn blank board.
“You a frequent customer of ‘Ode a la Rose’, Dawson?” Ruzek asked, coming up on the other side to look at the business ribbon tied to the vase.
“No.” You titled your head at your partner who quickly avoided eye contact after looking up for a mere second. He clicked away, his mouse suddenly much louder to you. “But I know a bouqet of flowers when I see one.”
That had you rolling your eyes back to the problem at hand.
You really didn’t know where to start, that is until Voight walked right up and plucked the paper envelope from between the....blooms? Was that they were called?
Reading your mind Jay and Ruzek leaned in at the same time, whispering, “Buds.” in your ears.
You sighed, watching them return to their desks before opening up the letter.
You don’t know why you needed a breath but you did. It was all so bizarre. Remembering your boss’ words, the very ones you had agreed with, you concluded it to be nice. Nothing less and nothing more.
The card certified that, its blankness leaving the mystery solved.
“What’s it say?” Kevin asked from across the aisle as you sat down in your chair.
“Nada.” You replied, tossing into the bin at your feet.
“Yeah, right.” Antonio said, standing up and crossing the room. When he went to dive through the can beneath your desk you rolled away, the invasion of space surprising.
What was more surprising, the look of jealousy you swore you saw on his face.
Again, your guess was confirmed when Jay asked if Antonio was jealous somebody else was congratulating me on a case well solved before he could.
You didn’t like what Jay said but it was better than clutching onto a defensive statement with no proof. You were a detective. Couldn’t argue with evidence. And Antonio storming over to dig through trash...pretty convincing.
“I told you, I’ll take a free beer over flowers any day.” Your hand graced your partners arm. It stole his attention from the empty paper he was analyzing, his eyes finding yours for a moment. The way they raced across your face, taking you in like someone he was saving, crushed you.
More than that, it terrified you. Because it seemed to terrify Antonio.
You sneakily took the note from his hand, shaking your head with a light laugh. You were hoping he didn’t notice how forced it was because you really couldn’t sit here one more second with him looking at you like that. Worrying you. Terrifying you.
“It’s all good. Probably just some appreciation for your girl.”
You had stood at this point, reaching around to dump the flowers but your hand was caught. Antonio met your gaze, his tongue quickly wetting his lips in thought. A million things went through his head before he plucked the note from you.
“Keep em. Till I get you that beer.”
You watched him walk away, your eyes tearing away when you heard Adam cracking another joke about how sunflowers resembled your bubbly personality. When you slapped his head in warning you chanced another glance at your partner.
Sauntering down the hall a flash of white caught your eyes.
The once pristine note, white as day, was now crumbled in his hand. You watched it soar into a nearby trashcan, hitting the rim and bouncing onto the floor. The slam of the cage, announcing the exit of your partner, couldn’t even take your eyes away.
Molly’s atmosphere would always put you in a good mood. There was nothing like sitting with your colleagues, amongst the other servicemen and women of Chicago, after a long day. 
You hadn’t even made it to the bar when Otis called your name, waving you over.
Leaving Ruzek and Kevin to chat it up with some of the Firehouse 51 guys, you made your way through the throngs of people.
“What’s up?” You asked over the cheers of a home run being hit.
“You tell me.” The fireman said, a suggestive tone on his lips.
You turned to your coworkers, now joining you, shrugging your shoulders. Their equally confusing looks send you repeating the action back at him. Even then, its hard to force up your arms in chagrin when theres an icy feeling down your back.
The Russian fireman rolled his eyes before disappearing below the bar. Your head tipped forward to follow only to bounce back at his sudden reappearance. Its not his dark curly hair that scares you, but rahter the bright array of...flowers.
He placed it on the counter with a thud. Identical in nearly every way to the vase gifted to you two days ago, the only difference is that the blossoms have grown. Double the amount of stems sit in the square jar.
The aroma of spring met your nose despite the smells of the bar. Mixed with beer and greasy food, your lunch is prepared to make a reappearance.
But its the sight of Antonio, followed closely by Jay, that sends the meal back down. You have to gulp it down again when he gets closer, the look of anger directed towards the flowers, terrifying you once again.
“You got to be kidding.” Jay mumbled, tracing over the business seal.
“When did you get these?”
“Who delivered them?”
“What’d they say?”
The men around you fire out questions but none of them register. You’re always one to investigate but never before had you been so involved. Never before had you been the lead.
You liked the board empty. You’d take a clear slate and nothing to do over thumbtacking your own picture up any day.
Especially today.
Antonio tried to find your eyes, silently communicate among the raising volume of the bar, but you ignored them. There’s something to be said. But you don’t have the words.
The message envelope does.
You ripped through the flowers, tossing stems and wrecking the beauty of the gift, until you find what you’re looking for.
A gasp escaped your lips once you’ve read it, your head following to hang low.
“What’s it say?” Someone asked. You didn’t catch who, the neatly typed and printed words consuming everything in you.
Someone grabbed it but you release the words into the air before they can be read again.
If you could’ve stopped them you would. No one else should have had to read those chilling words. No one except you.
And your detective friends.
“I scent you this.” You looked up at Antonio, his brows furrowed as they came up from the note. “Can’t wait to watch you wilt.”
“We’ve got a gardener on our hands.”
Your head slowly turned to Otis, innocent and unknowing Otis, who thought it all to be a cute little love note.
You told him it wasn’t.
“More like a weed killer.” A faux smile found your lips right before your eyes found the door, your feet following quickly.
The hot summer air was less of an escape than you’d have hoped. Still, you pushed on, farther from the bar and the noise and the people and everything.
Your arm was caught just before a passing car took you out, sucking you back into the real world.
Antonio’s eyes, the fullest of concern you’d ever seen them, sent you pushing him back. You’d take reality but not from him. Not right now.
“You can’t just leave.”
“Let my pedals fall, won’t you, Dawson?”
“No.” His hands found my arms, my bare skin burning. There was no anger in his action. If anything you were producing the heat, frustrated beyond belief.
Antonio saw it, squeezing gently to bring you back. You couldn’t the strain breath that you released.
“He’s in my head.”
“How do you know it’s a he?”
“Women don’t send flowers.” You deadpanned. You took a step back upon seeing the rest of your coworkers stirring a few feet away. They held a respectable distance but some things just needed to be said - partner to partner.
And boy were some things about to be said.
Cops had no on and off switch. Their minds were always in investigation mode. You were your lead, your evidence, your victim, your everything.
And you felt like you couldn’t even breathe at the moment.
“Just let me go home.”
“Not with some guy-”
“He’s in my head, man.” The crack in your voice scared you but you pressed down the fear, going straight up to your partner. Chest to chest you tapped a finger on his temple. “He’s in my head and I can’t help it.”
“You’re in his and I can’t help that.” Antonio huffed.
You didn’t know who was more upset with the situation - you or him.
But that’s what partners were for. To have your back. Even when you didn’t have your own.
The thought of Antonio guarding you, unattended and unfocused, had you shaking your head.
It wasn’t right. None of this was.
You told him just that. To which he tried whispering your last name not as your partner but as your friend. You could tell by the way he said your first name...something he never did.
Desperate times, desperate measures.
“Save your detective work for the office.” A choked laugh escaped you as you slipped by him, heading towards Kevin. “Something tells me this is just poor planning on some gardener’s part.”
The flower puns had been over ages ago. They never really had a place at all.
But again....desperate times, desperate measures. Dark humor was your desperation.
You plucked the flowers from Adam’s arms, meeting his eyes with a nod.
You heard Jay say your name but it was no use. If Antonio couldn’t get through to you, it’d take Voight. And your boss never frequented this establishment at this hour.
Like you would hear him over the buzzing. You wanted to believe a bee was enjoying your unexpected gift but you knew that wasn’t true. The only thing ringing was your heart, beating faster than ever before.
You turned on your heel, only dropping your “I’ve Got It All Together” smile when you threatened them not to follow you. It wasn’t until you got home did it all fall apart, the vase crashing to the ground. The only reason you didn’t hear it was because of Antonio’s voice in your head.
“I can’t help that.”
He meant it like he couldn’t help but worry.
But combined with the concern he radiated, you thought your suspicions to be true.
He couldn’t help. No one could.
Your hand hurt from clutching your gun in your sleep.
At the thought of how pathetic that was, you flexed your fingers before shaking them out to study the card.
The wording, the gift, everything, really nothing, made sense.
You had racked your brain for cases that it could connect to. It wasn’t uncommon to be tracked down by former...clients.
Your job was to put people in jail. Jail wasn’t always a life long sentence. Finding you, the person who’d put them there, could possibly be a life long commitment.
The knock of your door made you freeze. You weren’t able to pinpoint a crime that could lead to threats in the form of flowers but you were able to recognize that knock anywhere.
A confirmation through the peephole had you standing with your hand on your hip as Antonio walked into your apartment.
He rambled on and on, jumping between the points of the mysterious flower deliveries and how there was no way you were going to let him stop from figuring this out. On a tangent about your lack of respect to the Senior Detective of the unit (a title he only used when he wanted authority) you wrapped your arms around him.
Suddenly your outburst against the second in command didn’t matter, his own arms looping around your lower back.
“You look like shit for having slept in your car outside my place.”
His chuckle vibrated through you - the sound the most pleasant thing you had heard since entering Molly’s over 12 hours ago. Since then it had been your partner yelling at you and the eery silence of your apartment.
Neither were a match for Antonio’s laugh.
Which, speaking of, quickly died out as he gave you a once over. You could hear the quip on the tip of his tongue, how the bags under your eyes made him think you spent the night in the passenger seat, but it never came.
All that stayed was the worry in his eyes. You wiped your hands over them, forcing them closed. “Don’t look at me like that.” You whispered.
Without moving he replied, “When this is fixed, I’ll stop.”
“Then keep them closed.” You headed toward the couch, heaving a sigh and setting your head on the wall. “I can’t figure it out.”
“What do you think I’m here for?” You felt the couch dip beside you, the weight shifting as Antonio looked over the files sprawled on your coffee table. After a moment you joined him, your eyes quickly glazing over at the papers you’d practically memorized.
“Had he sent some blood or common drug I would’ve pinned him.” You waved a hand over the evidence. “I’ve got nothing.”
“You have to, or else you wouldn’t know who he was.”
“Antonio, I don’t-”
“You do.” He interrupted, a hand finding your knee. He’s quick to remove it, clearing his throat and referencing the table again. “We’re cops. We know more than we think.”
You sighed, wanting to agree but not seeing enough evidence to do so.
Flowers. Scents. Spring.
You were linking the whole ordeal to cotton candy (somehow) when someone else knocked on the door. You didn’t even bother standing, knowing Antonio (who had been on watch all night) wouldn’t let you answer it.
So you weren’t surprised at all when he returned, the rest of the squad entering.
“Still picking petals?” Kevin asked.
“He kills you, he kills you not.”
Adam’s joke impressed no one, his hands flying up defensively. “We not in the mood for jokes or what?”
“We’re not.” Voight’s voice run out strong. It both reassured you and frightened you. This all was so odd. How everyone was here. Except the guy tracking you down.
“No jokes when one of our own is on the line.”
“Line.” You mumbled, the word sticking with you.
“What is it?” Jay asked, crouching down in front of you. It was his classic, “witness remembers something” action, which you didn’t appreciate. There was no time to blow him off, tell him you weren’t a victim in this, because you were just getting somewhere.
Antonio caught on, shoving Jay away for you.
You didn’t even need to say thanks, silently communicating it without as so much as a look.
“What did you say Adam?” You stood, heading towards your bookcase.
“I don’t think I’m supposed to repeat-”
“Say it again.” You insisted turning from the shelf for a mere moment to give him a look. “Please.” You said, your tone lighter.
“He kills you, he kills you not?” He mused, avoiding eye contact with Voight.
“That’s a bad line, man.” You heard Kevin say under his breathe.
“Exactly.” You excited, grabbing the book you were looking for.
“Exactly what?” Antonio came up beside you, his eeys darting between the page and your face. You said nothing - out loud or silently - which he impatiently couldn’t wait for. “Exactly what?”
“Exactly this.” You pointed to the page. “He loves me, he loves me not.”
Confusion and what appeared to be fear raced across Antonio’s face. Jay asked if you could fill him in before you got a chance to question your partner’s response to your revelation.
“It’s a line.”
“We know.” Voight said.
“A line from a case.” You went on to say, heading back toward the table. “There was a guy at the University of Chicago, posed as an English major, sucked girls with the whole ‘I’ll read you poetry’ thing.”
Papers were flying everywhere and Kevin was trying to keep them in order, that is till Antonio started digging with you.
“I know this one. He brought girls in and then,”
“Raped and murdered them. Leaving nothing but a note that said,”
“He loves me, he loves me NOT,” Voight answered, remembered. the case he handed over to you and Antonio.
“He definitely did not.” You stood, file in hand. “He left that line and-”
“A flower.”
You looked up to Antonio, his gaze pointed at the pile of what was your second bouquet, sitting in the dustpan where you left it when you couldn’t bring yourself to throw it out.
His eyes found yours after a moment and you couldn’t help but smile. You had solved it.
Of course, you had solved it three years ago.
Jay reminded you of that point when he took a look at the report.
“The clues he’s leaving aren’t keeping him too well hidden. Why send the cop who put you away flowers?” Kevin spectated.
“Paid in cash.” Adam added, rubbing his chin in thought. “Might want a chase.”
“Who leaves a calling card like that and wants a chase?” Voight pondered.
“He’s not the one being chased.” You said, the room quieting from the many guesses being vocalized. “I am.”
The knock of the door piqued everyone’s interest, each head whipping towards it. Then you all looked at each other. No one else who needed to be here wasn’t.
Antonio connected those dots first, undoing his gun from its holster and walking towards the door.
It was no point for him to ask who was there. You already knew.
You just made it to see the delivery boy, eyes wide as Antonio pointed the barrel at him.
You took the smallest of steps forward, further intimating the boy and causing the vase to drop. Triple the size of the first one, flowers spewed everywhere, a white card sliding across the floor to your feet.
You bent down, opened it and read it silently. When you looked back up at Antonio you couldn’t help the words that escaped.
“He’s not asking to be found. He’s already picked me out from the bunch.”
I wanna smell you. Just you. You don’t bloom, you lose it all.
The last part of the note didn’t need to be repeated in your head. Not when you were there right at that moment.
Lurie Garden looked beautiful on the Spring Saturday. Lavender wafted through the air and all colors spread through the field. The Bean was barely visible over the high walls. If you stood in the penny fountain you wouldn’t have been able to see 20 feet into the greenery. Not with the spurts of bushes that traveled higher and higher the further into the season.
3 Pm was peak time. Little kids ran around, parents following quickly. You had spotted more than one older couple, walking through the fields to literally smell the roses.
Like on every other OP, you thought of if you’d get there. Make it through this.
Good cops were good people. And no good person walked into a dangerous situation without playing with the idea that they wouldn’t see the light of the next day.
Your eyes found the sun, beating down on you. When you couldn’t take it any longer your refocused, finding the very couple that sparked your philosophical train fo thought. A green ring formed around them from the light exposure. They looked angelic. Happy. Perfect.
“Everything looks perfect.”
You toed the gravel, Ruzek’s voice loud and clear in your ear piece. No one had said much the last 15 minutes you spent waiting for your guest.
Mark Cameron, ever the ‘fake’ student, was running late for class.
Only you would be penalized, though, if you slipped up.
The kid, no college graduate, was still smart. When you’d busted him he had a barely alive girl in his arms. When unarming you he called out every weapon.
Hence your lack of protection right now.
No gun. No knife. You didn’t even have the pin you wore for highly specialized ops, its edge sharper than any pocketknife you could’ve snuck into your pant leg.
“You’re going to be fine.”
You turned halfway before stopping yourself. Antonio’s voice hadn’t come form your ear piece but rather behind you. Posing as a fellow garden goer, he stood the other way, admiring the monkshood you just looked at (15 minutes had given you plenty of time to read up on the plants. That and you needed something to do other than wait).
He was effortless when it came to undercover ops. So it took everything in you not to tell him he was blowing it. Cameron could show up any second. Antonio knew this. Never one to break protocol it wasn’t right to see him doing just that.
“Let’s hope.” You breathed, bending down to smell.
“He’s not in your head. I can’t help you if you’re in yours.”
You didn’t respond - not knowing what to say as well as gettin interrupted by COMMS.
“Cameron just entered the North East corner.”
Kevin went on giving description - jean jacket, information packet in hand, etc. - but you didn’t care.
You remembered that sweet couple without a care in the world and you needed to see Antonio once more. You needed to believe him he’d help. You needed your partner.
“Thought you might need this, honey.”
Cameron’s voice was icy in your ear. You fought the urge to grimace, instead smiling up at him and accepting the garden sheet he was extending to you.
“Thanks. Was dying to know what smelled so bad.”
“So you say.” He whispered directly into your ear piece. “What do they think?”
Jay mumbling something foulw as cut off as Cameron picked apart the tech. You couldn’t help but slam your ear into your shoulder, his touch radiating goosebumps off of you. The exposed movement was worth it when you caught no sight of Antonio - who had thankfully cleared the area.
There was no one in your row. No one you could really see either with the sloped ground and the high stalks of greenery.
You hoped your team had you. You knew they did. It was just hard to believe when you didn’t have yourself.
Cameron had found you. Found a way into your work and your bar and your home. More than that, he found his way into your head. And Antonio would never admit it but Cameron got into his too.
Partners. Had each other’s backs but also had each others brains.
You hoped Antonio’s wasn’t as corrupted as your felt right now.
“I told you to come alone.”
The stomp of his foot on the ear piece emitted a high pitched frequency just loud enough for you to catch.
Your lips formed a straight line as you told yourself not to panic. Something about you being the target made this op different. You cared about victims more than you did yourself - evident in the way you put your life on the line.
But this...this focus on you, on your friends, made breaking up a drug cartel seem like heaven.
Being here, with Cameron, even in a beautiful field of flowers, was actual hell.
“You know, I’d make some cruel joke about no flower growing alone but I don’t think you’d appreciate that.”
Cameron pretended to weigh the options. Coming to a decision a sick smile grazed his face before his hand found your hip. It hurt, a pressure point being hit, but you didn’t let it show.
“Good choice. Makes you love you a bit more.”
His eyes wandered to the flower I was still gripping, its orange petals crumpling with the tense hold I had on it. His own hands found one near by, picked it and brought it up to my nose. His brows raised, asking me to pluck a petal. I did as told just as he said, “Or love you not.”
You spun around to the voice, only having his hand grip into you harder at the sight of a park ranger approaching.
“You can’t pick the flowers, sir.”
“My fault!” Cameron chuckled, his neck settling on your shoulder. Again, he put more force than necessary, your collarbone taking the brunt of it. “My girlfriend here wanted to see if I still loved her not. You know the rhyme.”
The ranger gave a tight smile, clearly weary. She shook off the feeling, going back into work mode. “I’m going to have to write you a warning.”
You attempt at reconciliation was lost as Cameron pressed his hand and neck harder into you - equal points of pain rolling through. He was all bone and it hurt like hell.
“That won’t be necessary,” He leaned forward, bringing you with him. “Jan.”
“Sir, it’s policy of the park not to-”
This was going all sorts of wrong.
No ear piece. This ranger. A much more aggriavted Cameron than you wanted.
Maybe this was it. Your final chance to smell the roses.
“You need to leave, now.” Th ranger said, summoning the most authority she could in her voice. Cop or not you could see her wavering.
You could also see a crowd forming. Nothing interested tourists quite like a public conflict.
“I said, no.”
The ranger stepped forward, clutching what you assumed was a baton.
Cameron, ever one to see something for more dangerous than it was, though it a gun, and was quick to pull his own out.
Where else could it go than up against your head.
He held a firm choke hold, tossing you around as you showed the neely joined audience exactly what you had. It was all it took for your team to come out, their own guns blazing.
Screams. People running. Dust picking up.
You wished for the smallest deliver of flowers. No mess. No note.
This was so much worse.
You stayed strong, though. You knew there was more coming.
“All so protective of your girl when a guy sends some roses, huh?” Cameron asked Kevin and Ruzek, whipping you around to talk to both of them.
“Put the gun down.”
“Let her go.”
Now you understood why no hostage felt safe in this moment. Guns pointed at you. Words their first line of defense.
This wasn’t help, you wanted to tell Antonio. This was a placeholder for help.
“Yeah, right.” Cameron snarled. His nose inhaled your scalp, posseviley claiming you. “She smells like mine.”
Threats were repeated. Voight and Al and Jay appeared. All who was missing was your partner.
And without your partner you weren’t you.
You closed your eyes, hating this. Hating this because it wasn’t right. Antonio should be here. Having your back. Helping.
So you did what any cop would do. You proved you were than just your partner or your team or your badge.
You opened your eyes, now facing the fountain just a few rows ahead. In it you barely saw your reflection. if the image of you being held wasn’t enough to spark something, the shadowy person just past you was.
In one swift moment you hit Cameron’s instep, freed your hand, twisted his shooting hand, which caused him to fire into the fields, and threw him over your back, made him hit the ground and had you pinning him down.
The next thing you knew there was a gun, another one, pointed mere inches from his face. You didn’t need to look up the leather jacket arm to know who it was. So you didn’t. Not until Kevin stood Cameron up and Ruzek handcuffed him.
That’s when you turned to Antonio. Fell into his arms. Breathed the scent of the flowers for the first time.
He whispered encouragement to you, assuring you were fine, saying how horrible that guy would suffer.
None of it mattered. All that mattered was him. You were ready to say that after you pulled back to look at him when his eyes found the ground. With you still firmly held in his arms he reached down, a cheap connivence store bouquet of flowers in his hands.
You couldn’t help the choked laugh that escape you
“Thought this might be better than the beer. Ya know, for catching the guy.”
You accepted the gift that had fallen out of Cameron’s grasp, tilting your head. “Yeah, but you helped.”
Antonio shrugged, forcing the flowers out of your hand as he brought you closer.
“I can’t help it.”
The End.
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toomanyfandoms02 · 3 years
Shameless // Fred Weasley
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Summary - The gang challenges Fred and the Reader to fluster eachother after each being called shameless.
Word Count - 1.7k
I'm not gonna lie this was hot LMAOO
Fred and I were often compared to eachother. These were usually the words we were called
These were said by a mixture of people, but most knew us as best friends. I marched the halls with the twins every day, but everyone knew I was a just a little closer to Fred. There was just some connection there. A connection lots of people took out of context.
Sure, we flirted, but I flirt with a lot of people. Theres another word we were called, flirts! Though this had a good majority of my friends convinced that we were in love. It was at the point where people openly talked about it in front of us.
*"Nice ass Weasley!" I shouted as I entered the Great Hall. This drew a few eyes towards me, snickering. Fred turned around and looked to me, gesturing to his bum.*
*"Oh this old thing? Nothing compared to yours." I licked my finger and made a sizzle sound. Everyone was right, we really had no shame.*
And that's what my friends were on about at the moment. A big group of us were sitting in the Gryffindor common room. This included Harry, Hermione, Ron, the twins, Seamus, Dean, Angelina, and Ginny.
"You two flirt all the time without getting all ruffled. How do you do it?" Ginny asked.
"I don't know, it's just how we are I guess." I shrugged to Fred as I answered. He nodded in agreement.
"Matter of fact, I don't think I've ever seen either of you flustered." Dean butted in.
"I say we change that." George said with a simple nod. Fred looked at him with furrowed brows. "I say we challenge them!" It was clear that not one person in the room knew what George was on about, so he continued. "Alright see, I give them 3 days to see who can fluster who first. One of us has to see it though, to know it happened. Can the unflusterables fluster one another you think?" Georges arms were crossed at his chest cockily.
"I think that's a brilliant idea." Hermione agreed.
"That's easy, I'll totally win. I have no shame, no embarrassment." Fred announced with glee.
"We will see about that." I smiled at him with one eyebrow raised.
*Oh its on.*
After barely an hour of thinking about this whole challenge alone in my dorm, I realized that I walked myself right into failure. It wasnt that I though Fred could win, it was that I *knew* I would lose. In the way that I had never really charmed any boy. I didn't have anything up my sleeve. I was really just going to have to wing it.
That being said, Fred was quite the charmer. It was hilarious watching 1st years see him for the first time and swoon over him. Pulling girls in with simple winks and little waves across the room.
But now it was dinner time, so I see this as round one to this weird challenge George has concocted.
I made sure to make my way into the Great Hall nearly unnoticed, walking in with a sea of other students. I immediately spotted Fred and made a beeline towards him. Some of the group spotted me but said nothing, letting me go with my improvised plan.
I stood right behind Fred, reaching my hand into his hair and running my fingers though it. He turned his head slightly to see me.
"Hello love." He smiled at me sweetly. I continued, wrapping my arms around his neck lightly and leaning down so my chin was rested on his shoulder.
"You're hair is so soft." He turned his face to mine, our noses almost bumping.
"Thanks sweet cheeks." He put a small kis on my nose which made me smile, sitting next to him after.
"Nothing? Really? No blushy cheeks, or stuttered speech?" Angelina was flabbergasted clearly, her hands gesturing wildly in the air as she spoke.
"I honestly don't know if it's possible." George shrugged. "I just thought it would be interesting if it was."
"Oh I've got plans don't worry, this sexy ass will be blushing to the moon and back when I'm done with her." Fred looked down to me, smirking. He gave a challenging face.
"I know your deepest darkest secrets Weasley. Don't test me." I raised my eyebrow cockily as the whole group just stared puzzled.
"I wish I could talk to Cho like that." Harry huffed, earning a laugh from most of the group. (Aside from Ginny, who I was quick to tap her hand under the table at the comment. She had told me weeks ago how agonizing she felt.)
Later that night a good portion of the gang was hanging out in the common room again. I had just walked through the entryway and saw Fred sitting on the couch. As soon as we made eye contact he patted his lap. All heads whipped my way. I walked over and sat right on his lap, making myself comfortable. He grabbed my face lightly and put a small kiss on my jaw.
"Where were you love, we missed you." The few first years that had joined whatever conversation was going on looked as if they were going to be sick.
"Just went on a walk handsome." Everyone shook their heads with disappointed looks.
"Nothing, seriously?" Hermione laughed in disbelief. The youngins asked about the situation and it was explained to them. They all giggled about it for a while as we watched. Soon Fred was leaned very close to my ear.
"You should just give up now beautiful, you know you're going to lose." He whispered ever so lightly in my ear. I pushed his face away from mine so his ear was towards me.
"Really cute of you to think so." I whispered back. That was the last we spoke that night seeing as it was 10 pm.
I woke up the next morning hearing giggles from Hermione and Angelina. I sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes. They got very quite as they saw me waking up.
"What are you two up to?" They looked down at the books they had in their hands, ignoring me. Just then I heard our shared bathroom open, seeing Fred come out wearing only a towel hanging low on his waist. I looked him up and down with a smile. "Not bad Weasley. Working out lately?"
I would never admit it outloud, but this one almost got me. He's only in a damn towel. I mean come on, everyone found Fred attractive.
"Yeah. Maybe you can try this whole thing in my dorm later? Maybe surprise me?" He winked and left the room quickly.
"Hey! Get your arse back here, that's my towel!" The girls followed us close behind, peaking out of the door to watch us in the hallway between the rest of the dorms.
"Oh you want it back? Her you go love." He pulled it right off his body and handed it to me. I knew if I closed my eyes, or covered them, they would count it as a loss for me. So I just maintained eye contact with him and yanked it from his hands. "Nervous?" He squinted at me. Man was the boy lucky there was not one else in these halls at 6 am.
"Never." I replied with a smile and turned away, walking back into the dorm. "Nice try ladies!" I dropped the towel in our hamper and they fell back onto Hermiones bed with a loud groan.
Later that day Hermione, Fred, George, me, Dean and Seamus had free time in Care of Magical Creatures.
"He was literally naked in front of her and she didn't even blink." Mione deadpanned.
"Maybe it's because shes seen it before." Fred elbowed my side.
"You wish." I rolled my eyes.
"Maybe I do." He stared daggers into my eyes.
"At this point I feel like even if you guys made out nothing would happen." George shrugged. This gave everyone a collective evil smile.
"Oh are we doing that now?" I asked as nonchalant as possible. Even with my heart racing a mile a second. Fred looked at me with confusion. "Unless you're too pussy." That wiped the confusion off his face.
"Nope." He grabbed my face and pulled it inches from his.
"I'm just going to warn you, I've never kissed, let alone made out with, a boy before. So I apologize in advance." I laugh-whispered to him, pushing my lips onto his. I grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him closer, running my hands through his hair.
His hand traced my jaw with one hand and the other was gripped to my hair.
"Pretty good for never kissing anyone, you sure you arent lying?" He said quietly in between kisses.
"I would never lie to you." He took my open mouth as an opportunity to use his tongue and deepen the kiss. I was ready to give up at this point, this boy was unknowingly ruining me. "Would you ever lie to me?" More questions between kisses.
"You like me don't you?" His nose bumped with mine at the question. Starting to kiss up my jaw near my ear.
"Of course love." He laughed lightly, pulling back from the kiss. We turned back to the group which was a mixture of disgust, confusion, and knowing glances.
"Seemed like a lot of whispers for just making out don't you think?" Georges arms were crossed over his chest. We both shrugged.
"Sometimes friends just make out." I admitted, which was a very obvious lie.
"So you would make out with me then?" George challenged. Fred grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him with a glare to George.
"I think I won in a different way than anticipated." George smirked. "So are you guys going to get together or what?" Everyone nodded.
"Was that what this bullshit was about?" Fred asked loudly.
"Yeah of course. Two dimwits you are, walked right into it." Hermione shook her head. Fred grabbed my hand and squeezed it, making me blush furiously.
"I win!" He pointed to my heated cheeks.
"Shut up ares hole." I elbowed his side lightly.
"It didnt even take 3 days!" George cheered.
*Boy are we going to have some stories when we get older.*
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laurie-stark · 4 years
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(not my gif)
Summary: After another duffle bag of supplies washes up on shore, the girls realize that they’re going to be stuck here for a while. Episode six rewrite. 3.0k words. 
Pairings: Toni Shalifoe x fem!reader 
Warnings: Swearing, throwing up
A/N: Okay listen I just wanted Toni fanfic but no one was writing it so here you go. Also I really tried too hard to get the bed sharing trope LEAVE ME ALONE I LIKE IT PSLFDLJ (this is your reminder to turn on Interactivefics xx) oh and also theres a bit in here thats heavily inspired by @ drewstarkeys Toni fic which you all should go read asap its amazing. 
This was weird. It was really fucking weird. It had only been four days since we found Jannette’s grave empty. Four days since we found a clean water source. The longer we stayed on this god forsaken island, the more it felt like we were never getting off. And now another round of duffle bags have shown up. You know, as crazy as I think she is sometimes, Leah’s starting to have a point. Something is way off about this place. 
Nora and Rachel were the ones who spotted the bags. They washed up on the rocky side of the beach, covered in weeds. Dot was hoping for some more food, maybe more medicine if we were lucky. But to all our confusion, all the bags contained were blankets and pillows. Ten pillows and five blankets, Dot so cheerfully announced. My first red flag was that the insides were completely dry. I didn’t want to say anything though. I was sure there was a reason for this.
“There’s enough shit here for us to double up,” Dot told us while Nora and I laid out the makeshift beds. “Except for one person who gets to sleep alone.” 
“Well that’s not fair, why does one person get a bed all to herself?” Rachel asked, standing up defensively. 
I rose to my feet as well. “Why don’t we rotate it?” I suggested, hoping to relieve some of the tension. “W-with our off days. That way whoever’s off can have an extra good night’s sleep before they have to work again?” The girls all nodded their heads and mumbled words of agreement. Rachel sat back down on her log. 
“Great idea y/n. So who’s bunking with who?” Dot asked. Rachel and Nora instinctively reached out for each other. Beside me, Toni looked to Martha. Martha gave Toni a weary look before reaching a hand out in the opposite direction. Towards Shelby. Even I had to stop myself from dropping my jaw. 
Fatin gleefully agreed to pair with her “new bestie for the restie,” Dot. That left myself, Toni and Leah. I glanced between them. Leah was avoiding my eye and Toni...Toni just looked mad. It’s not that I don’t like Leah, I just don’t know her. Not that I know Toni any better, but at least Toni hasn’t gone batshit crazy more than once. On the other hand though, I didn’t find Leah unbelievably beautiful the way I did with Toni. And Toni would never want to bunk with me anyway. I crossed my arms, not doing a very good job at hiding my uncomfortableness. I was about to open my mouth to ask Leah to share when Toni called my name. 
“Y/n,” I turned to face her, eyes wide. “You’re with me?” I nod and swallow hard. Fuck. 
The sun was getting lower and lower in the sky, just like our food supply. Rachel offered to go foraging for something meatier in the morning, so at least I could look forward to that.
I shuffled under the blanket Toni and I shared. “Sorry you got stuck with me,” I whispered. “I can go sleep with Shelby if you want, so you can be with Marty?” 
“Nah,” Toni shook her head. “I don’t mind. Besides, I don’t really think Marty wants anything to do with me right now.” I didn’t know what to say. I felt bad for her. A lifetime’s worth of friendship thrown out of the plane. Literally. 
I wondered if anyone else was awake. The light from the fire was enough to see everyone’s feet but that’s about it. I still wasn’t accustomed to how dark it got at night. I was limited to just my hearing after the sun went down. I would try not to listen though. The more you listen, the more you realized how we definitely were not alone out there. Focusing on Toni’s breathing beside me was enough to keep me sane.
Couldn’t say the same for Leah though. She sat straight up and I thought she got bit by a crab or something. 
“Does anyone else think that this is crazy?” She asked us.
Fatin groaned. “Leah, we got into a plane crash. Is that not enough crazy for you?” 
“No seriously Fatin, what the fuck is going on?”
“What are you talking about,” Dot sat up. 
“I mean these,” Leah held up a fist full of her blanket. “Where did they come from? Do none of you think that something’s up?” 
I pushed myself upright. “I’m starting to agree with Leah.”
“Oh God, not you too,” Dot flopped back down onto her back. 
“No, think about it,” I started. “A bag with medicine just happens to show up? And then we find Jannette’s grave empty!? And now these duffles appear with nine peoples worth of blankets and shit? Who brings that to a resort retreat? That’s weird. It’s really fucking weird.” Everyone was sitting up at this point, staring at me. “I didn’t say anything when we opened them, but these things were dry. Everything bone dry. Rachel and Nora found the bags on the shore, like they were washed up. They should have been soaking. Hell, they should have sunk!” I took a shaky breath in. “Every day we stay here the more it feels like we’re not leaving. It’s like someone wants us to stay here. I know I sound crazy but come on!”
“We don’t even remember the crash!”
“We all blacked out.”
“That’s not how plane crashes work though!” I realized how loud I had gotten. I noticed how Nora was sitting, hugging her knees tight. Shelby’s face was pale, even in the orange glow from the fire. I closed my eyes. “This isn’t my first crash.” I kept my eyes shut. I didn’t need to see their faces while I told this story. “I got into another one like eight or nine years ago. The engines broke and we crashed in a forest somewhere near Chicago. And I remember it all. I remember the engines failing, and the plane falling and the back coming off when we hit the trees. I didn’t black out until I was on the ground. So yeah, I think something is fucking off. This isn’t right, none of this is right! We shouldn’t be here, we shouldn’t-” 
I started to choke on my own words. I think I was starting to throw myself into a frenzy. Something grabbed at my hand. It was Toni. She looked me in the eyes. There was something in her gaze that told me I was safe. Told me to calm down.
“Okay,” Dot said slowly. “I think we’re all starting to lose it a little bit Y/n. And no sleep isn’t gonna help. Let’s all try to get some shut eye, yeah?”
I nodded profusely and flipped onto my side, embarrassed now from that outburst. I guess I didn’t realize how far off the rails I’d been slipping. Silently, I started to cry.
I tried to stay as far away from Toni as possible. With my back to her, I figured that my crying could be somewhat camouflaged. I was very wrong.
“Hey,” Toni murmured. When I didn’t respond, she tugged on my shoulder to roll me over. I quickly wiped the tears off my cheeks. I couldn’t look at her directly. Her gaze softened. I realized then how close we were. Even in pitch darkness, I could still make out the outline of her face, her cheeks, her nose, her lips- I prayed she couldn’t hear how loud my heart was thumping. Toni reached a hand out and brushed another tear away. Had I started crying again? Jesus I was so far gone. “I know how you feel. I wanna get out of here too.’ I said nothing.
Toni moved to create some more space and put her arm out. I looked at her, questioning, though I doubt she could see my face. “Come here,” she said quietly. “I heard what you told us yesterday, about what your mom says? Sometimes you just need a hug.” I nearly started crying again right there. Slowly, I squirmed closer until my body was curled into hers. I smiled inwards. Besides the fact that my heart was trying to beat right out of my chest, I felt better. We both drifted off soon after.
 I woke up to the sun shining way too bright and the sound of…snickering? I opened my eyes and tried not to get totally blinded by the light. I looked up to see Nora, Fatin and Dot standing over me, all chuckling.
“What?” I mumbled. I must have woken Toni up because she started moving underneath me.
That’s why they were laughing.
I had fallen asleep curled into Toni’s side and woken up completely entangled with her. It wasn’t a one-sided thing either, she was holding on to me for dear life. What. The. fuck. I jolted upright, maybe a little too fast because the three girls around us started to laugh more.
“Good morning love birds,” Fatin cooed.
“Shut up,” Toni said, using a hand to shield her eyes. “We were conserving heat.”
“Yeah, what she said,” I smiled. “Is it breakfast already?”
“Not quite,” Dot shrugged. “Martha and Shelby are still getting some berries and shit.”
“Oh well in that case I’m going back to bed,” Toni grunted, rolling over. Her and I were on water duty today, so technically we had no need to be up before breakfast anyway. Dot and the girls made their way back to the fire. I was half awake though. Might as well start the day early too. Except that Toni seemed to have other plans.
Before I had the chance to get up Toni was tugging at my arm, silently asking me to come lay down. I gave in immediately. “Come keep me warm,” she mumbled. And so I did. As I laid my head down onto her chest, I noticed Shelby looking at us. She turned away when she met my gaze, but there was something behind her eyes. Disgust. Great, just what we needed. Stranded in the middle of nowhere with a fucking homophobe.
“Do you think Shelby is homophobic,” I asked lowly.
“I dunno, maybe? Why?”
“No reason, I just….That would be pretty awkward if she was.”
 Nora woke me up a second time that day for breakfast. We ate in silence like we had done for the last few days. Food was running short and we were getting antsy. Toni and I broke away from the group after we ate with half of Fatin’s luggage bag. We trekked up and through the forest towards the waterfall. Neither of us said a word the whole trip. I was starting to overthink. Like, heavily overthink. In normal circumstances, overthinking might be appropriate. The night before was…not normal. But these were not ordinary circumstances. The middle of nowhere is probably the best place to have not normal and still be fine. Whatever. Right? Was it weird? Does she think I’m some weird crybaby now? Was that just a pity hug? Am I going absolutely crazy for no reason?
I’d gotten so wrapped up in my thoughts, I didn’t even notice we’d arrived back at camp. As Toni and I got to work, filling bottles to boil, Rachel was shouting from the top of a cliff. She was holding up a sack of something, I couldn’t quite make it out.
“Who’s ready to fucking feast?”
Mussels. Rachel found mussels. Now, I’d never been one for survival training but the one thing I knew was that seafood was a no.
“I really don’t mean to be a bubble burster, it’s just that seafood can be really dangerous,” I explained. Rachel looked like she wanted to take my head off. “And we do not have the vicinities to properly prepare these.”
“So what, you’re saying I’m trying to poison all of us?” Rachel challenged.
“No! No, no, not at all Rach. This was a great find, you did good.” I smiled wearily. “All I’m saying is that maybe someone should sit this one out, you know? Just in case. If we’re all sick then we’ve got no chance.”
“Great then who’s gonna be the starving one?”
“I don’t mind. I got berries.”
 Turns out Shelby wouldn’t eat either. An allergy, I think she said. It felt good to see everyone this happy. Leah was genuinely smiling, Dot seemed a little less stressed. For a second it felt like we were actually on the retreat we were supposed to be on. Toni started to make out with her mussels. Or…well you know, with them. We all found it hilarious. Except for Shelby...
“Fuck you.” And with that Toni was off, running down the beach. I myself was on the brink of tears. Some churches man…they’ll brainwash even the best of 'em. I stared at the sand, not sure where to go. I wanted to chase after Toni, I wanted to stay right here and hide in the sand. The rest of the girls had gone quiet too.
“What?” Shelby asked. “Am I not allowed to have my own beliefs?”
“Not those ones,” I spat. I pushed myself up and jogged around the bend.
I saw Toni near the shoreline. She had her feet in the water. Cautiously, I crept up behind her. I didn’t want to startle her. “You good?”
Toni turned and her stance signaled she was ready for a fight. Her shoulders relaxed when she realized it was just me. “Yeah. No. Whatever, I just need a break from barbie bitch.”
“Yeah, you and me both,” I chuckled. “Will you though? Be okay?”
“You don’t need to worry about me. I’m fine.” She looked back out at the sea.
“G-good. Okay, I, uh…good, I’m glad,” I was muttering. I mutter when I’m nervous. Avoiding eye contact, all that fun stuff.
“Why are you so nervous?” Shit. So she did notice. “I mean you’re chill around everyone else but you get all twitchy around me. What’s with that?” She paused and her face fell a bit. “Do I scare you?”
“Oh god no,” I grasped her hand. “No I promise Toni, I’m not scared of you.”
“Then what?”
I look down at my toes. “I-I um…you-“ I swallow hard. “You’re pretty.”
She didn’t say anything and I was about ready to jump into the ocean and never come back. And then she laughed. She fucking laughed! Oh my god I was going to cry. I felt like I had just been publicly rejected in middle school all over again.
“That was cute,” Toni said, still chuckling a bit. I looked her dead in the eyes and she wasn’t kidding.
“Okay, I’m gonna go back now.” I turned on my heel and started walking back, very briskly might I add. I could not believe that just happened. 
“Yeah me too-“Toni cut herself off and started heaving. I looked back. Toni was throwing up her entire stomach and then some. I rushed to her side, brushing the hair from her face. In the distance, I could see Rachel throwing up too. Oh Jesus Christ.
Shelby and I spent the rest of the day running from girl to girl, holding hair and passing out water. It was one huge haze of running back and forth, trying to make sure no one died. I knew that the mussels were a bad idea. God, how could I be so stupid? This was all my fault. Once Dot resurfaced from the dead, she took charge. Leah was sent to go find the medical bag while Dot and I boiled more water. She had me look over Toni and Marty while she took after the twins.
Toni was not good. By the time I got back to her, she was practically lifeless. Fatin was trying to get her to drink some canned water but it wasn’t working. Matha, who was equally unwell sat by idly, crying into her can of water and trying not to throw up again. I pulled Toni off of Fatin and into my lap, trying to get her to drink the water from my bottle. She kept turning her head away or pushing my hand. I pulled her closer and upright with one arm and got Fatin to hold her face in one place.
“Drink,” I told her. She couldn’t even speak but she shook her head. “Toni, drink. Please. You need to rehydrate for me okay?” I got her to drink a little, but she just couldn’t swallow. Martha started crying at some point. Luckily, Leah made it back with the medicine. 
Trying to fight Toni into taking the pill was not working Especially not when everyone started crowding and screaming at myself and Dot. Shelby crouched to our level and took the pill from Dot. This only made things worse. No way in hell was Toni ever going to accept anything from Shelby. But blondie wasn’t going down without a fight. In one motion, she’d shoved me out of the way and climbed on top of Toni, dropping the pill into her mouth and forcing her to swallow. 
 Night fell and everyone was exhausted. Toni hadn’t woken up since Shelby drugged her and honestly I was getting a little worried she died in her sleep or something. Martha wasn’t looking too hot either. She’d broken into a sweat despite the cold of the night. Everyone else is tucked into their respective beds, dead silent. The cold night air made it easier to relax. After a day like today all i wanted to do was curl up next to Toni and never wake up. 
Beside me, Toni started to stir. The weight I’d been carrying finally lifted off my shoulders. “Toni?”, I chimed. “Are you alive?”
“No,” she grumbled as she sat up, rubbing her eyes. I didn’t give her a moment more to readjust to life before I tackled her in a hug.
“Oh my god, you’re okay.” She laughed at me again, but this time I didn’t mind. Cause she wasn’t dead. Or close to dying. I pulled her back down on top of me. She fell asleep again in my arms. I smiled down at her. Once again, there was a moment where I wasn’t in living hell. It was just me and Toni. Somewhere safe. And warm, preferably. Everything was going to be okay.
 And then Marty dropped dead.
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arhvste · 4 years
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❝atsumu, kuroo, tsukishima and bokuto playing acnh ❞
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miya atsumu
→ first he called the game dumb but he eventually gave in because everyone and their aunts were playing it and he didn’t wanna be left out
→ mf tries so hard for raymond at first
→ he insists it’s just because he can sell him for a lot
→ he really just wants raymond because he lowkey reminds him of osamu
→ anyways this fool doesn’t get raymond but ya know who he does get?
→ pedro
→ atsumu was ✨disgusted✨
→ “a clown?! a fukn clown?! yer jokin me!”
→ “aw don’t cry he fits in so well on your island 😹”
→ “sHUT YER TRAP 😠😠😠”
→ he hated pedro at first and for what?
→ eventually he starts vibing with him though
→ he decides that perhaps... pedro isn’t a bad guy after all
→ so atsumu develops a soft spot for him and begins to favour him over the rest of his mediocre villagers whose names he can’t be bothered to remember
→ ya know whose name he can remeber though?
→ BELLA 😡😠😡😠😡😡😠
→ the name that sparks rage in him
→ atsumu hits his villagers with his net shouting “nice cut g!” as a joke
→ with bella he’s not joking 😐
→ he hits her repeatedly and grins maliciously when she gets angry eventually
→ LOVES shoving her into pitfalls for absolutely no reason
→ cusses her out under his breath
→ writes hate mail to her only to get fustrated when she sends a nice reply about the flowers she saw the other day that reminded her of him
→ honestly bella girl it ain’t worth it, pack your bags and get outta there sis 😔
→ he wants her to get tf off his island because he doesn’t like her but he also kinda wants her to stay because he loves annoying her and making her angry
→ literally goes out of his way to buy the ugliest clothes for her to wear
→ he also has all his villagers address him as “big dick man”
→ pedro is special though 😳
→ pedro is the chosen one who gets to call him “tsumu”
→ literally thinks it’s the funniest thing when his villagers say “hey big dick man! the weather sure is great today isn’t it!”
→ you can hear his cackling from down the hall
→ thinks it’s the peak of comedy
→ oh and you’re not allowed to visit his island on a saturday
→ saturdays are “for the boys”
→ and by that he means he’s just going to buy a ton of matching clothes for him and pedro and talk to him all day until he eventually annoys pedro by accident to which he genuinely gets upset about
→ he doesn’t really bother with the fishing tourneys or bug offs
→ does catch a few though just to make sure he beats bella earns nook miles
→ pretty average island, not too much effort put into it yet
→ atsumu prefers channeling his energy and game time into bullying bella interacting with his villagers
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kuroo tetsurō
→ bangs. it. tf. out.
→ literally acts like he doesn’t care about the game but has 395+ hours game time
→ uses the excuse it’s to play with kenma but kuroo actually got into it before kenma had the chance to look at it properly
→ fishing tourney KING
→ has multiple gold trophy’s and built a whole extension just to show them off
→ also treats all his villagers equally
→ he was a bit picky and only wanted cats and dogs on his island though
→ if you’re anything but a cat or a dog, i’m sorry but kuroo will timeskip you tf off of his island
→ has a soft spot for lucky but doesn’t admit it
→ he likes to come across as a “fair dictator of the island”
→ just admit luckys your fav and go oh my god
→ his house is really nice too
→ pretty much paid off all his debt and is financially responsible 😼
→ he will send you money over a few times a week because he claims he’s a good boyfie virtually and realistically
→ LOVES opening the letters from ‘mom’
→ it’s a small detail in the game but it brings kuroo comfort when he opens the letters and sometimes receives gifts from his virtual ‘mom’ 🥺
→ keeps all the letters from her because that’s what he would do if his real mom ever wrote to him
→ he’s a shameless timeskipper
→ “tetsu?? where tf did you get all this the games only been out a week??”
→ “👁👁 idk what you’re talking about baby”
→ the thing that annoys him the most are the fossils
→ HATES the stupid little marks in the ground that appear every day
→ also HATES talking to blathers
→ “spit it out already! i have places to be and villagers to see!”
→ completely ignores blathers’ real name and refers to him as ‘bokuto’
→ because he’s an owl duh
→ and bokuto also talks a lot
→ you thought it was a cute friendship thing at first but took it back when you heard him muttering under his breath
→ “oh my god just analyse the fossils already you himbo bird!”
→ “did you just call blathers a himbo? 😳”
→ “...no? 😳👀”
→ all in all, kuroo’s pretty good at the game
→ you like visiting his island because he has a ton of extra stuff he just gives you
→ “i never want to hear you call me a bad boyfriend again 😐”
→ “okay fine...but oNLY if you give me an ironwood dresser 😏”
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tsukishima kei
→ another one who bangs it out
→ doesn’t really care when you point it out though
→ “you’re just jealous your islands a dumping ground compared to mine 🥱”
→ “k-kei 😔”
→ also sprints near where you’re fishing to scare the fish off and be spiteful 💀
→ little shit KNOWS you only need oranges to complete all the fruits on your island
→ he also knows you’re out of nook miles tickets
→ “aw that’s a shame, maybe if you were a bit better at the game you’d find them quicker but good luck! 😀”
→ oranges are his native fruit 😐😑😐
→ eventually he gives you them because you’re relentless and his patience runs thin after a while
→ good at the bug offs
→ pretty good at scorpion/tarantula hunting too
→ convinced spike is in love with him after the amount of scorpions and tarantulas he’s donated to him
→ his fossil exhibition in the museum is completed already
→ when blathers tells him the facts about the dinosaurs he just rolls his eyes
→ “i knew that already you stupid bird 🙄”
→ why’s everyone bullying blathers damn 😿
→ now, he likes henry
→ one of the few villagers he doesn’t bully
→ tsukki doesnt particularly care for majority of his villagers
→ henry has a special place in his heart though
→ maybe it’s because henry isn’t overly perky or he isn’t rude like the cranky villagers which tsukishima doesn’t like
→ henry is just??? so??? nice????
→ he can’t hate him
→ all his villagers have catchphrases that are dumb af
→ tsukki thought he was being clever when he made them but he just looks mean when other people talk to his villagers
→ “good morning i am useless! i love your outfit!”
→ henry gets to call him tsukki though
→ only because he figured out that henry reminds him of yamaguchi
→ that’s the only reason henry’s the exception to his bullying
→ i feel like tsukki has a pretty nice house too
→ he makes a lot of bells from selling scorpions and tarantulas and spare fossils he’s dug up
→ doesn’t really care about the size but has very detailed rooms
→ like all the furniture in his rooms follow a scheme
→ mf never opens his mailbox
→ doesn’t care for what the other “peasants have to say for themselves”
→ terraforming isn’t really his thing tbh
→ doesn’t like how slow the process and be and kinda likes the natural flat land
→ he likes laying down paths though
→ cusses villagers out when they get in the way though
→ full on shoves them and will keep shoving them until they get annoyed just because they’ve annoyed him
→ tsukki doesnt put as much time into the game as kuroo but his island is still pretty good and aesthetically pleasing
→ he just won’t help you make yours look like that 💀
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bokuto koutarō
→ weeds. everywhere.
→ get so confused when he’s told he has to pick them all
→ “really? why can’t i just let them grow though i kinda like them 🤩”
→ mf ✨struggles✨ at the first stages
→ “y/n, you know i love you, please give me 30 iron nuggets 🥺💖💞💗”
→ ofc you give them to him because you’re well ahead in the game and don’t need them as much as he does
→ praises you like royalty but then he’s back to begging for materials from you 💀
→ doesn’t pay his debts
→ you’re gonna have to help him out here
→ doesn’t like the idea of having to constantly pay them off
→ like?? he doesn’t want a bigger house so why is this damn raccoon always bothering him to upgrade like leave him and his 2 room house alone 😠
→ has a the same camp bed and lamp from when he first moved out the tent 💀
→ insists he doesn’t need another one because the furniture all functions the same
→ he has a point tbf but his house just isn’t aesthetically pleasing
→ he also hoards stuff
→ common butterfly? yeah bokuto has 37 sitting in his storage
→ doesn’t like letting the bugs go because he “caught them fair and square”
→ you show him how to pay his debts back and then he dedicates a whole room to his stupid bugs 💀
→ loves blathers and celeste just because they’re owls
→ doesn’t care about what they’re wittering on about he loves interacting with them just because they’re the only owls in the game 😐
→ his favourite villager is kid cat
→ literally follows him around and sprints circles around him
→ l o v e s the chaos outside the town hall
→ 2 of his villagers are singing, 3 are running around and 1 is just watching like 🧍🏻‍♀️
→ HYPES his singing villagers tf up
→ “yeah get it bianca! turn it up!!! 🥳🥳”
→ has to match his villagers clothes at least once a week
→ also makes them all refer to him as “the best ace”
→ it boosts his ego a little more each time they say it
→ bokuto actually got raymond out of luck but had no idea who tf he was and just how popular he was
→ lets that mf go without advertising that raymond’s in boxes
→ atsumu screeches when he finds this out eventually
→ bokuto doesn’t care what his villagers look like everyone’s welcome
→ bella should move to bokuto’s island and move from atsumu’s because bokuto will accept her with open arms rather than a net to the head everytime he sees her 😿
→ ALWAYS remembers birthdays for his villagers
→ and always shows up to their birthday parties insisting he’s the life of the party and they’d be bored without him 😹
→ which is true to a certain degree cause the party only really starts when the player arrives
→ bokuto is actually okay at terraforming
→ quickly changes his mind after an hour of building and digging and restarts it all over again
→ he can make his island look pretty good
→ theres just weeds and buried fossils everywhere though 👁👁
→ also forgets his turnips go bad
→ literally the least financially responsible out of them all
→ it’s okay though because you help him and he eventually gets the hang of it
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general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudez @atsunakaashi @peteunderoos @saturnfarie @toffees-main @zumisace @boosyboo9206 @totorosleaff @27kei
please send an ask to be added / removed from my taglist
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flooffybits · 4 years
I Feel I Love You
Idol: Kim Bora (Dreamcatcher)
Anon: - How bout 8th member partnering up w/ Sua for a special stage, while theyre practicing together theres a moment where they get like faces inches apart close, they get lost staring at each other, things get awkward, the girls get worried bc theyre normally close, reader confesses to sua who doesnt answer. Theyre performing, the inches apart moment comes, sua whispers she likes reader back, the fans are curious about wat sua said and they just give each other this knowing look. tnx for ur time 😊
☕buy me a coffee☕
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Concerts were always nerve wracking and gave all of you such an adrenaline rush even before you could get on stage. During rehearsals, you could hardly stay seated as your nerves go haywire. There was always something about the whole thing that made you feel so alive and yet a tiny bit scared at the same time.
But like usual, you would always prepare a special stage with either one or two of your members and it appears that Bora decided that you would be her partner this time around when you were all discussing your lineup before tour started.
Gahyeon laughed at the helpless look on your face, teasing you since she knew just how flustered you would get around your older member. Siyeon had bid you good luck because knowing Bora, there was no way that your performance wouldn’t be extreme or over the top.
She liked to be flashy and extravagant, so you weren’t even surprised as she picked KARD’s Red Moon for your stage together. You had no doubt in her abilities of making this performance exciting, not only for you, but for your fans as well.
The first week, you were both stuck in the practice room, exchanging ideas and switching the actual choreography with your own little twists and it was hard to say but your little crush became not so little with the amount of time you had to spend with each other.
Add to the fact that you were way closer together when you danced compared to the actual choreography. Her hands would sometimes brush against your waist or she would encourage you with putting yours on her hips.
You sure earned a couple whistles and screams from your members whenever they watched the two of you practice. Handong had exclaimed at one point, asking if it really was you she was seeing and you playfully swatted her arm for teasing you, your face already red from practice, but the quick glance to your partner had only made it redder.
While Minji and Yubin were practicing their own performance, you took a quick break and laid down next to Bora as she wiped her face and handed you a bottle of water. “You look like you’re getting better and better with this dance.” She commented with a wide grin and you shake your head while placing the cool bottle on your neck to cool down.
“I’ve been practicing.” You panted as you let your arms drop to the floor and the older girl giggled before she looked at you. “Well, it’s nice that you are, but I hope you aren’t overworking yourself.” She says while reaching out to grab your towel and then wiping your forehead, keeping your hair from sticking to your forehead.
The action made you relax under her touch and you close your eyes with a soft hum coming from your lips and Bora smiles at your relaxed expression. “I’m not. I don’t think an argument with you or Jiu unnie is worth the exhaustion.” You comment, making the older girl laugh as she gave you a playful push.
“You better not be lying because it’s your butt.” She said threateningly as you stick your tongue out playfully. “You like my butt though.” The comment made her smirk before giving you a light pat. “I like all your butts, you’re not special.” She joked as you swatted her hand away and laughed as she pretend to try and reach for you again.
Gahyeon crinkled her nose at the two of you before squeaking when Bora managed to land a smack on your butt. “That was loud.” The maknae’s eyes widened when you sat up with a screech and Bora laughed loudly in amusement as you repeatedly hit her arm.
Yoohyeon shook her head while Handong giggled at your expression when Bora refused to apologize and even went to hit you again.
On the day of your performance, you and Bora had gotten much closer than you already were and your nerves were getting the best of you. The only difference was, you weren’t nervous because you were performing in front of all these people. What kept you anxious was the fact that you would have to dance with Bora, alone, without your members next to you.
You were sure you had gotten way too flustered on the many practices you had together, but Bora always brushed it off as you merely getting tired from all the practicing because you would also rehearse your group performances along with your special stage.
“Come on, Y/n, last practice before the big show.” Bora happily told you when she hopped to her feet and waved you over when your manager went to play the song for you as you both got into positions.
Your members sat in front of you as you both began to move with the flow of the music, movements sharp and hitting every beat right while your expressions were as fierce as ever while your members screamed and hollered just like your fans usually would while they also filmed for Dreamcatcher’s Note as a behind the scenes.
You both moved with precision and there was no denying the talent you both had radiating from you. Siyeon screamed in exaggeration when your hands grabbed Bora from behind and her back pressed flush against your front during one of the parts you decided to switch up just to hype the crowd up.
But when the older woman turned to look at you, a bright smile stretched across her face, you couldn’t help but admire just how beautiful she looked up close and the words fell from your lips before you even realized it.
“God, I’m in love with you.”
Your words caused both of you to stop moving and your face paled when you held your breath and her expression flattened until you weren’t sure what was going through her mind. Bora had stopped moving as well, staring at you as your members watched on, both confused and worried as you stared each other down.
You just wanted the ground to swallow you and get you out of the awkward situation you placed yourself in, but there was no getting out of this. “I-”
“Let’s try it one more time, sorry about that.” Bora didn’t even wait as she went back to the first position and Gahyeon cast you a worried look as you swallowed thickly and went to position, doing your best to keep a straight face.
But knowing that you may have just ruined your relationship with the older girl, you found it hard to keep your thoughts on the performance and stumbled a few times before catching yourself, worrying the girls further when Bora refused to speak or even look at you.
You did your best to stay away, got your makeup and clothes ready in silence, speaking with your other members when they approached you and you plastered on your best smile to seem unfazed about what happened between you and the dancer, unaware of her eyes following after you when you weren’t aware.
Finally, it was time to take the stage and you sucked in a deep breath, adjusting your jacket as the lights dimmed and the sound of your fans screaming greeted your ears when you went into position.
Despite what happened off stage, you did your best to push it aside and focused on the performance instead of the weight on your shoulders. Fans yelled as you threw them playful little smirks and did certain moves before it finally came to the same part where you had successfully embarrassed yourself in front of Bora.
But much to your surprise, her hand reached out and grasped at the collar of your shirt, tugging you closer to her so your noses barely brushed against each other and her expression grew soft for just a split second.
“I thought I made it clear that I was already in love with you.”
She let a smirk creep up her lips just to feed the crowd further with her charisma and stage presence, but everyone near enough could see that her lips didn’t move in time with the song, making them wonder just what the dancer said because your dumbfounded expression made them even more curious before you went back with the same grinning expression you wore since the beginning of the performance.
It wasn’t a surprise for fans to be asking about what happened during your performance, making up stories and theories while others were merely talking about how well the performance went in general.
But when you were all finally home and freshened up in the dorm, ready to get some sleep, Bora wasn’t too surprised to see you walk into her and Yoohyeon’s room. “Yoohyeon stole Dami again.” You complain as you collapse on the bed and lay next to the shorter woman, your face buried in her pillows as she laid on her side and grinned at you.
“So you’re only here because you don’t have Dami? And here I thought you came here because you were finally going to ask me out.” She teased as her fingers gently ran through your hair before resting on the small of your back when you turned your head to look at her, eyes narrowed. “You’re older, shouldn’t you be the one asking me?” You shot back before she tutted.
“A queen does not ask. A queen only receives proposals.” She grinned at you before you huffed and rolled your eyes. “Thinking about marriage already. Are you sure that you’re not rushing things, unnie?”
The brunette pinched your side lightly, making you squirm before she scoffed. “You can be so unromantic, you know that?” She asked you before you laughed and lifted your head to place a light kiss at the corner of her lips and then laying back down, though this time with your head on her chest.
“As unromantic as I am, you like me anyway.” She blinks down at you for a while before a little smile appeared on her face as she let her fingers tangle with your hair, noting how your eyes were slowly beginning to shut as she hummed lightly. “I guess I can’t argue with that one.” She murmured before reaching over to turn the desk lamp off.
While she was used to falling asleep when once the sun peeked through her curtains, seeing you sleeping peacefully beside her made Bora feel lighter and unlike most nights, decided that turning in early wasn’t too bad.
She had you to hold, anyway.
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chaiscentedcandle · 4 years
What’s a Period? (Neville Longbottom x fem!reader)
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Neville Longbottom
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: y/n and Neville were suppose to have a nice winter day at Hogsmeade until aunt flow comes for a visit
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: none, thought of it cause I’m on mine
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: none, pure fluff!
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭:
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: I don’t simp for Neville but my friend does heavily and theres not a lot of fanfics for Neville cause he gets like, 0% appreciation and y’all have great taste, also this is my first post so heeeyyyy😗✌🏼
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Y/n was suppose to have a beautiful evening in the cold weather with her boyfriend, Neville Longbottom. Unbeknownst to her, yesterday, a Friday in her last class, she’d start her period. It was embarrassing to say the least because she had leaked through to her skirt but she was able to get out of class without anyone noticing, flushed cheeks and teary eyes as she ran out of class, her hands covering her bum.
Laying in her bed in her pajamas y/n was clutching her stomach and groaning from cramps. Y/n wanted to find Neville the day before and tell him they’d had to reschedule but she didn’t want to set her face an inch out of the painting until Monday, hoping whatever people thought happened would’ve been forgotten. She tried to make herself as warm as she could, cacouuning herself in a blanket and curling into herself as far as Y/n could.
Neville was making his way to her domitory, bundled up with a beanie and scarf, matching with a pair of gloves from his grandmother. Stopping in front of the door a knocked twice and called her name. No answer. Knocking again he said.
“Y/n? It’s me, Neville....you’re boyfriend?”
Still no answer.
Taking a deep breath Neville grabbed the door handle “please don’t be naked” he whispered. He entered the room with his hand over his eyes and the other still on the door handle, after a few seconds he took a peak from between his fingers to find her curled in bed, her back facing him. Concerned Neville makes his way to her in only a few long strides.
Sitting on the bed behind her, he begins to rub her back “are you awake?” He asks softly, she nods her head.
“Yes, I’m awake, I don’t want to get out of bed”
Neville leans over to take a look at her face to see tears running down her cheeks. He takes his glove off and gently wiped away a tear or two “what’s wrong, love?” Sniffling she mumbles to him “imonmyperiod”. Neville opens and closes his mouth, trying to processes what she said because he couldn’t hear her “I-I’m sorry, what?” He stuttered.
Y/n sighs and roll over to face him, guessing there’s no way to beat around the bush with this one. “I’m on my period” she told him, looking at her fingers, Neville took a few more seconds again before saying “uhm....what’s a period?” Y/n let’s out a small chuckle. “What? Your grandmoms never told you about it?” She asks him, he shook his head “no, never”.
Biting the inside of her cheek, thinking of ways to easily explain having your period to Neville. “Well” y/n begun “every once a month females bleed out from there.....you know” gesturing to her genitalia “and it technically means you’re not pregnant, so in a way it’s a blessing and a curse because you get cramps and they hurt really bloody bad” licking his lips and taking in the information he just received, failing with a few words Neville asks.
“So....you aren’t pregnant?”
Her eyes widen “merlins beard! No! That’s the whole point of me having my period, so I know I’m not pregnant” she tells him, he lets out a breath he was holding in. “I’m mean, Christ, Neville, we’ve never even done anything” Y/n laughing came to a stop as another wave of cramps invaided her stomach and letting a few tears slip. Neville lays his hand on your shoulder “are you alright? S-should I take you to Madam Pomfrey?” She shook her head “no, I’ve dealt with it before, you should get to Hogsmeade before everyone leaves” y/n told him.
Neville visibly swallows as if he didn’t want to go without her “are you sure? I can stay here with you, I don’t mind” he insisted, once again y/n shook her head “no, I don’t want you to waist a Hogsmeade trip on me, I’ll be alright, I’ll go to the next one, I just want to sleep these cramps off” she said as her eyes started to flutter closed. Neville had an idea, leaving y/n alone to leave for Hogsmeade, catching up with Dean and Seamus.
“What’s up with you, mate? You’re counting your galloens like they’ll disappear” Seamus said, wrapping his jacket around him tighter. Dean let out a quick laugh, Neville glanced at him then back down to his galloens “y/n on her period, so I thought I might get her some of her favorite things” he replied. Seamus looked puzzled, looking at Dean for help. “Alright, a female gets a period about every once a month?” Dean says.
“Once a month” Neville confirms, still counting his galloens.
“Right, so basically they bleed out...down below, and they get like bad cramps and stuff” Dean told Seamus, looking more confused and slightly disturbed “how do you know, Dean?” He questions, Dean just gives him a look “I have sisters you prat” smacking Seamus upside the head, giving out a light chuckle.
Neville visited her favorite shops, stopping first at The Three Broomsticks, waiting patiently up at the bar for him to be spotted. Not long after a lady spots him and makes her way over to him “how can I help you, love?”
“Uh, y-yes, can I get a hot chocolate to go please?” He stumbled, he wasn’t the best when it came to talking to strangers “m-my girlfriends on her period” sometimes he overshared too. Giving Neville a warm smile the lady ordered another employee to get the hot chocolate. Neville stood there, looking down at the bar top “you must be a good boyfriend” the lady said after a few seconds of silence, glancing up at her Neville responded “I-I hope so”
Laughing a bit the lady handed Neville the hot drink “alright, that’ll be two galloens please” reaching into his coat he grabbed two galloens, placing them into the lady’s hand and grabbing the cup “thank you, have a good day” the lady gave him a nod “no problem, you too hun” Neville turned to leave but the lady called after him “I recommend going over to Madam Puddifoots and getting ginger tea, it helps with cramps” she told him, he gave her a smile and a thumbs up, scurrying over there.
Nevilles last stop was Honeydukes, getting y/n chocolate after Hermione told him it’s a essential for periods. Getting a few more of his and her favorite candy, he headed back to Hogwarts with Dean and Seamus. Seamus going on about something Neville wasn’t paying attention to, his mind was back to her, wondering if she had been crying again from the pain. It only made him want to get back to Hogwarts quicker “you need help there, mate?” Dean asks “your arms are practically over flowing” Neville appreciated his gesture cause his arms in fact, were over flowing “yes please”.
As the students started to trickle through Hogwarts entrance, Neville broke away from his friends and made his way to Y/n as quick as he could without spilling or dropping anything. Once he made it back to her dorm he somehow managed to open the door and find her in the same position, upon hearing the door open y/n turned to see who had come in, spotting Neville and his arms full.
Sitting up and staring at Neville with her mouth open as he placed two drinks on her nightstand and all the goodies at her feet “Neville...” she started, he sat down next to her “I thought it would be a nice thing to do, after seeing how much pain you were in” he told her, she felt tears prick at her water line and her vision blur a bit “oh, love, you didn’t have too, this is so sweet” Neville just pulled her into a hug and let her cry a few tears on his shoulder “I wanted too, you deserve it” he whispered to her.
Making room for him, she told him “here, get under the covers with me, you must be cold” he slipped off his shoes and took his first jacket off. He handed her the hot chocolate “here, I know how much you like The Three Broomsticks hot chocolate, a lady there recommend the ginger tea from Madam Puddifoots for the, uh, cramps” a huge smile etched its way onto y/n‘s face, leaning forward she gave him a kiss on the cheek before placing a sweet kiss on his lips “thank you so much, Neville, this is hands down one of the nicest things someone has done for me” she told him.
Feeling his heart sore with love and appreciation, Neville wrapped one of his arms around her shoulder and pulled her in to cuddle “Hermione suggested I get you chocolate as well” he said reaching for a few chocolate brands, handing them to y/n. Throwing her head back and letting out a groan she reached for the chocolate, wanting to devour it “yes, oh my god, you don’t understand how badly I’ve been wanting a chocolate frog or two”
Neville looked down and smiled, even though she didn’t go to Hogsmeade with him, he’d say it was a great day. The two of them ended up spending almost the rest of the day sitting in bed and talking, but it was a perfect way to spend it.
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markandlexies · 4 years
The One With Will and JJ’s Wedding - Part 2
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Summary: Based off of 7.24 and 8.01 of Friends! During Will and JJ’s wedding, the group finds out who is actually pregnant and try to figure out who the father is, a mysterious red sweater being their only clue.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (eventually lol)
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: Hey! Thanks for the love on the last chapter! I apologize that there is barely any Spence and Reader rn but it’ll def pick up in the next chapter! Keep sending responses and requests! I love to hear from you guys! And yes, I picked this gif on purpose. Enjoy! 
Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
While the guests of the evening went on to party and get plastered, you, Spencer, Emily, Hotch, Penelope, Derek and Rossi had stayed to take pictures with the newly weds.
You, Emily and Penelope sat and watched while JJ and Will took photos with the men. 
While the cameraman changed film, Morgan leaned over to JJ and whispered, “Okay, I-I know, I’m not supposed to know but I do and I am so excited for you!”
Clearly not being as low as he thought he was being, Spencer’s head perked up, “Wait, what’s going on?”
Before JJ could even respond, Morgan cheered, “JJ’s pregnant!”
Hotch and Rossi’s heads immediately turned at the news and they broke out in huge smiles. 
“Oh my God, JJ!” Spencer smiled, pulling her into a hug.
Will just laughed to himself as Rossi followed with two kisses to the cheek and Hotch gasped with a, “This is great news!”
“Thank you guys, but I’m not pregnant!”
“Oh, slow swimmers?” Rossi asked Will who gave him a bewildered look. 
“W-what?! What do you mean, you’re not pregnant?” Morgan clearly confused. 
JJ pinched the bridge of her nose, “Derek, you didn’t tell anyone I was, did you?”
“No…” he paused. “I’ll be right back.”
While Derek scurried away to go correct the mess he had made, JJ turned to Spencer, ushering him to go after the man and make sure he didn’t make the situation any worse. As he left, the cameraman told Rossi and Hotch they were free to leave and it was now turn for the pictures with the bridesmaids. 
Waltzing up to the pair, Penelope asked, “JJ, why’d you tell the guys you weren’t pregnant?”
“Because I’m not!” She replied, clearly fed up with having to go through this so many times.
Emily rolled her eyes, “We found your test in the garbage, I mean, if you’re not pregnant than-“
You looked up and stared at Emily with desperate eyes, hoping she would understand what you were trying to tell her. Her mouth flew open for only a split second as she caught on, “It’s because I am.”
JJ and Will looked at each other in shock as the cameraman continued to snap pictures of the conversation beforehand. You wanted to tell him to stop and that this was something you never wanted to remember.
Before the two could even get a word out, Penelope shrieked, “What are you talking about?!”
“I-It’s true. Um, I am with child. I just didn’t want to say anything because it’s your day!” Emily explained and you prayed they were buying it. “I didn’t wanna steal your thunder!”
JJ’s hand flew to her forehead as she tried to comprehend this. “Wait a minute, so you thought telling people I was pregnant was a better idea?” 
“Emily, who’s the father?” Will asked.
“I-I can’t say.”
While JJ and Will were having their first dance, Emily found it as the perfect opportunity to interrogate you.
“Y/N, what the hell!?” she scream whispered, taking the seat next to yours.
“Thank you for doing that, Em. I just can’t deal with the stress right now of telling everyone,” you sighed, grabbing her hand and giving her a soft smile.
Emily’s harsh expression fell and she squeezed your hand back. “God, Y/N/N, why didn’t you just tell me? You didn’t have to pretend JJ was the pregnant one!”
“I mean technically you said she was, I just didn’t disagree with you!”
“Sneaky!” she gasped. 
“Listen, I wanna talk about it… but I’m just not ready yet,” you sighed, hoping she would understand.
“Yeah, yeah! Of course…”
There was a pause. 
“Are you ready to talk about it now?”
“Em, no.”
She nodded and there was another pause.
“Okay, fine! We’ll talk about something else!” she said defensively throwing her hands in the air. You nodded, silently thanking her for her long awaited cooperation.
“So, who’s the father?”
You rolled your eyes, flicking her in the head which earned you an ‘Ow!’.
“Look, I haven’t told him yet so until I do, I don’t think I should tell anybody else,” you whispered.
“No, yeah. That’s fair, I understand… Is it Hotch?” 
Your eyes nearly bugged out of your head as you scolded her, “Emily, no!”
“Fine, I’ll stop!” She apologized. “It’s Reid, isn’t it?”
You groaned, putting your face in your hands.
She gasped before whispering, “Oh God, don’t tell me it’s Derek’s!”
She continued to guess as you ignored her and drowned her out, your eyes focusing on him just across the room. He was laughing at something Rossi had said and you couldn’t help the guilt you felt flooding through your chest, knowing you were holding in information that would soon flip his entire world upside down.
The guests broke out into cheers and applause as JJ and Will concluded they’re dance, sharing a kiss before they parted. You kicked Emily in the shin as you noticed JJ walking towards your table, begging her to stop listening off names of men that could possibly be your baby daddy.
“Hello, my beautiful best friends and bridesmaids!” She gushed hugging you both from the back. 
You smiled back up at her as she took a seat next to you and noticed Derek and Garcia making their way to your table next.
Grinning, Derek held out his hand to Emily and said, “Come on, Prentiss, I know you’re dying to move that thing out on the dance floor!”
She laughed grabbing his hand and letting him lead her to the crowd of dancing friends and family while Penelope took her seat.
“She better be having all the fun she can right now, pretty soon she’s gonna be all miserable and in pain with a baby inside of her, making life hell.” Penelope laughed, watching her two best friends make a fool of themselves dancing provocatively.
You nervously laughed, breaking off a piece of bread from the bowl infront of you.
JJ shook her head, “I can’t believe it, you guys! I mean, how dumb do you have to be to get pregnant?”
You snapped your head up at the bride, “Hey, you know, sometimes you can do everything right, everyone can wear what they’re supposed to wear and one of those little guys just gets through!” 
JJ met your eyes and furrowed her brows at your defensive tone. Before she could respond, Garcia asked, “How?”
“Ugh, I don’t know! Maybe they have tools!” You sighed, defeated.
“Listen, I talked to her, and she said she’s having this baby. She said she’s gonna raise it all on her own…” JJ shrugged, smoothing down her dress. 
“Well… maybe that’s really brave of her…” you started to say, a wave of nausea hitting you for the third time that day.
“I just hope she realizes how hard it’s gonna be. How is she gonna handle this financially? How is she gonna juggle work? I mean, does she realize she’s not gonna have a date again for the next 18 years?” Penelope sighed, putting her chin in her hand, watching her poor knocked up friend on the dance floor.
At Penelope’s words, suddenly tears were threatening to spill and you felt JJ’s eyes on you. You knew it wouldn’t be easy of course, but the girls were making some valid points that had never even crossed your mind. Your thoughts were interrupted by the waiter behind you, “Champagne?”
“Oh yes, please!” Penelope cheered taking two and passing one to you. JJ had taken one and politely thanked the waiter as he left.
You let out a sigh of relief, desperately needing something to take the edge off as you brought the lovely beige liquid up to your lips and took a sip. You had then realized what you were doing and stopped in your tracks, eyes wide. Looking down slowly, you spit the contents back into your glass, hoping the girls didn’t notice.
“Oh, th-that’s actually how the French drink it…” you stammered as you looked up at the girls who’s eyes were about to pop out of their heads.
JJ raised her finger and pointed at you as Penelope draped her hand over her mouth. 
“O-Oh my-“
Before she could get out the words, Emily waltzed back over to the table, “Well I sure hope this baby gets my dancing genes because let me tell you, this ass doesn’t quit!” She took a seat next to Penelope, completely oblivious to what was just realized.
JJ rolled her eyes before saying, “Oh, give it up! Y/N’s really the one who’s pregnant?!”
“What?!” Emily shouted, pretending to be in shock.
She was met with eyes of unamusement. 
“Oh, why bother?” She sighed, giving up the act.
“Y/N/N, how do you feel?” Penelope asked, concern washing over her face.
“I don’t know… I don’t know how I feel. This is all happening so fast and I have to make all these decisions that I don’t want to make!” You whined, bringing the champagne to your lips again, quickly spitting it out as you remembered you were with child. “Oh, someone just take this away from me!”
JJ grabbed it from your hands and set it down as Emily came to a realization, “You know, maybe you’re not even pregnant! Theres false positives all the time!”
Penelope nodded in agreement, “Yeah! Are you sure you peed on the stick right?”
“How many ways are there to do that?”
“Just relax, okay? Don’t freak out until you’re 100% sure.” Penelope said, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. 
“Yeah… you’re right. I’ll take another one when I get home.”
“What? Come on! You gotta take it now! It could be your wedding present to me!” JJ begged.
You nodded, agreeing that you would do it.
Penelope cheered, “Ooh! Yay, I’ll run out and go get you one!” 
“Wait-“ JJ gasped, stopping Penelope in her tracks. “Who’s the father?!”
Emily rolled her eyes, “Oh, please. I’ve been trying all day. She won’t say.”
 “It’s my wedding! Come on, you gotta tell me! That could be my present!”
“Hey, I just gave you peeing on a stick as your present!”
“How much longer?” You asked, pacing the bathroom floor.
“Thirty seconds.” Penelope replied, holding the little stick in her hands.
JJ barged through the door, “Did I miss it?”
Emily shook her head, as she tried to calm you down, rubbing small circles on your back. You were so scared, as if the responsibility of being a mother wasn’t enough, you still had to tell the father too.
JJ walked over to you, grabbing your hands. “Y/N/N, I want you to know that if it’s positive… we’re- we’re gonna-“ She couldn’t even finish her sentence, but she didn’t need to.
“I know…” You smiled, tears threatening to spill. You knew that no matter what the results were, you had your girls.
“It’s time.”
You dropped JJ’s hands and walked over to Garcia, who was handing you the test.
You held it in your hands as Garcia put a comforting hand on your shoulder. “I-I can’t look at it. Someone else look at it for me, please?”
Emily nodded understanding your apprehension and took it gently from you, also picking up the little instruction book to decipher what the lines meant. JJ and Garcia both waited in anticipation.
There was a pause.
“It’s negative.”
You turned, meeting her eyes. “What?”
“It’s negative.” She repeated.
“Oh…” You frowned, tears back at the surface. “Would you look at that?” You forced out a laugh. “That is, that’s great. That is really great, great news.” You stammered.
“You know cause the whole… not being ready and the financial aspects.” You continued. “Wow, this is just so the way this is supposed to be.” While your words may have sounded convincing, the look on your face gave it all away. You sighed as JJ walked over to you, “Well then, thats great…” she whispered, trying to read your emotions.
Tears had started to fall and Garcia went and grabbed tissues handing them to you at an alarmingly fast rate. “This is so stupid!” You choked out, dabbing at your eyes. “How could I be upset over something I never had?” As the words left your mouth, JJ wrapped you in a hug, Garcia quick to follow.
As you clung to them, you looked up once more and looked up at Emily who was still standing in the same spot. “God, it’s really negative?” 
“No, it’s positive.” She smiled.
JJ and Penelope turned around and looked at her, their jaws dropped. You let out a gasp, your hand covering your mouth. “What?!”
“I-I lied… It’s positive.”
JJ turned to you in shock, wiping at the tears that had formed around her own eyes.
“Oh my God…” Garcia cried as Emily passed you the test to look for yourself. 
“Now you know how you really feel about it!” Emily smiled.
“Oh, thats a risky little game!” 
JJ’s smile was radiant as she stood beside you to also get a look at the little stick in your hand. “Are you really gonna do this?”
“Yeah…” You muttered, eyes still leaking with tears. “I’m gonna have a baby…”
“I’m gonna have a baby!” You cheered as you were met with three pairs of open arms. You all wept in happiness together before Garcia pulled back and asked, “With who?”
“It’s still not the time!”
The wedding had finally ended and the following day, you, Emily and Penelope were all sitting around in JJ and Will’s apartment, like usual.
As the conversation about the previous day had died down, you had decided to finally speak up.
“Guy’s, today I’m gonna tell the father of the baby.”
The girls cheered in excitement, not being able to wait any longer for the big reveal. 
“It is so weird! I mean, you’re gonna tell this guy today and he has no idea what’s gonna happen!” JJ pointed out, taking a sip from the coffee mug in her hands.
“Yeah, you’re just gonna knock on his door and change his life forever!” Emily added. 
“Yeah… I guess it is pretty big news…” you sighed, taking a seat next to JJ on the couch. 
“Pretty big? It’s huge! God this guy doesn’t have a clue. He’s just walking down the street thinking, ‘I had sex with Y/N Y/L/N! I rock!’ Then bam!” Penelope clapped her hands. “Now he’s a father, everything’s different.
“Well it’s only gonna be different if he wants it to be. I mean, I’m not gonna ask him for anything…” You defended, anxiously running your hands through your hair.
“Well, he still has this huge decision to make. Now he’s walking around thinking, ‘Do I want to be a dad?’ and then, bam!” Penelope exclaimed clapping her hands again, never finishing her sentence.
“What was that bam?” JJ asked.
“I don’t know. H-he’s hit by a bus or something.”
Before you had time to process Penelope’s words, Morgan walked through the door, immediately sauntering over to the fridge.
“Hey, Derek, what would you do if someone that you slept with told you she was pregnant?” You asked, craving a guy’s perspective.
Slamming the fridge door he looked up at you wide eyed. “Who called here?!” 
The girls rolled their eyes as his panicked expression only continued. “Did she sound blonde? Did she have an accent?! I gotta make a call-“ He began to run towards the door.
“Derek! Derek, it’s not you! You didn’t get anybody pregnant!” You called out to him, making him stop in his tracks.
He let out a sigh of relief, clutching his chest. “Why would you scare me like that?! What the hell’s going on?”
There was a long silence as Derek made his way over to the living room, raising a finger. “Is somebody pregnant?”
You scoffed, trying to play off your nervousness, before you turned to Emily, giving her those same desperate eyes from the night before. 
“Oh, yeah! That’s me!” Emily laughed awkwardly.
“Oh my God! Em! You’re gonna have a baby?” He gasped, walking towards her.
“Yes, yes I am.” She said smiling as he walked up and pulled her into a hug.
Derek was so excited for her he almost forgot to ask the most important question. “Wait- who’s the father?”
“You don’t know him. It’s not important. He wants nothing to do with me or the baby.” 
Derek’s jaw was on the floor. “Who is this guy?! Huh? Cause I will track him down and kick his ass!”
Emily was at a loss for words as Penelope spoke up, “I know she doesn’t want to say it… but his name is Kevin Lynch!”
That was all Derek had to hear as he angrily turned away and stormed out of the apartment, muttering the name ‘Kevin Lynch’ under his breath. 
As the door slammed shut, all three of you turned your heads to Garcia. 
“Pen, who’s Kevin Lynch?”
“Oh, some guy from work. He’s a little annoying.” She shrugged.
A couple of hours later, you found yourself sitting alone in O’Keefes, nursing a cup of tea with a racing mind. You had played the conversation from earlier in your head a million times, you were so scared to drop this bomb on him. You didn’t want to make him feel obligated to care for you and the baby.
While you freaked out, Emily, and Penelope stayed in the apartment trying to stop JJ from opening up all the wedding presents without Will.
Derek had quickly barged through the door. “Um, Emily…”
“Yeah, what is it?”
“Alright, sit down. I have something I wanna say!” Emily obliged and took the seat, not without clutching her stomach and giving her non existent baby a small pat. “It’s a scary world out there, especially for a single mother.”
JJ and Penelope listened intently, having no idea where this was going. “Now, I’ve always felt you and me have had this special connection, a special bond…” He had crouched down, getting on one knee, pulling a box from his back pocket. The girls gasped. 
“Emily Prentiss… will you marry me?”
Emily was in awe looking between Derek and the ring. 
“Oh my God!” JJ exclaimed, rolling her eyes.
“Derek, what about me? I thought we promised that if we both weren’t married within the next ten years, we were each others backup plan!” Garcia croaked.
“Derek-” JJ started walking towards the two but was cut off by Emily excitedly putting the ring on her finger. “Hell yeah I’ll marry you!”
“Em, you can’t marry him-“
“Hey, lady, your day’s over. It’s my turn!” She retorted, grinning down at the hand.
“Hey! Why can’t she marry me?”
Penelope stood up this time. “Because she’s not pregnant! It’s Y/N! Y/N’s pregnant!”
“Hey!” Emily whined. 
“I think he would notice when you didn’t have a baby in nine months!”
“Oh please, it’s Derek!” Emily complained. There was really no arguing with that.
“Wait so if Y/N’s pregnant, who’s the father?” Derek asked in shock.
“That’s the thing, we don’t know.”
There was a silence before Derek was struck with realization. “You know… about a month ago, this guy spent the night with Y/N… now I didn’t see who it was, but…” and just like that he walked out.
“Was that story over?” Garcia asked as the trio followed him out to his apartment across the hall.
Derek emerged from his room holding a bright red sweater. The girl’s gasped as Penelope took it from Derek’s hands. 
“Oh my God, I know who the father is!”
The next morning, you and Penelope began to walk to O’Keefes. Before you could open the door, she reached out to stop you. 
“I have a surprise for you!”
“Pen… what is it?” You asked reluctantly.
“I called the father for you!” She said smiling.
“You what?! How did you even know-“ You stopped as she showed you the bright red sweater you had been pulling off just a month ago. You gasped.
“I believe this belongs to the father of your baby!” She gushed, holding it up.
“Oh, God… he’s in there right now?”
“Yep! You got this, Pretty Girl. Just go in there and rip the bandaid off!” And with that she pushed you inside and you were met with the eyes of your ex, Luke Alvez. Honestly you were surprised Penelope had even called him, she had genuinely never liked the guy.
“L-Luke?” You managed to choke out as you sat in the chair across from him.
Penelope followed you to the table, already rolling her eyes at the man in front of her. “Y/N has something to tell you.” She pulled the sweater from behind her back. “I believe this belongs to you.”
Luke gave a confused look as he began to pull down the zipper of his jacket. “Actually, no. This is my red sweater.”
You immediately put your head in your hands as Penelope’s jaw dropped.
“Oh no…” She stuttered. It was silent. “Can I get anyone a coffee… or a poison? No? Just for me? Oh, okay!” And with that she ran away, knowing she had messed up big time.
“So, what’s up, Y/N?” He asked, smiling at you.
“I’m sorry, Luke. But Pen made a mistake-“
“You know I’m actually glad she called. I’ve been meaning to reach out and see if maybe you’d be interested in getting drinks sometime soon. I really miss… us.” He confessed, grabbing your hand.
“This isn’t a great time…” you trailed off.
“Trust me, it is. I’m ready to be fully committed and mature this time around, Y/N.”
“Come on, let’s give us another try.”
“Luke, I’m having a baby.” You gulped, him dropping your hand at the speed of light.
There was a long pause.
“You can go.” He didn’t even think twice before running out of O’Keefes at the speed of light.
You and Penelope walked back to JJ’s in silence. You weren’t mad at her, you knew she was only trying to help. You were more mad at yourself for not having the courage to just tell the actual father the truth.
You walked in the door, placing the red sweater and your bag on the kitchen table. Derek was the first person to speak up.
“How did Luke take it?”
“One, Luke isn’t the father!” You huffed. “And two, who told Derek?!”
You looked around at JJ and Emily’s guilty faces as Derek interjected. “Y/N… I am so happy for you.” He pulled you into a hug, being careful not to squeeze you too hard, and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Oh, wow, you didn’t even try to unhook my bra this time!” You exclaimed as he pulled back. He laughed before he got down on one knee in front of you. You looked behind you at the girls in shock as they rolled their eyes.
He shook his head and grabbed your hand. “Listen, it’s a scary world out there, especially for a single mom. I’ve always thought that you and I have this special bond, you know? So, Y/N Y/L/N…” He smiled softly up at you. “Will you marry me?”
“What?” you sputtered along with JJ and Emily and Garcia who let out an, “Again?!”
“Emily! Give me the ring back!” He whispered, never breaking eye contact with you.
“Oh, Derek! You’re so sweet! But I’m not looking for a husband.” You sighed, ushering him to stand up.
He frowned and nodded, “It’s fine… I understand.”
You smiled softly as you gathered your belongings. “Now, if you will, excuse me I’m gonna go and lie down.” You left the room with a wave to the rest of the girls, promising to see them later. There was a lot on your mind and you just needed a second to breathe.
As the door closed, Emily walked up to Derek, shaking her head. “I can’t say that didn’t hurt.” JJ pinched the bridge of her nose, not believing this was still going on. “But I’ll take you back Derek Morgan.”
“Um, Em… About that-“ Saved by the bell, Spencer and Hotch walked in the room, greeting everybody with a wave. 
Morgan jumped up, trying to distract Emily from the previous conversation, “Look everybody! Spencer’s here!” He chuckled nervously. Hotch rolled his eyes and raised his hands up, clearly offended by being ignored.
Spencer looked around confused before just deciding to ignore Morgan’s strange behavior that he was so used to.
“Anyway, you guys ready to go to that movie-“ He began to feel around his pockets, groaning as he realized he had forgotten something. “Hold that thought, I forgot my wallet.” He began to walk out but was immediately stopped short as he noticed something on the table. 
“Hey! My sweater-“ He spoke, walking over to where it was laying, picking it up and examining it.
“I’ve been looking for this, for like, a month!” He laughed, before walking out.
JJ, Emily and Penelope all looked around, mouths dangling open.
“Oh my God!”
“No way!”
“It’s Reid!”
Morgan looked at the girls with a puzzled expression. They just started back at him waiting for the realization to come, which hit five seconds later.
“Oh my God!” He yelled, pointing to where Spencer had just left. 
Hotch looked around confused. 
“Did I miss something?”
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