#sometimes people do thngs
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invisiblegarters · 4 months ago
Shady Uncle:
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Meanwhile, Home, in episode freaking one:
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Home asked. He would have happily handed over some of his inheritance, Mr. I'm Still Holding a Grudge Against My Dad From When I Was Eight*. Don't play.
*actual age of Shady Uncle at that time undetermined.
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strangeoned · 7 months ago
Also Criston Cole taking two whole seasons to discover moral relativism is sending me
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sirtrashpanda · 4 months ago
Hi, Marcus! Hope you're doing well✨️✨️✨️
I've gotta ask, what inspired you to create Madtown?✨️✨️✨️
That is a very good question!
honestly there was a great many things but it started as a silly cartoon staring me, my friends and my brother just doing silly stuff with me as the reaper and them as monsters they came up with.
i stopped doing that after a while and then one day i was talking to a friend (a voice actor who later voice victoria) about the silly madtown cartoons i did and she brought up the hazbin hotel pilot which was still in development at that point basically unintentionally dared me to do a indie toon of my own. at that point i hadnt animated in years and i didnt have a lick of what kinda story to do.
but then over time i thought about it more and more and after watching the show ash vs evil dead and loving it i decided "fuck it im making mine about a guy who uses the necronomicon to get a girlfriend" and it sorta took inspiration from various thngs from there lol. I seen art friends and other awesome artists doing size diffrence animations and artwork of loona, tawna bandicoot and cake infronos zoe and that inspired me to make maxine, charlie odviously was inspired by many fictional reaper depictions as well as rick from rick and morty and over time i took inspiration from my ALL time favorite anime "Full metal Alchemist brotherhood" when deciding to make the villians the seven deadly sins and wrote their dynamic.
i hope this isnt to long of a read lol
i will lastly say that i sometimes do still get nervous when posting a new episode, comic or short for madtown. the same way i was nervous when originally posting episode 1 and 2 simply because i really like these characters and their story, the drama, the cute moments, the fights and even still i always wonder if people will hate it or just want me to draw max and mark holding hands and be done or just quit. ya know what i mean? There's always that fear of the "What ifs?" buuuut awesome people like yourself are always there to make my day and that inspires me further and makes my day. much like i hope this looong drawn out answer made yours friend!
have a great friday! - Marcus s (Trash Panda Animator)
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mitamicah · 1 year ago
Returning the ask: 9, 20 and 76 :)
Hehehe nice :3
Thank you for the questions :D The answers will be under the line because I am babbling x'D
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9. Tattoos I want:
Oh boy I have way too many ideas :'D Like you I am not great with needles but having learned that some piercing placements and tattoo needles in general are not bothering me that much comparred to hospital needles on top of me loving the result enough to endure the uncomfortability of the needles for a tme I have found myself addicted x'D (that said my longest tattoo session so far has been 2 hours so I might change tune the day I try a full day session x'D)
Here's a list of ideas I have rn that may or may not come true (the ones with the asterix are the ones I have the most faith in will happen while the ones with the " at the end are ones where I need help from somebody else to get the idea across):
'Are You' written on my arm in Bojan's handwriting "
Lyrics from Cha Cha Cha under my chest (with some sort of visual on the chest itself - rn thinking of a fox in the bolero) post top surgery *"
SOMETHING from a talented artist in Finland * (this may seem vague and it is - the deal is that I have a date where I want to get a tattoo yet challenged myself to chose a flash or available design from an artist so to not overthink the design as I sometimes tend to do)
A fox with flowers on my right shoulder (a flash from an artist I like)
An eevee next to Flapjack on my left arm
A bulbasaur with spiked collar and/or bowlcut hair
Spirit with or without Little Creek from Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmarron somewhere on my left arm
A converse shoe with the words 'I lost my dam shoe' around it on my shin
Misteltoe branches around my rune tattoo on my left arm
The tree birds concept (x) over my right collarbone or on my right thigh
A candle under my left knee
My singer alias logo somewhere on my arm or leg
I've kept the explainations at the miminum here yet if you are curious about any of the ideas feel free to ask :3
20. Height:
I'm pretty happy with being able to say that I am around the height of the average Danish guy :3 (177-8 cm/5,10'') Tbh that is one thng I've always been very grateful for even before learning that I was trans :'D
76. Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
Probably singing in front of people: When I was younger I was told by my mother and sister especially that my singing voice was shit and I believed them, and yet now I run to karaoke events lke a moth to a flame, sing tenor in a choir and make my own songs from time to tme. I love being proven wrong sometimes x'D
Another one is wearing a crop top or just in general having an exposed midsection out in public. This is another thing that in part has been influenced by my mother since she was very keen on putting me and her in a box together as 'people who were too big to be wearing crop tops'. (the other reason I never thought I'd do it is my own insecurities with my body that is influenced by gender dysphoria). This one I have to thank Käärijä and the kääryleet for debunking for me: Who cares if I am not 'the right size' for a crop top!?
I think that was it for now :3 thank you for the question yet again :D
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freakattack · 2 years ago
This is a littlw bit out there so bear with me but. actually im gonna slap this with a
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anyways orbulon speaks very very formally in both english and japnese versions of most games but for some reason in warioware twisted he seems to be way more casual. Like for a guy who says "molecular sustenance heat transfer unit" when he means "microwave" i feel like this line of dialogue is jarringly succinct:
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And he speaks like that for most of the cutscene like it's not TECHNICALLY unusual for him to use contractions but he definitely has a different tone. Idk waht the oriignal japanese dialogue is like so it may be a wonky translation but if we take this at face value and also get too invested in analyzing warioware dialogue then there are a couple thngs we could gather:
Orbulon has been shown in the past to get snippy when he's tired so that could be part of it
Maybe he drops the pseudointellectual facade when he doesn't havw anyone around to impress (not my favorite interpretation but throwing it out there cause its technically valid)
MY GAME THEORY: i think that orbulons long winded manner of speaking is partially because he has his weird ego thing but also partially because he has been shown to struggle with earth languages so i think that there are many times where he genuinely does just forget the word for microwave. Like his default avenue for conveying a noun is just to describe it with as many hyperspecific adjectives as he can muster. But in this scene he is only conversing with fellow alien freaks (not the same animal as him but similar). So my game hypothesis is what if he is speaking in his native language here and he is just way better at saying what he actually means when hes not trying to filter it through an earth language. I still think he does it a little on purpose sometimes because he sure does base his self worth on how intelligent other people perceive him as but i think he'd probably be a little more casual speaking the language he grew up with. The only thing that kind of throws a wrench in this premise is this line (and i apologize for putting this in fromt of your eyeballs):
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Befause i'm pretty sure we're meant to assume he was so zonked out from this alien rabbit massage that he just stopped speaking english. Which obviosuly clashes with the interpretation that he wasnt speaking english to begin with. Idk what to do with this information really i'm just saying shit at this point. Isn't orbulon cool
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irenerielle · 2 years ago
A message from the universe
Hello! This message is for you! it's a long read, but please read it if you feel called to do so.
Messager: Archangel Gabriël "Shimmer with diamond light. Express your creativity."
Something big needs to be exposed. It's lurking in the depths and creating tension. You may be hesitant to be honest and truly yourself or say what you really want to say. It may be tempting to pretend like nothing is wrong, but you can feel the pressure. You are at a phase where you are called to find out exactly what you are made of. Gather your inner strength and determination to move past the challenges for the sake of your own growth. Believe in yourself and your gifts and learn to work with what you haven't developed as well so you can become stronger. Your faith may be tested, but there is always a reward!
You may find yourself drawn to people and situations that feed your imbalances rather than those that counter them. Are you cossiping? Are you blaming others? Are you "stewing" on a person or situation, only making things worse? Ask yourself how you can break free and cool down. You are sensitive, please don't pretend the heat isn't getting to you. You may have become materialistic, lazy and dependent on others. There is inherently nothing wrong with this, just be careful! Are you still making practical, realistic decisions--if any at all? Your own growth and the thngs you've been working on trying to build may have stopped. Are you using your money and resources wisely? Are you second-guessing yourself? Ask yourself if you still want to work or are you stuck in just wanting to recieve?
Don't be afraid of emotional expression or traversing difficult terain. You already have -and will- overcome many challenges in your life. These experiences enrich you, giving you stability, strength and depth that is rare. Try to find and connect to the feminine forces of compassion and communication. They can be a beacon in your darkest hour. You are being guided to explore new areas of groth and potential that you normally wouldn't have considered. Perhaps you feel like traveling or connecting to others? Consider different ideas that spark inspiration and could give your life more meaning and substance. Be exited for what's to come and do the things you've been wanting to do for some time now! Don't just talk about it, but do something to put it into action! Easier said than done, of course, but it'll be so worth it!
Find balance between your own wants and needs and those of others and what you do for them. Find the right people to help you and make up your own mind about your situation rather than being too influenced by others. You absolutely can find things that fulfill you and the sense that you have found your source of happiness. What is it that brings you bliss? What will complete the picture for you? You can do what your heart desires and don't forget to enjoy the now. However, also ask yourself who or what is the "devil" in your life right now. Negative thinking? An unhealthy obsession? Toxic behaviour? It is time for you to cut these loose. But please remember not to be too hard on yourself. It is ok to treat yourself sometimes, it won't harm you. And sometimes rebelling a little agains something you are supposed to do can be good for the soul. You may have a hard time letting things go. Consider getting help or treatment.
You are on the right track, but you need to go steadily. Knowing that you are worthy of your desires is crucial here. Opportunities open up when you believe in yourself. Dig deep and move past negative comments from others. No matter what happened in the past, if you ar aiming to manifest something for the good of everyone concerned, you can do it. Good self-esteem will also boost your manifesting powers, so love yourself more. Know your own worth and others will too. Be true to your values. This may be a good time to review how much you have agreed to carry on your plate. You are capable of multi-tasking and juggling, but should you? And if so, for how long? Consider these questions wisely. Be confident and share your light and ideas with others. Dont hold your enthusiasm back. You are at a point in your life where you are getting a chance to infuse new meaning and adventure into your everyday activities. Try something new! Lear something new! Go on that trip and meet new people! Your potential is limitless! Just make sure you are honest with yourself and the truth of your current circumstance or behaviors. You may feel the cold hard slap of truth and that can be hard, but that doesn't mean you should avoid it. Are you trying to escape and find the easy way out? You may also what to question the motives of others around you.
And to close, a final message form Gabriël: You are the dreamer, the artist, the poet and the romantic. You are sensitive. You are the intuitive. These are your gifts! You can help to heal others and yourself! Write, paint, make music or do journaling!
Use your creativity.
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desolationsuperfund · 1 year ago
negative thought spiral:
>something reminds me of a cherished moment with a friend
>which reminds me of cherished moments with friends ive fallen out with
>think about how all that friendship and love and affection wasn't enough, how the cherished moments weren't enough to hold it together or talk it out or make amends and how those people are gone from my life
>suddenly all the relationships i have now feel futile and empty
THIS IS A LIE YOURE BRAIN TELLS YOU. SOMETIMES PEOPLE DONT WORK THINGS OUT BECAUSE THEY HAVE POOR SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL SKILLS OR DIDNT KNOW HOW TO HANDLE MISTAKES OR TELL YOU HOW THEY FEEL OR FEEL ASHAMED ETC BECAUSE THATS JUST HOW THNGS ARE IN YOUR TWENTIES NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THEYRE DOING. But you're not that young forever and neither are the people around you. No one is a static character. You can work to get better at handling conflict and build relationships with people who are as well. And your friendships matter, even with people you've lost.
it isn't all doomed forever i promise
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screamting · 9 months ago
I like this FUCKIN FIT. Let selina wear shit like this in story instead of sexy thngs. I want her in a meeting in a hot pink kitty top.
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I would like to shout out Dario here for also being a highlight.
I do genuinely like that Bruce's initial argument is "rich people are still people you're committing crimes against" (he is right) his complete mental breakdown happens because of one of the thieves being killed during the robbery. It was literally potentially safer for them to be around mobsters who were cruel but also paying them to not kill them than to run into someone scared with a gun and no backup.
Also the side-story exclusive reveal that Jason agrees with Bruce that it's a bad fucking idea and just doesn't say so to a) spite bruce b) see if selina will let him in on shit
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I do love Damian punching Jason so hard his mask breaks to protect his pappy. also damian is an enormous baby who loves his dad this whole run and it's great.
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^ a baby boy going through the same emotional arc he has since he was 10 wondering if it might've been better to never love his parents than to deal with the pain of losing them (this is real and will keep happening throughout your life)
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There's a lot going on here. I think the umbrella's doing a lot of work.
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I haven't posted before because it would've literally been three pages but this joker's pages are all great.
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(actually laughed out loud) You know that one post that's like "batman's secret meta superpower is an empathic environment?" That is also this Joker's power. other than that I like how they didn't even have a fucking pretense of showing Jason hitting eject on the jet. he just shows up again on the ground 2 pages later. Not even a fucking parachute.
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shoutout to the return of emotive batmask, you were gone for so long
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and while I'm glad they said this BOY people really are not going to ever stop with the 'your soldiers' thing no matter how many issues they make addressing it, huh. But yeah like I do think they need to point out often that when you save people's lives and give them self determination yes they may commit crimes but also sometimes they want to become vigilantes, and this is the duality of batman (criminal vigilante) i have done my best.
so... do you do the reverse unpopular opnion ask meme?
What do you like about Gotham War? 👀😁
i misread the assignment and started reading Robin War instead
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I like the confirmation of YGO canon existing inside the DC universe
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dipskits · 5 years ago
i am the cowboy on my own trip
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years ago
With your language AU, I remember watching a video about a guy speaking angrily nonesense in an Indian accent and people thinking he was very angry. Imagine this as the Creator speaks angry gibberish to people and they just assume that the Creator is cursing them or something. (Or like when they speak gibberish to babies and everyone's like, "Aw the Creator is teaching that baby their divine language")
✨️I look pretty good for a dead bitch✨️
She's alivveee!!!
Whats up i almost passed away from sheer academic workload, but im not in the ground yet 🥰 And with drafts outta my ass! :D
Hope yall ready for ur regularly scheduled Bullshit Genshin Sagau <3
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Well at least i can do polls thru this in the future?? Idk tumblr is ass so we'll see how this accidental test works out...
So these were the first thngs i thought of and its not super long bc ASKERS R GENIUSES OKAY
Saw the gif and couldnt help but think this is how ppl like Alhaitham or Diluc would react to u "speaking ur langauge"
"Our langauage" aka being a SIM 💀
Stop Albedo would ask you to teach him ur lang/grammar rules 😭
What u gonna do when Zhongli asks you to teach him some words-
Your ass: "GIGGLABAH means beautiful :) "✨️
Zhongli: "Oh thank you, how different from our own version, so excited sounding..."
You walk by him strolling the harbor and he just smiles at you and says
"You look gigglabah today my liege."
(honestly ppl paint him as oblivious but he kinda seemed like the type of bastard who seems like he's not aware but sometimes he secretly knows the truth, he's just getting too much amusement out of it to stop doing it, LOL he does shit like the above to see YOUR reaction- LMAO)
You're a maniac pls tell me u dont pass on simlish to all the serious characters-
(& he's not the only one, others too like Kaveh, YELAN, Ningguang, Nahida, DILUC, AYAKA LMAO-)
Some ppl i could see taking ur gibberish bullshittery and whether they believe its real or not is irrelevant bc theyre using it anyway-
And i dont mean in a good way 😭
"Be cheerful like the hugkukie,
and may your cup never leaky!"
And Diluc loves you.
Really he does, deeper than he thinks-
But his eye is twitching LMAOO
(Ok but if you did like multiple of these language shenanigans thruout the asks ive gotten, Kaeya would literally grow so fond of you and associate you with goofy funny shit that makes him laugh so hard that everytime he sees you he automatically is beaming with a smile, or trying to supress a warm grin- this got away from me but its 1:44am for me rn so i would love a smiley Kaeya rn -)
Speaking language bs I have my 2nd oral exam for spanish tomorrow, pls send whatever good vibes u got and i am also really open to prayers from any religion as well. sobs
Hope anyone got any enjoyment out of my response bc tbh the ask is what rlly matters to me atp lmao
Until the next shenanigan-
Safe travels,
♡the beloveds mwah ♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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ythmir-writes · 2 years ago
FINISHED!!!!! Word vomit and thoughts fresh from reading romantic epilogue hereonout
i love it, i love the route, i love the action, i didnt expect romantic route to go the way it did with fighting and the underhanded scheming but it did! it did!!!! and I am so happy for it - except for the tiny detail which i will forgive because it is that kind of story so no biggie, in my head my MC already stabbed emidio ten billion times thers not enough of him left to feed the fishes no
i love LOVE rio and nokto's friendship here!! i had a feeling the two would be alike in a sense and rio's route fleshes it out, love that little talk they did before rio went away to benitoite the first time, that was Just So Them. So Nokto and Rio-like, i did a lil happy dance
i also love how not everything about the princes we've learned from Leon route all the way up to Sariel, is info-dumped. Like the story here is focused on rio and mc's relationship and growth, with the necessary tidbits re the princes placed in just the right amounts, if this is my first route for ikepri, i would not be overwhelmed and in fact, would be curious to read the other routes. the lack of info for me (as someone who has played since day 1) did not detract from the experience. i like this a lot! sometimes, a newer suitor/RO becomes an infodump/intro to other suitors, im so happy that rio's route is not just one big infodump regarding benitoite - i was so so so so so afraid that would be the case. im glad this did not happen
i may be biased (i am) but i loved the rollercoaster of emotions here in rio's route, in one chapter i am both punching the air triumphantly because of a scene i liked, and the next i am gritting my teeth in frustration because NO NO NO DO NOT DO THAT DO NOT SAY those words
one thng i didnt get tho is the engagement thing, and how MC struggled with her feelings with this, i thought it was the ring to choose the next benitoite heir but apparently its not either. i do not have enough experience reading how this sort of thing is handled and how this "forbidden" desire is written because (surprise!) i dont read a lot of romance stuff outside of games, so this was one thing i struggled to engage with, not having any prior experience or knowledge BUT I DO WANT TO SAY that i love how it was not just MC who was painted to be selfish feelings, of acting contradictory and hypocritical because of Having Caught The Feelings, and I AM SO GLAD SO SO SO SO GLAD AND RELIEVED there was no other woman because i dislike the "RO already has a significant other" plot THAT IS NOT the beginnings of MC being part of a polycule. dont get me wrong, i like reading about love triangles, about having to choose one or the other, or 2 or 3 or 4 people competing for the affections of a Beloved. but i do no like reading: RO has a loving (but sadly absent partner) but now MC is here so RO has conveniently forgotten the other loving and absent partner in exhcange for MC 😭 that just feels so wrong and just gives me general eckkk feels. yes i know cyikemen would never and no decent romance game would ever do that route, but heyy! there's always the first time and i do not want Rio, my beloved's, route to be that for me so phew! so glad it isn't
i do wish the romantic epilogue was LONGER!! it felt way too short but i may be biased (i am)
OVERALL: i loved this, i love it so much and i enjoyed this so so so much! i may gripe till the end of days about how much i want emidio stabbed so bad but thats for my OCs to do now 🫡 i keep on yapping about stabbing emidio, he deserves it but also i personally prefer MCs getting into the thick of things and doing stabbing
10/10 would read again! on to the dramatic route!!
In light of my almost live blogging Rio's route, im gonna tag stuff as "rio ortiz spoilers" "ikemen prince spoilers" and "ythmir yells" now and not use the main tag so as not to clutter that, block these now because i am officially unwell after chapter 6
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artcompilations · 4 years ago
apologies if youve already gotten this, but do you have anything on sibling bonds?
oh i thought i must have reblogged something on siblings before, but apparently not 😳 here’s a couple of things to rectify that a little
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- Holly Warburton, Sisters [ full art piece ]
Sometimes I wish I had a twin sister To judge more fairly Than I do myself
- Sarah Jean Grimm
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- Jean Anouilh, Antigone
People talk about the happy quiet that exist between two lovers, but this too was great; sitting between his sister and his brother, saying nothing, eating. Before the world existed, before it was populated, and before there were wars and jobs and colleges and movies and clothes and opinions and foreign travel — before all of these things there had been only one person, Zora, and only one place: a tent in the living room made from chairs and bed-sheets. After a few years, Levi arrived; space was made for him; it was as if he had always been. (…) He did not consider if or how or why he loved them. They were just love: they were the first evidence he ever had of love, and they would be the last confirmation of love when everything else fell away.
- took this quote from Pauline‘s post; Zadie Smith, On Beauty
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- The Plagues, from Prince of Egypt 
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- ‘The only person I’d run through an airport for is you’ Fleabag S2
I don’t have time to go through and find specific quotes currently, so just going to list some books with sibling dynamics/bonds, hopefully you find a good read in one of these :-)
We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Shirley Jackson
The God of Small Thngs - Arundhati Roy
Riot Baby - Tochi Onyebuchi
And the Mountains Echoed - Khaled Hosseini
A Wrinkle in Time - Madeleine L’Engle
Jade City - Fonda Lee
Beloved - Toni Morrison (i haven’t finished this but from what’s happened so far) 
If anyone has poems/book recs, I’m sure anon would appreciate & would love to know too, do feel free to leave a reply (sry inbox is closed)! Feel like I have hardly read enough poems on siblings
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elsternwick-rp · 3 years ago
Elsternwick Updates + Requests! (05-12-22)
Greetings, and good evening! We hope you are having a lovely May! Quite a few things are going on in Elsternwick right now, a Theater has been built, a reality wave has hit, and quite a few other thngs as well, but first, we would like to summarize some recent requests!
In Elsternwick, you are more than allowed to make requests for castmates, or more characters from a franchise that you feel could have some more representation, normally, we have a limit to these (Given our Anti-Flood rules!), and cap them at around 5 every 2-3 months, unsurprisingly, the requests for new characters were filled extremely quickly this time, so, for ease of access, we're making a post summarizing the requests, as well as who requested them!
Peach (Who roleplays Satori Komeiji) would like a Koishi Komeiji RPer!
Bee (Who plays Mash Kyrielight and Jeanne D'arc Alter) would like Ritsuka Fujimaru, Leonardo Di Vinci, and Jeanne D'arc, as well as any Fate/Grand Order RPers in general!
Data (Who plays Young Loki) would like more RPers from Asgard in Marvel Comics!
Jo (who plays Ushiwaka) would like more Okami (and maybe Undertale!) RPers!
Marina (poorly pretending to be an Anon) would like more Umineko no Naku Koro Ni RPers!
Essent (Who RPs Persona AU Fan characters!) would like more Persona RPers!
And Lastly, Shin (Who plays Lapin) would like more PMMM Spin-off (or regular PMMM) RPers!
And that about does it for RP requests, if you are interested, send in an ask (for a reserve if you’re unsure!), or check our forms sheet and fill out a form! You can also join as a Spectator, if you’re unsure! Send in an ask!
Reality Wave
Secondly, another Reality Wave has hit Elsternwick! For those of you who are new or unfamiliar, a Reality Wave is a phenomena that is common close to multiversal nexuses, sometimes, there is a pulse in the energy of the multiverse, which washes over any nearby nexuses, and spills out into the neighboring reality, causing changes all around!
This was by and large, the biggest Reality Wave yet, resulting in three “pulses”, each bringing about changes
The first was a standard reality wave, making the grass greener, the second was a time related reality wave, causing some muses to be aged forward or backwards, and the last was a powerful reality wave that caused reversals, turning some heroes into villains, villains into heroes, stone into wood, etc!
And most bizarrely, the Time Reality Wave caused the Theater (long in construction) to finally be finished!
The Theater
The Theater, Elsternwick’s answer to Midnight Prism Studios, is a massive theater with seats, a number of stages, and balconies, here your muse can witness (or participate in!) plays, musicals, operas, or simple symphonies and concerts, beware, for Theater Kids such as Emet-Selch , Ushiwaka, and Grimm are sure to prowl the halls, and they are more powerful there...
Upcoming  Attractions
Finally, we would like to reiterate on coming events! We have quite a few in the pipeline, including the oft-mentioned Expedition, which will take place in the Summer, and will have your muses go to a distant land ravaged by light
Secondly, a number of Memory Dungeons (Formed from Muse’s memories) are in development, or coming up, including a Record of Hope and Despair (Inspired by PMMM), The Final Days of Amaurot (Inspired by FFXIV), and a few others!
Lastly, we are looking forward to our upcoming Events!
Come Summer, a strange event will happen, causing evil forces and monsters to arrive in greater numbers than before, who will rise to meet them? None other than the many people of Elsternwick, gifted strange new powers to combat them!
This event, though WIP, is inspired by stories of transforming heroes, super heroes, magical girls, etc, it has some work to be done, but interest has shown that this will be quite a good one, and we hope you look forward to it!
And in addition, there will of course be summer themed events, attractions, and things to do!
And that’s all the Elsternwick updates, we hope you enjoyed! If you are a member of Elsternwick already, we hope you look forward to the upcoming attractions, or if you’re new and interested, hope that you are curious about us and will look into us.
Either way, we hope you have a lovely evening, until next time!
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wyrmblogging · 3 years ago
written as i, a fucker who sometimes cannot hear properly, listen to the new lovejoy EP (AND I DO RECCOMEND LISTENING TO IT WHILE READING THIS ASDGHKGHKSD) https://youtu.be/twbZII_djEo
track 1 - Oh Yeah, You Gonna Cry? 6/10 see. you have a title like that. and then i cannot hear it anywhere in the song. however someone gets insulted for looking like their dad and then the great line "how the fuck did she [your girlfriend] end up with you] so uh. good song? but not my taste really 😔
track 2 - Model Buses 8/10 THE GUITAR AND BASS AT THE START. YES. AMAZING. also that funky bass in the back??? oh my god i love this!! WHO THE FUCK HAS A RECEDING HAIRLINE??? you're so right, i am scared of the future!! OOO CLAP CLAP CLAP IN THE BACKGROUND!! DRUMS????? POG POG POG DRUM SOLO-ISH???? i cannot really hear what wilbur is singing in any of this except for "you're just scared of the future" uhm.
track 3 - Concrete 9/10 hell yeah conk crete babey DRUMS IN THE START YES YES YES AND BASS?????? Y E S OH THIS IS A GOOD SONG!! YES!!!! what. saliva???? salt???????? KIDNEY STONES??? who the fuck is cheating(???) i heard a very quiet mention of concrete..??? this seems very british. OO LISTEN TO YOU??? h. hitting yourself??? not sure how i feel abt the lead-up to the chorus.... hm. OK THIS POST-CHORUS THING SLAPS??? OOO I LIKE THIS
track 4 - Perfume ✨HE/THEY REP✨/10 i think this is the one where the (ex??) gf's new partner uses he/they pronouns which is funny bc i use he/they pronouns therefore i stole wilbur soot's gf thank you for coming to my ted talk anyways onto the song FUNKY LEAD IN??? I CAN HEAR WILBUR'S VOICE WELL??? OH MY GOD "THEY LOOK LIKE A PRICK" YES THIS IS THE HE/THEY REP I WANT TO SEE!!!!! i can vibe to this so well amazing yes yes good song mhm mhm OOO PERFUME YES MENTION THE NAME OF THE SONG YESSSSSS ...ex-bf is a police man..???? uh. acab!!! anyways!! yes this song is a banger ye3sssss banger banger banger banger banger drumsssssssssss yes bonk bonk bonk bonk ok i like this song <3 taxi???? UH OH. DID. DID THE HE/THEY ICON GHOST THE GF????? O H NOOOOO still a banger
track 5 - You'll Understand When You're Older 10/10 the title makes me want to think this is Big Brother Wilbur Soot giving u advice but i'm sure that's not what it is. solid lead in so far (who the Fuck is playing the trumpet) oooo ok guitar??? i likey??? mhm??? AKSLJEGHDKJLGH WELL SHIT!! TELL US SOMETHING NEW!!! ok is this a love song. IMAGINE THE THINGS HE'D DO TO YOU??? OKAY??? IF THERE WEREN'T SO MANY CAMERAS???? who has a secret and why are they sleep talking. WHO'S BEEN BANNED FROM THE KITCHEN OVER OSHA VIOLATIONS. WE'RE STEALING DAD'S CAR????? ok once again sleeptalking abt dark secrets but then BANGER GUITAR SOLO@#!#@@!!!!@!#!$! HELL YEAH I LIKE THESE CHORDS N SHIT and it ends with a quiet exclamation of "fuck." good song good song
track 6 - The Fall 8/10 OOH? DUH DUH DUH???? HELLO??? broken nose. .p. pog???? ok we're going on vacation!! (holiday for british "people" /j) fucking scared!!! swag!! i can get down with that!!!! cymbal pog. mhm mhm country house????? license plate?????? GROCERY STORES???? TREADMILL??? HELL YEAH GUITAR SOLO come one and all??? fucking species??? bugs having sex????? what???? dah. dah. dah. dah. ok and. we're done?? yep we're done!!!!
track 7 - It's All Futile! It's All Pointless! 9/10 THIS IS THE ONE TOMMY WANTED TO KEEP HE BETTER HAVE GOOD TASTE GO WHITE BOY GO YES I LIKE THIS INTRO?? THNGS ARE LOOKING UP??? "lost the passion that comes with living" ahah/ aha???? "SINCE I STARTED UNIVERSITY." OH. FUCK YEAH. SEX??? oh. sextant. that took me too long to realize what it was supposed to be. CHORUS POG!!!! WRAP YOUR ARMS AROUND MY CORTEX????? IM LIKE A FUCKING DISEASE???? oh shit breakup???? pain or sickness???? apathy!!!! woo!!! "he's just another man" so true bestie so true. DEEP VOICEEEE marraige. ew. /j PICKING A LOCK??? WE COMMITING CRIMES??? KNIVES? STABBING???? HUH???? oh yeah woo yeah chorus woo yeah oooh yeah CATJAM>>> ON THE SCREEN. THANK YOU EDITOR????? VERY SWAG!!!!! CATJAM CATJAM CATJAM CATJAM I AGREE CATJAM TO IT'S OK maybe use a sextant thank you wimblur soot very swag. i think tommy has a good taste in music.
Final Thoughts:
perfume is immediately going on all of my playlists, as is you'll understand when you're older. and iaf!iap! is as well. those r my top three that i want to listen to on repeat for hours. cannot wait for the 14th hehehe
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tennessoui · 3 years ago
I A. Love Hannibal and B. Love in your fics where you keep the elements of Anakin and Obi-Wan having met at some point when Anakin was younger. I would like to pitch part of the reverse Hannibal AU where Obi-Wan is the serial killer who somehow meets this young boy that can see through him and understand him so well. And Obi-Wan is like “This is certainly meant to be mine. He is meant to come with me.” But he can’t fine a reason to kill Shimi/something happens and he loses Anakin. Then years later they meet again when Anakin is on the force and Anakin doesn’t remember but Obi-Wan definitely does. And he isn’t letting him get away again.
oh yes this is super spicy!!
but i think the original prompt was a reverse hannibal au where obi-wan is not the killer but he is the psychiatrist, and anakin is the police detective but he's also the killer!!!
i'm sorta still holding onto the idea that if i were to write a very dark fic like this, anakin would be the killer instead of obi-wan, just cause i feel like i'd be too influenced by other people's amazing dark, killer!obi-wan aus!!! plus i do already have pretty bird and the mob boss and i'd want to do something different in more ways!!! for me they switch who is on top and on bottom all the time, so i think they can switch the crazy murdering brain as well <3
but i am obsessed with this they meet when younger idea, but it's because anakin's mother just recently died brutally and anakin is sent to talk to a therapist in training that the police department keeps on hold to talk to traumatized witnesses or victims. and anakin just immediately falls in love with obi-wan he's the most perfect thng he's ever seen his voice is so amazing, he sits really close to anakin on the couch and hugs him and it's great. obi-wan is his. his his his.
but then anakin gets sent out of the city where his obi-wan is and has to go to live very far away with distant relatives
and he hates it here but he does have one life ambition now. get back to obi-wan. and he only knows that obi-wan works sometimes at the police station so he has to become a detective. he has to get back there.
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llycaons · 3 years ago
el camino 3/3
all done! whew. wild to end the story on a high note for once
first, from an earlier scene
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this made me so angry I almost paused watching to stand up and pace. WHAT A THNG TO SAY TO HIM
anyway, aaron paul does comedy so well. I love his funny scenes
wow he was NOT bluffing. I thought it was obvious he wasn't..,poor choice, jesse
hardass about the 1800 but he's not a malicious person. lies to cops
I didn't expect this show to be such a scavenger hunt. the plot is basically 'jesse tries to get from point A to point B and collect things he needs and sometimes gets into fights'
it's not weak on plot, but the highlight is the characters. I can't see someone who hasn't watched the show really enjoying it or even understanding it
OH I get it. todd thinks of jesse as a pet. yeah it took me a while but it fits exactly. like a pet he looks after and treats relatively decently but uses like a working animal
neil is fucking off the walls. a DUEL?
I mean I knew this was vaguely a western but it doesn't fit super well tonally into the introspective, grounded, and largely nonviolent story so far
I mean what kind of maniac...
MAGNETS. SIPHONING. ROBOTS. what a smart boy
the flashback confused me so bad. first I was like 'who is he talking to nobody is left for him' and then we went and knocked on that door and this little old bald man came out and I was like ???? is that supposed to be ww???
well chalk that up ww looking strange and frail and tiny idk
anyway so classic that jesse goes "I like sports medicine" and ww goes "no. you should do business"
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I'm sorry that cofounding a company, doing research that contributed to a nobel prize, getting married to someone you claim is the love of your life, and having two beautiful children wasn't 'special' enough for you mr "I only care about my family"
pathetic little man
know what hit me about this shot
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SWEATER. he never needed a sweater before! he never changed his clothing style once. CHANGE. NEW ENVIRONMENT
like black sails when the setting shifted to philly...massive changes indicated by the scenery...the characters have gone through a great journey
I knew this was coming since my brother told me a little but it's so gratifying to see. he may be horrifically traumatized and he's probably going to see longterm health impacts but by god. he got away. he's in a completely new place, nice and quiet and very different from what he left behind, he's free. he has money! he can build all the boxes he wants! maybe he gets a dog. he seems like a dog guy
JANE I SEE JANE I miss her
I hope he gets the chance to have kids or something he really seemed to love being part of andrea's family unit
god, poor brock. he's got nobody. what even could jesse have put in his letter? and there's no money for them anymore
oh yeah and this?
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I thought he made ed a card to thank him and I almost started crying. I guess I just crave stories where people love each other more. but of course it wasn't for ed
man but jesse must be so touch-starved. I just wish someone would give him a hug
but regardless
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