#sometimes I forget how game changing this game was for the horror game genre
melonpalooza · 5 months
If tldr character's play horror game. Who will die first and who will be the survivor. And which one of them will get posessed/Stuck/left behind. And most importantly which idiot will be playing the game unsurious, for example :
leading the monster towards their friends probably secrifice their own teammates for fun. Forgeting their mission and died by their own stupid action
(we always have that one teammates that Will do anything just for fun even if it meant losing the game)
(The game : phasmaphobia,dead by daylight, in silent, identity V, pacify etc anything horror multiplayer survival-escape game )
the fic has a lot of characters lmao... god. this is gonna be a doozy of an answer, anon. i'm going to start rambling and might not even get all the characters. also altho you say horror games, phasmo and dbd/identity v are very different genres in terms of gameplay lmao so forgive me if i jump around the games bc im just typing the first things that come to my head
i feel like how they handle the games depends on who they team up with, bc i know depending on who i play with, the objective of my gameplay changes.
if it's mostly donnies, they will take the game most seriously i feel like. they're prepared, have game plans and divide up the responsibilities. will do research before hand rather than jump into a game. like they have to know all the game's mechanics before they start playing. if they're the hunter, i feel like they're really meticulous, but they won't spawn camp the hooks in dbd for example. except ig reugrat donnie he has the trolling energy to me.
mil/cope/rugrat raph prefers playing the hunter. they're aggressive and will sometimes target specific players if they were screwed over in a previous game by them xD most of them will go for leo lol. all of them will always try to stun or attack the attacker/aggro the hunter as a survivor.
cope mikey would fool around most of the game (like yell at the ghost in phasmo, calling it names and stuff) unless it's like less than half of the survivors are left and if he's still alive. all the mikeys get jumpscared easily. neon mikey might get distracted looking at assets or smth. all of them are relatively good at juking in dbd, so they'll be the ones that take ppl off hooks. 03 mike has insanely good luck in hiding where the hunter doesn't find him. rugrat mikey definitely leads the hunter to teammates on purpose.
all the leos would put the team before them, so they're often the ones that becomes bait and self sacrifice—if most of the team makes it out it's a net positive game for them.
if neon leon and neon don are both survivors tho, it's 50/50 they try to sabotage or help each other. if one of them is the hunter, they try to take out the other and it's a W for them if they take out their twin no matter the ending result of the match
and just as i write this i realized that they can't play interdimensionally lol (they could play games like scrabble and uno, bc those would be relatively easy to code into the server's bot i feel like. they can play games like chess bc it's part of discord. so that means they can play gartic lmao. but ig how they play holds true to their own brothers anyway)
anyway my brain is tired now there's probably more somewhere in the think tank
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My Brother; The Parasite by qrowscant
============= Links
Play the game (IFComp) See other reviews of the game Follow @qrowscant-art
============= Synopsis
People die, and sometimes they come back. Your brother is one of those. Even as his body rots and his mind unravels, he still has control over you— just like when you were kids. A story about a corpse, a complicated sibling relationship, and the things we forget.
============= Other Info
My Brother; The Parasite is a Twine(Harlowe) piece, submitted to the 2023 Edition of the IFComp.
Status: Completed Genre: Horror
CW: flashing, eyestrain, body horror, descriptions of physical abuse, implied assault, implied drug/alcohol abuse / animated elements
============= Playthrough
Played: 9-Oct-2023 Playtime: around 20min Rating: - [IFComp vote] Thoughts: The length taken to get closure...
============= Review
My Brother; The Parasite is a raw horror highly stylised kinetic piece, which you are a woman looking for closure after her brother's passing. Given a second change to talk to him thanks to a parasitic procedure, this speculative piece of fiction explore family trauma and processing grief.
Spoilers ahead. It is recommended to play the game first. The review is based on my understanding/reading of the story.
This game is intense. It is incredibly emotionally charged, not just from the gruesomeness of the brother's death or the description of its corpse coming back to life, but through the hints of unprocessed past trauma (between both siblings, and their mother). The story told through minimal descriptions and bare dialogue punches your gut at every turn. What is supposed to be a tool to process grief and find closure becomes another knife plunged and twisted into the wound. It hurts, but you can't take it out or you'd die. It hurts, but if you look away and don't confront it, you'd never find peace.
You have a feel that something is not quite right from the beginning, but it is hard to say whether it is due to the character feeling grief or something bleaker is afoot. The visuals are graining, with most of their colours washed out; some are slightly animated, with tears falling down their face, or the slight breathing movement of the corpse, or the uninterruptable thoughts glitching in the background, or the slight changes in portraits between passages... every element on the page has a purpose - which is to keep your eye on the screen until it's all over.
Something that struck me with this entry was how the tension built from the start. It kept building and building as you go through the game, leaving you little reprieve or a moment to catch your breath. If the game could send scent, it would try to overwhelm all your senses. And the tension starts small, with a little bit of uh, something feels werid... but becomes uncomfortable, with confronting the corpse of your loved one, confronting harsh truths... and quite bleak, with the realisations of your past, of your present, of your future... and honestly quite creepy if you think too long about about it... and then oh no, oh god, everything is going wrong, are we going to die?!?!?
Though I understand the stylistic choices made in this game, and was warned with the eyestrain in the blurb, I found the font size and low-contrast colours text (especially the greys) quite hard to read. It required a little bit of changing the size on my browser and zooming in to be able to read comfortably. would be lovely if it was a tad more accessible. There were also some instances were the timed text and images made me wonder whether I forgot to click on something or whether my internet wasn't working right. I didn't mind it when the game would use a "loading" passage to change the background, but was quite confusing with the drawer bit (I also couldn't see the 4th object in that passage, clicked at random on the page...). Maybe a bit of a shorter length for the timed text....
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rhyske · 1 year
the only horror game I've ever played was Alien Isolation and I got so scared I cried hahah. but yeah, I can watch some playthroughs on youtube because it feels like it's a bit more of a distance to it. sometimes even that is too scary for me and I just look up explained or theory videos haha. zombies, however, are something that I have little interest in, partly because of a phobia I struggled with for some years. a phobia of decaying things and zombies are kinda close to that! even playing Halo (which I love) has some zombie-ish elements and I just remember feeling really nauseous while playing those levels. 😅
yeah, Ikemen Sengoku was a mobile game, while monetization was egregious, I liked the concept with the story and the romance.
people should be able to enjoy what they want without shame IMO. My brother often makes fun of me for my hyper fixations so I've learned not to care what others think.
what are your top 5 otome games? ^^ 💜
Oh man I remember when Alien Isolation came out. I can't even imagine playing it. The stress alone would kill me! 😆 A lot of horror games have really interesting lore. Have you heard of Outlast? That was a wild one.
Oh no! D: That sucks you have a phobia like that, but it's also kinda a healthy one? At least you won't be exposing yourself to bad stuff, y'know? I used to have a lot of zombie dreams as a kid, and in almost every one I'd kill myself before the zombies could get to me. If I ever did face zombies in real life, I feel that phobia. I wouldn't want them anywhere near me.
I will never forget the utter terror and confusion the Flood had to little middle school me playing Halo for the first time.
Yeah mobile games are notorious for their absolutely terrible monetization practices, which does suck cause some have really good ideas.
I always get self aware of my hyper fixations. At the very least I try to not drown other people in it, since that has to get annoying for others. I'm glad you decided to not care 💕 Learning how to just let people be mean and not take it personally is such a life changer.
Oh gosh. Okay, uh. Code:Realize and Hakuoki I will always sing praises for. Hakuoki was my first ever otome, and was also the first officially localized Japanese otome to ever be brought to the west, so it has a very near and dear place in my heart. Code:Realize has the best MC I've ever seen in the genre. Her character development, the fact that she isn't some helpless girl and in fact saves herself and others is such a breath of fresh air. Her horologium is actually one of my tattoos! Code:Realize also has a great steampunk medieval London setting going too, and it actually was the first time I was introduced to steampunk!
Let's see... Aloners by @sonnet009games is a game I come back to at least every year. There's such a charm to it, and Trash is such a deep, fascinating character. The personality options are amazing, and Trash actually responds to those personalities. This is one of the few games where no choice except one very obvious one changes what ending you get, so there's no stress on choosing a "correct" option.
A more recent one that gripped my mind for weeks is Gilded Shadows by @steamberrystudio. New routes are still being released as free DLC, but my gods is the world building alone just absolutely fascinating. Like, I was that one meme of the guy in front of a wall trying to connect everything together 😆 Each route would add something to the lore and I'd be that other meme of the guy pointing. Each route too has such a distinct love interest, and the banter. The banter.
I have one more to finish the list. Hmmm... I dunno if I'll ever actually play this game again, but Cafe Enchanté is one I will absolutely never forget. It had such a sharp genre change that still to this day has me shaken. It makes you think it's all happy and light and it'll be like, a cute cafe slice of life with supernaturals involved but everything about that game is fucked up. Each love interest comes from a world that has something so intrinsically wrong with it, and piecing the overall mystery and history together blew my mind. Every new route I started had me anxious to see just how dark and messed up it was going to go, and I was never left disappointed. The final, unlockable route had me sobbing so hard that I had to put my Switch down for a little bit because I couldn't see past my tears.
This ended up being kinda more of a review of my top 5, like a "you should play these and this is why." Oops 😅
(adding on that Animal Lover is also really good and recently got a port for all consoles and is also one I highly enjoy)
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thesolferino · 4 years
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⤷ note: apologies for losing your request, anon, but thank you for requesting! this is my first time writing a full fic in second person, so bear with me, and i hope this is what you were looking for <3
The Great American Bake Off
pairing: corpse husband x gn!reader
word count: 3.6k
genre: fluff
summary: you’ve been jealous of rae and her closeness with your boyfriend since the dawn of time, but things change and friendships are made once she comes over for one hell of a cooking video.
Corpse, among many other things, was a man many wished to have.
It’s the truth; even if he didn’t have a YouTube channel through which millions kept up with everything from horror stories to Among Us gameplays, people would still turn heads and whisper whenever he spoke - that attention more than multiplied when he started blowing up and his social media presence grew.
With growth come numbers, and there are always people behind said numbers. Through them, Corpse makes wonderful friends - through them, you had met him, too. All the way back, during his horror narration days, you had grown to like him - really, who wouldn’t?
A DM you once sent after a few drinks, when you claimed to your friends you’d get the “deep-voiced man of your dreams” you often talked about and they, in turn, challenged you to message him, was nothing short of a joke and the idea of him responding was merely a pipe dream. What you hadn’t expected, however, was a response, which wrecked your brain at noon the next day, where your head throbbed with embarrassment, guilt, pride, happiness, a melt of hatred and gratefulness for your friends, panic and the remains of alcohol that tugged at every part of your skull.
It had turned out to be more than a great idea, though, because for the next few weeks you were constantly talking. You learned so much more than he let on in videos, and during late night calls you found out everything from his favorite clothing brand to his favorite color to his thoughts about his own mortality and then back to his favorite cereal. Audio calls and short voice messages turned into hours long FaceTimes that led you from friends to something more. And after a year or so of dating, you packed your bags and made it to sunny San Diego, ready to lay in his arms and sweat bullets.
Safe to say Corpse’s social media presence had its good sides. However, with all good things come bad things too, and you weren’t sure if the bad things were bad at all or you were simply too jealous.
Corpse made wonderful friends thanks to his YouTube channel. He met people he could confide in, meet, people he could talk to about his worst problems, people who would listen - he met people he could have fun with, with who he could forget all about the real world and his own issues, and simply laugh his heart away, play games until the late hours of the night.
If he had to name his closest ones, they would have to be Dave, Loey, maybe Mykie, possibly Jack, and Rae. And that is exactly where the root of the problem stood.
Rae is beautiful, and everyone who denies it must be either dumb or blind. She’s drop dead gorgeous, and funny, and kind, and smart, in a way that made you want to rip your hair out. You wanted to hate her so bad, because the jealousy ate away at you like a damn disease, but you couldn’t, because she was perfect Rae, and as much as you hated the fact she seemed to be perfect inside out, you just couldn’t hate her as her. It was impossible, you concluded.
You convinced yourself you weren’t jealous every time you heard him yelling or laughing at her from his office room - or at least you attempted to do so. Your lunch would turn sour and end up forgotten because you’d be way too focused on listening in on what he was doing and trying to make out what she was saying to even eat at the same pace you previously were. Jealousy ate away at you, no matter if you admitted it to yourself or not.
It didn’t go unnoticed by Corpse, of course. On one late night when you couldn’t sleep and neither could he, as per usual, you turned on a random comedy that you half-heartedly paid attention to, his fingers combing through the knots in your hair peacefully and the slow pace of the movie lulling you to sleep slowly. That is, before his phone rang and lit the mostly dark room. You managed to sneak a glance at the notification before he had, and the familiar bitterness seeped between your ribs as always upon seeing the name displayed at the top of the message, more than awake now.
You visibly stiffened when he laughed at the message and typed something back, shifting your head in his lap as some subconscious attempt at getting him to pay attention to you instead. He put his phone down and you huffed, eyes locked on the TV screen as you pretended to be extremely absorbed in the movie even though you weren’t quite sure of the difference between the protagonist and antagonist anymore. His hands didn’t return to your hair, and that somehow made you even more annoyed.
“What’s up?” Corpse quietly spoke up, barely over the volume over the already quiet movie.
“Nothing.” You said, quicker than you wanted to, and you bit your tongue in cringe when you realised it was an awful lie. Corpse seemed to think the same.
“That’s bullshit. Seriously, what’s wrong?” He asked, and was met with pure silence. In reality, you were hoping he’d simply never realise you were somewhat jealous, because you knew you were being stupid and unreasonable, but you couldn’t help wanting him all to yourself. Admitting it out loud made it so much more real, and so much more embarrassing that you would rather bury yourself alive than admit to being jealous of Rae, of all people.
After a few seconds of silence, save the laughter of characters on screen, he spoke again.
“Are you jealous?” The hint of a teasing tone in his voice made you want to rip your hair out of your skull. Was it really that damn hard to believe that yes, you were jealous of an extremely close friend of his? Was it a crime?
The clenching of your jaw seemed to give Corpse enough of a response, and his hands returned to running themselves through your hair as he giggled to himself. 
“What’s so damn funny?” You borderline spat, causing his movements to halt for a second before continuing with even louder laughter.
“I don’t know, just the idea of you being jealous of Rae is so funny. I’ve noticed the way you roll your eyes whenever I text her in front of you. You’re not exactly sneaky, you know?” His words made blood rush straight to your face, cheeks heating up in embarrassment. How long has he known this for?
“Sorry. I don’t…” you exhaled and attempted to smile. “I don’t know what’s up with me. I’m so jealous nowadays. I don’t even know why.”
“There’s enough of me to share with everyone, no worries baby.” he replied, teasing tone still yet to dissipate as you slap his knee in mock offense and he starts wheezing.
“Absolutely not! Fucking excuse you, I’m not sharing with anyone!” you gaped at him as he kept laughing.
That was the end of it - or at least Corpse thought so. Needless to say, he was wrong.
Your mood would instantly turn sour whenever he’d laugh at one of her messages, and you attempted to push down every eye roll whenever he’d sit on his phone, between your legs, back turned to you so you could see everything, and open Rae’s DMs again. Sometimes you managed, sometimes you couldn’t help it, but you did your best to do it whenever he wasn’t looking. Because you truly knew you were being unreasonable, especially whenever you have to relay situations like how he had to postpone a date one time because Rae asked him to play Rust for a bit longer and you almost ripped all your hair out of your skull in frustration back to your best friend who just turned Rae and Corpse into the villains in the situation because that’s what best friends are supposed to do.
Not like he was going out of his way to talk to her a concerning amount, they mostly talked in groupchats and on streams and that was only a few times weekly, but it did absolutely nothing to calm the green monster growing stronger in you every day, fed by every laugh she got out of him.
The green monster fucking loved it when Corpse excitedly announced to you that he’s finally meeting his friends for the first time, and by friends meaning Rae, Sykkuno and Karl. You, however… were far from impressed.
He paced around the room in excitement, a mix of obvious anxiety and joy evident on his face, and he fiddled with the strings of his hoodie with shaky hands as he very proudly announced that he would be the second tallest person in the room through a blinding, pearly grin, and seeing him so electrified couldn’t help but make you shut your jealous thoughts up, even if just for a little bit, and mirror his grin back to him.
What did, however, make you as anxious as him was when he announced they’d a) be coming to your shared apartment and b) making a cooking video - it sent you into a panicked mom mode as you dusted every corner of every room and vacuumed everything from the kitchen to the balcony and Corpse did nothing but record you as you anxiously rambled and laugh at you from his place on your bed.
When the dreaded Saturday finally came, and the first person to arrive, Sykkuno, rang your doorbell, you squeezed Corpse’s hand to stop him from nervously toying with his rings and opened the door, and you greeted the man like he was your own brother and not a person you’d seen probably a total of three times through the computer screen and someone who’s seen you maybe two times, from the pictures Corpse sent him, in your best attempt to make both of them more comfortable. It actually kind of worked - turns out Sykkuno is a pretty affectionate guy, too, and a conversation started as soon as he stepped in. Corpse gave you a look when you pulled away from Sykkuno’s half-hug, and you almost laughed out loud at the irony when his phone lit up with a notification from Rae announcing she was almost there at that exact moment.
She had kept true to her word; ten minutes or so later, another ring was heard and you gestured to Corpse to open it this time as you gave Sykkuno his cup of water and resisted any and every urge to roll your eyes or do something otherwise bitchy and stupid. Corpse did as told, and you watched them hug and listened to Rae squeal in excitement through the open door of the living room and decided to plaster a smile on your face for as long as you could muster before you remove yourself from the situation when they start filming.
Unfortunately for you, the first person she locked eyes with was exactly you, and they lit up an even prettier brown (if that was even possible) as she beelined to you and you barely got a greeting out before she engulfed you in a large hug, arms wrapping around your neck as she swayed both of you side to side.
“Oh my God, you must be Y/N! I’ve heard so much about you, it’s so nice to finally meet you!” Rae cheered into your ear before she finally pulled back, before shooting an infectious grin at you that you couldn’t help but return back.
“All good things, I hope.” you chuckled as she moved to greeting Sykkuno, and nodded her head with an enthusiastic giggle of her own. You eyed Corpse for a second who simply leaned against the door frame, watching the whole thing unfold with somewhat of a proud smile on his face, before Rae turned back to you and your attention was on her again.
“Of course! Corpse is very much a simp for you, you know that?” She said and both you and Corpse laughed, especially him, who nodded his head in agreement as she sat back down, still beaming at you.
“Well, I’m happy to hear that.” you respond before turning back to Corpse. “Where’s Karl at?”
“He’ll be here in half an hour or so, he only landed recently.” he said. You nodded and moved to sit on a nearby chair to leave space for the guests on the couch.
Karl ended up arriving in twenty minutes and apprised everyone of the information that “his taxi driver is a psycho that, apparently, doesn’t fear stop signs or the police” before setting up the camera in your kitchen and tried his best to attach lapel mics on everybody (admittedly, it took way longer than it should’ve, but he eventually managed and that counted as a win in his book). You reluctantly agreed to be the judge of the finished product when they’re done cooking, and Karl was there for the purposes of being a cameraman and making jokes off screen so he agreed too, albeit way more enthusiastically than you.
The two of you sat behind the camera as the three of them lined up, Corpse wearing a mask and his signature eyepatch (that he didn’t really need, but those two did their job in preserving his privacy) and introduced what they were doing. Corpse was obviously very anxious, hands fidgeting constantly and shivering like a dog after a bath despite the hoodie he was wearing in 100 degree weather because of the shower of sweat that was now drying on his body, and that was partly why you were there, supportive smiles, encouraging cheers and all.
They were making Mexican ground beef tacos, and despite knowing Corpse can barely make a sandwich without setting at least two dishes on fire, you still cheered him on proudly and repeated he was part Mexican himself roughly 5 times a minute, claiming he was going to kill it.
“Kill it? More like kill one of us- CORPSE watch what you’re doing with that fucking knife! You’re proving my point!” Rae yelled at him as he giggled in delight, watching the woman gape at him in pure horror and Sykkuno watch his movements completely entranced as he played with the knife in his hands.
“You’re just mad that he’s going to make tacos fifty times better than you.” you said to Rae, chewing down on some M&Ms that Karl and you shared (both of you decided on a genius plan - you’re going to eat the whole bag before they’re done with cooking so you can claim you’re full and therefore can’t eat the atrocity that will most likely be the tacos).
“Don’t gas me up like that, Y/N, you are well aware I’m shit at cooking. Expect absolutely nothing from me.” he replied over the sizzling of the meat on the pan, throwing a whole spoonful of chili powder into it, earning loud yelling and scolding from your side and loud laughter from Rae.
“HALF A TEASPOON! Half a teaspoon, how have you not remembered this already?! We’ve made tacos a million times now, oh my God, you’re actually stupid.” you yelled at him, arms flailing in the direction of the seasoning to emphasise your ‘half a teaspoon’ point as Rae doubled over in laughter and Sykkuno looked into the pan with a concerned and somewhat afraid look. Just as he peeked in, the overwhelming smell of chili powder started biting away at his eyes, and he jumped away with a yelp.
“Jesus, Corpse!” he exclaimed, rubbing his eyes with his forearm as the whole room burst into laughter and Corpse suspiciously inspected his beef.
“What were you saying about your ‘Mexican king’, Y/N?” Rae asked, pulling out a few tortillas and putting them on the table. You huffed, grabbing another handful of M&Ms.
“Giving him up to God. He’s the only one who can help, at this point.” you said. She giggled in response and Corpse let out some sort of protesting sound and waved his knife around in complaint. “I don’t know who this man is. He broke into my kitchen and now I’m here.”
“Hey, I pay half of your rent!” he said, and you were about to reply but Rae dropped her meat into a pan full of overheated oil, and a loud hiss and some sort of a scream overtook the room as a cloud of steam shot into the air and she frantically looked around for the wooden spoon so the meat wouldn’t stick to the pan. You simply sat and laughed, eating the candy like it was popcorn and you were watching a shitty cooking show - it wasn’t that far from reality, really.
“Um, I just realised I don’t make many tacos, actually.” she said as she helplessly stirred the meat, turning to you with pleading eyes. “What seasoning even goes into this? Y/N, will you help me? Let’s team up against Corpse!”
You tilted your head in thought, but before you could even speak, Corpse spoke up.
“That’s not fucking fair, that’s-that’s against the rules.” he turned to you. “You won’t betray me, right?”
You laughed at him, adjusting in your seat. “I gave up on you ever since you added, like, 3 kilos of seasoning into the meat for no reason.” then you turned to Rae. “Sure, let’s do it, babe.”
Their loud yelling immediately started mixing, Rae’s cheers contrasting Corpse’s protesting. She stuck her tongue out at him meanwhile Corpse shot her the middle finger, and she turned back to you with a grin.
“Alright, what do I put in?”
Roughly twenty unnecessary and extremely long minutes later, the tacos were done, two each for each of them. Rae’s looked the best - probably because you guided her through the whole thing - next to Sykkuno’s, whose you were genuinely intrigued to try. While Corpse was arguing with Rae, he burned roughly half of his already ruined beef, and Karl made the very nice observation that it looked like a bird shat in a tortilla, which you proclaimed as the highlight of the video.
Since you and Karl claimed you were full, the three of them simply swapped tacos between each other as to be unbiased, and the two of you watched in amused suspense. You were actually quite interested to see what the end results were - you were first anxious and quite annoyed you even had to participate in the first place, because it meant losing your mind from jealousy, watching Corpse and Rae giggle and act all domestic while cooking, but jealousy simply dissipated somewhere half through the video as you watched the three argue if cheddar cheese belonged on tacos or not and Rae laugh at every stupid joke you cracked. Now, you sat, fully immersed as you stared at Sykkuno’s face; the poor guy ended up with the misfortune of having to try Corpse’s taco first.
“Zoom in, zoom in!” you whispered into Karl’s ear who complied and zoomed into Sykkuno’s face. He bit into the taco, chewing for a second before his face twisted in disgust and you began wheezing when he grabbed a tissue and spit it out, immediately grabbing his glass of water. Rae laughed at him as well, mouth full of his one, which she claimed she actually liked but it wasn’t as good as the “Y/NRae-co” as she proudly called it. Corpse silently ate Rae’s taco and refused to give a review on it because he was upset he got defeated, but the fact that he scarfed down the whole thing in a minute or so was enough of a review.
“Oh, come on, it can’t be that bad.” Corpse exclaimed when he saw Sykkuno’s bite in the tissue, grabbing the second taco he made and biting down on it. The whole room burst into laughter when he roughly swallowed, tears obvious in the one eye that showed, because of the overly spicy beef.
“What are you motherfuckers laughing at? It’s not that bad, I stand by tacorpse.”
“Tacorpse is actually genius. The one good thing you came up with during the entirety of this video.” Rae said and Corpse mumbled a fuck you in response.
“Well, I think we can all agree that me and Y/N’s taco was clearly the best.” she said, clasping her hands together.
“I actually think mine was better.” Sykkuno said, to which she pushed his plate out of the frame.
“Nobody asked you anything.”
“Don’t bully Sykkuno, I’ll fucking kick you out.”
“Oh yeah? I’m pretty sure Y/N would kick you out before they’d let you kick me!” Rae said, accusingly pointing her taco in Corpse’s direction.
“Alright, let’s wrap up the video.” Karl laughed behind the camera, and the three of them all turned to properly face it and end the video.
“Thank you all so much for watching, this has been an… interesting video, to say the least. Uh, thank you to Karl for filming this whole disaster, thank you to Corpse,” Rae gestured in his direction, “for lending us his kitchen, thank you to Sykkuno for probably getting us more views on this video, and also a big thank you to Y/N, Corpse’s better half for making this video way more interesting and helping me make probably, like, the best taco I’ve ever made.” she grinned and you shoved a peace sign in front of the camera.
“If you liked this video, check out Sykkuno and Corpse’s channels, they will be linked down below, and please click like and subscribe to support the channel! Again, thank you all for watching, see you later, bye!” she finished, and with that, Karl turned the camera off.
Silence engulfed the room. You sighed.
“Alright, who’s gonna clean this shit up?”
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hi! I hope you're doing well. may I request hcs of the demon brothers with an MC who needs to take medication? thank you!
After realizing I didn't have enough iron pills to last the full trip I made for new year and having my vision black out for a few seconds when I stood up, almost forgetting to take my anxiety meds myself and entering a possible sugar rush, I decided to change this to:
How The Brothers Remind You To Take Your Meds
If the time you take your meds match with breakfast or dinner time, he makes sure to place all the meds you need to take right besides your food with a note to remind you to take them. Any other time he resorts to sending you either a quick message or giving a quick call just to demand you to 'go take your meds right now'.
If you are like me even then you may still forget about it though lol
Which can possibly make him become more persistent, the nagging is real.
The first time you forget you bet you can't count on him to remind you, if you forgot 'bout it what makes ya think he would remember?!
So yeah, you would spend at least 2 to 3 days feeling like that one moment right before going on a trip where you just feel you forgot something, and only then he would be like "that reminds me, did ya take your meds today??"
From then on he starts remembering it earlier, sometimes right on time, other times one hour or two after. He also nags.
It's the best thing ever to have him be the one to remind you, because he then will give you a tip to how he remembers stuff: pretend life is like a game.
And so, just like in some games, specially in horror genre, where you need to do a certain thing from time to time to like, not go insane, you should take your meds too!
He reminds you in text messages like: "remember to keep watch of your stats!" Which is the same as him saying "drink water, eat, rest, take your meds and be healthy"
He's a cutie.
The nagging never stops. He WILL ask you when you are supposed to take them and he WILL be a pain in your ass ever since.
It's basically:
Satan: truth or dare
You: truth
Satan: did you take your meds?
You: ...dare-
Satan: go take your meds
He gives you rewards if you remember though, the rewards come like special log in bonuses where you get extra stuff on the first week, then every month.
Sticky notes galore;;;
It's on your wall right besides your bed, on your most used mug, it's on the sink, on the mirror, and why is there one in the bathroom stall at RAD how-
Yes it's filled with glitter, yes there are hearts and a possible kiss mark, yes it smells like him, yes they're all neatly decorated, yes he stalked your every movement (with the help of some of his brothers) so he could put a sticky note everywhere you are most likely to be reminding you not only to take your meds but to also think of him, treat yourself, think of him, drink water and you know, think of him.
Beelzebub & Belphegor
I chose to put these two together because they most likely have a very alike way of reminding you, which is less of a reminder and more of a: they are now currently holding out a pill right in front of you with a cup of water because they realized you didn't take them on time so it's much easier to just have you take it now than remind you and have you forget about it again.
Extremelly chill but also a bit uncanny? Like how the hell do they know you did or didn't take your meds?? Most people just assume one didn't take the meds just because they didn't see it happening but somehow when you remember to and take them out of the twins sight, they don't come later to have you take them.
And no, they don't explain how they do it.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑀𝑦 𝐺𝑖𝑟𝑙 (𝑆𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑤𝑎×𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟)
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Part Two / Part Three/ Part Four
Pairing: Bad boy! Park Seonghwa (Ateez)/ Reader (Female)
Genre: Fluff, Angst, School AU.
Summary: Y/N never cared about a lot, her only goal was to get through college as quickly as possible. One day, she makes eye contact with the notorious bad boy class and unintentionally glares at him. Did she just screw up her peaceful school life?
Requested by a very close friend who better appreciate this or else :) ♡
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Only 2 minutes had passed since Y/N had looked at the clock, but it felt like an eternity. She always did hate computer science. Not because she felt it was difficult or kept her up at all hours of the night trying to finish the assigned tasks, that was more of a biochemistry thing. It was because although her professor was really excellent at teaching them and helping them maneuver all the software, he had an awful tendency to leave early, sometimes up to half an hour, and just let them do as they pleased. While some decided to watch stupid cat videos, browse through their social media, others went as far as to play video games or even go onto some questionable websites that more than once made her cringe with disgust.
Y/N often just sat there, either finishing up assignments for her other classes or bored to death, waiting for it to be 1pm so she could go off campus and get something to eat. Having forgotten to eat breakfast, even a simple untoasted bagel cause she accidentally overslept through her alarm, she could really use some fuel in her system. She was tired, hungry and therefore moody, which was never a good combination.
She groaned softly and let her head fall back on the head of the chair. She closed her eyes, not caring about dozing off right then and there in front of the whole class. What would they care? They're too immersed in their narcissistic fake Instagram lives or their sadomasochistic porn desires to pay attention to her. In fact, no one ever really payed attention to her and she didn't care. She liked it that way. Invisible, unseen. It meant no one bothered her and no distractions from her only goal in life. No one seemed to notice or even look at her.
That's what she believed. But for some odd reason she couldn't shake off a weird feeling of someone watching her. She slowly opened her eyes and was indeed met with a pair of dark, glassy eyes staring right at her. Dark eyes sitting on top of a perfectly straight nose, small luscious pink lips accompanying a sharp jawline only complimenting the rest of his heavenly features.
Park Seonghwa.
If someone were to ask Y/N her honest opinion of him, she'd probably respond:
"I don't know. Everyone is afraid of him and everyone tells horror stories though."
Yes, he had a reputation for being the school's bad boy. She's personally never actually seen him be violent towards anyone, but she had heard about fights that often happened at the football field, always ending in his apparent victory. She never payed mind to such stories, frankly she didn't even care. She had even forgotten that he was in the same class as her, up until this very moment.
She somehow expected him to look away, but he didn't. He kept his gaze locked on hers. In any other circumstance, she would have looked away, but something about his stare kept her from looking away. The corners of his lips were slightly curled upward, almost as if they were forming a soft smile. That could just be his lip shape though, after all, she's never actually looked at him closely. His eyes as well had a particular glow to them, and if she wasn't in such a bad mood maybe....just maybe, she would have felt her cheeks heat up and turn a baby pink shade. But she simply looked away after a minute of staring into his eyes. Wait...was it a minute?
Yep. Pretty much around that time. 2 minutes left until her torture ended. Maybe if she looked at it hard enough, maybe time would go faster. Foolish thought but it is often said that the mind works wonders. Although in this case it seemed to be doing the opposite of what she wanted. And she still felt the same pair of eyes staring at her. So turning back she found she was correct.
Only this time instead of curled lips and glowy eyes, she was met with furrowed eyebrows and a clenched jaw. Now she felt a shiver ran down her spine as Seonghwa glared at her, almost as if he was threatening her. And it truly was menacing.
The light twinkling of a bell signaled that it was 1pm and time to leave. Y/N grabbed her books that were out in front of her desktop and quickly shoved them in her book bag as if it was an Olympic sport. She nearly tripped as she scurried out of the classroom, ignoring the throbbing pain on her shin which had collided with the leg of the chair. All she knew is that she didn't want to stay long enough to figure out if all the stories she heard about Park Seonghwa were true or not. So she practically ran out of the campus, completely forgetting about her hunger or tiredness. She was fully awake now and her stomach felt sick that she couldn't possibly even think about taking a bite out of anything.
Meanwhile the man she left behind at the classroom stood there in shock, his mouth letting out a soft scoff at her behavior. He shook his head as he picked up his jacket that was hanging on his chair and a notebook that had fallen out a few feet away from the row of computers in front of him. His mind was already working, planning on how to deal with this.
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I heard he was pissed.
Didn't you hear the way he slammed the door?
She must have done something to piss him off.
I don't know, all I know is that Seonghwa was fuming while muttering something about giving it to her.
Whoever she is, she sounds as good as dead.
That's what Y/N overheard some girls gossiping about while she was in the bathroom. Now half of the school was hell bent on finding out who was the mysterious girl who dared glare at Seonghwa and what he'd do to her. That's practically what the school thrived on: gossip and drama. And frankly, she wanted no part in it.
So for the next week, she completely changed her usual routine. She purposefully used routes that she'd never gone through before to attend her classes, she refused to eat at any nearby cafes around the neighborhood, and she went as far as to not physically attend her computer science course. One of the blessings of a course involving a computer was the fact she could do it right at home and she decided to take full advantage of it. And she most certainly avoided any places where she knew Seonghwa and his group of friends tended to hang around in.
She was scared, she was willing to admit that. Scared of whatever Seonghwa was planning for her, scared of it becoming the new school gossip and overall just terrified. So even if it was a pain and hassle to go to such extremes, she wanted to avoid the confrontation at all times and she thought she was doing a fairly good job.
Apparently not good enough.
Having forgotten a few things in her locker, she went back after almost everyone had cleared out, only the staff stayed behind at this hour, locked in the teacher's lounge no doubt complaining about their day's work. She was so distracted trying to organize the books and journals in her arms that she was only brought back to reality when her locker was slammed shut right in front of her, frightening her so much that she dropped all her things to the ground. She looked back and froze when it was none other than Seonghwa who stood in front of her.
"6 days..."
His deep voice felt like ice, freezing her from moving let alone breathe.
"For 6 whole days, I've been waiting for you in class, only to find out you stayed home. Then, no matter where I searched, you always figured out a way to avoid me...."
Seonghwa leaned down, close to her face, smirking right at her.
"Well I finally caught you little one....and there's been something I wanted to do..."
Oh no! This was exactly what she feared. There was no one around to protect her or even witness what was going to happen. So Y/N closed her eyes and braced herself for whatever was going to come. She only hoped that it would end as quickly as possible.
"I like you."
Wait. What?
She looked up in shock, wondering if she heard what she thought. Seonghwa had leaned back up and stared at her.
"I like you. I've been wanting to tell you that. " He repeated himself.
Y/N didn't even know what face she made, but whatever it was, it made Seonghwa chuckle softly at her reaction. Bending down, he began to pick up her stuff that she dropped.
"I don't expect you to confess your feelings for me nor even answer me at the moment." He continued as he handed her the books and journals.
"I know you're confused right now, I would be too if I was in your place. Besides...."
He looked at her and smiled very faintly.
"There's plenty of time to get to know each other. After all, the weekend starts tomorrow."
He picked up his bookbag that he had previously set down on the floor and slung it over his shoulder. Then he took out a baby pink journal with sparkles on the side from his bag.
"By the way, you left this at class when you ran out the door." He handed her what rightfully belonged to her. She recognized it as her sketching notepad.
"See you soon Y/N. Real soon." He winked and waved goodbye at her before walking away.
Y/N stood there, her mouth wide open and looking around, questioning if this was a dream, a nightmare or reality.
What the hell just happened?!
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"Medium hot white chocolate mocha with Irish cream syrup and whip cream."
The customer went up to the counter and picked up their drink, not even bothering to say a thank you or even acknowledge her presence.
"Thank you. Have a very nice day." Y/N repeated the customary line they all had to say when someone left the shop, making sure to add a warm smile and to use a light tone of voice.
Once the customer had left, Y/N turned back to her coworker, Jinhee, who was already groaning.
"That old geezer was such a pain! You're lucky you didn't take his order. I was about to strangle him." Jinhee complained and made a choking gesture with her hands.
"That bad huh?" Y/N asked as she wiped down the counter around the espresso machine.
"It's Saturday Y/N, and it's almost night. What do you expect? Only Karens and their annoying husbands come by for caffeine at this hour." Jinhee shook her head, tired from dealing with so many demanding and pushy customers.
"Look on the bright side, it's almost 7, meaning we get to go home soon." Y/N tried to remain positive.
"Hell yeah! I can't wait. Me and the girls are heading out to that club I was telling you about. You should seriously come."
Y/N expected Jinhee to ask her to join them, she always did. She loved Jinhee, she really did, but her style of having fun wasn't exactly her cup of tea. Y/N did not want to spend a perfectly good night getting shit faced drunk and waking up the next morning in some stranger's bed.
"Thanks Ji, but no. I have...plans tonight." She quickly said, although both knew that was a total lie.
"Yeah..... let me guess, plans that involve packets of ramen, an order of chicken wings, tub of ice cream while you rewatch some anime about a demon butler or about a people murdering journal?" Y/N hated how Jinhee knew her so well.
"Leave me alone!" Y/N threw the rag in her hand at her friend, who was now laughing at her reaction.
They both went back to their usual task of cleaning and disinfecting what was already clean since there weren't many customers when it was nearing closing time. Jinhee decided to go to the back room to make sure everything would be stocked for the next day, leaving Y/N to attend anyone who came in. Since she wasn't expecting anyone, she took out her notepad and began sketching like she usually did. She didn't know why, but the serene, tranquil atmosphere in the coffee shop, the scent of the freshly brewed coffee mixed with the light hint of cinnamon and other spices always seemed to inspire her to draw to her heart's content. And right now, she knew she wanted to draw a face. What face exactly? She didn't know. But she decided to start drawing the outline to give her a base to work with, while she figured out if she'd draw someone she knew or just an imaginary person that would only live in her mind.
The ringing of the bell signaled that someone had come inside, just when she was about to relax. Getting up, she quickly put her notebook out of sight and straightened her apron.
"Welcome! What can I get for-"
She stopped when she looked up to see Seonghwa himself in the shop. He looked at her and snorted softly.
"Don't you look adorable in that uniform."
Y/N pouted slightly, feeling self conscious about the pink and red apron.
"Aww come on, don't give me that look doll. You do look cute." Seonghwa complimented her, making her blush a little.
"Wha-what can I get for you?" She cleared her throat and went back to being professional.
Seonghwa scanned the menu options before looking back at Y/N. He studied her features closely before asking:
"What's your favorite drink?"
"Huh?" Y/N wasn't expecting him to ask her that.
It always did threw her off whenever people asked her what she liked. She hated answering cause customers would always say how boring her favorite drink was or complain it wasn't their type. Well if it's not your type, then why ask in the first place right?
"I'm still waiting for an answer doll."
Seonghwa's voice brought her out of her trance. She pondered over her choices: either tell him and get it over with or just lie and pick some random drink.
"I like a simple hot chocolate with caramel." Guess the first option was the winner.
Seonghwa looked at her endearingly when she answered.
"Not a fan of actual coffee?" He raised an eyebrow.
She shook her head. Ironic how she worked in a coffee shop yet couldn't even down a simple cafe latte cause the espresso felt too bitter on her tastebuds. Seonghwa chuckled softly, muttering a barely audible 'cute' under his breath.
"Well little lady, I guess I'll take a medium one of those and a small strawberry frappe. No coffee in that one either please."
Y/N looked at him with a questioning gaze.
"What? You're not the only one who doesn't like coffee sweetheart."
He handed her a $20 bill, not even bothering to hear the price and telling her to keep the change. He then sat down at the closest table and watched as she skillfully prepared the drinks.
When she heard the sound of the machines working, Jinhee rushed out to the front, thinking Y/N needed help.
"Do you need help?" Jinhee asked as she looked over, trying to see what Y/N was preparing.
"Relax Ji. It's only a frappe and a hot chocolate, not that difficult. It's for the guy over there." She turned her head and signaled to Seonghwa.
Jinhee had to do a double take when she saw him, her jaw dropping. Then she looked back towards Y/N.
"What?" Y/N asked as she piped the whipped cream on the frappe.
"Did one of your anime boys come to life!?" She exclaimed, making Y/N slap her arm and try to shush her.
"Shut up! That's just a guy in my class." Y/N explained as she put the drinks in a tray and maneuvered herself to put them in the front counter.
"Well now I wanna transfer to your college." Jinhee giggled, making Y/N unconsciously smile at her comment, trying hard not to laugh or she'd end up spilling everything.
"Your order is ready." She composed herself and went back to her usual demeanor.
Seonghwa walked up slowly to the counter and took the frappe and straw in front of him.
"You should smile like that more often. Makes you look even prettier."
Y/N felt her breath get caught at his comment and Jinhee nearly squealing in the back wasn't helping. She just blinked slowly as Seonghwa walked away with his frappe.
"Wait! You forgot the other drink!" She called out to him when she remembered how to use her voice.
Seonghwa shrugged.
"It's for you. You did say it was your favorite right?"
He opened the door and took one last look at her.
"See you later." He winked like he did the last time they saw each other and walked out of the shop.
Y/N stood frozen, replaying everything in her mind. Jinhee's loud voice shook her awake though.
"Holy shit! You're so lucky! He was totally hitting on you! Is he like this in class too?! I'm so jelly! Oh my God! I want one of your lover boys too!" She crossed her arms and huffed slightly.
Y/N got flustered at her comment.
"He's not my lover boy....." She whispered softly and started wiping the counter to try and get her mind off Seonghwa.
"Not yet.....but he might be." Jinhee playfully nudged her on the shoulder before giggling like a dolphin.
Y/N rolled her eyes. She still couldn't wrap the idea that Park Seonghwa actually liked her. It was a concept so foreign to her, it didn't make sense. She stared at the hot chocolate in front of her. She contemplated throwing it away, but it was too tempting. And it was for her.....
She picked up the cup and started taking small sips out of it, trying hard not to burn her tongue like she usually did. She replayed the conversation in her head once more and she found herself replaying his last words:
"See you later."
What on earth did he mean by that?
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*Possible part 2 coming up*
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thereaderstea · 4 years
G´day tor-mon, how are you<3? Recommend me your favourite bts!jungkook x reader fics! so I guess its not an au?(no smut✋🚫)
Merry meet, nonnie! I am well, busy and a little stressed because I had a power outage yesterday, but well nonetheless ☺️ I hope you are merry in the holidays (if you celebrate) and are happy and healthy 😄🖤💜
asdfghjkl, my favorite JJK x Reader fics? I have to choose? 😰 *has an existential crisis*
Alright, after some deep reflection, an existential crisis, and fighting the urge to devour these fics again (you have a mission, tor-mon!), I present to you my current favorite JJK fics (this list is only bound to grow). These fics have made me feel so intensely and I think about these fics a lot (an unhealthy amount, probably). I sorted them by genre: fluff to angst to yandere.
tor-mon’s Favorite JJK x Reader Fics
Sugar and Coffee by @jimlingss​  ➵Fluff, Angst, Slice of Life | slice of life au |  pâtisserie school au | enemies to friends to lovers au | Slice of Life series | 23 ch series | 100.5k ➵You are quite the pâtisserie chef, or at least on your way to becoming one, but there’s that one person who always has to complain, Jeon Jungkook.  ➵A masterpiece, honestly. I remember cracking up so hard over their competitions, the banter, and dynamics, but nothing beats that one day after the dream... I don’t want to spoil! but I do want to warn that there is a wet dream (not too graphic and it’s not a lot, I promise) somewhere in there, but honestly, it’s so hilarious.
Chess of Ice by Jimlingss​ | The Reader’s Tea Reviews 1 | 2 | 3 ➵Fluff, a lil bit of Angst | sports au | curling au | trilogy | 42.8k ➵Jeon Jungkook is a rising star, that is, until he falls. Now he’s picking up another sport, curling. ➵I love a good team dynamic and the characters in this are everything 🙌🏻
Date in a Box by Jimlingss​  ➵Fluff | Service Series | oneshot | 9.7k (Jimlingss’s summary: ) ➵If you’re in a hurry then we’re here to help you! Everything you need in a box. Delivery less than five minutes. Upgrade and we can personalize your date even more! Guaranteed 100%! Don’t fret, we’re here.  ➵I love the entire Service Series because the concepts are so much fun and they’re hilarious and I love the service descriptions, aka the commercials XD
I Will Not Lose! by Jimlingss​ ➵Fluff | magic au | oneshot | 6.2k (Jimlingss’s summary: ) ➵A single bet - use every means to make Jeon Jungkook fall in love with you. ➵It’s fluffy and cute, and it’s got that hint of enemies to lovers, especially with how competitive the mc gets over this bet. And the ending! asdfghjkl ^.^ 
midas by @gukyi​  ➵Fluff, (light) Angst, Comedy | enemies to lovers au | ceo au| magical realism au | oneshot | 32k (gukyi’s summary: ) ➵jeon jungkook was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and the power to turn whatever he wants into pure gold. you were born with healing and invisibility powers but without a cent to your name. so when you’re plucked off of the streets for pickpocketing and assigned to be his minder as punishment, you realize you’re going to have to overcome a lot more than class differences if either of you are going to get what you want. (or,) ➵you become Jungkook’s magical babysitter ➵I really love this concept! This fic is what got me looking into magical realism as an entire genre. But also, who doesn’t love a good enemies to lovers? and from the master of enemies to lovers 🙌🏻
ice prince by gukyi | The Reader’s Tea Review   ➵Fluff, (very light) Angst | figure skating au | enemies to lovers au | oneshot | 22k ➵Your ice skating partner just had to break his leg right before a big competition and “of all people on this godforsaken Earth, you’ve been re-paired up with Jeon Jungkook, Ice Prince.” ➵an axel-lent enemies to lovers :D I love it so much! And I really love Tae and mc’s friendship and all those icebreaker questions ☺️
if i told you by gukyi​  ➵Fluff, (light) Angst, Comedy | friends to lovers au | college au | oneshot | 22k ➵Jeon Jungkook is a broke college student, so to pay off his debt, he sells himself as the perfect boyfriend. If only you weren’t a broke college student either, then maybe you could buy yourself a date with Jungkook. ➵The mc is so not what I expected, (no spoilers!) all I will say is that I really love how supportive she is. I also love how close they are and this Jungkook is too fluffy and cute! ^.^
a moonlight melody by gukyi​ | The Reader’s Tea Reviews 1 | 2 ➵Fluff, Soft Angst | fake dating au | orchestra au | vacation au | duology | 50k ➵Your best friend has pranked you too many times and you’ve done nothing about it, because you, quite frankly, suck at pranking. As such, Jungkook ➵This is so soft and magical and sweet and soft ☺️ and did I mention soft? but also all those memes! There is so much good and wholesome and hilarious dynamics in here! This is the kind of fic that makes me wish I had a big friend group to do crazy stuff like this (but I hear you have to leave your house and, like, socialize??)
Down With The Ship by @tatastaetae | The Reader’s Tea Reviews 1 | 2 | 3 ➵Fluff, Angst | pirate au | trilogy | 25.4k ➵ You board a ship to escape forced love; but you join a pirate crew to fall into the arms of your only true and constant love: the sea. (or, tatastaetae’s summary: ) ➵Captain Jeon Jungkook; a beautiful mess of blood and gold. His greatest treasure, may also be his greatest downfall. ➵Very very fluffy! I love the adventure and the antics and I still want to know what’s in that soup, Jin! But that ending, holy heck, I didn’t see it coming and I just malfunctioned and stared at my wall in shock for who knows how long, and I just love tatastaetae’s fluffy writing which always somehow wrecks my soul! ^.^
His Name by @jimlingss ➵Angst | multiple personality au | 8 part series | 52.4k ➵Jeon Jungkook has multiple personalities and gaps in his memory. It’s your job to treat him and perhaps help him remember his past... ➵This is the first bts fic I ever read (a special thanks to Nani for reccing it ☺️) and so it holds a special place in my black heart, especially because I sobbed so hard at 3 in the morning and my mind was stuck on this for days
Gravity by @donewithjeon | The Reader’s Tea Review ➵Angst, Fluff | ‘90s au | oneshot | 29k ➵Time can bring you together, but Time can also push you apart; will you and Jungkook be able to fight the distance and Time to stay together, or were you always meant to only share this descent to earth for just a moment, always meant to eventually drift apart? ➵I am a wimp when it comes to Time, but does that stop me from reading fics that exploit that weakness? nope! That last train scene destroyed my heart and that entire ending, the acceptance, stabbed me in the heart, for good measure.
written on the sky by @inktae​ | The Reader’s Tea Review ➵Angst, Fluff | apocalyptic au? | end of the world au | ‘seeking a friend at the end of the world’ au | oneshot | 22k ➵The 60-mile-wide asteroid was supposed to slip by Earth, but it’s a little late to change its course or do anything about it except to prepare for the end. So while you’re waiting for the end, find a friend, someone to hold a hand with at the end of the world. ➵I was sobbing before the fic even finished. The odd thing is that you know the end, but knowing doesn’t prepare you for the feels. 
below thunder showers by inktae | The Reader’s Tea Review ➵ Angst, lil bits of Fluff | sci-fi au | oneshot | 30k ➵ Yoongi leads Earth, while you lead a withered space station. You go to Earth to settle the tensions that have been brewing between Earth and the space station, and Jeon Jungkook, a broken soldier who holds a deep love for the rain, is there to deliver you. ➵we stan a fellow pluviophile ✊🏻 I am so conflicted over this Min Yoongi >.< but Jungkook is so soft and he really didn’t deserve to live this way :(
first light by inktae | The Reader’s Tea Review ➵Angst, Fluff | hotarubi no mori e au | 24.8k (inktae’s synopsis: ) ➵“Have you ever felt like the world is too loud sometimes?” “No. For me it’s always quiet.” ➵This fic wrecked me and made me so conflicted >.< I can never forget this fluffy, masked boy who lives in the woods and silence...
the swirling way of stars by inktae | The Reader’s Tea Review ➵Angst, Fluff | fantasy au | oneshot | 19k ➵You’re tasked with showing Jeon Jungkook what it’s like to live a completely normal life. ➵It’s just falling in love with life itself, the simple things, and it’s written so magically...how can you not fall in love?
the train of lost souls by inktae | The Reader’s Tea Review ➵Angst, lil bits of Fluff | fantasy au | oneshot | 13.6k ➵You have two options when you step on the train: you can live but forget your life, and everyone in your life will forget you, or you can move on and keep your memories for the rest of time. But, how can you choose when part of your soul rests on this train, and the other part longs for someone just out of reach... ➵Once again, I’m a wimp with Time, and the choices really get me thinking...
Pen Pal by @chinkbihh​  ➵Part 1 | Part 1.5 | Part 2 | Final 1/2 | Final 2/2 ➵Angst, Horror? | yandere au | murder and crime au | pen pal au | trilogy | 127.3k ➵Warnings: mental disorders (agoraphobia?), yandere, murder (stabbing)  ➵You sign up to receive a pen pal and are paired up with an inmate, jungkook. You just wanted to talk to someone who could understand what it’s like to be removed from society, but you just may be getting more than you asked for... ➵I love a good yandere fic, there’s something about a yandere’s demented psychology that calls to me, and it’s always so interesting to see how one yandere differs from another, especially in different scenarios. But please please please read and be mindful of the warnings in case it just doesn’t vibe with you.
Quarter Quell by chinkbihh ➵Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | +more  ➵Angst, Horror? | yandere au | hunger games au | ongoing ➵You have resigned to your fate as a tribute in the next hunger games when someone from District Two takes an interest in you...a bit too much of an interest, you’d say. ➵I am a little hesitant to rec this because it isn’t finished, but the premise is exciting and I am really amped for the next chapter in this fic, heck yeah! I mean, heck, a yandere hunger games au? let’s go! But please please please read the warnings in case it just doesn’t vibe with you
Bonus rec!
I haven’t read this fic, but my friend, Nani, rec’d it to me the other day, and it sounds so exciting :D so I’ll let her tell you about it:
Fan Identity by @tteokggukk​  ➵Fluff, Crack, Angst | enemies to lovers au | social media au | 37 ch series   ➵Influencer!JK is whipped for influencer!reader. Both don’t know they’re interacting with each other on their secret fan accounts. You’re rooting for the two long before they properly meet. But the best part? You’re rooting for their pseudos, Blair Witch and Seagull, as well. ➵I laugh, I pause, I gasp. The conflict between the two mc’s hurt. Honestly, it made the story worth the read.
Can I also...🥺...may I suggest:
10 Series by @deepdarkdelights | The Reader’s Tea Reviews 1 | 2 | 3 | The Reader’s Tea Analysis ➵10 Seconds | 10 Days | 10 Years ➵Horror? | yandere au | Bouquet Series | 10 Series | trilogy | 29.2k ➵You’re just a college student returning home from a late night out trying to finish up your ungodly college work...but “All it took was ten seconds” and well, now, you’re his. ➵How can I not include my favorite yandere writer, the master of yandere, herself? 🥺 I’m only hesitant because you requested no smut and I respect that, but if you are alright with a small smut scene (I promise there’s not too much) or even just skimming/skipping over it, I would highly recommend this series 🙌🏻 The smut scene is in the final installment (10 Years). It’s an all-time favorite from an all-time favorite writer. But please please please read the warnings in case it just doesn’t vibe with you.
Happy reading, carissima! I hope at least one of these fics will become your favorite, too ☺️ Let me know what you think as well after you’ve given the authors some love ☺️
Well met!
your fellow reading monster,
tor-mon 🖤
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
Danger: Obsidian |1| - JUYEON
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Pairing: Juyeon x gender neutral!reader
Genre: fluff, angst, fantasy, royalty!au
Triggers: death, semi-graphic depictions of blood
Word Count: 5.1k
Lesson 4: sometimes, it is not your duty or even your right to render judgment. Stepping back does not always constitute cowardice.
Previous: Amethyst >> Obsidian: Part 1 | Part 2 >> Next: Ruby
TBZ Masterlist | Danger | Kingdom
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Juyeon would dearly love to know just how these soldiers and mages keep tracking him and Kevin down.
Seriously. They’ve covered their tracks as best as they can, leaving not a single footprint behind (literal and metaphorical) wherever they don’t have to. Yet somehow, in every other town they end up, either some ivory soldier manages to find them, or they spot someone suspicious looking around who turns out to be on Somin’s side.
At this point, Juyeon doesn’t even care about finding more jewels. All he can focus on is this game of cat and mouse with Somin, where the queen knows how to find them while they have no way of fighting back.
Not very fair odds, but since when has Somin played fair?
(“Never,” Kevin reminds him that terrifying time they were crouched together beneath a trash heap (yes, beneath – not even behind, like in Ember) and Juyeon hissed out the question in a futile attempt at keeping himself together. “Not even when we were kids.”
He remembers all too well.)
In a way, Juyeon has to thank her, though. In the past few months, he probably hasn’t gotten more than an average of three hours of sleep a night (Kevin even less). It might be turning his body into a useless lump of flesh and bones, but at least he doesn’t have the nightmares.
(The nightmares in which Sunwoo stares at him with betrayed eyes and a bloody smile slit into his throat while Mage Han tells him he will never be fit to be king.
On those nights, Juyeon almost wishes for the dream of jeweled roses and mysterious figures to take the nightmare’s place. Then he remembers silver bushes and shades that look too much like Sunwoo to be a coincidence and erases that wish immediately.)
It’s raining tonight. Though Juyeon normally wouldn’t enjoy rain while he’s forced to stay outdoors, if it’s slowing him and Kevin down, it means any pursuants have been hindered, too. He and Kevin throw themselves under a large tree at the edge of a forest, the foliage blocking most of the downpour as they try not to feel so damn cold.
No sleep, Juyeon tells himself, despite his eyelids beginning to drag down. No sleep. No sleep. He needs to say alert in case the guards somehow find them through the dripping rain.
Even then, he almost drifts off, the relentless pounding of water on the forest floor soothing his brain into slumber. Thankfully, Kevin jerks him awake when the downpour slows, pointing up the tree they’re sheltered under. “Let’s go, Juyeon.”
They climb up the tree – Kevin nearly falls twice, Juyeon once – and settle themselves among the large branches. Between the dark and the dense leaves, it’ll be hard for anyone to see them. And even if they do, being up high has more of an advantage than being on the ground.
(Unless you happen to be a certain clumsy Onyx prince who trips over his own feet when he isn’t looking, but whatever)
Minutes, then hours pass in darkness. Juyeon feels his eyes beginning to droop once more.
Then Kevin starts.
In a flash, Juyeon’s wide awake, turning to his friend. His eyes, barely visible in the night, raise the question he can’t speak.
Kevin shrugs. “Heard something,” he whispers, barely audible over the pattering rain. “Probably nothing.”
It might be nothing, but Juyeon peers through the leaves anyway. “Probably nothing” was a mistake they made one too many times when they started out after finding the amethyst. Before then, they had Sunwoo to keep them cautious and in check.
Juyeon’s throat chokes. Weeks have dulled the pain, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still exist. He swallows down the lump, though, keeping his eyes trained on the ground.
Caution can’t take a backseat to emotion, after all.
After one, two, three moments of silence, Juyeon’s about to relax, about to return to his original position on the tree branch and brush it off as nothing.
Then he hears it, something padding on the damp earth.
Kevin looks down too, back tense. Juyeon risks a glance at his friend. “Be ready to run,” he murmurs, barely moving his lips. A terse nod follows.
A figure, relatively tall and somewhat familiar, slips through the trees. Juyeon frowns. Familiarity rarely bodes well – it usually signals a mage who’s gotten too close one too many times – but this…
Kevin lets out an audible gasp. Before Juyeon can stop him, he’s throwing himself down the tree with none of his usual grace and tackling the figure to the ground.
Castling queens. Juyeon curses under his breath as he begins climbing down the tree. “Kevin –”
Then the figure stands, Kevin helping him up with a blinding, teary smile on his face.
Juyeon almost loses his grip on the tree.
“Jacob,” he whispers. “Pawns and – Jacob.”
The mage grins shakily, his signature gentle smile spread over his face. “Hi.”
. . . . .
With the exception of the day he was broken out of the ivory palace, Jacob has never felt so relieved to see a familiar face – two, actually. Wrapped in his cousin’s arms, he almost breaks down right then and there. The tears start to fall the second Juyeon puts a hand on his shoulder.
It’s hard to tell between the rain and the dark, but Juyeon and Kevin seem to be crying too. They all stand together for a few minutes in silence, at least, not saying anything as rain drips around them.
“How did you find us?” Kevin finally asks. “Sunmi said something about how you could track me, but you were so far away…”
“Yes.” Jacob wipes away the last of the warm tears on his face. “I couldn’t sense you at first, obviously. Even having spent so much time with you, your magic trace isn’t nearly strong enough for that. When the Valkyries came, they told me you were starting off in Castia, so I shifted there first.”
“The Valkyries?” Juyeon’s tone turns apprehensive. “Do you know if any of them escaped?”
His heart stings. It really stings as Jacob lowers his head, closing his eyes against the memories washing through his mind of a single Valkyrie, a single knight, the knight he loved who sent him away.
“No,” he whispers. “I don’t know. They… they told me to leave.”
And he left. It was his duty, his responsibility.
None of that means he had to like it, though.
Kevin holds his hand, squeezes it. The slight pressure of his palm comforts Jacob, a spot of warmth amidst the cold rain.
“I’m sorry,” Juyeon murmurs. “I shouldn’t have asked.”
“No, it’s not your fault.” Jacob tries to smile. “I would be curious too. Anyway, when I got to Castia, you were already gone, so I tracked the traces of your magic that you left behind. And followed the rumors.”
Juyeon groans. “Rumors?”
“Come on, Juyeon.” Kevin nudges him. “After we tore a jewel right off the queen’s neck, you thought there wouldn’t be any gossip about that? Nothing at all?”
Jacob frowns. That doesn’t add up. “You tore a jewel off her neck? I thought it was someone else.”
Uncomfortable silence falls over the trio. Jacob swallows. Sensitive topic. “Sorry –”
“No, it’s fine.” Juyeon swallows hard, like he’s unsticking something from the back of his throat. “I… we had someone with us. His name was Sunwoo. He’s dead now. One of the mages following us killed him.” His fists clench visibly even in the dark. “And then I killed the mage.”
Jacob blinks. His Highness, the kind, gentle, clumsy Crown Prince Lee Juyeon, killed someone? Killed a mage? He almost doesn’t believe it, but the haunted look on Juyeon’s face and Kevin’s downcast eyes tell him the truth.
Forget what he said before about familiar faces. Juyeon and Kevin look the same, have the same lips and noses and bone structures as before. But the memories that haunt their eyes speak of different people, people who have changed in the few months since he last saw them.
Juyeon looks over at Jacob, barely meeting his gaze. It takes him a second to understand why, but the fear visible in Juyeon’s eyes speaks volumes.
He must be afraid Jacob will judge him for it.
A little part of Jacob wants to reel and crumble with Juyeon’s admission. Even as a mage, he’s never hurt anyone on purpose, much less killed someone. But a larger part, a much larger part that has seen and lived through a mere fraction of the Ivory Queen’s horrors, understands her control and the situations she’s created that sometimes force decisions.
Like when he had to leave his Valkyrie behind.
Jacob takes one of Juyeon’s limp, cold hands and holds it between his own. “Ivory mages can’t be trusted,” he says.
The prince’s head rises.
Still squeezing Juyeon’s hand, Jacob nods once, memories flooding his brain of the last minutes he spent in the ivory palace. “Mage Kang was the one who led me out of the dungeon,” he says.
Kevin gasps. “Kang, too?”
“Yes.” Jacob nods, bitterness twisting his lips. “And there was at least one more in the room before I escaped. I don’t know what kind of hold the Ivory Queen has over them, but if it’s strong enough for them to betray the board, then I can’t fault you for killing one of them. No one can. Especially if they forced your hand.”
Silence, save for the slowing patter of raindrops on the grass. Jacob doesn’t care that water is sliding down his face, freezing his skin. The warmth of company, even with these stark confessions, is more than enough to make up for it.
“So what rumors did you hear?” Kevin finally asks, a half-smile quirking his lips that Jacob returns. “Must’ve been some crazy ones, if you were able to follow them all the way here.”
A small laugh leaves Jacob’s lips. “I heard one that you were part of a band of jewel robbers called the Phantom Thieves,” he says, which makes both Juyeon and his cousin snort. “I didn’t have enough underground contacts to get the full picture, but once I found a trail of your magic and followed you to Ember, I heard about scuffles in the forest and was able to trace you here. You move fast.” He smiles, ruffling the red cloak on his back ruefully. “I might’ve caught up sooner if I wasn’t stuck charming this.”
“Why?” Kevin frowns.
“If a mage knew me well enough, which several of them did because I trained with them, they could trace me through my magic if I didn’t try to mask it.” Jacob looks at the prince, whose face is now covered in a stricken expression. “What?”
Juyeon swallows. “Could a mage track us through the jewels from the crown? From magic traces or something?”
Next to him, Kevin gasps. “By the higher orders… that’s how they traced us,” he whispers. “Pawns and kings.”
“You’re probably right.” Jacob holds out a hand. “Let me see them?”
Juyeon produces two gems from his pocket, one blue and one purple. Beneath the faint moonlight beginning to peek out from the clouds, they glitter in the dark.
A soft gasp rises in Jacob’s throat as he takes them, but he keeps it down. The sapphire is set into a necklace, while heavy board surrounds the amethyst. He frowns. “Why are they so…”
“Somin set the sapphire into a necklace, and I cut the amethyst out the back of a painting,” Kevin supplies. He cringes. “Tell you later. We couldn’t detach them, I think they’re bound by magic.”
The jewels hum with energy in his hands. Definitely magic. “I’ll see if I can free them,” Jacob promises. “And the traces are faint, but…” His eyes narrow as he focuses on the amethyst. “A trained mage will recognize even the weakest bits of their own magic. With the skill of the mages who must have torn the jewels from the crown, it wouldn’t have been hard.”
Juyeon nods, outstretching a hand to take the gems back, but Jacob stays fixated on the amethyst. Something about the faint trace feels familiar, awfully familiar.
He closes his eyes, focused on the slight hum emanating from the purple gem.
“Mage Jung,” he whispers, opening his eyes again. “I recognize this trace. High Mage Jung tore it from the crown.”
Juyeon’s face turns white. “Are you… are you sure.”
Jacob sends a searching glance at his cousin, asking a question with his eyes. Why does Mage Jung’s name trigger the prince so much? Surely it isn’t just the betrayal – it isn’t like he and the mage were extremely close or anything.
Kevin’s eyebrows knit in grief and fury. “He killed Changmin,” he states coldly.
No, no, no, no, no.
Jacob knew the young gray mage was dead, heard it when he was in the dungeons under the Ivory palace. But to hear that one of the highest mages in the land killed him, one of the most powerful protectors of the balance…
He sits down. His legs definitely don’t have the strength to keep holding him up. “Queens.” He looks at Juyeon, praying he won’t get the confirmation he doesn’t want to receive. “How do you know?”
“A dream,” Juyeon replies shortly. “The same dream that took me on this jewel chase.”
Dreams can be unreliable, Jacob wants to say. Not a single piece of his body wants to believe what his cousin and the prince are saying. But neither of them is known to lie, and if Juyeon was so affected by this dream that he left his kingdom to pursue its message, then it must be true.
“Tell me about the dream?”
Juyeon tells it all, tells of jewel-toned roses and silver leaves and a dead gray mage who passed on his insignia. It sounds unbelievable, even more so than some of the legends Jacob heard as a child, but when Juyeon produces Changmin’s golden symbol from around his neck, he knows it must be real.
“Changmin showed me his last moments,” Juyeon says, subdued. “It was a different mage who actually pulled the knife, a woman named Bom, but Mage Jung… he was there. He might as well have done it, for all he betrayed us.”
Castling queens.
There’s no gray mage. No heir. The Ivory Queen is murderous and power-hungry, and there is no king of the Onyx Kingdom because the crown has been stolen and dismantled.
Everything is so much worse than he thought.
Jacob resists the urge to bury his face in his hands and cry. Instead, legs still trembling, he stands again. Kevin grabs his arm before he can fall. “Okay,” he breathes. “Okay.”
It’s not okay. None of this is okay. But Jacob can’t focus on any of that right now or he’ll start spiraling. He needs to think about the present, not the past, and what he can do to prevent more of this from happening. “Where were you going next?” he asks, tearing his mind away from Juyeon’s revelations. “Did you have a plan, or were you just running from the trackers?”
“Just running.” Juyeon winces. “We couldn’t find any leads after the amethyst. Honestly, we found out about these two mostly by luck.”
Jacob stares down at the amethyst, softly glowing in his hand. “I could try to track Mage Jung’s magic,” he says as the faint hum twists with the magic simmering under his skin. “See if it takes us anywhere. It’d be kind of a hit or miss at first since I don’t have any specific leads on where he is, but if we travel further into the Ivory Kingdom, I might pick up on something.”
Juyeon looks at Kevin, who shrugs. “It’s our best bet,” he says. “Like you said, we don’t have any other leads.”
“Agreed.” Juyeon nods. “But what about the tracking? The rain might’ve stopped them for a bit, but it’s only a matter of time before soldiers or mages find us again.”
A sigh of relief escapes Jacob’s lips. This, at least, he can help resolve. “Kevin can sew the jewels into my cloak,” he offers. “Their magic is probably too strong to completely mask, but the charm in the cloth will subdue it enough that hopefully anyone trying to trace will have a harder time of it.”
Similar relief spreads across Juyeon’s face. “All right. Sew the jewels in tonight, and then try to get some rest,” he directs. “We start moving tomorrow.”
And as the pallor fades from the prince’s cheeks, a familiar sharp-eyed determination replaces his previous blank expression, sending relief washing through Jacob’s mind. This is the Juyeon he knows, the Juyeon who would do anything for his kingdom, no matter how hopeless the situation.
Familiarity springs back into Jacob’s chest, and he gains the courage to smile once more.
. . . . .
It takes a month, but after several dead ends and a few too many brushes with Ivory mages to be comfortable (less than they probably would’ve encountered without the masking spell, but still), they end up in a small, sleepy town, more like a tiny village than anything, at the outskirts of the Ivory Kingdom.
Juyeon’s never been here, not on any of his official and unofficial visits to the kingdom. Even Kevin, whose wanderings have taken him all over the Board, seems confused by this place. But Jacob is adamant.
“The trace is strong here,” he says again, looking pale with exhaustion as Kevin forces him to drink another cup of water. Wrapped in his cloak, he looks much smaller, much frailer than Juyeon’s ever seen him.
Only then does Juyeon realize how much of a toll tracking them must have taken on the mage. He really shouldn’t have made them move so quickly as soon as Jacob found them. It’s just that they were being tracked, and the further away they got, the better it would be.
But now that Jacob’s in this condition?
Juyeon doesn’t regret it, exactly. It’s just that he would much rather be in a different position.
Wouldn’t they all?
For once, Juyeon ends up being one of the first choices to scout the village. Jacob wants to go, but Kevin forces him to stay behind (“First of all, you just spent a month tracking down a powerful mage, so you need rest. Second, if Mage Jung somehow manages to get a whiff of your trace –” “It’s not like you can smell it, Kevin –” “– then we’re fresh out a mage to put the crown back together.”). Jacob only agrees on the condition that Kevin stays behind so that when he wakes up, he can force his cousin to take a nap.
So Juyeon leaves them to their naps and bickering and walks the fringes of the town, careful not to get close to anyone he sees. A small town means less chance of recognition, but it also means a stranger is more noticeable.
There isn’t much. A few houses, a lot of grass, a rolling gray sky. Feels a bit dismal.
Doesn’t exactly help with his mood.
He doesn’t find anything, not on his path. When Kevin takes his place in the afternoon, he has similar luck. Several days pass and Juyeon’s privately beginning to wonder just what Jacob really sensed, but the mage is so sure that this is the place that he has no choice but to comply.
After an hour of skulking around, hiding behind trees or pretending to act natural when someone appears in the distance, Juyeon’s about to give up for the fifth day in a row. There’s nothing here, nothing that he can sense, anyway. Maybe they should start bringing Jacob along. He might be able to pick out something Juyeon can’t because he wasn’t blessed with the gift of magic.
Then he sees a familiar looking building in the distance and has to sit down.
He’s just been punched in the gut. Metaphorically. No one else is here – this area feels even emptier than the forest he and Kevin were hiding in when Jacob found them – but Juyeon still gasps like a fist drove itself into his stomach.
It’s just a shrine rooftop in the distance. Nothing much. But when Juyeon gathers the courage to look over once again, he has to avert his gaze because all he can think of is how the smoke from Sunwoo’s burned body rose over the roof of the shrine back in Ember.
Castling queens, the gray sky even looks like the wispy smoke that floated up. Juyeon can almost smell the faint scent of burning flesh.
He suppresses the urge to throw up.
Finally, he stands on shaky legs, ready to turn away and leave this shrine in the background so he doesn’t have to look at it again. But something clicks in his mind and he stops.
A shrine is where the domain’s head mage stays. It’s the first thing any child of Chess learns – if anything happens and you can’t find your parents, go to the shrine and find the mage.
Juyeon may not be a child any longer, but he’s certainly looking for a mage.
Queens, he’s dumb. This should have been his plan from the start. Slowly, reluctantly, his feet make their way across the grass towards the polished white rooftop he so wanted to avoid.
The shrine looks deserted, at first glance. White stone shines dully in the faint sunlight while wind whistles listlessly through the air. Juyeon isn’t stupid enough to go inside, so he crouches down behind a few scraggly bushes and prays that no one will see his half-dead body between the branches.
Not the best plan of action. He might honestly have better luck entering the shrine. But Kevin and Jacob are waiting for him to come back, so he needs to be cautious for now, at least.
Then a door swings open. A dark-haired boy steps out, probably no older than Juyeon.
Large eyes. A wide mouth usually curved into a smile.
It takes all of Juyeon’s willpower to remain silent and not call out Hwanwoong’s name. What is he doing here? Was he captured? Is there anyone else with him?
Does he have any information about Mage Jung, or has he already disappeared?
Hwanwoong doesn’t stay out long enough to catch Juyeon’s eye, just pokes his head out the door and looks around before heading back inside. But even then, Juyeon’s heart won’t stop racing.
He’s found one of the missing mages, one of those captured by the Ivory Kingdom. Possibly more are trapped inside. If he can just find a way to speak to Hwanwoong, to free anyone captured with him…
Allies are as useful as gems, especially if they have magic on their side.
. . . . .
When Juyeon comes back one afternoon and tells Jacob and Kevin that he saw Hwanwoong, Jacob doesn’t dare believe him. The last time he saw the young mage-in-training was months ago, before the war broke out and he was thrown into prison.
If Hwanwoong wasn’t dead already, he was captured. There is no reason for Jacob to believe that he’s really here in this tiny town and not just a figment of Juyeon’s imagination. There’s no room for hope.
Then Juyeon returns the next day with a strange smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. He disappears again as the sun is beginning to set, and after the last rays have sunk below the horizon, two figures approach Kevin, who’s in the middle of telling Jacob they should maybe go looking for Juyeon.
Hwanwoong’s large eyes are just visible in the dying light of the fire Kevin lit.
Jacob blinks once, twice. It’s a hallucination, he’s sure of it – he lost hope of finding another alive and uncaptured Onyx mage when the Valkyries helped him escape. There’s no way this Hwanwoong is real.
Then the mage-in-training smiles, and Jacob reaches forward to crush the younger boy into a hug.
“Hwanwoong,” he gasps. “Queens, I thought I would never see you again.”
“I thought so too.” Hwanwoong laughs, pulling away this time to hold Kevin close. “I heard rumors when we were traveling here, but I didn’t dare believe they were true.”
Juyeon smiles, really smiles, joy glittering in his eyes under the moonlight. “Told you, Jacob. I wasn’t hallucinating.”
Jacob huffs. “Can you blame me?”
Eventually, though, the mood dampens when they sit around the dying coals of Kevin’s fire. The eerie lighting only makes the shadows on Hwanwoong’s face deeper as they move strangely in his eyes.
Jacob swallows. He’s never been the greatest with scary things, and Hwanwoong looks more terrifying than any ghost he’s ever envisioned. It isn’t just the physical shadows – darkness washes across the mage’s young face when Juyeon asks him how he came here, a darkness that mimics the haunted look Jacob’s seen far too often in Juyeon’s and Kevin’s eyes.
Just how much has Hwanwoong suffered since he managed to make this escape?
“I was studying with a mixed group of mages in the Ivory Kingdom when the queen unleashed her… attack.” Hwanwoong stares into the glowing coals. “We were separated. Ivory students were taken somewhere else, I don’t know where, while the rest of us were held in shrines around the capital. My teacher, the head of our group, said that he would help us escape, but when that day came, he betrayed us.”
Jacob fights the urge not to throw up. First Jung, then Kang, and now… “Who was it?”
“Lim Jaebum.” Hwanwoong spits the name with a disgust that feels so out of place on his gentle features. “We fought back against him, but he had backup and we didn’t, and then Geonhak…”
Even in the dim red light of the coals, Kevin’s face is visibly white. Jacob imagines he looks much the same.
Juyeon leans forward, eyes frantic. “Geonhak?”
Hwanwoong breathes a shaky, shaky breath. His fingers tear grass from the ground he’s sitting on. Jacob takes his clenched fist and holds it gently, even as his own hands threaten to tremble.
“Geonhak’s dead.” Hwanwoong closes his eyes for a moment. Breathes again. “He died.”
Jacob can’t stop his fingers from shaking this time.
“After we got thrown into the dungeons, Youngjo and a few others started planning an escape.” Hwanwoong’s face twists with grief and fury. “It might have worked, actually, but someone snitched. I don’t know who it was – if I did, I honestly might have killed them – but they caught the leaders and made us watch their executions.”
Three audible gasps sound around the dead coals. Jacob holds Hwanwoong’s hand in a vice grip. Vaguely, he thinks that the younger boy will be lucky if he doesn’t lose circulation in his fingers.
“We stopped trying to escape then. We just wanted to keep everyone alive, at that point,” Hwanwoong continues, plowing on as though to tell the story as fast as he can without breaking down. “Then they started splitting us up to go to different places, and I ended up here about a month ago with Seoho, Keonhee, and Dongju under High Mage Jung. We were lucky just to be kept together.”
“So Mage Jung is still here,” Juyeon chokes out, looking vaguely sick. He and Kevin grip each other’s hands like they’re the only thing keeping them grounded. “He’s still here, at the shrine.”
Hwanwoong nods. “Yes.”
A tiny fire lights itself in Juyeon’s eyes. “Do you know if he’s hiding something? Keeping something here? A jewel, maybe?”
Slowly, a small smile begins to curve Hwanwoong’s lips. Jacob mentally breathes a sigh of relief at the familiar expression. “He’s keeping a piece of obsidian hidden very well,” the young mage replies, eyes twinkling. Then the glimmer dims, replaced with icy disgust. “It’s encased in flame, though. A mage’s flame.”
A mage’s flame.
Sacred flame.
The fire used to burn bodies, used to send a soul to rest.
Holy fire, unique to every mage, the strongest manifestation of a mage’s magic, a fire that is not to be used lightly and, unless in severe cases, only in the face of death or mutiny against the Board.
And now, used to safeguard a jewel that doesn’t even belong to the kingdom.
Jacob’s on his feet before he even realizes it. “What?”
Hwanwoong nods, fury painting his face. “I know.”
“That’s… that’s desecration,” Jacob says, staring at the mage still sitting on the ground. “Desecration of his own magic, to use the flame in any situation other than maintaining the balance of the Board. It’s almost as bad as –”
Almost as bad as killing a gray mage and a royal in the holiest shrine of the two kingdoms.
Juyeon’s and Kevin’s eyes cloud over. Jacob doesn’t dare to finish his sentence as he sits back down.
“We’ve talked about trying to douse the flame and escape, but we’re not strong enough,” Hwanwoong says quietly, picking at the grass again. “Seoho’s the only one who’s finished his training, and without Youngjo and Geonhak, he’s… he’s had his hands full.” He swallows. “High Mage Jung is too powerful. It’s why I told Juyeon to meet me at night – if I’d gone missing during the day, he would’ve noticed the lack of magic in the air. Asleep, he’s less sensitive.” Hwanwoong’s gaze turns sharp as he looks up at Jacob. “But you have several more years of experience. If His Highness and the amethyst heir can hold the mage back while the rest of us try to put out the flame…”
Jacob doesn’t wait for Juyeon’s approval before he nods. “Yes. I’ll do it.” Then he looks at the prince apprehensively. Juyeon’s the leader, after all – what if he disagrees?
But the prince’s eyes flash with the same furious disgust Jacob feels simmering in his own chest. “It’s a decent plan, the best that we’ve got right now.”
Kevin nods sharply. “I agree. Even if he didn’t have the jewel, he’s done too much for us to let this go.” His face is hard, a complete opposite of the usual gentle and teasing gaze Jacob is used to, but he can’t find it in his heart to care. After all, he agrees.
There will be no mercy, not even for former mentors. A traitor is a traitor, after all, in the eyes of justice.
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If you enjoyed, please don’t forget to reblog and leave a comment to tell me what you thought! Thank you for reading and have a lovely day <3
(1 reblog = 1 prayer for Jacob to not go feral and kill everything bc my man is on the verge)
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fembutchboygirl · 3 years
Cross for the oc ask game?
Full name: Croissant Medialuna Arenales (Medialuna is croissant in spanish. Arenales is a common hispanic last name. This motherfucker.)
Gender and Sexuality: gender they hardly know 'er, arospec and bisexual (might change this)
Pronouns: they/them
Ethnicity/Species: human, mixed latine
Birthplace and Birthdate: argentina, not sure about the date
Guilty Pleasures: dubious street food
Phobias: mild fear of the dark
What They Would Be Famous For: amazing baking or being the guy who discovered a secret ghost dimension
What They Would Get Arrested For: public disturbances (started arguing with Lilac very loudly in the middle of the street or something similar. They forget that Lilac is invisible sometimes)
OC You Ship Them With: I sort of shipe them with Lilac but also sort of not at all. It's complicated
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: I don't think anyone would want to murder Cross. They're a chill dude. I think before getting to know them D.J. might want to hunt them for sport but she's just like that
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: horror or science fiction
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: there's a guy protagonist and a girl protagonist so they Must kiss
Talents And/Or Powers: they're great at baking, and they can see ghosts and invisible employees with a pair of special glasses that they found. I will elaborate if asked. Also they're an ok ventriloquist
Why Someone Might Love Them: they're fun and relaxed, but also very caring. And they're named Croissant.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: they don't take most things too seriously, sometimes they might come off as intense or immature and they don't have much filter. And they're named Croissant.
How They Change: they learn to deal with important things in new ways that aren't "just chill about it," and to deal with those matters respectfully.
Why I Love Them: they have a wonderful dynamic with Lilac and they're so much fun as a protagonist. Soo tired of edgy antiheroes give me soft good protagonists who care shamelessly. And they're named Croissant.
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justxaxstrayxkid · 4 years
Ranking every outfit Nora has worn
I've rated her human names and I've ranked her vessel names. Now it is time to rank all of her outfits 10 to 1. Why am I doing this? Because I'm a sucker for pretty clothes and babygirl is a fashion icon. These are just my opinions obviously so don't take them seriously. Though I am being dead serious when I say Mizuchi invented the fashion industry. What I want people to take away from this post is that we, as a society, need to respect Mizuchi's drip. No pun intended hehe
10. Childhood Kimono
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No sense calling it the childhood kimono when she's always gonna be a child but idk what else to call this. I put this fit last because it's quite basic. There's not much to talk about here. I don't have any particular feelings towards it either. I do think the pink obi is cute. Mainly cuz pink is my favorite color. Also is it just me or does the kimono look way too big on her?
9. Childhood Kimono Enhanced ver.
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This is the same exact fit as the last one and it only appeared in the one-shot manga bout Rabo and Yato but I want to rank it separately because of her accessory. She's just too cute with that little bow in her hair! Don't mind me fangirling over that bow like it's a national treasure. The sandals are nice new touch too.
8. Pink Kimono
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This one is only shown in anime during the flashback scene where Yato massacred the ma clan. I love this kimono because it's in my favorite shade of pink. There isn't much to say about it though. It's pretty basic so I put in this spot
7. Volume 8 Kimono
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This fit appeared on the cover of volume 8 of the manga. I have to admit, this fit is kinda crazy. Like the grape (??) socks, the random checkerboard pattern, the green hiyoku, the flower pattern, the flower in her hair. It all seems very random. But I actually think it goes together well! A hot mess can sometimes turn out beautiful. I like the way she looks with a flower in her hair. Mizuchi with hair accessories equals world domination. And why tf does that ayakashi doggie have a paper crane in its mouth? That's more random than the outfit lmao.
6. Fruit bowl Kimono
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This one only appeared in a colored page of the manga. Can't remember what chapter or volume it was in exactly but I think it was in beginning. This kimono is very beautiful. The pattern on it reminds me of fruit bowls lol. Babygirl rlly has the best fashion sense ever. You can't change my mind on that. And she's wearing a hair accessory here! Rejoice!
5. Boysenberry Kimono
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I think the color is boysenberry but I’m not sure. My eyesight isn’t that good. So this fit is from a Kami To Enishi card. The game is discontinued but I just couldn’t not add this fit in. It’s so pretty! The color of the kimono matches her eyes which is my favorite aspect of the outfit. I think the pattern on it is supposed to be temari balls. Or maybe it's supposed to be beach balls. Of course we can’t forget to mention the bow! Tbh I don’t think it matches with the rest of the fit. But hey, it matches better than the whole volume 8 ensemble. I still like the bow and I’m glad she’s wearing it!
4. Capybara Fit
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First of all, how the heck do you spell capybara? I’ve seen it spelled in 5 different ways. Second of all, I LOVE THIS FIT MORE THAN MY FUTURE CHILDREN! Seriously it’s so cute! She rocked the whole world when she put this on. I screeched when I first read the chapter this was in. That's the sheer power of this outfit.
3. Yurei Fit
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Next is babygirl's classic outfit, the yurei outfit! This fit is so iconic I had to put it in the top three. I have a lot to say about it. In a way, this fit is part of the reason why I got into Noragami. Like I'm an avid horror fan and I especially love any media that has to do with yurei. Yurei are Japanese ghosts for those of you who don't know. I saw a gif of Mizuchi here on tumblr and her character design caught my eye. I thought Noragami was going to be in the horror genre because of this fit. If she wasn't wearing this fit, I probably wouldn't have become interested in Noragami at all. Thank you to the yurei fit for getting me into this amazing series. I love her personal touches to it. Like the way she wears her hitaikakushi slanted, her big obi, her gauntlets, and her hiyoku. Her hiyoku had this lil flower pattern on it in the first few chapters. That was super adorable. It's a shame she never wears it again. Yurei are usually depicted just wearing a simple white kimono and with long hair. But babygirl has her own personal touches and she has a bob cut. She is rlly out here being a trendsetter for dead people in Japan. A round of applause for this fit.
2. Flower print Kimono
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Excuse the poor quality pic. You've probably figured out by now that I have a thing for flower patterns lol. That's exactly the reason why this is my second favorite outfit of hers. It's one of her more simple fits. But I think it's to die for! Pun fully intended ;) If I remember correctly, in the past, she and baby Yato stole this from someone they killed. Sorry but I find that hilarious. R.i.p to whoever this kimono belonged to. You may have been killed but you didn't die in vain because a rlly cute girl has your kimono now. I wonder if babygirl would ever pull this out of her closet and wear it again. She may not even have it anymore since the flashbacks where she wore this were like centuries before Noragami takes place. This kimono might've already become tasty grub for moths :(
1. School uniform Fit
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Of course, the school uniform is first. This fit literally invented the fashion industry! No one can tell me otherwise. Words can't fathom how cute babygirl looks in this. As a school girl who's been to multiple schools with uniforms, I think I'm qualified to say that Mizuchi looks better than anyone else in a school uniform. It's not just how she looks either but also the fact that Hiyori gave it to her. That really warms my heart. This fit did so much for the world. Like I've said before, it will go down in history as one of the best things to happen in fiction.
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kooala · 4 years
once you realize - chapter one
!!used to be kookie-off-his-kookie  but now it’s kooala!!
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader, Taehyung x his girlfriend Mina
Tags: best friend! Jungkook, idol verse, friends to lovers!
Genre: fluff, mutual pining, basically the cutest falling in love story 
Wordcount: 4.3k
Warnings: language
Parts: chapter one / chapter two / chapter three / chapter four / chapter five / chapter six / chapter seven
Summary: Seeing your friend regularly turned out to be difficult because of your colliding schedules, but seeing him again after a couple of months something about the way you thought about Jungkook seemed to have shifted. If only you wouldn’t have started getting close with someone else before you had realized how you felt about your best friend. 
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You knocked on the practice room door hesitantly before opening it an inch, peeking inside to see Jungkook and Jimin sitting on the floor, sharing snacks, and talking about something.
“Look who we have here.”, you announced your arrival, opening the door more to walk in and hug both of them in tightly because it had been months since you had seen each other. The conflicting schedules and the fact that they tried to keep male and female groups separated most of the time made it difficult for you to see each other. 
“Oh my god, what are you doing here Y/N?” Jimin was the first one up on his feet and you hugged him in tight, realizing how much you had missed him as a friend over the past months. 
“I figured I was going to come to say hi, it’s been forever.” Smiling you walk over to Jungkook who peeled himself off the floor, walking towards you to wrap you in a massive hug that embraced you completely. He seemed to have gotten broader, taller even. 
“If I had known we would’ve made up some nice plans.”, he smiled over at you after letting you go from the hug and the three of you just smiled at each other, starting to talk and catch up as you follow them up to their rooms for chatting.
You had met BTS back in your days when you had just debuted with your group because social media and tv had picked up on the fact that Jungkook and you had similarities in the position of the group. Not only were both of you the Maknea’s back then, but both of you had the same sense of competition and mastering things with ease - most of the time. 
This had resulted in a couple of collaborations and backstage videos together, where both your girl group and BTS had to compete, both Jungkook and yourself ending up fighting over the deciding points and differences that would make your team win. But as random as it had been to meet during competitive videos, all of you had gotten along well immediately and you had especially grown close with Jungkook, Jimin and Tae, who were all similar to your age. Jungkook never enjoyed the fact that you were a year older but you had always loved it because it annoyed him so much. 
Those years seemed to be long gone now but the friendship had stood the test of time over the past couple of years and it had turned into a tradition to meet up with some of the idols from other groups who were around the same age, going for dinner and some drinks whenever possible. All of you had turned into a strong core group of friends.
 “Honestly, we just talked about going out for a drink a couple of days ago and mentioned that we have to call you guys up before doing so!” Jimin announced as you entered Jungkook’s bedroom, all of you sitting down on the couch in the corner. 
“I wish I could but there’s no time at the moment. I’m so happy we got tonight off, it was only because they canceled a broadcast last minute. Mina is with Taehyung already.” You say, wiggling your eyebrows excited because they all knew how close the two of them had gotten randomly out of the blue over the past couple of weeks.
“Of course she is.”, Jungkook laughed and sunk lower onto the couch, putting his feet up on the table.
“How did they end up talking again anyway? I never saw them hang out before.” Jimin pulled his legs in on the couch and it seemed like he was thinking hard about it.
“Oh wow there is an entire story behind all of it and I’m surprised Tae hasn’t told you.”, you start laughing. “You better go ask him sometime.” 
Both of them looked like they were ready to tickle the answers out of you but they both seemed to have decided that being quiet might be the more gentlemen thing to do.
 “What should we do? Should we get some drinks? Or watch a movie?” Jungkook asked after a while of catching up about each other’s schedules and Jimin got up after looking at his phone.
“I’m meeting up with Yoongi and Hoseok, I can’t. You can come if you want to?”, he asked, running his fingers through his hair while opening the room door.
“I can’t go out or be seen.”, you smile excusing and he nodded understanding.
“Okay, then I hope you’ll be here after we return from dinner to hang some more. See you guys.” Leaving the room he closed the door and there was a sudden moment of silence that made you chuckle and after looking over at Jungkook, you couldn’t help but notice that he definitely had been working out more. He seemed thinner, more toned, you could’ve sworn his jaw never stood out like that before. 
“You really went all out, didn’t you..”, you mentioned, poking his firm chest once and he put both his hands over it a little shy and protective before he started chuckling, his ears turning slightly pink.
“What do you mean?” 
“Oh you know very well what I mean don’t make me compliment you.”, you laugh and he got up with a smirk on his face because you hit the mark with your statement. 
 “So do you want to watch a movie? Game? Order food? We haven’t made a cover in a while.” He mentioned in thoughts as he walked across the room while making different offers, switching on a floor lamp and a couple of lights on the shelves before turning off the ceiling lamps, turning the room into a more dimmed and chilled mood. 
Although you, like everyone else, had always thought of him to be very attractive, seeing him with his slightly longer, messy hair in a sweatshirt and sweats - you couldn’t help but wonder how things had changed under that sweatshirt... 
“I don’t know, what are you up for? I’m too exhausted for gaming. I’d fuck it all up for you. Movie and food? ”, you ask and sit up to walk over, dropping on his bed to get your phone out and look through all the places to order from. 
“Do you want fried chicken? Or ramen? I don’t know why but I’m really craving some soup right now.”, you chuckle and the bed dipped down by your waist when he dropped down on it next to you, looking at your phone screen as well to choose one of the options. 
“I’m always for fried chicken? Totally your call. I’m good with anything.” He sat up more, leaning against the headrest as he pulled two remotes from his nightstand to let down a massive white screen on the opposite wall to project movies on.
“Oh my god since when do you have that?” You sat up, crossing your legs to watch the screen roll down slowly, all amazed by the size and quality of it.
“To impress hundreds of innocent girls coming in here.”, he chuckled and you rolled your eyes, looking over to him because he was mocking your reaction a bit.
“Oh, yea because there are sooo many girls in here all the time. You’re lucky they like me and allowed me in after that stupid no people in dorms rule.”, you chuckle and he shrugged. 
“I have a lot more freedom now than I used to. Which is also why you’re here - because I’m a biiig boy now.”, he laughed and you couldn’t help but agree with his statement. They hadn’t even flinched when you announced your arrival to the security team, letting you through without any issues.
 “Crazy how much things have changed, isn’t it? I mean obviously things are going amazing for all seven of you but also little things. You’re not the Maknea anymore and all of that, crazy to think that. I mean in this setting right now you are, but who’s really keeping a record, you know?” You smirk while teasing him, getting a little lost in your thoughts, watching him look through the movies to pick from, and eventually turn your attention back to ordering food on your phone, handing it to him then so he could pick some things for himself. “You enjoy this way too much.”, he mumbles quietly.
“Sometimes I forget how far we’ve all come, honestly. We met when both of us were... what, seventeen?”, he asked and smirked.  
“Well I was, you were sixteen. Don’t try and brush your age under the carpet, I’ll forever be older than you. Wiser, prettier, more talented... ”, you smirked and he rolled his eyes.
“Want me to formally talk to you? Pour your drinks first?” Jungkook asked a bit cocky and you looked at him as if you had to think about it for a moment.
“You know what? That’d be super fucking great actually.” 
Laughing at your cursing he shook his head, ordering his food quickly before dropping the topic, both of you rummaged through all the movie options available to you. 
 The food arrived and you still hadn’t picked a movie and eventually the both of you played rock paper scissors for the power choice, with you winning it meant you were going to pick one of the horror movies you enjoyed watching only with him. It was going to be a win-win situation.
“I usually hate eating in bed.”, he mumbled as he unfolded his fried chicken box, careful not to get crumbs on it. “We can put a blanket down so it doesn’t ruin your sheets?” 
After getting up, putting down a blanket, and then opening the food while watching the movie, both of you were sitting down content and happy for a solid thirty minutes with comfortable silence only interrupted by the occasional ramen slurping from either of you, switching bowls and items between each other. 
Namjoon had burst in at one point, looking surprised at your presence in the room and saying hi to chat a couple of minutes before leaving again. It had been so nice to relax and feel like a normal person in their twenties without any obligations, feeling trapped or like all eyes were on you. It was relaxing and you really appreciated Jungkook for being the lowkey, chill person he was. 
 “You know -”, he started talking after both of you had finished eating, lying down all comfortable and stuffed to the brim, ready to enjoy the second movie you had just started.
Lying on your side and hugging in the massive pillow a bit, you looked up to him snuggled all cozy and cute next to you in the pillow. “I kind of missed you, not going to lie. It has always been nice to have someone from outside the group that’s.. you know - not a dude.”, he chuckled and looked over smiling. You weren’t sure what kind of undertone was swinging in that comment so you just waited for him to elaborate.
“I don’t get to see loads of people because of schedules and all. I mean I don’t have to tell you, you know what it’s like but I’m just saying it’s nice we have kept in contact all this time. And it’s fun seeing each other grow up. I haven’t seen you in a long time and you’ve changed a lot since I last saw you.”, he chuckled and looked down at your face.
“I hope what you’re trying to say is I got more talented, funnier, prettier, more toned I’ve been working out you know I’m a muscle machine... ”, you joked, counting it off on your fingers and he laughed at your comment, putting one of his arms behind his head, looking back to the screen. 
“You’ve always been super pretty, there was nothing to improve.”, he chuckled and you kept looking at him, waiting for another reaction but his gaze was focused on the tv, if purposely out of interest in the movie or simply to not look at you was unclear. 
“Thank you..?”, you mumbled hesitantly and he chuckled at the sound of confusion in your voice, looking back down at you.
“You’re very welcome.” The smile on his face was so bright that all of a sudden you noticed the lack of distance between your body and his. Both of you weren’t close or intertwined on the bed, there was still a good amount of space between the both of you but the comment about how he had always thought of you as pretty, somehow made that distance seem significantly smaller.
“Rich coming from you, but - ok.”, you chuckle quietly and knew he understood immediately that this was supposed to be a compliment judging by his lack of response from being shy. 
The movie had turned into a third one and you couldn’t help but doze off a couple of times, your mind heavy from all the stress you’ve been having over the past couple of months and being in the comfort of someone who made you feel great just the way you were, combined with the dimmed lights and a full belly, it hadn’t taken you long to fall asleep. 
You felt him get up at one point and leave the room and you only woke up again as he laid back down next to you, putting a blanket over you quietly. 
 The next time you woke up, the movie screen was playing the end credits, music blasting through the speakers as you frowned, disoriented for a couple of seconds. Only then you realized Jungkook’s head was buried at the crook of your neck, his body leaned towards yours, him almost laying on his stomach next to you, cuddled into your side, breathing deep and slow as he was sleeping. His breath was tickling your neck which made you wake up in the first place and the sudden lack of proximity between both of you made your stomach twist in a surprisingly good way.
You pondered for a moment, thinking about if you should act like you were sleeping and just enjoying how warm his body was or if you should scoot out before he woke up so he wouldn’t feel uncomfortable or intrusive. 
Selfishly, maybe a little dazed by the scent of his freshly washed clothes and hair lulling you in, you opted for closing your eyes and turning your body towards his more, enjoying having someone close which you hadn’t felt since joining the company all those years ago - not soft like this at least.
Through your almost completely closed eyes, you could see that he had woken up just now, lifting his head suddenly confused by the position both of you were sleeping in, just like you were a minute ago, and to your surprise, you could see him look at your face for a brief second longer, lingering, before laying back down on his stomach, scooting in an inch closer, making your bodies touch. Although it was in an innocent way of sleeping next to each other, you could feel the heat radiate from his body, making you tingle and feel like wanting to giggle. Taking it a step further, you reached your hand out, seemingly still sleeping, and wrapped it around his back, leaning in cuddly, resting your hand on his waist. You couldn’t help but feel like your arm was very heavy on his back and suddenly regretted your decision. What if this was something he didn’t even want? You could still always act like you were asleep but you hadn’t even thought about how he would feel about that move of yours. The urge to do it alone confused you completely since it was Jungkook you were lying next to - not just anyone. It was one of your closest friends, not your lover.
 Hesitantly you stretch your arm, acting as if you were just waking up, pulling it back in onto your chest slowly and start blinking. You were curious to see if he was going to play the asleep role a little longer or not, curious to see what happened now that you had done a little more than what friends would’ve done in their sleep. 
Opening your eyes, them genuinely feeling heavy from being in a daze and the dimmed light in the room, you tilt your head over to look at his face. To your surprise, his eyes were openly looking at yours, you could see his back rise and fall with every breath and he didn’t do anything except look at you, not saying a word. 
His gaze made your cheeks feel hot and you knew that they were blushing. Cursing yourself for your weak reaction and being so obvious about the fact that you knew what happened, otherwise you wouldn’t have blushed, you felt like an idiot for openly making this feel awkward although it seemed like you were the only one feeling awkward in this situation. 
 Jungkook’s lips grew into a soft smile, looking at your features, slowly letting his gaze drift over your face before turning his head into the pillow, smiling shy to himself. You could see the corner of his mouths turned into a bright smile in his pillow and the affirmation of his behavior made your heart jump a little more than it already has 
You weren’t sure what to do now since you hadn’t been in a situation like this in a while - in fact, you had never been in a situation like this at all which made you hope that Jungkook was going to do something now, anything to guide this weird situation in one of two directions: he was either going to confirm your suspicions, making it obvious that what just happened, didn’t happen on accident but because he wanted it to - or second, he was going to turn this around and make it feel comfortable and easy, putting it off as two friends just falling asleep and accidentally waking up almost in each other’s arms. 
Either way - he had to make a move because you wouldn’t be able to do it for him. 
 As if reading your mind, he turned around to his side, facing you and stretched his arms and legs, yawning into the pillow, looking like a soft marshmallow, making your heartache a little bit with the urge to reach out and touch his cheek and lip softly.
There you were, just staring at him comfortably and when he noticed your gaze he gave you another bright smile, scrunching up his nose gently which gave you the deadly shot you had needed to know that there was no point of return for you now. 
 When you started speaking after the silence all you could get out was a whisper. “I should really go, I’m already going to be in a lot of trouble for coming back so late.”, you mumble into the pillow and his eyes examined your face carefully, looking for something he couldn’t quite put his finger on yet.
“Okay, let me drive you.”, he smiled and although it took both of you a couple of minutes, you managed to crawl out of the bed heavy-hearted. Taking a deep breath, stroking your hair back and hoping that you didn’t look like a complete mess, you went to grab your things, following Jungkook out the door to the hallway.
 “Ah, good. I was just about to kick you out so you don’t get in trouble. Mina left earlier - can you believe they’re lovey-dovey all of a sudden? Still freaks me out. He’s so tiny... ”, Namjoon said laughing and you smiled at him.
“Yea happens to the best. People growing up, I bet they’re doing loads of dirty things together.”, you teased a little bit, seeing his almost ‘shocked parent’ expression. “And thank you. I fell asleep so that was on me. I’ll see you guys soon though. And you don’t have to drive me, I can take a cab.” You stirred the conversation away before Namjoon could get mad at you for being disrespectful and smiled at Jungkook instead, trying to sound as casual as possible and not wanting to cause any inconveniences since you were well aware he had to start early as well tomorrow.
“It’s no problem, really.”, he smiled and you knew that this was off for him judging by Namjoon’s confused look while Jungkook went to grab the keys and put on his shoes, along with his coat.
“Thanks.”, you smile at Jungkook, waiting by the door. “And thank you again. Good luck with the tour if I don’t see you before that.” Bowing your head a little bit towards Namjoon you walked over to the elevator with a smile on your lips, feeling nervous and excited for the car ride ahead.
 “Dirty things together? You really want him to kick you out, don’t you.”, Jungkook laughed once the elevator doors closed and it started moving.
“I don’t know why I said that -  I panicked.”, you admit chuckling and following him down to the parking garage you look at all the fancy cars standing there, none of the members ever able to drive them properly so all they did was appreciate the beauty when they walked past them. 
“Such a waste.”, you mumble as you walk past Hoseok’s G-wagon with a sad expression on your face. It was a matt grey color, almost a green tone, looking exactly as extra and badass as you’d expect Hoseok to look in a car like that one. 
“Wait till you see the luxury vehicle we’re going to have to take.” He pushed the button on the car key and the Hyundai Palisade’s lights started flashing.
“Honestly, this car still confuses me because the front is ugly and the back looks like a Range Rover.”, you admit and Jungkook chuckles as both of you get in the car.
“Sure you don’t want me to drive?” The little dig at his car crash back in the day made him squint his eyes in your direction, seemingly not amused.
“Do you want to walk?”, he retaliated and you lifted your hands in defense, putting your seatbelt on quietly. Sometimes it was hard not to tease him because truth be told, he was kind of sexy when he got a little mad and annoyed or disappointed. 
“Can I at least be in charge of music?” 
He drove out of the parking spot smoothly, making his way out of the garage. Jungkook was a good driver and you knew he was. 
“God they’re already mad.”, you mumble looking at your phone but deciding to ignore trouble until you had to face it face to face in about twenty minutes, you closed the conversation to plug your phone in and got right to picking some good tunes. 
One of your favorite things was hearing Jungkook sing in enclosed spaces like cars or small rooms because his voice seemed to fill out the entire space, going through your brain and tingling it in all the right spaces. His voice was everything and when both of you sang together and you got to perfectly harmonize because both of you were perfectionists, those were the moments that truly made you happy in your friendship. 
Each of you recommending songs, both of you immediately got to singing along together, trying to find an even better one until silence dominated the car ride, making both of you enjoy the songs and just listening to them while driving through the still busy streets. 
“Car rides always freak me out, what if someone sees us at the light.”, you chuckle and Jungkook shrugs smiling, resting his elbow on the car door, sliding his hand through the hair on his neck absent-minded, making you want to scream from excitement. 
“They won’t. Don’t worry.” He smiled and started singing along to the song playing and only now you realized what kind of song had come up next in your playlist. ‘Outta my head’ by Khalid was one of your favorite songs at the moment but given the context of the earlier situation, it just seemed to hit a little different this time with both of you in the small car together and your brain going foggy only thinking about how Jungkook was snuggled in by your side earlier, smelling like heaven. 
 “I was thinking, maybe next time we can make food instead of order? You still want to show me how to make those Italian little balls we had last time.”, he stated as the red light turned green, driving off into the street of your apartment.
“You mean Gnocchi?”, you start laughing and he seemed a little embarrassed by your reaction. “They’re... I mean yeah, we can do that if you’d like.”, you chuckle smiling as he stops the car in front of your apartment. 
“Perfect, I’ll text you then.” He put the car in park and smiled over.
“Thank you for driving me and distracting me tonight. I had a lot of fun. Even not having to sleep alone made me happy.”, you smiled at him, hoping he got the little nudge and without wasting too much time and being suspicious, you exited the car and smiled at him, the door still open.
“Anytime. I’m glad you came over and stayed. I’ll see you at MCountdown?” You nodded smiling. His eyes met yours with a sincere expression and with your cheeks blushing one last time, followed by a shy smile, you nodded and closed the door, waving to him one more time before walking towards your apartment building. When you looked over your shoulder, he was sitting in the car, waiting for you to get inside safely and when you gave him a last quick wave before opening the door, he smiled to himself knowing you were safe inside, starting the car again and disappearing into the night. 
Whatever just happened was going to only be the beginning of what was about to come. 
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If you’ve managed to read this far, I’d be more than happy if you could like and share my first chapter if you enjoyed it! If you have any suggestions for improvement or any drabble requests - make sure to shoot me a message! 
thank you so much for reading and I hope you’ll stay for the second chapter 💖
© kooala (stealing, translating or reuploading to other sites is prohibited.)
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gizkasparadise · 4 years
kdrama rec/review: mystic pop up bar
Series: mystic pop up bar Episodes: NOT ENOUGH 12 Genres: urban fantasy, urban horror lite, found family!!!, friendship, mystery, comedy, supernatural, warm fuzzies despite an alarming amount of death Spoilers in the Rec: minor ones/for the set-up If You Like, You’ll Like: hotel del luna (although it has a very different feel), early bleach (manga), found families, being human (uk & us versions), those moments in shows where you’re like OH MAN HOW ARE THEY GETTING OUT OF THIS and then they do. because friendship.
Rank: 10/10
I went into this with low expectations. it sounded like it was trying to bank on hotel del luna, but i was still down to watch a ghost version of leverage or whatever this turned out to be. figured it’d be decent to watch but not AMAZING. 
the first ep gave me that impression. by the second ep i was hooked. and by the third ep this was one of my favorite shows of all time
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during the joseon era, a shaman named weol ju went and fucked up a perfectly good sacred tree. as punishment, she now has to resolve the grudges of 100,000 humans or go to hell. as a shaman, she can accomplish this by plying them with alcohol and entering their dreams (well the alcohol part might just be her artistic signature).
time to start a bar!
in the current day, 500 years later, weol ju owns and runs mystic pop up bar, where she learns about her customers’ grudges. and apparently has sound business strategy, as she serves like 4 people a day but still has enough overhead to craft these 4 people bespoke meals that speak to their inner tragedy. and also sandwiches.
helping her is chief gwi, a ghost cop who’s been reassigned to her bar to help weol ju accomplish her quota. because time’s running out--weol ju now has less than a month to solve her 10 remaining grudges.
enter bambi kang bae. a regular human who works a regular customer service job, kang bae has one terrible power: anytime someone touches him (or he touches them), they want to confess their deepest, darkest secrets. kang bae is understandably not comfortable around people (but desperately wants to be around people. my poor fucking heart) and incredibly lonely. 
when his and weol ju’s paths cross, she makes him an offer: he helps her out with her remaining grudges, and in return she’ll remove his powers.
weol ju
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a 500+ year old shaman who is paying for her sins on earth because she went out on a limb :| . begins the series angry and ends the series angry, because it turns out angry people can still be kind, which is great to see with a female protagonist. how close she’s cutting it to the deadline on her quota speaks strongly to sixth-year senior vibes. wears modern versions of hanboks which are all v. cool and on moments of aching realization wednesdays she wears pink.
will steal your shit and look you straight in the eyes as she walks backwards into hell.
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a former ghost cop who’s been reassigned to help weol ju run the mystic pop up bar. he’s a lot more chill than weol ju and has the vibe of someone who forgets keys at home. while at the bar, he does a lot of the prep work, and is sometimes asked by yeom to help catch nearby, evil spirits. 
he’s actually like a hardcore warrior, but you forget it because he wears goggles to cut onions and dresses like someone who would be the spokesperson for microwaveable fish sticks. team dad. fanboy of romantic serial e-novels.
han kang bae
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a baby.
in a truly amazing narrative move, kang bae works customer service at a market by day and solves grudges at a bar by night. is a sweet, simple boy who just wants to help people and is SO EXCITED to have new friends in weol ju and gwi. you want to give him a hug BUT YOU CAN’T.  human carebear
even the yellow collar of his customer service uniform makes a heart:
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kang yeo ri
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lmao you know it’s going to be good when a character is introduced dropping a dude straight to the ground. yeo rin is a bodyguard mild spoiler turned security guard for the market where kang bae works. she could beat the shit out of you and you’d thank her. has no luck in dating. rocks a suit. sobs at movies about gout
yeom, the grim reaper
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your friendly neighborhood grim reaper. yeom very much screams middle management, and works in the same “district” that weol ju and gwi have their pop up bar in. sometimes they’re at odds with one another (because weol ju has about the same amount of respect for the rules that an untrained puppy has for new carpet), but they’re still friends. gwi sometimes works with him to catch evil spirits, buddy-cop style. loves noodles. 
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god of the underworld. in charge of handing out punishments and determining the fates of those sent to the afterlife. forgets who she’s texting. appreciates true love but is also aggressively annoyed by it. take your fucking scroll and go
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probably the character with the most name recognition. samsin (or samsin granny) is the goddess of mothers and children, and in the show the focus is more on children. loves karaoke, basic bitch coffee, and claw games. gives out too many sexy tiger dreams.
kim wong hyun
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he gave them the heebie jeebies. he had nothing else to give
they’re their own character. check out those motifs. 
if i had any, it’s that the first episode undersells the rest of the series. and even the first ep isn’t bad
12 episodes is not enough :( 
Reasons to Watch.
i love the little details: that the supernatural characters have ring tones that correspond to their role (ex: the god of the underworld’s are screams; i believe the grim reaper’s are a shaman’s bells?, gwi has SPOILERS), or that the food special of the day connects or reflects with the person they’re helping. themes/significant moments are represented by the colors characters are wearing. im a nerd for this stuff
there are some dramatic reveals about who characters are and how they relate to one another, but like. dynamics barely (or don’t at all) change, and that’s due to how strong/familial they are already? and the show’s built up to it and it all feels really earned A+
i HATE monster of the week formats, but the ones in this show are integrated with the main characters’ backstories and also propel the major arcs forward. and it’s wholesome when the grudges are solved
i like that you think you saw a full scene in the flashbacks, but then a few eps later the flashback gets extended. idk it’s a cool narrative device
the romance is wonderful all-around
the pacing was great. i wish one of the Reveals was introduced earlier just so we could have more moments with it, but everything was cohesive/wrapped up nicely
all the characters have their own unique relationships to one another. kang bae + weol ju have their own dynamic, weol ju +gwi, gwi + kang bae, and so on. it was nice to see that none of the main trio were satellite characters 
Final Thoughts.
they’re a team, god damn it ;;;;;;
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Dig a Grave to Dig Out a Ghost - Chapter 4
Original Title: 挖坟挖出鬼
Genres: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural, Yaoi
This translation is based on multiple MTLs and my own limited knowledge of Chinese characters. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4 - Surprise
Lin Yan and Yin Zhou played games all night in the apartment. It was strange to say that the ghost didn't seem to want to do anything else. It only reminded Lin Yan of its existence with its cold breath and stayed peaceful the rest of the night. In the morning, Lin Yan and Yin Zhou had finally started yawning. Lin Yan waved goodbye and went to go home to sleep, rubbing his eyes and changing back into his clothes. When he turned around, Yin Zhou had already fallen asleep with his arms crossed. The scarlet red coat slid down the edge of the bed onto the ground, mixing with the trash on the floor. Illuminated by the morning sun, it wasn't much different from any other ancient costumes, and there was no cold atmosphere at all.
Maybe it was all just a coincidence.
The summer was bright and the sky was sunny, and the experience last night felt like a dream. Lin Yan stretched out his arms as he walked through the garden and took a deep breath of the fragrance of dew. As for the ghost, Lin Yan thought that it might really be related to his profession. He shook his head self-deprecatingly. It seems that New Year's was correct in saying no one will die, so his grandfather should have nothing to worry about.
When he got home, passing by JUSCO, Lin Yan bought some spare ribs, chicken legs, and carried a bundle of beer. The moth orchid at home had grown two more flower buds overnight, and the slits showed delicate white petals, like small open mouths.
Lin Yan plugged his computer in and pressed the power button. There was a soft click, and the familiar Windows 7 startup interface appeared on the screen. The startup music is "The Sun Also Rises" by Joe Hisaishi. He doesn't normally think to much of it, but he listened to it today, thinking how applicable it was to his situation.
It's business as usual like nothing had happened.
He threw his clothes in the washing machine, put the meat in the refrigerator, and tidied up his room. After finishing all those tasks, Lin Yan turned his phone to silent, and the beer went under the bed to start the night aftercare - self-hypnosis. This was the body adjustment method he came up with by staying up many times during his freshman year. He sleeps lightly during the day, uses alcohol to calm his mind, and sleeps silently until dawn. Not only does he save a day's food, but his biological clock also doesn't get messed up.
He had picked up some Budweiser dark beer, slightly sour, with a mellow grain aroma.
Lin Yan kept a few glasses. Not long after, the slight drowsiness hit the hearty drunk Lin Yan. His limbs were so limp that he didn't have enough strength to raise them. The sleepiness of staying up so late struck him. Lin Yan only put on a pair of underwear and lay on the bed, drinking a few more sips. After sleeping for a while, the can in his hand fell to the ground unconsciously, and he fell into a deep sleep.
It seemed that after sleeping for a long time, there was a layer of hot sweat all over the body. The cold white light on his eyelids turned into a soft warm yellow, orange and gold, and then went dark, and there was a deep silence in the room. Lin Yan had a very long dream. In his half-asleep state, all he felt was the surrounding area was getting colder and colder. It seemed that someone had turned on the air conditioner ahead of time. Lin Yan pulled the blanket over his waist and muttered: "Boss, turn off the air conditioner."
He wasn't used to living alone, even after moving out of school for more than a year. He always thought that he was in the dormitory. In the summer, he liked to press against the cold wall beside the bed. There was no iron railing of the dormitory bed. He often rolled off and fell on the ground, rubbing his head and looking around the room, annoyed that he was no longer in the dormitory.
In the dormitory, he liked sleeping against the wall. It felt cool and safe. He could only hold a pillow in his new apartment. He always felt that something was missing.
A person can feel lonely sometimes.
Someone was looking at him from beside the bed. His mind was fuzzy. Lin Yan thought: could his boss not find the AC remote?
Something cold and smooth covered his lips, sucking and grinding, pushing its tongue through his teeth, agitated like a snake, going in and out while fitting against his upper jaw. The taste was gentle and beautiful, almost like it would be intimidated by the touch of a petal, Lin Yan loosened his grip on the blanket and opened his mouth to greet it. The soft thing slowly invaded his mouth as if it had received encouragement. The kiss grew deeper, and the coldness on his body seemed to gain weight, pressing up against him. Suddenly, the softness on his mouth pulled away. Lin Yan subconsciously stretched out his tongue to hold it there and paused for a while. The cold thing like a snake sucked the tip of his tongue again.
It's cold. Why is it so cold?
Boss, the AC remote is probably in the drawer. It would help to turn off the air conditioner before someone froze to death.
Someone seemed to let out a long sigh in his ear.
Forget it, wasn’t it just the air conditioner?
I can just use my blanket.
As if there was really a cold weight covering the blanket, the alcohol wasn't letting his body try and get up. Lin Yan was instead dragged and hugged by a force, and the silk covers were raised around his arms and placed down on his chest.
Who would be so kind. . .
No, Lin Yan suddenly realized. This wasn't the dormitory. There was no one else at all. What was going on?
After his struggle to get up, he was hit with sudden violent dizziness, and his whole body fell down onto the bed again. Sleeping after getting drunk makes a person bolder and carefree. Lin Yan couldn't help but laugh out loud. Then, there was something that grew between his legs, and it was being stroked and rubbed again and again. There was so much strength behind it that Lin Yan frowned, but he didn't really put much thought into it.
Was he imagining this? . . . His boss wasn't small like this person, and he didn't have a girlfriend. It was shameful to rely on this other person to solve this predicament.
Lin Yan turned his head contentedly and buried the side of his face in the pillow. It has been a long time since he last had a dream like this, he might as well take advantage of it.
Who was the gracious host this time?
Lin Yan opened his mouth in a daze, and the softness greeted him again. It wrapped around his tongue, sucking it into its mouth and slowly savouring it.
The force that was rubbing what was between his legs was strong, and he was beginning to feel really hot and bothered. Lin Yan wanted to curl in on himself, but his knees were pressed down by something. Something pushed down his shoulders, and Lin Yan obediently rolled onto his back. The palm of its hand stroked his hips through his underwear, then moved to the front. His restless member in his underwear was played with by something cool. It was numbingly cold, but also agonizingly slow. Lin Yan gasping grew heavier, swallowing impatiently.
Who is this person who was so good at providing such a service?
Lin Yan smacked his lips with satisfaction.
Its movements were getting faster and faster, stretching across more of the surface area. An unheated hand shifted up and down, rubbing the sensitive tip of it with its thumb. The mixture of dizziness and pleasure made Lin Yan tightly grasped the sheets in reflex. He stiffly thrust his hips back and forth to match the movement of the hand. They worked together in a familiar sense as if this had happened between the two many times before. Lin Yan bit his lower lip and couldn't help but shake his head slightly.
It was very pleasant, really comfortable.
He had never had a dream like this before where he could be so satisfied just by doing this with a hand. Lin Yan's body squirmed relentlessly. When he leaned on his side, the cold palms traced his tight waist muscles, inching up the front of his chest, feeling it up. Lin Yan's whole body was wrapped in frigidness and his body was involuntarily trembling from both the cold and his lust.
The moment he reached his climax, his mind turned into blank static. Lin Yan arched his body and tried to suppress the muffled sound that rushed out of his throat. However, the cold figure suddenly changed. One hand grabbed his jaw and squeezed harshly. The moment he opened his mouth, he let out a long breath with a "hah" groan escaping as well. However, the pain in his jaw was intense. The hand forced his jaw open and didn't hesitate to wrap its other hand around his throat.
Was this thing trying to kill him?!
Out of breath, his throat was closed off and his face flushed red. Lin Yan instantly sobered up. This wasn't right, this wasn't right at all!
It was pitch black all around him. Lin Yan was confined and tried to shout out. This hand was skillful, however, and left him with just enough breath to stay alive. Blood was rushing to his head and it was getting harder to breathe. His underwear, which had already been slightly pulled down, was dragged off and thrown to the side. The figure's cold fingers entered in from behind. One finger, two, three, and it moved them back and forth, in and out without hesitation.
The pain and suffocation got Lin Yan soaked in a clammy sweat. His only conscious thought was telling him that he was being pressed into the bed by an invisible figure. He couldn't breathe, his eyes were bulging, and the blood vessels in his temples were protruding. Lin Yan wanted to break free from the hand that was holding his throat, but it was as powerful as pliers. The little air that was left in his throat let out a sharp whistle as he exhaled, his life hanging by a thread.
"I'm here to kill you."
A sullen male voice rang in his ears, and something slippery and cold was nibbling on his earlobes, sucking on his ears madly and abnormally. Lin Yan's expression was warped, his heart beating wildly. He couldn't hide, couldn't even see the fucking ghost!
Almost as quickly as it started, the brute force disappeared, leaving no traces that it was ever there.
Lin Yan clutched his neck and gasped in the fresh air. His chest was rising and falling, fear twisting in him like an invisible giant hand. This was crazy, he must be crazy! What on earth could he have offended so greatly?!
During his panic, he heard a small electrical 'pop' noise. The computer screen in the corner of the bedroom suddenly lit up, and a line of bright red characters appeared on the screen: "The first day of Wushan month; the death date is approaching."
Lin Yan's hands were shaking as he turned on his lamp. The scene before him almost made him vomit. The walls and windows were all covered with bright red paint, dripping with red crosses. Even the glass had paint rolling down it. It was almost like a curse, or even like a formation, trapping him in this small apartment.
Lin Yan lowered his head, the white, cloudy substance was still on his genitals and lower abdomen, and even his clothes were stained with the liquid. The red silk clothes were soaked, like dried bloodstains.
Wait, red clothes?
Trembling, Lin Yan raised his arms. His clothes were made out of red satin with black lining, heavy embroidery. It was burial clothes for the dead, the same clothes that were supposed to be lying on Yin Zhou's floor were instead being worn on his body!
It has been 29 hours since the beginning of this whole thing, and, for the first time, Lin Yan felt like everything was about to collapse.
"Ringringring. . ." The phone rang.
Lin Yan sat stunned, then rushed over in a moment of bravado, grabbing the receiver fiercely and cursing into the phone: "I don't care who you are or what you are, come at me! Show me who you are!"
There was silence on the other end of the receiver, and suddenly Yin Zhou's voice came: "Lin Yan? Are. . . are you okay? What's wrong?"
It was like he had heard the voice of the sun itself. After a moment of silence, Lin Yan cried out with joy, but he collected himself almost immediately. He tried his best to control his breathing and replied in the most normal tone he could muster: ". . . Everything's fine, that thing just showed up again."
Yin Zhou's voice also sounded a little off: "I slept until midnight, and when I woke up, I saw that the clothes were gone. I was afraid that something might have happened to you."
"My mother contacted someone who might know more about it. If you want, we could go there tomorrow?"
Lin Yan hesitated, holding the receiver for a while. He never would've thought this earlier, but now, he didn't even know if he could survive until morning.
"Don't tell my parents."
"Relax, I didn't say it involved you."
Lin Yan sighed. This was the only time that he'd be able to get these answers; "Okay, I'll pick you up at 8, if I even can still pick you up."
Throwing down the receiver, Lin Yan looked around his bedroom. He had lived in this room for more than a year. He discussed and revised the interior decorations with the designer several times. Now it looked so strange and terrifying. The mottled red paint, the computer seemingly connected to the underworld, the ghost who randomly shows up to kill him; the powerlessness he felt made it feel like he was floating aimless through water, unable to find something solid to grab onto.
He was so exhausted that he didn't even have any energy to take off the suspicious clothing that he was wearing. Lin Yan laid back on his pillow and stared up at a fairly clean ceiling above, muttering to himself 'what did I do wrong, what did I do wrong?'
"Ringringring. . ." The phone rang again.
Lin Yan picked it up, leaned to his ear slowly, and said softly, "A-Zhou, why did you think something might have happened?"
There was no answer.
Lin Yan's body felt numb suddenly, the familiar coldness and silence returning. . .
"I. . . Want. . . You. . . To. . . Die. . ."
There was a sombre answer on the phone.
Lin Yan could only laugh and put down the receiver blankly.
He would deal with everything tomorrow.
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pumpkincentaur · 3 years
would you rather: writing edition
Thank you to @seas-dubh for the tag! I love would you rather tag games so this is going to be a lot of fun!
1. historical or futuristic
I almost always end up leaning towards the past, even when I’m writing off-earth fantasy... I never end up doing futuristic tech levels. A future project is definitely going to change that, but it’s an outlier.
2. the opening or closing chapter
Endings are one of the first things I come up with when I’m outlining, and I’m always absolutely ecstatic to get to my endings. I even know how the sequel to my current project is going to end.
3. light+fluffy or dark+gritty
I lean towards darker plots. I just do. I don’t consider myself a grimdark author by any sense of the word, and all my work has lighter moments mixed in, but the overall tone of my projects usually leans towards darker territory, or at most the middle of the road.
4. animal companion or found family
I don’t usually go super hard for found families (I have a couple hypothetical projects that have them that I have not written yet), but I go hard away from animal companions. Not even on purpose. Somehow, despite growing up with animals my whole life, I have never actually written a character with a pet that’s, like, actually around. I think maybe a family in an old WIP maybe had a couple of dogs who barked in like one scene? Somehow I just forget that animals exist.
5. horror or romance
I legit can’t choose with this one.
6. hard or soft magic system
Unfortunately, I enjoy rules too much. I am not a Brandon Sanderson level hard magic builder, but I find systems with clear consequences easier to write about... however, I enjoy a combination as well! UHT has some elements of this, with Godsblood being a hard magic system and another magical element being much softer due to the fact that nobody knows what the heck they’re doing with it at any given time.
7. standalone or series
I am terrible at NOT writing series. UHT is the first book in a duology, and that is the smallest thing I have ever plotted out for myself.
8. one project at a time or always juggling
Laser focus or bust, baby
9. one award winner or one bestseller
I like money. The only book award I really know about is the Hugo, but I would rather have money.
10. fantasy or sci-fi
I really like sci-fi, but my tastes in that genre are more specific compared to fantasy, where I will just eat almost everything I can get my hands on. I love big sprawling epics, I love fantasy romance, I love horror/dark fantasy, I love more contemporary deconstructions of the genre...
11. character or setting description
A problem I have had in early drafts for YEARS is forgetting to tell the reader what my characters look like until it’s awkwardly late. I don’t forget setting descriptions when they’re relevant, but I still haven’t given Hadriel a single character trait beyond ‘blue eyes’ in UHT draft 3 and I am more than 20k in, so...
12. first or final draft
I’m a weirdo. Revising makes me happy. I love editing and rewriting, and find finishing first drafts to be the hardest part of the process.
13. literary or ‘commercial’ genre
I really like reading literary fiction, because I love literary prose... but I am not a literary writer.
14. love triangle in everything or no romantic arcs
When I say I prefer love triangles, I don’t mean, like, literally... I just love really complicated character dynamics, and relationships are 100% part of that! Stringshatter features a love triangle that eventually becomes a polyamorous relationship, UHT features... well, a lot of people have a lot of feelings and Sionri is manipulating ALL OF IT. And also deeply involved in it. However, UHT has a lot of political elements and sometimes you have to seduce someone for political benefit. It happens.
15. constant sandstorm or rainstorm
Rain for the aesthetic, 100%.
Tagging anyone who sees this and wants to do it. Yes, that can mean you!
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Fic Tag Game
I saved this in my drafts and then proceeded to forget about it entirely, which is awfully in character for me. Thanks @pearthery for tagging me!
Name(s): Uhhh I don’t have a set one right now so me like any variant of my Ao3 handle or my tumblr name is fine really; Pirate, MPSO, Spooky, etc. 
Fandoms: Too many to count lol. I’ve only really been active in the gintama fandom so far
Where you post: Ao3 (MafiaPirateShinigamiOtaku)
Most popular one-shot (by kudos):-
Overall:  If You Have Odd Friends, You Will Have Odd Birthdays
This year:  The Beginning (of the End)
Most Popular Multi-chap (also by kudos):-
I have only one, which is unfinished: Kakashi’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Favorite story you’ve written so far: Hmmm I guess ‘If You Have Odd Friends, You Will Have Odd Birthdays’ would be my favourite so far. I’m happy I managed to write something that could actually make someone laugh! I do have one in the works (its been there for almost a year now T-T) that I really like so far though, but it isn’t finished so,,
Fic you were nervous to post: That would have to be my first one, Kakashi’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Funnily enough, it isn’t because it’s my first, rather it’s cause I’ve only watched until like the middle of the Chuunin exam arc ages and all the rest of the information I know about Naruto is from Kakashi’s wiki page (don’t ask) and the (huge) number of fanfictions I’ve read so I thought I might have messed up the characterization of the Naruto characters.
How do you choose your titles: They usually just kinda pop into my head before I start writing or sometimes after I finish a work. The only fic so far that I had trouble coming up with a name was the WIP I mentioned in the fav story section, and for that someone game me the advice to look at a key scene and to see if I could get a title from that, and I did!
Do you outline: Yes, usually when I get the idea for a fic I tend to soon think of a general direction I want the story to go in and write it down. There are some aspects that end up being changed as I write, but the main story beats stay the same.
(I have one fic which I didn’t outline and just started writing. After forgetting about it for like,,, probably a year or so I came back to it and was like,,, What The Hell Was This Story Supposed To Be About.
A Lesson Was Learnt That Day.)
Complete: 5 at the moment. My motivation is,,,,, spotty,, so it’s anyone’s guess when a fic will be finished.
In progress: I have a few fics outlined, but I’ll only consider the ones I’ve started writing for. There’s Gintoki’s side to ‘Firsts’, which I never expected to be writing but my brain came up with this really pretty image and I was like, wouldn’t this fit with a Gintoki perspective? Anyway, I’m not completely happy with it and its not finished yet (yes it’s gonna be around 300 words like firsts, yes I know I haven’t finished it-) so it may be a while until it comes out. The second is the WIP I mentioned earlier that I’ll just talk about in the upcoming work section.
Coming soon: I mean,,, I just answered that. I’m also planning for the WIP I just mentioned to be posted on Halloween but with my motivation,,,, no hopes.
Not started: * side-eyes the entire folder of yet-to-be-started fics * uhhh, best not to open that can of bees. But. There Are A Lot.
Prompts?: I don’t really use them tbh.
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: As you’ve guessed, t’s the mysterious WIP I keep mentioning! I’ve been jokingly calling it my Magnum Opus in my head and I really like what I’ve written so far!! The genre and tone of this are quite a shift from what I have written before, so it is a bit of a challenge but I can’t wait to finish it!! (But finishing it requires me to actually work on it and uhhhhhh,,) Anyway, as a sneak peak I’ll say that it’s a horror type of story and focuses on Sakamoto Tatsuma! 
No Pressure Tags: I dunno any other writer on tumblr who hasn’t already been tagged lol, but whoever sees this and wants to do their own can go ahead!
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liya4kar · 3 years
Liyada’s Fics Masterpost
It was time I wrote a Fic Masterpost.
So for everyone who is interested by my fics, firstly I invit you on my AO3 where you can litteraly find everythng, especially since I don’t post the fics directly on Tumblr. 
And if you want the details, here we go!
Also here the plan, because the post is really long lmao-
I/ Pokespe
1. Multi-chap fics
a) Three Years
b) The Magical Dexholders
2. AUs
a) Yorozuya no Lack-chan
b) Legendary Dexholders
c) Blonde Family
d) Yokai AU
3. Stand-alone OS and Drabbles
a) OS
b) Drabbles
II/ Other fandoms
a) Champion (Marvel)
I/ Pokespe
1. Multi-Chap Fics
a) Three Years
This one is my baby, the one I had been working on for 2 years and a half, the one I progressed the more in, and also the one I haven’t updated in a year even if I have 6 chapters ready to post, cause I’m lazy af. Also the ones where you can very easily see how much my writing progressed since I started writing for Pokéspe.
Warning: Graphic Description of Violence, Major Character Death (though this one is complicate and don’t fully apply)
Genre: Angst, Adventure.
Words Count: 69,567
Statut: In Progress
Characters: The whole Spe cast up to SM.
Relationship: Background Frantic, Entourage, Agency and Laverree, a lot of other friendships.
Summary: Some secrets should never be revealed. Or should they?
After a strange explosion, X and Y fear the apparition if a new threat for Kalos, and decide to get themselves implicate. But things are not as simple as they look, and nothing will go the way they want. And as those attacks take bigger scales and start to involve a large number of people, they would have no choice but to find the motive behind them to stop them; even if it means getting back on some bitter memories from three years ago they all would have preferred to forget...
List of chapters: Part I: Kalos
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1. The Explosion
2. The Lumiose Badlands
3. Shalour City
4. The Attack
5. Next Action
6. Lumiose City
7. Blackout
8. Chase in Lumiose City
9. The Next Day
10. Couriway Town
11. Sunrise
12. Tic Tac
13. Terminus
Part II: Unova
Tumblr media
14. A Day in Driftveil City I
14.5. A Day in Driftveil City II
15. Welcome to Unova I
15.5. Welcome to Unova II
16. The Twist Mountain I
16.5. The Twist Mountain II
b) The Magical Dexholders
This one is purely self-indulgent fic, where I basically write the dumbest thing that get in my mind. Aka some Dexholders become Magical Girls or Boys, but they’re dumb, but it’s okay because the bad guys, their friends and their world in general is dumb.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Parody, Humor, Friendship
Words Count; 27,944
Statut: In progress
Characters: The whole Spe cast up to SM, and some OCs
Relationship: Diamond & Silver, Blue & Yellow & Gold & Platinum, Green & Crystal & Pearl
It’s an emergency! The Darkness Power Of The Terrible Evil has invading the Pokespe world and take over the region of Kanto! Some magical fluffy creatures needs help in order to stop the Darkness Power Of The Terrible Evil!
The day Dia met a strange professor fan of Magical Boy and a strange pink creature, he knew his life would never be the same...
In the meantime, Blue and Yellow have to face a terrible threat to get back their home, but get new abilities in exchange.
List of chapters:
1.  A story is not interesting if nothing go wrong in it
2.  If you are a Magical Boy, don't forget to take an insurance for building destruction!
3.  If the authorities say that a radioactive cloud did magically stop at the border, you can totally trust them!
4.  You can’t be a protagonist if you don’t have an ultimate move, a dark past or a secret identity!
5.  No matter how good it looks on TV, sh*t stay sh*t!
6.  An homage to a work becomes a fanfiction when it becomes an important part of the plot, you moron!
7. If you update on the 1st April everyone's gonna believe it's a joke, even if it isn't, so update on the 31st March!
2. AUs
Those fics are not multi-chap fics, but more like OS and drabbles that are related between each others.
a) Yorozuya no Lack-chan
Heavily inspired by Gintama, AU where Lack did not get back in Interpol and started doing odd jobs instead. Serie of Drabbles.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Parody, Humor, Friendship
Characters: Lack-Two, Whi-Two, X, Sun
Relationship: Lack-Two & Whi-Two, Lack-Two & X, Lack-Two & Sun
When Whi-Two bumped into Lack-Two after months, she was not expecting him to went from Interpol officer to dog walker. And neither that he’d get her, and this guy from Kalos, to join he’s odd jobs agency.
List of chapters:
Dogwalker Lack-Two in action!
The Blazing Begining of Odd Jobs Yorozuya no Lack-Chan! 
b) Legendary Dexholders
In a world where being a legendary Pokémons can be boring, the legendary Pokémons decides to have a little bit of funs. Shenanigans ensue.
Aka the legendary Pokémons decides to become humans, and of course they happen to be our favorite DHs.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Friendship, Family, Supposed to be comic at first but also goes on the character study sometimes
Characters: Silver, Giratina, others for next OS.
Relationship: Implied Preciousmetal, Blue & Silver
When Whi-Two bumped into Lack-Two after months, she was not expecting him to went from Interpol officer to dog walker. And neither that he’d get her, and this guy from Kalos, to join he’s odd jobs agency.
List of chapters: Giratina
c) Blonde Family
In which Yellow, Pearl, Bianca and Y are all cousins. Shenanigans enssue.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Family, Comedy, Crime
Characters: Yellow, Pearl, Bianca, Y
Relationship: Yellow & Pearl & Bianca & Y
Family reunions are rarely all peace and calm. But when, out of four cousins, you have three Dexholders and a clumsy professor assistant, things are bond to be messy.
List of chapters: To be a cousin, Don't listen others confessions or you'll end as responsible as them
d) Yokai AU
What if yokai existed in the Spe universe? 
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Supernatural, Friendship, Adventures
Characters: Pearl, Schilly
Relationship: Pearl & Schilly
Pearl had first seen them when he was four years old. And he had learned to live with this world only he could see, to maintain his balance of a normal life.
He had just not expected one of his junior to also see them.
List of chapters: Chilling Party
3. Stand alone OS and drabbles
a) OS
Here you can find the 1K+ words stand-alone OS. Links are in the tittles!
A Good Christmas Movie is Made of Hot Chocolate and a Fire-Breathing Cat
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Horror, Parody, Christmas, Hallmark Movie, Specord Winter Writing Event 2020
Words count: 4093
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Y, Sun
Relationship: Implied Laverree and Delivery shipping, Y & Sun
Everything is perfect in Y's life. Too perfect, like in a Christmas Hallmark movie. Now, with a fire-breathing cat name Sun, it's up to her to find a way out of this Christmas hell.
One-shot wrote for the Winter Writing Event on the Specord, with the prompt X & Sun, Horror and Parody, My Life is a Hallmark Movie and PMD, and Chuck E Cheese's Ball Pit.
Celebi-rities in Distress
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Parody, Friendship, TV Show
Words Count: 5017
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Sapphire, Lisia, Ruby, Emerald.
Relation Ship: Background Franticshipping, Sapphire & Lisia, Ruby & Emerald
Sometimes, it only takes a silly TV show, weird games and arrogant prissy boys to make a new friends.
Or how Sapphire became friend with Lisia to teach Ruby and Emerald a good lesson.
Bonding on the Grand Line
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: One Piece AU, Pirate
Words Count: 2948
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Pearl, Cheren, Sinnoh and Unova Gym Leaders
Relation Ship: Pearl & Cheren, Mentionned Commoner Shipping, Past Pearl & Diamond & Platinum, Mentionned Cheren & Black
In a world where Gold Roger is still an unknow name, Pearl and his crew left North Blue for the Grand Line. But are they ready for everything waiting them?
Of Swords & Of a Gun
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: AU, Angst, 
Words count: 4209
Statut: Two-Shot, in progress
Characters: Pearl, Cheren, Sinnoh and Unova Gym Leaders
Relation Ship: Soudo & Bede, Bede & Rose, Soudo & Schilly, Schilly/Hop, Bede & Schilly & Hop
In a world where everyone has a Sword, Bede is an abnormality who has a Gun.
In a world where the Tsurugi family is the best blacksmith clan of Galar, Soudo fails to meet people's expectations.
In a world where they have to fight and find their places, will the two of them discover why they exist? Maybe the answer had been in front of their eyes since the beginning.
Pallet Association
Warning: Graphic Description of Violence, Major Character Death <3
Genre: Cyberpunk AU, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Kanto Week, Angst, Dystopia, May be a bit OOC for certain characters
Words count: 3637
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, Prof. Chen
Relation Ship: Green & Blue, Green & Blue & Red & Yellow, Green & Prof. Chen
In Pallet City, one of the biggest megalopolis in the world, the Pallet Association controls everything. Blue, Red, Yellow, and Green decide that it needs to change.
But Green may have forgotten to mention a few details to them.
(This OS have two alternative endings because I couldn’t picke one)
Warning: No Warning Applies 
Genre: Fluff, Domestic, Comedy,  Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Johto Week
Words count: 2843
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Silver, Gold, Crystal
Relation Ship: Silver & Crstal & Gold
Silver has apparently never heard a fairytale of his whole life, so Gold and Crystal decide to give him an express fairytale class. Turned out that it was a really bad idea.
Festival War
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Hoenn Week
Words count: 2843
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Emerald, Latias, Ruby, Sapphire
Relation Ship: Franticshipping, Emerald & Latias, Emerald & Ruby & Sapphire
It's the summer, it's time for festivals, but with the Hoenntrio and their love for bets and contests, it could only go wrong.
Family Business
Warning: Craphic Description of Violence, Minor Character Deaths <3
Genre: Angst, Villain AU, tw: Drugs, Weapons, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Sinnoh Week
Words count: 3596
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Platinum, Diamond, Pearl
Relation Ship: Implied Entourage
Because she was the heir of the Berlitz family, she will continue to develop their wealth and their power, no matter what it takes. No matter if the path she’ll take was full of blood and corpses and crimes.
Parent-Teacher Reunion
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, School life (but it’s still in the canon universe), Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Unova Week 1
Words count: 2638
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Cheren, Black, White, Bianca, Iris
Relation Ship: Agency Shipping, Cheren & Black & White & Bianca & Iris
Did you ever wonder how was Black's school life? Well, welcome in this parent-teacher reunion where Cheren have some things to say about his childhood friend... 
Crimes Movies are Sad Except When Everyone is Dumb
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Crime, Comedy, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Unova Week 2
Words count: 5565
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Whi-Two, Lack-Two, Hugh
Relation Ship: Whi-Two & Lack-Two & Whi-Two
It was a normal day for Whi-Two. A casting, a murder, two former classmates coming from nowhere... ... Wait, what?
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Character Study, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Kalos Week
Words count: 2198
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: (Malva’s) Delphox, Trevor, Furfrou, Floette
Relation Ship: Delphox & Trevor, Delphox & Furfrou & Floette
Delphox was strong. Malva was strong, too, but Malva's had lost, so Malva was weak.
Delphox had lost too, but she could not admit she was weak too.
No, she was strong.
It was the boy who was weak.
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Negative Spe AU, Adventure, Friendship, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Alola Week
Words count: 1649
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Sun, Moon
Relation Ship: Sun & Moon
Sun always liked helping at the soup kitchen, seeing the smile and laughs of everybody around him, but the lunch breaks were always the best moment.
Too bad that this girl decided to ruin this one.
The Child of the Outdoor
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Character study, pre-canon, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Galar Week
Words count: 1317
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Schilly, her Pokémons
Relation Ship: Schilly & her Pokémons
Schilly always loved outdoors. It was joy, fun and great memories. It was her Pokémons, too.
Professor Santa
Collab with @coppertrapinch for the Specord Secret Santa Event! (Check her work she’s amazing!)
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, Christmas, Specord Secret Santa Event 2021
Words count: 3623
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Prof. Oak, Prof. Birch, Prof. Samson Oak, Prof. Rowan, Prof. Juniper, Crystal, Gold, Sapphire, Trevor, Soudo, Schilly, Prof. Magnolia
Relation Ship: Prof. Oak & his need for a break
Something was bound to go wrong with Gold organizing a party... but a Secret Santa on top of that? Poor Crystal was just too stressed at work... it was time for Professor Oak to step up to the plate. Can the renowned Professor save Christmas in time without gaining another wrinkle?
...No. No he cannot.
The Christmasly Idiotic Adventures of Pearl and Lack-Two, or the time when two idiots stopped an evil organization while being on a gift hunt
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, Christmas, Specord Secret Santa Event 2021, Crime (??), Adventure
Words count: 5326
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Pearl, Lack-Two
Relation Ship: Pearl & Lack-Two
Pearl liked Christmas. Really. Well, except when some (false) "Gift Fashion Specialist Journalist" disturbs all his plans and ruins his gift hunt. Why do he has to get a present for such a brat anyway? 
Screw up Secret Santa! This year, we're gonna kick some ass for Christmas!
b) Drabbles
Ok no big presentation here cause it’s only very short drabbles (>1K words)
Valentine Day 2020: Laveree Shipping
Valentine Day 2020: Entourage Shipping
X teachs incorrect French words to Gold
Crystal is scary and very powerful
Soudo and Chilly don’t like they English localized name, and Marvin is too young for this
II/ Other fandoms
a) Champions (comics)
Heat-Haze Days
Warning: Graphic Description of Violence, Major Character Death <3
Genre: Angst, inspired by the Kagepro song “Kagerou Days”, Time loop
Words count: 4213
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Miles Morales/Spiderman, Kamala Khan/Miss Marvel, Sam Alexander/Nova
It was a normal summer day, everything was fine... But the heat of haze had decided otherwise, and it was up to Miles to try to find a way out. 
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