#something that could actually happen and be reversed 👀
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Finn being asked about Mike dying and him saying if it’s in the cold open, then no, but if it’s at the end of the season as like a sacrifice, then yes… Why would he even bring up a cold open death tho 👀
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stagefoureddiediaz · 4 months
Buck (and Eddie) mini meta - 7x10 (probably but could also be 7x09!)
I was going to make a quick post about this new shirt we have bts pictures of Buck and Eddie wearing - but well, I spiralled and it turned into this!! (under the cut to save your dash!)
So let's do Eddie first shall we!!
there are actually two shirts we've got bts of Eddie wearing which have me 👀👀👀
first up is this green number we have bts of him wearing at the firehouse (not 100% sure if this is an actual costume or just Ryan's clothes but I'm fairly sure it's an Eddie outfit!)
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Why am I side eyeing so hard at this do you ask? well its a very similar shirt to the one we have seen him in before - in 5x13 when he has his break down. Its not the same, but similar - no cut off sleeves, but its the same army green.
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We see this tee at he culmination of Eddie isolating himself from the fire fam (especially Buck) through the start of 5b and then blowing up his life in 5x13 - when he trashes his room and Chris calls Buck.
I think we're about to see something similar play out in the last couple of episodes of season 7 - Eddie increasingly choosing to isolate himself from the fire fam (especially Buck) as he spirals out with this vertigo arc. Ryan has said in interviews that Eddie will be isolated by the end of the season, this costume therefore parallels Eddies arc of 5b - especially if we include the use of white on Eddie as well (and Buck in Blue in the same scene!). Eddie does something drastic and then pretends everything is ok - before proceeding to spiral out and blow up his life in some way.
5x11 - we have the aftermath of Eddie leaving he 118 - dinner with Buck and Taylor when he and Buck have a mini disagreement about Eddie coming back to work - which is preceeded by us being shown how Eddie is not actually ok - leading in to 5x13 when Eddie has his breakdown whilst wearing an army green tee and Buck breaks down the door to get to him and literally steps in to the mess, bringing the 118 into help as well (represented by Bobby being there when Eddie wakes up).
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Then we have season 7 - the aftermath of Eddie asking Marisol to move in with him and then it is made clear that Eddie has moved too fast, that he doesn't actually know Marisol, or ultimately feel comfortable with the relationship - and now we've watched him (still in white in the scene where he sees Kim) spiralling out and heading towards isolating himself in the same way he did in season 5. The use of a similar army green tee in 7x10 suggests that we're going to see something similar unfold as things come to a head in the vertigo arc. Im especially intrigued because Buck it seems is going to be in uniform for the scene (which side note plays into the Buck and Eddie blue green colour palette they've been using and in a reverse of the gym scene from 7x05!) we don't know where in the episode this scene falls, but my guess would be that its actually a scene from earlier in the episode - allowing for the blow up to happen and the fall out begin. (I also think this because of Helena and Ramon appearing - which I think will be later in the episode and in response to Kim's existence being more widely known about, but thats just me speculating!)
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We do also have the t-shirt from 7x01 - which is not the same as the other two - its darker and more brownish than the two above, but it does play into a similar narrative - Eddie finding out about Chris and his multiple girlfriends and Buck stepping in (at Eddies request this time) to help and support the Diaz boys!
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Eddie outfit two!
Then we have this outfit - which is contrary to popular belief, not the will reveal outfit, but actually the Ana as Eddies girlfriend reveal to Chris outfit.
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The two outfits are very similar, but the will reveal outfit is a navy blue shirt (which is important as it plays into both blue/green and blue/yellow theory - which gains even more significance now we know that it is likely this was meant to be the beginning of at the very least a queer narrative for Buck and the implication is that it would've been the beginning of buddie canon) this shirt and the Ana reveal shirt are both black and have silver eyelets on the shirt opening
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For me, the fact that it is the same outfit as that reveal rather than the will reveal is suggestive that this outfit is in some way going to be connected to the reveal of Kim. In the same way that the Ana reveal outfit is connected to two scenes
- Eddie telling Chris and the salad bowl getting smashed,
- Eddie realising Chris has gone missing only to find out he's run to Buck's
I feel like this one is also likely to be connected to two scenes - what they are and where this hospital scene fits within the wider episode, it is hard to fully form ideas on the full meaning behind the fact that he is wearing the same outfit. Because does this scene come before or after the arrival of Helena and Ramon, what is the connection to Bobby being in the hospital and Eddie wearing this outfit? My personal opiion is that this outfit is going to be involved in people finding out about Kim.
As an addition to this, we should also talk about the fact that Eddie always wears black in relation to key scenes with Marisol and Kim and it continues a trend of Eddie wearing black in key scenes in relation to his relationships.
When Eddie and Marisol meet at the hardware store he is in black, when asking her to move back out, black shirt. Then with Kim -both scenes with her when he talks to her he is in black - black shirt in the store and a black jacket when they go on their date.
He was also wearing Black in key moments with Shannon (divorce request scene as well as in flashbacks) and with Ana ( first meeting and panic attack scenes). I've spoken before about the choice to put him in a black singlet when he's in an emotionally vulnerable place, but with these additional scenes in mind, as well as the fact that we see him wearing black in the hospital during Bucks coma, as well as the fact we also get a similar shirt on Eddie back in 7x01.
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I think its fair to associate black more generally with Eddie being in a vulnerable place emotionally - the singlets are just worn at points when those vulnerable moments are about to tip Eddie into something stupid and this makes the use of the singlet in 7x04 for the basketball game even more interesting as it places Eddie into emotional vulnerability around Bucks bi journey and less about Bucks own emotional vulnerability - plays a little into the idea that they were going to have Eddies queer journey come before Bucks!
From a purely speculative position - my feeling is that this outfit comes after the arrival of Helena and Ramon and possibly towards the end of the episode.
The fact Eddie is wearing it at the hospital is possibly important, but I get the feeling it will be an outfit with more than one key scene attached to it (much like Eddie being in a black shirt when Buck came out to him was in two key scenes - Bucks coming out and Eddie asking Marisol to move out).
In the same way that in season 4 the Ana reveal was paired with a scene where Chris runs to Buck my feeling is that we're going to see something similar in season 7 with this - further adding to the parallels between the two seasons (see this excellent post by @iinryer for more on those!).
Part of my thinking comes from the fact we had this other bts of Buck, Eddie, Chris and Helena and Ramon. So we know that Eddie will be wearing a maroon henley for a scene in this episode.
I've spoken about Eddie wearing maroon long sleeved tops in relation to things being about Chris and Eddie parenting, and this one is likely to follow that theme, especially with Chis seemingly wearing the same outfit he was wearing when the fact he had multiple girlfriends was revealed.
The fact that buck is in a reverse outfit to the one from his discussion with Chris after that reveal (navy blue bottoms and yellow ochre top v yellow ochre bottoms and navy blue top), suggests to me that the are trying to do a couple of things here - they are flipping the scene - so it is still about a multiple girlfriends reveal, just Eddies rather than Christophers. It is also possibly a way to contrast the fact they set up Buck as sitting in parallel to Shannon (from both a costuming and directorial perspective), now they are reversing it and setting them in juxtaposition with one another - playing on the concept of one being alive while the other is dead and contrasting the actual reality of Eddies life with Eddies rose tinted version of things - the version he's trying to recreate with a doppelgänger.
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Onto Buck
The shirt that changes colour depending on which picture you look at - is it brown and cream or dark greyish brown and blue/grey?!!
My personal feeling is that it will look more brown and cream on camera, but that we might see a little bit of the blue pinstripe come through! This means we need to not only look at Buck in pinstripes, but also when he has worn brown!
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So lets look at when we've seen Buck wear brown!
We have 2x05 - a scene where Maddie is ranting about Gloria calling her constantly. In this scene Buck is in a brown marl tee (you'll have to take my word for it - I ran out of pictures and this one was the least important!), personally I don't think it fits into the narrative as it is a tee rather than a shirt or jacket, so I'm not including it in my wider anaylsis!
We get Brown sports jacket Buck - in 3x04 when he delivers the results of the 118's assessment and discovers Lena filing his space - Buck gets jealous and a little mad. (had to include the still where Edie is checking out Bucks ass because it will never not be funny and now has the added layers to it`!)
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one episode later and we get more brown in the divorced buddie era 1.0 supermarket arguement of 3x05.
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Things go quiet on the brown front for Buck until 4x14 and the 'it would've been better if it had been me who got shot' scene - this is is a borderline brown - it sits in the yellow ochre spectrum, but is closer to brown than yellow! This, like the last tine he wore brown, comes in the aftermath of Buck doing something stupid (climbing the crane)
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Then Buck doesn't wear any brown in season 5, so its on to season 6 where we have 6x04 and this russet brown (which is a reddish brown) which Buck wears when Connor pays him a visit regarding the sperm donation.
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Then later in the same season - 6x18 - we have the most recent Buck in brown sighting - when he is talking to Connor once more about Kameron being at his loft. with the added bonus of this being veritcally ribbed making it look like stripes!
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As you can see we only see Buck wear brown in very specific moments and they tend to come in pairs - we get bright russety browns in the build up to Buck doing something stupid followed by a darker more muddy brown in the aftermath (in both s2 and s6). Only the one from season 4 doesn't fit the pattern as it doesn't have a pair.
But while events in seasons 3 and six are essentially of Bucks making - he sets things in motion - season 4 is not - Buck is not the instigator, he is a bystander dropped into the middle of something, if anything the fact his brown has yellowish undertones plays into its having a reverse effect - that it is the same as the russet browns - setting something in motion, but its pair is the brighter yellow ochre shirt from the will reveal - which sits in opposition to the darker browns - its not something Buck needs or wants to try and fix - its more of an affirmation of Bucks belonging and not something he needs to fight for.
I've spoken before in various meta's about brown being a colour of stability support and protection. it is also a colour of wisdom and counsel - and I think all of these will come into play with this new shirt in some capacity, because to put Buck in brown at this point is definitely a choice with intention behind it.
Now onto Buck in vertical stripes!
We'll do the light ones first. It's still insane to me that the first time we ever see Buck in vertical stripes is the shooting scene in 4x13.
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Then ten episodes later, in 5x13 we see the next white striped shirt and its when Taylor is moving into the loft. These are the only two we have in a white and black/grey colour way.
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The next time we see light stripes is in 6x01 - only now they are cream and blue rather than white and black/grey - when Buck moves his armchair and decides he doesn't need a couch .
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Followed by 6x08 when Buck is in Uncle Buck mode and looking after Jee and being given the run around by her - again cream and blue.
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The last Buck in light shirts with stripes sighting is from 7x05 - when he meets with Tommy for coffee, this time its cream with black and red stripes.
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Then we have a couple of outliers - this light blue jacket from 6x01
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and this grey one from 6x09
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Then we have the dark ones!
This one from 4x14 when Taylor appears back on his doorstep after the shooting and kissing him
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This one from 5x09 - the most awkward 'I love you' scene in the history of mankind
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6x04 when he tells Conor and Kameron that he will be their sperm donor
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in 6x07 we get two - both when he is trying to donate sperm and not being successful in this endeavour
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in 6x17 we see him in this shirt when Maddie comes by for help with getting her stuck engagement ring off
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and finally we have Buck and Tommys first date - which ends in failure.
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and now we have a brown and cream/blue one joining the mix!
I've written before about Bucks vertically striped shirts - in various episode metas, as well as a separate post which is linked on my pinned post under Buck, But I'm going to talk about them again because he just keeps on wearing them at really interesting moments!
Buck seems to wear them at moments when he is essentially ‘imprisoned’ by something mentally - at moments when he either steps forwards or backwards in his self development, or stays in stasis - and which of these it is, is determined by the colour of the shirt and the stripes. The lighter ones are connected to moving forward and ultimately escaping, while the darker ones are about Buck being trapped and moving in the wrong direction.
Starting with the white shirts - I know on the face of it, it isn't easy to see either of the white shirts with black pinstripes as Buck moving forward, but while the scenes they are worn in themselves may not seem to be freeing, the resulting actions - the will reveal for the first one and the second one reveals Bucks true thoughts on his and Taylors relationship and thus marks the beginning of the end, I mean obviously the kiss is the actual moment that marks the beginning of the end but this moment - when he is talking to Maddie, the audience is made aware that Buck really and truly isn't all in with Taylor and that he has imprisoned himself - his ability to recognise that - the fact he is able to verbalise that he is afraid of being left - that is the moment of growth and escape for him.
The unhappy moments, the moments when he is regressing or clinging are signified by the black shirts with white or silver pinstripes.
With Taylor the two scenes we get black shirts with pinstripes are connected to Buck being in trauma response mode - the first in the aftermath of the shooting - starting a relationship when he's in a super raw place - his best friend has been shot and he's looking after said best friends son and climbing cranes to try and protect the rest of his found family (also adding Maddie's impending PPD to this as well as the Daniel of it all although those are less central in this moment in time).
Then the second one comes in the 'I kinda love you for it' scene - and off the back of Buck feeling and fearing that he is being left - that Taylor is pulling away from him.
The three all connected to the sperm donation all play into the narrative that Buck hasn't thought the sperm donation through fully - that the universe is screaming at him and he's trapping himself in a prison - we do see some of that play out as the season progresses when he becomes embroiled in Conor and Kameron's marriage and pregnancy dramas when his part in it all should've been done.
The scene with the stuck ring is a scene very much about Maddie but Buck does drop himself in it on two fronts - the ring cutter and in letting Maddie know that Hen and Chim had an arguement over Chim proposing to Maddie.
Buck and Tommys first date - again a prison of Bucks own making - this shirt very much plays into the disastrous nature of the date - with Bucks 'I'm and Ally' and comment about going to 'find chicks'
Then we have the shirts that somewhere in the middle. - the blue one from 6x01 where we have a Buck doing some mental self torture trying to work out why he’s been passed over for the interim Captain job but finally figuring it out,
The three cream ones are all essentially the cure for the previous, darker stripes - they play into the idea that Buck is learning and growing - in a way he wasn't when it was just black and white shirts and stripes from seasons 4 and 5 when we got a white shirt followed soon after by a black shirt (4x13 - White - 4x14 - black) or vice versa (5x09 - black - 5x13 - white).
We have 6x01 with the blue then cream - Buck in a mental prison around what he wants in life, but choosing to embrace being on his own and seeing where life takes him by the end of the episode. 6x04 and 6x07's navy blues connected to the sperm donation arc followed by 6x08's cream and blue one of the very real children in his life - one who he gets to be an active part of watching grow up. 7x04's navy date shirt one followed by 7x05's cream, black and red shirt when Buck requests and is granted a do over with Tommy
So how is this brown and cream one going to fit in? Well that is the million $$$$ question isn't it! My feelings are that it's going to fit in with the pattern and have a reverse one to go with it. Now I have two theories - the first is that its actually the brown pair to the one from season 4 - that its going to connect into Buck's statement that it would've been better for Chris if he'd been the one hurt - and therefore connect into the will of it all, playing on the concept of Chris (and Buck) finding out about Kim - connecting Eddies outfit into the equation - and lead to Buck once again stepping up to look after or support Chris in some capacity (maybe we'll get a parallel of Chris running to Buck after finding out about Ana and have Chris running to Buck after finding out about Kim, who knows!).
The other option is that we'll only see the pair to this brown striped shirt later down the line - whether we see that before the end of the season or have to wait for the start of season 8 I do't know - it really depends on how they close out this season and the Buck and Eddie arcs.
I'd like to think the fact that its brown and therefore means stability, support, protection and wisdom, means that it will be connected to Buck discovering Eddies cheating and then stepping up to support him and Chris through the fall out (after perhaps taking a moment to consider things) and that it is tied into the season 4 parallels, but I guess we'll all have to wait and see!
Essentially all of Bucks striped and or brown tops have a pair and play on the idea of light and dark to varying degrees as well as the concept of being trapped or imprisoned by some form of traumatic event.
Hopefully this makes sense and that you've enjoyed reading this deep dive into Bucks stripes and Eddies wearing of black! I can't wait to hear your thoughts!
Tagged people below
@theladyyavilee @mistmarauder @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @bewilderedbuckley @spotsandsocks
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@copyninjabuckley @shammers86 @crazyfangirlallert @missmagooglie @katyobsesses
@radiation-run @gayandbifiremenofmine @bi-moonlight @crazyaboutotps @princesschez75
@alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @sherlocking-out-loud @satashiiwrites @lover-of-mine @yramesoruniverse
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factual-fantasy · 1 month
30 Asks! Thank you!! :}} 🌊
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😅Ah, well this is awkward-
I haven't drawn Gravity Falls in quite a while. And with this sudden fandom resurgence following the book of Bill.. I actually went back and privated a huge chunk of my Gravity falls posts. :x
My reasoning for this is that looking back, a lot of those old posts are rather embarrassing for me 💀 now I respected them all as stepping stones to where my blog is now so I didn't actually DELETE any posts!! But now with the fandom coming back people are finding them aaaannddd.. when ever I get a notification of someone liking an old cringey Gravity Falls post of mine? I just go beet red. uhhg they're sooooo embrassingggg...
SO! For my own comfort, I privated lot of those embarrassing posts. I didn't delete them in case I change my mind and want them back in the future- but they should all be hidden.
Now that that's explained, the comic you're talking about is likely one that I privated parts of out of embarrassment. But if you happen to have a link to one of the parts or can remember the what the comic was about... mayyyybe I could go back and un-pivate it.? <XD But just that comic! It depends on how beet red I turn when I see it-- :x
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I've heard of cult of the lamb, seen a lot of fanart for it- and several of my friends play it!... But I still don't know much about it <XD Isn't it like a cult simulator or something..? Idk-- the cult imagery just didn't really feel like my thing 😅
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@i-v-y67 (Hiding the image because its not my art! <:D )
Sorry man, <XD Maybe someday I will! But for now I got Welcome home, FNAF and Pokémon on the mind 💀
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DUDE I LOOOOOVE THE AMAZING WORLD OF GUMBALL!! That show has absolutely no right to be that funny XDDD
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XDD Aw, thank you! Truly the highest compliment my version of Wally could receive. 😌
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Idk how Bibi's name is actually supposed to be pronounced.. but I personally pronounce it as "bee-bee" <XD
And for his little sister Cici, its the same. "see-see"
While I'm at it, Gerald's name is pronounced "erald". The G is silent XDD
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Aw man.. Ingo couldn't cope.. 😔😔
No that's not me saying that Emmet loved Ingo less or was emotionally stronger than him- but Emmet sees Ingo as his strong and capable older brother. With some comfort from Elesa, he believed at his core that Ingo could handle what ever he was facing out there.. although his body was wracked with worry..
If the roles were reversed.. I mean.. man..
Ingo sees Emmet as his precious baby brother. Despite them being only minutes apart in age. He knows logically that Emmet is just as strong and capable as he is.. but just imaging his baby brother out there.. wounded and all alone.. he should have been there. he should have done more. He's all alone. What if he never sees him again? What if he dies alone out there?
The separation would quite possibly destroy Ingo..
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Boop!! :DDD
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I'm feeling pretty rough, but doing my best to rest! <:D and thank you!! :)))
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I don't have many clear ideas for Home yet.. I'm thinking that its pretty sentient. Home can problem solve, make assumptions and learn..
What does it think of everything... I'm not quite sure. I imagine Home to be curious though, and that's why it watches Wally sleep and why it watched Eddie at the Christmas party..
I also pictured Home to have been in an almost coma/zombie like state back when it was dilapidated.. but then I wonder if Poppy would still be spooked by it.. hmm..
It couldn't have been comfortable in that state at least. So when Wally fixed it up, maybe Home was grateful? Or maybe Home is just kind'a coming to and doesn't know how to feel about the neighborhood springing up around it.. overall I kind'a want to keep these general malicious undertones to Home... 👀
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Yeah, I didn't have them crushing on each other because I don't like writing romance stuff for characters that are not my own.. <XD
But this doesn't mean that Eddie and Frank cant have a strong platonic bond in my au! :0 One thing I imagined for their friendship is how they met/how it started.
I had this picture in my head that Frank used to butt-heads with the other neighbors a lot more than he does now. Frank had a certain way of talking and expressing himself that some of the other neighbors didn't really understand.. and since Frank can be irritable at times.. well.. I guess the best way to put it is that Frank had a hard time making friends at first..
I imagined that on a particularly bad day, where nothing seemed to be going his way.. Frank was huffing and puffing and just grumbling to himself.. attending to some chores around the house and just overall feeling down. At some point, he realized the package he ordered should be here any second now.. so he stepped outside to check the mail.
When he went outside, whaddya know! The new mailman was here right on time and putting his package in the mailbox. Well FINALLY something went right for him! That's a nice change..
I imagined Frank went out in a huff to grab the mail, not intending to chat.. but 10 minutes later and he was still stood outside talking to the new mailman.
I thought that when Frank spoke to Eddie, Eddie listened intently and waited patiently for his turn to talk without interrupting. When Eddie talked to Frank, he basically asked all the perfect questions in the perfect tone to get Frank to simmer down.
Eddie told him how beautiful his garden looked, and with his tone and bright smile, you could tell he meant it! Well that's a nice thing to say..
Frank asked how he feels about the neighborhood. And Eddies responses were relatively quick and to the point. Huh.. its nice to have no filler in this conversation considering how grumpy he was today..
Eddie makes a comment about Franks nice clothes, Frank chuckles and comments that his grumpy expression probably doesn't make them look any nicer.. Eddie is a little taken aback, "I didn't think you looked grumpy.. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down today neighbor.." Huh.. someone who doesn't just see his frown and assume he's a grump. That's a really nice change..
By the end of their conversation, Franks day had been completely flipped on its head. He had a nice chat with the new neighbor and got his mail right on time. Eddie was respectful, interested in what Frank had to say, and had plenty of genuine compliments to spare.
Since that excellent first impression on Eddie's part, their friendship would grow and grow into what it is today. Not a romantic relationship, but definitely a best friend situation for sure. :)
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A phone call? :0 Is this one I talked about happening in my at some point and forgot or was this something that happened in canon? <:0 Forgive my poor memory- today is not my day! 😅😅
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AWWWEE!! the little babeee.... 🥺🥺💞💞💞💞
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(In response to this post)
Thank you! These past few days have been pretty rough but I'm hangin in there! <:D ...
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Man I really gotta work on the story/personalities for Julies siblings <XD These ideas for them are just wonderful! Him meeting Julies brother/sisters sounds like a fun drawing idea!
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B-But.. with no return address... how am I supposed to send a thank you..? <:'(((
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It is one of my all time favorite shows.. 🥺🥺💞💞💞 I love it to bits. Stanley is my favorite character.. I watched it like twice and I would have watched it a third time but I couldn't watch it without crying so I had to quit <XDD 100/10 would recommend Gravity Falls.💞💞
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(Jangles birthday post)
Ahh don't worry, his birthday was actually on the 6th. I was late too! <XD
Also thank you! I'm glad you like the details I added! :)))))
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😔😔😔Man, it never ends. Thanks for letting me know though..
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I kind'a pictured it being similar to Sans and Papyrus. Well, if Papyrus loved puns that is- XDDD
Their personalities are kind'a opposite. Barnaby is relaxed, laid back and always cracking jokes. Howdy is always on the move (in the warmer months). Always darting from shelf, gotta stock stock stock! Gotta go go go! Got so many things to do!
Barnaby usually hangs out in the shop and chats with Howdy. They like to talk about life, their opinions on different topics. And of course exchange jokes back and fourth XDD
I imagine their friendship is strong enough that they've opened up about some darker things. About their pasts and what not..
Sorry if this wasn't super descriptive and/or didn't answer your question 😅 brain is not braining today!
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She's thought about telling someone else. The people she would trust the most would probably be Wally, Barnaby, Poppy and Sally.
Though she's afraid if she shows Wally, he'll be afraid of her. Just like all the other humans were...
She thought about telling Barnaby because he's so laid back and easy going.. perhaps he'd accept her for who she is.. but Barnaby really values honesty.. maybe he'd be upset that she lied to him about who she really is and wouldn't want to be her friend anymore..
She almost told Poppy, but backed out last second. She doesn't want to scare poor Poppy..
She's considered telling Sally.. and since Sally has a similar story to her.. maybe she'd be really understanding and accept her.. but she wasn't sure. So she never told her..
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I'd like to imagine Home does, but Wally either doesn't notice them or thinks they're just normal old house things :0
For example, the first picture in this post shows Home before Wally restored it. The peeling paint was supposed to be like rotting flesh, showing a pale red wood underneath.. bright red wood exists in their world, but its not usually that shade of red...
I thought about there occasionally being a faint blowing sound somewhere in the house. Accompanied by drawn out rise and fall in temperature though all the rooms. Wally would say the windows don't seal that well or the walls have poor insulation.. Other's would say it feels like breathing..
I've considered that when Wally tries to hang a picture, the walls leak some kind of thick fluid. Obviously meant to be blood- but I miiiight not go with that one. Since that would be a big glaring problem that would grab Wally's attention-
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Also I'm actually pretty thin on ideas for Howdy.. although I DO have these headcannons about Howdy not liking winter/the cold! :0
I imagined that Howdy can't handle the cold at all <XD In the wintertime howdy is constantly cold, hungry and sleepy. This makes him move really slowly and show up late to everything 😔Thankfully he has his good pal Barnaby to lend a hand around the shop. But it just sucks that he's so exhausted in the wintertime and can hardly get anything done..
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(In response to this post)
Thank you so much! :DD And ooooo! Yellow and black could work really well! :000
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@neo-metalscottic (Chandelure post in question)
And as for Julies sisters/brother, I actually haven't thought about them much.. BUT THIS IDEA IS SOOOO GOOD AND SPOOKY!!! U GOTTA FIND A WAY TO ADD IT TO THE AU!! :DDD
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I would like to draw that comic, but its just a huuuuuge project for me to pick up atm <XD
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Thank you so much!! :DD Although unfortunately I don't know what image you're talking about.. I don't remember seeing Eddie hurt with Wally carrying him, and I don't have any intentions for Eddie to get seriously hurt! <:0
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grimalkinmessor · 1 year
HOLD UP I'm reversing my stance because actually actually actually L having Hanahaki would be uniquely interesting especially in the context of falling in love with someone who already wants him dead 👀 L has limited options if he wants to win live.
1. Again, get it removed. He wouldn't do so until he'd proved Light as Kira, because (if we're going the removing flowers removes memories route) he'd see it as too big of a gamble. He'd wait and pray that he solved the case before the flowers killed him.
There's also the option of L locking Light up somewhere until he recovers from the removal enough to review all of in-love-L's notes and footage on him, but this runs the very high risk of L just falling right back in love with him all over again. No bueno.
2. Make Light fall in love with him. THIS is a unique option simply because L would need to do so in a manner that never displays weakness—no soft conversations for him, no earnest heart-felt wooing. L could confess to Light, but that brings on a whole string of other problems. Light would be delighted by the turn of events, would likely (again assuming that we're going the 'Hanahaki has an emotional/psychological component in how it progresses' route) immediately start acting as if he were also in love with L so as to 'save' him, while also knowing that L would know he was pretending and thus it would not work. There's also the chance that Light would use Misa as an excuse to outright reject him without seeming cold, therefore hastening the disease's progression so that L dies faster. So, those avenues closed to L, he'd have to get creative.
(I do not believe L would ever die quietly in this scenario. It's not happening. He wants to live and he wants to win.)
Forcing Light to fall in love with him through underhanded tactics is going to be his best bet. L would pull out every mental trick in the book to get Light to start seeing him as less of a threat and more of an Option™—Pavlov's dogs would shudder in fear at the shit L would pull. And if L takes this route, he also has to figure out what the fuck he's gonna do with Light after he's cured himself, because again, if it's a psychological component he can't just lock Light up somewhere or he risks the flowers coming right back. It'd be an interesting time for everyone involved :D
The complications of Light realizing what L's doing or even why he's doing it would also be fun. Light wouldn't go quietly into that loving good night if he figured out that L was basically baiting him into falling in love with him, especially not if he realized that L was doing it to save his own skin. He'd find some way to manipulate it in his favor—maybe even by trying to sway L to his side? Would L be tempted to join Kira if the option was there, when his life was on the line and hemmed in from multiple angles? Or even just pretend to join Kira and sabotage him on the side, cuddling up next to him while sending off messages to Anti-Kira groups. Something to think about 💕
Oh, and the flowers L could be afflicted with are endless. Red roses, blue roses, spider lilies, fire lilies, cowslips, aspens, asphodels, begonias, black-eyed susans, coltsfoot, diphylleia, hollyhock, lavender, hydrangeas—I could go ON.
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lynnlyrae · 29 days
To be honest I feel like vanitas real name will somehow be the opposite for what vanitas means because in the end him being killed by noe will not be his end but also gives him fulfillment and the noe true name will also be opposite of the meaning?
Or noe name has something to do with finality then vanitas name is origin?
I don’t know what your thoughts about it?
I’ll love to hear your headcannon/theories.
Hi! I actually happen to have a theory on Vani’s true name in drafts! It’s not properly written yet, because I wasn’t sure whether to post it or not. But your question kinda made me think about it again from a new angle. So I’ll find some illustrations, elaborate on details and post it soon. But no spoilers on that for now👀 I'll just say that this name has some cool mythological origins👀👀
Now about the connection of Vani’s real name and Noé’s true name. I agree that there must be some thematical link between them.
Unfortunately, I’m not sure about what Noé’s true name itself should be. From what I remember, so far three true names are known: Florifel ― She Who Guides Spring (Amelia), Canorus — She Who Plays Snow Crystals (Chloe), Aprix ― He Who Nestles Close to the Last Snows (JJ). All true names are Latin words (Florifel should be "Florifer" which is a Latin adjective meaning “flowery”, but FlorifeL just happened in English localization) that are somewhat relevant to the vampires’ character arcs and personalities. It’s a bit hard to choose a specific word from all the Latin adjectives… But I really like the idea that Noé’s true name could mean something like finality or grand change, especially since Vani’s real name in my theory is actually connected with the theme of origin and new beginnings!
Alternatively, Noé's true name could mean salvation (another recurring theme between these two). The name Noé already implies both "ends and beginnings" and "salvation" because of the story of the Arc of Noah.
Either way, both of them could have a set of names related to the concepts of Ends and Beginnings, but reversed. Noé and Vanitas are each others foils, they are written for each other – shared meaning of names would only reinforce it.
It would also add some inteteresting flawor to the theory (that I personally treat as a fact at this point) that Noé will become the next Vanitas/owner of at least one Book.
Overall, the connection between their true names is a solid idea. And I'll try to elaborate on that in the nearest future, when I post about Vani's name!
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blank-house · 10 months
Hi there!
I just have so many questions about the cast! But I'm not going to lie I'm mainly curious about Percy hehe so I hope that more than one question doesn't bother you :))
On one of the early descriptions about him it's said that he gets dorky when talking about his interests (which surprised me because he's all about the rizz and being cheeky 👀) I get that the fun is discovering on game but on some promo art the guys are showed with what seemed their hobbies? (Elio with sports and Jamie reading) so could we at least get to know anything about it pls? 🙏🏻
At the end of the demo on the hunt, he follows mc (if you make the right decisions ofc) I completely get his suspicions but I think that there's a tinyyy interest of his part on getting some time with MC even if he's just curious... Is it like that? Or is he just 100% on winning? Idk he doesn't seem so obvious to me sometimes, that's why I'm so interested 🤭
Thank you so much for your time! Hope to see more of you and as always I'll be supporting in all of the social media (and asking non stop on here 🙈). Keep doing amazing and take rests as you should!! 💖
That doesn't bother me at all so ask away! I'm like mosquito rubbing my hands with the prospect of geeking about our dorks haha but to answer your ask, let me reverse the order and tackle the hunt question first.
Percy at the Scavenger Hunt
So you encountering Percy is actually not determined by any choices made beforehand. Though there are situations that depend on your choices, this wasn't one of them. You're always gonna encounter Percy if you head to the front of the house and that's cause that's how the guys decided to split up to search!
That being said, curious isn't the most accurate way to describe what he's feeling toward MC- entertained is better! He did say meeting them was something out of a movie and he intends to see what might come from the ending ^^,
But if Percy feels ambiguous to you, then good! He definitely doesn't want to make figuring him out any easy on you.
(Hiding the second answer in case anyone wants to learn about the boys' hobbies through the game first)
LI Hobbies
I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE OKAY SO! Let's go through the straightforward ones from the promos- 1) Jamie
Jamie is a reader, yes. However, what he is reading is a bit different from what one might expect.
*cough* It's manhwas. He likes to read manhwas. Percy was actually the one who put him up to it and it's the first common ground the two have in terms of hobbies! Buuuut Jamie's actually the more avid reader between the two. He can probably decimate a bookshelf in a week if given the time and solitude.
Ahahaha there are other reasons behind why Jamie continues to like it- but the main one is that he likes how unexpected it is from literatures he read before. Power systems, reincarnation, transmigrations into fiction- yeah what's not to like when there're so many fantastical things happening in that genre.
Plus, reading's a good and subtle sign to ward off anyone who might want to bother him.
2) Elio
Elio is a natural at sports, yes! His like, affinity, and competitiveness for it was showcased a little during the side volleyball game and it's pretty much easy to think of him as an active guy. Which... he is... incredibly active, that is lol. It's almost a little tiring remembering all of the things he's tried once and most of all the ones he's really good at. But he's our Jack of all Trades and you can expect nothing less.
But if we wanna look at it from the promo art, he's seen breakdancing! Elio is actually the only one out of the boys who indulges in an after school club/org, which is the main dance team on campus. He's a core member but whether or not he shows up for practice is up in the air often haha
I wouldn't say it's his passion since he didn't grow up doing it- in fact, he only started in high school!- but he did end up liking it the most amongst all of the other forms he learned. As to why he picked up dancing, well that's something to learn in the game. ^^
3) Percy
Last but not least, Percy. There is a very small hint about it depending on what season you got in the demo, but he makes one or two gaming references. As such, TADAH!!! Percy is our cast's resident gamer boi! And while Deja is also a gamer girl, they have different tastes when it comes to this, specifically the genre.
Percy's got a love for story. If it's got a compelling story line he's hooked for weeks. As such JRPGs and open world games tend to be his favorite and he could crank out hours of gameplay just running around and exploring every side quest possible. His roommates know he's going to be locked inside his room or camping the living room for a long while when he's in this state lol.
Compared to Deja, he's not into the tedious aspects of gaming, just the feelings the story and the cast can evoke. You know that hollow feeling you get when you finish a novel or a really good video game? Yeah, he gets that a lot.
'Course there're more things each guy is interested in! We touched on baking for Jamie in the current demo and you get a taste of something else for Elio and Percy in the extended. I'm excited to expand on their other hobbies more when they finally get introduced but for now I hope that this satisfies your questions. Thank you for the ask!
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bella-rose29 · 9 months
Anthony Lockwood x fem!reader: reverse damsel in distress situation
I just thought this was funny so I made some head canons about it
I don't think there are any warnings? like a couple of vague references to stuff (like they're on a horse together 👀 and they go in a lake together 👀) and possibly a swear word or two??? but I can't remember
I wrote these while I was meant to be writing my essays and I'm not gonna go back and proof read
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ok so
instead of the royal child locked in a tower that's guarded by a huge ass dragon being the princess, it's the prince
and the prince is Anthony lockwood
I know he would totally want to be a knight or train or something
but instead he gets kidnapped when a dragon (think Smaug sized) attacks the city
(we're gonna pretend that his family are all alive for this)
so lockwood gets carried off (he's like... 15? 16?)
put in the ruins of a castle in the middle of a thick and dangerous forest that takes like... a week to get to
and for the next three (ish) years parties are sent out to rescue him
none of them are successful
they are either killed by the dragon
or they get scared and run away
lockwood doesn't really mind living with the dragon
Lucy becomes a knight to try and save her friend and George is like a really well respected scholar or something (because lockwood was friends with him and made sure everybody appreciated George's talent for research) who researches dragons and how best to defeat them
lockwood does miss his family but he figures that he can go back any time he wants, and now he actually has some freedom for once in his life
it's a breath of fresh air (just like the air that's all around him because he lives in a forest now)
and the dragon is actually really nice
brings him food, makes fires to keep him warm, lets him practice his sword fighting on its hide (since it's basically impenetrable)
lockwood gets really good at sword fighting really quickly (of course he does)
and soon he's venturing out into the wilds to hunt for food or to discourage the hunting parties from coming to rescue him
also he just likes going for walks sometimes and there are nasty things living in those trees
but one day
not long after his 19th birthday
a single figure approaches the ruins
now the dragon starts gearing up for a fight (even though it's wondering if this is really a fair fight)
but when the singular knight starts bowing to the dragon and pandering to dragon pride
safe to say this knight won't be getting eaten today
lockwood of course ventures downstairs to see what's going on
and when he sees his terrible, fear-inducing dragon on its back having belly rubs from some random knight he almost faints in shock
"uh, who are you? And what are you doing with my dragon?"
the knight is surprised and pauses the belly rubs (the dragon lets out a huff)
"oh, I'm here to rescue you I think!"
then lockwood is surprised again because holy shit this knight is a woman
normally women in the army was rare since when lockwood was in the city the patriarchy was still in the progress of being abolished
but in the time he's been away the army has sorted itself out
(not that he knew that)
so he's all confused and frowny
and then he remembers to speak
"oh, well I'm quite happy here, thank you. Sorry for making you travel all this way, but I shan't be being rescued anytime soon."
he expects the knight to protest or something
instead she replies with:
"Alright then. Could I at least stay the night? I haven't slept properly for a while"
he agrees
the dragon is happy because the knight staying = more belly rubs
she goes out to hunt for dinner for the three of them and comes back an hour later with a lot of food
they spend the night talking about what's been happening in the city since lockwood hasn't been there for like, three years
turns out a lot has changed
like it was mentioned earlier, women are now in the army (and can train from a very young age like the men)
the city opened its borders and trade routes have been established between them and neighbouring cities
this means a lot more money has come into the city
and building programmes have started so that people have jobs and then housing
schooling is free
all good things
lockwood spends most of the time the knight (who has introduced herself as Y/n) is talking feeling as though he missed out and wanting to go home
he doesn't want to stay there, he just wants to catch up with everyone and let them know that he's fine
and could they please stop attacking his dragon thanks
omg and while the knight is getting ready for bed she takes her armour off (she has clothes on underneath don't you worry)
and lockwood doesn't realise but he's staring
because that armour is fitted but shapeless and he hasn't seen a woman for nearly three years (and he's a honey teenager let's face it)
and while he might not realise that he's looking
the dragon absolutely does
flicks him with its tail to get him to stop even though the dragon thinks that the whole situation is hilarious
because the dragon had also seen how lockwood had been looking at the knight while they were talking
and boy oh boy is he in trouble because he is definitely crushing on her
the next morning they're having breakfast:
(lockwood went out to get it because the others were still asleep)
and she's laughing at his jokes
and lockwood thinks oh shit I think I'm falling for her
and then he agrees to make the journey back to the city with her and she smiles and it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen
(mostly he agrees to go back so that he can spend more time with her but shhh)
they hug the dragon goodbye (refuses to leave the hoard)
set out on the knight's horse
and omg they both get on and they're really close together because they don't entirely fit and-
lockwood is really struggling to concentrate he won't lie
so is she
they get back to the city and everybody is cheering because someone actually managed to defeat the dragon and bring the prince home???
and then she has to explain to his parents (after a very tearful reunion from all members of the family) that no, she didn't kill the dragon, she just told it that she'd never seen a dragon more impressive and gave it belly rubs
then lockwood has to break the news that he's not staying
and more crying ensues
the knight is kind of just... stood there awkwardly because these are her monarchs and she has no clue how to act right now
they invite her to dinner
she says yes (she didn't feel she could say no when lockwood turned to her with puppy dog eyes)
it's very loud
and more of a party than a dinner
lockwood spends a lot of time around George and Lucy (and Y/n totally isn't jealous of how gorgeous Lucy is and how lockwood looks at her like she's the sun that would be true ridiculous)
she's used to the noise of it all, she's a knight for god's sake
it's just been a long couple of weeks and she needs a break
so she heads out to the balcony for a breather
and is surprised to see the prince there because she thought he'd be in the middle of the celebrations
he gives her a small smile when she steps out
and she looks gorgeous against the glow of the room behind her and lockwood thinks he might be falling again
they talk for hours
literally until sunrise
everyone else has gone to sleep
they've moved from standing to sitting with their backs against the wall of the castle watching the sun come up over the horizon
there is absolutely no need for them to be sat as close as they are but-
and lockwood almost feels sad to be leaving again
but then he remembers how constricted he'd felt earlier when people were fussing over him and getting him ready for the party
and he thinks he's much better off living with his dragon in the forest
the journey back Y/n comes with him
she says it's to protect him
she knows he can fend for himself she just likes spending time with him promised his parents that she would (they hadn't asked her to)
they get ambushed on the way by bandits or something
they fight together like they've been doing it their whole lives
and when she pulls out two knives and throws them with perfect accuracy and without even looking and saves his ass, lockwood knows he's screwed
yep he's definitely fallen for her
the dragon knows What's Up when they get back because they're both giggling and stumbling over each other as they walk in
they stopped for a dip in a lake on the way and he totally didn't nearly faint when she started stripping
they didn't go far (just a lil kiss because they finally admit their feelings for each other) but the journey was quite long so they've had time to talk about how it's gonna work
she decides she'll move in with him
the dragon is happy because once again, the knight staying = more belly rubs
lockwood is happy because he's got the girl of his dreams
and they live in their ruins in the middle of a forest, occasionally travelling back to the city for birthdays and celebrations and such
the dragon gets a lot of belly rubs when it comes with them (which doesn't happen much because of the hoard)
George and Lucy travel to see lockwood a lot (and basically live with them now)
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tag list: @anathemaloren, @augustisintheair, @avdiobliss, @briar-rose23, @dangelnleif, @el-de-phi, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @informedimagining, @karensirkobabes, @light-23, @locknco, @mischivana, @mitskiswift99, @mrsklockwood, @mrsyixingunicorn10, @no-morning-glories, @novelizt, @ran23sblog, @superpositvecloudshipper, @t2sh0, @taygrls, @tournesol77, @whenselenefallsinlove, @wordsarelife
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peachdues · 7 months
So, I've heard REALLY good thing about The Haunting of Adeline and the sequel The Hunting of Adeline. I haven't read it, but its supposed to be good. Lots of TWs though.
I read The Never King series, and it was bad, but in a fun way. Peter Pan retelling, and while the MC was WAY too horny, and I wish there was more plot, a few of the characters were completely *chefs kiss*. Again, I'll preface that I like the idea of this series more than what was actually written, but I thought the characters were fun and unique, but I wanted more more character interactions as opposed to overly horny MC. But, the author is making a spin off book with another fun character who I'm VERY curious about so it should be fun. It's also a Reverse Harem series. Again, I'll say it again, this series has a fun concept, but not executed the best.
So far I'm REALLY enjoying The Bonds that Tie, series. It's a complete 6 book series, that's a Reverse Harem and it's fun. Some of it is a bit cheesy, but that's kind of expected with most romance novels. Basically some of the population has super powers, called gifts. And in the "gifted community" people with have Bonds (basically fated mates). There's a central bond and they'll have multiple people bonded to them. And the MC has five Bonds, and omg. All of them have great distinct personalities, and it's a bit of a slow burn, I don't think any sexy times happen until the second book, but the spice is TOP TIER and it's a really fun universe. I'm kind of addicted to this one, tbh, and the idea is fun enough that writing fanfiction in this world could be really cool.
All of these books are free on kindle unlimited, so it's worth checking out.
okay I’ve heard so many things about haunting Adeline — is it a modern setting or fantasy?? I’ve been more on a fantasy kick lately but I’m open to modern settings!
Peter Pan is quite literally one of my favorite childhood tales and it’s something I’ve considered pursuing as a fic retelling — so I know you said it’s laughably bad but now I’m curious 👀👀
OKAY THE BONDS THAT TIE IS ON MY TBR!! I LOVE reverse harems, so thank you, lovely!
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ghoulangerlee · 4 days
Your dnd characters 👀
i will always be down to talk about my d&d boys!!!
I don't....actually have actual photos of them because I cannot draw, and so they live vividly in my mind. I Will Eventually commission someone to draw them though I think. ANYWAY.
Jamir - he's a half-dead (as in, that is his race, homebrewed myself) ranger who isn't wise enough to multiclass (his death took away some of his wisdom). He was human before his death--not the best sort of human, joined the army at a young age because that's all he could do, really. His parents well. He made a deal with someone not so nice and in exchange for their souls, he gained the ability to perform magic; simple things though, nothing too crazy. A few cantrips here and there.
Along the way, the faction of soldiers he's with are sent out to aid a dragonborn clan that's having issues of their own with infighting.
This is where he meets Elias, eventually, and they hit it off pretty much immediately. Jamir is of course, jaded all the hell, he's been fighting for half his life in an army of soldiers who just seem to be making things worse.
Elias gives him a way out, a chance at freedom, because Elias was also looking to somehow distance himself from all the fighting. They make a pact to leave together.
Until Elias's brother Arjhan catches wind of this and kills Jamir.
I can't go too much into Elias's backstory because I haven't delved much into it during the campaign and ofc both my players follow me here haha! But, Elias takes Jamir's body and finds a necromancer, makes a deal with her to bring Jamir back.
She readily agrees and makes sure he understands the consequences of this, of what could happen. The possibilities of Jamir coming back wrong.
Elias accepts these consequences readily.
And he does, of course, come back wrong. He's no longer human, smells of rot and decay and has to constantly drink potions to keep his skin from looking too pale. He has aches and pains despite being practically unkillable now. But, along with his new chance at life, he's also gained more access to magic.
Elias [Redacted] is a dragonborn paladin (he has a family name ofc but it's unknown for now, for a good reason)
is the son of a monarch, a clan leader, and he hates it. His clan is constantly at war with each other, with other dragonborn. with humans. you name it, they have a distrust of most other races, for good reason of course.
Long ago, a curse was placed on this clan, meaning that any children born to them would die. There is no known way to reverse this, until, one day, Elias's brother Arjhan was born.
Arjhan, he had not succumbed to the curse, and no one knows why, but this makes Arjhan a very popular target.
Elias had, for years, felt like he had to protect his brother from anyone. From the weird scientists and magic folk that their father had hired to test Arjhan to see if there was something about his blood that made him different, to the older kids that the two of them grew up around.
Arjhan was, in a way, viewed as the savior of the clan, much to the distaste of Elias.
The campaign actually begins with Elias and Jamir recruiting people to help them find Arjhan haha. At this point in time, there is still no cure to the curse and Arjhan is practically hated by the party (minus Elias and begrudgingly, Jamir--but also like wouldn't u also hate the person who killed you???)
ANYWAY. Elias and Jamir are in love, they are my mid-thirties baby boys who are just tired soldiers who want to rest their head somewhere but can't because they keep getting pulled into bullshit!
(also if you vaguely guessed that Elias's family story sounds eerily like the Krogan Genophage from Mass Effect then u would be correct. Elias is based on Wrex and Jamir is based on male Shepard but with a lil gay twist LMAO)
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angelicyoongie · 7 months
Like it was so cute??? And brUHHHHHHHH, the explanation of their whole yandere behavior as being Lovesickness??? I see what you did there 😎😎
I was genuinely intrigued by the lore of the soul bonds and how they worked throughout history. Random question: is there a special event that happened in the year 1783 and that’s why you chose that year? Or was it just a random year lol (Fun fact: the American revolution happened to end during that time so 🤔🤔)
Ok even though it makes sense as to why the boys behave the way they do, like I can definitely feel the MC’s internal conflict over this info. If you act a certain way because of something that’s out of your control, it’s only natural to sympathize and try to work your way through it with another person. HOWEVER, because of their extreme cases, it’s really tricky to try and sympathize with their plight. I GUESS though, in order to really help them get better, it would only make sense to be as close as possible with them to be able to “cure” them. Although that might make it even more difficult to try and escape because escape could mean reversing the effects and making their conditions even worse??
Those are my academic-type thoughts on this, but the Yoongi kiss was so cute 😭😭😭
- K
KKKK!! 💖😭💖 AAA i'm so happy you enjoyed it!! 🥹
Hehe I had to work in the title somehow! I'm glad you found the lore interesting, I was trying so hard to make it sound somewhat realistic (in their world at least) lol 😭 I just picked that year completely at random but it's cool that it actually lines up with that 👀
Yes, exactly!! Like you want to be understanding and help someone get better BUT it's so hard when they've made your life a living hell. It's difficult to seperate the person from the illness sometimes. Well.. Yes! Just based on the info we have so far, it would seem that the MC running away would actually make their condition a lot worse. Though I suppose it depends on whether the bond "settles" before a possible escape.
Lol thank you!! I had to make the kiss with Yoongi sweet, I just couldn't help myself 😭
Thank you so much, my friend!! 💖 I hope you're well and I can't wait to share the next chapter with you in a few weeks!! 🥹💖
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nerdypanda3126 · 1 year
WIP Wednesday 4/5/2023
a/n: this thing has grown from a kiss prompt to something I was playing with to an actual WIP 👀 it's rivals to lovers, vigilante!Viperion, reverse crush, viperbug/lukanette and I'm just having a lot of fun with it so far 😁
Luka was sitting at the Couffaine's kitchen counter while Marinette sat around the couch with Juleka and the girls. Every time he raised his mug to take a drink, that silver bangle of his managed to catch the light from the porthole and it cast a glare on her face. She winced as it happened again.
"Right, Marinette?" Rose asked. Marinette snapped her head back to the group and they were all watching her. Alya followed her line of sight and smirked, which made Marinette blush.
"You've been really spaced out lately, Marinette, what's that about?" Alya asked. Marinette resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at her.
"He works today," Juleka muttered from behind her bangs. "That's why he's up."
"Well maybe we could—"
"No, Alya," Marinette hissed, mortified that Alya had the brazenness to plan something right in front of Luka like that.
"Have a sleepover," Alya finished, but Marinette still didn't like the gleam in her eyes or that knowing grin. Marinette glanced around the group of girls, and they were all looking at her curiously, wondering why Marinette was suddenly so against sleepovers.
"...Sure," she said, with a wary glance at Luka. He was smiling into his mug, and his bracelet shone in her face again.
"Great! And then we can order pizza later."
"Mhmm, yeah," Marinette agreed absently. Now that she was looking, that bracelet… Luka had worn it ever since she'd known him, and it never seemed to leave his wrist, so she'd never really even thought about it, but…
No. It couldn't be. Luka and Viperion were two entirely different people. Where Viperion was cold and uncaring and critical, Luka was warm and kind and would never judge anyone for anything. It was just… there was something niggling at the back of her mind, the way Luka was sitting, his profile, the cut of his hair.
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roberrtphilip · 8 months
morgan/tyson headcanons? 👀
lowkey they're funny to think about because canon gave us like. next to nothing but I still rotate them every now and then for funsies. also, they have a cut song called "Something Different This Year" that's one of my faves, it's Very Cute.
but okay, let's dive in.
I like to think they're a reverse of Robert & Giselle, with Morgan being the more grumpy, sarcastic one, and Tyson the more happy-go-lucky, outgoing one.
Tyson is really good at math, which is Morgan's weakest subject, so a lot of their early interactions involve him tutoring her, except there's hardly any actual tutoring going on because they're teenagers with crushes on each other, so of course, they awkwardly flirt with each other instead.
While Morgan did have crushes in the past, Tyson's the first guy she actually tried pursuing, and is her first boyfriend.
also, they're both bisexual. important to know.
Tyson was really nervous about their first Valentine's Day because he knew he was Morgan's first boyfriend, and he wanted to make sure he really swept her off her feet, but he's just a Boy !!! He doesn't know how to sweep anyone off their feet !! He ends up awkwardly going to the Philip house when, of course, Edward is there, and tries to ask Robert for advice, but Robert's like "I'm the worst person you could possibly ask, and please don't listen to him, Morgan does not want you to serenade her."
In the end, Tyson plans a picnic at the park, and they watch the clouds, and eat chocolate, and it's wonderful, and Morgan loves it !!
Also, while Morgan might not admit it, she wouldn't have minded if Tyson sang for her because she knows he can sing, and can play guitar, and she loves his voice.
Been thinking more about what teen Morgan might be into, and I randomly settled on volleyball, and when she tries out for the team, Tyson's really excited about it. He plays basketball, and when they can, they go to each other's games and cheer each other on.
Morgan definitely steals his letterman jacket regularly, and Tyson teases her about it because it's so big on her.
Malvina is not. Thrilled about them dating because she's still not the biggest fan of Giselle, but she's trying !!! She really is. And Tyson appreciates the effort. And while she doesn't care that much for Giselle, she does think Morgan's a nice girl.
Giselle, on the other hand, is very happy about it, and doesn't think twice about the fact that he's Malvina's son.
A lot of their early "dates" consisted of them babysitting Sofia at the park (which, Morgan kind of used babysitting as an excuse to go see him, but it worked out because Sofia got to play with worms !!)
There's like, a million different festivals, and gatherings, and town parties in Monroeville, and Tyson always takes Morgan. She isn't a huge fan of socializing, or dancing, but she will allow herself to be dragged around by her boyfriend, because it makes him happy.
Tyson is tall !! (6ft apparently) and Morgan is Not, and usually she loves it, but sometimes he messes with her by holding stuff above up above their heads so she can't reach, and it drives her nuts.
It takes awhile before Morgan feels comfortable telling Tyson about Andalasia, because she was worried about what would happen if they broke up, and she wasn't sure she wanted share family secrets like that. But eventually, she does tell him, and he's just like. "Wow. That explains... a lot. So, you weren't just being sarcastic when you said your mom is made of magic...?"
He gets to visit Andalasia a few times, and thinks it's really cool !!
After they graduate high school, they move into a little apartment in the city (they're lucky they both have rich parents who will happily pay for whatever they want) and go to college, and live happily ever after, etc. etc.
Also, neither of them can cook like. At All. They bicker back and forth about it because "all your mom does is bake, how do you not know anything!!!" "that's all your mom does too !!!!!! why don't you know anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" but they learn eventually !!! eventually !!
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 9 months
no rush to answer this- but is there any backstory/hidden meanings behind bryce/jensen's tattoos👀👀 (also wishing you a happy holiday if you celebrate!! if not- a dope day in general ✌🏼)
okay so bryces tat came after a Lot of cultural healing. he's felt very disconnected from it for a long time, and his parents, history, and memories have just tarnished a lot of his feelings towards it altogether. after many trips to hawaii w jensen, particularly that rewrote a lot of those negative connotations, he really wanted to do something special for himself that could remind him that he could make it be whatever he wanted it to be. that he could love his culture despite everything that's happened, and he can love it in a way that suits him rather than what a label or stereotype looks like. he made an appointment for a traditional tat in his hometown, and went back and forth on it 100 times, but after some encouragement from jensen and keiki, he went through with it. ofc he ended up loving it and it means SO much to him
jensen has an ass ton of tats, but only a few have meaning. the one im mainly referring to is his thigh tat. while in my most recent art it's the ace of wands, ive officially settled on the judgement tarot card (tarot was something his mom was into so it's something he's always known a lot about)(example in this art, still not 100% accurate). my most recent drawing was just me experimenting w different cards, and was mostly for design purposes, but i have a different vision for his actual one. while the framed edge is the same, the card itself is actually reversed to people looking at it, and upright to him
if you're not familiar w tarot, a cards upright vs reversed meaning are very different. the judgement card has a lot to do with self reflection, renewal, self awareness, etc. the upright meaning mostly explains that there is a personal awakening or renewal coming, or it is currently happening, thanks to self reflection and a new sense of purpose. for jensen, it resembles personal growth and healing that he has worked very hard for, by himself, for a very long time. the reversed judgment card mainly explains a lack of self awareness, a lack of self understanding/exploration, and lessons going unlearned and ignored. it explains that you might be losing opportunities, ignoring them, staying stagnant because you're not reflecting or learning, and generally being too critical of yourself to allow growth. for jensen, not only does it mean staying stagnant and not reflecting to learn what's good for him, but also failure to take responsibility. while these are things that he can see in himself, he also knows it's something other people see and often dislike about him. given all of that info, that's why it's oriented upright to him and reversed to others. while he knows all this meaning, on the surface level it's also a way to remind himself that others Will see him in the worst light at times, they will judge him for his worst actions, but he needs to know that he has grown from that point and can keep doing so as he continues to work on himself
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velvetvexations · 3 months
OMG YOU'RE BACK! :D Also are those Icon For Hire lyrics I see? 👀
It and Make a Move are the only songs of theirs I know lol. There are bands I like a lot but a huge percentage of my saved music is like one percent of any given band's discography because for a very long time I didn't actively seek out music other bands did and with few exception mostly listened to whatever just waltzed into view and that's still kinna my default mode.
I remember really being into Michael Jackson and Tub Ring when I was in my preteens or thereabouts, and then Blue Oyster Cult awhile after that. Blue Oyster Cult and Tub Ring are still very important to me, Michael Jackson is more difficult for obvious reasons but coincidentally all his songs on my playlist are covers - I swear I didn't even do that on purpose, I just really like those specific versions.
I was a huge fan of Hollywood Undead but Day of the Dead was a disappointment that deflated a lot of my interest.
I fell in love with Falling in Reverse around the same time and their first three albums before Radke leaned more into rap will always be a core part of who I am despite him betraying me personally as a trans woman with the things he's said.
MSI is more difficult - I loved them for years (having found them because they had a minor connection to Tub Ring) and then Jimmy Urine getting sued for what he did was pretty bad, especially since just before it happened I was describing to someone how his unique and distinctive voice in particular was a major part of their appeal.
The Orion Experience I discovered was the center of grooming allegations literally like a day or two after discovering them and being like "holy fuck this could be my new favorite band ever". I had to just sit there, slowly process the information, then take a deep sigh and resolve to separate the art from the artist.
But most stuff I like doesn't come with those issues.
I think if I were to list my "favorite" bands/musical artists, it'd be something like, in no particular order, BOC, Eminem, Poppy, Lemon Demon, Britney Spears, Three Days Grace, Tub Ring, and Ronnie Radke (which I phrase that way because my favorite of his is actually Situations from when he was with Escape the Fate). But that only gets across a very small slice of the music I like, you know?
For some reason I'm especially picky about rap. There are rappers I like, certainly, not only am I a huge fan of Eminem but - as unfortunate as it is in retrospect, the rap equivalent of FIR/MSI/TOE - getting real into Kanye in, I think, 2014-16? Somewhere around there? Was a lovely experience. But generally, I can give you a lot of rap I like and almost none of it is by the same artist.
Anyway, I started listening to Get Well specifically because I wanted to branch out because Make a Move inspired a character (or at least the direction I've taken her in, she was kinna a minor NPC before this) in my writing. She's a singer in a band and I was like, oh, in this universe Melody Priest wrote Make a Move and it was a really big hit for her band, the Gods of Pegāna.
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transyurikatsuki · 3 months
Ok I risked my computers life to play a few hours earlier and I managed to finish the little transition between acts (I assume) so I have many things to catch you all up on, probably going in reverse order here-
Carver......I left him home because he's a brat and also my mom is annoying yet probably right and??? Ok like I know you wanted to do your own thing but really? A templar? Right in front of my fucking salad.... Brah. BRAH. idk it makes sense, classic you get brother behavior.
Um my little PJS they're so cute hahahah. But the house is making me fucking CRY because there's like. All these little things around that belong to my friends or remind me of them?? 😭😭😭 I'm such a softie I actually cried cause like oh. This sense of a well loved home and friends that come over and they're leaving their fingerprints in my life stop that's the thing I'm sensitive about. MY LITTLE FAMILY HELPPPPPPP.. I love everyone too much for my own fucking good.
I went to fenris' house (girl, you could not have at least turned the furniture back right in the past three years? Please come live in my house this is clearly you're insane depression brooding pit. 😭) anyway yes I went to his house and flirted with him as the last thing before I finished playing but idk he might not like me enough to ever do anything. Maybe I should just try to pursue anders instead but the problem is it's more me personally that's in love with anders whereas my Hawke would be more into fenris. I'm probably just gonna play this game again immediately and then romance anders.
Let's see what else. Oh yeah sandal. The boy that you are. What is going on there. Oh yeah speaking of being down there. Are we just not gonna talk about that man getting all weird red lyrium corrupted or something LMAO ok I am not stupid I read the codex just the other day you can't touch pure lyrium!!! And then HAWKE JUST TOUCHED IT. Kinda concerned that Hawke touched it too. Cause that guy seems to have gone crazy from it.
Oh yeah I cried laughing from the mail when I got to the house cause there was junk mail??? The fucking fantasy viagra and the prince scam email? Hahahahaha that's like my favorite thing in this game so far
I'm super interested to learn more about the qunari bc I tried really hard to free that guy which. Idk. And then he killed himself. Also freeing him I was like looking at fenris like 👀 I s2g dude if you yell at me rn I'll lose it.
Merrill continues to be a light in my life haha. Nothing specific she's just perfect and that was SO SWEET about her trying to console me about what happened with carver.
Oh yeah lastly: I'm mad that I had to finally give in and level up my armor bc now I have to wear ugly ass robes and I was really fucking enjoying my suns out guns out mage era.
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good-beanswrites · 1 year
helloo!! these short little stories you write always hype me up, so i thought about sending a request for that drabble ask game!
is Promise still up?? if not, Emergency also looks interesting!! any characters that fit the theme, all of them are nice :)
Ahhh that's so exciting to hear, thank you!! Thanks for the requests 👀 I had so many ideas for Promise, and went with Haruka and Mahiru chatting about his dreaded t3 promise...
Haruka usually loved when the attention was on him. He liked when the other prisoners talked to him, and waved to him, and came by his cell. He did not enjoy, however, the way Mahiru currently studied him from across the room. She’d been watching him for some time now, while he spoke to Muu. He tried to avoid her gaze, chewing on his thumbnail. She just kept… staring.
Finally, when Muu left to use the bathroom, she wheeled herself over to him. Haruka didn’t dislike Mahiru, but she had always been overwhelming to him. Everything about her was a lot: her talk was too fast, her giggles too loud, her conversations too sudden. Although he felt terribly about what had happened to her, he was grateful he was able to keep up with her now that her chatter had dulled a bit. 
It hadn’t dulled completely. With an odd cheeriness, she greeted him. “Hi, Haruka!”
Some of his discomfort melted away. He couldn’t help but blush as she sang his name. “Hello Mahiru.”
“I wanted to talk to you about something.” It was almost a whisper, as if she was letting him in on some exciting secret.
He leaned close. “Me?”
“Mm-hm. Muu tells me you made her a big promise.”
He tensed. “I meant it.”
“I know you did.” She smiled, but she also looked sad. Haruka had seen Muu with the same face recently. “Well, I just wanted to tell you, sometimes promises like that… don’t always work out.”
His fingers flew up to his mouth; he couldn’t help biting his nails when he was this nervous. He’d already gotten a lecture from Shidou and Fuuta about what he swore he’d do. He told them it was Es’ fault, not his. He didn’t need another scolding from Mahiru. 
But she simply patted his arm. “I think that was a very brave thing to tell her. You’re a truly wonderful friend. She’s lucky to have you.”
Haruka’s lips stretched into a smile. He was the lucky one, to have someone like Muu come into his life. He basked in the thought that the reverse was also true. “T-thank you…”
Mahiru watched him carefully. “I actually made the exact same promise, to someone I loved very much.”
“You did?” He stared at her with wide eyes. “I didn’t know that.”
“I don’t tell a lot of people. But I wanted to tell you.” 
She wanted to tell him. She thought he was special.
“Haruka… I know how you feel. I know how important this is. I know how important she is. The others may not understand, but I do.”
She was right. Everyone else treated him as if he were crazy for it. They told him that he was being overdramatic, reckless. That he didn’t know what he was doing. But he did know. If they could see what it was like before, everything he’d endured. If only they saw what it was like now that he’d found someone like Muu to change his life completely, they’d do the same.
“I tried to tell them…”
“I know. It’s hard when people haven’t felt love like we have.” Some of the shine returned to her eyes. “We’re so full of love, you and I.”
Haruka nodded frantically. 
“So, I’m not here to tell you that you’re wrong. I will tell you that it’s okay, whatever happens. I didn’t keep my promise. I was so close… but I couldn’t. Haruka. If, all of the sudden, you realize you can’t keep yours either, I want you to remember that it’ll be okay. Muu won’t be upset with you. In fact, she’ll be very happy she still has you.”
No, she couldn’t know that for sure. “But, but, she’ll be guilty! She could get hurt, just like you!”
“Then she’ll want you around to help her through it.”
“No. I’m no help to her.” Haruka thought back to everyone he’d ever tried to help. He clawed nervously at his uniform. “People who get too close to me always end up hurt. This is the only way to help her. This is it. This is the only way.”
Ever so softly, Mahiru said “I used to think the same thing.” Then, her bright attitude returned. “But make me a promise, too, okay?”
“Promise me you’ll remember this. You can do whatever you want. But remember that Muu will be happy with you no matter what you do.”
“Well, how can you know? Did she tell you?”
“You love her very much right? And she loves you?”
“Of course!” He straightened. “She’s been so kind to me, nicer than anybody ever has!”
Mahiru’s expression turned genuinely happy, then. “That’s how you know.”
Haruka thought for a moment. She wasn’t trying to trick him. She didn’t want to separate him and Muu. She wasn’t trying to stop him. Also, he felt special that she’d shared her secret with him.
“O-okay. I promise.” 
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