#something about watching himself grow old and being able to make peace with and enjoy it
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shiverhohojiro · 9 days ago
I think that making old DJ Octavio balding is a beautiful and noble cause and I'd generally agree but. the vision in my mind is that he has not been able to switch forms for the last 100 years, as is canon, and it's only recently (and probably with the combination of Underground Octo Tech with the Surface's abundance of resources) that there have been the medical advancements to make it possible again. And I think that if after 100 years Octavio got his octoling form back only to realize he was balding I think that would just be the final straw for him he would just snap.
But in a universe where he never lost the ability to change forms I think he'd be chill with it.
#prince talks#something about watching himself grow old and being able to make peace with and enjoy it#vs feeling like he's had the last hundred years stolen from him and he's gone from point a to point c with no in between#<-guy has some internalized problems#I think Octavio would like the ability to switch forms again. but if anyone offered anything beyond that he'd get mad about it#He LIKES his cool hi tech mobility devices. thank you very much.#Also while I think DJ Octavio specifically would want his octo form back I am also certain there are inkfish who are#perma swim form (or perma octoling/inkling form!) who would. Not want this. even with the option available.#content with living their lives as they are#my final related thought is that I think Octavio was technically happiest for a short time in his 20s#but if ever some freak 'cuttletavio get de-aged!' plot happened to him I don't think he'd want to be in his 20s again#(and he would hate it even more if he was 18 or 19)#I think he'd rather be in his respectable late 30s or 40s. Or species equivalent.#how the fuck do inkfish even age man. Craig and Octavio imply interesting things about their lifespan#but also supposedly they are weird exceptions living way out beyond even normal inkfish ranges.#the ONLY people left alive from the great turf war#which I just. I don't know if I can believe that. when they're 130+ acting like they're 80 or whatever#actual final thoughts: please. Octavio being old is more important than trying to make him sexy. he can be old and sexy too#and if you make him fat when he is old then don't be a coward and make his baby days self fat too. This is my wisdom#he can be old and fat and sexy. thank you.
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viperify · 3 months ago
Oneshots | ᴛᴏᴍ ʀɪᴅᴅʟᴇ X ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅ��ʀ
Daddy‘s home.
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Short summary: Tom Riddle was not easily distraught. Though, since the birth of your daughter, things seemed to change. He was torn – torn between loving her or pretending not to care. Just after he had left for a gathering with his Knights, you and your daughter find yourself in a tense situation. Will that night change the man you knew?
Warnings: slight mentions of child abuse ig, angst, fluff
A/N: Tom is such a girl dad, change my mind.
wordcount: 3,2k
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Tom had just woken from the horrors of yet another nightmare and sighed softly. Steadily, he lifted himself from the firm mattress, his feet touching the polished wooden planks of the floor as he got up. He took a quick glance at you, his beautiful wife, who was still fast asleep by the time he woke up. No wonder, he thought, it was quite early after all, not a single ray of sunshine visible on the pitch-black horizon when he looked out of the foggy window. Without causing too much noise, he exited the bedroom, heading towards the small room on the other side of the hallway. He enjoyed doing it like this. It meant he could visit the nursery without being disturbed, watching over his sweet little daughter while she was sleeping peacefully.
A freshly lit candle led his way, and after taking a deep breath, he opened the wooden door with a small creak, peeking inside. Tom sat down on the cushioned chair you nursed her in and just like he had suspected, the little girl’s eyes were closed, chest rising and falling calmly under her woollen blanket. A relieved sigh escaped his lips, slowly sinking back against the chair, always watching over her.
He did this almost daily, at least when he was home, which happened to be quite often lately. The mere thought of something bad happening to you or his daughter sent shivers down his spine. He found himself having nightmares quite often since you had given birth, which was mostly before he then went to check on her. Never had he, Tom Riddle, leader of the Knights of Walpurgis, expected to grow a soft spot for such a tiny human being. In fact, he didn’t fathom ever feeling anything for another person. But there he was, with his small family he would do anything for.
She was six months old by now, and slowly her hair started growing in. Gorgeous brunette curls blossomed all over her tiny head, the same color as Tom’s. Even her facial features resembled her father’s, forest green eyes and puffy lips making her her dad’s twin. He cherished every little moment he got to be alone with her, and ever since the first time he met her right after she was born, he secretly promised himself something.
No matter what happened, he would always take care of his little girl. Protect her from harm and raise her like he would have wanted to be raised. Give her the love she deserved and prevent her from growing up like he did. At any cost. However, he hadn’t really been able to fulfil his promise yet. Every time he wanted to actively become a part of her life, something in him stalled. He couldn’t bring himself to even look her in the eyes.
Today, he would have to attend yet another meeting, discussing the future of the Knights. While it was of great importance to him, at that time he would have much rather stayed home. There was something so peaceful about the presence of his daughter. A place where he could truly relax for once, where nobody was watching or judging him. Just him and his precious girl, only their soft breaths breaking the comforting silence of the room. How could he feel so many things for such a tiny being? Her nose smaller than his thumb, fingers so fragile yet so sweet when they were all scrunched up. He yearned to caress her soft skin, hold her, love on her. Yet, he rarely did.
In fact, he had never held her before. You had offered it multiple times, even encouraged him to. He had always declined. You knew it wasn’t because he didn’t love her, that there must be something else. You didn’t want to push him, give him time to get comfortable. It was all new for both of you – becoming parents. Certainly not an easy task, especially with all the changes your body went through during and after pregnancy. Emotionally though, you knew Tom was struggling more. He was torn, torn between loving and accepting her or pretending to not care. To your surprise, he was quite awful at the latter.
Sometimes when he sat there next to her, he reached out slowly, mostly halting and pulling his hand back again. In very rare cases, like today, he didn’t. His thumb softly caressed the back of her tiny hand, watching her for any signs of discomfort, of disgust. Well, he knew she couldn’t yet feel like that for him. But as the days and weeks passed, he increasingly got the feeling that she would one day. That she would be afraid of him – her own father.
She was still so little, so vulnerable. Tom couldn’t trust himself holding her. He was terrified of hurting her, just like he had so many other people.
When the first rays of sunshine emerged on the horizon, he slowly got up, and after checking one last time whether she was breathing fine, he exited the nursery. Tom then returned to your bed, carefully lying down next to you. He swiped a strand of hair out of your face and closed his eyes, waiting for either you to stir and get up or your daughter letting you know she was hungry.
A small smile formed on his lips at that thought.
Only a few minutes had passed before the soft cries of your daughter woke him again. Tom’s eyes shot open immediately, though he remained calm. He always let you check on her, even if he had the urge to do it himself, like right now. It stirred something in him - hearing the continuous cries of his daughter. Something he recognized from his own childhood at the orphanage. Back then his cries were left unanswered, nobody ever there to soothe him, tell him everything would be alright. Sometimes all he wanted was to be held, to be comforted by someone. Just like all these happy kids that used to walk past with their parents outside the gates of the orphanage when he stood there, looking out of the barred windows of his room.
He grew to despise the monsters, or “nurses” as they called themselves, at his residence. The worst part about it was that he didn’t act any differently toward his own daughter now 20 years later. His thoughts started consuming him and just as he was about to get up to check on her, you woke, yawning.
“I am sorry. Has she been crying for long?” You asked, voice still thick with sleep, sitting up. Tom shook his head slightly. “A minute, I guess.”
“You could always go check on her too.”
He huffed softly. “You know I can't.”
“Try it. She is your daughter. She doesn’t know what love or hate is yet. Make it right before it is too late.”
He didn’t answer, avoiding your gaze by staring at the ceiling.
You sighed and got up, heading to the nursery to feed your daughter. Sometimes he would come too, watch you two with a stoic expression, eyes locked onto the baby in your arms. He never spoke, though. Then, when she had finished nursing, he would turn around to leave before you even got the chance to ask him to take her from your arms, almost like he had suspected what you were about to say.
This time, he didn’t join you but rather walked past the nursery without paying you any attention and descended the stairs, probably to fetch the Daily Prophet which arrived every single day at exactly 7:38 am.
When your daughter was satiated, you stayed with her for a while, helping her digest. She loved being baby-worn when you completed chores around the house, so that is what you did. You too entered the kitchen, having her comfortably wrapped against your front. Tom sat there, eyes fully locked onto the newspaper in front of him while he sipped his lemon balm tea. As always, he had prepared another cup for you, with one spoon of honey and your favourite biscuit.
You sat down next to him, your daughter’s head resting on your chest, staring right at her father. “Thank you.” You said, taking your first sip of the tea he had made you. He turned his head to reply, but your daughter’s eyes caught his. He froze for a moment and as her mouth then curled up in a little smile, his facial expression dropped and he stood up in an instant, clearing his throat. “I am going to Rosier’s. Not sure if I will return tonight.”
You nodded, taking another sip of your tea. “Good luck.”
Tom grabbed his coat and put on his black leather shoes, reaching for the handle of your front door before he halted and turned around once more.
“The wards are intact. Take care. Keep the door locked, don’t open any windows and stay inside until I am back. Got it?” He said, eyes flickering between you and your daughter.
“I will. Don’t worry about that.” You replied, shooting him a small smile.
He nodded and left the house, making his way towards Rosier Manor, where the Knights now normally held their meetings. He could have apparated, however he found a strange sense of solace in the beauty of nature, the contrasting colors of flowers and trees, birds chirping, sky blue without any cloud in sight. A perfect summer day, you could say.
Just a mere kilometre later, two men from further down the road passed him, the smell of alcohol thick in the air. Tom shook his head. How could someone be this drunk at just 11am?
Without turning around, he continued his path, not too far away from his destination now. When he arrived, most of them were waiting already, greeting him as he entered the building. He sat down on his designated chair on the short side of the banquet table, resting his hands on the dark, polished wood. Then, only when everyone had gathered around him, he started talking. Their heads shot in his direction, listening intently to what he was saying, never interrupting him when he spoke.
In the meanwhile, you prepared lunch for you and your daughter, slowly introducing her to solids. You carefully cut up cooked carrots, potatoes and broccoli and watched her closely while her small fingers tried grabbing the vegetables, though often smashing them in her hand before she got the chance to eat them. You smiled softly at the determined expression on her face, just the same as Tom had when he was focused on something. She really was her father’s twin after all.
After both of you were done, you cleaned up. Normally around this time you would go outside for a little walk, Tom joining you two. He told you to stay in the house though, and you respected that. The neighbourhood you lived in didn’t have the best reputation and to be honest, you didn’t feel too safe going outside alone with your daughter anyway. As you looked out of the kitchen window, you saw dark clouds gathering on the otherwise bright blue sky. It was July, so often after a hot summer day thunderstorms would strike, heavy raindrops falling from the dark grey sky.
You sighed and decided to retreat to the nursery, letting your daughter crawl around and play with some toys you two had gotten her. You sat down on the chair and watched her movements. You really were lucky with how easy going she was, rarely crying or complaining, definitely a trait she didn’t inherit from her father. Soon, your eyelids slowly fluttered closed, until a loud thud jolted you awake, eyes immediately searching for your daughter.
“We considered getting one of our own into the registry for muggle-borns. What do you say, my Lord?”
Tom might have been present physically during the meeting, however mentally he was far from that. With a sizzling noise the lightnings split the otherwise dark sky, casting a faint glow on the pale faces of him and the Knights. He couldn’t concentrate on what they were saying by any means. All he could think about was her, how scared she must be, her sensitive ears not yet accustomed to the horrors of thunderstorms. He questioned whether you were alright, if the house was doing its duty protecting his little family. Then Tom remembered the two men he had seen a few hours ago, who, he now realised, were heading in your direction. What if they meant harm? Seeing him leave, they must have known you were home alone with your daughter. He had checked the wards on the house before leaving, but what if they found a way? A strange feeling erupted in his chest, something he hadn’t felt in a long time. A sense of panic, helplessness.
It reminded him of his own childhood, the first time he experienced a thunderstorm of that extent. He could still see the memory to this day, how frightened he was. When he was banging on the door, crying, begging for someone to open it. They had a habit of locking him in his room until the morning for “disciplinary reasons”, or, as he assumed, because they were afraid of him and his “strange” behaviour.
Nobody came that night to comfort him.
His breathing quickened at the thought of his precious girl going through the same and without another thought, he stood up. “I need to leave. Meeting is postponed.”
They shot each other concerned glances, yet nobody dared to ask what was going on, confused by his sudden change in demeanour. Tom though couldn’t have cared less at that point.
“My Lord?” Rosier asked quietly, carefully watching the brunette’s expression.
In a quick fashion Tom fetched his black coat and left the manor, stepping outside into the pouring rain as another loud lightning bolt came down with an electrifying crack, followed by a deep, rumbling thunder. All he wanted to do was check if you two were okay, apparating back to your shared home.
At first sight, everything seemed to be alright. Though, after taking a closer look, he spotted a shattered window. He felt his heart skip a beat, and without thinking twice he entered the house, his wand pointed. At first, he didn’t hear or see anything, the house being completely dark apart from the occasional lightnings illuminating the room for a split second, the sound of the heavy rain muting anything else. He called your name, searching for you downstairs. Nothing.
Then, he heard something. Faint cries of a baby, the ones he recognized so well. He didn’t waste another second and rushed up the stairs, heading towards the nursery.
A small source of light shone onto the hallway from the room and when Tom entered, all his worries faded. There you were, trying to comfort your daughter, softly cradling and shushing her. When your eyes met his, you saw his anxious expression and the way his chest rose and fell quickly, gasping for breath. His damp, brunette locks stuck to his forehead as he exhaled sharply, fingers swiping through his messy hair.
“Are you two alright?” Tom asked softly, coming closer to press a kiss on your forehead.
“We are fine. She is just really scared of the loud noises.” You said, still trying to calm her down.
He nodded, looking down at his daughter’s scrunched-up face while she was crying. Tom had always thought nothing could affect him after what he had been through, but this? It hurt him. For a moment, he just stood there, watching over you two, glad you two were well. Though, he needed more. Tom wanted to comfort her, give back to the broken child deep inside of him. He wanted to give her what he didn’t have. A loving family.
“Can I-“ he breathed, hands reaching out, “Can I hold her?”
Your eyes met his, smiling reassuringly at him. “Of course. She has been waiting for you.”
He took her from your arms and almost in an instant, she stopped crying. His eyebrows drew together as he held her, watching his little girl intently. The way he cradled her and calmed her down could have you think he had been doing this for Merlin knows how long. You watched them, a feeling of relief washing over you. Tom had finally overcome his inner demons and both of you knew there was no going back now. After a while she fell asleep as he walked around the room with her, whispering sweet, yet for you inaudible words to her.
“You go to bed. I will stay here with her if that’s alright.”
“That’s totally okay. Thank you for coming back.” You responded, getting up to head to bed.
Tom walked over to you and leaned in for a tender kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You replied with a warm smile and planted a soft kiss on your daughter’s cheek before heading to bed.
He then sat down on the cushioned chair, still holding her close to him. Until the storm was over, he wouldn’t leave her.
The candle on the nightstand flickered steadily, shining a faint light on her sleeping form. For the first time since he had gone out that day, a sense of peace washed over him. The rain and thunders had calmed down after a while, yet he didn’t think of returning to his own bed yet. Tom didn’t only do this for her, no, also for himself. The little boy from the orphanage needed this just as much as she did.
Sometimes she would stir slightly, making soft sounds. Tom would then shush her, tenderly swiping over her soft cheek.
She looked so peaceful like this, and he started telling her stories about his childhood, how he met you, and his plans for the future. His daughter was a big part of his life after all, she deserved to know, even if she couldn’t yet understand the meaning.
“Daddy’s going to become the most respected wizard in the whole world. Everyone will listen to me, and one day, my sweet girl, they are going to follow your commands. You will forever be my little princess. For them, though? You will be the reigning Queen. I will make sure of it.”
He stayed with her until he was on the verge of falling asleep himself, only then carefully laying her into her crib. He placed a light kiss on her forehead before he silently exited the nursery, lying down next to you. For the first time in his life, he fell asleep with a smile plastered on his otherwise emotionless face.
Never would he have thought allowing himself to love such a tiny human would heal parts of his inner child. But it did.
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requested by:
@dream-your-own-way @boohbear19
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wonwoonlight · 1 year ago
are you like me too? / kwon soonyoung
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⇢ Soonyoung x fem!Reader
⇢ word count: 1.1k
⇢ angst // breakup(??)!au // comfort?
⇢ A/N: i wrote this in like, 30 minutes bc i was watching the epik high and hosh's performance in akmu's show and got a random burst of writing juice so. enjoy? i'm obsessed w the song and this particular part btw so it's definitely inspired by that. as always not proofread but do enjoy somehow lol
요즘 뭘 먹고 마시고 어떤 행복을 찾는지 what are you eating and drinking these days? what kid of happiness are you looking for? epik high ft. hoshi - screen time
[ - - - ]
Soonyoung has never felt so stupid.
But, then again, being drunk and regretful at the same time is an obvious recipe for disaster.
He doesn’t even usually get drunk, as he’s often already passed out before he gets to that point. But there’s something about tonight that compels him to keep on throwing back drinks over drinks even though Jihoon is already looking at him in worry and Chaeyoung is trying to stop him from getting more.
But of course, drunk Kwon Soonyoung is even more hard headed than normal Kwon Soonyoung and Jihoon eventually tells the younger girl to just stop trying because perhaps the guy needs it.
After all, Jihoon knows Soonyoung has been regretting his decision to end… whatever it is he had with a certain someone and he hasn’t had the chance to properly throw himself a pity party that it’s probably been eating him inside out for the past week.
“Why the fuck did I…” He mutters to himself, not even caring that two of his friends are there worried out of their minds. He eventually kicks them out an hour later because he can only handle so much pity being thrown his way in his own fucking house. 
He’s pitiful–pathetic, he knows, but it doesn’t make things any better and he does need this to (hopefully) make peace with whatever stupid decision he made last week to end things with you.
You’re not even his girlfriend–and whose fault is that?–he swallows another shot bitterly. And yet suddenly not having you any longer feels more painful than the last time he broke up with his ex-girlfriend.
Is it simply the alcohol, bubbling thoughts into his mind? Amplifying the pains even though it’s not really all that?
He glares at his phone, silent with nonexistent notifications from you. And then he looks at the mirror and glare at himself for pushing himself into such a situation.
Why did he think it was a good call to cut you off his life when it was him who talked to you first, asked for your number, begged you for a chance to go on dates, and now grovelling in his own room because he told you that he thinks it’s better to stop seeing each other when you’re not even yet in a relationship.
What was there to end, really?
A possibility, perhaps. 
Love that was possibly growing in your heart that he cruelly plucked when it hadn’t even bloomed.
Is that a good thing, then?
Would it hurt more for you if your feelings had grown deeper than what you currently harbour towards him?
He takes his phone and scrolls through your old texts once again. He can probably recite them in his sleep at this point, but he doesn’t care because he misses you and he wishes he still has you–your texts, your laughter, your touch, your voice–you. 
🧡: look at this dumb dog lmaoooo
how can u call him dumb :(
hes cute u meanie :(
🧡: //youre/// dumb🙄🙄
🧡: you know i dont mean it like that 😠😠😠😠
🧡: how dare you make me a villain against dogs!!!!
He takes a deep breath as he plays the video you sent for the nth time, still having it in him to smile at your small dog trying to jump into the sofa even though you had laid out a perfectly new dog stairs right next to it.
He presses his lips together at the sound of your laughter in the background, probably the only way he’s still able to hear it now. 
It’s only been a week. He knows it’s only been a fucking week. But he’s already wondering how you’re doing and who’s making you laugh, if you get to eat that dumpling that you’ve been wanting to try since last month, if you’re sending your dog videos to someone else now, if you’re still watching the drama that you were watching with him.
…If someone’s holding you because, maybe… and just maybe… you’re also as sad as he is.
He hopes you’re not though. He doesn’t wish this wrenching feeling in his chest upon you.
He hopes you don’t like him enough to be as sad as he is.
He hopes you don’t like him enough to drink yourself to sleep–to numb the pain and silence the voices inside your head.
Closing his eyes, he contemplates on calling you. But he remembers that it was him who rids himself of that choice.
Fuck. He’s even imagining your voice now.
“Hello?” Your voice calls once again, and Soonyoung grips his phone tighter because it’s getting too real and perhaps it is time to stop drinking. “Soonyoung? Are you there? Are you okay?”
He jumps when he realises it’s actually you, panics when he realises he accidentally presses call when he’s too deep in his thoughts. For someone who contemplated on calling you just not too long ago, he’s suddenly hyper aware of the situation and no longer sure what to say.
He opens his mouth to say something, but a violent cough makes it out of his lips–enough for him to hit his chest because it feels like he’s about to vomit though there’s nothing in his throat.
He hears you panic from the other side, and as much as he wants to tell you not to worry and apologize, he couldn’t do it because his head is spinning and a part of him wants you to know that he’s hurting and he’s regretting. 
You already hang up once he’s calmed down.
And it’s thirty minutes later someone knocks on his door, his eyes widening in shock when he finds you on the other side, seemingly running out of your place in a hurry because you simply have a jacket over your pajamas. 
“Are you okay?” You look up in worry, your hand already busy trying to see his temperature. It’s when you realize that Soonyoung has been looking at you in silence that it finally hits you that you’re not supposed to do this.
That he… he breaks up with you before you even begin dating and you’re probably out of your fucking mind for thinking that you should rush to him the moment you think he might need help.
Mistaking his silence as resentment, you quickly retract your hand and apologize. But before you can even turn away, Soonyoung pulls you into his place and closes the door and then wraps his arms around you.
You can’t even begin to comprehend what’s happening, but when you feel his body shaking and hear him trying to hide his tears on your shoulder, you decide it doesn’t matter.
For whatever reason, Soonyoung is hurting.
Whether he’s hurting because of you or some other reason, he’s hurting and he’s looking for comfort in you if the way he holds you so tight that it hurts a little and the smell of alcohol on him says anything.
You hug him back and Soonyoung cries harder. 
[ - - - ]
©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved. I don’t allow any reposting, translation, and any other kind of redistribution of this fic. Please tell me if you’re aware of anyone doing this without my permission.
A/N: wow been so long since i wrote for him???
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Could i request Love language hcs for heartslabyul? Thank you 😊 💓
Ace Trappola:
Give: Words of Affirmation.
He's such an honest person you know that if he's praising you, it's genuine. Ace is actually a far better listener than you give him credit for and he proves that he has some sort of emotional intelligence when he managed to pinpoint the things you were most self-conscious about; if it was something you were actively changing, he'd make it clear that he'd be by your side and that he knew you could make it through anything just because you're you.
Receive: Quality Time.
Ace really does want a partner he can just do fun things with. You don’t have to have everything in common, but he does want to be able to run off and do something at a moments notice. The nights where you go out with no destination in mind and end up with a new favorite eatery or shoe store or park to play around in are his absolute favorites, the kind of nights he’d be happy to look back on when you were both too old to do anything considered spontaneous anymore.
Cater Diamond:
Give: Physical Touch.
It’s pretty easy to him, though most of it is mimicry at first. He’s good at playing the doting boyfriend, brushing hair out of your face and having an arm draped around your shoulder when you’re in bigger groups of people (and he doesn’t want to get separated from you). When you do request that he only touch you in the way he wants to, he still plays with your hair, but he much prefers having your pinkys hooked or snuggling only when it’s the two of you.
Receive: Off camera Quality Time.
Cater likes being around you, and he wants you to like being around him whether there’s a camera there or not. He can’t quite get rid of the habit of taking pictures of everything but he does grow to learn that there’s magical moments that a picture can’t capture. Helping him live in the moment and maybe even indulge in moments that shouldn’t be on camera, like skinny dipping in a nearby lake with your hair getting all messed up and make-up dripping down your faces—might not be a good photo, but Cater can’t help but think you were as beautiful as ever.
Deuce Space:
Give: Acts of Service.
He’s a little better at being ordered around to do things rather than picking it up himself, but he’s not completely remiss when it comes to taking care of things around the house. You always did enjoy watching him work on machinery but that’s not all he’s good for—He actually finds some peace in cleaning the house if you’re out for the day doing something else, showing great pride when you come home to find the place sparkling.
Receive: Words of Affirmation.
It’s not something he can articulate well, and he’s certainly not good with words, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like being reassured. He’s always wanted you to be honest with him about your relationship and if he needs to be doing more for you, so hearing compliment after compliment can have him soaring on cloud nine. He never knew words could have such a great effect on people but your praise has made it clear how you view him.  
Riddle Rosehearts:
Give: Words of Affirmation/Acts of Service.
Riddle wants you to be your best self. He wants to motivate you to achieve your dreams and he never wants you to stop learning, because life was about a constant stream of new information becoming pertinent to the world. You would continue learning and evolving outside of NRC and Riddle wanted to go along with you on that journey. Hearing him praise your intelligence or learning a new skill, or even having him learn a new skill alongside you, is something he does as he learned people are more motivated by praise than threats.
Receive: Quality Time.
He thinks it’s important for a couple to be around each other, and to not fight or snip at each other every moment. He enjoyed having conversations with you, hearing your opinions on this or that, or sharing new knowledge you had learned in your own life that he might never have discovered if it weren’t for you. It’s important to him that you communicate in a meaningful way and that you have activities you can enjoy together, like tea time.
Trey Clover:
Give: Gift-Giving.
He can be an Acts of Service type of lover too, he really just likes to use his hands and do things for you to display his love. He’s not bad with words but he feels like he can come across poorly, especially when he’s annoyed and needs that little moment to himself. But he’s always got you in mind, baking little snacks that he knows you like, making dinner on a night when it’s your turn, and he’s not above buying you a little treat that he knows you would appreciate. He just prefers going with the homemade method, so he might even learn how to sew or do some crafts.
Receive: Acts of Service.
He just likes when you go out of your way to help him out, it always makes him feel loved when he left something a mess to clean up the next day and when he’s down in the kitchen again he discovered you got to it first. Picking up chores when you know he’s got a lot of orders, helping him handle the finances, even offering a helping hand in the kitchen or acting as cashier in the bakery—he appreciated all of those things and expressed his gratitude at the end of every day.
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truths33k3r4 · 1 month ago
what makes your turtles happy. Like what would I have to give them to make them smile.
(there's been too much angst recently and I need something cute )
I am.. SO SORRY it took me this long to finally answer your question- I promise I sincerely wanted to, but life got busy, I got sick, and uh.. here we are. XD
Anyyyyways! Onto your question!
Leonardo- One of Leo's favorite past times is putting together puzzles while listening to movie soundtracks on his CD player. After tense missions or siblings annoying him all the time, he needs this kinda activity to rest and relax. :) Because his brothers think that putting together a puzzle is "old lady stuff" he's able to do it without any interruptions. (Except for a possible impromptu dance break from Mikey, but that's usually appreciated.) He also LOVES to organize all the pieces into their respective piles of color and shape.
Eventually, later in the story, Leo notices that Lotus fights anxiety and stress as badly as he does. (Maybe even worse.) So, in an attempt to help her, he invites her to join him whenever he takes out a 1,500 piece puzzle.
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Raphael- This. This brings him immeasurable joy.
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...Though sometimes things don't end so well for him. XD
But- in all seriousness, he loves to draw. :) Especially when he's allowed by Don to just chill in his beanbag chair as his freckled twin works at his computer. He also loves to get into wrestling matches with his brothers- a good little tussle to get the blood pumping and practice their grappling- as well as to get a chance to test each others' strength!
Donatello- With how stressful and annoying customers can become with his IT job, Don just sometimes needs some space outside. Compared to his stale, cramped office, a peaceful forest is paradise to him, allowing his always-moving brain to finally quiet.
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Lotus- It takes her a long time to find things that she likes. For one, the first few weeks of being in the lair consist of lots of Medbay visits and physical recovery, but once she grows strong enough, Don teaches her how to bake. :)
And in time, and with lots of practice, Lotus learns to find so much happiness when she watches her brothers enjoying something she made. :)
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Michelangelo- Hahaha there's a whole list- but I'll just go over the main things he loves. :) Firstly, Mikey loves it when he's called into the Kitchen or Medbay by Leo to have Medic lessons. This isn't only time spent with his big bro, but it's also really neat to hear about how the body works, how he can help his team better, and how to better take care of himself. It takes a lot of concentration to sit and listen, but it's always worth it. Especially when he sees Leo get passionate about something he works so hard to do. <3
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Next would be singing and dancing. :) Anywhere. And at any time. He could be in the middle of a geography test and he'd still break out into song. And dancing is just such a cool way to express himself! Clicking on Leo's CD player with his favorite Smash Mouth hits, it won't even be two seconds before he's swaying, shimmying, and moon-walking.
Chores don't stop him from having fun either- Dishes are lame, but add your favorite hits on your MP3 player, and it's AWESOME.
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And lastly, but most importantly, Mikey loves to paint. <3 He always has since being a toddler, thanks to an accident when Splinter left paint out in the boys' bedroom. Diving his hands into the cool, smooth, brightly-hued paint just sparked a deep creative drive in him, and it's been that way ever since.
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Hahaha my story has been on the angstier side, so this was a lot of fun to just draw my turts being their fun, wholesome, chaotic selves. :) (Before more angst occurs in my story MUAHAHHAHAH)
Thanks for the question!
To God be the glory!
~ Melissa
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deputygonebye · 2 years ago
While she might not have actively been watching him, Kyleigh could feel the glances between herself and the road that Shane was doing. Probably still trying to figure her out, if she was going to make good on her promise or find some small reason to snap on him the second they were away from the others. And she very well COULD have, picked apart the way he drove or something like that. But honestly she didn’t want to. It was almost as if the urge to get on his entire last nerve wasn’t there any longer. Not gone completely because she was pretty damn sure something would happen to tip them both off, but for now it was nice to just have this air of peace. The half lycan was fully ready to blame that on the fact that she was once again allowed the simple joy of an air conditioned car to some long forgotten home store but maybe it was more than that. Maybe she was getting bored of constantly being in the man’s face and hopefully he was as well. Now maybe they could learn a thing or two about each other, better understand the things they once didn’t and maybe even grow to respect the ways they were different from each other. All she knew was that afternoon she was VERY happy to get away from the others and while Shane might not have been her partner of choice, it was a lot better than going alone.
As the air became a bit colder she was able to relax back in her seat and enjoy the scenery as it went by, even if it was just broken down cars and the occasional walking dead stumbling around. Even the music from the CD that was stuck was soothing, a genre Kyleigh had never listened to but now would get mad if it was suddenly turned off. Who knew that such a small gesture could calm the beast. As she was busy glancing out of her side of the front window she let her eyes drift over to the driver’s side and study the asshole, because whether or not they had a truce he was STILL an asshole, that was driving. If one could just erase the fact that he had been an officer of the law she might dare say Shane was a handsome man. He had those classic features those stupid romance novels always wrote about: tall, dark and mysterious. Somehow he managed to keep himself in shape and if she hadn’t been so damn hellbent on his ’accidental’ death before she might have noticed that when he would strut around with his shirt off. Didn’t he have tattoos too? She couldn’t remember at the moment, a bright flush creeping up on her cheeks as she tore her gaze away. The end of the world was not time for fantasy land, it was time for survival. Something she had always prided herself in knowing how to do.
As the vehicle came to it’s final destination Kyleigh pulled herself fully into that moment. Eyes that were as sharp as an eagle’s began to scan the area, not just for the dead but for the living as well. Humanity was a foreign concept now, humans willing to do whatever it took for one more day. The group she was with was very much the same, though she was sure Rick was more than likely to want to talk things out before the other alternative. Herself? Well not so much, but Kyleigh always blamed that on her lycan nature. Protect herself and the pack above all else, which was exactly what she was going to do while out with Shane. The old home store looked very much like the shit hole it had become, fitting in perfectly with the rest of the world those days. She was quickly losing the hope that they would find anything worth the trip out there, but if Shane thought they would then she was willing to give it a shot. She was pretty sure he didn’t want to hear her bitching if they came all this way out for nothing. The long drive had her craving any reason for some action, her hearing picking up on the walkers stumbling around before she even glanced their way. Of course she knew from her own experiences that these things were usually never just RANDOM like this, so both herself and the officer were going to have to be very careful about what they did next. Hand on the door Kyleigh was all ready to just leap out and handle things, but Shane’s voice broke through her one tract thoughts and she nodded.
“Yeah, I got you. And this time when I say that I mean it. Get your weapon, I’ll handle this.” True she could have just left them alone and simply made sure they didn’t get too close. But they would be two less they would have to deal with later should things go awry, and it was far better for Kyleigh to use her knife on them instead of her partner.
As soon as she heard the click that unlocked the doors the adrenaline flooded her system, and if anyone else would have seen her they probably would have thought she had gone crazy. A smile came to her face, hand reached down to her belt to bring out her favorite knife. Glancing over towards Shane before she hopped out of her side of the car she SWORE she saw an odd expression cross his face but just dismissed it as her imagining things. Even though she made sure to shut the door as quietly as possible once she was out the undead heard and slowly turned their way. Checking around to make sure that they were the only two walkers around Kyleigh quickly made her way over to them, pushing the one down to the ground with ease so she could dispatch the one still upright. The foul scent of its dead blood flooded her nose, knife making that familiar squishing sound as it entered the base of the skull. Just as one dropped the other began to rise, the half lycan quickly turned to give it the same fate as the other. Now the complete silence came, allowing her the chance to look the bodies over. No weapons or anything that could be of use, a twinge of sadness in her heart over who they COULD have been. Children, parents, aunts, uncles, the list was endless really. Now they were nothing more than two corpses in various stages of rot, the half lycan blessing herself before walking back over to the car.
“That thing come standard issue?” She asked Shane as he walked around from the trunk, using a few large leaves she found on the ground to clean her knife off before placing it back in its holder on her belt.
A Mossberg 590 had found its way into Shane's hands before the next brush of wind skimmed across his cheeks. Colored the flesh there from a bronzed honey to a cheery peonies, cooled every part of him that was exposed to the elements. Sunshine still shimmering on his shoulders, warming the cotton of his shirt, for a moment in time, in that once thriving parking lot of a Home Depot, Shane could recall peace. When fear and terror weren't reprised so often - the laughter of friends supplanted by screeched gabbles - when Georgia was once safe. Whatever became of those friends of his, a question that crossed the former deputy's mind constantly, was lost to the ruins. Relinquished to the greedy grasp of Walkers and hopeless peoples; surrendered, for there was only selfishness to be found amongst the bodies and the buried and the dead. Survival of one the end goal for all. Survival of many the primary objective for Shane, to see all of those still stationed at the campsite through. Friends, family, those on the outside who couldn't keep from looking in, Kyleigh. Frustrating and exasperating Kyleigh Thompson - someone so beautiful but destined to be the bane of Shane's existence - a friend when needed most.
Bonded because of a promise made, with the trunk shut and a backpack full of supplies over his shoulders, both straps situated, Shane held his beloved gun close. Ran his fingertips alone the barrel, watched with fascination as the black matte glistened and shined just for he. Like a lover's kiss after being separated for so long - familiar but just as exciting as the first time - an embrace that was sweet. An aluminum trigger guard taken the place of plastic, buttstock pistol grip in near pristine condition, violence had not sullied the shotgun completely, it would serve Shane and Kyleigh well. It had done so before. Before the Outbreak and the resurrection of cadavers; when an untroubled afternoon saw Rick get shot at. A pursuit that turned his and Shane's day into a living nightmare, criminals never caring for those that they hurt, the crimes that they committed, that same Mossberg 590 eliminated the threat, stole the very life of the third outlaw.
Unnamed, uncared for by the deputy who fired the fatal shot, Shane could only stand there in his trance, clenching the shotgun between his fingers. Until his knuckles turned almost white in shade, there was not an ounce of hesitation that day, those weeks ago. Panic-stricken, for when the blood poured its flow did not stop, dripped down the smokey gray aramid that Rick wore without faulter, trembling hands could do nothing but be painted by that horrible crimson. Shane and his efforts to keep Rick alive, more and more pressure to the open wound of the other man's upper shoulder, his back that was clothed by torn uniform, a circular split. Cries to the open skies did little to ease either of their woes. Prayers that were whispered consoled, truly, only the deputy who said them, never would such a tragedy happen again. Shane wouldn't be so foolish a second time around; his gun always loaded and readied for the chance. Rick's pained face too much to deal with already, blue eyes clouded with agony and tears, the very vision of Shane's dreams, even if he wouldn't have confessed to it, he feared what Kyleigh's would've done to him, too.
Her own visage distorted in anguish, wolf and human halves twisted in a picture of pure pain, connected unlike they had ever been before. Destroyed by a rain of bullets, the impact of warfare and combat, they weren't family by any means of the word, but still did such a thought scare the ex-cop. Disturbed the man into a further state of silence, attention focused on the rusted bumper of the Toyota rather than the gun in his hands, concentration restored after familiar heels walked his way. Grounded fallen leaves more so into the asphalt beneath. Pulverized bits of crunchy maple and hornbeam, rubble like that of smashed bricks and concrete. Unhurt but looking very much the part of a warrior woman come home from battle, Kyleigh, with only small specks of Geek skin to her clothes, had finished what the Lord above couldn't. Dead finally meant to stay as so, the search for Dale's new RV handle had begun.
"Wouldn't use anythin' less." Shane replied, leading the duo into the gates of Hell himself, forever the leader, a front entrance easily accessible.
Weaving between the cars that were still parked in the lot, the couple of shopping carts that had found themselves pushed from one side of the space to the other, wheels squeaking, the former deputy and the half-lycan made decent progress. Bowed their heads in respect to the girls whose bodies laid lifeless, never to be put to rest properly, never could be, into the store did they find themselves. Protected, but just as vulnerable to whatever hadn't left before they came, glass sticking to the bottom of Shane's boots like glue. Jabbed into the rubber but, thankfully, not into his sock covered feet, with each crunch came another step forward. Shelves of orange jumbled with opened cardboard boxes, plastic baggies ripped to shreds, metal parts flung all over the flat surfaces, Home Depot had seen its share of scroungers. Was violated for its treasures and valuables. Plundered for whatever goods that the hawks of the world hadn't claimed already; pumpkin-orange aprons launched all over the floors, frayed.
Shane joked, voice not above that of a hush, not as loud as a shout, "shit, and I thought the episode of Hoarders I saw before all this was bad. You've ever seen Hoarders? Would you take a look at this place. Looks like a bomb went off. Ain't no way anybody made it out of here alive. I'll tell you what, if we don't run into -- hey, get back!"
Wrapping an arm around her middle, Shane drug Kyleigh into the nearest aisle way, number 8. Electrical Services the name printed on the sign above and below, fans and light fixtures were the closest thing to company that the two of them could have. Her back pressed to his chest in tight hold - their first actual touch an intimate one - awkward and not in the way that Shane would've wished. Chin close enough as to lay on top of her head, velvet-soft locks that smelled of earthy richness, fresh waters and yarrow, their bodies more like one than two. Heart pounding in his ears, even against the thumping, the pumping of anxiety and blood, Shane could make out the distinct sound of Walkers. Just so, almost quiet to the untrained, the clueless and those without the memories. On the fade of breath; moans and strangulated whines.
"Don't move." Warned Shane as he dared to sneak a glance past the shelf that blocked his view. "You can hear them, can't you? What am I sayin'? Course, you can. There's a horde just down the way. I couldn't get a good count of 'em, but I'd say they outnumber us 3 to 1. Roughly. Look, if we make it out of here, I'll apologize to you, then, for grabbin' at you like how I did. For now, I'm gonna need you to use that knife of yours again. Don't got a problem with that do you, Ky? Come on. We'll sneak behind them this way. Let's try to keep out of their sight."
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perrylapileon · 2 months ago
Domain is still down so im going to keep talking about post story dead man switch ideas
Ill update this whenever i get an idea
Spoilers !
Family things!
I like to imagine Hohyun bringing Youngwon to his family and revealing to them that theyre together and later on after ch 110 where theyre engaged/promised to each other
I believe Hohyun's family would be happy he's able to have a love life and partner while working since the whole incident. Plus it's the reliable sunbae that was with him the whole time.
His family needs updates from Hohyun everyday so Youngwon updates them when Hohyun is busy or preoccupied. Hohyun takes selfies with Youngwon to send to his family when they're together when he replies.
Actually that one line where Youngwon mentions Hohyun's little brother makes me believe he has met his brother at least.
The thing i really want to picture is Hohyun bringing Youngwon to his grandmother's apple orchard. It's peaceful, theyre picking apples.
Youngwon is quite introverted but I think he appreciates genuine company here and there so he has pleasant chats with Hohyun's grandma.
She reveals a strawberry patch she's been growing since Hohyun told her he liked strawberries. 🥹 Youngwon is touched.
She also compliments Youngwon's cooking skills, making those apple rabbits but also salads and the like. Youngwon jokes about Hohyun being good at handling ladles and Hohyun elbows him out of embarassment. (Didnt realize how much this sounds like a double entendre... Youngwon would enjoy that)
Youngwon suggests going abroad to officially get married and that he will cover the costs of hohyun's family to attend the ceremony.
Hohyun insists they at least invite Youngwon's mother and Youngwon gives him a look but acquieses cuz 'Hohyun's cuteness is very convincing'
Hohyun asks if their friends Nahye, Haeun, and Hanbin can come to their ceremony. Youngwon says they're paying for their own flights (lol)
Hohyun plans the itinerary because of course he would.
It's a small gathering of loved ones so not a big venue but Youngwon has some thoughts on the decor.
Hohyun has a sappy vow that includes staying by his side and making new memories with Youngwon and always remembering the old ones.
Youngwon says something that everyone thinks sounds like a riddle more than an inside joke but Hohyun is over there tearing up.
(I havent made up my mind what he says. Maybe he'll cook for hohyun everyday. Or that he'll live and die with him.. something..)
Maybe Youngwon carves their wedding rings ❤️
Hohyun's mother offhandedly saying she wants a nice pot for her new plant and Youngwon comes by with a pot he made himself. She shows off what her son in-law made for her to all her friends hehe
Want to know if Youngwon has told Hohyun what his first meeting with Hohyun was like.
Want to think about Hohyun helping Youngwon organize his house after their first date. It takes a while cuz Youngwon likes taking breaks
Hohyun trying to watch the french films Youngwon has to connect with him and learn some french. Youngwon teases him about speaking french in bed
Youngwon trying to teach Hohyun how to cook in the 3 years they live together and.. he's still not that good 😅
0 notes
cheekypriest · 8 months ago
"I'm sure you are... but you know what they say, good things come to those who wait." Came the effortless reply as the priest watched his new acquaintance move towards the door, arms coming to cross over his chest with a thoroughly amused smile tainting the side of his lips. It almost felt surreal, how effortlessly the entire interaction had been despite the many hurdles that were placed between them. Not that they'd managed to get over all of them, the very real supernatural factor of it all was still very much up in the air when it came to the detective, but maybe that was for the best. In the meantime, he could at least keep an eye on the guy, even if only from a distance. It wasn't like he wanted to crowd him or stalk him, but there was a very real worry there as well. With his foot edged in the doorway, James wasn't exactly leaping at the chance of him stepping all the way through -- - for his own sake rather than the Brits' own. If he was going to step through, by whatever means, James was going to be there by his side.
But just watching the bloke leave, the suddenly empty space all around him felt as if the world had opened up to him again, taking away from the spotlight that had him honed in on Connor's very presence. It had been a long time since James had felt that way about someone, luring his undivided attention, teasing him with the promise of getting to know them better without even realising it. Or maybe he did, the man was smart, keenly so, which meant he was probably all too aware of what he was doing. But that was fun part, wasn't it? Trying to figure out how much was deliberate and how much wasn't.
With a heavy sigh, James returned to what he was doing, first moving the chairs to where they'd been previously, back to their rightful places that had been intended on the floor by now despite the connected building's relative youth. Just looking at the cold mug of coffee was enough to make him pause again for just a moment, half battling himself internally. Had he done the right thing? Throwing the man bone only for him not to realise that was what he was doing? Trying to gauge where he was on the whole 'demons are real' thing without fully committing that he truly believed himself? He'd hinted at it but hadn't outright stated it, likely leaving many questions unanswered, questions that could only be answered if someone believed -- - or if they knew.
Grabbing the two mugs and glass, he took them to the sink and gave them a good clean, letting them sit on the side where he'd put them away the next day, if he remembered, or noticed they were still sitting out. He really wasn't quite as finicky as his peer, the one who had practically been turfed out so that James could snoop around without raising too much suspicion. He liked things to be relatively tidy, things had their places, but he also didn't mind if something was sat out, as long as it wasn't in his way or bothering him.
He was just glad that the regular guy had a gardener who dropped by every week or so, both to tend to a few flowers and bushes around the church itself, as well as take care of the priest's garden as well. It didn't take much to imagine the old man doing his part too, out on a cool morning tidying up the place in the meantime. Given James' manner, some might think he'd laugh at such a thing, but surprisingly, he actually quite enjoyed the thought of being able to garden in peace and quiet. He still had a firm goal in mind that once he retired, he'd move back to the north of England, buy a little house out in the countryside and have his very own garden where he'd grow rhubarb and try his hand at making rhubarb and custard pie. It probably seemed silly to some, maybe even cliche, or plain and ordinary, but to James? He didn't have a great deal of faith that he'd even reach retirement age, let alone live long enough to die of old age beyond that, so he held onto it as more of a hope than anything.
With that thought still in mind, he moved to lock up the building, deciding that since he didn't have to hold mass, he could just saunter his way back to the house and decide what to wear for the night ahead and maybe run a few thoughts and ideas as did so. There was still so much to worry about, the keys jangling in his hands barely registered in his mind as he made sure all the lights were off, and checked doors and windows, before finally stepping outside, glancing around him just to be sure everything was clear. Given his line of work, it paid to be on high alert, particularly when something was clearly going on in the neighbourhood.
But as he wandered back, warmly greeting a few neighbours on the short walk and keeping himself on his best behaviour, which was certainly easier with such brief interactions, he made it to the quaint little house that he'd taken residence in, passing by his black Honda CBR600F in the small drive. It wasn't like anything he'd stayed in before, a one-story blue building, a porch on the front and a shiny mailbox with the white dove and golden cross on it. To James, it seemed like something out of a fairytale, everything so pristine and well-kept that the Brit imagined he likely looked like a complete mess in comparison to it just standing there. He could just picture the old man sitting outside on the bench of his porch, waving and greeting people as they went by. It seemed so -- - wholesome, which was a rather foreign concept for the exorcist.
Getting inside, the Northerner first attended to his concerns, jotting down what Connor had told him and relaying back to the Vatican, regularly in touch with a number of his peers inside, like their own little CIA, he supposed. Though he definitely didn't mention that he was going to be spending the evening with the detective in question -- - he couldn't imagine that would go down very well and by now James made it quite apparent that the more casual side of his life was his alone and nobody else's business.
A short time later, after typing up what he could and even going on video chat with one of his contacts, the man was finally able to let out a breath, new thoughts claiming him as he wandered into the bedroom and started to go through his suitcase. He wasn't about to shove the house's owners' own clothes to the side to hang out his own so he'd decided it was probably safer to just keep them in his bag or lying around on chairs and, dare he admit it, on the floor. In a folded pile, notably. That made it better, right?
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Deciding on an outfit, he pulled out a casual shirt, a suit jacket and a pair of matching trousers. For him and his usual clergyman attire, it was casual and for once he could keep the two buttons at the top of his shirt undone. It was hardly anarchy but it suited the priest's preferences better than going out wearing his collar, the last thing he or the detective needed was that thing garnering unwanted attention. For either of them. There was a time and a place and tonight wasn't one of them. For a few hours, he wondered if he could just be any other bloke, someone who didn't have to worry about literal demons and angels or the reality of Heaven and Hell for a while, but just someone who could go out, have something to eat, a few drinks and spend time with someone he genuinely found interesting. That wasn't too much to ask for a man of God -- - was it?
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It was a curious kind of serendipity that had occurred between them - the thought had gone through Connor's head more than once since the moment he'd come upon the handsome priest & made his introductions. Admittedly, James' baffled considerations of the potentially vast options in regards to romance wasn't entirely inaccurate. Though he was a pretty & youthful creature, the prodigy of his department, the detective didn't really put himself out there. Surely, he could have had any man or woman he fancied. Yet he wasn't one for frivolities, hardly the type to fall into bed with any beautiful person who caught his eye. Part of his self-imposed isolation was due to the odd hours he was forced to keep, the potential for disappointment as no matter what, the job would always have to come first. Not everyone understood that way of life, & the boy had a gentle heart in spite of his capacity for coldness. He didn't want to temporarily dissipate the underlying numbness of his soul with carnal games. He yearned for something real.
Beyond the obvious chemistry, the priest in his midst seemed to understand something of odd hours & late nights, as his position clearly took him all over the world at the whim of a higher power. Passingly, Connor mused as to whether James worked under the pope directly. Another, deeper piece of his subconscious speculated as to what that could mean in regards to his case. If James was here for any reason that would have him take up temporary residence in Detroit Michigan of all places - a once upon a time metropolis that had become a dying city - there was something much bigger going on than what he was seeing.
Yet again, Connor could blame the priest for distracting him with his devilish wit & charming flirtations. He should have been questioning whether or not that was entirely the purpose - to distract the curious investigator from his task - but for the moment he was determined not to care. The older man amused him with his comments about his own age, the mild self-depreciation of it all. James must have had a similar sense of self that mirrored the young detective, in a way. Connor might have been unmistakably prideful, but in the very same breath he could hold such contempt for himself. Did James relate to that, he wondered.
He seemed to relate quite well in terms of sleep quality, though Connor thought he sensed a hint of falsehood at the older man's claims of easy naps. “I'm not sure that's necessarily exclusive to age…” he remarked with a hint of laughter in his voice. There had been many a sleepless night that Connor had suffered, the thoughts having been too loud in his head. He spent his early hours before the dawn pouring over cold case files, trying to find anything the previous detectives had missed. Sleep was taken where he could get it, easily found when he was relaxed & in familiar company. Sometimes the triplets held little sleepover parties they deemed 'boys nights', just because. He missed those nights. He made a note to text his brothers later. Colin would endlessly tease him about the impending date. Xander would comment about his tastes in men. Both would want the tea after the two parted for the evening.
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That was one thing Connor had taken notice of time & time again. James made reference to his age somewhat often, enough that it made the detective consider whether the priest felt he was too young for him. Not in some way that might make him an unattractive dating prospect, but in part going back to that underlying self-depreciation. His compliments towards the younger were positively flattering with all of that British charm mixed in, his interests as clear as day. Connor wanted to make damn sure that they were on the same page, & that James knew his intentions. That sweet expression never faltered, head cocked to the side slightly with his intrigue. “Codger? You?” The way he said it, the idea itself sounded absurd. “I think I've made my opinion clear: you're very handsome. You don't have to fear for your pride with me.” The statement was followed by greedy hazelnut eyes roaming over the priest's form, looking him up & down before settling upon a mutual gaze once more. The little smirk that drew against his lips was supremely satisfactory in nature, perhaps even a little sultry. A cheeky ruse to incite a reaction. James had witnessed just how shy Connor could be, even if he played the part of someone endlessly confident. Though he couldn't deny that he might have been imagining just how fit the older man was beneath the perfectly tailored outlines of his dark suit.
Alas, it was getting late. The detective knew that he had to get going if he was to finish up his work & find an opportunity to sneak away long before his appointed end of day. “That sounds great.” Having found an amicable agreement to their future meeting place & events thereafter, he was eagerly looking forward to that evening. A hand was offered & the detective felt a breathy little chuckle leave him. A pleasant goodbye with the promise of more. He accepted the gesture graciously, appreciative of any opportunity to touch. James' hand was lean & strong, gentle in their mutual hold. Connor gazed at him with a shy, blooming affection. “It's been very nice meeting you, Father.” He released his gentle grasp, letting it fall away as he moved to stand.
As he moved towards the door, the detective paused, & looked back over his shoulder towards the priest one last time. “I'll look forward to helping you overcome your shyness.” A sly wink was thrown his way before Connor departed, leaving James to his thoughts & his musings of this chance encounter. As he drove back to the station, there was hardly a moment where the priest left his mind. While he was still firmly dead set on solving this disturbing case, the young man couldn't help his excitement towards the evening to come.
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superblysubpar · 2 years ago
Leather & Lace: Ch. 01
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Leather and Lace Masterlist
A/N: I’m so happy you’re here. I’ve been holding this close to my heart & finally decided it was time to share it. Please see the masterlist for overall series warning, but this chapter is slow and simple - a touch angsty. Let me know what you think! And to my lovely ladies (you know who you are), I’m not sure what I did to deserve you all, but I’m so grateful for you. Thanks for making me laugh harder than I have in a long time & for talking me into sharing this (& more). Special thanks to @boomhauer for taking on the role of putting up with my excessive use of the word and, bad grammar, and tendency to over italicize - I owe you big time friend.
2.4k words
Side A | Track 01: “Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman
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There’s a reason there are so many songs about young love, lost innocence, fleeting moments, and growing up.
A reason those songs usually involved leaving someone behind or being the one who was left. 
Several reasons that hundreds of people are able to connect to a lyric about watching that person or that town disappear in your rearview mirror as you vowed to never look back again. 
The reasons, the songs, the people who relate to them, all center around one thing - small towns.
And small towns fucking suck.
The songs, the movies, the people - they want you to believe in small town America. They want you to think it’s peaceful, that it’s bliss. Not a single soul is unhappy - the town and all within it are thriving. You’re supposed to feel safe, enjoy knowing your neighbors, and learn how to bake pies to submit to county fairs like your mom did and her mom did. It’s all shoved down your throat from the minute you’re born in that ‘too big’ city hospital. Barely a day old and you’re already being told it’s better this way as you're shuffled back home to where you’re supposed to belong.
When you’re younger, you don’t understand it all yet. You like that everyone in your class knows each other and everyone gets invited to every birthday party. You like waving to your mailman at the grocery store and seeing your teacher at the movie theater. You love that all of the moms know each other and gossip, because that means when yours picks you up to go home after a sleepover you have at least another hour together while they all talk.
But as the years go by, it all starts to change. Suddenly, your class doesn’t like each other, you’re not all invited to the parties, people stop dressing up for Halloween because it’s not “cool” anymore. Your best friends start talking about boys, clothes aren’t just clothes - they’re a status, and liking certain music or movies makes you either a freak or a god. 
Someone snaps their fingers and it’s a bloodbath to rise up in social status. There’s a hierarchy, a food chain, and it’s every man for himself. You start to see that it was all an illusion. The moms who you swore were the best of friends are the first to let you in on the secret of the false happiness of the town and its people. 
Their long winded doorway and grocery store gossip filled conversations you once tuned out, now ring in your ears too loud. They fake smiles and pleasantries until one leaves the herd, the pack descending on them with nasty remarks and the first of many rumor fueled flames is lit. No longer the close friendships you once dreamed of having yourself, but relationships formed from gossip and jealousy and hate that their offspring seemed doomed to inherit.
Like a movie playing on the big screen, you watch it happen right before your eyes. Your once tight knit group of friends turning on each other for something as simple as eating a slice of pizza at lunch instead of a salad. They’re glossing lips and curling eyelashes, and talking about basketball player boyfriends. Plans for their futures suddenly centered around boys you’d grown up with, dreams of weddings, kids, and staying in that same town repeating it all over again with a new generation. 
They've got to be shitting you, right? 
You’re not an idiot though. You see how the people you once called friends are suddenly freaks - shunned by the kings and queens of the school. And you’re not proud of it, but you play along. You wear the outfits, the bright blue eyeshadow, you make fun of people who are slightly different from the status quo. 
High School is a balance beam, a high wire, a jump out of an airplane but you don’t all have the parachute or net to catch you. It’s all a bunch of bullshit, a massive and giant labyrinth of contradictions and riddles designed to make you sink or swim. Lean or turn the wrong way one time, and it’s game over.
You can’t answer too many questions in class and look like a nerd, but obviously you have to keep up your grades because you can’t be seen as a slacker or dropout - what would people think? You can’t like art or band or theater too much, you can be an athlete but they’d prefer it if you just cheered for them. Be a good girl, get good grades, and dote on whatever king of Hawkins belongs to the letterman jacket you currently have slung around your shoulders. 
And the school stuff isn’t even the worst part. The extracurriculars are where things started to get really complicated. Only the freaks, losers, and dropouts smoke weed and drink. Oh, but you’re not gonna have even a sip or one hit at the party? Who are you, Mother Theresea? You go to church, so you’re a saint, right? Only on her knees for Jesus? Boys will be lining up to see if they can make the angel dip into her sinful ways. Trapped on the receiving end of a double edged sword - a prude if you don’t do anything and a slut if you do. 
You walk the line for four years, sticking to the status quo and you coast. Never in the background and never in the spotlight, miraculously making it through what’s supposedly the best years of your life fairly unscathed. It’s not all rainbows and perfectly pressed pleated skirts though, and you need out. You pack up what little you can consider truly your own possessions two days after graduation, ready to head towards the city. You’re going to watch that shitty little town disappear in your rearview mirror and you’re not going to look back, not even for a second. 
Your “friends” think you've lost it. Your parents worry and remind you you can always come back. You hope your little brother is proud of you - he’s the only reason you do risk a glance in the rearview mirror. You see him standing in the driveway, waving a sad arm in the air, his misfit friends all standing by him. He'll be okay. He'll see how good you do outside of that town and maybe he'll be inspired and get out too. 
Chicago is dirty, loud, fast and wonderful. It’s nothing like you thought it’d be and everything you dreamed about. You’re poor and surviving off of Seven-Eleven slurpees, but you’re living.
People are different in the city. Unique and vibrant and filled with life. They’re not settling for normalcy. They’re pushing themselves and boundaries. Told to be different and stand out - speak up instead of being seen and not heard. 
School is completely different too. No one to tell you that you can’t like both an art class and a science class. A gift from the universe, you’re sure, when your assigned lab partner offers you a joint one day, where he casually offers up the information that his cousin is his dealer and his mom runs a local Sunday school - like that’s normal everywhere. And maybe it is, maybe the awful small town is ancient history. You embrace the new normal and you ask if his cousin can hook you up too and if the church has a choir you can join. 
The next four years are long, and not at all perfect, but they’re your years and no one else’s. You’re writing your own story and figuring things out for yourself. Your parents and brother call and visit frequently and you manage to avoid returning home as much as possible - visits only extending for no more than two days, and staying put inside your childhood home. The happenstance lab partner talk ends you up in a job teaching at a local church when you’re not in class. Falling in love with the kids, you pursue a career in teaching, dreaming of a future where you’re helping to shape the minds of the next generations. 
Graduation, your own apartment, a job teaching art to middle school - the dreams, the life you couldn’t have even imagined, unfolding before you like you’re living the best part of a movie. It all seems too good to be true.
And maybe it was. 
Maybe it was some sort of childhood naivety clinging to you. Hopes and dreams were just that - and somehow you had gotten caught up in yours. You should have realized that life is not always a happy ending. It is filled with an immeasurable amount of curve balls, running uphill both ways, grief, and unexpected life altering moments. It’s unpredictable and unfair and ready to blindside you at a moment’s notice. 
The loaf of bread you’ve been carrying falls into an icy puddle at the curb. You jump to grab it, but it's too late. A car rolls right over it, honking like it's your fault and you flip them off.
You know it’s stupid to cry over a loaf of bread, over a stranger honking at you, and besides, your tears will only freeze to your eyelashes. So you try to keep them at bay as you quickly walk the remaining block to your apartment, arms pulling your coat closer to ward off any harsh wind that manages to sneak through and chill your body.
You rip the pink past due notice from your door as you rush inside, dumping your bags on the floor and kick the excuse of a coffee table that's just a sheet over two cardboard boxes as you pass it. You don’t even bother turning on the lights because you know you couldn’t afford last month’s electricity bill, which means you certainly can’t afford this month’s. 
You knew you weren't going to make it much longer and the tears you had managed to hold in now wet your lashes as they threatened to finally fall.
The shrill ring of your phone pulls you out of your self pity and wallowing. You knew it was your little brother, calling you at this time every Sunday night. You had managed to keep it all to yourself for almost six months, not having it in you to tell them all, to tell him that you had failed. That you needed to return home. 
You knew it was time though and you picked it up on the last ring, "Hello?"
Your brother is screaming into the line and you start to panic, "What? What's going on?" Your mind starts racing back to a few years ago when all the crazy shit went down with the mall and the earthquake - your family luckily safe with you in Chicago for both events. Why they insisted on returning to that shitty town even after all of that was beyond you.  
"I got into NYU!"
You fall back against your wall, the tears falling down your still thawing cheeks. A mixture of grieving the loss of your own innocence and celebration of his still thriving one. You clutch the phone tighter and wish you could hug him through it, wrapping the cord around your fingers you choke out, “I’m so proud of you buddy. That’s amazing. Congrats.”
He's breathless and laughing, "Will you come home to celebrate? Longer than the two days you had planned for Christmas? Please?"
You cradle the phone between your ear and neck and grab a spoon to get your dinner of peanut butter started.
You look up at the ceiling and try not to cry harder. You can’t tell him, but you have to. You take a deep breath as his voice falls to that wobble that only little brothers know. The one they perfect before their first words so they can hit you right where it hurts and make you swear to yourself to never let the sound leave their mouth again if you can help it.
"Y/N? Please?" he asks quietly.
You sniffle and form some sort of courage to tell him you’re a failure, "How ‘bout I do you one better and I come home for the rest of your senior year?"
You rip it off like a bandaid that’s been left on too long, wincing through it as you blurt out, "I got laid off at the end of last year."
"But you're the art teacher! How can they just-"
You interrupt him before you start crying harder and he can go off on a rant, “Buddy, I know, listen, it’s a long story. I’ll tell you all about it over some pizza while we watch The Breakfast Club, okay?”
He’s silent for what feels like forever when he finally asks, “Can we get pineapple on the pizza?”
You laugh through the remaining tears and nod, leaning your forehead against the wall, “You bet. I’ll see you soon, okay?”
When you hang up, you look around your dark apartment. The place that once was your oasis, your dream, now an expensive responsibility and weight on your shoulders. You’d sold most of your furniture already, and so you start packing your few remaining belongings that same night. 
In the next two days you sell what you can, enough to barely make your final rent payment and you hand your landlord your key as the first snow of the year drifts down lazily around you. You turn and take one final polaroid of the city - wanting to remember it this way, before climbing into your rusting and falling apart car and closing your door on it all. 
As you make the drive out of the city, your eyes fill with tears in the rearview mirror. It was never supposed to be like this. This wasn’t the town that was supposed to disappear in the mirror. These weren’t the people you were supposed to be leaving. As the wheels of the car take you further and further away, you turn the volume of your mixtape up as loud as it can go, drowning out the thoughts of your failures, your disappointments, your crushed dreams. You wipe the tears from your cheeks as you sing along loudly.
“...I got no plans, I ain’t going nowhere. So take your fast car and keep on driving. So I remember when we were driving, driving in your car - speed so fast I felt like I was drunk. City lights lay out before us and your arm felt nice wrapped round my shoulders. And I, I had a feeling that I belonged. I-I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone…”
🖤 Thanks again for being here - any interaction is so appreciated & I’d love to know what you thought about it! If you’re able, please consider reblogging to help get my work seen.  tag list: @christalcake @loveshotzz @myobmaya @sweetsweetjellybean
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titanicsimp · 4 years ago
Hello! If it's ok, can I please request canonverse hcs for Zeke, (post-s4) Reiner, Colt, Porco, and Erwin as new dads? S/o is also a fellow Warrior/Scout and so they encourage the dad to spend time with their newborn as their time is limited. How would they care and coddle for their respective little beans? I just want fluff amongst all the angst the current season is handing out by the bucket >< Thanks!
This is such a cute idea. Writing it made me all soft 🥺🥺
Headcanons of Zeke, Reiner, Colt, Porco, & Erwin as new dads.
CW: None
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Zeke was not planning on having a child. He never saw himself as the type that could be a father, he had barely had one himself growing up. But, when his child was born, everything changed. As soon as your baby reached up it’s little hands and grabbed at his beard, he knew he could do this. He would give this child everything he missed growing up.
He’s scared to hold the baby for more than a few minutes at first. What if they start crying or he doesn’t hold them right? Only after reassuring him multiple times that he’s doing fine will he keep the baby in his arms.
The thought that he might mess up terrifies him, so he goes to his grandmother to ask for help. He wants to know all about what’s best for babies, and how he can improve so he can be a good father.
Only you and him can hold the baby, no exceptions. Others, including family, can look at the baby but he doesn’t trust anybody else with holding it.
When both of you are forced to leave the baby for warrior duties, he’s besides himself with worry. What if something happens? What if someone hurts his child? As soon as the two of you get back from your mission you go to get your baby. As you hold your child, he’ll hug you both, pressing a kiss to their little head.
Zeke takes the baby to meetings. He’ll be swaddling them softly in his arms while he discusses battle plans like it’s the most normal thing in the world.
He’s definitely teaching the baby to misbehave by tempting them to grab his hair. It’s just so cute to him to see them determinedly ball their little fist while giving him toothless smiles.
He likes watching the baby while they sleep. Their face so peaceful and their little legs kicking softly now and then. Having a child with you has changed him, and in those moments he can feel the change the best. He feels that with the two of you by his side, he could let everything else be.
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Reiner is a sobbing mess from the moment you tell him you are pregnant, and when he finally gets to see his little one it just gets worse. He’s just so amazed by how he created something so beautiful and pure.
He’s a very active dad, taking the baby off your hands whenever you allow it. He loves all the time he gets to spend with his child, even if it means changing a diaper.
He wishes you both could just settle down with your little family, but he knows that isn’t realistic just yet. Your encouragements to make the most of the time that you both have makes him feel that every little moment with the baby and you is special.
Very proud dad. The two of you have created the cutest little creature, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t show them off a little. His mother and your fellow Warrios get shown off to the most. He’ll tell them all about the baby’s progress and point out even the smallest detail he is proud of.
“Do you see that? That little hair is a perfect curl.”
Many days he’ll fall asleep while rocking the baby. It’s incredible that even the baby falls asleep while Reiner’s slumped against the back of the chair, the baby resting against his shoulder. It’s the most sound sleep Reiner gets, your little one repelling his nightmares.
Buys anything the baby even points a chubby finger at. You tell him he’ll make them spoiled, but he can’t help it. He wants to give them everything he can.
When the two of you are taking care of the baby, he’ll often thank you for giving him the greatest gift.
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Colt is oh so nervous, but also excited, for the birth of your baby. He doesn’t leave your side, and when the moment is finally there, he barely believes it. Seeing the baby, so tiny and crying as the doctor places them on your chest makes tears well up in his eyes. He’ll kiss your forehead, praising you for doing so well and laying a hand on the back of his child’s back.
He’s all over you and the baby, showering you in love and care. At first you think it’s just after the hospital, but no, it sticks around. When you are recovered you have to remind him that you too are a Warrior, so though you appreciate it you don’t need him to hold your hand at every step.
He’s overbearing in the sweetest way, trying so hard to do everything right for the baby. If it coughs once he’s already running to find you.
Colt knows a thing or two about kids already since he helped with Falco, but every baby is different so he still gets surprised. Like when he accidentally spilled some water in the babies face while washing them. He was sure they would cry their eyes out like Falco had done when young, but the baby had just stared at him with wide eyes. Perhaps your genes had made them a tougher breed.
He loves making the baby laugh. He’ll play peekaboo with them or dance a stuffed animal around them, booping their nose. Hearing his child laughing and babbling never fails to make him smile.
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Porco sees himself as a not easily shaken guy, but the baby showed him how wrong he was. He could act tough around others all he wanted, but the sparkling eyes of your child melted him instantly. He was smitten with them since the first look.
He wants to carry the baby all the time, keeping it close to him. He’s a sucker for the classic baby scent, smelling the baby’s head and giving it kisses.
Pinches the baby’s cheeks. They are just so chubby and squeezable. He looks a bit evil while he does it, grinning widely as the baby tries to wiggle away, but he does it all in good fun.
He doesn’t just show off, he brags. Look at how beautiful his child is, how well behaved they are, bet their kid cries all the damn time huh?
“That nose? Clearly got it from me.” He’ll say, proudly putting the baby’s face next to his, looking smug. “Handsome produces handsome.”
Porco is painfully aware of what being a Warrior could cost you, having lost friends and family. What if the two of you don’t return from a mission? It keeps him up at night now and then, and when it does, he goes to get the baby, laying them down between the two of you. It comforts him to feel the baby’s warmth, it’s little hands right at his face. He’ll enjoy having you and the baby as long as he can.
It’s the funniest thing to see him scurrying about after the baby puked on him. He mumbles about them being a little bastard, but he can’t stay mad.
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Erwin had been dedicated solely to his mission for years, and he had assumed a family wasn’t in the cards for him because of the life he chose. When he met you, he saw what could be, and eventually the two of you decided to have a child. Erwin was still nervous about the idea of juggling a family and his position as commander when your baby was born, but holding them for the first time convinced him he could make the change.
He reads to the baby every night. He loved the worlds he could explore through books when he was young, and he wants to pass that on to his child. You allow him to only read from an encyclopedia once a week, not wanting your child’s brain to overheat.
The way he changes diapers is a skill. His face doesn’t even twitch while he does it, and he has the technique down so well he’s done within a minute.
Erwin holds the baby close while being on a mission by keeping a family portrait of the three of you on him at all times. It helps him with missing them and motivates him to keep on fighting.
He takes the baby up the wall with you. He wraps one arm around you, the baby ogling the outside world on his other arm.
“One day you will be able to walk freely out there, I’ll make sure of it.” He promises his child.
Levi is made godfather whether he likes it or not. Erwin trusts him fully, and wants to make sure that if anything happens Levi will look after the baby. Erwin will definitely have some fun with it too, making Levi hold the baby and observing him grumpily threaten them to not even think about puking on him.
Erwin keeps a journal during all his missions. He writes down all the interesting and beautiful things he witnesses inbetween the carnage, from plants to friendships. He wants to keep track of it so that when his child is old enough they can know all about it.
He wants to stick the baby in these old and serious clothes. You can barely see your child through the frills and the dress pants are absolutely laugh worthy on their little legs. After seeing the poor thing can barely move around in them, he’ll yield.
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undead-merman · 4 years ago
Heyo! I loved your headcanons for the brothers and Simeon as sirens, they were a truly *chef kiss*. Can we also have siren Barbatos and Diavolo? Yandere too and sfw, please!
Thanks in advance!
I'm always down to write Aquatic monsters.
🧜‍♂️Siren Diavolo and Barbatos🧜‍♂️ as a yanderes GN- reader SFW
Diavolo is much, much larger than other sirens. While sirens grow to be about a foot or two bigger than humans, Diavolo is massive, fifteen feet long and with tons of bulk and muscle to match his massive size. He looks more similar in size to a giant than a siren.
Despite his size he is dazzling in the sun. When his crimson hair catches beams of light he looks divine, almost like a holy glow surrounds him as he rests on the rocks. His tail is the same stunning red as the blood red sunset and has a bright pearlescent. His scales are just as reflective and polished as a bright red sports car. His skin is deeply kissed by the sun, making his skin look smooth and shiny. His nightshade red fins are long and butterfly shaped; they trail slightly behind him like silk.
He wears all kinds of jewels and golds, all of them perfectly fit around his skull and fins. They drift perfectly around his large frame and glimmer even in the smallest amount of light.
Diavolo is the only siren able to keep his glamor up even if he’s excited, in the water, or even angry. He has full control over it and only shifts to it when he’s actively trying to strike fear into something or someone. His true form is like that of sea monsters in folktales, monstrous in size and able to take a ship down into the dark depths of the open ocean, to swallow whole crews, and create winds and storms as he lets out a devilish scream which can be heard for hundreds of miles around.
Royalty amongst Loners and Sunken Hideaway
Despite their lone lifestyles, only really enjoying the company of their mates, most Sirens look to Diavolo as more of a god than any type of king or prince despite having the title of prince. They worship his power and bow down to his whims and needs. They bring him tributes in the form of small treasures and Diavolo returns these gifts with blessings of more intoxicating songs, stronger wills, his watchful eye and protection, or just overall greater strength. Diavolo seems to freely give these boons no matter how small the gift.
Since he’s a well known and well visited siren, he’s built his home in the sunken ruins of a castle in a city whose culture and history has died long ago. It’s well taken care of by servants who have pledged their lives to Prince Diavolo and are surprisingly pleasant and tolerable with one another. They equate this to Diavolo’s power and grace but only those who are truly loyal to Diavolo stay here.
His voice can bring either madness or blessings and can be the most beautiful thing your ears could ever hope to hear or one so evil, devious, and grotesque you’re driven into a hypnotic bloodlust to those with even the strongest wills. His lullabies sound so melancholic.
He hides away in a large garden which has its own open air biosphere bathed in light by a glass ceiling which has yet to crack yet bathes the whole garden in a beautiful light. A single golden curly willow grows in the center with dozens of flowers growing around it. Here the air is surprisingly fresh and floats on the surface never touching the water around it like it’s a time capsule. He’ll lounge here to clear his head watching the butterflies that have grown here, alone and have never seen the outside.
Spending time with you
You and only you heard his song and wept. The feelings of his loneliness tugged at your heart instead of your head being filled with euphoric thoughts of power and blessings or instantly pounding through your skull until you screamed. You truly heard his song, understood the lyrics behind them and felt the way he did when he sang them. When he saw your face littered with tears and face hot with sympathy for him he felt his whole body go numb. You were something special, someone truly remarkable. He needed to know more about you.
And so started a passion in his heart to learn everything about you, your traditions, your light quirks, your hobbies and everything he could possibly learn. It sent him down a rabbit hole of studying humans that he refused to climb out of and gladly let swallow him if it just allowed him to get closer to you and understand you better.
He doesn’t mind what form you see him in, as long as he can see you he’s thrilled and happy. He’ll approach you like a dog, his tail swishing excitedly as he asks you questions he formed in his head from the day. He has to be careful in his true form otherwise he can cause a lot of damage to the nearby area and draw too much attention to you two.
He loves to pick you up and hold you, be in his true form or not and travel with you on his back, or when his true form shows in his hands or on his head as he intentionally kicks up some water to playfully mist you. Moments like these make him forget he was ever even alone to begin with.
If you ever wanted to see some kind of sea creature or visit some island he’s happy to oblige bringing the creature over with his divine rule over the ocean or happily just takes you there one day while making you cover your eyes to surprise you. The look on your face makes his heart swell so much he almost feels like it will jump out of his mouth if he’s not careful.
Dark Tendencies
Diavolo isn’t against using others to get what he wants, he'll ruin everything for anyone or anything to get what he wants. He’ll destroy small islands and wipe out ports so nothing can distract you from dates he takes you on.
If he feels like you aren’t close enough to him or are drifting away from him, for some reason or another, he’s simply going to just pluck you away from your old life so you don’t have any excuse to be away from him anymore. You're his now, you don’t have to worry about that silly stuff anymore, both of you can be together now. Why not just get married now? It would be much easier. Siren’s don’t marry, they just pick a mate but he’s willing to put the frills on it for you and your human ways. He finds it cute!
He doesn’t ever connect the dots if you struggle against him or plead for him to let you go, he’s wrapped up in his own delusions of you being a happy little couple that he’ll blame some outside force. If you go along with him he’ll remain peaceful and sweet.
He absolutely hates it when other sirens see you and while he’s not outwardly violent to them he is quite hostile. Grinding his teeth and asking them to look away from you while his tail twitches with the intent to lash out.
He gave you your own little haven to decorate, he gave you the garden all for your own. He even made sure to promise to give you your own space and privacy here, just as long as you come to his call. Don’t worry though, only you, him, and Barbatos know of this place, and you can’t run from him here!
Misc stuff
His scales shed infrequently since he doesn’t get into fights with other sirens since all of them know better. His scales are radiating with his power and are well known to bring massive good luck to all those Diavolo gives them to. He’s always giving you things made from his scales and he’s so thrilled to see you in them. He likes adding them to a circlet crown he had made custom just for you so you can match him. He plans on matching you to him with every little piece of jewelry, even down to matching rings.
He requires you to sleep with him. He can sleep out of the water perfectly fine and just pulls you into a lavish den he made for the two of you. It’s somehow unbelievably cozy sleeping with him. His body is warm and everything he set up is the best out there. He just holds you in his warm arms and nods off with you.
He’s quite a picky eater. He refuses to eat anything he doesn’t like and will only eat it if you so happen to beg him to, but only if you're insistent, otherwise he’s already slowly drifting away from it.
For a siren he’s smaller than most. He’s quite slender and not much muscle to him, but despite his size, his appearance is perfect in every way, not a hair out of position, not a scale that isn’t out of polished or asymmetric, and his skin without a blemish or scar to be found. He takes a huge amount of time to groom himself perfectly.
His scales more resemble sea snakes, even having black stripes like them, though his tail is a solid dark seafoam green. He’s not especially radiant compared to others, but he doesn’t mind at all, he prefers to melt into the background more.
His tailfin is wide though, having a lyretail shape with black stripes going across it. It’s the same dark color as his scales and he has only two side fins but they look like long ribbons stretching from his hips to about halfway down his tail.
His glamor when melted away leaves behind an even darker looking creature. He looks like a stormy sea and is covered in nasty sharp thorns that don’t just stop at his elbows but lead down to his hips and thin yet long and sharp claws and stark black webbing in between without a tear or hole.
Serving Another
Serving the Royal Family was an honor his family was born with for generations and one he realizes the importance to. Diavolo is powerful enough to sink ships and cities and he provided some of that power and grace onto him rewarding him and his ancestors before him for loyalty, slowly turning Barbatos’s family into nearly just as powerful creatures as him.
He enjoys watching the whims of a child like god try to make sense of a kingdom, it's good fun to see him enjoying his life he is able to live vicariously through his high energy.
He puts his all into everything he does, he hates wasted efforts so he does everything he can into what he does but it gets tiring. Sometimes when trying to sleep, he finds himself unable. He’s always had poor sleep but he’s dealt with it for so long now that it's normal for him now. He starts his morning eating a small slice of kelp known for reducing head pain, all while preparing for the morning.
Spending time with you
If Diavolo took an interest in a human then you certainly had to be interesting. Well when he met you and saw you drinking tea with a huge Diavolo stretched around the floating garden. He just knew you were a human with a soul like no other.
He often brings you your favorite beverages and chats with you, simply at first to get to know you but he found you captivating, each word you spoke he held onto like it was the last he would ever hear and it was gospel. He smiles as you recall old memories, describing how you ended up here. The way you phrased things was unlike anything he had ever heard.
He’s taken the time to find old waterlogged books that were left abandoned in the old library and help restore them for you to read. Inside you find wondrous and fantastical stories of this old kingdom all of them enthralling, and as you read he’s happy to bring you a beverage once more and enjoy your company even if it’s in silence.
Once he’s grown closer with you he often finds himself giving you lingering touches as he pats your shoulder for your attention or grazes his hand on yours when delivering food to you. He even says the most romantic and poetic things to you without even noticing. He falls in love slowly but deeply and almost innocently. He just treasures your time and you as a person, never judging or doubting you.
There was a day when he had pulled you into a parting hug, wishing you a goodnight as Diavolo would return you to the surface but he had simply fallen asleep in your arms. Even Diavolo was shocked as he had never done anything close to something like this. It turns out Barbatos is at the most ease when he’s with you. All of his sleepless nights had just suddenly caught up with him.
Dark Tendencies
His love quickly shifts one day when he see your finger pricked by a stray thorn from a wild flower and as he wiped up the blood with a handkerchief and sees those butterflies fluttering around the wound to drink the blood he realised just how fragile you really were and how nature and life take advantage of that as soon as it could. He couldn’t take losing you. So one day he calls you and just takes you. You think it's just another visit with Baratos fetching you but he takes you to a deep and dark underground cave. Soft phosphorus moss grows all over in cushioned patches and with every step it glows brighter under your feet.
He explains it all to you, openly and honestly but no matter how you plead or try to reason with you, he believes you need to be down here forever. Away from the outside world that would care so little for the death of you and move on like nothing were to happen. He wanted you safe, around and immortalized; he'll never forget you.
He provides you with an array of pleasantries that would have no chance of harming you. He’s damn near baby proofed the small cave but he ensures it's as comfortable as it can be, bringing you three meals a day, all of your favorite drinks and snacks even if you fight him or give him the silent treatment he’s never neglectful of your needs. He believes one day you’ll come to see how much he did for you and understand he just wants you safe.
Misc stuff
He’s a clean freak and refuses to let you sleep on dirt or muck, he’ll thoroughly wash the moss through and treat it so it feels like you're walking on clouds without feeling any slime, having bugs, or being dirty. It's so well taken care of that they look fake.
He hates crabs. He hates those distasteful bottom feeders, their disgusting pinchers and empty eyes. He’s sure to keep them as far away as he can, if startled by one he slams it with his tail with enough force to turn it into little pieces and he’s still frightened by them despite the power difference.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 4 years ago
Rectify: Part 1
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
As requested by anonymous: It would be awesome if you could make a tfatws Bucky fic or series where the reader is on the list for his making amends because the winter soldier did something to her or someone she loves, and once he gets close to her in some way he ends up falling for her and it’s really angsty but a happy ending !!
A/N: FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER SPOILERS AHEAD!!! also, this will be a mini series that I will HOPEFULLY be able to finish.
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The list. Bucky's therapist made him make a list of amends to help him cope and process the horrors of his past. He was slowly making his way through the list.
With the case of Yori, Bucky has been a coward. He's been working his way to befriending the old man, trying to form some sort of relationship with him to eventually break the news that he's the reason why Yori no longer has a son. But he just can't seem to do it. So Yori's name remains uncrossed and he continues on with his list. The person under Yori is you: Y/N L/N.
You were ten years old when you were coming back from a sleepover to find your parents dead in your home. The police told you that you it was a robbery gone wrong and you were lucky you weren't home. But still, that left you without any parents, instead growing up with your aunt and uncle. You always felt like something was wrong pertaining to your parents' death, but you didn't know what. So you went through life just feeling without closure.
You visited your parents as much as you could. Your career in child counseling provided that you were very busy. However, the weekends were the time of seeing them and reminiscing.
That's how Bucky found you.
Around 3pm every Saturday and 12pm Sunday, you would visit your parents' graves. The time you spent there varied, but, on average, you'd stay for about an hour and a half. This was just from what Bucky gathered from watching you for a month.
It was how he found the courage to come up to you and speak with you.
He slowly approaches you, hears your music playing softly from your phone grow louder as he draws near.
Hearing the crunching of the grass, you look up to see him staring down at you, "Um...hi?"
"I'm sorry for your loss," he gestures to your parents' graves.
You give him a polite smile, "Thanks. It's been years since I lost them."
"Doesn't mean their absence still doesn't hurt," he interjects.
You nod in understanding and ask, "Did you lose someone?"
"My parents as well." he stands there for a few seconds in silence then speaks up again, "I'm James," he holds out a gloved hand and you shake it, "Y/N."
After pulling his hand back and shoving it into his pocket, an awkward silence washes over the two of you, to which to break, "So...James, do you...come here often?" then you burst into a chuckle, "I'm sorry. That sounds like a wildly inappropriate pick up line."
Bucky smiles and shakes his head, "No, no. It's fine. But to answer your question, I've, uh, recently started coming here."
"Are you parents buried here?"
"No, no. Um, I....I like to take walks in cemeteries." What the fuck, Bucky??? "I mean, 'cause, you know, it's quiet and peaceful. Barely any people here to really bother you. Just...I can clear my head." Yeah. That works. That should make sense, right?
"Oh. I suppose that's a good point. I come here pretty much every weekend just to visit my parents and I rarely see anyone. So I suppose this is a good place for you to clear your mind and enjoy the silence without the hustle and bustle."
"Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So, what do you do when you come here? Just sit in silence?"
You shrug, "Depends how I'm feeling. I'll tell them about my week, anything interesting that's going on. Sometimes I'll have a little picnic, read, journal, listen to some music."
"That sounds....really nice."
You softly smile up at him, "It is. You should try it some time."
Suddenly, your alarm started going off on your phone. You quickly picked up your device, swiping off the alarm and looked back up to Bucky, "Sorry. I have to go." you stood up, collecting your things, "It was nice to meet you, James. I'll see you around!"
You shake his hand again and head to your car. Bucky watches as you drive away and he sighs. He turns to your parents' grave and whispers, "I'm sorry."
The next week, Bucky sat under a tree close to your parent's grave plot so that he could see you clearly and you him.
Right on time, you drove up, hopping out of your car with a picnic basket in hand and some other items.
Bucky sat looking down at the book in his lap, but glancing your way every so often, waiting until-
"Hey," you give a light kick to his boot and he looks up, shooting you a small grin, "Oh hi. Nice to see you again."
"Do you wanna join me?"
Bucky shakes his head, "No, it's fine. I don't want to interrupt your time-"
"It's okay, James. I don't mind. It'd be nice to have some living company for a change," you give a little giggle and he sighs.
"Well if you insist," he snaps his book shut and gets to his feet, following you to your parents' plot. You already have the picnic set up and you sit down, a look of hesitation on your face.
"Um, I kinda packed some extra food, just in case I ran into you today."
Bucky's brows shoot up in surprise, "Wow. Um, thank you. That's-That's really nice."
You hold out a tupperware of pasta salad and hand him a bottle of water. You play music on your phone while you two eat and make idle chatter.
You tell Bucky of your childhood, how your parents were abruptly taken from you, and how you grew up with your aunt and uncle. It provided some relief to him that your growing up parentless wasn't completely bad, that your aunt and uncle provided a sufficient amount of love and care to you on top of their own children.
Bucky was amazed that despite being orphaned at a young age, you were still filled with so much love, heart, and light, and that you wanted to provide as much care and compassion to troubled children. It was admirable.
A few hours past and both you and Bucky didn't realize how much the day has gone.
"Wow, I don't think I've spent this much time here in a day."
"Sorry," Bucky murmurs with a wince as he helps you to your feet.
You shook your head, "Don't be. Today was fun, James."
"Call me Bucky. It's a nickname."
"Bucky," you tested the name on your tongue, "It's cute."
For some reason, Bucky felt himself blushing at the compliment. So he looks down, afraid you might see his blushing cheeks and replies, "Thanks."
"Do you wanna have lunch sometime, Bucky?"
His head shoots back up and you look at him surprised, "Huh?"
You shrug, "I don't know. There's just something about you. I want to get to know you more. If that's okay."
"Um," he nervously runs his gloved hands down the side of his jeans, "Yeah. Sure."
"Great!" you take out your phone and hand it to him, "Put your number in." After he does so, you take back your phone, "So I'll call you and we can hash out the details?"
"I'll be waiting," he responds with a chuckle and a smile. He escorts you back to your car and waves as you drive away. Once you're gone, his smile drops and he murmurs, "Shit. I think I like her."
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notsowrites · 3 years ago
Untitled Malex 3x11 Coda #1
I just... needed to write something. I am truly exhausted today, so I apologize that this is what it is, but sometimes you just gotta write.
Enjoy! <3
Michael is just exhausted.
He collapses in the dirt, his legs unable to hold him any more. His fight with Jones having taken everything out of him. His clothes are singed but there's nowhere to get anything else because…
His trailer.
Michael glances over at the burnt and twisted metal from the firefight. The blackened inside from where the propane tanks had caught and ignited. He doesn't know what, if anything, is salvageable. Maybe it doesn't matter.
Because Max is safe. Max is alive.
And Jones can never bother them again.
He closes his eyes for a moment, just to try and regain some semblance of peace, when he hears a car pull in, tires grinding to a halt somewhere off in front of him.
"I need to - I want to try something," he says, the idea coming to him after Sanders had yelled at him, telling him he was nothing like Jones, that he could never be like Jones. He's spent the last decade running for all the power he constantly feels thrumming underneath his skin, losing himself in booze and acetone because it was the only way he knew to dull the noise.
Alex stares back at him, raising a questioning eyebrow.
"And I'm giving you the out if you say no-"
"Michael," Alex interrupts, leaning in to kiss him, and for a moment he forgets everything about the impending storm they're heading into.
When he was seventeen, Alex gave him a guitar, and he had at the time, described the chaos that constantly swirled within him as best he could. And Alex had listened as he'd played, as his entire body had calmed to the melody.
"I don't know what's going to happen with Jones, with this plan, but I need to know you're safe." He takes a deep breath, because this is more uncharted waters for them. And each step they take, each time it's a step forward, there is a tiny voice in the back of his mind wondering if this is the moment it all gets ripped away.
Michael presses his forehead to Alex's, and touches his hand to his chest, above his heart. He doesn't know how to ask this, because he doesn't know if he could stand to hear Alex say no. Because he doesn't know how he's going to go into the harebrained plan of theirs without first making sure Alex is safe.
Alex grabs his hand, holding his own against his chest.
"You'll be able to feel me, right? And I can feel you? That's how this works?"
Michael nods, his heart pounding on his chest. "I've never done it before What if I-."
"I trust you.”
Holding onto his hand, he watches Alex slide their hands under his shirt, pressing his palm to the bare skin of his chest.
He's not sure how to do it, has never thought to ask Max, so he improvises. He thinks of Alex, of how happy he's been this past week, how different everything feels now. He thinks about two seventeen year old boys in a tool shed communicating through music and touch and falling in love for the first time.
His hand starts to glow.
The trailer is a lost cause. He searches through the rubble for hours, Alex nearby, helping and waiting and watching. A lot of stuff is in the bunker down below, out of harm's way thankfully. Especially all his drawings and paperwork on the science and engineering of their tech.
He spins around at the sound of Alex's voice, the clothes on his closet nothing more than fuel for the fire.
Alex is holding a box. One that Michael knows too well. One that has held a set of photographs he's far too attached to.
He never moved the box to the bunker.
Michael stands frozen as he watches Alex take on the photographs - a small smile on his face as he flips through the ones of him, Isobel, and Max as kids. Happier times for all of them.
Alex drops the photos back in the box, and turns towards him, one last photo in his hand. From where he's standing, Michael can see bits are burned, the edges damaged now after years of it being in pristine condition.
It's then, through the handprint he feels everything from Alex. The love, the longing. Michael grabs onto it and holds on, remembering that day, the way he'd been unable to stop himself from staring at Alex as he'd played. The way all it had taken was a guitar, a smile, and a bit of kindness, for Michael to fall into love with Alex.
"I never believed I deserved it," Alex says, stepping into Michael's space, still holding the photo. "The way you looked at me - the way you still look at me."
But he does, Michael thinks. No one in the universe deserves his love and affection more than Alex. Even if they didn't quite know how to always make it work, even if they needed to grow apart for a while before they could fall back together.
It's not a crash landing anymore.
It's soft caresses and warm embraces. It's their noses gently nudging as their lips brush together. It's Alex's hands in his hair, fingertips gently urging, and his own hands gently framing Alex's face.
It's easy now, to pull Alex in, to take the photo out of his hands, to let it fall to the floor as he presses their lips together. 
The trailer isn't salvageable, and a lot of his personal belongings are destroyed. But he's here, and Alex is here, and they're safe and whole and together.
"Let's go home, Michael," Alex whispers against his lips. 
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littleoddwriter · 4 years ago
Can I make a request for the Sinclair brothers, Chucky/Charles, Pavi Largo, Billy Lenz and Dan Torrence with a GN!s/o who knits and their reaction to getting a hand knitted gift for an anniversary? Bonus points if you include what you think the gift could be!
Slashers x GenderNeutral!Reader, who knits | Headcanons
Thank you so much for this request! (Also, thanks for throwing Dan in the mix, I haven't written for him in forever, I missed that). <3 I really hope you enjoy these. :)
[My requests are open, so feel free to come into my Inbox with whatever you have in mind. But be sure to read my Pinned Post, BEFORE you do. Thanks!]
notes; GenderNeutral!Reader; Domestic Fluff; Anniversaries; Gifts.
Billy Lenz
Loves to watch you knit; you’re always so focused and your hands and fingers move so beautifully in quick and sure movements
It is so soothing to him to just sit there, or stand somewhere you wouldn’t see him, and observe you work (you always know when he's there and looks, even when he's not visible, you can feel his eyes on you and it makes you smile)
So when you try to make Christmas a more enjoyable day for him, you put a hand knitted forest green turtleneck sweater and a scarlet scarf under the tree for him
When he opened the present, he couldn’t help but gasp and look back and forth between the gift and you with wide eyes and a slack mouth
He loved them! They were so cosy and beautiful and smelled so wonderful – these two items were pure comfort for him
He did his best to thank you, but could barely string the words together coherently at all, but the way he stuffed his face into the thick collar and the scarf after he tried them both on, told you more than words ever could
Bo Sinclair
He thinks knitting is boring and for old people; he really doesn’t understand why you like doing it
But he has to admit that he enjoys seeing you knit something when you two are just having a lazy afternoon or night – you just look so at peace and yet very passionate, which is something he appreciates about you
Still, it was a big surprise to him when he received a knitted sweater and a pair of gloves from you for his birthday in November
It was even more surprising to him that he loved them – you’ve done an amazing job and the sweater fit perfectly and the gloves too; all items were olive green which he’d once mentioned as his favourite colour to you
It touched him that you remembered it at all and he couldn’t help but to kiss you breathless to thank you for your efforts
The sweater quickly becomes his most worn piece of clothing during the colder days
Lester Sinclair
Thinks knitting is a great hobby and you are clearly very talented and he really admires you for it
He really enjoys the times when you two just sit on the bed and cuddle, while you’re knitting; it’s so peaceful and the rhythmic clanking of your knitting needles calms him down
You know he loves his hat and he never takes it off, unless he really has to
So, it’s only natural that your gift for your one-year anniversary to him would be a hand knitted dark sky blue hat for him
Additionally you threw in a little sweater vest for his dog, which he is super ecstatic about
Lester is all over you when he receives those gifts and now your knitted hat is what he wears all the time, no matter how hot it may be, he won’t exchange it for a different one
Vincent Sinclair
He considers knitting just as much of an artful craft as his wax figures are (and it is!)
So, he really enjoys when you two spend time together, sitting downstairs, and knitting and working on wax figures respectively, – it’s the most peace and quiet he’s ever had in his life with another person
He always praises your finished pieces and shows the deep appreciation and admiration he has for them, just like you do with his own; it’s so perfect for you both
It only makes sense for you to knit him something for his birthday – a tan, oversized sweater and a black scarf that he can bury his face in (and he does)
He can’t believe that you’ve made these beautiful things for him and that you wanted nothing in return; he couldn’t possibly thank you enough for your unyielding kindness that you keep showing him
Of course the sweater and scarf are quickly his all-time favourite clothing articles to wear from that point on; he only washes them very reluctantly
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky
Teases you for having such an old-fashioned, boring hobby; but it’s in good nature and you never take it to heart
Especially not when he sits there, looking at you as you knit, when he should actually be watching the movie you two put in to have a relaxing evening – it makes you smile, though
When Valentine’s Day rolls around, you thought it to be the perfect opportunity for you to gift him something that ought to show him just how much you loved him – so, you knitted some things for him
It ends up being bright sky blue gloves, and a matching hat and scarf – a full set; because he never likes admitting it, but he actually gets cold easily
He is shocked when he opens your presents, but he is beaming at you after a moment, a genuine thank you leaving his wide-stretched lips
Anytime it gets a little colder, he is wearing the full attire; he loves it (you) so much, but you better don’t tell anyone
Dan Torrance
He loves that you’ve got such a peaceful hobby and he never ceases to shower you in compliments about your creations – he just admires your talent so much and wants to support you
It’s a little hard to make gifts for him, because he’ll involuntarily be able to hear you think about it, no thanks to his shine
So, without even thinking about it at all, you’ve knitted an azure blue sweater for him and gave it to him at random, just because
His eyes might be a little wet when he holds it up in front of himself and smiles at you so brightly
It becomes his favourite sweater quickly and he kindly asks you if you could perhaps make more for him – they just make him feel so warm on the inside, so cared for and loved, which is something he hasn’t felt since forever, but especially not since his mother has died
This blue pullover is the one he then wears at his AA meeting that officializes his eight years of sobriety
Pavi Largo
He never really gets behind knitting and why you like it so much, it seems far too tedious and boring to him
But he has to admit that all your creations look rather cosy and so full of love, which would be strange if anything could really feel obscure to him at all
Often at night he gets a little cold and you feel him shivering, but he also refuses to add another blanket to the mix
Well, you took that personally and started knitting a big throw blanket for him for his birthday that was coming up anyway (very convenient for you, of course)
No matter how hard he tries, he just can’t hide the sharp intake of breath and huge smile that grows on (under) his masked features – this was just so thoughtful and the blanket is so fucking soft, he wants to bury himself in it
It’s safe to say that he’s never cold at night ever again (and that he really likes burrito-ing himself in the hand knitted blanket you made for him)
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babytaes · 3 years ago
the originals (you belong)
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summary: The Mikaelsons family stumbles across a plot to assassinate the Prince. Despite Klaus’ judgement, you are determined to take on that challenge with the help of some magic. You demonstrate to them and to yourself that you BELONG!
paring: jake x female reader
genre: angst, slight fluff, slight smut/suggestive
word count: 7k
warnings: suggestive scene
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖙𝖘: click me before reading!
➳ part of the drunk & dazed series
a/n: i’m not a big fan of this work, i don’t know what it is but i feel like it could be better. I didn’t do my routine thorough read so forgive me for any mistakes. thank you for waiting for this member. enjoy and much love from babytaes. :)
☆ ҉ ◢▅◣
"This is not allowed, Your Majesty. This is not something I believe we should be doing, "You began to walk out of Jake's regal room, shaking your head.
Hearing footsteps behind you, a hand touches your shoulder as he turns you around, shutting the door behind you as he gently pushes you up against the wall.
"Don't pretend you haven't been keeping an eye on me for the past few weeks. I'm sure you want it as much as I do, y/n.”
Licking your lips, you slap his hands off of you and make your way to his massive bed as you fall back.
"It's not like I don't want to do it. It's just your royalty, and I'm not the Mikaelson type."
Jake snickers as he approaches you and raises you up by your hands, bringing you face to face with him. He touches your cheek in his palm and caresses it as he moves closer to your face.
"Well, we're notorious for occasionally breaching the rules. Why don't you give it a shot?" As you yanked his hand away from you and dashed to the door, you snapped back to reality.
Your heart ached as you turned back to see a befuddled Jake, and you cried out to him before closing the door.
“Jake, please stop. You and I both know I'll never be good enough for your family"
It wasn't the finest decision to leave him standing there, but it was necessary for your protection. You wouldn't want to jeopardize the next person in line.
Even if something might have worked with him, the risk was too high.
Everyone should be cautious when they're among the Milkasons, including the youngest.
It wasn't all bad being with the Mikaelsons. They were like a second family to you, despite the fact that you had only met them millennium before. It was strange to find them on that fateful day.
You never know when the all-powerful Originals will appear on your doorstep and request to look after their brother.
It seemed strange. Right?
"Calm down, brother; we'll find a place." We wouldn't be in this situation if you quit yelling and spreading mayhem all over the place."
Klaus ignores his brother and knocks on a cottage door, rolling his eyes at him.
"Oh, Elijah, just shut up; you're just trying to prove me wrong."
Elijah straightens himself as he hears light footsteps approaching the door and approaches the madam who opens it.
"Hello-, your mother bowed down to them and swiftly looked down."
Elijah takes a step in front of his sibling, who is rambling to your mother. Nothing is audible to you. Even so, you see a boy from behind the corner. He appears to be your age and is hidden behind the towering man.
As he moves from behind the man and toward the back, you snicker and watch him through the windows as he approaches the back door.
As you walk through it, you come face to face with the curious boy.
"Hello, my name is Jake; how about you?" He extends his hand, and you eagerly examine it.
"My name is y/n."  Do you want to join me in my game? "I don't have anyone to play with." As you drag him to your makeshift playhouse, you grasp his hand in yours and shake it hard.
You and he hit it off right away when you were outside. You didn't have many friends, so having someone to play house with was very entertaining at your young age
"Hey, come back," He said as he snatched your toy vehicle, making you and him giggle. "Give it back," you insist  
The two men and your mother were standing by the rear door, staring at you two. 
"I believe he will be a perfect fit. Don't worry, I'll do my best." Before summoning Jake over, Klaus and Elijah thanked your mother one again.
They said their goodbyes and walked away, and your memories were about to start.
You and Jake have been inseparable since then; it's always been you two against the world. Despite the fact that you and he come from two different worlds, you manage to make it work on occasion.
You stood far away from the commotion, watching the royal family squabble over royal matters. Jake had just been summoned, and you took a step back, not wanting to cause any disruption.
Despite the fact that they could clearly hear and see you, you continued to stand there.
"Brother, we wouldn't be in this stupid situation if it weren't for your inconvenient behavior once more."
Life is always tumultuous when you basically grow up with a group of originals. I don't think there has ever been a moment when someone wasn't screamed at, killed, or cursed.
It's always something with them.
Jake looks at you, rolling his eyes and making a variety of facial expressions. He loved his life except for this part.
His family 
Your mother took him in and practically raised him when you were younger. You never understood why his family always left him behind. It seems like just because his family was on the run at the time they couldn't or didn't have time to look after him.
As a result, when he reached adulthood, he was able to take his rightful place in the kingdom, and because your family took on that responsibility, you were granted permission to remain in the kingdom.
I mean, the enormous rooms and countless bathrooms never get old, noo. Even though everything appeared to be all in good humor, you felt a sinking feeling in your stomach.
Feeling as if you've never belonged there 
You were a vampire with most of their powers, but you lacked the "royal," and no matter how hard you tried, you could never fit into their mold.
You take one last look at the family, shake your head, and then walk away. You still have a lot of work ahead of you.
You arrive at your mother's room slowly and open it to see her folding laundry. As you approached her and sat down on her, her demeanor brightened.
"You do know you're pretty heavy, sweetie?"
"Mmh," you mutter under your breath as you roll away from her and to the ground. To pass the time, you take a shirt and begin folding it.
As she continued to fold, she hummed a quiet yes.
"What made you decide to take on such a difficult duty as raising Prince Jake?" She let go of the blouse in her hand as she came to a halt and stared at you. She sighs as she takes a seat next to you and tells you about that fateful day.
Your mother was inside talking to the royal family as you played in the backyard with your new friend.
She dropped her head and gazed up at Elijah and Klaus, saying, "It is such an honor to have you both in my company."
Making their way over to the table, they all sat down and discussed ways of how you could best protect him.
"We don't know when or for how long we'll be on the run, but we're prepared to pay any charge if that time comes."
As Klaus' voice boomed over the table, she shook her head at them, her hand trembling.
"We have to get out of here; I sense them." Elijah gave his troubled brother a stern look and motioned him to leave. He was in a hurry and dashed out of the house.
Elijah reached into his back pocket and placed a bag of coins on the table. He swiftly thanked you after scouting the front entrance.
"I apologize for the inconvenience, but forgive our ill-timed intrusion. I'll make arrangements for payments to come from the castle every week. I'd like to thank you in advance for everything you've done for us."
Elijah nodded before sprinting into the woods in pursuit of his brother. She smiles as you take it all in and grab the bag of coins from the table.
"This is for you, love, Rest in peace, my dear."
As she make her way to the back, she calls over the two rowdy children and embrace them in a hug. As she looked at them both, they both smiled. You watched as she squatted down and spoke, holding them in her hands.
"So those two lovely gentlemen who just came by were members of the royal family, as you may know y/n, and they have entrusted us to watch and maintain track of this handsome little boy," Jake squirmed around as his face reddened as you pinched his cheek.
"For the time being, we'll do our best to make this the best time for him." Before embracing Jake in an embrace, your daughter cast a glance at him. As you gazed at the scene in front of you, a warm flush spread across your chest as you imagined the days you three would spend together..
"So it was difficult at the time, and due to your father's death and financial difficulties, it was only a matter of time before we were thrown out on the street. So, aside from the age-old law of not disobeying the royal family, it was now or never."
Your smile crept across your face as you shook your head up and down. Your mother was your role model, the woman who always wore a grin on her face and never let the world bring her down. She was daring, loving, and brave, and she did it all despite the fact that she had recently become a single mother. Moms have a lot of strength.
"Ahh, I see. Dad would be incredibly proud of you and all of your efforts."
She grinned as she threw her shirt in your direction.
"Ahh- stop"
*Knock Knock*
As you and your mother stood up to tell them to come in, a guard approached you both and communicated a message.
"You are required in the Prince chambers, Ms. Y/n." You bowed down and pecked your mum on the cheek before taking your place behind the guard.
You thanked the guard as you entered inside the familiar area after arriving at the enormous set of bronzed yet golden doors. When you peek inside, you notice him lying on the floor; as you carefully approached his side, you smiled and hovered over him.
"You asked for me, right? I'm going to leave if this isn't something significant." Jake gently rises, his head resting on his gigantic bed.
"It's nothing major, but I do have a request," he says. As you faced him, your eyes widened. As he turned to face you, he exuded a princely radiance. He leaned forward and lingered near your lips, his gaze fixed on you.
You leapt to your feet, terrified and intrigued, and shoved him back as you took a step back.
"Excuse my language, Jake, but what the hell was that?"  As he got up and approached you, he cocked his head to the side.
"My request?" He snatched your hands and held them in his. You'd never been caressed with such gentleness before. It was an unfamiliar sensation that made you feel warm but strange.
"This is not permitted, Your Majesty. This is not something I believe we should be doing, "You began to walk out of Jake's regal room, shaking your head.
A hand touches your shoulder as he turns you around, shuts the door behind you and gently pushes you up against the wall, hearing footsteps behind you.
"Don't act like you weren't eyeing me these past weeks. I know you want this just as much as I do y/n."
You smack his hands off of you and make your way to his large bed as you fall back, licking your lips.
"It's not like I don't want to do it. It's simply your royalty, and I'm not the Mikaelson type."
Jake snickers as he approaches you and raises you up by your hands, bringing you face to face with him. He touches your cheek in his palm and caresses it as he moves closer to your face.
"Well, we're notorious for occasionally breaking the rules. Why don't you give it a shot?" As you shoved his hand away from you and opened the door, you snapped back to reality.
Your heart ached as you turned back to see a befuddled Jake, and you cried out to him before closing the door.
"Jake, please stop. You and I both know I'll never be good enough for your family."
As you turned the corner and ran down the corridor, you left him stunned and in disarray. You didn't stop running until you were outdoors, far away from the castle, in the fabled garden.
As you fall on top of the fountain, the tears won't stop flowing. The day was slipping away as your sobs drew the attention of a curious woman. It wasn't until she sat next to you and spoke to you that you realized it.
"One of those days, huh?"
As she stretched her hand to you, you shrieked and fell back on your hands, frightened and terrified.
"Sorry for scaring you, hun; I didn't intend to. Haven't we all had awful days? My name is Davina, by the way." As she helped you up to the edge of the fountain, you took her hand in yours.
"Thanks for asking, today is one of these days." "So, may I ask what the problem is?" she asked, smiling as she moved closer to you.
"I miss my father and all that made up his eccentric character. He would know what to do." you sniffled as you glanced up at the girl with a welcome atmosphere.
She leapt to her feet and squealed, extending her hand "I enjoy helping others. In this area, I do have the upper hand. Allow me to demonstrate." You took her hand in yours after a brief moment of hesitation.
You had never expected a witch to be able to assist you, but you were willing to try. She waved to her neighbor across the street as she unlocked her door. As she arranged her stuff, she turned on the lamp and signaled for you to come sit at her table.
"Please take a seat; I won't bite. Maybe" You chuckled as you sat in the wooden chair, having forgotten that the witches lived in this neighborhood. It's not like they were exiled, but you hardly had time to check in on them and the rest of the group.
Everyone looked to be so comfortable in their own little world. Why couldn't you seem to fit in anywhere?
"All right, all right, we're ready; don't worry, it won't hurt."
"What might hur-'' As the knife quickly passed across your palm, you felt a searing feeling.
'What the hell, Davina,' you exclaimed." She chuckled as she put yout palm over a stone bowl and watched the blood drip into it.
As the blood began to bubble up in the stone bowl, you pouted. As her hands swiveled around the bowl, Davine began to speak phrases you couldn't comprehend. As your eyes blinked quicker, your head began to spin.
"What's going on?" you exclaim. When she opened her eyes, you could see white orbs replacing her natural ones.
"We're ready."
You passed out as you receded back into your chair. Awoken Davina took your hand in hers and escorted you outside. This time, though, things were different; the day had turned to darkness, and everything appeared to be dissimilar. The town has turned completely around.
"Where are we?" As she turned to face you, she laughed.
"A better question is when are we. The spell I casted transported us to a time when I hoped you would learn something new and put things into perspective." For the 23rd time today, she began to tug you. Your heart began to drop as you arrived at your house, well, the one in the past, as you beamed at that. As you let her hand fall from yours, your nerves were heightened. As you took a step back, you began to feel panicked.
"Noo-nooo wait, how did you do this?" you say as you fall to your knees and cover your eyes. You could feel her hands on your back as she gently caressed it.
"I know, it's crazy, y/n. I just pulled some old memories back to life. I won't leave your side if you're afraid." As you saw the familiar image in front of you, you slowly pushed forward.
"Just don't leave." As you walked through the front door, you held her hand in yours. Everything seems so blurry at this point; you were just a small child, and your life was about to alter dramatically.
"Hey sweetie, go tell your father to go get some firewood. Okay?" As you crawled down off the stool and out the door, you smiled. As he turned to face you, your little feet found their way to your father's side.
"There's my little princess. What exactly do you need?" He massaged your backside as he hauled you onto his lap.
"Mommy said to get wood, and I wanna come too, daddy. May I, pretty please." He sighed as he looked at his watch, it was fairly dark, but the wood wasn't far away.
"Yes, you are welcome to join me. You're a big girl now. So you gotta help daddy out, okay?"
As you and Davina stood on the sidelines watching everyone make their way to the woodpile, you wished you had done more for him.
"All right, sweetie, you can carry one and I'll take care of the rest." You squealed as you clutched a small, almost insignificant log in your arms. As he placed a twig in your batch, he gazed down at his girl.
"Daddy, I think that's all I can carry." As he and you both began heading back to the home, you both laughed.
As the horror grew, you turned around and began crying on Davina's shoulder. You knew what was going to happen, but you couldn't bear the thought of having to go through it again. As Davina turned to face you, you felt her hands on your shoulders.
"You must see for yourself. It is the only option."
As tears flood down your cheeks, you slowly open your eyes and look at the scene.
"Thanks for helping daddy, sweetheart." "Mommy would be so proud of you." He kissed you on the head as he knelt down to you.
"You're welcome, Daddy. "Now that I'm a big girl, I can do huge things." He smiled as he took another glance around. " As your mouth enlarged, you dropped your logs. Your father's life vanished before your eyes in an instant.
As his body went slack, he fell to the ground, and you began to scream. As words slurred from your mouth, he began to shiver.
"What's the matter, Daddy?" HELP, MOMMY." As he held you in his hug, your small body slumped forward into your father's chest.
Your mother's footsteps were quick to arrive as she knelt down and took up your father, holding him in her arms.
"Honey, I'm right here," she says. A tear streamed down his cheek as he glanced up at his beautiful girls.
"Never forget that I love you all." And then, as he fell limp on your mother's lap, life left his eyes. As you gazed up at your mother, the screams resonated across the forest. Her eyes were welling up with tears.
You had no idea what was going on, but you knew something had changed.
"What's wrong with daddy, Mommy?" She slowly turns to you, pulling you closer to her breast and kissing you on the head with moist lips.
"He's gone, daddy's gone."
"NOo, noo stop this. I don't want to remember this." As Davina chases you down, shouting out to you, you begin to flee the scene. You come to a halt and turn to face her, yelling at her.
"Is this a joke or something? Your spells, you witches." As you fall to the ground grasping your arms and gently rock back and forth, tears begin to flow from your eyes.
Davina finally reaches you and attempts to calm you down by wrapping her arms over your shaking body. Your heart felt like it was racing at 100 miles per hour and you couldn't stop it. Everything seemed a little too real. You didn't want to think about it.
It's not that you didn't believe it; it's just that you didn't want that memory to resurface in your life.
"Just wait and listen to me, y/n. I know it's horrible, but something good came out of it." You push her away from you as you leap to your feet, tears streaming down your cheeks.
"How did something wonderful emerge from my father's death, who died in my arms? DAVINA, HOW DAVINA." Davina frowns as she walks around, taking your hand in hers and leading you somewhere.
"You weren't the only one whose loved one was taken from them." You look up at her and stare blankly at her as she comes to a halt at a familiar location.
"How did we end up in front of the castle?" As inaudible sounds flow from her mouth, she begins to swirl her hands around. You stand there in astonishment as you are whisked away to someone's private quarters.
You and Davina both walk into a room where a young boy is crying into the chest of someone. As you recovered consciousness, you noticed that you were surrounded by the Original family, or at least some of them.
"We couldn't get the remedy to her in time." You stood there watching Klaus thrash around as he collided with a vase that shattered on the ground.
You shifted closer to the young kid as you observed him as his brother shouted out to him, "Niklaus." As the rest of the family walked out in tears and small sniffles, you shifted closer to the young child.
Jake was there; you had no idea his mother had died. It had never been mentioned before, so you were taken aback.
The little boy crawled onto his mother's chest as he sobbed into her chest.
"Mommy, come back to me, please."
"I'm ready to leave right now." You took her hand in yours and gripped it strongly. You were prepared for anything the world could throw at you now that you had this new knowledge. Although it was painful to revisit that memory, you chose to use it to your advantage.
Your father raised a fighter, not a wimp. You wanted to honor his memory rather than mourn it, and I feel Jake should as well.
"This is for you, Dad,"
With that, you were transported back to reality, and you found yourself back where you started. You instantly stood up and exited her room.
"Hey, where are you going?" 
You came to a halt, raised your head, and shook your head, saying, "Acceptance."
She waved you off with a smile on her face. You brushed yourself off as you walked out of her house, mentally preparing yourself for the road ahead.
You felt more alive when you woke up in this house. Although the work was endless, you earned something greater than it all, A friend. Your mother groaned as you rolled over and landed flat against her backside.
"Mmmh, mom, I think it's time for you to get up." "Mmmh, five more minutes," she mumbles as she yawns on your shoulder. As your body moved up off the bed and towards the blinds, you giggled. You chuckled as you let the blinding light move into the room as you heard your mother's nasty shrieks.
"Sweetie, it's Saturday; it's a free day today. Go hang out with your friends." As you fall to the floor, she kicks your body off the bed. You giggle as you walk towards the shower, scoffing at her acts and mumbling words to her.
"Have you noticed, Mom, that I only have one friend?" You chuckle as you take a step into the shower and let the suds run down your body. As you wash slowly, your thoughts begin to wander.
You were reminded of your previous outburst with Jake as the water flowed over your body.
You felt the chilly air hiss against your body as you stepped out of the shower and hastily wrapped a towel over your body from the shelf. You noticed that the girl in the mirror had a different smile. She felt happier and more grateful.
You cried out to your mother as you opened the door and entered the frame.
"Yes, darling?"
"Get ready. I'd like to take you out for a picnic." She grinned and drew you in for a hug while cocking her head to the side.
"That would be fantastic. I'll take care of everything. You don't worry, okay?" You grinned as you shut the door behind her and returned to your self-pampering.
"It's going to be a terrific day today."
As you rested your head on your mother's shoulder, you held the picnic basket tightly in one hand and your mother's hand in the other. It was moments like these that made you long for your small family. You spread the blanket on the ground and placed the goods on it as you chuckled.
"My two lovely ladies are here."  When you raced towards your father, he stretched his arms open wide for you. Your mother took out her little camera and snapped a candid shot of you two.
"Don't forget about me," as she made her way over, your father pressed a kiss on her lips as you all sat down on the grass.
As you stumbled towards the basket, your little fingers pointed to it, saying, "Mommy, open". Before you saw the glorious fruit in front of you, a small pebble made its way in your path as you trip on it.
As a result, your father gracefully caught your small body in his grip while you giggled.
"My princess, you need to be more cautious. I can't have my pretty girl all beaten up."
You chuckled as you kissed his forehead and said, "OK, daddy, me be careful." You dashed over to your mother's side as he let you go, and she handed you a strawberry.
Your smile widened as you jumped up and did a small dance as you bit into it. Your parents stood there in astonishment as they watched you eat some more fruit.
"Is it good y/n?" You giggled as you ran around them, shaking your head up and down, as they simply watched their exuberant kid spout forth incoherent words. They smiled.
'I love you, honey,' she said. Light kisses on her temples were exchanged by your father while your mother rested her head on his lap.
"I will always love you."
Finally, with everything in place, you sniffle and wipe a stray tear from your eyes. Your mother immediately turned to you and rubbed your arm as she drew you closer to her.
"Hey, sweetheart, what's the matter?"
"I miss him," you said as you drew closer to her.
She smiled as she rocked you back and forth, kissing you on the head.
"I miss him as well. This brings back memories of our picnics with him." As you reached for the basket, you shook your head. Before removing the famed strawberries, you smiled. You chuckled as tears streamed down her cheeks after delivering them to your mother.
"Thanks for this, y/n." You were both crying as you rested your head in your mother's lap before entwining your hands.
"Anytime mom, but I do have to get going. I need to speak with someone, and I'd prefer to do so now before the situation escalates."
Before biting on a plump strawberry, she laughs and smirks.
"Tell Jake I said hi." "Wait, how did you know?" you start to stand up as you freeze in place.
As she pushes you toward the gate exit, she shakes her head at you. You blow a kiss to her, embarrassed and honestly surprised, as she yells at you.
"Use protection."
You cringe as you race towards the gate, not even looking back. You came upon a guard at the entrance who winked at you as you stared at him.
"Oh, Mark, shut up." After saluting you, he chuckles and returns to his former stance. Making your way to his chamber, you slowly knock as you hear his voice on the other side of the door.
As you slowly come in, you notice him at his desk, working, and you move your glance in his direction.
"Oh, look who it is?" As your lips fell, his eyes rolled at you.
"Hey," you say as you approach him and take a seat in one of his sofas. They felt like marshmallows, and you spent your days and some nights in them.
"Let me explain before you go all pouty and stirred up." He doesn't even move as he goes about his business. You kick his chair while rolling your eyes at him, eliciting a yelp from him.
"Fine, I'm listening, what?" he says, smiling as he scoots over to you and places his hand on his lap.
Not only did the close proximity make your heart race, but his position didn't help matters either.
"So, for starters, I'd like to apologize for my outburst. We both know if they're a problem we can freely discuss it. That's something that's been on my mind for a while and has now exploded, but it's not your fault. I just don't think I belong."
He approached you with a puzzled expression on his face as he moved forward. You look around, worried, as you cough.
"What you just said made me pause because you and this family know how important you and your mother are to all of us, especially to me. I'm sorry you feel that way. My family can be difficult at times."
As you push past him and land on his colossal king-sized bed, you scoff "Yeah, tough how about, protective, vengeful, murderous, and hot-headed? That's a lot better." He laughs as he pushes you over and lays down next to you, a little closer this time.
"I can't argue with that, but you still love us. Right?"
"Yeah, I do love yo-" As you rolled over and smacked your hands in your face, your eyes widened.
"Yeah, go ahead and spill your secret y/n."
You kicked him as you rolled back on your side, facing him, rolling your eyes. As his hand landed on your leg, the newfound electricity between you two shifted.
Before his hand lightly moved up your leg, he grinned at you. He came to a halt and stared at you, waiting for a response. You softly shook your head as he continued as his hand came to rest on your chin.
"You must have been waiting a long time for this one, dude, ain't I so attractive," you chuckled before scooting closer to him. Before extending his delicate hands towards your lips, he reddened.
"Shh, also what happened yesterday? You said this wasn't right, didn't you?" As your desire overtook you, you became irritable.
"Oh, shut up and kiss me, people change Jake." you said as you drew him closer to you and your lips smashed together furiously. As he pushed you over, you both synced up quickly, and he was on top of you in no time.
"Oh how the tables have turned," says Jake. You had definitely changed as your body craved for his touch even more. As you threw your arms around his neck, pressing him closer to you, his lips never left yours.
His shirt was ripped off and dropped to the ground in a flash as he touched yours, hoping for a response.
"Yes, you may remove it." He stopped and peered at you, chuckling, as he slowly pulled it above your head. You subconsciously flew your hands to your chest, concealing your body.
This was the first time a boy, much less a Mikaelson, had seen you half-naked. Jake's mouth falls open as he rushes to unlatch your hands.
"Hey, don't hide your beauty, because I love each and every part." That made you grin as you approached him and kissed him on the lips.
"You haven't even asked me to be your girlfriend yet, and already you're behaving cringy. Maybe this was a mistake." As you begin to rise, you smirk. Jake grabs you and pins you down before you can even get a foot off the bed.
"Wait- stop, wait, don't go" You chuckle as he kisses your frigid body while you squirm under his touch.
"Ahhh, please stop tickling me...ahh." He comes to a halt in his actions to look at you for a little moment.
"I can't believe we've reached the point where we've gone from friends to lovers. It feels like some teenage drama."
(Am I right readers, don't we all love a trope like this... I know I do.)
This isn't a book; it's real life, and can we please get back to making love? Jake, the readers are waiting." He continues to laugh as he gently removes your bra as he completes the last clip.
He didn't have time to marvel at the beauty in front of him as you placed your hand on his hardening spot. This elicited a tiny moan as he swirled his lips around your soft nips.
"Mmmh, wow, don't stop, that feels great." You quickly remove your jeans and underwear while his tongue works its magic, placing his hand within your folds.
"This is my first time; wow, I'm not sure whether I'm doing it correctly." Wow!" As a moan explodes from your throat, you laugh.
"Stop playing me; you're making me laugh. I'll show you the way." He finds a groove in your folds as he pushes faster and deeper, striking a familiar area, while your eyelids roll back.
"AHHHH, Jake, right there."  As your back arches off the bed, thrusting deeper into his finger, your body reacts perfectly.
A knock on the door is heard just as your high reaches you, and you both pause and look behind you.
"Prince Jake, you have been summoned to the royal room to receive a message." Before Jake speaks to him, you both remain silent for a few moments.
"Thank you very much; I'll be out for a minute."
Before he turns to face you, you cover your lips with your hand. Before pulling away, he bends forward and kisses you on the forehead.
"You're not going to finish me off, are you? You can't stick and dip; it doesn't work like that." You start arguing with him before he bends in and kisses your folds.
"I have to get going, and if I'm late, I'm toast. You did mention that my family is what now-" You shake your head as you push him off your body and start putting your clothing on.
Another knock is heard as the door slowly begins to open and a familiar face appears. Jake rushes to conceal your half-naked body as Elijah walks in.
As you lowered your head and snickered, it felt like a million pairs of eyes were on you. Jake covers your body with a blanket before pulling up his pants and walking towards the door.
He flashes a big grin at Elijah before crossing his arms and stepping closer to him. "My dear brother, keep your indiscretions to yourself," he yanked his handkerchief from his pocket before handing it to Jake. Another familiar figure arrived in front of the entrance as he saw the chaos unfold before his eyes.
Kol appeared behind Elijah before chuckling as he crossed his arms, "well, well, well looks like someone having fun." He gave you a wave as he walked out of the room, smiling to himself. You turned away and mentally slapped yourself as soon as he said it.
"We'll be out in a second. Please visit us again." Before turning around, Jake slammed the door shut. While yelling under his breath, his reddened face brought you your garments.
"Please forgive them; they enjoy barging in here unannounced. I'm sorry if they saw anything." You're hauled up by him before you can secure the button on your jeans. He kissed your lips as he assisted you in putting on your shirt.
"Okay, I'm definitely not going to get tired of those." You kiss his lips once more as you pull his shirt closer to you.
"Mmh, your lips are soft. As you approach the door, you take Jake's hands in yours before gently pushing it open.
“We will definitely finish this later.” As he plants a kiss on your hand, he smirks. Before enlarging your gaze, you licked your lips.
You moan under your breath, "Oh, I can't wait," as Jake discreetly lays his palm over your mouth.
“You’re already a mess for me, aren't you?” He comes to a halt in front of the door and cups your face in his hands, kissing your hungry lips.
“As much as I would love to kiss you,” you say as you rest your palm on his chest and giggle. "Let's hurry up because I don't want them to come back and dagger you." He took your hand in his and led you to the throne room.
Jake strides over to his family's gathering and excuses himself, letting go of your hand. You took a step back and stood next to Mark, who was looking at you with a curious expression.
"So...how did it go?" Then, after a brief scan of the area, you struck him across the shoulder with your fist.
"Aren't you guards supposed to be quiet? You do know we all have vamp hearing." After chuckling at your remark, he returned to his job.
Besides Jake and I, Mark was the only person around our age with whom we both became close as we basically all grew up in the castle. Although being the only female in the group, they made up for it.
We all had our own ways of having fun in those late evenings, so there were many nights of loud laughter and sticky fingers. Those were the days, but now Jake had his royal duties, they were a thing of the past. Everyone seems to be set in their ways.
When your name was called, you were swiftly brought out of your thoughts. They didn't seem to know you were there, but you knew it was true when Mark bumped your arm.
"Uh.. yes. I'm here, your majesty."
Walking over to the gathering, you stood next to Jake as you heard his booming voice; still to this day, you could never get over that.
"So, y/n, you and your family have been so kind to not only the Mikaelson family, but the entire kingdom. And we thank you for your service, but we've heard rumors that my father is planning to travel to our country to assassinate our future heir."
You exhale, your body trembling as you clasp your hands behind your back. You weren't old enough to recall certain details of the attacks.
This was how horrible it was 
As he gazed down at you and winked at you, he entwined his fingers behind your back and whispered, "It's going to be okay."
As he stepped up from his throne, Klaus began again, "So, once again, I'd like you to protect and guard him while we're out; you've had plenty of training for this, so I'm confident you'll do fine. Finally, you are responsible for whatever happens to him."
He was now directly in front of your eyes as he kept a wary eye on your flimsy frame.
Thanks for the extra pressure. 
Jake gave him a gentle push back as he walked in front of you and coughed "Okay, don't scare her. We've got a lot of security in place, and I'm an original here who can take care of myself. I don't want to put anyone at risk, especially y/n."
As he acknowledged you specifically, it warmed your heart. He squeezed your hand not only to show that he was paying attention, but also to make you feel comfortable and secure.
Klaus grinned as he walked away from you, both of you speaking in a condescending manner.
"Our father has not and will not stop if we are alive in the past centuries, and now that you are of legal age, he is coming to take advantage of that opportunity. Our father's reign is far from done. After all, it's more for y/n than for you. Take a look at her. Do you believe she'll be able to defend YOU?" 
Your heart stung as you gasped in pain as you yanked your hands from his grasp. As you took a step forward, tears welled up in your eyes. You coughed as you drew Klaus' attention, enraged and honestly taken aback.
"No one has the right to treat me like an outsider just because I'm not a member of this family. Instead of making trouble and fleeing, why not stay and fight like a brother once in a while?I've done more for Jake than YOU could possibly do.
You turned and walked away from the family, tears streaming down your cheeks. A hand grabbed your wrist as you flung it off of you. Before exiting the room, Elijah caught Klaus just as he was ready to explode with wrath.
"This meeting is over. After 30 minutes, we'll be on our way." As you raced away from Jake, he called your name.
You heard shouts of anger from Jake as he yelled at Klaus.
However, he has never been able to see what you and your family went through to safeguard his prized heir. They were going to get a guard if they wanted one, and a good one at that.
You vowed to prove to them, and particularly to Klaus, that you belonged here.
You got to a familiar area and pounded on the door, enraged, as she approached the door.
You hurried by her and sat down, your hand outstretched as you glared angrily at her. "Oh hey—," she said. As she sat down gently across from you, she rubbed her chin and arched her brows.
"Okay, no hello or nothing. That's awesome, what's up?"
"I'd like to see him; please, show him to me right now." She chuckled, as if she'd read your mind. You wanted to prove yourself to someone. And he was the only one who had a clear idea of what needed to be done.
She sliced your hand and poured the liquid into the stone bowl as she spoke. You sat up straight and became ready. As soon as you closed your eyes, you were transported somewhere else.
Davine touched you on the shoulder as you sat up straight and followed her instructions by moving forward.
"You just have a few minutes, so work quickly. This is a difficult spell that becomes weaker by the second."
You stood up, shook your head, and walked over to the man perched precariously on the ledge, his feet dangling dangerously in the air. After a few minutes of sitting next to him, you began to become worked up.
"I was curious as to when you planned to pay me a visit. Princess, how are you?" As tears welled up in your eyes, you turned around in astonishment. He looked exactly the same as he did that night. His black slacks matched his stained white collared shirt.
He was perfect, still 
"I miss you, dad." Upon entering his embrace and taking in his smell, he extended his arms and welcomed you in. The lingering woody smell filled your nostril as you held onto him tighter.
"Hey, love. Whatever you're going through right now, I have complete faith in your ability to get through it. I didn't raise a wimp; instead, I raised a powerful warrior. Don't allow them get to the point where they're controlling your thoughts. What is it that I usually say?"
"Life struggles are necessary for growth."
You continued his sentence with the words "life struggles are necessary for growth." He pecked your head and held on for a little bit more.
"Y/n we have to go; the spell is slipping."
When your father saw you, he got to his feet and stood up. His hand went to your face as he noticed all your new features. He seemed intent on studying you, as if he wanted to make up for the time he had lost by not seeing you.
"I'm very proud of the women you've grown to be. I'm so proud of you, y/n. Remember that and know that I am always here for you." As a tear rolled down his cheek, he pointed to your chest.
You gave him one more hug as you raised your eyes to see his face.
"I love you, dad."
"Princess, you have my undying love. Now go out there and confront the world. Fighting for you always."
Davine held your hand as she guided you back to the present moment in time. You observed his disappearance as you bid him farewell by waving.
As soon as you regained consciousness, you hugged Davine and thanked her for her time. Afterwards, you left.
"Don't worry, y/n you got it. I've had my fair share of the Mikaelson family, so don't fret. I'm here for you."
You took a deep breath and then made your way back to the castle, smiling as you did so.
You already knew who you were on the inside; you didn't need an all-powerful family to confirm it for you. You only needed a little nudge to remember who you truly were on the inside.
The princess in your father's eyes.
"Thanks, Dad, this one for you."
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full-cowlings · 4 years ago
Lap Dance - Adult! Izuku Midoriya Smut
Being the number one hero and the new Symbol Of Peace was hard on Midoriya. He has been training his whole life for this moment, and he knew it would be tough, not only the process, but when he got to the top and how he’d have to struggle to try to keep the title. But that came naturally to him.
But the job was a very stressful one, often leaving Midoriya Izuku tired, stressed and often tense. He wasn’t able to relax very often, due to constantly worrying something was going to happen. He always used to worry about everything when he was younger, and that habit had carried on to his adulthood as well.
His wife, Y/N L/N had noticed this, and decided she would do something nice for him, thinking he earned it.
She had sent him a text, telling him she asked for him to have a day off, to which his agency agreed. And for him to come home and head to the bedroom as she had a surprise for him.
Izuku was confused, but he complied and didn’t question. As he knew Y/N often had a good reason to the things she did.
As soon as he finished what he was doing, he drove him, secretly excited about what the surprised was going to be. When he got home, he parked the car and walked into the house. When he opened the door, Izuku was immediately greeted with the sound of sensual music playing from the hallway, slightly muffled by the door of their shared bedroom.
This, peeked his interest and he started to get a little more excited about what was going to happen next. He kicked his normal red shoes off of his feet, walking towards the bedroom.
When he got to the door, he slowly opened it (SAYORI!?) and was met with rose petals scattered around a chair in the middle of the room. The lights were off and the only thing that illuminated the room were several candles that were on the dresser and end tables. Izuku’s eyebrow rose as he saw a note taped to the chair. Curiosity got the best of him as he picked up the taped note.
He read it,
Hey love, I have a special surprise planned out for you tonight,
I want you to do something for me.
Just sit on the chair and relax, let me do the rest. Can you do that for me? I’ll be waiting, Xx.
His curiosity peeked even more and he placed the note on the side, sitting down in the chair as he had been asked to. Izuku fiddled with his thumbs nervously, an old habit he has. Suddenly, the door opened and in walked Y/N.
(Hehehe, warning; Play Boy Bunny alert. Because ya author can’t get enough of that damn type of outfit ;) )
She was wearing a black leotard, that was low cut in both the chest area and her lower region, exposing some of her breasts, thighs and ass. She had on a white collar with matching black bow attached to it, along with wide fishnet stockings, exposing her skin to him.
Her hair was let down and loose, falling freely to her shoulders (Ignore that statement if your hair is short lmfaooo). She had white cuffs on her wrists, and matching black bunny ears that sat on her head.
Izuku's mouth went slightly agape as he wasn’t expecting Y/N to be wearing something like that, nor something so revealing as it was.
Y/N smirked at him, slowly walking towards him, swaying her hips teasingly as she strutted.
She circled the chair slowly, her hips still swaying slowly. She caressed Izuku's shoulders, slowly dragging her finger tips across them and down his shoulders. Izuku shivered slightly from her touch, her touch alone still being able to send him into bliss.
Y/N then stood in front of him, casually, and almost lethargically she swayed, in front of him intimately running her hands up and down her body, her movements designed to try to arouse and anticipate him. Her hips gyrated suggestively, as she looked into his eyes. In a slow walk, she approached, licking her lips suggestively.
She then sat in his lap, placing her legs on either side of him as she straddled him. She looked into his eyes suggestively as she wrapped both her arms around his neck.
She then started to grind her hips against his lap, moving in an elegant yet sensual way. Her hips rocking back and forth against his own, Izuku letting out a quiet groan at the contact and held her hips gently, helping her move slightly.
She leaned her face close to his own, as he too leaned in, wanting to kiss her. But before he could, she pulled back teasingly. Continuing to move her hips against crotch, now moving her hips in steady circles. Izuku moaned at the friction, his head dipping back slightly as he let her work her magic.
She then stood up from his lap, Izuku quietly whining at the loss of contact and friction. Y/N smirked, leaning down between his legs and slowly started to drag her hands up his sides, working from his legs, up. Her finger tips touching him, but barely, wanting to tease him and leave him wanting more.
Izuku shivered again, enjoying the feeling of her touch, although he wanted more than just that. She stood back again, moving her hips in a way that formed a figure-eight. She moved her hands up and down her body again, the way Izuku would if he could touch her.
She brought her hand up to her breast, fondling with it. She pulled the leotard down just enough where her breasts fell out of it, exposing her taut nipples to him. Izuku reached out to touch her, but she calmly took his hands and placed them back on his lap.
She kept fondling with herself, looking at him as he bit his lip, desperately wanting to be the one to give her pleasure, and not herself. She ran her hand down from her breasts, down to the v cut of the leotard groin area. She pushed it aside, slowly, allowing him to see her bare pussy. She smirked as she stopped touching herself, sitting down on his lap again, this time, her back pressed flushed against his chest.
She then started to move his ass against his crotch, smirking more as she felt Izuku’s dick rise against her ass. She circled her hips again, slowly, teasingly and sensually, wanting to make him want more as he often did to her.
Izuku groaned loudly into her ear, leaning his head down and biting her neck. Though this time, she didn’t stop him. She kept rocking her ass and hips against his hard-on, growing rougher and harder with passing time.
Izuku’s cock jumped at the sensation, threatening to cum just from her grinding. Y/N took notice of this and once again stood up. Izuku whimpered in loss of pleasure, watching as she stood in front of him, swaying her hips to the soft beat of the music.
Y/N’s hand traveled from Izuku’s collarbone, down his arms to his biceps, then moved to his chest. Running her hands down from his pectorals, then his abs, then down to his v-line. Y/N licked her lips seductively, dragging her finger tips across his waist line and then down to his crotch.
Izuku gasped as Y/N started tracing shapes along his dick, palming him occasionally. Izuku's eyes fell closed, his breathing picking up as she continued to trace the head of his cock with her finger tips, unzipping his pants and doing it through his boxers.
Y/N looked up at him, a mischievous glint in her eyes and she slowly licked the head of his dick through his underwear. Izuku moaned loudly, gripping onto her hair. She smirked slightly, pulling his boxers down along with his pants. She grinned at the sight of the precum dripping from the head of his penis and took his cock into her mouth.
He gasped again, his grip on her hair tightening as he pulled slightly. Y/N moaned, sending vibrations through his dick. She licked the head of his dick, taking as much in her mouth as she could. Using her hands, she fondled with whatever she couldn’t reach.
Izuku moaned louder, the feeling of her tongue around his dick sending him into absolute bliss. Y/N looked up at him, with a ‘innocent’ look as she kept licking, sucking occasionally. She used slow, yet long licks, wanting to tease him.
She took the rest of him into her mouth, deepthroating his cock, making her slightly gag. Izuku pulled her hair, shoving his balls deeper into her throat. Y/N moaned around his dick again, making Izuku groan from the vibrations once more.
Izuku could feel himself getting closer to an orgasm, his cock jumping, signalling he was going to cum soon. Y/N smirked and slowly pulled away, taking him out of her mouth, but leaving a string of saliva connecting her and his dick.
Izuku looked at her, panting. Midoriya had decided he had had enough with her teasing, he got up from the chair, slamming her roughly against a wall and pinning her to it. “You know you don’t tease master like that, baby~.” He purred into her ear seductively. Y/N gulped, knowing the dominant Izuku had come back.
“So either, you’re going to open those pretty little legs for me so I can ruin and fill your holes with my cum, got it?~” He asked, his voice husky. Y/N nodded, “y-yes, daddy.” Izuku smirked. “Good girl~ now, let daddy show you how to tease~.”
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