#something about gay people holding hands and staring at each other like they hung up the moon
ahllohehn · 1 month
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My recent fanart (August 2024)
My first hermitcraft fanart that I still don't know why it was my most popular one (March 2024)
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im-just-a-boy-guys · 1 month
HAPPY 1K EVERYONE! TYSM😊 3,300 words
(Sacrilege / Tongue / creature / drugs / violence / blood / gore/ sodomy ) Purple text is info or side notes
green is where the fun starts
and red is still more or less important back story or context but feel free to skip down to the fun!
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(Most of the pictures are just what I find inspiration from. :3)
You stand at an altar, blood on your hands as you stare out into a chapel full of gloom and despair. Your people are suffering.
Various people are caring for the sick and wounded, while others are clinging to the corpses or clothing of their deceased loved ones.
Groans and wails of sobbing bounce off the walls, and the sound seeps into your head as you try to find a reasonable solution.
You turn and decide to consult your library. It was your last hope. Your cassock blew behind you as you walked through the vast hallways and corridors.
You could hear screaming outside and the ripping of flesh from bone through the high windows as you passed them, but tried to pay no mind.
You spent hours examining and scanning through books, each one seeming to get deeper and deeper into acult magic. You found a page that depicted a ritual, It was in a language you couldn't quite make out.
Thankfully there were very well-illustrated pictures. The title of the ritual looked like something close to either " Savior demon" or "savage demon" but you weren't quite sure and ready to take the risk. The pictures depicted a few black candles, a dear skull, a heart of some kind, and a hand holding a blade to its wrist/arm area. By the shape of the organ, you could guess that it was a lamb's heart.
You sent one of the hunters out to look for a lamb and to bring it back or if it could not be salvaged, it's heart.
You gathered the rest of the things, and within about 3 hours, your hunger had returned with a dead lamb over his shoulder. You took it gently, thanked the man, and hung the lamb upside down to drain its blood as you carved its heart out.
You gently placed the heart on a platter to the side and once there was a decent amount of blood in the bucket, you dipped your hand in.
It was a very unpleasant sensation, the blood was cold, and the thickness was enough to make you queasy.
You checked the book page and carefully painted the large symbol onto the brick of the back room you'd snuck off to and began laying out the items in accordance with where they should be.
You washed your hands and prepped your arm for the cut you'd have to make. Trying your best to replicate the length of the cut, you allowed the blood to drip down your arm onto the lamb's heart and then the symbol you'd drawn.
You read from the bottom portion of the page, trying to decipher what you could and pronounce it correctly, it took a few tries but after a while, you were finally able to recite the text exactly.
As you spoke you could feel the words start to pour out naturally as if the letters were pulling themselves from your very throat, the power sourced through your veins as you chanted and the flames candles you had set up blew out in a sweeping motion around the symbol you'd drawn.
You held a cloth you'd carried with you to your bleeding arm and did your best to tie it tightly. Though the cut wasn't deep, it was long and painful and had an extremely annoying sting.
You heard ghostly whispers erupt from the darkness around you. Black smoke spun across every inch of the bricks, collecting in a mass directly in front of you.
You felt paralyzed and clutched the cross around your neck, praying for the best. Your heart sounded in your chest as your breath caught in your throat.
As the figure materialized, a dark closed skeletal figure with large fangs stood, staring down at you with empty sockets. It must've towered over you by almost two feet.
It stared at you curiously before speaking, it sounded like another language that you couldn't gauge.
You spoke softly, "I apologize but I can't understand you-"
It reached forward and pressed its skeletal palm to your forehead. The sharp cold of the bone causes you to recoil slightly. You heard a booming voice, now in your language.
"Hello. Is this better?"
The voice seemed just as cold as the bones that had come into contact with your skin. It was low but about a medium pitch. There was a slight grain to the back of the voice as if to be a scratchy noise in the non-existent throat.
You tried to steal your resolve, barely avoiding stuttering, "Yes. I can understand you now."
"Why have you summoned me? What deal do you intend to make?" The entity leaned forward and down toward you as if to make the size difference clear; to remind you of your place.
"I need help."
"That's why most summon me. Please be more specific-",
You could almost feel an eyebrow raise in the voice it used as if this creature was challenging your intelligence.
"Yes, my people are dying. There are these creatures raining corruption upon my village. I fear that everyone in this church is still in danger. I'm not sure what you can offer. Therefore, I'm not entirely sure what to ask for.",
You looked at the being with pleading eyes.
You looked over the creature, and as your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you noticed a thin layer of skin holding the bones together and a tiny shimmer of light in its eyes.
The being studied you. "Do you want safety for your people, defense from the creatures, or safety for yourself? The list goes on."
"I would like all of those things, I suppose, if that's possible. I assume that the defense from the creatures would be helpful, but the stipulations don't guarantee our safety. I would like safety for everyone who's alive and human in my village, me included and possible defense from the creatures."
The entity circled you slowly, floating with its arms behind its back.
" I believe it is within my capabilities. But, what do you have to give?"
"I do not have much. If you have anything to ask of me, I could answer you with a yes or a no."
You felt panicked. You'd assumed this was a deal, but you didn't think you had anything to give that was worthy of all that you'd asked.
"I know you do not intend to fool me. For, I am no fool. I know of your intentions, and they are not of malice, this can change things. I would like your power."
"My power?"
"Yes, dear priest. Your power. You have a say in what the people do. You are the leader and almost the king of this small village. I want your power."
"Leave that to me. I will grant you your small wish. By the end of tonight, every living human will be here, safe. Those creatures outside, reaking havock will be dealt with. Tomorrow at sunrise, you will meet me in the graveyard, and we will discuss the terms of our deal properly. Until then, tend to your wounded."
"I'm not sure we have the supplies- but we'll definitely try."
You smiled at the entity,
"What do I call you?"
"Abatu is fitting."
(Ah-bah-tu with a slight 'silent behind T)
"I am Jareth."
Abatu nodded once and disappeared into a cloud of smoke.
As you came to your senses, the candles relit themselves, and you stood. You turned around and there, behind you. There was a pile of medical supplies, not an obnoxious amount, but it was helpful.
Over the passing night, the sounds of the creatures outside subsided and the nuns were able to help bandage and medicate the wounded. Your nurse also helped clean and wrap your arm tightly.
"Thank you, Maridith." You smiled at her gently and bowed your head lightly.
Her cheeks flushed red as you smiled at her, and she looked down at your arm to distract herself.
The night came and went, and you found yourself unable to sleep. You kept thinking about the creature you'd met. It wasn't as scary as you thought it would be.
Abatu was very intriguing, and you wondered about -his?- origins? Abatu sounded masculine, at least.
You found yourself unable to sleep and crept carefully into the sanctuary, deciding to go to the cemetery early.
You weaved between the tired and wounded who lie on pallets on the floor, making your way to the door.
You slipped out into the cold night and looked around, making sure no more creatures were wandering around.
Alas there were none to be seen so you made your way along the bloodied mud path, trying not to dwell on the death that surrounded you. There were no boddies like there were when you had left.
This made you nervous, but your feet carried you absentmindedly to the cemetery as you melted into your own mind.
Once you made it to the dark gated and slipped in, you found a concrete bench and sat to drown in your thoughts, expectations to have to wait a while until sunrise.
A dark figure materialized in front of you as a thick fog rolled across the hallowed ground.
"You are early, Jereth."
You nodded softly. "I couldn't sleep."
"We shall discuss early then. I'm going to need permission to change my features and mannerisms to be exactly like yours. This will help me accomplish something I have planned in the future. However, I will not do anything that will sully or ruin your name."
You thought about this for a moment, with abatu laying out the rules for himself against ruining your reputation; it would make sense to allow this. Especially with what he'd done for you.
"Alright. Anything else?"
"Yes. I'll also need permission to study your anatomy and mannerisms. This will help avoid any slightly off-putting differences that cause people to believe I am not you and cause any uproar."
"Study my anatomy? Meaning-?"
"I'll need to see all of your body to be able to correctly replicate it. Studying your mannerisms, I believe, speaks for itself."
"How would you go about studying my mannerisms? You'd have to follow me around, and people could see you."
"Only you can see me if I wish, dear priest."
You took a breath and pondered. Your cheeks flushed red as you realized he would have to see you naked, but you figured with his tone and the way he failed it out with little to no malicious sounding intent that it wouldn't matter much, but you hadn't been undressed infront of anyone for a long time.
"I suppose I agree to this. Anything else?"
"No, that will be all for now. If I need anything else I shall inform you. I will be taking my leave until tomorrow. Do try to get some rest, Jareth"
You nodded, and Abatu vanished into the darkness. The sun started rising, and a soft blue appeared over the horizon.
You walked absentmindedly to the church, entering the sanctuary and entering your sleeping quarters. you flopped on the bed and undressed down to your undershirt, folding your clothes on the chair.
You climbed into the bed and snuggled under your heavy covers, the day running through your head.
You had fallen asleep without really noticing and woke to a slightly uneasy feeling. You pealed your eyes open and looked around the room, finding Abatu at the foot of your bed.
"Good morning, dear priest."
You sat up straight and fumbled for the covers to cover you below the waist. "Hello- I didn't realize you would be here when I awoke. Could you let me get dressed?" "Today is the day I study your body, Jareth. So there is no need to cover yourself for now." Your cheeks burned red hot, and you hesitantly slipped out of bed. Your soft cock hung beneath your undershirt, and the creature studied you curiously. He walked over to you and gently held the fabric of your undershirt. "This too, if you please." You nodded. You slightly regretted agreeing to this, but you couldn't help but fantasize about Abatu now that he was standing so close to you. You felt a pain tugging at your chest. You would be sure to pray after this interaction, for you could feel the lust building. You slipped out of the thin shirt and tossed it to the side. Abatu walked around you slowly. He seemed to be carefully taking in every single ounce of your appearance. You felt his downy fingers slipping across your skin as he traced your muscular outlines and along your spine and shoulder blades. This sent shivers through your body that drew a sharp-toothed smile from the entity. "Your skin is very sensitive, Jareth." "Your hands are cold-" you muttered shakily."Hold your arms out." You did as you were told, your face still burning. His touch was such an odd and new sensation that you could feel the blood running to your once soft cock, now growing in length. You felt increasingly embarrassed, doing your best to avoid covering your face. The creature traced along your lower back with both hands on both sides, then up your sides to your arms, feeling along the muscles in your arms. He felt your hands, lingering along and between your fingers. You couldn't help but grow harder, your length fully erect, your dip aching softly as Abatu gently made his way back around to your front, sliding his cold hands back to your chest and down your midriff. His eyes lingered on your election. "Hm. That has changed since I last looked." You nodded and didn't allow him any explanation. "Why?" "It's just a bodily reaction-" you stammered. "What is it a reaction to?" He seemed genuinely curious. However, you couldn't help but feel that he was teasing you. As you tried to distract your mind you felt your cock twitch, the red on your face stretching to your ears. Abatu took your length into his hand, and it took everything in you not to groan in desperation. Although, you couldn't silence the soft gasp that left your lips. "This part of you is even more sensitive than the rest. Is there a reason?" "It's how humans procreate and reproduce.im not sure if that answers your question." "Possibly, it feels strange." The entity traced his fingers along the veins that ran up and down your length, then up to your tip, and rubbed it softly. You almost collapsed, gasping again and letting out a soft moan. Your tip leaked precum that gently coated Abatu's bony fingers. The mixture of his skin's cold and his touch's softness drove you crazy. "There's something wet coming out. What is it?" "It's- nh~ meant to be- lubrication."
As he touched you, you couldn't help but pause in between every few words, your brain softly churning itself into mush. "Hm. Interesting."
His body gently began to change, first his skin color to match yours. Then, he carefully worked on matching the features of your face. His body worked itself from head to toe to transform itself into you. You looked him over and were astounded. You reached forward to touch him, very gently. You needed to make sure it was real. The creature looked confused but didn't stop you as your hands connected with his skin, and strangled enough, it was still cold. You supposed it wouldn't be easy to change his body heat to match yours but regardless of this, you were in awe. He was still covered in his black closet, which he took off and sat to the side to analyze himself compared to you. You noticed that his or rather, how he saw your cock was hard on him as well. You quietly corrected. "Usually, it looks as you saw before, but this happens when it is touched-" you remembered that it had hardened by itself due to your sinful thoughts and repeated. "Usually." He thought hard and focused, transforming that part of himself to match you when soft. He turned around in a small circle in front of your full body-length mirror in your room. "I think I have managed to match you perfectly." You nodded in agreement. It was so strange to see yourself standing in front of you.
"Alright, Now that I have your form, I'm going to go to my realm and practice the fast-changing process You are free to do as you wish. Once I master your form, I will return to learn of your mannerisms. thank you, and I shall see you another time." With that, Abatu vanished into a cloud of smoke as usual and you let out a sigh of relief, collapsing onto your bed, your cock still throbbing desperately. You were unable to refuse the urge to wrap your hand around your length, spreading the precum along yourself. Groaning lewdly and running a hand through your hair.
you Imagined the creature's hand wrapped around your cock once more, stroking you with purpose as he teased you.
'Why are you so sensitive, My Priest?'
'you're so warm..'
anything you could use to fuel the raging lust erupting from you. you couldn't understand why you felt so attracted to Abatu, his dark mysteriousness, something about him. He was forbidden to you, this was sodomy. you wanted him inside of you, though you hadn't figured out how that would work.
from there your mind worked itself into imagining his shapeshifting abilities. shapeshifting into other horrible demonic creatures, just allowing himself as is to grow something close to a cock with enough length to absolutely destroy you from the inside out.
Abatu watched you from the end of your bed, invisible to your eyes,. He watched you quietly, trying to figure out what exactly you were doing, you had begun to moan, then eventually moaned out his name. You grasped desperately at your neck, squeezing it tightly.
"Abatu!- fuck- Please destroy me- I am yours to use and control!-", everything you called out incoherent to yourself, spewing out of you uncontrollably.
"God forgive me! i Cannot stop! forgive me-", You muttered softly as you felt the orgasm building.
Abatu cocked his head to the side and carefully crept closer to you as he watched your body jerk slightly, now increasingly more curious as to what was about to occur.
"God! I beg- Forgive me! I cannot contain my lust any longer-", your tip ached as your cock throbbed and spewed your warm cum over your chest and stomach, your brain drowning in euphoria for what felt like many minutes at least. your breath caught in your throat as you laid on your bed, trying to grasp for some sense of reality.
The entity's eyes widened slightly as he saw your cum erupt from you, finding himself deeply intrigued. By the dazed smile on your face, it seemed to be something you enjoyed, and you were calling out his name as if to summon him. This must have been something you wanted from him and were too careful to ask for. Abatu had decided that he would try to indulge this for you the next time he was able. He disappeared fully now, back to his realm.
You stood and faltered slightly, almost unable to keep yourself upright. Wobbling into the bathroom area, you gently braced yourself on many objects to hold yourself up. You cleaned yourself off and got dressed, laying your cross over your neck. Making your way into the Sanctuary, you greeted many people, hearing that they were getting better by the day. you shook many hands and gave many blessings before heading over to your bench behind the podium and whispering an apologetic prayer. 'Forgive me father, for I have sinned. Sodomy has overtaken my mind, my thoughts, and even my dreams. Please allow me to redeam myself and send me the strength to repair my faultering loyalty. I have pledged myself unto you and will continue to do your work. In your name, thank you god, and Amen.'
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disasterbuck · 3 months
Hiii Anna 💕💕💕
Ooh so many of these wips sound so good!
hiii tysm 🥰 hope you enjoy these snippets!! 💕
Buck stared at Eddie. He wanted him so much his chest ached with it, but he was terrified to make a move. Eddie was his best friend, and what if making a move made things awkward between them? What if Eddie wasn't even interested to begin with? What if he was interested, they made a go of it, but then things didn't work out?
Buck didn't think he could cope with losing his best friend. Eddie was the best friend he'd ever had, possibly the only best friend he'd ever had. All other friends had been casual. He was liked by many people because he strove to be accepted, but never before had he had someone as important as Eddie in his life.
He didn't want to lose him.
boxer briefs
Buck also came to a stop, feeling his cheeks turn pink and resisting the urge to put his hands in front of his crotch; he wasn't naked after all. But he was painfully aware that he had a hell of a lot of skin on show right now and Eddie was definitely not staring at his face.
"Hey," Buck said, the word coming out as a bit of a squeak. "Sorry, I uh—"
"I think I'm gay," Eddie said.
(click the title for another snippet from this wip)
buck zoned out/daydreaming
"I don't know what you mean," Buck said, avoiding the truth and telling himself to stop looking at Eddie's mouth.
"Yes you do," Eddie said, his lips curving into a smirk and his arms coming up to rest on the wall on either side of Buck's head.
Now boxed in, Buck had nowhere to go. Eddie was leaning in closer, closer, and Buck's skin felt like it was on fire. He wanted to reach out and grab Eddie, pulling their bodies together and kissing him passionately.
"Yes Eddie?" he asked quietly.
"Can you help me with this?"
Suddenly snapping out of his daydream, Buck –
😉 (click the title above if you want to read another snippet from this wip)
chris watches
Weeks passed. Christopher watched his dad and his Buck continue to smile and laugh and hang out together. They always spent time with him as well, but now that Chris was paying attention he realised that there were a lot of times when the two adults would hang out by themselves as well.
They would be having dinner and his dad would say something like, "the other day when Buck and I..." and he wasn't talking about work.
His dad and his Buck hung out on days off while Chris was at school, going to see movies or just going for drives or finding projects to work on together around the house. The more he became aware of it, the more Chris realised they were together way more than he had thought they were. It was like they were joined at the hip.
And he began to wonder... were they already together?
And if they were, why were they keeping it from him?
A crack of lightning split the sky and Buck cringed, trying not to react lest someone realise he was afraid.
They were out for dinner together, safe inside a restaurant. But it was storming outside and Buck had a clear view out the window, plus the thunder was loud enough to be heard above the constant chatter every now and then.
Feeling a hand on his arm, he looked over to see Eddie with his head close.
"You okay?"
"Of course," Buck said with an easy grin. "Why wouldn't I be?"
oh buck
"I'm coming in."
Turning the handle, Eddie opened the door and found himself looking down on Buck's hunched form. The other man was sitting on the tiles, curled inwards with his hands wrapped around his head. For someone so tall and strong, he looked incredibly small and fragile.
"Oh, Buck…" Eddie whispered, carefully crossing over to him and sitting down too. He ran his fingers through some of Buck's hair before wrapping himself around him, holding him securely. "I'm here," he murmured. "I've got you."
will you...?
"I said yes," he repeated, then stood up so that they were equal with each other and reached a hand out. "Yes, Eddie. I'd love to go on a date with you."
Eddie's frown slid from his face, leaving behind a look of dismay.
Buck felt as though someone had dropped a stone down his throat.
"Was that… not what you were going to say?" he asked slowly, curling his fingers into a fist as he lowered his hand to his side again.
Looking extremely pained, Eddie said, "Uh… no. Um. I was gonna ask if you could watch Chris for me."
Forcing himself to nod, Buck pushed down his disappointment and pasted on a smile.
Click here for more of my wip snippets
Taglist 👇
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boywriters-blog · 10 months
Requesting Charles/Nathan plz! :)
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hehe of course!! thank you sm for requesting!!
i ♡ metalocalypse with my soul and body!!
warnings: nothing rlly! just some nice fluff! maybe a liiiittle teeeny tiny bit ooc
takes place like .. beginning of AOTD .. and let’s pretend they don’t immediately have to write the song of salvation ^_^
Nathan had been stressed out and drugged up, he didn’t even really know what he was doing. He thought Abigale was the love of his life. He proposed to her still in his hospital gown.
He thought she loved him. I mean she kissed him! Of course he would read into it. Especially when she completely ignored it. What else was he supposed to think? He didn’t want to believe it meant nothing.
But it did. A simple savior’s kiss. And he read too far into in and proposed to her. He felt so stupid. He should’ve realized. He didn’t even really love her, he liked someone else, he just..wanted to be loved. Maybe he didn’t even realize he liked someone else. Maybe he’s trying to deny it. Maybe’s it’s .. gay.
After yelling at the fans outside of Mordhaus, he went inside and up the stairs to Charles. Bumping into Pickles along the way.
He muttered a quiet, “Sorry.”, and continued up, reaching the top of the stairs within a couple minutes. Man he needed to work out more. This was exhausting. He walked over to the rail but didn’t touch it, just looking down and around.
Charles put a hand on his shoulder, turning him to face the other. He had a sympathetic, saddened expression on his face. They walked over to a more private area of the floor. Nathan was wobbling a bit, so he sat down, Charles standing above him.
Nathan looked down, embarrassed by the rejection and how intimidated he feels by the other man. Maybe not just intimidation, some attraction as well. Not that he’d ever admit that to his band’s manager. He was pretty sure the man was into chicks anyway.
Charles put his hands on each side of Nathan’s face, forcing the lead singer to look at him. His face turned a light pink, not used to his face getting held like this.
“Nathan. You have great potential. I mean, objectively you’re pretty great already- but-“, he thought for a moment, “You have to potential to be even greater. I know it. I’ve been by your side since the beginning of the record label. I’ve watched over you for years and years.”
The long haired man shifted a little bit, looking into the former manager’s eyes, the pink on his cheeks darkening.
“You-“, he paused, his own cheeks sporting a soft almost transparent blush. He quickly shook it off and continued. “You are my greatest work. Don’t get so hung up over some girl when you have people that .. care about you, and even love you.”
The almost transparent blush on his cheeks darkened, becoming more apparent. He squeezed his cheeks lightly, looking him in the eyes.
“You will forever be the thing I dream of, the greatest work of my lifetime. I am just lucky to be here right now, to be able to be there for you.”
Nathan’s eye widened as his face turned red, was he making a move on him? Was he admitting to some sort of truth? Being honest, Nathan had always thought of Charles like that, but didn’t really realize what that meant. Until now.
Charles didn’t let go of his face, instead analyzing it. He was fairly certain he felt the same way, adding in his facial response, he was almost positive.
They stared into each other’s eyes in silence, this went on for a couple minutes, Nathan stunned in silence. His face was red, his mouth was agape, and his eyes were wide. His hands moved up to hold onto Charles’s waist, pulling him closer.
His mouth opened to say something but he decided against it, he had spoken a lot, now it was Nathan’s turn. Instead his eyes slightly widened, and his face turned red this time.
“You..You’re a pretty great guy..a great manager..a great priest..a great..person..I guess. I..”, he was thinking about what to say, he didn’t want to come off as super gay, but .. he kinda wanted to. “I think you’re more than great. Spectacular or perfect or something.”
Charles smiled and kneeled down to match his level, Nathan’s hands moving to hold his face as well.
“I think..you’re really smart and cool..and..and handsome or whatever. You always know what to say..for some reason. You know what works, what doesn’t work. You..”,
He couldn’t find the words to express how he felt. Instead, Nathan frustratedly grumbled and kissed Charles, putting a hand on the back of his head. Charles hesitantly kissed back, any doubt immediately washed away. The kiss was passionate. You could tell they’ve been waiting a long time to do this.
Nathan pulled him up onto his lap, wrapped his arms around him, pulling the other closer. Charles put his arms on his shoulders, holding himself up, his knees on either side of Nathan’s lap.
They broke the kiss after a minute or two and caught their breath. Charles choosing to sit next to Nathan, adjusting his clothes to look proper again. They both chuckled for a moment and looked back into each other’s eyes. Nathan was the first to speak.
“So..does this make us like..boyfriends? or whatever..?”, he fiddled with his hands in his lap nervously, his face entirely red.
Charles smiled, grabbed one of his hands and nodded, kissing it and responding, “Of course.”
Nathan smiled and held his hand, intertwining their fingers together. The rest of the band having seen everything, they had decided to come up and check on Nathan, but it seemed like Charles had it under control..So they stayed to watch and see what would happen.
They quickly went back down the stairs, not saying a word till they reached the bottom, then freaking out amongst themselves.
William exclaimed that he knew it, Skwisgaar scoffed and rolled his eyes, not seeing why it’s such a huge deal. Toki and Pickles were happy the two of them had finally confessed.
HII!! So sorry if this isn’t exactly what you want!! always lmk if i can write anything else for you!! have an amazing day!!
-Mooshi <3
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curlynerd · 3 years
Months ago I saw a post that was like "Dean finally tells Sam about him and Cas, and Sam trolls him by revealing he's been wearing an 'I love my bi brother' undershirt all this time" and I can't for the life of me find it again, but wherever you are OP, this ficlet is cuz of you.
Sam knew the time was close. The writing was on the wall. Well, to be honest, the writing had been there for a decade, but now it was hung up in bright neon, flashing fluorescent lights. Chuck was defeated, there had been nary a whisper of an apocalypse in over six months, Cas was back, and Dean was happy.
And Sam knew why. He didn’t know know, but he wasn’t an idiot. A lifetime of literal detective work and living in each other’s pockets meant he had some idea of what was going on with Dean.
The way he was always touching Cas’ shoulder. Always laughing at all of the odd, awkward things Cas said. The way Cas openly stared at Dean in a way he hadn’t in years. The way Cas smiled softly when he did, in a way he never had before.
The tense, pregnant silences whenever Sam and Dean were alone. The way Dean’s jaw clenched and he swallowed roughly and his shoulders hunched like he was fighting everything within himself to say something important. Something that terrified Dean.
Sam knew what Dean was trying to say. But he also knew if he so much as hinted that he knew before Dean was ready to tell him, Dean would probably have a breakdown.
So he waited, patiently, watching Dean and Cas flirt with each other like middle schoolers with a crush, always in each other’s space but too afraid to hold each other’s hand in public.
And while he waited, he planned all of the ways he would shamelessly rip on Dean once Dean finally owned up to his feelings for Cas. After a decade of being the third wheel between his emotionally constipated brother and the angel he was crazy for, Sam had earned that right. It was what all good brothers were supposed to do!
They were working a case on a college campus when he spotted it. A folding table under a colorful tailgating tent with half a dozen young people, many with an eclectic style and bright patches and buttons brightening their clothes. It was, he learned right at that moment, some sort of Pride awareness day, different from the month of June, but to be honest he hadn’t kept up with that sort of information since his own college days. But when he saw the shirts they were selling in their fundraiser he grinned from ear to ear. A devious plan began to form.
“You want one?” One of the young people asked, holding up a black shirt emblazoned with colorful text. Sam cringed a little at the “my son” on it, but he acknowledged that he definitely was old enough to have kids at this point.
“No, uh…” He laughed under his breath and pointed out another one. “Can I have this one? Extra large.” Sam paused for a moment, his perfect plan solidifying further. He grinned mischievously. “Actually, I’ll take a couple of ‘em.”
Sam was still laughing to himself as he rolled up the shirts as tightly as possible and snuck them into the inner pocket of his suit jacket.
He hid them deep in his dufflebag in the trunk of the Impala, and no one was the wiser.
As it turned out, the time was not close. Not in the least. Sam wore those damn shirts every single day under his flannels for a month. He was starting to get sick of stealthily washing them.
But he persevered. He knew Dean's reaction would be worth it.
And when the day finally came, Sam almost ruined the moment with his excitement that his prank would finally pay off.
Luckily, Dean was too caught up in fighting his feelings to notice the way Sam was fighting a grin.
“...So...Yeah. That’s the way it is. Me and Cas, we’re...We’re like Frodo and Sam, I guess.”
“Frodo and Sam weren’t gay, Dean.”
Dean broke out of his emotional constipation to level a glare at Sam. “We are not having this argument again! Also I’m not gay!”
“Right. Yeah. I know.” This was it. This was the moment. Sam’s fingers itched to unbutton his flannel, but he waited. He needed absolute perfect timing.
“No, I mean…” Dean sighed and turned away. He started pulling out ingredients from the fridge to make lunch for everyone. And to gather the courage to say something big. A classic play in the book of Dean.
Sam quickly opened his overshirt and held it open so Dean could see the words emblazoned in pink, purple, and blue across his chest.
“I’m trying to say...I’m bi, Sammy.” With trembling voice and tense shoulders, Dean turned around, everything in his face struggling between wide-eyed vulnerability and shutting down and hiding his feelings. His gaze landed on Sam’s shirt.
“I ❤ my bisexual brother.”
The face journey Dean went on was absolutely worth it.
“Are you FREAKING KIDDING ME!?” Dean finally sputtered out when he found his words, his expression somewhere between furious and incredulous. “A SHIRT? You had a shirt made?!”
Sam was too busy laughing to respond. He doubled-over, clutching his stomach, his shoulders shaking.
“I’ve been agonizing over this for months and you’ve already made t-shirts about it?!” Dean brandished the bottle of mustard he was holding like it was some sort of weapon. “You sonuvabitch, I will get you back for this, you hear me?”
That night Sam was up for hours, doing some very important online shopping. Because Sam wasn’t an idiot. He’d seen the way Dean’s eyes lingered at ring displays in the windows of jewelry stores. Hell, he’d seen the curiosity in Cas’ eyes as he stared too. The writing was on the wall. Sam laughed to himself as he hit the checkout button.
“I ❤ my gay brother-in-law.”
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yoshkeii · 4 years
"𝙰 𝚜𝚑𝚢 𝚌𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚑"
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࿐ character(s): Ushijima Wakatoshi, Daichi Sawamura, Kuroo Tetsurou
࿐ genre: sfw, soft/fluff, comfort, tiny angst if you squint
࿐ type: headcanons (hcs)? / imagine
࿐ requested by: @dumpsterfireinc 
⌦  shymale!reader (he/him)
⌦ ‘if I can request comfort hcs for Ushijima, Daichi, Kuroo, and Oikawa who have a crush on as shy male!reader who thinks the boys should be with a girl and not him.’
A/N: i had to drop oikawa on this one since i cant seem to get his personality out?? i- uh-. i apologize- also my way of writing hcs is weird? idk why i like writing like that, but eventually they’ll shift- somehow- (i’ll probably make a proper hcs post if you want-)
1-16-2021: sorry in advanced if this took waaay to long. im doubting my writings. kinda shit but im just burnt out.
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❀ Ushijima had a crush on you. of course he would, someone so soft, gentle, and shy. he actually found it cute you having those aspects. even though not a lot of people would enjoy such an introverted person at times.
❀ being shy would fit well together with his own personality generally. like being stoic and quiet himself. at some points he genuinely thought you and him were perfect. just two puzzle pieces that could fit together.
❀ he doesn’t know when he had a crush on you till Tendou or someone would bring it up. cause he always somehow had his eyes on you in the halls, classes, etc. 
❀ adding on to his personality, he is very blunt and straightforward with his words. and when you heard those three words from the intimidating captain. made your heart skip a beat, muscles tense, and mind race.
❀ “..y-you.. like me??” the softened tone in your voice echoed within the empty afterschool halls.
❀ “Yes. I just stated that.”
❀ “..I heard you.. you dummy..” you muttered the last words softly. fiddling with your fingers nervously, he always found you fidgeting with something whenever you were nervous or put on the spot. your gaze kept low.
❀ the silence only just settled. making Ushijima await another word from your smaller figure.
❀ but he didn’t expect those words to slip out of your mouth. he never did.
❀ “Why.. Why would you want to be with me.. instead.” your voice still kept your softened tone, but it had a faint hint of sadness. the slight wavering of your voice gave way.
❀ “..isn’t it better to be.. with a girl instead? t-they’re better options. pretty. talented. i-i don’t.. have any of those.”
❀ Ushijima just stared, unsure on what to do. no one told him this would be a scenario or a possibility. thought it was simply just a yes or no to a confession, something quick.
❀ “You also won’t l-look.. weird.. o-odd.. with-” your voice cracked, tears gathered in your eyes. quickly wiping them away with a sniff.
❀ “F-fuck I’m sorry.. for c-crying..” softly cursing as you nervously laughed.
❀ “y/n,” Ushijima lifted your head gently with his hand making sure your eyes looked up at him, “..I don’t care, if people will look at us weirdly. I don’t care if they all knew or not.”
❀ he wiped the tears dripping from your eyes as you stared at him with disbelief.
❀ “I like you. No- I love you. That’s that. I love y/n, and nothing will stop that.”
❀ shortly, tears poured from your eyes from his words. softly murmuring apologizes for crying over this accompanied w/ a smile on your face. Ushijima just wiping your tears away for you, seeing how your face just melts in his hand in comfort. regaining composure after a couple of reassurances from him.
❀ “I-I.. I love you.. t-too.. Wakatoshi..” 
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❀ mans had a big crush on you ever since you both had multiple shared classes. especially same homeroom.
❀ Daichi and you had an decent relationship, it wasn’t as close like he has with Sugawara or Asahi. having the same homeroom, he always found you alone and minding your own business a desk or two behind him in the back.
❀ sometimes exchanging the simple hellos and small talk whenever Suga and/or Asahi dared him to. knowing how his eyes occasionally drifts towards your direction of the room.
❀ for someone so quiet.. he didn’t know it could be a cute feature. an adorable one if he would say so himself. just seems too s o f t .
❀ your gentle voice always made his heart skip a beat, it was so calming. a remedy to his ears. after a few small talks and interactions, you both managed to hang out a little more often. being invited on study dates sessions since you were also pretty smart in the academics (brownie points!) 
❀ as of right now, his eyes were simply glued on you. just watching you talk about whatever subject. he really wasn’t paying attention... or at all. admiring your features from across the small table on the floor that was littered with notebooks, textbooks, papers and pens.
❀ he knew you were shy so he often kept things low and safe for you whenever you both hung out once in awhile. sometimes exchanging little sticky notes with each other to limit talking.
❀ once he confessed to you, through the last sticky note of his. not a manly way to really confess but he couldn’t figure anything else out for you. didnt want to scare you away.
❀ you stared up at the captain in slight doubt, going back to the note to reread the words written. ‘would you like to go out with me?’ tiny hearts here and there on the note.
❀ looking back up at him, you noticed the slight blush across his face. you realized he was serious.
❀ “..why would you want to go out with me?” your grip on the note slightly tightened, as thoughts began to flood your mind. “wouldn’t it be better- be better with a girl?? a-and.. not me.” you began to slip on your words, gaze slipping down to avoid his eyes as you noticed him looking up at you now.
❀ “..with.. a girl?” Daichi mustered out.
❀ “or.. anyone but... me. I’m not.. popular. I’m not.. p-pretty, c-cute.. handsome.. s-smart either...”  you began to ramble, negative thoughts after another.
❀ “H-hey y/n. y/n..!” Daichi was closer to you now, his hands on your shoulders hoping to get you out of your negative trance.
❀ it successfully worked, making you stop but your gaze still remain low. hearing a sigh from Daichi made you tensed, you liked him too. you loved him. but you don’t know if it was best for him to date you. or be in a relationship in that matter.
❀ Daichi wrapped his arms around you, “Don’t be so harsh to yourself. I denied most of the confessions... j-just.. to ask you out one day you know. I’m confident I want you more than any girl.” he muttered.
❀ noticing you relaxing in his arms made him slightly smile, feeling you hug back. your hands grasping the back of his gakuran, mustering the urge to cry you hid your face on his shoulders. eventually muffling out your soft sobs and various ‘i love you too’
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𝚊/𝚗: 𝚐𝚘𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚐𝚒𝚏 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚖𝚎 𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐.
❀ it was obvious Kuroo was crushing on someone. and that someone was you. being one of the assistances, or at this point the team would’ve eventually called you their manager. often there to aid and help whenever needed so you stumbled by the gym many times to either drop something off for one of the members or coaches.
❀ always teasing and flirting with you, which wasn’t such an out-of-character of him. knowing him to be the master of provocation. but often when you weren’t there, he would start talking about you. unconsciously sometimes.
❀ which gave a big sign of his feelings, especially through Kenma. it wasn’t so hard to see, but you were dense and oblivious over it.
❀ he knew you liked him back eventually, seeing how you haven’t turned him down with any of his teases accompanied with the slight blush on your face each time. you were just too shy to say anything about it.
❀ he was aware that you were very shy and introverted. always seeing you staying back or infront of crowds in the hallway and avoided them at all costs. being observant he took note of it.
❀ always managing to catch you away from people or just a little people in the area, he used that time to talk to you more privately.
❀ you both began to get to know each other pretty well each time.
❀ exchanging interests and moments you’ve had in your life. often making you giggle at his silly retorts and remarks, funny moments of his teams and others. he was genuinely seeing a new side of you.
❀ never really seeing you smile brightly and laugh without holding back. it felt surreal and a literal dream.
❀ “Hey, y/n, have you dated anyone yet?” Kuroo looked over at you, eyes staring in curiosity with his common sly smirk.
❀ “I-.. uhh.. n-not yet?” you nervously laughed, messing with the sleeve of your nekoma track jacket.
❀ “Well then.. do you have a crush?” he continued on. 
❀ “O-oh.. Ye-yeah! He probably won’t like me b-back though..” you murmured.
❀ “Wait- He!?”
❀ “H-hey,, Kuroo! Keep y-your voice down please..!!” you playfully punched his shoulder in return he faked an ‘ow’ “..b-but.. yes.. i like a guy.. h-he’s popular so i doubt he would like me b-back.” you looked up at him with a weak smile, hoping to not seemed phased by it.
❀ “Ahhh.. why’s that then.” his curious tone turned stern, tilting his head into his palm so it rested comfortably. “hmmm~?”
❀ “Oh.. w-well.. he’s popular with the girls.. a lot of them a-actually. I bet he l-likes them more than me.. girls are b-better for him anyways...”
❀ “What if they weren’t? He could be gay.. or bisexual... or pan and all that jazz y’know y/n?”
❀ “Thats true.. what about you kuroo-san?” you took a sip of water from your bottle aside of your thigh. 
❀ “I have a crush too of course. And its actually you.”
❀ you choked on the water, coughing out a reply, “w-wait you.. you like me.. me- back?!” you only looked at him with disbelief, coughing slightly still.
❀ Kuroo only laughed at your off-guard reaction, “K-kuroo!! I-it’s not funnyyy..!” you whined, covering your face with your jacket. “hhhh.. g-god damnit..”
❀ after a few moments it went silently, peeking your eyes out from your hidden position Kuroo pecked your forehead. Suddenly aside of you, entwining his hand with yours.
❀ “Of course I like you back~ I want you to be my boyfriend you softie.” 
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texanredrose · 3 years
Prep and Goth
Day 1: Enemies to Lovers/Secret Library Time
Weiss stared at the clock, mentally urging the second hand to move faster. The transition between this period and the next always took the longest- or at least it felt like time slowed down around this point in the day. She hated how the end of the period never caught her off guard; she was always keenly aware of the clock, with her work done and backpack already packed and ready for her to leave the classroom. She was usually the first one out the door.
“Hey, if I give you five lien, could you get me a redbull?”
“No, Ruby; for the last time, I don’t have a release period next, I’m a library aide.”
“Oh, come on, everyone knows you just show up, sign in, and disappear!” Her fellow senior slumped in her seat. “It’s not like you’re going to get in trouble! Ms. Goodwitch knows you ditch and she doesn’t say anything!”
How she’d become friends- perhaps even best friends- with the school’s most energetic track star was beyond her; it involved an ill fated chemistry lab and the fire department but, honestly, she couldn’t remember specific details beyond that. While Weiss would love to say she merely put up with and tolerated Ruby, the truth was that she still hadn’t entirely adjusted to the concept of having someone who would be with her through thick and thin. She was being… persuaded to open up to the young woman but she still kept more secrets than she probably should from her best friend.
“I swear, Ruby Rose, if you keep spreading such slander about my character, I’ll be forced to take drastic action!” She tore her gaze away from the clock to glare at the woman. “I do not skip class!”
Rolling her silver eyes, Ruby rested her head on her desk and groaned. “Just because you’re the Valedictorian doesn’t mean you have to be perfect, Weiss. No one’s going to care if you ditch one period.”
“I care!” The bell rang a moment later and she forgot about the argument entirely as she quickly grabbed her pack and fast walked to the door.
The walk from her class to the library was a blessedly short one, made slightly longer by classmates and underclassmen getting in her way as other students emerged into the hallway for the passing period. A cold glare managed to persuade some of them to move but not all of them- those blessedly ignorant few she stepped around or nearly barreled through if she could get away with it. It probably contributed to her reputation of being a vicious, cut throat type of person like her sister but her patience had worn too thin and she needed to get to the library.
A few steps from her goal, a hand suddenly landed on her shoulder and spun her around, and only two people in the whole school would dare put their hands on her like that, and only one of them for no good reason. “YANG-”
“Calm down, Princess, this’ll be quick, promise!” With hands on Weiss’ shoulders, she guided them away from the throng of students to a small alcove next to the library doors. “Just got something I need to say real quick.”
“What could you possibly have to say to me?” Weiss scowled at the blonde, annoyed that she seemed to get taller every time they talked, and crossed her arms over her chest. “Last I checked, I didn’t have anything to do with the girls’ basketball team. Or the weightlifting team. Or the boxing team. Or-”
Yang clapped her hands together in front of Weiss’ face, smiling that do-you-really-think-they’ll-expel-me smile of hers. “Hey, do me a favor? Drop the frigid bitch act for, like, five minutes, okay? Because I really don’t have the time for it; if you wanna go toe-to-toe in the bitch-out-lypmics, we can schedule that another time, but right now, I need to have a serious talk with you. It’s about Blake.”
At the namedrop, her blood ran cold and her heart lodged in her throat, eyes growing wide as a genuine tendril of fear began taking root in her chest. “Is she okay?”
“Well, that depends,” Yang replied, looking around at their classmates walking past without paying them any mind. “Look. I don’t get it, okay, the whole secret girlfriends thing, I don’t even know how you two got together… but what I do know is that Blake deserves better than someone who’s ashamed of her-”
“Don’t you dare put words in my mouth,” she hissed, worry turning to fury in the blink of an eye. “I’m not ashamed to be dating Blake. If it was safe, everyone would know!”
“Yeah, can you define ‘safe’ for me in this context? Because I’m having a real hard time convincing Blake you’re being sincere when you don’t want anyone knowing the two of you are dating.”
“You know we’re dating!”
“Because I refuse to let things go and I knew she was acting weird!” Yang growled in frustration, fingers flexing as if she was seriously debating throttling Weiss. “Listen, I figured it out and I bullied her into telling me weeks ago, but not even Ruby knows beyond that. Not a fan of keeping secrets but I’ll do it for a friend. Now, answer my question, please, because with the rest of the school convinced you two hate each other, this whole ‘don’t tell anyone we’re dating thing’ is clear as mud, and it’s really starting to get to her.”
Weiss’ shoulders fell as she looked away, her anger abating in the face of the situation presented to her. “It’s… complicated.”
“Then uncomplicate it for me.” Yang made a gesture with one hand. “Just give me a straight answer!”
“I can’t!” She stamped her foot, speaking before she could think about her word choice. “I can only give you a gay answer!”
Yang stared at her for a long moment. “So, that’s what Blake meant when she said you have the worst sense of humor.”
“I’m done with this conversation-”
Yang grabbed her arm and stopped her, expression turning serious. “Listen, you don’t wanna talk to me? Fine. But talk to Blake. If you really care about her, she deserves to hear that.”
As the blonde stepped away, the bell rang, making both of them late- not that it would matter. Ms. Goodwitch wouldn’t count her late and even if she did, a single tardy wouldn’t be much of a blemish on her record. There was a time when it would’ve bothered her but she’d grown past that a few years ago; perfection was, in some sense, in the eye of the beholder. Blake would notice, though, and she hurried to the library to keep her ‘secret girlfriend’ from worrying.
When she got to the library, she dropped her bag behind the counter and signed in, highly aware that Blake was somewhere among the rows reshelving books. 
The librarian gave her a small nod. “I presume you have good reason for being late but don’t make a habit of it.”
“Of course, Ms. Goodwitch.” With that, she grabbed a few leftover books that needed reshelving and went into the stacks to reshelve them. As soon as she was far enough away from the front desk, she spoke in a soft voice that Blake would be able to hear regardless. “Blake? I’m sorry I’m late.”
“Is everything alright?” She’d long ago grown accustomed to the faunus’ silent steps, which really shouldn’t be possible given the amount of glistening chains and bits of metal hung from her ensemble but it was one of those things Weiss had accepted about Blake at first and had grown to admire. “It’s not like you to be late.”
“I… got pulled into a conversation.” She debated, briefly, if she should mention who the conversation was with but ultimately decided against it. Yang would likely bring it up herself at some point but she didn’t want the distraction at present. “Blake… you know I care about you, right?”
“Yes, Weiss, and I care about you, too,” she replied, her voice holding that special lilt that Weiss used to think was snideness. Now, she recognized it as a gentle sort of teasing and, sometimes, a deflection. “What brought this on?”
“I’ve been thinking about some things… and I find myself curious about some… other things.”
“Truly, you have a way with words.”
“I’m trying to be serious!” Weiss whined, putting a hand to her head as she tried to think of a way to word what she wanted to say. In the next moment, Blake stepped up and wrapped her arms around her waist, resting her chin on Weiss’ shoulder in a silent show of support. This was, partly, where they differed, because even when words escaped Blake, the faunus could somehow find a way to convey what she needed; Weiss, in contrast, simply clammed up entirely if she didn’t begin insulting whoever was nearest. “You know the only reason we’re not dating publicly is because of my family, right? That, the moment I turn eighteen and gain access to my funds, I’ll shout it from the rooftops… right?”
Blake took a step back but one hand lingered on Weiss’ hip, a soft assurance that she wasn’t leaving but that they should probably have a conversation like this face-to-face. When she turned around, she searched shining amber eyes and found a touch of disbelief hiding there. “I’ll admit, I didn’t think it was the only reason.”
“It really is…” Weiss sighed, running a hand through her bangs in frustration. “I… I don’t know how to prove it, I don’t know if there’s anything I could say or do that would, but… I don’t want you thinking that I’m ashamed of dating you… that’s… that’s the furthest from the truth.”
Feline ears flicked towards one end of the row and both of them quickly focused on shelving the few books that remained as a group of students went back to one of the study rooms. Once the coast was clear, Blake sighed heavily. “I told Yang to drop it.”
“She’s trying to help.” Begrudgingly, she continued. “Ruby’s the same way. They meddle when they can but they have the best of intentions.”
“Still… she wasn’t too… forceful, was she?”
“She only threatened to throttle me, so no, she wasn’t too forceful.” Weiss tilted her head. “And, arguably, she has a salient point. I… I perhaps took it for granted that you would… that I made my feelings about you clear to you.”
Blake ducked her head, her ears flicking back briefly to blending into midnight black hair. As per her usual, the faunus was bedecked in all black save for the silver of the chains hanging from her pants and the snake bite piercings on her bottom lip. Whenever they were making out, Weiss found that flicking either of the piercings with her tongue would always result in a soft groan from Blake.
“So… when you turn eighteen…basically, when we graduate?” Blake took a step forward. “That’s… a long time to be a secret from everyone.”
“Well… not from everyone. Yang knows.”
“Uh huh.”
“And Ruby will know… when I tell her…”
“Right.” Blake came a bit closer. “I guess that means we won’t be going to prom together.”
Weiss raised a brow, then caught onto what her girlfriend was doing, a smile tugging at her lips. “You? Go to prom?” A soft chuckle. “I thought you said you wouldn’t be caught dead at… what was it you called it? A useless party for empty headed idiots?”
“And a waste of money. I said that, too.” Blake stopped just a hair’s breadth away and very nonchalantly shelved a book just behind Weiss’ shoulder. “But you’ve got a crown to win, right? Prom Queen to go with your other honors?”
“There’s only one crown that I care to claim,” she replied, reaching up to bury her hand in midnight locks between the faunus’ ears and pulling her down into a kiss. Normally, they didn’t indulge in such outside of Ms. Goodwitch’s office, which the librarian granted them access to once they’d reshelved all the books. If she suspected what they did in there, she remained silent, probably because while reshelving the books they would also fix what other aides did incorrectly and she appreciated the help more than she cared to curtail PDAs.
The kiss didn’t last too long- just long enough to drive her point home- but the look in amber eyes almost made her too weak to move.
Weiss gathered her courage. “I do love you, Blake.”
Not ‘care about’, not ‘fond of’, not any other arrangement of words she’d used over the past year to describe how she felt. Fear that caring too much would make her careless had prevented her from saying the words before. Now, though, she couldn’t go another moment without Blake understanding exactly how much she cared.
After the shock passed, Blake smiled softly, ears canting forward. “I love you too, Weiss.”
It took a moment for them to part but they returned to the counter and finished reshelving the books.
“Do you think I’d look good in black?”
Hi, yes, please join me in picturing Blake as a late 90′s/early 00′s goth girl.
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hartigays · 3 years
I’m laughing thinking about Ward going through the 5 stages of grief after learning Rafe has a boyfriend
ward cameron when rafe tells him he’s a raging homosexual:
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fic under the cut!!
the dinner table is silent, save for the noises of forks and knives clinking against porcelain.
rafe stares down at his steak, mouth watering but refusing to eat it. he has plans later, after all, and steak is not kind to his bowels, despite how delicious it may be going down.
his bowels do not need to be in a twist for what’s in store for him later.
barry would probably murder him in the front yard of his trailer - it has been a week since they’ve been able to see each other, after all. and as barry had so eloquently put it on the phone earlier, rafe needs to be prepared to be “taken down to pound town, back around, and down again”.
not like anyone at the table needs to know this, but rafe imagines he’ll get questions soon enough about his lack of enthusiasm towards his meal.
almost as if she could read his mind, rose fixes rafe with a calculating look and asks, “rafe, why aren’t you eating? that’s a perfectly good steak, i don’t want it going to waste.”
going to waste, rafe thinks with an internal snort. everything in this house goes to waste - it’s just part of living on figure eight. everything is disposable, everything is replaceable.
“rafe, eat your steak,” ward insists with a sigh, not looking up from his plate. “i’m not in the mood tonight.”
in the mood for what, rafe has no idea. ward is acting like rafe is a fussy 4-year-old who he has to constantly battle with to eat his peas, when in reality ward couldn’t give less of a shit about what rafe does or says or eats on a daily basis, so long as it’s not making the family look bad.
the thought alone has rafe gritting his teeth, glaring across the table at his sorry excuse for a father.
“i’m not hungry,” rafe lies, folding his arms across his chest.
ward sighs again, like this 2-second conversation has pained him greatly, still not looking up. “i’m not arguing with you, rafe. eat the damn steak or leave the table. no one is in the mood for your sulking.”
rafe makes a face, then rolls his eyes. “i’m not sulking. but whatever, i have to be somewhere anyway.”
he scoots his chair back, ignoring sarah eyeing him warily from the seat adjacent to his.
“be somewhere? it’s almost nine,” rose questions. she raises her brows at rafe expectantly.
rose is looking at him like the stern stepmother she pretends to be, acting like she actually gives a shit where rafe is going, when the question was really only asked to ensure that whatever rafe is doing, it won’t reflect poorly on everyone else.
never mind that rafe is nearly 20 years old and can go wherever he pleases. he’s also gotten sick of this notion that every move he makes will somehow make them all look bad and tear the family apart. despite the fact that sarah is the one who’s openly dating a pogue, one who’s basically a walking red flag.
barry may live on the cut, but at least he doesn’t brand himself the king of pogueland.
rafe narrows his eyes at rose before making a split-second decision.
“well, my boyfriend gets off work late, so yeah. i have somewhere to be at nine,” rafe says offhandedly, like it’s no big deal, like everyone already knew he was a massive fruit who’s been on his knees for his local coke dealer for the past six months.
the sounds of silverware clattering onto plates fills the room, and rafe feels ridiculously satisfied with himself for getting a reaction. he loves to see these idiots squirm.
he’d rather see them all choke on rat poison, but barry is insistent that he won’t continue fucking rafe if he goes off and kills his whole family.
barry is lucky rafe loves him, because honestly, not being allowed to murder people who irritate him is kind of a buzzkill.
“you- who- your what?” ward sputters, the first to break the heavy silence.
“my boyfriend,” rafe repeats slowly, enunciating, treating ward like he’s the stupid, petulant child he constantly claims rafe is.
rafe watches ward’s face go from pale, to pink, to violently red. there’s a set to his jaw and rafe just knows ward would give anything to leap across the table and wring rafe’s neck right this very moment.
“no, nope, absolutely not,” ward snaps, furious in his denial. “not my son. no.”
“ward- ” rose starts, but ward cuts her off with a swift wave of his hand.
“do you realize how this will look for us if anyone finds out?” ward spits, holding his fork in a white-knuckle grip.
sarah actually speaks up on rafe’s behalf, which is probably the most shocking reaction rafe has gotten so far.
“dad, come on. it’s 2021,” she says with a sigh, shaking her head. “besides, rafe being gay is probably one of the only good things about him. or, wait, are you bi? or gay?”
sarah questions rafe casually, like this information doesn’t come as any kind of shock to her. rafe makes a mental note to revisit that later, along with her comment about it being one of his only good traits. she’s looking at him almost in earnest, and for a brief moment rafe is transported back to a time when he actually liked his sister.
“not that it’s any of your business,” rafe starts, glancing at her, “but i’m gay. thanks for asking. anyway, like i said, i have somewhere to be, so- ”
“not a big deal?” ward hisses, cutting him off, clearly still stuck on sarah’s surprising defense of rafe’s sexuality. “not a big deal? sarah, it’s- no, see? no. we aren’t talking about this.”
Despite his own declaration, Ward continues, “what about all those girls? all those girls you hung around with? the ones you brought around? you know you can still have them over from time to time. i know we talked about respect and responsibility, but i suppose a man does need to let loose every now and then, and if it’ll help- ”
this time, rafe is the one to cut ward off, not in the mood for his pathetic attempt at bargaining.
“dad. dad. i’m gay,” rafe says firmly. “forget about the girls. it wasn’t what you thought.”
ward opens and closes his mouth several times, trying to form some sort of coherent response. then, he buries his face in his hands, groaning.
“why is it always something with you, rafe?” ward mumbles through his hands, sounding defeated. “can we not just have one day? one day without your life overshadowing everything we’ve worked towards?”
rafe rolls his eyes at ward’s dramatics. “how does me liking dick ruin anything for this family?”
“rafe, wheezie is right here!” rose admonishes. wheezie just chokes on her water, refusing to meet anyone’s eyes.
“sorry, wheeze,” rafe tells her, feeling only a little bad. “but i’m just saying. half the guys on figure eight go both ways. it’s seriously not a big deal.”
ward finally looks up at rafe, crossing his arms before staring for a long stretch. long enough that rafe starts to turn to go, itching to get away and back to the one person who doesn’t make him want to rip his hair out.
“fine,” ward finally says just as rafe turns on his heel. “fine. but don’t- don’t expect me to meet him. or like him. and for the love of god, don’t bring him to important events. whoever he is, he’s bound to draw attention.”
that’s very, very true. and rafe has every intention of dragging barry to the next auction or gala or what the fuck ever, clad in one of his stupid sleeveless t-shirts and basketball shorts and his hair in a messy, tangled bun - the whole nine yards.
he’s dying to see the look on ward’s face when he shows up to some black-tie event with barry the cocaine king slash dirty mechanic slash army vet in tow.
“so is that it?” rafe asks, sounding bored even to his own ears. “can i go now?”
ward still looks like he wants to slam his head through the nearest window, but he nods. accepting the truth that rafe has forcibly laid out before him, albeit reluctantly.
rafe nods back, turning and walking away with his hands stuffed in his pockets, whistling a tune that’s far too cheerful given the looks on everyone’s faces as he exits the dining room.
his favorite is ward’s, still looking angry and defeated and resigned to his acceptance of rafe’s preferences all at once. rafe hops onto his motorbike, yanking on his helmet with a smile.
barry will be proud of him, he thinks. not only did he finally come out to his family, but he also didn’t feed them rat poison during the process.
baby steps. he’s taking them one at a time, very carefully, and he thinks that’s something at least.
maybe barry will reward him for his efforts, rafe wonders, just before revving his bike to life and speeding off the property.
rafe deserves a reward, in his own personal opinion. and after all, his opinion is the only one that matters, really.
maybe barry’s, too, but only when it suits rafe. if that happens to be more often than rafe would care to admit, well. that’s between him and Jesus.
the night air is cool as it whips around him, and rafe looks forward to the warmth of barry and his shitty little trailer, not sparing a single thought about the mess he just left in his wake.
rafe presses harder on the gas, heading towards home.
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pokesplendor · 3 years
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carmela’s team from my pokemon shield playthrough! not as happy with this bunch... info beneath the cut!
Graves - Inteleon - she/he - lesbian White - cis woman - age 30
Graves came from a very unconventional background prior to entering into the League circuit. Having raised since she was young by Interpol for undercover operations, she was there and experienced things a child shouldn’t for the sake of ‘justice.’ Who’s justice is really to question in this situation, as she never had a say. It’s only once she reached legal age did she take a ‘vacation’ and decide to try the league. That’s where she re-encountered Ella, who she had met on the job in the Champion’s guard. She uses her combat skills she gained from her rigorous upbringing, which you’d think would cause her to dominate the field, but that isn’t the case. She’s actually fairly bad at it. 
She has a bit of a problem interacting with others. She was trained in how to act natural, friendly, and unassuming, but she doesn’t know how to not act. What’s Graves’ personality? Well, she’s a crybaby whenever she’s alone. Little things upset her, her anxiety ramps up her paranoia, and she keeps it all saved beneath the surface until she’s alone and then she cries. Other than crying in her off time, she’s a voracious reader, and particularly likes poetry.
If Graves could ever be honest with herself, she’d admit she’s fallen for Ella quite hard. That bright ball of sunshine brought a smile to her face in a way she hadn’t experienced before. But she wasn’t able to voice her feelings, and Ella is now sadly taken. She’s also a poor leader, along with a poor battler, and she doesn’t garner much respect from her team. She’s often spoken over by Crusher.
Crusher - Sirfetch’d - she/her - lesbian White - cis woman - age 34
Crusher likes to think she’s a gallant, chivalrous knight that leaves women quaking with soaked undies are her arrival and her deep, rusty voice sends shivers up their spine when she announces herself, and she’d like to think that everyone wants her around, but she’s wrong. She butted her way into Graves’ team, seeing its lack of, well, many things, leadership, power, attractiveness… They obviously would benefit from her accompaniment. She didn’t care what they had to say, she was going to be on their team and they were going to worship her for what she brings to the table. She’d like to think she’s wanted, but honestly, not very much so.
As if it wasn’t evidence enough, Crusher is extremely up her own ass, overconfident, and unfortunately, with enough power to back up her words. She’s a demon on the field, knocking enemies out with a single sweep sometimes. She works out on the regular, and doesn’t wear armor to show off her many (sexy) battle scars. Otherwise, she’s into collecting antique tea sets and little glass kittens to display back home. Her house is full of them.
Crusher likes to think (man she likes to think a lot of things) that everyone on the team is slightly in love with her, when she is tolerated at best. Goliath likes her, but Goliath likes everyone. He spots for her when they’re working out together, and she respects him for his strength. She’s especially hard on Thrasher and Maverick for not pulling their weight until they evolved, citing them as a weakness.
Goliath - Grimmsnarl - he/they - gay Japanese - nonbinary - age 21
Goliath hails from the Glimmwood Tangle, from quite a large and loving family, but he got it in his head that he had to see the world beyond the forest clearing, he wanted to see where all the people braving its endless maze to reach the gym were about, he wanted to know! A regular yearning princess wishing to see what’s beyond her tower she’s been trapped in. And this is the family business Matilda had to leave her swamp for, bringing his ass home. She got there a little too late, however, already picked up by Graves’ group and registered into gym fights. He couldn’t leave! He made a promise to help! And look at his cool new friends.
When not spent daydreaming about adventures he could be having, he likes to keep in shape. His family home requires constant upkeep, lest the magical wood overgrows anything manmade within a few days. He likes to read, despite struggling with it due to his dyslexia, and he hopes to write his own book one day about what he’s experienced, he wants to have an adventure worth filling a book with. He’s a very positive lad, a happy one, who tries to share the happiness with those around him.
Goliath is still young, but he’s pretty sure about who he is as a person, he knows where he stands on morals, and her own identity as well. He’s chivalrous and kind, always trying to get the team to work together and get along. It has varying results. Grievous loves to mother him, and he likes to think he’s pals with Graves. Despite being younger, he tries to protect Thrasher and Maverick.
Blitz - Centiscorch - she/her - queer White - cis woman - age 33
Blitz, like Graves, was raised by Interpol for infiltration and undercover work. Unlike Graves, however, while the Inteleon was sanded down to being a weak, anxiety-ridden mess, it only strengthened Blitz’ nerves of steel, causing her to become cold and calculating. She only joined the League circuit because she had a mandated vacation following losing her leg from the knee down, and she didn’t want to get rusty on her skills. Not to mention she saw Graves attempting to lead and failing at it and thought she’d stick around to demean her for her lack of anything worthy of use for Interpol’s workings.
She doesn’t have many hobbies, she likes working out, staying fit, and occasionally cooking some ultra healthy superfood, but it’s not like cooking is her passion. She doesn’t understand why people think you need to have a life outside of your work, she’s perfectly happy to just always be on the job and do as it demands. She smokes, but only the occasional cigarette so as to not negatively affect her health. She’s a woman of few loves, few words, and she thinks that’s just fine.
Blitz scoffs when the team tries to have any sort of ‘get to know each other’ exercise. It’s never in good faith, and just ends in disaster so she tries to avoid it. Grevious tries to mother her on occasion, for whatever reason, she never had a mother and she doesn’t want one, so she doesn’t understand why her face gets flushed and hands get sweaty when the dragon’s around.
Maverick - Corviknight - she/her - lesbian White - trans woman - age 32
Maverick is a failed knight from olden times; she was sealed in a tomb in the slumbering weld with her previous king as a way to protect him in the next life, only to be revived by Graves and Ella exploring the area. Being awoken in modern times, she had a lot to learn and get used to, part of it being her king is no more. The body is gone, and the tomb ransacked. She failed, and this weighs heavy on her shoulders through the journey. She agreed to follow Graves, sensing a nobility to her, Ella already having Thomasin by her side while Graves had no one. She is skilled in battle, if not unsure of herself due to her failings during both in the past, and while she was asleep.
She holds herself to high standards, almost impossible for her to meet, but no one else. She does not expect others to keep up her strict training regime, it is for her alone to shoulder the burden of being known as a failure. Despite that statement, Crusher constantly challenges her, and they’re often sparring with one another. In her off time, she enjoys weaving and is learning the modern trades of ‘sewing’ and ‘crochet.’ She enjoys making clothes for herself and others.
Her strict lifestyle doesn’t give her many moments to herself or to consider her feelings for others. She dedicates herself to a cause and thinks of little else. However she enjoys Grevious’ company. She does notice the occasional stares from others, such as Thomasin from Ella’s team, and she wonders what it could mean. Does she resent her for not joining Ella? It seemed only fair at the time.
Grevious - Dragapult - she/her - bi Vietnamese - trans woman - age 45
The ghost of a test pilot that went down during a new dirigible’s trial run over Galar. Her body was never found, believed to be incinerated by the blast, and her spirit has hung on to the area as she never got a proper burial. Graves, hearing her plight, followed her to her remains, giving her the burial she deserved. Freed from her prison, she was free to pass on, but she denied doing so, she had to repay Graves for her service. And so, she was conscripted to the gym challenge, one she had seen many travelers pass by speaking of such a thing and she was always curious just what exactly it was. She had heard things of course, but nothing is better than first hand experience.
Grievous is a very noble person, but not too stuffy either. She loves a good joke, she loves puns, and she loves giving people a good fright with her ghostly status. It’s all in good fun, she’d never do anything malicious or something that would genuinely harm others! She loves to fly, she had always loved to fly, and dying didn’t exactly rob her of that love. Now she can do it without a plane! She spent so long as spirit, she kind of forgot what having hobbies is like, and she’s trying new things!
She’s a very motherly person, and, being the oldest of the group, feels very maternal towards all the young little ones around her. She’s particularly concerned for Graves and Blitz upon hearing around their upbringing. That’s no way to treat a child! She does her best to tend to the others of the group. Though she would be lying if she didn’t say that Crusher pushed her buttons more than once.
Thrasher - Obstagoon - they/them - lesbian Black - transmasc nonbinary - age 24
Thrasher comes from a foster home full of wayward kids who grew up on the downward spiral of life, and they themselves weren’t an exception. Originally from Spikemuth, they never knew their parents and their foster home travels were rough. No one seemed to want to keep them, and at one point they got sick of it and ran away from home. They ran and ran and never looked back, and found a job working in the professor’s lab in Postwick. They didn’t ask them where they were from, nor tried to contact anyone else, so it was good for them. They met Graves early into their gym circuit and decided to join her to perform some field work for the professor.
They’re quite down on themselves, never feeling like they’ll accomplish anything of worth. They couldn’t be a good child, they’re not a good battler, it took them a while to come into their own, and Crusher needling them constantly didn’t help. In their spare time, they play guitar and sing covers of existing songs. They don’t have a knack for writing, just another thing they fail at. It’s been a tough life, and they stumble along the way constantly trying to get to a better tomorrow.
Thrasher is a shy sort when it comes to their feelings, they haven’t been engendered into showing their vulnerable side to others. And Graves’ group isn’t exactly what you’d call family. But it’s a nice change of pace and they almost feel… wanted. And Grevious is a nice addition to their life. To have such a motherly person doting on them is, well, a dream come true.
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thecatprince · 4 years
How to say I love you without ever saying it at all
Read on AO3
Summary:  I love you. Virgil has always struggled with saying those words. Roman has been hurt by them one too many times. However some things don't need to expressed through words.
Pairings: Prinxiety
Warnings: Slight Janus and Patton negativity (Janus moreso than Patton), roman is very angsty, i think that is about it!
Authors Notes: Another Post-POF/FWSA Prinxiety fic? You’d better believe it! (This is the only thing I know how to write now aalhdjhakfjadhf) This is a little different from my usual style of writing, so I hpe you enjoy! If you like this fic then please leave a comment or reblog as that makes my day! 
I love you.
Virgil had always struggled with saying those words. Something about the weight of them and what they meant and implied, felt too much and tended to cause him anxiety. He opted to show his feelings instead, showing his love and care through actions, doing and saying other things that help to convey his emotions towards others.
I love you, he said as he hung out with Patton, talking about feelings and eating cookies. I love you, he said as he listened to Logan talk about the latest book he had read. I love you, he said as he sat with Roman, allowing the creative side to do his makeup and paint his nails, talking about Disney and swapping nicknames as they did so. He never said any of those things out loud, but he always felt it, and he knew they knew.
I love you. Roman hated those words. He had once loved them, the way they sounded, the way it provided a sense of warmth, the weight of them and how they could easily express want, comfort, support, friendship and, well, love. That was, until those words had been weaponised.
“Oh Roman, you know I love you.”
Those words were cold, slippery, smooth and hurtful. Roman knew love, one of his functions was literally romantic love, and this wasn’t it. No one who loved someone would hurt them this way, poke at their insecurities, build them up just to knock them down, use them and then leave them in the dust. To Roman, those words coming from his mouth sounding meaningless. Cold. Fake. Sharp. Those words hurt.
Roman desperately wanted to believe Patton when he said he loved him. He wanted to run into Patton’s arms, have Patton hold him while he cried, comfort him with cookies and a smile. But Patton had stood by. He had let this happen. He had moved forward, understood everything quicker than Roman, had hurt Roman and then left him behind. He wanted to believe Patton loved him, but he didn’t even say anything while Janus stood there and tore him down.
“We love you kiddo.”
“You know I love you.”
Those words, used again and again, with no real proof of any actual meaning. Roman wanted to believe them, believe that they loved him and that he was loveable, but when he heard those words all he could think about was how much they had hurt him.
Roman had sunk out and had barely made it to his room before he broke down, shaking as sobs wracked his body, feeling weak, fragile and broken. He had felt useless, worthless, wrong and hurt. He had felt more alone than ever, used, broken and left behind by everyone who had said they had loved him.
Except for Virgil.
Virgil and Roman had never really gotten along in the past, often at each other’s throats, there desires conflicting in almost every scenario. But, slowly and gradually, they grew closer. It started small, talking about neutral topics like Disney or favourite foods, teasing each other in a friendly manner, and then slowly talking about bigger issues, what they wanted, their goals in life. They started to hang out, spend hours doing each other’s makeup and watching The Nightmare Before Christmas so much they could recite it by heart. And in the midst of the chaos, the pain and the insecurity Roman was feeling, Virgil came and helped him.
Virgil had seen the signs. The way Roman put up a wall of dramatics and theatrics to hide his insecurities, the way he insulted people to drive them away, the way he made fun of things he loved to lessen the pain when others did it, the way he continuously and repeatedly got pushed down, brushed off, manipulated and made mistakes. Virgil had seen the hurt in his eyes when someone rejected an idea of his. He had seen Roman flinch whenever Janus spoke. He had seen the raw pain and heartbreak in his face when he found Roman after Janus’ acceptance, seen the broken shell of a side who was formerly strong and proud and brave.
And Virgil knew. He knew that he had to save Roman. Because he had been down that path. He had thought no one had loved him, that they didn’t care or hated him, that they didn’t need him, or were better off without him. He could see Roman going down the same path and knew it was only a matter of time before Roman was gone.
So when Virgil found Roman alone in his room, body shaking as he cried, looking broken and weak, Virgil knew he needed to try and save him. He loved Roman, and he couldn’t stand to lose him, not after they had come so far. Virgil felt a need to protect him, to hold him and save him from the pain.
I love you, he told Roman as he held him close as he cried. I love you, he said as he rubbed circles on Roman’s back, gently wiping the tears from his cheeks. I love you, he thought, as he listened to Roman talk about everything he was feeling and thinking, knowing that he was only scratching the surface and that there was so much Roman was hiding. I love you, he said as he whispered words of comfort to the broken figure in his arms, holding him as close to his chest as he could, afraid that if he let go Roman would just break apart and disappear. “I’m here for you.” I love you. “It’s okay.” I love you. “You matter to me.” I love you. “I’m not leaving you.” I love you. “You’re my hero.” I love you. “You are amazing.” I love you. “You deserve so much love and happiness.” I love you. “You matter.” I love you. “I care about you.” I love you.
Roman had eventually fallen asleep, and Virgil had stayed the night, as if needing to protect him from every invisible force that could hurt him as he slept. And he never left. Day after day he stuck by Roman’s side, helping him pick up all the broken pieces of his life, sharing all of their scariest and darkest thoughts and all of times they felt worthless, useless, unwanted, unloved. Day by day they grew closer and closer, and slowly, gradually, naturally, Virgil found himself falling in love with Roman. He had always loved Roman, ever since they had all saved him from ducking out, but this was different. Being in love with Roman was warm, gentle, sweet, welcoming and natural.
And every day he showed it. He showed it by listening to Roman bare his soul to him late at night, when things were said that couldn’t be said during daylight. He showed it through staying with Roman for every step of the way, both of them leaning on each other for support and building each other up, piece by piece. He showed it by being there for Roman through the good and the bad, listening to Roman rant about whatever Disney movie, gay cartoon show or musical he was obsessed with at that moment, and comforting him when everything was too much and he broke down crying.
But Virgil could tell that Roman never really understood how much he cared, never really let himself believe that Virgil could care for him. He could see it in the way that Roman’s expression faltered whenever Virgil smiled at him, the way he cautiously smiled back, the corners of his mouth tugging upwards slightly before returning it with a sad grin. He noticed the emotions swimming in Roman’s eyes when he looked at him, the almost raw desperateness and dimming hope, as if almost wanting to believe something but not quite letting himself do so. And every time he noticed it, it broke his heart, but he didn’t give up. He would wait as long as it took for Roman to understand how much he loved him.
And then entered Nico. And Nico, well, he was simultaneously the best and worst thing that had ever happened to Thomas. The best because Nico brought Thomas such a sheer amount of excitement and happiness into his life that he had so desperately needed after the complete clusterfuck that was the wedding/callback situation. The worst because Nico brought change and change was scary. After this point there was no turning back. They were moving forward, into uncharted territory and it scared Virgil, more than anything. Not to mention the pain that they had felt at the last heartbreak, something Virgil wanted to avoid at all costs.
But Roman had looked so heartbroken, and he had gone through so much pain and hardship already, and he was just standing there, looking devastated and resigned. Virgil knew how much Roman wanted this, how much he craved this and how much he deserved it. Because Roman did deserve it. He deserved to be heard, to have happiness, to have his desires and wants and dreams be fulfilled, without being called selfish, bad, wrong, evil. What Roman wanted mattered, and Virgil could hardly stand the way he looked in that moment.
And so Virgil did the only thing he could do. And finally – finally - Roman understood. Roman looked at Virgil, the expression of brokenness and despair he had felt seconds ago morphing into one of disbelief and shock and eventually elation. Roman smiled, truly smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling up as he let out a huff of laughter, evidently over the moon. All Virgil could do was stare as Roman transformed from the broken man he had known to the dashing, lively, passionate prince he had always been. And Virgil knew that Roman understood.
The push, for Roman. A silent I love you.
A hand on his shoulder. That look on his face. The highest of compliments.
I love you too.
 Thanks for reading!! Feel free to leave comments, reblogs or thoughts as that is greatly appreciated!!
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hoekaashi · 4 years
3 am Talks - hq pt 2
a/n: i hope you enjoy these! they take place some time during the time skip or close to when the six years are up. pairings: oikawa x reader, iwaizumi x reader, mattsun x reader, kuroo x reader, kenma x reader warnings: some spoilers, smoking weed taglist: @babydabi​, @suckersuki​, @bakugoustanaccount​, @animoozies​ part 1 | part 3
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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⇾ c o n s p i r a c y t h e o r i e s ⇾ lots of aliens talk ⇾ will try to convince you that he did in fact, see a UFO once ⇾ but also, will complain about the flat ass comments he constant receives ⇾ spills his secret that not even iwa knows - he dropped a shitton of cash to work out with the Kardashian’s personal trainer in hopes to get a nice juicy bubble butt ⇾ spoiler: it didn’t work ⇾ if he’s in a more serious/softer mood, he would talk more about the mistakes he made in the past in regards to his relationships ⇾ friendships or romantic ⇾ a very vulnerable moment for him where he just let’s everything he’s been holding in out
“I swear! I was seven, I went camping with Iwa-chan and his family!” Oikawa was sitting back on his heels with his right hand up, swearing to you. You rolled your eyes. “What, did the aliens abduct you and perform a surgery? You got a nasty scar on you somewhere?” He narrowed his eyes. “I will prove it. I just need to find the picture for you.” “Right. Wait, have you been working out more?” His expression quickly changed from utter disbelief to a smirk. “I have.” “Well, none of it is helping your ass.” He hung his head in defeat. “All that money wasted. I can’t believe I actually thought the Kardashian’s trainer would be able to help me.” “Babe, they’re all plastic and I think that’s the only thing that will help you at this point.” “Every amazing thing about me is natural. Why would I ruin that by enhancing my features unnaturally?” You shrugged. “At least you have that going for you.” “What do you mean ‘at least’?” he asked with air quotes. “I have you, don’t I?” You didn’t expect him to say something like that. “What?” “If you’ve stuck around this long, I must be doing something right. I know I fucked up in the past, but I’m glad you’re so patient with me. It can’t be easy dating someone who only thinks about volleyball.” You smiled softly as he continued. “I want to apologize to Kageyama properly for the way I treated him. And Iwa-chan too. He always had to deal with my bs and that wasn’t his place as my friend.” “Well, he stuck around you all this time, so you must be doing something right too.”
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ since california is 16 hours behind, these talks would be in the middle of the day for one of you until a surprise visit happens ⇾ but usually, it would just consist of the two of you catching up ⇾ in person though, he would talk more about how freeing it is to be in a new place, away from everything that was familiar ⇾ how it feels good not to live in anyone's shadow and just start fresh ⇾ (not that he hated being with oikawa, it was just something new for him) ⇾ but also how he doesn’t want to get left behind in the game of life ⇾ how even his new friends *cough* ushiwaka *cough* is going after his dreams
“So how do you like California?” It was 2 am, you just picked up your boyfriend from the airport and you were heading back home. It was a long drive back which gave you plenty of time to talk. “It’s nice. You’re not there, but other than that, I like it.” “Don’t let Oikawa hear that,” you laughed. Iwa slid down his seat a bit and got comfortable. “It feels so freeing. It’s a new start. No one knows me as the ace of Seijoh or as the guy who’s friends with Oikawa. I enjoy people not assuming I’m gay for my best friend.” Even though he was being serious, you couldn’t help but snort at the comment. After all, you had been one of those people too. “It’s like I hit restart and I’m enjoying every minute of it.” “Do you miss anything though? You sound like you’re really enjoying it there.” “Of course I miss things and people. Even though it’s fun, I do miss Shittykawa’s annoying ass and walking in on Makki and Mattsun getting high. Hell, sometimes I miss not being around all the fangirls. But everyone is moving on with their lives, so I can’t stay stuck in the past.” You hummed to let him know you were still listening. “I refuse to get left behind. Even Ushiwaka is going after his own goals.” “Who would’ve thought you would go to a new country, run into him there, and become friends?” Iwa laughed. “Not me, and definitely not Oikawa. He still brings it up, to this day. It’s been two years and he thinks I’ve replaced him.”
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ high talks ⇾ i feel like he’s not stressed about much that he needs to vent or get something off his chest ⇾ would probably feel free when he’s high - free from being an adult - and would talk about that ⇾ maybe some funny stories from high school ⇾ makes lots of jokes ⇾ but once it hits him, he’ll be talking about deep shit ⇾ talks about life and everyone’s purpose, why we’re here, that sort of shit
“And then Iwa got so annoyed, he just pantsed Oikawa in front of the girl.” You giggled as Mattsun finally got the story right. “So what happened with the girl?” you asked. “I think she died in the spot because she got to see Oikawa in his underwear.” He took another hit of his blunt and blew the smoke out, over his head. “I wonder if he’s enjoying Argentina.” You glanced up at him before turning your attention back to the show neither of you were really watching. “I’m sure he misses you guys.” “I hope he finds his purpose. All that practice to never make it to nationals…” He sighed. “Iwa is studying to be a trainer. Him too. I hope he gets what he wants in life.” “And you?” Mattsun chuckled. “My purpose is to enjoy my time here. There are enough people in the world who are stressing over something or another. I’m here to balance the scale. Can’t have too much stress in the world or the negativity will just take over. That’s me and Makki, we just chilling through life. What's that saying? Que salsa?” “Que sera sera?” “Yeah that one! Oikawa said that to me when we were talking once.” “I’m surprised you remembered it.” “I’m smarter than I appear. I can’t threaten the nerds either. Balancing the scales.”
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ would range from crackhead ideas to deep conversations ⇾ could go from reciting a funny story about kenma to his insecurities in your relationship real fast ⇾ so kuroo is a scorpio and l i t e r a l l y every scorpio I know absolutely sucks ASS at opening up, doesn’t matter what gender ⇾ a part of his insecurities is that you’re constantly trying to get him to open up more and confide in you, but even after knowing him for as long as you have, he barely does ⇾ and it’s not that he doesn’t trust you, it’s just he doesn’t like to feel that vulnerable with anyone ⇾ there would be a lot of thanking you - for being so patient with him, for dealing with his teasing, for accepting his friends, etc ⇾ he doesn’t strike me as someone who enjoys serious conversations too much so if he felt awkward, he would try to make things more light, cue talks about the latest scientific discoveries
The two of you were calming down from a story Kuroo told you about Kenma that happened recently. “I’m sure deep down, he wishes we never became friends.” “It’s not hidden very deep. He texted me that this morning.” Moving closer to Kuroo, you rested your arms on his chest and placed your chin on top of your hands. One of his hands automatically went to card through your hair. Kuroo’s face softened as he took a moment to stare at you. “I’m sorry.” You stared at him confused. “You’ve been with me for so long. I feel like I know your entire life story and your life stories from your last five lives and here I am, unable to even bring up my childhood and family problems. You shouldn’t have to deal with that.” You shrugged slightly. “I mean, yeah it’s pretty annoying but I’ve just come to…” You bit your tongue. “Come to what?” “Come to not expect anything,” you said with a sigh. That caused Kuroo to sit up, making you sit up as well. “Do you really not expect anything from me now?” “Well, not nothing. More like I’m not expecting you to open up. I’m tired of sounding clingy whenever I try to even ask about your day.” He ran a hand through his hair. “You know I never want you to feel like that, right?” You shrugged again. “I just… I don’t know, it’s just hard for me to open up to other people. I guess I’m just used to having someone who understands me without me having to say anything. Vulnerability feels so strange to me so I just try to avoid it when I can.” He took both your hands into his. “I’ll do a better job, I promise. Thank you for being patient with me.”
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ he’s not much of a talker, we all know this ⇾ but if you ask him the right questions (ie. being annoyingly persistent) he’ll talk ⇾ LOTS of appreciation ⇾ very grateful to all the people he’s met in his life and how each one that he holds dear to his heart plays a different role in his life ⇾ how much he cherishes the people he loves ⇾ and then the conversation would turn to you - how much he appreciates you ⇾ let’s be honest, kenma sucks ass at being affectionate, his love language is probably quality time because just knowing that you’re willing to sit with him as he streams is good enough to make his gamer heart happy ⇾ so he would take the time to fully express how much he does love you since he rarely makes it known to you in other ways
“Kenma, how much longer are you gonna play? You have class tomorrow,” you said while he was streaming. Glancing at the time, he told his viewers that he was going to wrap it up for the night and he joined you in bed. You were talking his ear off about the meet up you had with some of your friends and you could see him grow more and more irritated. “Why did you call me to sleep if you were just going to talk.” “Oh. Well, this is the only time I got to be with just you today…” You pulled the blanket higher up on your body and curled into a ball with your back to Kenma. You felt him shift under the covers until you felt his arm wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him. “I’m sorry. Tell me what happened next.” You shook your head. “It’s fine, we can talk in the morning.” He buried his face in your neck, giving you a soft kiss. “I love you. I don’t say that enough. I cherish you even if I don’t show you that. You and Kuroo and Shoyo. All of you are the closest people to me, and I appreciate you all so much for the different ways you’ve helped me.” You placed your hand on top of his and interlaced your fingers. “I love you too.” “How about we have lunch tomorrow? I can cancel the stream at night and we can watch a movie.” “What about the viewers?” “They can survive one night without watching me. I owe you since I’ve been a bad boyfriend.”
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valeriwa · 3 years
kiss me baby
two: objectively speaking
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summary: as the head of the very popular newspaper club, you have decided to heed the advice of the miya twins' fanclub and make a volleyball column. however, your club mutually agreed you'd be the one to gather content and coverage. something that started out as professional and friendly spiral out of hand as blushes rise and hearts race and a bunch of volleyball crazed doofuses think it's time you and mr-i-need-memories get together.
warnings: none
suna rintaro x fem!reader
masterlist || one || two || three
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"and i'm l/n y/n, nice to meet you." you awkwardly bow, your lack of experience in socializing showing. the situation wasn't exactly comfortable either, the volleyball team had stopped mid-practice since the coach insisted you introduce yourselves right now.
ichika was almost hiding behind you, who could blame her? she was in a room with tall, intimidating athletes. her low energy rubbing off on you, you decide to turn to the coach to say it was okay to return to practice.
"coach, we'll be-"
"oh, you both should stay and start on your column and stuff. i was going to cut practice short anyway; the other coach didn't come," he said, shoving his things into a bag.
you stood there, and nodded after realizing that the prolonged silence could be taken as disrespectful.
and he just disappeared, leaving you, ichika and the vbc staring at each other. clearing you throat, you clapped your hands together.
"wanna head to a diner?"
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"thanks sato," you said the waiter who brought your plate of fries and milkshake. he winked at you and mouthed a no problem.
"oh you two know each other?" osamu asked, catching onto the silent gestures.
"not really. staff's happy i brought a bunch of hot, athletic dudes to the diner." you groaned slightly that sato would blow up your phone later.
"oh we're hot?" atsumu smirked, but you didn't miss the dusting of pink on most of the boys. you groaned, hunching over.
"yeah, yeah, objectively speaking. you're not my type miya." you dipped a french fry into the special sauce before eating it, not bothering to look at atsumu's hurt face.
"excuse you, but i'm everyone's type." he puffed out his chest as he said so. you quirk an eyebrow and ignored him.
"kita-san, you have a surprisingly big fanbase. anything you want to say to them?" you asked, taking a sip of the milkshake. at your question, ichika frantically opens her notepad.
"calm down ichika, i'm sure kita-san will wait for you to get ready."
"oh- uh right, sorry," she mumbled, placing the pad and pen on the table for immediate use.
"oh, i didn't know i had a fanbase. but i'd thank them for supporting me?" he answers, obvious surprise on his face. huh he really didn't know.
"dry. moving on, suna, who forced you to cut your bangs like that?" a few people choked, you're not exactly sure who. but now that you look at him, he's kind of cute. objectively speaking, of course.
"myself." despite the indifferent exterior, you could tell he didn't expect your question. good.
"confident, that's nice-" your phone started ringing, and you looked at the contact name and sighed.
"ichika, take over, will you?" she nodded, a little nervous excitement bubbling in her and you took the phone and walked away from the table.
ichika had turned to the libero to make her question who listened intently before answering.
"now's really not a good time," you groaned into the phone, a little conscious of the stare you could feel on your back.
"oh yeah? where are you?" the familiar raspy voice spoke back, you could tell he just woke up.
"out with some people from school- that's not the point, did you call for a reason?"
"he kind of hurt his knee again-"
"that ugly ass piece of shit," you mumbled. however, you were close enough to the table for the team and ichika to hear you.
"oh god- i have to go, see you." and you hung up the phone and trudged back to the table.
"sorry about that, please continue," you gestured to ichika and osamu who was answering whatever her curiosity had urged her to ask.
"you sure?" it was suna. his question didn't really hold any care or concern, rather it was teasing.
"i'll just probably have to go to miyagi," you muttered, taking a way too long sip of your milkshake.
"what?" ichika asked, dropping her notepad and turning to face you. "we can't go on without you." a bit dramatic if you ask me. you took another sip, faced her and grabbed her shoulders.
"itsuki and yuki will be doing most of the work, you don't get to hear me saying you can do better and," you pause and gesture to the table of boys, "you can be the most envied girl in school, interview hot volleyball players even if one does have weird bangs." you swore atsumu snorted at that.
"if i knew any better, i'd say you have a crush on me," suna teased, looking at you with those same sleepy eyes. kind of hot. what- no, he's not hot. okay maybe just a little, objectively speaking.
you rolled your eyes at his comment and gestured towards ichika to continue with questioning right as sato brought another plate of fries. considerably larger this time.
"it's on the house, babe," he looked at you as he said it. oh he wanted to know if anyone here swung the other way. you would've laughed if the tiredness hadn't gotten the best of you.
"uh senpai, do you want to ask anything? i'm done." you sighed and nodded, straightening.
"anybody here gay?"
(sadly they weren't. sato's going to cry.)
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a/n: i'm so sorry! exams suck ass and hopefully i'll be able to give y'all regular updates starting tmr!
taglist: @zeyyackerman @deathfreak45 @lilith412426 @meri-soni-meri-tamanna
(bolded ones i'm unable to tag)
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arminhug · 3 years
hello, pumpkin || annie leonhardt x reader: chapter three
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series masterlist
“How can you have two dads? That’s just weird.”
I absentmindedly tore the crusts from my sandwich, discarding them onto the sodden autumn grass in hopes that some birds would grace us with their presence. It was early into the new school year, and at seven years old, Annie and I had known each other for almost a year, and our nook in the garden remained our daily haunt. Annie, still as aloof and scary to most, but to me, a sweetheart with a soft spot seemingly only for animals, doughnuts, and myself, had told me a story about a girl in her class who had to be taken home by ‘one of her dads’. I, naive to the concept of homosexuality, had questioned how one could have more than one paternal figure, to which my older friend introduced me to the possibility that some people could like the same sex.
“Not really,” Annie shrugged. “Love is already really weird. Why would you not be able to fall in love with another man if you’re a man?”
“But how do they have babies?”
“They don’t.”
“But the girl in your class—“
“She’s adopted.”
I contemplated this idea.
“So if a man and a man can be in love, does that mean a woman and a woman can too?”
“I guess so,” Annie responded nonchalantly. “I’ve never seen two girls in love, though.”
Brazenly, I hugged Annie. “So does that mean we can be two girls in love? Oooh, Annabelle, I love you!” I chirped. I did not quite grasp the weight of what I had said, and presumably, neither did Annie, who smirked and fought off my grabbing hands. We were play fighting, nothing out of the ordinary for two young friends, regardless of gender or sexuality.
“So let me get this straight,” Marco states, snapping my attention back through a decade, sat on the edge of his old twin bed. “The first thing you did when you learned what gay meant was declared that you loved your female friend? I don’t want to jump to conclusions for you, but I think you might be gay.”
I groaned, slamming my face into my hands frustratedly. “I know. I think I’ve known for ages now. I’ve never had a crush on a man in my life, Marco, but I’ve never had a crush on a girl, either. Well, apart from—“
“Apart from Annie?” Marco finishes for me suggestively.
I fall back onto his plaid comforter. “Was it even a real crush? We were children. It’s not like I have any other experience to go off, do I?” Because it’s true. How the fuck are you supposed to know what you are if you’ve only had a puppy crush on a girl from your youth? A girl who you lost when you were eleven years old?
“Are you okay?”
Marco reaches over to my cheek, brushing away a tear that I had not even noticed escape my eye. He lies next to me on his comforter, and we stare at the puckered ceiling, shoulder to shoulder, zero eye contact but the affection we hold for each other sitting comfortably in the familiar atmosphere of his bedroom.
“I miss somebody who I haven’t spoken to in seven years,” I admit ruefully. I know I am crying. Under any normal circumstance, I would be furiously rubbing my under eyes, desperate to remove any evidence of my upset. But it’s Marco. He may not be what my Annabelle and I had, but he is still one of my closest friends. I realise that it may not be the end of the world for somebody whom I love and trust to know the truth. “I miss her every day. I can’t even begin to explain it, because it’s ridiculous. You would have thought that after so many years, so many more wonderful friends, that I would just recall our time together with a sort of nostalgic fondness every now and then, but I can’t. There was something about what Annie and I had. It was a feeling, a sensation that made me feel safe. I love you and the rest of our group, believe me. I would do anything for you guys. But the friendship we have is so different from what I felt. I can still remember every emotion, every touch, exactly how she looked.”
“Oh, Daisy,” Marco starts, his sweet voice laced with sympathy. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea you were carrying all of this with you. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It’s ridiculous. I shouldn’t still be hung up over a childhood friend. Plus, I was nervous to suddenly come out, you know? Stupid, I know, considering you're so comfortable with yourself.”
“Sounds like more than a friend, if you ask me.” He insinuates. Despite his sunny disposition, Marco can be rather snarky when he wants to be.
“Yeah, yeah, crush, friend, whatever. Part of me wants to forget about her, you know? Just start experimenting and figure me out, but I would never want to lose the memories. The time I had with her is worth every moment I have missed her.”
“As sweet and poetic as that is, there’s no reason as to why you can’t start experimenting now. You’re newly eighteen and you will have left this place come September if it goes horribly wrong.”
I laugh dryly. “Thanks. But yeah, I could do that. How does one even go about that, though? I mean, an average looking, sexually ambiguous nerd with no romantic experience isn’t exactly very high in demand on the market.”
Marco sucks his teeth, shaking his head. “Average looking is not a phrase with which I will allow you to describe yourself. Besides, nobody even cares about experience anymore! Believe me, once you go to uni, virginity, body count and all that jazz isn't even relevant." He reassures me, before he turns to his side, warm eyes lighting up with excitement. "I tell you what, let’s go on a night out. We can invite the rest of the gang or it can be just you and me. Sounds good?”
My heart swells with adoration for my friend. He’s really willing to do this for me? “You don’t even like going out, I’m not letting you be uncomfortable for my sake,” I protest, but Marco holds a freckled digit up, presumably to silence me.
“I don’t mind going out. I don’t particularly like staying out ’til 4am, drunk out of my mind, but I can’t imagine you doing that either. Unless you get lucky?” He wiggles his eyebrows, and I jerk my body up, shoving him. “Let’s not get carried away here. Drinks? Sure. But it’s very unlikely I’ll be swept off my feet by a gorgeous stranger and spend the night having bomb ass sex.”
“Not quite what I was thinking, but don’t rule it out! You’re a lovely looking lady, I’m sure you’d have your pick of gorgeous strangers.”
“Ha ha, you’re such a comedian, Marco.” I smirk. “Okay, we’ll go on a big, gay night out. Just the two of us. You better not flake on me for a handsome university student though,” I tease, and he averts his dark gaze. “If we find a cute alt boy with piercings, I can’t make any promises. How does this Friday sound? Get your dancing shoes on, we’ll boogie the night away!” He sits up, jiggling his shoulders in what I can only assume is a butchered version of the shuffle.
My friend is such a nerd sometimes.
“I’m looking forward to it, but fair warning, I will go home if you say boogie at all during the night.”
“How about bop?”
“No way.”
“That’s infinitely worse than boogie!” I howl with laughter.
“How about a boogie, bop, and jive?” Marco relentlessly teases me, jumping to his socked feet and pulling me up by my wrists, crudely dancing with me whilst we both giggle.
“No, no, and certainly not. But I’m looking forward to going out with you.” I conclude.
i am so sorry for the slow updates!! i won't get too into it but i had a bit of bad news and life got very stressful,,, i hope you enjoy this chapter, and please be assured there are more on the way!! thank you for your patience gang <3
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bigender-titan · 3 years
i tripped and ended up falling for you
"Let me finish. I tripped over a box." Raine chuckled. "And then I heard my mom shouting my name, and I panicked, so I opened the box and went in. And then... I wasn't on the Boiling Isles anymore."
"And let me guess. We're going there."
"Of course! You know me so well, Rainstorm."
Content warnings: Food, cursing
Word count: 1780
(read on ao3)
"Eda," Raine complained, a note of teasing in their voice. "This is the third time you've walked me into a tree. Are you sure I have to close my eyes?"
"Yes! Otherwise it doesn't work as a surprise! We're almost there, though, so hopefully your pretty face won't have to be threatened by any more trees." Also, if Raine's eyes were closed, they couldn't see how much Eda was blushing after xe called them pretty. Also, how much xe blushed every time xe remembered they were holding hands.
"Are you normally this- ow- clumsy?"
Yeah, I tripped and ended up falling for you. "Give me a break, I didn't have any apple blood today." Eda swatted a branch out of the way before it could hit Raine, and waved xyr arms enthusiastically. "We're here! You can look!"
"Where is here?" Raine asked, opening xyr eyes. "The middle of the woods?"
"Here's where I found the portal!"
"You found a-"
"It all started when my mom was being- well, you know my mom, she suggested some weird curse treatment as usual, and I did not want to deal with that shit. So I did what any reasonable witch would!"
"Communicate your feelings in a healthy way?"
"Don't be ridiculous. I escaped through the window and ran!"
"That's... not really that surprising."
"And while I was running, I tripped-"
"Also not surprising." Raine had the cutest smile, even when they were teasing xem. It almost made Eda want to do more stupid things, to see their smile again. Though xe was pretty sure xe would do a lot of stupid things accidentally.
"Let me finish. I tripped over a box." Raine chuckled. "And then I heard my mom shouting my name, and I panicked, so I opened the box and went in. And then... I wasn't on the Boiling Isles anymore."
"And let me guess. We're going there."
"Of course! You know me so well, Rainstorm." Xe took the portal out of xyr bag and opened it up. After putting one foot through, xe extended a hand to Raine. "You coming?"
Raine paused. "Is it... safe?"
"Well..." Eda thought about the times xe'd been in the human realm. "No one's tried to eat me, and they have weather that doesn't try to kill you, so we should be good. Close your eyes again- that'll make it more fun!"
Although they still looked slightly unconvinced, they closed their eyes and took Eda's hand in theirs. Xe grinned and tugged lightly until Raine followed xem into the portal.
"You can open your eyes again!" Eda declared when the pair reappeared. Raine obliged and looked around.
"Um, cool. An old house. There's a newspaper hung up about how... 'an annoying redhead teenager robbed a bakery.'" They gave xem a disapproving look as Eda grinned and gave a double thumbs up. "Did it at least taste good?"
"Delicious. I'll take you. We can steal some more."
"I don't condone this."
"Fine. I'll steal more and share with you, you goody two shoes."
"How about... paying?"
"They don't take snails. I tried." Well, xe'd only tried paying in snails after the owner had caught xem stealing, but Raine didn't need to know that. "Come on, stealing is fun! Be gay do crime!"
"Okay, Eda. And where exactly is this bakery? Also, where are we?"
"The human realm!" Eda exclaimed, letting out the secret that had been bouncing around inside of xem since xe'd come here the first time. Xe'd wanted to share it with someone desperately, and who better than Raine?
Raine's dark brown eyes lit up. "The human realm? Okay, that's cool."
"And they have really good- their pastries don't try to eat you!"
"Now this I have to see."
Eda laughed and threw xyr arm around Raine's shoulders, leading them out of the old house and into the little human town. As they passed things that must have been ordinary for humans- a dog that barked instead of speaking, automobiles speeding past, people walking by with their rounded ears- the pair whispered to each other and pointed it out, fascinated. Eda had been here before and it still excited xem; this was all new to Raine, and they were flapping their hands up and down in surprise and excitement.
Soon, they reached Robin's Roast Cafe. "Ready to help me rob the place?" Eda asked.
Raine sighed.
"Come on... think of pastries that are eaten willingly instead of trying to kill you... oh come on, Raine, you won't even have to do the stealing! Just distract the owner while I do it."
For a while, Raine was silent. Then: "Fine, I'll do it. Only for you, Eda Clawthorne."
"Thanks, Rainstorm! Love you!" It slipped out of Eda's mouth without xem knowing; xe blushed when xe realized what xe just said.
The pair stared at one another for an awkward beat, then Raine looked away and cleared their throat. "Ready to steal?"
"Always," Eda said, cracking xyr knuckles. Xe opened the door and held it open for Raine. No one else was inside, probably because all the humans were either at work or school. It was the middle of the day, after all, and Eda and Raine only had off because it was a holiday on the Boiling Isles.
"How can I help you?" someone asked. Eda didn't get a very good look at them, because xyr gaze was focused on the cupcakes on the counter. But then xe realized Raine wouldn't want to do the talking, so xe looked up.
Behind the counter was a brown skinned teenager, with dark hair tied in a bun and red-framed glasses. She was kind of pretty, Eda supposed, but nothing like Raine.
Eda! Owl Bitch! Stop being gay and focus on stealing cupcakes.
"Yeah, my partn- friend and I were thinking of getting cupcakes, but Raine has a lot of allergies, I can never keep track, so they'll need to know the ingredients."
The girl nodded. "We have an ingredient list in the back room. Do you mind waiting a bit while I go grab it?"
"Not at all," Raine said, likely knowing that Eda would probably give xemself away by being a little too enthusiastic about being left alone. The girl nodded again and left.
As soon as the door behind her swung closed, Eda snapped xyr fingers and two cupcake vanished from behind the glass and reappeared, one in each hand. Raine grabbed xem two napkins to wrap each one in. "I'll meet you outside," xe said softly, bumping shoulders with them. "Tell the girl you forgot your wallet and can't pay so it doesn't look suspicious that we came inside without buying anything."
"I should probably be concerned by how good you are at this thief thing, but it's fun," Raine replied, grinning. "See you soon."
Raine might have thought Eda was a good thief, but they were the one who stole xyr heart. Xe only hoped xe'd managed to steal theirs in return.
Shaking the thought away- no use pining over xyr best friend more than xe had already today- xe grabbed a table and set the cupcakes down. Soon, the door swung open and Raine joined xem at the table.
"That was terrifying," Raine sighed, grabbing their cupcake from Eda.
"And fun?"
"Yeah. And fun." They smiled and licked some of the chocolate icing off their cupcake. "Oh- oh wow. This is really good. You're sure it won't eat me?"
"Pretty sure, yeah," said Eda, taking a huge bite out of xyr cupcake.
"You aren't going to savor yours?"
"Nah," xe replied, slightly unintelligible due to xyr mouth being full.
Unsurprisingly, Eda's cupcake disappeared significantly before Raine's, but it was almost as enjoyable to watch Rainstorm eat theirs and smile. Damn, xe was really failing at this don't pine over them thing.
Finally, Raine finished their cupcake and looked up at Eda. "That was delicious. Thanks for stealing it."
"Any time, Rainstorm." Eda paused a little, studying Raine's lips. Which was a completely normal thing to do, of course. "You got a little icing..." xe trailed off. Suddenly feeling bold, xe swiped a finger along the corner of Raine's mouth.
Instantly, xe regretted it. "Sorry- sorry. I'll just crawl in a hole and-"
"I don't mind."
"Okay," Eda said, and quickly changed the subject. "You want to head back to the Boiling Isles?"
"Not- not yet, I don't think. I... really like it here. It's- I like it."
"I'm glad you do. I was really hoping you'd enjoy coming here. I'm not really the best at gestures, remember that time I got you snake oil for your birthday? But I really wanted to do something special for you, because, well, you're really special to me."
Raine was silent for a long time. Eda went back to wishing xe could crawl into a hole. "You're really special to me too," they said finally, softly.
Eda smiled and blushed. Did Raine mean it platonically? Romantically? Who knew. This was all so confusing. But it made xem a little braver.
"Raine, I don't want to sound all cheesy, because ick, but you're sweet and caring and funny and a million other things that make me want to be with you all the time, and like you said, I'd be a mess without you. I mean, I'm already a mess, but... I want to be with you anyway. Shit, now I'm rambling. Okay. Um. How do I say this... You're smoking hot and I have a teeny tiny ridiculously overwhelming crush on you!"
Raine blinked once. Twice. Eda looked around for escape routes and/or holes.
"That's- I- I think you're really date and I want to go on a great, I mean. Ack. Words. I think you're really great and I want to go on a date."
All the panic evaporated off of Eda and a wide smile spread across xyr face. "Fuck yeah! I'd love to date you! Hear that, everyone!" xe yelled loudly, drawing the attention of the one and only pedestrian on the other side of the street. "I'm dating Raine Whispers! Whooo!"
Raine laughed and kissed xem on the cheek. Eda's mouth formed a perfect O.
"-da. Eda. Eda. Earth to Eda?"
"Sorry. You kissed me and I think it broke my mind. I'm definitely still a mess."
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
Holding hands (holding hands!!!) they walked back to the old house and back through the portal, back to the Boiling Isles. Back to Eda's old life. Except now, it was a million times better, because xe was dating Raine Whispers.
Hear that, everyone? Xe's dating Raine Whispers! Whooo!
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mickmarstookmyheart · 4 years
More Espresso, Less Despresso
Part: 3/?
Pairing: Mick Mars X Reader
Summary: You have a decent conversation with your mom about Mick.
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(pic from Pinterest)
You couldn't recall when was the last time you laughed that much while you were at the studio with the Crüe. Tommy was a total goofball, Nikki was kind yet a bit high, and Vince was like a gay friend you were aching for years. Doc seemed the smartest one among them, of course, beside Mick. After you all ate the food you had brought they started to tell stories of the previous concerts and backstage moments. You had a deja vu but not in a good way. Memories and feelings crossed your mind as the hours passed.
"Are you alright? You look a bit pale." Mick asked with a concerned look in his eyes. You had been quiet in the last ten minutes and he noticed it. At first, he thought it was because of your introverted self, but then he saw the tears in your eyes.
"Yeah, I'm okay." You sighed blinking fast to get rid of the tears. You didn't want to be weak. You wanted to forget that whole era of your life. And now, you were in the same deep pit.
"Hey, (Y/N)!" Vince yelled, putting his feet on the table. "You are coming with us right?" The blood froze in your veins and you even forgot how to breathe properly. You gulped then put a smile on.
"I don't know, Vince. I barely know you and-"
"That's the point! We want to get to know you." You weren't the most spontaneous one. At least, not anymore. Joining a band on tour after one day was quite a big deal. And your mother wouldn't be so happy either. On the other hand, you weren't sure if you wanted to tag along. You had enough.
"Vinnie, you met her hours ago. You couldn't force her to come with us." Nikki said. "Right, (Y/N)?"
"Yeah." You smiled.
"Well, you know where we are going so feel free to come and see us on a show." Vince winked and drank from his beer.
"Just call me and I will give you a pass." Doc added.
"Thanks, guys, really. But I think I gotta go now." You jumped down from the top of the piano and headed to the door.
"Why so soon?" Tommy pouted standing in front of you blocking the way. He didn't help your situation. You felt horrible and just wanted to go home.
"Please, Tommy." You said shyly. But he didn't move just smirked. You knew he just joked but you weren't in the mood.
"Drummer. Let her go." Mick snapped from behind earning a sigh from Tommy. He stepped aside but patted your back.
"See you soon." He grinned and hopped down on the couch next to his Terror Twin. They were so kind, you hated yourself for leaving. However, you know that you wouldn't enjoy yourself. You wouldn't be able to distract yourself from the memories they all brought back.
"Bye, guys!" You waved and left the room with Mick by your side. After he closed the door you let out a long breath you didn't realize you were holding. You didn't say a word until you weren't in the streets again. "I'm sorry." Mick turned to you while walking with raised brows.
"For what?"
"For leaving so early." You shrugged and adjusted your coat tighter. "I didn't feel like a good company."
"Yeah, I saw that something was up. Wanna talk about it?" You shook your head as a no. You weren't ready to talk about that. You didn't want to tell him the reason you moved there with your mom. Why you were the girl reading in a café. The introvert one, the shy one. Why you had to hide behind this disguise.
"Everything is alright, Mick. Nothing serious, I promise." You showed your most believable smile which he loved. He noticed that you were lost in your thoughts and those thoughts made you sad. He saw that something snapped suddenly after Vince asked but he didn't want to ask there. He asked it now but you didn't feel like telling him and he respected that.
"Got it." He stopped and stood in front of you. "But if you are feeling down or wanna talk about anything I'm here, okay?" He rested his hands on your shoulders. "And it's the most obvious thing to talk to each other every night, right?"
"Of course. Though I will miss my caffeine buddy." You sighed.
"Well, if you visit us at one of our concerts I will take you to the finest café nearby and we will drink a huge amount of that!"
"Pinky Promise?" You asked pointing at him.
"Sure, whatever it is." He looked puzzled but chuckled anyways when you intertwined your little finger with his. "Then you have to promise to me that you will come to a concert as soon as possible."
"I promise." You winked and continued walking home.
"Hey, mom!" You yelled as soon as you stepped in the house and hung your coat.
"Hello, honey! I'm in the kitchen!" She shouted back as she was flipping pancakes. You sniffed in the air and hummed from the delicious smell. You stepped next to her and placed a kiss on her cheek making her smile. You loved your mom more than anyone, even yourself. She was there for you when you needed the most, where you needed the most. She always knew how to cheer you up and make you happy. She knew you better than yourself.
"Smells good." You smirked.
"Thanks. So where have you been? How was your day?" She asked glancing at you while placing the pancake on a plate.
"The café." You lied. Well, you didn't lie just didn't tell your whole day. "Read a book, drank a cappuccino as always."
"Sounds interesting. And boring. Why don't you find a book club so you can meet new people?"
"I like being on my own." You said filling your mouth full with pancakes sitting on the counter. You tried to distract the topic but it was hell hard. "And what about you, mom?"
"But it's not healthy being alone all the time." She insisted making you groan and roll your eyes. "Don't grimace, young lady. And yes, you need to find new friends. Who may help you forget the old ones..." She sighed.
"I like the old ones. But you are right. I need to forget them as all those years from that era." You lowered your head staring at your black leather boots. She was right you knew that. And you did find friends just not the right ones. The guys didn't help you forget, on the contrary. "But enough about me. Do you like your new workplace? Is your boss handsome?"
"Hey!" She threw the kitchen towel right on your face from that last statement. "And to answer your question...FUCK YES! He is tall, dark-haired, and has blue eyes..."
"So basically, your type." You giggled watching her faking fainting.
"Girl, you know me so well!" She laughed. "And his voice...I can listen to it for eternity." She sighed hearts all around her head.
"Then, you are in the best position you can ever be. Being his assistant means hearing his thunderous voice. All. Day. Long." You pointed at her with your fork stressing the last words.
"Don't play with me. And? What about you? Don't tell me you haven't met Prince Charming in that café you go to every day." She glanced at you, but you were staring down avoiding eye contact. "So you've already met him, haven't you?" She asked in a low voice.
"You could say that." You jumped down from the counter and headed upstairs but your mother grabbed your wrist before you could reach the stairs. You didn't know if you should tell her or not. You have a deep connection with your mom, you told everything to each other so she would listen to you. However, her reaction would be quite controversial.
"(Y/N). I could see that there is something wrong." She placed her hand on your cheek giving you a warm smile. "Come. Let's eat then you can tell me everything."
"I'm not hungry. I will start now. So there is a guy." You began.
"Let me guess. Black hair, sarcasm, music lover. Am I right?" Your mom interrupted.
"Damn, mom!" You snapped glaring at her.
"Okay, I will shut it. But was I right?"
"Of course, you were, goddamn. He came to me at that café while I was reading and we started to talk. We have many things in common, more than we should, actually. He is kind, generous, and is a great company." Your stomach did a backflip just thinking about it. At the same time, your heart was aching since you knew it won't be the same. It wasn't your café, not your usual coffee, not the squeaking chair you usually sat on and not the old-fashioned table with the blue cloth covering it.
"Sounds good to me." She frowned.
"Promise me you won't freak out." You looked deep in her eyes making sure she understood what you asked. She nodded so you took a deep breath and prepared yourself. "He is a musician, more precisely, he plays in a rock band. And I know what will you say but please let me finish it!"
"Alright." She swallowed and clenched her jaws.
"They are leaving town tomorrow and when they asked me if I would like to join...I said no. Did you hear me? I said no!" You gripped her hand firmly. You didn't like when she was making that face and it broke your heart. She was disappointed, sad, furious at the same time if that was possible. "I won't meet them again if you tell me not to. But please let me meet Mick once more. Just once so I can say goodbye." You sobbed.
"Honey, you don't need permission for that." She gave you a half-smile. "I trust you, I believe that you know what is good for you. And you are an adult now, you can do whatever you like. Things happened in the past, that's why we moved here. To leave those awful and horrible events which occurred there." She gulped and pressed her eyes together trying to erase those memories from her mind. Drugs, booze, rock and roll, death.
"I love you, mom and I'm so grateful. To have such an understanding and strong mom like you." You stood up, walked over to her, and hugged her tightly. She was the strongest person you've ever known. She lost a son, you lost a brother. And still, she managed to put a smile on her face whenever you felt down, desperate. Moved to another city, found a new job, and continued being the coolest mom on Earth.
"Your brother would be so proud." She sighed letting you go. Despite the fact that your brother overdosed, she still talked about him like it hadn't been his fault. She got over it and tried to remember her son as he was before the drugs. Lively, creative, and cheerful.
"So, this means I can visit them? On the tour?" You asked with full of hope.
"If you can take care of yourself and avoid all those things, then, of course, darling. I want you to be happy and somehow that guy makes you that. I can see it in your eyes and the way you talk about him." She smirked.
Days, weeks, months passed. Lonely days, sitting in the café, reading books. Every time the bell rang above the door you glanced up to see who it was. It wasn't him. You have pretty mixed feelings. Although your mother was okay with it, you just couldn't make your finger pushed those buttons on the telephone. Every time you tried, you just put the phone back to its place and continued suffering.
On the other hand, you were afraid. Scared to see them using drugs and killing themselves with it. You wouldn't survive. You have already seen your brother passing out on the couch while injecting heroin in his veins and it was the most horrible thing you've ever gone through. You shook your head to get rid of the memory and kept on reading. Hours went by and you were about to read the last page when a shadow covered all the lights.
"A moment, David. I'm on the last page then you can close the café." You said not leaving the page.
"Hey, (Y/N)." A familiar voice echoed making you drop the book and gulp.
"Mick?!" You literally jumped up from the chair on him. "Wh-what at you doing here?" He hummed feeling your arms around him and the scent of your hair.
"I was missing my soulmate." He smirked not letting you go. "Cause she didn't visit me against the fact she promised me. And it was even a pinky promise! An unbreakable vow, we are talking about." He chuckled making you grin.
"Well, the tour hasn't ended, has it?"
Taglist: @leatherandheels @littlemisscare-all @safari-karrot @crazyrockrlady @savageandnikkiapproved 🖤
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It Started With a Whisper
I posted this on ao3 a few days ago but never had the time to post it here so here y’all go!!
Summary: After Julie and her Phantoms rescued Willie from Caleb, Alex starts to feel like his and Willie’s relationship is a little off. They talk about it, go on Museum Not-Date Part 2: The Electric Boogaloo, and everything works out okay for the anxious gay drummer and the skater boy.
Words: 1794
Content warnings: Alex has some anxiety briefly (not an anxiety attack but still), a few mild swears
“It started with a whisper /
And that was when I kissed her /
And then she made my lips hurt”
It started after they rescued Willie from Caleb for good. Alex and Willie’s relationship was the same, nothing had changed between them from their hug in front of the Orpheum and the moment Alex had pulled them out of the Hollywood Ghost Club himself.
But he couldn’t help but notice something.
They still hung around each other and went on little adventures together, but these days Alex was more likely to hang out with Willie and some of the band than just Willie himself. They still went on little outings together, but they never screamed in the museum together or disappeared for hours at a time just talking to each other.
Nothing had changed in the time between their hug outside the Orpheum and when Alex rescued Willie from the Club, yet everything had changed.
Alex missed them. God, he missed Willie so much.
So he decided to do something about it.
Alex waited for everyone to start filing out of the studio for a post-practice lunch before he laid a hand on Willie’s shoulder.
“Hey,” He said. “Can we talk?”
They turned their head just slightly to look back at him, and Alex watched as a succession of little emotions played across his face like Saturday cartoons. Confusing, curiosity, worry, and other microexpressions that passed too quickly for him to read.
“It’s nothing bad,” He assured him quickly, and Willie’s face softened slightly.
They both stood there for a second, waiting for Luke, Reggie, and Julie to make their way out of the studio. Julie shot him a quick look before she walked out the door, silently asking him if he needed her, and he just shook his head and watched the door click close behind his bandmates.
“I’ve…” Alex trailed off as he realized he didn’t know what to say. How was he supposed to say ‘We aren’t as close anymore’ and ‘I miss you’ and ‘I think I want us to be more than friends’ without sounding like an idiot?
Well, he thought, just like that.
“I’ve noticed we don’t hang out as much as we used to,” He continued. More unreadable emotions passed over Willie’s face. “And I love hanging out with you and the band, you’re all my family, but I just… I miss the times where it was just us. Just us, hanging out in the skatepark or screaming in museums. You know?” A slight, small smile grew on Willie’s face, and he felt himself doing the same. “So, I, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to go out again, after lunch? Shit, not like out out, but like hang out, not ‘going out’ like a date or anything—” God, why did he have to be so awkward?
Willie put him out of his misery, smiling warmly at him. “I got you, hotdog.”
And wow, did that shut his brain down. They hadn’t called him that in a long time, not since the day Alex and the band rescued them from Caleb, and his brain was full of just “oh my God he called me ‘hotdog’ oh my God he called me ‘hot dog’ oh my God he—”
Say something, his brain scolded him, and he just scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “That’s— Great. Perfect. Okay.” Pull it together, Mercer! “So I’ll, uh, see you back here after lunch, then?”
Willie beamed at him. “It’s a date, hotdog.”
Alex couldn’t help but think that, in that moment, he was the happiest he’d been in a long time.
“So, where’re we going?” Willie asked as he shut the Molina’s front door.
Alex waited until they caught up with him at the bottom of the stairs to say anything. He opened his mouth to say something coherent, but then Willie was staring straight back into his eyes just a few feet away from him and his anxiety exploded.
There was no reason to be nervous, he knew; Willie was one of the people he trusted the most and they were just hanging out as friends. Well, “as friends” meaning “inviting him to go on a kinda-date because he wanted to confess his crush on them because he’s sad they haven’t hung out as much lately” friends.
So, like, not “friends” at all, he thought.
Willie cleared his throat, and he was sure that his head snapped up in a moment.
Shit shit shit they probably think I don’t actually want to hang out and I’m just being polite—
“You look like Ray just caught you sneaking out,” They chuckled.
And suddenly, there was a warm weight on his hand and Willie’s hand was slotted into his.
“So where are we going, then, hotdog?”
“It’s a surprise.” God, he hoped he didn’t sound as dumb as he thought he did.
Willie just smiled at him again. “Well then, let’s go!”
He tried to ignore the butterflies floundering in his chest as he teleported them both off the porch.
Alex poofed them into the museum and stood there for a moment while Willie figured out where they were. It only took a moment for someone to walk right through them, but they kept their hold on Alex’s hand.
“The museum, huh?” Willie said, a teasing note in his voice. “Are you recreating our first date?”
Alex’s brain short-circuited. He meant it as a joke, he tried to convince himself, they didn’t really mean it.
“Yeah,” He said quietly.
He gently tugged Willie over to the same bench they skated over the first time they went there together.
“Wow, I guess they never moved the bench back,” They tried to joke, but it just fell flat. “So, uh, what did you wanna talk about?”
This is it, his brain yelled at him, and it felt like his senses were turned up to eleven. He could feel every inch of his clothing hugging his body, the coolness of the cement bench, the soft warmth of their hand covering his; he could hear every single person’s voice in the museum, the hummm of the air conditioning somewhere up in the ceiling, his heart flailing in his chest, his breaths rattling in his chest.
He could also hear Willie’s gentle, concerned voice. “You okay, Alex?”
He didn’t respond, his brain overworked with all the sounds and textures around him.
The world bent around him, and suddenly they were outside the museum again and Willie’s arm was around his shoulder. The world quieted around him, and the only thing he felt on his body was Willie’s warmth.
“It’s okay,” They said, leaning their head on his shoulder. “You alright, Alex?”
“Yeah.” His voice was raspy.
“You sure? We can go home if you want to. You don’t have to do this now.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. The museum was just a bit much with all the people in it.”
“It’s more fun when there aren’t people around.” It was quiet for a second, and then: “Are you okay with telling me why you got so anxious in there?”
“It was just…” He trailed off, trying to find the right way to say it. “We haven’t hung out together in a while, you know? I mean, it’s not like we haven’t seen each other in ages, but it’s been awhile since it’s been just us. And I miss it, I miss us. And then I was so stressed about having a good time—” He left out the part about freaking out over the word “date”— “and there were way more people there than I expected and it was all a little too much.”
“Yeah, I get that,” He said. “You know you don’t have to work hard - or even work at all - when we’re hanging out together, right? I like hanging out with you . It doesn’t matter what we’re doing, it only matters that I’m with you, you know?” His teeth made a little click as he shut his mouth suddenly, and something clicked in Alex’s head.
He might actually feel the same way as I do.
“I was— I was also stressed earlier because I wanted to talk to you about something but I was too scared— too anxious to bring it up.” He started, and Willie raised an eyebrow at him. He took that as encouragement. “I did invite you over here because I miss hanging out with you, I’ll always miss hanging out with you, but it wasn’t just that I missed you as a friend. I mean, of course you’re one of my closest friends, that’s not what I meant, but I just—” He took a deep breath. “I see you as more than a friend? God, it’s not even a question, I don’t know why I phrased it that way, it’s one of the definite things in my life. One, my friends are my family, two, there’s nothing that my drums can’t fix, and three, I’ve had this totally ridiculous crush on you since the moment you flipped your hair out of your helmet and sent me into a gay panic spiral, and four, I would really, really like to be your boyfriend and go on dates with you and do dumb, stereotypical couple-y shit together.”
He finally stopped, catching his breath and waiting for Willie to say something. And for the longest time, he didn’t say anything and his anxiety started to spike again. “Of course, it’s totally fine if you don’t want to do any of that, we can just go back to being friends, but I just wanted to—” He had started to whisper, but Willie didn’t let him finish his sentence.
Before he knew it, their lips were on his and he was kissing Willie, oh my God he was kissing Willie, and everything melted away. While in the museum, it felt like his senses were dialled up to eleven and everything was pushing at him, but then, his senses were only tuned to Willie, to their hand gently cupping his chin, their faces pushed together in an awkward, perfect kiss, and their long hair tickling his face.
The kiss ended as quickly as it started, and Alex found himself immediately missing his warmth.
“In case I wasn’t clear, I wanna do all that ‘couple-y shit’ with you, too.” Willie’s voice was quiet, only just loud enough for him to hear. “And I especially want to be your boyfriend.”
“I think we can manage something like that,” He said with a grin.
“Oh yeah?”
Neither of them said anything else, Alex just drew him into another gentle kiss.
“It started with a whisper /
And that was when I kissed her /
And then she made my lips hurt”
Taglist (lmk if you want to be added or removed): @rawwwra, @sylphrenas, @boggie-brainrot, @thegaylink, @julie-n-phantoms, @julie-and-the-queers, @im-not-fine
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