#someone literally called it 'joke' rp
mugenloopdalove · 22 days
I just in general have always hated the idea that quantity=quality in writing and rp. Like. That seems to be to common opinion and it's ???
Esp when ppl think shorter things are lower effort!!! Like everyone has different thresholds!! 5k words might be a lot of effort for one person. Hell, 2k could be a lot of effort, while another person might be able to get 10k-20k w the same amount of effort
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[Image description: a meme of two white dogs, on small and one large, both with the same amount of mud on their fur. The smaller dog has mud nearly to their head, while the larger dog has it only to their ankles. The text on the meme reads: "How deep is the mud? Depends on who you ask." On top and "We all go through the same stuff differently." On the bottom. End description.]
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sweet-chimera · 7 months
TW: Call out post, drama
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// Damn we were going to keep it quiet and respectful until this point. because like always. Spork, aka Shiloh can't take accountability and Never does anything wrong despite the fact that this is the what? 6th group of people enmass to cut contact with them? Spork we were being quiet about it for YOUR sake. Cause you're a bad person and we wanted to be done with you. But fine. We'll do it your way. We blocked you because you're a toxic person who threatens to harm yourself when we don't comply to you. Not because of a fake wedding rp event. Content and stories under the cut. Long post trigger warning
And because he named dropped us, potentially to potentially insight violence on us. We'll return the favor. We were willing to just soft block and call it a day but then you do this? We knew you were a karen but come on spork. This is low even for you. For those of you that don't know, Spork aka:
patchiesdoodles, decipheringmadness, cxpescxwlsandcrxmes, ifyouwouldloveme, thegreeksknewthescore, fxllen-cne, thxpatriarch, unforgivendivine, AND the-blackened-dove.
Likes to block evade, exhibit controlling tendencies towards their rp partners, leverage marginalization's to groups that he doesn't belong to to white knight and get his way, tone police, sexually harass people mainly on voice call, guilt trip, bully those that speak out against him, use his partners to harass people who block him, vague posts, gives ultimatums, and threaten self harm when he doesn't get his way.
Lets get this out of the way, My experience with spork
I met spork in the muntain june 2023. And it was one of the most grating experience of my life. At every chance they got they spoke over people, talked openly about their sexual trauma when no one has consented to hearing it. And tone policed me, a cambodian/afro indigenous person from baltimore, for using language that was "Offensive to black people." Only to then lay off after yelling at me for a few minutes. When he found out I was black. (Screen shot of me talking to the mod of the muntain afterwards)
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I was off put, and upset. That someone who is this complexion
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But seeing as we're a vastly neuro divergent community. I forgave and forgot because it wasn't worth the fight. it didn't stop them from constantly bringing up sexual or traumatic topics. But at the very least. They were upset at me for using AAVE and saying the N word. A SLUR I CAN USE.
But then later down the line. I talked to the muntain mod about introducing my partners to the rp community and to help the transition go smoothly.
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My girlfriend joined on the 30th and my boyfriend joined on the first.
During the first call on the 30th. Spork dominated the conversation and flirted with my girlfriend infront of me upon finding out we were polyamourus. But for the most part was respectful.
On the voice call on the second. They were racist and immflamatory to my boyfriend. Tao. A native mexican man. Spork claims to be indigenous themself but I have no proof of this. But as we all know, Abrahamic religions have decimated the indigenous populations and caused Alot of harm.
On voice call. Spork brings up their LITERAL JESUS CHRIST muse. And talks about their religious trauma. Tao, also talks about his in the form of a joke. "Oh Jesus sure liked to wash feet huh?" A TRUE FACT. NOT THAT BAD. WE ALL HAVE MADE FUN OF IT.
Here comes white knight Spork, yelling at my partner to not make fun of jewish traditions. Its insensitive and blastephemous. Only to then dominate the conversation to talk about their trans jesus muse who openly talks about being abused by god
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(Recap of the voice call i had with the mod)
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So spork, a white passing person AT BEST, told my darker complexion NATIVE MEXICAN BOYFRIEND. That he shouldn't make jokes about judaism? When spork is a white satanist? And all abrahamic religions not just Catholicism has caused damage to our populations? You didn't even let him say more then that one joke, you didn't even give him 10 seconds to say is name before dominating the conversation again
Sweetie. 1.) Anyone can criticize and make fun of the bible, the torah, or the Quran. 2.) SAYING JESUS WASHED FEET. WHICH IS TRUE. IS NOT AS INFLAMMATORY. As making a gay trans jesus blog AS A ROLEPLAY CHARACTER. To talk about how god abused him.
And these are just my personal experiences with spork.
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YOU VAGUE POST ON THE DASH, GUILT TRIP PEOPLE FOR STILL ASSOCIATED WITH VOID (gin-n-chthonic) and get upset when you saw them on your dash because you keep block evading them to see if they were talking about you. YOURE MENTAL HEALTH WAS MESSED UP BECAUSE YOUR FRIEND HAD A POLITE CONVERSATION WITH YOU? ABOUT NOT REAL CHARACTERS? AND YOUR RESPONSE WAS A PUBLIC CALL OUT POST. And then you go around to people like slurk.
Who've you've been codependently abusing for a long time. And try to guilt trip them into blocking void.
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Because thats a sound response. AS WELL AS BITCH AND MOAN ABOUT IT IN CALL FOR DAYS. THIS ISN'T EVEN INCLUDING THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE A HABIT OF GETTING YOUR FRIENDS AND PARTNERS TO ATTACK AND OSTRICIZE PEOPLE FOR YOU. Remember when jessica was sick with covid. But you wanted an answer so bad. That you sent your boyfriend after her? CAUSE WE DO.
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And how you admitted in voice call that you would type from Boogies account to send people things, speak for him. OR ADMITTED THAT ROLEPLAYING IS A SPIRITUAL THING FOR YOU. How these characters are extension of yourself and if they feel pain or rejected you do? So every time someones muse doesn't want to interact with them. YOU A REAL HUMAN BEING FEEL THE PAIN?
cause we do.
you give ultimatums
guilt trip
block evade
were openly racist to a mexican indigenous man
hit on my girlfriend infront of me
can't read a room socially
send mobs after people
talk about traumatic shit without peoples consent
overly sexual even when we say we're uncomfortable
fly off the handle and go on public tirades when we try to talk to you, then get surprised when no one wants to talk to you and just quietly exits your life
use your loved ones accounts to talk to people who go nc with you
only white knight and virtue signal when its convenient to you
want to control everyones character and insert your muse into everything but when they don't comply you guilt trip, bitch, give ultimatums, or post publicly about not being loved
you weaponize your marginalization as a trans man but are clearly white passing and command alot of social power from your social media presence
sexually harass people around you
and you tone police the people of color around you when we speak up
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ebonyfrost · 18 days
Let's talk about Forgotten Elegy!
Hey since the mods all blocked me preventing any sort of communication I'd like to expose what has been going on in there! Apparently because it makes people uncomfortable to say what's going on.
So the current plot in TimberClan involves an outsider group in which previous members caused problems for the group. Now no player was warned about what this group was going to face going in. Instead we were faced with erin hunter level anti-outsider xenophobic rhetoric.
Now as some of you may know... I am not white! In fact I am of arabic descent, which, as some of you know are not exactly a favorite when it comes to immigrants!
Some topics mentioned include:
A cat taking on the name of the colony's god to piss them off this was treated as funny!
Likening their burial practices to like prey or trash.
Treating the entire group as murderers when only one cat maybe did something.
Pining the blame on the group for a disappearance they had no paw in.
Calling the colony brutes and relating their distrust to their culture of fighting assuming they love fighting and shit because of it.
Keeping the colony prisoner for an extended period of time
Implying the colony should be grateful for receiving "food" and "shelter" while being kept prisoner and if they weren't they'd be ungrateful.
Having a literal concept of "the good ones" with the colony having the main captor the leader Scoutstar have a colony cat, Velvet, as her watcher to make sure the colony weren't stepping out of line. Allegories being made towards a dog on a leash.
Making cats who believe the treatment is wrong feel stupid and afraid of siding with them!
Oh this entire plot is suppose to end with the colony joining Timberclan despite the foul treatment!
Constant jokes about how the worst offenders did nothing wrong especially Scoutstar who is, as pointed out by her player, taking her paranoia out on the group but its "for the good of her clan" so i guess that makes it ok right?
Now call me not white but all of this sounds pretty bad!
Mmy way of engaging such things, as someone who has experienced similar things, would be to call it what it is that should be alright shouldn't it? After all as they told me this is an Adult Rp where we can talk about Adult Themes after all!
Apparently calling these cat's behaviors and the plot for what it is has made people "uncomfortable" and that members did not enjoy how I was commenting on their characters because of how people turned it to real resentment in the past.
I will have you know FE that trying to block me from speaking and being a hawk over whatever I say has made me more resentful that a character's actions!
I am an adult and I find it quite insulting you apparently think I cannot separate those things and have childishly blocked me rather than talk like adults as I didn't even want to repeal the decision. However because members were uncomfortable that was apparently enough, yet the real world rhetoric that was being used, despite asking for it to be tagged never was! In fact I had to get blasted with comments and sentiments like those above without any sort of content warning. Basically getting my cat experiencing bigotry like mine without so much as a warning despite "the obvious" needing to be tagged.
Instead of anyone, staff or complaining members alike, putting on their big boy pants and dealing with the implications of the plot they were in they rather cry and whine about the consequences of their actions and the fact it didn't make their little kitty look all that good. Such is natural for whites and the people who ride their dicks.
Now I can personally say there are plenty of members who agree with me that this so if you think blocking and kicking me is getting you out of this you are sorely mistaken! In fact they are quite pissed off with how staff handled things in kicking me for what they also agree were appreciating the writing from a standpoint of someone who is a real life victim of what this plot showcases. Isn't that funny! I know that my friend who I mentioned to you is still there!
In fact a lot of the comments the cats in this rp have used have been almost word for word shit I've heard and shit my family and people like me have heard! Yet I'm the bad guy for making a comment about it.
All of this is to say I am in fact hurt and know that you all don't like me because I didn't roll over and take being put through a xenophobic plot without comment and called cats xenophobic for actions I saw!
So I am returning the energy you have given me! I think you are all unprofessional and have been for most of the controversies your group has been involved in. You run away from what the issue is and refuse communication then turn around in blaming the lack of communication for the reason why these things happen.
I'm sorry me engaging with a plot you crafted as a person effected by the very concepts you are putting into it offended you same with all the other little members who whined about it!
Actually that was sarcasm I am not fucking sorry. You all need to grow the fuck up and perhaps can this plot because you clearly cannot handle something as delicate as this without being xenophobic and racist. Just call me a fucking terrorist or towelhead or a camel jockey next time it'll be much more direct!
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paul-matthews87 · 2 months
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Hi, My name is Paul Matthews. My nephew got me on this app and I decided I’d try it out. He said I apparently have to make an introduction or something so, yeah.
• He/Him
• I’m trans masculine and bisexual
• I really like coffee
• I like to cook
• I don’t like musicals
• I’m pretty sure I have autism? I need to get a diagnosis
• I like sharks
•I have fourteen crabs, someone found the fourteenth one, thank you to that person
That’s it. You can ask stuff if you want.
Hi! My name is Michael! This is an rp account i decided to make lol
You guys uh…should totally listen to this ahah.. /nf
Literally fine with anything with any character, OC or not.
Just no NSFW (like, mentions of it are fine???? I think???? Sex jokes are fine lol. But no full on erp stuff bc yuckyyyyy ewwwwww)
Paul talk: Paul talking in real time :0
Paul post: posts on tumblr!
Calling…: Paul calling and stuff
OOC time: self explanatory!
Typing…: Paul texting
Paul’s uhhh…idk: not sure lmao
Paul’s a little sad haha: PAUL ANGST AGAHAHHAB
Paul answers: answering asks :3
The reset has begun
My actual account is @r1ch1e-l1psh1tz
I go by he/him and there’s more on my main!
Have fun!
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“I just tip because, you know…people should tip.”
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genericpuff · 11 months
Sorry but I think you’re being super negative about the whole “Rachel Presents” announcement.
Rick Riordan is a white author who is passionate about mythology. After Greek mythology and briefly going into egyptology, he used his influence to give People of color a chance to write modern mythology stories from their own culture and experiences—and most importantly he stayed in his lane.
I think Rachel choosing to step back and give other people a voice is a great outcome, considering you guys all joked about how horrific it would be if she tried to appropriate another culture in her next series.
You also said she should have given LO to another creator who had the passion and dicipline to finish for her. That’s ESSENTIALLY what she’s going to be doing with RP. Maybe her true calling is just…being an Idea guy. She has wonderful concepts and cool ideas, but lacks commitment. In this scenario, we could end up with super amazing stories, with proper editing from Random house and proper commitment from new creators. I don’t really see the issue here, everyone wins.
(And lots of authors do the whole “___ presents” format. I don’t think she deliberately copied RR. Most likely her books sales did well and Penguin House approached her with this offer.)
lmao what? I was against the folks saying she should give it to another creator. I don't think not liking the series should mean she's obligated to "give it to someone else." The series is hers and so it's her responsibility to finish it. I do think she should have ended it a long time ago or if she was really miserable making it then she should step away, but she shouldn't be giving it to someone else to finish for her just because "boo you suck at writing your own comic". She started this, she should finish it.
And this is literally her doing exactly that - appropriating other cultures - with extra steps. Just instead of being on the front lines with her own work, she's sponsoring other works based on her own bar for quality (which we know is EXTREMELY low) and slapping her name on them so she can take a "backseat". It's really icky to see from a creator who practically failed upwards and is now using "herself" as a selling point, when she has no real legitimacy outside of LO, which was only as successful as it was because of WT constantly sinking money into it and advertising it over other series on the platform (and because it's based off a story that was VERY popular to romanticize at the time, the H x P myth. Like it was literally what was popular on Tumblr when it started as a hobby comic on Tumblr.)
I'm outlining all of these posts with "speculation" because obviously I don't know what's really going on behind the scenes here, but I think it's really disingenuous of Rachel to sell herself as some top tier brand name for mythological works as a whole when she's caused so much actual harm to the Greek myth community and its sources. It's furthering the notion that she has any credibility as a "folklorist" when really she just pulls whatever comes off the front page of Google. And the similarities between herself and Rick Riordan do matter here because of how commonplace it is these days for Rachel to rip off other works rather than take inspiration and make it into something that's organically her own.
That's my two cents. It's not me trying to be "negative", it's me being genuinely concerned over the blatant appropriation from a white woman gaining even more control over the depictions of cultures and mythologies that she claims she's educated on and isn't. Unlike Rick Riordan, Rachel does not have any formal education in the subject she's claiming to be educated about. Unlike Rick Riordan, Rachel allows her fanbase to use her work as a source on Greek myth and she obfuscates the line between "fiction" and "fact". Rick Riordan started Rick Riordan Presents after he had multiple hits under his belt that were celebrated and loved. Rachel is starting Rachel Smythe Presents after a one hit wonder that could be chalked up to a total fluke that wasn't even able to go out with a bang.
Rick Riordan writes fictional stories inspired by Greek myth for children. Rachel is writing fictional stories claiming to be "retellings" of Greek myth - and now other mythologies if the implications of this project follow through - for adults. It's disingenuous and it frankly deserves to be paid attention to and called out.
I do genuinely want to see creators given an avenue to monetize their work and that's why I think the thought of it is nice, but any amount of further digging just makes this feel like a grift that will lead young and inexperienced creators down a path that won't benefit them (or take advantage of them) due to the blatant lack of care and management exhibited by Rachel over the past 5 years. Just because Rachel had one massive hit that lined her pockets for years does NOT qualify her to be a titan of the industry. Not by a long shot.
To quote Super Eyepatch Wolf,
"Let's say you decide you want to become a carpenter, and particularly, how to build a nice chair. Think about the kind of person you'd want to learn that skill from - would it be from someone who's built nice chairs every day for 30 years, or would it be the guy who built ONE nice chair 5 years ago out of a special kind of wood that doesn't exist anymore, who has NO experience with the kind of wood available to you now?"
EDIT to add: it was more likely Rachel's representative, Britt Seiss who landed this deal for her, not Penguin House themselves. That's what agents are for.
EDIT EDIT: this is ALL assuming she even FOLLOWS THROUGH with this project, because god knows the only reason LO has even gone on as long as it has was because she was being held responsible via a contract, she's NOTORIOUSLY bad for committing to things and has even admitted to it in interviews. She barely even works on LO as it is. Spring of 2024 could roll around and this project could entirely fizzle out. Again, not me trying to be a negative nancy here, I'm just stating my own concerns based on what we all know about Rachel at this point and how she operates.
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annabelle-creart · 4 months
Ok, hear me out-
Just as I been thinking about Life of Rescue Bots Au, I've been thinking about Au's of it (DnD, SG, RP, Humanformers, Swap...)
Two of them, SG (Shattered Glass) and RP (Rescue Prime) are my favorites, cause they have something
In both Au's BoulWave is not canon because of my ansgty shitty need but if we combine them...👀
Some context first:
In the Shattered Glass au, which I call Torture Bots (It started as a joke and now it's their unnoficial name) the bots are kind of... energon starved, see:
Chase is a decepticon fugitive and a sociopath (literally, I'm being serious) with 0 remorse
Heatwave is an autobot fugitive, a jerky asshole who only cares about himself and Chase (he's obsessed in an unhealthy way)
Blades is an ex terrorcon with the weird need of put everything and everyone under his pedes.
And then there's Boulder, a dinobot who left the day Grimlock became Optimus' pet
Just imagine Boulder and Heatwave from this universe, just about to end with the other because can't stand their nature.
✨️In the other hand there's the RP universe, the Rescue Prime, an Au where Heatwave became Prime by Primus itself instead of Orion after an accident at Iacon.
But cause of my MegOp problem...
Boulder became soldier instead of rescuer after his tutor's death and in some time fighting against decepticons and the new Prime's resistance became commander.
So, without knowing each other, Sol Prime, leader of Prime Resistance and Autobot Commander Boulder became enemies to death
Imagine, just a moment, maybe in a dream or in one of Nani's fixing the multiverse thing, they met each other, Dinobot Boulder and Sol Prime
Imagine a secretly kind and beautiful spark meeting a brilliant and real bot in a place where the war is not important, or loyalty to a faction, just the two of them knowing each other and being themselves, figuring out how much they wanted someone and how much they love to have a person to share their lives, secrets and sparks.
But it was mostly because I wanted a dinobot Boulder and Sol Prime (Heatwave) ship, nothing to care about :v
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twinsoftriumph · 11 months
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vedesa and lalut! the slightly awkward buddy duo ESPECIALLY now that lalut is hiding the presence of a certain someone who has history with vedesa... who might need their own post because i think 3 in one post might be too much.
vedesa wears air prophet hair (modified), scolding student mask, to the love outfit, moments guide ult camera, and saluting protector cape. yes none of these are vault cosmetics. she's actually a sky version of an oc i made almost a decade ago so if i slip up and call her by her other name just ignore it
lalut was literally based off of my sky kid. moth height so i consider them the baseline. maskless, chill sunbather glasses, reassuring ranger hat, gloat hair, nightbird whisperer outfit, lively navigator cape, pleaful parent guitar
vedesa has existed for a Long Time. she's my beautiful princess with a disorder(s)
the most obvious one being narcolepsy which i initially made a thing just because i was leaving rps frequently and figured id give a character reason for but now it's a legit trait
she works as a messenger and does photography as a hobby so she is trying her darndest to appreciate life and keep that joie de vivre kindled by Touching Grass
it's not like a super serious job though she operates on her own terms and limits. she's unemployed at heart
also neurotic as hell. this was me projecting as a kid and it still is now.
probably susceptible to Toxic Yuri (shes bi but for the sake of the joke.) because she is a little too interested in the dangerous. megabird's weakest yuri warrior
she originally lived near wind paths but lives in vault now since it deals with memory lantern and darkstone technology shit
vedesa met lalut through her travels, and they basically encountered each other enough times that they started talking casually
lalut invited her to prairie peaks and it was basically heaven. she really appreciated the gesture and now they're friends :) the awkwardness is mostly just because of their personalities
SPEAKING of lalut. they're a prairie guide and they love hanging out and showing moths around. they call themself a moth wrangler which makes it sound 10x more intense than any of it actually is
they want moths to think they're cool so badly. they will pull out the guitar unprompted and be like WELL if you INSIST
they're actually very good-natured. they are trying so so hard. they want to also be a Cool Smooth Flyer. results vary
they know a bunch of weird light creature facts because they love ecology shit which is what they bonded over with vedesa initially. they bring these up unprompted as well but not to be cool it just Comes Out
vedesa invited lalut to vault. lalut keeps meaning to go but also vault gives them major heebie jeebies. vedesa is too awkward to invite them again
lalut has currently taken in ames. vedesa has History with ames and lalut figured this out and is trying to basically keep that whole living situation under wraps for now. more details will come in ames' post which ill do another time bc i need to SLEEP
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leolingo · 1 year
say your thoughts about guapoduo........ i want to know more about what you think of them
/qsmp /rp ok they’re a fairly new development on the server so i dont have That much to go off of but as of right now lets just say i really love their sense of partnership! they’re so good to each other — so helpful, so encouraging! they feel like family, almost, and these kinds of domestic dynamics have always appealed to me the most… i love pairings that can rely on each other and it feels like they’re slowly building up to that type of stability
ficlet thingy under the cut i went a little off the rails
cellbit, for one, is so high strung right now this guy is living off of coffee and tangible paranoia but all it takes is one “hola, gatinho” for him to let go and forget about the horrors for a little bit. he needs the distractions, really, and roier plays the part so well!
cellbit is driving himself nuts here, looking over maps and rewriting his own notes and he really shouldn’t stop because things just keep happening, there’s no time to pause! but sometimes… sometimes roier comes around just to check in on him or to show him something — and he’s weak. roier has the best understanding of portuguese in the server by far, out of all the hispanics and english speakers. this means cellbit can speak his own language when he’s tired, without worrying about translating, and roier will still keep up with him.
roier gives him itens all the time — stuff cellbit doesn’t have because he’s so busy with research — and never asks for anything in return, though cellbit tells himself he’ll pay it back tenfold, some day. roier’s also a really good dad. bobby and richarlyson get along better and better everyday. what’s not to like, really? cellbit’s a bit defenseless in the face of this. he’ll admit it, he’s been caught off guard.
and as for roier…. roier has such a big heart. this is known. ask anyone on the server. so, genuinely, what was he supposed to do? upon meeting a man so intelligent he turned the island’s secrets inside out in his first week and ended up marred in the process, what was roier supposed to do? not giving him a hand just wasn’t an option. then cellbit reached out — guapito this, guapito that — and push quite literally came to shove. now they walk around in fours: cellbit, roier and the kids. because that’s all of them, and they have the family portraits to prove it, even if they don’t call them that. yet. roier pretends he can’t see cellbit whipping out his camera for candids through the day, but he does.
he’s just glad to be able to tend to someone. roier’s a lover, always has been. attentive, patient and oh-so-kind — despite his jokes and quirks, which cellbit likes! — and he takes pride in being able to care for the people closest to his heart.
bottom line is this: cellbit needs a little extra love sometimes. just the amount he forgets to give himself. luckily, roier has enough to go around :)
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findroleplay · 7 months
Hihiiii!! You can call me sob, im 19, 1 use she/her and they/them pronouns! Either of them are fine with me! Ive got years of roleplay experience and im looking for new partners! But the kind of partner im looking for is someone who can handle mature themes (angst, smut, ect)
I absolutely love love love creating characters/reusing the same characters but 'changing' them to fit into a roleplay plot! I love to brainstorm plot ideas with my partners, but more than anything i like to be friends and getting to know my partners before jumping into an rp! That way we can make jokes, share headcanons of characters, vent to one another if needed, ask questions, and be friends outside of rp! In the end the last thing I want is for the rp to seem like a chore/a strict and consistent thing! Id rather have fun, make up silly headcanons and theories, and make jokes! And hopefully (if youre an artist) we can draw our characters together!! :3
Some rules before you get any ideas
* Please be 18+ as ill most likely have mature themes!
* Please let me know your triggers/if anything makes you uncomfortable!
* Be Igbt friendly, dont be racist, homophobic, ect
* I only do double ups!
* I only do fandom-based rps, sorry!
* please dont blow my phone up if i can't respond right away!
* please have a oc that ties into the fandom, even if its just a few small details!
Fandoms im currently interested in (most to least)
* The Walten Files
* Fear and Hunger: Termina
* One Piece
* Chainsaw Man
* Jjk (just starting to get into it!)
Uuuuuuum literally just think of a mentally queer person on tik tok, humor wise. That's literally what youre gonna deal with im gonna make jokes about balls or something and send funny images teehee.
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culmaer · 2 months
the new Snapscan marketplace has the most incredible wordplay in the name (not promoting them I think it's somehow ai-driven, blegh, but the pun is fantastic. despite their poor IPA)
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it's called S'market, which obviously stands for Snapscan Market
South African English is a non-rhotic dialect, like British RP for example, so we pronounce "market" as /mɑ:kɪt/. the name S'market thus sounds like the phrase "smaak it"
smaak /smɑ:k/ is an Afrikaans verb meaning "to taste", but intransitively as in "the food tastes delicious" = die kos smaak lekker. for the transitive meaning Afrikaans has the verb proe, so like "I taste the food" = "ek proe die kos".
However. in South African slang, we use the verb smaak transitively to mean "really enjoy, like" or "to crave". for example : "I smaak your shoes" = I love your shoes. or the title of the 2007 song by Jeremy Mansfield "I smaak you stukkend", basically "I like you a lot" or more literally "I'm crushing on you so hard you'll break." the idiom to "smaak [someone/something] stukkend" was further popularised and cemented in South African pop culture by the 2008 teen film Bakgat! (to be clear : I'm doing a lexicography and do not necessarily endorse or recommend the song or the film. I doubt they've aged well but don't particularly feel like checking now. point is they were popular back then, and the phrase has out-survived the original context)
so yeah that's the pun. I smaak it = I love it, I want it, I desire it. a pretty apt name for a marketplace. gosh it truly ruins a joke to explain it but idk how else to have shared this
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northwest-cryptid · 6 days
I think 90% of people's problem with AI comes from our inability to get away from it being the new thing. Similarly to how when cellphones went from being bricks to being flip phones that made texting easier, and those who developed the tech kept insisting on moving from dial pads to touch screens; people really hated touch screens and texting in general.
I cannot tell you how many times growing up I'd hear people say stuff like
"why is everyone in the office texting each other? Just call me if you need something it takes 2 seconds! I don't know how to use this fancy touch screen shit, just ask me something in person!"
It's the same way I see people talking about AI, note that the use of highlighted words here is to sort of point out parts of the core message behind the words. Texting is a "bad thing" because there's an easier alternative, aka calling someone on the phone; something phones were originally designed for before even texting. Furthermore a lot of the frustration with texting came from the lack of understanding in how to use the new touch screens; with a lot of people feeling like you could just ask them something in person if it was so important.
Now I'm not trying to claim that you're mad about AI because you "don't know how to use it" rather I'm arguing that you're mad about AI the same way that people were mad about touch screens. Because everyone around you is insisting on using it. It's yet to be refined in a way that makes sense for most of the use cases. The result is that it feels like EVERYTHING needs to have AI now, your car needs AI, your house needs AI, your computer needs AI, your phone needs AI, AI for your dogs, AI for your trash bins. Because AI has become more of a buzzword than actually being what it is; a sort of umbrella term that literally just means "artificial intelligence" which... we've had for a while.
I ask you this, have you ever played a video game? Have you ever said "damn this AI is shit!" When you see an enemy running into a wall trying to find you, or your team member uses an attack that heals the enemy? That's a fair thing to say, because you are right; that IS an AI.
However it's not the same kind of AI that can generate images, or write paragraphs of text be it a documentation of something or an RP of your favorite fictional character... right?
Well, kinda?
See there's actually a few different kinds of AI which mostly get broke down into how they function. The AI that makes images and words is basically doing the same thing as the AI that decided to use Garu on that Wind based enemy and piss you off.
A lot of people seem to give AI entirely too much credit in trying to make sense of how they work. Even the words "Artificial Intelligence" is kind of a joke if you ask me, because it's basically no different than a game of chess when it comes to the decision making.
When you play chess there's hundreds of different moves you could make on your turn, but only so many of those moves actually make sense, on top of that; even less moves would actually be beneficial to you. So when you're deciding what piece to move and where to move it, you likely use some level of process of elimination based on the data you have available.
You survey the board to find what pieces your opponent has left, and where they have them placed; then you might look over your pieces and figure out where you could either take a piece, or at least move your piece safely to set up for future moves. What you're doing is essentially covering your bases from a priority list.
You want to ensure that none of your pieces are taken this turn, so you cover that first; make sure nothing is in danger and NEEDS to be covered or moved. Then you WANT to take the enemy pieces so you scan the board for any possible moves that might take their pieces, if you're still coming up empty the least you can do is make sure none of your pieces are going to possibly be in danger next turn while you set up to take their pieces.
This is more or less what an AI is doing when it's deciding if the word "And" or "But" comes next in a string. I'm trying not to get really technical with it, not because I don't think you could understand it or anything, but because I have found that when I do; people don't seem to understand it... so okay yea that's maybe part of it, but look it's not meant to be a put down. I am trying to write this in such a way that as many people as possible will understand it.
If 5 people read it and only 1 really understands it, that's not good. If 5 people read it and 4 of them understand it, with 3 of those people being comp sci students who would have understood even really technical statements, and one of those people being a person who thinks AI is actually sentient... well good hey 4 people understood!
So trust me I'm not looking down at YOU, I'm just trying to make this as easily understandable to as many people as possible. Now obviously the problem with that is that on a more technical level someone out there is going to look at this and say "hey that's not entirely correct" and that's fair. But run on sentences, and annoying tangents aside (see I'm self aware :P) I hope this is all making sense so far.
Basically, an AI generates text or images based on what it knows; it only knows what it is taught. AI cannot think for itself; similar to how we say humans can't have an original thought; AI cannot think period.
If I tell an AI that the words "I" "went" "to" "the" "store" "yesterday" exist, and nothing else. It's going to respond to any and all interaction with some jumble of "Yesterday store I to the went!" Because it literally just knows those words exist and it knows it should generate some kind of statement with them.
It doesn't know what they mean, how they're used, or why they should be used. It just knows they're words, and it's goal is to make sentences (strings of words) with words!
Now I feed it the sentence "I went to the store yesterday" and it knows that those words likely go in that order, because I told it that those words go in that order.
Now if I give it a bunch of other random words it will likely pair up things like "store" with things like "yesterday" so whenever you tell it about stores, it's going to tell you something about yesterday. You'll likely not know which store, because it will only know to pair the words "the" with the words "store" so it's always talking about "The Store" and likely that it went there yesterday.
Now, if we're asking if AI itself is "bad" we can honestly, objectively say no. AI in and of itself isn't a bad thing, it can't have any moral placement it's simply just a tool. It's not even a tool in the same way a gun is a tool.
I say this because I often hear people say:
"AI is like guns, guns aren't inherently bad but bad people use guns to hurt people! AI isn't inherently bad either but bad people use AI for the wrong reasons!"
The green here highlights the only part of this statement I agree with. Because simply put guns are made for the singular purpose of causing something else harm. Whether for self defense, or war. It's a tool designed specifically for something we would be much better off without. However, AI is simply being horribly misused and abused, where many MANY people have found extremely good uses for the technology as a whole.
I've heard people tell me as well that Generative AI is bad and that other forms of Analytical AI is actually the only good AI! Which I also fundamentally disagree with. Because again, without generative AI we wouldn't have AI in things like video games that make characters feel real. If you go back and play early Pokemon games; you can see how poorly trained the AI really was. It will always look for specific things which allows you as the one with a human brain to abuse and exploit that weakness. You can essentially use knowledge of which moves the opponent has; with your knowledge of the type chart to force them to use a specific move and then simply switch to a Pokemon who is strong against that attack type, until it no longer has the points left to use the attack against something that would be effective against it, but weak to the attack.
At the same time it's what allows games like Mabinogi to have enemies who can "think" about which skill to use in any given situation. The AI is pretty poor but it's there, enemies still get stuck on corners, they still don't understand not to hit you when you load Counter Attack; they are still going to spam windmill and smash. However, I'd rather the AI be poor than really really good because the same technology that tells Pokemon in Red and Blue to use fire against grass types; has evolved to be able to kick your ass at Mario Party and actually use strategy in games like Chess. I don't need Generation 30 to come and give us an enemy who can actually "understand" how skill combos works. I swear to god if they teach the enemies to combo Smash into an Assault Slash into a Windmill into another Smash into a Bash into- you get the point.
Hey remember what I said about making this understandable to as many people as possible... yea sorry I went off the autism rails with that last bit, but you hopefully understand what I'm saying here.
Generative AI has been around for a long time; normally only available to those who had the programming know-how or the money to really use it. However it recently was given to the people, to do with what they want. Problem is, a lot of people got really lazy about it and decided to never evolve it beyond just image generation, and of course if people can generate images, there's going to be people who want to generate GOOD images. So it kept getting developed further, while other less moral individuals began using it for everything from essentially photoshopping people's clothes off (bad) and stealing people's art by generating "finished" versions before artists could even begin to shade their WIP (also bad.)
This caused a big rift, understandably so. Because some people were literally using AI run on their own local machines, that was trained specifically on ethically sourced images, art, and material. All of which is, believe it or not; entirely fine. That's ethical as hell, no one is hurt in that at all. There's basically consent given on all sides to use the agreed upon material to train a specific model/checkpoint to be good at a specific thing. These models are actually capable of making some really high quality stuff you'd never know is AI because they were trained well and constantly improved upon. These people are not lazy, they have layers and layers of plug ins, they adjust the images, adding things by hand or correcting mistakes, then teaching the AI how to do better. They use different plug ins made by the very same community; specifically to give bones and references to the AIs images so it can better pose a character or make sure all their digits are in place correctly.
On the other side of things people were very up in arms because every big tech company, every website, everyone with any amount of text or images to sell; was suddenly selling out to these AI companies to train their big AI models. Models that produced horrible lazy results, that took no effort to just pump out by typing in "AniMe GiRL Big BoBieS!" in a prompt box and clicking the generate button like you're going for a "all manual clicks 1M cookies" cookie clicker speedrun. People didn't like this for a lot of reasons, and they were right for it. This isn't how AI should be trained, not only is it not at all ethical; it's arguably stealing (not in the legal sense, because anything we post on a social media website is given over to the website; and we don't actually own it. Though I suppose copyright might combat ToS on that a bit) and at the end of the day it's just wrong. It also produces absolutely horrible results though, we're talking absolute trash that you shouldn't have wasted the time or energy on. So it's a lose lose for everyone, but this is the internet and you're going to have dumb trolls everywhere who seek to make other people's lives worse. If they know they "trigger" you they're going to keep generating dumb AI shit on horrible websites with shit AI models.
I think a huge problem we're running into is that no one wants to get specific enough with it. They want to yell at "AI" as a whole, they see a cool image of a witch knight and go "ugh it was made with AI!" As if it's just as bad as the images coming out of things like NovelAI or Dall-E. There's no way for them to know what the model/checkpoint even was, if it was run on a local computer or hosted by some bigger company. There's no way for them to know if it was ethically sourced images, if it was trained and made in a manner that was actually okay. Hell they don't know how much additional work the generator put into making that image. For all we know they generated it, hated how it looked, and redid everything by hand. There are people out there who hate AI so much they'd still think it's bad and wrong and horrible even if it was ethically sourced, and 90% drawn by hand using ink made from a thousand year old tree.
People don't want to see the ways in which AI could help people, they don't want to see the ways in which AI has improved and has lead to many of the games and entertainment we enjoy being better. They don't want to see it for what it could be...
That last bit there? I was talking about companies, people who would shove AI in your face every second of the day, self driving cars, new forced AI on your phones and computers; AI on your TV to tell you what to watch.
The big reason I hate all of that is that it doesn't utilize AI in any real way, nothing useful comes of that. It's just a buzzword, it's just the newest thing that they NEED to have or else they won't be taken seriously in the tech world. It's bluetooth, it's touch screens, it's the newest thing. People are of course going to hate it, because we're not seeing what AI could do for us, we're not seeing the good that it could be, we're only seeing the bad, we're seeing how people abuse it; we're seeing how companies shove it into everything even where it doesn't belong.
I don't blame anyone for being annoyed by it's constant invasion, but I also believe we need to be more specific about our target when it comes to AI. Getting mad at AI as a whole is scapegoating the blame onto some invisible problem. It's taking the focus away from the companies who are actually a problem, and shirking it onto individuals who are breaching containment in their AI circles while using it (very possibly) ethically because they're producing results people don't know are AI made in the first place.
There's no way to know if someone is just hating on AI to hate on AI because AI is bad; or if this person is actually using AI in a way that is wrong. It's hard to know whether or not people are up in arms about this dude because they use badly trained AI that steals and produces lazy results; or because they're just using AI in the first place.
AI has been used in many fields, for many things, for many reasons, for many years now. It's not going to go away, but we could fight to actually make sure it's being used correctly and being used ethically.
You're fighting against bluetooth, you're fighting against touch screens, you're fighting against the new big thing that's being brought to the people and just like the boomers who came before you clutching their Nokia bricks saying "texting is pointless, it'll never catch on; it's such a pain! They're not going to make BIGGER keyboards on already huge phones just to make a secondary function more accessible!" You're going to find that technology is going to evolve to accommodate AI more and more whether we like it or not. What we CAN do however, is demand better; practical applications of it's use. We can set standards, boycott where it counts; and actually pin down the bad actors without allowing others to get scapegoated in the crossfire letting those abusers off the hook.
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stickytm · 14 days
carrd || playlist || pinterest || headcanon || art || memes
a study in: intention vs. attention, always getting back up , guilt, processing grief, life behind a mask, self-definition, the weight of responsibility, learning how to share that weight & how the person you become affects the people around you.
rules for mobile. under co. very duplicate friendly. minors dni.
**MINORS DNI** if you are under 18, i dont want to talk to you! i do not want to talk to children on the internet. if you hide your age & i find out about it, i will block you immediately.
hi! i'm xan, i'm 25 & i never learned how to fucking read. jokes aside, i've been writing peter on & off since 2018. i was formerly at spiderwebbed & boywebbed, but i thought it was time for a fresh start. i've built a mixed canon timeline that cherry picks from my favorite peters & headcanons alike. there is a lot of information to take in & i don't expect anyone to know all of it! I will be highlighting the most important parts of his story on his timeline when i am done reworking it. the last time it was updated was 2022 & there is a lot to add & rearrange. i do ask that if you have any questions about the progression of his story, feel free to ask. i prefer to talk things out than leave any questions hanging.
on that note, tumblr rp is a social hobby as much as it is a creative one to me & i love keeping in contact with my mutuals. however, on this blog it is especially vital to building long-lasting relationships ic & ooc. my availability it not always consistent because i am Literally Insane & need to be away from tumblr sometimes, but that doesn't mean i value the friendships & relationships i make here any less.
i do not practice exclusivity. nothing against anyone who does, it's just not for me! i do, however, have mains. what are mains on this blog? they're characters written by friends who i will go to first for plot ideas. my mains will usually be woven into blog canon, one way or another whether or not that character is written in tumblr! if that is not something that appeals you, that's okay!
i have notoriously spotty activity. it's part of my flavor . it stems from a mix of mental illness & blanacing life, but this is just a hobby to me & it utilizes any energy i have leftover from everything else i have to do to live. this being said, if i don't respond to you ooc right away, again, it is nothing personal. i prefer having friendships & building them up over time, but it does take time & it is not always easy. active on the dash = / = active ooc& if you try to guilt me about this, i will block you <3
i do not have any triggers. i have a few icks, but nothing that triggers a huge emotional reaction from me. i will do my best to be mindful of any triggers that might appear on this blog, but if there is anything i fail to tag please feel free to point it out to me. i would like to maintain a safe space i can share with my friends!
if i'm following you, i absolutely want to interact with you. i want to write with you. i want to plot with you. i reblog a lot of memes & try to send a lot as well. this being said, i do not expect you to respond to everything i send you & vice versa.
i prefer to plot & send memes over starter calls starter calls are fine & dandy, i just become overwhelmed by them quicker than i care to admit & usually do not finish them. i prefer plotted starters & memes with a place we can start already defined.
if we have any problems, i would rather talk about them than leave them hanging between us. if it's worth unfollowing me over, please block me instead. i hate softblocking, I've never understood it & would rather just be blocked. i know this is not always possible because there are sooo many reasons someone might softblock me, but if you don't hardblock me i will probably refollow you without thinking about it.
don't be an asshole. it's easy, it's simple. treat people the way you would like to be treated. if you vague, i will block you. if you bring drama onto my blog, i will block you. i am here to play barbies not mean girls.
i do make art for peter, but it will always be tagged as my art. whether i post it here or on a personal blog, it will be tagged as something i made. if anyone wants to use my art for any reason, just make sure to dredit one of my blogs!
i am so duplicate friendly. i am so thrilled for the opportunity to discuss & share thoughts on peter parker with anyone willing to do so. i do understand, however, that not everyone shares this sentiment. do what you need to do to keep your space safe if you write peter & need to avoid other peter blogs, but if you ever want to talk shop i am sooo super game.
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mybloodygrimsey · 1 year
hello all! about time I make a lengthy post about rp info.
about me:
call me grimsy and I'm cool with they/them (for now, at least). I'm looking for someone who can commit to long term rps and be somewhat consistent on replies. usually I'm chilling in my apartment working online since I'm not able to go out much due to physical conditions, so I respond pretty quick lol. I'm also super descriptive/literate and get super into it if I'm in the mood. At some points I'll write 2 sentences then in another scene I'll be writing a whole essay.
I'm seeking long-term writing partners that are 18+ to roleplay with on a personal discord server. I'm looking for someone who can get invested in writing and characters as much as I do. I <3 brainstorming, sending inside jokes and headcanoning! being in contact ooc is really fun for both parties.
what I like:
slice of life, parenting (I have so many fanchildren u have no idea), occasional smut scenes, fluff, angst with good endings, comfort
what I'm okay with:
mentions of past SA/trauma that could be important to the plot, internalized homophobia, struggling with dysphoria, 100% non sexual age regression
limits/hard passes:
any proshippers, specific icks in nsfw (I'll let you know!), anyone under 18, noncon + dubcon, alpha/beta/omega, yoai/yuri, extreme taboo shit
fandoms + the ships:
stranger things - steve/eddie, jonathan/argyle, joyce/hopper, nancy/robin
adventure time - marshall lee/prince gumball, marceline/princess bubblegum
scream - stu/billy, randy/billy/stu tatum/sidney
cuphead - devil/king dice
breaking bad - jesse/jane
IT - eddie/richie, henry/patrick
important notice! I'm ftnb and I project on characters to cope. if that makes you uncomfortable, we don't fit. pretty much all the characters I listed have at least one trans person in the relationship. please ask about this in dms especially if you plan to do smut with me!
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faust-lane · 8 months
Hi 👋
I just saw your crossover (Agent 47 x Ilsa Faust) & I absolutely love it.
What made you think of this Pairing ?
And will there be a fanfic ?
Hello! It was an role playing game I had with my friend that made me think of that. I'm not certain if there will be a fanfic, but maybe I will write something if I have progress in the game.
The plot basically is Ilsa getting into suicide mission that involves a huge conspiracy regarding government AI system that prevents crimes and The Syndicate wants to get their hands on it. She is left alone against an army of disavowed agents (just like herself) and is suddenly saved by a mysterious man that calls himself Agent 47. Someone hired him to protect her and the AI she was trusted with by the Creator. The plot itself is bound to Victoria as well as Solomon Lane and the rivalry between to AI that represent cold strategic thinking (Sol) and human morales (Machine) that were initially meant to be working together, but the government saw no use for the Machine, since it was more of a burden to them that affected the success of their operations (fuck morals, fuck humanity). (We wanted to compare Agent and Ilsa to these AI's since they both share some qualities with them. Sol would try to recruit Agent, but would fail since he is bound by a contract, and the Machine has chosen Ilsa as her asset since she was in complicated situation ans couldn't refuse, also, she has all the qualities Machine needs. We wanted to show how this strange companionship is actually is working out to be very efficient).
So, we have this strange team of Agent and Ilsa that is slowly going insane under the pressure of this situation she finds herself in, since it's all so mich bigger than her and so much is at stake. In her past, Ilsa was trying to investigate the Corporation that was creating and providing killers such as Agent, but she didn't succeed, so seeing Agent 47 in person and being a part of a contract herself is a big shock for her as well. I always wanted to play few comedic scenes with Ilsa, Agent and Victoria together as found family trying to pose as someone absolutely normal (they're undercover) but there's absolutely NOTHING normal about these three goofballs. We wanted to discover all these characters personalities and how they would act if they were brought together by complicated situation.
Also, I've never really played Hitman, but recently I bought few games and I will play it. Maybe I will get an idea and post something, but for now,all I have is my rp that is a little stuck right now since I burned out, and fanart.
Glad you liked it. It's actually a crossover of Mission Impossible, Hitman and a little bit of Person of Interest, since there's also such character as Machine, which is an AI.
Also we kept joking what Ilsa literally looks identical to Diana. Especially in MI5. Rebecca Ferguson is one of the most popular fancasts for Diana.
My friend introduced me to Hitman almost 10 years later since I played it as a teen and he showed me the depth of the character, basically, making me fall in love with Agent 47
(Yes and Michael Fassbener was in a movie with Rebecca, I think they could actually be great casting if there's another decent Hitman movie)
And I think Thomasin is great as Victoria.
Thanks for your question, I think It might've reignited my interest in this story...
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tehri · 1 year
I love LotRO. I really do.
I love the Laurelin server.
I just loathe some of the damn people on that server.
We have a dude who, no joke, has been stubbornly creating new account after new account for the past frigging YEAR specifically because his accounts keep getting banned. Because he is constantly harassing people. Because he’s convinced that there’s some conspiracy where the Literally Nicest Dude On The Server has riled everyone up against him because he acted like a dick during an RP-event.
LNDotS reported him after that incident, because the Asshole was spewing a lot of horrendous shit at him. Asshole was banned for a month. Came back, immediately began a hate-campaign against LNDotS and against anyone who had the audacity to tell Asshole that he was acting like, well, an asshole.
Constant harassment of people. Constant creation of alts to continue spreading hate and harassment.
Then that account was nuked. And he got creative.
Dude started creating new accounts and new characters. And he started talking up his original character. And I mean, talking up in the sense that he was actively talking like he was someone else, like he was an old friend of... himself.
This failed for a single reason. He has a VERY distinctive writing-style, which includes severe overuse of “....” and random-ass hashtags and referring to himself as “Dr [insert name of first character here]”. Everyone knew it was him immediately, and so began the long and tedious blocking-spree of each and every character that wrote in World Chat like that.
And for about 3 months, we had Peace. Peace and Quiet. Turns out, some people on the server have been stalking Asshole’s twitter, and they realised he got banned. Again.
And then came this last month. Where we’ve had a resurgence of Asshole’s shenanigans, with a whole new flavour.
The first hint we had to Asshole’s unwanted return was a sudden World Chat message. From a character with a name that was very obviously a parody of LNDotS’s main character name. Talking about LNDotS in third person and saying a whole bunch of horrendous bullshit.
Obviously, we all knew who it was, because that distinctive writing style has not been abandoned.
He did this at least twice - could be more, but I’ve only seen two of these.
So Asshole is now back again, and today he resurfaced with Yet Another Alt that was literally his first character name with an x at the end. Still spewing shit. Still calling everyone homophobes and racists and pedophiles. And still insisting that there’s been a hate-campaign going on against him for months.
When I say that I wish this dude could be IP-banned, I am not fucking joking. We have enough trolls and dickheads on the server without Asshole trying to harass LNDotS into quitting the game.
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prpfz · 1 month
「🎐」 20+ she/him, AFAB
I mirror the length & detail of my partners! Super dead dove friendly—we can more than likely include your deepest darkest wants!
Looking for: an age gap 🕊️🍪 fandomless cis MxM discord rp! Me playing the younger muse. Hoping for more extreme 🍪 under the double digits but I'm open to what's best in someone's comfort level! Romance, smut, and happy ending is a must! (However toxic that may look like to our OCs) 🤭 NB charas welcome!
I'm esp interested in writing a 🍪 sub bottom chara against a sadistic dom top! My muses will be inexperienced but never just moan! Expect some obscene dialogue when they're into it 😳! You'll have plenty to work w during smut.
Plot: a boy neglected by his parents x this sex service worker he ends up calling to his house with a stray card he found. They end up just talking & after that the former just calls him up to hang out sometimes when hes lonely so Worker becomes his only friend. Maybe at some point, Worker is attracted to their inexp/innocence and lays his hands on him.
Kinks of focus: Sadomasochism, teasing, humiliation, degradation, 🍪, lots of dirty talk, dubcon, cnc, and forced orgasm.
I don't have many pre-made OCs so I usually make a new one for each rp. You can literally help me mold my OC to be your type if you want. & just cause my OC is submissive in bed, doesn't mean they'll be a Gary Stu!
Rules :
- a long term 20+ high-energy partner who I can joke and be friends with
- unashamedly enthusiastic about our rp ship (via spamming hcs & memes & other media)
- not afraid of being too much
- decisively contribute ideas to plotting
- comfortable & confident enough to strongly communicate your rp needs and wants
- keep up w my long plotting msgs
- available for back-n-forth rping (NOT rapid fire) some days!
Don't like if you'll just ghost; just say you've changed your mind!
Respect my time and I'll respect yours! Thank you!
Leave a like, and anon will get back to you!
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