#someone has to tend the fields after all; care for their aging parents or younger siblings. and a caravan could be gone for months at a tim
returntotheground · 1 year
you'd think playing tons of tears of the kingdom would give me loz brainrot but no, something about link traversing hyrule alone has me back to my final fantasy crystal chronicles selkie and thinking about what her caravan would have initially looked like and how she might end up going it all alone in the end
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Hi hi hi I was wondering if you could write headcanons about cg!Luke or cg!Clarisse with a little that has an age range of 5-9? Or little!Clarisse headcanons? (You can pick the one you do im jusy hyperfixated on Clarisse rn 😭)
A/N: I’m gonna do both because I love both of them so much. And I really hope this is right, I’m personally a younger regressor so I hope I didn’t get anything wrong! ^^’
Also this will include book spoilers on Luke’s part-
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Clarisse La Rue
Clarisse is usually very unemotional. She is angry, aggressive, and violent.
Except towards you.
When it comes to you, she’s extremely protective, loving, and supportive. She would shield you from any sort of harm or danger and she’d gladly drive her spear through anyone who dared even look at you wrong.
She’s a very protective caregiver. She loves taking you outside and playing with you, but you must hold her hand at all times, and you aren’t allowed to touch anything dangerous.
She likes being called “Mom” or “Mama”, they make her feel really protective of you and she thinks they sound really cute coming from you.
Whenever you guys go outside, she has to hold your hand unless you’re playing outside or running around or something with her permission and she’s keeping an eye on you. She really likes hanging out in the strawberry fields with you. It’s peaceful and she tends to steal strawberries for you both.
She doesn’t have much money, and she rarely ever leaves Camp Half-blood, but she tries to buy you toys if you want any! But you mostly just play outside and play games with her to keep yourself entertained.
Clarisse is actually surprisingly really good at comforting people, so if you regress because of trauma and today is a bad day, or if you just need some comfort, she’s got you. If you want to ramble, she’ll hold you in her arms and let you ramble. If you want a distraction, she’ll play games with you until you’re bored. Whatever you want, she’ll do it. Because she loves you.
Because you’re a bit older, she isn’t too strict with you, however like I said, she has outside rules for your safety. She also has a strict bedtime for you and makes sure you eat enough during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you don’t eat enough, you’re not allowed to play until you finish your food. If you don’t go to bed on time, you won’t get to have any sweets for a couple days.
She actually doesn’t mind if her friends know or if people see. Yeah, she has a reputation to uphold and a persona to keep up, but like I said, she’s extremely protective and aggressive to literally everyone but you and a couple other people.
God forbid anybody try to say anything mean to you period, especially about your age regression. That will not end well for them. She doesn’t even try to use words, she just punches them. Girlboss.
Luke Castellan
So, this takes place after he betrays and joins the titans. You also join the titan army. I do not see him becoming a caregiver before he betrays, mainly because he knows he’s going to leave soon, and he doesn’t really see the point in developing such a strong, emotional bond with someone only to just. Leave. The only reason he was close to people like Annabeth was because he knew her long before he knew he was gonna betray.
Everything is very dangerous on the Princess Andromeda. There’s monsters literally everywhere you look, and hordes of weapons scattered about too. It is kind of a war ship in a way, after all.
You are literally the only person he truly cares about anymore. You’re the only person he hasn’t manipulated or lied to. He only cares about you, and he’s extremely protective over you.
He feels bad, but you have to stay in his room with him whenever you regress. It’s too dangerous otherwise. He doesn’t know what other people might try to do to you. He can’t risk it. You’re his baby and he doesn’t want you getting hurt.
He doesn’t mind what you call him, but parental ones like “Dad”, make him feel really special. Especially if your godly parent is your father, because it makes him feel like you’re slapping the gods in the face and he finds that funny!
He buys you toys whenever he goes out off the ship for whatever reason. He spoils you literally so much. You have all of the Calico Critters plus all the play sets and houses.
He is also actually really good at comforting and supporting you. He’ll hold you, reassure you, and give you little kisses all over your face whenever you need love and support. He gets really bad nightmares, so if you have a nightmare and regress, he’d be glad to hold you and comfort you. He knows what it’s like.
Like I said, he is strict with you. You cannot leave the room when little. You must go to bed by 9pm. You shower every other day. You eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at set times everyday. You don’t get desert if you’ve misbehaved and he isn’t afraid to put you in time out of take away a couple toys if he feels like he needs to or the situation calls for it.
This is a very private thing for him, mostly because he’s surrounded by monsters and other. More violent people. All the time. And also he’s fighting a war and you’re one of his weak spots, so he’s not exactly gonna go flaunting it around. He isn’t ashamed of it or anything, he actually wishes you guys could be more open about it. It’s just too dangerous!
If anybody were to find out and they said anything mean about it, he would just get them killed. They’d be fed to the monsters on the ship or they’d just be thrown overboard. Either one he feels like. He won’t tolerate anybody talking bad about his little one.
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doodle-do-wop · 8 months
I am asking abt the other cabins, I totally have not been hypnotized to ask
so this is gonna be one long ass post (possibly) and it's going to be formatted weird because I rambled about this on discord ages ago
Sophie Foster: Daughter of Zeus
girly can fly, shoot lightning, and is mega powerful with enough low self esteem to match
as stated in a different channel she's picture perfect to be a demigod with her origin story
fatal flaw: ambition (reasoning being she tends to do things on a whim a lot and that can also be chalked up to hubris but let's not forget Sophie is a genius by all definition of the word. She was going to go to college based off of pure intelligence alone but there's a certain type of bite that comes with power and it's the realization you can do more)
Keefe Sencen: Son of Aphrodite
literally the goddess of love and beauty, emotions are her forte and thus the best godly parent for Keefe's powers to fit into
he can still be the funny sarcasm guy, kids can have more than one personality trait
also beauty and love don't just apply outwardly and only romantically. Aphrodite is the goddess of love, self love and platonic included
fatal flaw: low self esteem (literally look at that sad wet noodle of a boy and tell me he thinks he's worthy of anything)
Biana Vacker: Daughter of Athena
vanisher fits Athena to a T and yet even with a cool ability she's overshadowed by Fitz still
smart girl, was a brat in the beginning but grows into one of the most capable fighters around while keeping a caring side to her
once again, kids can have more than one trait and girls in STEM can like make-up and sparkles. It's usually the girls that have a cute blouse and know what they're doing that are the most lethal (mostly because the blouse might have a knife)
fatal flaw: Loyalty (sure she kinda abandoned Maruca but this is a new universe and look at how much she's gone through with Sophie and been a consistent and stable rock for her best friend. Girly has tackled multiple murders for her friends, she is insane)
Fitz Vacker: Son of Athena
while not a total perfect fit Athena has always focus on the mind, strategy, and being ahead of the game. What better way to do that than to make a son with the power of the mind itself, a telepath
a shining rebound ability that gives him enough pizzazz to overshadow Biana (not on purpose) but also keep him from being super socially gracious (because he ain't)
smart boy but can get a little too ahead of himself in things and send focus in the wrong direction
fatal flaw: Wrath (the boy's got a fighting temper and it's caused rifts in his relationships and even extreme pain for himself. If anything would take him down it would be his own anger)
Dex Dizznee: Son of Hermes
"doodle he's the technopath" Dex is also expecting things often only to get something else completely out of left field
the trickster god of travelers and roads ain't limited to putting a bucket over a cracked door, technological pranks work in his domain and let's not forget Dex did spike Stina's drink and make bombs
what better way to set your expectations high and get them destroyed than to expect Hephaestus or some minor god only to get the dude with wing shoes
fatal flaw: Grudges (we've seen I in action before, Dex can let a grudge like jealousy or his general dislike of the Vackers blind him out of many things including being a good friend at times, sure this was more prominent when he was younger but he still has a lot to hold against Stina even after she's shown herself to be a friend)
Marella Redek: Daughter of Ares
"but Leo is a fire powers" Marella? A daughter of Hephaestus??? Besides I doubt someone with Ares' rep can't spawn a child with fire powers
Marella's whole main goal, the very core of her motivation is her mom, she'd do anything for her and even if it meant being claimed by Aphrodite or Athena (evidence her father was unfaithful to her mother) Marella would've given anything to do something to help her mom
just to be claimed by the one god she never wanted to be claimed by, war and bloodshed, fear and hate are all Ares' domain, his kingdom of stacked skulls and crushed souls
fire is not easy to control and the path of 'easy' is almost never on the Ares' agenda
Fatal flaw: Loyalty (her relationship with her mom is a good point but also the fact that Marella was abandoned, essentially betrayed by someone she considered a friend and immediately turned cold and bitter for quite some time. She only came around because she knew she could do something to help the greater good)
Linh Song Wildwood: Daughter of Poseidon
hydrokinetic=ocean man
personally I have no idea where else she fits
the sea is a powerful thing that can't always be contained and controlled perfectly down to the last atom and Linh could've definitely had some trouble controlling the pull of the water causing the Songs to abound their demigod children once and for all leaving the twins to fight for themselves before a saytr could find them
fatal flaw: Ambition (the girl flooded Atlantis, the pull of the water is often too much for her to handle and that's the call of the sea challenging her and Linh giving into the temptation of more)
Tam Song Wildwood: Son of Poseidon
"dont you mean Hades" guys that's not how twins work
Poseidon isn't just about water and he's had kids that don't even possess his power over the ocean (ex. Chrysoar)
the ocean has depths, depths so dark and deep there are parts unexplored and uncharted due to the crush and pull of the water, a single sea current could blast you from here to another continent if you're not careful
the sea is dark but there's also light, balance, calm waves gently blanketing over sandy beaches, the moon waving between high and low tide. There is more to it than what's bobbing on the surface
fatal flaw: Loyalty (Tam is the most normal dude in a group of weirdos but those are his weirdos. Tam had always put Linh before himself and has even held an escape plan in his boot in case things got so bad he had to go back home. If Linh got kicked out Tam was going with her and staying by her side no matter what)
Wylie Endal, Son of Iris, goddess of the rainbow
he's a flasher this is quite literally his entire power scheme
each color of the rainbow possesses a slightly different kind of magic inside of it so Red might have a different affect than Blue or Green and its difficult to master the entire rainbow like Iris can
fatal flaw: Grudges
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principleofplenitude · 3 months
hough it doesn’t always make it into the media discussion, scholars know that the motherhood penalty — which past research has found averages 5 to 10 percent per child for women in their 20s and 30s — can vary significantly based on occupation, the age at which women have their first child, their marital status, their cultural background, and whether they live in an urban or rural environment. Averages can mask a lot, too. White women tend to experience higher motherhood penalties than Black and Hispanic women, but the magnitude of the penalty has gone down significantly for all women over the last 50 years, thanks to factors such as increased educational attainment and mothers returning more quickly to work after having kids. In some fields, there’s no penalty at all. “We shouldn’t think of child penalties as something that’s immutable or a constant,” said Henrik Kleven, a Princeton economist who has studied these dynamics closely. “It’s something that has changed over time.” Moreover, though there’s real evidence that some women experience penalties after having kids, we don’t have very strong evidence that it’s a lasting hit. Other research suggests people may time their pregnancies to when their earnings were already flattening out. One 2014 study found that for most women who had fewer than three children, the motherhood penalty essentially disappears, both in terms of wages and job status, once they reach their 40s and 50s. As the more recent study on Danish IVF users also showed, the context around the motherhood penalty changes when we take a longer view. Those considering children deserve to make parenting decisions with the best information possible, including factors that could minimize or even eliminate labor market disadvantages. Finishing school before having kids, for example, is linked to lower or nonexistent motherhood penalties. Many women would prefer to have kids while they’re younger even if that means they can’t maximize their lifetime earnings. Still, the growing body of research can help make the case for policies that mitigate the negative tradeoffs of having kids and create more family-friendly cultures in the process. Ultimately, though, should the goal be to try and eliminate all penalties that mothers face? Kleven, the Princeton economist, thinks it’s unrealistic and undesirable to expect no wage penalty after having kids. “It’s very natural, and I think right, that someone bears a child penalty. I don’t think we necessarily want to move to a world where we outsource all child care,” he told me. Rather, the goal, he said, should be to have “similar-sized motherhood and fatherhood penalties” — for the cost of parenting not to be so gendered. That’s reasonable, but it’s also not the only potential aim. Women worrying about the cost of motherhood instead might care more about closing labor-market gaps through better employer support, or offsetting income penalties women face in the labor market through new tax and transfer programs, like federal paid leave and child allowances.
"The “motherhood penalty” is more complicated than you think" from Vox
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lumilasi · 1 year
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UPDATE: Came up with a new main outfit for him, that is more consistent with his family members, who all have a garment based on actual IRL moth/butterfly (his green shirt is just a random pattern)
Also I kinda forgot to include the small hairties to his front bangs, but it wasn't big enough detail to really need fixing.
Bio below:
Age: 24
Nicknames: Night Owl (Claude) Hay(Caelan) Hay-kun (Yoruga) Hay-hayyyyy~<3 (Celine) Fey, Mage (Basil)
Family: adoptive older brother Claude, adoptive little siblings Milo and Celine, adoptive mother Ida
Friends: Caelan Blackthorne/Delune (Claude's BF), Yoruga (Hayden's absolute bestie in the entire world), Avane Faydream (Claude's coworker/friend) Franziska Belmont (His mentor's sister) Irina Vasile (A snow witch) Reina Montero (Werecat)
Love interest: Basil Montero (Reina's brother)
Occupation: An university Healer Medic student doing an apprenticeship under doctor Angus Belmont.
A Moon Mage with Light witch heritage, adopted into a fae-sleep paralysis demon family after his parents died in an airship accident.
ABOUT MEDIC HEALERS: Medical healers are a separate thing from Doctors in Mirror World; Doctors still mainly work on physical ailments, whereas healer Medics work sort of like exorcists, dealing with curses, spells gone wrong, poisoned magic, etc. These two types do often work together though, and there are specialists trained in both. (Hayden's mentor Angus is a doctor primarily, but has studied Healer medic subjects as well and is qualified for those too to an extent)
He utilizes moonlight specifically for creating all sorts of light based protection/healing spells, which are Moon Mage primary specialties; object purification, curse removals, nourishing magic, etc. He can also dreamwalk and change people's dreams to ward off nightmares or just to contact someone/wake them up.
Because of his light witch magic however, Hayden can also do more powerful spells utilizing other types of light, such as creating powerful laser beams with sunlight, or he can even redirect lightning.
Being adopted into a Fae family known for swordsman skills, Hayden has been taught how to form one with his powers, and how to use it.
He has medical knowledge, both for physical ailments as well as his specific field, which deals more with magic based sicknesses, including things like curses.
Hayden is generally seen as a very kind and polite person, but he does have his mischievous side, growing up with a bunch of siblings. By default, he is very good at pulling tricks on people and not getting caught, given most people (except those who know him) tend to not suspect him. He and Yoruga especially tend to be up to Shenanigans a lot during their free time.
He can be a bit impulsive, and if someone really manages to irk him, he might decide to mess with them even when he REALLY shouldn't. (such as when the person in question is far stronger than him.) Basically, when he is acting on an impulse, rather than doing his default mischief, Hayden tends to not plan his actions as well and can get caught and in trouble pretty easily.
He's extremely patient and good with children, having a naturally calming Moon Mage aura to even the most anxious of kids, and he is well liked by their younger patients. His patience does extend to his pranks as well, as he is able to wait for hours on end to pull one, usually on his brother much to Claude's dismay.
Despite his trickster tendencies, he's generally professional at work, as Hayden takes himself more seriously when he's supposed to be caring for others' well-being. This does extent to outside of work too though, as he tends to not mess with people he can tell aren't feeling well.
.........Unless he's drunk.
He is not as good of a swordsman as his brother, because he generally has less interest and stamina for it; Moon Mages are more meant for supporting roles, not at the front of a battlefield after all. He also takes longer to form a blade, and it lasts for a shorter period. (People often overestimate his swordsmanship skills and underestimate Claude's)
His moon powers are weaker on Human world, because Earth moon has less magic essence in it unlike their homeland Ether's two moons. (He tends to often store moonlight in special talismans if he has to go to earth for longer periods of time.)
His impulsive tendencies tend to get much worse when drunk, and he can be difficult to keep out of trouble when intoxicated. His ability to read people generally worsens, and he might taunt or mess with a person he normally wouldn't when sober.
Fun Facts
His light-created wings he can summon remind the wings of a lunar moth.
Hayden has the most epic puppy eyes, that his family are far too weak for, and he generally is able to get away with a lot of shenanigans with them.
His medic assistant uniform is white, with the Chrysalis city emblem on it, otherwise they look similar to human world ones.
When he summons his mage robes, his hair always turns white and has a light glow to it, reflecting the cool light of the moon.
Hayden is one of the few people who is not intimidated by Angus the slightest. he also really looks up to his mentor and thinks he's a great doctor.
Hayden met Basil when he went to help his mentor with a situation involving a human, and they traveled to the Vasile castle to ask for some assistance. Basil initially thought of him as some posh weak-ass kid, until he was promptly proven wrong by a sun laser beam, and Hayden redirecting his lightning during a fight against some monsters attacking the castle.
Hayden enjoys stealing Basil's fur jacket, because he knows Basil really likes how it looks on him. (Not that the prideful cat would ever admit it out loud)
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rositaxtorres · 1 month
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Age: 40 Birthday: September 7 1986 Occupation: Police detective
Neighborhood: Masonboro Guardian to: Marco Torres (10, nephew) Maya Torres (6, niece) Status: Single
Rosita was the firstborn and oldest of the Torres family and was headstrong. She walked and talked young and was one to keep her younger siblings in line. Rosita was one to talk back to her parents, who never liked that their daughter had such a month on her. Rosita was a good daughter and student who enjoyed school. But the type that was so easy for her that she finished work up quickly and tended to act out and make jokes. So she was a problem child and student. But in the end she loved to play softball and school while she grew up and loved it. School came and went for Rosita, and she knew what she wanted to do for a living for many years now.
She join the Navy shy always found them very cool and badass even more the women who made their way up the ranks. Rosita worked hard, and after years in the service, she made the ranks of the Navy Seals. It was rare for the females to be on the field team, and Essie was there as a major part of the team. She loved what she did and enjoyed it kept her always busy and always moving. But this did keep her away from home most of the time. She only be home a couple weeks at time if that. Normally, she stays at the Navy base because it is closer if she gets the call to go on another mission. She did this for years and was away on a mission when her father passed away. Being in an unknown location to her family, she didn't find out till she got back, which was a week after the funeral.
Her mother and siblings were upset at her but she fought back saying she couldn't of done anything even if she was there, just be there and watch. She fought with her family for a bit before she was off again, and this let time pass, and they all stopped fighting. There were times she did try to date and find someone, but her being away at no notice and gone for weeks to months at a time made it hard. She had guy she dated for a few months she was wild about. but he couldn't take her being in charge of team of men and being gone all the time and they broke up after 6 months of dating. It was hard. She hated being alone for so long but just put her mind to her work and loved being a Navy Seal. That was till just over a year ago she was on base and got a call.
Her brother had passed away (and his wife), and his kids needed someone. His mother was older and couldn't, and their sister said no to them. So, she could take her niece and nephew, or they could get into foster care. After 20 years in the Navy, she asked to step down due to a family emergency, and they allowed it. It was hard for her. She wanted to do it for another twenty years but had to take care of her family. She has been back in town over a year now and just starting to settle into a normal life. She's a police detective and can fly planes to help fight fires and sometimes for personal and private flights.
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lovingpromise · 7 months
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Დ ▫ Sherrinford Holmes
Full Name | Sherrinford Nathaniel Archibald Holmes Nickname | Ford is his preferred, The Accountant (professionally) Birthday | Pending. Age | Varies. 4.5 years younger than Mycroft, 2.5 years older than Sherlock, 3.5 years older than Eurus (Generally in his mid to late 30s) Gender | Cis Male (He/Him) Orientation | Pansexual Nationality | British Ethnicity | Caucasian (English-mostly, Welsh, Irish, Scottish) Species | Human Language | English Occupation | "Accounting" / Government Agent
Eye Color | Blue Eyes Hair Color | Brown Height | 5' 9" Skin Markings | N/A Face Claims | Cillian Murphy
Mental | Pending. Physical | Pending. Phobias | Pending. Eyesight | Farsight is immaculate, but slight need for readers. Vices | Pending.
Zodiac | Pending. Alignment | Neutral/Good Strengths | Pending. Weaknesses | Pending. Skills | Pending. Abilities | N/A
Birthplace | Musgrave Hall, England Countryside Current Home | Verse Dependent Headcanons | Links will be here
Ford is the “dumbest” of the Holmes siblings, which usually still makes him the 4th smartest person in the room. (5th if you count their mother….).
Mostly because he never applied himself to the lengths they did. He is also the most "human"… or at the very least the most capable of expressing himself in socially acceptable ways. (Or at the very least mimicking the proper behavior).
It does exhaust him, but not as quickly or to the same extent it would his kin.
Due to the nature of his profession, Ford has two personalities: A bit of a Clark Kent vs Superman scenario, though instead of his alter ego being a superhero it’s a highly trained operative.
His cover is a bumbling, awkward, dorky accountant. Complete with glasses (which he does need to read on occasion but shh), and a bit of an inability to look people directly in the eye. Basically an unassuming pencil pusher.
The other side to him, could be seen as a polar opposite. Serious. Precise. Very Bond-eque. (He always did like those movies as a child). Instead of glasses, he wears contacts and sometimes his hair is slicked back. He can tend to be cold, goal-oriented, and straightforward. Basically channeling your typical Holmes.
He’s a bit of a casanova no matter which persona, if only for recreational purposes. It’s very rare that any of his relationships turn out serious. Usually due to the nature of his job. He doesn’t tend to stick around long enough to know someone.
However there is, in some ways, a third side. His true self, if you will. Of which only his family has ever experienced. A sort of… mix between his polarizing personas and then some. He is a deeply caring individual when in their presence (and not on the job). 
Family means a lot to him… even if his is less than perfect. He adores his parents, especially his mother, and tries to keep in touch in any way he can. (If not phone calls then letters from various aliases). He likes to tease his siblings mostly Sherlock (and once upon a time Eurus). 
He tends to give very good advice, even if others seldom want to hear it. 
He is very good at mathematics (and really could have been near the top of that field if he’d pursued it). It’s probably the only subject he has beaten his brothers in (maybe even Eurus on occasion).
Unlike his older brother, Sherrinford is all about legwork. After all, he'd always much rather be out doing things than sit in a stuffy office all day. That said, he is a lone agent. He lends his services wherever they are needed. 
Mostly he "balances the books". Cleans up loose ends on messy jobs. The only person who holds any type of permanent authority over him (in a professional sense) is Mycroft. He is the best at what he does. An expert in his field, as is the Holmes way.
Mother | Violet Holmes, nee Rutherford (Birth Mother) Father | Siger Holmes (Birth Father) Siblings | Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, and Eurus Holmes Other Family | Pending. Significant Other | N/A Children | N/A Pets | N/A
Verse Name | Pending.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
When Obi-Wan gets to AotC, there's also about two dozen Anakin clones on-site. They're all girls because... IDK Anakin is trans. They have a hive mind and are developmentally a few years younger than Anakin himself.
It's incredibly unsettling to Obi-Wan.
It's almost definitely a "fuck with Anakin's already fragile mental health" ploy by Palpatine, along with a "what if Jedi Black Widows, for me, a Sith Lord. Wouldn't that be neat? That would be neat."
Anakin is torn between "this freaks me out" and "GANG OF BABY SISTERS LET'S GOOOOOOO."
(I just finished reading Like Real People Do by glimmerglanger, so this is definitely inspired by that and the obligatory 'lay back in bed and daydream variations on plot points of that fic you just really enjoyed,' and also a little by Same Heart, Same Blood by loosingletters.)
They're physically like 14-16 on average, and Anakin's vibrating out of his skin with a million conflicting emotions, but when he tells Padme she's just like "oh, you have a handmaiden gang!"
I told this to @willowcrowned and she suggested:
Once Anakin decides to repress the part of him that’s weirded out and just regard them as baby sisters he gets. A little strange about it The first time one of them dies he may or may not slaughter every person he can [in response to Padme's comment] Anakin starts worrying that he needs to get them cool matching outfits
I also chatted about it with @firebirdeternal and they said:
Gang of Unsettling Smol Siblings is exactly the Karma that Anakin deserves
Do you think the Clones have a kind of Collective Name that they use at first that eventually just kind of morphs into a new last name? Skysisters or something? Like Palpatine was trying to be clever and name them like the Nightsisters.
I initially went with "functionally one person" hive-mind but I'm torn.
I think maybe they're BASICALLY one person on Kamino but drift into Separate Consciousness once they're far enough apart physically that their minds don't blend from proximity anymore.
Then they start Dating (like half of them are dating Fett clones because they grew up with these dudes, it's like childhood friends romance), and Anakin loses his mind about Protecting Them and They're Too Young.
Padme: You're nineteen and we just got married, they can date. Anakin: THEY'RE EIGHT. Padme: And the Fett clones are ten and dying for us in the field. Get them rights before you panic about their love lives.
it could be worse, one of them could imprint on Obi-Wan. "Anakin I promise I won't yell at you for the next five stupid things you do if you can figure out a way to stop this baby from having a crush on me" (I like the idea of Obi-wan bargaining not with "I won't be mad at you ever" because they Both Know That's Not True, and instead haggling with specific allowances. Like he's handing out Stupidity Coupons)
Please imagine Mace and Obi-Wan's personal responses to the idea of suddenly having to deal with not one, not two, but OVER TWENTY SKYWALKERS.
Plo is delighted to take one off their hands.
So is Yoda.
Mace is like. okay suicide isn’t the Jedi way but on the other hand. i physically cannot deal with this Yoda: a skywalker, you say? one who is tall enough to reach the top shelf, you say? such a skywalker, bring me
Anakin would be given at least one because fuck you, suffer with us, but he's still a padawan so Ugh, fine, no.
I want to say one stays on Coruscant to hang out with the Guard, and ends up half-adopted by Padme. She keeps dressing up the Aniclone left with her in handmaiden outfits and sending selfies to Anakin.
"Hanging out with the little SiL!"
Anakin has so many issues about WHEN his genetic material was acquired.
And there's some confusion from the Fett clones about how much of a hive mind is normal for Jedi. They are confused that the answer is basically none, and "this is WHY nobody clones a Jedi"
"I have followed in our progenitor's footsteps and acquired a sibling." holds up a struggling Boba "He bites."
Ooooo okay so if they have a sort of hive mind then they probably don’t have names other than their designations on Kamino right BUT When they SEPARATE The one that picks Boba up on Geonosis gets a name specifically for that. Okay what if the one Padmé picks up gets some variant on ‘pretty’ because she’s always being dressed up BELLE Maybe Yoda’s Ani has a name that means thief? Because obviously Yoda is using Anakin to steal sweets
So, to make the timeline work...
I don't think anyone would give Anakin one of his sisters until after he's knighted at least.
So obviously when they're doing initial placements none of the sisters go to him or Obi-Wan.
Once he's knighted, of course they're already all placed with someone, and Anakin instead gets Ahsoka. He loves Ahsoka. She is also a little sister. He said so.
At some point afterwards, one of the sisters is left without a place because the Master that was in charge of her died in the field battle.
That sister then gets placed with Obi-Wan, because he's already mostly-successfully raised one Skywalker, so he can do it again.
Anakin gets to hang out with her basically all the time.
Ahsoka is very very jealous of this girl stealing Anakin's attention.
Anakin is oblivious to the rivalry.
He asks Barriss to look after them while he's discussing Adult War Things with Luminara and Obi-Wan, and Barriss gets an eye into This Mess, which is quickly colored by Ahsoka growing a puppy crush on the lovely Miss Offee herself.
Ahsoka: Ah yes, my nemesis. Anisister: Ah yes, my new older sister whom I want to impress so bad.
"I will impress her by being Stoic and Competent" "Oh my god she must think she's so much better than me what a bitch"
Anakin is oblivious to most things to be fair Anakin: Laser focused precision fighting machine who can read the tiniest body movements and predict your moves seconds in advance, who also cannot understand even the most basic social nuance. I was originally writing this as to Dunk on Anakin but then I made myself sad, because none of those things are really his fault.
So you know that post about like, Sasuke and Brooding, specifically in the context of "Brooding" as it's used to refer to Nesting Chickens? Grouchy and protective and sitting on a tennis ball trying to hatch it because they're just. "These are my Babies." Anakin Broods. Baby sisters. Must protecc. "I'm actually fine and extremely deadly in combat." "MUST PROTECT."
Bad Guy: [catches Ahsoka in a Trap] Aniclone: Must rescue sister! Aniclone: [fights, is not winning fight, gets ouched] Ahsoka tearing her way out of Trap: I lived bitch. Also: stay the fuck away from her. [murders so hard]
Ahsoka catches the Protective Older Sib feels by the traditional method: "Hey, only I'm allowed to be mean to them."
Oh Anakin has no clue what’s going on. He walks in on Ahsoka glaring at the Ani and is like!!! Little sisters!!! Bonding!!! When Ahsoka was about three seconds away from tossing her out of the airlock. Ahsoka mistakenly assumes that Barriss has a crush on the Ani, and gets even MORE jealous.
Obi-Wan is like oh god. I can’t take care of an Anakin going through puberty again. He’s great with periods and other stuff because he read about a billion books. He is TERRIBLE with everything else, as he was the first time.
IDK how old Obi-Wan's Aniclone is, probably physically the same age as Ahsoka?
Per @atagotiak on discord:
Also something something, similarities btw Anakin and Obi-Wan where like. "Am I a parent? That seems uncomfortable, I'm too young to be a dad to a kid this age, I mean I'm cool with being a mentor/caretaker but..."
Obi-Wan can't even sidestep parenthood this time.
"Is Anakin basically your dad?" "Uhhhhhh" [Muffled discussion] "So Obi-Wan is your dad." "Okay!" "WAIT NO I DIDN'T AGREE TO THIS"
Ahsoka: She's stealing my brother, that BITCH. Obi-Wan's Aniclone: new sister new sister new sister gotta make a good impression
I feel like the Sister Squad would make very effective interstellar espionage agents Even like, kind of by accident. They just get encouraged to branch out in their interests and figure out what they want to do with their lives and end up all over the dang place, and since they're all pretty dang competent they tend to gravitate towards Important Positions wherever they end up. Except for one sister who just retires to raise Space Sheep.
I like that in this AU Palpatine is just like "I will create an army of Loyal Murderers who will obey my every whim and also be a big psychological lever on my Other Pet Murderer," and then they all just Baby Duckling imprint on the first Jedi to be nice to them instead and he has to just be like "Wait no not like that."
AND one of them Steals Boba
I want Obi-Wan's Aniclone to start dating Fives. All the sisters judge her for it, because he's a Goof. A very competent, ARC Trooper goof! But a goof.
Not as goofy as Anakin, though.
Who expects a clone of Anakin Skywalker to not make questionable lifelong romantic choices impulsively?
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rayofsunas · 4 years
 haikyuu!! as dads (pt.1)
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A/n: hello! starting off with a clean slate here yay! if some of the first few seem so short and the writing seems different, it’s because I wrote half of this like three days ago- anywways, requests are open btw!!
Summary: haikyuu characters as dads/domestic living. 
Pairings: Semi Eita, Bokuto Koutarou, Kuroo Tetsurou, Oikawa Toru, Kenma Kozume 
Warnings: some timeskip spoilers, fluff, parenting, angst (kinda) swearing (maybe), crack, all characters are aged up
Word count: 1.8k 
Part Two!
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Semi Eita
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- the serious sometimes scary looking dad, but other than that he’s a fluff ball
- he may look scary but he simply cannot punish them for anything 
- especially after they bonded over music, legit cannot do nothing wrong
- on the days he’s not working or with his bandmates, you can often find him with his twin daughters, teaching them how to use different musical instruments 
- okay, so your daughters are still pretty young, so they aren’t very good at using most instruments, but for Christmas you and Semi got them both a small set of drums, something easy
- it was very cute to come home from work to see your husband and daughters loudly practicing on the drums
- sure at first it gave you a blasting headache, but after a while you got used to it, and even jammed out with them when you had the time
- mainly just random sounds/beats coming from the two five year olds, but Semi doesn’t mind, he’s willing to teach them and he does proudly 
- if one of his daughters or both wants too
- definitely writes songs for his daughters and you
- i can see him writing lullaby’s for them and working on them for hours making sure they were perfect
- lets just say they were perfectly beautiful 
- because you went to high school together, the nickname “semi semi” stuck with you (thanks chicken tendo)
- but your girls will also cutely call him “semi semi”
- you often bring them to concerts despite semi saying it’s probably too loud for them
- he’ll let you sit safely with them back stage uwu
- after he runs back to you three and is bombarded with hugs, high-fives and kithes
Bokuto Koutarou
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- bokuto is a hyper dad, which we all saw coming. there is no taking the child out of bo
- i feel like he’d want tons of kids, probably even uses his children as an excuse to act the way he does
- i can see him with a few kids, 3 to be exact (2 boys and 1 girl)
- he likes to be really involved with his children, and gets very sad/emo when he doesn’t see them for short/long periods of time
- for example, the Black Jackals is a whole different game field than high school volleyball and it’s much more time consuming and has him away a lot 
- when he does come home and has time off, let’s just say he clings to his children like a puppy
- even after a while THEY get sick of him and wanna ditch him, cue emo bo :(
- if his children gang up on him (which they do) cue emo Bo again :(
- he babies them all, can’t ever say no
- tends to go back on his word lmao
- if your oldest son begs and begs for season tickets to his favorite sports team? Bo KNOWS they can be expensive, and he was even scolded by you, but two hours after saying no, he runs back to his son and gives him the money 
- if your daughter wants to get her nails done with a group of friends, he knows she picks out the most expensive polishes, etc, BUT HE DOES NOT CARE, he will gladly give her the money and even go with her to get his nails done 
- yes, you heard me
- of course he’ll being chaperone for this girls day, he promises to pretend that he doesn’t know them and keep his distance (sit very far away lol), but after a little while its just hard to contain and he’s screaming to everyone in the salon that his daughter is sitting on the other side of the room eye- 
- your youngest son wants an expensive sports car? done
- he just wants to make his family happy, pleaseee
 Kuroo Tetsurou 
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- poor Kuroo, he has 2 daughters and you, so he’s surrounded by girls lol 
- he actually doesn’t mind it tbh
- between you and his two daughters, he wouldn’t have it any other way
- just gives him an excuse to be overly protective
- anywhere in public, expect either kuroo holding your hand
- or holding his daughters close to him (piggy back rides, yes)
- or, he stands protectively behind you and your daughters while you talk to someone, sending them threatening glares behind your backs 
- he was shy as a child, so it wasn’t surprising when one of his daughters, the youngest, was very very shy
- he doesn’t mind once again, just gives him an excuse to be protective 
- although he’s busy, he always makes time for his girls ALWAYS
- definitely a bragger
- if his family is brought into a convo, he pridefully will express how cute and smart his daughters are, may or may not openly declare his daughters are the cutest amongst his co-workers children
- he’s mad intuitive and aware/observant
- kuroo always knows when one or both of his daughters are about to start crying/throw a fit
- cue dad kuroo prepared to crack funny chemistry and or science jokes
- his shy daughter finds him very funny, doubles over every time he cracks a joke and calls him a “silly rooster”
- even when she's older she still laughs and even copies his jokes
- but his other daughter just cringes, every time sigh
- when she was younger she used to fake the laughs, but when he started saying the jokes in public she just stopped reacting, hoping he would stop-
- he didn’t...
- i like to imagine kuroo and kenma staying friends even after high school, and since kenma has hella video games and a whole arcade in his house, he’ll often bring his daughters over to his house
- his eldest daughter loves it at uncle kenma’s house
- cue jealous rooster dad
Oikawa Toru 
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- okay so oikawa is ALWAYS busy
- isn’t home much, except during off seasons or if he messes up his knee again (yes, it’ll happen) 
- in the event that he’s home due to a knee injury, he’ll wanna be catered too lmaooo
- he doesn’t expect his little girl to cater to him and really only teases you about it
- but his daughter will get him whatever he needs while he’s propped up on the couch
- she admires him so much
- his daughter kinda has a smart mouth-
- definitely got that from him, having picked up on it from a young age, while he was home
- when he was home once propped up with a messed up knee, she went “here dadkawa” as she handed him an ice pack
- he laughs at the nickname, asking you about where it came from later
“she was on call with hajime’s daughter yesterday... hajime asked how ‘poopykawa’ was doing”
- he just rolls his eyes, “at least he cleaned it up for her sake” you explained 
- will not lose the “kawa” part, so it’s dadkawa lol
- when he’s away, she’s always asking for dadkawa
- when he’s here they're inseparable
- morning breakfast now will be her sitting in his lap instead of yours
- she asks to watch cartoons with him instead of you :(
- bath time consists of her arguing with you as you try to wash her hair, while oikawa sits on the closed toilet seat laughing to himself
- “mommy i want dadkawa to wash my hair!”
- “you always whine that he gets soap in your eyes”
- “I don’t care!”
- when you bring your daughter to games, she’ll be cheering him on proudly, “mommy, look at dadkawa!” “GO DADKAWA!!!!”
- since he plays for the professional Argentine team, i figure you all live in Argentina now, traveling from Argentina and Japan was tiring, so you moved to be closer
- when the news approaches him after or before games, he makes sure to show his daughter off and the whole time it’s his daughter stealing the show
- she might be shy at first, but as long as dadkawa is holding her, she’s fine
- he’ll teach her Spanish, defiantly sings happy birthday to her in Spanish because it’s special
- he calls her his princesa (princess in spanish)
Kenma Kozume 
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- if his child didn’t enjoy video games like him or any of his hobbies like volleyball, I feel like Kenma would have a hard time with them
- he loves his son yes, but he’d have a hard time interacting with him, especially if he’s not into video games or volleyball
- if he is though, you can often find the two in kenma’s home office, playing games
- when your son was a infant, you would always come home from being out/work to find your son sitting in his pj’s on kenma’s lap watching his dad play video games 
- “it’s late, ken. i see he’s already in his pj’s- did you already have dinner?” “yes”
- “without me?” you asked, lifting up your son to give his cheeks kisses. “there’s apple pie in the fridge.”
- eye-
- yes he fed your son that, yes he needs a little guidance, yes he needs to be told apple pie is NOT dinner
- on another occasion of coming home, you found your boys in the same spot, once again playing video games, your sons eyes drifting between the game and his father every time he muttered under his breath 
- “the screen is bad for your eyes kenma, and he’s just a baby! he’ll get bad eyes too!”
- kenma’s short answer is, “he won’t” 
- when your son got older, and he started getting into video games, it got harder for you to tear his eyes away from the screen
- he’s been around video games his whole life, so of course it’d be hard, you just didn’t think he’d grow attached 
- kenma leaves most of the strict parenting to you, because he LEGIT doesn’t NOT know what to say
- he’s lowkey afraid he’ll push his son away if he says the wrong thing, but he’s also worried that if he doesn't say anything, they’ll have no real relationship, so he struggles 
- he tries his hardest to bond with him over video games and volleyball though
- as said by your son, kenma’s cooking can’t compare to yours, BUT he does know how to make a yummy apple pie
- his son will help kenma with said apple pie, when he’s younger he was often the taste tester and made a mess every time
- kenma gets nervous in huge crowds and really around anyone he doesn’t know, so if his son is a social butterfly he’ll try to get kenma used to people other than himself and you
- somehow, during the rare moments his son has problems (friends, school etc), kenma will be the one to speak up privately
- he’ll definitely tell his son to surround himself with a good friend/good friends, he also makes sure to let him know the importance of quality over quantity 
- he has a brotherly relationship with kuroo, and if not for kuroo he’d be alone, he wants the same thing for his son
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10.20.20, rayofsunas 
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oathofoaksart · 4 years
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bio under the cut!
Name: Taylor Martinez 
A.K.A: Yellow Jacket; Munch, Munchie, Jacket, YJ
Age: 16 [S2], 18 [S3]
Gender: Transgender Male 
Orientation: Homoromantic Homosexual
 Race: Metahuman 
Ethnicity: Afro-Latinx, Black-Colombian
Location: Dakota City, Michigan
Hometown: Dakota City, Michigan 
 Skin: Dark Tan, warm undertones 
Hair: Black 
Eyes: Dark brown; glow fully yellow while actively using metagene 
Height: 5’10
Build: Lean with sinewy muscles
Distinctions: Has a large collection of hoodies and jackets, specifically of shonen anime merch. 
Parents: Gloria Martinez and Jamal Winston, Danielle Seymore [step-mother] 
Siblings: Tori Winston [younger half-sister] 
Friends: Virgil “Static” Hawkins, Jacklyn “Ferro” Ericson @generalfandomsofthefreak, Raquel “Rocket” Irving, Eduardo “El Dorado” Dorado Jr., Jaime “Blue Beetle III” Reyes, Karen “Bumblebee” Beecher, Malcolm “Guardian III” Duncan, Asami “Sam” Koizumi, Tye Longshadow, Roy “Arsenal” Harper, Tatsuo “Irezumi” Sumioka [@Triskata], Bart “Kid Flash II” Allen, Gi “Riot/Geode” Flores [OC], Shizuka “Oni” Amachi [OC], Tim “Robin III” Drake, Forager “Fred Bugg”, Violet “Halo” Harper, Brion “Geoforce” Markov
Partner/s: Richie “Gear” Foley [ev.]
Misc.: Augustus “Icon” Freeman, Jefferson “Black Lightning” Pierce, Ivan “Ebon” Evans, See-More, the HIVE 5, the Meta-Breed gang, the Blood Syndicate
Affiliations: The Team, Taos Metateen Youth Center, The Titans [ev.], S.T.A.R Labs [formally] 
Personality Type: ESTP-A [Assertive Entrepreneur] 
Temperament: Choleric-Sanguine 
Alignment: Chaotic Good 
Passionate | Social | Upfront | Risk-prone | Defiant 
 Smart-mouthed, openly opinionated, and with an apparent lack of volume, Munch quickly cements himself as the class clown in any group. He enjoys living in the moment, a truly free spirit with an infectious energy. He is the textbook extrovert, finding himself to be bored out of his mind if not sharing with others, leading him to have quite the large group of friends and acquaintances. He’s notorious for poking fun at anything and anyone, but has no problem sincerely apologizing once he realizes he might have taken something too far. 
As a hero, Munch takes after his namesake, the Yellow Jacket wasp. Quick, nimble, and particularly aggressive, Jacket revels in the comic book hero lifestyle of kicking butts and taking names. His energy blasts aren’t his only weapons, he has as much fun slinging insults and burns as he does physically taking someone down. He certainly enjoys the attention of being a hero in a celebrity sense, but Jacket sees his role as a chance to inspire others to fight the good fight in any capacity. 
Hot-blooded as he is, Munch struggles with controlling his emotions. He can be easily frustrated, especially when things aren’t as straight-foward as he is, and blisteringly fierce when angered. It takes an ungodly amount of coaxing to get him to let go of past grudges due to his tendency of being bullheaded. 
Metahuman Biology: Metahumans by standard are more durable than humans. While not by much, Jacket exhibits increased strength, speed, reflexes and resilience. 
Plasma Manipulation: Jacket’s metagene allows him to create, shape, and otherwise manipulate plasma matter
Plasma “Stingers”: By shooting short blasts of plasma energy, Yellow Jacket creates his signature “stingers,” the potency of said stingers can vary from shocks to explosions. 
Variants include plasma beams and large spheres, but they currently require more concentration and stamina to use
He can also use his stingers to push him off surfaces as a kind of super-jump and can sustain limited flight mobility
Plasma Shields: Jacket can create small shields, enough to deflect low to medium powered attacks. Large shields require significant effort to shape and contain, once he’s made one, he’s stuck sustaining it. 
Flight Belt: Jacket can fly thanks to the inertia belt made by his mentor Icon, based off Rocket’s Inertia belt. Since it was not made of the same material as the original belt, it allows only for flight and a decent powered body aura. 
Goggles: Jacket’s goggles feature different kinds of vision including: Telescopic, Microscopic, Infrared, and X-Ray
 Weaknesses and Limitations
Energy Stamina: Jacket stands the risk of overexerting himself if he pushes his plasma control too far. The reason why he tends to stick with short blasts is because they take much less energy to conjure. Attacks such as beams, energy spheres, and large defensive shields can potentially wear him down to unconsciousness if the strain is too much.  
High Metabolism: Similar to that of a speedster; Jacket’s plasma energy tears through his calorie reservoir. He needs a rather high end amount of food to sustain himself properly or else his energy suffers. 
16-year-old Jamal Winston and Gloria Martinez figured trying to force their relationship made having to take care of their newborn far more painful than it had to be and called it quits. They continued co-parenting with both opting to drop-out of high school, Gloria a fulltime mother and Jamal picking up a fulltime job. Eventually the two managed to assuage any resentment towards each other and made steps toward genuine friendship, both turning out to be equally dedicated and loving parents. 
Taylor, named Clara at the time, enjoyed school. Not so much the actual studying as the playtime and socializing, but he was a bright student. In middle school he discovered a love for track and kept at it when he entered high school. Taylor was doing well, but struggled with his self-esteem in connection with fitting in with girls. He’d always been masculine and known a tomboy for nearly all of his childhood. His parents never had a problem with that, but he was picked at by other family members. It wasn’t until high school where Taylor discovered himself as trans, which both gave him answers he’d been looking for and terrified him as he had no idea how to go about this with his family. 
The topic of LGBTQ+ matters rarely passed through his household with his mother or with his father and step-mother. None of them openly expressed homo or transphobia, but Taylor had met enough extended family anti-LGBTQ+ and that stopped him from broaching the subject. Still he began looking into subtle ways to get a "head-start" on transitioning, including buying a binder and teaching himself natural voice changes. 
But Taylor was publicly outed during a family get-together, when a few of his younger cousins rifled through his belongings and brought with them the attention of Taylor’s uncle. When the situation turned into an all out yelling match and nearly physical, Taylor ran off. It would be the last anyone would see him for the months to come. 
While wandering around Dakota City, Taylor was abducted by the Reach and experimented on, the stress and torture he endured all the while activated his dormant metagene. He was eventually rescued by a team of young heroes while deep in the Western Pacific Reach mobile base, recognizing a past classmate, Virgil Hawkins. The two stuck close out of familiarity as they were eventually shifted over to S.T.A.R. Labs in Taos. 
They spent a month or so under the eye of Dr. David Wilcox, building resentment over being treated as lab rats alongside Tye Longshadow, Eduardo Dorado Jr., Asami Koizumi, and Nathaniel Tyron. It was during this time that Taylor’s commonly used nickname of ‘Munch’ came about because of his extreme appetite due to his metagene and at that point Taylor hadn’t chosen his name yet. The group, sans Nathaniel, then came to agree their stay at S.T.A.R was over and escaped. 
Their party was joined in by Jacklyn Ericson, unknown to them a hero known as Ferro and Team member, and were soon approached by Lex Luthor who offered them security in exchange for favors against the Reach. Little under two weeks later, the gang were fighting their way through the heart of the Warworld to rescue the captured heroes caught in stasis. Munch was on board with Nightwing’s invitation onto the Team, he’d always looked up to the Justice League and heroics called to him, but left with the others at seeing Arsenal’s dismissal despite him leading the rescue. 
Munch wouldn’t involve himself with heroes until their group until the League reached out to Jacklyn; they needed as many hands on deck. The Reach had activated field disruptors around the world which would eventually tear Earth to shreds if not shut down; Munch was paired off with Rocket to shut down the disruptor in Chile. Munch couldn’t hide his joy at being paired with Rocket, he’d been a fan of hers ever since she started off in Dakota City as Icon’s protégé. The two got on well and Rocket extended another invitation onto the Team stating their hometown could do with another hero, this time Munch accepted. 
He would take on the mantle Yellow Jacket and when Rocket’s former mentor Icon returned to Earth, was taken under his wing as a mentee. He and Virgil, who had also accepted the invitation onto the Team as Static, became the new generation of heroes in Dakota City. 
Just in time too, as from the shadows rise a threat spreading across the city’s metayouth, the Metabreed. 
Munch does eventually make it back to his parents, who have been been running themselves ragged organizing search parties for him. 
Because of his color scheme and insect motif, Jacket tends to be confused as Bumblebee’s protégé instead of Icon’s. Not that it’s cause for insult, but Karen and Munch note they wouldn’t make good partners. 
Munch comes to find out of another super in the family, although not of the heroic kind. His step-cousin is member of the H.I.V.E 5, See-More. 
He enjoys various shonen anime, occasionally reading the manga if he likes the anime enough, his favorite being the Dragon Ball franchise. He makes a nod towards this during the escape at S.T.A.R when Virgil asked him if he could blast open the door. When Munch’s first few blasts don’t cut it, he tries a larger beam in the only way he knows how, via Kamehameha.
Yellow Jacket has become very active on social media and has a notable following, much to Icon’s annoyance. 
Munch has recently taken up being a peer counselor at S.T.A.R Taos alongside Ed Jr.
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stiltonbasket · 4 years
could i possibly please prompt you for some grown up kiddies? like the girls and a-yu, what's their dynamic like when they're like teens? do they like to get into trouble a lot or follow all the rules strictly? it'd be interesting to see them on a nighthunt together, maybe. what do they do when they get into trouble, how do they solve problems together? i adore all your fics and your oc's, i'm in awe of you bro
Boys Over Flowers
by stiltonbasket
The worst day of Wei Shuilan’s life comes not long after her fourteenth birthday, when her A-Die hands her a packed lunch in a basket and tells it to take it to her elder brother in the produce field.
“Xiao-Yu sent a butterfly saying he couldn’t leave his moonflower sprouts,” A-Die says. “Go bring him his lunch, A-Lan, and then hurry back so your food doesn’t get cold.”
Looking back on it, that was the moment Wei Shuilan's world imploded.
(Or: nineteen-year-old Lan Xiaohui falls in love. His sisters try to cancel his romance subscription.)
All of those days were miserable in their own gloomy ways, but the worst day of Shuilan’s life comes not long after her fourteenth birthday, when her A-Die hands her a packed lunch in a basket and tells it to take it to her elder brother in the produce field. 
“Xiao-Yu sent a butterfly saying he couldn’t leave his moonflower sprouts,” A-Die says—because Lan Yu is a shidao cultivator, and the medicinal herbs and crops he grows are so strong and wholesome that Uncle Xichen once swore that the dandelion tea from Yu-gege’s field could cure his reading headaches. “Go bring him his lunch, A-Lan, and then hurry back so your food doesn’t get cold.”
Shuilan nods and takes off at a run with the basket balanced on her elbow, dodging over rocks and clumps of grass until she gets to the produce field. She expects to find her brother kneeling in one of the flowerbeds, since his moonflowers have proved even more stubborn the enormous cactus he grew for burn paste, but the moonflower bed is decidedly free of muddy teenage boys with equally muddy forehead ribbons, and a squint around the field reveals that Yu-gege is standing near the lotus pond instead. 
Yu-gege isn’t alone, though. There’s a young man hovering next to him, dressed in the colors of Qinghe Nie, and his face is so red that Wei Shuilan can see his ears turning scarlet all the way from the gate. 
“I thought you might like these,” her brother’s strange companion seems to be mumbling, shoving a bunch of fire lilies in Lan Yu’s direction. “They, um. They still have the bulbs on, and the shop said they would put out new roots just a day after touching soil, so you can p-plant them.”
“Zhuyan!” she hears Lan Yu cry, obviously delighted. “How pretty! But—oh, no, my—will you dig out some holes for me over there, Zhuyan-xiong? I can’t leave my moonflowers seedlings for another hour, or I’ll have to start from scratch all over again.”
Wei Shuilan feels her blood run cold. 
No. No, it can’t be. 
“I can help you with them,” the other youth says shyly. “Can I?”
Not the moonflowers! Wei Shuilan wants to scream. Gege doesn’t even let me touch the moonflowers!
That’s because you keep trying to combine the modao with Xiao-Yu’s shidao cultivation and turning his radishes into demons, a voice that sounds a great deal like her Xiongzhang’s scolds in the back of her mind. Of course he doesn’t let you touch them!
“Do you mind waiting until they’re a little stronger?” Lan Yu replies, cheerily oblivious to his own younger sister coming to deliver his lunch. “They should be able to handle double spiritual signatures in a month, I think.”
Horrified into speechlessness, Shuilan throws the lunchbox at his head with a burst of spiritual energy and flees. Yu-gege doesn’t even blink, though, and neither does the stranger, and Yu-gege only looks up when the basket thumps gently to the ground at his feet.
“Oh!” he frowns. “Wait, that’s the basket A-Niang uses for my lunch. Was someone here?”
“I don’t think so,” the stranger says, with an adoring face like a dumb calf that nearly makes Shuilan sick on the spot. “I didn’t see anyone but you, A-Yu.”
Oh no, you don’t, Shuilan thinks, stomping back to the jingshi with clenched fists and helping her parents lay out the lunch dishes so angrily that they exchange a pair of startled glances over her head. I don’t care who this Zhuyan-xiong is, but I’m not going to let him take our Yu-gege away!
*    *    *
Wei Shuilan comes from a rather large family, which is rare among the Lan clan: and among the Weis, as far as she knows, because six generations’ worth of records at Lotus Pier show that her A-Die’s forefathers tended to have single children. Papa has only one brother, Uncle Xichen, and their father had a single didi, Great-uncle Qiren; but Wei Shuilan is the third child out of four, and her parents sometimes joke that they wouldn’t have minded another dozen. 
Her eldest brother, Lan Sizhui (or Xiongzhang, to his siblings) is almost as old as A-Die is, due to A-Die’s sixteen-year stint as a dead man that began when Xiongzhang was a baby. By the time A-Die came back to life, Xiongzhang was almost eighteen, and then he and Papa adopted Yu-gege, who was only two years old when A-Die found him in a brothel in Yunping. Shuilan arrived three years later, after her parents were married, and her younger sister Chunyang was born just after Shuilan’s third birthday.
Shuilan and Chunyang are the closest in age, and the youngest of the four, which is why Shuilan makes a beeline to her sister’s desk after lunch to ask if A-Chun knows a young master from the Nie clan with the courtesy name Zhuyan. 
“Of course I do,” Chunyang says, her warm sweet voice tinted with confusion as she looks up from her book of fu verses—a gift from Uncle Zizhen, who wrote most of the poems in collaboration with Nie-zongzhu. “He’s Nie Zhuxi-gongzi’s younger brother.”
“Really?” Shuilan frowns. Nie Zhuxi is something of a family friend, since he’s Nie-zongzhu’s heir, but he barely visits the Cloud Recesses because Father never even makes an effort to hide how much he dislikes him. “Oh. I wasn’t expecting that.”
“Why did you ask about him?” A-Chun wonders. Shuilan fights the urge to poke at her chubby steamed-bun cheeks and then decides that she might as well just do it, because A-Chun is nearly eleven and her adorable round cheeks probably won’t last for much longer anyway. “Jiejie?”
“I saw him just now in A-Niang’s produce field,” she sulks. “He was giving Yu-gege flowers.”
“So what?” Chunyang’s bewilderment makes sense, she supposes, because everyone gives their brother plant-related gifts when they visit Gusu; he’s the most famous shidao cultivator within the four great sects, though most of his fame comes from that one time he ran into a dog yaoguai when he was seventeen and yelled for A-Die and Father to save him. “Nie-shushu always gives Gege flowers and seeds. And he couldn’t come this week for your birthday, so he must have sent the flowers along with Nie Zhuyan.”
“It’s different when it’s Nie-shushu,” Shuilan protests. “He sent A-Die a baby dress for you before you were even born! But this Nie Zhuyan, he blushed when he was giving flowers to Yu-gege, and his ears were red! Like Papa’s always are when he looks at A-Die!”
“Oh!” her sister gasps, shooting straight out of her chair and grabbing Shuilan’s hands. “You mean—you mean he was giving Yu-gege flowers as a courting gift?”
A-Chun’s eyes look like sparkling black stars, and Shuilan nearly groans out loud before pulling the little girl back down to earth with a bump. “A-Chun, that’s bad! He’s not allowed to court Yu-gege!” she hisses. “We don’t know a thing about who he is, or where he comes from, or—”
“But...but he’s Nie-shushu’s cousin,” A-Chun points out. “And we’ve visited Qinghe Nie hundreds of times. We know his older brother, too!”
Shuilan’s eyes go wide. “That’s right!” she cries, bringing her fist down on the table as A-Chun leaps two feet into the air. “We know Nie Zhuxi, and we can’t trust him!”
“Um...why can’t we, Jiejie?”
“Because Nie Zhuxi tried to steal A-Die from Father! Before A-Die and Father got married, they were staying at the Unclean Realm, and Nie Zhuxi kept on flirting with him! He came to A-Die’s room after dark, and he made A-Die wear his clothes, and—”
The door slides open. 
“Nie Zhuxi?” their father’s voice croaks, right before they turn around to find him standing in the doorway with a frozen kind of look on his face. “A-Lan. Has Nie Zhuxi been here?”
Chunyang pouts and crosses her arms. “Papa, it’s time you made up with Nie-gongzi! You know Uncle Huaisang was just bribing him to flirt with A-Die so it would make you jealous!”
“I do not like him,” their father says snootily. “He demanded the clothes off your A-Niang’s back, and then he had the nerve to laugh when Wei Ying took them off and returned them to him.”
“That’s why we have a problem, Papa!” Shuilan cries. “His brother is trying to court our Yu-gege!”
Their father’s lips turn white. “What?”
“I saw him! He showed up with flowers for Gege, and he kept blushing—and Papa, Gege was staring at him so much that he didn’t notice I was there! I came to give him his lunch basket, and he didn’t even look at me!”
“Courting,” Father says, in a strangled voice that makes Shuilan’s own throat ache. “Not—not possible. Xiaohui is only nineteen.”
“He’s of age,” Chunyang pipes up, apparently under the impression that someone courting Lan Yu is a good thing instead of the worst crisis their family has ever had to endure. “And if they’re courting now, they’ll probably court at least a year, right? Gege will be twenty by then, Papa. Don’t worry.”
“I must speak with Wei Ying,” Father mutters, before absconding in a whirl of white satin robes and the flash of a silver hairpiece. “Courting my son, without leave! As if I would ever let such a thing happen!”
And then he disappears, leaving his daughters blinking in a sudden draft behind him. He’s probably going to find A-Niang in the jishi, which means that A-Niang is going to be responsible for telling Nie Zhuyan to stay away from Yu-gege. 
(For a moment, Wei Shuilan almost feels sorry for her brother’s would-be suitor, for having his dreams crushed the moment he worked up the courage to give Lan Yu a courting gift. 
Only almost, though.)
*    *    *
“So, Xiao-Yu!” A-Die says at dinner that night, as cheerful as ever as he fills Yu-gege’s bowl with hot rice and makes sure he gets plenty of vegetables from the dish in the middle of the table. “What’s this I hear about you going courting? Did you really grow up so much when I wasn’t looking, baobei?”
“Courting?” Lan Yu asks, around a mouthful of stew beef and potatoes. “Who’s going courting?”
“You, you silly cabbage. Aiyah, A-Yu, why didn’t you tell us? I’ve been looking forward to seeing you get married for so long, baobao, honestly—”
“I’m...I’m not courting anyone, though,” Gege replies, looking like a stunned rabbit for a minute before shaking his head and serving himself a helping of beans. “I’m too young, A-Niang! I just want to cultivate my plants and help you take care of A-Lan and A-Chun. And I don’t even like anyone, either.”
“You need not fear to tell us if you grow to care for someone, Xiaohui,” Father says anxiously. Shuilan can’t work out whether he’s still upset or not, because that sounded like he was upset at the thought of Lan Yu courting someone in secret rather than by the fact that he was courting at all. “We are your parents, and it is our privilege to guide you through all aspects of your life, including this.”
“Um. Thank you?” Lan Yu offers, clearly bewildered by the worry in Father’s eyes. “I really don’t want to court anyone, though. And I promise to tell you if I ever do, Papa.”
“Then what about Nie Zhuyan?” Shuilan wails, bursting into tears. “He gave you flowers! I saw him! And you were looking at him like he was the only one left in the world, and—”
Unexpectedly, her brother throws his head back and laughs. “Oh, my poor little A-Lan!” he coos, putting down his chopsticks and coming around to her side of the table to hug her. “Oh, no! I’m not courting Zhuyan-xiong. Those flowers were from Uncle Nie, not him, and—don’t cry, Lan-bao! Nie Zhuyan is the last person on earth I would ever think of marrying, you know. And besides, he already has someone he likes! He told me so.”
“Really?” Chunyang asks, looking so disappointed that A-Die passes her a dish of sweet bean porridge. “Who is it?”
“Oh, it’s Mianmian. You remember Auntie Qingyang’s daughter, right? She’s just a little older than Zhuyan-xiong, and he’s been making eyes at her for years. You know, I baked some of A-Niang’s lotus cakes for her once when we went to visit Ling-gege, and Zhuyan was so upset when he heard! He cried, actually, and he didn’t stop until I promised that I didn’t like her that way.”
A-Die’s face turns purple, and he almost chokes on a bit of meat before burying his head in his hands and laughing until he cries. Next to him, Father’s face goes oddly still, and stays that way until A-Die drags himself upright again with tears of mirth running down his cheeks. 
“He likes Mianmian?” he gasps, bursting into another fit of giggles. “Oh. Oh, so it’s like that.”
“What does that mean?” Chunyang inquires, as Father puts his chopsticks down and closes his eyes. “Like what? Papa?”
“You’ll understand when you’re older,” A-Die snorts. “Here, A-Yu, have some more of the lotus pudding.”
And after that, for some reason far beyond Wei Shuilan’s fourteen-year-old comprehension, the subject of Nie Zhuyan courting her brother is never brought up again.
*    *    *
“Oh, that poor boy,” Shuilan hears her A-Die cackle later that night, while she and Chunyang are brushing their teeth in the bathroom. “Oh, that poor boy! Lan Zhan, he’s just like me!”
“I am aware,” Father says wearily, followed by the creaking sound of her parents climbing into bed. “I do not doubt that Xiao-Yu will remain blind to Nie Zhuyan’s love for the next several years.”
A beat of silence, then. “Lan Zhan,” A-Die whispers, “you—I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I should never have made you wait for me for so long. Sometimes I think of how I love you now, and how much it would hurt me to lose you, or believe that you didn’t love me back, and…”
“I would have been the happiest man in the world even if you rejected me,” Father whispers back. “As long as you were happy, and healthy, and safe. I would you rather hate me, torture me a thousand ways, than injure a single hair upon your precious head—Wei Ying, you were gone, and then you returned to life when I spent the last sixteen years cursing myself for letting you go. What more could I ever have asked of you, my love?”
“I made you wait for me a whole year after I came back, darling. You can’t tell me that wasn’t torture to bear, Lan Zhan, because I won’t believe you.”
“Xingan,” their father chides, before the sound of a kiss makes A-Lan giggle so much that her toothbrush falls out of her mouth. “I had my beloved sleeping in my arms, with our son sleeping between us, and you think I was unhappy?”
“Well, when you say it like that…”
“That was the happiest year of my life, A-Ying. And then I married you, and the next year was the happiest. And then we celebrated our first anniversary, and the next year was happier still.”
“Does that mean that today was the happiest day of your life, then?”
“No,” Father says decidedly. “It was yesterday. Before I heard about Nie Zhuyan.”
“Aiyah, Lan Zhan. Our little ones have to grow up someday, you know. A-Yuan might not ever marry, but A-Yu and A-Lan and Chun-bao are going to fall in love, and have people fall in love with them, and they might even get their hearts broken, but—”
“Never! Never, not while I draw breath. I have had my heart broken into pieces, and I would rather die than see our children suffer so. If that means I must pass a decree forbidding that boy to enter the Cloud Recesses, then it shall be done.”
The conversation doesn’t end there, but A-Chun’s eyes are slipping closed, and Shuilan doesn’t want to hear any more kissing, so the two of them go back to their room and jump into their beds.
“Jiejie?” Chunyang asks, after Shuilan puts out the lights and drags her pillow up over her head. “Do you want to fall in love? Someday, when you’re older?”
Wei Shuilan shakes her head. “No. I hate boys. The only one who even wants to talk to me is Lan Fang, and all he ever wants to talk about is how demonic cultivation corrupts the body and wounds the soul.”
“But it doesn’t corrupt A-Niang’s body and soul, does it?”
“He doesn’t mean A-Niang,” she sniffs. “He means me. Lan Fang thinks he knows better just because he’s a boy, and I hate him.”
“Oh,” A-Chun nods. “Jiejie, I think I want to fall in love.”
“Then Jiejie will support you! Do you like anyone, Chun-bao?”
“Not yet. But someday!”
And then Chunyang closes her eyes and falls asleep, leaving Wei Shuilan to her own muddled thoughts until she falls asleep, too. 
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Yesterday I introduced you guys to the Hyde family, and now it’s time to introduce you to the new generation of the Forman family!
Again, click on the thingy if you want to know more about them!
On the top row, we see Eric and Donna, and on the bottom row, we see their two children, Lucas and Hannah (there’s no hearing aid option on picrew so just imagine Hannah’s wearing one, okay?).
Eric and Donna have overall a nice marriage. I tend not to focus much on them in my stories mostly because I’m indifferent to their relationship. After s5 I completely lost interest in them, and there was a point where I didn’t even want them to end up together anymore on s7. But I do believe that they love each other and that they can end up together if given a nice storyline, which is what I tried to do.
TSG is mostly focused on Jackie and Hyde, so we don’t get a lot of details about Donna and Eric other than they’re together, married, and have children, so I’m going to give you guys a brief summary of what happened between them after the season finale.
Eric and Donna talked about everything when he came back for the New Year’s, and they decided to try again. Eric went back to Africa to finish the program, and Donna went to college. When Eric came back, he went to the same college as she did and they started living together. Donna became a journalist, Eric became a teacher, and they moved back to Point Place when they graduated.
As soon as they moved back, Donna got pregnant with Lucas. They lived in a small apartment for a while, until Lucas started running around everywhere and they bought a house across the street from Jackie and Hyde.
They did not plan on having other children until Lucas was older, but well... Accidents happen and Donna had Hannah in 1987, when Lucas was 3 years old.
About their children... they are something else, I love them so much.
Lucas, just like Dylan, has a lot of pent-up energy, but he’s also an introvert and not a prankster at all, so he uses most of his energy in sports (for Red’s delight lol). He’s really into hockey, like, really into it, and he starts taking hockey lessons from a young age.
When he’s older, Lucas joins the school’s track and field team, mostly because there’s no hockey team in Point Place High and he absolutely hates football and wrestling.
Lucas is a bulky guy, but he’s also geeky and he and his father are addicted to video games. They spend countless hours every week playing Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros on his Nintendo 64 (Eric loses every single time lol).
He’s smart, not only is he great with numbers, but he’s also great at chess. Seriously, he won countless chess matches against his uncle Hyde (who’s half-proud and half-bitter about it), and he was like, 10.
His dream job is to be a video game developer, and considering how he’s a math whiz and how he’s a great athlete, he gets a scholarship to study computer science at college.
He never gets into trouble, mostly because people are smart enough not to fuck with him. He’s quiet and not prone to violence at all, but he’s also huge and he could probably kill someone if he wanted to.
When Lucas graduates from high school and goes to college, some bullies start to mess with his little sister Hannah, but Dylan quickly puts an end to that.
Hannah is a sweetheart, she’s an animal lover and she’s probably the sweetest person from the series.
Oh, and Hannah is also hearing impaired.
One of the things that bother me a lot in the fanfiction world (actually in the whole entertainment industry), is the lack of representativity of people with disabilities. I live with people who have disabilities, it’s something I literally see every day, and sometimes I am genuinely shocked by the lack of information (and empathy) people have when it comes to that subject.
So I decided I wanted to include a person with a disability in my story, and I am going to make you guys love her.
Hannah was born healthy, she learned how to talk and she listened to things normally up until she was 5. But as she grew older, she started developing some behaviors that concerned Eric and Donna, like watching the TV too loud and not replying to them when they called her. They took her to the doctor, they found out she had severe hearing loss and would need to use a hearing aid probably for the rest of her life.
Eric and Donna were crushed (it even causes some problems in their marriage in the future), but Hannah never cared much about it, because she was too young and she could hear just fine whenever she had her hearing aids on. She’s overall a happy kid who loves playing outside and is completely in love with everything related to nature.
The Forman family has three cats, all of them were cats that Hannah rescued from the streets and begged them to adopt. Hannah’s also responsible for bringing Zeppelin into the Hyde’s lives.
She was playing outside with Dylan and Jordan when they found a cute little black puppy all alone, searching for food in the garbage. Hannah took the puppy and begged for her parents to keep him, but they already had three cats and they couldn’t keep him. Jackie and Hyde were in the same room when she arrived with the cute little puppy, and they decided to adopt him (for Hannah’s delight). The puppy was named Zeppelin (Hyde was the one who named him, by the way), and Hannah visits the Hyde’s almost every day just to play with their dog.
Hannah loves picnics and walks at the park, she loves watching the trees changing according to the seasons, she loves to stargaze with her aunt Jackie, she loves hearing Layla’s romantic stories, she loves babysitting the younger kids, and she loves spending time with her grandma Kitty, learning how to bake and how to sew.
When she grows older, Hannah becomes a vet and opens her own animal shelter.
Hannah never let her disability stop her, she’s incredible.
And again, I got way too excited, sorry.
If you have any questions about this universe please don’t hesitate on sending them to me.
Posting the Kelso’s picrews soon :)
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vantaenims · 4 years
daffodil street | seokjin
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pairing: seokjin x reader
genre: friends to lovers, fluff, angst
word count: 8.1k
warning/s: mentions of death, age difference, unrequited love, and mutual pining.
summary: You’ve been struggling for quite some time to overcome your feelings for your best friend who doesn’t even love you the way that you do but there are instances when he would ignite your hopes or maybe this is all just in your mind but is too much to ask for something more?
Part of BTSGhostieBingo (unrequited love)
all rights reserved © vantaenims - do not repost, translate, or claim as your own.
Daffodil symbolizes regard and chivalry. It is indicative of rebirth, new beginnings, and eternal life.
Jin has told you the meaning behind this yellow flower countless times that you have memorized it by heart.
Why would he explain and tell this to you? Because Daffodil is the name of the street from where he lives and it also happens to be the street where you occasionally wander around with your bicycles during the late afternoons or evenings.
It’s something you’ve both done in the past when the both of you were still teenagers wherein you still have a lot of time to spare to do those kind of things but Jin managed to reopen the idea last week despite how hectic both of your schedules are - Jin being busy with graduate school and you with work.
You have happened to know Jin through your older brother. They have known each other ever since their grade school days but only got the chance to be closer in high school – a time in which Jin would frequently visit your house to play games after school until he stopped doing so when he turned eighteen.
You were in the living room, watching the television when Jin entered the house without your brother, telling you that your brother’s still in a meeting with his school club members and that he’s just going to wait for him here until he gets home.
But that never happened, your brother never came home.
Your brother was only eighteen when he was taken away in this world. He was on his way home, riding his bike when he had gotten into an accident as a truck van going over a hundred miles per hour in an intersection managed to beat a red light that ultimately caused the death of your brother.
Ever since that incident, you and Jin have become closer than ever considering you two are the only people that know your brother best, with him being his best friend and you being his younger sister. You two had become each other’s sense of comfort through all of the sorrowful and devastating times of your life.
[Sunday, Oct 6, 9:01 PM]
Jin: Where are you?
You: Home
You: Why?
Jin: Meet me in front of my house
Without much thought, you know for sure that he’s inviting you over to wander around his neighborhood. You got up from your bed as you grabbed your windbreaker from the back of your door, wearing it over your pajamas, not caring to dress up into something casual considering the time and the place. 
“I’ll be going to Jin's,” you said to both of your parents as you peeked your head inside their bedroom.
“When did you not?” your mother lightly chuckled, “Don’t come home too late, you have work tomorrow”
“Yeah, I know” you said as you shook your head at your mother’s unwavering strictness with you.
Opening your storage room under the stairs, you got your bike out as you made your way outside of your house and on to your way to Jin’s house which is approximately five minutes away from you. 
Soon as you know it, the subdivision gate then came into view as you turned right but then you instinctively stopped your bike as you skidded both of your slippers against the asphalt when you almost crashed yourself into the barrier gate that usually opens right away since the head security, Mister Choi, has grown to be familiar with you since he’s the one stationing the place over the years but it seems like a new security personnel replaced him.
“Location and I.D. Please” the man said who looked to be in his early thirties.
You panicked for a bit as you only brought your phone and a bit of cash with you, patting the pockets of your windbreaker for the hopes that you could’ve left your company I.D. there but you were met with none. Suddenly, the barrier gate was lifted and a familiar voice spoke out to you.
“The Kim’s at Daffodil Street, right?” Mister Choi asked you whilst he whispered to the young man how you frequent here hence the reason why he should not bother to ask for your identification.
“It’s okay, he’s just doing his job anyway and thank you, Mister Choi” you waved as you then entered the subdivision. 
The security is pretty tight in here and by tight you mean that they have a protocol that should be strictly done - the guard house needs to contact the home owners every time someone wants to visit them to confirm if they’re expecting a visitor and once it’s confirmed, they could only then proceed inside.
The subdivision is considered as one of the exclusive homes for high profile individuals like celebrities, politicians, and such, hence the tight security. There’s no doubt that Jin’s family lives here since his dad is known to be the president of their multinational company which is something Jin would like to follow.
Jin’s currently taking his masterals in a graduate school that specializes in the business field, saying how he felt like it’s his responsibility to continue their company’s legacy someday since his older brother opted to go through the medical field instead which left him with no choice but to be the successor of their family business - not that he’s complaining as he told you because he in fact unexpectedly feels like he’s made for it.
As you entered, the first street post came into view, reciting them in a whisper as you passed by them.
Hyacinth Street.
Lilac Street.
Aster Street.
And finally, Daffodil Street.
It’s the fourth street to the right upon entering the gate. You chuckled to yourself upon thinking how Daffodil Street is the fourth street because you see, number four has become to be more  meaningful for you or should you say that it has sounded foolish enough for you this year. 
Four years is just the number of your age gap between you and Jin that seems to be pretty non-existent with how close you two are.
Four years is just the number of how it has been so long since you hid something from Jin, fearing that you might salvage your friendship with him if you planned to lay it out for him.
Four years is just the number since the time you fell in love with Jin.
Four years. It was also four years ago when you vaguely remember that night clearly, the night of your 19th birthday where you indirectly confessed your feelings to Jin and as a return, you got indirectly rejected too.
It was exactly 12 a.m. when Jin messaged you a birthday greeting and also telling you that he’s outside of your house. Jin has made it his mission to always be the first one to greet you, saying that you’ll have an amazing and great day ahead of you when the first greeting comes from the ‘most handsome man’ as what Jin refers to himself which is probably what you've grown to ignore by now.
Peeking out your window, you saw that he came along with his bike, instantly figuring out what you’re going to do but instead of the usual Daffodil Street, you biked around your neighborhood instead.
There’s something about the midnight hours that can make people emotionally vulnerable. You know how they say that a person tends to reveal the things they wouldn’t think they would say to another person during these hours and you’re the living proof to confirm it.
“I think i like...someone” you said, quickly replacing the word ‘you’ into ‘someone’ out of panic.
“Is it me?” Jin said, probably in a joking manner. Usually, you would just laugh at his statement but you’re pretty anxious right now and all you could do is to just stare at him, suddenly losing the will to answer the question.
“Don’t you think i’m too old for you?” Jin laughed as he ruffled a bit of your hair. You decided to laugh along but more so to laugh at yourself for thinking you’d have a chance to begin with perhaps for also the fact that you’ve been rejected indirectly.
“Kidding aside, who is it?” 
“Nevermind, i think i really don’t like him that much”, you said as you look at Jin who’s completely oblivious to the pain you’re feeling inside.
Ever since that happened, you accepted that Jin would never see you in a different light thus the reason you tried your best to hinder the feelings you’ve harbored for him but it only did the exact opposite thing for you because it ironically grew even more over the years that you felt like you can’t escape from it now.
Soon enough, you took out your phone to call Jin to inform him that you’re already outside of their house but then he quickly dismissed the call, making you furrow your eyebrows until an obnoxiously loud sound startled you, causing you to drop your phone.
Looking to your right, you then see Jin in the driver seat of his pickup truck, doubling in laughter at your reaction and as if he wasn’t satisfied enough, he turned on the engine and the headlights, blinding you in the process as you got off your bike to pick up your phone off the ground and finally, glaring at him as you made your way towards his window.
“Sorry, you should’ve seen your face,” Jin said, calming himself once he saw your annoyed face, “Get in.”
“Weren’t we going to bike around?” you confusedly asked.
“Yeah, we are” Jin got out of his car to get your bike from you as he went to the back, opening his trunk to see that his bike was already loaded in there.
“Where are we going?” Jin smiled at that question but it just ticked you off at how he’s been clearly ignoring your questions as he picked up your bike to place it beside his, closing the trunk once he’s done,  still no answer as he went straight away inside the car.
“You didn’t answer me” you said through his open window.
“Get in first” you rolled your eyes at him but nonetheless walked around the other side of the car, opening the door of the passenger side to get in but his pile of textbooks and a rim of photocopied papers occupied the space.
“Sorry, i just got home and had a meeting with my groupmates”, Jin told you as he emptied the front seat and placed all of it at the back seat along with his backpack.
“Can you now tell me where are we going?” 
“Why don’t you put your seatbelt in first before i tell you?” Jin mischievously smiled that left you to huff in annoyance whilst you buckled yourself in.
Jin put the car into drive once you got yourself safely settled in your seat, the smile he’s been wearing still evident but it quickly broke into a chuckle when he noticed in his peripheral vision how you’re completely facing him and he just knows you’re completely annoyed by now.
“We’re going to Hangang Park.”
“At this hour? And it’s Monday tomorrow” Jin knew you would oppose his idea but he luckily made it work, thanks to your obedience.
“Wouldn’t it be nice to bike around a new scenery and not Daffodil Street?”
“But it’s late and you know that it’s Monday tomorrow”
“Just this once, please? Plus I'm your free pass, right?”
Technically, Jin is indeed your free pass - it’s more of like what you refer to him whenever you plan to stay out late at night back then. As you’ve mentioned, your parents are strict in a sense that they have imposed a curfew on you when you were still studying but that wouldn’t matter to them once you let them know that you’re with Jin or how he’s going to take you home - indicating how much they trust Jin.
Of course, you don’t have a curfew to follow anymore but that still wouldn’t stop your parents to question your whereabouts whenever it’s late but that’s fine with you, reminding yourself that they’re just concerned for you.
“Fine, it’s not like I have a choice anyway” you said as to cover the fact that you’re already into whatever idea Jin has to begin with just because you couldn’t say no to him.
“Don’t make it that way” Jin ruffled your hair, causing you to smile.
Biking around Hangang Park is something you’ve never done in your whole life despite living in Seoul for years until now. It has always been one of the things you’ve wanted to do but too lazy to do anything about it, setting it aside for some future time. It’s nice to bike around a new scenery as Jin said - skyscrapers and city lights in sight along with busking performances that made the place livelier at night.
Jin, who’s biking ahead of you, seems to be wearing a more casual attire with his plain white shirt and ripped denim pants, making you look underdressed compared to him as you’re only wearing a set of pink Hello Kitty pajamas, thinking you’re only going to bike around his neighborhood.
“You should’ve told me sooner that we’re going here so i could’ve dressed up” you complained, pedaling faster so that you’ll be cycling beside him.
Jin looked at you, chuckling once he took notice of your appearance, “It’s okay, you’re fine.”
“You’re saying that because you’re wearing normal clothes” 
“You look cute in it, don’t worry”
You opted to look at the buildings to your right instead so that you could hide how that got you so flustered, making you purse your lips to stop your smile from getting bigger. Racking your mind, you’ve thought of things to talk about before the mood gets awkward until you’ve thought of one thing you’ve been curious about the happenings for the past week.
“Why are you being so spontaneous lately?”
You’re only able to reach out and hang out with each other through phone calls and messages or if luck is on your side, you’d get to hang out with him for at least once a month though that also rarely happens but you’re thankful your closeness still remains the same.
Also, you never failed to notice how Jin would message you every single night, inviting you to bike around which is something you’ve both done in the past but failed to continue considering your busy lives now until everything took a turn during the last week and suddenly, you’ve been spending most of your time together whether it be through meetups or through phone calls and messages.
“I just have a lot in my mind right now and you see those textbooks right?”
“If i remember correctly, isn’t your reporting due this week?”
“Yeah but I’ll be burned out if i don’t take a break right now.”
Graduate School is surely taking a toll on Jin specially with the way he always complains to you about how he’s hardly getting any rest or sleep from how his schedule is always filled with day to day lectures, reports, and presentations and at the same time, he would occasionally drop by his dad’s company to help him and learn the know hows. 
Jin has told you how it has taken all of the free time he has and there was no doubt that he is exaggerating any of it. You could only sympathize and show support to Jin who is clearly only doing the best that he can to live up the expectations they’ve set on him as the sole successor of their business.
“How’s grad school for you?” 
“Hell as always but i’m just glad i’d get to leave that hell hole soon”
“Oh so you’re claiming it huh?”
“Wow, are you underestimating me?” Jin dramatically clutched his hand above his chest, making you roll your eyes and laugh.
“Of course not, Mister COO” you teased as what you’ve always called him, telling him that if his dad is the CEO then that makes him the COO - Child Of the Owner, “I now already know what to get for your graduation gift.”
“What?” Jin asked, raising his eyebrows at you.
“A name plaque that you can place in your office - Kim Seokjin, Child Of the Owner”
“Funny” Jin said in a sarcastic manner.
“Oh come on, your jokes are far worse than mine” you playfully slammed your hand against his back when you biked past him.
“You just have a bad sense of humor” Jin snickered at you.
It was particularly refreshing to stroll around Hangang Park at night until it had to be ruined when you have to maneuver around the couple who’s engrossed in kissing each other in the middle of the bike lane out of all places. If you come to look at it, there are a lot of couples surrounding the area as if it isn’t enough to make you feel more single and lonely.
“How is Nami, by the way?”
Nami is one of the kindest persons you’ve met in your life, she’s so kind that it’ll be impossible to grow some kind of hatred towards her, specially if she’s the one who’s making Jin happy for four years now and you can’t help but sometimes be jealous of her.
They’ve been together for so long that the idea of them ending up marrying together isn’t a far fetch idea at all. Nami and Jin are what you’d like to call the perfect pair, seeing how their relationship looks to be healthy and ideal for a couple. They’ve genuinely both brought out the best in each other that’s why you couldn’t really find a reason not to hate Nami because she deserves him - they both deserved each other.
You’re not even faking it when you think of it that way because you’ve come to accept it a long time ago that you and Jin can only be friends ever since his rejection but it can’t always be helped that there are times you still think of the possibility between you two though rarely but the hope is still there.
“She’s okay”, Jin answered.
“Just okay?” you scoffed at his prompt response.
“Yeah” Jin raised his eyebrows at you, not knowing what you would want him to say, “Anyway, how about you? I keep forgetting to ask how you are every time we meet.”
You stare at Jin’s side profile, thinking if he just dodged his way out of talking about Nami but you shrugged nonetheless as you pressed on the brakes.
“I’m tired.” you exclaimed as you stood up, bottoms hurting from sitting too much on the saddle.
“Why? What’s wrong?”
“No, I'm literally tired. Can we take a break on that bench first?” you chuckled as you pointed to the bench that’s facing the river as you made your way over it.
Hopping off your bike, you put down the kickstand as you set it aside the bench where you plopped off as you let your head lull backwards on the edge of the backseat, giving you a perfect view of the night sky and the 63 Building on your right side catching your attention.
Beside you, you then see a group of kids playing with their light up toys as they run along the grass. The view gave you a sense of nostalgia when you and your brother used to beg for your parents to buy you one whenever you would go to a park as you would always get jealous of the other kids who also had them.
“Do you want some water?” Jin suddenly asked, standing up to go to the convenience store nearby when you nodded at him. 
“Can you also buy some ramen? I heard that they taste way better here” you shouted as Jin raised his thumb at you. You turned back to watch the kids having fun when you felt the buzz on your phone.
[Sunday, Oct 6, 10:39 PM]
Moyeon: What’s your passport number?
Moyeon: There’s an ongoing seat sale, so hurry!!
You: Wait, I’m outside!
You: I’ll send it to you later
During your college years, you’ve been planning with Moyeon to take an out of country vacation once you two have graduated hence the text message.
Moyeon: Let me guess
You: :(
Moyeon is your best friend and the only one who knows your secret feelings for Jin which is something she had countlessly given you advice with - to  snap out of your one sided feelings in to which you would always say that you will but there are things that are easier said than done and this situation is one of those.
In the span of those four years, you’ve tried your best to totally eradicate the unnecessary feelings you have for Jin though your efforts are always wasted at the end because you fail every single time you try as you find yourself back at square one.
Suddenly, your phone vibrated along with the sound of your ringtone, the name of Moyeon with a pig emoji flashed on your screen.
“Hello, Stupid”
“Hi Moyeon” you sighed, knowing you’re in for another sermon.
“Is he with you right now?”
“No, he’s buying something at the convenience store” you said, adjusting yourself on the seat as you twisted your upper body around to place your arm on the backseat whilst you propped your chin above your arm as you stared at the convenience store so you could watch when he’ll go out.
Moyeon’s curiosity perked once she heard the mention of the convenience store and she was rather surprised to know that you’re in Hangang Park tonight, asking you if you two are on a date with you saying that you could only dream about it for that to happen.
“What happened to ‘I’m not going to give in to his hang outs’” Moyeon said in a slightly high pitched voice, causing you to smile and shake your head even though you know you’ve said that - a lot of times in fact, differing from things like ‘I won’t talk to him that much anymore’ or ‘I’ll start to ignore him’ or other things that didn’t seem to happen in the first place and you know that you’ve said it too much that Moyeon could make a screenshot compilation out of it with your replies.
You always give in easily as soon as Jin would message you as if you’ve instantly forgotten that you’re supposed to do the exact opposite thing but how can you not when he has always been irresistible for you.
“I’m just all talk, I know” you said, “My feelings for him will eventually fade soon.”
“And until when are you going to say that?”
Moyeon has her way to always keep you in touch with reality although you know for yourself where you stand in Jin’s life but you’re also not lying that there’s a tiny glimpse of hope within you that maybe or someday, he’ll be able to look at you in a different light but that’s just wishful thinking.
“Soon” you chuckled as you lifted your eyes from the ground only to see that Jin has made his way out of the convenience store and is now walking back towards you, “Okay, he’s coming back, bye!”
You heard Moyeon click his tongue in disapproval as she said one last thing before hanging up the call, “Well, don’t forget to send me your passport number.”
Placing back your phone into your pocket, you smiled at Jin as if you weren’t just talking about him earlier. 
“Who’s that?” Jin asked as he handed you the square tin foil packaging filled with ramen and a boiled egg plus a sausage on stick - your favorite.
“Just Moyeon”, you said as you broke the chopsticks, “How much is this?”
“It’s fine,” Jin said as he slurped on his noodles right away.
“Aw thank you, Jin” you said in a rather cheery voice as you winked and elbowed him at his side, causing the soup of his ramen to splatter a bit onto his jeans that made him close his eyes in an annoyed manner only to open them to give you a glare albeit playfully though he rather looked cute than menacing but you didn’t say as to not inflate his ego but more so to not give away your hidden admiration.
“Oh no, we can’t have a stain on your jeans” you took one of the tissues as you wiped it on the stain as if it’ll make a difference.
“Quit buttering me up”, Jin said as he swatted your hand away, making you chuckle as you focused your attention back on eating your ramen and soon enough, silence filled in between you two as you’re both too busy munching on your food as if you haven’t eaten dinner yet.
“I’m getting cold, can we share?” Jin said through his chattering teeth as he tugged on the sleeve of your windbreaker.
“How can we share? You know i’m always cold” you stated out though you quite feel bad for Jin who’s only wearing a short sleeve shirt whilst you on the other hand is double coated with your long sleeved top and a windbreaker.
Jin instructed you to remove your right arm from the sleeve to give that part of the windbreaker for him whilst you occupy the left sleeve with your left arm thus leaving Jin with no choice but to scoot closer to you and you can’t help but think how his shoulders are touching yours or how the sleeves of the windbreaker is too short for him as it only falls on his wrist compared to yours that’s covering half of your hand.
Butterflies make their way to your stomach and you try so hard to play it out like this is nothing to you as you focused on biting on your sausage. Until you felt a buzz coming off from his jean  pocket, spotting it to be from Jin’s phone that he took out and you were quick enough to see that it’s a call from Nami before Jin flipped his phone over so as not to show the screen and also pressing the side button to stop it from vibrating.
“Aren’t you going to answer that?” you asked, furrowing your eyebrows at why he just ignored Nami’s call.
“I’ll call her later”
Jin’s not so good at being discreet if you could say that because you could definitely tell that something’s up between him and Nami ever since that prompt reply of his, figuring that maybe they just had a big fight and you can’t help but ask just because you’re genuinely concerned if they’re alright.
“Are you two okay?” you asked as you glanced at Jin to see him focused on chewing his food as he took out the water bottle from the plastic bag to take a sip as if he’s trying to avoid your question and you were only certain that you had put him in an awkward place once you noticed his eyes blinking excessively which is an obvious sign for when he feels anxious.
You look straight ahead as you bite from your sausage and eventually humming along to the song that’s probably being performed by a busker somewhere in the distance to make up for the uncomfortable situation.
It wasn’t your intention to make Jin awkward but you could sometimes be quite dumb for not reading the air and you had just realized that Nami is probably a sensitive topic for him right now hence the reason why you didn’t pry any further even though you know everything about each other, there’ll always be some kind of boundary that you both shouldn’t stick your nose into.
“We broke up”
Upon hearing that statement, you stopped yourself from chewing only to swiftly turn your head to the side with wide eyes as you look at Jin who has his head hanging low as he stared down on his shoes.
“What!? How did - why?” you asked in a mess as you try to find the right words to say but you’re too preoccupied in processing this new information. 
So this must be the reason why he was always persistent to change the topic lately whenever Nami is brought up in the conversation and it’s because they’re no longer together anymore which is something you’re quite not sure if you should feel sad or happy about it but one thing you know is that you’re going to set aside your feelings first and be a friend to Jin, specially now.
“What do you want me to answer first?” Jin chuckled for a moment until he got serious again to continue explaining, “We broke up two weeks ago.”
Jin placed his elbows above his legs as he intertwined his hands, fidgeting with his thumb as if he’s hesitant to answer the question but he told you the reason nonetheless, “I don’t know… I feel unfair for not loving her the same way anymore.”
“What do you mean? Like you fell out of love?”
“Yeah” Jin confirmed.
“Did you tell her that?” Jin nodded his head, leaving you to wonder how Nami’s doing right now and how she is able to cope about this, much so because of the reason. 
You don’t know much about relationships but one thing you know is that breaking up because the other fell out of love is one of the painful reasons to take in just because it’s something out of your control or sometimes it’s beyond repair.
“Well, did you at least try to make it work again?”
“I did, in fact, this was the second time we’ve broken up. We were on the rocks since June - we’ve tried our best to fix it but i don’t know… it seems like it won’t really work anymore when i feel like this.”
You heaved out a sigh, feeling quite frustrated because he sounds very much of an asshole right now though it’s not like you could blame him when he tried to make it work but still you can’t just give up in a relationship just because he doesn’t feel anything - Love is not a feeling, it is a commitment.
You could only guess that Nami called a while ago to talk things through and persuade Jin to reconsider their relationship which you think is something Jin has finally given up on, considering how he didn’t answer the call.
“Why don’t you try again? You know, maybe a third try’s the charm.”
You know your place and you’re just being selfless so the least thing you could do right now is for Jin to be happy and you believe that Nami is the perfect person for that and he’s just out of his mind to let her go like this.
Jin only fidgeted with his thumb until he relaxly laid his back on the backseat, looking at you for the first time ever since he broke out the news that had you feeling nervous because of the close proximity but more so because of the way he’s looking at you so softly yet so intense at the same time.
“You think so?” Jin asked whilst he continued to hold you with his stare and you don’t know if you’re just imagining things but why does it look like he’s more of like asking it out of a permission but maybe that’s just what your head wants you to think and before you could even get more delusional, you break the contact as you stare straight ahead.
“Yeah, I think so”, you said as you soon started to chatter your teeth from the cold.
Jin took note of this as he scooted much closer, grabbing the side of your face with his left hand as he guided it to rest on his shoulder, hands still on the side of your face and you could only hope he wouldn’t feel how your face is heating up right now.
“Here, so you’d be warm”
“Thanks” you whispered, not even moving an inch with how the sudden action got you stunned but you know that once you move your head to look up, his face will be perfectly mere inches near you which is something you never imagined that you’ll be able to get this close to him like this.
And you took advantage of the moment to cherish it, you never know when this will ever happen again but you’ll take it if it’s the closest thing he can hold you like the way you wanted him to.
You’ve wanted to put your arms around him but you’re scared, always been scared how he will react so you just let your arm limply lay on your leg and when you were about to do it, you back away at the last minute as you slip out your arm off of the windbreaker instead.
“I’ll throw this out” you said, gathering the trash beside you as you put them in a plastic bag.
Standing up, you excused yourself with the plastic bag on your hand as you walk away in a brisk manner so you could escape for a while from the source that’s making your little hopes grow bigger day by day and it’s quite alarming you to even hope for something more when you have ingrained in your mind that it’ll be impossible to happen.
But how can you stop yourself when Jin is being more in touch with you these days and you mean it literally and figuratively. Your best at acting as if his actions do not affect you but you noticed how he’s being more affectionate than ever like how he’s placing a piece of your hair behind your ear or those subtle touches or how he’s been hanging out with you everyday all of a sudden or how he’s been constantly calling you during the late night hours just because he likes to talk to you more is what he told you even though you just met a few hours ago.
At the beginning, you thought that all of these changes seemed too good to be true and you could now confirm that your intuition is right. The reason why Jin is acting like this is because he just got himself out of a long-term relationship and that leaves him to feel vulnerable and lonely.
He just needs someone to be there for him and that someone is you because like you said - you’re each other’s sense of comfort and that’s enough for you to keep yourself in touch with reality and for your hopes to deflate.
All he needs right now is a friend, someone he could share his worries to. No more, no less.
Sighing, you disposed of the plastic bag as you crossed your arms to keep yourself warm but youre nose eventually started to feel runny that had you sniffing from the cold as you walked yourself back to the bench.
“I think we should go home now” you said as you look over at your mom’s message, saying that it’s already midnight.
“Your nose is red” Jin chuckled as he removed his arm from your windbreaker, standing up to give it to you but he beat you to it when you were about to grab it as he placed it around your shoulders that got you quite stunned for a moment until he spoke up, “Come on, get your arms in.”
This gesture made you feel weak again with how he’s being so caring but you did not show any of it as you try to play it cool.
“It’s okay, i got it” you said as you grab the windbreaker from his but Jin did nothing to move himself away, still standing in front of you as he held the piece of clothing around you and that only leaves you to abide if it’s the only way he could finally stop being this close to you because you’re sure that your heart has been a fluttering mess and you can’t keep up.
“Let’s go,” Jin said with a smile as he hopped on his bike, making you do the same as well. You let him advance for a bit until the distance is safe for you to whisper the whims of your heart.
You’re making it so hard to loose the strings when you tug it ever so tightly.
Thankfully, it has gotten much warmer now that you’re inside Jin’s car but that still doesn’t stop your series of sneezes and you’ve now definitely caught a cold and a case of runny nose which only made Jin feel bad for asking you to share your windbreaker with him awhile ago.
“Here have some more” Jin laughed with a lace of worry as he opened his center console to get his pack of tissues to give it to you, “Let’s stop by a pharmacy or a convenience store for a medicine.”
You nodded your head as you blew your nose onto the tissue, resting your head back against the window as you closed your eyes to relieve the headache but you’re glad your sneezing fit stopped for a while.
“Hey, you didn’t answer my question back there” Jin reminded you.
“What question?” you asked with your eyes still closed.
“I asked you how you’ve been doing?” 
“Well, I’m okay except for now”,you pointed to your nose that had you both laughing, “No, but seriously, I’m doing just fine.”
Jin snorted, “Such a generic answer.”
“I think I've practically told you everything”, well you think you did with the amount of hours you’ve been talking and spending time  with each other since the past week.
Of course not.
You managed to ignore his question as you bite on your thumb, putting your attention to the scenery out of the window but your attention was soon diverted into something else when you felt something warm on top of your hand and to your surprise, it was because Jin placed his hand on top of yours as he tightly held it in his.
“You know, I've been meaning to thank you for being there with me, specially these days.”
You turned your hand upwards so that you could properly clasped it around his, squeezing it as you warmly smile at him, “Of course, that’s what friends do.”
Those words sounded bitter as it left your mouth but you need to remind yourself to keep yourself grounded, that being friends is as far as what you both can come to which is why you pulled back your hand from his, laying it to rest around your stomach as you turned back to look outside the window.
“Of course” Jin meekly said as he cleared his throat.
The air definitely felt awkward but not for long as Jin parked the car in front of the convenience store by a gasoline station. You opened the door to escape the suffocating silence and walked straight inside the store to get a bottle of water and a pack of decongestants by the counter.
“Drink it with some Vitamin C” Jin said as he appeared right beside you to stand with you in line, giving you a box of orange juice.
“Thanks, anything else you’d like to buy?” Jin shook his head no but changed his mind instantly when he saw the pack of gummies nearby. He was about to reach for it when he stopped midway to take out his phone from his pocket and you were able to get a glimpse that it’s a call coming from Nami again.
“I’ll wait for you outside” you nodded your head as you placed the items on the counter, getting the pack of gummies for Jin as you take a look right by the convex mirror to see him taking the call.
As you got the paper bag in your hand, you pulled the doors as you walk out of the store and you didn’t mean to eavesdrop on their conversation but you were able to make out the words ‘try again’ and ‘i love you’ for you to decipher that Jin took your advice and as ironic as it sounds, you can’t help but feel a twinge of pain.
In an instant, your ever rapid growing feeling of hope quickly deflated until it diminished and you think that this should be a sign that you seriously need to acknowledge for you to stop and move on. 
You stood idly outside of the door of his car as you waited for the doors to be unlocked but Jin’s too engrossed in the conversation for him to notice that you have already made your way outside  and you could hear your heart slowly crumbling as you heard more of their conversation.
“Sorry, i didn’t knew you came out already” Jin said as he pressed on his keys 
“It’s okay”, you said, opening the door but you hesitated for a bit as you watched Jin get in, buckling himself in, “I’ll go to the restroom first.”
You leave the paper bag onto your seat when Jin nodded at you, closing the door as you walk towards the direction of the bathroom, pursing your lips as you try to keep your emotions in bay.
As you opened the door of the restroom, you got inside a cubicle, locking it as you just stood there to stare at the back of the door as you felt all the emotions crashing all at once, making you squeeze your eyes shut as you dug the heels of your palm into your eyes.
You cannot cry just yet.
It’s making you frustrated how you’ve been trying so long for your feelings to let go only for it to resurface again and again and it hurts how this is the most painful slap of reality to you just when you thought that maybe, just maybe your hopes could be realized only for it to come crashing back down as always.
Overwhelmed with emotions, you let out a whimper as you let yourself cry a tear or two for only a moment as you still try to hold it in but your heart is broken and you’re done mending it every time by yourself but you’re also quite stupid for letting him have the power to break it.
Unlocking the door, you were immediately greeted with your reflection as you look back on yourself at how pathetic you are as you turn on the faucet to splash your face with some cold water.
You wiped your face with some tissue paper whilst still looking back at yourself, sliding your finger under the rim of your eyes to remove the evidence that you’ve just cried. You took a deep breath and checked to see if you look normal enough to go back inside the car.
You get yourself settled in right away as soon as you get in and thankfully, Jin didn’t notice anything different when he casually asked you if you’re good to go in to which you nodded your head. You take out the items out of the bag as you pop in the tablet of decongestant, downing them in an instant with the bottled water.
It was nice and quiet for a while as you sip on your orange juice as you let the side of your head rest against the window. You noticed on the reflection of the window how Jin would turn his head at you to take a glimpse right then and there, unsure what he’s been trying to do but before you could think of it too much, you felt your eyelids starting to get droopy from the drowsiness that probably is the effect from the medicine.
Next thing you know, you were woken up as you felt the car jolt only to realize that Jin ran through a speed bump without slowing down.
“Sorry” Jin apologized when he saw you rubbed your eyes from sleep.
“Weren’t you going to drop me off first?” you asked as you noticed the surroundings that look like to be the inside of Jin’s subdivision.
“Yeah but i forgot that i was supposed to give you the kimchi my mom made” Jin said as he parked the car in front of their house, “Do you want to go inside for a while?”
“I’ll just wait here” you yawned, stretching your arms. 
“Okay, I'll be quick” Jin smiled, ruffling your hair as he got off and closed the door whilst you watched him walk through their front walkway until he halted as if someone called him when he turned to look at his right with a quite surprised look.
Curious as well, you looked back to see that it was Nami who had just gotten out of her car as she rushed forward to envelope Jin in a soul crushing hug. It took almost a while for Jin to return the gesture, not expecting her presence tonight hence the reason why he looked over at you to give you an apologetic look.
You watch as Jin said something to Nami that had her looking over your direction. Jin left Nami to stand there for a while as he went to your side, opening the door to tell you something.
“Hey, maybe you should go inside for a while. I just need to talk to Nami and then i’ll take you home.”
“No, it’s okay. I could bike my way home” you said, feeling like you shouldn’t be here at all to witness this but it looks like Jin’s opposed to your suggestion as he blocked you before you could even step a foot outside the car.
“It’s late, I’ll drive you home, okay?” there’s no way Jin would let you win thus you obliged.
“Fine but can i just stay in here?”
Jin nodded with a worrisome look, “Sorry, i didn’t know she would come over.”
“It’s fine, really.”
“I promise it’ll be just quick” you pushed Jin away playfully as you told him not to worry and go back to Nami who then offered you a warm smile once both of your eyes met.
As soon as Jin closed the doors, you watched as he ran up towards her, the forced smile you were showing now completely turned into a frown, making you look away as you try to look everywhere else except them so that you could keep your mess of emotions at bay.
Hold it in just a few more.
Heaving out a sigh, you took the last ounce of courage in you to look at them and concluded that maybe this is how it will always be and that some things just don’t go the way you would want them to - you can never be in the picture.
It has been four years but it isn’t too late for you to finally let him go.
As much as it hurts to think about it, this will be the last time that you’re letting yourself be with Jin and you truly mean it this time. It might be hard at first but you need to keep a distance in order to give yourself time to heal and you could hope he’d understand why you have to do this.
Loving someone who could never love you has always been dangerous in the first place as you find yourself in a never ending loop of anguish suffering and you could only truly let go when you take the courage and will to do it.
Letting go of someone doesn’t always end up with you losing them but just maybe you need to let go in order for you to handle yourself better and to be able to take a better hold of your own worth so you could stop holding on to something that’s not even meant for you to hold on to.
As you were able to wrap your head upon this realization, your eyes flickered towards the car’s side mirror where it perfectly showed you the street post that reads the name Daffodil Street that had you chuckling as you remembered it’s meaning once again but more so because of its other meaning you’ve come to learn recently that perfectly explains your predicament.
Daffodil symbolizes regard and chivalry. It is indicative of rebirth, new beginnings, and eternal life.
Jin has told you the meaning behind this yellow flower countless times that you have memorized it by heart.
It’s such a funny thing how Daffodils look so bright with it’s yellow petals yet so dark with its other underlying meaning. Maybe Jin is unaware of the other meaning or he may have forgotten to say it to you but that doesn’t matter anyway as he made you feel it instead.
Daffodil also symbolizes unrequited love.
A/N: This work is inspired by the songs called fallingforyou by The 1975 and Someone That Loves you by Honne (ft. Izzy Bizu) which perfectly gives out unrequited love or mutual pining vibes. Hope you’ll like this!
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juliandev0rak · 4 years
Hometown 🤠🐴
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One: Hometown – what was the place they called “home” like? What were the people like? Did your OC like it there or did they leave the first chance they got?
echoes of the past event
Camellia Giardini, they/them Western Venterre 14 years before the events of The Arcana
Words: 1554
Warnings: none
It’s another dusty August day on the Giardini Ranch, the heat making waves and casting a haze over the fields. The sound of cattle lowing in the distance and cicadas buzzing makes the afternoon feel sleepy and although there’s still a lot of work to do before the day is over, nobody feels much like doing it. 
Perched in a large oak tree sits Camellia, nose stuck in a book as usual. They’re far enough from the fields to avoid their family, but close enough to find their way back when it starts to get dark. Their horse Miele is grazing a few feet away, both of them enjoying a break after a morning out in the sun. At eleven years old Camellia is expected to be helping on the ranch, herding the cattle and harvesting alongside their older siblings. 
Normally, someone would have gone looking for Cam by now, with the harvest quickly approaching all hands are needed. But it had been decided that afternoon that it’s better for everyone if Cam stays out of the way during the busy season, they do more harm than good when they try to help.
Camellia can barely stay in their saddle, much less try to open and close gates or be of any use with the cattle. Even simple tasks like harvesting apples or picking vegetables are ruined by Cam’s wandering mind and Miele, who is never far from their side, who has an insatiable appetite and ends up eating more than Cam can even pick. 
Their older siblings, Cassia, Calix, Calla, and Calanthe, seem to have no problem following in their family’s footsteps, each of them seeming at home on horseback and suited to the task of farm work. Even Cam’s younger siblings, Canna, Clio, Crisanta, and Clema who is only three, manage to make themselves useful harvesting or helping Ma in the kitchen. 
It’s only Camellia who seems to have no place here, always knocking things over or forgetting to close the stable doors. 
It’s always,
 “Out of my way, Camellia!” 
“Move aside, Cam!” 
“To your left! No your other left! Camellia, what are we going to do with you!”
Everywhere they go, Cam leaves chaos in their wake. They try to be careful, to watch where they walk and to listen to instructions, but they can’t seem to do anything right. That’s why they’re sitting in a tree alone in the middle of a busy work day, it’s better this way. 
The one thing Cam seems to be good at is reading, and luckily their family home has a library that nobody else seems to care about. The book they’re currently reading is about alchemy, a topic which seems to have been a special interest of Cam’s great great grandfather Carlo who had built the house. 
The library is where Cam spends most of their free time. It’s not a huge collection, but it’s well stocked with farmer’s almanacs and books about magic, so at least they have something to read. Their family doesn’t venture into the old wing of the house much, preferring to spend their time in the kitchen or living areas which are better heated and have more ventilation. But Cam doesn’t mind the dust or the cold, they just like having a room to themself.
Bedrooms are hard to come by in the old house and Cam shares a room with both Calla and Calanthe. While Calla is nearly sixteen and the nicest of their siblings, Calanthe is thirteen and intent on making Cam’s life as difficult as possible. The rest of their siblings act similarly, teasing them for everything and exposing Cam’s every mistake to their parents. Calla is the only one who encourages Cam to study and develop their interests, the only one who tries to understand them.
Aside from reading, Cam’s biggest interest is in magic, though they tend to think of it more as a science than a supernatural force. Even at a young age, Cam knows there are some things that can’t quite be explained, and that magic is a way to look for those explanations. 
Camellia’s Ma has a bit of magic herself, able to dry clothes at the touch of a hand, heal minor wounds, and the like, but she’s never had an interest in exploring it further. When Cam had begun to show similar signs of magical talent their parents hadn’t thought much of it besides hoping it might help Cam improve at their chores. 
So Camellia has taken things into their own hands, trying to practice and hone their skills as much as possible with only the few books they can find in the library as a guide. Their siblings make fun of them for trying and failing at magic just as they do with everything else, but Cam isn’t ready to give up. 
Just yesterday they’d been practicing and had accidentally set their mother’s prized lemon tree on fire. They’d been too proud of their fire conjuring to notice that it was burning uncontrollably, and luckily Cassia had been nearby with a bucket of water. Cam had been scolded endlessly for their irresponsibility, and it had carried over to this morning when they’d accidentally let the cattle out of their gate with the flick of a hand, nearly causing a stampede.
That was when their father had decided to give Cam the next few weeks off, better to have them out of the way where they can’t cause more trouble. They’d overheard their parents talking at lunch about sending Camellia away where they could be “put to better use”. Cam had run out of the house immediately, not wanting to hear how much their family wanted to get rid of them. 
They’d jumped on their horse and made their way to the oak tree, the only place to get some peace and quiet with eight siblings always around. It’s been many hours since then and Cam’s stomach is rumbling from missing lunch, they’re considering venturing back home when they hear a voice from the distance calling their name. It’s their older sister Calla.
“Cammy, come down from the tree.” She calls, her apron is covered in flour so Cam knows she’s been sent from the kitchen to find them. 
“Why should I! Maybe I’ll live here now, everyone would like that better.” Cam says angrily, suddenly feeling like they might cry but not wanting to do it in front of their sister. 
“Oh Cam, you know Ma and Pa didn’t mean it when they said they’d send you away.” Calla frowns, the expression not looking right on her usually happy face “And if they did I’d talk sense into them.” 
“I don’t belong here, I hate cows.” Cam mutters. Calla laughs at that, not unkindly, and reaches the bottom of the tree. 
“I don’t like them much either, but there’s plenty of other things to do.” She says, “When you’re older you can do the bookkeeping, and help Ma at the market, I bet you’d be good at that! And I know Cassia and Calix hate doing it, I’m sure they'd be happy to spend more time outside.” 
“I don’t want to do the bookkeeping, I want to do magic.” Cam sighs, swinging their leg down from the branch they’re perched on.
“And you’re good at it! Maybe we can find you a teacher someday.” Calla smiles, ever the optimist. “Isn’t Aunt Angela a witch?” 
“That’s just a rumor, Pa doesn’t like her so he calls her that, remember?” Cam laughs, thinking about their mother’s sister who had disappeared mysteriously a few years earlier. She’s somewhat of an enigma to the family, none of the children really know much about her aside from the cards she sends on birthdays and holidays.
“Well maybe it isn’t, Ma has magic after all. What if her sister does too!” Calla grins, “She lives in the city somewhere, maybe you should visit.”
“Now you’re trying to get rid of me.” Cam says, only half joking.
“Cam, I would never, you know I’d miss you too much if you went away.” Calla says sincerely, offering her hand up to help Cam. “Now come down! We made ricciarelli.” 
“But it’s not the holidays?” Cam questions, the family usually reserves cookie making for winter time when everyone is stuck indoors.
“You looked like you could use some sweets, I convinced Ma to make them as a harvest treat.” Calla smiles, her blue eyes, the same color as Cam’s, shining.
If there’s anything to motivate Cam it’s sweets. They finally decide to jump down from the tree, grabbing Calla’s offered hand for help. As they put Miele back in the stables, Cam can’t help but think about what Calla said about finding a magic teacher. 
It seems too good to be true, and they don’t know if they believe their Aunt Angela is really a witch. Still, Cam has to hope that someday they’ll be able to find a place to belong. Hopefully a place with less cows and siblings. 
As they walk back to the house, Cam takes in the rolling hills and old growth trees around them in the golden light of sunset. The countryside is beautiful, and although Cam doesn’t like living here, they have to admit that at least the scenery’s nice.
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thethreemages · 4 years
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*jfc, my dumb self kept forgetting to post this here after already debuting her on my DA, hhh -.-;*
-Buuuuut yeah, after a long time coming and thinking... I’ve decided to do a complete revamp to one of the oldest members of the main cast (*that I’ve sadly left a lil neglected overtime compared to my other characters* :c), iss Rosabel~ 💕
Hope you all enjoy her new debut! This lil flower child was def in due of an update after all this time, so I had alot of fun putting some more “life” back into her with her upcoming new character role in the story~ 😊 Enjoy!
~(Bio Info Below)~
Rosabel Espinosa (age 18) is an Earth Mage who had quite a promising life going for her back in the days of St. Ravilda's. A straight-A student, class representative, nudged to make it big with the popular kids by her social circle back home... Rosabel was surely fit to become a truly respectable Mage within her own right, as many were sure to think. And indeed, her power to enchant the planet's natural plant-life was quite admirable to see on the field... so, with so many good things going for miss Rosabel... what else could she have asked for? ..Well, in truth... a part of Rosabel truly wasn't as confident as she'd try to play herself off as... as back at home, it was quite a "difficult" house to return to with how distant her parents were in their own social-climbing world. Nothing ever seemed enough for them to be as content with having enough wealth to sustain themselves as a family... no, to truly be "up there" to the big guys was their biggest dream above all. And they made sure to always remind Rosabel of that whenever she "dared" to do as much as come home with a slightly lower grade, forgot to turn in certain assignments from too many all-nighters, or even so much as told-off any of her "dear" popular friends for being nosey lil jerks to her when others' backs were turned. No, she just had to live up to her name as the most "perfect little rose", in their eyes... naturally, leading to Rosabel in question to develop more of a snarkier, uptight shell to others as time went on... Still... even for all of Rosabel's constant schedules at school, even she knew that she needed some form of break from all the pressures... so, curiously one day of seeing a flier to help kickstart up the Ravilda Drama club again, it piqued her interest enough to maybe give it a try. And wouldn't you know... a certain other mage was just as keen to join the club too, in the form of none other than miss Prym Fletcher. You see, ever since the start of their Ravilda school days... there was always something about Prym that always drew Rosabel in to want to compete with. With how she was just so calm, smart, pretty and powerful with all that dark magic? Rosabel would be lying if she said that didn't "stir up" some things in her... of which she insisted meant nothing more than a "challenge" to outdo the young goth in any way she could. And of course, Prym... always being the sly one for a "challenge", was amused enough to accept these lil games which would soon lead to plenty more "back-and-forth" even well up on the stage. Definitely made their plays performed all the more entertaining to watch by certain crowds... and for once, hearing their genuine compliments in both hers and their other club members' performances actually started to make Rosabel feel... "at peace", for once. Little by little, she was relaxing up in her school assignments to not worry so much about good grades... grew patient enough to let other students get the chance at council decisions for once, and even didn't really hang out much with the popular crowd anymore compared to her actual, "true" friends over in Drama Club. Even Prym, as much as Rosabel was still too huffy to admit upfront... turned out to be alot more fun and friendly to be around whenever they actually had some chill moments between shows. Yet... sadly, by the time graduation came around and Prym's group wasted no time heading out to start their Traveling Mage lives, certain feelings were left unsaid on both parties... and now Rosabel was left to pick up the pieces back at her family home, as she hadn't really found the time to think of what she wanted to do for herself... And... for once, things seemed like they were going to be okay... her parents were alot calmer now, their funds were stabilizing, and many were looking to have Rosabel potentially "intern" with them after hearing of all her potential at Ravilda's. All leading up to one fateful night when... low and behold, a young rich man by the name of "Lord Zoras" was all too eager to meet up with Rosabel after his and her parents started to befriend one another over tea. As much as this man was already giving her nerves... Rosabel did her best to remain respectful and even accepted a little dance with him to be polite. All was fine, really... ...until Zoras got too bold in his advances, and Rosabel (being someone who never really "liked" guys in that way to begin with) got so panicked that she smacked him away with a boost of her own magic... causing many stunned looks among the now silent ballroom. Following an even more tense ride home... things only escalated further when her parents started to berate their daughter for "embarrassing" them in front of not just their social group, but also such a "powerful" man as this Lord Zoras. Now knowing the true extent of her parents' greed, and how little they truly cared for her  after all this time... Rosabel tearfully made the decision to pack up all she could, sneak out when they weren't looking... and never again look back on the house she once called "home"... From that point, Rosabel spent the next couple of days laying low in trying to leave town... not having much of a goal of exactly where to go among all these mixed, whirlwind emotions. Somehow, she managed to find her way back to the garden areas of St. Ravilda's... deciding to hide out there by some of the sheds until Professor Ramon managed to find her sneaking with some leftover food. As much at it pained her at first to have gotten caught in such a position... seeing the genuine look of concern in Ramon's eyes caused her to break down in confessing what she was going through, and how little she knew what to do with herself now that everything was "ruined"... Ramon... himself relating to Rosabel as he too was in a "similar" position of societal pressures so long ago... was able to comfort her the best he could as he offered to help take her in for the time being, and even offering to the other teachers to give Rosabel some kind of position at the school to keep herself occupied. With enough thinking over and some suggestions by those like Professor Nile and even librarian Capella... Headmaster Auran offered Rosabel the chance to train as an "apprentice" to any number of the current teachers at the school, whilst looking after the younger generations of students who may need some "chaperones" within their own projects. Indeed, it was quite an adjustment to get used to for the young girl... but with enough patience, time, and caring guidance by the other faculty... Rosabel was able to once again relax, and feel content that she found a safe place to truly call "home", once again. ...Still, there may be some days where she thinks back a bit to her former Drama Club members, how they might be doing... and especially of what a certain Dark mage may be up to all the way out in Terra... but well, with all that she's gathered in the safety of Ravilda's welcoming her back, Rosabel prefers to remain content with what she has now... and to make sure she upholds to the promise she made to the Headmaster in always being there to protect and guide her fellow students on the promising paths of Magehood. Even if certain mischevious royals and rich kids tend to make said job a little "tricky" to keep up with sometimes...
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yandere-daydreams · 5 years
do you have an oc? i want hear about your ocs
Right! I’ve actually had these four siblings in mind for a while, and I *will* use any excuse I get to talk about them. In my defense, they’re all great. Babies that are well past spoiled-rotten, but they’re my babies, and I can’t help that. (The picrews used are here x x x x) 
TW: Imprisonment, Emotional Manipulation, Delusional Mindsets, Non-Consensual Drug-Use and Toxic Relationships. 
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Name: Lionel Hardcastle
Position: The Failure of an Older Brother
Age: 26
Type: Delusional And Obsessive. 
Bio: The tranquil, would-be heir to the Hardcastle organization. Although his younger siblings were considered, Lionel was always the best with clients, the calmest in painfully crushing situations, and even if he made a point to hide it, the undisputed favorite of his parents. He would’ve taken over as soon as he was of-age, but his glaring lack of interest in the world of business and leadership provided quite the roadblock.
Well, and the fact that he can’t read. Never could, never will, and he shows no indication of an ability to learn. Needless to say, this caused some… minor issues between him and the rest of his family.
That might be why he likes you so much, his sweetheart, his love, the light of his oh-so-frigid life. You’re just so kind, and he knows you’ll never abandon him, even if you act so stubborn whenever he asks you to promise. It’s all he can do not to laugh when you throw your little tantrums and scream like you don’t adore the affection he’ll lather onto you so suffocatingly. There’s nothing he’d rather do than be around you, any moment where his skin isn’t on your instantly becoming unbearable. It’s no wonder he’s always the first of his siblings to snap. He hardly remembers to breathe, when you’re not in the room.
Lionel is quite the artist, too, focusing on stone and sculpting but dabbling in paint whenever the temptation strikes him. Suffice to say, as his fixation begins to outweigh his rationality his patient partner becomes his favorite muse. There’s more of your likenesses in existence than there are galleries to house them, but don’t worry, Lionel’s got a special portion of his workshop dedicated to all those mediocre extras, if only to keep himself sustained when you’ve switched from begging for the restraints to come off to hiding yourself away. Still, there’s only so long he can last before breaking and running to find you. If you really wanted to be alone, then you must not want to be with him. That’d mean you were trying to get away from him, trying to leave him, and… 
Lionel just isn’t sure if he can take that. Not again, and certainly not from you. He’s a weak man, when it comes to that, but he as more than enough iron-based safety measures to put his mind at ease.
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Name: Persia Hardcastle
Position: The Motherly Middle Sister
Age: 25
Type: Controlling and Overbearing
Bio: Where do you even start with Persia? She’s the second-born, but it wouldn’t be untrue to say she’s more akin to a nanny than another Hardcastle. Part of it comes from how she grew up, how she had to take care of a pair of twins and deal with a suddenly absentee older brother, all while juggling just how unprepared her parents were for their own tragic, mysterious, purely accidental deaths. But, some people think she’s just… like that. A perfectionist, even when it comes to her own flesh-and-blood. 
Of course, you’re no exception. She’s just as tightly-laced with you as she is while trying to save Finn’s reputation or bring Lionel back home. She does love you, don’t get me wrong, but you’re her stress-relief, her saving grace, the only factor in her life she can have complete control of, even if she doesn’t realize just how much sway she has over you. She knows it isn’t healthy, that no one should think the things she does about you, but Persia can’t risk losing you. She won’t lock you up, she isn’t crazy, but… she doesn’t really have to use chains and collars, either. 
It’s odd, how fixed a certain behavior can be for one person, even after they’ve outgrown the use for it. She was the main caretaker for the twins while they were growing up, so she may’ve gotten into the habit of being a little… parental, when it comes to those she loves. If that just means giving you a disapproving look when you’re eating something you shouldn’t be or insisting on tucking you in at night, count yourself lucky. Falling into her role a little too passionately certainly wouldn’t be out of character, not when she’s already so invested in making sure you’re happy and healthy and by her side. Her angel’s medication is a small price to pay for bliss, really, even if you’re such a baby when it comes to taking it.
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Name: Evelyn (Evie) Hardcastle
Position: The Mature Younger Sister
Age: 19
Type: Manipulative and Possessive
Bio: Now, here’s our heir. I mean, why wouldn’t she be? She’s fully literate and everything! Evie’s parents were already gone before Finn and her were so much as differentiable, but their advisors caught on to the siblings’ personalities quickly. Naturally, Evie found her way into a position of power as quickly as she was able to, not only for lack of competition. Not unlike her older brother, she doesn’t have any real interest in whatever vague, sketchy medical field she was thrust into, but Evie stands apart from the pure-intentions of most Hardcastsles. She likes the power of it all, how big it makes her feel. 
She likes knowing she’s the one in charge. You’ll come to understand that, with time.
There’s a good chance you’re her assistant or secretary or some member of her staff that made the mistake of getting a little too friendly, stumbling your way into her cold, dead heart before she could properly put up her defenses. The specifics don’t really matter, not as long as you have those big, shining doe-eyes and the sense to do whatever she says without a second thought. She just thinks you’re so soft, so cute, so vulnerable when you’re in the hands of someone stronger than you… you can’t blame her for getting a little carried away, honestly.
Don’t worry, though, Evie’s the most responsible sibling for a reason. She’s not a nice woman, but she can put on quite the show, as long as it’s for your sake. She’ll be whatever you need her to be for the longest time, whether that’s a boss willing to make compromises or a shoulder to cry on. She’ll string you along for as long as she needs to, having you isolate yourself and falling into her arms so sweetly, but her patience tends to wear thin when someone else comes into the picture. Do your best to avoid that, regardless of how minor the relationship may seem. She already keeps you on such a tight leash… it’d be a massacre if you gave her a real excuse to use force.
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Name: Finnian (Finn) Hardcastle
Position: The Rebellious Younger Brother
Age: 19
Type: Jealous and Obsessive
Bio: I hope you’re not prone to whiplash, because Finn is the polar opposite of his sister. Despite being twins, identical on the deepest level two people can be, Evie was groomed while Finn was cast to the side, spoiled and let run wild, unimpeded by the standards his other siblings were held to. He has nothing to do with the family cooperation and as little to do with the others as possible, and he likes it that way. You might’ve caught on, by now, but Finn isn’t exactly the ‘business’ type.
But, distance breeds loneliness, and loneliness breeds desperation. It’s not that he latches onto everyone and anyone, no, Finn is rather selective, but he refuses to let go when he does find someone he wants to be with. You’re just so smart and so clever and so perfect, and all Finn wants to do is stay close to you, to never leave your side. The goal is innocent, full of misguided hope, but Finn didn’t exactly have a normal upbringing. He doesn’t know he shouldn’t want to follow you home or that it’s a little off-putting for a stranger to sit so close to you on an empty train, nor is he going to catch on if you try to turn him down gently. Hell, even if scream and do tell him what a pathetic stalker he is, you won’t get very far. Finn is just so happy you’re talking to him, he can’t bring himself to process what you’re saying.
Oh, and keep in in mind that he’s very used to being the center of attention. Whether it’s Persia’s persistent demands for ‘family time’ or Evie’s loudly voiced concerns, Finn knows when he’s the focus, and he doesn’t like it when the spotlight is somewhere else. That applies to you, too, as hard as he tries to stay on your good side. Distractions aren’t an option, he just gets so twitchy whenever he starts to think he’s your second-favorite, even if you’re being stolen away by a gift he got for you. It’s not a pleasant sort of envy, either. The way he clings to you and whines may seem harmless, at first, but Finn isn’t exactly good at holding himself back, especially when it comes to you. Desperation can turn into destruction in the blink of an eye, and he rarely goes after your new toys. 
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