rositaxtorres · 1 month
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7 days of The Rookie, day five: most underrated character  → angela lopez
I grew up with four brothers in a two bedroom. I’ll be standing at the finish line before you even realize the competition’s started.
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rositaxtorres · 1 month
Rosita was waiting at the table, a bit annoyed but giving her friend time. She had an overnight sitter, so at this point, she had no place to go but home. "Shit, man," she looked at her friend. "What did you do to get karma so pissed off?" she teased "But I am starving but no need to be you treat I was fine waiting" she didn't need her friend to pay, there was no reason for it. "But you good?" she asked hoping so.
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closed starter for @rositaxtorres
hopping out of her uber, she rushed inside and approached the other's table. "shit, i'm sorry. i'm having pretty much the worst luck. car broke down and then my uber got lost. are you still up for dinner?" she hoped that she was but she would understand if her friend would rather reschedule. though, she had to admit. she was looking forward to being out for the night, especially since she'd already managed to get a babysitter for the boys. "it'll be my treat."
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rositaxtorres · 1 month
Rosita was still getting used to the idea of her really having to care for another human life. When she was a Navy Seal, she cared for her team, supported them, and kept them safe. But caring for two kids it took a lot more work. But she loved them and would give up her world again for them. Why they wanted pizza and arcade game she said yes and went to the pizza place. While waiting, she didn't notice anyone come in. She wasn't in the mind to care who was around her really. But feeling someone touch her? She turned towards the man who had moved to stand next to her and touched her backside. "Do that again, and you won't have manhood," she whispered to him as she stood on his foot. He got scared and took off out the door "Thought so" she rolled her eyes.
"I've only been back a year, and I was hoping a weekday night wouldn't be this bad," but it seemed like everyone was still in town. "Things one and two will be happy to be playing longer, so they won't mind." She looked back at them. "But oh well nothing I can do now but wait. @violainegallo
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It'd been only at Valerie's insistence that she'd been forced out the door with money in her hand, like she was fifteen all over again. Violaine was pretty sure if she allowed her, she'd move right into her house. Everyone was keeping their "eyes" on her at all times right now. Her family, the band, her friends...even the scum paparazzi that'd been camped outside her house for the last three days. It was exhausting. Beyond that, it was infuriating. More so these days, people wanted access to every detail of people's lives, brought through daily vlogging and the constant need to feed the media. Still, she was thankful for some parts of this town, because as she sat on the bench and waited for her food (her bodyguard, undoubtedly, blending in somewhere), they left her alone for the most part. And those who came up to her? Most had known her since she was a kid, anyway.
It wasn't all bad, but she felt trapped here.
The voice interruped her jigging leg, as she let out a laugh. "First time I've been here in around eight years and one thing I can promise you is you'll always be waiting a while and the place will be packed." Violaine huffed a laugh, "It's the unfortunate nature of having the best pizza."
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rositaxtorres · 1 month
She knew better. She went here as a kid and knew it was always popular and busy. The pizza was good and not overpriced. That was one thing that kept people coming. They didn't have to spend an arm and leg for a good meal for the family. That pizza could feed a few people for the price of a meal for maybe one. "I will keep this in mind next time or only come in during the week" when it could be a bit slower. Rosita laughed as she looked over at them. "They are my nice nephew, but thanks," she chuckled. "So what are you in for?" she asked, looking at the menu. @mahiragarcia
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Despite being tired, Mahi dragged herself to Pizza Hero—her stomach playing the orchestra as hunger pangs hit. The smell of pizza hit her right away, and suddenly she was starving. Looking around the place, it was packed with people, and she spotted a woman with two kids bouncing off the walls. It made her think of her childhood and she found herself smiling at the scene before her. Memories of her and Donnie causing mischief flooded back, warming her heart. She remembered how protective she'd been of her little brother, and even now, things hadn’t changed. The guy was big enough to take care of himself, yet here she was still trying to shield him from the world. The woman's grumbling about calling in next time caught her attention, and she flashed the other a sympathetic smile. "It's probably easy," she said. "Your kids are beautiful."
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rositaxtorres · 1 month
Today, Rosita was at Pizza Hero with her niece and nephew. They had been craving pizza, and the last thing Rosita wanted to do was to try and cook something like a pizza. She knew some basics, but there wasn't much she could cook. She had been trying to learn over the past year but still needed to learn something that was great. However, after having them talk nonstop for a few days, she gave in. "I am only bringing you both here so you both will shut up," she teased as they hurried inside ahead of her. They went to the Pac-Man machine so they could play while they waited for the pizza. "Fine," she handed them money so they could play the game.
"Before you play, what do you both want?" she teased as she ruffled Marco and Maya's hair, and they both wanted just cheese. "So exciting, you two," she joked as she ordered a cheese pizza and a veggie topping pizza for herself. Rosita sighed as she placed the order and went to a bench to sit on to wait, but all were taken. "Damn, next time I am calling it in," she said out loud as she leaned on the wall to wait for her order.
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rositaxtorres · 1 month
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rositaxtorres · 1 month
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Age: 40 Birthday: September 7 1986 Occupation: Police detective
Neighborhood: Masonboro Guardian to: Marco Torres (10, nephew) Maya Torres (6, niece) Status: Single
Rosita was the firstborn and oldest of the Torres family and was headstrong. She walked and talked young and was one to keep her younger siblings in line. Rosita was one to talk back to her parents, who never liked that their daughter had such a month on her. Rosita was a good daughter and student who enjoyed school. But the type that was so easy for her that she finished work up quickly and tended to act out and make jokes. So she was a problem child and student. But in the end she loved to play softball and school while she grew up and loved it. School came and went for Rosita, and she knew what she wanted to do for a living for many years now.
She join the Navy shy always found them very cool and badass even more the women who made their way up the ranks. Rosita worked hard, and after years in the service, she made the ranks of the Navy Seals. It was rare for the females to be on the field team, and Essie was there as a major part of the team. She loved what she did and enjoyed it kept her always busy and always moving. But this did keep her away from home most of the time. She only be home a couple weeks at time if that. Normally, she stays at the Navy base because it is closer if she gets the call to go on another mission. She did this for years and was away on a mission when her father passed away. Being in an unknown location to her family, she didn't find out till she got back, which was a week after the funeral.
Her mother and siblings were upset at her but she fought back saying she couldn't of done anything even if she was there, just be there and watch. She fought with her family for a bit before she was off again, and this let time pass, and they all stopped fighting. There were times she did try to date and find someone, but her being away at no notice and gone for weeks to months at a time made it hard. She had guy she dated for a few months she was wild about. but he couldn't take her being in charge of team of men and being gone all the time and they broke up after 6 months of dating. It was hard. She hated being alone for so long but just put her mind to her work and loved being a Navy Seal. That was till just over a year ago she was on base and got a call.
Her brother had passed away (and his wife), and his kids needed someone. His mother was older and couldn't, and their sister said no to them. So, she could take her niece and nephew, or they could get into foster care. After 20 years in the Navy, she asked to step down due to a family emergency, and they allowed it. It was hard for her. She wanted to do it for another twenty years but had to take care of her family. She has been back in town over a year now and just starting to settle into a normal life. She's a police detective and can fly planes to help fight fires and sometimes for personal and private flights.
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rositaxtorres · 1 month
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alyssa diaz as angela lopez ➵ the rookie ; season 6 , episode 1
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rositaxtorres · 1 month
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