#somebody grab the popcorn for those games
alloftheimagines · 1 year
jamie tartt | if somebody hurts you, i wanna fight
words: 2.2k
warnings: 18+
domestic abuse, violence, trauma, the aftermath of an abusive relationship in which jamie finds out your boyfriend, his teammate, is abusing you. takes place when he's playing for manchester city.
prompt: Hey there! I would love to send a prompt request in for Jamie tartt:) number 29, I don’t know why but to me it fits him well! Nothing specific, thank you! 🥰
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Jamie sees the bruises and knows. He’s never had a good feeling about your relationship with Tom, his teammate, but you’ve ignored his warnings despite being friends since childhood.
And now you’re hiding bruises. Anger flares in him, and it’s an effort not to reach out as you get up from the couch to grab popcorn, the staple of any movie night. He thought it strange you turned up on his doorstep after months of barely seeing you, but now he thinks he understands. Your T-shirt rode up for only a moment at your hip before you tugged it down, but he saw the purple welt. His jaw ticks as he listens to you shuffle about, but he can only wait so long. Fingers flexing at his side, he heads in to hear popcorn popping in the microwave.
“Do you want a beer?” you ask, oblivious. When he doesn’t reply, your brows furrow and you look up from the kitchen counter. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Has he been hurting you?” he questions steadily.
“What?” You’re a terrible actor, but you try nonetheless, eyes widening in feigned confusion. 
Jamie takes a deep breath. “Don’t lie to me. I saw the bruises just now. There’s only reason why you wouldn’t tell me about them.”
It makes him sick as he realises the truth of those words; you’d hide it because you know Jamie would react badly, perhaps even sacrificing his spot on the team. Tom’s more popular with the fans, Man City’s star player. If Jamie confronted him… He knew it would be game over. That’s why you’d kept your distance. 
And yet he still wanted to. He was already imagining it, shoving Tom against the lockers and beating him the way he’d beaten you. He’d teach him a lesson; nobody would ever hurt you again. 
He wouldn’t let them. 
You pale, tugging at the hem of your shirt again self-consciously. “I fell.”
Jamie shakes his head, barely even listening now. Lost to his fury. “I’ll teach that wanker a lesson. I’ll fucking kill ‘im. I knew he was trouble. I knew he was no fucking good for you—” 
“Jamie, please.” You grab his arm, eyes flooding with tears as you look at him. It’s enough for him to halt, still glaring. “Don’t. Please. I’m handling it.”
“Are you still with ‘im?” 
You hesitate at that, a look of shame darkening your features. 
“Then you’re not fucking handling it,” he snaps. 
“He won’t let me leave,” you whisper, chin wobbling. “I tried. That’s why he… I tried.”
His shoulders heaved with a sigh, but he softened, sympathy swirling in his eyes. “I can help you, love. You should have told me. You used to tell me everythin’.”
Tears slip down your cheeks as he cups your jaw, catching them. 
“Hey,” he breathes gently. “It’s okay. You’re safe ‘ere. You know that, don’t you?” 
A nod. He pulls you into his chest, and you wrap your arms around him, shuddering as it all comes spilling out. “I’m sorry. I thought he loved me. The first time… He was drunk. I thought he was just drunk. But then he kept… I’m just sorry.”
“No need to apologise, babe.” He plants a kiss in your hair. The microwave dings, the last remaining kernels popping behind the glass, but neither of you move to get it. “It’s not your fault. It’s never your fault.” He closes his eyes, pain searing through him. He can’t bare to think of you hurting like this. He should have realised sooner. Should have known. “How long’s it been going on?”
“A couple of months.”
Too long, then. It’s always going to be too long. “Stay ‘ere with me, yeah?” he asks. “He won’t get to you ‘ere.” 
“I don’t want you involved in this—”
“You’re my best fucking friend, and I’m not letting him do this to you again. Never.” He pulls away and forces you to meet his gaze. “He won’t fuckin’ touch you again.”
“I’m begging you. Don’t confront him. Don’t do anything to risk your career. Please. Please promise me.”
His nostrils flare, but he nods. It isn’t quite a promise, though — not one he’s willing to keep, at least. 
He does his best. He survives practices with the fucker all week while you hide away in his house, rarely getting out of your pyjamas. He has to force you to eat most nights, though you always have a home-cooked meal on the table. He can’t enjoy them, too busy wondering if it’s a forced habit — if maybe you were punished if you didn’t have dinner waiting for Tom. 
And then Tom struts into the locker room before a Sunday match in Man City’s home stadium, his gaze already narrowed on Jamie. Wordlessly, he nudges past the other players, and the hair on the back of Jamie’s back prickles as he stops lacing his boot to look up at him. 
“I bet you think you’re a right hero, eh?” Tom sneers. “Hiding her away from me. What’d she tell you?”
Jamie’s knuckles whiten, entire body tensing, but then he thinks of his promise to you. “You dunno what you’re talking about, mate,” he replies stiffly, drawing his lace tight. 
Tom scoffs. “I know you’re the first person she’d run to.”
This time, Jamie bites, standing up to match his eye level and squaring his shoulders. “And you hate that, don’t you? It must make your fuckin' blood boil. Does it make you feel good, being an abusive twat, or are you that far gone that you don’t care either way?”
Tom slams Jamie’s locker shut, the picture of aggression. Jamie thinks of you facing him, alone in his big old house where no one is there to step in. He thinks of the way you must have flinched at that scorn, and resolves not to on your behalf. He might be breaking one promise, but he’ll keep another: Tom’ll never touch you again. 
“You gonna beat me up as well?” he asks, and that anger he’d been suppressing so well is bubbling now; he’s a volcano ready to erupt. 
“Oi!” The team manager steps in, drawing everyone’s attention. “We’ve got a job to do today. Whatever the issue is, you save it ‘til later. Am I clear?”
Jamie doesn’t back down, his eyes flaring with dangerous defiance. Tom is the first to nod,  but not before offering a smarmy smirk — as though he’s won. “Yes, boss.”
“Yeah,” Jamie mutters finally — for you, he thinks. Anything for you. 
It doesn’t stop there, though. Tom carries his bitterness onto the pitch, ignoring Jamie through the game so that he’s never passed the ball, never able to score. He’s tackled him more than a few times as though they’re on different teams, and Jamie knows then that he can’t play this game anymore. He won’t. He’ll quit on Monday, find another club to sign him. Maybe even grovel to Ted and go back to Richmond. Anything to get you both out of this. 
He tries to be the bigger man, but he’s never been any good at it, so when Tom trips him in another fight for the ball, Jamie can’t do it anymore. His vision blurs into angry red lines as he stands, shins throbbing from the fall, and fists Tom’s sweaty shirt in his hands. 
“Someone needs to put you in your fucking place,” he spits, and when Tom only grins again, he launches. His fist meets Tom’s hard jaw, and pain flashes through Jamie’s knuckles. Tom sniffs, spits, and the crowd in the stadium falls quiet enough to hear a pin drop. And then Tom lunges back, and Jamie feels the blow through every bone in his body. 
It doesn’t stop him from punching him again. “See how you fuckin’ like it!” he’s screaming, again and again and again, all scrambling limbs and fierce hits between them. His knuckles and mouth turn bloody, and so do Tom's. Finally, they’re yanked away from one another.
Even as Jamie is pulled off the pitch, he’s bellowing across the field: “You’re nothing, you! A piece of fucking shit!” 
“And who are you?” Tom calls. “Her knight in shining armour? You’re useless. You’re nobody!” 
Jamie’s heard that more than a few times now. He no longer sees Tom’s face, but his own father’s. That’s why he couldn’t let this go, he realises. He could never stand up to his own bully, so he’s stood up to yours instead.
Spitting blood from his mouth, he leaves the pitch — knowing it might be for the last time. Knowing that if it is, it was worth it.
You saw it all on TV, and you’ve been waiting for the door to swing open ever since. Finally, it does — and you don’t even know what to say. Jamie’s mouth is swollen and his nose bloody, and you want to shout at him for being so stupid, for doing the one thing you asked him not to — in front of everyone. But in the end, you can only sigh, wiping the tears from your eyes. 
“I know I fucked it up,” he rasps. “Maybe I should be sorry, but'm not. He fuckin’ deserved it.”
“And what about your job?” you ask, crossing your arms over your chest. You still wear your pyjamas, too afraid to go home and get fresh clothes. Too depressed to even try.
Jamie shrugs, throwing down his bag. “Don’t know yet. Doesn’t matter. I’m not playing on the same team as a dickhead like that.”
“But where will you play now?” Panic rises in you as you think about this means. You’ve never known Jamie without football, and to imagine him losing it now, because of you… It’s almost worse than what Tom did to you, maybe because you care more about your best friend than you ever could yourself. It’s wrong, but it’s true. 
“I dunno. It doesn’t matter.” He sniffs, and you sigh, softening as you move towards him to examine his injuries. 
Without a word, you head into the kitchen to wrap some ice in a towel. He follows slowly, sluggishly, as though he has no fight left in him. He used it all on the pitch. A stadium of fucking people. God, you’re angry. With Tom, with Jamie, with everyone. You shove the ice pack into his chest, blood pumping in your ears. 
“It fucking matters,” you snap. “This is your life. I asked you not to ruin it because of me—”
“My life was ruined the minute you started dating that fucking prick!” he shouts. 
You frown, confused. “What?” Your voice trembles. 
Jamie purses his lip, shaking his head as he presses the ice to his bruised jaw. “Forget it. I did what I needed to. It wasn’t just for you, either. You’re not the only one who’s been bullied before. I’m sick of pushing it aside. Sick of 'em getting away with it. I can’t fight back for myself, but I can at least do it for you.”
You understand then. His dad. Tears sting your eyes.  “Jamie…” You make to reach out, but he draws back as though your touch is venom. It hurts. You stumble back, feeling heavy and wrong. This is your fault. All of it.
“I shouldn’t have come to you. I shouldn’t have put you in this position," you say.
“Stop it. I told you it isn’t your fault.”
“It is.” You close your eyes, cheeks growing damp.
“Babe…” He’s there in a heartbeat, cupping your face with bloody hands. “Don’t. Please, don’t. Just look at me a minute.”
You do. 
“I don’t give a shit about what this means for me. I don’t care if I’m never signed again. I only care that you’re safe. The dick was taunting me, and everyone will see that, but either way… you’re what matters. Nothin’ else.”
You can’t speak, your throat thick with emotion. 
“I know you didn’t tell me because you knew this would happen, but I need you to understand that it’s happened because I love you. Because I always have and I always will. And if somebody hurts you, I’m not letting them get away with it.
“I shouldn’t have lost my temper like that. I know that. I don’t wanna be like ‘im, I don’t want you to see me like that. But I wasn’t going to let him keep doing it. Not to me or to you.”
You hate it. Of course you do. But you love him, and you know that if the roles were reversed, you’d choose him over anything. You know that this wasn’t an act of violence, but of love and pent-up anger. 
“You’re not like him,” you say gently. “You could never be like him.”
He kisses your forehead, and your eyes flutter shut again as you lean into him. 
“You’re worth it,” he whispers. “You’re worth all of it. I just wish I could’ve been there for you sooner.”
You tuck yourself into his chest as he squeezes you tightly, smelling of grass and sweat and dirt. You haven’t felt safe in a long time. You haven’t felt loved in a long time, either. “You’re here now,” you say. 
He nods, chin brushing the crown of your head. “‘S gonna be okay now. I’ve got you.” 
You finally believe him.
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smolwritingchick · 6 months
Smol Brainstorm/drabble: I Hit That
Found another to hold ya! I want to keep this brainstorm and continue working on it when I decide to put it in the story. This would happen maybe around 2019 or later. JenKook flirting on Twitter.
Scrolling through Twitter, Jen noticed a selfie that Jungkook had posted a few moments ago, looking fine as hell. After long consideration, she chose to be bold and tweet, ‘My man looking fine af today 😜😏 #IHitThat #Jen’
Her tweet caused quite the uproar as ‘I hit that’ trended with fans freaking out with her audacious statement:
‘Jennie you’re drunk!’
‘She wildlin’
‘That how you coming!?’
‘Can we just say she got hacked LOL’
‘I hope Jungkook responds!’
‘Can they start flirting on Twitter?’
‘I’m ready for the inspired smut one shots about this’
‘This is the energy I inspire to have.’
‘The freak in Jen jumped out’
‘Get your man sis!’
‘Somebody get her please CTFU!’
‘LMAOOOO out of pocket!’
‘We’ve been waiting for this day to come!’
‘Get it boo!’
‘Let them know sis!’ 
A few hours later, she went back on Twitter to see that Jungkook had replied, ‘Can’t get enough of me, huh? I can tell. The day before you left spoke volumes baby girl. 😏 #JK’
She chuckled as she reread his tweet. He wasn't wrong but did he really just tweet that? Two can play that game.
‘How can I be Jennie?’
‘What happened before she left!?’
‘Jungkook PLEASE!’
‘Hide these tweets from Jin!’
‘I refuse to accept this!’
‘Jungkook is just a baby boy!’
After thinking about what to say, she tweeted, ‘I don’t recall. 🤔 You’re going to have to refresh my memory. #Jen’
‘Oh so she wants him wants him!’
‘Jen I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into lol!’
‘We would like to see it!’
‘She knows exactly what she’s doing.’
‘Ooh reverse psychology 101. This is smart.’
‘Sis ready!’
‘I can’t even be mad at this.’
‘Now you know the Golden Maknae doesn’t back down from a challenge!’
‘Accept the challenge and refresh her memory Jungkook!’
Later that day while out with Angelina, she and Jen took photos of each other going out for the evening and Jen so happened to wear a short dress to show off her legs. After posting a photo of herself with the dress, Jungkook was quick to reply as her heart flipped with anticipation.
‘Wow~ so beautiful. And those legs. 😏 Just wait until you get back to Seoul #Mine #JK’
‘What’s going to happen in Seoul!?’
‘Calm tf down Jungkook!’
‘*grabs popcorn*’
‘JenKook shippers we have been blessed!'
‘Jin is about to kill them when he sees this ctfu’
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thatwritterbeach · 4 hours
one messed up bat .4
Dc masterlist
Batfam x reader x Jason eventually
Summary: The batboys sticking close to y/n
Warnings: self harm, self hate, angst, short sorry
A/N: I do not own dc
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"Let's take a little trip around the room and you can tell me where all the sharp things are, or, you can be moved to an unused room and only come in here with supervision," Dick said with his hands on his hips.
"It'd be faster to move rooms, after all I have vigilante stuff in here too."
"I was afraid you'd say that, alright well, grab your pillow and anything else you need. Phone charger or whatever. I'm gonna lock the door when you're done and I will have to let you in-"
"This is ridiculous all my games and books and stuff are in here, not to mention my sewing supplies." (because I said so you now know how to sew, Y/n designs leather goods, handbags, fancy wallets etc. and has dreams of people actually knowing they exist)
"I didn't know you sewed," Tim said looking up from his phone to take in her room.
"I've had a machine sitting in the corner for years now, I thought you were supposed to be smart," she said walking over just so she could flick his ear.
"Hey, ow, I thought it was just girly decoration?"
"I suppose to giant shelf of supplies next to it is also decor," she asked with her head tilted.
"Sewing shears are sharp as hell, no way are you allowed around them without somebody's eyes glued to you," Jason said holding a pair of Italian knifes edge shears.
"Hey put those down they were three-hundred-bucks!" He nearly dropped them at her shout but caught them and set them gently back in their case.
"For scissors," Dick asked in disbelief.
"They could cut your arm off. They're Italian and I love them more than I love any of you."
"You're sleeping in a different room but you can be in her during the day, with one of us here."
She rolled her eyes but kept her mouth shut, whatever he needed to tell himself but she knew how this was gonna go. They'd say they were gonna take shifts, but stuff would come up, they would get bored. Tired of following her to the bathroom and sitting outside awkwardly. She'd be a good little pet, keep her skin clear of even a bruise from bumping into something and they would get complacent and lazy, checking up on her once a day. She gave it two weeks before they were leaving her alone again, and a month before they couldn't be under the same roof anymore and she only had to deal with Tim, easy the kid slept and drank coffee, and Damian who she could distract.
"Fine, anyone up for a snack?"
They nodded and she led the way to the kitchen, it was well into the night so it was dark aside from a few motion sensor lights she'd put in herself. (after the boys had said every curse word under the sun from bumping into stuff) She pulled out some chips and the other grabs various foods and drinks.
"We eating in here or you wanna go watch a movie?"
"Movie,"Tim answered starting to pour himself a cup of coffee.
"If you drink that at this hour-in fact if you drink any caffeine after four pm I'll start breaking picture frames to cut myself with the glass," she said snatching the cup from him and dumping it down the drain.
"Oh my God," Dick gasped dropping the bag of popcorn he'd just taken from the microwave.
"But...my coffee," Tim whispered looking at the drain like she'd just flushed his stash.
"Me no slashy you no caffey," she said pulling him into a hug. His arms came around her quickly and held her to him tight enough to make her back crack but neither of them moved. Her eyes welled with tears from the comfort and she tried to pull away but he held on.
"If you don't let me go I'm gonna cry," she warned.
"Go for it, you deserve it."
"If I start I won't stop."
"Oh, Y/n," Jason and Dick said in unison putting down their loot to add their arms to the hug. She was fully surrounded, encased in shear muscle, Tim's arms around her ribs and hands on her back. Dick's arms on top of his more hugging Tim than her but it was fine. Jason's arms were circled completely around her waist and they all took turns placing kisses on her hair. The need to cry and the urge to get away battled inside her but the only way out was teleportation.
"We love you," Dick said finally backing off.
"I second that," Jason said also stepping away.
"Thirdsies," Tim said stepping back to grab her face in his hands. "If you don't want me to drink coffee I won't drink it."
"Nice try, I said caffeine, energy drinks and tea included."
The moment passed they all grabbed their stuff again and headed to the theater room. A half hour into the movie she was the only one awake and she rolled her eye at the predictability, she started to sneak out of the room but Damian came in and snuggled up on her lap in the reclining seat she was in. (picture the Lego Batman seats the red velvet cushy looking ones)
"Tt, so pathetic they couldn't even be trusted to watch you for one night. He was so cute in his little batman pajamas she couldn't help but laugh at him squishing his face in her hands.
"Good thing I have you to look after me then huh?" He batted her hands away like and angry cat and grabbed the remote to change the tv, putting on old cartoon reruns instead. Dick was snoring like a freight train and she felt guilty for keeping him up so late, poor guy hadn't slept since birth. Tim was talking in his sleep something about mergers and 'no you can't sit there you little twat' he watched way too much British tv. Jason was silent and still as the dead next to her on hand stretched out in her direction as if he was offering her a lifeline even in his sleep.
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demonicpiano · 1 year
S L I M E for the fandom asks
SLIME? SLIME, you mad lad. All right. :P
(Fandom meme ask seen here)
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged).
England's favorite movie genre is *Horror,* though less of the hack-and-slash, but more of the thriller and suspense types. He's not ticklish. He's also a cuddler. Wait, aren't all those canon...? 😉
Okay, fine. For Austria, I headcanon him to need a cane, and he may have some trouble/flare-ups with moving/moving quickly and he needs a patient, easy-going companion. He's also a ‘One Person I Need and One Person Only' kind of guy, but if there's a +1, he won't complain too much.
I used to headcanon the hair curls/cowlicks on him, the Italies, America, etc. were like whiskers on a cat. They use them to feel around or sense somethings in the breeze. Or something.
This asks for a personal headcanon, you get a bunch.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike).
I don't hate any of the canon characters! I only hate Uke England and he's not canon so This one's a bit tough. I'd say I'm leaning on the positive side of neutral with anybody with not a lot of screentime in a large cast such as this.
Uh, let's just grab someone random—Bulgaria. He seems like a funky little fellow (affectionate). I imagine he cosplays with Canada and Japan. He's just a dude trying to get by in a crazy world. 🙏
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Stopped me from liking any fandoms? No, but I do have some fandoms blocked so they don't clog up my dashboard. Some fandoms I'm okay peeking over and getting the popcorn, like Good Omens. That seems like a good time. Other fandoms I don't care about in the first place, such as Game of Thrones, or Homestuck.
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you).
No prob! As much as I don't like some things, I always try to remind myself of any good little nuggets I can find that would make people like it in the first place. Always good to have all the information before seething over something properly.
I don't ship RusPru, Russia x Prussia. But that makes some damn fine fun times in Cardverse. Always a fan of a jokester messing around with the monarchs.
Also Prussia, as cocky and on-top-of-the-world as he made himself to be, brought down and scared of somebody else...hmmm. :) That's a good thought to chew on.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what?
Back in the Day™ I've done nothing but write crack fics. Nowadays, I have an itty trilogy of the Allies all sharing a tent (omg and there was only one tent) that I'm quite proud of, it's exactly like an episode of Hetalia, and that is cracky and hilarious on it's own!
Or. You know. A whole-ass USUKUS monsterfucker series.
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nosowoso · 4 years
Dynamo Kursk are building a good squad they now have Arike, Zahui B, Alex Bently, and Stephanie Mavunga. Will make the games against UMMC more competitive but I don't think anyone can beat them, their starting 5 is extremely strong and there bench is another starting lineup
even if they don’t beat ummc, having even a slight amount of competition is gonna be SO exciting
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dysfunctionalcrab · 4 years
headcannon: shopping with quackity
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pronouns: gender neutral
note: i randomly had this idea when i read a tweet on twitter that said ‘i just can’t imagine quackity pushing a shopping trolley’ and it made me laugh
• also let me just confirm that this was made before that creepy ass tiktok girl recorded him with a shopping cart.
god i love quackity so much
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for groceries
• a literal CHILD
• he is 100% the type to put both feet on the shopping trolley and push himself down the aisle
• he doesn’t care about embarrassing you
• when you’re looking for specific ingredients for a recipe he will pick up the weirdest of things and ask you if it’s needed
• because he is so clueless about cooking (as we all know)
• “[y/n] do we need these?
• “alex, put those anchovies away?!?!?”
• he’ll defo fill your cart with just a mountain of snacks. while you’re getting the proper groceries like milk, bread and vegetables, he’ll just come back after a few minutes and throw in random junk foods
• crisps [chips], ice cream, popcorn, chocolate. you name it.
• “should we get one more packet of pringles?”
• “baby, we already have three!”
• “it’s for emergencies!”
• LMAO imagine him losing you between all the aisles
• and then minutes later hearing your name on the loudspeaker, just to arrive at the front to see alex standing there with a playful pout on his face.
• “you left me!”
• “you didn’t have to call an announcement!”
• if he’s feeling tired. sometimes he’ll just give up and stay by your side with his hands in his pockets, and maybe actually help you.
• if he’s feeling clingy, then he’ll just grab your hand and not let go. just waiting to go home and cuddle.
• he’ll hug you from behind and wrap his arm around your waist while you’re looking at the different sauces (or whatever)
• then quickly let go when somebody from the end of the aisle gives him a weird look.
for clothing
• he’s much more tolerable
• while you’re looking for clothes for yourself he’ll probably go and pick for clothes for himself
• has the habit of going up to a nice piece of clothing, touching it, saying ‘this is nice’, and then walking away
• if he can’t find anything he likes he’ll just follow you around
• probably just go on his phone and play games or go on twitter while waiting for you.
• he’s your personal hypeman
• he’ll hype you up so much when you try on an outfit in the dressing room and show it to him.
• “does it look good?”
• “does it look good? that was made for you”
• he’s a simp for you and we love it
• if he does find clothes, it’ll probably end up being a new hoodie or another beanie, even after looking at all the other fancy clothing.
• in conclusion, we love domestic activities with quacky boi
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p4perthoughts · 4 years
Young Justice Universe
Dick Grayson x Barbara Gordon
I have a theory that Dick and Barbara totally got together in the middle of season 2 (as opposed to the time jump between S2 and S3) and nobody can convince me otherwise
Events take place after Young Justice S2 E9: Darkest
Dick was definitely not feeling the aster.
He was exhausted, much like anyone would be after nearly being blown up. As he walked along he kept replaying the sound of the explosion over and over again in his head. He clutched the flash drive Kaldur had passed to him right before they lost Mount Justice. He could have put it in his bag along with his Nightwing suit for safe keeping, but he couldn’t let go of it. He needed to feel it in his hand to keep telling himself it was worth it. Losing the cave. Almost losing his life. Continuing to lie to everyone else was worth it. It had to be.
As he rounded the corner, he paused and found himself holding his breath. She was there. Of course she was there. Barbara Gordon was sitting on the steps of his apartment building. She hadn’t looked up and seen him yet so his instincts told him to turn around and run. He’d grown distant from his best friend since this whole thing started. Dick was able to lie to the entire team, even the League, all this time because the fate of the world depended on the success of this plan. But he knew that if he looked Babs in the eyes, he wouldn’t be able to do it.
He chose to keep walking forward. Before he could say anything Barbara got up and hugged him. Her touch was a warmth he hadn’t felt in a while. He definitely missed her.
“Are you okay?” She said as she stepped back.
For a second Dick had forgotten what had just happened and that Mount Justice was gone. Reality set back in like a cold punch in the face.
“Yeah yeah. Everyone’s pretty shaken up, but we all made it out...except for those that were taken.” He said while avoiding meeting her eyes.
“Tim said that explosive took out the entire place.” She said in a way that sounded like a question.
So he nodded. But then when he looked back at her, her concerned expression turned into sadness for a brief moment. Dick forgot that Mount Justice had become a second home to Babs too when she joined the team.
They stood there for a minute before Barbara broke the silence.
“What’s actually wrong?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Dick said as he headed into the building.
Babs grabbed her gym bag from the steps and followed behind him, “yes you do.”
“I’m your best friend, Dick. I know when somethings wrong.” She said as he pressed the elevator button.
Dick stepped into the elevator and she invited herself in behind him. He chose to not address it so he tried to change the subject.
“What’s in the bag?” He said.
“What’s in your bag?”
“I asked you first.” He retorted without skipping a beat. He missed their banter.
She sighed sarcastically and unzipped her gym bag a little as it still hung on her shoulder. Right, dumb question. He saw the bat symbol on her suit’s chest plate and her cowl. It was past midnight so figures she was out patrolling. That’s two points in her column now cause this is further proof to her he was off his game. He could feel her eyes look up at him, so he knew he was right.
As he pulled out his keys and began opening his door he remembered the flash drive in his left hand. The events of the evening all rolled back to hit him like a tsunami. The harsh words from Wally echoed in his ears. It was worth it he told himself.
When they got inside Barbara made herself at home -as usual when she comes over. She laid down her stuff and headed to the kitchen. Dick put the flash drive on his dresser before heading for the couch. He fell into the cushions with the weight of the universe on him and put his head in his hands.
He felt Babs come back. She sat next to him and comfortably put her legs in his lap. She had opened a bag of chips and offered him some. They sat there together for a while in silence. Just two friends, eating chips, comfortably in each other’s company. Maybe it’s because Barbara knew him longer than almost anyone. She knew everything about him. She knew who he was, both as Dick Grayson and Nightwing -Robin before that. She was everything to him from his first kiss to his best partner out in the field.
Finally Barbara put the bag on the coffee table in front of them and she scooted closer to him. He put his arm on her knees.
“Talk to me, Grayson.” She said.
Dick finally brought himself to look at her. He looked at her and saw her deep, green eyes starring right at him. They weren’t filled with resentment like Wally’s or anguish like Conner’s. They were warm and comforting. He feared that if he told her what he wanted to tell her, that they wouldn’t look at him that way anymore.
He let out a sigh and closed his eyes. She reached for him. As he felt her soft touch on his face, he broke. He told her everything about the mission and the lies.
When he got to the part about Artemis working undercover with Kaldur, he noticed her expression get distant.
“So she’s -she’s alive?”
He nodded. And waited. Waited for her to yell at him. To tell him what he was doing was wrong. That it wasn’t worth it. Or worse, for her to say nothing.
Instead she looked at him and asked, “who knows?”
He told her about their tiny circle that was in on the plan. He told her how he felt lying to everyone on the team, about the flash drive, about how he felt responsible for the other’s kidnapping, about how he almost got his team -his family- killed. He felt like he had been underwater and how he could now finally breathe. He had kept everything bottled up for so long that now it exploded and he didn’t even notice there had been tears until he found himself wiping at a wet sensation on his cheek.
When he looked at Babs she didn’t say anything. She simply pulled him to her and embraced him. His head lay under her chin as he allowed himself to wrap his arms around her waist. Dick steadied himself as he listened to the rhythm of her heartbeat. They sat this way for a while.
Dick pulled away finally when he felt he’d gained control of his breathing and his thoughts. He looked at his best friend and said, “you’re not mad?”
She looked at him and took a long breath.
“No,” she said finally, “for as long as I’ve known you Dick, you never do anything to hurt anyone. Even if that means hurting yourself. I don’t like that you lied, but I understand why you did. I’m sorry you felt that this was something you had to take on by yourself. I’m sorry you felt like you had to be Batman...”
She trailed off at the end. Babs knew more than anyone that Dick no longer wanted to become Batman. She knew from working with him first-hand that Batman was somebody only Bruce Wayne could be. Anybody else would be crazy to try to act like Batman...except Dick did.
“I’m not telling you that you have to let me in on the rest of your mission,” Barbara said, “I just want you to know you’ll always have someone to talk to when things get overwhelming. You’re not Bruce, Dick. Never forget that you’re never alone.”
That was it. Leave it to Barbara to always have the perfect thing to say. He felt like a huge weight had been lifted off him and could feel a relief he hadn’t felt in ages. He looked at her and simply said, “thank you.”
She smiled.
“Soooo,” she said after a moment. “Wanna watch a movie or something?”
He raised an eyebrow.
Babs sighed, “I told my dad I was gonna sleep over at Mary’s to finish a project because the original plan was to spend the night on patrol since Bruce is presently out of town but then I heard what happened through the comms and I found myself coming here...”
She was starting to ramble a little. Dick noticed she only did that when she got nervous...and he’s rarely seen Babs get nervous. He hadn’t realized how close they were sitting to each other either.
“Yeah, we can watch a movie.” Dick agreed after he found himself starring at her lips for a little too long.
He tasked himself with finding something to watch while she got the bag of chips and went back to the kitchen to find something else for them to snack on.
Dick couldn’t help but watch her. He loved the way she walked around his apartment like she lived here too. So maybe it had been too long since the last time he’d seen her. Really seen her. Like outside of their costumed extra curricular activities. He missed her. Babs was always beautiful. And it wasn’t weird he thought of her in this way. They’ve always had a special type of relationship. But besides the usual playful flirting between them and a couple kisses -amazing kisses- they were just best friends. Secretly he’d been wishing they were more than that since he was 13 but he knew he wasn’t ready for her then.
Thinking back to their conversation, he realized how much they’ve each grown as people. And more importantly how it felt like they hadn’t grown out of each other as most childhood friends do. No, if anything they’ve grown more into each other. No matter how much time they spent apart, they could always come back together and fit perfectly like two pieces of a puzzle. The sound of a pop from the microwave brought him back outside his thoughts. Then he stood up, like on autopilot and as if his brain had just said “fuck it. Stop being a coward” he walked across to where Babs was waiting on the popcorn. As she turned to address him, Dick took her face in one hand and her waist in the other and kissed her. It was a long and deep kiss. He pulled away a little after to see her expression.
He was close enough that when she opened her eyes again he could see her pupils were dilated as she looked up at him. They were both breathing slightly heavy from the kiss. He could tell he caught her off guard but he didn’t know how to string words together to say how much he just wanted her and was tired of dancing around it. So he hoped his eyes were enough to convey that message. The silence was broken by the microwave beeping. Dick took the bowl out and put it on the side of the stove to let it cool a bit.
“Dick?” Barbara said making him turn around.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He started kissing her back and as their lips moved together Dick felt a warm feeling in his stomach. Is that what people mean when they say butterflies? He’d been with other women but never felt that. He pushed her up onto the kitchen counter and his hands traveled to her waist. Her hands moved from the back of his neck to his hair as she pulled him closer. Her lips were so soft that he never wanted to depart from them and her touch was so soothing that he felt every worry lift off his body making him feel weightless.
The way their bodies moved together was in perfect synch. Like two pieces of a puzzle, he thought to himself. He noticed her hands had gone down to the bottom of his shirt, gently tugging at it. So he pulled apart for a moment and took it off. Her hands felt so amazing as they touched his chest. As their lips met again this time his wandered down towards her neck. He hasn’t realized she was wearing a black tank top that fit her so well until the moment when he began pulling it off her. Their eyes locked as she smiled at him. He couldn’t help but smile back because her happiness was always contagious to him.
Dick realized that if they were going to continue, they shouldn’t keep doing so on his kitchen counter. Without skipping a beat he effortlessly picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her over to his bed.
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
7 Secrets <pt. 11>
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GENRE: Soulmate!au BTS!
WARNINGS: whole lot of uwu that’s what
I just...no words. I’ve been wanting to get to this point for a hot minute now, so I’m glad we’ve made it. No, this isn’t quite the end. Although we’re getting there. *cue tears* Have a happy halloween this weekend! <3
By the time we make it back to the house it’s nearly evening, seeing as Jin decided to take a detour and get lost. Kyung-soon didn’t mind, she took the opportunity to re-listen to Seventeen’s new album. And then listen to it again.
We’re nearly there when we get a call from Taehyung. Jin puts it on the car speakerphone.
“Hyung! Where are you?”
“We’ve been lost, that’s where-” Jin cuts Kyung-soon off with glare.
“We were hiking and enjoying the island. We’ll be there in ten minutes. Are you guys getting ready to eat?”
As if on cue my stomach growls. Our last meal was this morning, and the granola bars have only held up for so long.
“Yeah, we’re finishing up with the food now. Guess what we’re doing tonight, though?”
A few voices can be heard in the background. It sounds like utter chaos at the house. The sound of it brings a smile to my face.
“What? What are we doing?”
“Production team just finished editing the final episode! We’re going to project it on the side of the house and watch it!”
I nearly choke, Kyung-soon turning around and staring at me in horror. Namjoon chuckles, patting me on the back while I recover.
“That was...fast.” I mumble. The production crew must have been working overtime in order to finish up the final episode so we could watch it on our trip.
Kyung-soon is in the middle of involuntarily cringing. “Oh no, this is going to be horrible. So cringey.”
I nod in agreement, Jin reaching over to grab Kyung-soon’s hand. The houses pop up in the distance - we’re almost there.
“Just pretend that it’s somebody else,” Jin tries to reassure his soulmate. “I promise, it’s really not bad. We were thoroughly entertained.” He grins at Namjoon through the rear-view mirror.
“Yeah, and besides, you guys have seen plenty of weird content from us. Consider this an even playing field.” Namjoon adds.
“Ok, I’ll see you - huh? Oh, Ichika says hi. Alright, see you in a second.” Taehyung cuts the call.
The side of the boys’ house has turned into a temporary movie screen. Taehyung is in the process of popping popcorn while Jungkook and Jimin are giving a detailed overview of three years worth of episodes.
I think they’ve forgotten that we were very much a part of those three years. After all, it is a documentary about us.
Aera sits beside Minsuh, the two of them grinning like cheshire cats at their soulmates. They look like they’re thinking the same thing that I am.
“Yah, so where did the last episode leave off?” Aera questions, raising her eyebrows at Jimin.
“What, you don’t remember what happened two weeks ago?” Himari asks, chuckling.
Aera shrugs her shoulders. “It’s been a busy week for all of us, I can hardly remember what happened two days ago.”
Namjoon emerges from the house, a couple of blankets in hand. His eyes scan the small crowd before landing on me where I stand beside Seohyun. I’ve been trying to get a feel for how her and Yoongi’s conversation went earlier, but I don’t dare ask anything too direct with Yoongi right there. He holds her hand, looking content as she explains how she tried and failed at painting.
“Where did the last episode leave off, Joon-ah?” Hoseok asks when Jimin and Jungkook have a hard time remembering the finer details. Namjoon is in the process of spreading a blanket out on the ground, motioning for me to come over.
“Umm…” He chews on the inside of his cheek for a moment before snapping his fingers. “Aera had just pitched her new designs, and everybody made dinner for her when she got home. Then they were just getting Beth’s room ready for her to come back.”
Aera blinks as though just remembering that she has an actual job. A job she’s really, really good at.
“I can’t believe you forgot about that!” Aera feigns offense and Jimin freezes in his spot, eyes wide. “That’s my whole career we’re talking about, Jimin!”
Jungkook gives his friend a pat on the shoulder before walking over to plop into the seat beside Minsuh.
“I-I remember it now…” Jimin pouts, looking at his soulmate with puppy eyes. Aera glares at him, never one to give in easily. In fact, Aera is the fiercest when it comes to these kinds of things.
If I remember correctly, I’ve heard the boys state on several occasions that Jimin is absolutely terrifying when he’s mad.
“Hey,” Namjoon grabs my attention from the show up front. “Wanna sit? I got us an extra blanket for if we get cold.”
“Perfect.” I settle down on the blanket, laughing as Jimin tries his best to escape Aera’s wrath. She’s currently moving his chair to the opposite end, as far away from her as possible.
Minsuh turns around to look at me, her eyebrows wiggling mischievously. “Are you ready for this cringefest?”
Namjoon chuckles, settling down beside me. The butterflies in my stomach kick things up into high gear just from sitting beside him. He checks the time on his phone, his new background pulling my attention away for a moment.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” I sigh. Namjoon places a comforting hand on my knee, smiling at me when he realizes that I’m looking at his lock screen.
“It really is that bad usually. I swear.” I roll my eyes, knowing a lie when I hear one. “Hey,” he nudges me. “Let’s see your new phone background.”
I excitedly fish my phone out of my pocket, already chuckling at the thought of our candid photo. Showing it to Namjoon, Minsuh and Jungkook wander over to see what we’re laughing about.
“Oh my gosh, that’s so cute!” Minsuh gushes, laughing at me. “I’m guessing you learned today that Beth is terrified of heights?”
Namjoon nods, shooting me a pitiful look. “I sure did. I’m pretty sure she bruised one of my ribs in the process.”
Jungkook proceeds to ask Namjoon about the hike, sounding like he wants to venture out there tomorrow. Jin and Kyung-soon come back out with Tae and Ichika, all of them carrying a couple of bowls each filled to the brim with popcorn.
“Movie time!” Jimin shouts from where he and Aera disappeared around the house. A moment later he appears with his chair in one hand and lugging a disgruntled Aera along with the other.
As soon as all the popcorn is distributed Yoongi flips on the projector from the back. A moment later the song “Psycho” by RedVelvet blasts through the speakers, and the episode begins.
“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe they actually made that the theme song!” Seohyun shouts, already laughing as she and Minsuh appear on screen. Little title cards appear above their heads from where they study in the library, lost in their textbooks. I grin, all of this appearing a little surreal.
“I can’t believe we actually have a theme song!” Himari says. She’s the next one in the opening credits, trying and failing to flip a pancake. “Oh, come on, that’s how they introduce me?” Hoseok laughs beside her, his eyes darting from the screen back to his soulmate.
Next is Ichika, and I notice Taehyung scooting a little closer to her and she hides behind her hands. She’s opening the door to the apartment, her lopsided smile greeting the cameraman as she invites the cameras inside.
“This is the best part!” Jimin shouts.
The cameras follow Ichika inside the apartment and catch their next victim for the opening credits: Aera.
She’s clearly in a rush, probably running late for work. Careening down the stairs she freezes once she sees the camera, quickly pushing her hair out of her face as she waves before rushing out the door.
“See, told you it was the best part,” Jimin mumbles, Aera dissolving into a fit of giggles beside him.
Namjoon scoots closer, adjusting so that his right shoulder is just behind me. “Ready for the next part?” I can hear the smile in his voice.
Kyung-soon and I appear on screen, and I can hear my friend groaning from where she sits with Jin. We share a look across the way.
We’re sitting on the couch in the living room, locked in an intense game of rock, paper, scissors. Kyung-soon wins, and she throws her hands up in triumph right as our title cards appear. I get up wordlessly, walking straight out the door.
Despite how strange it is to be watching the documentary after all this time, I find myself shaking with laughter. Maybe we are kind of entertaining to watch, after all.
“Do you remember what we were playing for?” Kyung-soon asks me.
“I think it was over who had to call the takeout place.”
She laughs, returning her attention to the screen. I find myself avidly watching as well.
Episode basically from here until just before the end, enjoy! (actions/dialogue in real time will appear in as normal text, whereas the documentary is in italics)
Himari and Aera sit in the kitchen, both of them staring down at their breakfast. Himari glances up at Aera, noticing her worried expression.
“I’m sure they’ll call you soon. Anybody who turns you down is a complete idiot.”
Aera nods, not saying anything. Jimin reaches out to hold Aera’s hand. Minsuh comes in from down the hall, stretching.
“Morning,” she says around a yawn. “Any news A?”
Himari answers for her friend. “Not yet. What do you have going on today?”
Minsuh reaches for a bowl, waving at the kitchen camera like she does every morning. “Nothing much. I think Seohyun and I are going to study for a while, she’s going to help me prep for an exam I’ve got coming up. What about you guys?”
“Ichika and I have lessons. Want to join us, Aera? Brush up on your Japanese?”
“No,” Aera shakes her head. “I’m going to start getting Beth’s room ready.”
“Oh!” Himari grabs her phone from her back pocket. “That reminds me, I have to call that little punk.”
I gasp at Himari, my friend giving me a shy smile and shrugging.
Himari places the phone on speaker while the other two girls quietly eat their food and wait for me to answer.
“Was this the day before I flew out?” I ask no one in particular.
“Yeah, I think so.” Himari responds. Suddenly my voice cuts through the audio, and I physically cringe. Namjoon chuckles, reaching a hand up to steady me as I rock back against his chest.
“I knew you were going to call me,” I say, and Himari rolls her eyes while Minsuh snickers. “What’s up?”
“Are you all packed and ready to go?” Himari asks.
“Yeah, I think so. My flight leaves in...six hours. I’ll start heading to the airport in a couple of hours so I get there on time.”
“Hey, when’s the last time you logged anything?”
It’s silent on my side of the line for a while. “Er...a while.”
“Do I even want to know?”
“No, probably not.”
“Well this is me calling you and telling you to do your log before you leave. BigHit sent us some of those questions, answer them if you don’t know what to say.” My voice starts to cut in but Himari cuts me off. “I mean it! If you don’t I’m making sure you sleep on the couch when you get here.”
My sigh is audible, Aera looks up at Minsuh with the ghost of a smile.
“Ok, will do. I’ll log it as soon as I get off this call. How is everybody?”
Minsuh pipes up. “Hey Beth! We’re good!”
“Am I on speaker? Hey Min! Who else is there?”
“Just me,” Aera says, leaning closer to the phone. “I’m about to clean up your room so there aren’t any cobwebs. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, B. I miss you.”
“Aw, I miss you too A. You don’t have to worry about my room...but make sure nobody has stolen my Jeju Island photo. Where’s everybody else?”
The camera jumps to another location, answering my very question. Kyung-soon is walking up to a nice looking apartment, double checking some files before kindly greeting a couple. She must have had a client.
Again the camera jumps, this time to a different continent where I’m settling down before my camera as I record my first log in months. I’m sitting at my kitchen island in my apartment back in the states, a picture of all the girls and I hanging on the wall behind me.
“Hello camera, it’s me again. Sorry for not logging in a while, I’ve been busy. And now I’m about to leave in a couple of hours to catch my flight to Seoul.” I look at my phone before me, reading something off of it. “This will be pretty quick, but I’ve got some of the questions BigHit sent me, so I’ll try to answer a few before I have to leave. Sound good?”
I scroll through the list of questions, eyebrows furrowed as I try to find a good one. “Hmm, it looks like these have gotten more and more personal over the years. I guess I’ll go with this one: ‘what do you look forward to the most returning to Seoul?’”
Shuffling in my seat I bite my lip as I stare down the camera. “I think I just get excited to be back with everybody. I know I don’t usually say anything like this, but I really miss them when I’m gone. I’m kind of stranded out here in the states. It’s hard to be here and know that all six of them get to stay together while I jump around from place to place. At least I’ll get to stay for a solid six months this time around, maybe more. Just depends.”
Namjoon fidgets behind me until he’s directly behind me. Slowly he pulls me back against his chest until I’m laying with my head tucked under his chin.
“Wow, this one’s intense. Should I just answer it? I doubt anybody will actually ever watch this. I feel like my logs are pretty boring. It says, ‘if you could go back and say anything to yourself three years ago, what would you say?’”
I lean back against my chair, pushing my hair out of the way. “I’m not sure I would really say much. There was just so much going on, it was information overload. I remember when I woke up the next morning, I thought everything was a dream. My sister had no clue, so I just left her a note and left our hotel to go on a run.” I laugh a little, recalling the memory. “I probably looked so crazy! This white girl running around Seoul like a maniac. I finally got to a point where I stopped, and finally was starting to calm down. Then, ha! Oh my gosh I remember this like it was yesterday, seriously. I checked my phone and saw that I had a notification from Weverse. It said ‘RM commented on so and so’s post’ and I lost it. Right there in the middle of this random park I started bawling. I was so overwhelmed.”
Namjoon’s grip tightens on me, and I take a deep breath. I’d honestly forgotten that I’d even done this log, I really didn’t think they’d put it into the documentary.
“So if I could go back to three years ago, I think I’d go to that moment and just give myself a hug. I was so terrified and had nobody to talk to. I’d hug myself, and say, you figure out how to keep moving forward. Just enjoy the ride, because it’s a crazy one.”
The screen fades out, my voice still narrating as I talk over the others girls’ actions. Kyung-soon is helping that couple to sign some paperwork.
“It’s definitely been crazy, but I’m better because of it.” I narrate and Kyung-soon gives an award winning smile to the couple, saying her goodbyes before heading back to her car.
Now we’re watching Minsuh laugh about something with Himari in the kitchen.
“I don’t want to think about where I’d be without my soul sisters, they mean so much to me. I really never thought I’d meet people as amazing as them in my life.”
Aera is in my room, sweeping and straightening my photo of Jeju Island.
“Sometimes I still wonder if there’s been a huge mistake and I’ll get a call from BigHit saying that I don’t actually have a soulmate. Things are so good that I think they may be too good.”
Seohyun jogs in a park, making faces at the camera each time she passes in front of it.
“But I’ll just keep living this dream for as long as fate will let me.”
Ichika struggles up the stairs to the apartment, grocery bags all over the place. The camera shakes as it’s set on the ground, and the cameraman assisting her.
“And as for the last question for this log… ‘if you could say a single sentence to your soulmate, what would you say?’”
Suddenly we’re back in my apartment, where I give a side smile to the camera.
“Hey Namjoon, wanna go out sometime?” Winking at the camera I lean up and turn it off.
The screen goes black, and then words cut across the screen.
Final Installment- Episode 132 “Finally.”
Everybody comes back to life as the introduction to the final episode ends and the rest of the episode starts up. Namjoon leans down to whisper in my ear.
“I’m sorry for making you cry in the park that morning.”
I shake my head. “I can’t believe you’re apologizing for that and not for trying to kill me earlier.”
My body shakes with Namjoon’s laugh, and we settle down to continue watching the documentary before us.
Kyung-soon stands in the living room with a huge mass of balloons before her. Minsuh comes up behind her, staring in awe.
“That’s a lot of balloons.”
Kyung-soon nods, biting her bottom lip. “Do you think it’s too much?”
“No, I think it looks great. Just, how are we going to get them into the car?”
“I have no idea.”
The two of them discuss possible game plans as Himari wanders in looking at her phone.
“Ok everyone! She’s over the ocean between us and Japan. We should probably get going. Wow,” she finally notices the balloons. “Looks good, Soon-ah. Don’t fly away, though. Seokjin would be so upset.”
Footsteps sound as the other three girls come in, each one’s attention going straight to the balloons.
“Ha! That’s amazing.” Ichika says. “She’s going to die when she sees that.”
The scene cuts to the airport, the girls anxiously waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Himari once again checks her phone for my flight information.
“It says that the flight landed fifteen minutes ago, she should be here any second.”
Aera nudges her. “Yah, you’re acting like your long lost lover has finally returned.”
Himari raises her eyebrows. “And?”
“Oh, there she is!” Seohyun shouts, and sure enough I appear on camera. Hat down low and a mask on I wave at everyone. A few people pause to look at all the commotion before continuing on.
Namjoon whispers to me again. “You look like a celebrity with your hat and mask.”
I chuckle, watching my reunion with the girls that only happened earlier this week. “I felt like one, too.”
My soulmate lets out a breathy laugh when the girls start teasing me, asking me what my reaction would be if he were the one to pick me up from the airport.
“You know, I’ve noticed that you’re really good at avoiding teasing.”
“I’ve had lots of practice.”
The documentary skips to our apartment, the girls hanging out in the living room debating whether or not to wake me up or let me sleep.
“I’m going to wake her up, she’s probably starving.” Aera says, and Minsuh follows her out of the room. The other girls remain in the room, Seohyun talking about one of her classes.
I nearly fall asleep in Namjoon’s arms, it’s so comfy. What brings me out of my stupor is the distinct sound of Seohyun’s rendition of “Mic Drop” and everybody laughing along with her.
I watch as we enjoy the show, Kyung-soon announcing to everyone that we’re going on ahead. Suddenly I jolt up, Namjoon jumping at the sudden movement. I remember what comes after this.
“What’s wrong?” Namjoon asks. “Did you see a bug?”
“No…” My attention is pulled into the documentary as Kyung-soon and I quietly converse. “It’s just - that was a hard night for me. That’s all.”
I can feel Namjoon’s eyes assessing me but I refuse to look at him for fear of him seeing right through me.
“If you’re uncomfortable we can go inside,” he offers.
Finally I look over to him. He calmly returns my gaze, awaiting my answer.
“I think I’m fine for now. Just, don’t judge me, ok?”
Namjoon nods fervently. “Never.” Extending his arms out, he pulls me back into his chest. “Let me know if you want to leave, and we’ll go.”
Kyung-soon and I appear on the balcony of our apartment, where we both study the stars above us.
“I can’t-”
“You have to. Beth, please don’t lock us out and keep all of these feelings to yourself. You don’t have to tell us every little thing, but you need to talk about it. Just because you don’t say it out loud doesn’t mean that you won’t feel scared or worried anymore.”
The tension is palpable as my sobs cut through the silence. I’m pretty sure Namjoon stopped breathing.
“I look at our boys, and I feel like they’re already complete. They have each other, they have ARMY, they’re complete. They have no idea that soulmates are even a thing, let alone that they have soulmates. There’s a part of me that’s mad about that. Mad that for the last three years I’ve been waiting for a man that is already happy without me, that is already more loved that he can even fathom. Mad at freaking Mr. Bang, because he refuses to tell them until the ‘time is right’. It’s been three years! And I’ve picked myself back up and tried my hardest to continue on in my career, and it’s fulfilling. I have the most amazing friends in the world, my family is so loving and supportive, and I love my job. So why do I feel so lonely?”
Namjoon wraps his arms around me tightly, and I feel that strange ache in my chest again. This time, though, it aches and aches until it cracks. With it, come the tears.
Like a dam come undone the tears flow from my eyes as the echoes of my sobs from the documentary cut through the night. Namjoon holds me tighter, tighter until he’s all I can feel.
“You know what, come here.” Namjoon says, his voice thick. He stands, pulling me up with him. We’re near the back, so nobody really notices us as Namjoon pulls me away. He leads me around my beach house until we’re completely blocked from view. The audio from the documentary follows me, and I keep my eyes trained on the ground as the tears blur my vision.
Namjoon finally comes to a stop, his hands resting firmly on my shoulders. I can’t bring myself to look up at him, thoroughly humiliated at one of my most vulnerable moments being on full display.
“Beth, look at me.” I shake my head, angrily wiping away my tears. He reaches up to catch a tear as it rolls down my cheek. “Look at me. Please.”
Again I shake my head, completely mortified at the situation I’m in. Wasn’t this supposed to be a fun trip? Worry-free?
“Ok, that’s ok. You don’t have to.” Namjoon moves to grab my shoulders again. “I just need you to listen to me. Can you do that for me?”
I clench my teeth as I nod, trying so hard to keep in my sobs.
“Alright. I am so-” his voice cracks and he takes a moment before speaking again. “I am so sorry, Beth. For all of it. For making you feel that way. I wish - I just wish we could have avoided all that heartache and pain. You were so strong, for so long. You still are, I can see that. From the second we first met I saw that you are strong and the most incredible person to ever walk the earth. I might be a bit biased,” I croak out a laugh which seems to spur him on, “but nobody can change my mind about you. I was lonely, too. Did you know that? Even with all the love I receive every day, I’m still lonely. Do you know how infuriating that is?”
Steeling my nerves I peak up at him. My heart twists further when I see the tears running down my soulmate’s face. He continues on, paying them no mind.
“I felt like there was something so wrong with me, but I learned with time that it’s normal. Everybody feels lonely. It’s a horrible feeling, and confusing sometimes. Especially when it feels like you have every reason to be happy. But we’re human. This is part of our human experience, as much as it sucks. Beth,” Namjoon rests a hand under my chin when my eyes fall again, gently urging me to look up at him. “I don’t feel alone anymore. That’s because of you. Just seeing you, I feel like everything is going to be alright. Do you see how amazing that is? I’m not lonely anymore. Please, Beth.” He releases a shaky breath, the earnestness in his eyes bringing a fresh wave of tears to my eyes. “Let me try. I don’t want you to feel alone anymore. Let me in,” Namjoon gestures to his heart, “and I swear I’ll never leave.”
Staring up at him, I know he’s telling the truth. I can tell he means every word he’s saying. But I have to know. I have to ask.
“You’ve been promising a lot of things,” I mutter, inhaling sharply as the tears rush down my face. “Are you sure you can keep all your promises? Please, Namjoon. Please don’t promise me something you can’t keep.”
Gently brushing the tears from my face, Namjoon leans in. Slowly, and close enough that I can see the light reflected in the tears still on his face. My heart, limp and weak as it may be, jumps at the close proximity.
“Do you mind if I make another promise?” Namjoon whispers before his lips brush up against my cheek. I freeze as he licks the salty mixture from his lips before moving to the other side.
“N-no,” I mumble.
Just there, the only warning I have is the feeling of his warm breath before he sweetly kisses away the remaining tears on my other cheek.
He pulls away just enough to look into my eyes. “I promise that I will never make you a promise that I cannot keep.”
Eyes drifting down to my mouth he tilts my head up ever so slightly. My eyes drift shut of their own accord, the only thing keeping me tied to the earth being Namjoon’s hands that hold me like I may break at any moment.
The first brush of his lips takes my breath away, the feeling so light that I wonder for a brief moment if this isn’t all just in my head.
Slowly he deepens the kiss, just enough for the salty tang of my tears on his lips to seep into my senses. The bittersweet taste has me reaching out to him, hands fisting the material over his chest. I cling to my soulmate as he clings to me, and even the world slows for a moment in order to accommodate this moment. Fate has never been my friend, but in this sliver of time I feel that it has been uncommonly kind to me.
By the time we pull away, resting our foreheads together, the ache in my heart has subsided. Namjoon’s hands slide down to my waist, holding me in place. As if I’d go anywhere.
I look up at my soulmate only to find his eyes still shut, drinking in the moment. Taking the precious seconds fate has given me, I study him out. Bliss suits him.
As though feeling my gaze, his eyes slide open. A small smile crosses his features, and the word that I have come to associate with Kim Namjoon over the past couple of days reappears in my mind’s eye, hanging over us like the stars in the sky.
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Taglist is open! Happy Halloween this weekend everyone! Thoughts? They finally kissed! (lol, finally. they’ve known each other for what, two or three days?) I love these two. Stay safe and healthy! 
taglist: @mae-musicbitch @taylorroe3​ @heartblackerthancoffee @eusticenatalie @agustneeds
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electricea-archive · 3 years
Tag ten followers you want to get to know better.
Tagged by: @awesomeuchuu (Thanks friend!)
Tagging: Anybody who wants to try this out - I’d love to get to know all you guys!
Name: Jassi!
Star sign: Sagittarius or Scorpio, never been sure - my birthday’s a weird day for zodiac signs.
Height: 5′0.
Middle name?: Jane.  Don’t even know where my mom got it from as most people in our family are named after previous relatives but I’ve never known of a ‘Jane’ in my family.
Put your itunes / spotify on shuffle. what are the first 6 songs that popped up?
1. The Chain - Fleetwood Mac.
2.  Karma Chamelon - Culture Club.
3. Vacation - The Go-Go’s.
4. Don’t Bring Me Down - Electric Light Orchestra.
5. Shivers - Ed Sheeran.
6. Riptide - Vance Joy.
Grab one book nearest to you and turn to page 23. what’s line 17?: All of my books are manga so there are no numbered pages and lines, but the closest book to me was My Hero Academia: Team Up Missions volume 2.
Ever had a poem or a song written about you?: Not that I know of.
When was the last time you played air guitar?: Never really been an air guitar person.
Who is your celebrity crush?: YouTube started recommending me a lot of clips from the 90′s Batman films out of nowhere again, so I’m knee deep in my Nicole Kidman crush at the moment.
What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?: Screeching - if that makes sense? Like today when I was working, there was a grocery cart where there was obviously something wrong with one of the wheels, you could feel it squealing as the person pushed it and it was just the worst sound.  I hope somebody fixes it.
Oh and for sound I love, I actually think the sound of popcorn popping is relaxing once it’s not super loud and as the popcorn cooks - also just the sound of the drink dispensers as you pour drinks.  I think I’m spending too much time at the theater, lol.
Do you believe in ghosts?: I don’t really know if I do.  I don’t rule it out.
How about aliens?: I don’t rule it out.
Do you drive?: No.
If so, have you ever crashed?: Nope.
What was the last book you read?: My Hero Academia Smash volume 5 - finished the series finally!
Do you like the smell of gasoline?: It’s okay.
What was the last movie you saw?: Spider Man: Far From Home.
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?: When I was really young, I fell down our stairs - and the way I fell was that that it was my back taking the brunt of it - pretty sure I skinned my back, but I could never see.  I remember thinking it took ages to heal and even now, there are the odds moments where if I touch my back in just the right spot, I feel a small sensitivity there, just like the feeling that I had when I was recovering.
Do you have any obsessions right now?: My Hero Academia - also pretty stoked on those new Pokemon games.  Excited to hear the Persona anniversary announcement too.  Also the more I see about the new Tokyo Mew Mew anime, the more hyped I am for it.  Can’t wait.
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seungmoroll · 4 years
Heather | Kim Seungmin
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Word count: 3.6k
Genre: baseball au, one sided love, happy endings
A/N: I have 0 knowledge about baseball, so if anything is wrong, I apologize in advance. if you haven’t already, you can read the rest of the series here. 
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    It feels good outside today; not too hot, not too cold. It’s the perfect day to go watch a baseball game. Everyone in town is out here supporting the school’s baseball team. There are only two more games left of the season, and if the boys win both games, then the team is going on to regionals. Luckily for the baseball team, a certain player is up next to bat.
    I watch as he approaches the batter’s box, cheering his name, “Go Seungmin!” He turns around from his position and gives me a sweet smile, but then in a quick second that smile disappears and he puts on his deadly serious face. I slightly chuckle at the quick change in his expression; he may have a sweet, puppy-like face, but when it came to baseball, he was intimidating.
    “Hey Y/n!” I take my eyes off of Seungmin to see Mark coming towards me with popcorn in his hands. I’m lowkey worried about him spilling it, oh never mind, he just spilt it on someone he was squeezing by. I snicker at his clumsiness. When he finally reaches me, he plops down next to me and asks, “Oh? Is that Seungmin batting?”
    “Yup.” As soon as you answer him, the pitcher pitches the ball towards Seungmin, and you actively watch as Seungmin hits the ball and starts running towards first base. Luckily for the team, Seungmin hit the ball towards the outfield, allowing for Jeno to reach the home plate. I feel a light shove at my side, causing me to bring my attention back to Mark.
    “I see you got his jersey on.” By his, he meant Seungmin’s. It was in the beginning of the season when he had asked me to wear it. It had gone down like this:
    I was waiting for Seungmin to come out of the changing rooms after practice so that we could go to the library together to study. When he had approached me, he said, “Here.” Seungmin had shoved a piece of fabric towards me and when I had unraveled it, I realize it was his jersey. I had looked at him in confusion.
    He said to me, “I want you to wear it to the game tomorrow.” Adding, “That’s if you want to of course,” I had watched him as he did his best to avoid my gaze and I couldn’t help myself when I chuckled because if him.
    “And why would you want that? What if people think we’re together? I had jokingly asked him those questions as a way to tease him, but I wasn’t expecting the reponse that he had given me, even though I’m sure I wasn’t supposed to hear it at all.
    “Would it be a bad thing if people did think that?” Was what he had mumbled under his breath. Pretending that I didn’t hear what he had said, I had asked him to repeat his response, only for him to say, “It was a dare.” Pointing towards Hyunjin and Changbin who were peeking behind the corner. Amused, you waved at the two boys, who tried not to seem obvious.
    “Don’t worry Seungmin, I’ll wear it. It’ll be like I’m your good luck charm.” And that’s when I started to get an inkling that Seungmin started seeing me as more than just a friend.
    Back to the present now, and the game is now on the last inning. The score is tied, and luck happens to be on our side today because it’s finally our turn to bat. I can see Seungmin standing in the dugout, anxiously waiting for his turn to bat. Next to him is F/n, they’re the team’s manager, and I can see them doing their best to make sure the team doesn’t get too anxious. It’s finally Seungmin’s turn to bat again, meaning we have the chance to break the tie. I know that Seungmin’s capable of scoring for the team, but I still cross my fingers for good luck.
    The first pitch is a strike, causing for everyone to sit on the edge of their seats, including me. The second pitch is also a strike, and I can just tell by Seungmin’s body language that he’s starting to get pissed. Underneath my breath, I say, “C’mon Seungmin, you got this.” The pitcher winds up for the pitch, and then the ball comes towards Seungmin, the sound of the ball hitting his bat sounding off in my ears. Swiftly, I’m on my feet yelling, “Run, Seungmin! Run!” Everyone around me is cheering as the announcer yells, “It’s a home run!” As Seungmin makes his way around to the bases, we make eye contact, and I can’t help but smile as widely as he is.
    “Yo! We won!” Mark yells as he grabs me by the arms and begins shaking me.
    “Mark! Mark! You can stop that now.” We both laugh at his over excitement, “That means if they win the next game, they’re going to regionals.” This season meant a lot to Seungmin. In the beginning of the season, he had a little medical scare, but it came out as minor, so he was able to join the season halfway, and thank gosh for that, because I think we wouldn’t have been able to make it this far without him.
    “C’mon let’s go and wait for them to finish up.” After, every game you went to, you always waited for the team to leave so that you could talk to Seungmin and the others.
   As Mark and I stand there making small conversation about what we were going to eat for dinner while waiting for the team to come out, we hear cheers coming from a group of rowdy boys. I smile when I realize that the team is finally coming out. I do my best to look for Seungmin, but my attention is stolen when I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder and a cap steals my vision causing for me to lose my balance.
   “Yah!” I swing my arms in hopes of hitting the culprit, and I claim success when I hear them let out an ow.
   “Hey Y/n, chill.” I stop my movement when I realize that it’s just Seungmin. His hold on his hat loosens up, allowing for me to look up at him and I see that he’s giving me that stellar smile of his. I can’t help but smile back because playful Seungmin means happy Seungmin and there’s nothing better than that.
   “Hey Mr. MVP.” I teasingly call him. I can see a slight blush form on his face, and I internally coo at him.
   “Stop it.” I can tell by the look on his face that he definitely did not want me to stop.
   “Hey, I’m just telling you like it is.”
   “Ehem.” Oh that’s right, Mark is with me. We both turn our attention towards him, as he comes up to Seungmin and goes in for a dap. “Good game out there today, bro.”
   “Thanks. Hey,” Seungmin turns towards me, “you guys busy after this?” Shaking my head no, Seungmin then proceeds to ask us if we wanted to go eat with him and some of the guys from the team. Looking at Mark, who gives me a look that I knew too well, I say to Seungmin, “Of course.”
   We all ended up going to the local pizzeria nearby, and when we got there some of the guys were already there.
   “Look it’s our hero Kim Seungmin.” Eric yells out. Cheers erupt from the group and I can see from the corner of my eye that Seungmin’s rolling his eyes at their antics. Going to take our seats, Seungmin pulls out my chair for me. He always does it for me, at first I questioned it, but now I’m just too used to it. We both ignore the teasing glances the guys give us, at this point I think they should be used to it too. Although I ignore the idiots’ glances, I can’t help but notice one individual’s stare.
   “Hey F/n.” F/n and I weren’t that close of friends, but I could say that we were good acquaintances. We’ve gotten closer thanks to all the baseball team hangouts I’ve been invited to, and every time I learn something new about them, though I’m sure they haven’t even noticed the things that I’ve picked up on.
   “Hi Y/n. Hey Mark. It’s good to see you guys here.”
   “Wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for Y/n.” Mark adds. I know what he’s implying. He’s basically saying that because he’s my best friend and Seungmin likes me, he gets invited to the hangouts. Patting him on the arm, in a playful yet strong manner, I say, “He’s kidding.” The only response I get is a slight smile. They probably understood what he was implying too.
   When the pizzas come out, the team basically digs in. I let them grab their pieces first because I just know that they’re tired and hungry from that game. As I’m waiting Seungmin put down a plate with two slices of pizza in front of me. Silently he takes what was my original plate and grabs a couple of pieces for himself. Seungmin liked to do things like that; always does it without being asked and I think to myself that I want a partner like that, and although Seungmin is here right in front of me, I can’t help but not feel anything for him. Though I know that his actions make somebody else’s heart flutter.
   I take a quick glance at F/n, and I can tell by how their expression has slightly changed that they noticed the small action. Like I mentioned earlier, thanks to all the hangouts out I’ve been invited to I’ve picked up on a few things about F/n. One of them being that they have a crush on Seungmin. To sum up how I figured it out, they basically look at him the same way he looks at me. I feel bad for them. Having to watch the person that you like like someone else, but we can’t help it when we fall for someone. Now, I’m 100% sure they don’t know that I know, but I want to help them. Whether it be with them getting with Seungmin or getting over him or whatever; I just want them to be happy. Though that might have to be for another time because now I have to worry about Mark eating himself to death.
One week later.
   Today was a good weather day, so I decided to go out and read my book, but I decided to do so at the baseball field where I can watch the team practice. Every once in a while, I catch Seungmin’s glance, and we both smile at each other. I can also feel F/n slightly deathly glare on me as well. I think today might be a good day to talk to them. Once practice is over, the team heads to the locker room, but Seungmin heads towards me, “Hey you busy today? I was thinking we could go to that new coffee shop and try out some of their stuff.”
   “Sorry Seung, raincheck? I actually wanted to talk F/n.” I felt bad for rejecting him, but I really did need to talk to F/n.
   “Oh. That’s alright, we can always go next time.” I can tell that he’s a little bit disappointed. “Of course, I’ll even pay next time, and don’t you dare say anything else, I will not take no for an answer. Now go change, you smell like sweat.” Pushing him towards the locker rooms, I don’t give him a chance to object, and make my way towards the equipment room.
   F/n was in the equipment room putting up the things from practice, leaning against the door way, I speak up, "So...Seungmin, huh?" They jump from fright, not expecting anyone else to be there with them. When they realize that it’s just me they relax.
   Confused by the abrupt question, they ask, "What about Seungmin?"
   "You like him, right?" I guess they weren't expecting that question because they accidentally drop the bucket of
baseballs causing for them to scatter around our feet. Quickly we both get down to pick up the mess, and in doing so, F/n
avoids my question. I let it slide until we’ve put up all the baseballs, and then I ask them again, “You like Seungmin, don’t you?”
   Pushing past me to leave the equipment room, and to most likely avoid me from seeing their face, “What? Psh, no.
Seungmin? Why would I like someone like him?” Following them out, to let them lock up, I respond, “Because he’s him.”
   “If that’s your reasoning, then I could ask you the same.” I can see regret form on their face after their response, which
confirms my suspicions even more. I’m sure they’re afraid of my answer; afraid that I’m going to say that I do like him.
   “Yeah, I like Seungmin,” a small gasp escapes their lips, “but as a friend.” I could see relief wash over them. “So…do you?” They don’t immediately respond, hesitant to answer my question, so I add in, “You don’t have to tell me or anything,
I’m not trying to pressure you to admitting your feelings for him. I just wanted to confirm my suspicions.”
   “Confirm your suspicions? Are you telling me I’m that obvious?” Well, I guess that definitely answers my question.
   Waving them off, I reassure them, “Oh don’t worry, Seungmin’s oblivious, however, I can’t say that about the rest of the team.” My last words make their eyes widen and groan, “Oh gosh, please tell me they don’t know.” I laugh at their response, “Oh they totally know. F/n, you’re the manager; managers shouldn’t have favorites, and Seungmin is obviously your favorite.”
   Dramatically, they say, “Great, that’s it. I have to quit being the manager and then leave the school. That’s so embarrassing.” I decide to tease them a bit to have them less embarrassed about the fact that everyone knew about their feelings for the baseball star, “But if you quit, then you won’t be able to be around Seungmin that often.”
   “At least I wouldn’t have to see him look at you as if you hung up the stars.”
   “So you know about that too?”
   “Of course I do. I have to hear the team tease him about it every other day.” I guess that’s not surprising at all.
   “Er…sorry, I guess.”
   “There’s nothing for you to apologize for. You can’t help it that he likes you, though it’d help if you had a bad personality.” They add the last part to make the conversation lighthearted, but I can tell that there’s a hint of pain in their words.
   In attempt to change the conversation, I ask them, “Why do you like him?” They open their mouth to speak, but then closes it, taking time to really think about their answer.
   “I think we’d be here for a while if I answered that question.”
   “I have all the time in the world.”
   Sighing, “I guess for starters, I like the fact that he’s so determined, y’know?” I knew exactly what they meant. If there was one feature about Kim Seungmin that you had to point out was his determination. “Like, he’s always so determined to get better at baseball even though he’s already so good, and once he’s put his mind on something, there’s no turning back. He’ll get it done. I remember this one time I missed the bus for a job interview, and he was determined to get me there that he got Chan to take me.” The look on their face as they talked about him truly showed me that they really liked him, and it made me feel even worse knowing that they couldn’t get their happy ending because of me.
   “You know, I’ve never seen you like this.” They cock their head at my statement, confused by my words, “I’ve never seen you so happy to talk about someone or even something.”
   “I guess that’s what liking someone does to you.”
   “If you want, I can talk to Seungmin.”
   “What do you mean by that.”
   “I think I should tell him that I don’t feel the same for him.” I thought about doing it for a long time now, but I didn’t know how or when, and after seeing F/n speak about him, I just think that I should do it soon.
   “Don’t. You’ll break his heart.” Of course they would want Seungmin upset.
   “Don’t worry. Seungmin’s a big boy, I’m sure he’ll be alright.”
   “How do you know that?”
   “Because he’ll have you and the team right there for him.”
   It’s the following day after the converdsation I had with F/n, and I’m sitting in the bleachers again waiting for baseball practice to finish. Today’s the day, I’m going to talk to Seungmin. Once practice had finished, instead of Seungmin approaching me, I approached him.
   “Hey, you wanna go to the park?”
   After Seungmin changed and freshened up, we had made a quick walk to the park. We walked around for a bit, telling each other about our days and stopping to take pictures, more like Seungmin stopped to take pictures of me, but I managed to make him step in front of the camera a few times. When we found a park bench, we decided to sit down and rest for a bit. Once seated, I reach into my bag and silently hand him the item that I grabbed.
   "What is this?" Seungmin asked me as I handed him back his jersey.
   "It's your jersey." I could tell that he was completely confused. "I don't think I should wear it anymore."
   "Seungmin, I know that you like me.” I watch as his eyes widen at my words.
   “I…” He was speechless; he didn’t know what to say, so I spoke instead, “But, I only see you as a friend.” It hurt me to have to have this conversation with him, but it needed to happen. I can’t let him pine after me when I know that he could be having a better life with someone else. “I’m sorry.” I couldn’t look him in the eyes anymore, he looked like a puppy that had been kicked, so I looked down at the ground.
   “I know.” Is the first thing he says to me. “I’ve always known that you wouldn’t like me the same way, but I just couldn’t help liking you anyways. It’s not like I regret the time I’ve spent liking you. I enjoyed those moments where you made my stomach get butterflies and every time I saw you cheering for me at my games.” I playfully shove
Seungmin, “Hey, it’s not like I’m going to stop cheering for you.”
   I see the corners of his mouth move upward into a small smile, “Good, I like rubbing it into the opposing teams’ faces
That I have a beautiful person cheering me on.” It’s moments like these where I think to myself that I could have fallen for Seungmin in another universe.
   “Y’know, if you really want someone to wear your number, I think I might know a person.” He raises his eyebrow at me curious as to who could be possibly speaking about. Grinning, I say, “F/n.”
   Seungmin gently shoves at me, “Oh not you too,” he groans out. Not me too? Does he know about F/n’s crush? “What do you mean by that?” I ask him.
   “Everyone on the baseball team thinks that F/n has some sort of crush on me.”
   Feigning innocence, “Oh do they now? Hmm I wonder why?”
   “Why are you using that tone with me? Is there something that I don’t know? Do they actually like me?”
   “I’m not in the position to answer that last question, but hypothetically let’s say that they did, would that be a bad thing?”
   “I’ve never really thought about F/n like that.”
   “But could you see yourself with them?”
   “I mean, I guess.” I cock my eyebrow at his unwanted response, “They have a nice personality, and they’re pretty funny, especially when they’re bullying Changbin. I could also say I like their attitude towards things. They’re kinda cute too.” Oh? This is not how I thought things were going to go, but that doesn’t matter because it seems like it’s going in a good direction.
   “You think you could give them a chance then?”
   “Yeah I guess I could, just maybe not now.”
   “You know, I’m not going to try to force you into something you don’t want, right? I just want the two of you to be happy, and I just think you two could be happy together.”
   Seungmin clutches at his hurt, causing for me to worry, only for him to give me a teasing look, “Stop saying stuff like that or I’ll fall for you even more.” I smack him in the back of the head for making me worried, I had really thought that there was something wrong with him.
   “Ow,” he says as he rubs the back of his head, “What was that for?”
   “That’s for making me worried you idiot.”
   “Now I like you a little bit less.”
   “Good.” We both smile at each other. It’s safe for me to say that things between me and Seungmin will be alright.
A few weeks later.
   It's the day of the first round of regionals. Everyone is here outside the bus to cheer on the team. Mark and I will be leaving for the game later on in the day. I see the team walking out of the locker room, and spot Seungmin being the last one out, with F/n by his side. F/n has been telling me they’ve gotten closer recently, and I can’t help but be happy for the two of them, it seems like things are going to work out between them.
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A/N: can I just say that Seungmin looks so good in baseball uniform. I just love the fact that when I started writing this that they came out wearing baseball uniforms. anyways, there’s only one more part left of the heather series :( what do you guys think about the series so far? I hope that you’ve enjoyed everything so far. if you want to read more from me, feel free to send in requests!
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alitaimagines · 4 years
“Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight. won't somebody help me chase the shadows away? Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight. Take me through the darkness to the break of the day.”
character: tokoyami fumikage - MY HERO ACADEMIA
note: would you guys want a continuation of my Levi imagines?? bc I wanna write more i just don’t wanna write it if no one is interested in it. also this imagine has a lot of timeskips but they’re needed. I know some things don’t align like they do in the anime/manga but bare with me here. 
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“guys, where are we going?” you asked Mina and Uraraka as they giggled, “somewhere! just relax, it’s not like we’re going to kill you or anything!” Mina managed to say through her excitement. 
you sighed as they continued to drive to the destination. they had taken you out all day, on some kind of girls trip, and still hadn’t told you the reason why they began this trip in the first place. 
“Fumi is going freak out that I’m not back at the dorms yet,” you pleaded, “Fumi not so much but Dark Shadow will and you guys won’t be the one dealing with it.” 
Mina shook her head, “Dark Shadow will be fine! just be quiet and we’ll be to our last destination soon,” she said indicating that she wasn’t going to explain anymore. 
“trust us, you’re going to be shocked,” Uraraka said trying to calm you down, “we just need to get there in one piece.” 
you, Bakugou, and Kirishima sat together as you laughed at Bakugou screaming at Kirishima for something, “looks like someone keeps staring at you, ( your name ),” Kirishima whispered as you gave him a look. 
“Kirishima, stop it,” you replied before trying to look at who he was talking about, “it’s true. bird brain over there hasn’t been subtle about it,” you instantly knew who they were talking about. 
Tokoyami watched as you talked to your two closest friends with mild annoyance. ever since the three of you got paired up for a project very early on the year, it was like all of you became a pact of three. it was an odd pairing but in some way, all of you evened each other out.
“Tokoyami? is that who you’re talking about?” you asked as as they both nodded, “huh,” you murmured before turning around to see if they were right. 
he instantly turned around to continue talking to Jirou and Todoroki, “oh god, you like her,” Jirou said realizing his eye trajectory, “and you’re jealous!” Kaminari put in. 
Tokoyami's eye twitched, “now which one are you jealous of? Bakubro or Kiri?” Tokoyami summoned Dark Shadow to smack Kaminari across the room which he did successfully. 
you looked to see your yellow haired friend groaning, “Kami? what the hell happened?” you tried to say over the laughter, “Tokoyami happened,” he muttered as you turned to look at the raven who was now trying to hide himself behind his uniform jacket. 
“good job Tokoyami!” you told him, giving him a bright smile, “ohoho, you got it bad,” Jirou whispered as Ojiro agreed, “you’re all red in the face,” Todoroki added in flatly. 
“shut up!” he screamed as Aizawa finally walked in, “that’s funny but you might want to hurry up on that crush before one of the two boys takes her,” Jirou mentioned a little more seriously, “and I get the feeling it’s going to be Kirishima.” 
Tokoyami watched as you sat next to the red haired boy and started whispering to him. he knew the two of you were close but with Jirou’s warning, he started feeling that it might’ve been a little closer than he thought. 
Friday nights were usually reserved for relaxing and that meant video or board games. Mina and Kaminari usually picked Mario Kart or Smash Bros but this evening, they decided on Just Dance. 
“seriously? do you know that half of these clowns don’t even know how to dance?” you and Jirou mentioned as Bakugou scoffed, “keep for yourself,” he retorted making you laugh, “yeah, I think you’re probably the worst one here,” you kept antagonizing. 
he shot you a dirty look, “come on guys, who’s first?” Kaminari mentioned as he clicked through the music, “( your name ), you’ve been talking a lot of shit, go first,” Bakugou offered as you growled. 
“can’t, I’m eating popcorn,” you mumbled through a mouthful of popcorn, “the napkins are right there!” he exclaimed as you sighed loudly, “Tokoyami, can you tie my hair, I don’t want to get my scrunchie dirty,” you asked as you motioned to the scrunchie next to him. 
Jirou gave him a look as he grabbed the grey hair tie. he grabbed your hair and messily put it into a ponytail as you wiped your hands. you grabbed the remote from Kaminari’s hand as you played ‘Gimme More by Brittany Spears. 
you stood in front of the TV as Bakugou waited for you to royally mess up. you on the other hand knew you had the upper hand. those times singing and dancing in the shower had to pay off eventually. 
“looks like you’re wrong,” Kaminari muttered as a few of the boys stared at you. Tokoyami’s mouth hung a little open as he tried to contain his drool. you weren’t doing anything 
Izuku looked over to him before leaning over to close his mouth. Izuku and the few other boys who weren’t staring at you like you were a piece of meat tried to hold in their laugh. they wondered how a game for kids ended up with half of 1-A drooling. 
once the song ended, you looked over to Bakugou, “your turn, Katsuki,” you said smugly as you dropped yourself on the couch to catch your breath. you watched as Katsuki tried to pick one of the easier songs on the list, “no sweetie, I went medium. you’re going medium,” you threatened as he started to lowly curse you out.  
“good job,” Tokoyami complimented as you gave him a tired smile, “thanks! you should go up with me in a few songs!” you asked as he shook his head no, “come on, it’s fun! we can do an easy song if you aren’t a dancer,” you pleaded. 
he sighed before nodding, he couldn’t tell you no. 
you left a few people go before asking for the remote. you scrolled through the music choices before picking ‘One, Two Step’ by Ciara. it looked like a fairly easy song for the man in the game. 
you gave Tokoyami an encouraging smile as the song started. Jirou couldn’t help but be impressed by your confidence. she knew the song would go straight over Tokoyami’s head but you knew exactly what you were doing. 
halfway through the song, you had a three second break as you gave Tokoyami a soft smile. Tokoyami felt his heart stop but got screamed at because he was going to ruin his score. 
after the song finished, you held onto Tokoyami’s shoulder as Mina and Jirou clapped, “that was awesome! Tokoyami, I didn’t know you danced!” Mina exclaimed as he muttered that he didn’t. 
“maybe he’s just a better dancer with me,” you smirked before taking a sip of water. 
you were running through the forest with Shoji and Midoriya as the three of you tried to get to Bakugou and Todoroki. you were trying to make sure Midoriya was okay and weren’t hearing what they were talking about until Tokoyami’s name came up.
“wait, what’s going?” you yelled to Shoji as they both gave you a concerning look, “Tokoyami, he lost control of his quirk. it’s too dark and he can’t handle it,” your eyes widened as you tried to comprehend what he was saying. 
you looked at Shoji before seeing Tokoyami engulfed by Dark Shadow, “TOKOYAMI, NO! TRY TO GET HIM TO LISTEN!” you screamed as Shoji stiffened, “no! you can upset Dark Shadow even more!” he yelled back. 
“GET HER OUT OF HERE!” Tokoyami screamed as you shook your head no, “TOKOYAMI, I’M NOT LEAVING YOU HERE! SHOJI AND I CAN HELP YOU!” you yelled back. 
Dark Shadow heard your voice and went towards you, making you jump behind Shoji in fright. Tokoyami, although he was blinded by Dark Shadow, just felt that you were terrified of him and broke his heart even more than it already was.  
you felt tears prickling your eyes as you watched Tokoyami fight himself for control. you stood next to Shoji as Midoriya was explaining some kind of plan to get Tokoyami to the light. 
“Fumikage, please!” you screamed as all of you ran towards the other boys. Todoroki immediately realized the situation, “GRAB HER!” Shoji screamed to him as he pointed at you. 
you felt Todoroki grab you as he held you back, “TODOROKI, STOP IT! LET ME GO! PLEASE!” you screamed as you watched Dark Shadow get closer and closer to Shoji and Midoriya before slamming Moonfish against the tree. 
“NOT ENOUGH, IT’S NOT ENOUGH!” Dark Shadow screamed as you tried to give him one more chance to calm himself down, “FUMI, YES IT IS! IT IS ENOUGH, YOU CAN STOP, IT’S OKAY! WE’RE ALL OKAY! I’M OKAY! SHOJI IS OKAY! MIDORYA, BAKUGOU, AND TODOROKI ARE TOO!” you yelled as Bakugou and Todoroki let out their quirks to reel Tokoyami in.
once Tokoyami fell to the ground and Todoroki felt it was safe enough to let you go, you immediately ran to him as he coughed up a storm. Shoji knew right now was not the time to let you be lovey dovey with Tokoyami but figured the two of you were strong enough be by yourselves. 
you grabbed Tokoyami as soon as he was fine and held him, “are you okay?” you breathed as he nodded, “I’m fine, I’m more worried about you right now,” he muttered as you shook your head. 
“I’m okay, I was behind Shoji making sure Midoriya was okay,” you admitted still hugging him, “I saw you, scared, are you sure you’re okay?” he asked again as you nodded to reassure him. 
you grabbed the boy by the beak and gave it a peck, “lets go! we can’t stay here too long!” you grabbed his hand before running in the direction Todoroki, Midoriya, and Bakugou went.
you were nervously talking to Nejire as she gave you words of encouragement. you had signed up for the beauty pageant for the festival, unbeknownst to the class excluding Momo, and you wanted to surprise all of them. 
all of you were instructed to stand in a line as they would call all of you out one by one. you were being called last as they had the first years towards the end of the line. 
“is your boyfriend going to be in the crowd?” Nejire asked as you nodded, “yeah, I think he’s coming with Mirio and Deku so I think he’ll be in the front of the stage.” 
she giggled at your flustered state, “that’s adorable, I’m sure he’s going to be surprised at how great you look,” before you could respond, Nejire was called up. 
you gave yourself one final pep talk before receiving a good luck message from Momo. she had helped you with the entire surprise as she was there to give you fashion advice the entire time. 
you walked out from the back as Present Mic screamed your name. you waved at the class. the entire class stared at you with a bewildered look. Tokoyami had fully stopped functioning as he watched you twirl in that beautiful dress before going to the line of girls. 
“you knew and didn’t tell us!” Midoriya screamed to the bird as he shook his head, “I had no idea!” he replied as came up to the mic for the first round of questions. 
your quirk was flashy, a lot more flashy than some of the other quirks that the girls had and if he was being truthful, he knew you could’ve dragged all the girls to filth if you really wanted too. 
after your first round of questions was finished, you made your way to the back and upon arriving, you noticed your very flustered boyfriend standing and giving you an accusatory look. 
you gave him a sheepish smile, “hey Fumi,” you whispered as he sighed, “why didn’t you tell me?” he asked as he took in your outfit.
you were wearing a dark purple dress with a crimson colored necklace, “I wanted to surprise the class? give us more leverage against the other first years?” you said more in a question than a response. 
he sighed as you gave him a peck on the beak, “plus, it’ll give me bragging rights if I even make the top five,” Tokoyami pin-pointed your pettyness and laughed, “bragging rights against who?” you shushed him with another peck on the beak. 
“hey, the first years are up! might want to say your goodbyes!” Nejire warned as you nodded, “I’ll see you after! love you Fumi!” you exclaimed before running in the direction that Kendou was going too. 
Mina and Uraraka finally stopped at a beach. you were more than exhausted already but you knew that if you didn’t continue on with their shenanigans, they were going to pout for says. 
“guys, we really should be getting back to U.A. you know we graduate in a few weeks, right?” you mentioned as they nodded, “which makes this surprise all the better!” Uraraka exclaimed. 
you sighed as they tried not to say anything more. you noticed a few things laid across the sand as they walked you to the middle of an X. 
“are you guys serious?” you sighed as they told you to be quiet and close your eyes.
doing what they told you to do, you shut your eyes before feeling someone turn you around. you heard commotion before hearing someone tell you to finally open your eyes. 
you immediately seen Tokoyami down on one knee, holding a ring that looked like an engagement ring. 
“my love, with our careers being just outside our window, I felt as though these last few days have very eye opening. we are on the path of becoming heroes and with that comes change. I wanted to give you this ring as a promise that you’ll always be my number one. this is not our engagement but a promise that we will get there one day. would you take this ring as a promise to stick by my side?” 
you felt tears prickling down your face as you nodded yes. 
“I love you,” you whispered as you buried your head in his neck, “I love you too, my beautiful feather.” 
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im-a-space-gay · 4 years
Friendships DESTROYED
Gay Gamers AU. Also this is mostly unedited because I couldn’t muster up the effort to read over it.
Before Virgil went to Florida
“Hello everybody!” Roman said, running around the lobby. “Prince_Of_Creativity here, and today I am with the other Gay Gamers, Mor-Pal-Ity, CoolLogic101, and Anxie_Tea&Biscuits—“
“— and my brother and his crew, Duke_Of_DEATH, SneakySnekBoi, Sleepislife and Picartoons, and today we are playing Among Us. Now, I hear Snek is good at explaining things, so would you care to explain the rules?”
“Not at all. Among Us is an online game where there are four to ten players. The crewmate’s goal is to defeat the imposters, either by completing all their tasks or by voting them off. The imposter’s goal is to kill everybody they possibly can and sabotage equipment. There can be up to three imposter’s per game depending on the settings; however there will only be one imposter for this video, then the next will bump it up to two, and finally three.”
“Thank you Snek,” Roman said. “Now, let’s ruin each other’s trust, shall we?”
“Oh my god,” Remy groaned as Snek won. “Gurl, you always win when you’re imposter! How did we not guess sooner?”
“Don’t know, don’t care.”
“No joke, if I’m imposter next round, I’m killing you out of spite,” Remy said dead serious, and everyone laughed.
The next round started, and Virgil muted himself like everybody else before evil laughing.
“I’m the imposter! Now, over the course of the game, I have been analyzing everybody’s moves, and have a solid strategy. Nerdy, I know.”
Virgil pretended to do tasks as he explained.
“First, we’ll kill Snek, because most the time he figures out who it is lightning quick, and thanks to Remy, they’ll probably accuse him for killing Snek. So, Snek first, Remus next, and if Remy hasn’t been voted off by then, kill him, and then Emile. I’ll save the other Gay Gamers last because they have been quick to defend me the last few rounds when I was in fishy situations, and knowing them they’ll tear each other apart from the inside accusing each other. Then I’ll kill Patton, then Logan, and I’m home free.”
Virgil was quick to spin in a circle with Snek, a nonverbal way to pack together with trust before they walked away from everybody else.
“Of course, there will be other things screwing up my master plan, but oh well. It’ll end with me winning or losing, and I’m perfectly fine with either.”
They entered electrical, and Virgil killed Snek before venting to the other side of the map, where once he left the room he saw Patton and Logan together and stuck with them so he had an alibi.
A couple minutes went by before somebody found Snek’s body. Surprisingly, Remus found it and immediately shouted:
“Wait wait wait babes I didn’t do it!”
“Okay, let’s think about how I’m not the only meme-y one—“
“I don’t know Remy that seems awfully suspicious,” Roman said accusingly.
“Dude, what about Anx—“
“HE WOULD NEVER!” Both Patton and Logan said loudly.
“Besides, he’s been with us for a while now,” Logan said, and Virgil smirked.
“Yeah Remy, I’m starting to think it might be you,” Emile said, Virgil smiling more.
“What’s Anx’s opinion?” Roman asked, and Virgil thanked his years in voice acting.
“Well, Remy does seem suspicious, but honestly we don’t have enough information for me to feel comfortable outright accusing him at this point.”
“I agree with Anxie,” Patton said, voting. “Let’s just skip this one until we have more evidence.”
They all agreed and Virgil tried not to laugh even if he was now muted, following Logan and Patton again. When there was an intersection, Virgil turned off the lights, knowing they’d be essentially useless when turning the lights back on.
He split from Logan and Patton, hoping they wouldn’t notice as he looked for Remus. It was easy enough to find him, snapping his neck before venting away. By the time he was able to kill again, he saw Remy trying to swipe his card and killed him as well before venting.
Virgil snickered. He could see it now; Remy yelling in the call for dead people while Snek laughed, Remus probably saying something crude. Remy probably going like “I told you so” as he followed Virgil, cussing loudly.
He walked around, killing Emile once he found them and actually managing to find Logan and Patton again.
It appeared Roman found a body, as a meeting was called and Patton gasped, probably at all the people dead.
“Okay, that is a LOT more dead people than I remember,” Virgil said, holding down his laughs knowing that the dead people could still hear him.
“So it’s down to us,” Roman said dramatically before continuing. “I think it’s Logan, because Patt is terrible at lying and I feel like we would know if it was Anx.”
“Actually, it’s you,” Logan said in the perfect way of saying Uno Reverse without saying Uno Reverse. “Because us three have been together since before the last time a dead body was found.”
And Virgil had to hold his hand to his mouth so he wouldn’t make any noise because one, they didn’t realize he separated from them, and two, he didn’t think about how that would affect their view of the Roman. Dear lord, he wish he grabbed popcorn.
After them arguing for a bit, Roman was voted off and he really had to not laugh at how the other two reacted.
He unmuted himself once his kill button became an option again, and he killed Logan before evil cackling as the victory screen appeared.
“OH MY GOD,” Roman shouted, as if the truth was surprising to him, which it probably was.
“ANX YOU ABSOLUTE SON OF BITCH,” Remy shouted as well, and Virgil’s evil laugh increased in volume and length as he listened to their reactions.
“You never saw it coming until it was knocking at your door!” He said like a villain once he stopped laughing.
“I gotta hand it to you, that was really awesome,” Snek said, being the calmest of the bunch. “Before you come back into the lobby, can you please explain everything to me; the strat, the outcome, everything!”
“Sure!” Virgil said, and he smirked when they all shut up, wanting to hear it for themselves. “First, I had to kill you, because you are damn good at murder mysteries. It was just really convenient that not only did you go to electrical, but Remy had threatened you last round.”
“Fucking piece of shit,” Remy mumbled.
“Then, act like I normally do, meaning I couldn’t agree that we voted Remy off, I just had to hope it happened. Shut off the lights because we’re useless fixing stuff like that, plus it gave me a chance to sneak away from Logan and Patton without them noticing. Killed Remus because he is way too reckless in voting people off meaning it was unpredictable, and Remy would most likely be voted off because Remus was the one who planted the idea in your heads that Remy was guilty.”
“Fucking. Piece. Of shit.”
“Upon realizing that nobody had found his body or turned the lights back on, I killed Remy when I found him, same method for Emile, and rejoined Logan and Patton and waited till somebody found a body.”
“Fucking simp. Leaving them and my brother alive,” Remus said, and Virgil smirked.
“Actually, it’s the other way around.”
“Throughout my time of knowing and recording with the other three, I knew that they wouldn’t accuse me unless they had no choice. Therefore, I had to make them the last to go.”
“Genius,” Snek whispered in awe. “Absolute genius.”
“Honestly,” Virgil continued, ignoring the slight heat in his face. “Once somebody found a body I was going to insist to skip the vote, kill Patton, and watch the other two tear each other apart and ‘reluctantly’ side with one of them. I didn’t take into account one thing however.”
“It was just you and those three, meaning Roman was alone,” Snek said, and Virgil nodded even though he knew they wouldn’t see him.
“Yep. It was just too easy to vote Roman off and kill one of the others once I had the chance, winning my first game as imposter.”
“I feel tricked. I feel like a fiddle who’s been played with,” Roman said, utter betrayal in his voice as the other two Gay Gamers agreed. “I do not know if I could ever see or even talk to Anx the same way again.”
“Besides the utter rage I feel,” Remy said, cutting Virgil off from apologizing. “I have to admit that I am proud of little Anxie.”
“Don’t call me that,” Virgil said with utter venom, entering the lobby and running over to the other Gay Gamers. “Only Lo, Ro, and Patty can call me that.”
“Because you’re not as special as them,” Virgil said, smiling as he heard Emile reassure Remy he was special when he became upset.
“I take it back, this is still little innocent Anxie,” Roman said.
“Indeed. Still as harmless as ever.”
“Just a small anxious baby,” Patton finished. Virgil frowned, walking away from the others and to Snek and Remus.
“You’ve been revoked of your title of being special. You’re all evil and heartless.”
“You cannot escape us Anxie,” Roman said like a madman, following Virgil, prompting Virgil to run away, only for Roman, and soon Logan and Patton, to follow.
Virgil turned around at the last second to boop Logan before running away again.
“Tag, you’re it!”
“Oh, it is on.”
General Taglist:
@thefivecalls @antiredhuman
Gay Gamers Taglist:
@that-spider-fan-over-there @thatonerandomarmadillo
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years
Hiii how are you ? I fell down the stairs today and cried for a minute straight #hormones. Dw I have a high pain tolerance but I just started sobbing lol. It happens. LONG post ahead, I kinda went off hehe.
Anyways let’s get started!! Yes quinton gets to be upfront because he would probably feel so uncomfortable(no offence) with all the sexual tension going on there if dyl or jamie were in the front hehe. But yes they would be bitchy about who gets to sit upfront “ no Jamie it’s mine turn to sit with Brigid” “ no it’s my turn dylan you just sat with her” so brigid would get fed up and banishes them to the back hehe. Lmao Brigid can we listen to Katy perry now? The silence!! And then no can we listen to Lady Gaga?. Quinton trying not to lose it in the front seat. If I had to chose tho I would chose lady gaga:) wbu?
Get ready to be beat! Yes Ryan is absolutely not sitting upfront w me! We would be crazy and I wanna win so. Quinner is sitting up front w me but he decided to be .... and I’m banish him to the back. Braden is the most chill so he’s sitting upfront and giving me directions!! Haha dyl yelling at you to drive faster, but no I will beat both hehe;). Kesh who’s sitting up front w you? Would Kirby be handsy😏?. We would have to make so many stops lol. Like it’s just nostalgic for us, but new for you so it would be fun to make pit stops. and we would just be taking so many Instagram photos as a group and w our boys and together ! We love that ! “Wait wait wait Lexi pull over, I remember this place I wanna take photos” lol this is bad hehe.
Lmao yes, your hair would be so tangled!! They would be panicking a bit because they’re like omg she’s gonna be so mad.... honestly Ryan would just take the photo and then post it but then Dylan would repost it and then Jamie and then me lol. Honestly I kinda love when people just take videos of being in the car w like the scenery showing, but this would include us laughing and listening to music! I hope they makes sense. Hehe Ryan or Dylan would probably take photos of Braden, cozzy and devon sleeping and would post it. Back to the hair: hehe yes I can see you giving them a death glare when you realize and your getting mad and would hide. I’m just imagining this in my head, like me pulling over and you running out of the car and quinton and devon fixing your hair lol. Somebody would be filming this no doubt.
Music wise, yes I love blasting music and people looking but it’s kinda a flex when they see who we are with.... I like rap too! What song do u like Brigid?. Country will be played and 2000’s which is fun! I’m good with anything !. Kesh I love hype up songs as well and bass heavy songs because they sound good on speakers hehe. I’ve been into Rihanna for the past week and I was working out to her music- where have you been, rude boy, bitch better have my money lol, pon de replay hit different but also S&M for some sexiness. Lmao sorry I’m just listing Rihanna songs that I love atm. What are your fav songs right now? Awww dancing on the side of the road is so soft, but everybody needs a dance break! Cozzy, Devon and Braden are some how still passed out, I admire that. Late night drives🥺 are we spicing this up 😏.
Hehe you and devon are swamped w emails and more and you’re like kirby can you please go w them we need somebody to watch them. Als yes quinton go take those hot photos . I admire Dylan’s sleep schedule, like good job on catching up on sleep. Kirbys just trying to sweet talk you and kiss you so that you wouldn’t be mad. All in all, kesh is just shocked like how is that possible? Lmao Brigid, Ryan and I w the shopping cart just stocking up on popcorn, chips m&ms, I love that. Jamie and Dylan are racing each other to see who can grab the most cereal and made sure that they are getting the correct ones for Brigid. Honestly all the boys are just confused about how grocery shopping works hehe. The crackhead energy. Kirby is panicking. We literally bought out all the snacks. Beaver tails are delish and I know where you can get them so 😃. I want to stuff Quinner’s mouth w beaver tails cuz that’s cute:) yes healthy food is a must, like fruits, veggies, rice cakes hehe. But remember that we are going to workout on this vacay hehe. After the grocery store we would go into the mall or something and the boys would just be wanting to buy video games 😂 and ps5’s. Also kesh I love how some of the boys are just trying on clothes. Why do I get a feeling that one of the boys would just be filming all of this?
The chirping will happen nonstop, I’m sorry it’s just to much inspo. Aww yes they are blushing real hard, cuz they like you soooo much. But Brigid is enjoying touching them so no prob.
The boat is a must and it is happening!! Hehe yes the tubing would be chaotic, everybody is just trying to get each other to fall in 😂. Ryan thinks that he’s getting away w pushing me in but SIKE you are coming with me. So then we’re just fighting in the water. Quinner would be like where did they go?. Hehe brigid gets so wrapped up in laughing at us that Braden pushes her in haha. Yes we all look super hot in our bikinis, and the boys are speechless! Like dyl and Jamie are just like wow, she looks so amazing! And Kirby is so in love w you, he’s like I’m the luckiest man ever. I’m still gonna make sure that I wear a non tie bikini so that it doesn’t untie, like one time I was in the boat and my friend pulled on the string and the entire thing untied and I just jumped in the water to retie. That is not happening again lol. Quinner would be mad hehe. Idk I’m seeing Brigid in a black bikini or maybe a dark blue one? It would match your eyes?. Kesh in a red one or yellow and me maybe in a green one or just black lol. Hehe yes kesh and Kirby are just doing cute couple stuff and keeping an eye out but we are to chaotic to maintain .
Hehe yes ig we are clingy but cute drunks but I get kinda wild when I drink so the body shots would def happen. It would be hot tbh. Yes somebody do body shots w Brigid. Dylan would step up first, and he would be enjoying it and then Jamie sees and is like no it’s my turn so he does it and in the end it’s just a competition and you all get drunk hehe. Kesh and Kirby are the parents of the clubbing trip no offence.. like wanna go help cozzy and devon? Hehe lol I could just be dancing w Brigid and the boys would get jealous and one of them would just come up and be like excuse may I cut in, and i would be like tf but then they give me a glare and I go dance sexy with Quinner or crazy w Ryan. Kesh and Kirby should dance at least at one point during this time. We all look hot btw :)
Hehe yay I can be friends w Dylan :) I want that friendship to happen tbh. but he’s getting jealous but I’m like let them have their moment, so I distract him a bit w talking.
Girls day is a must! I wanna hang out w you so badly. Some cute clothing will be bought! Ooo yes us modelling and them being in awe. Oo kesh a different modelling show w the boys 😏. The boys are getting handsy esp Dylan and Jamie hehe. And they are super protective so no other guy at the club gets any ideas. After tho it’s biker shorts, sweat pants and hoodies type of vacay lol .
Thank you for reading ! Hope you enjoy mes chéries💗🌸
yes ok so loooong post ahead people
oof that tough falling down the stairs lol. honestly i’m not doing to great right now bc i did not do as well as i wanted at my meet, so now i’m in a funky headspace. but hopefully answering this ask will help, and i can get my shit together before my events tomorrow (which are actually my important events)
haha yes dyl and jamie would just be arguing like “no it’s my turn to sit in front, no you just did it’s my turn” lmao. and then whenever they’re sitting in the front there’s just too much tension for quinton to deal with lol. so then i feel bad for quinton so i banish the other guys to the back and let him sit in the front hehe. and i’m just ignoring the other guys and refuse to play either of their music and i let quinton pick. and if we purposely pick songs we know the other guys hate, that’s a secret we’ll never tell. oof between those two idk, probably lady gaga, but again we’re not playing music jamie and dyl like lol. 
haha no, you get ready to get beat. i’m like an INSANE driver when i want to be. and ofc dylan is just yelling at me “faster brigid, hurry tf up! we have to beat everyone” so then we’re just zooming. but then obviously you’re doing your best to keep up so you have to banish ryan to the back so he doesn’t distract you. and then you let quinner sit up front until he starts getting too handsy bc you’re like no i won’t let myself get distracted. so then braden’s up front giving directions and trying to get you to go faster, but i’m still winning lol. and then kesh is also still in the race, and she and kirby are just chilling in the front bc everyone else’s asleep. ooooh yes making lots of pit stops bc nostalgia for all of you canadians. and then me and kesh are just seeing all the sights for the first time. oooooh yes all the cute insta pics we could take
ooooh yes people taking vids of like the music and scenery would be so cute to post as stories. and ofc all of us laughing and stuff, that would be so cute. anyways yes, my hair would be a hugeeee knot. and i would just give them the death glare, like you’ve got to be fucking kidding me. and jamie and dyl just try to hide from me, like they run away as soon as the car is stopped. and then devon and quinton fix it for me, god bless their souls. like i’m sorry, bc even i wouldn’t want to deal with that. ik how my hair can get. and this would be allllll over everyone’s stories ofc lmao
ok yessss our music game is on point tbh. ok so for rap, the artists i’m really into rn are juice wrld (rip i actually loved him sm), kid laroi (who learned from juice, so he sounds a lot like him), trippie redd, mgk, and nf. also iann dior, but he’s not so much rap as r&b. honestly any of their songs slap. and then ofc country and early 2000′s. and any music with good bass, but i think a lot of the artists i said have that. ooooh yes getting out to have a dance party on the side of the road. hehe it could be really crazy. or alternatively, it could be when you’re out on a late night drive and there’s a slow song on the radio and you guys just get out and slow dance to the song together no this is not at all inspired by the song slow dance in a parking lot anyways yes late night drives are so cute. but then of course they can get spicy 😏 in case you couldn’t tell i’m always down for it to get spicy lmao
haha yes quinton and dylan c. honestly have their priorities straight. and devon and kesh are swamped with director duties, so that leaves kirby in charge. so then ofc when we get home kirbs tries to sweet talk kesh, but she’s just not having it. she’s just like how? anywaysssss at the store we have the most duo of ryan and lexi, plus now i’m added into the mix, and it’s just a mess. like we buy a shit ton of popcorn, pretzels, chips, candy, etc. and we literally bought half the store’s supply of everything lmao. and then dyl and jamie are just in the cereal aisle trying to grab as much cereal as they can. whichever one of them gets we chocolate mini wheats i will love forever. and then kirby’s getting healthy food bc yk he’s trying to be responsible. so then kesh has to explain that his whole job was to make sure everyone else was getting healthy food, not just get it himself lmao. but honestly none of the guys actually know what they’re doing lmao. and then we obviously have to get beaver tails to so lexi and quinner can have a moment, but idk where you get those lol. but yes we will be working out a ton on this vacay, so it’s ok that we have sm junk food lol. and then after we’re done with food, the guys decide to wander the mall and then they just buy a ton of video game and then they’re trying on clothes lol. and yes obvi they’re videoing the whole thing bc they’re secretly middle school girls who want to have a blog lmao
hehe yes me getting chirped the whole trip, esp the boat day. and the guys are getting so embarrassed about it, but i just don’t care lmao. and then the whole boat day is so chaotic obvi. when ryan pushes lexi in, quinner will come back and just be confusion lmao. like where’s lexi. and then i’m dying laughing and then braden sneaks over and pushes me in lol. but yes we all look amazing in our bikinis. like kirby is just so in love with kesh and thinks she looks gorgeous 😍 and then dyl and jamie are just like damn you look hot about me lol bc we’re horny ones on this trip apparently. and i’ll wear a tie-back jolyn bc they actually stay on lol. and then ofc quinner thinks lexi looks super good, but then she tells the story about the last time she wore a tie-back and he’s just like why didn’t you do it again? lmao. ooooh for bikinis i like a black top with a print on the bottoms idk why. and then you guys in whichever color you want. also yes kesh and kirby are trying to be responsible during this, but it’s just not working lol
haha yep i can definitely see you and quinner being wild drunks together (it’s more like when the alcohol is wearing off that you guys get really clingy) so obvi you guys start doing body shots. and ofc it turns into a jamie/dyl competition bc what doesn’t? and then me and lexi are just dancing sexy together, yk like two drunk girls do, and then dyl or jamie tries to come over and cut in and at first you won’t let them but then you finally give in and go dance with quinner instead. and then yeah, no offense kesh and kirby, but y’all are the parents here. like making sure we don’t do anything too too dumb lmao. and also being a wingman for some of the other guys. but you guys def dance together at least a little bit too. and obvi we all look hot
yessss i feel like you and dyl could be super chaotic friends too. so the two of you are just chilling together and then you have to distract him lol, but then after that you have a different chaotic friend for when ryan’s not available lmao
yes yes yes, girl’s day would be so fun. and then we get a ton of cute new clothes so obvi we have to model them. and they’re all just in awe, like those are our girls. but then we also do private modeling shows 😏 and we all know how that ends. and then when we’re in our clubbing clothes obvi they are getting super protective over us bc we look so hot and we’re their girls, so no other guys can get ideas. but then once they’re drunk they’re handsy as hell lol. but then the rest of the vacay ends ups spent in hoodies, sweats, and athletic shorts lol. and obvi some of the guys’ clothes
ughhhh i love this, the whole thing was amazing. 10/10
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junkercrush · 4 years
“That’s Not Me”
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"That’s Not Me” by junkercrush
Pairing: Roadhog x Female Reader (and special appearance of Mauga)
Rating: Slightly NSFW
Words: 1,605
Author’s Note: I’ve written this story originally in August 2019. Hurricane Dorian and Mauga were my inspirations. 
God, you loved this game.
You were never the exhibitionist until Roadhog changed your mind.
You stood on the balcony in your underwear under the bright, full moon. You only had a phone in your hand. It was a chilly, windy night. You were cold, a little terrified, and absolutely turned on. The heat of your arousal kept you warm.
“Take off your bra.” Hog ordered you from your cell.
What if somebody sees me?!
You ignored the voice in your mind and swiftly removed your lacy bra. It was new but quite itchy.
“Grab your luscious breasts. Caress them.” Hog ordered again.
You warmed your hands together and cupped your breasts. You closed your eyes and imagined Hog’s large hands on you. It would’ve been great to feel his heat right now.
You could hear Hog heavily breathing and chuckling in the background.
“Mako,” You sighed.
“That’s right, beg for me.” Hog said.
“Mako, come home!”
“That’s a good pig. Get ready for me. I’ll be there in a sec.”
With a tiny squeal of delight, you got off the balcony, closed the door, and climbed into the California king canopy bed you and Hog shared.
“One more thing,” You heard Hog from your phone. “Put on the blindfold.”
You grabbed the silky black blindfold tied around a bedpost and covered your eyes with it.
“Shit.” You gasped. You forgot to turn off your phone. You could hear Hog’s heavy footsteps approaching the bedroom door.
You lifted the blindfold just quick enough to turn off your phone and set it aside. Roadhog entered as soon as you laid down on the bed. He let out a heavy sigh and removed his mask.
You could hear your heart thumping in your head. He was so close yet still so far away. Your body was desperate for his touch. Hog’s massive weight shifted the bed. You felt his hot breath on your skin. His thick fingers traced the curves of your body.
“Hoggy’s here,” He whispered into your ear. “You’re safe now.”
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The shrieking woman in the horror movie jolted you out of your slumber. You forgot you were supposed to stay up and wait for Roadhog until he returned from his mission fighting TALON. You weren’t worried; he’s been kicking ass in those missions. So far, Hog hasn’t texted you yet. It must be a late one.
You laughed at the damsel in distress on TV, trying her best to escape a Zomnic in her shredded outfit. Her huge breasts were about to pop out of her blouse. You hollered at the ridiculousness.
Any texts? Still, no texts.
“Hoggy, where are you?” You moaned.
You left the screaming TV to find yourself a snack in the kitchen. A huge bowl of mixed popcorn and candy corn waited for you by the microwave. It was initially reserved for you and Hog to eat together. Now, it looks like you will be the only one consuming it tonight.
You checked your phone; It was Hog!
Hog: I’m coming home.
You: You’re missing the movie marathon! :-(
It took a moment for Hog to respond. You tapped your French manicured nails impatiently on the marble kitchen island. Finally, he replied:
Hog: What r u wearing 2nite?
Wow, getting down to business already. You gobbled down some popcorn mix and sent Hog a text describing your night attire. You were wearing some boy shorts, pinstripe thigh-highs, and Hog’s oversized “FUCK YOU” t-shirt.
Hog “2 the balcony.”
You sped upstairs to the bedroom balcony. You sighed as the soft wind blew your face. The palm trees on your front yard swayed back and forth.
Thunder rumbled in the distance. A storm was coming. Let’s hope the lightning doesn’t strike you while you were out here.
But fuck the storm! Hog was coming home! Or was he already back? His motorcycle wasn’t on the driveway, but you had a feeling he was close. Might be hiding behind the overgrown azalea bushes like last time.
You gripped the balcony rail, phone in one hand, waiting for Hog’s commands. A chorus of oinking pigs erupted from your phone. It was Hog!
“I’m here.” You answered.
You heard a dark chuckle from the other end. “You have such a pretty voice. Can you see me?”
You peered around your landscape. Not a single hint of Hog’s whereabouts. Lightning flashed across the sky.
“No,” You replied. “I don’t.”
Chuckles came out of your phone once again. This time, much more sinister. Aw man, what did Hog have in mind for you this time? Was this even him?
“I can see you.” Was the reply. Suddenly, the neighborhood lamp posts blew out. Lightning flashed closer to your house. You backed up to the balcony door.
“Stop.” Hog ordered.
Your hand was on the doorknob. You almost failed to follow orders. That was part of the game. You weren’t supposed to do anything while you were on the balcony until Hog told you.
“The door’s unlocked?” He asked.
Of course, it was unlocked. You always left the front door open for Hog as soon as he let you know he was coming home. You remained silent, your hand still on the doorknob as you watched the skies. Fear lingered in your stomach.
The wind was picking up, and rain was pelting the balcony. Hog better hurry up and say something!
“I’m coming in. I’ll meet you upstairs.”
Ah, finally! You rushed back into the bedroom and closed the balcony door behind you. A thunderclap sent you retreating to the comfy bed and hide under the covers. No matter how old you were, thunderstorms scared the crap out of you.
You heard a scream from downstairs. The horror movies were still on. In a hot second, the sound was cut off.
Your phone rang. Some unknown number. You hung up on the call and placed your phone on vibrate.
You could hear Hog’s footsteps treading around downstairs. You wished he would come up fast so he can cuddle you and protect you from this storm.
A light emitted from your phone, the unknown number again. It started spamming video chat invitations.
“Who the hell is this?” You muttered, annoyed. Under the covers, you accepted the video chat, and Hog’s beaten mask filled your screen. One side of his mask had a massive dent like somebody Hog’s size punched it. The rest of the mask was riddled with bullet holes. Boy, this last mission must’ve been pretty rough. You could hear Hog’s motorcycle roaring in the background.
Wait, he was still on the road?!
“Don’t let him in!” Hog shouted. Fear hit your stomach hard like a Doomfist punch.
“What?” Your voice trembled.
“Don’t let him in,” Hog cried. “THAT’S NOT ME!”
Oh fuck. You could hear the intruder in your house coming upstairs.
“Hey, pretty lady. I can’t wait to see you.” The intruder said, making kissy noises. Awww fuck, who did you invite into your house?!
You locked the bedroom door, shoved a large dresser in front of it (thanks to strength training with Reinhardt), and pulled out a gun hidden underneath your bed.
The gun looked like Roadhog’s but smaller. It was a swell gift Junkrat made for you last Christmas. ‘Bout time you were going to use it on a real target, not training Omnics.
Hog’s motorcycle rumbled among the brewing storm outside. A heavy sigh came from the other side of the bedroom door. The doorknob jiggled.
“So close,” The intruder breathed. You could hear him descending back down the stairs.
“(Y/N)!” Mako shouted outside. You were about to meet him out on the balcony, but he already charged inside the house.
You quickly pushed the dresser out of the way as soon as Hog kicked the door down. He pulled you into a tight hug as soon as he laid eyes on you. You felt his tears dripping on your neck.
This was the first time you’ve ever witnessed Mako so worried about your safety, and it scared you.
“Hoggy, what happened?” You asked, smoothing his frazzled white hair and kissing his forehead.
“The bastard took my phone!” Hog growled. He held you so tightly you feared he was going to break you. “If you didn’t answer my call—”
“Hog,” You cupped Hog’s face and stared deep into his teary eyes. It was heartbreaking to see your love like this. Tears silently streamed down your face too. “I’m alive. I didn’t take off my clothes for him.”
He chuckled a little, then his eyes widened. “How the hell did he know about our game?”
Good question. You didn’t know. Apparently, TALON knew everything. Hog stomped to the closet and threw a suitcase on the bed.
“Pack up, piggy. You’re going to live with Overwatch from now on.”
You blinked. “Okay.”
You said nothing else as you packed your belongings. The balcony door creaked open, letting in some rain. The storm calmed down since the intruder bailed out.
You closed the door and noticed somebody in the distance. An enormous, dark-skinned man stood in the azalea bushes watching you. His open tropical shirt revealing his tribal tattoos. The storm left him soaked, but he clearly didn’t give a fuck.
Dear God, did he have red eyes? Who was this real-life monster? He smiled at you as you finally took notice of him and disappeared into the darkness.
“(Y/N)?” Hog called out behind you. All you could do was stare outside. Hog’s frightened voice from earlier echoed in your mind:
That’s not me!
                                                  THE END
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
The Dentist (pt15 - The End)
And here it is, I actually finished something, yay! I hope it measures up to your expectations :D Many thanks to @onereyofstarlight for helping me out with character actions and a partway read through :D
This fic is now 13,500 words long and most certainly not what I had in mind when I started it. It contains quite some touchy subjects including child abuse, mental illness, phobias and nasty dentists - please do not read if you feel uncomfortable with these subjects.
I should also acknowledge the complete lack of Kayo, Grandma and Brains in this fic. I kinda ignored them, sorry. I wanted to focus on the boys :D
For @shirubie for having the original idea :D
From here - One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen
John Tracy was generally a calm man, but watching his big brother fall apart at the mere sight of this asshole was enough to fuel a rage burning so brightly it took out the sun.
And the worst of it? He could do nothing. All those responsible were dead. His parents weren’t here to ask why this hadn’t been followed up at the time. His maternal grandparents were long gone. The dentist himself, may he rot in hell, was hopefully doing exactly that. The one last remaining life to ask was taken from them by the onset of dementia.
John had stayed behind to keep an eye on Virgil while Scott flew to the nursing home. The nurse was there for a very good reason and no longer knew his own name, much less remembered a little four year old from quarter of a century ago.
So they were left with so few answers, no option for retribution, and a brother forever scarred by a dentist who got his jollies from children’s pain.
He had already chased down some experts who might be able to help Virgil. Ultimately it was up to his brother, but he was here and ready if he was needed.
Which led his thoughts to exactly this moment. Scott had Virgil in his arms, just holding him. There were no tears. If John was to assess Virgil’s condition, it would be closer to emotional exhaustion than grief. Perhaps there was relief in finally knowing the cause.
John felt mostly violation and rage.
But this wasn’t about John. This was about Virgil and helping him the best he could. But with Scott providing the comfort, John felt like a fifth wheel.
Scott had requested his presence in this discussion specifically for back up. It was unusual for him to be included is such a big brother moment, simply because the two eldest usually worked things out between them, except on the rare occasion they exploded at each other and John had to drop down from orbit to kick their asses.
But this kind of thing, this emotional support, was a Scott and Virgil exclusivity. John corralled the two youngest and monitored and listened to them. Scott and Virgil were older and regardless of them all being adults, it was a pecking order that had been maintained for years.
The fact Scott had asked for his help was a sign of the seriousness, the fear in this situation and the worry he had for Virgil.
But now he was stuck, unable to do anything.
A pair of brown eyes were staring at him.
Virgil straightened, separating himself from Scott, and John knew he had been discovered. Virgil, despite whatever was going on, always had a radar running on his younger brothers and could pick up their emotional state from miles off.
Literally, Virgil could read him in space.
“John?” The ‘are you okay’ was a redundant question. None of them were okay.
“I’m sorry, Virgil.”
Those hollow eyes frowned. “For what? Not your fault.” And the direction of comfort flipped. Virgil closed the distance between them, his stocky brother reaching up to put his hands on John’s shoulders for a moment, before pulling him into a hug. “I’ll be fine.”
The simple words knotted a lump in John’s throat and he found himself blinking. Sad blue eyes caught his and he drew strength from them.
His arms tightened around Virgil.
Gordon and Alan didn’t end up playing any games. Neither felt inclined in the slightest. Instead they sat together on Alan’s bed and stared at the ceiling.
“You think they’ve told him yet?” Alan’s voice was small and fearful, reminiscent of the little boy who used to climb into his bed at night in the thunderstorms.
“Maybe.” The light outside was dimming. It was past dinner but Gordon didn’t feel like eating and Alan hadn’t mentioned it either.
“How do you think he will react?”
It was a stupid question, but Gordon understood Alan’s need to ask it. “Virgil is the strongest of us. He’ll be fine.” He said the words, but he wasn’t sure he believed them. To discover such a horrible violation in his past...Gordon grit his teeth.
“Why would someone do something like that?”
There was profanity in his preferred answer. “The man was mentally ill, who knows what he was thinking.”
“The thought of being a kid and trapped in that chair-“
“Alan, try not to think of it that way.”
“Why not? It is what Virgil had to go through, shouldn’t we acknowledge it at least?”
“I have acknowledged it.” It was why he currently felt like tearing something to shreds. “But putting yourself through thoughts like that benefits no one.”
“It helps to understand what Virgil is going through.”
“What is there to understand? Our brother was violated and tortured when he was very little. It scarred him for life. The bastard who did it is dead and I can’t do anything to fix it.”
Alan shifted on the bed beside him, rolling over to face Gordon. A hand landed on his arm. Alan didn’t say anything, just stared at him with those baby blue eyes. A moment and his little brother lay his head on Gordon’s shoulder and curled up beside him. “I’m sorry, Gords.”
Gordon let out a shaky sigh and wrapped an arm around his little brother. “I know.”
It was strange learning about something that happened to you so long ago. Even stranger discovering that you had been violated in such a way.
His mind edged away from the memories. They were becoming clearer as the experience was uncovered moment by moment. How he had forgotten it all, he didn’t know. Part of him wished he had never remembered, but he understood why Scott had told him. He had needed to know.
But god...
This was hard.
So he disassociated. Stepped back. Let it happen to somebody else. Put up a protective shield between himself and his experiences.
Watched it through a lens.
Scott eyed him warily as they packed up the chairs and table and took them inside.
“Huh?” The folded chair caught on its partner and refused to slide into storage smoothly. A shove and something snapped. Damn.
A hand landed on his shoulder.
“I’m fine.”
“We both know that is not true.” He found himself in a one armed hug and he didn’t know whether to feel grateful or frustrated, so ended up feeling both.
“Yeah, well, call it a work in progress.”
“Wanna watcha movie with us?”
His instinctive response was a firm no. But what else was he going to do? Hole up in his room and let the memories take over? The mere thought of that made him shiver.
“Yeah, sure.”
“Should we invite Gordon and Alan?” Scott’s voice was quiet, giving him an out if he needed it.
“Sure.” He said it before his brain could come up with why he should be hiding from his little brothers. But then he remembered the fear in Allie’s eyes and wanted nothing more than to extinguish it.
So he found himself seated on the lounge when Alan dashed into the room. Wordlessly, his little brother jumped the sofa and flew into his arms. “I’m so sorry, Virgil. So sorry.”
Virgil held Alan tight and found himself blinking away tears. “Not your fault, Allie. Not your fault.”
Gordon hovered his way down into the lounge and gently kicked Virgil’s leg. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to. His expression spoke of the worry and the anger and the frustration. Virgil frowned. Gordon couldn’t use the pool at the moment. He glanced at Scott and found his big brother frowning with likely a similar thought. Virgil would have to make sure they found a way to help Gordon vent his frustrations. The aquanaut could get volatile.
Alan climbed off Virgil eventually and curled up beside him. John found a movie, one with ridiculous space aliens made out of plasticine. Scott made popcorn and a family evening fell upon them for a couple of hours.
It was the best they could do. A lot of their laughter was forced and there was a lack of brotherly chattering and popcorn throwing, but they were together.
Virgil let himself sink into the sofa, each muscle mentally releasing from its clench. He found himself exhausted. His head was still pounding, but he didn’t want to risk any medication. Alan stayed curled up at his side the entire time. Gordon had clambered out of his chair and onto the lounge on Virgil’s other side and Virgil found himself sliding in his direction. The aquanaut didn’t seem to mind.
John sat next to Alan, his eyes tracking over all his brothers monitoring like the beloved monitor he was.
Scott sat on the floor between Virgil and Gordon.
Virgil stared at the top of his brother’s dark auburn crown, the flecks of grey and red dominated by deep brown. He reached out and touched Scott’s hair. It was soft from the shower earlier, lacking its more familiar product. As Scott turned to look up at him, a strand fell into his eyes. “Virg?”
“You’re going grey.”
At any other time, his brother would have shot off a barb of a response to such an accusation, but not tonight. “Yeah?” Blue eyes frowned a little worriedly at him as one alien shot another on the screen behind.
Virgil reached out and brushed the strand from his brother’s eyes. “Thank you.” It was whispered.
He felt every eye on him and the tear that tracked down his cheek was honesty itself.
Scott turned around and knelt before him, grabbing his hand. “You know you’ve always got us, Virgil. You know that, don’t you?”
And despite everything, he found himself caught up in fondness despite the tears. His hand tightened around his big brother’s fingers while Alan snuggled into one side and Gordon the other. A cool hand touched the nape of his neck and he glanced up to find John wrapped around Alan, reaching out to touch him.
His eyes turned back to Scott and managed a fragile smile. His voice was broken by exhaustion as yet another silent tear ran down his cheek. “I know.”
“I know.”
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thenamesseven · 5 years
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Plot: Jooheon, your tattoo artist friend, and you had been best friends with hidden feelings for way too long…
Genre: Fluff, smut, tattoo artista au! Friends to lovers au!
Word count: 5.9k *coughs* don’t know what happened….Heh
Warnings: Vanilla smut, some swearing.
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I had to change the plot a little bit but I hope you enjoy it!
Your friendship with Jooheon started when the two of you still slept in cribs. Your parents were neighbors and your mothers became best friends so as expected, the two of you spent a bunch of time together. Needless to say teenage years came and unlike in some cliche stories, your best friend and you took really different ways. 
Jooheon aspired to turn into an artist, one that enjoyed using bodies as canvas, an artist that used needles and different inks instead of brushes and paints. Jooheon’s art was made to be exposed in streets or bodies and not in galleries. Whenever the two of you hung out he would sometimes get distracted observing people, imagining what kind of tattoo would fit the chosen person. If he also saw somebody with a ridiculous tattoo on their body he would quietly made fun of it with you before getting all serious and explaining how he would cover it up with an awesome yet insane designs that kept popping in his mind.
You on the other hand, enjoyed art but in a different way. Your art was the one displayed in books through hundreds or thousands of pages of an imaginary world with imaginary characters that went through a more than interesting adventure. Since a really young age your interest in books had been one of your main characteristics, you simply were the kind of kid that picked an adventures book over any kind of video game which was something that always made you stood out. Getting into University to study a literature major felt like your dreams were becoming a reality, after all, you would spend hours and hours studying, reading and analyzing texts or even entire books that you’ve loved, already discovered or were about to find out.
Jooheon and you became opposite poles but that didn’t weaken your relationship, in fact, it kind of strengthen it.
You weren’t antisocial but it’s true that making new friends wasn’t an easy task for you which was the reason why Jooheon immediately forced you to join his group of friends. All of them were kind of intimidating, specially Hoseok, or as they usually called him, Wonho but with Minhyuk’s bubbly and cheerful personality and Shownu’s quickly acceptance made becoming friends with the rest of the guys not as difficult as you thought it would be. You were the only girl in the group which made things a little complicated because their testosterone could be too much to handle sometimes but seeing Jooheon’s smile whenever he saw the guys treated you as one more made everything worth it.
Although not everything was good, specially since the guys started joking about you having a crush on one of them. Sometimes it was Kihyun because you complimented his food, then it could also be Changhyuk whenever he hyped you up with his raps, they also mentioned the possibility of it being Wonho because he was just handsome or even Minhyuk just because you liked to spend a bunch of time together gossiping and talking about random stuff.
The guys didn’t seem to care about this issue but it bothered Jooheon, you have thought about the possibility of him being jealous not because he had any romantic feelings towards you but just because he might feel threatened by this, by the silly thought of you getting a special someone and forgetting about your best friend. Little did he know that you’ve been trying to confess to him for years and that the only male you were interested in was him.
Your feelings for him had bloomed naturally, Jooheon had always been a special person for you and your friendly feelings simply turned into something more romantic with the years. Maybe it was those dimples that adorned his cheeks when he smiled or the ink in his skin that kept spreading more and more around his body as time passed. Maybe it was his cheerful personality or the way he pouted whenever you two got into a little fight, Jooheon just had a bunch of little things, little details that you seemed to adored unconditionally.
Unfortunately, he hasn’t realized that yet somehow and that led to situations similar to the one you were in right now.
The two of you sat in his car in silence after Jooheon had ended his shift in the tattoo shop he had recently opened. The two of you had made plans to go out to eat dinner together but Jooheon had somehow ended up getting mad when you mentioned this in front of the guys, allowing Minhyuk and Hoseok to join the two of you. Apparently and by the little frown in his face, you guessed your best friend didn’t feel like going out with the guys or believed that you didn’t want to go out with just him since you invited the other two.
“Jooheonie” You reached out pouting too, wrapping your hand around his bicep to gently shake him. Jooheon didn’t react and kept his eyes down on the steering wheel making you shake him harder “Jooheonieee, come on man, I really didn’t know you would get mad if I invited them”
He sighed shaking his head “I just wanted it to be the two of us, it’s been so long since we could hang out together without one of the guys” He muttered leaning his head back against the seat, pouting at you
“I know but Minhyuk got all excited when I mentioned fried chicken and then he just assumed we were all going together” You muttered scratching the back part of your neck, being completely honest with him “So I really didn’t know how to tell him he couldn’t come”
“It’s always Minhyuk” He groaned rolling his eyes, sounding slightly more frustrated than before “How about ‘no Minhyuk, it will be just Jooheon and I’?” He asked glancing at you
“He would probably misunderstand my words and then all of them would think-”
“Do you like him or something?”
“What?” Your response was automatic, why he, out of all people, was asking something like this?
“Don’t play dumb on me  (Y/N), come on! I am asking if you really like him or not because I prepared tonight’s dinner to talk about my feelings and I really won’t do it if there’s public” 
Jooheon’s sudden rant was being too much for your poor brain. When he stopped talking, you just looked at him quietly, puppy eyes on full display as your brain tried to comprehend what was going on. Did he just say he wanted to talk about his feelings?
“What feelings?” You asked, mouth acting before brain.
“Are you that oblivious?” Jooheon asked back, eyes open as wide as plates as he watched your face genuinely surprised “For real?”
Something clicked in your mind and you suddenly understood Jooheon was going to confess to you. To say you felt like the biggest idiot in the world was a total understatement, apparently, the two of you had been liking each other back but were too focused on your own feelings to realize what was going on with the other.
“Are you serious!? Dude!” You hit his arm, frowning, feeling slightly frustrated for all the time the both of you lost
“Ow! What!? Why are you hitting me!?” He raised his voice, frustrated with your behaviour that kept changing. Jooheon didn’t know if you were mad because you didn’t like him back or because you liked him back but, if you liked him back, why would you be mad at him? Shouldn’t his confession make you happy? “The fuck is going on?”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You asked looking at him, poor Jooheon kept debating on the possible options of why you seemed to be so mad at him
“Uh...I…” He stuttered before shaking his head and speaking again “Do you like me?” Maybe it was the wrong way to ask that question, maybe it was the confused tone he used or the ‘I think I fucked up’ expression he had on his face what made you think Jooheon had been pranking you for the entire conversation and now he knew about your unrequited love.
“Fuck off Jooheon, this isn’t funny”
Before he could say something else, you dashed out of his car not even caring that it was raining outside. Your clothes were ridiculously wet in an instant and your hair sticked to your face like the fur of a wet dog. “W-Wait! (Y/N)” You heard Jooheon rushing outside of his car too just to follow your fast steps, he had longer legs though and easily caught up to you.
Jooheon reached out and grabbed your wrist, the fucker had never been a romantic but he forced you to turned around and face him like in those dramas you loved to watched every Sunday night accompanied by popcorns and a ridiculous amount of chocolate. He looked as drenched as you but that didn’t extinguish the burning feeling your skin got as soon as his big free hand came up to cup one of your cheeks.
“Of course is not funny” He said quietly, looking down into your eyes as his thumb started unconsciously doing small circles on your skin “Telling somebody they’re the love of your life is more complicated than I thought it would be” Your heart stopped beating, not really believing what you were hearing.
“What?” You asked breathlessly, eyes glued to his.
Jooheon smiled, one of his dimples stealing some of your attention “You really are that oblivious huh?” He asked quietly before he gently pulled you into his arms, not allowing you to look at his face as he prepared a mental, cheesy speech “I don’t know when it happened exactly but one day I was thinking which book to get for you you for your birthday and then the next day I was writing your damn name in every last page of my doodling notebooks” That made you smiled, you felt his chest shaking in gentle laughter “I was confused, you know? A nerdy yet innocent girl had invaded my mind, you and that bright smile of yours was the only thing I could think of, it drove me insane” Jooheon gently stepped back, positioning the both of you under a small roof that would cover the both of you. You didn’t dare to move and decided to just listen to him “And this is going to sound creepy as fuck but more than once I’ve ended up drawing you when I was trying to draw something else” The two of you laughed at that, Jooheon gently pushed you back so he could look into your eyes once again “I’ve got years to think this over and over again just to come to the conclusion that my feelings are not a childish crush anymore, I want you to be my girlfriend, I want to call you mine in front of every single male in this world” Jooheon’s face got closer to yours, your noses were almost touching “I want you to scold me for getting more tattoos, I want to bother and annoy you every single day about getting some ink in that skin of yours”
“Please do not tell me you’ve got a ring hidden somewhere” You joked laughing softly, cheeks getting slightly pink when he smiled even more.
“Not today” He answered chuckling, bringing you closer to him “But if you agree to this and let me show you how much I love you, I swear to God I’m putting a ring on your finger as soon as you graduate”
“Shut up” You said laughing, face getting incredibly red making Jooheon laugh back, he loved making you shy, he loved when you got all flustered just because of him.
“Look” He said brushing some of your wet strands away from your face “I’m a little jealous, I pout a lot and I probably won’t want to share you with anybody else but I’m also absolutely sure that we are meant to be, so please be my girlfriend?” Jooheon asked again smiling, nudging your nose with his gently “Please don’t make me ask a third time, this is incredibly embarrassing for me?” 
“What did you say? I didn’t hear you properly” You asked on purpose, smirking.
You regretted doing this when he smirked back at you “Ah, since you don’t seem to understand me I’ll show you instead of repeating myself again”
You watched, like a deer caught in the headlights as his lips got closer and closer to yours, only forcing yourself to close them once you could feel Jooheon’s breath tickling your skin. He stopped incredibly close to your mouth, lips brushing against yours teasingly as your heart beated incredibly hard and fast against your chest. You didn’t know if a kiss could make you suffer a heart attack but you were sure Jooheon could cause you one if he didn’t kiss you or moved away soon. 
“Give me an answer” He whispered, he had closed his eyes too willing to focus on the sensation of having your small figure against his body, of having his lips so close to yours for the first time in years. “I still remember that time I accidentally kissed you to prove my friends I wasn’t gay in high school...I promise this kiss will be way better” The memory made you giggled as you nodded “Promise not to slam you against any lockers or force my lips against yours like that time” He muttered quietly, making you laugh this time.
“Fine, you won my heart with the promise of not slamming me against any lockers again” You replied giggling, awaiting for his Kiss
“By the way, I’m sorry about the bump that appeared in your head after that, I really didn’t-” You knew Jooheon well enough to know he was only talking about this to delay the moment and tease you even more, thinking you were too shy to take the first step by yourself. Little did he know that you weren’t having any of that today, you had waited too long for what was about to happen.
“Shut up and kiss me already” 
Before Jooheon could react to your words, you stood on your toes and closed the distance between both of your mouths to gently press your lips against his. Jooheon, obviously caught of guard, was slightly frozen during the very first seconds of your kiss but quickly kissed you back before you could pull away from him. Letting Jooheon dominate the kiss was something that felt better than you could ever dream of, his lips moved against yours smoothly yet passionately, somehow making you feel all those unspoken words between the both of you, letting you feel those hidden feelings that stayed in the shadows for too long. As he had previously said, with how well his lips fit against yours, it truly seemed like his lips had been made to kiss yours.
What started as an innocent “first” kiss under the rain turned into something else when Jooheon and you discovered that you were too addicted to each other’s tastes to pull away, it was as if oxygen wasn’t important anymore and the other was the only thing keeping you alive. Jooheon had turned you around and pressed you against the wall of the tattoo shop gently, covering you with his broad back in case somebody walked past the two of you. His hands kept cupping your cheeks while yours had made their way up to his drenched hoodie, exactly to the chest part. Nothing could erase the silly yet sweet smiles from your faces, happiness was flowing through your veins everytime one of you moved in to not break the neverending kiss. Unfortunately, everything has to come to an end and the sound of somebody honking the two of you made you snap out of the trance the kisses had put you in and finally, made you put some distance between you and Jooheon’s lips.
Your boyfriend looked down at you, at your red cheeks and chuckled pressing his lips against your forehead as you hid behind him “Want to get back in the shop?” He asked quietly, hands resting on your hips as his lips peppered your cheeks with kisses “Dry up a little before I drive you home?” 
The sexual tension between the both of you was crazy in that moment. Even though you didn’t want to move too fast in your relationship with Jooheon, you also knew that the both of you had been waiting for this moment for too long and that he was also the person you trusted more in the world. Jooheon wouldn’t do something you were uncomfortable with, he always put you and your well-being before his.
“Yeah, thanks to you I’m soaked” You muttered clearing your throat, trying to not act all shy around him but avoiding eye contact. Jooheon knew exactly how you felt and definitely loved seeing this new side of you
He reached inside his pocket to take out the keys of the shop and unlock the doors “Is it too soon to start making dirty jokes?” He asked laughing when you rolled your eyes, pushing him away to walk back inside “It wasn’t me the one who suddenly decided it was a good idea to get out of the car when it’s pouring outside” Jooheon kicked the door closed gently, quickly reaching up to you to pull you back into his arms “But hey, at least we got that romantic make out session in the rain, isn’t that something girls really like?”
“You probably enjoyed it even more” You scoffed looking up at him, smiling a little when he started playing with your wet hair
“Damn right I did baby” The pet name made your heart skip a beat, Jooheon was spoiling you with so much affection that you didn’t even know how to react “You know what I would enjoy more though?” When you tilted your head curiously, he smirked leaning back down to kiss your lips again “A second round”
“It’s a deal if we don’t have to get back under the rain”
Jooheon’s smile turned bigger “Deal”
You found yourselves in the same situation once again but this time, confidence was present and that really showed in the way the two of you moved. Jooheon’s hands were now confidently placed on the lower part of your back, sometimes pulling you closer against his body whenever he wanted. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, your fingers playing with his hair, something he really seemed to enjoy. The two of you only changed the position to take off your coats in a lame attempt of trying to get closer to the other without taking too many clothes off which soon, the two of you realized was useless since taking off your coats wasn’t enough.
You started walking backwards, Jooheon’s decided steps guiding you down the hall and to the room where he usually tattooed people, you had spent a lot of hours sitting in there with him, just watching him draw some drafts for tattoos while you attempted to read something, always ending up getting distracted by him and his smile. You only realized you had been tugging on the hem of his hoodie when Jooheon pressed you up against the closed door, leaning back just to look down at you.
“Take it off” He whispered, lips moving down your jaw to your neck “It’s okay” You wanted to take it off, after all, it wouldn’t be the first time Jooheon would be shirtless in front of you but the way his soft lips felt against the sensitive skin of your neck turned your hands and whole body weak and before you knew it, you were putty in his hands.
Noticing this Jooheon couldn’t help but chuckle softly against your neck, giving it a few more kisses before he moved back up to your lips. Each time your mouths met, the resulting kiss felt more passionately, more exciting but at the same time not enough. You wanted Jooheon to be closer, to give you more of him, to allow you to see and touch him as much as you wanted and you would allow him the same thing. 
“Sit there, get comfy” He muttered, playfully pushing you back against the comfortable chair where his clients usually sat down right when they were about to get tattooed. He reached down and got rid of his hoodie before laying you down on the chair so he could lay above you “You don’t know” He started speaking but interrupted himself by placing some more kisses on your neck, slower ones that made your cheeks turn red and your intimate parts clench around nothing “How many times” He stopped again, nibbling this time, stealing a quiet moan from your lips that only made him smirk “I’ve dreamed about having you like this”
You only nodded at his words, too busy with your hands wandering around his body while your teeth bit down onto your lower lip harder to avoid another embarrassing moan escaping your lips. Jooheon on the other hand, groaned when he felt your nails gently yet unconsciously scratching your back when he sucked on your neck. He just loved the way your little and delicate hands investigated his body, it was a dream coming true.
“On my chair” He muttered, glancing up at you when one of his hands slid underneath your hoodie to touch your naked stomach “Underneath me” Jooheon leaned to peck your lips but ended up kissing you heatedly once again “Damn you’re driving me insane (Y/N), as soon as I tasted you I became addicted”
“Take it off” You whispered, sitting up enough for Jooheon to get rid of your sweater and toss it away with his hoodie. You felt kind of shy when you exposed your almost naked torso to him, the way Jooheon’s eyes seemed to take in every single detail of your body could become kind of intimidating.
“You’re beautiful” He whispered, overwhelmed. You were his favorite canvas, the only one pure and untouched enough to astonish him “And I haven’t seen everything yet” He added, lips glued to your shoulder before he started lowering himself.
“Jooheon” You groaned, kind of turned on by his compliments and kisses. You weren’t a virgin but  kissing sure as hell didn’t feel this good when your last boyfriend did it, Jooheon was just special, somebody that probably knew you better than yourself and that’s why your mind wasn’t filled with worries about your body, about your curves or messy hair, about how your red face must look right now. He was just making you feel good and confident, awkwardness couldn’t fight against the two of you.
“What is it baby?” He asked, hand sneakily sliding behind you to get rid of your bra as he brushed his lips against yours “Just tell me whenever you want to stop” You shook your head and he chuckled, pecking your lips as he slid the straps of your bra down your arms before taking away another piece of clothing. “Gorgeous” He muttered against your lips, kissing you once again.
Your hands moved away from your breast to go back to his naked back while Jooheon  was too busy scattering kisses in every single available inch of skin in your body. Keeping yourself quiet turned into mission impossible as soon as he got to your nipples, Jooheon moved slowly always giving you enough time to tell him to stop before he could do something you didn’t want him too. At first, when he approached your breasts you wanted to stop him, too embarrassed of what he was about to do but when he closed his lips around your nipples and gently sucked while his tongue caressed the sensitive skin gently you couldn’t help but gasped satisfied, feeling the small wet spot in your panties getting bigger. Jooheon was being pretty considerate, giving you and your pleasure all of his attention as he just kept stealing moans and silent whimpers from your lips with every kiss, lick or suck. You attempted to kiss his neck, to make him feel good but he always shook his head telling you to only focus on yourself and on how he was making you feel, Jooheon could easily get off just by the sounds and pleasurable expressions you were making. 
He was that crazy for you.
That didn’t stop you from tugging on his pants, willing to get rid of them when the temperature in the room was getting too hot. “Want to take this off, huh?” He asked smirking, nuzzling your neck as one of his hands moved down your stomach and underneath your shorts to caress the hem of your panties “How about I take yours off first? Let me make you feel even better love”
Another pet name that made you gulped as soon as you heard it, you didn’t even breathe when Jooheon gently slid the cloth of your shorts down your legs, took your ankles out of it and threw the piece of clothing onto the little pile your discarded clothes and shoes were making. He was quick to ran his hands down your legs, starting from your thighs and finishing on your toes, smiling at your cute painted nails.
“What?” You asked shyly, a small smile pulling your lips up
“You keep painting them red just like when we were kids” He said with a giggle, hands back on your thighs once again “I still remember when you got mad at me and used that red little brush to paint my eyebrows” The two of you laughed against each other’s lips, looking into the other’s eyes to get lost in them
“You cried like a girl when you saw yourself on the mirror” You laughed pretty hard at that memory, it had been one of the few times you’ve seen Jooheon cry really hard.
Jooheon’s smile was wiped away from his face, the last thing he wanted to remember was that, he had never been more embarrassed in his whole life “I did not”
“You so did Jooheon” You mumbled poking his chest, chuckling at his offended face.
“Well, isn’t the guy who cried like a girl making you moan right now? Mhm? What do you have to say about that?” His fingers caressed the wet spot on your panties, making you gasp since it had been really long since last time somebody touched you down there “Oh?” You blushed at the stupid smirk on his face, his eyes brighting with a triumphant expression “What is this?” 
“You know well what it is” You replied looking away, frustrated that he was teasing you with this.
“I suddenly don’t remember why girls get wet down here” He gently turned your head, forcing you to look at him and watch the way he sexily smiled down at you “Care to explain me what does this mean?”
“Jooheon” You warned, nails digging into his shoulder once again.
He shook his head, lips moving away from yours as the tip of his finger moved up until it touched the place where your clit hid “Mhm? I don’t think that’s the answer”
“Stop teasing babe, come on” The pet name definitely caught his attention but it wasn’t enough to make him do what you wanted him to “It’s because I want you”
“Sorry? I was daydreaming about my girlfriend and didn’t hear you”
You rolled your eyes looking at him “I said that my panties are soaking wet because I can’t wait to have you inside of me”
Those words were an instant game over for Jooheon. He definitely didn’t expect you to be into dirty talking and he definitely thought he would never get to hear you saying something like that so to say he was stunned as soon as the words left your lips was a huge misunderstatement. Lust replaced the confusion, you literally saw his eyes turning darker and his muscles getting more and more tense as he stared down at you.
“Fuck (Y/N), do not tease me like that if you don’t want me to lose control” He warned quietly, pushing your panties down your legs as he finally allowed you to get rid of his jeans “Like holy shit, leave the kinky shit for our second time if you don’t want me to fuck your brains out during our first time together”
He really sounded conflicted, making you giggle with his words “Who says there will be a second time? I didn’t agree to be your girlfriend yet” You said trying not to laugh, carefully watching his reaction.
Jooheon looked up at you, his head moving extremely quick “You are mine” He said looking into your eyes, you’ve never been more turned on in your life
“I didn’t say so” You said laying back on the seat, noticing how he was completely naked now too as he pressed his body against yours.
“Then say it” He ordered, skipping the rest of the foreplay to finally give you a little taste of what you truly wanted. Jooheon moved his hips forward against yours, making you hiss quietly “I am not playing around baby, I even marked you as mine” When he saw you were still resisting to admit it, Jooheon decided to place the tip of his hard cock against your wet entrance, gently yet slowly pushing it inside “Say it” 
“Say what?” You asked trying to keep teasing him but the both of you knew this was a battle that you were easily going to lose against him.
“You know the words baby, say it and I’ll give it to you” Jooheon pushed harder but didn’t get deeper inside of you, your inner walls started clenching around anything turning you on even more but also incrementing your frustration. 
“I’m yours, I’m all yours Jooheon, fuck” The words slipped out of your lips before you could stop them and Jooheon’s erection slipped inside of you incredibly easy thanks to how wet he had made you.
The both of you moaned, your voice slightly high pitched thanks to the pleasure his hips made you feel, his voice husky and restrained as he held himself back to be gentle with you. Your hands started wandering around his voice again, tracing the outline of his defined muscles with the tip of your fingers as he nuzzled the crook of your neck. Jooheon whispered all kind of sweet nothing into your ear, placing random kisses on your cheek and earlobe as he awaited for your vagina to get used to his size before he could move again.
“You can move now” You said after some time, caressing his back as you pressed a kiss against his jaw
“Thank God I can” He muttered smiling, placing his forearms on both sides of your head so your bodies would be really close to each other’s during the whole act “Wrap your legs around my waist baby” As the good girl you were, you did what Jooheon said and laid there comfortably.
The first thrusts were as slow and gentle as the first one, Jooheon was still making sure you were used to his size and perfectly fine with him sliding in and out of you, he wanted to make this the best night of our lives and the last thing he wanted to do was somehow hurting you. Then, when he felt the little pushes your heels gave his ass to get faster, your boyfriend started making love to you a little rougher.
That’s when the real action started.
The sound of your moans and his so sexy and husky groans echoed in the empty room, the temperature only kept rising and sweat started rolling down your bodies. Jooheon’s sweet compliments turned into something slightly dirty and his thrusts started making that horny clapping sound that you seemed to love so much. It was actually the feeling of his big cock stretching you out, the way his balls slapped your ass whenever he tried to get deeper inside of you, Jooheon’s only thought was that he wanted to make you his, that he wanted to make you feel so good that you would never ever want to leave him.
“Fuck you feel so good baby” He whispered against your ear breathless, hips moving slower but harder against yours “Keep sucking me in like that and I might come sooner”
You shook your head, arms and legs wrapped around his body to keep him as close as you could “I can’t help it...Just don’t stop moving, God Jooheon you feel so fucking good”
“My girl has such a filthy tongue huh?” He said looking down at you, licking your lower lip “And I love it so god damn much” Jooheon gently spanked you, making you moan louder underneath him 
“Jooheon please” You begged, needing him to go faster, to move harder to finally push you over the edge
“Please what?”
“Harder, faster...Fuck me” 
He didn’t need to be told twice. Jooheon started moving not so gently anymore, fucking you as if it was the last thing he would do in his entire live. He put all his strength and effort in it and you were certain you wouldn’t be able to walk whenever the two of you were done, you kept gipping onto him, the feeling of your nails scratching him only pushing your boyfriend to thrust into you harder. His moans got louder, yours were about to turn into pure screaming, specially, when his hand got between your legs and started rubbing your clit at an insane pace
“J-Jooheon” You stuttered, trying to warn him
“I know love, I know” He said, staring down at you, willing to watch you breaking apart because of him “Just let go, I’ll do it with you” You nodded, closing your eyes not even caring about holding back the sounds you were making anymore “Oh fuck (Y/N)! Yes...Yes baby yes! Say my name, please say my name” He begged in a weak moment, willing to hear you screaming the name of the love of your life.
“Jooheon! Jo-Joo…”
The two of you didn’t have time to say something else before you reached your respective orgasms. Your bodies, still connected, shook uncontrollably as you squeezed Jooheon’s cock while he filled you up. It was something that should have scared you but in that moment, you could only think about how much you loved the guy laying on top of your body, almost crashing you with all his weight.
“Fuck baby” He whispered panting as hard as you, unable to move since he was extremely sensitive right now “I love you so god damn much” Jooheon said, tilting his head enough to kiss your lips
“I love you too” You answered back smiling, running your fingers through his slightly wet hair.
He kept his eyes on you when you pulled back, staring at you as if you were the most precious thing in his life.
“What?” You asked giggling at his dumbfounded expression, Jooheon smiled shaking his head “No, tell me babe, come on”
“I was just thinking” He said lovingly, pecking your lips repeatedly “That no matter how much art I’ve seen or I’ll see in the rest of my life...You will always be my masterpiece” He kissed your lips multiple times before looking down into your eyes with a playful yet sweet smirk “Forget dinner, let’s go to my apartment tonight”
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