#somebody SAVE ME
sunny-boooo · 5 months
More of my Dungeon Meshi shenanigans
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lestappenthings · 5 months
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Do y'all remember this? this iconic photo and interaction. So
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that's Max right there.
And people from Twitter have brought things to my attention like the fact that Max and Charles knew eachother since they were FIVE. fucking five years old. that's like 20 years together
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Am i late to the party? omg this changes soooooo many things. i thought they knew each other from back when they were 12 or 13. but it was 5. omg they've known eachother forever. they've been together forever.
also the "inchident" race where charles won? that was the race that made that man leave Max at the gas station. no wonder max was mad for years 😭
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lostlibrariangirl · 5 months
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April 23, 2024
114/366 Days of Growth
Reviewing my notes for the upcoming ISC2 CC Exam last weekend.
It is tomorrow (24.04) ... I am so nervous 🥹
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biggestqiblifan · 8 months
“Because I’m yours, Day. I’m fucking yours.”
*sobs uncontrollably*
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pedrilcvr · 19 days
awkward!arda x awkward!reader and they’re just both so awkward that it makes them laugh and it’s just eeeeuuuuugggghhhhh TOOTH. ROT.
Heavy - Arda Güler.
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Pairing: Arda Güler x Fem!Reader
Summary: After an awkward moment at the beach during a join family vacation with yours and Arda’s, you retreat back to your bedroom in embarrassment. But when someone knocks on your door, the last thing you expected to come out of it was a kiss.
Disclaimer/s: cursing, kissing, nothing but fluff!
A/N: Based on ‘Heavy’ By The Marías !
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Face hot and breathing ragged, you slam the door behind you. Memories of the events that happened only ten minutes prior plaguing your mind.
“No, no, it’s okay! I’m fine!” You rambled out, body still limp in his arms. You’d stumbled over your own two feet and face planted right onto the ground.
Arda, with his quick reflexes, he was already by your side, helping you up. “Are you okay?” He’d already asked you nearly four times by now.
Your face burned red as you’d started up at him, forgetting how close you two were. Faces inches apart, but you couldn’t take your eyes off of him.
“Sweetie, are you alright?!” Your mother gasped from somewhere behind you, causing you both to scramble upwards and apart from each other.
Clicking the lock on your door, you rub a hand over your face. What the hell. Scrambling toward the bed, you face plant onto the pillow, screaming into it.
Why were you such a loser?
Three gentle knocks on the door snapped you from your self hatred. “Leave me alone!” You yell out.
The voice that calls out your name from the other side of the door, has you even further on edge. “Can you just open, uhm, open the door.. please?”
You slowly but surely tug yourself off the bed, inching your way toward the door. Biting down on your inner cheek, you let out of a huff of breath, opening the door just wide enough for your face to fit between.
Arda stands there, hands in his pockets with a tight lipped smile. He’s rocking back and forth from his heels to his toes. “The.. whole? Door?”
Oh. Right.
Opening it wider, you clear your throat. “Right, sorry.”
It’s quiet. Awkward. It’s tense..
“Uhm..” Arda starts slowly, “just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
You give him your most reassuring face, although you know very well it came off as a grimace. “I’m completely fine, don’t worry! Thank’s, though!”
Another uncomfortable pause.
Then another.
“Do you want to go get ice cream?” Arda blurts out, cringing at the way he spoke.
You feel your cheeks burn brighter, “yes!” Too quick. That was too fast.
The teenager smiles, “okay! Do you want to go now, or..”
You make sure to wait a little bit before nodding, “yeah, just let me put on some shoes, uh.. You can come in..” Stepping aside, you give him the space to walk into the room.
Arda accepts, taking hesitant steps inside. He stands by the door after it’s shut, shuffling on his feet like he didn’t know what to do with himself.
Quickly slipping into your shoes, you grab your purse and make your way back over to him. “Ready.” He opens the door for you, letting you walk out first. Cute.
“I saw a cool parlor down the street, figured we could go there?” He was trying to make small talk, the slight waver in his voice showing just how nervous you made him.
You smile at the bricks on the ground, “sounds good to me.” You weren’t the only one nervous here, although neither of you could set your own awkwardness aside long enough to notice the others was just as prevalent.
The rest of the walk was quiet, but surprisingly sweet. Arda would point out a few cool shops, and you’d gasp at every stray animal you saw.
Finally arriving at the ice cream parlor, you ordered your flavors. You chose strawberry, he with vanilla. In a moment of amusement, you grin. “Wow, so you really are vanilla then?”
It was a dumb joke. A lame, boring, dad joke. But he laughs. His head tipping back and his eyes crinkling at the sides. Oh, you are so screwed.
“You know, i’m not as vanilla as you’d imagine.” He retorts as you two make your way back outside to the seating area.
Eyebrow quirked in curiosity, you hum. “Oh? Is that so? What, have you..” feigning a gasp, you clutch your hand over your heart, “drank? At your big age?”
Arda grins down at you, his eyes twinkling with humor. “A sip or two.”
The longer you spent with him, the more you both grew comfortable with each other. He got your humor, laughed at your stupid jokes, he was perfect.
“Oh you got a little..” Arda trails off, using his finger to wipe away a small smudge of pink on the side of your lips.
Breath hitched in your throat, you stare at him. He’s so close, his vanilla scented breath fanning your face. Arda swallows hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.
He whispers your name, soft and sweet, just like him. “Can I—“ His eyes flicker to your lips, then back to you.
“Yes!” You squeak out, nodding your head.
Without needing to say another word, his lips are on yours. They are smooth, gentle against your own. You almost forget to breathe as your eyes flutter shut.
Only pulling away when you realize you needed air, you find that he’s smiling. You’d never seen that smile before. You know for certain then, you’ll never love someone the way you will love him.
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DTS , @halfwayhearted & @zanxi
And remember, if you ever want tagged in specific or all things I publish, lmk! ^_^
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sharks3ye · 2 months
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Long abandoned doodles
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nanthegirl · 1 month
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I’m slowly getting back into the groove of things. It’s taking so much effort but I’m doing it
• Finish two topics in Biomechanics (temporary implants and endoprosthetics) I’ve finished two but not the ones I wrote here lmao.
• Violin practice. I learnt the first 16 bars and it took over 30mins?? This is the most the most difficult piece I’ve attempted so far and it’s really beating my ass. I’m playing it like two times slower and I’m still struggling. One day I’ll start learning music theory.
• Call my brother
• Make flashcards for at least 3 topics in Biomechanics. I ended up covering 4 topics or 5. I’m not sure rn.
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rossaka · 10 months
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Honest to god, fam. That bottom lip.
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jelicoxoxo · 1 year
Summary: Your favorite had embarrassingly made a mistake in potionology class, which ultimately resulted in them turning into a cat! They hunt you down to care for them, escaping their usual routine for the day.
Warnings: N/A. Can be seen platonic or romantic, OC friendly. No proofread cause i’ll wanna delete it
A/N: I’m posting this at 12AM, so if Leona’s looks or sounds sort of off(or OOC), it’s probably because I’m surviving off of insomnia and leftover energy from an energy burst (ADHD).
(Heartslabyul) (Savanaclaw) (Octavinelle) (Scarabia) (Pomefiore) (Ignihyde) (Diasomnia)
- He was irritated. Extremely. All the time.
- See, Leona skipped the class that would have told him NOT to do X, Y, and Z. So what did he do when he came without that knowledge? yeah.
- At first, he was just grumpy as hell (whats new)
-But eventually he stopped caring, found a good hidden spot in the botanical garden and took the longest nap because nobody could even find him.
-Aside from you that is. You scooped up this pretty… large… brown tabby, and plopped him in your bag immediately after cooing in his grumpy face.
-only reason he didn’t hiss and scratch was because it was you, anyone else and they would have had their day ruined in seconds.
-You took him back with you and put him on your bed, staring at him as you thought of how you where going to go about this. You seriously thought he was just a regular cat, and that you could keep him.
-The first thing you attempted to do was give him cat food, and he turned his nose and walked away. Then, you tried a bath. That didn’t work since you turned around for literally 4 seconds and he was gone.
-You found him asleep on your bed after a while of looking, deciding to let him sleep while you switched your focus from him and his failed bath-time, to studying for this upcoming history test.
-While you where writing, you look up and leona is SNORING on your bed, not the perfectly normal tabby cat you thought you had brought home.
-“the fuck do I do now” for a moment.
-He wonders if this is how Leona feels on a regular, or if this is how Jack feels when he uses his signature spell.
-Escapes quickly and makes his way to wherever you are, running his body against your ankles with a sweet meow. You had absolutely no idea the little tan colored cat was him, crouching to pet him and pick him up, immediately accepting him as yours.
-refused to eat cat food, but ate UP whatever you cooked. He was so full after omg.
- cried while he had diarrhea. it was bad, he was so embarrassed, refuses to talk about it regardless of how long ago it was.
-he’ll play with and collect any toys you give him just because you bought them for him, and bring you one he wants you to throw. He has nothing else to do but be a cat, so why not?
- Brings back coins and thaumarks he finds on the ground anywhere and hides them in a pile somewhere for him to have when he turns back. Flicked his tail at you when you found his stash and SWATTED AT YOU when you tried getting near it.
- When he turned back, he came back only for his stash. Or so he said, because he hung around you for a good hour before going back to whatever business he had.
- His partner knocked the bottle over, which he tried to save it, and the potion wasn’t even the right one, so now he’s a cat.
- Wasn’t sure how to feel about being a wolf one moment and a cat the next
- He tried not to do anything that would irritate or upset you, but his CHATTERING.
- He will chatter even if theres nothing to chatter at, he’ll do it in your ear, at you, he just would not stop when he figured out he could do such a thing.
- He’ll stop doing anything IMMEDIATELY if you spray him with water, and will sulk for an hour after.
- Will bolt from one end of your dorm to the other. If you get him toy’s he’ll play with them, but not for long.
- ^ I say not for long because he eventually RUNS AWAY and explores twisted wonderland by himself as a cat, just to see what all he could do with this new kind of flexibility and agility.
- Stares at you while you do things while he sits on your desk. Not like he’s plotting something or anything, just observes you while you continue your routine.
- When his time as a cat was up, he was glad to be back, but also slightly disappointed when he thought of new things he could’ve done beforehand.
- He came back to you as his original beastman self(??) since he was out when it happened, and thanked you for anything you provided even if it was simply playing with him.
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truefandemonium · 14 days
All the Time in the Netherworld
BJ xLydia — angst, fluff, short oneshot prompt
Steam rose in ribbons from the mug of coffee between Lydia’s chilled hands like smoke from the rubble of a burned building.
Condensing on the window in front of her as rain fell beyond the glass, she convinced herself it was the steam that made her cheeks streaky and stained with makeup. A sigh fell from her lips, coming out far shakier than she meant it to, surely summoning (poor choice of words, she scolded herself) the ever-present Betelgeuse to her side.
Since the failed marriage to Rory, Lydia hadn’t exactly minded Betelgeuse’s presence in her life. In fact, he’d become almost part of the family.
As she dealt with the deaths of her father and Delia, BJ would keep Astrid from sinking too far into isolation. He would accompany her to school dances, bend metaphysical rules to help her get by— even tutor her. Not that Astrid needed much help in school. And yet she’d pretend for his sake.
She hadn’t called him dad, but some nights when the three of them curled up on the couch to watch movies, Lydia would catch her daughter leaning into him, jumping at the opportunity to have his protective arm wrapped around her shoulder and her head on his chest.
It was sweet. But Lydia was still broken.
Rory had hurt her worse than anyone had in a long, long time. Lydia, not for the first time in her life, felt unlovable.
She didn’t know how to fix it, and she certainly didn’t have anyone to talk to. Betelgeuse’s piercing eyes bored into the side of her face as she refused to look at him, her gaze pinned to the spattering rain outside.
“Hey toots,” the demon gruffed, a smirk crawling onto his stubbly face. When Lydia didn’t respond, he prompted, “What’s th’ matter, babes?”
Lydia blinked at the window, feeling more tears spring into her vision. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Betelgeuse waving one hand in her direction, flesh morphed into an awkwardly adorable kitten’s paw. “Cat got yer tongue?” he snorted loudly.
Normally Lydia would laugh. Not this time.
Betelgeuse’s smile fell away after a moment, his brow pulling into a deep furrow as he leaned forward in his own chair and blinked longingly in Lydia’s direction.
“Hey,” he said a little more sternly than his earlier jokes. “Lyds— y’know what ever’s th’ matter, I’m a great listener.” He holds out his arms idiotically, lips twisted in a charming, devilish smirk.
Lydia shook her head weakly, fearing that even if she tried to tell him everything that was on her mind, her voice would fail her before she could start.
Betelgeuse softened, the ghostly persona shifting for a few seconds to reveal the concerned man beneath. “Seriously.” His rough voice lowered, the rhythmic pounding rain almost drowning him out. “Talk to me, babes.”
Lydia heaved another deep sigh, finally looking over to see Betelgeuse dropping his chin onto his palm placidly, leaning in to listen.
Lydia swallowed hard and muttered dismissively, “It’s a long story.”
Betelgeuse smiled sweetly. Not a smirk, or a self important grin. A loving, adoring smile, his eyes practically filled with stars as he stared at Lydia’s teary face.
And he told her gently, “I have time.”
Based on this post: https://www.tumblr.com/iz1331/761567538205360128/this-is-the-last-for-this-week-fanfic-or-fanart
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sunny-boooo · 5 months
Zooble stayed behind to set up Kaufmo's funeral... They didn't go with the rest of the gang so they could set up the memorial... I'm in shambles....
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saucekkkkkkkk · 7 months
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so I made a caviar kinsona (I think,,) and he’s like caviar but a lot more passionate and mentally unstable like me!! 😇😇😇
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other bad stuff because I can’t draw cookies 🗿 cosmicwhoreo’s art is my main inspiration can you tell
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cerealforkart · 1 year
“Oh no! What if the daddies see me posting cringe on here!”
Couldn’t be me! The daddies confirmed don’t know I exist! I’m free to be as cringe as I like with no witnesses!
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biggestqiblifan · 8 months
“Most dudes run when they find out the female they’re into has kids.” Her eyes flickered with cold fire. “That’s male strength for you.” “You seemed to like my strength plenty, sweetheart.” She snorted, turning back toward her door. Dismissing him. His temper coiled. “So what’s the sob story, Lidia?” Slowly, she looked back, her face a mask of utter contempt, and said before she shut the door in his face, “You don’t deserve to hear it.”
Goddamnit. These two will SHRED me!
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oscoeur · 2 months
looking through the window periodically (browsing carcar ao3 tag every minute) in hopes of seeing my husband come back from war (to see if there's a new fic / if ongoing fics updated)
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therealcocoshady · 1 month
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Also, while we’re waiting for the Somebody Save Me music video, we can enjoy Marshall Mathers, looking like a damn snack on the thumbnail.
Safe to say that making me sob to the Somebody Save Me music video is not the way I wanted this man to ruin my makeup (I’ll take it anyway).
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