#some of the songs are either lyrically or musically a mess but this one is nice
russell-crowe · 1 year
okay yes i am happy in every single way that someone once talked sense into russell & adviced him to get into acting rather than music, but dammit i have been listening to his work quite a lot at my job and..... i unironically am very much in love with this particular song at the very moment
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Fool's Ramblings #15: Adore me (HC)
Bored with nothing to do, you decided to clean up the Ramshackle dorm Gardens. With your phone with Grim, you opted to just hum so tunes from your homeworld while cleaning up,unaware that a visitor/passerby heard you singing some suggestive lyrics.
Characters:Maincast minus Ortho
Adore me~
Hold me and explore me
Mark your territory~~~
Tell me I'm the only, only, only, only one~
Adore me
Hold me and explore me
I'm so fuckin' horny
Tell me I'm the only, only, only, only one
Riddle: Flustered and red in the face. Forgot what he came here for. Turns his heel around and leaves instead of reprimanding Yuu for such vulgar language. Will probably scold them the next day.
Trey: Surprised. Doesn't immediately leave. Listens in a bit more and collects himself, makes sure he isnt blushing anymore. Waits for a moment before going in the gates to fulfill the purpose of his visit.
Cater: Records it, keeps it to himself. Pops out the bushes and asks the Prefect what they are singing and if they know any more songs. Urges them to sing with them in the Light Music club.
Ace: Taken aback at first. Teases them for singing such lyrics boldly in the middle of the day. Shameless. Ears red from blushing,tho.
Deuce: Poor boy is a blushing mess. Exclaims in surprise and alerts Yuu. Cannot look them in the eye.
Leona: Listens in until they finish singing. Finds a comfortable place behind the bushes to nap while listening to your next songs. Will definitely tease you later about the lyrics, if he remembers after his nap.
Ruggie: Enjoys the free show. Watches the prefect give him a free performance. Tries to wipe the blush on his face when he comes in to deliver an errand.
Jack: Startled at the lyrics and your ability to sing it nonchalantly. Red in the face. Feels like he's intruded on something private.
Azul- Flabbergasted! Aghast! Stands there like a statue. Missed the blackmail opportunity of a life time. Goes away to compose himself and returns later on.
Jade: Amused and interested. Shamelessly approaches and inquires about the song and lyrics. Enjoys your embarrassed reactions like the sadist he is.
Floyd: Kinda wants to bite you, with the way you're singing. Is that an invitation?
Kalim: Lyrics goes over his head, his mind focusing on you dancing around with your broom and singing happily. Will ask to join you in on it. "Does he even know the meaning of the lyrics", you wonder.
Jamil: Shocked. Blushing yet appalled. Will likely reprimand the Prefect on their choice of song in broad daylight. Can't deny the fact that the way you sang kinda hypnotized him for a moment, will never admit it to you or himself either.
Vil: Apalled. You're gonna get the scolding of a lifetime. An hour long lecture on why you should not have said what you sang even if they were catchy lyrics. Doesn't get your voice out of his head later that night. Clearly, you have potential even if you don't have tact.
Rook: Claps and sings you praises after you sing the song. Will call for an encore. Will boast about your singing and passionate choice of song to others, will not elaborate tho.
Epel: Startled at the lyrics, kinda cringest when you do your silly hand movements before grabbing the broom again. Enamored by your voice, nonetheless.
Idia: Alerts you immediately of his presence as his hair flew into giant pink flames. Scorched a tree. Does not look you in the eyes. Regrets personally going out to tell you something. He will not sleep for days due to embarrassment. Wished he caught that all in video
Malleus: Amused listening. Just watches you perform. Was surprised by your choice of lyrics, however it was an amusing performance. Something in the back of his head tells him to keep your closer (the lyrics demanded he mark his territory). Laughs at your reactions and offers to sing for you his own song. A tit for tat.
Lilia: Surprised at your boldness. Will shamelessly approach you and ask you to teach him the song. Invites you to sing for his club, too. Will probably want to sing with you, same song and all. Will look you in the eyes while singing (He's teaching you a lesson about mindfulness)
Silver: Surprised at the lyrics. Doesn't comment on it. Leaves politely and returns later when you're not busy enjoying your time. Probably forgot to return though and fell asleep. Tells you he'll keep your secret the next day.
Sebek: Burns bright red. Would have yelled. Did yell at you will sporting pink dusted cheeks and red-tipped ears. He's very loud but then his voice dips down at certain words."HOW COULD YOU SING SUCH vulgar lyrics IN BROAD DAYLIGHT.. HOW CORRUPTED! HOW APPALLING!HOW CAN YOU SAY those words IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY?! " You thought he was gonna explode from redness. Scolds you until the next day. Never lets you forget your blunder. Hard to take him seriously when he looks like that.
Lyrics from Juno by Sabrina Carpenter
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yandere-romanticaa · 11 months
Here are some crumbs about yandere mortician! From now on, his name is Viktor. (I'll make a detailed post about him, his personality, looks later, I promise.)
Viktor can often be seen with headphones in his ears, his expression neutral and eyes glazed over with a sheen of nothingness. When he's spotted in public people want to give him the benefit of doubt and say he's just lost in his own world, consumed by the sound of music. Perhaps he's just so in tune with the lyrics, maybe they speak to him on a level which people often seek out when listening to music. His playlist is filled with all sorts of songs - be it long ballads, cheesy love songs, generic pop, heavy metal, screamo, classical music, frankly some songs you wouldn't even expect someone like him wouldn't even listen at all(a la WAP by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion).
Even while working, Viktor likes to have something playing in the background. His co-workers often joke about his music taste but he just shrugs them off without saying anything. It's all just a rollercoaster, a complete mess but he likes it that way. It's fun to be on his toes.
Truthfully, Viktor never liked music. He never bothered paying attention to the lyrics nor the meaning or even the tune of the song.
He simply can't stand the silence.
Viktor is a walking contradiction - he dislikes most people and yet wishes to be a part of them. He wants to be someone. But he doesn't know how to do that. His way of coping became listening to music. He even learned to play some instruments growing up, thinking that maybe someone would take a liking to him.
Even so, no one bothered with him. He was still a nobody.
Some did admire him, from a safe distance at least. His aura was black as charcoal and posture stiff as a board. Even if one dared to look at him for too long it felt like Viktor would pluck their eyes out if he caught them looking.
Perhaps he would. He wasn't sure either.
The sounds had no meaning to him. It was all used to cover up the silence, pure white noise. Nothing more, nothing less.
All of that came to a screeching halt once he met you, his tiny piece of sunshine.
You'd go through his playlist, sometimes scoffing, sometimes liking the things you saw. His eccentric side never failed to amuse you. Amongst that jungle you'd ask him who his favorite artists were, if he had anyone specific he liked.
Viktor said the names of some random artists he thought you fancied yourself. He wanted you to like him.
His answer ultimately did not matter in the end as you would still recommend some of your own personal favorite songs to him. Viktor promised he'd give them a listen as soon as he could.
Later that evening, he was hard at work. As he was putting on his coat he turned towards his phone and reached towards it, slightly eager to see what you had in store for him. The song played quietly in the background as gently rain tapped against the window, giving the morgue a more tranquil feel than it ought to have. The person on his table tonight was an old man who presumably died of a heart attack earlier this morning.
Poor soul. That was all he could bother to say.
The evening went on as it usually did but Viktor could not stop thinking about you. His sweet little sunshine, he was so touched by the fact that you bothered to go so far for him. He could feel his heart racing as unfamiliar butterflies started to flutter in his chest.
Badum. Badum. Badum.
If he wasn't careful he would be the next one to die of a heart attack.
The music got a bit louder as it reached the chorus, its tune almost perfectly in sync with his heart. He hadn't even realized that he started to sway his hips gently. Left, right, left right.
It felt like the correct thing to do.
Viktor also picked up the sound of a male voice humming which was odd, considering the fact that the singer of the song was a woman. He nearly dropped his scalpel as he realized that the one who was humming was him, not someone else, him.
For the first time in his life, Viktor bothered to pay attention to the song. The singer detailed her undying feelings for her lover, promising herself to them and them only.
Viktor thought about you the entire time. He never fancied himself as a dancer but if he could, he would want nothing more than to dance with you.
Would you want to dance with him?
For the first time in his life, Viktor found joy in the music he listened to. And it was all thanks to his sunshine.
🔪 TAGS: @shamelessdarkprince
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the-s1lly-corner · 20 days
Singing songs w/ them in the car (various crps)
I tried cajun shrimp yesterday and omfg it's so good I need to make it again soon but ik itll be a while since my dad isnt a fan of the seasonings
Characters: laughing jack, nina, jeff, ticci toby
Notes: reader is GN, you're both just going on a ride around town, songs are grabbed from my playlist at random so! yeah!
CWs: none
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the randomized playlist has chosen hot to go .... this one is going to be... fun...
doesnt know the lyrics, but hes following along with you trying to guess the words as you sing along with him- he definitely gets the spelling parts right on the mark as soon as hes familiar with it
very loud and very into it, and not at all embarrassed about messing up the words or stumbling over them
he likes the energy the song has- very fast and high energy... he loves music like that
bouncing in his seat, the car kind of shifts and rocks a bit because of it, very large and hes not very.. calm about it... hopefully you guys dont get pulled over..!
The randomized playlist has chosen psycho teddy, which is so... fitting for her...
it should come as a shock to no one that she knows this song by heart, regardless of what version you have playing- the original, a remix, or an edit... she enjoys any rendition of the song
puts all over her energy into getting the words out and can keep up with the song- including the various other sound effects/noises in the sound
would sing with the window rolled down and tries to encourage you to sing alongside her, thankfully there arent many people out and about tonight- otherwise you might get a few odd looks
and if you do, nina doesnt seem to care at all- youre both having a good time so why should either of you care what others think?
The randomized playlist has chosen psychosocial !
you cannot look me in the eye and tell me jeff wouldnt be a slipknot fan- he knows most of their songs, and at least a handful like the back of his hand
that being said... hes not the type to sing out loud to songs... but given the delivery and lyrics of the song, hes definitely getting into it! is it a distraction to your driving? it might be at least a little, to be honest
if youre listening on your own playlist hes going to be very pleased in your taste in music, he generally doesnt make fun of you for your interest save for some teasing but he does have some genuine appreciation of your taste here
leaves him feeling a little more hyped than he was when he got into the car, grinning as the song comes to the close and you just know hes going to try to string you into some shenanigans- the question is what nature of antics will it be... knowing jeff, its not going to be something chill
The randomized playlist has chosen mr blue sky !
honestly hes just happy to sit in the car with you while listening to music, and yes, hes going to belt out the lyrics- will loudly swear if he messes up the lyrics... its been a while..!
he uh... doesnt get to listen to that much music nowadays- you make a mental note to give him a player to keep on him so he has something to fill the silence when hes wandering the woods
definitely tries to pitch up his voice during the "so loong" at 1:50 in the song, his voice cracks but he just leans into it
overall hes having a good time and hes playing himself up simply because you seem to be happy that hes enjoying himself
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echo-bleu · 2 years
Okay but. Geralt with auditory processing issues.
The mutations wreck havok on the senses. Sure, they make his hearing range incredible, but they don’t help with the processing, and he’s constantly hearing everything at once. It’s worse for Geralt than the other witchers because he’s had the Grasses twice. (Or because he’s autistic, duh.)
It’s half the reason he communicates so much with grunts, because most of the time he’s only got half of what the other person said and he just lets them interpret his grunts however they want.
And sure, he’s heard Jaskier sing so many times in taverns and courts and his songs are catchy enough, but he’s never actually managed to catch the lyrics. It’s just all gibberish to him. As soon as there’s the lute, and noise, and they’re in a city or a town so there’s people around, he just doesn’t understand any of it. It doesn’t make his “fillingless pie” comment any less insensitive, but it does give it some context.
Every winter the other witchers will make comments about the songs they’ve heard on the Path, about this or that adventure, and Geralt is just like. That. That’s what the song was about. Oh. Eskel isn’t great at auditory processing either but he’ll ask the bards to play over and over until he’s got most of it, and since they’re songs about witchers, the bards usually comply. It’s nice to hear good news of his brother. Then he’ll tease Geralt mercilessly all winter about it. That’s the only reason Geralt even knows so much of what Jaskier sings.
However, he likes hearing snatches of song while Jaskier’s composing, when they’re camping out in the open or in a forest and there isn’t too much noise around. Then he can actually understand the words, sometimes.
He’s very, very good at pretending he can hear just fine, and he’s been doing for so long, but he does feel a little guilty about making Jaskier think he doesn’t like his music. He just doesn’t know how to explain, doesn’t think Jaskier could get it, because no one ever has. Then while they’re all in Kaer Morhen after the mess with Voleth Meir, the other witchers start asking Jaskier to sing, even though he doesn’t have a lute. They’re all completely quiet during his performances, and every time Ciri or Yen or anyone makes a noise and they miss a line, Eskel will ask Jaskier to start over. (Eskel isn’t dead, obviously.)
And one day Geralt finds Jaskier hunched over a desk, with a pile of parchment beside him and his notebook open in front of him, frantically copying something.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
“I’m making copies of my songs,” Jaskier answers. “I’ve actually published the whole songbook in Oxenfurt, you know, but we can’t get it here, and Eskel said that having the lyrics would help, so I’m trying to make enough for everyone.”
Geralt’s mind is boggled because yes, having the lyrics written down would help immensely but he would never have thought to ask, let alone that Jaskier might actually be willing to write them down for him, and what’s that about a songbook? He almost just grunts and leaves him to it, but he remembers that he promised himself to at least try to communicate better with Jaskier after the mountain, so he asks in a very small voice, “Can I have one?”
And Jaskier’s jaw hangs slack for a moment before he coughs and hands him a stack of parchment. “I wasn’t sure you’d want it,” he mutters almost to himself.
“I always want to know what you’re singing,” Geralt says.
Jaskier’s eyes are wide and shining when he hugs Geralt, and his voice cracks a little. “I wish I’d realized sooner that you couldn’t hear it.”
That night he sings his entire song cycle a capella in front of the fire, his eyes boring into Geralt the entire time, as Geralt follows the lyrics along for the first time.
And Jaskier’s songs are really fucking good, actually. Geralt is hardly an expert, but he can see the way he bends and stretches language to make it flow and how he weaves the stories together and he can feel the love in how Jaskier sings about him, about them, and---
Is that what he’s been missing this whole time?
Brought to you by: the long-ass time it took me to get into The Amazing Devil’s wonderful music because I couldn’t fucking hear the words until I sat down and listened to every song while following along with the written lyrics.
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nexility-sims · 4 months
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𝐍𝐎. 𝟖 (𝟐/𝟑)   ❛ 𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 ❜   |   EARLY OCTOBER 1991
❧  𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲  /  𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠  /  𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬  /  𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭.
→ 𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐍 The performance lineup was long, mixing dilettante regulars with real, true artists. Renzo hadn’t told her in advance what he planned to do; she knew he would be accompanying Fluke at some point, but his turns at the front were rare and unpredictable. Tonight, he used his voice, one that Leonor found impressive if not astonishing, to serenade the room. That was the illusion, anyway. He held her gaze the entire time, which was enough to convey intent. The songs announced were all covers—music from her aunt’s milieu, or quite possibly her discography. While Leonor didn’t recognize the song and rapidly became unable to hear the lyrics as words with a meaning, the unmistakable mood gripped her. It wasn’t a caress so much as a stroke, a fondle, a pinch. It made her skin crawl in the best way.
❧ "venus in furs" won the poll but "time of the season" ended up fitting better (and also the clapping in this performance was compelling dsfsjg) ... anyway, i am SO pleased with this post specifically
𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 & 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭 ↓
The performance lineup was long, mixing dilettante regulars with real, true artists. Renzo hadn’t told her in advance what he planned to do; she knew he would be accompanying Fluke at some point, but his turns at the front were rare and unpredictable. Tonight, he used his voice, one that Leonor found impressive if not astonishing, to serenade the room. That was the illusion, anyway. He held her gaze the entire time, which was enough to convey intent. The songs announced were all covers—music from her aunt’s milieu, or quite possibly her discography. While Leonor didn’t recognize the song and rapidly became unable to hear the lyrics as words with a meaning, the unmistakable mood gripped her. It wasn’t a caress so much as a stroke, a fondle, a pinch. It made her skin crawl in the best way.
The Den possessed an unexpected number of quiet backrooms beyond the bustle of its main space. People who were just passing through experienced the stage, the bar, the shadowy corners that ringed them both. Friends got to see the enviable wine cellar and the room where the gambling happened; although less exciting, they might also see the liquor storage or the disorganized mess that barely warranted the title of “office.” Leonor had probably jiggled most of the doorknobs before she went onto the roof. Of course, Renzo’s favorite backroom wasn’t in the basement with the others. It was the small section cordoned off from the main space, drenched in red lighting, with a sectional on which he could sprawl. It was where Leonor had first met him, and it was where they tended to retreat as any given night progressed. Tonight had been no exception. It was a place to fully crawl out of her skin, and the knotted satin of her costume, and the nervous confines of her mind. 
With delusional buoyancy setting it, an urgent question had bubbled up unbidden. It force itself out like a hiccup. Renzo caught it, if with surprise, rolling along with her as she wondered aloud. ‘Do you love me?’ A terrible question, this one. Had she not already felt so much, had she not been overflowing with shapeless and blooming euphoria, she would have felt ashamed. He didn’t recoil. Against her fingers, he answered, ‘I love ... the idea of you.’ She didn’t recoil from the honesty either. It wasn’t a wave; it was a rainfall that soaked, heavy, gentle, to the bone. She followed up with the same earnestness, ‘Do I love you?’ He swirled his tongue around her thumb as he considered it. Then, ‘You love who you think I am.’ Did she? ‘Really?’ ‘Really.’ It was settled. She did. Otherwise, it had to be a fleeting concern, one sinking beneath the surface again, that couldn’t really matter.
[Music, overlapping conversation, laughter]
RENZO | Come on, don’t be shy. Look, all of this—live plants, the murals, fucking real rabbits to play with—all courtesy of Nora. She’s been busy employing artisans and patronizing florists and shit. Did you know she came up with the theme, too? Can’t forget that. Because she loves this place. She loves all of us. My moon goddess.
[Music, conversation, laughter continues]
[Crowd cheering]
[Music, crowd singing along]
[Discordant, playful strumming]
[Music begins, Renzo singing]
[Rhythmic clapping]
No, no, too much! No? Yes! Fuck. It’s fine. Yeah? Too late now. Oh, baby—
[Laughter, echoing]
[Muffled music, Leonor sighs]
Do you love me? I love ... the idea of you. Do I love you? You love who you think I am. Really? Really.
Is that real? The rabbit? The fur? It’s so ... That’s a lot. Poor rabbits, huh? Yes, but ... It’s soft! Oh, it’s soft. You have to leave the, um, the—[laughs] The chaps? Yes! It’s so important. I love them. If you want. Please! I do.
[Urinating, sink running, door opening and closing]
?1 | —such a cute theme, though. Little bunnies? I look so good. ?2 | Yeah, but can you believe what she did? No one else is yellow. ?1 | Not surprised. Princess has to be the center of attention, duh.
?2 | It’s so weird. Because … why? ?1 | Why? What do you mean, why? ?2 | Why does he let her do that. It’s kind of unfair. ?1 | [Laughs] Jealous? ?2 | No. She has nothing to contribute! Money? Or, you know—
?2 | But, I would be so fucking bored if I were him. ?1 | I only talked to her once, and I’m still bored. [Snickers] ?2 | Blah, blah, my mom is dead, blah, blah, blah, I do government stuff. Where’s the camera, look at me, I’m a Reyes, blah, blah, blah. ?1 | [Laughs] So dumb! That’s it, though.
?1 | Maybe she’s just hot, in a cute way? She’s new. Doesn’t know how to do anything fun. A "yes" girl. Ooh. We’ve been there. ?2 | Yeah, I don’t get it, but, oh, well—Okay! [Smacks lips] Let’s go! [Footsteps, door opens and closes]
[Door closes]
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wave2tyun · 6 months
cool hot sweet love (beomgyu's ending)
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word count: about 1k
a/n: don't read this if you haven't read cool hot sweet love first :0
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you woke up at noon with a pounding headache, barely gathering the strength to roll out of bed. it seemed like you didn’t know your alcohol limit that well after all. yeji, however, took notice of how wasted you looked once you got back home, and left some water and hangover medicine on your nightstand, which you gladly took.
you did your usual morning routine to make yourself look presentable again, then started cleaning up the big mess you created in your room while being in a rush yesterday. you gathered the clothes on the floor, spotting a white button-up shirt thrown on your desk chair. confused, you picked it up, memories from last night coming back in an instant, making your cheeks burn again. ‘shit. i should probably return this to beomgyu’. you folded the shirt, feeling something strange in its pocket. putting your hand inside, you discovered a small piece of paper with text on it:
‘meet me at sunset? -beomgyu :)’
you frowned, feeling both excited and nervous about facing him again. still, you wanted to know what this was about, and went to search him at the bar at the appointed time.
the beach was deserted, no tourists around and no workers either. your shoulders slumped; you stopped in your tracks, worrying whether that note was really meant for you, or for today. you took a step back, about to go back, when suddenly the instrumental of a song started softly playing through the speakers around you. so there was someone here after all. you leaned forward, eyes spotting a familiar mop of red hair behind the counter at the bar. unconsciously, your feet led you towards it. you were anxiously playing with your fingers, not knowing what to expect.
“you’re here.” beomgyu smiled once he saw you “i was afraid you wouldn’t notice my note” he tilted his head down, scratching his neck nervously. the fairy lights scattered around the beach started to light up.
“what’s all this about?” you asked, in awe beomgyu’s preparations.
“just come with me.” beomgyu answered shortly. his fingers wrapped around your wrist, guiding you towards a picnic blanket, carefully placed on the shore. there was a plate full of the vanilla cupcakes you adored, with 2 glasses of the famous cherry daiquiri on the side.
“i noticed you liked these, so i wanted to make you more” beomgyu said, pointing at the cupcakes “don’t worry, soobin taught me how to make them.” he added bashfully.
you sat down next to him, still a bit unsure about the context behind this. beomgyu handed you the sweet treats which you both ate in silence. it was a comfortable silence though, there was something about beomgyu that always made you feel at ease around him.
beomgyu played with your fingers, occasionally placing small bits of the fine white sand on your arm, then brushing it off. “could you close your eyes for a bit? there’s this song i really want to show you.”
you nodded, closing your eyes to take in the music as beomgyu pressed play.
you nervously bit your lips ‘was that soren-?’
And if there was a place that I had to choose
Or a memory that fades that I cannot lose
If there was a place that I could call home
Before I die, you oughta know
It’d be in your arms tonight
you felt beomgyu’s gaze on you, heart fluttering as you continued to pay attention to the lyrics.
The green in your eyes
Are like the leaves in the summer
And it changes with the weather
The pink in your cheeks
When you slightly lose your temper
Makes me love you even more
the chorus played once more, the instrumental at the end of the song slowly fading away into the night. you opened your eyes, making eye contact with the boy that has been relentlessly tugging at your heart all summer.
“no one’s got me feeling quite like you” beomgyu spoke softly, wanting his words to be heard by you, and only you “you don’t have to give me an answer right now, maybe it was the push of the alcohol, but i just wanted to get these words out before my heart got captured by my own worries again-“ you cut him off, grabbing his face and giving him a kiss on the lips “is this enough to relieve your worries?“ you slightly pulled away, whispering against his lips “more than enough” he answered back in a daze, eyes full of sweet desire looking into yours. you could feel his hot breath on your skin, his lips were open, softly grazing yours. he grabbed the back of your neck, bringing you closer for another kiss. he kissed you slow and tenderly, taking his time to feel you, to show you all of his emotions, his adoration towards you. you both smiled into the kiss, stopping just for a second to breathe before he gently caressed your lips again, too impatient to feel them once more. his tongue grazed your bottom lip, the taste heady and familiar.
cherry daiquiri.
you couldn’t help but let out a gasp when he gently bit it, nibbling on it. “gyu-“ you wrapped your hands in the strands of hair sitting at the base of his neck. beomgyu left a trail of kissed on your jaw “you’re so pretty, did you know that?” he whispered as he moved to make his way down your neck to leave more kisses. he buried his face in the crook of your neck, his hair tickled you as he was busy nipping on your skin,“wait-“ you took his face in your hands and lifted his head up to make him look at you “i want to kiss you too” beomgyu’s cheeks burned at the mere thought of your touch on his body. he put his hand over yours, speaking in a hushed tone “i want to be the one to take care of you tonight.”
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taglist: @huekalover3000 @maybabe00 @sunoooism
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yanchive · 4 months
Alright, since the isekai blurb was well received, I feel a bit more comfortable sharing one of my favorite tropes that I come back to a lot.
I've seen a few of yan!Pop Idol fics before, usually with a reader that's either a fan, a regular person, their manager, or a fellow idol, but I've enjoyed the concept of a reader that's also an artist, but of an entirely different music genre.
Yandere!Pop Idol x Rockstar!Reader
The Yan has been in the public eye since they were a child. They started off as a child model for clothing brands and/or other products targeted towards kids. Had been in commercials, too. They grew a following of being just an adorable sweetheart of their country, and was scouted by an idol agency that took them under their wing, and trained them throughout their childhood, into a world renowned Idol, loved by many.
You started off with more humble beginnings. A delinquent of sorts that spent more time putting effort into learning guitar n drums than your math homework. Filling your notebooks with song lyrics instead of notes. Your weekends and breaks from school were you spending hours in the garage with a couple of friends practicing music until the sun went down.
You dropped out of high school just before graduating to travel with your bandmates to get your name out there. You eventually were picked up by a record label and officially began your career. You were known for your "Don't give a fuck" personality.
Idol Yan was well put together with a perfect image and a fanbase of parasocial fanatics. You were wild with an image of rebellion and a fanbase of edgelord delinquents.
One sung of romance and sensual experiences and another sung of heartbreak and fake friends. You two could not be anymore different. You might as well be on two separate planets.
Now, how would two polarizing artists end up in each others world? I feel like a few scenarios could work. But I've been focusing on the concept of another artist being the middle ground between these two worlds. Its not uncommon for artists of different genres to collab. I can see another artist befriending both Yan Idol and Rockstar reader and separate points in their life that led to you and Yans meeting. You and this unnamed artist met first. You were already in the game by the time you two met and helped them with their career. Eventually due to busy schedules you two don't talk often, and later down the road this artist met Yan Idol and collabed with them.
I see this 3rd artist getting ready to go on tour, and Yan Idol was going to go along due to their collab, but they were in need of opening bands, and you just so happened to have a rare moment of a clear schedule when this tour was to begin. Due to your previous connection, you and the 3rd artist already had a pretty big overlap in fans, so you were a perfect choice as an opener.
To build more on Rockstar and Idol's first impressions, I see Rockstar not being a huge fan of pop. In fact, you'd be pretty critical of it. Your view is that it's not real music that's made with passion and care. it's just cashgrab sound to you. So you're not quite thrilled to be touring with someone you think is only in the music industry for fame and wealth.
While Idol Yan finds you crass and arrogant. You're style is dark and messy, you swear way too much, and your music is so loud and sounds like garbled mess of ear shattering drum beats, screeching guitars and vocals that they cannot possibly classify as "singing". So, the first section of the tour was pretty tense and awkward.
Both of you were mature enough not to be assholes to each other publicly, you usually just avoided each other for the first few shows.
I see Yan Idol's impression of you changing over time. The more they got to see you work both on and off stage, they ended up seeing more sides of you that weren't in tune with your "rockstar" persona. They got to hear some of your more somber songs, the ones that spoke of your personal struggles, and the damage your mental health had actually taken since becoming famous. They got to see how much effort you put into writing your lyrics. How passiomate you were for music. They had a few opportunities to hold conversations with you that were filled with in-depth discussions that showed just how thoughtful and observant you were to the world around you. You were still a bit of a cynical dickwad sometimes, but you were definitely more than just a high school dropout with a bad attitude.
This caused them to drop their negative assumption with you, opening a bit more as they began to develop an interest and fondness for you.
You'd lighten up a bit with them, too, but you never get too close. Your first and only love is music, and you also know your fanbase would definitely make fun of you for getting close to a popstar when you've always been vocal about your dislike of them. You're not as harsh about their taste in music nor their choice of being a pop idol. You learn they also enjoy making their music(and not for fame and wealth reasons. Well, maybe a little bit for fame... They're a bit of an attention whore), even if they don't have nearly as much say in it as you do with your music. But despite this, you choose to keep your relationship strictly cordial.
But that won't stop Yan Idol. They'll find themselves staying up at night watching your live performances, interviews, funny moment compilations, and eventually even fancams. It'll become an addiction. Even after the tour ends, they'll have a routine of constantly checking for updates with your band and music. They'll send you compliments and congratulations on your achievements. They'll find time to hunt you down at award shows for even just a sliver of your time. Even if your interaction was just a passing "hello."
It'll invade their music. You were always making fun of artists making love songs when they've clearly never experienced love, so if they were to ever one day have the courage to confess, surely you'd be impressed that they've now made love songs that were from a genuine place of love, no? God their so pathetic now, trying so hard to impress someone like you.
You're a strange, unhinged bastard with astounding musical talent, and it fascinates them. They envy your freedom and lack of social restraints. They envy how music seems to come so easy to you and the full control you have of it. They envy your ability to be absolutely gorgeous even while screaming obscene, raged-filled lyrics into a microphone 30 minutes into a live set, doused in sweat and water. Fucked up hair and smudged eyeshadow and liner. Your a fucking mess. A fucking, perfect mess. They want you, they want to be you, they want to read articles about you two being seen together, doing anything that'll arouse rumors of a blooming relationship. They want to see fans write fanfics and make fanart of you two. They want to be the music industry's newest, hottest couple with you. Wouldn't that be nice?
[Proofreading, and I realize that I think I went way too harsh on the bashing of pop music, so I want to say that I do not hate pop music for any pop fans out there lmao. I got my fair share of pop music that I enjoy. I'm simply more of a rock genre enjoyer myself. I wrote this shit off the top of my head, recalling old fucken... daydream plots, so if it reads like shit we'll blame it on that lmao. Bon appetite, my dudes.]
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orion4ever · 10 months
hihi!! I really love Ur writings SMSM <33(Srsly they make me giggle n kick my feet)!! And I just wanted to request Qiu and Tamarack with an MC that likes/and is good at singing? (Preferably step 2, but since I rlly don't wanna burden Step 1 would be really lovely as well)
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Author’s Note: *laying on my stomach on top of my bed , writing in a fluffy journal while kicking my legs back and forth and giggling*
Pairing(s): Qiu Lin x Reader and Tamarack Baumann x MC
They always loved your singing , they find it one of the most satisfying sounds they’ve ever heard.
Will beg you to let them sit and listen in.
If your singing along with a song then they might just get up and start dancing along.(why did that rhyme omg , in my poet era)
You guys would make such a cute dynamic duo though
If there’s ever a talent show , they will begrudgingly hopefully ask if you want to do it together.
They joke that you should make a soundcloud and post your singing there.
You kinda ruin most music for them from how much they love your voice lol
You and your childhood friend, Qiu were hanging out in your living room. It was late, your mom was still at work and Qiu’s parents decided on a spontaneous dinner date and trusted Qiu wouldn’t get into any trouble while they were gone.
Which Qiu thought was stupid, I mean what trouble could they get into so late at night?
They sat on one of the few mismatched couches and messed around with one of your mom’s pillows that had a loose string.
You were sitting on the floor, with an older disk player near you. You had been digging around your room and found it under your bed and decided to play some music.
“Which disk do you wanna listen to? The first or the second one?” You had asked them, holding up the two shiny disks.
“I don’t care, You can pick,” Qiu replied, shrugging while holding the pillow closer to their chest. They didn’t mind what music was played, just as long as they could enjoy your company.
“The second one then” you proposed, popping it into the player and clicking ‘play’.
The both of you were happy with the choice when a soft melody rang throughout the room. It didn’t have any lyrics, it sounded like something Tamarack’s grandparents may have played in the background while entertaining guest in their “drawing room”.
“Nice,” Qiu assured, flopping down onto the couch.
The two of you sat quietly while listening to the music, you swayed a little and started to hum.
Qiu perked up at the sound but didn’t say anything, worried that you might stop out of embarrassment.
They propped up their cheek with their palm and just watched as you turned that hum into a melody with a for once, at peace smile.
They really liked your voice.
She thinks you out-sing any famous pop star or church choir any day. She honestly thinks your voice is so angelic.
She loves it when you give her mini concerts while you two walk in the woods together.
I BET both my lungs that you and Tamarack have duets 100%
You two make a lot of music together and record it on one of her Opa’s camcorders.
Her Omi asks the both of you if you can try and cover a Frank Sintra song often.
If you do choir or singing lessons either at school or music hall then expect to practice with her nearly every day.
Tamarack can never duet with another singer because they aren’t you, and can never replicate the melody.
It was late afternoon, a few hours after school ended. Tamarack sat by her windowsill, reading a book about what and what not to feed forest critters when she flinched at the sudden pang of a pebble being thrown at her window.
She decided to look out and giggled seeing who it was, she opened the window and called down.
“MC, If you wanted to come in!… You could have just knocked!” Tamarack chuckled behind her hand, it always made her a little giddy when you would stand below her window like some Shakespearean love story.
“Nah! This is quick, just sit up there and listen!” You gave the ginger a thumbs up before pulling out a bulky boombox that may be older than some of the adults you guys knew.
“Pfft, What are you doing?” Tamarack kept laughing.
“I am going to sing something!!!” You yelled up before you pressed played and let the music play out a little.
Tamarack’s laughter quieted down at that, she paused for a moment before asking.
“Are you trying to serenade me?”
You also paused before answering. “Yeah, that's basically it”
You then lowered the volume of the old boombox and began to sing along with the song’s melody. You didn’t lose eye contact while you sang to her, so this moment felt special and intimate.
Tamarack put a hand to her cheek and watched down with an increasingly growing blush on her cheeks.
She listened to you singing to her and thought quietly to herself. ‘She didn’t deserve such an adorable gesture from you. You were way too good for her. You probably were…doing.. this.. to ..be ..n..ice-‘
Her self-deprecating thoughts were slowly drowned out by your singing, It was sweet of you. After all, Tamarack did love your singing.
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zeonomicon · 1 year
I gotta ask: I've been craving G1 Soundeave having his buttons played with, either SFW or NSFW, I just *shakes fist* I need them to be pressed. Soundwave my beloved <333
Wonderful ask, I see you are a fellow person of culture. Shout out to Soundwave, gotta be one of my favourite stim toys.
Since the pairing wasn't specified, I went with a Cybertronian reader.
Answer under the cut, mostly SFW but suggestive.
G1 Soundwave x Cybertronian!Reader
It was nice to have moments like this with just the two of you, when Soundwave had a chance to take a break from his multifarious duties keeping the ship running and neither of you were being roped into the latest of Megatron's grand plans to take down the Autobots once and for all. You were reclined on the berth with the TIC in your lap, playing some pre-war song he'd kept in his databanks while you caught up on a holonovel you'd become engrossed in. You hadn't been paying much attention to the lyrics, captivated by the story unfolding in your datapad, but as a few lines caught your attention you decided to play it back to hear the last verse again. You snaked your arm around Soundwave's waist, feeling for the raised surfaces of his buttons, and Soundwave stiffened a bit; you supposed in surprise. You pressed his stop button, then your digits found the narrow-angled edge of his rewind button and you held it down for a few seconds before pressing play. Each button lit up energon magenta when you pressed it. Soundwave's buttons were quite satisfying to press, offering a little resistance and making a pleasing click once activated.
Soundwave's servo had gripped your knee while you fiddled with his buttons, but now he laid himself against you with his backstrut to your chassis and his helm on your shoulder, leaving not much room for you to pick up your datapad and read again. You didn't mind, content to enjoy your lover's music for a little while. You moved your servo, intending to set your datapad aside, but he placed his own servo over it quickly. Curious. Experimentally, you stroked his play button with one digit, feeling the texture of the raised symbol, and then slowly applied pressure, holding it just before its active position. Soundwave's cooling fans clicked on.
Emboldened, you held down the rewind and fast forward buttons at the same time, causing the music to stutter and skip before smoothing back out as Soundwave corrected the contradicting inputs internally. He pushed up into your touch keenly. You pressed all of his buttons at once, then alternated quickly switching between each of them in random order, deriving equal gratification from the sheer fun of playing with him as from the way Soundwave arched and shifted in your hold, vents growing shallow.
You pressed the record button and moved in close to him, winding your arms about his chassis and running your digits up the smooth glass. Soundwave let out a whine filled with static when your digits left his buttons, but then you found the eject button on his shoulder and his visor brightened in anticipation. You splayed your servo over his chest compartment and pushed, the spring mechanism attempting to propel the tape deck open only to be met with resistance. He pressed himself even more firmly back against you to give it room to open, but you pushed it shut with a click, holding the button down. Soundwave's visor flickered. "Release it."
"Or what?" You massaged his compartment, pushing hard with your thumb just above his lower hinge to keep it closed, your digits stretching to mess with the buttons on his abdomen again, playing back Soundwave's melodious sighs and the hum of cooling fans.
"Or Soundwave: Will press your buttons."
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raythekiller · 1 year
hi there!! omg i just wanna say i love your writing and your art so so so much!! thank you for keeping the fandom well-fed and alive o7! if you don’t mind me asking, what are your thoughts on the slendermansion? like the layout, how it operates, and what creeps live there :D tysm!!! - tulip anon (if it’s not already taken lol)
🗒 ❛ Slendermansion Headcanons ༉‧₊˚✧
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#Notes: I have so many thoughts about this omg
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First off, I think it's a manor instead of a mansion. Mansions are simply big houses located normally on neighbourhoods while manors are often times isolated, are bigger and have some land around them with maybe some other buildings in the property. There are three main floors, along with a basement and an attic. The first floor has a big ass entrance, a living room, kitchen, dinning room, nurse's office and storage, while the second one is almost exclusively for bedrooms, most of which have suites (but there is a community bathroom as well on all three main floors). The third floor has the proxy's bedrooms, Slenderman's room and a library. Every bedroom comes with a bed and a closet, but everything else the creeps have to either make or acquire in some way by themselves (Sally is an exception). Everyone works for and obeys Slenderman and in return receive clothes, food and a place to live. The only creep that doesn't live there is Jane. Here's some bedroom headcanons:
JEFF: A mess, lives in the second floor. The walls were shitly painted black by him and you can see several missing spots. There are some band and horror movie posters on the walls and you can barely see the floor because of the amount of clothes and trash scattered around. His blinds are always closed and they are that thick type that doesn't let any sunlight get through. Deadass lives like a vampire.
BEN: Another mess, also in the second floor. There are snacks and food wrappings all around the floor and several videogames posters on the wall, along with a pro gamer computer set complete with a LED keyboard, mouse and headset, also a big ass television. His walls are a yellowish green, also with some missing spots.
TOBY: Lives in the third floor, his walls are beige and his bed covers are a brownish orange flannel. Windows always open to let some fresh air in. It's filled with several trinkets he stole from his victims and actually looks kind of aesthetic pleasing if you ignore how unorganized it is, kinda like those indie bedrooms you see on Pinterest. Has a few house plants scattered around, like cactus and succulents, nothing too difficult to take care of (he doesn't have much of a green thumb).
EYELESS JACK: Lives in the basement, since he uses the freezers in there to store his food. Not very decorated, since he spends most of his time in the nurse's office, save from the blood (if you can call that decoration).
LAUGHING JACK: Lives in the attic. Has several kids toys he steals from his victims, all of which he DIY'd to be black and white like him. His old music box is on a prestigious self on top of his bed.
MASKY: Pretty organized, lives on the third floor. Mostly consists of brownish colors and tones. Has one of those clothes racks where he keeps his flannels and some old bands posters on the walls. Nothing too fancy. Makes his bed every morning.
HOODIE: Lives in the third floor. Kinda messy, but in a fancy way. Has several notebook pages torn off with song lyrics he writes sitting around, along with manuscript papers. His guitar is normally resting by his bed and is decorated with stickers. Masky makes fun of him for it, but he has fairy lights.
BLOODY PAINTER: Lives in the second floor, but has an exclusive art studio in the property outside of the manor that looks like a little shack. His walls are white, but covered in paint splashes, so they're very colorful, same thing with the floor. Has many canvases laying around, filled and empty, as well as acrylic paints and papers with random sketches and thumbnails.
X-VIRUS: Lives in the third floor. His walls are black and with several shelves, all with test tubes, flasks and beakers filled with strange and glowing chemicals inside of them. Has LED lights on the corners of the ceiling, always shining green. Has every lab equipment you could think of, from microscopes to bunsen burners and magnetic stirrers.
CLOCKWORK: Lives in the second floor. The most aesthetically pleasing room. Has tarot tapestry hanging from the walls and ceiling as well as those fake vines. Her walls are filled head to toe with drawings she makes herself, also those aesthetic posters with plants and butterflies and such. Speaking of, she has fake paper butterflies hanging on the ceiling. Uses monster cans as flower pots. Has a ukulele sitting in the corner that she gave up on learning how to play.
KATE THE CHASER: Left her room the way she found it, all white walls and a single closet and a bed with no covers. Barely ever steps inside of it. It's located on the third floor.
NINA THE KILLER: Lives in the second floor. Her room genuinely looks like some kind of early 2000's emo parade. Walls covered entirely in band posters (especially the main singers) and an unholy amount of plushies, mostly sanrio ones. Has a shelf only for her Monster High dolls.
SALLY: Second floor. Any little girl's dream bedroom. Fairy lights, pink walls, an insane amount of plushies and dolls as well as a dollhouse. Has some of her drawings pinned on the walls.
LANE: Third floor. Grey walls with some band and horror movies/series posters, especially Supernatural, along with some random sketches pinned. A lot of plants sitting around on the shelves, floor and windowsill. Windows always open. Their bed has black covers and a hand-saw fox plushie laying by the pillow.
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serenhoshi · 2 years
𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
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I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while! I was working for my finals, and now that I’m done I can post again! 
Here is the beginning of the “Ateez as your boyfriend” series, I haven’t done all the members of seventeen yet, but I’m working on it as well, it’ll come very soon!
So, Kim Hongjoong!
based on his mbti, the man is a lover of love
he is a hopeless romantic, and has a crush 24/7
he loves having a crush, daydreaming a bit about the person that attracted him
it kind of frees him from his busy everyday life
it inspires him for some of his lyrics as well?? (like i know ateez songs are about rebellion and stuff but i’m sure that this man right here has many romantic and cheesy songs about his ex-lover(s) or/and crushes)
anyways, so as I said, he has a crush on basically anyone
he never truly expects anything, like no relationship whatsoever, he really just enjoys the feeling of liking someone
so when he has a crush one you, he doesn’t expect much from it
maybe he saw you at a museum or in a shop or whatever
and he double-checked you like “oh- oh, they look great” (in his head ofc)
and maybe he liked your vibe, your outfit, whatever
he ended up giving you quick looks during your whole visit (if it’s a museum), like a shy kid
he knows he won’t see you again anyway because of his work, and [insert city name] is a big city, so he makes sure he memorizes you well
it really sounds weird but like
he WILL write about you, so he needs to remember details to talk about in his lyrics
As soon as he got home, he started writing his song, it was very quick lmao
so when he was done, he was satisfied and could go back to his work
until he saw you again, at the agency
his eyes opened wide and his jaw almost fell to the floor
he was clearly confused so he played it cool and ignored you as if he never knew you in the first place
like “damn, that not how it always goes”
but turns out you had to work together, because you were in charge of the production of some music videos, so you had to meet with the members to talk about the aesthetic and the mood of the songs, and what to tell in the video
the members quickly saw that hongjoong was acting weirdly around you
like during a meeting, anytime you looked at him he would look away from you, anytime he spoke up his ears would turn red because he knew you were watching him
so they mocked him lmao
and he threatened them back
but they’re ateez, they don’t really care, so they continued
until it got to you
you heard the members being like “hongjoong-hyung have you seen y/n’s haircut today? oh i’m sure you have right?”
“remember when he drew them?? in a cartoon-ish way, it looked cute tho”
“yeah, i want you to draw me too!- why not? is it because they’re your crush and i’m not??”
you were very confused and curious at the same time
so one time your curiosity took over, and you called hongjoong after a meeting with the members (ofc they mocked him when they heard you call him lmao)
you blutly asked if there was someting going on, because you heard stuff from the members, and you needed to know if you had done something wrong, or is they were mocking you for something. not even once considering he could actually like you
he would giggle shyly, hiding his face with his hand
and then he was fully honest with you
he said in a suprisingly confident way, that he hoped something would develop between the two of you, because he really appreciates you
and he asked you on a date btw
i know right
he couldn’t believe it either
the date went very well, you went to the cinema and then ate at the convenience store bcs you were hungry
it was very fun! and both of you started to get attached to each other
you got close very fast, you saw each other a lot at dates, your appartment, or his recording studio
you would just mess around a lot, laugh, eat, sleep, whatever
at some point he just HAD to tell you how much he loved you
you were both in his studio, you had drank a bit, hongjoong more than you, to give himself a bit of courage
he played the song he made after meeting you for the first time
the silence was pressuring to him, while you listened attentively to the song
then you looked at him, confused at what it meant (not really understanding that it was about you)
so he told you
his confession was a bit clumsy, he wanted to do well but he was too stressed, so stressed that he stuttered a lot
but it was also very sincere, his eyes did not leave you, the light reflecting in them made them look so bright and passionate that your heart started speeding up
when he finally said “i love you”, you smiled, and giggled like a child
his eyes were still on you, and you felt your ears burn and redden
you told him that you loved him too, in a quieter voice, shy to let the three words out
he smiled widely, he heard what you said, but he just had to tease you a bit
so he came closer, his face inches away from yours
“what did you say?” 
so you said it again, with a tiny pout on your lips
and he kissed you right after
Now, let’s see how the pirate king is as a boyfriend :D
i’m sure that even though he keeps showing his hate for physical touch on TV, he actually loves it
but only with you :)
when he gets home from work he comes to you and kisses you on the forehead, a hand holding your waist or caressing your back
will get grumpy if you don’t accept taking a bath with him >:(
while watching tv he either holds your hand or puts it on your thigh
same when he drives
loves spending special evenings or afternoons with you
like you both going shopping, taking pictures and enjoying the city
or discovering the new pet cafe <3
maybe an evening customizing some of your clothes, sat on the floor of the living room, with some 2000s songs playing in the back
or you dyeing his hair !
you also cook together at least 2 to 3 times a week
because you’re both bad at cooking but you want to get better
at first it was chaotic, now it’s better
having hongjoong as a boyfriend also means being a new parent for ateez
some of the members (like wooyoung and mingi) will call you mom as a joke
when they come to the appartment (randomly most of the time), you’ll have to handle them with your boyfriend, as much as you can
but hongjoong’s patience is so low you end up handling them yourself while he tries to beat up yunho in the back
hongjoong really has no patience, in your relationship its better
but he still gets angry easily
luckily, he doesn’t give you the silent treatment, he directly confronts you about what he thinks and what made him upset
very jealous, protective, and a bit possessive as well
at first it annoyed you a lot, so you told him and now he controls himself better
but he still always has a hand around your waist during social events, just so people know that you’re taken
i think that hongjoong “weak” side would be how shy he is when it comes to compliment you
he shows support through actions, he encourages anything you do in life and makes sure you know how proud he is of you
but its always hard for him to put it into words
when you’re not here he can describe you with the most loving words, and praise you as if you were a goddess (which you are for him)
but once you’re there he just giggles and smiles like a child
if you get prepared for an important event for example, and you arrive with a gorgeous outfit, beautifully done hair and all that
he’ll stop moving (maybe even breathing) for a while, his cheeks as red as cherries
and then he’ll hug you lovingly, maybe kiss you if you don’t have lipstick on 
it is very rare for him to put it into words
maybe if you get married he’ll finally praise you while you’re here, in front of him? ;)
anyways we’re done here :)
smutty part below!
I don’t think hongjoong ever had sex before you
or if he did it was with some one night stands he doesn’t remember
but still he was quite shy during your first time
he wouldn’t dare look at you at first, both because he thinks his face would go fully red, and because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
he still touches you a lot, a bit awkwardly at first because it wasn’t the same with no clothes on anymore :’)
might stare a bit even though he tries to control himself so you don’t feel too oppressed lmao
moans a lot, he can’t stay quiet, even when you’re just making out
no matter what position you’re in, he likes having a hand in your hair, caressing it as if praising you for whatever you were both doing
he talks quite a lot too
saying how he feels, asking you questions to make sure you’re okay, it’s like he says each and every thoughts that goes in his mind
“woah,, again please”
“do you like it that way? should i go on?”
“moan again for me honey”
“you can’t keep your hands to yourself, huh?” 
ofc he has to be a tease when he feels the most confident
i feel like he’s a switch, but still more on the dominant side
like he goes sub mode when you ask him to, but the rest of the time hes dominant
prefers doing it in bed, in your shared bedroom
maybe sometimes in the living room or in the bathroom, but never out of the appartment, even for a quickie
(so making him horny outside of home is very fun to watch, because he cannot do anything on the spot, and just glares at you while hiding his bulge as much as he can)
even tho he is a dom, i think he likes it when you ride him
he loves watching you on top of him
but still orders you around with his hands on your hips, his fingers tracing on your stretch marks
overall he has a great stamina, he could go for 2 rounds easily, maybe 3 sometimes :)
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Concert tickets
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Headcanon: Where its you, them and the music taste. Ft Dazai, Chuuya, Tachihara and Lucy Masterlist Please look at the request rules in masterlist before requesting. Here is a lil headcanon for you (exams are shit, they decrease the writing creative power) bear with it AND THE GIF AM SORRY I CANT LMAO 😭
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This man is 10/10 screaming the lyrics in the office.
Now he is a fan of Mitsiki too, but 'I wanna be yours' hits different.
Assuming your favorite band, he makes sure you least have a vintage case tape thingy even if it means Kunikida's bank account goes dead.
You both are broke babes,😭 cant even go to the concert.
But if you get to go into a concert, *cough* Kunikida's card *cough*, he makes sure you stay close to him
He 1000/10 gets lost in the concert, so pretty much you have to make sure his body aren't damaged. Twig like mf fr
If there are any fan meets, he makes sure you are with him cause there was this one time you beat him up just cause he didn't take you to a meetup. 💪💀 #saddazaicauseheisbroken
Dazai slays in the artist's t-shirts.
He secretly writes those artist x reader fanfiction on tumblr or smthg idk
I think he had a arctic monkey obsession phase.
It was a traumatic phase
I can feel like once you both only talked in I wanna be your lyrics, and oh boy the ADA was traumatized.
Once you refused to give him cuddles and bro really screams 505 lyrics.
He got a restraining order from the band when he sung at their concert.😭
The whole neighborhood got deaf by his singing.🤡
IMAGINE FIGHTING WITH PM AND THEN MF GOES LIKE "I go crazy 'cause here isn't where I wanna be" AND THE PM GOES WHO POSSESSED THIS MF NOW. (I need sleep)
Aww you love your boyfriend even when he is having broken bones and currently in hospital bed for going to a concert alone and getting crushed by sweaty people😭 <333
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"MILLANIUM KIDS THAT WANNA DIE" Bro might as well be a Dazai kinnie in music taste.
He had a Conan gray phase and still isn't over it.
Its a good thing you are his S/O.....YOU GET A FREE TICKET TO CONCERT WITH HIM.💪💀
(well technically he steals their life so naturally the pay is for the life so he steals soul and money but he is a babygirl...he is forgiven.)
He has to use his gravity powers thingy. YOU BOTH ARE TO MUCH DEPRESSED IN THE CROWD.
"Woah, this place is just like my mind, messed up" "STFU Y/N 😭I AM TRYING TO BUY SOME MF TICKETS"
Awww he probably have you sit over his shoulder so that he can lowkey fly and you both can see the concert.
He cries if the song describes his life.🤠
Cause like one time you caught him listening to Mitski and he was crying. YKW YOU HUGGED HIM AND KISSED HIM CAUSE NO ONE LIKES A CRYING CHUUYA (maybe in bed thats different)
"I wish he levitates away forever, his singing makes my ear bleed" *Dazai proceeds to levitate to ADA hospital bed*
Chuuya supremacy
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Who knew this man got a music taste?
The same music taste as yours.
213420/10 the best music taste duo.
His personality will be screaming Daddy Issues 😭
You still are suspicious how he got the concert tickets that too for TWO PEOPLE 💀
He will be those people who either will scream lyrics in someone's phone while they are recording or will those privileged people who get recognized by the band.
Why can I imagine him saying that the concert sucks?
*insert him doing funky dance on new rules by Dua Lipa*
Lowkey feels he listens to Spanish songs.
Imagine being along in room with this mf and he starts to sings Die for you??? While he spins you around dancing and laughing????
STFU. He had a Alan walker phase. No ifs and buts.🤡
Awww he brought your favorite artist's merch......WHERE IS THE HIDDEN MONEY BOY.
(Ill vibe with him on song 'this december')
He brought a spotify premium for both of you <33 TAKE THAT ADS. 😭
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She gives me girl in red vibes.
Pretty sure she is embarrassed to admit her music taste.
You both will be sneaking in the concert using her ability.
You suggested that you should just have the door half ass open cause the crowd is just to much crowdy.🤡
She dragged you to follow her.
Her music taste really is various but we love it.
She lowkey thinks you don't know she had a Justin Bieber phase, but you aren't confessing, it will hurt her ego.😭
You both watch those 2 hr concert video uploaded on Youtube (bless those uploaders)
"Y/N we can very well visit the concert venue you know?"
Awww look at you, just you both making Spotify playlist for each other.
"F-R-I-E-N-D-S" "Y/N please, you are acting worse then when you are drunk😭" "🤡 Haven't I made it obvious"
You brought her a little marshmallow keychain.
So like Atsushi accidently entered you both jamming to your favorites of all time and ummmm it left a traumatic picture in his mind that day. (Dw its just both of you jamming to much hard and the room is trashed out <3🤠
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Fun fact: I was really confused on who to pick and wrote Tachihara thinking the poll cant change in 30 mins. (P.s it did and Lucy won)🤠 Fun Fact pt 2 : Requests are getting proceeded, stop spamming asking when they are finished 🤠 dw, am up for y'all love and appreciations and Ideas
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
~late night car drives with bsd charas~
this is an idea i got while listening to depressing vocaliod songs, SO HERE WE ARE!!! these are just some hc i have about how it would go, some charas are COMPLETELY platonic!! (this is mostly platonic in the 1st place tbh) this is my first time writing on this app, and i haven't written anything online in a few years, so if the formatting is weird, PLEASE TELL ME IDK WHAT IM DOIMNHG
chara list: dazai, chuuya, poe, ranpo, and yosano
GENRE: fluff fluff fluff and sillies
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-he would probably be going to some weird ass convenience store with you at ungodly hours in the morning 💀
-i feel like he would mess with you and fucking drift the car when yall turn
-lets just say you get close to dying more then once 😁
-one time when yall tried to sneak out, kunikida caught yalls asses (your ears still hurt to this day from the mouthing off you got from kunikida)
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-ok so i know i said late night CAR rides BUT CMON WHO DOESNT WANNA RIDE A COOL ASS MOTORCYCLE WITH CHUUYA!??!?!?/1
-i hc that when chuuya gets really pissed and the person is super rude to him, he fucking makes their car float...LIKE FULL ON 😭
-but other then his road rage, its honestly pretty chill
-i know that he has a BANGER playlist, I JUST KNOW IT
-i fell like he'd also play around on the motorcycle a bit, BUT AT LEAST HE WOULDNT NEARLY KILL YOU UNLIKE DAZAI (눈‸눈)
-id say its pretty nice and balanced, with enough calmness to make it enjoyable for the most part, but enough thrill to keep asking him to take you out <33
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-just gonna let you know right off the bat, his ass is NOT driving 😂
-there is a high chance that he JUST woke up and started banging on your door because he had cravings and well, he ran out of his snacks...so OBVIOUSLY he had to bang on your door, its important!!!
-and even if he was completely awake...he would get yall lost so fast
-so you were driving him
-honestly? its kinda funny to see groggy ranpo walk around and try to grab what snack he wants at the convenience store when he's barely awake
-bro literally drops the bag like 5 times (you picked it up all 5 bc you kinda pitied him rn 😭)
-he basically ends up sleep walking his ass outta there
-the ride is mostly quiet, mainly because ranpo falls asleep on the way back
-imagine if you played heavy metal and woke him up
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-these car rides would be so peaceful
-ngl he would probably sometimes take you out just to drive with you (its not like gas is a problem for him anyways 😭)
-doesnt seem like a talker tbh, he might ask you if you want to go anywhere specific, but you guys mostly just listen to music together (he saves the story telling for another time <3)
-you hold karl in your lap and pet him like you're an evil villain (cannon)
-very calming and relaxing drive <33
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-ngl she kinda gives dazai vibes, in terms of playlist
-there has been more than one occasion when she just drunk-drove you
-shes a small talker, OR A GOSSIPER WHILE YALL DRIVE
-yall just have so much fun talking about the ada and everything that's going on there <333
-would scream the lyrics to any 2010's throwback song, while having a (hopefully) safe dance party
-very fun to be around, and even though she drunk drives, shes def safer then dazai
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sketching-pasketti · 8 months
Oh hey look it's the longest fucking post I'll ever make
Proxy Headcannons
General Headcannons:
All of them hate Slender but literally can't do anything about it cause he controls them
Everyone hates Tim but love Brian
Toby is a gremlin
Individual Headcannons (Masky/Tim):
"Oh I'm a whore for red velvet cake" "Yeah, Tim you say that everytime we go get cake"
Smells like cologne and cigarettes
Tired 24/7
Probably hates Slender the most out of all of them
Loves Five Guys a lot for some reason
"Uh, half of y'all have criminal records and the other half are supernatural creatures, no shit Slender won't let y'all work"
Says "y'all" a lot even though he's not southern (me too tho)
Cannot stand county music
A metalhead
Coffee addict
Calls people nicknames sometimes (example: Kate;Katie, Lulu;Lu, Lazari:Lazii, Kate:Katester)
"Ow? My ass?? What the hell, Katie????"
Speaks 4 languages
Can't stand Jeff
"You smell like cigarettes and it's really repulsive" "Okay?? You smell like weed, shut up"
Kicks ass at Mario Kart Wii
Also kicks ass at Wii Sports
Individual Headcannons (Hoodie/Brian):
"I pay for all of you guys' food so I don't think you get to say anything"
Is always either in his room or out at the store
Disappears for literally months and then comes back like nothing happened
Low-key has a (b)romance with Tim
Babysits Sally
A swiftie
Really likes Hits Different
Assigns people random emojis to their names
Examples are Tim(🚬), Toby(👹), Kate(🥺), Jeff(🔪)
Plays visual novels in secret
Not really though, cause Slender knows
Really good friends with Jane and her wife
Doesn't like how itchy his mask is
Wants to run Offender over with a car
Individual Headcannons (Toby):
Screams Taylor Swift lyrics at people who piss him off (*cough cough* Tim *cough cough* ex; "LET'S FAST FORWARD TO 300 TAKEOUT COFFEES LATER" "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU RODGERS??")
Also blasts music at ungodly hours
Heavily annoyed that Tim is the only one that Slender trusts to help with his tic attacks
Heard Jeff snort crack once and now that noise is a tic of his
Names his hatchets
"oh no"s randomly
Threw an egg at Slender once
Screams the lyrics to the songs he listens to
Has a collection of shiny things he's stolen from his victims
Honks (goose or car, you decide)
Ate glue on multiple occasions
Didn't even notice it was glue actually until Brian told him
Tastes Jane's candles (she gets very upset at this)
Bites people
Forgets he chewed the side of his mouth off and gets shocked when he looks in the mirror
Rare whisper boy
His grandparents taught him German and now he has an accent and everything
Drew on all of his Converse
Perches on the stair railing
Sleeps in the starfish position
Individual Headcannons (Kate):
Also draws on her Converse
Draws everyone and everything
Painted most of the pictures Slender has in his office
Helps Toby collect shiny things
Hunches over like the hunchback of Notre Dame whenever she's doing something
Her back hurts constantly
Mapped the house so she wouldn't get lost
Whisper girl
Pierced her nose by herself (and made a huge fucking mess)
Let's Sally do her makeup
Slaps Tim's ass everytime he walks past her
Eats crayons on purpose
Vomits each time though
Has a large vinyl collection
And a Funko pop collection
Uses "🥺" unironically
Can ice skate
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iamthecomet · 2 months
your post is giving me thoughts
swiss in glasses writing the lyrics with papa, trying to match it with the melody dew is writing on his strat
dew biting his lip in concentration trying to find the perfect riff that fits the mood of the song
mountain tap tapping his fingers on rains thigh in the corner of the room
rain sitting, back straight, staring at dew and imagining bass lines that play off of either the guitar or the vocals in his mind, with rhythm that compliments mountains tapping, completely still and silent
aether sitting across from dew with an acoustic
cirrus on a keyboard looking for the perfect synth-y sound for the song, does it need church organ, grand piano, plain ol‘ synth, or a secret fourth option?
cumulus beside her sometimes putting her fingers on cirrus‘ keyboard with a line of her own, sometimes humming counter melodies to swiss or papa‘s singing
idk i feel like its a group effort
some other tine it could also be complete chaos with everybody yelling at everybody and maybe broken guitar strings on the floor
yes YES Y E S. I agree, absolutely a group effort. I think they have sessions where they work on stuff together. Maybe the mess around with something that came to Rain in the shower, or Mountain workshops some lyrics he thought of earlier. I also think sometimes, they bring fully fledged things to each other. A full set of lyrics that just needs a few tweaks that Dew woke up in the middle of the night and scribbled down in a frenzy. A guitar line Aeon worked out one night when he couldn't sleep. A melody that Cirrus hums to herself for a week before she realizes she's written the entire melody to an entire song without even meaning to. I just love the idea of them all being inherently musical and coming together with those talents to create magic. It's so important to me. Imagine Aether, Swiss, and the girls sitting in the chapel (because of the acoustics) and working out the harmonies together. Soaring voices echoing through the abbey as they work and re-work the same chorus over and over again until they have every single part figured out. Imagine Dew and Aeon sitting with each other plucking out solos. Trouble shooting tricky parts--trying to make sure they are the best they can be. Imagine Rain and Mountain and Cirrus working together to figure out rhythm. Spending hours making sure the back bone of every single song is sturdy. I feel like, even when they're not working on it--they're working on it. All of them. Each of them bringing different little pieces that came to them at the most random times into the mix to create incredible songs they know their fans will adore. I just love actual musician ghouls so much.
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