#some crossover nonsense
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salendola · 2 years ago
I don't think I've ever put all my terrible "Borderlands 3 meets Monty Python" stuff up here, have I. Well, now I have.
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ryoalouette · 8 months ago
You know....
Usually when we get memes that we DON'T know the sauce, it's easy enough to ask around where the sauce is. And while we might not know the sauce, the context can be understood well enuff. It's dem vibes, you see.
And when we mix it with DP x DC (or DP x any crossover, really)- well. Can you imagine just how Somewhat Annoying is, when Amity Park is somehow the sauce of so many memes and more than half of it everyone outside Amity Park can make no sense about the meme that they can't really adopt it for themselves.
Enter hero/villain/some traveler who likes dem memes but would like to investigate more about those memes so that they can actually use dem memes coz without context they legit can't understand.
Coz see, Infinite Realms. Enough said.
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72stars · 6 months ago
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a day or two ago I didn’t have the energy to work on model sheets/anything else I should ostensibly be working on but still wanted to draw, so I started a doodle of my current top 5 4 DC faves in new couldn’t-decide-between-actual-costumes costumes since I realized it’s been about a year since I got back into Marvel comics & got into DC comics proper. that said, the list hasn’t really changed since last time I drew them, but at least Bruce gets to actually show up in the picture this time?
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voydcat · 9 months ago
So I have an unhealthy habit of pondering possible guest characters for the Mortal Kombat series, just thinking of who’d be fun to play as, who’d be fun to beat into salsa, and who’d be fun to see interacting with our favorite guys and gals in the Realms. Conveniently, I have enough for a fighter pass!
Denji (Chainsaw Man)
Doom Slayer (DOOM)
Frank Horrigan (Fallout)
Kratos (God of War: Ragnarok)
Sebastian Yarrick (Warhammer 40,000)
Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year ago
happy day 3 of tumblr not allowing me to post comics everybody🎉
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 months ago
-debby ryans at you- how are you feeling about that thunderbolts* trailer, snookums. your old blog is trying to crawl from its grave.
you are an unhinged rat for sending me this ask i hope you know <3 you already knew that but i'm telling you anyway bc you're a rat bc now i have to explain myself-
this is from @eebuckley my partner <3 i've alluded to it in the tags of this blog but i used to be a semi-popular MCU blogger from like 2018 to 2020. (semi-popular for the ship i wrote, anyway) and since like, probably Infinity War/Endgame i have been slowly more and more disillusioned by the MCU ranging from only passively being interested in projects to outright despising them if i saw them. which sort of sucks, given how much i loved the MCU at it's height. i was like. aggressively into it. like a "i had asthma attacks watching trailers bc i got so excited" level of into it. maybe cringey in hindsight, honestly but yk. whatever brings you joy, ig.
and anyway- my partner witnessed my very real and normal reaction to the Thunderbolts* trailer and now i'm *mad* bc i'm actually excited about it. it made me feel about the MCU a way i haven't felt in years, especially after a lot of announcements that rlly pissed me off.
cannot believe it looks like we might actually get a comics-accurate Yelena and a comics-accurate Bucky. i'm such a sucker for Bucky Barnes, he's one of the only Marvel characters i actually read Marve comics for and i'm forever bitter how badly he got screwed over. if that movie is good i'm going to end up writing fanfiction. probably crossover fanfiction bc over my dead body will i write just plain MCU fanfic. and i'm a Jason Todd/Bucky shipper anyway so i could make it work, i think-
anyway TLDR is i'm excited and i'm mad about it and how dare yo expose me for being an MCU fan on THIS blog. you coulda send this ask to my MCU blog that still exists and i have occasionally used. but instead you *exposed* my ass on my refined DC blog as a filthy Marvel fan. i will be divorcing you again. ty gn ily
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stunt-lads · 7 months ago
Pros of being a writer: I can write whatever I want forever
Cons of being a writer: I have to write whatever I want forever
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why-is-it-always-autumn · 1 year ago
The problem with big fandoms (using "problem" in a very loose sense here) is that it's really hard to stumble across the weird niche undertagged stuff when its being buried in five million coffee shop/royalty/high school/soulmate aus. If there are 150 works in the tag total you can look through very quickly and find anything that appeals to you. When there are over a million it is much harder to do that.
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stringless-arthur · 1 year ago
(shuts the computer after the norris statement from tmagp1 finished playing) and here's how parker yang malevolent can still win
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swedebeast · 1 year ago
Current discussion on Discord: Star Trek Holodeck episode - LOTR
No media past the 1950's survived in Star Trek, hence why everyone is Sherlock Holmes for the billionth time in the Holodecks.
LOTR tho'
Now we got Worf as Aragorn (or Gimli), Picard as Gandalf, Bercley as Legolas, and Data/Geordi as Frodo/Sam or Sam/Frodo.
And for Merry and Pippin? Fucking... Riker has to be the shithead Pippin. Who else... who else..
Riker and Guinan as fucking Merry and Pippin.
And and then Moriarity just so happens make a return and he can play as Saruman (he's loving it).
Guest appearance in the Holodeck series is Troi as Galadriel.
Everyone starts arguing that Worf should be Gimli, but I think it is funnier to imagine the gang discussing who plays who, Riker says as a joke Worf should be Aragorn. Worf is not sold on it. Troi joins in. Then Geordi. Data thinks it would be an excellent idea.
Worf remains unconvinced. Hardcut to him as Strider, brooding in the corner at the Prancing Pony.
Someone mentions DS9's, and Rom's girlfriend Leanne shows up briefly as Arwen, laying down heavy flirting as she gets in character. Whoever plays Aragorn is uncomfortable (Worf becomes more uncomfortable).
Then Sisko becomes Theoden, Garak as Denethor, and Gul Dukat as the Mouth of Sauron and he gets cut because no one can stand the guy.
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slashernipples · 1 year ago
In me heart, Killer Frequency has like, 8 movies, 2 failed reboots, and a tv miniseries.
#the second movie sees henry tryign to somewhat adjust af6er marie stepped off whistling point.#He pulls an axel and ends up killing a buncha cops and shit to avenge marie#movie 3 sees marie return a la ft13 part 6. its very sexy. they go on a murder spree again and marie walks off into the mosty woods#while henry ia shot and left for dead.#movie 4 is full of red herrings and a mysterious figure turns out to be henry after he survived the shot. the duo reunite#movie 5 is the copycat killer thay is ultimately offed by marie and henry. henry is killed for real. undead marie is distraught#she goes on a rampage and gets exploded. the town thinks its all finally over#but henrys hand rises from a shallow grave in a post credits scene#movie 6 henry rolls up to exact revenge for his mom AGAIN this is probably where some of the kills have a sense of humour to them#movie 7 is the obligatory Whistling Man In Space movie. henry has been played by a wwe wrestler since movie 6#he shows.significant decay but turns out the alien nonsense suddenly made him powerful and idk brings back marie Again probably.#movie 8 was the crossover event slasher royale movie. marie and henry have an upper hand and emerge victorious.#the first reboot attempted to be super gritty and replaces forrest and peggy with college students with a campus radio program.#it was terribly received.#the second reboot attempted to place the focus on henry and made him the main murderer while saying he was possessed by a demon#this was one is widely considered to be the worst in the franchise.#the miniseries is a retelling of the original and is faithful to the source#its well appreciated for it even if critics said it was unimaginitive. the fans liked it bc it was clearly made for the fans.#why the FUCK have I put all these in the notes.#killer frequency#send help im so brain dill about this
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olddirtybadfic · 10 months ago
oh oh another one
(reposted here because I think this is too good to be attached to that insane oldfic I posted)
I have this theory that the Warner siblings are Set animals (like from ancient Egyptian lore), so the rules of mere mortals don't apply to them. One of Set's many domains is disorder and chaos, so I think it checks out.
Or, maybe they're the offspring of Set (conceived while he was in his animal form, so that's why they resemble Set animals) and the Hounds of Tindalos. That's why they have to be kept in the round Warner Brothers Tower--there are no corners through which they can escape (but they've found other ways of getting out).
But they're not malicious like the Hounds are said to be; they're just a little mischievous.
Or maybe there's some Fair Folk in there too, I don't know.
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athofear · 1 year ago
i’m not cooking. i never cook. i can’t cook. i’m not cooking. i’m not
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always-a-joyful-note · 1 year ago
Oh since youre a link click fan. Do you know about the 2 collabs they had with enstars?
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I SAW THAT. Well, the crossover. Not those cards, which are SO pretty (look at the all the beautiful ART! That lighting, man!!)!
That might have been one of the few things that convinced me to stay, actually. Looking through the wiki's global events page just to see a list of stuff that wasn't impossibly long and then almost dying with mad laughter because somehow these two medias that couldn't be more different got a crossover
I mean, respect but talk about unexpected. XD
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aecholapis · 1 year ago
Helios in Astral Chain as a Neuron transport helicopter *eyes emoji*
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spacedoutwitch · 2 years ago
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I have more relevant art ideas for The Owl House in mind, but while I work on those, have the continuation of my crusade to put The Distortion in doors where The Distortion does not belong.  The original idea for this was a bit lengthier and occurred later in the TOH timeline, but I couldn't envision it well enough to just start going, so I scripted it out, and then it turned out way longer and also way more emotionally intense than I anticipated.  I am considering putting that somewhere on the internet, but it doesn't really go anywhere, so... ????
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