just another guy
759 posts
main blog, rain world oriented, chronic shipper. requests welcome :) i like candycane and bloodmoon, as well as various other 3 slug ships. don’t ask me about any of them i’m insane
Last active 3 hours ago
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athofear · 7 days ago
Help us escape from Gaza and find a safe haven, I am ahmed ,we have lost everything, our home, our work and some of our loved ones, my only dream and hope is to save my family and find a safer place, please donate and share, every bit of help brings us closer to hope and finding a decent life, your donation is the key to hope for those who have lost everything, thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have given to me and my family and I wish you happiness and a beautiful life 🌹🙏
£12,032/30,000 raised so far let's keep this going!
Vetted by 90-ghost and Nabulsi
Donation link
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athofear · 8 days ago
Raneen’s son had a successful surgery, however he needs weekly medicine. Donation info is in the linked post - it costs $100 every week by Thursday. If you don’t feel comfortable giving to my PayPal - which I totally understand - here is the GoFundMe
If you do give to my PayPal and want proof that I gave the money to Raneen, reply in the notes and I will DM the proof to you. I only give PayPal as an option because then the money will go to Raneen faster.
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athofear · 10 days ago
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little messenger
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athofear · 12 days ago
Please don't skip it !!🇵🇸🍉
My little son Bahaa I can't believe what happened How will I tell him that he lost his room, his toys and his new bag.. How will I tell him that I tried to search under the rubble for the remains of his toys that he dreams of returning home to play with... Bahaa is 5 years old How will he understand all this.. He loves playing, writing and drawing Now he has no home, no playroom, no writing, no drawing, no education... I want to register Bahaa in a kindergarten so that he can write, draw and play again... He needs new clothes and a bag, notebooks, pens and drawings for the kindergarten in order to register him Help Bahaa
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Here is my campaign link:
Any small donation can make a difference 🍉
If you can't donate, sharing our story will help us
Thank you so much for any support you can provide 💖.🌹
✅ Verified in the official list by @gaza-evacuation-funds
✅ Verified in the official list by @90-ghost
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athofear · 18 days ago
🔴from chemistry teacher to Homeless pregnant and her family
🟢To the Tumblr community
•The war has ended, but the suffering continues.
•I will spend the remaining months of my pregnancy🤱 enduring the same hardships. Do
•We are still living in tents🥺 on the streets
•no homes, no jobs, and no clean water.😥
•We have no source of income, as our workplaces have been destroyed.😔
€10 can make a difference❣️ 🙏
🛑💵No donation last 3 days👈
✅#am vetted
€8,851/40,000 raised so far let's keep this going!
Donation link
Vetted by Gazaevacuationfunds here
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athofear · 19 days ago
Hanan asked me to write a post about her suffering so that people might donate. @hananfamily7
read her post here
Vetted by @gazavetters, #152 on their verified list ✅
Vetted by @90-ghost here ✅
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For the past 16 months, she and her family have been struggling to get healthy food and medicine for not only her and her husband, but their sick child and comatose elderly mother who almost died from anemia. Prices have risen over tenfold in gaza so they can’t access healthy food to prevent such sicknesses. Just a bag of flour is $300, and that’s mostly what they’ve been eating.
After the ceasefire donations have declined significantly, people likely thinking they don’t need them anymore, but nothing could be further than the truth. They’ve starved and frozen, only to return to their beloved home and find it a pile of rubble. Even if the bombs didn’t take their lives, they took so much more.
Their campaign has only raised $14,100 USD of their $30,000 goal
She and her husband are not used to asking for help, before the genocide hit them they’d graduated college and worked decent jobs, like Hanan was a child psychologist, but now donations are their only source of income, so they’ve been unable to get even the most basic necessities.
Now they even face the threat of Trump, who has vowed to help Israel wipe out Palestine.
They desperately need any help they can get, so they can continue to survive, and eventually escape Gaza to safety. No one of us can stop this genocide, but donating can at least save her family. I personally wasn’t able to donate, as I don’t even have a credit card, so they NEED other people to care.
The donations they’ve gotten have thankfully kept them fed and helped buy some other necessities, but they continue to need help affording these.
Share, reblog, repost, whatever to get it to someone who can donate, and hopefully donate yourself. They need it.
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Their GoFundMe is
And their PayPal is
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athofear · 24 days ago
No one’s donated to Shahed’s campaign in 11 days, please consider donating below. At least share her campaign so she regains momentum
Her journey so far is documented on her blogs @shahdhatem / @shahddmosa , you can also find endorsements from Nairuz there.
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athofear · 28 days ago
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No one wants to leave the country they grew up in, but news like this shows how difficult it is to live in Gaza with homes, schools and hospitals destroyed.
So I hope you can help me evacuate my family from Gaza so that my father can get treatment abroad. I beg everyone who sees this to either donate or participate so that we can get out of this nightmare.
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athofear · 28 days ago
Imagine giving everything you have to protect and provide for your loved ones, only to have war rip it all away, leaving you with nothing but a tent and the hope to rebuild.
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Images: Hossam and his children before and after the start of the conflict.
Story written by @visionsofaselfmademan
This is heartbreaking reality for Hossam Al-Qazzaz and his family in Gaza. A hardworking father of four, Hossam lost his home and his job due to relentless bombardments. Now, he, his wife Hanan, and their four children—Bashar (9), Hani (8), Diana (4), and 3-month-old Habiba—live in a makeshift tent next to the ruins of their former home. The family’s struggle is compounded by war-induced poverty, deteriorating health, and the inability to afford basic necessities like food, clothing, or even milk and diapers for little Habiba, who was born during the war.
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Image: Habiba, only a few months old, was born in the midst of the conflict. Her family struggles to provide milk and diapers for her due to mass shortages caused by the war.
The pressure of Hossam's responsibilities goes beyond his children. He also cares for his elderly parents, aged 75 and 72, both of whom are in poor health. His father suffers from severe burns and requires urgent medical treatment, while his mother battles high blood pressure and needs constant care. Despite his determination, Hussam is unable to meet these overwhelming needs on his own.
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Image: Hossam's elderly father, who was severely burned in occupation bombings and requires extensive medical care.
The family dreams of building a modest, safe home to shield them from the harsh elements and protect them from further dangers. They are not asking for much—just the chance to live in dignity and provide their children with a future.
However, the funds they’ve managed to raise so far amount to only €2,280, which is far from enough to meet their basic needs or realize their dream of stability.
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Image: Despite tireless efforts, Hossam's GoFundMe campaign has only managed to raise €2,280—a mere 4% of their overall goal.
Hossam's plea is simple yet urgent: help them secure food, clothes, and medical care for their children and elderly parents. Every small donation—no matter how modest—has the power to change their lives. Prices for essentials like rice and cooking gas have skyrocketed, leaving them struggling to prepare even the simplest meals.
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Image: Widespread food shortages have made providing food for his family a daily struggle for Hossam.
"All we want is to live in dignity," Hossam writes.
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Image: with no other way to cook meals, the Al-Qazzaz family uses a fire...but even simple items like cooking gas are exorbitantly expensive.
Help Hossam and his family today by donating or sharing his family's story. Your support can help ensure that Hossam’s family doesn’t just survive, but begins to rebuild a life of safety and hope.
Together, we can provide the support they desperately need to weather this unimaginable crisis.
You can donate to Hossam's GoFundMe page [HERE].
Hossam's campaign has been vetted by @gazavetters and is (#287) on their list of verified campaigns.
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athofear · 1 month ago
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People waiting the IDf to withdraw from the Rashid Street to back to their homes in the North.
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athofear · 1 month ago
Imagine standing in line under the scorching sun, clutching an empty water jug, knowing it will take hours before you can fill it with the bare minimum to survive.
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Story written by @visionsofaselfmademan
This is the harsh reality for Amany Ayyad and their family, who have been displaced by war and forced into a life of unimaginable hardship. Their once-stable home was reduced to ashes, leaving them to seek shelter in a fragile tent that offers no safety from the elements or the violence surrounding them.
Amany's story is one of resilience in the face of relentless adversity. When the war began, it stripped their family of everything they held dear—food, shelter, and the simple joys of life. Now, each day is a battle for survival. Basic necessities like cooking gas, hygiene essentials, and even bread have become rare luxuries. Preparing a small meal feels like a miracle, as bakeries remain inaccessible, and supplies are scarce.
The war has stolen more than just material possessions; it has robbed the Ayyad children of their dreams and ambitions. Where there was once laughter, there is now silence filled with worry and fear. Amany speaks of waiting in endless lines just for water, and the haunting difficulty of burying loved ones because there is no space left for the dead. Every moment is a reminder of how their world has been upended.
Despite the overwhelming challenges, Amany continues to hope for a better future. Their GoFundMe campaign seeks to raise funds to evacuate their family to safety and peace, far from the destruction and despair that now define their lives. With your help—whether through donations or by sharing their story—they can begin to rebuild and find solace in a world that feels so far out of reach.
You can donate to Amany’s GoFundMe [HERE].
This campaign has been vetted by @gazavetters, and is (#289) on their list of verified campaigns.
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athofear · 1 month ago
Imagine your newborn baby taking their first breaths in a world filled with uncertainty, conflict, and hardship.
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Images: (Top) Ahmed's destroyed home. (Bottom) A photo of Ahmed's older children, taken prior to the conflict.
Story written by @visionsofaselfmademan
This is heartbreaking reality for Ahmed Abu Saada and his family, who have endured unimaginable loss and suffering during the ongoing crisis in Gaza.
Ahmed, his wife Nour, and their four young children—Batool, Aseel, Bahaa, and Leen—lost their home to the relentless bombardment. Forced to flee their neighborhood, they now live in a makeshift tent that offers little protection from the biting cold of winter or the scorching summer heat. Nights are filled with fear, as Ahmed’s children wake up screaming at the sound of explosions, their tiny hands pressed over their ears to block out the horror.
In the chaos, Ahmed’s family lost not only their shelter but their livelihood. With no steady source of income, they face the daily struggle to meet basic needs—food, water, medicine, and clothing. The toll on their physical and emotional well-being is immense. Ahmed’s wife and newborn baby need medical care, but the skyrocketing prices in Gaza make it nearly impossible to afford even the essentials.
Despite his hardships, Ahmed’s resilience shines through. He has launched a fundraising campaign, determined to provide his family with safety, security, and a chance at a better future. The funds will go toward essential needs, transportation to safer areas, and rebuilding a life for his family.
Every contribution, no matter how small, can bring hope and relief to Ahmed and his loved ones. By donating or sharing their story, you can help ensure that Ahmed’s children grow up in a world where they no longer have to live in fear. Together, we can make a difference and restore dignity to a family who has lost so much.
You can donate to Ahmed's GoFundMe [HERE].
Ahmed's campaign has been vetted by @gaza-evacuation-funds and @90-ghost.
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athofear · 1 month ago
🌍✨ A Voice from Gaza: Fighting for Hope ❤️‍🩹
Hi, my name is Mosab , and I’m from Gaza. Life here has been harder than I could ever imagine, but today I’m sharing my story with hope in my heart, because your kindness has already given us so much strength.
This journey hasn’t been easy. The war has taken 25 family members from us—25 beautiful souls we loved deeply. Their laughter, their presence, their love… all of it is gone, leaving behind memories that are both precious and painful. Every day, I carry the weight of their loss, but I also carry their spirit, which gives me the strength to keep going.
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Our Journey So Far When I first reached out, I couldn’t have imagined we’d make it this far. Thanks to your incredible kindness, we’ve reached 19,800 out of 30,000. Your support has been a light in these difficult times, and we are so deeply grateful for every single contribution.
But the road ahead is still challenging. Every day, we’re reminded of how much we’ve lost and how much we still need to rebuild.
Here’s what life in Gaza looks like for my family right now: 🏠 Safety: The uncertainty of tomorrow weighs heavily on us. 😢 Loss: The absence of the 25 family members we’ve lost is a pain we carry every moment. 💔 Dreams on Hold: The future feels so far away when survival takes all our strength.
How You Can Help Us Cross the Finish Line Even the smallest act of kindness can make a difference:
$5 might not seem like much, but it could mean a meal, clean water, or a tiny bit of hope for my family.
Can’t donate? Reblog this post to help us reach someone who can. Every share matters more than you know.
Why Your Support Matters Your kindness isn’t just about helping us meet our goal—it’s about reminding us that we’re not alone in this fight. It’s about hope. It’s about survival. And it’s about giving my family a chance to rebuild our lives, even in the face of unimaginable loss.
Thank you for helping us get this far. Your generosity and compassion have already brought us closer to a better tomorrow, and for that, I’m endlessly grateful.
With all my love and gratitude, Mosab and Family ❤️
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athofear · 1 month ago
🚨 A Voice from Gaza: Please Hear Us 🚨
My name is Abdelmajed Elderawi, and I am writing to you from Gaza, where life has become an unimaginable struggle. Our days are filled with uncertainty, and the hope for a better future feels like a distant dream.
The war has left deep scars on my family and me. We’ve endured the heartbreaking loss of 25 loved ones—each one a light extinguished too soon. Their absence is a pain I carry every day, and I often find myself lost in memories of the laughter and joy they brought into our lives.
Life in Gaza Today: 💔 Overwhelming Loss: The pain of losing so many family members is impossible to describe. 🍽️ Barely Getting By: Even basic necessities like food and water are becoming harder to afford. 🏠 No Safe Shelter: Our homes, once our refuge, now feel fragile and unsafe. 📚 Dreams on Hold: The pursuit of education and opportunities has been replaced by the constant fight for survival.
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What We Need: In these desperate times, even a small gesture can mean so much. A $5 donation could provide us with food or water for a day. If you can’t donate, simply sharing our story could help us reach someone who can.
Your Support Gives Us Hope: This isn’t just about financial help—it’s about knowing that someone, somewhere, cares. Your kindness can be a source of strength for us, a reminder that we’re not alone in this fight.
How You Can Help: 🙏 Donate if you can. 🙏 Share this post to spread the word. 🙏 Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
I’m not asking for much—just a little hope, a little relief, and a chance to keep moving forward. Your generosity, in any form, can make a difference in ways you might not even imagine.
Thank you for taking the time to hear my story. Your kindness means more than words can express.
With heartfelt gratitude, Abdelmajed ❤️
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athofear · 1 month ago
Today I am asking you for support to fulfill my dream of continuing my education and securing a better future. I am suffering from difficult circumstances in Gaza which make it difficult for me to achieve my educational goals. I have been given a golden opportunity to study outside Gaza, but I am facing difficulty in securing travel expenses and tuition fees💔🥺
I hope to be able to count on your support and donations to make this dream come true. Any contribution, no matter how small, will help me cover my travel expenses and continue my education. Thank you for your generosity and continued support. With your kind hearts, I can build a better future for myself and my family.🥺🙏
my campaing vetted by:
@dirhwangdaseul @b0nkcreat @tamamita @chokulit @3000s @apas-95 @pitbolshevik @ot3 @punkitt-is-here @vampiricvenus @turtletoria @paper-mario-wiki @valtsv @omegaversereloaded @i-am-a-fish @catsgifsarefun @spongebobssquarepants @postanagramgenerator @feluka @nyancrimew @90-ghost @beserkerjewel @neechees @memingursa @certifiedsexed @afro-elf @11thsense @sawasawako @spacebeyonce @skipppppy @beetledrink @fools-and-perverts2 @dailyquests @evillesbianvillain @wolfertinger666 @taffybuns @ankle-beez @sabertoothwalrus @meshugenist @isuggestforcefem @hotvampireadjacent @marxism-transgenderism
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athofear · 1 month ago
Stop and watch and don't skip please.🤚🏼❌❌
Watch our suffering every day in the winter and the wind.. Imagine yourself and your children living that tragedy and you can't do anything 😟😓
This is a point of the tragedy that we live every day...
we are hungry🍞🫓
we are feeling very cold🥶🥶
We feel fear and death that haunts us every moment.🥹😟
Please help me raise funds to get to safety. Please don't abandon me.🤍🙏🏼🤍
You can do it..your donation is the reason my children survive 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Verified : @nabulsi @90-ghost @northgazaupdates2 @neechees
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athofear · 1 month ago
Hey please please listen this is important!!!!
Siraj Abudayeh's ( @siraj2024 ) fundraiser got nuked by gfm again and their reasoning was an ambiguous violating prohibited policies. Like that's it. No communication on why, and how has been made and this too after the organizer sent them all required documents: IDs and other important documents of all of the 24 family members. Imagine! All this to prove that yes everyone needs help and the shit website nuked the campaign. Anyway point is Siraj now has a chuffed . Please please donate and boost his campaign. And please remember that you will be getting your refunds from gofundme in 3-7 days. Please consider sending the donations back to Siraj. In this new campaign he lost about 3k.
Please if you see this do not hesitate to donate and boost.
Siraj is on #219 of nabulsi and Hussein's list of vetted gfms.
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