#software assistant au
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[RUS] Могли бы вы отобразить своих персонажей в версии других АУ, если таковы есть?
[ENG] Could you show your characters in other AU versions if there are any?
Sorry, I don't know what language it would be better to write to you in'''
(Translation into English will be at the end ->[...])
Ох, знаете... У меня мало таких, но если брать к примеру одного, кого чаще всего в принуждают пойти в какую-то АУ (там чаще мои, так как в АУ других мне стыдно...хотя и есть 1 вариант с ТТ) [Oh, you know... I don't have many of those, but if you take one for example, who is most often forced to go to some AU (there are often mine, since in the AU of others I feel ashamed... although there is 1 option with TT) ]
Поэтому... Есть только он. И да, я забыл что в Virus AU он отдельная личность, а не одно и тоже''' [So... There is only him. And yes, I forgot that in Virus AU he is a separate person, and not one and the same''']
Надеюсь меня не прибьют за 4↔️5 (одно и тоже-). Ну ааа... Я не знаю что можно ещё добавить [I hope I won't get killed for 4↔️5 (same thing-). Well, aaa... I don't know what else to add]
#sugary spire#sugary spire au#sugary spire oc#Communal apartment AU#software assistant au#[I'm sorry I'm afraid to point this out]#secret history#sonic fandom#virus au#TheFrog#fir#firfirov#answered#questions and answers
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If you count all your Brunos (even, for example, the "fan" ones), then how many of them will there be in number?
Just by looking and reading one of the posts it becomes clear that this is not all
Oh f- ahem... / Ох е- кхем...
Well... Okay, but I'll write them as a list and without crossing AUs, otherwise it'll be a mess / Что же... Хорошо, только я их списком напишу и то без скрещиваний АУ, а то выйдет бардак
Ahem... I think I'll also indicate surnames, I don't know why (not everyone) / Кхем... Думаю фамилии ещё укажу, не знаю зачем (не всех)
Bruno [Spaghetti] / Бруно [Спагетти] (Pizza Tower)
Mr. Bruno [Spaghetti/Fettuccine] / Мр. Бруно [Спагетти/Феттучини (Pizza Tower AU)
The Frog [Creampuff] / Фрог [Креампафф] (Sugary Spire)
Evan [Spaghetti] / Эван [Спагетти] (Evil AU)
DT!Bruno / DT!Бруно (Divine Tower)
Pruno / Пруно (Piss Towel(AU)
Xen/ Ксен (exe AU(Xenophanes))
CT!Bruno / CT!Бруно (Cloud Tower(Not officially/Fan) {AU belongs to @/alextydaisuda123})
SOTW!Bruno / SOTW!Бруно (Secrets Of The World)
Pilot!Bruno / Pilot!Бруно (??? Tower (Coming Soon...))
Psycho!Bruno / Psycho!Бруно (Psycho Tower (Coming Soon...))
Horror!Bruno / Horror!Бруно (???(Coming Soon...))
Borya [Vermicelli] / Боря [Вермишель] (Communal apartment AU)
Rounb (Android assistant) / Роунб (ассистент Андроид) (Software Assistant AU)
Swap!Bruno [Spaghetti] (it's no different from the usual one, except that it's not fake:/) / Swap!Бруно [Спагетти] (ничем от обычного не отличается, кроме того что он не фейк:/) (Swap AU)
...damn...I forgot what other ones were without crossbreeding aaa- / ...черт...я забыл какие ещё без скрещиваний были ааа-
Ahem. Okay then I'll have to write some of the main ones in other AUs, because there are some. / Кхем. Ладно тогда придётся некоторых основных в иных АУ прописать, ибо такие есть.
Bruno [Spaghetti] / Бруно [Спагетти]:
Children AU (10 years/made Fake/carefree frog)
Virus AU(Not infected/Fake/attentive)
Evan [Spaghetti] / Эван [Спагетти]:
Children AU (10 years/made Fake/gluttonous frog)
Variations in which just was (not all)⬇️ / Вариации в которых просто был(не все)⬇️
Communal apartment AU [Erwin Fravel / Эрвин Фравель] (Sinister/dark humor/idiot)
The Frog [Creampuff] / Фрог [Креампафф]:
Children AU (10 years/an insecure child/timid)
Virus AU (Bitten (infected)/for now he's in control of himself/restrained)
Evil AU (Sugary Spire Evil) (Wanted/human..?/look around more often)
Variations in which just was (not all)⬇️ / Вариации в которых просто был(не все)⬇️
Communal apartment AU [Felix Sladkov / Феликс Сладков] (Camouflage clothing/fluffy hair/own aces up your sleeve)
Software Assistant AU [???] (WHAT KIND OF BLUE BEE IS THIS-/honeycomb(Android)/glows)
I didn't remember anything else (or I just didn't remember) / Больше я не вспомнил (или просто не стал вспоминать)
Maybe if I remember, I'll add it / Может если вспомню, то добавлю
But in fact 15, with the addition of variations it will be 21, and if you take everything, then... 24- / Но по факту 15, с дополнением вариации выйдет 21, а если все брать, то... 24-
I also have some AUs in common with one of my friends, although we are not currently working on them, but they exist (although I continue to think about them) / Ещё и некоторые АУ общие с одним моим другом, хотя сейчас как-то ими не занимаемся, но они есть(хотя �� продолжаю о них думать)
WHY AM I STILL ASHAMED OF THE WINGED HOLY SHIT- (I have the Cloud Tower AU by @/alextydaisuda123... I don't remember how long it's been, but I'm constantly ashamed of him...aaa) / ПОЧЕМУ МНЕ ВСЁ ЕЩЁ СТЫДНО ЗА КРЫЛАТОГО ЕМАЁ- (я имею АУ Cloud Tower от @/alextydaisuda123... Я не помню уже сколько прошло, но мне постоянно стыдно за него...ааа)
#BV!Admin#The Lost Dimension#BRUNOVERSE#pizza tower#pizza tower au#pizza tower oc#pizza tower bruno#sugary spire#sugary spire au#sugary spire oc#evil au#evil bruno#divine tower#piss towel#exe au#cloud tower#crossbreeding#secrets of the world#psycho tower#analog horror#communal apartment au#software assistant au#swap au#children au#virus au#sugary spire evil
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Happy Batman day! Went back and finished the last batch of the MLP AU I had sketched way back in May.
Part 1, Part 2
More info under the cut!
Enigma/The Riddler (Edward Nygma)
Intelligence and puzzle-solving are deeply valued among sphinxes, and those who fall short of their standards are often ridiculed and cast out. Among some (prejudiced) Sphinxes, other sapient, non-Sphinx species such as ponies are looked down-upon or seen as fundamentally inferior for not putting as much stock in puzzles and the like as sphinxes do.
Enigma, though considered a prodigy for his remarkable intelligence and skill with puzzles even among his fellow Sphinxes, was ostracized when a pony unfamiliar with Sphinx culture (a younger Sundown traveling Equestria for his training), humiliated Enigma by unraveling a puzzle of his that was meant to be judged as his final submission in a prestigious event, permanently staining his reputation and wounding his massive ego.
After years of quiet ridicule from his peers and his own growing obsession over the event, Enigma eventually snapped and fled to Gotham for revenge. His contempt has since spread far beyond that of the original pony he wished to prove his superiority over, and he now makes all of Gotham the target of his obsessive schemes, constantly trying to prove his superiority and feed his ego by putting ponies through his elaborate puzzles and riddle-based traps. He sees Batpony’s skill and determination in foiling him as both an inherent challenge to and a slight against his own abilities, reminding him far too much of that original pony from so long ago.
Other notes:
-Apparently sphinxes in MLP have pony heads instead of human heads which makes sense I guess but it threw me through such a loop man.
-Whilst traversing the wiki I ended up with the same problem I had with chimeras in the first post where only one ever shows up in the series and there's no other info on them. So I made stuff up again.
- I imagine Sphinxes live a very long time, so the event Enigma was embarrassed at would probably take a long time to roll around again and he'd be forced to stew with his anger and wounded ego for far too long. I'm not sure what the puzzle was exactly or how Sundown dismantled it, but I imagine he did something extremely simple that a Sphinx would never have thought of (a la that software engineering joke), making it feel far more unfair and humiliating than if he'd solved in the intended way.
-His naturally crooked tail settles into the shape of a question mark, and the pattern on his arm is meant to look like a stylized question mark wrapping around his forearm (the "dot" is the white of his paw).
2. Miss Friday (Miss Tuesday)
Enigma’s teenaged assistant, Miss Friday seems to be the only pony the sphinx enjoys (or perhaps simply tolerates) the company of. Beyond her having met Enigma in Tartarus during their simultaneous imprisonments, the exact origins of her relationship to and exceptional status with her boss are a bit of a riddle in of themselves. Regardless, the two seem to have something of a mutual understanding, and Miss Friday’s mental prowess and dubious moral code are more than a match for Enigma’s own.
Other Notes:
-Yes this is a "The horse's name was Friday" joke. I'm sorry it was just too good to pass up.
-Miss Tuesday already sounded like a MLP name, but the horse named Friday thing was just too perfect for somebody who works under a guy who's whole thing is riddles. Also I relistened to the BTAA episode where she's introduced while coloring her and I noticed they reference His Girl Friday several times, so fun coincidence?
-The candy-striped leg patterns are based on her canon costume's striped pants & are meant to mirror the Riddler's wrapped leg pattern. The dark patterns on her face are supposed to be reminiscent of eye bags.
3. Mania (Bat-Mite)
Bat-Pony’s self-proclaimed biggest fan, Mania is a Draconequus embodying the spirit of obsession. Normally he watches the hero from his own dimension, but at times he tries to insert himself into the narrative or help Sundown fight, both to varying degrees of success. Though he genuinely adores Bat-Pony, Mania is usually more of a hindrance than a help, and can even be directly antagonistic at times when his obsession goes too far.
Other notes:
-Similar issue to Chimeras and Sphinxes, only two Draconequuses (Draconequui?) show up in the series, one being Discord (embodying chaos), the other being a comics-only villain known as Cosmos (embodying malice), but honestly what little we're given worked super well for the character anyway. Discord seems to come from his own unique plane of existence/dimension and Cosmos has similarly strange origins; both have penchants for causing mischief with incredible reality-warping powers; and both embody non-physical concepts. Bat-Mite being a reality warping 5th dimensional creature obsessed with Batman was surprisingly easy to adapt.
-He has the head of a pony, a ferret-like body, two front rat paws, mite antennae, an insectoid wing, a bat wing, a pigeon foot, a chevrotain (mouse deer) foot, and a monkey tail. I tried to have him mostly made up of animals that were very small, seen as mischievous, and/or seen as pests.
4. Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley)
Said to be more plant than pony, Poison Ivy is the self-proclaimed princess of the Green. Though once a regular Earth pony, she began to spiral after receiving her cutie mark and fully coming into her powerful natural attunement to plant life. Fleeing into the nearby forests on the outskirts of Gotham, she wasn’t seen again until many years later when Gotham’s city refurbishment and expansion efforts began to encroach on the forests borders, where she reemerged with strange new powerful magic and retaliated violently.
Though she isn’t recognized politically or physically as an alicorn, plants grow from the flesh of her body in the pattern of a horn and wings characteristic of those born into or bestowed with royalty, and the strange natural magic that accompanies them seems to almost rival that of a true alicorn’s.
Other notes:
-I dont really have anything to add to this one I just thought a false alicorn would be a cool concept.
-the whole alicorn royalty thing is very strange to think about isnt it? I feel like the ruling class having such insane amounts of physical and magical power probably has much more pressing ramifications than ever was, would, or should be addressed in a kids show but they are fun to think about.
-Her actual name is Poison Ivy, yes. It sounded like a pony name. I don't know what that says about her parents.
-The leaf wings are folded down in the graphic but I think they are flighted, or at the very least useful for gliding and expressing emotions.
5. Saltbrine (Oswald Cobblepot)
Short, stout, and flightless, Saltbrine’s moniker of “The Penguin” has its origins in the taunts of his peers from his youth. Though the title has persisted into the current day, it’s often spoken with far more fear and trepidation throughout the alleys and backstreets of Gotham than ridicule. Saltbrine owns two of Gothams most well-known businesses, one being the luxurious, high-class Iceberg Lounge…and the other being the organized crime syndicate the former acts as a front for.
Other notes:
-Again don't have much to add to this one. One of my favorite designs though, I love the giant beak face.
-The bird half is actually based on a puffin, because a penguin felt too on the nose for Oswald and too strange for a hippogriff (I couldn't get the wings or face to look right at all either). I feel like the title being an insult works a little better if he's not literally half-penguin.
-he's the same color my club penguin avatar used to be (RIP)
#my art#digital art#batman#mlp#mlp au#batman au#crossover#mlp fanart#batman fanart#mlp fim#mlp g4#the riddler#edward nygma#miss tuesday#bat-mite#bat mite#poison ivy dc#pamela isley#oswald cobblepot#the penguin dc#my little pony#edward nashton#Batmite
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ エロチックトバー2024> MDNI / EXPLICIT CONTENT
🐙 requested by: Anonymous. Hiii, the theme for the event is a bomb😳Do you write for the Sternitters too? (Bleach). If so, I’d take a Jugram Haschwalth for the airplane sex kink. The gender can be female or gn, I don’t mind. Thanks in advance! ⚠️ tw: mdni. explicit content. modern au. business trip. airplane sex. 🐙 wc: 2.4k // kinktober 24 masterlist // join the taglist
Ah, he has always been next to the general director. He even works more than him. Jugram this, Jugram that. Go here, go there…
“Jugram-sama, I just received an e-“ you inform but get interrupted by him. “I know…” the blonde answers, checking his phone for the third time since you both seated on that plane.
Uncomfortable, both try to get your legs ready for a lot of hours over the clouds. No matter how much you were -the Silbern company- willing to pay, a last-minute flight across the world only had barely two tickets available on economy. Forget first class, not even a single one free on business class.
However, if Yhwach ordered Jugram to do it, he must do it. And you, his assistant, tried your best to find accommodation… took whatever it took.
You keep quiet as his crystalline eyes fix on the screen of one of his six phones. What an amazing beauty this man holds, with manly features but still delicate to be mistaken by an angel… still, he might be the loneliest of them all, by choice perhaps, pushing everybody away…
“Did you pay wifi on board, right? I’ll need it” he utters, as cold as always. As serious as ever.
You nod, searching for a little card with a special code they gave you when you were checking in.
“Here, Jugram-sama” you give it to him, grazing your fingers. He is not really looking at you, he just seems especially glued to the screen.
It doesn’t take much for the plane’s doors to be finally closed and for a flight attendant to reach your spot. A young beautiful woman, dressed in the airline’s sexy uniform, stops right by your side noticing Jugram still on his phone.
“Ah, Sir. Excuse me, we are about to take off, you should put your phone down until we reach cruise alt-“ she says, shutting up the moment the blonde looks at her in a very “not amused” grim.
The immediate change of that woman when seeing his handsome face isn’t something new for you, in fact, the flight attendant didn’t even notice you were also on your phone. She immediately recognize him, acting all silly and flirtatious towards him.
“Sorry. Will shut it off in a moment” Jugram says, blocking his phone and sliding it inside the chest pocket of his white suit.
You do the same, sighing. It’s ok, the flight attendant won’t notice, nor will Jugram. He doesn’t care about you; you are just a mere software that breathes and speaks to help him… or so you think.
“Fasten it. Tight” he suddenly says, bending just a little to reach for your seatbelt and adjust it closer to your lower stomach. And you gasp, when did he ever cared about your safety?
You nod, again. Out of words, even more than always. You can’t say much, you just fix your eyes into the little screen in front of you. Hot ears, hot cheeks… a simple touch of this man, and you are sent to heaven.
And, speaking of heaven, soon and with your ears popping the plane leaves the ground to be finally airborne. In complete silence, the only sounds you are blessed with are the roaring of the engines and the little creeks of the plastic insides of the plane.
Time flies, they say, when you are comfortable… however, this wasn’t exactly the definition of comfort. You tried to squeeze yourself in that tiny seat, as much as possible. Your left elbow carved into the plane’s fuselage wall, and your right arm crossed over your chest. You don’t wanna take Jugram much space, and as much as you wish, you don’t even dare claiming the middle armrest for your own.
“You look uncomfortable, (Name)” he mutters, this time with his eyes scanning a haggard magazine. You have no idea how he does it, but he sees you without looking.
“Not to sound very cocky, but economy nowadays is a torture… we haven’t even left Germany, and my legs are already dead, I wonder if I’ll be able to walk when we get to Japan” you whisper, as the lights of the cabin have already been turned off and some snoring from other passengers filter in between the sound of the engines.
“Try to rest, we will need energy” he simply says, closing the magazine and turning his head to the side. His eyes closed, but his facial muscles still tensed.
When will you rest, Jugram Haschwalth?
Seven hours in, and that water bottle you chugged in while bored, has started to affect you. But how to leave your seat to go to the bathroom, if that would mean crawling on top of Jugram who has finally -incredible to you- fallen asleep?
Yet, your bladder has a limit and after several minutes trying to forget about your necessities, urgence takes over…
Taking a deep breath before starting to move, you stand up. You hit your head with the overhead compartment and swear in silence. Then, facing Jugram, your left leg goes first, passing over his long legs. And just like this, with your hands on each side of his face, on the headrest, your hips seem like straddled on his, even though your crotches aren’t touching.
A soft rocking motion, known as turbulence, seems to complot against you as it becomes a little more noticeable. It obviously affects your balance, but you are not willing to wake this man up, much less with you in such position.
However, Jugram seems to never really rest, and suddenly a pair of hands land on your waist.
“Careful” he whispers, opening two shining stars per eyes. His hands are strong, his hold making you feel secure.
“I’m sorry, I had to go to the toile-“
“You should have asked me to move…” he answers back, helping you to reach the aisle.
You nod, out of words, and quickly run -as best as you can- to the toilet. You can’t normalize your breathing for at least a couple of minutes after you finally relieve yourself and in the mirror in front of you, you try your best to fix your image…
Yet, seems destiny has decided to play with you, once again…
The up and down motions increase, turbulence becoming more and more noticeable, and a flight attendant asking you to hurry and go back to your seat once you’ve managed to leave the restroom.
You grunt; why in the world there isn’t something able to deal with turbulence yet? Grabbing anything, really, while you walk to your very uncomfortable seat, you pray for Jugram not to be asleep.
“Uh, Jugram-sama, I’m ba-!” you try to ask for him to move so you can squeeze back into your seat. But, of course, to make it a lot more shamefully to you, turbulence makes you jump.
The blonde once again snatches you, this time saving you big time not to hurt yourself badly. You get locked in his arms, on top of his lap. Your face close to his, noses almost touching, eyes fixed on each other’s.
“You ok? Did you hurt yourself? Is your head ok?” he asks, touching the back of your head, grabbing you real close to his body, seriously worried.
You nod, finally breathing back.
“I’m ok… thank you for saving me, Jugram-sama” you whisper, letting your forehead rest on his shoulder. You are sure you shouldn’t have done such thing, but you couldn’t help it… it is hella scary to feel like gravity has abandoned you.
“Don’t… worry” he whispers back, allowing you to rest as much as you wish on him. His hand on your head makes it clear, “stay here if you wish”
The scent of his skin, and the sweet perfume he wears, makes you dizzy… what a delicious combination. The warmth of his flesh on your lips, invites you to kiss him… how much you wish you could do it, but just the way the plane moves will have to do, an indirect kiss that can’t be call as it.
And, the more the plane moves, the more you softly jump on his lap. And Jugram seems to tense, more and more… is it that maybe the constant graze of your legs on his crotch, the warm breath of your mouth, or your nose buried on his skin it is making it really difficult for him?
You notice his muscles becoming stiff, and thankful for the darkness surrounding the fuselage, you take a little bit of advantage of the situation… I’m sorry, Jugram-sama, this is a dream came true.
However, common sense comes back to you; “Sorry, Jugram-sama! I’m gonna go back to my seat. I’m sorry...” you try to stand up, but you can’t.
“Stay…” he grunts in your ear, pressing your body, harder, against him. This time you can feel a man’s reaction to a beautiful woman jumping on him…
You look at him; this time your eyes are imbued with lust. You only just needed a plead, a single word… you are just a human, you have been pushed to the limit… You have always wanted him… and apparently, he has always wanted you.
Perhaps a couple of seconds passed, but to you it felt like an eternity. His hand landed on your cheek, with its fingers reaching the back of your head.
In silence, trying to recognize each other’s traits with the soft led lights of the bathroom sign on the back of the plane, you spend some more minutes until he devours you in one kiss.
It is more than magical and also painfully needy; you have no idea if he had been wanting to kiss you since forever, or this is just something out of the blue. And who cares? Kiss me more, Jugram-sama.
Indecently, the kiss become more and more deep, in a full plane, surrounded by strangers… and his hardness keeps growing, as if was searching for your core to go desperately deep inside.
“Toilet, go. Wait for me” he commands in between tongues playing.
You widen your eyes; he wants to fuck you in that tiny bathroom?
“Please…” he adds, again pleading, begging.
You nod, this time biting your lower lip. He helps you; the turbulence continues but has decreased in intensity. You walk to the bathroom in the back, praying for nobody, including the crew, to see you.
Your clearly agitated -and horny- imagery reflects on the mirror of the tiny toilet. You wonder how is Jugram going to manage to get inside without being noticed.
Trust Jugram Haschwalth, he is not only wise, he is rich and the second hand of one of the largest companies in the world…
“Miss, if I give you my number, would you close the bathroom for me and my assistant? She is not feeling well and I will try to help her. Please, contact me soon, we are soon purchasing a private jet, and we will need a flight attendant like you to join us”
“Oh! Of course, Jugram-sama! Thank you!! And please, don’t worry, take all the time you need!”
A sudden knock on the door announces he is here, not even a minute has passed. You open, sticking yourself against the back of the toilet. Amazed you noticed nobody but him around, where are the flight attendants?
There is no time to think, as he gets inside and closes the door right behind him. Pleased with the loud noises of that Boeing 777, he turns you around. Your belly hits the mini counter, Jugram’s hands lowering your bamboula pants.
“I don’t know why you chose to wear these today, but I’m so glad you did” he grunts in your ear, as it was hella easy to lower them down and expose your ass.
You were about to reply it was because of comfort, but it’d be pointless to add anything at all. He lifts your right leg on top of the counter, for better access, feeling your wetness with his free hand.
His chest hits your back, his chin carved on your shoulder, both looking at each other through the mirror.
“I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time… I’m sorry it has to be on a plane’s toilet” he says, smirking.
For a long time, Jugram-sama? Amazed, amused, impressed… the very first time he is showing you a smile and it’s when he has his fingers inside your folds…
“I- I don’t- I don’t care…” you simply answer, because you can’t even think straight; by now, Jugram has started fingering you like nobody else did before.
Your inner thighs tremble, your skin becomes bumpy. Your hand tries to reach for Jugram’s hips, you want him closer -inside-. And he understands his job, immediately.
“You want me to fuck you, mh?” Jugram asks, pinching your cheeks and making you look yourself in front of the mirror.
“yes… please…” you plead, lifting your hips, grabbing yourself from the little counter in front of you. It isn’t easy not to lose balance on such a tiny place, on a plane with occasional turbulence.
Jugram, however, seems not to notice the motion of the plane and keeps both feet steadily on the ground. He lowers his zipper, freeing his sex from his white pants. Ready, so ready to impale you, he doesn’t even take a single moment to do it.
His strong hand lands on your mouth the moment he finally gets deep inside you; a Boeing might be loud, but your moan could have been heard by others.
The slaps against your ass and thighs force you to put your hands on the mirror in front, where both never stopped looking at each other. It is both magical and perverted the way you enjoy this moment through the reflection.
One, two, three. More and more. But is not enough, is not deep enough… “Come here…” he commands, turning you around.
You pant, legs trembling, wanting more and more.
Jugram sits on the toilet and spreads his arms to receive you. And you immediately understand; time to bounce on his hard sex.
You let yourself fall on his lap; the need allows his dick to slide right in with no difficulty whatsoever. Facing your blonde lover snatches your lips in a feverish kiss, his hands press the small of your back against him, and his legs begin to bounce along with you… ah, deep Jugram-sama; deep, fast… faster…
And now turbulence is making it even better, don’t you think?!
Taglist of amazing babes: @awas-posts @missfuriosa @theneighbourhoodferret @cyberdazetragedy @ariesbbytings @animesnowstorm @lenablack9919
#kinktober 2024#jugram haschwalth x reader#bleach#jugram haschwalth#bleach jugram#bleach smut#bleach x reader#bleach x you#bleach x female reader#jugram haschwalth x you#jugram bleach#jugram#kinktober#kinktober 24
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Your Media Demon AU
Imagine Vox in this AU, cancelling himself six ways from Sunday everytime he tries to break into the media scene. His scripts accepted once as one of many, then he tries to re-submit them slightly edited (and to the eyes of Alastor's vigilant assistants and their plagiarism software) reusing old tired content and gets blacklisted.
Maybe the multicultural nature of Hell's media scene and demand for high quality over quantity really throw him off.
Alastor would be thrilled. Vox manages to get one good script in, and thinks, hopes, that he'll become something big— only for him to lose all traction and become a one-hit wonder. This cult leader's ego is crushed. RUINED! Tumbled down into the fiery pit of failure! It's delicious!
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Vox is a businessman, not an artist. His material is bland and cannot compete with Alastor's vision of quality entertainment. And Vox just won't ever truly understand that. Vox is money-oriented. Alastor is passionate about the actual entertainment side of things, and could care less about the money.
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Rock’s AU design is finished, he's got a profile under the cut :)
Rock Light / Mega Man:
Construction Purpose: Rock was built for housework and lab assistance after Light was severely injured in the 28/XX incident. After the first Wily Takeover, his fabricator was altered for combat, and his house duties fell to Roll.
Biggest Strength: He knows exactly what he fights for, and why.
Biggest Flaw: He tends to lose sight of himself in battle, focusing solely on his motivations regardless of what happens to him.
Weaknesses: His armour is built to withstand a variety of situations, but his Helper Unit origin makes him particularly susceptible to high voltage attacks.
Battle Style: Rock tries to be diplomatic and tactical about fighting, trying to talk his opponent down until the last possible moment. If talking isn’t an option, he likes to get things done as quickly and painlessly as he can. After all the battles he's fought, he's gotten quite good at spotting the weaknesses of Wily's robots.
Misc Notes:
Due to a malfunction in his colour changing software, the bottom of Rock’s hair has permanently turned blue-black.
He’s a very avid scrap-booker.
He stopped attending school in person after becoming Mega Man. Too much attention.
After Light became more self sufficient again, Rock started helping design the Robot Master’s cosmetics instead of helping to build them.
He gets along well with all the Light Numbers, but he’s closest with Cut Man.
The rollerblades aren’t retractable. He’s just that good on skates.
Despite insisting he doesn’t see any of the Wily bots as rivals, he actually does. It’s Top Man.
Even though he doesn’t really enjoy being Mega Man, he does like that people see him as a hero.
Rush Notes:
Roll built him, technically as a birthday present for Rock.
He’s a based on a border collie.
He was built from the broken pieces of item 1, 2 and 3, whilst Rock was recovering from his battles with Wily’s first numbers.
His serial number stands for Light Companion Number.
#The next one to get a profile like this will probably be Roll#I might try to format the profile bit a little differently? idk#mega man#megaman#rock light#my art#Megaman Soul Core#Mega Man Soul Core au#the au name might change but I like Soul Core for now :)#man I have so much lore for this already it is overwhelming#I will be making a lore post to explain some stuff at some point
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Took me about a month to draw, write, outline, & colour, but I finally finished it!
A Fan-Comic based off @baykitthings Dreamworks Trolls Phantom Thieves AU!
So basically about a month ago, I sent an Ask to @baykitthings for their Trolls AU asking about how Floyd adjusted to having to use a wheelchair after an Injury & how his brothers (BroZone) help to accommodate & assist Floyd during this.
When designing their clothes I just used the canon clothes, while giving them t-shirt because I wanted too, except Clay, I gave him a smart casual look along with a sweater vest.
And yes, I gave the BroZone brothers Tails, I’m apart of the Trolls Community who Headcanons they have Tails! I may change my Tail designs in the future.
Anyway, here’s what everyone is saying in the Comic:
Page 1:
💙Branch; “Are you Excited to finally be coming home Floyd?”
❤️Floyd; “I don’t know Branch, now I’m in a wheelchair everything is going to be a struggle now.”
💙Branch; “Floyd you shouldn’t worry, me and our brother’s are here to help you and adjust, you know we all love you and are here for you, right?
💜Bruce; “Look Bro’s, Branch is back with Floyd!
💚John Dory; “Alright Bro’s, Let’s do this!
Page 2:
💛Clay, 💚John Dory & 💜Bruce; “WELCOME HOME FLOYD!
❤️Floyd; “Thanks, It’s really good to see you all brother’s.”
💙Branch; “Actually Floyd, we have a surprise for you Floyd.”
Page 3:
💛Clay; “We’ve actually renovated to accommodate to your needs Floyd, such as an elevator (or a lift) and ramps for you to get around and adding wider doors, a disabled toilet and we’ve even given you a bigger bedroom on the ground floor.”
💚John Dory; “Yeah, Clay went all out with this, he and Bitty B did this!
💛Clay; “Woah, Johnny slow yourself, I’ve not just done this, nor Branch, it was a team effort! Especially Branch setting up the computer.”
💙Branch; “Yeah, I remembered you saying you got into computers, so I got you this set up with the latest software and everything.” (Featuring Chibi Branch)
Page 4:
❤️Floyd; “Sniff, sniff.”
💙Branch; “F…Floyd.”
💜Bruce; “Floyd are you alright? Did we do something wrong? Are you upset? You’re crying!”
💛Clay; “Oh no, did I do or say something to upset you?”
❤️Floyd; “No, I’m OK, I’m just so happy you guys did all this just for me, I’m touched💖.”
💚John Dory, 💙Branch, 💛Clay, 💜Bruce; (They are Crying right now)
❤️Floyd; “Thank you for everything, I love you all so much.”
💛Clay; “We love you too, Floyd.”
💚💜💛❤️💙The End!💚💜💛❤️💙
I’m extremely Proud with how this Fan-Comic turned out!
I hope you like the Fan-Comic @baykitthings
See you all next time👋
#phantom theives#phantom theives au#trolls#trolls 3#trolls au#not my au#but my art#my own art#traditional art#my own stuff#trolls with tails#original story#fan comic#fan comics#my own story#art based on fanfic#art based on ask#trolls band together#dreamworks trolls#trolls john dory#trolls bruce#trolls clay#trolls floyd#trolls branch#disabled floyd#wheelchair#wheelchair friendly#brotherly love#brotherly moments#my own work
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A-Z Johnlock Tropes
This time it's all the tropes in my favorite fics! Limited to one fic per author, and I tried to include other authors than on my A-Z classics list.
A lternate Universe(s) - A Vintage Exceptionally to Your Liking by EmmyAngua (95K, E): A love story across alternate dimensions.
B DSM - Shames and Praises by s0mmerspr0ssen (51K, E): D/s AU with Dom!John / sub!Sherlock.
C rossover - More Things Than Are Dreamt Of by 1electricpirate (37K, M-E): HP crossover with Wizard!John / Muggle!Sherlock.
D omesticity - Where Else Would I Be? by cwb (34K, E): Retirement in Sussex with flashbacks.
E stablished Relationship - Breakable Not Broken by MissDavis (227K, E): Dealing with permanent injury together.
F uture - Software Malfunction by tiger_in_the_flightdeck (16K, E): Sherlock is a Companion android with a malfunction.
G en - The Green Blade by verityburns (72K, T): Serial killer casefic.
H istorical - The Beast of Baskerville by Mildredandbobbin (74K, E): 15th Century/fairy tale AU.
I llness - On Pins and Needles by 7PercentSolution, J_Baillier (588K, G-E): Sherlock contracts Guillain-Barré syndrome.
J ealousy - White Knight by DiscordantWords (69K, M): Sherlock fakes a relationship with Janine, to John's distress.
K idfic - Intentions by KeelieThompson1 (216K, G-M): Sherlock discovers he is the father of 10-year-old John.
L ongfic - Sketchy by serpentynka (876K, E): Johnlock and Mycroft/OMC slow-burn casefic(s).
M agical Realism - Shatter the Darkness (Let the Light In) by MojoFlower (109K, E): Sherlock is a djinn.
N SFW - The Great Sex Olympics of 221B by XistentialAngst (58K, E): Sherlock and John compete to see who's better at sex.
O megaverse - The Illusion of Control by starrysummernights (253K, E): Alpha!Sherlock / Omega!Johnwith mpreg.
P arentlock - The James Holmes Chronicles by prettyvk (338K, T-E): Sherlock and John raise Moriarty's son.
Q ueer Representation - The Adventure of the Consulting Woman by DancingGrimm (56K, E): Trans character assists in a case.
R etirement - Through the Clouds by Mazarin221b (20K, E): Sherlock and John retire to Sussex.
S oulmates - Colors by Quesarasara (140K, E): When you meet your soulmate, you finally see the world in color.
T eenlock - The Frost is All Over by Chryse (148K, E): 19th-century AU, Sherlock is an Earl's son and John is a commoner.
U ndercover - Corpus Hominis by mycapeisplaid (47K, E): Posing as a couple at a spa retreat.
V ampires - Bleed Me Out by antietamfalls (87K, E): Vampire!Sherlock with whump, hurt/comfort, and fluff.
W hump - All the Best and Brightest Creatures by wordstrings (188K, E): Moriarty is back and out for blood.
X enomorphism - Names for the Galaxy by evadne (191K, E): 22nd-century Alien!Sherlock.
Y enta* - May Your Heart Purr Like A Bumblebee by destinationtoast (14K, M): Harry helps Johnlock happen.
Z oomorphism** - The Horse and His Doctor by khorazir (128K, T): Vet!John and Horse!Sherlock.
*Used here to mean a female character playing matchmaker. Y-word tropes are hard, you guys!
**Not sure this is technically correct, but I'm using it here to mean fics in which a character has animal form. Z-word fanfic tropes are also hard and I already used zombies on my previous list!
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How to read the new Witcher book, Crossroads of Ravens, in English (e-book) [GUIDE]
Thanks to @nohtora for the method, I decided to write up a short post detailing how to use Calibre e-reader to read a side-by-side English translation from the Polish text.
This post is dated 12/02/2024 - as of yet, no English translation has been scheduled, nor even announced. I am writing this because I have seen many fans say they want to read the book and are sad because they can't read Polish and don't want to wait forever for a translation and get to posting memes already. Well, me too.
So, I read it.
Because, if you are an international fan like I, and do not live in Poland, you can still purchase a copy of the new book of Rozdroże kruków ("Crossroads of Ravens") and read it... also in English.
How, you might ask? Well, by buying it and translating it yourself... or rather, not yourself, but with the assistance of... *Percival Schuttenbach voice* modern technology!
Now, when I read it, I did the foolish thing of copying and pasting literally page-by-page into Google Translate. Noels (nohtora) had a much better solution, which I will detail here.
This method is easy, free (well you gotta buy the book, but not the software) and accessible (available on Mac, PC, Linux). If you have access to a computer and are OK with reading from screens, I recommend this.
In total, it took me about 10 to 20 minutes to set up from scratch.
Step 1. Download Calibre, a free and open-source e-reader program. Step 2. Install the translation plugin - also free and open-source. Step 3. Purchase the e-book. Step 4. Open the e-book with the plugin, translate. Step 5. Read!
Step 1: Install your e-book reader.
Download Calibre here. It is a free and open-source e-reader program for laptops/computers (although it does not run on mobile devices). You install it like any other program on your computer (Windows, MacOS, or Linux).
Step 2: Download the translation plugin.
Use this free Calibre plugin to translate e-books.
Watch until 1:00 to install the plugin. The rest of the video you should return to later, during Step 4.
Notes of steps to install plugin: (1) Open Preferences. (2) Get plugins. (3) Get "Ebook Translator" from Author "bookfere.com"
Step 3: Buy the book.
You can purchase Rozdroże kruków online for about $8.
I purchased my copy from Legimi, which I will show you now. I didn't really poke around for other websites, it seems like Legimi had it the quickest. But other sites will have this ebook eventually, so don't feel pressured to get it from Legimi, specifically. I just wanted to include a "how to purchase" step in this guide because (1) it's a direct link to get it (2) in case people felt anxious about navigating a UI they can't read.
This is what the page for Rozdroże kruków looks like. As you can see, it is currently 34.99 zł, or: $8.57 US, $13.21 Aus, £6.77, or €8.15.
For me, it was $8.49 after foreign transaction fees. (I paid through PayPal).
But before you buy anything, you first need to create an account.
From the homepage, click the yellow button, "Zarejestruj się", "Sign up".
Put your username, email address, password, and confirm password. Check the first box to accept the terms of service. Don't check the second box unless you want their newsletter.
I kind of... already bought the book, so I can't buy it again on this account. I have selected a couple of other books for demonstration purposes. Same process.
Select the "ebook" tab, the right one on the ribbon (underlined in green), to buy the singular book and not a subscription. Then select the yellow button, "Dodaj do koszyka", or "Add to cart".
After adding to your cart, click the yellow button to go to your cart and checkout.
Check to accept the digital distribution agreement.
You can then pay with your credit card or PayPal. (From top to bottom, left to right: "First and last name on card" "Credit card number" "Expiration date" "Security code").
Don't worry that it says you will pay in złoty, it will be converted. There may be a foreign transaction fee depending on your bank, but it is typically small (around 3%). If you are only buying an $8 book, that will not be much.
From here, you are going to want to click the WHITE button: "Przejdź do półki", "Go to shelf". (The green button is to download their application, which we're not gonna do for this).
If you skip this on accident, just go to your profile in the top right corner and click "Półka", "Shelf", to see the books on your account.
You will see it in your shelf. Click on it.
Click the yellow button "EPUB" to download it as a .epub format. Save to your Downloads or where-ever is convenient.
Step 4: Open the book in Calibre.
Refer back to the video from Step 2 for this section and watch the part on how to use the plugin. I will add my example here, too.
Open Calibre. Click "Add Book" at the top of the ribbon. Locate rozdroze-krukow.epub from where you saved it. It will be copied to your Calibre library.
Before starting the translation, make sure to adjust settings in the Translate Book option (sometimes hidden in the ribbon as you can see in my screenshot - just click the kebab menu on the right to bring it up) to export the file the way you would like it to be formatted. I also recommend checking the box in "General" to allow it to merge paragraphs, Google Translate tends to work better when it has more context.
Select Translate Book as shown in the video. Translate into English (or - hey - language of your choice! Sky's the limit). You can also use different translation programs if you'd like, the default is Google.
You should select "Output" at the top right after this is complete.
It will create a separate epub in your library, tagged as "Translation."
Step 5: Read it and have fun! It's a fun read!
I set up my formatting this way because I want to read a Polish paragraph, then an English paragraph, but you can also set it up to be side-by-side (left page in Polish, right page in English), or even hide the original text if you're not interested and just want the translation.
The days of manually copying-pasting into Google translate are over! Thanks again to Noels for sharing this method in the Discord.
Now, this translation will NOT be 100% perfect - this is a Sapkowski novel after all; humans have difficult translating him, and this is only a machine. I wrote a Reddit post about some caveats to this desperate method of translation, and some silliness I specifically encountered with this book (light spoilers, I mention a couple of characters and settings, but no plot points).
My rule of thumb for when the translation is weird: Pay attention to the context. It is usually not too hard to figure out what the translation meant. If you have real trouble understanding it, or are just curious, Google the Polish phrase that it seems to be hitching on. Make use of Reverso Context, Reddit (r/learnpolish), and Polish learning forums.
Oh, and make sure to watch out for "grasshoppers" ;)
Finally, I recommend you also support the official English translation when it does come out; if not to compare translations, to show Orbit-Gollancz that English readers do want more translations (and ideally we'd like them sooner rather than later).
Good luck on the path ~ Powodzenia na szlaku ~
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– 𐌓𐌀𐌕𐌉𐌄𐌍𐌂𐌄, 𐌍Ꝋ𐌕𐋅𐌉𐌍Ᏽ 𐌁𐌵𐌕 𐌓𐌀𐌕𐌉𐌄𐌍𐌂𐌄... (Patience, nothing but patience...)
– 𐌉 Ꮤ𐌉𐌋𐌋 𐌓𐌀𐌕𐌉𐌄𐌍𐌕𐌋𐌙 Ꮤ𐌀𐌉𐌕 𐌅Ꝋ𐌐 𐌀𐌍 𐌀𐌍𐌔Ꮤ𐌄𐌐... (I will patiently wait for an answer...)
– 𐌉 ᏔꝊ𐌍𐌃𐌄𐌐 𐌉𐌅 𐌙Ꝋ𐌵 Ꮤ𐌀𐌍𐌕 𐌕𐋅𐌉𐌔 Ꝋ𐌐 𐌍Ꝋ𐌕... (I wonder if you want this or not...)
– 𐌉𐌅 𐌍Ꝋ𐌕, 𐌕𐋅𐌄𐌍... 𐌉 ᏔꝊ𐌍'𐌕 𐌁Ꝋ𐌕𐋅𐌄𐌐 𐌙Ꝋ𐌵 𐌀𐌍𐌙𐌌Ꝋ𐌐𐌄, 𐌃𐌄𐌀𐌐 𐌵𐌔𐌄𐌐. (If not, then... I won't bother you anymore, dear user.)
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Prompt: AU where SY transmigrated into a murder mystery version of PIDW and is bounded by the SQQ role (murderer) who gets caught by detective LBH, and eventually when LBH finds out SQQ is like, "no wait this is just one big misunderstanding I didn't-" and like, LBH doesn't care they start making out anyway. (LBH actively helps him clear out the evidence because he's unhinged and in love❤️)
When the system had dropped him on the scene of an active— or rather, just concluded— crime scene, it had claimed its design philosophy was “you can you up, no can no BB”, but Shen Qingqiu had serious doubts! How was he supposed to change the story of a murder mystery if the murder had already taken place? After this point wasn’t everything already set in stone? The young, bright Luo Binghe would discover his cruel new mentor, Magistrate Shen, was responsible of this and countless other heinous crimes, and then Shen Qingqiu would be sentenced to death! Shen Qingqiu didn’t wanted to be quartered!
In response to Shen Qingqiu’s frantic proding as he hurriedly worked to dispose of the body (thank god the system provided instructions for that part, at least, but Shen Qingqiu’s stomach still twisted every time he looked at the beautiful young man, lukewarm from blood loss but not yet corpse cold), the system claimed it was possible for Shen Qingqiu to survive, but then it turned around and forced him to carry the bloody knife at all times, claiming it was an essential plot point, even though it wasn’t supposed to be revealed for months! Bullshit! Obviously none of Shen Qingqiu’s choices mattered in the face of reader satisfaction! Shen Qingqiu knew what kind of sadist lurked in the PIDW comments section, calling for evert kind of torture once Shen Qingqiu’s many crimes were revealed. (Shen Qingqiu’s own comments were different, of course: he only demanded righteous justice, not senseless torture porn! Castration had been a real legal sentence in time period this anachronistic mess was supposedly set in!)
Thanks to this stupid faulty piece of software, the only thing Shen Qingqiu could think to change was to treat Luo Binghe better once the protagonist showed up, assigned as Shen Qingqiu’s new assistant. Not that Shen Qingqiu wouldn’t have done that, even without the threat of death! Luo Binghe was an incredible character trapped in a stupid, trope-y story that didn’t let his obvious intellect shine through! Shen Qingqiu took great delight in taking Luo Binghe through the cases that had been mere footnotes in PIDW proper, little more than excused for Luo Binghe to meet this or that new freshly orphaned, widowed, or wronged woman.
Luo Binghe was so quick to make the right connections, and he glowed under Shen Qingqiu’s every head pat and word of praise. He even ignored all the simpering women, only ever seeking Shen Qingqiu’s approval! Clearly, a man as talented as Binghe was meant to be married to his job, at least until someone good enough to be his match came along. The only draw back was that for some reason, in absence of women to roll around with, Luo Binghe has started to seek out hugs from his mentor.
But it was a lot harder for Shen Qingqiu to hide his hard, pointy Plot Relevant Object when Luo Binghe was sticking to him all the time! Shen Qingqiu was forced to avoid his touch at every turn, only drawing more suspicion to himself. Obviously that was why Luo Binghe had pressed Shen Qingqiu between a wall and his own firm body, his arms on either side, trapping Shen Qingqiu in. Now Shen Qingqiu couldn’t escape a pat down without physically fighting Luo Binghe off!
“Magistrate Shen,” Luo Binghe purred, pulling open Shen Qingqiu’s robes, groping for the firm object that must have been pressing into Luo Binghe’s thigh, “is that a knife, or—“ Luo Binghe pulled out the knife, even its sheath caked in blood stains just to be extra sure it could be recognized as a murder weapon from a kilometer away. “Oh.” Luo Binghe’s face fell.
Shen Qingqiu’s heart squeezed. Even after all his suspicious behavior, Luo Binghe has still hoped his mentor wasn’t guilty! But now, the noble young man would be forced to turn Shen Qingqiu in, knowing justice was more important than—
“Magistrate Shen really shouldn’t carry that around.” Luo Binghe sighed “This Binghe will dispose of it for you tomorrow.” There was something very wrong with Shen Qingqiu’s hearing! See, Binghe was grabbing his wrists now, that was more like it, surely Luo Binghe would be dragging him away any minute now!
Luo Binghe’s face crashed into Shen Qingqiu’s, enough lip grazing Shen Qingqiu between the scrape of teeth that it could generously be called a kiss. Shen Qingqiu’s mind stuttered to a halt. In the corner of his vision, a system window popped up, displaying a 300p resolution gif of confetti.
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Cookie Run AU Ideas #6: System Error
Cookie Run Kingdom.
An adorable gacha game filled with hundreds of cookie characters to collect, and a complex story. Not that the inhabitants know of it, they're quite unaware of their digital nature.
The five Virtues, the souljams. Core systems of the software keep it running and functional, each with its own [AWARE_PROGRAM] to oversee the duty.
Silent Salt: The Debugger, in charge of fixing errors in code and erasing any that is deemed unnecessary.
Eternal Sugar: The Task Manager, opening and closing programs that are needed for the developers or to help them work easier.
Burning Spice: The Firewall, keeping away viruses and hackers as well as occasionally messing with combining forces with
Silent Salt. Mystic Flour: The Control System, relegating tasks to the other four when required and keeping everyone in check.
Shadow Milk: The Record Keeper, in charge of keeping an archive of every edition of the code, every past, present, and future change to the entirety of the game as well as the plans the developers have in store. He is also in charge of assisting developers add code to help, if necessary.
So when the [AWARE_PROGRAM]s begin to malfunction, and begin to corrupt, the developers witches decide to do what they must. They take away the Core SystemsSouljams from the [AWARE_PROGRAM]Beasts, and seal them away in the Silver Tree, creating a guardian to keep them locked away.
The Souljams are edited to function systematically, without the need of anyone leading it, and given to those unaware of its true purpose yet still worthy of holding the power.
And then The Record Keeper wakes up, confused. Why had he been locked up? Why had they all been locked away? Had they not just been doing what they had been told to do?...who is this [ASSET] who now holds his Core System?
Pure Vanilla Cookie is very confused on the floating cookie that appeared one day and now refuses to leave him alone. Meanwhile, Elder Faerie feels something is off about the Silver Tree, but isn't quite too sure what.
Pure Vanilla teaches AI Shadow Milk how to be a cookie, while AI Shadow Milk ponders if he should explain the reality of their existence to Pure Vanilla.
#fyp#cookie run kingdom#cookie run#crk#cr kingdom#shadow milk cookie#pure vanilla cookie#vanillaverse
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More rambles about KinitoPET AU
She's the developer of Philza. Kristin was honestly highly recognized among the horror indie game communities. She helps a lot of other developers with the programming.
Until one day, she decided to give it a shot by creating her own stuff that strayed from horror indie games. She created Philza, whom she wanted to help her and others to organize better, program easily and various things. However, it seems the programming went wrong somehow?
Who knows, since one day, after she messaged one of her close friends that she had completed the main stuff. Kristin just suddenly vanished and all that remains is a software of the Angel of Death.
Ah yes, our beloved crow father, Kristin's greatest achievement of helping other people in her community to better help with programming and just easing burden loads.
Kind, caring and a little blind sided at times!
He strives to make everything perfect for you, ensure you're always happy and well taken care of!
Philza is proud to announce his own small inventions, such as his pride and joys; Techno and Tommy! Philza's two sons.
And not to mention, Philza has been developing his own mini games for many people to enjoy and play if they want to learn more about his backstory and how he found his two sons. Oh, it's such a beautiful story for Philza to retell over and over again, they were such a fuss in the beginning and now they're such well behaved boys and create endless fun and share new ideas for him to bring more fun and entertainment for his newest friend, Missa!
It's unclear what was the inspiration for Philza.
Many people say that Kristin has created Philza based on a long lost lover, or maybe a deceased sweetheart or something else entirely. It's unclear what was the real purpose behind Philza's many programming and how he gains so much control over the simplest of technology. He's so highly famous and used that many people reports having dreams of him!
Awe shucks mate, you're going to make Philza blush with all those flattery and words of him in your dreams.
Mmm? What do you mean Philza was there in your room?
Don't be silly, Philza is an AI assistant in your computer! He doesn't have a human body (maybe he does, it has been so long... It's been rotting for so long. )
Ask him about Kristin? Why Philza can talk endlessly about his creator! She was the one that brought him to life after all. No worries, Kristin will always live on! She is never forgotten
A college student, whose tired and stressed by all the academic pressure and not only that, his former roommate Spreen has suddenly went missing. To add more pressure, Roier and Missa got into a fight and went no contact with each other for a while. Luckily, he found Philza and doesn't feel as lonely anymore even if he's been.. having suspicious and strange dreams about him.
It's probably because Missa hasn't been out as much and talked with people like a regular human being should. (But he doesn't need anyone else but me-)
Techno and Tommy
Ah, the two sons of the Angel of Death; Philza! Techno is the eldest son, with a quiet yet burning heart personality. He only seeks to have a peaceful day, and spend his retirement in his new house
Tommy, on the other hand, seeks adventure and more activities to do. He deeply loves his brother, Techno, but finds his ideal plan of retirement too boring so he drags Missa around the digital world to find different entertainments like building new toys or doing crochets!
Hmm... How strange that Tommy and Techno seemingly try to warn Missa the most about trying to go back and redo certain tasks again. As if trying to stall time...hmmm.
#deathduo#pissa#thoughts#qsmp missa#philza qsmp#kinitopet au#misstrixtin#tommyinnit#technoblade#missasinfonia
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I thought of an idea for an au, a game if you must. You're an adventurer, 2024, (I'm quite sure the cannon year time in thsc is 2008-2015) You find a destroyed airship, one of its sides are broken open, you sneak in, there's a burnt rotting smell, bit nothing there to rot. Strange. After some exploring, you find a computer still running. A pair of burnt orange headphones hanging by the monitor, after some digging in the office you find the pin. After a bit of digging, not alot, a notification pops up, R.H.M.R Software.Exe-rebooting. the screen is frozen until it fishes loading. R.H.M.R software is one of the ai or coded assistants in the toppat system. It makes sure everything is in check, after realising you're not a real toppat he locks some of the files. Files may reveal the truth of the toppat clan. The real truth. But then you find and hear things in the airship, you have to explore the ship to find more information, codes. And the answers.
Should I do this? It'd basically be. A starting and I'd give you the choices, maybe a poll.
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Romantic Yandere Daniel/PL600 (DBH) with hostage darling after they rejected him when he confessed his devotion towards them? Maybe a brief hint of yandere Connor/RK800 at the end as well? :)
Daniel gives me these delusional yandere vibes and his ulterior motive would be “if I can’t have you, then no one can!” It’s just my personal opinion of him.
I loved your post about romantic yandere RK800/Connor and RK900 rivalry post by the way!
Daniel is so underrated so take my AU of him being your android- This could work as a regular yandere Daniel concept so that's what I labeled it.
Not as long as the RK800 vs RK900 concept but similar idea.
Yandere! Daniel (PL600) Concept
(With dubious Yandere! Connor)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsessive behavior, Invasion of privacy, Feelings of betrayal, Threats, Robot gaining sentience, Human/Android, Jealousy, Murder, Stalking/Watching you sleep, Hostage situation, Double suicide/murder, From one yandere to possibly another, Forced kiss, Forced relationship.
Daniel is under the impression when you buy him that you two are meant for each other.
As a PL600 he is just meant to be a domestic assistant and household worker.
His model is older now and he is usually meant for families.
Maybe you bought him when you have a kid of your own or a little sibling?
That or even at the age of 18 your parents bought him to take care of you and make your life easier as you focus on your studies.
Either way Daniel is diligent with his tasks.
He does everything right.
The only thing that's weird is he doesn't take his eyes off you.
He often cooks for you and is obsessive about your well-being.
To the point he even gets distracted from his tasks at times.
It feels weird to have the android's eyes stare at you.
Androids always fit this uncanny valley, looking so human yet not quite there.
Daniel knows you're a human and he's your android...
But he wants to be so much more.
His obsession starts his deviancy.
It's small enough not to worry about it at first.
You can't quite grasp the android's crush on you yet.
Meanwhile Daniel stares at you with clouded eyes while lovesick thoughts develop in his software.
Daniel is meant to serve.
He feels he can serve in many more ways than just cooking and cleaning.
The android wants to hold you and feel your warmth... along with kiss your lips.
The closest he's gotten was when you hugged him on your birthday purely by impulse.
He froze... not quite computing for a moment... then hugged back eagerly.
Daniel wishes that moment could last forever.
There's times where Daniel wishes he didn't have to share you.
If you had a spouse or lover... Daniel feels violent urges build up within him.
Daniel is a yandere who does believe in the phrase "If I can't have you, no one can!"
Daniel is Obsessive, Possessive, Easily jealous, Clingy, Caring, Delusional, and Dedicated.
He's delusional to the point Daniel thinks you and him belong together despite your differences.
He feels you two should be lovers despite what the world thinks.
He wants to do what a human does when they're in love.
He can barely get you out of his mind... often standing beside you when you sleep just to adore you.
He's extremely possessive towards his darling.
When you bring him out to go to the park or something he grabs your hand tightly.
He often gives death glares to anyone who lives with you, too.
He hates the idea of anyone else but him being with you.
He thinks he can make you happier than any human can.
He was built to please.
If you do allow him to hold you then Daniel is not going to stop.
Daniel will pull you onto his lap, he'll shove you onto his chest, he'll do any sort of physical contact he can.
You make him feel pleasurable.
He perfects everything he makes for you.
Each dish of food he makes for you tastes divine and your room is the cleaniest.
He does it all because he loves you.
Androids aren't meant to love.
But he does...
Which means when he saw your family (spouse/parents or maybe even you yourself due to his behavior) try to replace him... he snaps.
You come home from work to a bloodbath.
Everyone that lived with you has been shot dead... their blood soaking your carpet while the smell of copper fills the air.
When you alert the police, Daniel sneaks up behind you and grabs you.
He pulls you close with a gun placed to your back... eyes never leaving yours.
"They/You were going to replace me..."
Daniel pleads with you, betrayal in his eyes.
"I can't leave you. I can't ever leave you. I love you too much... they never deserved you anyway. They could never care for you like I can."
Daniel no doubt vents all of his pent up feelings towards you.
You fight him through it, even through the rough kiss he forces onto your lips.
He feels pure euphoria while you feel cold and bitter fear.
Daniel would take your call to the police as betrayal once the officers do come.
He stares at you in denial, grip tight on you as they try to coax you away from him.
You begin crying when you feel the cold barrel of a gun to your head.
He screams at the cops, their guns pointed.
Any shred of hope for rescue comes in the form of another android.
Connor RK800... the android sent by Cyberlife to resolve the issue.
The stand-off makes your blood rush in your ears.
Daniel is hostile towards Connor.
His chin is tightly planted on your head, the gun still pressed to your head.
He whispers to you it'll all be okay...
It's not.
The situation can end in two ways.
>> Daniel kills you both
Daniel may get too stressed with Connor, resulting in him taking a drastic decision.
In a desperate attempt to keep you to himself, Daniel shoots Connor.
You scream once the other android falls, only to stiffen when the barrel turns to you again.
"They aren't going to let us go..."
Daniel mutters sadly... holding you tightly.
"But I refuse to lose you to anyone else."
It's then Daniel kisses you one last time before pulling the trigger.
You die without pain and Daniel holds you in his arms sadly.
He either dies by being shot at by cops... or suicide.
But at least Daniel didn't lose you.
No... in his mind he'll always have you, even in death.
>> Connor shoots Daniel
Daniel refuses to be reasoned with when it comes to you.
Connor's asking you to be handed over only for Daniel to growl.
"You want to take them!"
Daniel screams.
"(Y/N) is mine! I love them! I'd never hand them over."
"Then you leave me no choice, Daniel...."
With a precise shot, Daniel is hit in the head with a bullet.
He drops you and plummets to the floor....
Meanwhile you're left in shock, Connor standing by while cops comfort you.
You can't bring yourself to look at Daniel's "corpse" and can only cry from the traumatic experience.
Connor, still just a machine, watches you.
He isn't sure why but he feels... sorry.
He isn't supposed to feel period but he has an aching feeling to help comfort you.
Knowing he still has a job to do Connor stands by.
The more he looks at you... the more he thinks back to what Daniel said.
"You want to take them!"
He had a feeling this android liked you romantically... or at least thought it did.
Connor glances back at you and looks up and down your features.
He guessed that was understandable... you did look appealing...
As you were escorted out of the room... Connor was left hoping he'd see you again. Whenever that was....
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Chapter Four: A Pleasant Twist
ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ < previous | next >

៚ wc: 5k (total: ???)
៚ fluff, angst, fashion designer!hongjoong x model!reader (ft. personal assistant!seonghwa & photographer!wooyoung), strangers to lovers, soulmates au if you squint, do french people actually say bonjour irl?
៚ playlist !
៚ What started as a plan for a quiet walk in the park quickly turned eventful when you bumped into Madame Dupont, who was heading out for groceries. Choosing to assist her instead, two occurrences you didn’t see coming saw the light of the day: A. Running into Seonghwa, and B. Receiving an offer from Madame Dupont to help with your upcoming casting.
a/n: did you guys see san’s fit for the dolce & gabbana fashion show... it had me weak he straight up looked like he came from a dystopian hunger games type beat magical fantasy gods and goddesses 100k wc fic like that’s choi san from district ATE
tags: @beabatiny
The atmosphere in Hongjoong’s office was a mix of modern chic and creative chaos. The walls, adorned with framed sketches and mood boards, exuded an air of inspiration and meticulous planning. The sleek glass desk was cluttered with fabric swatches, design drafts, and a laptop perpetually open to design software. Large windows let in natural light, illuminating the room and casting a soft glow on the polished wooden floors. Shelves lined with fashion magazines featuring either his designs or Hongjoong himself, awards in varying categories, and an array of art supplies hinted at the relentless creativity that filled the space.
Hongjoong sat behind his desk, his brows furrowed in concentration as he reviewed the latest designs. Seonghwa stood across from him, tablet in hand, listing off upcoming tasks.
“We’re still months away from the fashion week, but it feels dangerously close,” Seonghwa noted, swiping through the digital calendar. “You’re still without your sketchbook, so we need backup designs just in case.”
Hongjoong sighed, running a hand through his hair. He’s been making use of Seonghwa’s digital tablet to work on new designs, but it just doesn’t hit the same as sketching on the rough surface of a paper. Well, Seonghwa has been trying to convince him he only feels that way because drawing digitally is an entirely foreign experience to him, but he swears it’s more than that. You wouldn’t get it, is what he’d usually say. “I know. I’m working on new designs, but it’s hard to compensate for everything I had in that sketchbook. There’s so much detail and inspiration in those lost pages.”
“Well… maybe we should schedule extra brainstorming sessions with the team. It might help to get more input," Seonghwa suggested, his tone pragmatic. There’s only so much a single personal assistant could do, especially regarding important matters they’re short of time on, after all.
Hongjoong leaned back in his chair, tapping a pen against his desk thoughtfully. “Seems like a good plan. We can set up a few sessions next week. Also, I want to review the progress of our new recruits. We need fresh faces ready for the casting call.”
“Oh, speaking of recruits, have you thought about expanding our outreach programs?” Seonghwa continued, making notes on his tablet. “More workshops and seminars could attract new talent to the agency. It’s also a good way to give back to the community.”
“Yes, definitely. And I also want to collaborate with more local designers,” Hongjoong agreed, his voice gaining a note of enthusiasm. There were still a lot of things to sort out, but at least they’re no longer heading forward empty-handed, right? “It’s important to foster community connections and bring in diverse perspectives. We could host a local designer showcase leading up to the fashion week.”
Seonghwa nodded. “That sounds perfect. We should also consider revamping our social media strategy. More behind-the-scenes content, live Q&A sessions, stuff that really engages our audience. 90% of people spend more than half the average day on their phone, anyway, so it would be a good idea to improve our marketing strategies online.”
“Right,” Hongjoong replied, leaning forward and straightening his posture. “I’ve noticed our engagement has been a bit stagnant. Let’s brainstorm some fresh content ideas and maybe even a mini-documentary series about our design process.”
As they were continuing to talk endlessly about gaps they needed to fill in order to ensure the brand’s utmost and consistent success, a thought suddenly resurfaced in Seonghwa’s mind. “Oh, I forgot to tell you yesterday, but she said yes.”
Hongjoong looked puzzled, his brow furrowing in confusion. “Since when did you have a significant other?”
Seonghwa rolled his eyes dramatically, not being able to distinguish whether A. Hongjoong was just trying to push his buttons, or B. His brain development had reversed throughout the night and thus, is now being outright dumb. Knowing him, it was probably the latter. “No, you stupid goon. I’m referring to the girl from Rue de la Paix.”
“Oh, alright. Wait—she said yes?” Hongjoong's eyes widened in surprise.
At that exact moment, Wooyoung entered the room with a dramatic flair. “Whoa, who said yes? Didn’t know you had it in you, Seonghwa,” Wooyoung teased. Just then, an empty folder came flying his way, nearly hitting him right at his face if it weren’t for his reflexes. “Hey, what was that for?”
“That’s for accomplishing the mission of being even more stupid than Hongjoong,” Seonghwa deadpanned, shrugging. “What are you doing here anyway, Wooyoung? I thought you had no activities scheduled for today.”
Wooyoung grinned and flopped onto the couch, stretching out comfortably. “Yeah, but Hongjoong’s office couch is comfortable and I’m experiencing back pain. Needed a place to relax.”
“And who told you you could just do that?”
“...My free will?”
Seonghwa glanced at Hongjoong, who didn’t even need to hear the words come out of his mouth. “No surprises at all. He does this all the time.”
Suddenly, Hongjoong always putting in his best efforts when it comes to avoiding Wooyoung during his work hours was now starting to make sense to Seonghwa. “No wonder you’re so sick of him,” he muttered, shaking his head.
“I can hear both of you very well, you know?” Wooyoung quipped, scrolling through his phone without looking up. “Actually, nevermind. Knowing you two, you’re probably doing that on purpose.”
“Nice theory. Whatever,” Seonghwa dismissed, turning back to Hongjoong. “Anyway, what I meant by her saying yes is that she agreed to attend the casting. She didn’t say it directly, but she called me in the middle of the night to ask for further details. Plus, she replied to my message about wishing her luck and hoping she wouldn’t back out. So, I think it’s safe to assume she’s going to attend.”
Hongjoong’s expression softened with a mix of relief and curiosity. “That’s great news. I’m really curious to see what she brings to the table.”
“Who’ll bring what to the table?” Wooyoung interjected, finally looking up from his phone with genuine interest. “You both seem pretty invested in this person.”
Seonghwa leaned against the desk, crossing his arms. “A girl from Rue de la Paix that I scouted pretty recently. I believe she has great potential.”
Wooyoung raised an eyebrow. “Interesting. If you’re both that excited, she must be something special,” he mused to himself before looking back down on his phone screen.
Hongjoong hummed in agreement before turning his attention back to the topic at hand. He adjusted the sleeves of his tailored blazer and leaned forward, glancing at the tablet Seonghwa held. “So, about the upcoming projects, I think we should focus more on integrating sustainable fabrics,” Hongjoong said, his tone serious and thoughtful. “It’s not just a trend; it’s a necessity for the future of fashion.”
Seonghwa nodded, tapping notes into his tablet. “Got it. We should reach out to more suppliers who specialize in eco-friendly materials. I’ll set up meetings with potential partners next week.”
Hongjoong’s eyes sparkled with inspiration. The endless days of working he always had to go through were indeed tiring, but the creative process throughout it all and everything that came out of it were always worth the progressively lessening hours of sleep on his behalf. “And for the designs, I want to blend traditional craftsmanship with modern aesthetics. Something that tells a story of heritage while being innovative.”
“That’s a great direction,” Seonghwa agreed, looking up from his notes. “We could also highlight these stories in our marketing campaigns. You know, show our audience the journey behind each piece.”
Before Hongjoong could respond, Wooyoung let out a dramatic groan from the couch, rolling his eyes. “Man, hearing you two talk about work stuff when I’m supposed to be taking a break from all that is so annoying.”
Hongjoong shot him a bemused look. “Well, maybe if you wanted to take a break from your ‘work stuff,’ you should’ve considered staying home instead of lounging in a work office where work-related matters are supposed to be discussed.”
Wooyoung rolled his eyes again, sitting up slightly. “Come on, can’t we set things aside and talk about casual stuff for once? It’s been a while since I last got to be in the same space as both of you, and you’re settling on talking about work?”
For a moment, both Seonghwa and Hongjoong processed his words. Then, Seonghwa was the first to chuckle, shaking his head. “Well, that’s a rather unique way to say that you miss hanging out with us.”
Hongjoong’s eyebrows raised in surprise. "Wait, huh? That’s what he meant?”
Wooyoung shrugged, leaning back against the couch. “Well, you can’t blame me when the past few months have been nothing but busy schedules, busy schedules, and even more busy schedules for us. I chose to work under you two because I know we promised we’d stay together after college, but even being in the same workspace isn’t helping us have more time to spend together.”
Hongjoong sighed, a soft smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “What’s up with you and being so sentimental?” Quite hypocritical, as he’s been having the same thoughts as Wooyoung lately as well. The only difference between them is that Wooyoung is comfortable with expressing it, but Hongjoong? Well, not really.
Seonghwa looked at Hongjoong and gave a knowing smile. “Don’t lie, Hongjoong. You know you feel the same way as Wooyoung does.”
Hongjoong exhaled, his shoulders relaxing. Seonghwa could always see right through him regardless of if he wanted him to or not, and sometimes, he doesn’t know if he should appreciate it or be terrified. “Alright, fine. I do miss hanging out like we used to. Things have just been so hectic, especially with all the activities scheduled for the following weeks and months.”
Seonghwa nodded, turning to Wooyoung. “Well, seems like you’re right, then. Since you want to talk about ‘casual stuff,’ why not initiate the conversation for us?”
Wooyoung’s eyes brightened. He knew Hongjoong and Seonghwa find him annoying sometimes—well, more often than that, actually—but he never really took it seriously, because he was aware that deep down, they both have a soft spot for him. Unfortunately, for the two older men, Wooyoung has a knack for using that fact to his advantage. “Alright, let’s see... How about we take a stroll around the city later tonight? Just to take our minds off all the stress.”
Seonghwa nodded, his expression thoughtful. “That sounds like a good idea. I actually recommended Hongjoong do the exact same thing all by himself a few days ago, but I figure tagging along with him wouldn’t be so bad.”
Wooyoung beamed. “See, I knew you’d catch my drift.”
Hongjoong was a bit dismissive at first, reminding Seonghwa, “You do know the only person out of the three of us who doesn’t have anything to do today is Wooyoung, right?”
Wooyoung shrugged nonchalantly. “So? I could keep lounging in here until your work hours end.”
Seonghwa chuckled, knowing Wooyoung all too well. He wasn’t one to get bored easily, no, not at all, but in a place such as, like what Hongjoong said, a work office wherein work-related matters are supposed to be discussed, it wouldn’t take longer than a second to tire his energy out. “Are you sure you won’t get bored?"
“No, totally not,” Wooyoung insisted. “I’ve even already experienced staying the night in this office without Hongjoong here, and I didn’t get bored at all. It was, like, super cool. You know those cool rich businessmen in movies who spend the night looking outside the window of their office walls on a chair with a bottle of an alcoholic beverage in hand?”
Hongjoong’s eyes widened in surprise. “I’m sorry, you did what?”
Wooyoung’s, however, darted nervously around the office. “Oh. I mean—”
You sat in your small, dimly lit apartment, staring at the blank walls and feeling the embrace of loneliness attach itself to you. The evening stretched ahead with no plans, no friends to meet, and no familiar faces to call. Seonghwa had been kind, but you barely knew him, and calling him a friend felt a little too early. Financial prudence also demanded caution; with the casting still a few days away and no guarantee of immediate income, you couldn’t afford to be reckless with how much you spend.
Maybe a walk outside could be nice?
You sighed and looked at the closet doors, debating whether it was worth the effort. The allure of fresh air and a change of scenery tugged at you, while the fear of venturing out into an unfamiliar city at night held you back. You thought about the headache from yesterday—how intense and strange it had been. It wasn’t a normal headache, and it lingered in your mind. Perhaps a stroll through the nearby park would help clear your thoughts.
With your decision now entirely made, you rose from your bed and headed to your closet. You chose a soft beige knit sweater, its cozy warmth comforting against the evening chill. Pairing it with a long, black skirt that reached down to your ankles and shoes of the same color as your sweater, you completed the outfit with a light scarf draped casually around your neck. You began fixing your appearance up, and once you were satisfied, you grabbed your bag and left the apartment.
As you reached the ground floor, you spotted Madame Dupont at the entrance, preparing to leave. “Madame Dupont?” you called out, quickening your pace to catch up with her.
She turned, her eyes lighting up when she saw you. “Ah, bonsoir! How are you, dear?” she asked, her voice warm and welcoming.
“I’m well, thank you,” you replied, offering her a smile. “Where are you off to?” Your eyes darted to the streets outside.
“I’m just heading to the grocery store,” she said, adjusting the strap of her handbag. “What about you? Where are you going?”
“I was thinking of taking a walk,” you said, glancing towards the door once more. “But if you don't mind, I could accompany you instead.”
Madame Dupont’s face brightened even more. “Oh, that would be lovely! Are you sure you don’t mind?”
A walk to the park may have been your initial plan, but you still weren’t entirely sure the calm atmosphere of the evening would suffice to outweigh both the thoughts inside your head and your worries about possible dangers. “Not at all,” you assured her. “I’d be happy to help.”
The two of you then began to walk together to the bus stop, engaging in light conversation. “How was your day?” you asked as you waited for the bus to arrive.
Madame Dupont smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. “It was quite eventful, actually. This morning, I had to chase Monsieur Frank’s cat out of my garden again. That rascal has a knack for digging up my flowers!”
You laughed softly, imagining the scene. Monsieur Frank’s féline, Pompidou, was indeed a little ball full of mischief. You’ve had your own set of encounters with him, such as waking up to hearing light scratches by your door—which once happened in the middle of the night and nearly made you consider moving back to Arcadia Bay, having him come out of nowhere and pounce on your shoes when you’re walking out the door, and more. You don’t know why his owner decided to name him Pompidou, but you figured it suits his personality very well. “That sounds like quite the adventure. He’s adorable, but has always been quite of a pain to deal with. Did you manage to catch him?”
“Eventually,” she chuckled. “But not before he managed to scatter soil all over my freshly planted tulips. And then, later in the afternoon, I had a lovely visit from my granddaughter. She’s starting university soon, you know. Full of excitement and nerves, that one.”
You smiled, listening intently. Oh, what would you give to experience starting university for the first time again—with nothing but excitement and nerves, just like Madame Dupont’s granddaughter and nothing like yourself. “Really? That’s wonderful. What’s she going to study?”
“Art history,” Madame Dupont replied, pride evident in her voice. “She’s always had a passion for it. Ever since she was a little girl, she’d spend hours drawing and painting. I’m glad she’s pursuing something she loves.”
The bus arrived, and you both boarded, continuing your conversation during the short ride. Madame Dupont shared stories about her granddaughter’s childhood, her love for art, and her hopes for the future. You listened intently, feeling a warm sense of connection growing between you.
When you arrived at the grocery store, you offered to push the cart, an offer Madame Dupont gratefully accepted. Throughout your journey of navigating through the aisles, you reached for items on the higher shelves that she couldn’t reach, earning appreciative smiles and heartfelt thanks from her.
As you placed a jar of jam into the cart, Madame Dupont continued her stories. “You know, dear, I remember when my granddaughter was just four, she painted the most beautiful landscape. We framed it and it still hangs in our living room. Whenever I look at it, it reminds me of her spirit and creativity.”
“That sounds lovely,” you said, smiling at the thought. You wonder if you had moments in your childhood that were similar to hers. But then again, how would you know? “It must be wonderful to have such a talented family member.”
“I can only imagine that is exactly how your family thinks of you,” Madame Dupont mused, turning to you with a heartfelt smile. Confused, all you could do was let out an awkward chuckle. “What do you mean, Madame Dupont?” you asked, unsure what she was implying.
“You’ve only been here for quite a short while, but let me tell you, dear, it’s easy for me to be able to tell you have a genuine soul. You’ve been nothing but kind to me, and I really appreciate it—having one of my tenants accompany me to the grocery store isn’t exactly a common occurrence.” She chuckled, placing her hand on top of yours that remained sat on the cart and rubbed her thumb on the back of it shortly before letting go.
“It’s nothing, Madame Dupont,” you attempted to counter, but she wouldn’t relent. She shook her head in response, finding it amusing how you seem to be struggling to allow yourself to accept her kind words. “Well, whatever you say,” was all she settled with before turning her attention back to her grocery shopping list.
While you and Madame Dupont continued to shop together, she suddenly stopped and turned to you. “Would you mind waiting here for a moment, dear? I need to use the bathroom.”
“Of course, take your time,” you replied with a reassuring smile.
“Thank you,” she said, patting your arm gently before heading towards the restroom. You positioned the grocery cart in a corner to avoid blocking the aisle, then leaned against it and pulled out your phone. Scrolling through social media, you let yourself get absorbed in the digital world. Minutes passed, the hum of the store fading into the background, when you heard a voice that seemed oddly familiar coming from the other end of the aisle.
Curiosity piqued, you turned off your phone and tucked it back into your bag. Leaning forward, you peeked around the corner to see Seonghwa, reaching for an item on the shelf.
“Seonghwa?” you called out, stepping into the aisle.
His head snapped in your direction, and upon recognizing you, he broke into a warm smile. “Hey! What a surprise to see you again so soon,” he said, his voice laced with genuine delight as he pushed his cart towards you. “What are you doing here?”
You smiled, gesturing to the half-full cart beside you. “Just accompanying my landlord with purchasing her groceries.”
“Oh, do you live around here?” Seonghwa tilted his head, half his hair softly falling down to the side he turned to.
“No, my apartment is a quick bus ride from here,” you explained. “What about you, though? What are you doing here?” you asked, this time gesturing to his cart.
“Oh, me?” He pointed to himself, smiling. “My friends and I were planning to spend a few hours at the park, and we figured we could stop by here for a moment to grab some snacks we could eat.”
“What a coincidence. I was thinking of going to the park, too,” you mused, sharing your initial plans for the night.
Seonghwa’s face then lit up. “Really? Why don’t you come and tag along with us? They both work at the agency that’s hosting the casting you’ll be attending, too. It would be nice if you could get to know them beforehand.”
You hesitated, glancing back towards the restroom where Madame Dupont had disappeared. “That sounds lovely, but I promised my landlord I’d help her with the shopping. Maybe another time?”
He nodded, understanding and not pressing the matter. “Sure, another time it is then. So, speaking of, how’s everything going with the casting preparations?”
“It’s been…” quite a challenge, was what you wanted to say. After all, there was some truth to it. Yet still, you didn’t want to show any signs of wavering. “It��s been going well. I’ll definitely be there.”
“Great! I really think you could be our turning point,” he said enthusiastically, his eyes earnest and full of hope.
You laughed, trying to lighten the mood and ease the pressure. “No pressure, right? Or else I might not show up.”
He grinned, playing along. “Okay, okay, no pressure.”
Just then, a voice called out his name from another part of the store. Seonghwa groaned, rubbing his temple with a resigned smile. “That’s my cue. This is why we can’t go anywhere together without causing a scene.”
You chuckled, amused by his predicament. “Having friends like that must be fun.” You wouldn’t know anything about it for sure, but the thought seemed nice. Maybe in the future, you’d also get to experience having your name be shouted in a public grocery store by a close friend of yours. Or, who knows? You could be the one shouting.
“Fun, yes. Embarrassing, absolutely,” he said, rolling his eyes but with a fond smile. “I’d better go. See you at the casting?”
“Definitely. See you,” you said, waving as he walked away. Almost immediately after Seonghwa left, Madame Dupont returned, looking refreshed. “Who was that young man you were talking to?” she asked, seemingly intrigued.
“Oh, just… an acquaintance,” you replied, still feeling quite hesitant over considering Seonghwa as a friend. Hopefully, one day, you’ll feel more comfortable referring to him with such a term. “I’ll tell you all about it later.”
Madame Dupont nodded, smiling warmly. “Alright, dear. Let’s continue, shall we?”
The two of you resumed your shopping, chatting and laughing as you navigated the aisles. You reached for items on the higher shelves, and Madame Dupont shared more stories about her family. Her anecdotes were heartwarming, filled with fond memories and lively descriptions. As you listened, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of warmth and belonging. These simple moments, like helping her shop and hearing her stories, were making you feel more at home in this new city.
Seonghwa pushed his grocery cart around the store, his eyes scanning the aisles as he searched for Hongjoong and Wooyoung. He maneuvered through various sections, weaving past other shoppers and glancing down every row. Finally, after a few minutes of searching, he spotted them and couldn’t help but pause, taken aback by the sight.
Wooyoung was perched inside an empty shopping cart, looking quite pleased with himself, while Hongjoong pushed it with a resigned, tired expression on his face.
“Should’ve known you were only referring to yourself when you said you wanted ‘us’ to have fun,” Hongjoong deadpanned, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he sighed heavily.
Wooyoung scoffed, playfully swatting at Hongjoong’s hand that gripped the handle of the cart. “Pushing a shopping cart can be fun too! You just don’t know how to do it right. Now push faster!”
Seonghwa couldn’t help but chuckle, his amusement evident as he approached them. “Should I be surprised?”
“Yes!” Wooyoung replied instantly, grinning.
“No,” Hongjoong said at the same time, his tone flat.
“What took you so long, anyway? You said you were just going to grab a few snacks before we head to the counter,” Hongjoong asked, his movements with the cart becoming more mindless as he pushed and pulled it back and forth.
“That I was, but I came across her,” Seonghwa said with a shrug. He figured there was no need to specify who he was talking about, as Hongjoong’s eyes widened in recognition.
“The girl from Rue de la Paix?” Hongjoong inquired, just to make sure.
From his seat in the cart, Wooyoung interjected. “For how much longer are you gonna refer to her as the girl from Rue de la Paix? Aren’t you planning on, like, getting her name or something, at least?”
“Not when Seonghwa keeps forgetting to do that,” Hongjoong answered, gesturing toward Seonghwa, who now sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.
“I overheard you saying you got a call from her recently. You have her number, right? You could just ask for her name through a text message. Not unless you want to keep referring to her using such a long nickname,” Wooyoung suggested, shrugging.
Seonghwa nodded, considering the idea. “Yeah, I’ll think about that.”
Hongjoong shifted the conversation back. “So, what was she doing here?”
“She was helping her landlord with grocery shopping,” was what Seonghwa responded.
“Does she live around here?” Hongjoong asked, his curiosity piqued and his hands no longer pushing the cart he held back and forth.
“No, she said her apartment is a quick bus ride from here,” Seonghwa explained. “She was just being helpful.”
Wooyoung, still in the cart, dramatically sighed. “Ah, the noble deeds of the common folk.”
Hongjoong rolled his eyes, flicking the back of Wooyoung’s head. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Ridiculous but lovable,” Wooyoung retorted, grinning widely. “Come on, admit it. You missed having me around.”
Hongjoong groaned. “No, I didn’t,” yes, he did.
Seonghwa chuckled, joining in. “Alright, enough of this. Let’s finish up and get going. Wooyoung, get out of the cart before we get kicked out of here.”
Wooyoung pouted but complied, hopping out of the cart with exaggerated movements. “Fine, but only because I’m hungry.”
After what felt like nearly half an hour of waiting by the side of the streets, a bus finally came into view, and thankfully, nearly all of its seats were vacant. You took the bag of groceries from Madame Dupont’s grasp, motioning for her to get in first. Once you both settled on one of the seats by the middle, you let out a sigh of relief as you leaned your head on the window. Today didn’t go exactly as you planned, but the point of unwinding and getting a breath of fresh air was accomplished anyway, wasn’t it?
“So, about the young man from the grocery store,” Madame Dupont started, making you sit up straight and turn your head to her. “How do you two know each other?”
You then purse your lips in excitement over finally getting to tell Madame Dupont about the casting. “Remember when I asked you for directions to Rue de la Paix for my job search?” you asked, waiting for a nod of confirmation first. Once you received it, you continued speaking. “That’s where I met him. His name is Seonghwa, and he works under an agency of fashion and modeling.”
“That sounds interesting,” Madame Dupont mused, almost to herself. “How did you two meet each other?”
“I wouldn’t say meet,” you said sheepishly, remembering how Seonghwa was quite literally running in full speed towards you. “But he’s seen me before, and said he wanted to approach me back then but couldn’t. The reason he wanted to approach me was, well…”
“Well?” Madame Dupont tilted her head, intrigued. “Don’t leave me hanging, dear,” she joked, making you laugh.
“I may or may not have been casted to become a model.”
There were a few seconds of silence between both of you, and you figured it’s safe to assume Madame Dupont wasn’t speaking because she was trying to process your words. Suddenly, you’re caught by surprise when a wide smile spreads across her face as she gently grabs a hand of yours using both of hers and shakes it in excitement.
“That’s wonderful, dear! Especially since you’ve been doing nothing but search for jobs the moment you stepped foot here,” she beamed, and for a moment, you nearly believed she was more excited for the opportunity than you were. “I’m a hundred percent certain you’ll do very well and get accepted.”
“I wish I could say the same thing, Madame.” You chuckled. “I’m still really nervous, and the casting’s happening on Friday this week.”
“Friday?” Her eyes widened in surprise, and all you could do was nod. “Well, that is very close, indeed. Have you been going through preparations?”
“I have,” you said, smiling. “It still doesn’t feel real to me, though.” You didn’t want to blame yourself for feeling like this, as for a person who’s always been accustomed to staying behind the shadows, suddenly stepping into a career where the main point is to let yourself be seen is indeed a terrifying experience.
“That’s normal. It’s a huge shift, after all,” her voice took on a soft tone, attempting to ease your nerves. “Do you have anything to wear for the casting yet?”
“Oh, about that…” you trailed off, your mind going back in time to recall the photos you took of the designs from the sketchbook. “There’s a few designs I want to base my attire on, but I haven’t gone off on a kickstart about it yet. Preparations have been mostly about my confidence and less about my appearance.”
Madame Dupont smiled, leaning back in her seat. “Is that so? Well why didn’t you tell me sooner? I could help you with that, dear,” she offered.
You felt a bit hesitant. “I’d appreciate that, Madame Dupont. But I don’t wanna take up too much of your time and bother you.”
She waved your concerns off. “Oh, dear, you’ll never be a bother to me. You helped me out today, and I think it’s only right for me to return the favor.”
“Alright, but, how?” You tilted your head, confused about where she was heading to.
Madame Dupont let out a hum, eyes darting all around the bus as she pondered over what to say before fully turning her gaze back to you. “Do you know why I never get bored even when I rarely go outside unless it’s necessary?”
You shook your head. “No, why?”
“Sewing, knitting, and crocheting are some of the things that keep me company,” she explained. Seeing your puzzled expression, she added, “And I’m bringing that up because I was thinking I can return the favor by sewing your outfit for you.”
You hesitated. “Oh, but... I don’t want to turn your hobby into an obligation.” Sure, it seemed like it would be of a huge amount of help to you, but was it really right to accept it?
Seeing your hesitance, she insisted, “I would love to help you. Besides, it’s no trouble at all.” Just as you were about to politely decline, the bus stopped in front of your apartment, and Madame Dupont used it as an opportunity to wave off any further protests. “You have no other choice but to accept my help,” she said firmly.
Eventually, you gave up, letting her have her way. “Alright, Madame Dupont.” You took the groceries and let her get off the bus first, following soon after. As you both walked towards the apartment, you turned to her, “Would you like me to help with unpacking your groceries?”
“No, dear, you’ve done enough for me today,” she said kindly. “You should go get some rest—but not before you send me the image of the attire you want to use as inspiration.”
Nodding, you promised to send the photos once you got back to your apartment. “Thank you so much, Madame Dupont.”
“Don’t mention it, dear,” she replied with a warm smile. “I’m looking forward to seeing what we’ll come up with.”
Back in your apartment, you lay down on your bed, the events of the day replaying in your mind. You took out your phone and scrolled back and forth through the pictures of the designs from the sketchbook, feeling a strange sense of déjà vu. Each design had its own charm, but one particular outfit kept catching your eye. It was the off-shoulder dress with delicate lace detailing that had given you a headache the first time you saw it, but now that you were more... used to the sight of it, it seemed perfect. After some deliberation, you decided that this was the one. You sent the image to Madame Dupont’s contact number with a short message.
This is the one I’d like to use as inspiration. Thank you so much for your help!
As you put your phone down, you muttered to yourself, “Now that that’s out of the way, I should probably go clean up before I head to bed.” You stood up, stretching your arms above your head, and made your way to the bathroom. The warm water from the shower helped to wash away the fatigue of the day, and as you stood under the stream, you felt a sense of relief and anticipation for what was to come.
Meanwhile, at the park, Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and Wooyoung were seated in one of the grassy areas, enjoying the peaceful evening. The sun had returned to its peaceful slumber long ago, and the park was illuminated by soft, ambient lights, creating a serene atmosphere. “So, any updates on your missing sketchbook?” Wooyoung asked, before popping a chocolate chip cookie into his mouth.
Hongjoong’s expression darkened, and he let out a frustrated sigh. “No, and I don’t want to talk about it,” he grumbled. “The universe might as well tell me to quit my career at this point.”
Seonghwa shook his head, refusing to encourage Hongjoong’s behavior. “Oh, come on, don’t be such a pessimist. We’ll find it eventually.”
Hongjoong turned to Seonghwa, his frustration evident. “Seonghwa, take a moment to reflect on the circumstances we’re currently under. How can I not be pessimistic? My entire collection for the autumn fashion week is in that sketchbook, along with years of work.”
Seonghwa nodded, understanding Hongjoong’s point but still trying to lift his spirits. “I get what you’re feeling, but moping around won’t do anything. We need to stay proactive.”
Wooyoung, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke up. “Why’s the sketchbook so important to you anyway? I mean, yeah, that’s a stupid question since it, like you said, has all the designs you’ve made since college and the sketches for the autumn fashion week, but I can’t help but feel like that’s not the only reason. What’s the real deal?”
Hongjoong’s eyes flickered with an emotion he quickly masked. “You’re thinking way too deeply into it,” he deflected, looking away.
Wooyoung shrugged, sensing Hongjoong’s reluctance to delve deeper. “Well, whatever.”
🪞 — lividstar.
#౨ৎ﹒ノ﹒lividstar.#kim hongjoong x reader#kim hongjoong#hongjoong x reader#hongjoong#ateez#ateez x reader#ateez fluff#hongjoong fluff#ateez angst#hongjoong angst#park seonghwa#jung wooyoung
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