#soft malum
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caramelcalum · 2 years ago
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i need every possible angle of this
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felixnorstubblewealthington · 8 months ago
Do you have favourite kindergarten au(s)? And if you have, Who's your favorite design?
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Hehe :3
Ones mentioned: @applesoftgaze (the Huxley twins), @malumonarchy (Ron), @lovesick-blue (Kidd), @kinderkillerau (Cindy), @kgmilgramau (Ozzy)
@kggamewithgun (Cindy), @displacedbias (Alice), @cursed-kg (Buggs), @cheeselix, @ozzyandfriends (Madison)
@kindergartenbuttiny (Austin), @good-and-evil-unveilied (Carla), @gabycantart (Witch Nugget), @sunnysunnatko (Hitman Kidd), @blues-kindergarten (Nugget)
@drfirsnogayny (Penny), @ask-teen-dorks-au (Lily and Billy), @namnwjehdjjdjd (Felix)
Ones I didn't draw but still love:
-does Huxleypocolypse count? Probably not but If so that's like all I've been able to think about for the past two months lol
-I also love @flower-color-gram! I cannot choose a favorite design I love them all and I want to draw all of them sometime :DDD
Sorry If I didn't draw your au! I have a lot of a lot of others that I love but I wasn't able to fit them 😔 perhaps I'll draw fanart for them eventually though!
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trashmouth-richie · 7 months ago
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⁂ 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡 + 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 || a mini series || eddie x you
“soul ties” based but with a spin — part 1
part 2: i’m your dream, make you real
chapter summary: back story on reader and the history of the ‘souls’, the girl sadly wonders why she suddenly can't stop thinking of eddie munson; eddie spends the night nursing a migraine and trying to remember what that girls name was… the same girl who he can’t seem to get out of his head. oddly enough, both eddie and the girl feel terribly ill— a symptom of rejecting the soul tie. also WAYNE! Yay!
 [series summary: reader and her lover are souls bound to one another for eons and eons, they always find their way back to one another no matter how long it takes or what bodies they might be in, but when reader feels the magnetic pull of her other half and wills the girl’s body she is in to find her lover— the body her lover belongs to is a boy— none other than the meanest boy in hawkins, eddie munson] 
trigger warnings: 18+ smut, bisexual! eddie, mean! eddie, shy! girl, smut. etc eddie the girl are both 18 in this story, drug use, talks of addiction, prison etc.
reader (you) are a “soul” in this story, meaning you are only bound to the body you are inhabiting during this lifetime. The girl will have features mentioned— but again— you (the reader) are a soul, which i imagine to be a flame of all colors. 
You had no control over how, when or where you would appear in a new body. It was never the same timeline. one minute you were floating in a sea of stars on a blackened canvas, the next you were viewing their world from the way they envisioned it. 
The body could be brand new, shiny and soft skinned, no marks of life on its petal-like skin. Sometimes the body was weathered, having seen many moons and decades and you arrived when they needed you most. Years before you had come here, the body you lived in was impaired, seeing nothing but marooned eyelids, navigating the earth with the four other senses. 
Shapes and colors could vary from one body to the next, but inside they all remained the same. The only difference were the souls.
Some of the souls you had encountered weren’t pure. They had a darkness rolling through them that made the bodies they live in do unspeakable, horrific things. 
The malum, as they were known were tainted with vile evilness. Instead of being made with licks of pretty sparkled flame, the malum were created with sharp edges, a singular dark hole in the center showing their emptiness. Compassion was lost from them, all they knew was destruction and how to use the body to their own advantage. 
They could change their appearance, tricking others into loving them.  And although it had been awhile since you’d come across one, you were always weary. Hence, the boy with the fast car from last year.
You were even thankful to come to this girl, the sad lonely girl who just wanted to be loved… her heart tie within reach…but then he rejected her!
That stupid boy and his dumb hair was ruining everything! This was wrong— this was all wrong! It never went this badly before. All it took from the others before this girl and this boy was to feel the “special” pull. The tug of that tiny invisible string that was nearly impossible to ignore. 
Different species, different sex, it didn’t matter! The pull always worked. You sat and stewed in the girl's brain, running laps around her mind, showing her images of the boy, the one she was destined to be with. 
It was deeper than love, stickier than the cotton candies of a carefully woven fate, her heart belonged with his! Plain and simple. You hoped your other half was doing the same with that long haired boy, making his head split and pop like a sunflower seed. 
You could bet that he didn’t know how sad she was. He wouldn’t know that she had cut her tutoring lesson short with Max because the concentration for basic algebra just wasn’t there.  
You could do this, you could make them both see how they belonged together, that they fit like a puzzle and complemented each other like the stars do the moon, despite their differences, or walks of life. 
Time was all you needed, and thankfully they both were guaranteed to be in the same building for almost eight hours a day, five days a week. 
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“Are you okay?” 
Eddie had been staring at his mac n cheese for nearly ten minutes. Each tick of the clock squeezed his head like a vice. He had been fixated on something he couldn’t quite grasp. As if he were in a fuzzy dream where punches didn’t land and he coincidentally had the winning lottery ticket. 
A name. 
It’s all he was trying to think of, but he couldn’t for the life or death of him remember it. 
Beth? Kay? Maybe… Yeah.. Kay sounds right—nope Kay was that smokin’ hot foreign exchange student last semester. Jesus Christ, who the hell is that girl?
Wayne watched with his bushy eyebrows raised into the sparse bits of hair left on his head as his nephew drug his spoon counter-clockwise then clockwise through the cheesy valley of noodles, not saying a single word other than the occasional grunt or mumbling a series of consonants and vowels through the entirety of supper. 
His head had spun all day. A loose paper boat down a sewer drain to awaiting clown claws had a better success rate in survival than the absolute collegiate level of  nonsense he was trying to get his brian to spark. No matter what he did he couldn’t get that girl out of his head. 
Maybe if he could put a name to her face—he had thought that would settle it. Then he could finally fucking move on. But alas, it was as if his brain left on vacation… or maybe those drug scare ads were right and his brain cells were actually fried.  
“Something wrong with the food, Ed?” Wayne asked around a mouthful, “thought you loved dogs with mac n cheese.” 
Eddie went class by class in his head imagining the seats of every girl who occupied them. In Geography there was Tiffany, Alice, Wheeler, Robin, Barbara, and Chrissy. 
This is fucking stupid, he thinks. She could be a year or two below him in school, but goddamnit what was her name?
He could memorize DnD manuals, a whiz at math especially percentages for his.. hobbies. But a simple name to a girl he’s seen a dozen times falls short. 
Dropping the metal spoon with a loud clunk, he groans, throwing his head in his hands. “I’m fine, Wayne.” 
He wasn’t, along with his head pounding like the hammering tune of a chainsaw, he had felt nauseous all day. Like a hangover that never seemed to end, or that time he had the stomach flu last year and missed a week of school. 
But this wasn’t the flu, and it wasn’t a hangover. It was a nagging feeling in his head and a rip to his gut. 
“You sure?” Wayne tested cautiously, “Y’ know I don’t have many rules here.. and I don’t care that you smoke in the house, but son if you’re doing something… more than that… I…” Wayne shakes his head, his voice growing earnest, “I just don’t want you to end up like your old man ‘s all.” 
“Jesus, Wayne,” Eddie groaned, scrubbing his hands down his face, he hadn’t touched that shit his dad was caught with, and was currently serving a sentence for, ever. 
“I’m not doin’ anything like that, okay? I just… GOD—” he ran thick ringed fingers through his hair and cursed again when the rings got tangled, huffing through his nose like a bull, “I feel like shit!” 
Wayne relaxed a bit in his chair, a chuckle in his throat at his nephew's theatrics, “eat then, you’ll feel better.” 
Eddie shoved his plate away,  synchronizing the metallic dragging scuff from the chair’s legs across the cheap linoleum floor with a grumble of ‘m not hungry. 
His long legs seemed to tangle under themselves as he stood and he caught his shoulder hard on the wall, the drag of soft cotton down a plywood wall muffling his curses as he headed to bed. 
Face first he landed into the worn and spring heavy mattress, the smell of weed and spiced deodorant engulfing him. Leather scuffed boots still on his feet from when he drove to Rick’s for his weekly supply. The pounding against his skull was dull, twisting like a knife and it just wouldn’t quit.
Nose crushed in the misshapen pillow, Eddie throws his hand out hazardly to the nightstand. His fingers skid around the scattered DnD dice, a crusted half eaten sandwich from the night before and the sharp foiled  edge of a ripped corner from a Trojan from when—yeah, whew…that was a great night.
Finally, his fingers wrap around the cool steel of his zippo lighter. 
Without looking up, he flicks the pad of his thumb against the wheel igniting a flame to be sure there’s enough fluid. Groaning again he slides a hand into his jeans and pulls out the little bag he had gotten from Rick.
Movements that were taken for granted were now causing sweat to pool in the middle of his back, his temples dripped as a tickling bead of sweat wove a path down his chin. 
Whatever illness that was currently plaguing him was one like nothing before, and he only hoped his last vice of getting out of his mind with the sweet burn of a joint into his lungs would help. 
Slotting it between his lips he flicked the lighter and inhaled as much as his lungs could take. 
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The girl drove home in silence. A salty drip of steady tears stinging her cheeks from the bite of the breeze that seeped through the cracked open car window. She didn’t understand why on this particular day he had burrowed so far under her skin, and even though he was rude, per usual—she couldn’t let it go. 
A horn honked behind her at the stop sign before she realized she had been staring at the steering column, foot pressed on the brake. Tears dripped onto the apples of her cheeks and she wiped at them with the sleeve of her cream colored cardigan, leaving flecks of mascara behind. 
Blowing out a blubbery sigh she eased her car forward and drove along the wet pavement of Hawkins, vision blinded by traitorous tears for the boy who didn’t deserve them. 
She ate her supper in a sad silence— fork balancing green beans gone cold. The girl sighed with a hand resting into her palm, watching the fall leaves plucking themselves free in the front yard. 
Her mind played that scene at Eddie’s trailer over and over. The way he practically bit her head off, how easy it was for him to dismiss her as a nuisance. She could feel the heat blossoming on her cheeks, how it had practically burned like his eyes did when they looked at her. 
Eddie was like that with everyone at school, so it really shouldn’t have been a surprise to her. But it was. And tears started again as she thought of why he was so mean.
“…see Mom! She hates green beans so much she’s crying about them!” 
The girl shook her head and blinked back the tears, “‘m not crying you little turkey,” she bites back, shoving her younger brother with her elbow, “just.. had a long day, ‘m tired.” 
“Well,” her mother protested, pressing a cloth napkin to the corners of her mouth, “why don’t you run a bath and go to bed early?” 
Nodding, she excused herself quietly from the table and walked the plush carpeted path to the upstairs bathroom. 
More tears began to roll down her cheeks as she climbed each step, a tingling in the nape of her neck made her skin feel boiling hot. The further up she went the worst she started to feel. 
I’m probably getting the flu. She thought to herself, Hawkins High had more than fifteen students out with it last week, and it would make sense that she too would fall victim to it. But the flu wouldn’t make her cry for no reason, no— a sickness wouldn’t have her feeling like she was nothing. 
But those dark brown eyes could. 
Thinking of her encounter today just made it worse, but she couldn’t turn it off. She welcomed the warmth from the water to seep through her bones after the tub was filled and she slipped gingerly into the water. 
Hoping the steam would will away the awful empty feeling in her stomach,  she let herself fully submerge, her wet brown hair feeling like the bottom of a silky moss covered lake. 
She laid under the water for what felt like hours, no sound, just her racing thoughts to keep her company.
Maybe I’m getting my period? She thought after taking a few winded deep breaths and sitting up in the water. 
It would explain why she was so irrationally upset about all of this. It was plausible. And maybe the burning flames of hell's butterflies in her stomach was because she had barely eaten anything for supper.
It definitely wasn’t the fact that Eddie seemed to radiate like a neon light in space the second he opened that door, and she was like a moth to his flame. One that was quickly swatted away. 
Eddie Munson. 
Standing and wrapping a towel around herself she hit the drain and stepped from the tub onto a peach colored bath mat. 
His face played like a movie in her head. A montage of him and only him. The cocky gait he strutted down the hallways, hollering at the jocks to get the fuck out of his way. The jingling swish of that chain linked wallet in the back pocket of his jeans, a soft black bandana in the other. 
Wiping condensation from the mirror she shakes her head. What the hell? Never. Not once in her entire life had she thought about Eddie Munson. Even thinking his name made her stomach lurch like she might be sick. 
Wait. No, she was going to be sick. 
She makes it just in time to lift the seat on the toilet before she vomits violently into the bowl, tears leaking from her eyes with every retching heave her body produced. 
She hears her name buzzing in her ear. Once, twice, three times and she knows her mother is behind those calls on the other side of the door.
“‘m okay, Mom,” she gasps, “just the flu, it’s been going around—” 
And normally where her mother would have come in to rub her back, ask if she needed anything— she doesn’t. 
Flushing the toilet she looks over her shoulder, “Mom?”
No answer.
Rising from her knees she walks to the door and opens it, “Mom?” 
Maybe she was hearing things, but she swore her name was said loud and clear. 
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Smoke billowed around Eddie’s room, hanging like dense clouds from an oven fire. Either his tolerance was higher or the bud from Rick was skunked— because after smoking three joints back-to-back-to-back, he still couldn’t feel anything. 
Not even a tiny little buzz or the hazy droop of his eyelids forming into slits. That sickening pounding kept its beat along his chest and into every vein in his body, unrelenting in its ravage upon him. 
He thought of the times he had seen her. Where was he standing? What section of lockers was she shoving books into? 
Sandra? Beth… no he already said that. Fuck. 
It’s not until he laid flat on his back a few minutes later, the short remnants of paper flickering from the last bit of the joint burning close to his fingers. Eddie closed his eyes in complete solitude, and that’s when it clicked. 
Shuffling on what felt like broken legs to his closet, Eddie wedged the door open on its broken track. Every muscle in his body screamed in agony, he felt as if he had ran a marathon, backwards. 
His tongue was out between his lips as he concentrated on his task at hand. Rifling through heaps of clothes, old shoes, playboys with dog eared pages. He was elbows deep in the depths of his closet, searching for what he had tossed in here at the end of last year. 
The pads of his fingers feel the textured cover under a halloween mask and he yanks it free stumbling backwards and tripping over his amp, landing hard on the floor. 
He doesn’t wait to be in a more comfortable position on his bed or even sitting up straight before he holds the book over his face and flips open the cover of Hawkins High 1985 Go Tigers!, his yearbook. 
Pages and pages he skimmed through. Freshman class, Sophomore class, pictures of every sport from Fall to Spring, Band, Choir, The school newspaper… he was about to give up after he saw his own picture staring at him from Junior year.
And he would have missed it if his thumb hadn’t suddenly stung. As if a bee or a strike of lightning went through him and he had to adjust his hold on the book. Where his thumb had been pressed into the page, was the girl. 
Just a few down from his own school portrait, she sat smiling shyly at the camera with closed lips, silken voluminous dark hair, a sparkle in each eye. 
Eddie’s stomach plummeted, his pulse speeding up as each letter of her name danced behind his irises, and his lips tingle when he finally says her name. 
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thanks for reading💋
taglist: @cinemabean @findmeincorneliastreet @pleuviors @boltonbritreads @nailbatanddungeon
@what-the-jams @aprisher @bbygh0st18 @lemme-slytherin-that-dick @joejoequinnquinn
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fangdokja · 4 days ago
𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐦 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐮𝐦 (𝐌𝐂): 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫.
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Link To Google Docs Masterlist: [CLICK HERE]
𝘽𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙤𝙗𝙨𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣, 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣—𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙝𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧.
There is a moment, a fracture in time, before the mind twists into something singular. Before obsession blooms like a sickness, before devotion corrodes into something eternal—there is only want. No love. No illusion of affection. Only the brutal, inescapable reality of prey and predator.
This is Malum Consilium.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐥𝐚��𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐞, 𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞.
This is not a love story. There are no soft edges, no pretense, no fantasy of salvation. These are not yet yanderes—only creatures of instinct, of desire, of hunger so consuming it leaves nothing untouched. They are loyal, yes. But that does not mean they are human.
These stories are 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 for those who understand what Dead Dove truly means.
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♡ Notice Regarding Masterlist Accessibility. Due to ongoing mass reporting and Tumblr’s limitations on link availability, I will now be providing a Google Docs link for easier access. This will ensure that the Masterlist remains available regardless of post removals.
Official TAG LIST of “Malum Consilium”: @songbirdgardensworld
Test-Phase TAG LIST of “Malum Consilium”:
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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭:
✦ 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐃𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦. No love, no devotion—only bodies, hunger, and suffering.
✦ 𝐆𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐧-𝐂𝐨𝐧. Multiple perpetrators. No protection. No way out.
✦ 𝐏𝐫𝐞-𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬. Loyal? Yes. But they do not yet love you—only own you.
✦ 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐔𝐧𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠. A descent into the obscene, the forbidden, the unspeakable.
✦ 𝐍𝐨 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬. You will not be coddled. You will not be comforted. You will endure—or you will leave.
This book is for the ones who understand. If you do not, do not touch it.
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 & 𝐋𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬:
✦ 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 & 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲. Each piece is self-contained—anywhere from 3K to 17.5K+ words. Some will be quick, brutal executions. Others will take their time sinking into your skin.
✦ 𝐍𝐨 𝐒𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐬. Once a story ends, it is final. There is no continuation, no return. The suffering stands on its own.
✦ 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬. There will be no unresolved endings. You will know exactly where the story leaves you—whether in ruin, in death, or in something far worse.
✦ 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞. No shared universe. No reoccurring characters. Each monster, each horror is a singular entity, consuming you for only as long as the pages allow.
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𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤:
✦ 𝐀 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. A yandere’s love is brutal, unrelenting. But before love, there is something worse—something unshaped, undirected, a storm of hunger without end. This is the beginning. The stage before obsession takes root.
✦ 𝐀 𝐓𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝. These stories are an exercise—a sharpening of the blade. Corpus Delicti demands mastery of gang rape non-con horror, and this is the proving ground. A space to push limits, to refine the nightmare.
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𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬:
The tag list is not open to the public. It is reserved for those who have been here—those who have read, endured, and engaged with my long-form works.
✦ 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝. Trust is earned. Presence is proven. If you are new, read first.
✦ 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬. You are welcome to engage, to react, to endure. But understand the nature of this space.
✦ 𝐃𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧. This book is not meant to be safe. It is meant to be horror. You are here by choice.
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amica-aenigmata-naboo · 1 year ago
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Astarion x Y/N - drabble - 1K WC
Warnings: ANGST, big feels, hurt comfort, possession?, hurling insults at each other, Astarion being a little scary, fluff ending
“How could you!” Astarion shouted.
“How could I? It’s a book Astarion, it's not that deep.” you said, rolling your eyes at him. “Knowledge is for all, not just you.” you snapped at him. 
“I’m not upset you read it, I’m upset you took it from me without asking.” he corrected you in a harsh tone. 
“I didn’t think it was a problem, you told me I could borrow books…” you looked at him with confusion.
“Not that one! The Necromancy of Thay is not just some book.” he looked at you with disbelief. How could you be so naive and reckless? 
“I’m a fucking cleric Astarion! Magic is kinda my whole purpose!” your dedication to Kelemvor was unquestionable and he was debating you about this? This book that could grant you a gift that Kelemvor had not? Speaking to the dead would be a godsend as clergy for the god of the dead, traveling across Faerun to gods know where. 
“Do you understand the danger of that book? No, you don’t, because you're a petulant child who steals others toys when they can’t have them. All you do is take!” he yelled.
You froze. That was a real insult. This wasn’t a little spat anymore, this was a fight. Your first fight in the whole 10 months together. Your heart cracked a bit, but you filled with fire at his harshness. 
“I take? I borrowed a book for a few hours. You literally take my fucking blood out of me daily. Do you know what that feels like over time? It hurts.” your voice wavered slightly but you held strong. 
“But you were oh so willing as long as I was fucking you while I did it!” that was dirty and untrue and he knew it. He said the most hateful thing he could think of and he knew it would cut you deeply.
Your eyes widened, your mouth hung open. “You think this is about sex?.... You conceited jackass! This is about me being in pain for weeks on end and you being too oblivious to see it. Maybe I am nothing more to you than dinner.” you laughed to yourself, the absolute arrogance of this man had you baffled. 
Astarion marched towards you, his face was unfamiliar. All scrunched up in a way you had never seen directed at you. His crimson eyes were practically glowing with rage. He pushed you back so you were trapped between the desk and his arms. He put his face near yours, he sounded like an animal. The growl in his voice sends a shiver down your spine. “Maybe I should drain you dry…” he nestled his face into the crook of your neck, fangs barely grazing your neck. 
You whimpered and tears flowed down your face. You were legitimately scared. Astarion always asked before he bit you. Yet here he was, threatening to drain you with his fangs at your throat. Your body shook and you let out a sob, trying desperately not to move as you knew his fangs could tear you apart. 
The sob was what cleared his mind. As soon as he heard it all the anger in him disappeared and he just felt sad. He had never seen you cry and the fact that you were now, because of him, it devoured him from inside. He backed up two paces, you flinched when he moved so quickly and it was like a shard of ice into his heart to know he scared you.
“Darling I… I’m sorry… I wasn’t going to… I didn’t mean to scare you” he said, holding his arms out in front of him, surrendering to you. 
You pushed yourself against the desk, desperate to be away from him. Your arms crossed your chest, holding yourself. “Please… don’t hurt me…” you mumbled. He saw the fear in your eyes. 
“I would never…” he said, his eyes were big and round and yet you were terrified. “Please my love, I don’t know what came over me…” he looked at his new ring, it was glowing a soft red.
You looked to where his eyes were, you immediately recognized the ring. The Circle of Malum. It brought out the wearers worst emotions, and turned them cold. Hostile; in exchange for great strength and cunning wisdom. “Take that off…” you pointed at his ring, still too afraid to touch him. 
“What?” he questioned, sounding defensive.
“The ring is changing you Astarion… You’re not yourself…please love…” you spoke out in a hushed tone, still nervous. 
Love. You still loved him? How strange he thought. He looked between you and the ring before flinging it off his finger. It felt as if it was burning him once he knew the truth of its devious exchange. “Little love… I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean anything I said… I was so angry I - I… I felt out of control.” 
You looked deep into his eyes. No malice, not a single hint of irritation. You saw fear and love, both of which were directed at you. You cautiously moved towards him, hands gently reaching for his face. You tilted his chin up, looking into his eyes. All you could see was the guilt on his face and the sorrow that was radiating off of him. “It's ok, you're ok.” you whispered.
He nodded before he pulled you into a hug. A few stray tears of his landed on your shoulder. You stayed like that for a while. 
“I love you…” he whispered with a small smile. 
You wiped the last of the tears from under his eyes before kissing his cheeks. You glanced down at his lips, his eyes watching you flit back and forth. He leaned in but you closed the space. Gentle, like he was afraid of breaking you. “I love you.” you leaned your forehead against his, breathing him in. 
“Were you able to finish the book?” he asked after a few moments.
You smiled at him, such a curious little thing he was. “Yes.” 
“And?” he said, cocking an eyebrow at you.
“And… Now I can speak to the dead.” you said, pride building in you. 
“Think you can help me read it?” he asked, taking your hand. 
You kissed him quickly, “I think I can manage that.”
He smiled, for what felt like the first time in days.
Naboo's Note:
Hello all! I hope this is a good one for ya! Idk I was in my angsty sad girl hours and this was the product. Hope you are all doing well <3 As always, thank your for the likes, comments, reblogs, and requests! Talk soon XOXOXOXOXXOXOOXOXOOXOXOXOOXOXOXOXOXO!!!
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felixnorstubblewealthington · 10 months ago
Hi first of all what the in the holy water fish and second of all thank you so much I'm going to explode any minute now and third of all WAWHHWHHHAH A WHAT THE FUCKKKK😭😭😭😭😭I don't even know how I can even write or even draw my feelings out right now and if I did it would probably be like
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I saw this an hour ago and I spent 50 minutes trying to think of how to thank you back properly and also build up to courage to even respond so I stood in the middle of the mall and internally screamed my heart out while trying to contain my tears I literally can't even begin to try and explain how I feel I almost felt my heart stop and I almost dropped on my knees, wiggled on the floor like a pathetic fish that came out of the water, swept the floor with my tears and then explode into atoms because of my happiness and then when I arrived at home I sat down on the couch and then actually opened the notification to see that you made TWO fanarts and I literally almost choked on my water and perished /vv pos whayshshwhagabs this caught me off guard wuaygshhhhhI can't even make sense of myself AAAAA 💥💥💥💥💥💥
To sum all my rambling; thank yoh sooso muchhhhssbhh😭😭😭❤️❤️😭😭❤️❤️2❤️❤️😭❤️❤️2❤️😭😭4AAAAAAAAAAA
whiteboard doodles with @displacedbias and @rainrayne au
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makutaservaela · 3 months ago
Tips for naming Bionicle
I developed this system about halfway through making my headcanon, and it works wonders for me.
Pick some words that describe your character. Let's say we're naming a Toa of Light.
Now we need some words that have to do with light. We can scroll Wikipedia for some good ones: The Wikipedia article for Photon says this: "The name "photon" is generally attributed to Gilbert N. Lewis "
So, let's take some syllables from that name: Gi, Be, Le, and Si.
Next, let's hit up Google Translate. If we put "Light" in, say, Maori, we get multiple options. Some refer to "Light" as in "light-weighted", some refer to light as in Toa of Light. That's fine, we can use any of them. We get: Marama, Puhau, and Taimama
We pick some syllables from that: Ma, Ra, Pu, Ha, Hau, Tai, Ta. Now, we just combine syllables until we find a nice one. We can also change out or add vowels, but try not to double consonants. We could name our Toa something like:
Taima, Tayma, Besi, Besita, Besitai, Hausi, Hasi, Haasi, Purama, Pubema, Gira, Giira, Gesi, Gesii, Leba, Lera, Lerak, Lesira, Lesiro, Besiro, Besira, Besiron etc
Bionicle names tend to follow a few rules. There are exceptions of course, but most follow the rules:
Consonant-vowel combinations, which makes sense since that is common in Asian or Oceanic languages like Maori
Vowels can be doubled up, but doubling up consonants is less common and usually is reserved for minor characters or antagonists (Krekka, Skakdi).
Skakdi, Makuta, and other antagonist species tend to have more usage of V, K, X, and Z, especially at the end of the name. When you see those letters in protagonist names, it is often surrounded by a bunch of soft letters (Vhisola, Orkham, Ahkmou, Nokama, Kopaka, Kapura). Ta and Po are more likely to have more aggressive names, while Ga are more likely to have softer names. If an antagonist lacks this, there is usually an excuse (ex. Gorast has few aggressive letters, but her name also contains the word "Gore". Likewise Malum comes from Mal, the Latin word for "Evil".)
Protagonist species (Matoran, Toa) names usually end in a vowel or N, S, M etc. Occasionally they will end in K. They will almost never end in X, Z, or V. Agori and Glatorian are a frequent exception to this. Matoran and Toa who are more aggressive or who play more serious roles also are more likely to be exceptions. (Photok, Tuyet, Helryx)
When translating languages to find syllables, Maori, Hawaiian, and occasionally Swahili are my go-tos for Matoran and Toa. Greek and Latin work better for Agori and Glatorian, and their names often can pass as actual ancient Latin or Greek names.
EDIT: A commentor suggested Finnish as well! I tried that one and can attest that it works really well for this sort of thing.
And it's good to remember that what a big corporation does is very different from what you as some rando with a fanfic does. You don't have to stress too hard about avoiding certain words, like if a name is the same as some character from something or a brand name or coincidentally means "shit" in some language or "God" in another. The problem there isn't the use of a few letters for a character name, but the societal event of a corporation intentionally making money off of an overall concept.
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That you Keep
Author’s note: More Random shit. So- Malum Caedo in Boltgun was all like "I shall finish what Captain Titus Started!!" and that was adorable, for a Veteran Murder Machien of a Man. And like. Titus and Malum meeting in Space Marine 2 would be great since, clearly, he adored his Captain.
Summary: Veteran Sternguard Malum Caedo hears tell of his previous Captain, now Lieutenant Titus having survived and returned back to the Ultramarines.
Warnings: Smut. NSFT. uh... let me know if you need me to add anything here? Thanks y'all!
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @ms--lobotomy , @thevoidscreams, @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
He had been walking from one part of the ship to the other when he'd heard some of the younger brothers who'd been initially created as Primaris Marines complain about their new Officer.
Gadriel complaining to Chairon about Lt. Titus, Malum paused and looked at his younger brothers in the Second Company and asked if they meant Demetrian Titus- and asked them certain questions about the identity of this Demetrian Titus.
Realizing that the Demetrian Titus that they are talking about is his Demetrian Titus has him asking them where he could find their Lt. They are a little taken back about his questions and vehemence, but they told him.
He thanked the younger brothers for telling him all of this as he headed to where Titus, his Demetrian is. Part of why he'd taken the Graia mission all those long years ago was to see if he could recover his body, since he had been told that Titus had died on that mission.
Part of him thought that had been a lie, and he's glad to know that his instincts on such a thing were correct. His Demetrian turns when he called out his name softly, a smile soft and gentle appears on Titus's face, if a little cautious.
Malum pulls of his helmet, "I am so glad that you are alive Metri."
"You thought I was dead?" Titus asks.
"Yes," Malum says, "Stars above, I have missed you, I had grieved your loss. I am glad that you have returned to us."
Something colder and harder in Demetrian's eyes softens and warms at that. An almost sparkle of something flashes in the other's eyes as he strides towards Malum as they move closer towards one another.
Malum reaches out and grabs one of Demetrian's arms who clasps his hand back as they tug each other lightly into a deep embrace. Titus notes out loud, "You feel stronger."
"Indeed- the benefits of crossing the Rubicon Primaris, successfully," Malum says proudly, "You too- seem stronger."
"I have also crossed the Rubicon Primaris," Titus says, pausing a little, "Did you choose to cross, or was it that or being turned into a Dreadnaught or death?"
"I chose to try to Cross the Rubicon," Malum says, "... What about you?"
"... Chapter Master Calgar chose for me to cross the Rubicon." Titus says.
"Ah, you are not the only Captain that our wonderful Chapter Master has decided such medical decisions for." Malum says quietly, lowly, "I have missed you, so much."
"I have missed you deeply Mal," Titus says as he lightly tugs his fellow turned-Primaris Marine with him to his private rooms.
Malum follows him eagerly as they go into Titus's room, Demetrian lets go of his hand for a moment and goes to his armor stand and hits the quick release button on his armor and steps out of it.
Malum follows suit with his own armor and within a blink of an eye, Titus is upon him. A clash of lips, tongue, and the clack of teeth as they press kisses and touches, desperate fingers touch and tease their paramor's skin and body.
"I have missed you, all these long, lonely years," Malum whispers, moaning into Titus's lips.
"Never chose another to bed?" Titus asks, half surprised, half pleased.
"None could compare to you," Malum said with a shake of his head, honest in his words as they continue to kiss and touch.
Demetrian presses his fingers to Malum's lips and he opens his mouth eagerly as he sucks on the other's fingers- helping lubricate them as Titus teases their cocks, by rubbing them against each other.
Malum groans in pleasure and the delicious friction as Titus flips Malum over and pulls his fingers away as he stretches Malum open with his fingers.
The pain and pleasure run up his spine in equal measure as he pleads, "Titus- fuck me, Please."
"In a bit, love, In a bit," Titus murmurs, "It's been a century for us both, love."
Malum whines a little at that and grinds his backside against Titus' fingers and cock. He hides a little smirk as he hears Titus's swearing of pleasure and the way the other picks up the pace on stretching him.
The feeling Titus's other hand lightly smacking his ass in punishment only enhancing the pain-pleasure-need-desire and he groans in pleasure as Titus pulls his fingers out of him.
He whines at the loss and Titus chuckles a little as he thrusts in, he had wanted to do so slowly. But the hot, tight feeling of Malum around him. Fuck it really has been so long. Has him thrusting all the way in fast.
Damn. This new body of his really is an upgrade. Stronger, faster, it's impressive. As he presses biting kisses into Malums neck and shoulder as he starts to thrust in and out of him.
Malum eagerly matching his pace rolling his hips and groaning in pleasure, while Titus groans in pleasure and murmurs filthy praise. It's embarrassingly quick how fast he cums, but is pleased that Malum doesn't take long to cum either.
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purriteen · 1 year ago
Control - Coriolanus Snow, act i.
“Dulce puella malum est” / “Woman is a sweet poison" -Ovid
synopsis: A handsome young congressman catches your eye. After your one-night stand, your paths soon cross once more and it turns out he holds more power over your future than you thought.
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warnings: smut, relatively vanilla, reader has mommy issues, somewhat ooc Coriolanus cause canon Snow has 0 rizz, a little misogyny if you squint (?), more to come in act ii. no use of y/n.
this can be read as a standalone.
author’s note: hopefully you guys don’t mind the difference in format compared to AdVS, I tried to make this less rushed and bare-bones 🫶🏻
I can’t believe I just used the word rizz. I’m so sorry.
(side note: I've no idea if there's any such thing as congress in Panem, but fuck it, I say he's gotta put in a little work before he becomes president)
red text - Snow's thoughts, pink text - reader's thoughts
act ii
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He’d met you at some dull fundraiser gala. In your little pale pink dress, you’d immediately stood out from the crowd. There was something so innocent about your appearance, with your glossy pink lips and subtle eyeliner, the modest but luscious braid your hair had been done into. You looked ethereal - nothing like the other women of the Capitol, in their over-the-top vibrant coloured hair and their tacky avant-garde dresses. 
  Avantgarde - what a pretentious word. Trashy and conceited would be more accurate, although such taunts were better left to the districts.
  Oh, and those striking eyes which he soon realised were looking right at him.
  You weren’t ashamed to be caught staring, that much he could tell by the look on your face. He found himself intrigued by the contrast - your girlishly charming getup paired with the almost flirtatious hint in your eyes as you smiled at him. No, coquettish was more fitting a choice to describe the way you carried yourself - you were just demure enough to give off the impression that you simply didn’t realise the effect your presence must’ve had on most men you encountered.
  You were delighted as you watched him make his way over to you, stretching out his hand and introducing himself. Like a moth to a flame. You eagerly accepted, your perfectly manicured hand so very soft and light in his. No ring on your finger - he counted that as a win.
  He quickly recognised your last name. You were no one important, that much he knew, but there was something so enticing about you. Something so intoxicating about your presence.
  You on the other hand instantly recognised him from your days back at the Academy. Coriolanus Snow, professor Click’s star pupil. He was two years older than you, but rumours of his academic prowess, and of course, what happened to him after graduation, still circulated around the school by the time you yourself had been a senior.   He was quite the enigma -  he’d disappeared for an entire summer and returned a changed man, one cold and hungring for power that, as the heir to the Plinth fortune and the protege of the terrifying doctor Gaul herself, was well within his reach. He’d already begun climbing the social ladder too - last year he’d been appointed a seat in congress. 
  Many of your friends had harboured a crush on him, but he’d never allowed anyone to get close enough to take the plunge. Not even girls his own age, as far as you knew. 
  Even after graduating, and his brief disappearance from high society, you would’ve recognised that head of majestic blonde hair anywhere. He was tall and lean, of which the former was rare among those who’d grown up during the dark days. In his perfectly fitted black suit, crisp white button-down and burgundy tie, he practically embodied power; the fresh ideals and ambitions of this generation personified. 
  After a few dances and drinks shared, you had ended up in the back of his car, making surprisingly casual conversation about a new policy he’d put forth the other week. You could care less, but the effect it could have on your taxes gave you reason enough to feign interest. Besides - he could be a good friend to have in the future, if he continued down his path towards becoming a prominent politician like he always wanted. It wouldn’t hurt for him to think you were actually interested in his line of work.
  “Tell me, your last name - I don’t recognise it. What does your family do exactly?” He inquires.
  You’re somewhat caught off guard by the question. 
  Was it that obvious that you didn’t care for or know anything beyond the basics about this topic? Was he trying to spare you the humiliation of continuing the conversation by changing the subject?
  Trying to pull yourself back together, you swallow the lump in your throat and look up at him. No man or boy had affected you in this way since you were in middle school, and it both frightened and intrigued you. 
  Pull yourself together.
  “Oh, my parents own one of the biggest shares in district 4’s fishing industry. But where we make the real money from is the pearls gathered from the clam digging. Naturally they’re shipped off to district 1 for jewellery production and the likes, but we earn a decent cut from it.” You explain, a smooth and nonchalant tone to your voice, despite the nervous wreck that you were under his scrutiny. It was a good thing you’d learned to conceal your emotions early on - but clearly, so had he. You could tell he wasn’t quite buying your indifferent-heiress act.
“My parents keep trying to groom my incompetent little brother to become the heir, though. Shame.” You sigh, wanting to take his mind off of your possible faux pas. 
  He gives an understanding nod, his hand caressing the skin just above your knee, giving it a gentle squeeze.   “I’m sorry, I must be boring you with all this talk of politics. Let’s not talk about that now.” His voice drops just the slightest bit lower, and the look on his face sends a jolt of excitement straight down your spine, before landing right between your legs. 
“I may not be as knowledgeable as you, but don’t you think I’ve an interest in politics too, hm? It does concern my life and future as well. Especially all those bills and reforms being put forth as of late that’ll impact the family business.” You retort, although keeping your tone playful, which earns you a bemused glint in his icy blue eyes. He takes a couple seconds to consider his answer before he opens his mouth to speak again. 
  “Well I’m sure you do. But really, a sweet girl like you shouldn’t have to worry about that. At least, tonight you won’t have to, if you’ll let me.. take your mind off things.” He suggests, leaning closer as his gaze falls on your lips, thumb caressing your chin. 
  His playfully dismissive tone, the way he sabotages any attempt at proving yourself, everything about him is so very demeaning and arrogant. You want to hate it, you do hate it, the way he makes you feel like you’re no longer in control, but something about his attitude has you weak in the knees. Perhaps it’s the posca, or the way his slender thumb drags across your bottom lip that’s keeping you from thinking straight.
  “I do, I do need to worry about that, I’ve a stake in our earnings too,” You say softly, close to a whisper, followed by a few moments of silence as the two of you gaze at each other, waiting for the other to make a move. You certainly don’t plan on blinking first.   “But maybe, just for tonight..” You whisper almost inaudibly, allowing your voice to trail off.
  Against your better judgement you find yourself leaning in, inviting him to kiss you. And so he does. His warm lips crash onto yours, smearing the remainders of your pink gloss even more, his knee nestling its way in between your thighs within a manner of minutes.
  You gasp softly as he makes contact with your clothed mound, gently pushing him away. You flash him a kittenish grin, hand lingering on his chest.
  “Shouldn’t we wait until we get to your apartment? It would be quite the scandal if you were caught getting it on with a stranger in the backseat of your vehicle..” You allow your hand to glide lower, keeping eye contact as it dips all the way down to his belt. You hear his breath hitch in his throat, and some of your usual confidence returns at the confirmation that he wants you just as bad.
  “Well you’re not making it easy for me, dove.” He breathes out as he rests his forehead against yours, looking about as eager to rip your clothes off as you were his.    “I’m very sorry then, congressman Snow. But surely a man of your standing ought to have some more self-control?” You tease, managing to elicit a breathy chuckle from him.
  He soon pulls away, much to your disappointment. “I suppose so. We’re almost at my apartment, fortunately.” He wipes some smudged lipgloss from your chin with his thumb, before he presses a button on the inside of the car door right next to you to roll up the thick opaque partition previously separating the back from his driver, sat in the front seat.
  After giving the man the rest of the night off, he quickly ushers you out of the car and towards the entrance of one of those flashy new apartment buildings in the city circle. Your flat on Scholars road, which you’d intended to sell ever since you graduated university last year, paled in comparison.
  Even the foyer reeked of opulence and excess-everything. The marble stairs were lined with gilded railings, as was the elevator he so swiftly escorted you into. You obliged, and it didn’t take long for him to have you pressed against the wall whilst he trailed hot kisses down your neck. 
  You were only brought out of your daze when the elevator dinged, doors sliding open to reveal a lavish penthouse, somewhat resembling the apartment your parents had recently purchased in one of the remodelled Corso buildings.
  You've only barely taken your coat off when he swoops you up, which causes you to let out a surprised squeal as he begins to carry you towards what you can only assume is the master bedroom. He courteously places you down on the ground again, starting to undo his waistcoat as you unzip your gown and let it fall to the floor with a soft thud.
  He looks up at you through hazy eyes, blown wide with lust, stopping his efforts to unbutton his shirt when he sees your naked form. 
  Closing the gap between you, his hand delicately encircles your waist as the other caresses your cheek. "I wasn't expecting such an indecent choice of underwear paired with a pretty dress like that.." He murmurs onto your lips, ensnaring you in a cloud of lust and the nearly overwhelming scent of roses as his tongue slips past your lips, hands working behind your back to unclasp your lacy black and pink bra.
  It doesn't take long until you're both on his bed, your back pressed against his chest and his hand down your flimsy panties. His mouth trails hickeys and love bites down your exposed neck as one of his long, slender fingers pumps in and out of your sopping wet cunt. "Dirty little thing aren't you? Spreading your legs so easily for me.." He rasps against the shell of your ear, relishing the way your walls clamp down on his lone digit. "Needy too, I see," He chuckles, easily adding a second finger although receiving only a whimper in response.
  You whine at the stretch, thighs tremoring underneath him. With his fervent attacks on all the things that have you weak in the knees, you’re unable to focus on anything other than the pleasure. Just this once, you allow him to indulge you. Heat starts to build in your stomach as his pace quickens.
  “Quite shameful of you to sleep with a man you just met, isn’t it?” He whispers in your ear, his voice husky and roguish. Your cheeks flush bright red at the thought, knowing your family would hardly approve, and neither would the public.
  The last few months your father had been trying to set you up with the heir to a family who made their money manufacturing luxury furniture out of all things; truly second-rate. You’d always been ambitious, even if you’d never been particularly keen on pursuing a career - you knew you could do better, that you could truly marry up and attain the life of luxury and leisure your mother wanted for you, but he wouldn’t listen to either of you. If this got out though, he’d be both furious and humiliated, no matter how many times you’d already told him that you intended to do better for yourself.  
Wasn’t that what you were doing anyways? This was a matter of securing a match, a potential betrothal to a man who could easily give you everything you wanted. Yes, that was it. This wasn’t just some shameful rendezvous - if Coriolanus himself saw it that way, you’d make sure he came around one way or another.
  “Please, stop teasing,” you manage to mewl out, though it seems to have no effect other than to amuse him. 
  “What makes you think I’m teasing? Just be good for me and let me work this pretty pussy open.. Wouldn't want it to hurt for you later on, yeah?” He almost grunts in your ear when you clamp down tighter in response, his fingers coated in your slick as he pumps them in and out.
  “Look at that sopping wet pussy, hmm? Must’ve been a long time since a man last made you feel this good.” He curses lowly under his breath, carefully sliding a third finger inside, hushing you as you whine at the intrusion. 
  (He was right- it had, but he didn’t need to know that. You already felt powerless enough as is.)
  “Doing so good for me.” He tilts your head back to give you a gentle kiss, in stark contrast to his unrelenting ministrations, although his soft lips manage to soak up most of your muffled cries.
  Finally he seems to decide it’s enough, just as you’re nearing your orgasm, making his sudden retreat particularly frustrating. Nevertheless you eagerly oblige him as he manoeuvres you onto your back, only pulling back to give himself space to fully undress.
  You watch with anticipation as he undoes the rest of his shirt buttons, discarding the garment at the foot end of the bed before moving onto his pants. He gestures towards your pushed-aside panties as he undoes his trousers. 
  “You gonna take those off, dove? Or do I have to do everything myself?” He gibes, and your cheeks flush red as you hurry to lift your hips up and pull down your undies. 
  When you look back up your words get caught in your throat, eyes widening ever so slightly at the sight of him palming his cock, already having discarded his dress pants and boxers on the ground.   He’s bigger than you thought. The shaft is fairly girthy and just a little darker than the pale complexion on the rest of his body, the tip a reddish pink and beaded with precum. There’s a tidy patch of blonde hair at his base, just a shade or two darker than his platinum locks. You didn’t realise that was his natural hair colour. 
  “That’s better.” He groans softly at the sight of your now bare slit, still slick with your own juices and practically begging to be touched.   “C’mon, spread your legs a little wider for me.” He taps at your thigh, and you swallow thickly as you do so. You’re certainly no virgin, but so far he’s the biggest you’ve seen. At least he didn’t ask me to suck it, you think to yourself.
  His smug grin grows even wider when you wordlessly obey him, positioning himself on top of you and starting to rub the head of his cock slowly, teasingly up and down your puffy folds. One hand on his shaft, the other next to your head. 
  You let out a low moan as his tip catches on your swollen clit, which causes him to glance up at your flustered face.   “Oh, I won’t tease you any more. I’m sorry baby.” He coos at you, voice dripping with faux empathy. You don’t get much time to think about it though, as he soon places his tip at your soaked entrance, giving a firm thrust that already manages to nestle his cock about half as deep as your body would allow. He groans at the feeling, followed by a nearly inaudible gasp as he feels the ring of muscle squeezing his cock. 
  He lets out a soft chuckle, leaning down to press his forehead against yours as he grabs your ankles and lifts your legs up to wrap around his waist. You humour him, heels digging into his back as you cling onto his muscled torso. His dominant hand reclaims its place beside your head whilst the other glides down lower to grasp at your hip, holding you in place so that he can continue without interruptions. 
  Already knowing it’ll be a tight fit, he goes slow in sliding himself all the way in, which you’re much grateful for. The stretch is already enough to make your eyes water. Finally he bottoms out, the two of you releasing a moan in unison when his tip collides with your cervix. Yours of relief, his of frustration. 
  There’s still another inch or two to go, but he’ll have to work on that over time. 
  Seeing that pitifully doe-eyed look on your face, your glassy eyes and wobbly bottom lip, he leans in to give you a gentle kiss, his hand leaving your waist to instead caress your rosy cheek, soothing you as best as he could.   “Taking it so well for me, mkay? Just stay still and let me do the work, pretty girl.” He mumbles onto your lips, his mouth soaking up your moans as he slowly pulls out and pushes back in, staying true to his word and thoroughly working your pussy open. 
  Your hands relent their position clutching the bedsheets beneath you, instead taking their place at the back of his neck in a surprisingly intimate moment, which he in turn welcomes with initiating a more enthusiastic kiss.   After a couple more thrusts he starts to grow impatient, and so he experimentally tries to coax himself deeper, but you only whine and press your hands to his pelvis in response, so he backs off. 
  You pull away slightly, giving yourself enough room to speak. “Too much, ‘s too deep,” you sniffle, internally scolding yourself for already allowing him to get you in such a sordid, outright pitiful state. 
  Coriolanus on the other hand seems pleased with himself, swiping at your tear-stained cheeks with his thumb. “I’m sorry, dove. I’ll go easy on you,” He lies, giving you a reassuring kiss on the forehead. Even in your fuzzy-headed, wrecked state, you think you can make out a sliver of empathy in his eyes. Perhaps even affection.
And yet it wasn't long before he was thrusting in and out of you again at a slowly but surely accelerating pace, just barely grazing your cervix with each thrust, enough to keep you on edge without explicitly breaking his promise. With the few brain cells left that aren't entirely consumed by him - his scent, the feeling of his hands on you, his dick pumping in and out so expertly, his arched brows furrowed in concentration, everything about him - you manage to preserve some semblance of dignity, biting back all the pleas you wanted to make. This small action is enough to give you the - albeit not very convincing - illusion of control.
You watch as his lips purse in dissatisfaction, immediately turning inwards to try and figure out what you've done wrong. But before you can dig any deeper, he's pulling back and straightening his back, his knees planted firmly on the mattress beneath you. His arms make quick work of untangling your legs from around his waist, instead pressing your knees to your chest and holding you in place with his large, pale hands.
The new position leaves you feeling so exposed and vulnerable in a way you'd never allowed yourself to before. Your mother's warnings not to let any man, especially no stranger, take control of you were always at the back of your head during your previous trysts, eating away at your already barren arousal. But with him, with this near stranger, everything was different. The foreignness of it all scared you, but not enough to fight off the nearly overwhelming pleasure that each of his unrelenting thrusts brought you. Each time the head of his cock brushes against that spongy spot deep inside of you, it sends a jolt of pleasure through you, more often than not accompanied by a raspy moan or a sharp inhale.
With this new angle, everything he does feels so much filthier, with that smug smile on his face as he stares down at you, observing your flustered, contorted form. All at his hands. You were entirely his to do with as he pleased, his in every sense of the word, even if just for tonight. You knew you'd regret this moment of treacherous pleasure and intimacy by sunrise, but in this very moment, you couldn't help but enjoy it. Being completely at his mercy.
Before you knew it you could feel your orgasm approaching. As if able to read your mind, Coriolanus repositioned his left forearm to stretch across the back of your knees, allowing him to use his free hand to fervently rub at your previously neglected clit. A gasp that quickly morphed into a throaty moan escaped your lips, although his mouth soon latched onto yours again, muffling the lewd sounds coming from your mouth.
Your hips buck up against his touch, walls clenching him tighter as you rapidly approach your climax. Your hands claw at his shoulder blades as he keeps pistoning in and out of you, groaning frequently into your mouth. You can tell he's getting closer too by the sudden lack of precision in his movements, which you take great delight in.
Thank god it's a safe day today.
Just a couple moments later you go over the edge, your cunt spasming and gripping at his member like a vice as you cum hard. In this moment you're grateful for his aggressive kiss, as it manages to stifle the guttural moan ripped from your throat somewhat.
He soon follows suit. Releasing an animalistic groan into your mouth he shoves himself in all the way to the hilt, where his spend spills from his throbbing tip, revelling in the way you squeeze him even tighter in response to the deep penetration.
Finally, as you're both slowly coming down from your highs, he breaks the kiss and retreats, his eyes fixed on your groin as he slowly pulls out, watching as your lips cling onto his shaft.
It's like you're trying to suck him back in.
He slumps back next to you on the bed, and you both lay there for a few minutes catching your breaths in awkward silence.
You're nothing short of exhausted. That was likely the most intense sex you've ever had, and consequently, one of the strongest orgasms you've ever had.
Then, finally, he informs you that he's gonna take a shower and gets up, quickly heading towards the en-suite bathroom. The last thing on your mind before you drift off to sleep is his pale, sculpted back and the fresh scratch marks you just left on it.
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notinmyvocab · 2 months ago
Woe Begets Misery
Larissa x OC
I just miss Larissa. So have some sweetness and angst
It was raining. Large, heavy drops clanked against the kitchen window. Isabel stared at the rivulets as they snaked down the panes, her sight slightly obscured by the steam that rose from her mug of coffee.
There was nothing she loved more than a lazy, rainy morning.
Arms slid around her waist, and Larissa pulled Isabel close, resting her chin on the shorter woman's shoulder.
"Fresh pot of coffee?"
"French press, actually."
"Well aren't we fancy this morning," Larissa teased, pressing a kiss to Isabel's cheek. She straightened up and grabbed herself a mug from the cabinet.
Isabel turned her back to the window, leaning against the counter. Of course, Larissa was already dressed and ready for work. So professional in her stockings.
"I can feel you staring." Larissa glanced over her shoulder with a smirk.
"Hard not to. Not my fault you're hot."
Isabel watched Larissa's cheeks turn pink, and couldn't help but grin.
Larissa took a sip of her coffee, using it as an excuse to gather her wits for a brief second. She turned to face Isabel, lipstick perfect as always. "Oh, so you think I'm hot?"
"Totally. You single?" Isabel joked.
Larissa pouted and walked over to Isabel with her coffee mug. "Unfortunately, no. In fact, I'm engaged."
"Well, your fiancee is an incredibly lucky lady."
"You think so?"
"I do think so. I also bet she's incredibly attractive too."
"I suppose she's alright."
Feigning offense, Isabel pulled away from Larissa, free hand pressed against her heart. "Rude." But she immediately dropped the exaggerated act and leaned forward to press her lips against Larissa's, standing on her tiptoes.
Her gaze brushed along the scar lines around Larissa's neck. Claw marks long healed. But they had been so deep. So deadly.
Larissa cupped Isabel's cheek. "What's wrong?"
Her eyes were so blue; Isabel wanted to drown in them. "I wish this was real," Isabel murmured, taking the hand against her cheek and pressing a kiss to the palm. "I miss you a lot. Even though you never existed."
Just a fantasy created by taking a bit of a malum malus.
"I know you do. Even though I never existed."
Isabel blinked, and the kitchen disappeared. No French press coffee. No rain against a window, creating a soft instrumental to the morning. Just a darkened bedroom. A bed that was half empty.
She remained there, staring at the ceiling, making shapes out of the shadows. It had felt so real. So, so real.
Her fingertips traced along her lips, feeling the ghost of Larissa's kiss. On her left hand, she could have sworn that she felt the weight of an engagement ring.
She turned over onto her side, desperate to forget the woman who never existed.
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randomwriteronline · 7 months ago
woe/rejoice. agori (and by extension glatorian) hcs be upon you
Agori exhibit subtle sexual dimorphism differently depending on which tribe they belong to (i.e. lebori males have brighter plumage, fezeri females are larger), while their bone structures are essentially identical. Gaquri are the only tribe able to naturally alter their bodies' production of their estrogen and testosterone equivalents. Actively transitioning and/or intersex individuals of any tribe can present dimorphic traits of one sex, traits of both sexes, muddled traits, or none at all
Their breasts are placed in the pelvic area, like horses, and the nips are the only visible part. To prevent chafing, lower garments have soft reinforcements at hip-height
They have short, nubby tails which have survived across their evolution despite having lost their original size and purpose. their movement is very limited and usually unconscious; since they remain the same length during all stages of life, they appear to "shrink" the more a person grows. children use them to better balance themselves when learning to walk
With the exception of Basari's and Fezeri's, Agori ears are very flexible despite their small size and can lean in almost all directions. Their shape varies across tribes
Their senses aside from touch are generally keener than humans'
Agori clothing tends to prefer function to form and does not have significant differences between masculine and feminine styles, although it wasn't always the case before the Shattering
Together with hugs, kisses and handshakes, each tribe has a unique display of affection or greeting pertaining to the head and/or face: Lebori preen each other, Gaquri rub cheeks together, Koniri gently nip ears, Fezeri butt the top of their heads, Basari scratch each other's nape, Potori shove temples against one another and Tapyri press the other's hand to their forehead. The gesture's intensity is usually toned down when done to someone of a different tribe to avoid discomfort or pain
If an object is in an enclosed space like a house, a vehicle or a box, Agori will point to it with their chins instead of their fingers
Vorox and Zesk still communicate in an extremely simplified version of a strict Basari dialect, although the phonetics had to be heavily changed to adapt to the shape of their mutated mouths. Malum has learned it and is currently the only fully sapient being somewhat fluent in Bara Magna Basari
Other tribes tend not to know Tapyri have hair
Koniri fur keeps warm, but becomes stiff in great quantities; Lebori down feathers are very soft, but struggle to retain heat on their own; Potori wool offers great insulation in most climates, but risks growing mold easily when humidity increases
After they (almost) went extinct, the sturdy carapaces of dead Bara Magna Fezeri were pillaged to make very durable high quality armor. because of this there are no intact pieces or Fezeri remains left, and the few plates that have survived since, no matter how worn or outright broken, are either made into family heirlooms or sold at exhorbitant prices. Sahmad has a large number of them (almost all buried) as he made a habit of targetting and capturing anybody who wore them specifically
Tapyri are unique when it comes to cleaning since their protective mucus naturally catches dirt and other particles for easy removal, meaning they only need to scrub or peel it off. Gaquri, Koniri and Potori take water baths while Basari, Fezeri and Lebori take dust or sand baths
Agori children are addressed with the pronouns ti/tir until they choose their own. its highly unusual for someone to use ti/tir for tir whole life, and the set is often used as a playful jab when a person exhibits childish behavior
Pregnancy is a very taxing endeavour: the process takes around a year and a half, but the parent's body will additionally need two or three years to recover from the strain of the experience as a whole, during which it will be physically unable to produce the necessary material to make another child. sudden spikes in stress or a constant stream of it during pregnancy is almost sure to produce a stillborn, and its very easy for older individuals to simply not have the energy to make it through childbirth once the time comes. this used to not be a problem, since Agori are very long lived and the whole planet was full of them, but the Core War drastically reduced their numbers and the hazardous conditions produced by the Shattering all over the planet made for a very dangerous environment to attempt having a child in, so births became extremely rare in the 100 thousand years before Mata Nui's return. the so called "children of Bara Magna" (which include Gresh and Berix) are few and far between, commonly having significant age gaps from one to the other
A wide number of male MU beings is perceived as feminine or adjacent by Agori, partly due to sexual dimorphism not being A Thing for most species, partly due to voice and countenance: Tahu, for example, is considered to be very lady-like. in his specific case this perception might however be also affected by the fact that he was modeled after Ackar, who used to be much more overtly femme in his youth* (check tags)
this is what ive got so far. peace and love on spherus magna.
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To Feel Adrenaline
Part 2
Summary: Pino ventures to a district that is new to him and meets a stalker that is quite the character
Word Count: 1.3k
Pairing: Pinocchio x G!N!Reader
Warnings: Violence but that's about it :3
Disclaimer: Nothing to report~
A/N: Hey there! I'm back with a Lies of P fic! This is going to be a series based on feelings so if you guys have an idea for a prompt around a feeling do let me know and I could add to the series ^^ As for the Leon x reader series, I don't think I will be continuing with it. I dunno, it all depends really. I just don't have any further idea for it and I honestly don't like how the writing came out. But, like I said, we shall see.
Btw, the district I mention is just one I added. Gemini talks more in here because he deserves more lines, the reader is a very...Interesting character and just know that this is set after the puppet king defeat as that's where I'm at in the game so no spoilers please :'D
Anyways, enjoy! And do let me know what you think ;; Comments, reblogs and likes are always appreciated as well <3 Thank you!
Pino walked on soft footsteps, the puppet trying to evade the more basic frenzied puppets to preserve his stamina. He was currently out scouting an area that he hadn’t traversed yet, Gepetto wishing his son a safe trip but not before leaving him with a warning. “Rumor has it that there is an elite stalker in that district. I hear they keep to themselves and don’t really associate with anyone, but I have no idea how they will react if they figure out who you are and who you are with. Please be careful, my son.”
So far there were just the usual maid and butler puppets with the occasional harder opponent. But it was nothing that Pino really had to worry about, his swordsmanship and defense sharpening evermore with each battle. Each encounter something that he kept with him, memories that helped him along the way. However, he was not lax. His father’s words were still in the back of his mind and it seemed that Gemini was thinking the same thing as well. “What do you think they’re like, this “elite stalker.” Gemini mimicked Gepetto. “I’ve heard about that one woman who is supposedly the best of the stalkers, but I didn’t know that there were others. Hmmm, we shouldn’t take this lightly, huh?” 
They had only just beaten The Puppet King not too long ago, Gepetto practically forbidding Pino from continuing on his journey for the moment. “My son needs his rest. And I just want you to be safe, for once.” His father had said and Pino had agreed reluctantly but on the condition that he was still helpful to Gepetto and the others in other ways. So here he was, scouting out a district that was a little bit past Malum district. He knew he shouldn’t go out too far and go to places that aren’t really necessary, but was mostly curious as to what was out here. 
Pino wondered if he would actually stumble upon this stranger but suddenly, the amount of puppets in the area began to dwindle as he traversed further into the district. Further until there were none and just the sound of the sprinkling rain pattering against the cobblestone street was all that was left. A nervous chirp sounded from Gemini,” I dunno if I should be grateful that there are no more puppets or suspicious…Be careful, pal.” For assurance, Pino reached back and gently patted against the top of Gemini’s lantern. He may get annoyed with the cricket puppet at times but he was still a very beloved companion. 
Suddenly, fast approaching footsteps crept up from behind Pino, the puppet jumping to the side to dodge an incoming attack. “I thought I had rid this place of you guys. Ya’ll just don’t quit!” The newcomer said, obviously annoyed at Pino’s presence. They shouldered their weapon as they recentered themselves from their attack and turned to Pino. “Well, you’re an interesting one! You’re obviously not like the others either.” While they mulled over this, Pino couldn’t help but tilt his head as he observed the stranger’s animal mask. He knew that stalkers usually wore masks to show rank but he had never seen this animal before!
“Hm?” You question the puppet’s curious look, your free hand aligning with his line of sight and you meet your mask. “Oh! Ah yes! Not the usual get up, right? I thought - Donkey mask? Bunny mask? Those are quite boring. I had to go for something more, well, me!” It was a dinosaur mask that you adorned. More specifically a T-Rex mask. “I would have gone with a velociraptor, but I found out that they’re smaller than I originally imagined so, T-Rex it is!”
There was a moment of silence and Pino could swear that this was probably one of his most strangest encounters. “Eccentric. The answer to my earlier question is eccentric.” Gemini chirped, Pino giving a small nod in agreement. You give a hum,”I’m actually quite curious as to why you’re not attacking me right now. I had heard a rumor that there was a puppet made by Geppetto that is actually good but…I just don’t know. Sorry, but, do you mind if we have a sparring session? I see a person’s character better that way.” You bring your weapon back to hip height, the candle light from the street lanterns creating a gleam across the blade. 
It was nothing spectacular in appearance but when you wield it, it didn’t require aesthetics. “Well at least they were kind enough to ask.” Gemini surmised, Pino giving a single tap to the glass. A sign that he needed Gemini to be silent from here on so he could concentrate. “Good luck, pal.” Was what he left Pino before settling into his lantern further for the fight.
Pino unsheathed his weapon as well - The Puppet Ripper that he had received from Alidoro after defeating The Puppet King. He wanted to try it out and now seemed like a good time. You hum in amazement from the looks of the scythe. “Woah, that looks terrifying. Please mind that thing would ya?” You laugh and Pino couldn’t help but knit his brows at your odd wording. But suddenly, he felt your presence behind him. He noticed just in time to block your advancement, you giving a small sound of amazement. “You actually blocked that! Impressive!” You praise and then jump back, landing lightly on your feet.
Pino had no idea how you had gotten behind him so quickly, but he didn’t have time to think it over before you were coming at him with another attack. Your jabs were super sonic, your slashes nearly invisible. Pino was having a hard time keeping up, receiving small hits of damage as his blocks weren’t perfect. “I wonder how long you can keep up with me.” You say as you hit him with a heavy blow, Pino sliding back until he hits a wall. You advance quickly, hot sparks of iron lighting the area you two fought in as your blades hit with such ferocity and determination. 
Pino could feel his stamina reaching its max, the puppet needing to find a break in the fight to have a small rest to regain it but you were adamant on keeping him from doing just that. He had no idea where you kept all that energy but he really wished he could tap into it somehow. He could feel the ergo that surged within him pulsing rapidly, like a heart rate that was skyrocketing. Even with the pupper king he hadn’t felt this sensation before, the fear that he may not be able to pull through this if this keeps up. 
However, your hits subsided and your blades crossed, scratching metal a cacophony in both of your ears as you created a stalemate. Your eyes looked deep into Pinos’, [e/c] meeting iridescent blue that held hints of worry yet shone with a burning fire that screamed “I will fight until I can no longer move.” You give a breath of a laugh and jump back, the young puppet practically collapsing from the broken tension. “You have some sharp skills there.” You praise once more as you sheath your weapon. “Thank you for the sparring session! I really needed that.” You walk over to Gepetto’s puppet, Pino swearing that if he held the ability to breath he would be doing so very heavily right now. You hold out a hand, a small smile gracing your lips. “Nice to meet you. My name is [Y/N] The Fossil. I hadn’t thought that I would meet a well mannered puppet ever again but here you are.” 
Pino felt like he just experienced whiplash, the sudden change in conversation throwing him off. But yet, he took the outstretched hand, a small shake creating the catalyst for you and Gepetto’s puppet.
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Stubbornness and unicorns
I did something, or rather this post made me do it.
I blame @prahacat 💜
I'm actually grateful, because it finally got my stubborn muse in gear to work on a story that has been haunting my brain for some time.
This is shameless fluff, mpreg, pregnant Obi-Wan (Anakin is the father), and Obi-Wan and Dooku having a moment in Serenno's castle garden.
And maybe there are unicorns. 🦄
Obi-Wan walked slowly along one of the many well-landscaped paths in the sprawling park surrounding Castle Serenno mindful of his condition. His stately dressed companion graciously matched his speed to his slow pace, mercifully ignoring the small sighs of frustration that escaped him, kindly lending him an arm to lean on as they made their way.
Only when they stopped in the shade of a large tree did he speak while Obi-Wan rested a hand over his bulging midsection, rubbing reassuringly over the spot where one of his children was eagerly kicking at his taut skin.
"While I'm sure it would be hopeless to tell you once again that I don't think these long walks will benefit you when you are this far along, I'm sure my words will be ignored as always," his stern-looking companion declared with an undertone of resignation.
“You are correct in that assumption,” Obi-Wan replied, flashing him one of his most charming smiles.
"As I am sure you are fully aware of, it is a well-known truth that stubbornness is an inherited trait in your lineage, Count."
"It seems so," the older man admitted with a heavy sigh, "and please, Obi-Wan, how often may I ask you to call me Yan?"
"At least a few times more."
Count Dooku of Serenno let out a small frustrated sigh. His lineage was a constant headache that he was convinced would be the end of him one day soon.
Sensing that it would be fruitless to try to persuade his grand padawan to return to his comfortable chambers, determined as he was to wander, he chose not to argue further as they continued.
They walked in pleasant silence under the bright autumn sun who cast its glow over the wide expanse of the castle gardens that was laid out in the imposing shadow of Castle Serenno. The high, already snow-covered mountains rose in the background and in the pale blue sky above them, both moons were clearly visible, Mantero almost full where it stood low above the horizon.
The park was an oasis of green and lush life, where plants native to the planet and imported species were tastefully arranged in a well-organized style with clean lines that reflected the planet's ruler. Paths and small streams ran between tall trees and bushes, creating intricate patterns and a pleasant background sound with their muffled gurgling. In some places, large open lawns were replaced by small groves of trees, both evergreen and deciduous, in their golden, red and orange fall splendor. Beds of late flowering herbs gave off a pleasant spicy fragrance that mingled with the ripe scent of malum fruit.
Obi-Wan and Yan had just stepped into a small clearing surrounded by tall spruces when a group of slender and elegant creatures surrounded them, only slightly shy to get close to the bipedal creatures.
They were an extremely rare species, reminiscent of equus in their appearance, and thought to be extinct. But a small group still existed, their existence a well kept secret. The beautiful creatures with their gleaming pearly white skin and long elegantly twisted horns had long been sought after prey, not so much for their beauty or rarity, but because they were highly force sensitive and were believed capable of healing and granting eternal life.
Gently they nudged their soft muzzles against Obi-Wan's bulging belly, neighing low in greeting to the unborn children resting there, attracted by their innocent but already powerful signatures. Honored by their closeness and trust, Obi-Wan gently stroked his hands over their soft ears and smooth horns.
Yan also got his share of attention, though more hesitantly, as some darkness still lingered like shadows around him. But the largest stallion, his horns gleaming golden in the sun, allowed him to stroke his neck in a gesture of trust offered to the one who had originally prevented their final extinction.
Against the wishes of his former Sith Master, Dooku had chosen to save these magnificent creatures when he had tracked down the very last of their kind, starved and scared. Under the influence of his former padawan and his young apprentice, he had brought them to Serenno where they now thrived and multiplied.
Five slender foals romped playfully among the adults eagerly seeking Obi-Wan's attention.
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intrepidacious · 1 year ago
🍁 september reading ☕️
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fall is finally upon us, and thus the season in which i finally return to reading a lot of awesome fics on here, apparently <3
it's been very fun to keep track of all of the reading i'm doing on here for the stardust reading challenge, thank you again @liraketo for this marvellous idea!! i might continue doing something like this in the future. we'll see. until then, enjoy some truly magnificent writings by some amazing authors, and as always remember to heed each fic's warnings!! happy halloween season 🧡
✩ Ransom Drysdale
ink and intimacy by @eloquentreverie
murderer monday by @littlelioncub43
✩ Bucky Barnes
always. by @nickfowlerrr
i loved you in secret by @sinner-as-saint
soft hearts, gentle words by @rookthorne
my first and only by @buckyalpine
a lonely night by @marvelouslizzie
love bites by @fandoms-writings
blood sweat and tears by @treatbuckywkisses
replace me by @/fandoms-writings
heaven on earth by @navybrat817
co-parenting pt. 2 & pt. 3 by @malum-forev
where did the time go? by @/navybrat817
petrichor by @thornsnvultures
as he sees fit by @/navybrat817
sunshine by @imaginearyparties
the rumour (ao3) by @sidepartskinnyjeans
✩ Curtis Everett
the stars don't compare to you by @/eloquentreverie
✩ Eddie Munson
the saddest thing you will ever read by @/thornsnvultures
rockstar!eddie by @aphrogeneias
no more tears by @/aphrogeneias
✩ Sam Wilson
dancing's when i think of you by @targaryenvampireslayer
✩ Steve Rogers
wrong number by @marvelettesassemblenow
maple latte by @sarahwroteathing
apples and cherries by @/sarahwroteathing
behind the picture by @rogerswifesblog
the expedition by @scrumptious-delusion
✩ Jake "Hangman" Seresin
uncle jake and auntie ace by @demxters
motel california by @/demxters
✩ Nick Fowler
partners in crime by @/navybrat817
an easy deal to make by @witchywithwhiskey
✩ Dick Grayson
ready to catch them by @sanguineterrain
✩ Headcanons and misc.
cevans characters and babies by @brandycranby and @ronearoundblindly
cevans characters and being sleep deprived by @/brandycranby
in his name: the heroes by @/brandycranby
in the spirit of magical co-operation (ao3, dramione) by @pellucid-constellations
wait and hope (ao3, dramione) by @mightbewriting
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milkdot0423 · 3 months ago
✦ !! Overworld basic info!!
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✦ Overworld is an (ongoing) original story about 4 debatable teenagers growing up!
It has everything from coming of age awesomeness, self discovery (BEING WOKE!!), slice of life episodic bullshit, psychological horror, themes of abusive relationships, religious trauma, the cycle of inevitability and fate, and also BEING WOKE!! Its great i promise :w
as of now theres not much in the world building department because i work very very slow when it comes to writing anything new and cool,.,, but im so working on it !!
The main characters make up a ragtag group called "Malum", where their ultimate goal is to become god and make the world a better place, under their rule of course! Though really only one wants to become god, the rest are just kinda going with it lol
✦ INTRODUCING THE MAIN CAST... starting with their leader (duh!!!) ✦
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Miru (any pronouns!) was once a victorian ghost named Alister, though due to unforeseen circumstances, he died!!! He vowed to become god so he could make a world a better place, where the weak won't get bullied by the strong, and where everyone will live in harmony under him. aint that just swell!!? How he ended up as an albino kid? Alister convinced the original Miru to let him borrow their body for a bit (aka forever)! Now at the start of Overworld, she enters Good Heart University as the new but weird kid,
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Yoko (she/her) is a social, popular type of kid at Good Heart with a mysterious past, literally. Nobody knows where she lives, who her parents are, or how she even got enrolled into such a prestigious university without money or a scholarship, but she's cool so nobody really questions it. Miru convinces her to join Malum by sheer force of will aka using apples and bribery, and she's been a part of it as Miru's right hand woman ever since. She's mostly in it for fun if anything, though she's keeping a close eye on Ani.
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Ani (he/him), the odd, adopted heir of the Shiryoku Tech company with 0 public appearances, definitely a topic of discussion among his peers even though he wants 0 part in it. He's soft spoken and non-confrontational, opting to sit in the corner and do some good ole people watching instead of talking. Don't get him wrong though, he likes people-- he's just not very good at talking to them! Through bribery using the promise of snacks, he's been turned into Miru's loyal dog groupmate! He does his job well, but eating people isn't easy, so he always looks forward to his pay comprised of cake and meat.
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Riley, the non-popular, totally normal straight a, goodie two-shoes teenager who got in with a scholarship. His adoptive family isn't very well off, though he manages. How? By selling some drugs on the side, of course! Little does anyone know, he's got a whole drug-selling empire on the side, just a little side hustle to get the money rolling in, y'know? Except Miru does know. Of course he does. Why wouldn't he? Using some good ole black mailing and money, Miru manages to convince Riley to join their little rag-tag group of friends, completing the group of 4! Riley himself isn't very pleased with this arrangement, as he usually ends up as the strategist and the straight (hah) man for the group, though the pay is good so he won't be too pissy for long.
Aaannd that about summarizes everything you'd need to know about Overworld to actually kind-of understand my posts about them lol
Theres more characters, of course, but this is just the bare minimum introduction post for Overworld!! hope u enjoyed reading ya
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fangdokja · 3 days ago
i can't believe i've been liking your posts and works for a while now without realizing i haven't even followed you yet 😭
seriously, you're such an amazing writer cause the way you write literally does not leave my head (believe me some of your posts still lingers in my head late at night out of the blue)
i love how you write yanderes especially!! maybe it's just me but it feels like the yandere content has been going uwu or softer or something along those lines lately but when i read your works, i'm filled with awe and amazement of how you your yanderes in the most brutal yet poetic possible and you can count my jaw dropping everything i read a piece of your work :0
anyway, i just wanted to say i enjoy your writings and you have become one of my favorite yandere content writers so please take care of yourself and i can't wait to read more of your work!! :3 💜
💬 Response to @meenasmagic : It happens, Reader. 😂 Welcome aboard. My writing is both free therapy and brain rot—you're welcome. If you want more sadistic, hard dom yanderes, I highly recommend my older works, especially in Book 1: A Heart Devoured (most of them are horror). My older works are still relevant, and you might find something you like. 👀 I’m also honored you think so highly of me. Thank you. Hope you continue enjoying. 😌
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Alright. Fine. FINE. Since some of you are practically clawing at my door for more long-form erotic horror yanderes, I’m here to deliver some updates before you start rioting.
⚠️ I don't usually post updates because I’m too busy actually writing. But since y’all are waiting so (im)patiently, here’s what’s happening behind the scenes:
🎮 Researching for an Upcoming Horror Work
I mentioned in my post with @yandere-romanticaa that I was researching horror video games. I wasn’t joking. I’ve been looking at:
Survival horror (e.g., Resident Evil vibes)
Traditional suspense horror (At Dead of Night type horror)
Psychological horror visual novels (Doki Doki Literature Club and the like)
I'm deciding which direction to take. No further spoilers. 😈
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📖 Why I Released Malum Consilium
Because I’m stuck at the 50% mark in Corpus Delicti Arc 1. Yeah, I get mind-blocked too. What do I do when that happens? Binge books or write more random stuff. Drabbles. Short-form pieces. Whatever gets me unstuck. BUT I AM NOT SLACKING OFF. 😭
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❄️ Why You’ve Been Seeing Soft Yanderes Instead of Horror
Some of you (yes, you, the horror readers side-eyeing me right now) are wondering why your feeds have been flooded with soft yanderes. Simple:
I needed practice drafts. Impact writing takes skill. I’m using soft yanderes for that.
They’re easy to write. No commitment, no deep thinking. Unlike horror, which eats my brain cells.
I’m already writing multiple long-form horror works at the same time. I needed something lighter in between.
I AM NOT ABANDONING HORROR. I’m hoarding it all for my long-form works. 😭 Writing horror takes actual brainpower, and I refuse to release half-baked shiz. Be patient. It will be worth it.
📌 TL;DR: Stop panicking. More horror is coming. I just need time.
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When I drop this work, you’ll understand why it took so long. And it’s all because of @yanderedrabbles, but I’ll explain that once it’s out.
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To those waiting patiently (or impatiently): I know. You’ve been waiting forever. I’m guilty. I’m sorry. I bounce between projects a lot because I get bored easily. That’s why my writing is all over the place.
BUT. I have to have fun while writing, or it’s not happening. That’s the secret ingredient. If I don’t enjoy it, I’m not writing it. Simple.
That said—I appreciate all of you for sticking around. Thank you. 🙏
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Oh yeah. Mass reporting is STILL happening. Haters are still hate-lurking because they’re too tsundere to admit they love my work. 🤡
For those of you who helped counterattack, THANK YOU. Liking, reblogging, and engaging with my content actually makes a difference. Appreciate y’all. 🙌
Want to help keep my blog alive? (read this post) 👉 Reblog my posts (seriously, likes aren’t enough) 👉 Report mass reporters (don’t let them win) 👉 Keep engaging (comment, interact, anything)
We’re in this together. I’m still here. I’m still writing. Mass reports won’t stop me.
I’ll be back to working on my horror pieces now. Thanks for being patient. Or impatient. Either way, you’re still here. 😂
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