#sofa come bed low price
urbanwood02 · 22 days
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ghosts-bandwagon · 2 years
omg, imagine how the 141+ könig would react if reader fell asleep on them? not in a relationship i mean, maybe they are just sitting on the couch in the common room and reader is tired and falls asleep on one of them?
This is precious and also a mood lmao
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
Doesn’t move a single. fucking. inch.
The man goes rigid in his attempt not to wake you, he knows how hard you work so it’s no wonder you’re nodding off in the common area, so to him, there’s nothing wrong with getting some rest
So he’s sitting there with his arms crossed over his chest, legs spread (as usual), and he’s fighting the urge to rest his head on yours, not his fault you seemed so comfortable
He’s glaring at every poor bastard and dares them to even try and make a comment
Needless to say, your sleep is undisturbed
Eventually you wake up and start apologizing profusely
“Don’t worry about it, sergeant. Just get to bed yeah?”
As you walked away, he rolled his shoulders and rubbed his neck
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
He’s got his arms on the back of the sofa and behind your head and he starts to feel a weight against his chest
Then he looks down and sees you nestled up against him, your head on his chest and he’s biting the inside of his cheek to keep from making noise
You. are. precious.
100% takes a selfie with you (and Gaz in the background throwing a peace sign)
After the initial thrill settles down, his arm that was draped along the back of the sofa has now come to rest against your own
You’re so warm and the weight of you on his chest is so grounding and soothing, the steady rise and fall of your chest, it’s all so relaxing
Soon enough, he’s nodding off too and he winds up with his head almost draped over the back of the sofa, snores coming out of his mouth
(Gaz definitely filmed it)
Eventually his snoring wakes you up and you can’t help the embarrassment at falling asleep against your teammate like that, still you felt bed that you essentially trapped him there so you gently shook him awake
He massaged the back of his neck with a groan and a wince, your hands replaced his as you gently ushered him upright,
“Come on, Soap, I owe you.”
John Price:
He’s low key melting as soon as he feels your head on his shoulder, he takes a quick glance at you and chuckles
He lets you have a few minutes, knowing full well how tired you are, before he gently jostles his shoulder to softly rouse you before you dozed off deeper,
“Think it’s time to hit the sack, don’t you?” His voice is low as he leans in close,
“I’m sorry, sir.”
“Don’t be. Get some rest, see you in the morning.”
He’s kind of touched and honored that you feel safe enough to fall asleep against him like that, honestly, he would’ve let you sleep there as long as you wanted
But he knows the comfort of one’s own bed is second to none, and he’d hate for you to wake up with a kink in your neck
And maybe his bones were getting a little stiff and uncomfortable from having to stay still for so long
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Gerrick:
He’s smiling softly to himself and resting his head on yours
He does that thing where you shift in your seat a bit to get comfortable and he shuffles a little lower so he can rest his head against yours
And he falls asleep too!
And honestly it’s the best sleep either of you has ever had because no one has been successful in waking you up, short of shouting or dumping water on you
You wind up waking up first and it’s already morning, you stretch and gently shake him awake,
“Gaz, we slept through the night.”
“Fuck.” He groaned, you laughed quietly and took his arm to stand him up,
“I think we’ve got just enough time to sleep a little longer.”
“What’s the point? We’re already awake.” He reasoned with a yawn and a stretch, “Come on, I’ll make coffee and then we can hit the showers yeah?”
Doesn’t move a single muscle. Like Ghost, he gets quite stiff at first as soon as he feels your head against his arm (even sitting you down you barely reach his shoulder)
So he shuffles a little in his seat until your head is at a more comfortable angle and is resting against his shoulder
But now this means that his spine is curving in uncomfortable shapes, and a good portion of his butt isn’t even on the couch anymore
He wouldn’t dare wake you but holy shit his back hurts
So he slowly and carefully maneuvers you into his arms so now he’s sitting normally and he’s got you on his lap with your head tucked against his chest
He’s got his arms around you to support you and then he realizes that it’s not that much more comfortable
Eventually he gives up and winds up carrying you to your room
You wake up the next morning with a cup of coffee on your nightstand and a sticky note with your name on it (and a little heart)
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lyeofhell · 4 days
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Short n’ Sweet 🌤️ fem!reader x John Price
╰┈ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ thinking about torturing (teasing) John with some Sabrina Carpenter, MDNI/18+ only, breeding kink lol
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mmmmm I’m thinkin about your handsome handyman returning home from deployment in late summer, immediately throwing himself into every home project and ticking off all the boxes on your honey-do list. and while you spend the day cleaning inside, blasting music and dancing about your house - John busies himself with an oil change to your car.
thinkin about twirling your hips as you fold laundry, the carpeted floor buzzing beneath your feet from the thumping bass and you are getting into it, flipping your hair as you unapologetically and very loudly sing about espresso.
thinkin about how you’re too distracted by the music to hear the slam of a car hood, or the familiar steps of heavy boots, or the opening of your front door.
thinkin about John leaning against the doorway, thick arms crossed with a satisfied and eye-crinkling grin as he admires your oblivious form. and it’s not till you hit em with a couple body rolls on the beat that you turn around, damn near jumping out of your skin and whipping him with a kitchen towel when his presence scares you half to death.
John just laughs, reaches out to you in apology and when he finds purchase on your plush hips he mutters something low against your temple like, “don’t stop on my account.”
and part of you wants to push him away but it’s so hard, it’s so hard when he’s like this - his sunkissed, burly chest on full display, sheened with dampened curls while his sweat-drenched shirt is likely discarded somewhere on your front lawn. you run your hands up his pecs to grip the back of his neck and god he smells, he smells like oil and sweat and hard work and John and it’s stupid how intoxicating it is. and he just grips you harder, pulls you close till you feel his belt buckle against your abdomen and you're finding it harder to ignore how low his jeans are hanging on his hips.
thinkin about how he starts to kiss you, dipping his head down to start off soft and slow but he grows hungrier by the second, and that’s when one of his hands comes up to grip the back of your neck, maneuvering your head so you can take his tongue as far as he wants. but before he can get you lying on the sofa, you perk up at the sound of Bed Chem, giggling as you try to get out of his firm hold. you beg and you plead, telling him “I love this song!” and “dance with me!” - and he just shakes his head and smiles, loosening his grip to give his pretty girl a twirl.
thinkin about dancing around him, grinding on his side and poking his nose at
“Who’s the cute guy with the wide, blue eyes and the big bad mm? Like”
until he's pulling your back to his chest, pressing and grinding his crotch against your ass and sweetly kissing your fingers. you make a move to grab his hands, placing your own on top and running them over your chest and down your body when you sing
“How you talk so sweet when you’re doin bad things, that’s Bed Chem”
and when his head dips back down to mouth at your neck you almost let him get what he wants, until you hear that familiar acoustic strumming, and knowing John? oh, you’re already giggling to yourself as you work your way out of his grip again.
thinkin about torturing the absolute hell out of him. twisting in his embrace to innocently interlock your fingers and sway from side to side, occasionally leaning up on your tippy toes to kiss his nose. despite your constant singing he doesn't seem to be paying all that much attention to the lyrics, until...
"One of me is cute, but two though? Give it to me, baby"
a look of neutral shock stills his face and you cannot help but laugh. in his startled state you take advantage of him, letting go of his hands to skip around the room and dance like you've had one too many. at some point he starts grinning from ear to ear, watching you like a hawk and slowly stalking your way as you arch your back and shake your ass, or drop to your knees and crawl on the ground...and it's not till you look him dead in the eye and dramatically sing
"Adore me, hold me and explore me, mark your territory, tell me I'm the only, only, only, only one"
that he jumps over the couch to snatch you up; you scream in delight, jumping to your feet and running around the coffee table to avoid his hands and your voice shakes with laughter as you try to get the rest out
"Adore me, hold me and explore me, I'm so fuckin' horny, tell m—"
"Had enough of this," John growls through his amusement and bounds through the living room, boots echoing right behind you until his fingers grip your waist roughly and you squeal, happily squirming and giggling in his sweaty grip.
John is panting as he chuckles, and like an animal he takes you down to the floor with a growl - maneuvering you under him and he’s just got you caged there, his thick, healthy form the only thing in your line of sight. beneath the weight of his body you writhe, and as he grabs both of your roaming wrists in one hand, pinning them above your head, his other hand slinks downwards, down down past your tits and your waist and smooths over the sweet, soft pudge of your tummy. his lips press to the corner of your open mouth and he keeps going further, rough fingertips slithering underneath your waistband and that’s when his voice is low - that familiar gravel giving rise to goosebumps on your skin while his breath warms your lips.
“Oh I’ll hold you to it, sweetheart.”
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 9 months
Cat reader headcanons - TF141/König*Reader
my cat café AU hcs makes me wonder what will happens if reader is cat and TF141&König is your owner.
I love cats.
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• use snacks as a reward or enticement to you
• buys a lot of cat apparel and clothes, if you let him put those on you you can get extra snacks 
• knows which spot you like to be pet/scratch the most
• talks to you with that low and alluring tone, bait you to come near him, and you won’t be let go by him for the next few hours
• loves to whisper pet names to you whenever he gets the chance, if you bump your head gently at him, he will laugh and hug you into his arms
• no matter whether you sleep with him in human form or cat form, you need to tell him if you need to go to the toilet during the night, or he will drag you back into his arms even if he’s still half in dreams
• makes “pss pss” noises to call you
• you will have 100+ nicknames named by him, and some of them are long as hell, but he will write them down
• can’t help but take pictures every second he’s with you, and forces others to see them and ramble about how cute you are all day
• you sit on his table when he’s sketching (even if you don’t want to he will beg you to), watching him draw the 1000th sketches of you (including your cat form and human form)
• if you sleep with him in cat form, he will put you on his chest; if you sleep with him in human form, tucks your head close to his chest too, he just loves to have his most important person (cat?) stays near to his heart
• can’t reject you if you look at him with bright eyes and demanding for snacks
• searching what trending among cat owners every day, glad that he’s wealthy because he will buy everything he thinks will be good for you
• his social media used to be his selfies or life recordings, after he adopted you, it’s flooded with your photos
• gets a locket necklace with your name and photos, wears it 24/7 (and it’s more convenient for him to show you off too, like “Hey this is my honey” and opens the locket)
• you are his best cheerer when he's gaming, grabs you and kisses you when he wins
• he falls asleep fast, but he likes to knead your cat beans (paws) and caress your belly first, he sleeps peacefully because he knows when he wakes up, he will see you turn into human form and squeeze your cheeks near his
• if he’s chilling on the sofa, he will snatch you into his lap, and stroke you absentmindedly while watching TV
• unaware of himself is covered by your fur from head to toe until someone points out
• has a photo of you in his wallet so he can see you whenever he misses you
• use your fluffy cat belly as a sleep mask when he’s napping
• On those nights he can’t sleep, he will tell you stories or what he's thinking while you respond with meows or purrs, when he feels better and starts feeling sleepy, he will tell you to turn into human form so he can big spoon you
• unsure of how to take care of a cat first, so when he found out that you can shift into human form, he heaved a sigh of relief because you are able to tell him what you need
• goes to the pet shop, stares at the shelf full of toys and clothes, imagining which will fit you the most, and eventually buys all of them because he’s unable to choose the best one
• buries his face into your fur and inhales deeply, this is how he relief his stress
• will put away knives or sharp objects because he doesn’t want you to get hurt when you’re running in the house
• likes to sleep with you, but he prefers you sleep with him in human form because he’s afraid that he will crush you accidentally. If you sleep with him in cat form, he will put a cat bed beside his pillow; if you sleep in human form, he will inhale your scent as a sleep remedy.
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aew-kun-age-regression · 10 months
hiii i was wondering if you had any thoughts on how price or soap from COD would be as cg's with a sick little like they have a small cold? (i've been thinkin bout it cause it's tha season i have one lol) it's ok if not! -🐻
(PS, i hope you're doin good :D)
Hiii 🐻!!! M hoping these okay as I'm feeling small an these are kinda just general sick ones not just focusing on a cold as I've been feeling really unwell 😅 I done Price, Soap, Ghost and Gaz for these.
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John Price
Price is such a papa an I definitely thinks he knows all the best remedies to feel better.
He would gives you all the cuddles!!!
If you get sad or slip younger when sick (like I do) he will come up with brilliant ideas to distract you, this might be watching a movie or show or doing some low effort arts and crafts.
Makes you your comfort food.
He makes sure there are always tissues, a bucket, water. Anything you might need near by to where the two of you are camping out, be that bed or the sofa, he is prepared for whatever the situation.
Big time encourager of naps to help you get better.
Johnny 'Soap' McTavish
I feel like Soap would definitely makes lots of jokes to start with about not wanting to get sick from you but he would also then quickly go against anything and everything he said by cuddling up with you.
Plays/fusses your hair.
Soap has definitely messaged or phoned Price for advice before. "What medicine should I give them" vibes.
Trys to keep you excited, he doesn't want to to feel down whilst sick :(
When he realises your sick pretty much the first thing he does is go and get supplies. (He was not at all prepared and definitely panicked when you mentioned not feeling well.)
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Ghost is very subtle with his affection. Now that's definitely not to say that he doesn't care but he is less out going about it over the others.
Sits with you, when you fall asleep he'll stay up for a while to make sure your definitely okay. Leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead once you've fallen asleep >
I feel like Ghost would make brilliant soup if you wanted it.
The definition of "you shouldn't be moving about so much if you're not feeling well kiddo. Why don't we watch something?"
He really just wants to make sure you're resting so you get better as soon as possible.
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
As for Gaz I definitely see him panicking a bit. Logically he knows you'll be absolutely fine but he hates seeing you sick and unhappy.
He basically just sticks by your side the whole time your sick.
He will bring small toys to where you're resting. (This has ended with you falling asleep with a few toys practically still in your hand as the two of you were playing before hand.)
Watching shows/movies on his tablet/laptop/phone. Again this usually happens until you fall asleep 😂
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blackoutspoetry · 5 months
The anatomy of starved dogs (part 3)(Ghoap) – FLASHPOINT
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This is a chapter of a long form slow burn Ghoap fic I've been working on for the past few months.
This chapter alone is has 16k words, so it might be easier to read this fic on ao3.
Read the first few parts on ao3 here:
WARNINGS: gore and graphic depictions of violence, civilian death, acts of terrorism, torture and permanent disfigurement
4 APRIL 2019
The most important thing to remember when it comes to human nature, is that the adult brain is shaped from childhood to pursue something which is mostly unattainable. People are defined by the constant pursuit of what they don’t have. 
The healthy brain, it chases after things it's allowed to get ahold of, grows accustomed to the idea of labour rewarded sweetly at the end of a long day’s work. Even if paid in peanuts, a reward is a reward. 
The unhealthy brain is grown from a childhood bid for survival. The young brain is made to endure and spring up like weeds in concrete, grow through difficulty because it becomes indoctrinated with the aesthetic of suffering. It knows nothing else but the weathering of the storm and has not yet learned the concept of injustice or fairness. 
 It learns its place quickly, grows around the stones and infertile soil and becomes a distended, etiolated seedling in the absence of the sunlight it yearns for. 
But grow, it will, forever doomed to reach with begging arms to sunlight that will not yield, until it begins to view itself as a poetic tragedy, see the beauty in the hollowness of needing and wanting. And once that point is reached, it romanticises having nothing until it  becomes afraid of actually grasping that thing it yearns for. 
There is even a point of hunger where the body has grown so used to not being full, that once fed, it rejects the meal to marinate in its own despair. A work of art, one tragic and beautiful, because it cannot fathom the idea that it was robbed of life. A better life. 
If, however, it realises the injustice, refuses to kneel to its feared master and learns that it too is able to bite, it uses this newfound discovery to its advantage. It cuts off completely from the idea of vulnerability and lashes out at anything that mildly gives it the taste of being subservient once more, so that even things that are only vaguely related to the oppression is now a symbol of the life it had fled from. 
It bites and devours out of fear of returning to that life, over correcting and becoming the very thing it had sworn to destroy. 
In the mind numbing hours following the briefing, Soap thinks Vladimir Makarov might be one of those people, grown from a hard life into a dangerous man, or maybe, he was something more dangerous, one planted in the soil of war fertilised earth from his conception. 
Either way, it only further convinces him that he’d made a mistake agreeing to Price’s terms in that coffee shop. He’s dug himself a grave and he’s damn well made his bed in it too. 
Though Soap is substantially pissed at Price, he honours his wishes and makes a point of laying low until they have to leave for Verdansk at midnight. Price had arranged for him to stay over at his flat for the time being and though his thoughts were consumed with visions of doom, he found it interesting to distract himself by the rare insight into the man’s personal life. 
It's a moderately large place, modestly furnished with two bedrooms, a living room, joint kitchen and dining area, a bathroom barely large enough to stand in and a sofa facing a TV. 
“Make yourself at home, I suppose I don’t need to babysit you, but you might benefit from getting some sleep in before we leave,” Price loosely gestures over to the spare bedroom with the single bed, freshly made and ready for him. 
“Thank you, sir.” 
“Anytime,” Price nods with a hint of guilt. He knows he’s got Soap in over his head but neither acknowledge it, they keep things civil. Whether Price had known about Soap’s talk of retirement remains a mystery to him. 
“I’ve got some work to get done before we leave, so if you need me, I’ll be here,” Price informs him, taking his things and disappearing into the other room where his desk was, leaving Soap standing in the living room.
It doesn’t take long for Soap to settle into the spare bedroom, throwing his suitcase on the bed with a dejected sigh before beginning to strip out of the thick jacket unsuited to the stale English weather this time of year. 
He’s just thrown it on the bed when he hears his phone buzzing with a notification. 
He’s put his mother on mute for the time being, so it couldn’t be her, possibly one of his sisters. He supposes he should do some damage control before shit hits the fan, though. 
Begrudgingly, he sits down on the edge of the bed and reaches for the phone, swiping at the cracked screen to unlock it. 
Five unread messages, better than he expected. Three from his mother, and two from someone he definitely doesn’t have the mental energy to respond to now. 
He opens the chat and begins typing back before he’s even formulated what he wanted to say to her.
Elena (barista): heyy so I know its been a while but I wanted to know if you're still interested in that second date?
John: Yes|
‘Yes’ is too short…
John: Ye |
John: |
John: abs |
No, that sounds too enthusiastic and she’ll get the wrong idea. 
John: yes, sure
Before he can change his mind again, he hits send. To his surprise, she begins typing back immediately. 
Elena: Great! How does tomorrow evening work for you??? 
Soap grimaces.
John: I'm actually at work at the moment...
He can almost feel her hesitating on the other end. 
Elena: Work?
Elena: I thought you’re not going back until the 15th??
Soap is unsure how much he should be telling her, but he wants to be as honest as possible. 
John: That was the plan but an urgent last minute thing came up. I only found out about it a week ago.
Elena: oh, okay. But tell me when you think you’ll be available?
John: sure :)
Soap exits the chat and quickly writes back to his mother to confirm to her that he had landed safely, but decides against entertaining the conversation any further after that. 
He tries to get a couple of hours of sleep in before Price comes to fetch him at well after dark for their return to base, but he’s still tired enough by the time they arrive that he has to take two shots of espresso for good measure. 
And then it's off to their designated aircraft, a three and a half hour flight outbound for Kastovia and another promise John MacTavish would inevitably fail to keep. 
Its just past midnight by the time Soap finds his seat with Sergeant Burns to his left and Ghost two seats on with Price in between them. Ghost gives Soap a nod of acknowledgement as Soap straps himself in leaning back against the cargo netting behind him and letting his head hit the wall with a thud. 
“You been to Verdansk this time of year?” 
Soap is surprised when Burns asks from beside him. The question is half muffled by the humming of the large cargo door being raised to a close but he shakes his head anyway. 
“Can’t say that I have.” 
“It's nice. Off season so it's not as packed with tourists as it is when all the schools are out. It's beautiful actually, when you’re not working.” 
“You think so?” 
Soap had never had the luxury of being in the city for anything other than a work related crisis. His best memories of Russia and the surrounding countries are the quiet moments when the weapons cease or he’s privileged enough to be in the safety of a fortified military base. 
His worst memories there are by far the most haunting of his career and some of the most life changing. He still has visions of that bomb going off, splatters of blood and shattered bone. He’ll never forget the stillness after Oliver had stopped screaming or the look on his parents' faces when he gave his condolences at the funeral. 
So no, Soap did not consider the idea of finding Kastovia beautiful or inviting in his days off. 
“It’s quite a sight actually. I brought my girl out there to propose last year, to get away from it all.” 
Soap raises an eyebrow. “You’re married?” 
“Almost, the wedding’s in two months. You got anyone waiting for you back home?” 
Briefly the phantom smell of smoke and warm blood fills Soap’s nose and he clutches at the chain around his neck, but the moment’s gone in an instant. 
“Nothing serious at the moment, no.” 
He curses the fact his mind had skimmed over Elena so quickly, but he can hardly call her a significant other. 
“Ah well, I’m sure you’ll find someone soon,” Burns says and reaches into his pocket for a half empty pack of gum. 
The plane had taken off with a rumble and Soap’s ears were having trouble adjusting to the change in altitude. 
“Can I have one of those?” Soap inclines his head to the pack. 
“Sure, but they’re nicotine. I’m trying to quit smoking before the wedding.” Burns tilts the pack in his direction nonetheless and Soap hesitates for a moment, feeling a distant suppressed ache in his chest warning him against it but he silences his concern. 
“That’s alright by me.” 
He takes the stick of gum and pretends not to waver as he pops it in his mouth.
They land in Verdansk three and a half hours later and Shepherd meets them on the ground. Its barely past sunrise and the air is heavy with a piercing cold fog that clouds his measured breaths as Soap steps out of the plane onto the landing strip where a man stood waiting for them. 
The man was around Soap’s height, but he carried himself with an air of authority. Something to indicate he was powerful and very much aware of it. 
He gave them a polite nod by way of greeting. Soap watches his overtly friendly interaction with Price and Burns and then the notably impersonal way he shakes hands with Ghost. 
“Sergeant MacTavish, you come very highly regarded by Captain Price, he’s told me a lot about you.” 
Soap feels himself stiffen but he smiles nonetheless, “all good things, I hope.” 
“ Excellent things,” Shepherd corrects.
“Well, I hope he’s got enough of that in him to live up to the Captain’s expectations,” Ghost chimes in from beside him, not with bite, but Soap can’t decide whether he’s supposed to take the joke as a sign of friendliness or hostility. 
As if sensing the uncertainty in the atmosphere, Price claps him on the back and gives his own response of almost flat feeling reassurance. “He’ll be up for it, I’m sure. But I expect we better get out of the wind before we get into any of the further details.” 
The drive takes a while. It isn’t long, but the road out is congested and Soap finds his eyes wandering over the densely packed sidewalks, gaze panning over the figures on the street, blissfully unaware of the danger pending over the city. 
It makes some uneasy feeling run a chill down his spine. An image from the carnage left behind by the street market bomb on Price’s slideshow comes into his mind unbidden and he tries to rid himself of the idea of Verdansk being reduced to rubble. 
The base they’d be operating out of for the next few days was situated on the gentle slope of a hill building up into the nearby mountain range, densely forested with evergreen spruce trees creating a thick coverage for the well maintained dirt road. 
Upon arrival, they pass through heavy security and are let to park on a reserved spot by a painted brick face wall rising into the upper floor of the building. 
Once inside, it is much more temperature controlled and Soap relaxes a bit once they’re through security and the doors are closed behind him. 
General Shepherd’s been in Price’s circle for years. Soap knows about the kinds of things he and Price have buried in the past and he’s got his own theories as to a couple of the more sketchy, off the records things. He gets suspicious about when the talk around base doesn’t match up with what’s on the news, so for him to be standing here in the room with both of them, while official records still have him safely tucked away in Glasgow is disconcerting to say the least. 
He glances to his side at Burns and even gives the futile look over at Ghost on his right, but both of them are tight-lipped and observant, their expressions betraying nothing.
An hour and two coffees later saw Shepherd introducing them to a few men from the local authorities they’d been working with and hurriedly getting them over to a more private room to discuss the details. 
Though Soap is still sceptical of Price’s anonymous source, he keeps his mouth shut for the duration of the discussion, listening intently to the plan for the next day instead. 
The airport had upped its security earlier that month. With Verdansk just gently nudging the border of the country and its frequent conflicts with the nearby Russians, the city has grown desensitised to the sheer amount of military vehicles patrolling the streets at all times. They wouldn’t suspect anything out of the ordinary for there to be a heightened military presence at the airport or the nearby areas. 
The good thing, they figured, would be that Makarov would not be anticipating it either. 
Once more, with detailed information from Price’s informant, they determined that multiple bombs would be left to detonate throughout the airport, but how they planned on getting them through airport security remained unclear. 
By the end of the discussion, they’d concluded that the four of them would enter with the rest of the local team Shepherd had assembled well before the window the informant had provided them with and keep a low enough profile so as to not worry the public but be present enough so that any suspicious activity could be flagged. 
By the time Soap was allowed to leave, he felt as though he was due another coffee with how little sleep he’d gotten in the last few days and the monolith of a task before them. He gets himself a coffee and tries to find some fresh air. 
By the next morning, Soap had developed an uneasy feeling about it all, a feeling he doesn’t manage to shake by the time he’s dressed and sharply awake at just before sunrise. 
The sun is high and expectant by the time they arrive at the airport the next morning. The world stands at attention. 
A thin smattering of clouds obscured the sun from view almost entirely and rendered the world washed out and lifeless on the drive out to the airport. 
By the time they’ve parked and Price is well out of earshot, Soap can’t keep it to himself anymore and turns to Ghost nearest to him by the open door of their vehicle. 
“I have a feeling that informant of Price has been feeding us bullshit.” 
“As much as I trust Price, I’m not so convinced either.” 
There isn’t time to talk about it after that. The day at the airport is tense. Speaking is difficult, airport security knows next to no English, with Price and another English speaking security officer needing to translate any time something mildly suspicious turns up. With the extra security keeping a keen eye on the ground, they were sitting in a closed off room watching the security cameras for signs of suspicious activity. 
Security flags a man but it's a bust. He’s pissed and cursing as he’s patted down for the forgotten pocket knife in his coat. A generous amount of similar issues turn up but nothing to write home about. 
A little after that, there was a brief issue on a forgotten suitcase left in a suspicious position on the other side of the airport, but after twenty minutes and broken exchanges, security confirms it was a false alarm. 
Soap doesn’t know if that should disappoint him or not. Even Shepherd starts to look frustrated by the time noon comes around and they’ve noticed nothing else. 
“Any news from your guy?” Ghost asks later and Price gives a frustrated shake of the head. 
“Haven’t been able to get through to him since this morning. Absolute silence.” 
“So he set us up?”
“It's too soon to call any of that, Ghost. Let's not jump to conclusions.”
The day’s still young when it all goes to hell. 
Security screens a woman potentially carrying drugs in her suitcase and she is immediately pulled away into a side room and searched. Her suitcase, marked fragile and wrapped in plastic, is thrown onto a table and opened for search. 
“What the actual fuck is wrong with you? There’s glass in there!” 
“An American,” Soap observes, finally glad to be able to understand what was going on around him. 
“Just standard procedure, ma’am,” one of the security officers relay in accented English and indicates for her to hold her arms out for her to be searched. Soap watches her disbelief morph into frustration when her handbag is also tipped out onto the table, sending folded receipts, loose coins and her cell phone clattering out onto the table. 
“Hey, you can’t just mess with my stuff like that,” she says as a man shuffles through her suitcase to find the suspicious item. 
The phone suddenly lights up with an urgent message.
Three missed calls. 
The phone suddenly lights up with an urgent message. 
Three missed calls. 
Mikhail: are you ok? 
Mikhail: answer your phone 
Mikhail: I can see the smoke from my window. Tell me u are ok. 
Mikhail: Jess please, are you at the airport? Did you see it?
“Captain, something’s not right here.” Soap reaches for the phone, beckoning Price over to show him the texts. 
“Hey, you can’t just look at my phone. That’s an invasion of my privacy–” 
The phone starts vibrating in his hand as another call comes in, Price turns to her, still kept in place by security. “Who’s Mikhail?” 
“My boyfriend, he’s worried about me.” 
“Maybe I can ask him if you give me my phone.” 
“Bag is clear,” the man searching her suitcase behind Soap declares and she gives him a harsh glare.  
“I could’ve told you that myself,” she says angrily as she takes her phone back from Soap and calls the number back, hurrying to put her things back into her handbag. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine! Wait, slow down, you’re freaking me out… what… like, actually?”
Soap looks from her to Price. 
“No way… just now?... I didn’t hear anything… are you sure?”  
On the other side of the room, Shepherd’s phone rings in his pocket and he goes to answer it while security escorts the woman out of the room. 
Shepherd’s face morphs into a look of distress and Soap tenses in anticipation. “Say again?” 
Soap can’t make out anything on the other side but it sounds urgent. Shepherd relays the news as he terminates the call. 
“Reports of explosions at the stadium. No official confirmation yet, but it seems like the news has caught onto it.” 
Immediately, Soap curses himself for not trusting his instinct sooner. He knew something was off 
“Makarov used the airport as a diversion.” 
“He could still be at the stadium, we might still have a chance to nail this bastard,” Ghost suggests and they turn to Shepherd for confirmation. 
“Ghost and I can stay at the airport until security can get a read on the situation,  just in case he decides to double back while we’re out. Price, take Burns and MacTavish. The three of you head out and assess the situation at the stadium.”
The door shuts with a resounding, anxious thud as Price ushers Soap into the passenger seat and straps himself in behind the wheel, acting on muscle memory alone as he releases the handbrake and reverses out of the parking lot at an alarming speed. He turned towards the exit and gestures wildly for the security guard to raise the boom for him to exit the parking faster.
Within a minute, he has navigated out of the incoming traffic and headed onto the highway. 
“What’s the plan when we get there, Cap?” Burns asks from behind Soap. 
“It's difficult to say now. It's fresh. We’ve got no idea what the conditions are or what to expect. So we try to assess and contain the situation as best possible. But knowing Makarov, it's best to assume he’s not done yet.”
“And if he’s there?” Soap asks and Price’s grip on the steering wheel tightens. 
“Then we bring him back.” 
“And if he’s not?” Soap asks. 
“Then this entire operation is dead the water.” 
The over chewed wad of gum was bland in his mouth and did little to soothe the tension in Soap’s system as he cast a glance out at the world beyond the passenger window, seeing it pass in a smear of colour. They’ve been driving for a good five minutes now. 
 Heart racing a mile a minute, his anger was only spurred by the comms in his ear as Shepherd's voice came through, confirming the worst. 
“Gold Eagle to Bravo-6. Security confirms gunfire and at least one explosion in the stadium with multiple injuries, over… “
He watches the world in the muted grey, fade from obliviousness to panic as they neared the stadium, seeing the world descending into chaos around them. 
Price reached to press the button on his mic, face setting into a hard look as he yanked the wheel hard for the upcoming turn. “Copy, we’re inbound now.” 
Shepherd’s response was instant. 
“Be advised, Makarov and his men may still be inside. If he’s there, you bring him out– alive.”
Soap felt uneasy about letting the man go with his life, but pushed the concern down, silencing the thought with his own acknowledgement of the order, but it did nothing to ease the growing concern as he caught onto the shifting energy on the street around them. 
“Roger that. Where’s medical?” 
Soap couldn’t make out any words from the civilians outside or let his eyes linger long enough to analyse any of the reactions properly, but they were close enough to the stadium that he knew they must have heard something. 
“First responders will not enter until the scene is clear. The third floor VIP lounge may be Makarov’s next target.” Shepherd’s voice was clear and calm as he spoke, but it instantly added another thread of anxiety to the mix and Soap couldn't stop himself from cursing as Price took another left, narrowly dodging past a truck on the corner and putting them on a street funnelling to the stadium dead ahead. 
“You said it, son,” Shepherd acknowledges Soap over comms. “Ghost and I are ten mikes out. Let's bag this bastard. Out here.” 
The high rise office blocks seemed to shuffle them forward and usher them out to the open air, now enough for them to smell the acrid smoke emanating from the stadium in a rolling curtain of grey heat.
A car swerves onto the road and shoots past them at a speed as they merge onto the main road, panic palpable in the erratic driving of those still on the road and fleeing the scene.
The fear ripples through the crowd like a curtain of panic holding the world in a vice grip and descending over the street like a dire blanket of fear. Even the dying leaves on the trees seemed more dead and wilted into themselves with an unseen oppression, like an incursion of an unknown force pushing hostile tendrils into the ground that the earth itself, and by extension, the trees on the sidewalk, seemed sharp and alert to the whims of its enemy. 
The bleak sky was barren like the sun had withdrawn into itself to make way for the undulating spire of smoke curling into the sky before them from the blazing inferno that leaked from the burst windows of the structure, weeping fire. 
Unconsciously, his hand went for the chain around his neck, but it was obscured by his vest and the lack of that comfort made him feel like he was floating in a sea of disarray with no anchor point. 
“Makarov threatened the airport and hit the stadium instead,” Soap seethes through gritted teeth. Even Sergeant Burns, who had been quiet up until that point, had something to say to the carnage. 
“He’s a fuckin’ madman.” 
A row of orange boom gates that was meant to be blocking off the entrance to the stadium’s underground parking was raised for the hurried exit of the cars, now descended into complete disarray as a car drives straight out through the wrong gate into the incoming lane and almost collides with their vehicle. 
“Fuckin’ hell!” Price cursed as he swerved aside for it, missing it by a hair’s breadth and gunning it to the middle gate before another car could block them off. 
“Civilians are everywhere,” Burns noted, sounding as thoroughly shaken as Soap felt. 
Soap resists the urge to look back at the blaze beside him as Price turns down the ramp to the parking lot. 
“Alright,” Price begins, gathering their collective attention. “Check your shots. We’ll have a lot of unknowns inside.” 
Civilians are fleeing on foot and he doesn’t stop when a man trips on the incline of the road and scuttles out of the way before an oncoming car has the chance to plough him over. 
“And Makarov?” Soap risks a glance back over to the stadium, now towering over them like a lit funeral pyre. 
“You heard the order. ROE still stands. We take him alive.” 
Soap jolted when two cars collided in front of them and glass skittered across the junction. Price had been so fixated on the collision that he didn't notice the civilian rushing in front of them until Soap shouted at him to stop. 
There’s a heavy thud against the hood of the car and for a sickening moment, Soap worries they’ve hit her, but when she stands up unharmed, he breathes a sigh of relief. 
Irritably, Price gestures wildly for her to get out of the road. “Get out of here! Go!” 
They watch her stumble disoriented from their path before shooting off ahead into a dark tunnel. Cars piled up on the outgoing lane and Soap shouts for Price to watch it when a desperate soul reaching the back of the row decides to take a risk and turn onto the incoming lane, narrowly missing them again.
“Close one,” Soap says, trying to make sense of the cacophony of panic surrounding them as he watches for more civilians on foot and desperate cars. 
“We’re still in one piece,” Price concedes mirthlessly as he turns off from the incoming tunnel into a wider section that splits off to a higher floor. 
“Watch it!” Burns cries from the back. 
The wailing of an ambulance siren cuts through the panic and the oncoming glow of a pulsing red light gives them enough of a warning to get out of the way as it rushes past them and they turn up onto the ramp to the higher floor. 
For a moment, Soap has the chance to think its blessedly empty, save for a parked ambulance in his peripheral vision until he witnesses a speeding car mow down a civilian, letting the rest of the group erupt into panic as he reversed and rerouted. 
Soap curses. He glances back at the contorted form of the man as Price drives them past, determination set in his face. 
They can’t afford to go back for him now, probably dead on impact by the look of it, but that wasn’t their concern now. 
“This is chaos,” Burns says. 
“Yeah, it's what Makarov wants,” Price confirms. 
Right now, their concern was Makarov and getting that sick son of a bitch behind bars. Soap sends up a quick prayer for the man now, knowing he’ll forget to do it when they’re out of here and he has time to think, it will be lost to the chaos of the day. 
Price drives them into a single lane funnelling them to another parking block and Soap is relieved to find a welcome sight waiting for them. “Police up ahead.”
“They got here fast,” Burns says as they’re approaching the uniformed men, trying to talk down panicking civilians. Soap was even surprised to see them here so quickly, but he wasn’t going to ask questions with more hands– 
“They’re killing civilians!” Soap cries right as an officer guns down three people and turns towards them. 
He dodges out of the way, shielding his face from the spray of glass bursting inward. 
“Return fire!” Price shouts as Soap manages to get his bearings, tugging on the door handle and reaching for his gun and releasing the seatbelt clasp. 
He practically falls out of his seat as one of the men turns his gun towards them. 
With renewed fervour and hatred for the man they were after, Soap takes down three of the fake policemen in rapid succession. 
The concrete floor is slick with a mixture of blood and viscera and Soap can feel it clinging to the bottom of his boots as he crosses over to the entrance of the staircase leading into the building. A civilian lies slumped against a cold wall. The back half of his skull shot out and he lies marinated in a pool of his own blood.
Not far from him lies one of the officers Soap shot down, gun still tight in his grip. A bullet to the neck had been too merciful a death. His face has got the hard look Soap has come to know with the enemies they deal with, and his hand’s got an old prison tattoo obscured by the cuff of his sleeve. Soap’s seen them enough to recognise it instantly, though. 
“Inner Circle’s posing as police,” Soap relays as Price comes up beside him with Burns in the back, taking point and leading them up the staircase. 
“They’d have access to the VIP area," Burns confirms Soap’s concern. 
“It's on the third floor, let’s move.” 
Another bullet shoots off from an awkward position at the top of the stairs and Soap and Price make quick work of clearing the staircase before emerging into the furnished concourse. 
If he'd thought the parking lot was chaos, this was a step up. 
Several more of the fake first responders were opening fire on civilians, screaming and running for safety only to be shot down by a careless bullet. They trip each other and slick the tiled floors with red. 
Price says something in his ear, but Soap is too preoccupied to register what it is as another police officer pulls his gun on him. 
Soap takes cover behind an advertising screen as another one of Makarov's men fires on him. 
Soap shoots first and the man falls backward with a jolt. 
"Gold Eagle, Bravo-6, we're internal and pushing to the VIP area. Be advised, Inner Circle's posing as police, over." 
"Copy. All police on target are considered hostile."  
"Roger that," Price acknowledges. 
Soap gritted his teeth as he pushed forward against the torrent of fleeing civilians. A heavy weight knocks him sideways as a  man stumbles into him, eyes wide and muttering distraughtly in Russian as he scrambles away from him. 
Ahead of him, one of Makarov's men hurls something through a window and it erupts into flames. 
He ducks more gunfire behind a vacant information desk, scrambling for safety before he reports back to the others. 
"Fuckers are using grenades." 
His lungs burn from the hazy wall of smoke as he moves forward. The floor is covered in contorted bodies and coagulating pools of blood, smelling so strongly that the air around him is tainted with a stomach churning thick fog of burning plastic and stench of iron. 
Burns isn't far behind him, trying to get a civilian to safety but struggling with the language barrier. 
Price barely has time to warn him of the figure running out of the smoke before another one of Makarov's men emerge like a wraith from the haze and nearly manages to get a shot in. He dies with two bullets to the head and neck, hand still reaching for his gun. 
Another woman is shot down as she flees from her hiding spot behind a counter of glass cases selling refreshments, pitching forward into the smudged floor, a stone's throw away from Soap. 
Soap aims to shoot and curses when it clicks empty, quickly ducking behind the kiosk to reload as he grimly locks eyes with the corpse of the woman. 
He takes a deep breath to steel himself before leaving his temporary safe haven and charging at her killer with a rage he didn't think possible. 
Taking the man down he dodges behind a pillar in the centre of the floor as another charges out of the smoke and fires at him. 
A bullet clips his exposed arm and blood runs a warm crimson trail down his forearm. 
He just needs to make it through the concourse and get to the VIP area. His arm can wait. The dead civilians, the smoke in his lungs causing him to become light headed, the mission's already half-failure– it will have to wait.
To his right, Soap finds an entrance to the gift shop, by no doubt shorter than the path around it. 
Soap coughs against the wave of acrid smoke hitting his lungs before he informs the team over comms of his detour. 
He steps around the mangled body in the centre of the floor. Even through the cacophony of screaming and gunfire, he has half the mind to notice how heavy his boots have become, slaked in the grime and glass littering the floor. 
Soap reconvenes with Price by the entrance of a stairwell, taking point. He dodges pasta man running them down two at a time, resisting the urge to move out of harm's way as a barrage of gunfire from the top of the staircase sends bodies tumbling the rest of the way to the landing and piling up together by Soap's feet. 
He makes quick work of shooting up the son of a bitch, wasting no more than two billets to make sure he was properly dead. 
At the top of the staircase, he's met with a dead end. 
"Exit's locked." 
"On it," Price says, coming up behind him to pry the door open. 
Burns comes to stand beside Soap, observing the words on the door. Clearly, his Russian was better than Soap's. 
"Executive level. VIP level is close." 
The door gives way and Soap quickly confirms the floor is clear. 
There is an eerie silence overlayed onto the shrill, mindless drone of the fire alarm. The entire floor is strewn with casualties, not a living soul in sight. 
Makarov's men had swept through like a pestilence. 
"Eyes on the VIP," Price says as he spots it to their left. "Got movement inside. Stay sharp." 
Price steps away as they reach the door to give way to Soap, inclining his head in Soap’s direction.  
"On you, Sergeant." 
Soap grips the door handle and twists it on the mental count of three. 
"Special forces," Price cries as Soap pushes the door open, gun at the ready. There’s several men inside, dressed in blue uniforms and tending to bleeding, half dead men on stretchers. Though Soap is glad for the help, he’s seen enough today to be sceptical of anything. 
Soap shouts for them to show their hands and they’re up immediately, all looking from one to the other with worried expressions. 
 "First responders! Don't shoot!" One of the men steps forward, eyes darting nervously from the gun in Soap's hands, to his face, to Price and back again.
The air conditioning is cold on his sweat damp skin. There’s a handful of TVs in the room, all set to mute, but they’re turned into the news, reporting from the outside of the stadium, still shrouded in a column of rapidly worsening smoke. 
"How did you get in here?" Price demands sternly. 
"Security," he stammers, flustered and shell shocked. "Security let us in." 
"Who are you with?" Price pushes. 
"Please, we are trying to save lives." Another of the paramedics is just barely suppressing the urgency in his voice. 
Soap casts a sceptical glance over to the poor half-dead man on a stretcher to his right. Other paramedics are gathered around him, trying to stabilise his condition as best possible. 
"Shit, I need help over here," A paramedic by the side of the body says as he looks up urgently and finds Soap's gaze locked on him. "Soldier, please?"
Taking a risk while the other is occupied by Price's questioning, Soap moves over to assist as best he can. He's no field medic but he knows the basics if he ever gets himself into a twist. 
"Stand fast, Sergeant," Price warns, but he's already halfway over when the man draws a gun from his drug bag. He's a quick draw, but Soap is just as fast.
Soap fires just as a blow to his chest knocks him backwards with all the power of a freight train and he hits the floor with a painful thud. The bullet proof vest absorbs the brunt of the impact, but the shot still hurts like a bitch. 
It is outnumbered by the adrenaline and he recovers quickly, assisting Price and Burns in taking care of the other Inner Circle scum. 
His ears ring in the absence of the gunfire and his free hand comes to clutch futilely at the phantom pain of the gunshot over the clamouring of his racing heart. The tac vest obscures its path and his fingers grasp at spare magazines, his sidearm, as it tries to tear a direct path to ease the pain. 
The shot is absorbed into the marrow of his ribs and he knows somehow he'll feel it worse tomorrow. 
"You broken?" Price asks in a serious tone and he shakes his head. 
"Just the plate." 
Soap makes his way over to the table where various medical bags and equipment was set out on the pretence of being useful, but upon closer inspection, Soap notices the heart monitor is ancient, at least from the 90s and missing its internal wiring. 
Burns beside him opens one of the bags and turns to Price. “Check it. They had explosives. This was their next target.” 
Price calls it in immediately. “Gold Eagle Actual, explosives located in the VIP area. No sign of Makarov.”
Soap moves over to the window, eyebrows knitting together as he sees the rubble beneath the window from where the roiling mass of black smoke was rising up from. The field was empty, but there were casualties twisted and dead in the seats, either blown to bits or trampled by the masses in their bid to weave through the labyrinth of seats. 
He cuts his attention back to the task at hand when Shepherd returns to comms. “Copy, make it safe. Local set up a cordon, so Makarov will have to exfil fast. We’re five mikes out. Don’t let him escape, son.” 
Soap checks the pulse on the nearest man on a stretcher, but he’s so far gone dead, he knows for sure the Inner Circle just had him up there as a cover. 
“Roger that.” 
“The garage,” Burns says. 
It's the next logical option, Soap reasons and Price seems to agree. “Affirm,” he nods to the bag they’d been looking at earlier. “Secure the explosives and get to the secondary exfil.”
Burns gives him a nod of acknowledgement and Price gestures for Soap to follow him, moving over to the door on the opposite side of the VIP area and back into the concourse, the shrill alarm still insistently echoing through the space. 
Along the inner wall, Price stops him short at an elevator and he and Soap just about manage to pry the doors open with force, only for them to slide open and reveal a dark void plunging down into the abyss beneath them.
The only sign that there was something down there was a dim red glow licking up the sides of the elevator shaft, catching on the rivets and dents in the metal plating. 
 Soap took an instinctive step back from where the polished floor dropped off, giving a sceptical glance up to the elevator’s resting point a fair bit above their heads. 
Wires jutted out from the dark and trembled slightly with a phantom tremor of the cables, like vocal cords vibrating an ominous metal groan. Soap was unsure how safe it was for them to be standing there with the metal contraption suspended in the air by nothing but rickety cold war era engineering and pure faith holding it up, but when Price seizes one of the cold cables and drops down into the darkness, Soap has no choice but to follow. 
He hits the floor below with a force he feels compress into his spine and he grimaces. 
Price meets him at the bottom. “Eyes peeled for Makarov.” 
Soap sets himself with new determination as they emerge into the larger space. Empty buses are parked on either side of the tunnel, forcing them to move away from the walls inward. 
A chill runs down Soap’s spine as he hears the echoing of footsteps ahead, run-shuffle across the cast concrete. He reaches for his gun instinctively but Price halts him in his tracks as the man comes into view at the other end of the tunnel. 
“Check fire, that’s a civilian.” 
His gun lowers, but only slightly. 
Ahead of them around the bend of the turn, the rhythmic pulsing of a red emergency light caught Soap’s attention and he stopped dead for a moment, straining to hear the sirens before Price could confirm his suspicion. 
“Vehicle incoming.”  
It rounded the corner slowly, like it was a cornered animal placing a careful step forward into the crosshairs of its pursuer. 
Soap stepped forward, but Price laid a hand on his shoulder. 
“Maintain distance, Soap. Could be Makarov.” 
An empty bus to his left stood as the only shield between him and the ambulance a couple of metres ahead of him. He takes a cautious step backward as the ambulance inched closer at an excruciatingly slow pace, lurching as it halted. 
Price held his gun at the ready, moving away from the direct line of the ambulance. 
“Step out of the vehicle!” 
Though Soap couldn’t see who was inside, it was as though its unmovable energy almost seemed to mock them. 
It happened almost out of nowhere and predictably quickly at the same time. The engine revved and there was a moment the ambulance reversed sharply, turned on the sirens and ploughed forward. 
“Incoming!” Soap shouts and he and Price move out of the way on either side of the oncoming vehicle, Soap knocking his already tender shoulder against the back of the bus with the force he falls backwards with. 
There's the echoing crush of metal as the careless driving of the ambulance sees it knocking into an abandoned car and barreling over onto its side, ceasing the urgency of the siren to a dead silence. The absence of sound and the shifting of angular shadows from the strobing of the red emergency light mounted on the roof drew on the vastness of the dark parking garage, threatening to send the already heightened atmosphere to a fever pitch. 
“It’s down,” Soap says with only a hint of relief. 
Price was already moving. “Move to secure.” 
Soap bit the inside of his cheek to avoid showing how much the strain was impacting him as he and Price made their way over to the upturned vehicle, wheels still spinning for phantom grasp in the air, like desperate waving limbs that couldn’t grasp the earth to flee. 
The doors remained resolutely closed, but Soap’s stomach twisted at what he knew he would find there. There was no question of it. That ominous energy, the itching of his sixth sense, he knows it in the marrow of his bones. 
“Open it,” Price motioned Soap over to the door. 
Though hesitant, he complied, tugging the dented metal door open with a firm yank and flooding the gutted ambulance with sharp torchlight. 
“Hands! Hands!” Price shouted for the figure in the blue uniform moving from his sprawled position, his face turned away from them for the moment. “Pokazat' ruki!” Soap shouted for good measure, drawing on his limited Russian to make sure the man got the message. 
Dead on impact, there were two fake paramedics sprawled on the now earthside wall, but his attention was fixed on the man crouching towards the back, shielding his face from the glaring light. 
His hand shifted away from his face to raise in vitriolic surrender and Soap cursed, instinctively readjusting his grip on his gun. “It's him.” 
“Vladimir Makarov, step out of the vehicle now!” 
Sending them a searing look, Makarov gritted his teeth and crawled across the uneven side of the ambulance panelling, knees shifting over the bruised, dead limbs of his men. 
“Nice and easy,” Soap warns when he gets a bit too close to the door for his liking. After all, he still had his firearm tucked into the holster on his bullet proof vest. 
“That’s far enough.” Soap held out a hand to halt him when he attempted to take a step further from getting out of the ambulance. 
“Now don’t fucking move.” Makarov’s attention shifted to Price as he ordered Soap to search him. 
Soap immediately relieves him of the gun and tosses it out of reach. Makarov’s face held a discontented but somehow still neutral expression that Soap struggled to read. 
“You scared Captain?” he asks in a condescending tone as Soap went through the cursory motions of patting him down for extra firepower. Makarov takes Price’s silence as a win. “You should be.” 
“Shut up.”
A little grin tucks into the corner of his mouth and Soap has had about enough of it. He’ll take silence, he’ll take anger, but he will not have enjoyment coming from someone on the wrong end of a gun. 
He’s a soldier. He does not play fair in the game of terrorists. 
“Get on your fucking knees!” Soap manhandles him into a kneel on the cold concrete. 
Without the usual decorum, Soap roughly completes the search. “He’s clean.” 
Not wasting any time, Soap reaches into his pocket for zip ties and tightens them a bit more than strictly necessary, using a second one for good measure.
“Are you going to kill me?” Makarov asks evenly, completely ignoring the hard plastic digging into his wrists and focusing his attention on Price. 
“Oh I’ve thought about it, yeah.” 
He scoffs. “I recommend you do.”
“And I recommend you tell your men to stand down.” Price’s eyebrows narrowed at him. The gun now hovered only a foot away from Makarov’s face, but he remained unfazed. His expression remained unimpressed and he shook his head almost imperceptibly. 
“They’re not trained to stand down. That’s more… your strategy.” 
Soap couldn’t believe the audacity of him. Even like this, he thinks he’s got the upper hand. It takes a heavy helping of self restraint for Soap not to knock his teeth out. 
Price ignores him, locking eyes with Soap. “Keep him close.”
Soap tugs on his bound arms to get him to stand, following behind Price as he radios in. 
“All stations. We have Makarov. We’re moving to the extract.” 
“Roger that, John. they’ll fight to get him back…” 
“We’re counting on it,” Soap says bitterly with a bit of a shrug. 
He doesn’t miss the way Makarov turns to shoot him a venomous glance and he gets a bit of a rise out of it. 
“Alright, take him left. We clear these vehicles, we move up,” Price instructs him shortly, taking the lead and Soap acknowledges him, yanking Makarov roughly to his feet and shoving him in Price’s general direction. “Get goin’.” 
Price confirms the area on the other side of the ambulance is clear, and Soap starts them out at an urgent pace, making sure not to give the man any chance at a rest after the tumble he’d just taken in the ambulance. 
“You think you can just walk me out of here?” Makarov’s voice doesn’t have a hint of worry or remorse.
“We can drag you out as well,” Soap reminds him, giving him a rough shove to make him pick up his pace, but if Makarov feels anything at the rough treatment, he keeps it to himself. 
“Capturing me… it means nothing.” 
“It means we beat you, Vlad.” 
Soap can just barely see him shake his head, huffing out a laugh. “Don’t be a fool.” 
“Contact!” Price shouts from somewhere ahead of him and Soap’s first instinct is to duck behind the nearest vehicle as the Inner Circle men Price had spotted come into view, irritably losing Makarov to the confusion. 
 He gets a shot in, risking a glance sideways to Price who reassures him he’s got Makarov secured, but Makarov and one of the men are shouting back and forth for another moment before he gets him down too. 
“We clear?” Price asks him when the last man falls. 
“It's not safe here. Grab Makarov, we need to move.” 
Price waits for Soap to take him before they proceed down the tunnel towards where they would be meeting with the others outside. 
“You’re not safe anywhere,” Makarov tells him and Soap’s just about had enough. 
“Your luck’s running dry, Makarov.” 
They’re coming up by another skewly parked bus, promptly ignoring the dead body of one of the Inner Circle men Soap had shot down, lying slumped behind it, Makarov doesn’t even look in his direction, just keeps his eyes focused dead ahead. 
“I don’t believe in luck. I believe in planning. Bad luck, it's just poor planning.” 
“What part of your plan involves rotting in a prison?” 
“A man can be locked up,” Makarov reminds him. “An idea cannot.” 
Soap keeps him close, tightening his grip on Makarov when they pass a woman trying to flee the building and giving her a jump scare. Soap tries to give her an apologetic look, but she’s clearly shell shocked and just stumbles away from him. 
Price is up ahead, securing them a path through to where they were to rendezvous with the others. 
“Found a way through, Sergeant. Lets move.” 
Up ahead was a blockade of buses, narrowly parked together, pressed into the wall. As Soap neared it, he could see the arms of daylight reaching for them from the gap between the two. 
“I bestow my blessings on your courage, but curse your stupidity.” 
“Worry about yourself.”
“Every man is replaceable, even me.” 
The only way around the barrier would be to squeeze through the narrow gap between the two vehicles, but it appeared Price was willing to bet they’d fit. 
“On me,” Price calls to Soap and slots in first. 
Soap gives Makarov a shove, both to move him forward and to shut him up as they come up to the gap, making progress at a snail's crawl. Soap isn’t particularly put off by tight spaces, but this could change that. 
Still, he takes Makarov by the shoulders and forces him after Price, sucking in as far as possible to try to keep his gear from snagging as they move. 
What’s even more unnerving is the pained crying he can hear from inside the bus, a bleak chance that there were still lives that could be saved in this shitshow. They didn’t have the time to stop now. 
“You’re not a soldier, you’re a war criminal.” Price picks up on it too, giving a heated glance in Makarov’s direction as he shuffles sideways. He’s more than irritated with Makarov’s attitude in combination with the injured civilians just metres away from them.
“These people need medical.” 
“What’s stopping you from helping them, Sergeant?” Makarov asks condescendingly and Soap shoves him sideways to keep moving. 
Makarov looks back at Soap. “That's your choice.” 
“You did this, not us…” Price reminds him sharply.
“They’re innocent people,” Soap adds from the side.  
“No one is innocent. War is treachery.” 
“Enough of this shite.” 
Price groans as he squeezes past the last bit and emerges into the open, Makarov –still within Soap’s grasp– follows shortly and Price has them heading for the exit, just to the right, just a little further and they’ll be out of the smoke and into the light. It gives Soap the strength to push on. 
Just to the end of the tunnel. A smoking wreck of a car flickers by the end of it, a false beacon of hope, but Soap knows it's just a little further. He just needs to keep his head on straight. Maybe what he says next is to distract himself, maybe it's because he wants to throw stones at the enemy while there isn’t a glass wall and several government officials between them. 
He doesn’t want to admit that it's probably to cover a chip in his own hope they’ll get out of this in one piece. He’s learned that celebrating the victory too soon only turns a blind eye to the evil building in his peripheral vision.  
“Time for you to meet some friends of mine.” They’re so close that Soap can almost begin to sense the relief of a win drawing close. He’ll get to go home in one piece and he’ll make good on his promises, all the ones he almost failed on. He’ll get time to reconsider his resignation, maybe he’ll let Scotland and its people resculpt him into an honest man. 
“Where are they?” 
Soap doesn’t want to give him the satisfaction of a full answer, lips turning into a conceited sneer. “Close.” 
Makarov gave a half-shrug, letting the cuffs jingle a bit behind his back. His hands were balled into tight, tense fists. 
“So are mine.” 
Soap worries it’s too late to save himself now, but he’s twenty-five. A lot of people find their feet at the age of twenty-five. He can still choose to rewrite the ending of his story. He can still return to the nostalgia of his not-yet-past youth, his mother’s home cooked meals. “You should know when you’ve lost.” 
“You’re still thinking about victory. Think about success.” 
It's another pebble thrown against Makarov’s unshakable demeanour, hitting nowhere vital but somehow still spurring him to give Soap a word of advice, sitting on that self-made throne. 
“The wicked prosper. They always will. Peace is invisible. War you can see…” 
Soap hates how evocative it sounds, how a weaker man might have thought it inspirational. Soap just thinks it sounds as though he’s pulled it from a fortune cookie. 
Soap’s nose scrunches up as the smoke thickens and burns at his lungs, blinking as his eyes water from the burn too. 
He’s more prepared for the hits this time when the bullet zips past his head to disappear into the inferno. 
“Molotov!” Price shouts to him and he ducks away behind another wrecked vehicle as a bottle hurtles through the air and shatters on the floor just a couple of metres away, sending flames licking up the side of the wall. 
“I’ve got Makarov, you take ‘em out.” 
Soap swiftly takes care of the man running at him, catching him before he’s even spotted Soap behind the car and turns on the other man running to cover his fallen comrade. 
Soap takes down the next three in rapid succession, sidestepping another attempt at a molotov in his direction and finding the thrower with a bullet to the neck.
The last man catches him by surprise and he takes a hit to the arm before he gets a good shot in. The man slumps to the floor and Soap grits his teeth as he scans around for anyone else to materialise out of the smoke before relaxing slightly. Crisis averted. 
“We’re clear.” 
In his adrenaline high mind, the bullet wound, though only a graze, was a distant low hum, barely offering a distraction from the here and now. He resists the urge to clutch at his chest as he returns to Price. 
He’s by the gate, forcing Makarov to his knees with a gun pressed against his neck. 
“Lift it.” Price inclines his head to the gate and Soap drops to his knees to pull at the edge and lift it just high enough for them to duck under. Once out, he lets it drop with a thundering crash. 
“Gold Eagle Actual, we’re external. East side of the stadium. What’s your status?” 
Soap comes up behind Price, eyebrows drawn together and squinting at the too-bright sky for their helicopter flying over the building to land on the other side. 
“Bravo-6, we’re on station. Be advised, you have enemy personnel moving in from the North. Ghost will provide sniper support.” 
“Copy. We'll meet you at primary exfil. Six out,” Price says and turns to Soap. “I’ll handle Makarov, you clear a path.” 
Soap moves ahead, sticking close to cover as he eliminates those of Makarov’s men still looking to take him back. He’s briefly aware of Price behind him, but he makes sure to cover all their bases before the Inner Circle men can get the better of them. He’s too desperate for a win now. 
To his left, a man emerges from behind a white van, cowering behind a riot shield as he tries to get a shot at Soap. Soap moves back to duck behind a parked car but he lets out an involuntary curse when a neat bullet clips the man in the back of the head and he collapses onto the pavement with a heavy lurch. 
He follows the path of the bullet up to the helicopter hovering above their exfil point, finding the imposing silhouette in the doorway and he acknowledges the man with a nod. 
Ghost may be a bit of a prick, but as Soap looks down at the mess of the man’s skull spattered across the concrete, he can at least acknowledge he’s a good shot. 
“Watch right,” Ghost warns him over the comms and Soap turns and fires at a man ducked behind a parked car.  
There seems to be no further pursuit and Ghost confirms it a moment later, giving them the green light to proceed to exfil with Price and Makarov shortly behind him. 
The helicopter has barely touched down and Ghost is standing guard at the open door, expression completely obscured by the mask, but Soap can sense the tension in his stance as he just barely tracks their movements. 
Soap squints against the torrent of wind coming in his direction, finding Shepherd’s outstretched hand to tug him over the threshold of the doorway. And it's homeward. They made it. 
Price comes in after him, handing Makarov over to Shepherd before he wordlessly taps Ghost on the shoulder to signal him inside. 
The door shuts with a resounding bang and soon, they’re up in the air, watching the smoking stadium recede beneath them. 
Soap steadies himself against the wall to allow himself to catch his breath, resisting the urge to turn and face the monster of a man behind him as Price makes sure he’s secure. He takes a long look at the city beneath him. He can sense it writhing with panic and it itches beneath his skin in a way he cannot put word to. 
“Simon Riley.” Makarov’s accent registers behind him and Soap glances to the left to find Ghost still by the door, now facing Makarov at the mention of his name. Soap turns to meet Makarov’s eye for a moment, but his gaze quickly averted back to Ghost. 
“I expected you to stay at the airport… and die there.” 
“If you wanna live, do not threaten my men, Vladimir,” Shepherd warns him. 
“Are we on a first name basis? Herschel?” 
“So you know names,” Soap cuts in impatiently. “Anyone can read a bloody dossier.” 
A beat passes and when no one makes any move to ask any of the big questions, Ghost doesn’t beat around the bush. 
“What’s the rest of your plan?” 
“This.” He shrugs, almost nonchalant, staged in a way that put Soap’s nerves on edge. Like he knew this was eating at them and he was enjoying watching the scene unfold instead of worrying about the fact he wouldn’t be able to slip through the noose this time. 
Price sits forward. “What do you mean ‘this’?” 
“Amazing. You’re all dumber than you look.” 
“I asked you a question–” Ghost reminds him sharply. 
“And I have a question for you.” he addresses them all, inclining his head in Soap’s direction, hinting at his watch. “What time is it?” 
“What the hell do you care what time it is?” Shepherd asks impatiently and he gives half a shrug as partial explanation. 
“Timing is everything, General. I think we’ll all remember this moment. Some… more fondly than others.” 
It registers first as a distant rumble. A shaking of earth that offsets the balance of the air by such a dire tone it compels Soap to look out the window and find the source of the noise. His heart plummets into his feet. 
“The airport,” Ghost says with more concern Soap thought he was capable of. 
“He pulled us off target.” 
“You fucking son of a bitch!” 
Something in Soap snaps. He’s restrained himself far too long and before he’s even realised what he’s doing, he’s pulling his gun and grabbing Makarov with a fistful of the blue uniform he was wearing, knocking him against the metal wall with a reverberating bang before tossing him to the floor. 
“I’ll blow your fuckin’ brains out, I swear I’ll do it.” 
Makarov locks eyes with him over the barrel of the gun, mere inches away from his face and finds Soap’s eyes with an intensity he didn’t think possible. 
“Soap, don’t do it,” Price warns him, but its dead noise in his periphery. Still, he hesitates. He feels the chain chafing against his neck.
The gun waits between them for Soap to pull the trigger. His finger itches, he clutches just a bit, with no pressure. But he could if he wanted to, he feels the impulse curl his finger in his mind’s eye but there is no gunshot and Makarov is still looking at him as though he’s bluffing. 
“Do it, come on,” Makarov taunts him. 
“You shut your mouth,” Price tells him, but his eyes never leave Soap. 
“Let me finish him.” Soap doesn’t know why he’s waiting for permission. He knows what needs to be done, but he can’t. He needs that bit of reassurance that its a necessary evil. 
Makarov gives a cynical laugh but Price pulls his attention. “John, we have him, he’s in custody. He’s not going anywhere. Stand down, Sergeant.” 
With all the self restraint he can muster, Soap pulls back before he can impulsively pull the trigger, reholstering the gun and taking a seat as far away from Makarov as possible. 
Price tugged Makarov up from the floor and into his own seat. 
“I thought you were the good guys.” 
“You gon’ rot in hell for this,” Shepherd tells him. 
“You’ll die in the gulag with the rest of the Russian rats,” Soap adds. 
Makarov glances at Soap, eyes drifting down to the gun now tucked uselessly into its holster. 
“You can lock me away, MacTavish, but I can promise you, the next time we’ll be seeing each other, you better hope your Captain didn’t just sign your death warrant.” 
Soap has learned over the years that the silence after the fact can sometimes be more haunting than the screams that came before it. Silence is a full stop that drives the hope into the ground and smothers any thought of change for the better. 
Silence is the whiplash passing of the first stage of grief and sinking into those later phases, the knowing that nothing can be done once the last breath has passed dying lips and all that can be clung to is the husk of what remains. 
Sometimes the acknowledgement of the silence is the victory for the sadistic intention, so tight lipped, Vladimir Makarov took the lack of words following the skirmish with Soap on the ground as a proof of this victory. 
Soap didn’t let it show, but he felt it in his knees, sinking into acceptance of the horror and he sank to his seat in bitter anger. He would not let Makarov have the satisfaction of being ignored, so he made a point of looking him in the eye as they made their way back to base, from which General Shepherd had informed them authorities were already awaiting their arrival to take Makarov off their hands. 
Halfway through the return trip, Ghost comes to take a seat next to him and Soap shifts an inch or two further away to allow himself to breathe. 
He’s aware of the motion beside him, Ghost clenching and unclenching his fist in Soap’s peripheral vision.
He’s surprised Ghost isn’t more visibly worked up by the situation, but Soap realises that idea might have come from a misjudgement of the man’s character on his part. Ghost was reserved and brash, but he was calculated, something Soap worried he fell terribly short on. 
“You’re a hard man to kill, Riley. My men tell me you’re dead on paper. Suppose it goes to show that even if you read between the lines, most of the story is left off the books.”
“You’ve got nothing to gain here, Makarov. You’ve lost. Throwing stones at us isn’t going to help your case,” Soap warns him harshly, but Ghost holds up a hand to silence him.
From out of the window, Soap can see them coming up on the base and the helicopter begins to turn in for landing. 
“No, let him talk. I wanna know what else kind of shit has been circulating.” 
“Only a fool lays all his cards on the table, but I will tell you this. Your system, your government is lying to you. They’re using you, tell you its for your country. But they’re all the same, your Captain,” Makarov nods to Price, “the General, they’ve got more skeletons in the closet than they’ll let on, just make sure you don’t become one of them.” 
“No one should be taking advice from a madman,” Price dismisses him. “And we’re coming up on your last stop before you won’t be seeing the sun for a long time, so you better take one long look at the world, because it's the last you’ll be seeing of it.”
The helicopter descended on the landing pad. 
A waiting group of armed men in uniforms stood close by and approached with urgency when the doors opened and Makarov was taken into official custody of the Kastovian government. 
The exchange happens in Russian and Soap struggles to follow along with it as they get out with Price after General Shepherd and the men escorting Makarov into the building, following behind at a respectable distance. 
Makarov is properly restrained and escorted off base to another facility in an armoured vehicle and Soap feels a strange emptiness settle over him as he watches them leave the premises. They’d gotten Makarov, but he cannot consider this a victory. “You did good today,” Price informs him a while later when they’re alone. “The outcome is far from what we hoped for, but we made sure he’ll never be able to do something like this again.” 
Burns arrives later with questions about Makarov’s arrest and the airport after the bomb squad had successfully taken care of the rest of the explosives on site at the stadium, but he’s got very little to say in return to Soap’s recollection of it. 
Finding he can’t manage to catch any sleep after an hour of tossing and turning, Soap supposes he should give up on sleep in general. 
He wants to reflect about the day, but his mind is cluttered with thoughts about the thousand of innocent lives lost in the carnage, its jarring to see those faces from the news, burned into his mind and superimposed over what the airport had looked like when they’d driven towards it just that morning, those people outside, saying goodbye to families, pressing kisses to cheeks with a promise of ‘see you soon’. Most of those people are crushed and buried under rubble and maybe even lost forever. The thought is sickening. 
Though it's futile and seems like a juvenile remedy to a problem that can’t be helped, he replays that moment on the flight out from the stadium over and over again, and in each instance, he pulls the trigger and Makarov is dead on the ground. He doesn’t listen to Price. 
Fuck. If only he hadn’t listened to Price back then. 
It wouldn’t have mattered though, he’d have felt just as guilty seeing it on the news, knowing he could have done something to help as he feels now, knowing that he’d been played for a fool. 
Lying back on the bed, Soap dips his hand under the hem of his shirt and pulls out the tangle of his dog tags with the cross over his chest. It dangles in the artificial heatless glow of the industrial strip light he’d neglected to turn off, clinking together as he holds it just a few centimetres from his face, skin warm and seeming to possess a life of its own. He clutches it all together over his heart and closes his eyes, trying to muster the words for a silent prayer through all the clutter of his mind. 
His mind jumps around, but it's sincere. He prays for the families he knows must be mourning their loved ones, for those in hospitals clinging to life, for the people who’d lost their lives today. He puts a conscious effort to word it understandably despite how utterly exhausted he is, even though he knows that God must already know what he has to say. 
Yes, he should probably stop swearing so much and he’s not proud of his history, but at least he’s trying. His hands are covered in the blood of people that despite their choices, God would have wanted to call his children and he’d killed them for material means. No matter how evil their actions, Soap had killed hundreds if not thousands of people over the years. 
It doesn’t matter how tainted the soul, blood is still blood. 
But he’s doing good with the darkness he’d been born with, the destruction he was always leaning more towards. He’d been entrusted with this attribute like a double edged sword he must use wisely and he reminds himself that he does it so that others can keep their hands clean. 
It's a noble thing to do, to sacrifice your own innocence for the sake of others. It's honourable. 
He can only lie there for so long before his skin itches for something other than the stillness of the stale room. Burns is knocked out on the bunk across from him and Soap gets up and leaves the room, turning off the light upon his exit. 
He decides fresh air might do him good and he takes his chance to slip out onto the roof to catch his breath and collect his thoughts. 
The night sky is almost completely obscured by the haziness of the smoke that had spread out from the epicentre of the airport, only letting in through pinpricks of blinking light from the stars. It takes Soap’s breath away for a moment. 
He hadn’t realised just how easily he could see the airport from the base, especially situated on the hill, overlooking the city. He can’t see all of Verdansk, but he can see enough to know how much the disaster has affected it.
He can hear the wailing of sirens and the dim flashing of red lights responding to the remainder of the disaster. 
Soap sighs heavily as he walks over to the edge of the roof, sinking down to his knees and scooting over to dangle his feet off the edge of the roof, he’s half startled out of the haze when his phone vibrates in his pocket. 
He debates answering the message later but goes to pull out his phone. 
Four unread messages. all from Elena. 
Elena: a guy came into work today and he looked almost exactly like you. It was sort of scary.
Elena: oh btw, you left your sweater at my house the other day in case you were looking for it. 
Elena: hey, how was your day?
Elena: Look, I understand if you’re busy and just don’t have the time to talk to me, but if you don’t want to see me anymore, I’d appreciate it if you told me. I can handle it. I really like you and I thought we had a genuinely good connection the other day, but I get it, the moment’s over and I was clearly reading the situation wrong. It seems like we went into it with two very different intentions and I just don’t think it's going to work. After everything that happened, I think I just need someone that’s present and I need some time to work on myself before I get into anything now. I’m sorry.
Well, fuck. Soap can’t be everywhere, he can’t fix everything, he can’t be there for everyone. Maybe he should’ve tried to respond sooner, but on top of today’s disaster, it stings. 
John: There's nothing to be sorry about. I didn’t mean to give you the impression that I don’t want to talk to you, really, I’ve just had a really long day. And I think you’re right, I don’t think this is going to work. I had a great time getting to know you but I’ve got a lot on my plate right now and things are very stressful here. I just have a lot of things to think of right now and I don’t think it's fair to drag you along with me.
It didn’t take very long for her to respond to him, quickly adding a heart emoji in response to his message before she wrote back. 
Elena: thank you for being honest with me. 
There was nothing more after that and Soap stared at the last message for a couple of moments, frowning at it as the screen darkened and died. He sighed heavily, shoving the phone back into his pocket, looking down at the cracked pavement two storeys below him, right to where they had parked coming into base just two days ago and how he couldn’t have ever imagined what was in store for him. 
“Just don’t fall, you’ll cause me paperwork.” 
The voice startled Soap to his core and he almost tipped forward by the sound of it, cursing as he stabilised himself again. 
He turned to find a small pinprick of light from where a dark clothed figure leaned against a wall not far from him. He hadn’t even recognised the smell of cigarette smoke, figuring it was the wind carrying the smoke from the explosion site. 
“Shit, Ghost, you scared me,” Soap laughed uneasily as the man approached him to stand by the railing. 
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” he says. Soap gets to his feet and Ghost holds out a half empty pack of Marlboro cigarettes in Soap’s direction, an olive branch. Soap isn’t sure he’ll take it. 
“I don’t smoke. It's a filthy habit.” 
Ghost rolled his eyes, sighing around his own cigarette as he plucked one from the pack, lit it and offered it again, now with a thin curl of silver smoke distending from its orange glow. It highlights the edges of the skeleton motif on his gloves and somehow, Soap knows he’ll carry a part of this day with him for days onwards, because the smell of that cigarette will burn into the fabric of his gloves. 
“I don’t smoke,” Soap insists again with a frown, but all Ghost does is take his hand –not roughly, but not gently either– and puts the thin cigarette between his fingers. 
“After a day like today, everybody smokes, Soap.” 
Soap hesitates with it for a moment, watching the glow eat away at the unburnt part of the cigarette and inching closer away from the ashen end before he gives in and raises it to his mouth for a long, much needed draw. 
He wishes he could wipe the smug look he just knows Ghost has under that mask off his face as he watches the action, knowing how easy it is to fall back into dormant muscle memory. 
“You don’t smoke, huh?” 
Soap pouts, not sure how much he wants to let the strange man in on his past, but he settles for something basic. “I don’t smoke anymore .” 
Ghost nods, whether it was meant to be mocking or genuine is something Soap’s ego can’t discern. “Right.” 
They stand there for a moment in the pseudo-silence, filled with the ambience of night sounds and distant sirens echoing through the ether and surrounding the two of them in a lamentous hum. 
“If it was up to me, I’d have let you kill him today.”
“You would?” Soap asks with genuine confusion. 
“I would. Price doesn’t always think of it that way, but the world’s better off without having scum like him wasting space, even if he’s behind bars.”
Ahead, somewhere from out of the darkness, the glow of the burning airport stood out, a beacon of hellish light that made Soap’s skin crawl. They’re far away and the attack was hours ago, but it lingers on his skin like an itch he can’t run away from. 
He leans on the cigarette for comfort, and just a little, the presence of the taller man beside him helps to ease the loneliness of feeling like one tremendous failure. 
“Don’t think too hard about it Soap, it’ll make your hair fall out and we certainly can’t have that with that illustrious haircut of yours.” 
Soap jerked his head around so fast, he could’ve almost sworn Ghost startled just a little. 
“Oh you’re one to talk about appearances with that halloween costume shite you’ve got going on.” 
It takes two seconds for Soap to realise he’d chosen the wrong option. He’d overstepped one of the rules Price had very clearly set out for him. No questions about his appearance. 
To his surprise, Ghost just gives him a bit of a laugh, albeit a bit of a snide one. “To each their own, but I’m serious, don’t beat yourself up about what happened today, there’s no use in dwelling on it.”
Soap frowns. “How am I not supposed to dwell on it? If we hadn’t responded to the attack on the stadium, if you and Shepherd hadn’t followed after us, we would have died there too,” he gestures vaguely out at the glow of the still smouldering heap of rubble. 
“That’s just the way of the world, Soap. No one gets into this job thinking you’ll walk away with a bruise or a cut you can just slap a plaster over. People die, that’s how it works. We just happen to see more of it because of what we do. We are not entitled to living longer or dying later or easier because we’re supposed to be heroes. We could have died today, but what does it actually matter in the grand scheme of things.” 
“You’re a real ray of sunshine, Lt,” Soap says dryly, bringing the cigarette to his mouth again. In the corner of his eye, he can see Ghost do the same. 
“Maybe I’ve just been screwed over by the system that’s supposed to keep me alive more than I’ve been saved by it.” 
Soap shrugged, but it didn’t sit right with him, the idea that death was just an inevitable fact of life. He’s too stubborn to believe it. For someone who’d spent more than half his waking life trying to change the hand he’d been dealt when he was born to broke college student parents and the expectation to be utterly average, he didn’t take kindly to the notion of just accepting things he can’t change, even if it drives him up the wall. 
There’s a lot of other, more personal questions he wants to ask the man instead, but he settles for something safer. 
“How do you deal with it? Stuff like today?” 
“I’m not the person you should be asking for advice, Soap,” Ghost says with a hint of surprise. “That’s more Price’s thing.” 
Soap turned to face him, trying to analyse what little he could see of his face where the mask was pulled up just high enough for him to smoke. He can just about see the curve of his lip around the cigarette and the edge of what seemed to be a jagged scar extending from the corner of his mouth. 
Just as quickly as Soap had seen it, he lowered the cigarette, holding the smoke for a moment before he released it in a slow exhale. 
“I’m not asking for advice, I’m asking how you cope.” 
“I keep going. Sometimes the only way to cope is to endure.” 
The silence that followed thereafter was more comfortable, more settled. Soap could begin to see why Price had told him Ghost was an acquired taste. For all his cold facade, he was really just a man with a grumpy disposition. Maybe even one with a personality outside of work, but Soap struggles to comprehend what that might be. 
Reminded of work and everything they’d discussed in the wake of the attack, Soap frowned as he took another drag from the cigarette, now on its last breath.
“What do you think ended up happening to Price’s informant?” 
Ghost scoffed, stubbing out his own cigarette against the rail and crushing the rest under his boot for good measure. “Fuck if I know.” 
Soap shook his head, feeling himself getting riled up just at the thought of it. “Bet you the arse is sitting somewhere comfortable, getting piss drunk, laughing at the news.” 
Ghost shrugs. “Reckon you may be right about that one, sergeant.” 
“Wherever he is, I hope karma comes back to get him good.”
The man convulsed with a cry of pain as another shock of electricity surged through him, curling in a distortion of twitching muscles through the point where the cattle prod made contact with his bare, singed back and burned another snakebite pattern onto what remained of the undamaged skin. 
The small, uninsulated barn stank of singed hair and burning flesh, all emanating from a centre point where a young man, beaten and tortured beyond recognition, was bound to a bloodied kitchen chair. 
He shivered and twitched from the aftershock of electricity under the glaring warm buzzing of a bare filament bulb, fixed to the rafters above his head. 
Six other men, still residually wearing police uniforms and paramedic overalls, were gathered around him in a semicircle. 
The one in front of him, Andrei Nolan, was not holding the cattle prod. His hands were clean of blood, though there was a light spatter across the front of his body from his earlier beating, inflicted by the man now standing behind the chair, resting a gloved hand dutifully on the wooden backrest, waiting for further instruction. 
“I’m not going to say I’m surprised, Dmitri. But I expected better from someone like you,” Andrei says with mock pity, crouching down to find the swollen eyes of the young man. A trickle of pinkish saliva traced down his trembling lip and dripped to the cold floor by his bare feet. 
“Not even twenty with a whole life ahead of him. You could’ve gone and married that pretty young thing you’re hiding in the city. Could have fathered children to carry that name since the anti-communist rats snuffed out the rest of your Soviet supporter family and executed them like dogs, but your bloodline will end here because you wanted to be a bootlicker.” 
Dmitri flinched as Andrei pressed a calloused thumb into the burn on his inner thigh, drawing out a pained noise. He leaned away from the hand, but stripped naked and bound, there was little he could do to avoid the pain of Andrei’s finger scratching open the blistered skin and causing it to bleed again. 
Even Yuri, the man that had inflicted the burn waiting behind him with bated breath, began to feel nauseated at the sight of his own handiwork, but it did not show. He kept his expression even and serious. 
Andrei was a dangerous man and Yuri knows better than to cross him when he’s already angry. Andrei might think of Dmitri as a bootlicker, but he was just as much the same to Makarov. Still, Yuri stood by, idle, complacent. The cattle prod in his other hand was heavy and had more weight to it than it should have had. 
“Do you have anything to say for yourself?” Andrei asked. 
Mustering the last of his strength, Dmitri lifted his swollen face to look Andrei dead in the eye and spoke around a mouthful of busted teeth. 
“Preserving innocent lives… is not… the same… as bootlicking.” He threw in as much venom as he could into the words, punctuating it by spitting blood and phlegm into Andrei’s face, mere centimetres away from him. The man recoiled with a curse and reacted with a harsh backhanded smack to his already busted face. Andrei wiped at his face with the edge of his sleeve. 
“It would’ve been better for you if you begged for mercy,” he says, getting to his feet and moving a safer distance away. 
“Fucker thinks he’s Pavlik Morozov,” one of the other men laughs, shaking his head pitifully and the others join in. “But by all means if he wants to die a young hero, we give him his martyr fantasy,” another says. 
 Yuri feels himself stiffen. He agreed to rough up the kid, already uncomfortable at the thought of hurting him to teach him a lesson. He gave in when the Inner Circle wanted to use his house to lay low after that afternoon's situation with Makarov’s arrest, but he did not consent to killing a man that had seen him as a mentor. He’d practically fathered him from the age of fifteen when his parents were killed. 
“Don’t be so hasty, Pyotr,” Andrei scolded him. “Now that Makarov is in federal custody, we must make extra sure not to lose his sentiments to our own vision. We must be patient.” 
“We still have Zakhaev,” the first man suggests and Andrei turns to him, unimpressed. 
“Zakhaev is a puppet on a string. He knows what Makarov wants and he’ll be better in executing that vision than any other of his affiliates, but we must not forget that though Zakhaev was Makarov’s predecessor, he still had a different vision for Russia.” 
“It's better than letting the cause die off.” 
“Makarov has planned for this. The system has not failed us. All the more to show that this little stunt of yours has meant nothing,” Andrei directs his attention back to Dmitri, kicking his bare foot roughly. 
“But seeing as this stint didn’t play out as you planned and you have nothing meaningful to say, perhaps you shouldn’t be able to say anything at all.” 
Yuri frowned, unsure where this was going as Andrei addressed one of the men beside him. “Go to the van and fetch the white jug in the back. Should be under the spare uniforms. Don’t let the woman in the main house see you.” 
Andrei tossed his keys to the man. 
“What are you planning to do to him?” Yuri asks, now visibly becoming unnerved. 
“Nothing extravagant.”
“I am not going to kill him with my wife and child barely two hundred metres away,” he said sternly and Andrei scoffed. 
“He won’t die immediately. I’m counting on the secondary complications to do that. Keeps the hands clean and the conscience clear.” 
“You fucking murderer,” Dmitri says as loud as he was able, struggling against his restraints. “All of you will burn in hell.” 
“At least you’ll be there to welcome us,” Andrei says dryly. 
They all turned in tandem to face the creaking of the barn door behind them, just a little way away, the man how having returned and holding up a heavy, half-empty bottle that at first sight seemed to be some sort of laundry detergent, but Yuri’s heart dropped through the floor as he realised exactly what it was. 
“You can’t be serious– that’s insane,” he stammers as the man hands off the bottle to  Andrei, now making a play to thoroughly check the label. 
“Thirty-seven percent hydrochloric acid. A lower concentration is an irritant to the skin, but undiluted, it’ll corrode right through to the flesh. I wonder what it’ll do to those vocal cords of yours.” 
He roughly shoves the bottle in Yuri’s direction. “If you would do the honours.” 
“I am not going to pour hydrochloric acid down his throat.” 
“You’re not really in a position to negotiate here. It would be a shame if I were to show your little girl what her daddy is really capable of.” 
“You leave my family out of this,” Yuri warned. 
“Then you wouldn’t mind teaching the rat here a lesson?” 
Gritting his teeth and avoiding eye contact with a panicked Dmitri, Yuri took the bottle from Andrei and slowly unscrewed the cap. It looks just like water. 
 He moved over to Dmitri with much trepidation. 
“Don’t fucking come close to me– you asshole, I thought I could trust you–” he thrashes, scooting the chair back and lurches back with so much force, the chair tips and he crashes to the floor. He cries out in more pain as he takes his weight on his bound arms behind his back, no doubt dislocating his shoulder in the process. He’s still thrashing and crying out as Yuri approaches him.
He freezes, standing there with the open bottle, not sure what to do now. 
“Dinner’s almost ready Yuri, your wife might come out and fetch us soon. You better get a move on.” 
Torn between what he knows is right and the very real possibility that his family could walk in and see what he had done, he kneeled down by the upturned chair and reached for Dmitri’s face, still trying to move away from him. 
“I’ll fucking bite your finger off! Don’t touch me!” 
“Someone hold him still,” Andrei orders and one of the men dutifully comes over to roughly yank him by his hair into a flat position against the dirty floor, tugging his mouth open with a gloved finger. 
“I won’t be able to hold him like this for long,” the man says plainly, clearly struggling to hold him still but Yuri didn’t move. 
“I can’t.” 
“This isn’t a choice,” Andrei says sharply. 
“I let you stay in my house, share my food with you. I am not getting blood on my hands in my own house.” 
Andrei’s eyes narrowed at him, but he stepped forward nonetheless, taking the bottle from Yuri’s hands and knocking him out of the way. 
“I’m starting to question your loyalty, Yuri.” 
Yuri ignores him, pushing past the five other guys to leave the barn as soon as possible. He doesn't get out before the screaming starts, wet choking around the sound. 
He leaves the barn with his head in his hands. He can still hear him, now, halfway to the house. 
Yuri thinks he might continue to hear that scream five, six years down the line. 
It's not completely stopped by the time he reaches the kitchen and finds his wife standing there over the simmering pot on the stove, shoulders stiff and mouth pressed into a tight white line as she stirs the mix once more and forcefully knocks the extra broth from her spoon on the lip of the pot, clearly demonstrating her discontent while refusing to meet her husband’s gaze. 
“Don’t even begin,” she warns sharply. She doesn’t look at him, instead, shutting off the stove and looking out at the uneven plain of dying grass between the house and the barn that had now gone eerily quiet and empty in the symphony of night crickets. 
The barn door opens and five out of the six men still in the room step out and begin making their way over to the house. In the background against the chattering of the TV, Yuri can hear the little girl in the living room, playing with the scatter of toys on the carpet and giggling, blissfully unaware of the conversation unfolding in the kitchen and the horror on the other side of the lawn. 
He turns back to his wife, unsure of what to think, but she gives him something to hold onto. “We’ll talk about it later.” 
She gets him to set the table, clearing all the leftover clutter from the time he’d been away. He’s missed so much over the past few years in Makarov’s ranks, he’s hardly been around to see his child growing up. Still, she draws him in her wobbly doodles of the family. 
He gathers all the drawings together in a stack and goes to shove it in one of the cupboards in the living room, ruffling the kid’s hair as she doesn’t even bother to look away from the TV as he is passing–
“What happened to your hand?” 
Yuri goes back to the kitchen when he hears Anya’s concerned voice, now looking down at Andrei’s freshly bandaged arm as she began ladling soup into the bowls on the counter. 
“Cleaning accident,” he laughs it off, making eye contact with Yuri. “Was struggling with a tough stain that didn’t want to go out without a fight, but it gave in eventually.” 
Dinner after that was painfully quiet, interspersed with a few crude jokes and inappropriate glances in Anya’s direction every now and again when she went to fetch something from a cupboard that one of the men would order her around for, and though Yuri was having none of it, there was little he could do about the situation while being on such thin ice with Andrei and the others already. 
But he knows now, with how deep he’s getting into this, with the incident from earlier that day on the news, his furious wife and his oblivious daughter in the living room, that he has to make a plan to dig himself out of this hole. 
It's only later that evening, when the other men had retired to the spare bedrooms and guest cottage that came with the old farmhouse, that Yuri found his wife in their upstairs bedroom, gathering a bundle of stuffed animals into her arms and throwing it on her side of the bed. 
Their en suite bathroom door was closed and he can hear the faucet of the bathtub running. 
“I’m having Nadya sleep here tonight. I’m too worried about leaving her alone with them,” She informs in a hushed voice, fluffing up one of the pillows and arranging the stuffed animals accordingly. 
“I’m sorry about everything,” he begins to say but she holds up a hand to silence him, still too angry to give him the time of day. 
“Save it. People make mistakes. I didn’t marry you to sit at home alone for half of my life wishing you were here to see your child growing up, I didn’t marry to sleep in an empty bed and wander around in an empty house until the next thing I know is that my husband’s on the news because he was part of a terrorist attack on an airport. I made that mistake, and I have to live with that, but I swear on my mother’s grave, Yuri, you bring these people into my house again, and I divorce you, for real this time. So either, I go back to Kastovia to live with my family, and you forfeit your rights as a father, or you come up with a plan.”
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emoprincey · 1 year
It Must Come To An End (analoroceit)
I know it's the end of the week, but I finally managed to get something done for analoroceit week!! Thanks @loganisanobody for hosting this awesome event! This is actually the prequel to an au I've been planning for a while, the title is from Mamma Mia, you'll see why...
I used the day 2 prompt: Argument/taking sides.
Writing taglist: @iclaimedtobethebetterbard
It was ironic, Virgil thought, that he worried so much about everything, but he hadn’t seen this coming.
He and Janus had been arguing more often recently, over every conceivable thing. What to eat for dinner, the price of their dates. It didn’t help that Virgil had felt more irritable than usual lately, so even the clinking of Janus's spoon against his coffee mug was enough to set him on edge.
"Will you stop that?" Virgil snapped one morning, when the sound of Janus stirring his drink became too much to bear.
"Well, I'm sorry for stirring my coffee in my own kitchen," Janus shot back with a glare.
"You could at least be quieter about it, you're giving me a headache," Virgil grumbled.
"You're welcome to sleep at your own apartment if you wish," Janus said shortly.
The only reason Virgil had stayed at Janus's last night was because they'd finally managed to schedule a date with both Roman and Logan, and afterwards the four of them had curled up in Janus's king-sized bed. It would've been nice, if Janus didn't keep complaining about Virgil’s cold elbows poking him, and Virgil himself wasn't plagued with waves of nausea throughout the night.
Virgil was about to retort, but he was interrupted.
"Everything alright?" Roman's voice came from the doorway. He was leaning sleepily against the doorframe, looking gorgeous in the baggy white T-shirt he'd slept in, with his hair tousled and falling into his eyes.
Virgil momentarily forgot about his annoyance, until Janus spoke again.
"It's fine, Virgil is just feeling a little tired." His tone was smooth, as if nothing was amiss between the two of them.
Roman didn't seem to notice anything was off, because he kissed Janus's cheek before he walked over to massage Virgil’s shoulders.
"How are you feeling, love? Perhaps we could get Logan to give you a proper massage later."
Virgil sighed, relaxing into his touch. "I'd like that. Where is he, anyway? It's not like him to be the last one up."
Roman shrugged. "Maybe he partied a little too hard last night and needs to sleep it off."
Virgil snickered. They'd only been out to a restaurant, and he doubted the singular glass of wine Logan had would be enough to bother him.
"I can assure you, I am not hungover in the slightest," Logan said, walking into the kitchen already dressed in a black polo shirt and trousers from the small supply of clothes he kept at Janus's place. He gave Roman a look of disapproval and headed over to the fridge. "I simply wanted to get dressed before breakfast."
Roman just chuckled and made his way over to Logan. He kissed him sweetly and Logan immediately melted into it.
Virgil noticed Janus watching the two of them with a soft expression, and sent a smile in his direction. No matter how much the two of them fought, they both loved their boyfriends. Virgil hoped that whatever happened between him and Janus wouldn't end up hurting either of them.
The end had still come as a shock. When Janus said they should break up, Virgil had stared at him in silence for a few moments, unsure how to respond.
The next few days were rough. Virgil stayed at his own apartment, and barely responded to any of Roman or Logan's texts. He was just glad the two of them weren't breaking up with him as well.
He was sitting on the sofa when he heard a knock at his door. The TV was on so his apartment wouldn't feel too silent, but he had the volume too low to actually listen to what the hosts of whatever boring talkshow were saying as he scrolled through Tumblr on his phone.
When Virgil opened his door, his eyes widened in surprise. He'd known that one of his boyfriends would probably want to visit him soon, but he hadn’t expected this. Roman stood there, looking devastated. His hair was messed up, and his face was blotchy with tear-stains.
"I just broke up with Janus," Roman said.
"Oh," was all Virgil said, before he wrapped Roman in his arms. Roman crumpled into the hug, as Virgil was the only thing keeping him standing, and sobbed into his shoulder.
Once Roman calmed down a little bit, Virgil guided him inside and put the kettle on to make Roman's favourite herbal tea.
"Are you okay?" Roman asked Virgil when he sat down, which was absurd because Roman had been the one crying into his shoulder just a moment ago. The last thing he should be doing was worrying about Virgil.
Virgil just shrugged. "I didn't mean to make you choose me over him," he said quietly, dipping his head.
Roman sighed, then leaned over to press a kiss to the side of Virgil’s head. "You didn't make me do anything. I was mad at him for the way he treated you, but I made my own decision. Besides... me and Janus have been fighting for a while now."
"Oh?" Virgil raised his head slightly.
"Yeah," Roman said. "We tried to tone it down when you and Lo were around, but he's really been getting on my nerves, and I know I've been getting on his."
Virgil felt bile rise up in his throat, though he was sure it wasn't at the statement.
It must've shown on his face, because Roman looked at him with concern. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just feeling a little sick, is all," Virgil said.
"Do you need to go to a doctor?" Roman asked.
"No, I'll be fine," Virgil said. "It'll pass."
Virgil paced around his small bathroom. He was sure he was fine. He'd just been feeling a bit under the weather recently, there was no way-
But it was best to be sure.
He couldn’t bring himself to glance at the pregnancy test on the counter. After everything that had happened with Janus, the last thing he needed was something else to worry about.
Finally, he convinced himself to look down and check the result.
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quccninchains · 20 days
| @zoklaanogar sent: ❛  i'm sorry, i didn't know where else to go.  ❜
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{☾} Alicent sighed, leaning to the side as she removed her slippers, setting them neatly under the side of her sofa. Her back was to the shadows of her bedroom, believing herself well and truly alone. The fire crackled and a pitcher of spiced wine waited for her on her table. In the matter of weeks, losses continuously spilled into her cup. Viserys. Lucerys. Jon. Jahaerys. She didn't know how much more she could take.
Pouring herself a glass of wine, she takes a long draw, tilting her head back as the warmth spread from her throat into her belly--grounding her. Her gown falls to the floor in a puddle of blue silk, leaving her standing in her chemise--readying herself for bed.
When she turns for her bed, setting her glass down, she sees him and her heart JUMPS into her throat. She can barely pick out his features in the dark, but it's the barest sign of his curls that keep her from screaming out for her guards.
After the murder of her grandson, perhaps SURPRISING her this was was not the best plan.
|| ❛  i'm sorry, i didn't know where else to go.  ❜
Alicent's heart raced, her breathing rapid as she approached him. A million questions lingering in her mind, his features becoming more recognizable in the dim light. Her hand reached out, resting a cool palm against his cheek. Tears welled up in her eyes, searching his in return. He left her. He LEFT her. For Rhaenyra.
The memory of his departure slams into her and she withdraws her hand from his face, her brows knitting together.
"Did Daemon send you here to KILL me? Would that sate his desire for revenge? Was my grandson's head not price enough?" She accused, her voice low and hoarse. Her lips purse and she shakes her head, walking away from him--though every cell in her body screamed at her to keep her eyes on him. "Did you offer to come here and kill me?"
Her hand reaches for her glass and pauses--instead pouring a second glass for Jon. Never let it be said that she wouldn't be gracious to an ASSASSIN. Even one who used to love her so. Keeping a respectable distance from him, she pushes the glass towards him, grasping her own against her chest.
"Will you at least make it quick? One last request from the woman who loved you?"
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middleearthpixie · 2 years
Wanted Man ~ Chapter Three
Summary: A price on his head, Loki of Asgard finds himself stranded on Earth and in need of one woman's help in order to free himself from the bounty and try to reclaim what he sees as his rightful throne in Asgard.
McKenna Carlin just wanted to put a horrible day behind her. She had no idea that things would get worse before they get better…
Pairings:  Loki Laufeyson x ofc McKenna Carlin
Characters: McKenna, Loki  
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 2.4k
Tag List: @fizzyxcustard @court-jobi @guardianofrivendell @piggledy-higgledy
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here! 
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No matter how she tried, McKenna just couldn’t sleep. Not with Loki and his magic sleeping in the next room. Even from her bedroom, she could see the faint green glow emanating from the front door. Sealed with magic. Unbelievable.
She tried not to think about what happened in New York. It didn’t help. She still couldn’t sleep.
What sort of help could a god need from her? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? After all, he was a god and she was, as he liked to put it, a Midgardian. He originally came to Earth with the intention of ruling over them. He killed something like eighty people in two days.
And now he was crashing in her living room.
Cinder padded into the room and startled her as he jumped onto the bed. Nonplussed, he curled into a medium-sized ball of gray fur and closed his eyes. Nothing kept him from sleeping. Not even a murderous god just down the hall.
Her iPhone was in her purse. Unfortunately, her purse was on the kitchen table, along with the mail. She had another cordless in her room, but the one Loki vanished into nothingness was the main unit, and he took the base as well. So much modern technology and it was all out of her reach.
“But maybe he’s asleep. And I can just sneak into the kitchen, grab my phone, and get him out of here,” she whispered to Cinder, who didn’t even open his eyes.
Her mind made up, McKenna kicked off the sheet and smothered the yelp when her bare feet hit the cool floorboards. The A/C was set for sixty-five degrees at night, which made the apartment cold enough for her to sleep with a blanket, but it also made the floors as cold as they would be in the winter.
Mindful of the one creaky board in front of the linen closet, McKenna crept, her back pressed flat against the wall, toward the kitchen. As she neared the living room, she heard the sounds of deep, even breathing. Mr. Loki was asleep. Thank God. She felt ridiculous for sneaking about her own apartment, but truth be told, he scared her to a certain degree and she didn't think anyone could blame her. 
The faint green glow around the door gave off enough light to make out his outline on the sofa. He sat up, his head back against the cushion, his eyes closed. His hands lay on his stomach, fingers intertwined, rising and falling with each low breath.
She rounded the corner, sucking in a sharp breath as her pinky toe caught the corner of the wall and pain exploded through her entire foot as if she’d stepped on a hot coal. Tears gathered in her eyes and she bit down hard on the inside of her cheek to keep from yelling out the multitude of swear words bursting through her brain.
Still, Loki breathed evenly. Deeply. Still asleep.
When she was able to move again, she reached down to rub the aching toe, and then continued sidling into the kitchen. The table was on the far side of the kitchen, up against the window, where the morning light was pure and bright and she would sit and sip her coffee while Joe read the sports page.
Sure. Why couldn’t this guy have landed here when Joe was still here? He’d probably get rid of him no problem.
But Joe wasn’t there. Some of his things still hung in the closets and the one dresser was held a bunch of clothes he didn’t wear any longer, but other than that, he was completely moved out. He was supposed to come by yesterday and take out the rest of his clothes, but knowing him, he just figured he’d do it when he got around to it and she’d be there to let him in.
She frowned. If there was one thing Joe was good at, it was taking her for granted.
Her eyes slowly adjusted to the lack of light, although that weird glow helped a little as well. Her purse was right where she’d left it, atop the slanted stack of white envelopes she’d tugged from the mailbox.
She reached in and rummaged, letting out a whispered, “Yes!” when she found it. She carefully plucked it from its pocket and pushed the home button. The lock screen glowed brightly enough to make her squint, and she quickly punched in her code and toggled to the home screen to app to dull the brightness before—
“I wouldn’t do that, if I were you.”
Loki's voice, also no more than a whisper, brushed her ear and she jumped, the phone sailing from her hand to bounce across the counter. It was only a whisper, but there was more than a little menace woven into the mist, and without thinking, she whipped about, her fist clenched, with every intention of knocking him on his ass.
It was only too bad her fist never made contact. He caught her easily, his hand wrapping about her wrist to halt her progress and easily blocked the blow. “Is this how you treat your guests?”
She just stared at him. “My gue—are you insane? You are not a guest. I didn’t invite you here, remember. You invited yourself.” She tried to jerk her hand free. Impossible. His hand was like a steel band about her wrist. “Let go of me.”
“So you might call for help? I don’t think so.”
From the corner of her eye, she saw him raise his free hand. “No. Don’t zap that away as well. I need it.”
He paused. “Need it for what?”
“Email. Facebook. Instagram. Tumb—okay, yeah… I know that’s a lame ass reason, but…” she let her arm go limp in his grasp and sighed softly, “It’s also got my entire address book of contacts. If I lose them, I’ll never be able to get in touch with anyone. Ever. My whole life is in that phone.”
“Is it?” He glanced at the phone lying facedown on the counter. “In that little box?”
“Yeah, actually. In that little box. You’d be amazed at what information that little box holds.” Now, um…” her hand tingled as the his grip kept the blood from flowing to her hand, “could you maybe let go of me? My hand is going kind of numb.”
He released her. In the odd green glow emanating from the living room, his face loomed pale from the shadows. His eyes were pale as well. Blue. Or maybe green. Maybe a combination. His hair was dark—dark enough to blend in with the darkness behind him—and on the long-ish side. 
Who would believe the God of Mischief held her hostage inside her own apartment? She wouldn’t believe it, and she saw all of the news footage that came out of New York a few months earlier. The Battle of New York. When they were invaded by aliens.
And gods, apparently.
“What do you want from me? And what are you going to do to me when you get what you want?” she asked, a dull weariness creeping over her. She moved away from him, to the counter, where she hoisted herself up and reached for the phone, which was no worse for the wear after its crash landing. Thank God.
She cast a glance at him. Thank the gods?
“I told you, I need your help. You help me, and nothing will happen to you at all.”
“And if I don’t help you?”
A slow smile curved his lips. “Are you certain you wish an answer to that?”
The lack of warmth in that smile curdled her blood and brought a sour taste to the back of her mouth. No. She definitely did not want an answer to that. She swallowed hard against the foul taste. “Yeah… no… don’t tell me.” 
She swung her legs slightly, letting the backs of her feet bounce lightly off the cabinet as she weighed her options, such as they were. She could help him, or she could find out what lay behind that cold smile. Somehow, helping him seemed a much wiser, much safer option. And really, how bad could it be?
Probably best not to ask that.
Still, she had to know, so she looked up to meet his eyes. “What do I have to do? Because if it involves anything weird—or weirder than this—” she gestured back and forth between them with one hand—“you can forget it.”
“I need a place to stay for a while. Until I heal and I’m able to go back and reclaim what is rightfully mine.”
“So you want me to let you live here? Are you going to chip in for the rent?”
“Rent?” His head tilted slightly to the left. “What might that be?”
“Right. I forgot. You’re a prince or something and probably have never had to pay for a thing in your life.” She reached up to sweep her bangs away from her forehead. “What else do I have to do?”
“Nothing yet. Although, if you’ve something for my back, that might help.”
“Something for your back?”
He nodded, moving to flick the light switch. “Have you ever been slammed about like a rag doll, into a stone floor, by a Hulk? It wreaks havoc on your body, you know.”
She bit back a smile, her, “According to Tony Stark, the Hulk sank you three inches into that stone,” popping out on its own.
A mistake.
He didn’t smile. In fact, his eyes narrowed, and she pressed her lips together as her heart skipped a painful beat. Okay. Note to self; the Hulk is a bad thing to bring up.
The silence stretched a few moments longer, then, as if she hadn’t said a word, he went on, “I also had a bit of a run in with a spear not too long ago. A very large, very sharp spear. So, as you can see, the last few months of my life left me more than a little banged up, for lack of a better phrase.”
“Sounds like it.” She gestured to the far corner, where several bottles stood on the windowsill above the sink. “There’s some ibuprofen. It might help.”
He picked over the bottles, found the ibuprofen, and proceeded to struggle with trying to open the bottle. “What the devil is this?” he grunted, tugging and pushing at the cap. “A different magic?”
“Child-proof cap.” She slid down from the counter, took the bottle from him, and popped off the lid. “Here. Two should do the trick.”
“It should help.” She took a glass from the cabinet in the corner and pressed it into the water dispenser on the fridge. “Here. Drink this with them. It’ll make them go down easier.”
Loki eyed the two caplets she’d dropped into his palm. “How do I know I can trust you?”
She shrugged. “I guess you’ll just have to take a chance.” As he continued staring at her, she sighed. “Okay. Here, I’ll take one with you. I’ve got a headache anyway.”
She tossed back a caplet, took the glass of water from him, swallowed a mouthful, and pressed the glass back into his hand. “See?”
“Do you have any ale, instead? Or perhaps some wine?”
“Drink the water. Don’t be a baby.”
He looked from the pills to the glass, to her and then back. Then, he put the caplets in his mouth and drained the glass. “When will it work?”
“You have to have a little patience. It takes about twenty minutes and then gradually, your back should feel better.” She took the glass from him to put in the sink. Then, she turned and leaned back against the counter. “So all you want from me is a place to crash for a few days?”
“That’s it. When I’m healed, I’ll be on my way.”
“And you won’t do anything to me? Or Cinder?”
His brow wrinkled. “Cinder?”
“My cat.”
“I make no war on women or pets.”
“Fine. Then you can stay here. But on one condition.”
Leather creaked as he crossed his arms over his wide chest. “What might that be?”
“You give me back my phone and you don’t kill anyone.”
“That’s two conditions.”
“Fine. You don’t kill anyone.”
“You drive a hard bargain, Midgardian. But very well. I won’t kill anyone.”
“And please, stop calling me Midgardian. You know my name. Use it.”
His eyes glinted with mischief. She didn’t even have to know him to know what it was, and then he smiled. “Very well again. McKenna.”
He said it in a low, almost growly sort of voice, lightly tinged with an elegant accent. Although she knew it shouldn’t affect her one way or the other, it still sent a shiver rippling down along her spine. Oh, that was not good. Not good at all. He was dangerous and she would do well to keep that in mind.
With that in mind, she nodded. “Good. Now, I’m tired and I’m going to bed. Do you want a blanket or a pillow or something?”
“Both would be appreciated.”
“Fine. Wait here.” She left him in the kitchen and retrieved an extra pillow and blanket from the linen closet, and came back to find he’d turned out the kitchen light and made his way to the sofa. This time, he stretched out, fitting perfectly between the arms. 
“Here. Don’t drool on it.” She handed him the pillow.
“I’ll do my best not to,” he replied dryly as he took it and propped it against the arm of the sofa.
She unfolded the blanket and snapped it out to let it float gently over him. “Warm enough?”
“It’s fine.”
“Good. Now, good night. I’ll see you in the morning.” She crossed the living room to the beginning of the hallway, where she paused. “Did you really kill eighty people in two days?”
“Do you really want an answer to that?”
“The news said you also gouged out some scientist’s eye. Why?”
“I needed it.”
She shuddered. “How awful.”
“Your eyes are perfectly safe. They’re too pretty to gouge out.”
She grimaced. “Thank you. I think.”
He let out a low sigh. “I should like to get to sleep now. Good night, Midgardian.”
“Good night. Asgardian.” She resumed her footsteps, smiling when she heard his low chuckle. At least her eyes were safe. The rest of her was probably in imminent danger, but her eyes were safe.
It was a start.
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astererer · 2 years
🐒🧸💬👨‍🦰 for Aster and Vernon? 0w0
ask meme is here :))
🐒 — What’s their favourite animal pokemon?
Obviously adores Corviknights and their pre-evos, given her family’s tradition of gifting their children a Rookidee to raise when they’re like 5 or 6 years old — she spent her childhood surrounded by the birds, and the one she raised has never left her party. But after going out into the world she discovered she is much more of a cat person than a bird person, to the point that she makes a point of catching one from any feline pokemon species she comes across bar the Kantonian and Alolan Meowth lines. Aster does not like those ones. Perrserker and Galarian Meowth her favourite, though, and not just because she’s got a Perrserker as her ace!! She likes their rowdy attitudes, raising one definitely had an influence on her own personality and how she carries herself :)) she also just loves their overall looks — the wiry fur that makes up their beards (so unique!! how many other bearded cats can you think of??) and sharp toothed grins never fail to make her smile 😊
He loves his Corviknight — Roddy has been his partner his entire life and they have an extremely strong bond as a result. But also that’s Roddy in particular. Like Aster, he loves the Corviknight line, but they aren’t necessarily his top favourite species of all time. That title (not that he’ll EVER admit it out loud as he does not like to play favourite) goes to Minccino and Cinccino — not only are they super cute, soft and fluffy (excellent to hug), but they also like to keep things clean like Vern does.
🧸 — Do they have any stuffed animals? If so, are they decorative or do they sleep with them?
Has a few that have been collected over time, some live on her sofa to curl up with during a movie, others are more there for her pokemon to play with and snuggle up to rather than for herself. Doesn’t sleep with any because she usually has two to three living creatures sharing her bed with her — no room for plushies when her team want to cuddle 😔
Has a plushie of each pokemon on his team. They’re small, decorative plushies he has in his living room alongside his photos of said teammates. Shrine for the babies (and one large bird).
💬 — What are some filler/buffer words they use? (Like, um, etc.)
‘Innit’. Uses it constantly, either tacked onto the end of a sentence (bit cold out, innit?) or simply on its own as a way of agreeing with someone else. Also throws the words ‘like’ and ‘y’know’ around a lot mid sentence.
Also uses ‘innit’ a fair amount, but not to the same extent as Aster. Tends to start sentences with ‘right, then,’ and fills them with ‘um’s and ‘hmmm’s when he’s not sure what to say. Tries to consciously avoid using fillers when he can though.
🧑‍🦰 — Have they ever dyed their hair? Ever cut it themself?
Has pretty much gone through the entire colour spectrum at this point, at first she started started getting her hair dyed so she could be a bit less recognisable as a runaway champion, but once that fear died down and she got more comfortable with herself, Aster continued to mess with her hair because it’s fun!! Gotten very good at using hair dye with minimal need for cleanup due to the number of times she’s messed with her hair in a pokemon centre bathroom during her travels. Cuts her hair herself for maintenance purposes — getting rid of split ends and such, but if she wants a major upheaval (chopping a massive length off and/or getting layers/a perm, for example) she’ll go to a salon. She knows herself and what she is/isn’t capable of, and which things are best left up to a professional haha
Never touched a bottle of hair dye, does not trust himself enough with scissors to go at his hair on his own. Vern just goes to the same barber every month or two when he thinks he needs a trim. Gets rid of his split ends and a bit of a tidy up for a relatively low price. Likes being able to sit back while someone else does all the work, even if it’s just for half an hour.
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wedezineinterior · 23 days
Top 5 Affordable Interior Design Ideas for Bangalore Homes
Looking to give your Bangalore home a stylish makeover without emptying your wallet? At WeDezine, we believe that great design doesn't have to come at a high cost. Our expert team has curated the top 5 affordable interior design ideas that will transform your space and add a personal touch to your home without breaking the bank. Dive into these practical, budget-friendly tips tailored specifically for Bangalore homes!
1. Go Green with Indoor Plants
Bangalore's pleasant climate makes it the perfect place to bring nature indoors! Indoor plants are not just a beautiful addition but also a cost-effective way to refresh your living spaces. Think low-maintenance plants like Snake Plants, Money Plants, or Peace Lilies that add a calming vibe while also purifying the air. Even in limited space, vertical gardens or hanging planters can create a lush, green sanctuary. Start small with a few plants and watch your home come alive!
Estimated Cost: Starting at just ₹200! A small investment for a big transformation.
2. Get Creative with DIY Decor and Upcycling
Unleash your creativity with DIY decor projects and upcycling! Bangalore has a rich history of craftsmanship, and you can easily incorporate this into your decor. Upcycle old furniture with a fresh coat of paint or repurpose glass bottles as unique flower vases. Use colorful fabrics or jute to create wall art or cushion covers. Not only does this approach save money, but it also adds a personal, unique touch to your home decor.
Estimated Cost: As low as ₹500 for basic supplies! Redecorate without the hefty price tag.
3. Transform with Affordable Lighting
Lighting can make or break a room’s ambiance. Instead of opting for expensive fixtures, choose affordable options like fairy lights, string lights, or LED lamps available in Bangalore's bustling markets. Experiment with different types of lighting to create a warm, inviting atmosphere. A few strategic lighting changes can instantly elevate your interiors, giving them a fresh, cozy feel.
Estimated Cost: Starting at just ₹300! Light up your home, not your expenses.
4. Refresh with Colorful Soft Furnishings
Don’t underestimate the power of soft furnishings to transform a space! Inject new life into your home with vibrant cushion covers, rugs, and curtains. Choose colors and patterns that reflect Bangalore's vibrant culture – from earthy tones to geometric designs. Head to local markets like KR Market or Shivajinagar for some great bargains. A simple change in cushions or curtains can make your home feel brand new!
Estimated Cost: Between ₹1,000 - ₹4,000 for a whole new look!
5. Optimize Space with Multi-Functional Furniture
In Bangalore, space is precious! Make the most of every inch with multi-functional furniture like sofa-cum-beds, storage ottomans, or foldable tables. These pieces are perfect for small apartments or homes and help keep your space organized and clutter-free. Find affordable options at local furniture shops or big retailers like IKEA and Urban Ladder.
Estimated Cost: From ₹3,000 onwards. Invest in pieces that do double duty!
Ready to Revamp Your Home? Let’s Talk!
Why settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary? At WeDezine, we're passionate about creating beautiful, affordable interiors tailored to your taste and lifestyle. Our team of experts is here to help you implement these cost-effective ideas and transform your Bangalore home into a space you'll love.
Get in touch with us today! Let's turn your dream home into a reality – affordably and stylishly.
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intrainterior · 1 month
Interior Design for Residential, Commercial, and Office Spaces | Intra-Interior
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Interior design plays a pivotal role in shaping our living and working environments. Whether it’s the comfort of your home, the functionality of your office, or the inviting allure of a commercial space, the right design can transform these areas into inspiring settings.
However, many people often associate good design with a hefty price tag. But what if you could have both high-quality and affordable interior design? This blog will explore how you can achieve well-designed residential, commercial, and office interiors without breaking the bank.
The Importance of Quality in Interior Design at Intra Interior
Quality should never be compromised when it comes to interior design. A well-thought-out design does more than just create aesthetically pleasing spaces. It enhances functionality, improves comfort, and increases the property's value. High-quality design ensures that the space is practical, aesthetically aligned with its purpose, and sustainable.
Whether you're planning to redesign a home, office, or commercial space, quality materials, craftsmanship, and thoughtful design are non-negotiable. However, it doesn’t always have to come at a high cost. Smart planning, resourcefulness, and creative thinking make affordable interior design solutions possible.
Residential Interior Design: Affordable Elegance
Your home is your sanctuary, a place where you relax, entertain, and spend time with family. A well-designed residential interior design should be a reflection of your personality, providing comfort and functionality. The good news is that you don’t have to spend a fortune to achieve this.
Tips for Affordable Residential Design:
Minimalist Approach: One of the easiest ways to save money while designing a residential space is to adopt a minimalist approach. Less is more when it comes to minimalism, and it can lead to a sleek, modern look while cutting down on unnecessary expenditures.
Smart Furnishing Choices: Invest in versatile furniture that can serve multiple functions. For example, a sofa bed in the guest room or a dining table with storage can save both space and money.
DIY Projects: Personalizing your space with DIY decor not only adds a unique touch but also keeps costs low. Repainting old furniture, creating custom art, or making your cushions can revamp your home without overspending.
Sustainable Materials: Sustainable, eco-friendly materials are becoming more affordable. Choose bamboo, reclaimed wood, or recycled materials for an eco-friendly and stylish home that doesn’t strain your budget.
Ornamental Plants: Adding plants is a budget-friendly way to bring life and freshness into your home. Plants are affordable and can drastically improve the ambiance of any room.
Commercial Interior Design: Making a Statement Without the Expense
Commercial spaces, including restaurants, retail shops, and salons, require top interior design companies in Bhubaneswar that are not only functional but also visually appealing to attract customers. However, the design doesn’t need to come with an extravagant price tag.
Tips for Cost-Effective Commercial Interiors:
Reuse and Upcycle: Reusing existing furniture or upcycling old items can give a fresh look to your commercial space without the cost of buying everything new. Repurposed items add a unique, trendy touch while being budget-friendly.
Modular Design: Opt for a modular design approach, which allows flexibility in changing layouts without the need for extensive renovations. Modular furniture, for example, can be easily rearranged or reconfigured depending on the business's needs.
Cost-Effective Lighting Solutions: Lighting plays a significant role in commercial spaces. Instead of splurging on expensive light fixtures, explore affordable LED lighting or pendant lights that offer both energy efficiency and style.
Statement Walls: A statement wall can drastically change the look of a space without requiring a full renovation. Use textured wallpapers, decals, or bold paint colors on one wall to create an eye-catching focal point that sets the tone for the entire space.
Durable and Low-Maintenance Materials: Choose materials that are durable and easy to maintain. Vinyl flooring, for example, is a cost-effective alternative to hardwood and can withstand high traffic, making it perfect for commercial interiors.
Office Interior Design: Functionality Meets Affordability
Offices need to balance functionality with aesthetic appeal to foster productivity and create a positive work environment. Whether you're designing a corporate office or a home office, it's possible to create a productive and stylish workspace without excessive spending.
Tips for Budget-Friendly Office Interiors:
Ergonomic Furniture: Ergonomics is key in office design, but that doesn’t mean you need the most expensive chairs and desks. There are many affordable options available that offer comfort and support for long hours of work.
Creative Storage Solutions: Clutter is the enemy of productivity. Investing in creative, affordable storage solutions can help keep the office organized and efficient. Shelving units, wall-mounted racks, and multi-functional furniture are excellent choices.
Open-Plan Layouts: Open-plan offices are not only trending but also cost-effective. You can eliminate the need for partitions, maximize space, and encourage collaboration among team members.
Incorporating Nature: Much like residential spaces, incorporating plants into office design is an inexpensive way to enhance the environment. Studies show that plants can improve air quality, reduce stress, and increase productivity.
Neutral Colors with Pops of Accent: A neutral color palette can create a calm and professional environment, but adding pops of accent colors through accessories, cushions, or artwork can make the space more vibrant and inviting, without requiring an overhaul.
Achieving Quality and Affordability Together
At first glance, the terms “quality” and “affordable” may seem contradictory, but with the right strategy, you can achieve both in your Best interior design company in Bhubaneswar project. The key lies in planning, setting a realistic budget, and choosing the right materials, furniture, and layouts that serve both form and function.
Balancing the Two:
Prioritize: Focus on areas that have the most impact, such as the living room in a home, the reception area in an office, or the storefront in a commercial space. Investing more in these key areas can help create a great first impression, while less critical spaces can be designed more simply.
Mix High and Low: A great way to balance quality with affordability is to mix high-end items with more affordable ones. For example, splurge on a statement sofa but save on smaller decor items like cushions and throws.
Work with Professionals: Hiring an interior design firm can save you money in the long run. Professionals can help you avoid costly mistakes, source materials at better prices, and ensure that the project stays within your budget.
Interior design, whether for residential, commercial, or office spaces, doesn’t have to be a luxury reserved for those with large budgets. With the right approach, you can create beautiful, functional, and quality-oriented interiors that align with your budget. 
By combining smart design choices, sustainable materials, and a creative approach, it’s entirely possible to achieve an affordable yet high-quality design that leaves a lasting impression.
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krispysheepdeer96 · 2 months
What Are Wayfair’s Most Popular Furniture Items This Year?
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Top Furniture Trends from Wayfair
Wayfair has become a top spot for home furniture. Each year, they offer new and exciting pieces. This year is no different. Their collection includes popular items that many love. From sleek sofas to stylish beds, Wayfair has it all. Shoppers are thrilled with their choices. Modern designs and cozy materials are trending. For instance, velvet sofas are a hit. They add a touch of luxury. Sectional sofas are also popular. They offer ample space for families. Many are choosing large, comfy sectionals. Wayfair’s selections match any style or budget. It’s easy to find something you’ll adore.
Top Picks for Every Room
Wayfair’s best sellers include many items. Their dining tables are very popular. The modern farmhouse style is a favorite. These tables blend rustic charm with a modern twist. Many customers opt for sturdy, stylish dining chairs to match. They come in various colors and finishes. It’s easy to create a dining area you love. Bed frames are another top pick. Customers often choose platform beds. They are sleek and low to the ground. Perfect for a minimalist look. Storage beds are also in demand. They offer extra space for linens or clothes. Wayfair’s range means you can find what fits your space.
Why Customers Love These Items
What makes these items so popular? They combine style and function. Wayfair offers high-quality products at great prices. Customer reviews highlight comfort and durability. Many buyers love the easy assembly of furniture. It’s a relief to receive pieces that fit together well. Wayfair’s quick delivery service is also praised. Shoppers appreciate fast shipping and reliable service. Whether you need a new sofa or a bed frame, Wayfair has something for you. The variety of options makes it easy to find your perfect match. So, explore Wayfair’s collection and discover what’s trending this year.
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joanwallaceblog · 2 months
What Are the Hidden Costs of Shopping at Wayfair You Need to Know?
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Shopping at Wayfair can seem like a bargain. Their low prices and wide selection draw many buyers. But before you click "Buy," it's good to know about hidden costs. Here are some to watch for.
Shipping Fees and Delays
Wayfair often offers free shipping. But there are conditions. Many items come with "free shipping" only if you meet a minimum purchase amount. Check the fine print. For small orders, shipping fees may apply. These fees can add up.
Also, shipping times can be long. Some products might take weeks to arrive. If you need an item quickly, you may face extra costs for expedited shipping. This can be a surprise if you're not prepared.
Return Costs and Policies
Wayfair's return policy is not always clear. While they offer returns, the process can be tricky. Some items might be subject to restocking fees. You may also have to pay for return shipping. This can be costly for large or heavy items.
For example, a sofa or large appliance might cost $100 or more to return. Always read the return policy before buying. Understand the costs involved to avoid unexpected charges.
Assembly and Delivery Charges
Many Wayfair products require assembly. This can be a hidden cost. Some items do not come assembled and may need extra tools or professional help. Assembly services are available but often at an additional fee.
Delivery options can also affect your total cost. Standard delivery might be free, but you may need to pay extra for "white glove" service. This service includes setup and removal of old items. It’s helpful but adds to the cost.
Hidden Costs in Promotions and Discounts
Wayfair frequently has sales and discounts. But be cautious. Some promotions might come with strings attached. For instance, discounts might only apply to certain items. You might end up paying more for items not included in the sale.
Additionally, Wayfair often adjusts prices. An item might be listed at a low price one day and higher the next. If you see a deal, check if it’s genuine. Sometimes prices fluctuate based on demand and stock.
Membership Fees
Wayfair has a membership program called Wayfair Professional. It offers perks like special discounts. However, it comes with a membership fee. Make sure the savings you get are worth the cost of joining.
Warranty and Protection Plans
Some Wayfair products come with a warranty. However, this might not cover all issues. Extended protection plans can be purchased, but they add to the cost. These plans might seem like a good idea, but they often have fine print and limitations.
For instance, a protection plan for a mattress might cost an extra $100. This might be worth it, but check what is covered. Sometimes the cost of repair or replacement without the plan is lower.
Customer Service and Issues
Wayfair's customer service can be hit or miss. Resolving issues may involve long wait times. If you need help with a return, replacement, or refund, be prepared for potential delays. This can be frustrating and lead to additional costs if the problem isn't resolved quickly.
For example, if an item arrives damaged, getting a replacement might take extra time. During this period, you might need to spend more on a temporary solution.
Examples from Real Shoppers
Many shoppers report these hidden costs. One customer bought a dining table. They thought shipping was free but later found out they had to pay for a delivery appointment. Another shopper purchased a bed frame. They were surprised by a $150 assembly fee not mentioned upfront.
Wayfair offers many attractive deals. However, hidden costs can quickly add up. Be aware of shipping fees, return costs, assembly charges, and membership fees. Always check the fine print before buying. Understanding these hidden costs will help you make informed decisions and avoid unexpected expenses.
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blackoutspoetry · 5 months
The anatomy of starved dogs (part 3)(Ghoap) – FLASHPOINT
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This is a chapter of a long form slow burn Ghoap fic I've been working on for the past few months.
This chapter alone is has 16k words, so it might be easier to read this fic on ao3.
Read the first few parts on ao3 here:
WARNINGS: gore and graphic depictions of violence, civilian death, acts of terrorism, torture and permanent disfigurement
4 APRIL 2019
The most important thing to remember when it comes to human nature, is that the adult brain is shaped from childhood to pursue something which is mostly unattainable. People are defined by the constant pursuit of what they don’t have. 
The healthy brain, it chases after things it's allowed to get ahold of, grows accustomed to the idea of labour rewarded sweetly at the end of a long day’s work. Even if paid in peanuts, a reward is a reward. 
The unhealthy brain is grown from a childhood bid for survival. The young brain is made to endure and spring up like weeds in concrete, grow through difficulty because it becomes indoctrinated with the aesthetic of suffering. It knows nothing else but the weathering of the storm and has not yet learned the concept of injustice or fairness. 
 It learns its place quickly, grows around the stones and infertile soil and becomes a distended, etiolated seedling in the absence of the sunlight it yearns for. 
But grow, it will, forever doomed to reach with begging arms to sunlight that will not yield, until it begins to view itself as a poetic tragedy, see the beauty in the hollowness of needing and wanting. And once that point is reached, it romanticises having nothing until it  becomes afraid of actually grasping that thing it yearns for. 
There is even a point of hunger where the body has grown so used to not being full, that once fed, it rejects the meal to marinate in its own despair. A work of art, one tragic and beautiful, because it cannot fathom the idea that it was robbed of life. A better life. 
If, however, it realises the injustice, refuses to kneel to its feared master and learns that it too is able to bite, it uses this newfound discovery to its advantage. It cuts off completely from the idea of vulnerability and lashes out at anything that mildly gives it the taste of being subservient once more, so that even things that are only vaguely related to the oppression is now a symbol of the life it had fled from. 
It bites and devours out of fear of returning to that life, over correcting and becoming the very thing it had sworn to destroy. 
In the mind numbing hours following the briefing, Soap thinks Vladimir Makarov might be one of those people, grown from a hard life into a dangerous man, or maybe, he was something more dangerous, one planted in the soil of war fertilised earth from his conception. 
Either way, it only further convinces him that he’d made a mistake agreeing to Price’s terms in that coffee shop. He’s dug himself a grave and he’s damn well made his bed in it too. 
Though Soap is substantially pissed at Price, he honours his wishes and makes a point of laying low until they have to leave for Verdansk at midnight. Price had arranged for him to stay over at his flat for the time being and though his thoughts were consumed with visions of doom, he found it interesting to distract himself by the rare insight into the man’s personal life. 
It's a moderately large place, modestly furnished with two bedrooms, a living room, joint kitchen and dining area, a bathroom barely large enough to stand in and a sofa facing a TV. 
“Make yourself at home, I suppose I don’t need to babysit you, but you might benefit from getting some sleep in before we leave,” Price loosely gestures over to the spare bedroom with the single bed, freshly made and ready for him. 
“Thank you, sir.” 
“Anytime,” Price nods with a hint of guilt. He knows he’s got Soap in over his head but neither acknowledge it, they keep things civil. Whether Price had known about Soap’s talk of retirement remains a mystery to him. 
“I’ve got some work to get done before we leave, so if you need me, I’ll be here,” Price informs him, taking his things and disappearing into the other room where his desk was, leaving Soap standing in the living room.
It doesn’t take long for Soap to settle into the spare bedroom, throwing his suitcase on the bed with a dejected sigh before beginning to strip out of the thick jacket unsuited to the stale English weather this time of year. 
He’s just thrown it on the bed when he hears his phone buzzing with a notification. 
He’s put his mother on mute for the time being, so it couldn’t be her, possibly one of his sisters. He supposes he should do some damage control before shit hits the fan, though. 
Begrudgingly, he sits down on the edge of the bed and reaches for the phone, swiping at the cracked screen to unlock it. 
Five unread messages, better than he expected. Three from his mother, and two from someone he definitely doesn’t have the mental energy to respond to now. 
He opens the chat and begins typing back before he’s even formulated what he wanted to say to her.
Elena (barista): heyy so I know its been a while but I wanted to know if you're still interested in that second date?
John: Yes|
‘Yes’ is too short…
John: Ye |
John: |
John: abs |
No, that sounds too enthusiastic and she’ll get the wrong idea. 
John: yes, sure
Before he can change his mind again, he hits send. To his surprise, she begins typing back immediately. 
Elena: Great! How does tomorrow evening work for you??? 
Soap grimaces.
John: I'm actually at work at the moment...
He can almost feel her hesitating on the other end. 
Elena: Work?
Elena: I thought you’re not going back until the 15th??
Soap is unsure how much he should be telling her, but he wants to be as honest as possible. 
John: That was the plan but an urgent last minute thing came up. I only found out about it a week ago.
Elena: oh, okay. But tell me when you think you’ll be available?
John: sure :)
Soap exits the chat and quickly writes back to his mother to confirm to her that he had landed safely, but decides against entertaining the conversation any further after that. 
He tries to get a couple of hours of sleep in before Price comes to fetch him at well after dark for their return to base, but he’s still tired enough by the time they arrive that he has to take two shots of espresso for good measure. 
And then it's off to their designated aircraft, a three and a half hour flight outbound for Kastovia and another promise John MacTavish would inevitably fail to keep. 
Its just past midnight by the time Soap finds his seat with Sergeant Burns to his left and Ghost two seats on with Price in between them. Ghost gives Soap a nod of acknowledgement as Soap straps himself in leaning back against the cargo netting behind him and letting his head hit the wall with a thud. 
“You been to Verdansk this time of year?” 
Soap is surprised when Burns asks from beside him. The question is half muffled by the humming of the large cargo door being raised to a close but he shakes his head anyway. 
“Can’t say that I have.” 
“It's nice. Off season so it's not as packed with tourists as it is when all the schools are out. It's beautiful actually, when you’re not working.” 
“You think so?” 
Soap had never had the luxury of being in the city for anything other than a work related crisis. His best memories of Russia and the surrounding countries are the quiet moments when the weapons cease or he’s privileged enough to be in the safety of a fortified military base. 
His worst memories there are by far the most haunting of his career and some of the most life changing. He still has visions of that bomb going off, splatters of blood and shattered bone. He’ll never forget the stillness after Oliver had stopped screaming or the look on his parents' faces when he gave his condolences at the funeral. 
So no, Soap did not consider the idea of finding Kastovia beautiful or inviting in his days off. 
“It’s quite a sight actually. I brought my girl out there to propose last year, to get away from it all.” 
Soap raises an eyebrow. “You’re married?” 
“Almost, the wedding’s in two months. You got anyone waiting for you back home?” 
Briefly the phantom smell of smoke and warm blood fills Soap’s nose and he clutches at the chain around his neck, but the moment’s gone in an instant. 
“Nothing serious at the moment, no.” 
He curses the fact his mind had skimmed over Elena so quickly, but he can hardly call her a significant other. 
“Ah well, I’m sure you’ll find someone soon,” Burns says and reaches into his pocket for a half empty pack of gum. 
The plane had taken off with a rumble and Soap’s ears were having trouble adjusting to the change in altitude. 
“Can I have one of those?” Soap inclines his head to the pack. 
“Sure, but they’re nicotine. I’m trying to quit smoking before the wedding.” Burns tilts the pack in his direction nonetheless and Soap hesitates for a moment, feeling a distant suppressed ache in his chest warning him against it but he silences his concern. 
“That’s alright by me.” 
He takes the stick of gum and pretends not to waver as he pops it in his mouth.
They land in Verdansk three and a half hours later and Shepherd meets them on the ground. Its barely past sunrise and the air is heavy with a piercing cold fog that clouds his measured breaths as Soap steps out of the plane onto the landing strip where a man stood waiting for them. 
The man was around Soap’s height, but he carried himself with an air of authority. Something to indicate he was powerful and very much aware of it. 
He gave them a polite nod by way of greeting. Soap watches his overtly friendly interaction with Price and Burns and then the notably impersonal way he shakes hands with Ghost. 
“Sergeant MacTavish, you come very highly regarded by Captain Price, he’s told me a lot about you.” 
Soap feels himself stiffen but he smiles nonetheless, “all good things, I hope.” 
“ Excellent things,” Shepherd corrects.
“Well, I hope he’s got enough of that in him to live up to the Captain’s expectations,” Ghost chimes in from beside him, not with bite, but Soap can’t decide whether he’s supposed to take the joke as a sign of friendliness or hostility. 
As if sensing the uncertainty in the atmosphere, Price claps him on the back and gives his own response of almost flat feeling reassurance. “He’ll be up for it, I’m sure. But I expect we better get out of the wind before we get into any of the further details.” 
The drive takes a while. It isn’t long, but the road out is congested and Soap finds his eyes wandering over the densely packed sidewalks, gaze panning over the figures on the street, blissfully unaware of the danger pending over the city. 
It makes some uneasy feeling run a chill down his spine. An image from the carnage left behind by the street market bomb on Price’s slideshow comes into his mind unbidden and he tries to rid himself of the idea of Verdansk being reduced to rubble. 
The base they’d be operating out of for the next few days was situated on the gentle slope of a hill building up into the nearby mountain range, densely forested with evergreen spruce trees creating a thick coverage for the well maintained dirt road. 
Upon arrival, they pass through heavy security and are let to park on a reserved spot by a painted brick face wall rising into the upper floor of the building. 
Once inside, it is much more temperature controlled and Soap relaxes a bit once they’re through security and the doors are closed behind him. 
General Shepherd’s been in Price’s circle for years. Soap knows about the kinds of things he and Price have buried in the past and he’s got his own theories as to a couple of the more sketchy, off the records things. He gets suspicious about when the talk around base doesn’t match up with what’s on the news, so for him to be standing here in the room with both of them, while official records still have him safely tucked away in Glasgow is disconcerting to say the least. 
He glances to his side at Burns and even gives the futile look over at Ghost on his right, but both of them are tight-lipped and observant, their expressions betraying nothing.
An hour and two coffees later saw Shepherd introducing them to a few men from the local authorities they’d been working with and hurriedly getting them over to a more private room to discuss the details. 
Though Soap is still sceptical of Price’s anonymous source, he keeps his mouth shut for the duration of the discussion, listening intently to the plan for the next day instead. 
The airport had upped its security earlier that month. With Verdansk just gently nudging the border of the country and its frequent conflicts with the nearby Russians, the city has grown desensitised to the sheer amount of military vehicles patrolling the streets at all times. They wouldn’t suspect anything out of the ordinary for there to be a heightened military presence at the airport or the nearby areas. 
The good thing, they figured, would be that Makarov would not be anticipating it either. 
Once more, with detailed information from Price’s informant, they determined that multiple bombs would be left to detonate throughout the airport, but how they planned on getting them through airport security remained unclear. 
By the end of the discussion, they’d concluded that the four of them would enter with the rest of the local team Shepherd had assembled well before the window the informant had provided them with and keep a low enough profile so as to not worry the public but be present enough so that any suspicious activity could be flagged. 
By the time Soap was allowed to leave, he felt as though he was due another coffee with how little sleep he’d gotten in the last few days and the monolith of a task before them. He gets himself a coffee and tries to find some fresh air. 
By the next morning, Soap had developed an uneasy feeling about it all, a feeling he doesn’t manage to shake by the time he’s dressed and sharply awake at just before sunrise. 
The sun is high and expectant by the time they arrive at the airport the next morning. The world stands at attention. 
A thin smattering of clouds obscured the sun from view almost entirely and rendered the world washed out and lifeless on the drive out to the airport. 
By the time they’ve parked and Price is well out of earshot, Soap can’t keep it to himself anymore and turns to Ghost nearest to him by the open door of their vehicle. 
“I have a feeling that informant of Price has been feeding us bullshit.” 
“As much as I trust Price, I’m not so convinced either.” 
There isn’t time to talk about it after that. The day at the airport is tense. Speaking is difficult, airport security knows next to no English, with Price and another English speaking security officer needing to translate any time something mildly suspicious turns up. With the extra security keeping a keen eye on the ground, they were sitting in a closed off room watching the security cameras for signs of suspicious activity. 
Security flags a man but it's a bust. He’s pissed and cursing as he’s patted down for the forgotten pocket knife in his coat. A generous amount of similar issues turn up but nothing to write home about. 
A little after that, there was a brief issue on a forgotten suitcase left in a suspicious position on the other side of the airport, but after twenty minutes and broken exchanges, security confirms it was a false alarm. 
Soap doesn’t know if that should disappoint him or not. Even Shepherd starts to look frustrated by the time noon comes around and they’ve noticed nothing else. 
“Any news from your guy?” Ghost asks later and Price gives a frustrated shake of the head. 
“Haven’t been able to get through to him since this morning. Absolute silence.” 
“So he set us up?”
“It's too soon to call any of that, Ghost. Let's not jump to conclusions.”
The day’s still young when it all goes to hell. 
Security screens a woman potentially carrying drugs in her suitcase and she is immediately pulled away into a side room and searched. Her suitcase, marked fragile and wrapped in plastic, is thrown onto a table and opened for search. 
“What the actual fuck is wrong with you? There’s glass in there!” 
“An American,” Soap observes, finally glad to be able to understand what was going on around him. 
“Just standard procedure, ma’am,” one of the security officers relay in accented English and indicates for her to hold her arms out for her to be searched. Soap watches her disbelief morph into frustration when her handbag is also tipped out onto the table, sending folded receipts, loose coins and her cell phone clattering out onto the table. 
“Hey, you can’t just mess with my stuff like that,” she says as a man shuffles through her suitcase to find the suspicious item. 
The phone suddenly lights up with an urgent message.
Three missed calls. 
The phone suddenly lights up with an urgent message. 
Three missed calls. 
Mikhail: are you ok? 
Mikhail: answer your phone 
Mikhail: I can see the smoke from my window. Tell me u are ok. 
Mikhail: Jess please, are you at the airport? Did you see it?
“Captain, something’s not right here.” Soap reaches for the phone, beckoning Price over to show him the texts. 
“Hey, you can’t just look at my phone. That’s an invasion of my privacy–” 
The phone starts vibrating in his hand as another call comes in, Price turns to her, still kept in place by security. “Who’s Mikhail?” 
“My boyfriend, he’s worried about me.” 
“Maybe I can ask him if you give me my phone.” 
“Bag is clear,” the man searching her suitcase behind Soap declares and she gives him a harsh glare.  
“I could’ve told you that myself,” she says angrily as she takes her phone back from Soap and calls the number back, hurrying to put her things back into her handbag. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine! Wait, slow down, you’re freaking me out… what… like, actually?”
Soap looks from her to Price. 
“No way… just now?... I didn’t hear anything… are you sure?”  
On the other side of the room, Shepherd’s phone rings in his pocket and he goes to answer it while security escorts the woman out of the room. 
Shepherd’s face morphs into a look of distress and Soap tenses in anticipation. “Say again?” 
Soap can’t make out anything on the other side but it sounds urgent. Shepherd relays the news as he terminates the call. 
“Reports of explosions at the stadium. No official confirmation yet, but it seems like the news has caught onto it.” 
Immediately, Soap curses himself for not trusting his instinct sooner. He knew something was off 
“Makarov used the airport as a diversion.” 
“He could still be at the stadium, we might still have a chance to nail this bastard,” Ghost suggests and they turn to Shepherd for confirmation. 
“Ghost and I can stay at the airport until security can get a read on the situation,  just in case he decides to double back while we’re out. Price, take Burns and MacTavish. The three of you head out and assess the situation at the stadium.”
The door shuts with a resounding, anxious thud as Price ushers Soap into the passenger seat and straps himself in behind the wheel, acting on muscle memory alone as he releases the handbrake and reverses out of the parking lot at an alarming speed. He turned towards the exit and gestures wildly for the security guard to raise the boom for him to exit the parking faster.
Within a minute, he has navigated out of the incoming traffic and headed onto the highway. 
“What’s the plan when we get there, Cap?” Burns asks from behind Soap. 
“It's difficult to say now. It's fresh. We’ve got no idea what the conditions are or what to expect. So we try to assess and contain the situation as best possible. But knowing Makarov, it's best to assume he’s not done yet.”
“And if he’s there?” Soap asks and Price’s grip on the steering wheel tightens. 
“Then we bring him back.” 
“And if he’s not?” Soap asks. 
“Then this entire operation is dead the water.” 
The over chewed wad of gum was bland in his mouth and did little to soothe the tension in Soap’s system as he cast a glance out at the world beyond the passenger window, seeing it pass in a smear of colour. They’ve been driving for a good five minutes now. 
 Heart racing a mile a minute, his anger was only spurred by the comms in his ear as Shepherd's voice came through, confirming the worst. 
“Gold Eagle to Bravo-6. Security confirms gunfire and at least one explosion in the stadium with multiple injuries, over… “
He watches the world in the muted grey, fade from obliviousness to panic as they neared the stadium, seeing the world descending into chaos around them. 
Price reached to press the button on his mic, face setting into a hard look as he yanked the wheel hard for the upcoming turn. “Copy, we’re inbound now.” 
Shepherd’s response was instant. 
“Be advised, Makarov and his men may still be inside. If he’s there, you bring him out– alive.”
Soap felt uneasy about letting the man go with his life, but pushed the concern down, silencing the thought with his own acknowledgement of the order, but it did nothing to ease the growing concern as he caught onto the shifting energy on the street around them. 
“Roger that. Where’s medical?” 
Soap couldn’t make out any words from the civilians outside or let his eyes linger long enough to analyse any of the reactions properly, but they were close enough to the stadium that he knew they must have heard something. 
“First responders will not enter until the scene is clear. The third floor VIP lounge may be Makarov’s next target.” Shepherd’s voice was clear and calm as he spoke, but it instantly added another thread of anxiety to the mix and Soap couldn't stop himself from cursing as Price took another left, narrowly dodging past a truck on the corner and putting them on a street funnelling to the stadium dead ahead. 
“You said it, son,” Shepherd acknowledges Soap over comms. “Ghost and I are ten mikes out. Let's bag this bastard. Out here.” 
The high rise office blocks seemed to shuffle them forward and usher them out to the open air, now enough for them to smell the acrid smoke emanating from the stadium in a rolling curtain of grey heat.
A car swerves onto the road and shoots past them at a speed as they merge onto the main road, panic palpable in the erratic driving of those still on the road and fleeing the scene.
The fear ripples through the crowd like a curtain of panic holding the world in a vice grip and descending over the street like a dire blanket of fear. Even the dying leaves on the trees seemed more dead and wilted into themselves with an unseen oppression, like an incursion of an unknown force pushing hostile tendrils into the ground that the earth itself, and by extension, the trees on the sidewalk, seemed sharp and alert to the whims of its enemy. 
The bleak sky was barren like the sun had withdrawn into itself to make way for the undulating spire of smoke curling into the sky before them from the blazing inferno that leaked from the burst windows of the structure, weeping fire. 
Unconsciously, his hand went for the chain around his neck, but it was obscured by his vest and the lack of that comfort made him feel like he was floating in a sea of disarray with no anchor point. 
“Makarov threatened the airport and hit the stadium instead,” Soap seethes through gritted teeth. Even Sergeant Burns, who had been quiet up until that point, had something to say to the carnage. 
“He’s a fuckin’ madman.” 
A row of orange boom gates that was meant to be blocking off the entrance to the stadium’s underground parking was raised for the hurried exit of the cars, now descended into complete disarray as a car drives straight out through the wrong gate into the incoming lane and almost collides with their vehicle. 
“Fuckin’ hell!” Price cursed as he swerved aside for it, missing it by a hair’s breadth and gunning it to the middle gate before another car could block them off. 
“Civilians are everywhere,” Burns noted, sounding as thoroughly shaken as Soap felt. 
Soap resists the urge to look back at the blaze beside him as Price turns down the ramp to the parking lot. 
“Alright,” Price begins, gathering their collective attention. “Check your shots. We’ll have a lot of unknowns inside.” 
Civilians are fleeing on foot and he doesn’t stop when a man trips on the incline of the road and scuttles out of the way before an oncoming car has the chance to plough him over. 
“And Makarov?” Soap risks a glance back over to the stadium, now towering over them like a lit funeral pyre. 
“You heard the order. ROE still stands. We take him alive.” 
Soap jolted when two cars collided in front of them and glass skittered across the junction. Price had been so fixated on the collision that he didn't notice the civilian rushing in front of them until Soap shouted at him to stop. 
There’s a heavy thud against the hood of the car and for a sickening moment, Soap worries they’ve hit her, but when she stands up unharmed, he breathes a sigh of relief. 
Irritably, Price gestures wildly for her to get out of the road. “Get out of here! Go!” 
They watch her stumble disoriented from their path before shooting off ahead into a dark tunnel. Cars piled up on the outgoing lane and Soap shouts for Price to watch it when a desperate soul reaching the back of the row decides to take a risk and turn onto the incoming lane, narrowly missing them again.
“Close one,” Soap says, trying to make sense of the cacophony of panic surrounding them as he watches for more civilians on foot and desperate cars. 
“We’re still in one piece,” Price concedes mirthlessly as he turns off from the incoming tunnel into a wider section that splits off to a higher floor. 
“Watch it!” Burns cries from the back. 
The wailing of an ambulance siren cuts through the panic and the oncoming glow of a pulsing red light gives them enough of a warning to get out of the way as it rushes past them and they turn up onto the ramp to the higher floor. 
For a moment, Soap has the chance to think its blessedly empty, save for a parked ambulance in his peripheral vision until he witnesses a speeding car mow down a civilian, letting the rest of the group erupt into panic as he reversed and rerouted. 
Soap curses. He glances back at the contorted form of the man as Price drives them past, determination set in his face. 
They can’t afford to go back for him now, probably dead on impact by the look of it, but that wasn’t their concern now. 
“This is chaos,” Burns says. 
“Yeah, it's what Makarov wants,” Price confirms. 
Right now, their concern was Makarov and getting that sick son of a bitch behind bars. Soap sends up a quick prayer for the man now, knowing he’ll forget to do it when they’re out of here and he has time to think, it will be lost to the chaos of the day. 
Price drives them into a single lane funnelling them to another parking block and Soap is relieved to find a welcome sight waiting for them. “Police up ahead.”
“They got here fast,” Burns says as they’re approaching the uniformed men, trying to talk down panicking civilians. Soap was even surprised to see them here so quickly, but he wasn’t going to ask questions with more hands– 
“They’re killing civilians!” Soap cries right as an officer guns down three people and turns towards them. 
He dodges out of the way, shielding his face from the spray of glass bursting inward. 
“Return fire!” Price shouts as Soap manages to get his bearings, tugging on the door handle and reaching for his gun and releasing the seatbelt clasp. 
He practically falls out of his seat as one of the men turns his gun towards them. 
With renewed fervour and hatred for the man they were after, Soap takes down three of the fake policemen in rapid succession. 
The concrete floor is slick with a mixture of blood and viscera and Soap can feel it clinging to the bottom of his boots as he crosses over to the entrance of the staircase leading into the building. A civilian lies slumped against a cold wall. The back half of his skull shot out and he lies marinated in a pool of his own blood.
Not far from him lies one of the officers Soap shot down, gun still tight in his grip. A bullet to the neck had been too merciful a death. His face has got the hard look Soap has come to know with the enemies they deal with, and his hand’s got an old prison tattoo obscured by the cuff of his sleeve. Soap’s seen them enough to recognise it instantly, though. 
“Inner Circle’s posing as police,” Soap relays as Price comes up beside him with Burns in the back, taking point and leading them up the staircase. 
“They’d have access to the VIP area," Burns confirms Soap’s concern. 
“It's on the third floor, let’s move.” 
Another bullet shoots off from an awkward position at the top of the stairs and Soap and Price make quick work of clearing the staircase before emerging into the furnished concourse. 
If he'd thought the parking lot was chaos, this was a step up. 
Several more of the fake first responders were opening fire on civilians, screaming and running for safety only to be shot down by a careless bullet. They trip each other and slick the tiled floors with red. 
Price says something in his ear, but Soap is too preoccupied to register what it is as another police officer pulls his gun on him. 
Soap takes cover behind an advertising screen as another one of Makarov's men fires on him. 
Soap shoots first and the man falls backward with a jolt. 
"Gold Eagle, Bravo-6, we're internal and pushing to the VIP area. Be advised, Inner Circle's posing as police, over." 
"Copy. All police on target are considered hostile."  
"Roger that," Price acknowledges. 
Soap gritted his teeth as he pushed forward against the torrent of fleeing civilians. A heavy weight knocks him sideways as a  man stumbles into him, eyes wide and muttering distraughtly in Russian as he scrambles away from him. 
Ahead of him, one of Makarov's men hurls something through a window and it erupts into flames. 
He ducks more gunfire behind a vacant information desk, scrambling for safety before he reports back to the others. 
"Fuckers are using grenades." 
His lungs burn from the hazy wall of smoke as he moves forward. The floor is covered in contorted bodies and coagulating pools of blood, smelling so strongly that the air around him is tainted with a stomach churning thick fog of burning plastic and stench of iron. 
Burns isn't far behind him, trying to get a civilian to safety but struggling with the language barrier. 
Price barely has time to warn him of the figure running out of the smoke before another one of Makarov's men emerge like a wraith from the haze and nearly manages to get a shot in. He dies with two bullets to the head and neck, hand still reaching for his gun. 
Another woman is shot down as she flees from her hiding spot behind a counter of glass cases selling refreshments, pitching forward into the smudged floor, a stone's throw away from Soap. 
Soap aims to shoot and curses when it clicks empty, quickly ducking behind the kiosk to reload as he grimly locks eyes with the corpse of the woman. 
He takes a deep breath to steel himself before leaving his temporary safe haven and charging at her killer with a rage he didn't think possible. 
Taking the man down he dodges behind a pillar in the centre of the floor as another charges out of the smoke and fires at him. 
A bullet clips his exposed arm and blood runs a warm crimson trail down his forearm. 
He just needs to make it through the concourse and get to the VIP area. His arm can wait. The dead civilians, the smoke in his lungs causing him to become light headed, the mission's already half-failure– it will have to wait.
To his right, Soap finds an entrance to the gift shop, by no doubt shorter than the path around it. 
Soap coughs against the wave of acrid smoke hitting his lungs before he informs the team over comms of his detour. 
He steps around the mangled body in the centre of the floor. Even through the cacophony of screaming and gunfire, he has half the mind to notice how heavy his boots have become, slaked in the grime and glass littering the floor. 
Soap reconvenes with Price by the entrance of a stairwell, taking point. He dodges pasta man running them down two at a time, resisting the urge to move out of harm's way as a barrage of gunfire from the top of the staircase sends bodies tumbling the rest of the way to the landing and piling up together by Soap's feet. 
He makes quick work of shooting up the son of a bitch, wasting no more than two billets to make sure he was properly dead. 
At the top of the staircase, he's met with a dead end. 
"Exit's locked." 
"On it," Price says, coming up behind him to pry the door open. 
Burns comes to stand beside Soap, observing the words on the door. Clearly, his Russian was better than Soap's. 
"Executive level. VIP level is close." 
The door gives way and Soap quickly confirms the floor is clear. 
There is an eerie silence overlayed onto the shrill, mindless drone of the fire alarm. The entire floor is strewn with casualties, not a living soul in sight. 
Makarov's men had swept through like a pestilence. 
"Eyes on the VIP," Price says as he spots it to their left. "Got movement inside. Stay sharp." 
Price steps away as they reach the door to give way to Soap, inclining his head in Soap’s direction.  
"On you, Sergeant." 
Soap grips the door handle and twists it on the mental count of three. 
"Special forces," Price cries as Soap pushes the door open, gun at the ready. There’s several men inside, dressed in blue uniforms and tending to bleeding, half dead men on stretchers. Though Soap is glad for the help, he’s seen enough today to be sceptical of anything. 
Soap shouts for them to show their hands and they’re up immediately, all looking from one to the other with worried expressions. 
 "First responders! Don't shoot!" One of the men steps forward, eyes darting nervously from the gun in Soap's hands, to his face, to Price and back again.
The air conditioning is cold on his sweat damp skin. There’s a handful of TVs in the room, all set to mute, but they’re turned into the news, reporting from the outside of the stadium, still shrouded in a column of rapidly worsening smoke. 
"How did you get in here?" Price demands sternly. 
"Security," he stammers, flustered and shell shocked. "Security let us in." 
"Who are you with?" Price pushes. 
"Please, we are trying to save lives." Another of the paramedics is just barely suppressing the urgency in his voice. 
Soap casts a sceptical glance over to the poor half-dead man on a stretcher to his right. Other paramedics are gathered around him, trying to stabilise his condition as best possible. 
"Shit, I need help over here," A paramedic by the side of the body says as he looks up urgently and finds Soap's gaze locked on him. "Soldier, please?"
Taking a risk while the other is occupied by Price's questioning, Soap moves over to assist as best he can. He's no field medic but he knows the basics if he ever gets himself into a twist. 
"Stand fast, Sergeant," Price warns, but he's already halfway over when the man draws a gun from his drug bag. He's a quick draw, but Soap is just as fast.
Soap fires just as a blow to his chest knocks him backwards with all the power of a freight train and he hits the floor with a painful thud. The bullet proof vest absorbs the brunt of the impact, but the shot still hurts like a bitch. 
It is outnumbered by the adrenaline and he recovers quickly, assisting Price and Burns in taking care of the other Inner Circle scum. 
His ears ring in the absence of the gunfire and his free hand comes to clutch futilely at the phantom pain of the gunshot over the clamouring of his racing heart. The tac vest obscures its path and his fingers grasp at spare magazines, his sidearm, as it tries to tear a direct path to ease the pain. 
The shot is absorbed into the marrow of his ribs and he knows somehow he'll feel it worse tomorrow. 
"You broken?" Price asks in a serious tone and he shakes his head. 
"Just the plate." 
Soap makes his way over to the table where various medical bags and equipment was set out on the pretence of being useful, but upon closer inspection, Soap notices the heart monitor is ancient, at least from the 90s and missing its internal wiring. 
Burns beside him opens one of the bags and turns to Price. “Check it. They had explosives. This was their next target.” 
Price calls it in immediately. “Gold Eagle Actual, explosives located in the VIP area. No sign of Makarov.”
Soap moves over to the window, eyebrows knitting together as he sees the rubble beneath the window from where the roiling mass of black smoke was rising up from. The field was empty, but there were casualties twisted and dead in the seats, either blown to bits or trampled by the masses in their bid to weave through the labyrinth of seats. 
He cuts his attention back to the task at hand when Shepherd returns to comms. “Copy, make it safe. Local set up a cordon, so Makarov will have to exfil fast. We’re five mikes out. Don’t let him escape, son.” 
Soap checks the pulse on the nearest man on a stretcher, but he’s so far gone dead, he knows for sure the Inner Circle just had him up there as a cover. 
“Roger that.” 
“The garage,” Burns says. 
It's the next logical option, Soap reasons and Price seems to agree. “Affirm,” he nods to the bag they’d been looking at earlier. “Secure the explosives and get to the secondary exfil.”
Burns gives him a nod of acknowledgement and Price gestures for Soap to follow him, moving over to the door on the opposite side of the VIP area and back into the concourse, the shrill alarm still insistently echoing through the space. 
Along the inner wall, Price stops him short at an elevator and he and Soap just about manage to pry the doors open with force, only for them to slide open and reveal a dark void plunging down into the abyss beneath them.
The only sign that there was something down there was a dim red glow licking up the sides of the elevator shaft, catching on the rivets and dents in the metal plating. 
 Soap took an instinctive step back from where the polished floor dropped off, giving a sceptical glance up to the elevator’s resting point a fair bit above their heads. 
Wires jutted out from the dark and trembled slightly with a phantom tremor of the cables, like vocal cords vibrating an ominous metal groan. Soap was unsure how safe it was for them to be standing there with the metal contraption suspended in the air by nothing but rickety cold war era engineering and pure faith holding it up, but when Price seizes one of the cold cables and drops down into the darkness, Soap has no choice but to follow. 
He hits the floor below with a force he feels compress into his spine and he grimaces. 
Price meets him at the bottom. “Eyes peeled for Makarov.” 
Soap sets himself with new determination as they emerge into the larger space. Empty buses are parked on either side of the tunnel, forcing them to move away from the walls inward. 
A chill runs down Soap’s spine as he hears the echoing of footsteps ahead, run-shuffle across the cast concrete. He reaches for his gun instinctively but Price halts him in his tracks as the man comes into view at the other end of the tunnel. 
“Check fire, that’s a civilian.” 
His gun lowers, but only slightly. 
Ahead of them around the bend of the turn, the rhythmic pulsing of a red emergency light caught Soap’s attention and he stopped dead for a moment, straining to hear the sirens before Price could confirm his suspicion. 
“Vehicle incoming.”  
It rounded the corner slowly, like it was a cornered animal placing a careful step forward into the crosshairs of its pursuer. 
Soap stepped forward, but Price laid a hand on his shoulder. 
“Maintain distance, Soap. Could be Makarov.” 
An empty bus to his left stood as the only shield between him and the ambulance a couple of metres ahead of him. He takes a cautious step backward as the ambulance inched closer at an excruciatingly slow pace, lurching as it halted. 
Price held his gun at the ready, moving away from the direct line of the ambulance. 
“Step out of the vehicle!” 
Though Soap couldn’t see who was inside, it was as though its unmovable energy almost seemed to mock them. 
It happened almost out of nowhere and predictably quickly at the same time. The engine revved and there was a moment the ambulance reversed sharply, turned on the sirens and ploughed forward. 
“Incoming!” Soap shouts and he and Price move out of the way on either side of the oncoming vehicle, Soap knocking his already tender shoulder against the back of the bus with the force he falls backwards with. 
There's the echoing crush of metal as the careless driving of the ambulance sees it knocking into an abandoned car and barreling over onto its side, ceasing the urgency of the siren to a dead silence. The absence of sound and the shifting of angular shadows from the strobing of the red emergency light mounted on the roof drew on the vastness of the dark parking garage, threatening to send the already heightened atmosphere to a fever pitch. 
“It’s down,” Soap says with only a hint of relief. 
Price was already moving. “Move to secure.” 
Soap bit the inside of his cheek to avoid showing how much the strain was impacting him as he and Price made their way over to the upturned vehicle, wheels still spinning for phantom grasp in the air, like desperate waving limbs that couldn’t grasp the earth to flee. 
The doors remained resolutely closed, but Soap’s stomach twisted at what he knew he would find there. There was no question of it. That ominous energy, the itching of his sixth sense, he knows it in the marrow of his bones. 
“Open it,” Price motioned Soap over to the door. 
Though hesitant, he complied, tugging the dented metal door open with a firm yank and flooding the gutted ambulance with sharp torchlight. 
“Hands! Hands!” Price shouted for the figure in the blue uniform moving from his sprawled position, his face turned away from them for the moment. “Pokazat' ruki!” Soap shouted for good measure, drawing on his limited Russian to make sure the man got the message. 
Dead on impact, there were two fake paramedics sprawled on the now earthside wall, but his attention was fixed on the man crouching towards the back, shielding his face from the glaring light. 
His hand shifted away from his face to raise in vitriolic surrender and Soap cursed, instinctively readjusting his grip on his gun. “It's him.” 
“Vladimir Makarov, step out of the vehicle now!” 
Sending them a searing look, Makarov gritted his teeth and crawled across the uneven side of the ambulance panelling, knees shifting over the bruised, dead limbs of his men. 
“Nice and easy,” Soap warns when he gets a bit too close to the door for his liking. After all, he still had his firearm tucked into the holster on his bullet proof vest. 
“That’s far enough.” Soap held out a hand to halt him when he attempted to take a step further from getting out of the ambulance. 
“Now don’t fucking move.” Makarov’s attention shifted to Price as he ordered Soap to search him. 
Soap immediately relieves him of the gun and tosses it out of reach. Makarov’s face held a discontented but somehow still neutral expression that Soap struggled to read. 
“You scared Captain?” he asks in a condescending tone as Soap went through the cursory motions of patting him down for extra firepower. Makarov takes Price’s silence as a win. “You should be.” 
“Shut up.”
A little grin tucks into the corner of his mouth and Soap has had about enough of it. He’ll take silence, he’ll take anger, but he will not have enjoyment coming from someone on the wrong end of a gun. 
He’s a soldier. He does not play fair in the game of terrorists. 
“Get on your fucking knees!” Soap manhandles him into a kneel on the cold concrete. 
Without the usual decorum, Soap roughly completes the search. “He’s clean.” 
Not wasting any time, Soap reaches into his pocket for zip ties and tightens them a bit more than strictly necessary, using a second one for good measure.
“Are you going to kill me?” Makarov asks evenly, completely ignoring the hard plastic digging into his wrists and focusing his attention on Price. 
“Oh I’ve thought about it, yeah.” 
He scoffs. “I recommend you do.”
“And I recommend you tell your men to stand down.” Price’s eyebrows narrowed at him. The gun now hovered only a foot away from Makarov’s face, but he remained unfazed. His expression remained unimpressed and he shook his head almost imperceptibly. 
“They’re not trained to stand down. That’s more… your strategy.” 
Soap couldn’t believe the audacity of him. Even like this, he thinks he’s got the upper hand. It takes a heavy helping of self restraint for Soap not to knock his teeth out. 
Price ignores him, locking eyes with Soap. “Keep him close.”
Soap tugs on his bound arms to get him to stand, following behind Price as he radios in. 
“All stations. We have Makarov. We’re moving to the extract.” 
“Roger that, John. they’ll fight to get him back…” 
“We’re counting on it,” Soap says bitterly with a bit of a shrug. 
He doesn’t miss the way Makarov turns to shoot him a venomous glance and he gets a bit of a rise out of it. 
“Alright, take him left. We clear these vehicles, we move up,” Price instructs him shortly, taking the lead and Soap acknowledges him, yanking Makarov roughly to his feet and shoving him in Price’s general direction. “Get goin’.” 
Price confirms the area on the other side of the ambulance is clear, and Soap starts them out at an urgent pace, making sure not to give the man any chance at a rest after the tumble he’d just taken in the ambulance. 
“You think you can just walk me out of here?” Makarov’s voice doesn’t have a hint of worry or remorse.
“We can drag you out as well,” Soap reminds him, giving him a rough shove to make him pick up his pace, but if Makarov feels anything at the rough treatment, he keeps it to himself. 
“Capturing me… it means nothing.” 
“It means we beat you, Vlad.” 
Soap can just barely see him shake his head, huffing out a laugh. “Don’t be a fool.” 
“Contact!” Price shouts from somewhere ahead of him and Soap’s first instinct is to duck behind the nearest vehicle as the Inner Circle men Price had spotted come into view, irritably losing Makarov to the confusion. 
 He gets a shot in, risking a glance sideways to Price who reassures him he’s got Makarov secured, but Makarov and one of the men are shouting back and forth for another moment before he gets him down too. 
“We clear?” Price asks him when the last man falls. 
“It's not safe here. Grab Makarov, we need to move.” 
Price waits for Soap to take him before they proceed down the tunnel towards where they would be meeting with the others outside. 
“You’re not safe anywhere,” Makarov tells him and Soap’s just about had enough. 
“Your luck’s running dry, Makarov.” 
They’re coming up by another skewly parked bus, promptly ignoring the dead body of one of the Inner Circle men Soap had shot down, lying slumped behind it, Makarov doesn’t even look in his direction, just keeps his eyes focused dead ahead. 
“I don’t believe in luck. I believe in planning. Bad luck, it's just poor planning.” 
“What part of your plan involves rotting in a prison?” 
“A man can be locked up,” Makarov reminds him. “An idea cannot.” 
Soap keeps him close, tightening his grip on Makarov when they pass a woman trying to flee the building and giving her a jump scare. Soap tries to give her an apologetic look, but she’s clearly shell shocked and just stumbles away from him. 
Price is up ahead, securing them a path through to where they were to rendezvous with the others. 
“Found a way through, Sergeant. Lets move.” 
Up ahead was a blockade of buses, narrowly parked together, pressed into the wall. As Soap neared it, he could see the arms of daylight reaching for them from the gap between the two. 
“I bestow my blessings on your courage, but curse your stupidity.” 
“Worry about yourself.”
“Every man is replaceable, even me.” 
The only way around the barrier would be to squeeze through the narrow gap between the two vehicles, but it appeared Price was willing to bet they’d fit. 
“On me,” Price calls to Soap and slots in first. 
Soap gives Makarov a shove, both to move him forward and to shut him up as they come up to the gap, making progress at a snail's crawl. Soap isn’t particularly put off by tight spaces, but this could change that. 
Still, he takes Makarov by the shoulders and forces him after Price, sucking in as far as possible to try to keep his gear from snagging as they move. 
What’s even more unnerving is the pained crying he can hear from inside the bus, a bleak chance that there were still lives that could be saved in this shitshow. They didn’t have the time to stop now. 
“You’re not a soldier, you’re a war criminal.” Price picks up on it too, giving a heated glance in Makarov’s direction as he shuffles sideways. He’s more than irritated with Makarov’s attitude in combination with the injured civilians just metres away from them.
“These people need medical.” 
“What’s stopping you from helping them, Sergeant?” Makarov asks condescendingly and Soap shoves him sideways to keep moving. 
Makarov looks back at Soap. “That's your choice.” 
“You did this, not us…” Price reminds him sharply.
“They’re innocent people,” Soap adds from the side.  
“No one is innocent. War is treachery.” 
“Enough of this shite.” 
Price groans as he squeezes past the last bit and emerges into the open, Makarov –still within Soap’s grasp– follows shortly and Price has them heading for the exit, just to the right, just a little further and they’ll be out of the smoke and into the light. It gives Soap the strength to push on. 
Just to the end of the tunnel. A smoking wreck of a car flickers by the end of it, a false beacon of hope, but Soap knows it's just a little further. He just needs to keep his head on straight. Maybe what he says next is to distract himself, maybe it's because he wants to throw stones at the enemy while there isn’t a glass wall and several government officials between them. 
He doesn’t want to admit that it's probably to cover a chip in his own hope they’ll get out of this in one piece. He’s learned that celebrating the victory too soon only turns a blind eye to the evil building in his peripheral vision.  
“Time for you to meet some friends of mine.” They’re so close that Soap can almost begin to sense the relief of a win drawing close. He’ll get to go home in one piece and he’ll make good on his promises, all the ones he almost failed on. He’ll get time to reconsider his resignation, maybe he’ll let Scotland and its people resculpt him into an honest man. 
“Where are they?” 
Soap doesn’t want to give him the satisfaction of a full answer, lips turning into a conceited sneer. “Close.” 
Makarov gave a half-shrug, letting the cuffs jingle a bit behind his back. His hands were balled into tight, tense fists. 
“So are mine.” 
Soap worries it’s too late to save himself now, but he’s twenty-five. A lot of people find their feet at the age of twenty-five. He can still choose to rewrite the ending of his story. He can still return to the nostalgia of his not-yet-past youth, his mother’s home cooked meals. “You should know when you’ve lost.” 
“You’re still thinking about victory. Think about success.” 
It's another pebble thrown against Makarov’s unshakable demeanour, hitting nowhere vital but somehow still spurring him to give Soap a word of advice, sitting on that self-made throne. 
“The wicked prosper. They always will. Peace is invisible. War you can see…” 
Soap hates how evocative it sounds, how a weaker man might have thought it inspirational. Soap just thinks it sounds as though he’s pulled it from a fortune cookie. 
Soap’s nose scrunches up as the smoke thickens and burns at his lungs, blinking as his eyes water from the burn too. 
He’s more prepared for the hits this time when the bullet zips past his head to disappear into the inferno. 
“Molotov!” Price shouts to him and he ducks away behind another wrecked vehicle as a bottle hurtles through the air and shatters on the floor just a couple of metres away, sending flames licking up the side of the wall. 
“I’ve got Makarov, you take ‘em out.” 
Soap swiftly takes care of the man running at him, catching him before he’s even spotted Soap behind the car and turns on the other man running to cover his fallen comrade. 
Soap takes down the next three in rapid succession, sidestepping another attempt at a molotov in his direction and finding the thrower with a bullet to the neck.
The last man catches him by surprise and he takes a hit to the arm before he gets a good shot in. The man slumps to the floor and Soap grits his teeth as he scans around for anyone else to materialise out of the smoke before relaxing slightly. Crisis averted. 
“We’re clear.” 
In his adrenaline high mind, the bullet wound, though only a graze, was a distant low hum, barely offering a distraction from the here and now. He resists the urge to clutch at his chest as he returns to Price. 
He’s by the gate, forcing Makarov to his knees with a gun pressed against his neck. 
“Lift it.” Price inclines his head to the gate and Soap drops to his knees to pull at the edge and lift it just high enough for them to duck under. Once out, he lets it drop with a thundering crash. 
“Gold Eagle Actual, we’re external. East side of the stadium. What’s your status?” 
Soap comes up behind Price, eyebrows drawn together and squinting at the too-bright sky for their helicopter flying over the building to land on the other side. 
“Bravo-6, we’re on station. Be advised, you have enemy personnel moving in from the North. Ghost will provide sniper support.” 
“Copy. We'll meet you at primary exfil. Six out,” Price says and turns to Soap. “I’ll handle Makarov, you clear a path.” 
Soap moves ahead, sticking close to cover as he eliminates those of Makarov’s men still looking to take him back. He’s briefly aware of Price behind him, but he makes sure to cover all their bases before the Inner Circle men can get the better of them. He’s too desperate for a win now. 
To his left, a man emerges from behind a white van, cowering behind a riot shield as he tries to get a shot at Soap. Soap moves back to duck behind a parked car but he lets out an involuntary curse when a neat bullet clips the man in the back of the head and he collapses onto the pavement with a heavy lurch. 
He follows the path of the bullet up to the helicopter hovering above their exfil point, finding the imposing silhouette in the doorway and he acknowledges the man with a nod. 
Ghost may be a bit of a prick, but as Soap looks down at the mess of the man’s skull spattered across the concrete, he can at least acknowledge he’s a good shot. 
“Watch right,” Ghost warns him over the comms and Soap turns and fires at a man ducked behind a parked car.  
There seems to be no further pursuit and Ghost confirms it a moment later, giving them the green light to proceed to exfil with Price and Makarov shortly behind him. 
The helicopter has barely touched down and Ghost is standing guard at the open door, expression completely obscured by the mask, but Soap can sense the tension in his stance as he just barely tracks their movements. 
Soap squints against the torrent of wind coming in his direction, finding Shepherd’s outstretched hand to tug him over the threshold of the doorway. And it's homeward. They made it. 
Price comes in after him, handing Makarov over to Shepherd before he wordlessly taps Ghost on the shoulder to signal him inside. 
The door shuts with a resounding bang and soon, they’re up in the air, watching the smoking stadium recede beneath them. 
Soap steadies himself against the wall to allow himself to catch his breath, resisting the urge to turn and face the monster of a man behind him as Price makes sure he’s secure. He takes a long look at the city beneath him. He can sense it writhing with panic and it itches beneath his skin in a way he cannot put word to. 
“Simon Riley.” Makarov’s accent registers behind him and Soap glances to the left to find Ghost still by the door, now facing Makarov at the mention of his name. Soap turns to meet Makarov’s eye for a moment, but his gaze quickly averted back to Ghost. 
“I expected you to stay at the airport… and die there.” 
“If you wanna live, do not threaten my men, Vladimir,” Shepherd warns him. 
“Are we on a first name basis? Herschel?” 
“So you know names,” Soap cuts in impatiently. “Anyone can read a bloody dossier.” 
A beat passes and when no one makes any move to ask any of the big questions, Ghost doesn’t beat around the bush. 
“What’s the rest of your plan?” 
“This.” He shrugs, almost nonchalant, staged in a way that put Soap’s nerves on edge. Like he knew this was eating at them and he was enjoying watching the scene unfold instead of worrying about the fact he wouldn’t be able to slip through the noose this time. 
Price sits forward. “What do you mean ‘this’?” 
“Amazing. You’re all dumber than you look.” 
“I asked you a question–” Ghost reminds him sharply. 
“And I have a question for you.” he addresses them all, inclining his head in Soap’s direction, hinting at his watch. “What time is it?” 
“What the hell do you care what time it is?” Shepherd asks impatiently and he gives half a shrug as partial explanation. 
“Timing is everything, General. I think we’ll all remember this moment. Some… more fondly than others.” 
It registers first as a distant rumble. A shaking of earth that offsets the balance of the air by such a dire tone it compels Soap to look out the window and find the source of the noise. His heart plummets into his feet. 
“The airport,” Ghost says with more concern Soap thought he was capable of. 
“He pulled us off target.” 
“You fucking son of a bitch!” 
Something in Soap snaps. He’s restrained himself far too long and before he’s even realised what he’s doing, he’s pulling his gun and grabbing Makarov with a fistful of the blue uniform he was wearing, knocking him against the metal wall with a reverberating bang before tossing him to the floor. 
“I’ll blow your fuckin’ brains out, I swear I’ll do it.” 
Makarov locks eyes with him over the barrel of the gun, mere inches away from his face and finds Soap’s eyes with an intensity he didn’t think possible. 
“Soap, don’t do it,” Price warns him, but its dead noise in his periphery. Still, he hesitates. He feels the chain chafing against his neck.
The gun waits between them for Soap to pull the trigger. His finger itches, he clutches just a bit, with no pressure. But he could if he wanted to, he feels the impulse curl his finger in his mind’s eye but there is no gunshot and Makarov is still looking at him as though he’s bluffing. 
“Do it, come on,” Makarov taunts him. 
“You shut your mouth,” Price tells him, but his eyes never leave Soap. 
“Let me finish him.” Soap doesn’t know why he’s waiting for permission. He knows what needs to be done, but he can’t. He needs that bit of reassurance that its a necessary evil. 
Makarov gives a cynical laugh but Price pulls his attention. “John, we have him, he’s in custody. He’s not going anywhere. Stand down, Sergeant.” 
With all the self restraint he can muster, Soap pulls back before he can impulsively pull the trigger, reholstering the gun and taking a seat as far away from Makarov as possible. 
Price tugged Makarov up from the floor and into his own seat. 
“I thought you were the good guys.” 
“You gon’ rot in hell for this,” Shepherd tells him. 
“You’ll die in the gulag with the rest of the Russian rats,” Soap adds. 
Makarov glances at Soap, eyes drifting down to the gun now tucked uselessly into its holster. 
“You can lock me away, MacTavish, but I can promise you, the next time we’ll be seeing each other, you better hope your Captain didn’t just sign your death warrant.” 
Soap has learned over the years that the silence after the fact can sometimes be more haunting than the screams that came before it. Silence is a full stop that drives the hope into the ground and smothers any thought of change for the better. 
Silence is the whiplash passing of the first stage of grief and sinking into those later phases, the knowing that nothing can be done once the last breath has passed dying lips and all that can be clung to is the husk of what remains. 
Sometimes the acknowledgement of the silence is the victory for the sadistic intention, so tight lipped, Vladimir Makarov took the lack of words following the skirmish with Soap on the ground as a proof of this victory. 
Soap didn’t let it show, but he felt it in his knees, sinking into acceptance of the horror and he sank to his seat in bitter anger. He would not let Makarov have the satisfaction of being ignored, so he made a point of looking him in the eye as they made their way back to base, from which General Shepherd had informed them authorities were already awaiting their arrival to take Makarov off their hands. 
Halfway through the return trip, Ghost comes to take a seat next to him and Soap shifts an inch or two further away to allow himself to breathe. 
He’s aware of the motion beside him, Ghost clenching and unclenching his fist in Soap’s peripheral vision.
He’s surprised Ghost isn’t more visibly worked up by the situation, but Soap realises that idea might have come from a misjudgement of the man’s character on his part. Ghost was reserved and brash, but he was calculated, something Soap worried he fell terribly short on. 
“You’re a hard man to kill, Riley. My men tell me you’re dead on paper. Suppose it goes to show that even if you read between the lines, most of the story is left off the books.”
“You’ve got nothing to gain here, Makarov. You’ve lost. Throwing stones at us isn’t going to help your case,” Soap warns him harshly, but Ghost holds up a hand to silence him.
From out of the window, Soap can see them coming up on the base and the helicopter begins to turn in for landing. 
“No, let him talk. I wanna know what else kind of shit has been circulating.” 
“Only a fool lays all his cards on the table, but I will tell you this. Your system, your government is lying to you. They’re using you, tell you its for your country. But they’re all the same, your Captain,” Makarov nods to Price, “the General, they’ve got more skeletons in the closet than they’ll let on, just make sure you don’t become one of them.” 
“No one should be taking advice from a madman,” Price dismisses him. “And we’re coming up on your last stop before you won’t be seeing the sun for a long time, so you better take one long look at the world, because it's the last you’ll be seeing of it.”
The helicopter descended on the landing pad. 
A waiting group of armed men in uniforms stood close by and approached with urgency when the doors opened and Makarov was taken into official custody of the Kastovian government. 
The exchange happens in Russian and Soap struggles to follow along with it as they get out with Price after General Shepherd and the men escorting Makarov into the building, following behind at a respectable distance. 
Makarov is properly restrained and escorted off base to another facility in an armoured vehicle and Soap feels a strange emptiness settle over him as he watches them leave the premises. They’d gotten Makarov, but he cannot consider this a victory. “You did good today,” Price informs him a while later when they’re alone. “The outcome is far from what we hoped for, but we made sure he’ll never be able to do something like this again.” 
Burns arrives later with questions about Makarov’s arrest and the airport after the bomb squad had successfully taken care of the rest of the explosives on site at the stadium, but he’s got very little to say in return to Soap’s recollection of it. 
Finding he can’t manage to catch any sleep after an hour of tossing and turning, Soap supposes he should give up on sleep in general. 
He wants to reflect about the day, but his mind is cluttered with thoughts about the thousand of innocent lives lost in the carnage, its jarring to see those faces from the news, burned into his mind and superimposed over what the airport had looked like when they’d driven towards it just that morning, those people outside, saying goodbye to families, pressing kisses to cheeks with a promise of ‘see you soon’. Most of those people are crushed and buried under rubble and maybe even lost forever. The thought is sickening. 
Though it's futile and seems like a juvenile remedy to a problem that can’t be helped, he replays that moment on the flight out from the stadium over and over again, and in each instance, he pulls the trigger and Makarov is dead on the ground. He doesn’t listen to Price. 
Fuck. If only he hadn’t listened to Price back then. 
It wouldn’t have mattered though, he’d have felt just as guilty seeing it on the news, knowing he could have done something to help as he feels now, knowing that he’d been played for a fool. 
Lying back on the bed, Soap dips his hand under the hem of his shirt and pulls out the tangle of his dog tags with the cross over his chest. It dangles in the artificial heatless glow of the industrial strip light he’d neglected to turn off, clinking together as he holds it just a few centimetres from his face, skin warm and seeming to possess a life of its own. He clutches it all together over his heart and closes his eyes, trying to muster the words for a silent prayer through all the clutter of his mind. 
His mind jumps around, but it's sincere. He prays for the families he knows must be mourning their loved ones, for those in hospitals clinging to life, for the people who’d lost their lives today. He puts a conscious effort to word it understandably despite how utterly exhausted he is, even though he knows that God must already know what he has to say. 
Yes, he should probably stop swearing so much and he’s not proud of his history, but at least he’s trying. His hands are covered in the blood of people that despite their choices, God would have wanted to call his children and he’d killed them for material means. No matter how evil their actions, Soap had killed hundreds if not thousands of people over the years. 
It doesn’t matter how tainted the soul, blood is still blood. 
But he’s doing good with the darkness he’d been born with, the destruction he was always leaning more towards. He’d been entrusted with this attribute like a double edged sword he must use wisely and he reminds himself that he does it so that others can keep their hands clean. 
It's a noble thing to do, to sacrifice your own innocence for the sake of others. It's honourable. 
He can only lie there for so long before his skin itches for something other than the stillness of the stale room. Burns is knocked out on the bunk across from him and Soap gets up and leaves the room, turning off the light upon his exit. 
He decides fresh air might do him good and he takes his chance to slip out onto the roof to catch his breath and collect his thoughts. 
The night sky is almost completely obscured by the haziness of the smoke that had spread out from the epicentre of the airport, only letting in through pinpricks of blinking light from the stars. It takes Soap’s breath away for a moment. 
He hadn’t realised just how easily he could see the airport from the base, especially situated on the hill, overlooking the city. He can’t see all of Verdansk, but he can see enough to know how much the disaster has affected it.
He can hear the wailing of sirens and the dim flashing of red lights responding to the remainder of the disaster. 
Soap sighs heavily as he walks over to the edge of the roof, sinking down to his knees and scooting over to dangle his feet off the edge of the roof, he’s half startled out of the haze when his phone vibrates in his pocket. 
He debates answering the message later but goes to pull out his phone. 
Four unread messages. all from Elena. 
Elena: a guy came into work today and he looked almost exactly like you. It was sort of scary.
Elena: oh btw, you left your sweater at my house the other day in case you were looking for it. 
Elena: hey, how was your day?
Elena: Look, I understand if you’re busy and just don’t have the time to talk to me, but if you don’t want to see me anymore, I’d appreciate it if you told me. I can handle it. I really like you and I thought we had a genuinely good connection the other day, but I get it, the moment’s over and I was clearly reading the situation wrong. It seems like we went into it with two very different intentions and I just don’t think it's going to work. After everything that happened, I think I just need someone that’s present and I need some time to work on myself before I get into anything now. I’m sorry.
Well, fuck. Soap can’t be everywhere, he can’t fix everything, he can’t be there for everyone. Maybe he should’ve tried to respond sooner, but on top of today’s disaster, it stings. 
John: There's nothing to be sorry about. I didn’t mean to give you the impression that I don’t want to talk to you, really, I’ve just had a really long day. And I think you’re right, I don’t think this is going to work. I had a great time getting to know you but I’ve got a lot on my plate right now and things are very stressful here. I just have a lot of things to think of right now and I don’t think it's fair to drag you along with me.
It didn’t take very long for her to respond to him, quickly adding a heart emoji in response to his message before she wrote back. 
Elena: thank you for being honest with me. 
There was nothing more after that and Soap stared at the last message for a couple of moments, frowning at it as the screen darkened and died. He sighed heavily, shoving the phone back into his pocket, looking down at the cracked pavement two storeys below him, right to where they had parked coming into base just two days ago and how he couldn’t have ever imagined what was in store for him. 
“Just don’t fall, you’ll cause me paperwork.” 
The voice startled Soap to his core and he almost tipped forward by the sound of it, cursing as he stabilised himself again. 
He turned to find a small pinprick of light from where a dark clothed figure leaned against a wall not far from him. He hadn’t even recognised the smell of cigarette smoke, figuring it was the wind carrying the smoke from the explosion site. 
“Shit, Ghost, you scared me,” Soap laughed uneasily as the man approached him to stand by the railing. 
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” he says. Soap gets to his feet and Ghost holds out a half empty pack of Marlboro cigarettes in Soap’s direction, an olive branch. Soap isn’t sure he’ll take it. 
“I don’t smoke. It's a filthy habit.” 
Ghost rolled his eyes, sighing around his own cigarette as he plucked one from the pack, lit it and offered it again, now with a thin curl of silver smoke distending from its orange glow. It highlights the edges of the skeleton motif on his gloves and somehow, Soap knows he’ll carry a part of this day with him for days onwards, because the smell of that cigarette will burn into the fabric of his gloves. 
“I don’t smoke,” Soap insists again with a frown, but all Ghost does is take his hand –not roughly, but not gently either– and puts the thin cigarette between his fingers. 
“After a day like today, everybody smokes, Soap.” 
Soap hesitates with it for a moment, watching the glow eat away at the unburnt part of the cigarette and inching closer away from the ashen end before he gives in and raises it to his mouth for a long, much needed draw. 
He wishes he could wipe the smug look he just knows Ghost has under that mask off his face as he watches the action, knowing how easy it is to fall back into dormant muscle memory. 
“You don’t smoke, huh?” 
Soap pouts, not sure how much he wants to let the strange man in on his past, but he settles for something basic. “I don’t smoke anymore .” 
Ghost nods, whether it was meant to be mocking or genuine is something Soap’s ego can’t discern. “Right.” 
They stand there for a moment in the pseudo-silence, filled with the ambience of night sounds and distant sirens echoing through the ether and surrounding the two of them in a lamentous hum. 
“If it was up to me, I’d have let you kill him today.”
“You would?” Soap asks with genuine confusion. 
“I would. Price doesn’t always think of it that way, but the world’s better off without having scum like him wasting space, even if he’s behind bars.”
Ahead, somewhere from out of the darkness, the glow of the burning airport stood out, a beacon of hellish light that made Soap’s skin crawl. They’re far away and the attack was hours ago, but it lingers on his skin like an itch he can’t run away from. 
He leans on the cigarette for comfort, and just a little, the presence of the taller man beside him helps to ease the loneliness of feeling like one tremendous failure. 
“Don’t think too hard about it Soap, it’ll make your hair fall out and we certainly can’t have that with that illustrious haircut of yours.” 
Soap jerked his head around so fast, he could’ve almost sworn Ghost startled just a little. 
“Oh you’re one to talk about appearances with that halloween costume shite you’ve got going on.” 
It takes two seconds for Soap to realise he’d chosen the wrong option. He’d overstepped one of the rules Price had very clearly set out for him. No questions about his appearance. 
To his surprise, Ghost just gives him a bit of a laugh, albeit a bit of a snide one. “To each their own, but I’m serious, don’t beat yourself up about what happened today, there’s no use in dwelling on it.”
Soap frowns. “How am I not supposed to dwell on it? If we hadn’t responded to the attack on the stadium, if you and Shepherd hadn’t followed after us, we would have died there too,” he gestures vaguely out at the glow of the still smouldering heap of rubble. 
“That’s just the way of the world, Soap. No one gets into this job thinking you’ll walk away with a bruise or a cut you can just slap a plaster over. People die, that’s how it works. We just happen to see more of it because of what we do. We are not entitled to living longer or dying later or easier because we’re supposed to be heroes. We could have died today, but what does it actually matter in the grand scheme of things.” 
“You’re a real ray of sunshine, Lt,” Soap says dryly, bringing the cigarette to his mouth again. In the corner of his eye, he can see Ghost do the same. 
“Maybe I’ve just been screwed over by the system that’s supposed to keep me alive more than I’ve been saved by it.” 
Soap shrugged, but it didn’t sit right with him, the idea that death was just an inevitable fact of life. He’s too stubborn to believe it. For someone who’d spent more than half his waking life trying to change the hand he’d been dealt when he was born to broke college student parents and the expectation to be utterly average, he didn’t take kindly to the notion of just accepting things he can’t change, even if it drives him up the wall. 
There’s a lot of other, more personal questions he wants to ask the man instead, but he settles for something safer. 
“How do you deal with it? Stuff like today?” 
“I’m not the person you should be asking for advice, Soap,” Ghost says with a hint of surprise. “That’s more Price’s thing.” 
Soap turned to face him, trying to analyse what little he could see of his face where the mask was pulled up just high enough for him to smoke. He can just about see the curve of his lip around the cigarette and the edge of what seemed to be a jagged scar extending from the corner of his mouth. 
Just as quickly as Soap had seen it, he lowered the cigarette, holding the smoke for a moment before he released it in a slow exhale. 
“I’m not asking for advice, I’m asking how you cope.” 
“I keep going. Sometimes the only way to cope is to endure.” 
The silence that followed thereafter was more comfortable, more settled. Soap could begin to see why Price had told him Ghost was an acquired taste. For all his cold facade, he was really just a man with a grumpy disposition. Maybe even one with a personality outside of work, but Soap struggles to comprehend what that might be. 
Reminded of work and everything they’d discussed in the wake of the attack, Soap frowned as he took another drag from the cigarette, now on its last breath.
“What do you think ended up happening to Price’s informant?” 
Ghost scoffed, stubbing out his own cigarette against the rail and crushing the rest under his boot for good measure. “Fuck if I know.” 
Soap shook his head, feeling himself getting riled up just at the thought of it. “Bet you the arse is sitting somewhere comfortable, getting piss drunk, laughing at the news.” 
Ghost shrugs. “Reckon you may be right about that one, sergeant.” 
“Wherever he is, I hope karma comes back to get him good.”
The man convulsed with a cry of pain as another shock of electricity surged through him, curling in a distortion of twitching muscles through the point where the cattle prod made contact with his bare, singed back and burned another snakebite pattern onto what remained of the undamaged skin. 
The small, uninsulated barn stank of singed hair and burning flesh, all emanating from a centre point where a young man, beaten and tortured beyond recognition, was bound to a bloodied kitchen chair. 
He shivered and twitched from the aftershock of electricity under the glaring warm buzzing of a bare filament bulb, fixed to the rafters above his head. 
Six other men, still residually wearing police uniforms and paramedic overalls, were gathered around him in a semicircle. 
The one in front of him, Andrei Nolan, was not holding the cattle prod. His hands were clean of blood, though there was a light spatter across the front of his body from his earlier beating, inflicted by the man now standing behind the chair, resting a gloved hand dutifully on the wooden backrest, waiting for further instruction. 
“I’m not going to say I’m surprised, Dmitri. But I expected better from someone like you,” Andrei says with mock pity, crouching down to find the swollen eyes of the young man. A trickle of pinkish saliva traced down his trembling lip and dripped to the cold floor by his bare feet. 
“Not even twenty with a whole life ahead of him. You could’ve gone and married that pretty young thing you’re hiding in the city. Could have fathered children to carry that name since the anti-communist rats snuffed out the rest of your Soviet supporter family and executed them like dogs, but your bloodline will end here because you wanted to be a bootlicker.” 
Dmitri flinched as Andrei pressed a calloused thumb into the burn on his inner thigh, drawing out a pained noise. He leaned away from the hand, but stripped naked and bound, there was little he could do to avoid the pain of Andrei’s finger scratching open the blistered skin and causing it to bleed again. 
Even Yuri, the man that had inflicted the burn waiting behind him with bated breath, began to feel nauseated at the sight of his own handiwork, but it did not show. He kept his expression even and serious. 
Andrei was a dangerous man and Yuri knows better than to cross him when he’s already angry. Andrei might think of Dmitri as a bootlicker, but he was just as much the same to Makarov. Still, Yuri stood by, idle, complacent. The cattle prod in his other hand was heavy and had more weight to it than it should have had. 
“Do you have anything to say for yourself?” Andrei asked. 
Mustering the last of his strength, Dmitri lifted his swollen face to look Andrei dead in the eye and spoke around a mouthful of busted teeth. 
“Preserving innocent lives… is not… the same… as bootlicking.” He threw in as much venom as he could into the words, punctuating it by spitting blood and phlegm into Andrei’s face, mere centimetres away from him. The man recoiled with a curse and reacted with a harsh backhanded smack to his already busted face. Andrei wiped at his face with the edge of his sleeve. 
“It would’ve been better for you if you begged for mercy,” he says, getting to his feet and moving a safer distance away. 
“Fucker thinks he’s Pavlik Morozov,” one of the other men laughs, shaking his head pitifully and the others join in. “But by all means if he wants to die a young hero, we give him his martyr fantasy,” another says. 
 Yuri feels himself stiffen. He agreed to rough up the kid, already uncomfortable at the thought of hurting him to teach him a lesson. He gave in when the Inner Circle wanted to use his house to lay low after that afternoon's situation with Makarov’s arrest, but he did not consent to killing a man that had seen him as a mentor. He’d practically fathered him from the age of fifteen when his parents were killed. 
“Don’t be so hasty, Pyotr,” Andrei scolded him. “Now that Makarov is in federal custody, we must make extra sure not to lose his sentiments to our own vision. We must be patient.” 
“We still have Zakhaev,” the first man suggests and Andrei turns to him, unimpressed. 
“Zakhaev is a puppet on a string. He knows what Makarov wants and he’ll be better in executing that vision than any other of his affiliates, but we must not forget that though Zakhaev was Makarov’s predecessor, he still had a different vision for Russia.” 
“It's better than letting the cause die off.” 
“Makarov has planned for this. The system has not failed us. All the more to show that this little stunt of yours has meant nothing,” Andrei directs his attention back to Dmitri, kicking his bare foot roughly. 
“But seeing as this stint didn’t play out as you planned and you have nothing meaningful to say, perhaps you shouldn’t be able to say anything at all.” 
Yuri frowned, unsure where this was going as Andrei addressed one of the men beside him. “Go to the van and fetch the white jug in the back. Should be under the spare uniforms. Don’t let the woman in the main house see you.” 
Andrei tossed his keys to the man. 
“What are you planning to do to him?” Yuri asks, now visibly becoming unnerved. 
“Nothing extravagant.”
“I am not going to kill him with my wife and child barely two hundred metres away,” he said sternly and Andrei scoffed. 
“He won’t die immediately. I’m counting on the secondary complications to do that. Keeps the hands clean and the conscience clear.” 
“You fucking murderer,” Dmitri says as loud as he was able, struggling against his restraints. “All of you will burn in hell.” 
“At least you’ll be there to welcome us,” Andrei says dryly. 
They all turned in tandem to face the creaking of the barn door behind them, just a little way away, the man how having returned and holding up a heavy, half-empty bottle that at first sight seemed to be some sort of laundry detergent, but Yuri’s heart dropped through the floor as he realised exactly what it was. 
“You can’t be serious– that’s insane,” he stammers as the man hands off the bottle to  Andrei, now making a play to thoroughly check the label. 
“Thirty-seven percent hydrochloric acid. A lower concentration is an irritant to the skin, but undiluted, it’ll corrode right through to the flesh. I wonder what it’ll do to those vocal cords of yours.” 
He roughly shoves the bottle in Yuri’s direction. “If you would do the honours.” 
“I am not going to pour hydrochloric acid down his throat.” 
“You’re not really in a position to negotiate here. It would be a shame if I were to show your little girl what her daddy is really capable of.” 
“You leave my family out of this,” Yuri warned. 
“Then you wouldn’t mind teaching the rat here a lesson?” 
Gritting his teeth and avoiding eye contact with a panicked Dmitri, Yuri took the bottle from Andrei and slowly unscrewed the cap. It looks just like water. 
 He moved over to Dmitri with much trepidation. 
“Don’t fucking come close to me– you asshole, I thought I could trust you–” he thrashes, scooting the chair back and lurches back with so much force, the chair tips and he crashes to the floor. He cries out in more pain as he takes his weight on his bound arms behind his back, no doubt dislocating his shoulder in the process. He’s still thrashing and crying out as Yuri approaches him.
He freezes, standing there with the open bottle, not sure what to do now. 
“Dinner’s almost ready Yuri, your wife might come out and fetch us soon. You better get a move on.” 
Torn between what he knows is right and the very real possibility that his family could walk in and see what he had done, he kneeled down by the upturned chair and reached for Dmitri’s face, still trying to move away from him. 
“I’ll fucking bite your finger off! Don’t touch me!” 
“Someone hold him still,” Andrei orders and one of the men dutifully comes over to roughly yank him by his hair into a flat position against the dirty floor, tugging his mouth open with a gloved finger. 
“I won’t be able to hold him like this for long,” the man says plainly, clearly struggling to hold him still but Yuri didn’t move. 
“I can’t.” 
“This isn’t a choice,” Andrei says sharply. 
“I let you stay in my house, share my food with you. I am not getting blood on my hands in my own house.” 
Andrei’s eyes narrowed at him, but he stepped forward nonetheless, taking the bottle from Yuri’s hands and knocking him out of the way. 
“I’m starting to question your loyalty, Yuri.” 
Yuri ignores him, pushing past the five other guys to leave the barn as soon as possible. He doesn't get out before the screaming starts, wet choking around the sound. 
He leaves the barn with his head in his hands. He can still hear him, now, halfway to the house. 
Yuri thinks he might continue to hear that scream five, six years down the line. 
It's not completely stopped by the time he reaches the kitchen and finds his wife standing there over the simmering pot on the stove, shoulders stiff and mouth pressed into a tight white line as she stirs the mix once more and forcefully knocks the extra broth from her spoon on the lip of the pot, clearly demonstrating her discontent while refusing to meet her husband’s gaze. 
“Don’t even begin,” she warns sharply. She doesn’t look at him, instead, shutting off the stove and looking out at the uneven plain of dying grass between the house and the barn that had now gone eerily quiet and empty in the symphony of night crickets. 
The barn door opens and five out of the six men still in the room step out and begin making their way over to the house. In the background against the chattering of the TV, Yuri can hear the little girl in the living room, playing with the scatter of toys on the carpet and giggling, blissfully unaware of the conversation unfolding in the kitchen and the horror on the other side of the lawn. 
He turns back to his wife, unsure of what to think, but she gives him something to hold onto. “We’ll talk about it later.” 
She gets him to set the table, clearing all the leftover clutter from the time he’d been away. He’s missed so much over the past few years in Makarov’s ranks, he’s hardly been around to see his child growing up. Still, she draws him in her wobbly doodles of the family. 
He gathers all the drawings together in a stack and goes to shove it in one of the cupboards in the living room, ruffling the kid’s hair as she doesn’t even bother to look away from the TV as he is passing–
“What happened to your hand?” 
Yuri goes back to the kitchen when he hears Anya’s concerned voice, now looking down at Andrei’s freshly bandaged arm as she began ladling soup into the bowls on the counter. 
“Cleaning accident,” he laughs it off, making eye contact with Yuri. “Was struggling with a tough stain that didn’t want to go out without a fight, but it gave in eventually.” 
Dinner after that was painfully quiet, interspersed with a few crude jokes and inappropriate glances in Anya’s direction every now and again when she went to fetch something from a cupboard that one of the men would order her around for, and though Yuri was having none of it, there was little he could do about the situation while being on such thin ice with Andrei and the others already. 
But he knows now, with how deep he’s getting into this, with the incident from earlier that day on the news, his furious wife and his oblivious daughter in the living room, that he has to make a plan to dig himself out of this hole. 
It's only later that evening, when the other men had retired to the spare bedrooms and guest cottage that came with the old farmhouse, that Yuri found his wife in their upstairs bedroom, gathering a bundle of stuffed animals into her arms and throwing it on her side of the bed. 
Their en suite bathroom door was closed and he can hear the faucet of the bathtub running. 
“I’m having Nadya sleep here tonight. I’m too worried about leaving her alone with them,” She informs in a hushed voice, fluffing up one of the pillows and arranging the stuffed animals accordingly. 
“I’m sorry about everything,” he begins to say but she holds up a hand to silence him, still too angry to give him the time of day. 
“Save it. People make mistakes. I didn’t marry you to sit at home alone for half of my life wishing you were here to see your child growing up, I didn’t marry to sleep in an empty bed and wander around in an empty house until the next thing I know is that my husband’s on the news because he was part of a terrorist attack on an airport. I made that mistake, and I have to live with that, but I swear on my mother’s grave, Yuri, you bring these people into my house again, and I divorce you, for real this time. So either, I go back to Kastovia to live with my family, and you forfeit your rights as a father, or you come up with a plan.”
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mykreatecube · 2 months
Affordable Interior Design Ideas from Ahmedabad Experts
Revamping your home doesn’t have to cost a fortune. With the expertise of Ahmedabad's talented interior designers, you can achieve a stylish and comfortable living space without breaking the bank. Here are some budget-friendly interior design ideas from Ahmedabad experts to inspire your next home makeover.
1. Embrace Minimalism
One of the most effective ways to keep costs down is by embracing a minimalist design approach. Fewer items mean less spending, and a clean, uncluttered space can make a room feel larger and more inviting.
Focus on Functionality: Choose furniture that serves multiple purposes, like a sofa bed or an ottoman with storage.
Neutral Palette: Stick to a neutral color scheme for a timeless and versatile look. Add pops of color with affordable accessories like cushions and throws.
2. Repurpose and Upcycle
Get creative with what you already have. Repurposing and upcycling can give new life to old items and save you money.
DIY Projects: Transform old furniture with a fresh coat of paint or new hardware. Consider DIY art projects to add a personal touch to your decor.
Second-Hand Finds: Explore thrift stores and flea markets for unique, budget-friendly pieces.
3. Affordable Materials
Choosing cost-effective materials can significantly reduce your budget while still delivering a stylish outcome.
Laminate Flooring: Opt for laminate or vinyl flooring instead of hardwood. These materials are more affordable and come in a variety of styles.
Alternative Countertops: Instead of expensive granite or marble, consider laminate or butcher block countertops.
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4. Smart Storage Solutions
Efficient storage can make your home look organized and spacious without the need for extensive renovations.
Built-In Shelving: Use built-in shelves to maximize vertical space and keep your home clutter-free.
Multi-Functional Furniture: Invest in furniture with built-in storage, like beds with drawers or coffee tables with hidden compartments.
5. Focus on Lighting
Good lighting can transform a space and is often overlooked in budget designs.
Layered Lighting: Combine ambient, task, and accent lighting to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.
Energy-Efficient Options: Choose energy-efficient LED bulbs to save on electricity bills in the long run.
6. Wall Treatments
Updating your walls can make a big impact without a hefty price tag.
Accent Walls: Create an accent wall with paint or wallpaper to add interest without overwhelming the room.
Wall Art: Use affordable prints, family photos, or DIY art to decorate your walls.
7. Greenery
Plants are an inexpensive way to add life and color to your home.
Indoor Plants: Choose low-maintenance indoor plants like succulents or snake plants.
DIY Planters: Make your own planters using recycled materials like glass jars or tin cans.
Recommendations from Ahmedabad's Budget-Friendly Designers
Here are some of Ahmedabad’s top interior designers known for their budget-friendly and creative solutions:
nsiide: Known for innovative, cost-effective designs that maximize space and style.
Shardul Design Studio: Specializes in creating functional and beautiful spaces on a budget.
Ayeshanni Interiorss: Offers unique design solutions that fit within budget constraints.
Wall En Roof Design Studio: Focuses on sustainable and affordable interior design.
Galaxy Creation: Renowned for minimalist, budget-conscious designs.
Pratyasa Interior: Delivers stylish interiors without overspending.
Able Interio: Provides comprehensive, budget-friendly design solutions.
Aangan Interiors: Combines creativity and cost-effectiveness for stunning results.
Meghdip Interior: Offers elegant yet affordable interior design services.
Ableinterio: Known for practical and budget-friendly design solutions.
Transforming your home on a budget is entirely possible with the right approach and a little creativity. By following these affordable interior design ideas from Ahmedabad experts, you can create a stylish, comfortable, and functional living space without overspending. Embrace minimalism, repurpose what you have, choose cost-effective materials, and focus on smart storage and lighting solutions. With these tips, your dream home is within reach, even on a tight budget.
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