see she here, entwined with love
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27 / she.her / NSFW & 18+ onlycertified conductor of The Secondo Express
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lyeofhell · 2 hours ago
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Some kind of...courting?
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lyeofhell · 2 hours ago
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WIP of Knight and Cloak of Night
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lyeofhell · 8 hours ago
no write only daydream
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lyeofhell · 12 hours ago
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lyeofhell · 17 hours ago
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there’s my good girl
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lyeofhell · 22 hours ago
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Rolling Stone UK Cover Shoot - Outfit I
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lyeofhell · 22 hours ago
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Martin van Maële - Ilustration from La Trilogie érotique : Amies. Femmes. Hombres (1907)
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lyeofhell · 22 hours ago
cw: intox, dubcon, gaslighting, unedited with an abrupt end
i can see soap giving a girl some secretly super couch-locky weed, turning up the thermostat, putting on a nature documentary, and having the time of his life. it's so, so easy to talk her into stripping down to her bra and panties when it's so damn hot out, bonnie, just swelterin', and she doesn't put up a fuss when he lays her down and climbs on top, telling her to just keep watchin' lass. dinnae mind me, just feel like indulgin' in nature m'self.
he loves the serene, dopey look on her face as she watches drone footage sweeping over thick jungles in the far other corner of the world. she's far, far too entranced by the close up images of colorful, exotic beetles to pay attention to the way he carefully slides his knife between the soft skin of her chest and the flimsy band of fabric holding the cups of her bra together, or even the way he deftly cuts it open, exposing her tits.
she's fully distracted, sluggish and dopey, just the way he wants her. it's easy enough to press his face to her tits, lavishing in how soft they are and the soft little noises she subconsciously makes as he plays with them a bit. it's not until he loses patience and sucks a nipple into his mouth that her attention is suddenly back on him, her reddened eyes wide with surprise.
"what- wait, what're you-"
"bonnie lass, not backin' out now, are ye? ye were so gung-ho about my cock nae even a moment ago. beggin' me for it, even! seein' some pretty birds change yer mind?" soap nods to the tv, where brightly colored parrots flutter and preen on heavy boughs. he can barely hide his sharp smile as he watches her glassy eyes slide from his face to the screen again. her attention sticks there, and he works his magic, whispering into her hazy mind about how good he'll make it, and doesn't it sound so nice, relaxin' on the couch without a care in the world and a fat cock stretchin' ye out?
"uh huh." she says absentmindedly, face still turned towards the tv, not even looking at him, and soap tells himself it's consent enough as he props a leg up against the back of the couch and slides the slickwet gusset of her knickers to the side.
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lyeofhell · 1 day ago
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lyeofhell · 1 day ago
For some reason, the thought of reader being a werewolf too in the Soap neighbor thing seems like an ironic/funny idea. Like, maybe reader was bit and changed, but has no idea how to navigate the wolf world. I mean, you can't exactly google correct info on something that "isn't real". Plus, it's such a big world reader had never actually run into another wolf. It seemed safer for the reader to keep their secret werewolf existence hidden. Maybe reader's never seen another wolf before and likes their safe solitary little world. Only to then be confronted by Soap when they finally open their door.
ohhh. i like this twist. imagine you’re minding your business, living your recently upturned life, dealing with your new circumstances on your own. you’ve never seen another wolf before, other than the bastard who bit you, so you’re just figuring things out as you go. maybe keeping a journal or something like, “note to self: raw steak cravings = normal, do not eat neighbor’s cat.”
but then you smell them. someone like you. you catch whiffs of them at the building’s entrance. by the post boxes. on warm days when everyone’s windows are open. that’s the kind of day it is when you spot him on his balcony for the first time, and the thick scent of his sweat carries across the gap. there’s a certain doggish undertone to it.
the staring problem begins.
and it is humiliating.
it makes your instincts go haywire. you jot down feverish notes about what it does to you. how you keep finding yourself creeping through the blinds. it isn’t normal. none of it is normal. but you have no idea what to do. you can’t just outright ask, can you? hey, i smelled you from across the building and i really dig your musk.
of course, then you’re caught peeping, and he winds up at your door. you have to open it. what other choice do you have? you get the feeling it will open with or without your permission. you throw the deadbolt but keep the chain hooked out of some remaining shred of self-preservation. then you crack the door open.
it is pungent, to say the least. he didn’t even bother to throw a shirt on. looks like he ran here, too, judging by his heaving, hairy chest. he stares down at you, unblinking, his mouth set in a line. you go tongue-tied. he must be furious.
after a beat, he plants a hand on the door and gives it a push. just a nudge. but it’s enough—the flimsy chain strains, pops out of its track, and snaps into pieces. you don’t look down when it lands on your feet. you’re too busy watching the slow curl of his smile. his nostrils flaring.
“...yer jokin’. a pretty she-wolf? right under my nose?”
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lyeofhell · 2 days ago
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NOSFERATU THE VAMPYRE (1979) | dir. Werner Herzog
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lyeofhell · 2 days ago
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Nocturne with Architecture (Antonio Basoli, 1810)
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lyeofhell · 2 days ago
My five year plan is to just see what happens
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lyeofhell · 2 days ago
If you notice me reblogging
a repost
stolen art
false information
please let me know, you’re not rude or annoying and I actually do give a fuck and I will correct my mistake, thank you
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lyeofhell · 2 days ago
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Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, from "The Complete Novels of Mary Shelly,"
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lyeofhell · 3 days ago
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Daily Dose of Daddy Secondo
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lyeofhell · 3 days ago
Raspberry Girl Previous + masterlist + AO3 Simon Riley/female reader CW: 18+ intoxication, sexual content, daddy kink, caretaking, blurry lines of consent.
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You’re painfully unaware, though to you, he’s sure it's bliss. 
In your own little world, you stand at the long wooden table, fingers moving across the trackpad of a laptop, a pair of too big glasses sliding down your nose. The left lens is smudged, the smear only getting worse every time you push them up with the back of your hand. There’s a whirlwind of stuff around you, bowls and bags and measuring cups, cracked egg shells and sprinkles scattered across the wood, multi colored icing separated into different containers, and you're so into your work you don't even realize he's in the doorway. 
He almost feels bad for scaring you when he clears his throat. Almost. 
“Oh my god,” you whirl, hand pressed to your chest, half ready to bolt. “S-sorry, I didn’t- I didn’t know you were there.” 
Is that anyway to say hi to your daddy sweetheart?
“Good morning.” He eyes the twenty four ounce mason jar to your left. It’s one quarter full, coffee and cream swirling to the bottom. Too much caffeine. 
“Good morning, hi.” You smile, sweet and shy but more emboldened. It’s been a few days since he fed you bites of lemon meringue pie, a few days since he went home and stroked his cock to the memory of your mouth parting for him, eyes half lidded looking up through your lashes. 
Since then, you’ve a bit more brave, encouraged by his careful coaxing, text messages at night and throughout the day to check in, visits in the morning as he heads to base. 
He’s leading his little lamb right into her shepherd’s arms. 
“What’re you working on?” 
“Funfetti birthday cake.” You slide your glasses back up your face. They’re a mess and he can’t resist fixing it, pulling them off, wiping the lenses with bottom of his shirt. You freeze. Little deer in his headlights. 
“Didn’t know you wore glasses.” He places them back where they belong, righting them when they slip, and confirming what he already knew. They’re too big. You need new ones. 
“Th-thank you. I do for reading. And… er, screens. Reading on screens, mostly, though I need them for books too so I guess just… reading in general.” He understands the pause now, the moments when you’ve become self conscious, embarrassed, or you’re looking for the words you need, anxiously trying to piece it all together, step into a skin that doesn't quite fit. 
A rhythm the world doesn't understand. Too cruel, impatient, cold, it has no care for fragile things, too easily reflecting a mirror of his former self. 
He files the bit about you needing to wear glasses when you read, another notation in the long list he’s already memorized, organized, and moves onto his next inquiry. “Who’s the birthday cake for?” 
“Mara. It’s her birthday. They’re…” you make a face like you’ve sniffed spoiled milk, “we’re going out to a pub to celebrate.” He stiffens. On one hand, he’s proud of you. On the other, the idea of you in a pub raises the hair on the back of his neck, has him a bit out of his mind. 
He’s not interested in clipping your wings, but going out to a pub with no one to watch over you? Not bloody likely. “Tonight?” 
“Mhm.” You’re rubbing a stick of butter in a round pan. “Funfetti is the classic birthday cake. You know, the vanilla cake with the sprinkles?” He shakes his head. “Oh. Well, um, it is. It's mostly a kid thing now, but I think it's the ultimate birthday cake. Birthdays are supposed to be fun but you know... they kind of suck when you're an adult. Anyway... funfetti is fun so, that's why...” 
“Maybe you can save me a slice. Where are you going?” 
“Save you…" your brows crease as you try to process what he's said. "Doc’s.” You’ve dropped the stick of butter abruptly, greasy fingers gripping the edge of the pan. Doc’s. It’s a younger crowd, a bit posh, but still a bit dark. Has a bit of an edge. 
It’s been a few weeks since he’s gotten a pint with Kyle and Johnny anyway. 
He smiles, strokes the backs of his knuckles down your cheek, satisfied when you lean in for more, disappointed the few minutes he had to drop in are now over. “I’ve gotta go baby, be good for me.” Your mouth drops open so wide he thinks he might be able to fit his cock in it. 
“Oh, okay. I- I will.” 
What did you forget?
Daddy. I will, daddy.
“That ‘er?” Kyle motions with his beer bottle towards the table where you stand nervously at the edge, floral flecked dress swaying just above your knees. You've looped a white ribbon through your hair, the beacon of a gentle soul that seems to be calling out to every muppet in the building, every wandering eye fueling a fire burning in his blood. 
“Yeah.” His stomach is sour. Even a neat pour of whiskey and pint didn’t settle him. 
You’re trying so hard. Smiling and nodding and listening to everyone, clutching your drink like it’s a lifeline. Mara seems to understand the grace you need, but no one else in the group gets it, and some of them give you weird looks, or worse, look at each other when you’re not paying attention in annoyance. Your only friend at the table catches a few of them and shoots stern glares as she shakes her head, but it doesn’t change much. 
“She looks uncomfortable,” Johnny grunts, his scrupulous eye never missing a thing. Someone asks you a question, and you stumble over your answer, looking away to the wall when a girl to your left blatantly smirks, and then sneers directly in your face. Simon’s blood boils. 
“She’s different from them, it’s hard for her.” It's the easiest way to explain it. You’re one in a million. His one in a million. 
The table laughs at something, and you frantically flick over each person’s face, trying to pick up on a joke you clearly did not understand. Eventually, you just settle for another smile, resigned to watch it all from the outside as conversation flows from person to person, but never towards you. 
Sweet girl. He wants to take you home where you’re safe and happy and carefree, where you can be yourself and not have to worry about trying to keep up or facing everyone’s judgement. Where he can hold your perfect and precious heart in his hand and protect it. Where he can fuck the memory of this night right out of you, bounce you on his cock until the only thing you know how to do is come for him, over and over again. 
He misses the exact moment the cake appears among the stacks of shot glasses. Your anxiety ramps up as everyone starts to eat their slices, shoulders high beneath your ears, fingers knotted together too tight. It’s an eternity before the first person looks at you, mouth half full and thrilled, their enthusiasm alleviating some of the weight that's been sitting on his chest, and yours. Whatever they say seems to lessen the weight because you’re smiling again, excited, and as more people turn your way, the smile turns to a full on beam, your words from the other night echoing in his ears. 
I like feeding people. 
Another hour passes before he decides to call it, the group now spread across the pub, scattered around different tables, at the bar, outside smoking. You’re in a corner with your back to the room talking to Mara, and when he appears in her line of sight, she spots him immediately, grabbing your arm, mouthing something he doesn’t catch. 
You turn- 
And light up like a fucking Christmas tree. 
“Captain Riley!” The alcohol has made you bold, slow synapses firing less rapidly, providing a longer lead time, somewhat preventing you from second guessing or withholding yourself. 
“Hi baby.”
“I’m just gonna…” Mara tries to move away but you reach for her. 
“Happy Birthday Mar. Thanks for inviting,” you hiccup, “me.” She gives you a squeeze. 
“Thanks for coming, and for the cake, it was amazing. Made me feel like I was kid, ya know? When birthdays really mattered.” Sadness flickers in her eyes, and then disappears in a glaze of intoxication. “Anyway, see you Monday?” 
“Yep.” She gives you one more hug before slipping away, and you sigh. 
“She loved her cake.” 
“Yeah.” You’ve got this dreamy look on your face, sleepy and sweet, a little kitten who’s ready to curl up for a nap. 
Cast a line. See if you’re biting. 
“How’re you gettin’ home?” 
“An uber?” You lick your lips. “Or… uh. A Lyft?” You lurch to the side and he darts forward to steady you, movement too fast for you to track, all of it ending up as a surprise, like you weren’t even in your body for a moment. “Th-thanks.” You study his hand, where it sits on your arm. “You know you’re so big?” His lips twitch to the side of his mouth. 
“Yeah sweetheart. I’m big.” You’re still staring at his hand. “D’you need a ride home?” 
“Huh?” He's held this in the back of his mind all night as a possibility, built a tentative plan for this opportunity too golden to pass up. No fucking way are you going home in a rideshare or with anyone else. 
“I’m taking you home.” You shrug at the declaration with little trepidation and take his hand. 
So sweet and full of trust. 
He never specified which home. 
When the gravel of his driveway crunches under the truck’s tires, you don’t stir, and you don’t wake up when he turns it off or opens the passenger side door, your head lolling against your shoulder. 
“Sweetheart,” He keeps his voice low, reaching across your lap to unbuckle your seatbelt, brushing against your breasts, soft exhales puffing little clouds across his skin. “We’re here.” 
“Hmm?” you crack an eye open and then shake your head, “no ‘m sleeping.” Your cheek is warm in his palm, and he kisses it, trying to rouse you, gauge your reaction. Your awareness. Your nose wrinkles. “Stop.” 
“C’mon, you'll be more comfortable inside.” You whimper when he jostles you, pinning a palm to your temple. 
“My head hurts.” Poor baby. 
“I know,” he pulls you up out of the seat and into his chest, carefully supporting your balance. He’s taking liberties now, wrapping an arm around your waist, curling his fingers along the nape of your neck, brushing his lips across your forehead when you whine, high pitched and crackled, broken under the weight of too much alcohol and need for more sleep. “I know baby, Let’s get you into bed.” You lay your cheek on his chest and sigh. 
“Spit.” He holds the cup under your lips and you do as he asks diligently, bubbly white toothpaste getting caught on the corner of your mouth. 
Getting you upstairs and into his room went just as he anticipated. A little anxiety, a little trepidation, all of it gently soothed until you were sitting on his bed and he was taking off your shoes, reassuring you, promising everything was okay and you were right where you belonged. 
“You’re safe with me sweetheart. I’m going to take care of you.” 
Now, you’re perched on the closed toilet lid in his bathroom as he finishes brushing your teeth, sleepy and serene, naked thighs peeking out from beneath the hem of his t-shirt. 
You’re completely unguarded, vulnerable, another layer peeled back, another piece he lays claim to. 
His sweet little fawn. 
He knew all along this was underneath the weight you carried. That when you finally felt safe and cherished and cared for, you’d bloom, be yourself without the pressure of everything else. Deep down, beneath the expectations of how everyone thinks you should talk, or act, or behave, behind all the coping mechanisms you’ve taught yourself, buried under mountains of complexity, is his precious little girl who needs her hand held and her tears wiped. Who’s brilliant and beautiful and different, and has never had the space to just be. 
Now, you'll be able to do just that while he takes care of the rest. He'll decide. You’ll have boundaries. You’ll have rules. You’ll have daddy and he’ll take away the endless pressure that closes in on you from all sides, he'll ensure you get what you need. There will be less worry, less fear and unlimited opportunities to be. 
“My face.” You tilt your chin back with your eyes closed, and he chuckles. 
“What about it?” 
“My,” hiccup, “makeup.” He turns the tap on warm, testing the temp until he’s satisfied, and soaks a washcloth. 
“Keep your eyes closed.” You sit still as he works, dabbing away everything on your eyelids and lashes, wiping underneath to catch anything he missed. “There we go.” You sway in his grip and slur.
“Bed now?” 
“Last thing.” There’s a glass of water and naproxen on the counter, and you swallow them without question. He hides his grimace. That will need to be addressed in the morning. When you try to put the glass back on the counter, he shakes his head. “All of it,” you manage to get the rest of the water down, and he squeezes your hip. “That’s my girl.” 
“You’re warm.” Your arm is slung over his middle, a cold foot tucked between his knees, mouth half open on his pillow. Completely uninhibited, nearly asleep. 
His cock is hard against his stomach beneath the waistband of his sweatpants, aching with a fullness he can’t relieve. He’s been hard since he undressed you, peeled your bra off and held you to his chest as he unhooked it, felt your perfect, pretty breasts and nipples against him as he tugged his shirt over your head. You were bashful, buried your face into his neck with a trembling giggle, but refused to let go, sunk your fingernails into his biceps as your hands shook. His sweet, shy girl. 
He rubs your back, works his fingers in the knots between your shoulders, watching your lashes flutter as you try to fight sleep.  
“Tomorrow…” There’s a last minute flash of uncertainty, and he presses his lips to your forehead. 
“It’s okay, we’ll talk at breakfast sweetheart. It’s time for bed.” Tomorrow. You'll be fighting a battle tomorrow, a hangover, anxiety, an endless spiral of confusion and doubt, but he'll be here to guide you through it. 
The only way out is through. 
It will be a lot easier on both of you if you're able to get some sleep. 
“Yeah, ’s past my bedtime.” You whisper with a hazy, playful smile on the wisp of a giggle. "We should have pancakes for breakfast." Your easy, peaceful state encourages him to go a step further. Cast a line, see if you’re biting. 
"If you close your eyes and go to sleep, Daddy will make you pancakes in the morning." You nod with a yawn, tucking your face between the pillow and his shoulder. 
"Mmkay then. Night." It's not a protest, it's not a flinch, it's not a moment of disgust, and satisfaction roars, rips through him like bullet, this instinct and desire long honed finally settling in the place where it belongs. In you. 
"Goodnight baby." He stares at the ceiling as you disappear into dreams and plans his mission. Plots his checkpoints, sets his objectives. Lead, decide, control. 
Bring you home. Permanently. 
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