dxprxvityx · 6 days
open starter
connection: open to everyone / he owes you money
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     " YAH--- chiiiiill, i said i was gonna pay you back soon. “ like three weeks ago. “ sit the fuck down and take a deep breath. do yoga or some shit, aiight ? “ the curled haired young boy gave the other an almost arrogant grin.
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dxprxvityx · 6 days
open starter
connection: throw a guy that will make him doubt his sexuality ( he thinks he’s straight )
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      ” did you know that calling me gay only makes you look even gayer ? “ and denying it as defensively as matt did only made him look even more homosexual.  
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dxprxvityx · 6 days
open starter
(test) muse: lilith connection: m/nb close friend, significant other, slave or pet request: someone for her to take care of and would devotedly like/love her
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  “ aigo... “ the weight of their head on her lap was beyond pleasant and icy cold digits made their way through the mane of hair to massage the scalp in slow soothing motions. b l a c k  polished long nails gently trag a pattern down the side of their neck and gently tug on the tender flesh of the earlobe.
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dxprxvityx · 6 days
open starter
connection: give him someone ( m/f/nb ) that truly treats him as a child or a pet ( because honestly he does act like one )
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   resting head over their lap, jun had the strangest side-view of the tv screen in front of them. “ do you really think those girls get preggo on purpose to be on that tv show ? is it worth it ? i mean, what the fuck... “ it would be i m p o s s i b l e  to watch any kind of show or movie with him without having a constant commentary about it.
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dxprxvityx · 6 days
muse: daehyunsuggested connection: male/non-binary crush
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    not one, nor two, nor three but a  p l e t h o r a  of kisses were pressed into the contrary cheek, gentle, SLOW and almost unhealthily sweet. albeit nothing different from his usual affectionate self, daehyun’s sleepy self seems to be overwhelmingly loving that night. boys can’t like boys, boys don’t kiss their guy friends. the lessons carved in his brain sound muffled in the back of his head right now.
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dxprxvityx · 6 days
open starter
muse: narae connection: male/nb friend crushing on her plot: please give her a guy that would actually call her because he can’t kill a bug at home or can’t cook by himself or is too scared to watch a movie by himself, so she can noona him around ( even if he’s older )
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    “ did you find your chill ? i’m almost there, calm the fuck down. “ the call was then hung up. did she really just drove to their place because of that in the middle of the night ? she was about to demand an award for such effort and in spite of how much she mocked them, in the end, they would always be on her top priorities, even higher than sleep.
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dxprxvityx · 6 days
muse: daehyunsuggested connection: m/nb significant other/crush
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     itchy, itchy, ITCHY 
    the mere sight of a crawling bug ( moments ago ) had the entomophobic boy  s c r a t c h i n g  himself nonstop, too hard over dry skin on his legs, propped over the couch he’s sharing with the other male. itchy, itchy, itchy-- ow, it hurts. there’s little traces of b l o o d on his fingerpads, smearing over the skin he keeps on scratching without noticing, gaze fixed on the tv he’s trying to use to ignore his uneasiness. 
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dxprxvityx · 6 days
open starter
connection: male friend with homo tendencies ( bc jun makes too many sexual induendos )
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     ( phone call ) “ HELLO MOTHERFUCKER. i’ve been knocking on your door for hours– “ what an exaggeration, it was only ten minutes. “ where are you ? what are you doing ? i told you i miss you and i wanted to invade your personal space. “  
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dxprxvityx · 6 days
open starter
open to; anyone with a personality that would bicker with her
  “ why do you gotta put your nasty ass feet on the table ? ah, jinjja — “ although she wastes no time in pushing them down from it with her own feet. yes, even if it was just a coffee table in front of the couch. “ if someone could read your mind, what would they hear the most ? “ random questions, a conversation would never be boring with her.
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dxprxvityx · 6 days
" look, we're at that age where dating is exhausting and-- you said it yourself, you're too busy with work to be asking people for their favorite color anymore. " was jun simply pulling random excuses out of his pockets to hide his true intentions ?
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OPEN TO: m/f/nb BASED ON: our muses agreed years ago that if they didn't find a romantic partner by a certain age, they would get married. well! they both just reached that age!
"wait, you were serious about that? 'cause i kinda thought we were kidding around. isn't it just some thing people say? no one actually means it."
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dxprxvityx · 3 years
; s t a r t e r  c a l l
this is a starter call ‘cause i’m craving roleplaying so much and i miss it, i’m currently rping more on discord so please L I K E this post if you’re interested in roleplaying with me either here or on discord ( where i reply much quicker )
i also just reposted and posted starters so if you’re interested in those go check them out pls
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dxprxvityx · 4 years
yo it has been yeeeeears since I've been on Tumblr but I miss rping a lot. do we still do that here? are there any active discord rpers still?
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dxprxvityx · 5 years
please like this post if you're actively role-playing on discord please
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dxprxvityx · 5 years
i absolutely NEED a plot based on this video where my muse ( chungha faceclaim ) is a girl crush for your muse who is shy and sweet and just an excited puppy ! pretty please just like this post if you want to get on this plot with me
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dxprxvityx · 5 years
; s t a r t e r   c a l l
muse: junseo connection: male friend or partner
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‘ be dead honest now... we just see each other to fuck, don’t we ? that’s all you want from me ? shit, i know i’m not the smartest guy around but fuck... that’s it ? ‘ that didn’t hurt him as much as knowing--or assuming--the other had no feelings for him and he was nothing but a piece of meat to satisfy sexual needs ?
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dxprxvityx · 5 years
; s t a r t e r   c a l l
muse: junseo connection: close male friend who he is ranting to
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‘ i’m fucking tired of this shit, i’m tired of working my ass off for nothing, i’m tired of being nice to everyone just to get my ass kicked, i’m fucking tired to try and have a fucking normal life, what’s out there for me ? if i would’ve known life was so fucking shitty, i would’ve fucking chosen to not even be born-- ‘ bloodshot glossy eyes just show how he was already on the verge of a mental breakdown, his voice quivering ears blushed up from the heat raising to their face.
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dxprxvityx · 5 years
; s t a r t e r   c a l l
muse: narae connection: female or male close friend playing truth or dare
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‘ i dare you to strip down to your underwear and run down the block then come back again... c’mon, don’t be a pussy-- ‘ narae didn’t miss a chance to bully them around whenever she had the chance to, subtly shoving their shoulder with a grin full of mischief drawn on her expression.
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