#open indie krp
dxprxvityx · 6 days
open starter
connection: male friend with homo tendencies ( bc jun makes too many sexual induendos )
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     ( phone call ) “ HELLO MOTHERFUCKER. i’ve been knocking on your door for hours– “ what an exaggeration, it was only ten minutes. “ where are you ? what are you doing ? i told you i miss you and i wanted to invade your personal space. “  
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haenxn · 30 days
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do you have to let it linger?
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do you have to _᭩͡ᰯ ” ❤︎ ᭢˚̣̣̣͙͏ ͏͏͏⠀do you have to _ ᭩͡ᰯ ” ❤︎ ᭢˚̣̣̣͙͏ ͏͏͏⠀⠀do you have to . _᭩͡ᰯ? ” ❤︎ ᭢˚̣̣̣͙͏ ͏͏͏
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munniexinsomnia · 5 months
"Why it's so hard to find girlfriend...
I really would love to have one."
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hellsdogs · 1 month
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"I don't believe in therapy. I mean, sure, people have told me I need one, but how would that even go? 'Ueno-san, why do you have this desire to retreat into your mother's womb—could it be sexual?' Like, what? As if I'm some kind of mad man. And then I'd have to explain it's not like that; it's just that the world turned out to be a bit more boring than I expected. I'll probably walk out of there with depression meds I don't even need—I'm just a nihilist, and these aren't even the fun kind of pills. Pass." Right, probably not the best thing to say on a date but how could he possibly not be himself right. "Your dessert looks better than mine. Are you gonna eat all that?"
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               open starter.
to: anyone / f. if romantic. idea: friendly date at the restaurant after a long day/ first tinder date for your muse and him - your muse finds him either.. fun and charming or weird, you decide / or it's been a few dates and well he's always like this .
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dcrkfcngs · 3 months
open to anyone
muse: dimitri lanaster , unknown , one of the oldest pure vampire
situation: dimitri listening to your muses ranting and giving advice.
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❝ so if i’m listening correctly, you’re not being treated the way you know you deserve to be ? ❞ dimitri crossed his arms over his chest as he goes quiet for a moment . ❝ do you want me have a private talk with them , i happen to be very convincing some might say ? ❞
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secretxxpaladaiseu · 5 months
Like for a hostess-themed starter from Jisun
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rosescripts · 6 months
are there any roleplayers who use discord interested in hazbin hotel inspired roleplays? we can chat and see if our ideas/vibes match and go from there
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scarletmhuire · 1 month
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ★ ── WANTED CONNECTIONS ̟ꜜ₊
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤhey luv !! aqui estou eu buscando por algumas conexões específicas e muito necessárias na vida dessa cantora pop que largou a fama para ser professora de música em uma cidade pequena na irlanda ! por favor , ajudem essa querida <3 enya está aberta a plots , no caso de nada chamar sua atenção e querer algo totalmente novo .
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⋆⸜ 🎧 ✩𝖬𝖨𝖹✩𝖣𝖤.ᐟ
🎸⋆⭒ muse a e eithne costumavam passar noites tocando música juntos , compartilhando vinho e histórias sobre a vida . eles se entendiam de um jeito que mais ninguém conseguia . agora que eithne voltou , muse a está ansioso para reviver essas noites , mas se pergunta se eithne ainda é a mesma pessoa .
🎸⋆⭒ muse b foi a primeira pessoa a apoiar eithne quando ela decidiu seguir a carreira musical . eles trocavam confidências sobre a pressão da vida pública e as expectativas familiares . com o retorno de eithne , muse b sente que é hora de relembrar esses tempos e talvez redescobrir a força na amizade que sempre tiveram .
🎸⋆⭒ muse c foi aquele que ajudou eithne a superar seus momentos mais sombrios , sempre incentivando-a a seguir em frente . agora , muse c precisa do mesmo apoio , e eithne se pergunta se está à altura de retribuir toda a ajuda que recebeu no passado .
🎸⋆⭒ muse d e eithne tiveram uma amizade baseada em sonhos não realizados e promessas para o futuro . muse d sempre acreditou que eithne voltaria para bray um dia e retomaria de onde pararam . agora que ela está de volta , será que podem construir novas memórias juntos ?
🎸⋆⭒ muse e e eithne compartilharam uma visão idealista do mundo , sempre sonhando acordados sobre o que poderiam fazer juntos . eithne partiu , mas muse e nunca perdeu essa visão . agora que ela está de volta , os dois têm a chance de realizar aqueles sonhos .
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⋆⸜ 🎧 𝖨𝖭𝖨𝖬𝖨𝖹✩𝖣𝖤𝖲.ᐟ
🎸⋆⭒ muse f foi a pessoa que mais sofreu com a saída de eithne de bray , sentindo-se abandonado e traído . eles eram inseparáveis até eithne decidir seguir sua carreira . agora , muse f carrega uma amargura profunda , acreditando que eithne nunca realmente se importou .
🎸⋆⭒ muse g sempre viu eithne como uma rival . eles competiam em tudo , desde a música até as atenções em eventos sociais . quando eithne se foi , muse g sentiu que havia ganhado , mas com o retorno dela , as velhas tensões ressurgem , e muse g não está disposto a perder de novo .
🎸⋆⭒ muse h e eithne tiveram um romance que terminou mal antes dela deixar bray . muse h nunca conseguiu superar a forma como eithne o deixou e agora que ela voltou , as feridas ainda estão frescas , levando a encontros carregados de tensão e ressentimento .
🎸⋆⭒ muse i sempre invejou a carreira de eithne , acreditando que ela não merecia tanto sucesso . eles cresceram juntos , mas muse i se sentia constantemente ofuscado por ela . agora que eithne está de volta , muse i quer provar que é mais talentoso e capaz do que ela .
🎸⋆⭒ muse j ajudou eithne em seu caminho para o sucesso , mas sentiu-se descartado quando ela alcançou a fama . agora , muse j está de volta para ajustar contas e não vai deixar eithne esquecer o que ele fez por ela , usando cada oportunidade para lembrá-la de suas dívidas emocionais .
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⋆⸜ 🎧 𝖯𝖱𝖮𝖥𝖨𝖲𝖲𝖨𝖮𝖭✩𝖫.ᐟ
🎸⋆⭒ eithne e muse k foram as primeiras a sonhar com o mid summer night dream spa durante longas conversas em cafés . muse k trouxe a disciplina e o foco necessários para transformar o sonho em realidade . porém , desde que o spa abriu , as duas estão em caminhos opostos , com muse k questionando se a visão que compartilham ainda é a mesma . [ co-sócia e melhor amiga #1 ]
🎸⋆⭒ muse l é a alma criativa do trio , sempre cheia de ideias inovadoras para o spa . muse l e eithne compartilham uma amizade profunda e uma conexão musical , mas recentemente , muse l sente que está perdendo sua identidade ao se dedicar tanto ao spa e precisa redescobrir sua paixão . [ co-sócia e melhor amiga #2 ]
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⋆⸜ 🎧 𝖥✩𝖬𝖨𝖫𝖨✩𝖱.ᐟ
🎸⋆⭒ muse m é o irmão mais velho , sempre à sombra das expectativas da família . quando eithne começou a brilhar no mundo da música , muse m sentiu uma mistura de orgulho e inveja , o que levou a um distanciamento entre eles . agora , com eithne de volta , será que os dois poderão recuperar o tempo perdido ?
🎸⋆⭒ muse n é a segunda mais velha , uma alma livre que deixou a família para viver uma vida fora dos padrões . eithne sempre admirou a coragem de muse n , e agora que ela está de volta , muse n vê uma chance de mostrar a eithne que há mais na vida do que apenas carreira e expectativas familiares .
🎸⋆⭒ muse o é o irmão do meio , sempre o pacificador entre os irmãos , mas também o mais perdido entre as pressões familiares . com eithne de volta , muse o espera encontrar um equilíbrio entre suas próprias inseguranças e o papel de irmão protetor que sempre desempenhou .
🎸⋆⭒ muse p , o mais novo dos mais velhos , sempre foi o mais próximo de eithne , sendo sua âncora em tempos de crise . eles se afastaram quando eithne deixou a família , mas agora que ela está de volta , muse p está determinado a reconectar e ajudar eithne a encontrar sua paz interior .
🎸⋆⭒ mother a é a romancista , uma figura carismática e artística que sempre incentivou eithne a seguir seu coração . mas , com o sucesso , vieram as críticas , e eithne começou a sentir que nunca seria tão boa quanto a mãe . agora , mother a quer ajudar eithne a entender que o verdadeiro sucesso é ser fiel a si mesma .
🎸⋆⭒ mother b é a advogada de prestígio , sempre prática e objetiva , mas com um carinho inabalável por sua família . mother b é a rocha de eithne , mas o distanciamento emocional sempre esteve presente . agora que eithne está de volta , mother b está tentando mostrar um lado mais vulnerável e reconectar com a filha que tanto ama .
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mino96ss · 1 year
Rp on disc is since I haven't been much active in here??? mostly interested in m/m ,f/m ..or any i don't mind any ic /oc, since I often rp any kind of plot w sfw/ nsfw.
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geaesaekki · 6 months
'You're spending a suspicious amount of time hanging out in this dirty neighborhood these days hun." Her cigarette travels in and out, she expires, the smoke escaping out from her mouth. "Are you worried about me? That's sweet." A smile is showing behind her fingers. "But I'm not made of sugar, you know."
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               open starter.
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to: m / f. idea: selena is an escort girl. the envionment she evolves in, the night life, comes with its dangers. a word is around : many escort girls have been missing in the neighborhood these days, maybe your muse is worried about her.
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worstevils · 3 months
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀open starter. ⠀
for: crime or slice of life (spn welcome) a detective / private investigator, ex fling, or something more complicated like girls friendship!!! either-way, i will wing anything.
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“What are you doing here? I told you not to come back here.” The last thing that she needed was someone to disturb her peace — not that there was any peace left in her. It was hard to admit that anything else would be better than her being along with her demons, an endless fight within her where she thought she had let them win years ago. But that’s nothing she will ever admit or let anyone even perceive this side of her. She knows that whatever is in her mind — it’s what makes her heart waver in critical moments. Empathy perhaps. 
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rampxnt · 2 months
reverse starter call! like this and i'll go through your open starters and respond to one
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warsinmyhead · 6 months
OPEN (18+)
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Hiro is not ashamed of his sexuality or the fact that he's had sex more than once. But the remark seemed so abrupt, almost out of nowhere...
The conversation with the other person had been pretty general – talking about their current plans (his was completing his Graphic Design major and balancing hours at the cafe he worked at part time), likes, and other random safe topics. How did the conversation steer completely to the sexual side?
"Heh, yeah I'm, I'm not a virgin – I get my young face could mess some people up into thinking I'm too young or something, but um, yeah. Not a virgin." He paused and studied the other person's face for their reaction.
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hellsdogs · 6 months
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"You want a job? I mean I admire the gigantic pair of balls you must have to make me come all the way down to the club for that. I'm not human resources and this isn't a goddamn taco truck." An arch brow and a sigh, he is here now and oh well, he likes audacity. "Alright impress me then. What do you do? Juggle bottles with your ass? Instant kill with your laser eyes? Bake mad choux à la crème with raspberry jam? Do the three at the same time, you're hired."
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               open starter.
to: m / f. idea: dai owns a club along with other businesses. most aren't in the safest neighborhoods of the city, his employees being night workers. maybe your muse is looking for a job they just need money,
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eroticabomination · 9 months
         "You are not supposed to be here." Her voice echoes against the walls of her mansion. No one is supposed to be here, it was a clear instruction to all the brainless nobodies working the security at Love's red mansion. It has been weeks now that she hasn't seen the sun, the light, hasn't addressed a single word to another human being but her own twiste reflection. Love was waiting to hear from the clinic, from Sculpture. The injections aren't working anymore, those who were supposed to suppress her own body's defenses against her transplanted, new shiny perfect organs. Little do people know : everything about her isn't real. The finest pieces of fresh cadavers pieced together, altered to stand in a body that becomes fascinating to the masses : hers. The most beautiful woman in the country wasn't so beautiful anymore now, a rotting pile of flresh, half of her face melting, morphing into an atrocity, one covered by her hair so far.
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As for her body : she is completely naked under a red silk robe, unable to stand much fabric against her skin, it burns, it's too sensitive, it's cracking open as black blood is dripping out of her wide opened wounds. She stands up, not walking so straight as if completely intoxicated or not able to handle the balance of this body that became oh so heavy, her hands catching the nearest furnitures to not loose balance. Her hand firmly grabs a syringue, a long one, filled with a liquid only her knows the composition of. Her heavy, uncontrolled steps lead her to the door as she's moving like an atrocity. She locks the door, her eyes now redicted to them. A slow unpleased smile spreads on her lips as she still holds onto that needle tight, her eyes traveling on the other from head to toes. They aren't supposed to be here, aen't supposed to see her like that. What will they do if they go out, expose her secret? That's a risk Love isn't willing to take. "Who knows you're here, huh? I said NO! FUCKING! VISITORS!" The last words are speaking with anger. No, not anger, rage, an animalistic rage that makes her kick the nearest furniture with her bare foot, causing it to fall down the foor, for the vase on top of it to break, for the water inside to spill. Her hair all over the place, the rotten side of her face now uncovered.
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secretxxpaladaiseu · 6 months
I'm just gonna be blunt about this.
I'm looking for dark threads. Triggering/Violent/Just generally fucked up stuff.
If you're interested, there's a TON of ideas on my plots page. Feel free to send me a message if any of those strike your fancy, or you have ideas of your own.
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