#wooden sofa come bed price
urbanwood02 · 22 days
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mlmxreader · 7 months
I'm Still Here | Kyle Gaz Garrick x gn!reader
↳ ❝ Can I request the prompt “I love you. I'll wait for you. Come back. Come back to me.” with Gaz please?
Thanks ❞
: ̗̀➛ Gaz isn't going anywhere, he's never leaving... he just wishes that you could see him.
: ̗̀➛ major character death, swearing, injury detail
↳ DNI if you interact with rape porn, proship, profic, DDNE/dead dove, etc. stay the fuck away from me <3
Gaz sat on the kitchen counter, watching you carefully as he idly kicked his legs, the backs of his heavy combat boots hitting the wooden cupboards but without a single sound. His hands planted firmly on the marble counter top as he dared to smile.
He loved to watch you so much; to see you go about your day and to get better and better every day.
The last few months had been so tough on you, Gaz felt so awful; seeing you stay up late every night, crying and sobbing and wailing until you passed out. You would sleep until the afternoon, wake up, and then spend all night either in bed or sitting on the sofa crying and snivelling.
If he had been able to, Gaz would have cried himself; he promised that he would never hurt you, that he would always protect you. But he had failed you; he couldn't protect you any more, he couldn't keep you safe at all.
It was all his fault.
But seeing you now... vibrant, full of life, singing along to old Sodom songs. It did bring a smile to Gaz's face as he leaned back a little, folding his arms across his chest. He listened keenly to the sound of your voice, and watched you like he always used to.
His dark brown eyes completely and utterly focused on you, and only you; as if you were the only thing that mattered in the world.
He reached a hand down to his stomach, feeling the cold gush of nothing as a soft draft seeped through the open and gaping hole; the jagged edges and bits of organ that hung and clung onto the bottom. The burn marks around the inner rim.
He frowned. He thought he was going to get used to it after a while, but not anymore.
He wished you would look at him, that you would meet his sunken and empty eyes; he wished you would put your hand next to him, and feel the cold spot that had formed there.
They seemed to be all around him these days, cold spots and flickering lights.
But you hardly seemed to notice. He would scream at the top of his lungs, call your name as he stood in front of you, and you didn't even hear him; you didn't even see him standing there with his voice breaking and hoarse.
He slid himself off of the counter, his heavy duty boots making no sound as he paced around you, nudging your cup slightly so that it wouldn't fall. Flicking the spider away from the tap so that you didn't accidentally touch it; he knew how much you would have hated to startle the poor thing.
But then the phone rang, and Gaz frowned as he looked at the caller ID; Price. You picked it up, sniffling.
"Hey, John."
"Hey," Price sighed. "How you holding up?"
You shrugged, swiping a hand down your face. Gaz knew you were about to lie, you always did that when you were lying. "I'm okay... I'm okay..."
"The funeral's next week," Price told you. "You think you can make it?"
"I have to," you scoffed. "He was... Gaz is everything to me. I have to be there."
Gaz cleared his throat, watching as he tried to put his hand on your shoulder, only for it to sink right through. "Don't lie to him, darling. Please. He can help you."
But you didn't hear a single thing. "Look, John, I appreciate the whole caring, considerate bullshit you have going on, but I don't need it right now."
Gaz frowned, shaking his head as he begged for you to open up and to talk about it; you didn't have to suffer silently, and nor did you have to suffer alone but... but then he looked at the picture on the wall, and he sighed heavily, knowing why you were being that way.
You had always been one another's confidants and most trusted friends; there were things that you would only talk to Gaz about, just as there were things that he would only talk to you about. Forever joined at the hip. The picture on the wall, taken just after you had gotten together, only reminded him of that.
You looked so happy. So comfortable.
He paced around a little more, only to pause when you called his name.
"Kyle, I dunno if you can hear me," you murmured. "But if you can - I love you, I'm never gonna forget you. You know that, right? I dunno... I dunno if you're here, or if you've fucked off somewhere, but... I don't wanna bury you. I really don't, I mean how... how do you bury your best friend, your husband, and act like you're alright?"
Gaz swallowed hard, shaking his head as he wiped his aching eyes and moved back to you; he put his hands on the side of your head, despite his fingers sinking into you like he was made of nothing, and pressed his lips to your temple. You didn't feel anything, didn't even flinch or wonder why it had gotten so cold suddenly.
He sighed as he pulled away, moving to stand in front of you even though you couldn't see him. "I'm never leaving you. I'm not. I love you. I'll wait for you."
"I love you," you whispered, closing your eyes and sobbing quietly. "I love you. I'll wait for you. Come back. Come back to me. Please... please... Gaz, pull a pet sematary for all I care, just... come back."
"But I'm right here," he told you. "I'm already here. I'm not leaving you, I'm not going anywhere. I just... I wish you could see me. I wish you could hear me."
You moved away, shaking your head and making your way to the sofa, leaving your phone on the counter; Gaz followed, not wanting to leave you alone for even a second.
He loved you.
He wasn't going anywhere.
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xiaojunsmintchoco · 2 years
Love Note — Johnny Suh
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pairing: best friend johnny x reader
genre: fluff, best friends to lovers, roommates au
synopsis: despite having been best friends for the longest time, both you and Johnny pick up a new habit of leaving little notes for each other when you move in together. How does that blur the lines between best friends and lover for you both?
wc: 6k of (poorly-written) fluff
a/n: this is a gift for @sehunniepotwrites! Nikki, I hope you enjoy this fic (though it was wasn’t very well written imo :”) and that it brightens your Christmas for you! thank you so much for being such a cool mutual to talk to, though we’ve only known each other for a short while, I’ve really enjoyed our conversations! Stay safe and have a wonderful holiday!
“Dude, you good?” Johnny looks over to you with a concerned expression as he hears the sigh coming from you. 
“No,” you groan, scrolling through your phone as you look at the rental prices for apartments near university. “Looking at how rental prices are all sky-high, there’s no way I’ll be able to rent an apartment”. 
“I would normally suggest staying at home, but if I were you I wouldn’t wanna make a one hour commute to school every day, especially with the amount of work we’re gonna have too,” Johnny muses. 
You shoot your best friend a playful glare. “Gee, thanks for reminding me of that, John”. 
He merely chuckles as he watches you continue looking for reasonably-priced apartments, but all of them seem like they’d drain more of your budget than you’d like. “Say, what if we both rent an apartment together? Then we can both split rent, and it should be more affordable for us, right?” Johnny suggests. “I mean, I’d like an apartment near university too. Like you, I wouldn’t wanna waste two hours travelling to and from school in total”. 
Your eyes light up at your best friend’s suggestion. “You’re a genius!” you exclaim, his idea already appealing to you. With anyone else you didn’t know too well you would’ve been hesitant, but hey, this was your best friend you were talking about, which would be easier than having to move in with a complete stranger. In that moment, you thank the heavens that Johnny had decided to apply to the same university as you and gotten accepted as well. 
“Of course I am”. Johnny scoffs in return, earning him an eye roll and a light smack across the shoulder.
“Whatever, Mr Self Proclaimed Genius. I’ll send you the apartment listings, you can look through them, and then we can make a decision together”.
Johnny hums as his phone dings with the text notification from you. “Yep, that’s good,” he agrees, opening the link you sent and skimming through the list of possible apartments you both could rent. Before you know it, you’ve both settled on a decent apartment. 
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“YES! I can’t believe we actually got the apartment!” you cheer as you take the key and waltz into the new apartment. Johnny laughs at your antics, but lets himself into the apartment as well. It was quite a homey one, with a brown wooden floor and white walls. A comfy-looking sofa sat in front of a round coffee table and a television, and in the dining hall, you were greeted by a rectangular dining table, decorated with a glass vase of artificial flowers, as well as the fridge next to it. Talk about value for money. 
“Let’s go check out the rooms, shall we? Then we can pick the rooms that we want,” Johnny suggests. You agree, and both of you hurtle up the stairs, eager to look at the bedrooms. Turns out, both of the rooms have the same basic design — single size bed, a bedside table with three drawers and a lamp, plus a large enough wardrobe for you both to use. How you both still manage to argue (jokingly) over which room you both want — no one will ever know, but you both attributed it to your “best friend chemistry”. 
“Why are you so insistent on taking the room on the left? They’re both the same!” Johnny argues.
“Nah man, the one on the left has a nicer view from the window, so I want that one!” you declare. “Then why do you want the one on the left so badly, since in your words, ‘they’re both the same’?”
“The colour of the wardrobe in that room is nicer! The brown is warmer,” Johnny. claims, not backing down. 
“Psh, over that?” you snicker. This argument wasn’t going anywhere. 
You both decide the rooms based on a game of “scissors, paper, stone”, which resulted in you winning and getting the room on the left, and Johnny crumpled on the floor in defeat, being the dramatic best friend you’d known for all this while.
After moving into your desired rooms and unpacking, you both discuss roommate duties over an Indian takeout lunch. “I think that the cleanliness of our own rooms as well as laundry should be our own individual responsibilities,” Johnny begins. 
You nod, agreeing with your friend. “For the other stuff, what about a weekly rotation? This week I can do cooking, while you do dishes. But for the other stuff…”
“We’ll split it,” Johnny decides. “So this week maybe you can sweep the floor and empty the trash, and I’ll clean the bathroom and do mopping? Maybe I should do groceries too, since you’re cooking already. So what do you think, Your Highness?” he finishes with a mock bow to you, waiting for your approval. 
You laugh at the title he gave to you at the end, but approve of his suggestions. “Sure! I’ll write them all down on a piece of paper, then we can use one of those fridge magnets to put this on the fridge”.
And that commenced your experience of living with one of your all-time best friends. 
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“Yo bro, I just got a sick idea”.
You look up from your breakfast of toast with butter and coconut jam (Johnny had gotten lazy that morning and just made plain toast), and raise an eyebrow at the boy in front of you. He’s currently scrolling through his phone, seemingly engrossed in something. “And that is…?” you ask, cocking an eyebrow up while trying to hide the suspicion creeping into your voice. 
Unfortunately, Johnny knew you too well, and knew you had your reservations already. “Don’t worry man! I was just thinking, we could get Ikea desks for our rooms and assemble them together, since our rooms don’t have desks,” he mumbles through a mouthful of his own toast — topped with honey and butter. 
Alarm bells go off in your head immediately, alerting you that your friend’s “sick idea” probably might not be that great. “I don’t know, man…we’re like bulls in a china shop. What makes you think we can assemble a desk, let alone two desks?” you question.
“C’mon, it’s just like, Ikea DIY. How hard could it be?” Johnny argues. 
“Why not just get desks that have already been assembled?” you suggest. 
“Nah, if we were to get DIY desks that’d be cheaper, because we’re assembling it ourselves instead of the people in the factory,” Johnny reasons. 
“I’m not sure about this…” 
And so begins another round of the playful arguments you’ve both gotten used to since the beginning of your friendship, which Johnny won — partly because you gave in, since you knew he wouldn’t let up and you’d both be late for your first classes if the argument didn’t end somewhere. 
Now both of you are left squinting at the instruction manual of the first Ikea desk, while blindly screwing parts together. 
“Dude, watch it, it’s gonna — agh!” Johnny’s panicked yell makes you jump and drop the instruction manual, which you were previously poring over for the umpteenth time before the desk collapsed, missing you by a hair’s breadth. 
“What the heck, bro!” you exclaim, jaw still seemingly glued to the floor from shock.
“I’m sorry,” Johnny apologises, sheepishly scratching the back of his head. “Gosh, I didn’t know Ikea furniture was this hard to put together”.
“Yeah, who was the one who said ‘C’mon, it’s just like, Ikea DIY?’” you snort, reminding him of his words over breakfast earlier in the week.
“Shut up,” he groans. “I’m starting to wish I could eat my words. Nevermind, let’s do this again. What do the instructions say again?”
“So first, we’ve gotta find this wooden board. Then, we put four screws into it…” 
It takes about two more hours, and multiple glasses of ice-cold coke zero, but you both finally finish putting together the first desk. “Now that’s what I call a true masterpiece!” Johnny declares, stepping back from the completed desk and dramatically dusting off his hands. “Dude, we’re basically ready for marriage now that we can assemble Ikea furniture without killing each other in the process,” he jokes, swirling the ice cubes in his glass.
Having been his friend for years, you’re used to him making such jokes, so you don’t expect the wave of butterflies that sweeps over you when those words reach your ears. However, you brush it off and lightly smack his shoulder. “Don’t speak so fast — you almost let the desk collapse on me! Besides, we’ve got one more desk to assemble,” you remind, pointing at the second heap of wooden boards and metal frames laid on the floor in front of you.
“Oh, dammit”.
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One thing that sets you and Johnny aside from other roommates could be your habit of leaving little notes for each other on the fridge. Be it to update the other on location, remind the other about undone chores, or ask the other to pick something up from the store, every day, without fail, the fridge would be filled with these little notes — it had become a personal bulletin board of sorts for the two of you.
How it started? After this one day, when you came home in a state of awful stress due to the sheer amount of work your professors had loaded on you, and your dead phone wasn’t helping your situation. Thus, you decide to simply rip a piece of paper off a notepad, and scribble out a note for Johnny to let him know where to find you, before sticking it to the fridge with a magnet. 
I’m at home, just in my room. Very busy today. As soon as Johnny gets home, your note on the fridge catches his attention when he walks into the kitchen to pour himself a glass of milk, and he decides to check on you.
No sooner than two seconds after he knocked the door came your tiny reply of “come in”. “Dude, what’s that awful smell-“ Johnny begins as soon as he enters. The sight that greets him is you seated at your desk with your hoodie up, staring at your computer with your palms cupping your face. Beside you is an unfinished venti cup of iced coffee, and your favourite cinnamon scented candle — the culprit behind that “awful smell”. He knew the scented candle was something you used in order to destress, so all of those things signalled to him that you were having a less-than-ideal time. “Hey, you good?” Johnny asks, making his way over and plopping in the chair beside you, noting the way your eyebrows were furrowed and your eyes were glazed over with a downcast expression. 
“Yes, all is fine and dandy. Totally don’t have an eight-page essay due tomorrow and biology and math tests the whole of next week that I haven’t studied for”. With sarcasm dripping from your tone, you make your predicament known to Johnny. 
“Ouch. That’s rough,” Johnny hums, looking over at your computer screen as he racks his brain for ways to help you. That’s when he realises that the essay topic you’re on is very similar to one he’s done before. “Hey, I actually did this essay last semester. Would you like to read mine? Maybe you can refer to it to help you with your own,” he suggests. “I mean, you could even use it and just change a few sentences. Doubt the professor would notice”.
You turn to properly face him this time. “Really?”
“Yeah, it’s no problem. I can just email you the document,” Johnny adds. "After this, I can study math with you and help you. Sorry I can't help with biology, since I don't take it". 
“Oh my goodness, LIFESAVER! Thank you so much John!” you exclaim, the relief visible on your face as your features relaxed into a grateful smile. You really were thankful to your friend — if not for him, you’d still be stuck on the third page of your essay, not knowing how to go on. 
“No problem, y/n. Just helping you out,” he answers with a grin. “What about after all your tests finish next week, we do something to relax?” he suggests. “My own tests finish then too”.
“Sounds good!” you reply.
Which is how both of you end up on the couch with Johnny, legs tangled up in a pile of blankets, savouring the delicious pizza you both ordered and laughing over what could well be your hundredth episode of Brooklyn-99, glad that the hectic semester was going to end before you knew it. 
It was in times like these, your best friend’s presence brought you a warm sense of comfort, like warm peppermint tea in stormy weather. Somehow, with him, the world seemed much less overwhelming and easier to take on.
What you didn’t know was, Johnny felt the exact same way about you. 
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Rain poured and lightning flashed angrily in the gloomy skies outside the window — but even that could not compare to the storm in your heart. To say you were frantic with worry would be an understatement. Walking over to the fridge, you re-read the note that he’d left on the fridge for you.
I’ve got basketball practice today, so I’ll be home at about 4 pm today. 
It’s now 5: 30 pm — one and a half hours past the time stated on the note. The fact that he wasn’t picking up your calls too wasn’t helping. 
Just as you think you’re about to lose your mind, the jangling of keys in the lock forces you to snap your head in the direction of the door, which opens to reveal none other than Johnny. He’s soaked to the bone, clothes uncomfortably clinging to every inch of him, bag slung over his shoulder. “Johnny! What happened, why were you not picking up my calls?” a flurry of questions tumbles out of your mouth as you hurry to take his bag from him and pass him a towel to dry himself with.
“Sorry, y/n. Practice was extended by more than an hour, and I forgot my umbrella,” he sighs as he gratefully accepts the towel from you and begins drying his hair. 
“My goodness, John. To think that was the first thing I reminded you to bring today,” you reply, facepalming at your friend’s absentmindedness. “Quick, go take a bath — I don’t want you to fall sick,” you add, and he complies.
Unfortunately, the damage had been done. The next morning, you wake up to this note on the fridge: Now sicko, so I’m stuck in my room. Don’t worry about me though, lel.
Johnny was now curled up under the covers, running a temperature and nose running like a tap. As his roommate and best friend, you took it upon yourself to take care of him. 
That afternoon as soon as you get home, you prepare some soup and rice for Johnny, and portion them into bowls. Setting both bowls onto a tray, you carry the tray to Johnny’s room before knocking on the door, entering when you hear a weak “come in”.
“Johnny, wake up and have something to eat before taking your medicine,” you say as you set the tray down on his bedside table. 
“Mmph, wanna sleep,” he mumbles, laying his head back down on the pillow and shutting his eyes again. 
“Eat lunch first, then you can sleep all you want,” you assert, gentle but firm. “It’s lotus root and pork rib soup with pumpkin rice, so you should be able to get it down with no problem”. He obliges, and you prop a pillow up against his headboard so that he can sit comfortably. 
“Mm, delicious,” Johnny comments, slurping up a spoonful of soup and taking a mouthful of the rice. “Thanks, y/n”.
“Anytime, Johnny. I know you’d do the same for me”. His voice, though now coarse and raspy due to sickness, still carried the same familiar warmth you’d grown so fond of throughout friendship. Your heart fluttered and pounded at his words — which you realised was now becoming a far too common occurrence. 
You sit beside him as he eats, silence being the only thing audible apart from Johnny’s slurping and chewing sounds. “You know, y/n,” he suddenly says, breaking the silence. 
“The way you’ve been taking care of me the past few days…it gives me ‘wife vibes’,” he remarks as you give him his medicine. 
“Elaborate, please,” you request, hiding your surprise at his comment.
"I mean…look, cooking for me, making sure I take my medicine, checking on me whenever you can…is that not what a wife does?" he reasons, gulping down some water. “Also, the way you blew up my phone with calls when I was late from basketball practice, that’s something a worried wife would do”. 
“Psh,” you scoff, rolling your eyes good-naturedly. “I’m just looking out for you as any good roommate would do. Besides, funny you say that — none of my friends think I give off wife vibes or mum vibes, even”.
Johnny raises an eyebrow. “Really?”
“Yeah, to them I give off joker vibes and clown vibes,” you explain with a laugh. 
“I didn’t know”. Johnny says, surprise evident on his face. His expression quickly morphs into a smirk, though. “Then I should count myself lucky, since I’m the only one among our friends that have seen this ‘wife’ side of you. Trust me, your future spouse is gonna be very very lucky”. 
You simply chuckle, picking up his dishes and scurrying into the kitchen to put them away in the sink in an attempt to hide the blush on your cheeks that had darkened one or two shades. He thinks I’d make a good wife! Inside, you’re screaming with joy as you walk back to his room with a fresh glass of water, and put it on his bedside table. “I’d light you one of my favourite scented candles, but I know you hate it,” you remark, and both of you share a laugh as you remember how he nearly gagged the first time he came in and smelt the cinnamon scented candle. “Rest well, Johnny”. You exit his room and quietly shut the door.
As you’re leaving his room, something clicks inside of you: maybe, just maybe, you were developing a crush on your roommate and best friend.
And maybe it had started way earlier than you thought. But you felt it was best to keep your feelings under wraps, lest you jeopardize your precious friendship.
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Johnny finds himself startled by your shrill scream one fine afternoon, and worried that you got hurt, he rushes out of his room and into the kitchen to check on you. "Y/n, what happened? Are you hurt?"
His eyes follow the direction your trembling finger is pointing at, and his gaze lands on a brown, oval-shaped object, with two antennae and six hairy, formidable-looking legs. "C-cockroach!" you stammer, shivering like a winter leaf. Cockroaches were one of your worst fears, and Johnny knew that well. 
Sighing, Johnny puts his hands on your shoulders and leads you out of the kitchen. "Stay outside, I'll deal with this piece of shit," he instructs, walking off to grab the can of insecticide in the storeroom. You watch from behind the kitchen door as he sprays relentlessly at the creepy-crawly, until it turns turtle and breathes its last. "Get me a tissue," he requests, and you comply. Picking the cockroach up with the tissue, he flings it into the bin and then cleans up the areas where he sprayed the insecticide. "This-is-J-S-95. Enemy-has-been-neutralized," he says in a robotic voice, releasing the fear in your heart and replacing it with amusement as you guffaw at his robot impression.
"Thank you so much, John. I thought I'd never be able to get my glass of water in peace," you let out a relieved chuckle. "Sorry to scare you with my screaming".
"No problem. I was more worried that you got hurt," he answers. 
"Tell you what, as a thank you I'll cook your favourite dish for dinner next week, as soon as our groceries are restocked," you suggest. 
"Sure thing. It's the least you can do after nearly giving me a heart attack," he jokes. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever John,” you chuckle, rolling your eyes and moving to pour yourself a glass of water. 
Funny I said that, everytime I’m around her, my heart pounds so fast I feel like I’m having cardiac arrest, Johnny thinks to himself as he strolls out of the kitchen. 
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Perhaps, deciding to sing in the shower is far from a wise choice — even if you think you’re alone at home.
But that’s exactly what you decided to do. After coming home from a stressful day at school, all you wanted to do was take a warm shower, use your favourite shampoo, and then get to tackling whatever assignments you had. And because Johnny wasn’t home, you thought it would be a safe bet to relieve some of that stress by belting your heart out to songs. 
You finish your private shower concert with your own rendition of Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You”, and exit the bathroom to find a new note on the fridge. Bro, great voice, you should’ve sang louder. I would’ve had a much better recording :)
He was home? I didn’t know! A mildly panicked thought zooms through your mind. You unpin the note from the fridge, and go off in search of your roommate. “Johnny Suh, if you really recorded me singing earlier, I’m gonna freaking kill you!” you exclaim, heading in the direction of his room. Sure enough, your own voice comes blasting through the door, eliciting a sigh from you. Still, you knock his door and wait for him to consent to your entry before opening the door and lunging towards him, pretending to strangle him. “You! Delete the recording, now!” you demand, making a finger gun and holding it to his head. 
“Not in a million years,” he replies, smirking as he holds his phone to his chest. “C’mon man, you sounded glorious, why would I not want a memento of your fantastic voice? Besides…” his voice trails off. “It would make great blackmail material!” he finishes, lips curving into a triumphant grin.
“You piece of-“ you attempt to snatch the phone from him, but he stands up and holds the phone up high. Though you’re not that short, Johnny has a height that can match Goliath’s, and you’re not able to reach his phone. “Fine. If you don’t delete that recording, I’ll retract my promise of cooking your favourite dish for tomorrow,” you huff. 
“Okay, fine, fine!” Johnny concedes, holding up his hands in surrender. Lowering his phone in front of your face, he unlocks it, opens his files and then makes a show of deleting the audio clip. “There. Happy now, milady?” he asks, waving his phone in front of your face. 
“Yes, very good,” you approve. “Congratulations then, you saved yourself,” you declare, striding out of the room. 
Little did you know, that night Johnny retrieved the audio clips from his phone’s recycling bin and listened to them, smiling to himself at how goofy and adorable he found you. He realised how idiotic he would have looked if you or anyone else were there, but hey — he was alone in the privacy of his room, with only the moonlight streaming through the window to accompany him.
Gosh, since when was I so down bad for her? He asks himself as he sets his phone on the bedside table and drifts off to sleep. 
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“So this is what your apartment looks like? That’s nice!” Taeyong compliments his friend on his apartment as he steps in, taking a look at the place. The last semester had rolled around really quickly, and Johnny had invited his close friends and group mates, Taeyong and Yuta, over to the apartment to work on a year-end group project. 
“Yeah, y/n and I decorated it together, is it nice?” Johnny asks, heart swelling with some amount of pride.
“Yeah, the ‘married couple’ vibes are immaculate,” Yuta says, eyeing the pictures on the wall, most of which were pictures you and Johnny took when you hung out together. 
Johnny doesn’t miss the teasing lilt in Yuta’s voice, and rolls his eyes at him. “We’re not married or in any form of relationship, we’re just roommates,” he reminds Yuta while leading his friends into the kitchen. “You guys want anything to drink?” he asks kindly. While Taeyong simply opts for water, Yuta doesn’t answer, instead focusing on reading the note you’d left for Johnny on the fridge. “I’m at Wendy’s house with Seulgi to work on our year-end project. By the way thanks for killing the cockroach for me last week, I’ll cook your favourite dish for dinner tonight when I get home! Aww,” Yuta remarks, turning to smirk at Johnny. “So, you kill the bugs while y/n cooks as a thank you? If that doesn’t sound married, I don’t know what does”.
“Yuta, I already said, we’re not married or in a relationship. I mean, I do like her, but neither of us plan to-“ Johnny is cut off by Taeyong literally spitting out his water. It’s in that moment that Johnny realises that he let that detail slip, and his hands instinctively fly to his mouth. 
“Wait, sorry, what? Say that again?” Taeyong prods. 
Johnny huffs and shakes his head. “Nevermind. Pretend I said nothing. Let’s just go get our project done”.
“Y’know, if you really like her, I think you should tell her,” Taeyong comments later as they’re wrapping up their project. 
“Nah bro. I’m sure she doesn’t like me back that way”. Johnny shakes his head. 
“How would you know?” Yuta questions.
“C’mon man, we’ve both been nothing more than best friends for a good chunk of our lives. No way she sees me as more than that,” Johnny argues, but both his friends are not convinced. 
“You’re not her, you wouldn’t really know,” Taeyong points out.
“That’s true. But I’d rather keep quiet than jeopardize our friendship by telling her,” Johnny replies. 
“Jeez, the signs are so obvious. I can’t believe you literally live under the same roof as her, yet you’re oblivious to all of them,” Yuta groans. 
“There are signs?” Johnny questions, raising an eyebrow. 
“Bro, I’ve caught her staring at you multiple times in Chemistry class. I sit beside you, and I can literally feel her gaze on you,” Taeyong says.  
“And even if she’s tired thanks to a lack of morning coffee, the moment you walk in — boom, her mood changes. Suddenly, she’s a can of beans and I can hear her even from the farthest end of the room. How do you not pick up on these things?” Yuta asks, not sure whether to be amazed or unimpressed by his friend’s oblivion. 
“She really does those things?” Johnny asks. He tries to hide his surprise, but his furrowed brows and agape mouth give it away.
Yuta facepalms. “Oh my gosh, you’re unbelievable”.
But it didn’t matter. Now that that information was in Johnny’s hands, he was now planning out his next move. 
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“And…we’re done for today! Great work y’all!” As three of you wrap up your work for the day, Wendy affirms the whole group.
“So how’s it been living with Johnny?” Wendy asks you as the three of you sit down at her table with the packet drinks she offered.
“It’s been going well so far,” you answer, taking a sip of your drink. “It’s really great to have him around the house so far”. 
“Why? So you both can get more couple time together?” Seulgi looks up from her drink with a grin on her face.
“Oh please, Johnny and I aren’t married,” you scoff. “We’ve been nothing but best friends for so long”. 
“That could change,” Wendy pipes up, and you shoot her a joking glare. Maybe you should never have told them you were beginning to crush on your best friend. “Okay but seriously, y/n, when are you going to tell him you like him?” 
“Never ever,” you reply, hoping your monotone could convey the finality of that decision to your friends. “We’re just friends, always will be, because he doesn’t like me back that way”.
“Ah ah, that’s where you’re wrong,” Seulgi argues. “You don’t happen to be a mind-reader, do you, y/n?”
“No, but-“
“Then how would you know Johnny doesn’t feel the same way? The only way to know for sure is to tell him how you feel first, and then see how he responds,” Seulgi cuts you off and offers her advice.
“But if he doesn’t feel the same way it’ll make things awkward between both of us,” you object, voicing your concerns.
“And if he does? y/n, if none of you make the first move, Johnny could well end up with someone else. I’ve seen Minjeong ogling at him already, you know,” Wendy adds. The last bit of information wasn’t true, but knowing that three of you shared a common dislike towards said girl, Wendy spun the tale in a bid to jolt you into action faster. 
“Wait, are you serious?” You stare at Wendy and Seulgi with wide eyes, and feel your heart sink to the pit of your stomach as they nod. 
“So, unless you want that bitch to get to your Prince Charming first, I suggest you quicken things and confess,” Seulgi advises.
That piece of information fills you with a new kind of determination, and you decide to take your chances. “Okay, that does it. I’m telling him how I feel, and if he doesn’t like me back that way, I guess I’ll see if he wants to remain friends or drift apart,” you decide. 
“Atta girl. How do you plan to do it?” Seulgi inquires. 
You pause in your tracks. “I don’t know, actually,” you admit. “I don’t really have any plan in mind”.
Three of you sit in silence, trying to formulate a plan for your confession. “Hmm, Christmas is coming soon, right? You could write him a note and attach it to his Christmas gift,” Wendy suggests. 
“Ooh, or you could just attach the note to the fridge on Christmas morning, when Johnny’s still sleeping,” Seulgi offers an alternative. “Then you park yourself in a spot you both like, maybe the cafe that you both frequent, and tell him to come find you there after he reads the note if he wants to talk”.
You process the suggestions that they just gave you, but eventually decide to go with Seulgi’s idea. “Thanks guys! Guess I have a plan now,” you smile.
“No problem. Girls help girls,” Wendy answers with a laugh. “Let us know how it goes”.
⋆*̣̥☆·͙̥‧❄•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥‧̩̥·‧•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥˟͙☃˟͙‧̩̥·‧•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥❄‧·͙̥̣☆*̣̥ ⋆
On Christmas eve, you learn one thing — the person who coined the saying “easier said than done” was absolutely right. 
You had been so confident the days leading up to Christmas — writing and re-writing your note to him, asking Wendy and Seulgi for advice, and rehearsing what you would say to him after he reads the note. 
But now, at 8 am in the morning, you’re standing in front of your fridge, clad in your favourite winter coat and beanie, hand moving to place the note on the fridge door before removing it again. 
Is this really a good idea? What if he rejects me? Will I be able to handle the pain that comes after? A million questions race through your head as you contemplate your decision. Screw it, let’s just do this, you decide, and reach for a magnet on the fridge.
A hand comes out of nowhere and reaches out for the same magnet. “Oh, I’m sorry, you can use that,” a familiar voice sounds next to your ear, making you jump. 
“Johnny! Why are you up so early?” you ask, genuinely surprised. Johnny’s not a morning person — he’ll take any opportunity to sleep in. To see him up so early in the morning on a holiday was probably an event that should be recorded in history books.
“Oh, erm, I just — have somewhere to be later,” Johnny garbles out a reply somewhat hesitantly as he fiddles with the earmuffs around his neck. “I wanted to leave you a note before I left, but I suppose I can just pass it to you now?”
“Sure thing,” you answer, taking the piece of paper from him. You assumed it would be something simple, such as asking you to pick up something from the store or to let you know where he’d be. 
“Do you mind passing me yours as well? I can just read it now,” Johnny suggests before you can properly register the first word on his note. 
You hesitate, thinking your options over. If you told him no and just left the note on the fridge before scurrying off, he would still read it anyway. If you told him yes and complied — same result. Oh well. “Here you go,” you say, praying that he doesn’t see how your hands are trembling ever so slightly. Your heart thuds like a galloping horse as you watch him scan your note — the moment of truth was near. In a bid to distract yourself, you read his note to you.
I’ve kept this secret to myself for way too long, and I need to get it off my chest, so I’ll say it here now — I love you, as more than just my best friend. 
There’s so many things about you that made me fall for you. For one, we share the same sense of humour — you’re the only person I know who will talk about weird shit with me the whole night until we’re in stitches from laughing, wondering if we need mental help. I really appreciate the things you do for me, be it taking care of me when I’m sick, cooking my favourite dishes, or remembering even small details that I mention to you. Another reason is that you’ve been my best friend for so long, there’s this level of comfort and understanding that’s exclusive to the both of us. I don’t know — there’s something about being in your presence that brings me this warm sense of comfort and joy, and it’s more than words can describe. Of course there’s more reasons, but if I went on this note will never end. 
I know that this is very sudden, and I understand that you may need time to think it over, so take as long as you need, and meet me at the cafe beside school when you’re ready to talk. Merry Christmas, y/n.
You read and re-read the note multiple times with what you’re sure is a visible gawk on your face. Johnny likes me too? Is this a dream? You pinch yourself hard, and soon realise you’re really not dreaming. 
“Dude, you like me too?” Johnny’s voice disrupts your train of thought, and you shyly nod as you look up from the piece of paper, now slightly crumpled due to the tightness of your grip on it. Disbelief, surprise and then joy make their way onto his face in quick succession, before he lunges for you like a golden retriever and pulls you into a big hug. “Oh my gosh, I was so afraid you didn’t feel the same way, and that I’d ruin our friendship,” he mumbles. 
“Honestly, same here John,” you reply, head resting on his shoulder. “But I’m glad now I know, because I can finally confidently say that I love you — as more than just my best friend”. Your next move surprises Johnny — before you both break the hug, you press a chaste kiss to his lips. His stunned expression amuses you to no end, and you end up chortling at how he raises his fingers to his lips in disbelief. 
But when he overcomes the surprise, he pulls you in once more for another kiss, this time one that’s longer and a bit deeper. You savour everything about the kiss, from the feel of his lips on yours to the taste of his chocolate lip balm. 
“Wow, what a way to start our Christmas,” Johnny chuckles as you both pull away for oxygen. “Merry Christmas, y/n. I love you”.
You smile at your friend, heart bursting with more joy, love and warmth than you’d ever felt in your whole life. “Merry Christmas, Johnny. I love you”. 
taglist: @moonsclover @bangchan-fairy
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katkit14 · 2 years
Floyd and Jade with an s/o who likes to shop
A shopping date with the leech twins! @kazenomegaminowanpisu
Gender natural reader
Established relationship
Poly relationship
Warnings: slight cussing and not proofread.
The weekend was here and now you could finally relax and let go just a bit. You were sleeping in on this fine Saturday morning because being the ramshackle's perfect is a taxing job with being the headmaster's bitch and the brain cell duo + grims baby sitter.
You were woken by a loud banging at the door, which you very tiredly got out of your bed and answered. Standing there was two figures who loomed over you who you recognized as your boyfriends both dresses causally. "ANGELFISH!" Floyd yelled and threw his hands around you giving you a good squeeze as Jade giggled " I'm sorry, it seems we have caught you at an inconvenient time". Floyd let go and you were able to catch your breath. " Nah it's fine, come on in". You grasped the door while gesturing inside. They walk past you inside and Floyd plops on a sofa that was sitting in front of a huge window. " ah, it looks clean for once" Jade looked around with his smile slightly getting bigger, knowing full well that he helped you clean ramshackle last night. Smiling back you reply "Yeah, thanks for the help by the way. Anyways what brings you here? " "I was bored " Floyd added and Jade pipes in " I was planning on going into town today to see about some supplies for my club. I was wondering if you'd like to come with me and shop around? I heard they put in a new shop where the old dinner was." You nodded as your eyes lit up. " Yes!! Just let me go get dressed!!" You said as you ran upstairs.
" I'm coming to" Floyd said jolting up excited. Jade's smile never weavering " I thought as much."
After what seemed like no time at all you ran downstairs in a nice casual outfit. Perfect for walking around shopping but still still nice. Floyd ran over and wrapped his arms around you once more slightly lifting you as he tightens his grip. "you look so good!!" he says as he gives you a peck on the cheek.
"you do look great,y/n" Jade chimes in. "Are you ready to go?" "yep, Jack will be here soon to babysit grim so let's go before grim wakes up and realizes I'm leaving!" you say as you push out floyds grip and almost run to the door. The twins following behind.
You and the twins make it to the mirror chamber quicker then usual thanks to Floyd just randomly giving a piggyback ride saying " you're going to slow!"
You arrive in town just mere seconds after getting to the mirror chamber and going through. You were once standing in a dark room with purple walls and green fires lighting your way, now standing in a cute village. With cottage-looking shops and restaurants. Cobblestone roads are seemingly never-ending. Carts being pushed by various people full of flowers, fruits, and jewelry. One such cart pushed pushed you not to far away from you and Jade stopped it. " May I ask what the price of these " he asked pointing to a pair of rings you couldn't quite make out the detailing on. " Sure, they're each 5 madols!" a old man said excitedly. Jade looked to be thinking then pulled out his wallet and handed him 5 madols. Receiving the rings in a nice black wooden box. walking a mere 3 feet back to you which seemed to be 3 inches with how quickly he walked it ( long legged motherfuck) . He handed you a box with matching rings. They looked to be beautiful carved out of gold with tiny pearls surrounding it.
As you stare admiring its beauty, Floyd starts to pout. " eh, where's my ring?" " I knew you'd get pouty, so I got you this. " Jade smiles as he holds up a purple octopus plushie. Floyd takes it " I can mess with Azul with this! " he starts to laugh almost evilly. You can't help but sigh almost feeling bad for azul but not fully. Azul allows Floyd to stay, he brought this on himself.
You put the little box in your pocket ( if your outfit has one. If not in Jades pocket) and grab both Jades and Floyds hand. You press forward down the beautiful cobble stone street.
After a little walking taking in the view, you see a beautiful decorated store in your favorite style and favorite scent coming from the open glass doors. The twins break free from your grasp as you all enter the nice store. Clothes, jelrwy and other accessories lined the shelves and racks. A tall lady with bright purple hair put something back on the selves asks " you need help finding something?" Jade urshers her away with " no we are just looking around." she nods and walks back behind the counter. You look around the store grabbing clothes and other items that grab your attention. Your attention turns torwds Floyd when he calls out for you " Angelfish!! Look what I found! Do you think I should get it" Floyd holds up the ugliest shirt you've ever seen. " If you want." you say cringing knowing full well there is no convincing him to put it down ( or burn it).
After a bit Jade and Floyd meet up with you waiting for you to get done. Jade takes your stuff and Floyds. He pays for it and gets it bagged. He then walks back to you and Floyd . He hands all the bags to Floyd who dosn't seem to mind.
You and the twins get to check out stores that fit what all of you like. Almost stopping at every shop, bakery, and cart you now have two bouquets, arms full of bags, and a stomach full of your favorite desserts (or meals if you don't like sweets). You and Floyd patiently wait for Jade outside of a shop full of exotic plants. " You know Angelfish, I love these outings with you and Jade," Floyd says smiling fondly. Jade walks out with four bags you're assuming are mushrooms. Jade smiles and walks to you. " I think this should be our last stop. It's getting late and I believe Headmage will need his wallet back soon. " you sigh already knowing Jade probably blackmailed him once again.
You look up and to your surprise, the sun was already setting. You had so much fun you hadn't realized the time go by. Jade takes some of the bags off your arms and grabs your hand along with Floyd who is now laughing while muttering to himself about the silly string he got four stores ago. You tried to stop him before he could but Jade stopped you with a devilish smirk. You all start to walk back and after ending up once again on Floyd's back while Jade takes your bags you make it back to Night raven college in no time. Coming even quicker to Ramshackle. Floyd puts you down on the porch and Jade hands you your bags. You smile enjoying today. " Thanks, guys, I needed this." you set your many bags beside you and walk up to him and hugged him "I love you" and then turned around and Hugged Floyd repeating yourself. You say your goodbyes. Then go to turn around while picking up your bags and walk into ramshackle. You are suddenly stopped by the twins who both peck your checks from different sides. You turn back around but they're already gone. You laugh to yourself and walk back into ramshackle being greeted by a mad grim yelling at you for not taking him with you. A tired jack grabs him and starts to scold. You laugh and thank jack for helping you and give him the okay to leave. As you see him out the door you think how good today was. " I can't wait for the next date."
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emersonrees90 · 1 year
Vintage Mid-century Fashionable Sofas
Please observe that White Glove deliveries will not ship in time for the holidays. Our expert team is dedicated to getting back to you as shortly as attainable, and we are diligently working internally to improve our response occasions. Since 1938, Knoll has been acknowledged for creating trendy furniture that inspires, evolves, and endures. The designs under symbolize many defining achievements of the great modernists.
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Each of our Modern Classic furnishings pieces is handmade and we go to great lengths to seize the essense of the original designs. Our White Glove furnishings supply service is finished by our family and isn't contracted. The areas served in Northern Virginia embody Arlington, Alexandria, Del Ray, Fairfax County, Loudon County and Fauquier County. Deliveries to Maryland embrace Annapolis, Bolling Airforce Base, and Montgomery County. Send me exclusive presents, distinctive present concepts, and personalized suggestions for purchasing and promoting on Etsy. You’ll also need to discover designs that give every room a one-of-a-kind, refined look. Finally, you’ll need every bit to serve a practical, intentional purpose. At 2Modern, you’ll discover all the top brands and types to make your home a well-appointed home. Ready to Ship merchandise are shipped inside 7 business days of acknowledgment of order from Bauhaus 2 Your House Customer Service. Beds with tufted headboards and clean strains are excellent for channeling modern type. You would possibly go for a transparent acrylic nightstand set, with bold bedside lamps on both side. Mirrored dressers work properly with the look, as do subtler and darker wooden dressers and chests.
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imogenchxrch · 2 years
WITHOUT ME || self para
tw: helicopter parenting, blood mention
Her heart had been pounding in her chest from the moment she left her apartment, the full drive in, the walk-up the front steps, the strides past her colleagues’ desks, all the way up until she stood in front of her boss’s placard, name etched into the metal. At that point it had stopped. The world collapsed for a second then. There was no sound and time travelled slowly, stuck just like her. Just like she had been because the next words shattered all of that.
“I quit.”
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A stack of folders and papers, even the box of remaining business cards, fell from her hands and onto the space between him and her. “I forwarded any necessary information on to Jaquelyn and Miranda. I don’t believe you’ll need anything else from me.”
Gen didn’t stay to listen, did not perceive a single word just the soft hum of someone speaking as she turned and walked away. Her strides felt a little shaky, the reality of what she’d just done competing with the adrenaline. Each step she placed between her and that sterilized false perfection had her lips curving higher and higher until she was out on the pavement, smiling up at the November sun.
It felt warm against her skin.
The colors of the television screen had cast her frozen frame with hues of orange and yellow. Imogen had not moved from the edge of her bed the moment the text had come through. A pitch-black room, dinner abandoned on the kitchen counter, Imogen could do nothing but stare and stare and stare at the broadcast full of flames and smoke.
For hours it was just her, the flickering screen, and her thoughts.
Imogen thought of the night curled up on her parents’ sofa, fear constricting her heart as she was force-fed images of her friend’s face. She thought of the rumors that had flung from her mother’s lips. She thought of the sickening lurch in her stomach when her mother had called the monster ‘handsome’. Then again with ‘promising young man.’ She thought of that house in Hove Lake and how it’d been just down the street from one she’d been supposed to show the other day. She thought of how the couple never showed up. She thought of the clothes she wore then, how her mother had picked them out and how Imogen had bit her tongue, not saying how much she hated them.
She thought of the pair of shoes in the closet in the hall, stained with blood she had not been able to get out that Halloween night that she spent sobbing alone in her bathroom, scrubbing and scrubbing. She thought of how she hadn’t opened the closet since. The Shadow and what it’d done packed away behind a closed door.
She didn’t think then, just rose finally from her spot on the bed as the sun began to peek through the windows. She walked along the wooden floors until she stood in front of that closet door. Carefully, she turned the knob and let the tiny space stare menacingly back at her. Her eyes had glazed over, staring at nothing. Her fingers went to the zipper of her tweed skirt. Piece by piece, Imogen stripped her body of the clean, overly priced clothes. And piece by piece she tossed them into the closet before shutting the door.
This time, Imogen thought to lock it.
Heels clicked loudly on the stone steps. The voice had been even louder but it had been the French-tipped hand coming down on her shoulder like a hawk, spinning her around that had pulled Imogen back. “What on Earth did you just do, Imogen?” Her mother’s eyes were sharp and she noticed how the left had a smudge beneath her lash line, a mark of mascara that had been missed on her vanity check before stepping out the door that morning. A routine that Gen had picked up, inherited with instruction.
Only she didn’t match her mother today. No two-piece pantsuit, silky blouse, or string of pearls. Instead she looked much closer to what she’d grown used to only plucking out for casual evenings: ripped jeans and a cropped shirt, boots she knew her mother detested.
“I don’t know what is going on in that mind of yours but you are going to need to go home right now and get changed while I go salvage your—”
“No?” There was a dangerous heat behind those words, a fury and determination that for years had held Gen back. This was the tone she had been scared of? Imogen’s heart beat in her chest, like a reminder. “You cannot look me in the eye right now, Imogen, and tell me no. I am not going to allow you to just throw away your life! The career that we have built for you! It’s embarrassing.” Those final words came out like a hiss, her mother’s painted lips curling in their anger.
Imogen took three steps back, drawing distance between her and her mother. The first of many. Steps she had only wished she’d had the courage to take years prior. Horrible that it had taken all of this to get there. “What’s embarrassing is that I’ve let you dictate everything my whole life.”
“I am your mother!” A pointed finger matched a pointed glare. “That is my job. Where would you be without me?”
“Happy.” The word launched itself off Imogen’s tongue, not giving her time to think it, just letting it be true.
The door to the Mirage Estate remained open and their voices undoubtedly had carried inside, feeding the hungry ears of the middle-aged gossip mill. It would be a devastation to Jackie. She imagined the conversations around town that would be shared across the dinner table, lamenting about ‘the Church girl’ and how ungrateful she’d been. How sad it was given her upbringing. How heartbroken her poor mother must be. Jaquelyn would do a wonderful job at playing her part, eager to be the victim because she was blind to the rest of it. Always had been.
It was a younger version of herself that stopped Jackie from speaking then, stalling her as she went to launch into her next attack with a raised hand and words quick, knowing a physical defense was far from enough. “And just so you know…” Gen let the seconds fill, like a collection of all the years that she had wasted. What was there to waste now? Who could even promise her she’d make it out of this town alive? What did she have to lose in finally saying it? In confronting a different sort of monster? Imogen’s chin lifted, steeling herself as she spoke sharply. “I fell off the beam on purpose.”
No explanation. No more words. They both knew exactly what she was talking about. It had been ‘their’ first broken dream.
As Imogen turned to leave, she left the second at her mother’s feet.
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madeofeyebrows · 2 years
Customer's Manual for Purchasing Beds
Beds regularly come in the accompanying sizes: single, twofold, king or super king. Singles are best for one individual in a small bedroom, while a couple would click here to learn more require basically a twofold. Those with bigger bedrooms could think about a king or super king sized bed.
Certain individuals prefer beds with a frame made of wood. A straightforward rectangular base with wooden sides give and basic and modern look. You can likewise pick one with drawers on the sides for extra room. Metal frames are likewise accessible for those interested in a negligible look. Frequently a container spring should be put on top of the framework to give the sleeping cushion additional help. To pick a legitimate frame, take a gander at your other bedroom furniture and imagine what might best fit the stylistic layout of the room.
For beds in the guestroom or restricted spaces, consider bedroom furniture that can overlap out. Sofa beds are perfect since they have various purposes. They can be utilized as a sofa during the day and a visitor bed around evening time. Verify whether the sofa bed is not difficult to pull out and comfortable to sleep on prior to buying.
Sleeping pad:
In the wake of picking the framework, you should find the right sleeping pad for your bed. This is probably the greatest component in adding to a decent evening of rest. There is no set in stone sleeping pad since everybody will have various preferences. Sleeping pads can be delicate or firm, contingent upon the number and course of action of the springs. There are additionally sleeping pads made with adaptive padding that molds to the state of your body. It is important to pick a sleeping cushion by comfort instead of price since you will utilize it consistently throughout couple of years. Recall the sleeping cushion size needs to fit the framework of the bed, implying that a solitary sleeping pad might be suitable for a solitary bed.
A headboard is an improving piece at the top of a bed. Despite the fact that it serves no function, it gives the bedroom a completed look. Pick a headboard that is suitable for the size of your bed and bedroom. On the off chance that your room is fairly small, an enormous headboard could cause the space to feel significantly more confined. Likewise, headboards should be supported against a strong wall. Hence think about its arrangement corresponding to bedroom windows and doors.
Bedding and Embellishments:
After you buy your bed, you will require legitimate bedding. Ordinarily, you will require a bunch of fitted sheets to cover your sleeping cushion, pads and pillowcases, and a duvet with a duvet cover. Browse various silks, cottons, and woolen clothes for your sheet sets and duvet covers. It is important to choose top notch materials that can persevere through successive washes.
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urbanwood02 · 17 days
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Visit For More Information:- https://www.urbanwood.in/sofa-come-bed-design
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sunalee · 5 days
just like their mom
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summary: things their kids do that sounds just like their wives.
with: 141 task force.
a/n: maybe, just maybe, I want to turn this into a domestic series. fatherhood looks so well on them.
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⊛ John Price
"Daddy?" Calls four-year-old Harry Price, walking inside his dad's office room with his brown bear nightwear and socks. His tiny steps against the wooden floor gets John's attention, who was just finishing up another report over his notebook.
He looks at his toddler, not helping the small smile that grows on his face at spotting his son. "Yes, bud?"
"Cuddles!" He announces cheerful, raising his little arms while approaching his dad's chair. He offers him such an adorable little grin, making grabby hands in his direction. That boy surely knows how to melt his old man's heart.
He chuckles, closing his laptop. "Does Harry wants daddy's cuddles?" His toddler nods at him, making him even more amused. "Alright then, c'mere bud."
He lowers his back and lifts his child securely in his arms, raising from the chair to move both of them to the small couch beside his worktable. There, he lays him on his torso, letting the boy's head rest against the middle of his shoulder as prefers, while supporting his body with one arm and patting his little back with the other.
Closing his eyes and resting his chin against the child's crown, John enjoys his must-have cuddle time with his baby boy.
⊛ Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Of the many things that little Maggie got from her momma, the temper is definitely the funniest one, especially when she doesn't approve something. She has a habit of imitate whenever she spots you scolding her father when something is out of the place, which now gives Kyle two angry ladies to deal with everytime.
Which is shocking, since one of his ladies can't even talk yet.
He needs to be very careful and hold on his laught as he quietly hears a baby blabbering with her little hands on her waist, serving all the attitude since he was the one who got caught forgetting the lights on again. He doesn't understand a word of what she's saying, but that definitely doesn't faze her, oh no, she's too invested in giving her father a lesson.
Kyle can only nod his head and agree with her, offering a "m'sorry sweetheart, you're right" before letting her stomp off the scene after her speech, only to come back ten seconds later, asking to be lifted; that girl has her father wrapped around her little finger, and he has nothing to complain about it.
⊛ John "Johnny" Mactavish
"Daddy, give me two bucks please?" Asks Oliver, finding his dad chilling on the sofa watching his team's football game on TV. Johnny glances amused at his son, feeling somewhat proud that the boy has been using the new word he learned from his dad even if it's to extort money from him.
He was just about to reach inside his front pocket for his wallet when he stops, mind refreshing something that happened not a while ago: he already gave the boy money to put inside his piggy bank a few hours ago.
Raising an eyebrow, he questions. "Didn't I gave ye five bucks early, bug?"
"Yes, but Mr. Piggy ate all of it!"
It takes a few seconds until a loud cackle echoes in the first floor of the house. Guess Johnny will have to be his son's bank from now on.
⊛ Simon "Ghost" Riley
"Daddy, am I pretty?"
He just entered his bedroom when he finds his baby Daisy playing dress up in front of the closet mirror, wearing her blue princess dress and standing on your high black heels, with a prominent pink lipstick smudge from her lips to her left cheek.
Simon doesn't know if he laughs or cries at your makeup all splattered on the white mattress of your bed.
He fakes a cough, holding himself from chortling at his daughter's antics. He then clears his throat. "Yes, sweetheart, you look very pretty." Trying to please her, he swiftly takes the tube of eye mascara from her hand. "But you know you can't play on daddy and mommy's room, right? And not with mommy stuff, too."
"Daddy, please don't tell mommy, she gonna get angy." Daisy join hear tiny hands in a plea, putting out her best puppy eyes and pouting to convince his father to take her side.
He's far too good at not falling into traps like that. But not matter how well trained he is, everything changes when is his baby girl asking.
Chuckling, he picks her up in his large arms. "Let's clean up this little face first, huh? You'll look even prettier without makeup, just like mommy." And that actually convinced her from not snooping around your makeup stuff for some time.
But it doesn't prevent her from trying your clothes and heels once in awhile; nothing that Mr. Riley can't solve, as long as he keeps reaffirming how beautiful she is to him.
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© sunalee 2024 — all rights reserved.
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susant-creations · 12 days
Wooden Furniture Shop in Siliguri
The Best Wooden Furniture Shop in Siliguri: Maishaa Furnitures
When it comes to high-quality, durable, and stylish wooden furniture, Maishaa Furnitures in Siliguri is a standout choice. Known for its exceptional craftsmanship and premium wood materials, Maishaa Furnitures has established itself as the best wooden furniture shop in the region. Whether you're looking for traditional, modern, or custom-made wooden pieces, Maishaa offers an impressive range of products that can cater to your every need.
Why Maishaa Furnitures is the Best Wooden Furniture Shop in Siliguri
High-Quality Wood Selection
At Maishaa Furnitures, they understand that great furniture begins with the best materials. That’s why they source only premium-grade wood for their products, ensuring durability and longevity. Whether you’re looking for solid teak, sheesham (Indian rosewood), or oak furniture, Maishaa offers a variety of options to suit your tastes. The superior quality of their wood guarantees that your furniture will not only look stunning but also withstand the test of time.
Exquisite Craftsmanship
What truly sets Maishaa apart is their attention to detail and the craftsmanship behind each piece of furniture. Every piece is handcrafted by skilled artisans who take pride in their work. From intricate wood carvings to flawless finishes, the level of craftsmanship at Maishaa ensures that each piece of furniture is a work of art. Whether you’re purchasing a wooden bed, dining set, or coffee table, you can be confident that you are investing in a masterpiece.
Wide Range of Wooden Furniture
Maishaa Furnitures offers an extensive collection of wooden furniture that can enhance the beauty and functionality of any room in your home. Their collection includes:
Beds and Bedframes: From sleek modern designs to more traditional wooden bedframes with intricate carvings, Maishaa offers a range of options to suit different bedroom styles. The use of high-quality wood ensures that each bedframe is strong and durable.
Dining Tables: Wooden dining tables are a staple in many homes, and Maishaa’s range doesn’t disappoint. They offer various designs, from rustic farmhouse tables to more contemporary styles with smooth, polished surfaces.
Wardrobes and Storage Units: Keeping your home organized is easy with Maishaa's range of wooden wardrobes, cabinets, and bookshelves. These storage units are not only functional but also add a touch of elegance to any room.
Wooden Chairs and Sofas: Their collection of wooden chairs, accent chairs, and wooden-framed sofas blends comfort with style. These pieces add a sophisticated, timeless touch to your living or dining areas.
Coffee Tables and Side Tables: Whether you prefer a minimalist design or something more ornate, Maishaa’s collection of wooden coffee and side tables can complement the rest of your décor while providing practical functionality.
Customization Options
Maishaa Furnitures understands that everyone has unique tastes and specific requirements when it comes to their home décor. That's why they offer customization options for their wooden furniture. You can choose the type of wood, finish, and design details to match your personal style and your home’s aesthetic. Their team works closely with you to bring your vision to life, ensuring that your custom-made furniture fits perfectly in your space.
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Practices
As a responsible furniture shop, Maishaa Furnitures is committed to sustainability. They ensure that the wood used in their furniture is sourced from eco-friendly suppliers who follow sustainable forestry practices. By purchasing furniture from Maishaa, you’re not only getting high-quality products but also contributing to the preservation of our natural resources.
Affordable Pricing
Despite offering premium wooden furniture, Maishaa Furnitures is known for its competitive pricing. They strive to make high-quality wooden furniture accessible to a wide range of customers, without compromising on quality. Whether you’re looking to furnish your entire home or just add a few pieces, Maishaa offers great value for money.
Customer Satisfaction and Support
Maishaa Furnitures has built a loyal customer base in Siliguri and beyond, thanks to their exceptional customer service. Their team is always ready to assist you, whether you need help choosing the right furniture or require after-sales support. They offer free consultations and provide guidance to ensure that you select the best wooden furniture that matches your style and budget. Additionally, they offer delivery and installation services, making your shopping experience hassle-free.
Convenient Location and Showroom
Located in a prime area of Siliguri, Maishaa Furnitures is easily accessible to customers from all over the city. Their showroom is spacious and well-organized, allowing you to browse through their extensive collection of wooden furniture with ease. You can explore different styles and designs, feel the quality of the wood, and visualize how each piece will look in your home.
If you’re looking for the best wooden furniture shop in Siliguri, Maishaa Furnitures is your go-to destination. Their commitment to quality, craftsmanship, and customer satisfaction makes them a top choice for anyone looking to furnish their home with beautiful and durable wooden furniture. Whether you need a single piece to complete your room or want to furnish your entire home, Maishaa has the perfect solution for you. Visit their showroom in Siliguri today and discover why they are the leading name in wooden furniture.
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digitalvibesinfo · 17 days
Unwrap the Best Black Friday Home Essentials at LightInTheBox!
As the leaves turn golden and the air grows crisp, it’s time to transform your living space into a cozy haven with Black Friday home essentials from LightInTheBox! Whether you're dreaming of stylish new furniture, handy kitchen tools, or efficient cleaning gadgets, LightInTheBox has everything you need to refresh your home for the holidays. Discover unbeatable Black Friday discounts on a wide range of home essentials, and learn how you can save even more with Best LightInTheBox Coupon Code & Promo Codes from Dealszo.
Fabulous Finds: Furniture for Every Room
Fabulous Furniture Finds: Style Meets Savings
Black Friday is the perfect time to invest in new furniture, and LightInTheBox offers an incredible selection of stylish furniture at unbeatable prices. From elegant living room sets to sleek bedroom furniture, you’ll find pieces that fit every taste and budget. Here are some must-have furniture items to consider:
Cozy Couches and Sofas: Upgrade your living room with plush, comfortable seating. Look for modern designs and durable fabrics that will last for years to come.
Elegant Dining Tables: Host holiday dinners in style with a beautiful dining table that complements your home’s decor. Choose from classic wooden designs to contemporary glass tables.
Functional Storage Solutions: Keep your home organized with stylish storage options. From chic bookcases to practical storage ottomans, LightInTheBox has it all.
Kitchen Essentials: Cook Up a Storm
Kitchen Magic: Whisk, Chop, and Bake with Ease
The kitchen is the heart of the home, and Black Friday is the ideal time to stock up on functional kitchen tools. Whether you’re an avid chef or just love cooking for the family, LightInTheBox offers a range of kitchen essentials that will make meal prep a breeze:
High-Quality Cookware Sets: Invest in durable pots and pans that offer even heat distribution and easy cleanup. Look for non-stick options and sleek stainless steel designs.
Efficient Kitchen Gadgets: Upgrade your kitchen with gadgets like blenders, food processors, and coffee makers. These tools will save you time and make cooking more enjoyable.
Stylish Tableware: Refresh your dining experience with new plates, glasses, and utensils. Choose from elegant dinnerware sets to casual everyday pieces.
Home Decor: Add a Touch of Elegance
Decor Delight: Transform Your Space with Chic Accents
Home decor is more than just aesthetics; it sets the mood for your entire living space. With massive Black Friday discounts on home decor from LightInTheBox, you can add a touch of elegance and charm to every room:
Elegant Rugs and Carpets: Choose from a variety of styles, from plush area rugs to sleek modern carpets, to add warmth and style to your floors.
Decorative Lighting: Brighten up your home with stylish lamps, chandeliers, and string lights that create a cozy and inviting atmosphere.
Art and Wall Decor: Express your personality with beautiful wall art, framed prints, and decorative mirrors that enhance your space.
Storage Solutions: Organize with Ease
Storage Savvy: Declutter Your Home with Smart Solutions
Keeping your home organized can be a challenge, but LightInTheBox’s storage solutions make it easier. Discover clever storage options that blend functionality with style:
Modular Shelving Units: Create custom storage solutions with modular shelving that fits your needs and space.
Space-Saving Furniture: Look for furniture pieces that offer built-in storage, such as ottomans with hidden compartments or beds with drawers.
Closet Organizers: Maximize closet space with hanging organizers, shoe racks, and drawer dividers.
Cleaning Gadgets: Sparkle and Shine
Clean and Pristine: Upgrade Your Cleaning Arsenal
Maintaining a clean home is easier with the right cleaning gadgets. Black Friday is the perfect time to invest in high-quality cleaning tools that make chores less of a hassle:
Powerful Vacuums: Choose from a variety of vacuums, including upright, canister, and robotic models that offer powerful suction and easy maneuverability.
Efficient Floor Mops: Keep your floors spotless with advanced mops that feature microfiber heads and convenient features.
Smart Cleaning Solutions: Explore innovative cleaning gadgets like steam cleaners and air purifiers that help maintain a healthy home environment.
How to Save Big: Tips for Using LightInTheBox Promo Codes
Savings Galore: Maximize Your Discounts with Dealszo
To get the most out of your Black Friday shopping, use Best LightInTheBox Coupon Code & Promo Codes from Dealszo. Here are some tips to ensure you’re saving as much as possible:
Check for Promo Codes: Before making a purchase, search for LightInTheBox promo codes on Dealszo. Apply these codes at checkout to enjoy additional discounts.
Look for Flash Sales: Keep an eye out for flash sales and limited-time offers that provide extra savings on popular items.
Bundle Deals: Take advantage of bundle deals that offer discounts when purchasing multiple items together. Keep an eye out for holiday deals throughout the season, and enjoy a beautifully upgraded home for the holidays!
Latest Lightinthebox Offers & Discount
Women's Clothing & Shoes UP TO 80% OFF
Take advantage of the Deal of the Day at LightInTheBox with up to 80% off on FASHION women's clothing, accessories, bags, and shoes. No coupon code is required.
Up to 80% Off Halloween Kids Clothing
Get up to 80% off on Halloween kids' clothing at Lightinthebox, featuring a fun selection of costumes, themed outfits, and accessories, perfect for dressing up your little ones this spooky season.
Up To 78% Off Halloween Clothing & Accessories
Enjoy up to 78% off on Halloween clothing and accessories, featuring a wide selection of costumes, spooky apparel, and festive decorations to get you ready for a fun and stylish celebration.
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woodensole120 · 19 days
Custom Furniture Online in India: Redefining Home Décor with Personalized Designs
1. Introduction:
Importance of furniture in defining a home's aesthetic and functionality.
The growing trend of personalized, custom furniture in India.
Benefits of opting for custom furniture over ready-made options.
2. Why Choose Custom Furniture?
Personalized Designs: How custom furniture allows for unique styles that reflect individual tastes.
Perfect Fit: Getting furniture tailored to fit specific spaces, especially beneficial for small or uniquely shaped rooms.
Quality and Material Selection: Choosing high-quality materials, finishes, and fabrics.
Enhanced Durability: Customized pieces often come with better craftsmanship and durability.
3. The Rise of Online Custom Furniture Stores in India:
Overview of the digital transformation in the furniture market.
Introduction to leading online platforms for custom furniture in India (e.g., Urban Ladder, Pepperfry, Wooden Street).
How online platforms are simplifying the customization process.
4. Benefits of Buying Custom Furniture Online:
Convenience: Design furniture from the comfort of your home.
Virtual Design Tools: Use of 3D design tools and virtual reality to visualize custom pieces.
Direct Communication with Artisans: Easier interaction with craftsmen for design tweaks.
Variety: Access to a wide range of design options, materials, colors, and finishes.
5. Popular Types of Custom Furniture Available Online in India:
Custom sofas, beds, dining tables, cabinets, wardrobes, and study desks.
Exploring various styles – modern, contemporary, vintage, traditional, etc.
Custom multi-purpose furniture, such as sofa-cum-beds, storage ottomans, etc.
6. Factors to Consider When Ordering Custom Furniture Online:
Space Measurement: Tips on measuring space before placing an order.
Budget: Cost considerations and finding value in quality craftsmanship.
Material Selection: Different materials (wood, metal, fabric) and their pros/cons.
Time Frame: Understanding the time required for designing, manufacturing, and delivery.
Return Policy: Importance of checking the platform's return and customization policies.
7. Top Online Platforms for Custom Furniture in India:
A list of reputable online custom furniture stores.
Brief description of each platform's unique offerings (e.g., pricing, customization tools, delivery services).
8. Customer Experiences:
Share customer testimonials or case studies on their custom furniture journey.
Tips from experienced buyers on what to look out for when ordering custom furniture online.
9. Conclusion:
The growing preference for custom furniture in creating a personalized living space.
How online platforms are making custom furniture more accessible in India.
Encouraging readers to explore custom furniture options to elevate their home decor.
For more info:- 
custom furniture online india
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From Sofas to Dining Sets: Bangalore’s Best Furniture Shops
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If you’re on a quest to transform your home into a haven of comfort and style, Bangalore is the place to be! Known for its vibrant culture and booming tech scene, Bangalore also boasts an impressive array of furniture shops that cater to every taste and budget. From plush sofas that invite you to unwind to elegant dining sets perfect for hosting memorable dinners, the city's furniture stores have something for everyone. Let’s dive into some of Bangalore’s best furniture shops that will turn your decor dreams into reality!
Where Design Meets Comfort
First up is Floating Walls, a gem in the heart of Bangalore. Known for its unique blend of modern design and traditional craftsmanship, Floating Walls offers an extensive range of sofas and dining sets that are both stylish and comfortable. Whether you’re looking for a sleek, contemporary sofa to complete your living room or a rustic dining set that adds a touch of charm to your home, Floating Walls has got you covered. Their expert staff is always on hand to help you choose pieces that match your personal style and fit seamlessly into your space.
Must-Have Picks:
Modern Velvet Sofa: Perfect for adding a touch of luxury to your living room.
Rustic Wooden Dining Set: Ideal for family gatherings and cozy dinners.
 Elevate Your Living Space
Another standout in Bangalore’s furniture scene is Urban Ladder. This store is a paradise for those who appreciate sleek, modern designs and top-notch quality. From spacious sectional sofas to chic dining tables, Urban Ladder’s collection is designed to elevate your home’s aesthetic effortlessly. Their pieces are not only visually appealing but also crafted to provide maximum comfort and durability.
Must-Have Picks:
Sectional Sofa: Great for larger living rooms and entertaining guests.
Glass-Top Dining Table: Adds a contemporary touch to your dining area.
Pepperfry: A Blend of Style and Affordability
Pepperfry is a household name when it comes to the Best  furniture shops in Bangalore. Known for its vast selection and affordable prices, Pepperfry offers everything from minimalist sofas to grand dining sets. The store’s user-friendly website and excellent customer service make it a favorite among Bangaloreans looking to furnish their homes without breaking the bank.
Must-Have Picks:
Compact Sofa Bed: Perfect for small apartments and multi-functional spaces.
Expandable Dining Set: Ideal for those who love to host but have limited space.
Make Your Dream Home a Reality
Transforming your home into a stylish sanctuary is easier than ever with Bangalore’s best furniture shops at your fingertips. From the unique designs at Floating Walls to the affordable elegance of IKEA, there’s something for every taste and budget. Ready to start your furniture shopping journey? Visit these stores and discover the perfect pieces that reflect your style and make your home truly yours.
Explore Floating Walls Today! Visit their website or head to their store in Bangalore to see their amazing collection.
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purchasingshopping · 4 months
Bigger, Bolder, Better: The Benefits of Buying Large Canvas Prints Online       
In the world of interior design, large canvas prints have emerged as a popular choice for homeowners and decorators looking to make a statement and elevate their living spaces. With the convenience of online shopping, Buy Large Canvas Prints Online acquiring these eye-catching artworks has never been easier. Let's explore the myriad benefits of buying large canvas prints online and how they can transform your home into a gallery of style and sophistication.
Impressive Visual Impact: Large canvas prints command attention and create an impressive visual impact, instantly becoming the focal point of any room. Whether displayed above a sofa, bed, or fireplace, these oversized artworks draw the eye and add a sense of drama and grandeur to the space.
Enhanced Aesthetics: Large canvas prints have the power to transform ordinary walls into works of art, enhancing the aesthetics of your home and adding personality and character to every room. Whether you prefer bold abstract designs, captivating landscapes, or striking photography, there's a large canvas print to suit every taste and decor style.
Customizable Options: Many online retailers offer customizable options for large canvas prints, allowing you to create bespoke artworks tailored to your preferences. From selecting the size and orientation to choosing the imagery and framing options, customization gives you the freedom to design a piece that perfectly complements your space and reflects your unique style.
Convenience and Accessibility: Buying large canvas prints online offers unparalleled convenience and accessibility, allowing you to browse and purchase artworks from the comfort of your own home, at any time of day or night. With just a few clicks or taps, you can explore a vast selection of prints, compare prices, and find the perfect piece to enhance your decor.
Wide Variety of Designs: Online retailers boast an extensive selection of large canvas prints in a wide variety of designs, styles, and themes to suit every taste and preference. Whether you're drawn to vibrant abstracts, serene landscapes, or timeless classics, you'll find an endless array of options to adorn your walls and express your personal style.
Quality Materials and Craftsmanship: Reputable online retailers use high-quality materials and craftsmanship to produce large canvas prints that are durable, long-lasting, and visually stunning. From premium canvas fabric to fade-resistant inks and sturdy wooden frames, these prints are built to withstand the test of time and preserve their beauty for years to come.
Affordable Pricing: Despite their impressive size and visual impact, large canvas prints are often surprisingly affordable when purchased online. With competitive pricing, discounts, and promotions, online retailers make it easy for homeowners to invest in statement artworks without breaking the bank.
Easy Installation: Hanging large canvas prints is a breeze, requiring minimal effort and tools. With a few nails or adhesive hooks, Canvas framed wall art for home decor you can quickly and easily mount your artwork on the wall and transform your space into a gallery-worthy showcase of style and sophistication.
From making a bold design statement to enhancing aesthetics and personalizing your space, buying large canvas prints online offers a multitude of benefits for homeowners seeking to elevate their interior decor. So, why wait? Explore the vast selection of artworks available online, find the perfect piece that speaks to you, and transform your home into a masterpiece of style and sophistication with a stunning large canvas print.
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decorhomeau · 4 months
Planning to elevate your room? We have the best interior design ideas for you. Renovate your house by adding minimalitems to your home.
The first item that you could invest in is Macrame Wall Hanging. Wall hangers are a game changer, if you know which ones to incorporate based on the size of your room.You can always experiment with the designs. A good piece could elevate a basic and boring white wall into something exquisite.For a fun quotient, you can addan artsy wall hanger. You can either choose a painting or a wall hanger with tassels. Boho designs are in trend currently. You can find them in all shapes and forms. You can also experiment with the size of the wall hanger. Another great way would be to switch to wooden floaters. Floaters come in different shapes and designs.
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You can also experiment by adding decorative Jewellery Boxes. These are unique pieces that could be a great addition to your barren rooms. Add a side table by your sofa or bed, then elevate the look by adding the jewellery box. You do not have to keep your jewels in it, but you can use them for the visual effect. You can also go the classic way by using the box for storing your jewels. These boxes come in different forms and designs. You will either find them in single decks or with various compartments. Choose the one that compliments your artistic vision. There is no harm in changing your home aesthetic to something different. You can also choose to hire professionals for their expertise.
You can reach more on home décor items online and choose what suits your style the best. The prices range from affordable to very expensive. Make sure to go for the one that has longer durability. HAPPY SHOPPING!!
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livingsolutio · 4 months
Discover the Perfect Sofa in Singapore: A Guide to Style, Comfort, and Durability
Finding the perfect sofa is a cornerstone of home design, as it serves as the centerpiece of the living room and a hub of daily life. In Singapore, where space can be at a premium and style is paramount, choosing the right sofa involves balancing aesthetics, comfort, and practicality. Whether you're looking to furnish a new apartment or refresh your current living space, this guide will help you navigate the diverse options available in Singapore's sofa market. Understanding Your SpaceBefore you start shopping, it's crucial to assess the size and layout of your living room. In Singapore, where apartments often have limited space, opting for a sofa that complements your room's dimensions is essential. Measure your space accurately and consider how much room you need for walking around the sofa and for other furniture pieces. Modular and sectional sofa Singapore are excellent choices for maximizing space efficiency. They offer flexibility, allowing you to rearrange sections to fit different layouts. For smaller spaces, consider a loveseat or a compact two-seater that provides comfort without overwhelming the room. Material MattersThe material of your sofa affects not only its appearance but also its durability and maintenance needs. Common sofa materials available in Singapore include: Leather: Leather sofas are known for their elegance and longevity. They are easy to clean and can withstand heavy use, making them ideal for families with children or pets. However, they can be more expensive than fabric options. Fabric: Fabric sofas offer a wide range of colors and patterns, allowing for greater customization. They are generally more affordable than leather and can be treated with stain-resistant coatings to enhance their durability. Synthetic Materials: Sofas made from synthetic materials like microfiber are budget-friendly and resistant to stains and fading. They can mimic the look and feel of natural fabrics, providing a practical yet stylish option. Style and DesignSingapore's cosmopolitan culture is reflected in its diverse range of sofa styles, from contemporary to classic. When selecting a sofa, consider the overall aesthetic of your home. Popular styles include: Modern and Minimalist: Clean lines, neutral colors, and simple forms characterize modern sofas. These designs are perfect for creating a sleek, uncluttered look. Scandinavian: Scandinavian sofa bed singapore combine functionality with beauty, often featuring wooden legs and soft, muted tones. They are ideal for achieving a cozy, inviting atmosphere. Traditional: For a touch of elegance, traditional sofas with ornate details, tufted upholstery, and rich fabrics can add a sense of timeless charm to your living space. Comfort and SupportA sofa isn't just a visual centerpiece; it's a place where you relax and unwind. Pay attention to the cushioning and support offered by different models. High-density foam cushions provide firm support and maintain their shape over time, while down-filled cushions offer a softer, more luxurious feel. Test the sofa by sitting on it to ensure it provides the right level of comfort for your needs. Consider the depth and height of the seat, especially if you have specific requirements for back or knee support. Budget ConsiderationsSofas in Singapore come in a wide range of prices, from budget-friendly options to high-end designer pieces. Set a budget before you start shopping and explore different stores, both online and offline, to find the best deals. Don't forget to factor in delivery charges and potential additional costs for customization or added features.
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