#social shout out
feyinvestigations · 2 months
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Shoutout Damian Wayne - no one is doing it like him <3
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I have several more of these that are almost done-- but I'm struggling to cinch them together :[[ so please have a weird little collection of Damian tweets.
Taglist under the cut + first reblog
@desicanary // @thegayseance // @soaring-through-the-stars // @thebat-musicman // @percyyeuss // @pathofglory // @andreaissy // @themiraculousec // @gnomewithalaptop // @viola-cola // @milotic109 // @kamala-msmarvel-khan // @suffer-my-beloved-mutuals // @arcadianico // @your-dead-european-ancestor // @asmodeusmustdiexo // @max-volume // @itsmeevie01 // @leagueofbats // @catostrofiqu // @amillionandonefandoms // @shykitten28 // @atlasaurelius // @ihavenohotcocoa // @kai-antreas // @living-on-borrowed-time // @o-i-have-too // @aroaceass // @silverwolf1249 // @cannimochi //
@1n0sss // @craptastico // @lovethewitchofendor // @insomniacweebqueen16 // @fashionstatement-deathwish // @brieftimetravelwhispers // @crabs-brencil // @universal-travel-er // @royal-illusion-loves-his-fandoms // @blankliferain // @p1xel-1mp // @kades-stuff // @theweevilofsweetreef //
// @fablehaven-rulez // @kalifornialove // @justahoomanbeing // @frosty--giants // @you-are-valid-and-deserve-love @slitherynchiken // @kazbrekkersfedoraaintgotshitonme //
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batfamhastwitter · 1 month
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Part 17! If anyone caught my hint towards timkon in the last update, sorry if I tricked you into thinking they had their shit together! they are both still very deep in their denial that the other could ever feel the same way lol
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astaroth1357 · 8 months
How to Social:
*MC and the brothers are in the HoL dining room for breakfast. MC has only known the boys for two days now, so they're still a fly on the wall to most of their interactions. Incidentally, they're sat across from Leviathan today, watching him fiddle on his phone...*
*in its Ruri-chan case*
*with a Ruri-chan charm*
*wearing a Ruri-chan shirt*
*and watching a comfort episode of The Magical Ruri Hana: Demon Girl*
MC [In Their Head]: Okay so. I need to break the ice.
MC: I read the plot summary of the Ruri Hana anime on the wiki last night so I understand the premise...
MC: I know the names of a few characters and the basic plot structure of the episodes...
MC: I should try to talk to him about it now.
MC: ... But what about that whole controversy over the dub and the sub versions? The forums said that they're practically different shows! How do I know which one he saw? What if I get it wrong??
MC: Maybe I should do more research...
MC: NO! I want him to introduce the show to me properly! I don’t want to come off like I know more than he does...
MC: But what if I say something wrong and it totally pisses him off?? He may never talk to me again!!
*and then, much to MC's dismay, Levi finishes his buffo eggs and juice then gets up to leave the table. Not a word exchanged between them all breakfast*
MC: ... *sigh*
MC: There’s always tomorrow....
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Coming off of the Masquerade event & the implication from lot of his voice lines that Malleus & MC spend much more time together than what we see in the game.....
Their friendship means so much to me?
And I feel like MC just makes Malleus less scary by association?
It's giving cheetah in captivity & its emotional support dog like at first it was "sure it's cute but it's also something that could definitely kill me if I got too close" and now it's "okay that's definitely still something that could kill me if I got too close but look at him play with his little puppy wuppy friend🥺"
Beauty and the Beast energy except the Beast is just some traumatized architecture/history/anthropology nerd and the Beauty once yelled at Kalim while he was already crying
Centuries old all powerful inhuman creature that is also royalty btw and just some random idiot who got isekaid
Friendship recognised and found between the odd ones out except they're both on the two extreme ends of the "odd ones out" spectrum
"I have way too much magic to ever justify being in a magic school" & "I have way too little magic to ever justify being in a magic school"
I'm obsessed.
Anyway if I spent my whole incredibly long life being so alone that it actually traumatised me, with the only friends I have being people who are also technically my family, unable to make any friends or even get invited to anything because everyone was just so scared of me before they even spoke with me and it was obviously hurting me deeply but I could never really show that because the hurt of that would probably level a city, only for some clueless idiot who, being completely powerless, should have even more right to fear me than everybody else just looks at me and immediately decides I'm their friend and then continues to act on that by giving me a silly nickname and inviting me to things and studying with me and talking with me about my interests and casually touching me because we're friends and that's what friends do I'd lose my fucking shit
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introspectivememories · 9 months
absolutely obsessed with the idea of timbern being super secretive over bear's time in the cult.
on one hand, bear is wildly insecure of his scars from the cult. cause it's not like he fucking got them saving the city or helping someone, he was just stupid enough to get sucked into a cult. (a voice in the back of his head that sounds a lot like his therapist and tim tell him that kids are supposed to be stupid and that his time in the cult is more a reflection of the adults in his life than his own choices) anyway his back and legs are like a mess of scarring and normally he'd just tattoo over them but scars have to be a certain age before they're tattooable. so he now just covers them up.
on the other hand, tim is insanely protective over bear's traumas. like if he got any more protective he'd be like certified deranged. so he just straight up dodges or lies about bear's backstory. anyway all this to say, they're hanging out in the pool at the manor and nobody but them ws supposed to be home. so bear thinks it's safe to take off his shirt. they're both having fun until someone says behind bear, "dude... what happened to your back?" cue tim lunging at them like a rabid dog and bear struggling to hold tim back going "tim, tim, what the fuck, what the fuck????"
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finniestoncrane · 2 months
my thing is, i want to talk to people. i want to be good at socialising. but i've never really had much practice, so i don't know how? i don't know how to carry on a conversation. it makes me nervous and anxious and makes my stomach hurt and it tires me out. i would love to have a constant back and forth. it'd be swell lmao
unfortunately. i cannot and it's confusing. i want to talk, but i can't. and i also don't want to? mental illness cocktail gets in the way
like earlier i was going to speak to people, i'd typed a couple messages out!! but i figured they wouldn't want to talk to me which is fine i know that's likely just the anxiety. so then i thought "i know, mitigate the risk!! i'll ask if people want to chat about a specific topic with me so they have to opt in" and then panicked because that would mean people would talk to me? which is what i wanted? LMAO
confusing and irritating, so i made a meme
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Obviously the structure of an episodic series often requires characters to go from 'complete strangers' to 'close friends/family' in an unusually short amount of time. I get it.
Writers need a 'new guy' in the group to ask questions about the setting that the audience can't, but still (especially in comedy shows) want the fun dynamics that come from all the main cast knowing each other super well. It's one of those functional tropes like L-Shaped Blankets where you're required to suspend your sense of disbelief.
Having said that, I love when writers choose to take this trope and retroactively justify it by later on revealing that the Seemingly Normal Everyman Character is actually as unhinged as the rest of the group— it's just that their weirdness manifests specifically as an ability to form found family dynamics with literally any group they join, almost immediately after joining.
Like, you assumed that they just fit in so well because your group has a special vibe, but then you accidentally left them in the supermarket for like five minutes and by the time you realised and went back they were already Blood Brothers with the cashier.
Characters who are like friendly dogs in that you can put them essentially anywhere, with anyone, and they will just be like “welp! Guess this is my New Family now” and just go along with it.
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shaba-the-art · 9 days
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holocene-sims · 8 months
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august 16, 2021 5:00 p.m. gyeongbokgung palace
[ong.dh28] 죽마고우 @//whoisgrant
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overtaken-stream · 1 year
``U`` in Art
! !NSFW! !
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Find Urself a guy so enticed with U that he'll learn to draw hUman anatomy as correctly as possible, who gains an Understanding of color theory, who tries his hardest to shade the skin, who Uses coUntless references of different people from all aroUnd the world and pUts himself in a position where the simplest of insecUrities become beaUty in his eyes, so desensitized to the real world and the thoUghts of others. Only to draw U,,,,
U with the nervoUs glances, U with the sparks of confidence, U with smarts, U with the body that U possess, U with the glowing skin, U with blemishes, U with scars, U with the signatUre grin, U with tears of happiness, U with sadness inclosed, U with so mUch secrets, U with an open heart, U with stretch marks, U with colors of the rainbow, U with the natUre itself, U with the everlasting eyes that lead to Ur heart, U with silence, U,,,,U,,,
However, no amoUnt of skill can captUre the charm, no amoUnt of brUsh strokes can ever compare to the real U, no amoUnt of practice can portray the love he has 4 U, no amoUnt of stUdying will ever compare to the time he spent stUdying U. No canvass will fit the love he has 4 U.
None will be able to captUre U in a box of white. Yet he makes a fUtile effort with scenarios in his imagination that will never be accUrate. The jealoUsy that takes root has no reasons, nor is it based on reality, yet his thoUghts run wild, so does his imagination.
He fantasizes Until a piece is born, a piece entirely consUmed and concocted by lUst. Depicting U in Ur most vUlnerable state.
The gUilty heart thUmps against his ribs as he continUes to shade Ur bottom in tints he can only imagine the real thing is. The organ beats loUdly in his ears, flUshed with the act he refUses to halt, the pink hUe decorates his face the longer the stays in place. Addams apple moves along his gUlps of saliva as sweat travels down from his temple. Dry tongUe slides across his lips.
This piece will never be hUng on the walls, yet the shamefUl act of drawing lewd makes him freeze as if an aUdience is watching and observing. It woUld have been fine if not for the fact that Ur the one on display. It flares an Unpleasant emotion inside of him. Anger, jealoUsy. He is aware It's nonsensicle.
The way he shifts his arm is robotic and he gets lost in the colors, Until it's time to add the glint on Ur Sex, erm,,,, Ur sex from his fantasy anyway.
A thought rUns across his mind that stops him of filling you with colors.
And he debates for a second.
ShoUld he stain this already sedUctive piece with his colors filling the insides of you?
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↳Noriaki Kakyoin, Rohan Kishibe (jjba), Yuuta Okkotsu(jjk), Portgas D. Ace, Sanji (op), Yushiro(kny), Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein(aot), Genos(opm), Shinji Ikari(ng:e), Tamaki Suoh(ohshc), Aquamarine Hoshino(oshi no ko), Kurapika Kurta, Leorio (hxh).
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re-colligere · 24 days
HI GENE the disgust and emby art you just posted. it just made me remember how in the beginning of the second movie before the new emotions showed up, all the memories that had to do with "embarrassing" stuff were driven by disgust (i'm specifically thinking of like. one memory joy mentions where riley accidentally waved at someone she thought was waving at her LOL. and another where she walks into a glass door.)!! LIKEEE i see it. just know i see it.....
YYYES YESYES EXACTLY !!! iirc disgust was also the one that pointed out that riley's classmates started talking about her when she cried in the first movie as well...so yeas absolutely!! they do have a lot of overlap in the social awareness area it's so fun to think aboute....... and they manage to cover like, different aspects of it especially through their personalities AUGHH they're so silly. I would love to explore more of their dynamic like that. Thnak you for seeing my vision
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starleska · 3 months
revisiting the old hyperfixation that is Warren the Eagle 🙈💖 sometimes hyperfixations lie in wait for weeks, months, even years before they get you. but within seconds of hearing that pathetic, whiny little voice, i just fucking knew... i knew Don't Hug Me I'm Scared had gotten me again and i knew it would be this freak before he was even on the screen 💀
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foolsocracy · 3 months
YOU'RE A TIM DRAKE STAN, TOO?? That guy's one of my favorite, but I think I'm leaning more towards Jason Todd as of the moment. Him and Peter-Noir have some things in common, like being forced to become an adult because of a responsibility that was given to them even though they were just kids/teens. I love my mentally unstable boys.
He's the one that really pulled me into DC. His earnest and obsessive ways endeared me.
I love all the robins though! They all have such different aspects to them that I really like. I haven't read too much of jason's robin days but from panels I've seen he looks really fun. And I had a great time watching Under the Red Hood which also broke my heart. He does have stuff in common with Pete! I feel awful for them both for their canon lives they've lived 😭
Strangely enough I think by now I have more Robin-Dick that I've read than Robin-Tim, but I feel like the Robin Tims ive read have more weight to them so who can say. 60s teen titans vs Death in the Family & Contagion & No mans land, etc. Its pretty different lol
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thrilling-oneway · 2 months
Really good and well detailed thread on twitter about the queer coding of some characters, took a couple of hours for discourse to start on Rui. Why is the discussion of queer coding so bad around Rui? Is it people who ship him with the girls feeling threatened about the idea of queer coding that would imply he might be gay? Or is it something else?
I think I saw that thread a few hours ago! Assuming we're thinking of the same one that would make it the second or third time that user specifically has talked about Rui being gay coded & had discourse start on their post. This fandom is insane.
As far as I'm aware it is casued by shipping. Literally every time I've seen someone try to make a thread about his gay coding it primarily jumped on by people saying "X m/f rui ship is better". Alternatively people tend to pick on stereotypes even if they are valid. Individually some of it could be written of as "he's just like that", but it kinda piles up and up and it's kinda obvious imo he is meant to be gay coded.
Also on tvtropes when I added on the gay subtext page a list of evidence pointing to why he might be gay someone nuked the entire paragraph with the reason "lack of attraction to women does not imply that he's gay". Shout out to that person. I added it on his character page instead and it hasn't been removed yet so so far so good.
Yeah I think it largely just comes down to kids being upset that it doesn't fit with their ships. I think it comes down to a moral thought process of "I should not ship the implied gay character with women" -> "therefore he is not gay". If not it's just plain ignorance. Idk. This fandom is really weird about it.
I've made a lot of posts about it in the past (around september last year i think) with how this fandom has begun to treat. literally anything queer. Due to how centered this fandom is on shipping and the overwhelming popularity of m/m and f/f ships over m/f, there are a small (i hope) group of teenage prsk fans who seem to genuinely think that they are in some way oppressed for liking m/f ships, and then accusing people of biphobia for not liking m/f or saying that a character is implied to be exclusively gay/lesbian.
It's an incredibly fascinating phenomenon that somehow a group of kids have convinced themselves heterophobia is real (except they label it as biphobia idfk dude) and that m/f ships are somehow oppressed. This is summed up well by the akian card edit discourse over the last couple days that I don't want to explain.
Also it's weird that by a lot of the fandom bi headcanons are treated like straight plus. Why do you only use bi hcs for the characters you put in hetships. Why not the characters you ship slash/femslash. Why is "bi people exist" an excuse to try and prove your hetship has some sort of canonical validity. Have you thought about that.
Oh yeah this was about Rui. Rui's implied gay and this fandom can't handle it because they want to ship him with women (i don't think anyone is stopping them but whatever, this fandom has a weird desire for their ships to be the ones implied in canon or at least possible to happen in canon)
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weirdcat1213 · 4 months
I'm gonna throw hands
Dark matter is the name given to "what's wrong" in the universe
Vashs wing is supposed to be dark matter
Yknow, vash
Aka the plant who acts wrong according to knives
Aka everything that is wrong with plants
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liamlawsonlesbian · 10 months
jo liamlawsonlesbian's f1 fics
because I didn't join f1blr until several months after I started writing f1 fic, I thought I would make a masterlist of what I've written for this fandom thus far
(why now? because I'm procrastinating, of course)
In the order I wrote them:
when we're cheek to cheek (i feel it in my teeth): Max Verstappen has become a little obsessed with Charles Leclerc's neck. The day after Monaco 2023, Max and Charles go for a drive. - lestappen, 1.8k, rated M.
baby, why don't you come over?: Max sends Charles a drunken booty call, even though they're just friends. The next day, when they're sober, Charles calls his bluff. - lestappen, 3.4k, rated E
maybe the sky might not always be blue: Once upon a time, Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc were on a short-lived Disney Channel show together, and Max had a crush on Charles. Now, they're successful adult actors, and Charles is cast as Max's love interest in a movie. - lestappen, 8.8k, rated T
powerful, with a little bit of tender: Pierre wants to make Yuki feel good. - yukierre, 2.1k, rated E
"Lance Moi" (n): Deux Moi but Good, Actually: Frustrated with the unseriousness of Deux Moi, Lance starts an F1 gossip account. (Saw Leclerc in Monaco - Anon pls). - lance & everyone, 3.5k, rated G
canine teeth in the side of my neck: Charles starts biting Max when Max wins races. Max might spiral, a bit. (alt-2024 season) - lestappen, 7.2k, rated E
would have loved you (in a day or two): Yuki tells Pierre that in another universe, they're in love. Pierre can't stop thinking about Other Pierre and Yuki. - yukierre, 2.2k, rated E
no such friend: Charles is in his head, and asks Max to fuck him out of it. It goes differently than he expects. - lestappen, 2.9k, rated E
i can feel the sun on you: Charles is a prince under pressure. Alex is an aspiring novelist trying to make ends meet. They find each other in Buenos Aires. (Chalex Roman Holiday AU). - chalex, 12k, rated T
i don't wanna miss you tonight: Before the Las Vegas Grand Prix, Fernando sends Max a tiktok compilation highlighting how comfortable Charles is touching Max. Max can't stop thinking about it. - lestappen, 1.8k, rated T
are you down? (can you let me know): Oscar doesn't want to feel like a rookie anymore. He decides to fuck Fernando Alonso about it. - oscar/fernando, 2.5k, rated E
you don't have to know that it's haunted: Charles is a witch. Max finds out. - lestappen, 8.3k, rated T
still high (with a little feeling): Lando has a revelation about himself. Yuki helps him out. - tsando, 4.4k, rated T
grow the apple, keep all the seeds: Nico Rosberg, second ever female WDC, visits Charles the day before her first grand prix weekend. - rule 63 charles/nico, 2k, rated E
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