#social service worker
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pramodraghav · 2 months ago
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purpledragon18 · 2 months ago
People who live and work in Illinois, you know you have Paid Leave right? Right???
If you don’t know, the Paid Leave for All Workers Act (PLAWA) started Jan 1st 2024! That’s right, Jan 1st 2024!!!
Every 40 hours you work you earn 1 hour of Paid Leave!
You can earn up to, but not more than, 40 hours of Paid Leave!
Unused Paid Leave rolls into the new year!
You can use this Paid Leave for ANY REASON!
Paid Leave pays the same as your normal hourly pay (at least untipped minimum wage)!
Untipped minimum wage is going up to $15 an hour starting Jan 1st 2025! ($9 for tipped minimum wage, $13 for workers under 18)
Your employer doesn’t have to pay out Paid Leave when you leave a job (quit, fired, whatever) so you’d better use it!
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that-bitch-abbi-lynne · 11 months ago
You think someone shouldn’t earn a living wage because of their job? You think a job isn’t a “real” job just because its skill set doesn’t require schooling to gain? Fine, you do it. You go wait tables. You go flip burgers. You go deliver pizza. You go drive a semi truck for 12 hours a day. You go clean up shit and piss and vomit every day. You deal with the stares, the cries that you aren’t doing hard work, that your job somehow makes you worth less, that your life is worth less. You go do those jobs, and you do them for nothing, you break your back for free doing jobs other people need you to do, and then you come back here and tell me that the people who do those jobs don’t deserve a paycheck they can actually live on. You don’t get to bitch about people wanting more pay unless you’re willing to do what they do for the same or less. You don’t get to tell people they aren’t working a “real” job unless you’d be willing to do it for free. You don’t get to treat people like they’re lesser than you unless you would want people to treat you like that while you worked their job.
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aeolianblues · 17 days ago
You know, I wouldn't even mind a 5-day work week if they sent me home at 2:30 every afternoon like in schools. It's the fact that you can only leave by 5 pm and somehow have to fit living a life and taking care of basic needs—if you're not forgoing living a life at all—into the remaining 4 hours and we haven't even factored commuting into all this yet. Getting home from work. Going from home to meet people and do things. Where is the time?
It's not that 'adults don't have hobbies' or 'dropping all interesting parts of your personality is mysteriously perceived as 'being an adult''. It's just that when most people get to the full-time job phase, there's no time left for anything else. Adults aren't 'boring', they're just systemically left with no time or energy to give anything outside of their work.
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purpurussy · 17 days ago
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equalseleventhirds · 1 year ago
workin a little on my urban fantasy workplace comedy thing i'm writing, and i decided early on that it had to be masquerade-less, all the weird fantasy and horror and stuff known etc
and like i was stuck on stuff for a while but something is clicked in my head when i stopped thinking things like, 'how has the government legislated about vampires, how are werewolves treated in society, do ghosts have personhood rights' and started thinking things like 'ok, a bus has eaten some people. what absolutely useless statement has local government put out? in what ways do ppl complain about this the way they complain about unfilled potholes?'
and rly that is. helping.
there's plenty of stuff out there that does the extended racism metaphor, big level etc etc. i gotta get smaller and weirder or this story will never get off the ground.
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archivlibrarianist · 7 months ago
As it should be. ❤️📖
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sugar-konpeito · 2 years ago
Kind of a rant
In Japan, being a public disturbance is reallyyyy frowned upon and if someone is, it's pretty common that a stranger will scold them. Usagi and Mamoru's dynamic in the first season gets misunderstood, because that sort of thing doesn't really exist in the US. Usagi's primary setting is "public disturbance" and Mamoru coincidentally keeps being the person who scolds her. Americans just see it as bullying because the idea of a stranger scolding you (for something *you* did wrong) is foreign to them. The US is individualist but Japan is collectivist, so there's more accountability for bad public etiquette.
people are just constantly like "why is he bullying her😢😢" during scenes where usagi is breaking like 5 massive social rules at once. for context, some japanese social rules that will get you scolded if broken would be: yelling, talking loudly, sitting on the ground, crawling, throwing things (duh), running, bumping into people, and eating while walking (you could run into someone).
when mamoru makes fun of her for "stuffing her face" or something, he's not criticizing her for eating, he's criticizing her for eating while walking.
basically, the concept is "what if the person who is rude in public and the person who scolds them ended up being in love haha". it's really not that deep, like it's just silly. usagi ignores basic social rules, and then acts dense when she's being scolded, so the five year olds at home can be like "haha that's so silly. also i shouldn't eat my candy while walking so i don't run into people like she does".
these interactions are a comedic way to teach young children everyday etiquette, basically. and mamoru's scolding being completely ineffective and making the issue worse adds to the comedy
(i do think gently explaining to her that she's bothering others is what would get through to her, but that's not very funny and would be really anticlimactic so.. also her character arc is literally about being less self centered and taking others into account more, like these fights are thematically important too.)
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brettdoesdiscourse · 1 year ago
Just by the way. Always be wary around people who say, "it's the boss' job to pay you a fair wage" when discussing tipping.
Because while this is absolutely true, it's usually not coming from a good place.
People who say this very often don't mean, "it's the boss' job to pay you a fair wage and they aren't, so I'm boycotting supporting businesses that exploit their workers."
A lot of people who say this actually mean, "it's the boss' job to pay you a fair wage and they aren't, but I'm going to continue using this service and not tip because it's not my problem that your job is exploiting you."
Always be wary around people who say, "it's the boss' job to pay you a fair wage" because a lot of times, they're just using it to make themselves feel better about their choices.
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pramodraghav · 2 months ago
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lesbiradshaw · 1 year ago
three shots in trying to figure out what bradley was planning on doing with his poli sci degree if getting in the navy didn’t pan out
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thatweirdthingoverthere · 7 months ago
Does anybody know any good resources for neurodivergent caregivers? I am in a situation right now with social workers and hospitals and phone calls and housing issues and I am struggling. And it occurred to me others may be struggling too.
So if anybody has been in a similar situation and knows any websites or programs that can help me, who can barely care for myself, take care of someone else, let's share them here.
Much love and appreciation in advance ❤️
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stardew-bajablast · 6 months ago
idk who needs to hear this but if you go into a restaurant while you’re on the phone and you don’t hang up your phone call before ordering your food/talking to the server, i genuinely hope you burn in hell
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girlspecimen · 4 months ago
My most American trait is that I do feel sort of cucked whenever I wait in a line. But I have to remind myself it’s not serious like that
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ex-foster · 8 months ago
I certainly didn't expect Paris Hilton of all people to advocate for foster kids. This is certainly a welcomed surprised though.
I highly recommend listening to the other non-celebrity speakers as well.
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eroticcannibal · 2 years ago
Anyway today was fun social services want me to sign a document agreeing to not talk about death with the child
I did not fucking sign it lmao
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