#social recruiting
mitarbeiter-finden · 4 months
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Social Media Recruiting
Der Fachkräftemangel ist ein weit verbreitetes Problem, das in allen Branchen sichtbar ist. Es betrifft vor allem kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen, die Schwierigkeiten haben, qualifizierte Arbeitskräfte für offene Stellen zu finden. Die Suche nach den richtigen Fachkräften stellt eine große Herausforderung dar und erfordert innovative Ansätze. Eine mögliche Lösung bietet das Social Media Recruiting. Diese Methode ermöglicht es Unternehmen, über soziale Medien geeignete Mitarbeiter zu finden und somit ihr Handwerksunternehmen weiterzuentwickeln und zu expandieren. Durch die gezielte Nutzung von Social Media Plattformen können Unternehmen potenzielle Kandidaten ansprechen und auf ihre Stellenangebote aufmerksam machen. Dies bietet nicht nur eine größere Reichweite, sondern ermöglicht es auch, gezielt nach Fachkräften mit spezifischen Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen zu suchen. Social Media Recruiting bietet somit eine effektive Möglichkeit, den Fachkräftemangel zu bekämpfen und qualifizierte Mitarbeiter für das Unternehmen zu gewinnen. Es ist eine moderne und innovative Methode, die es Unternehmen ermöglicht, sich im Wettbewerb um Fachkräfte von anderen Unternehmen abzuheben und attraktiver für potenzielle Bewerber zu werden. Durch die gezielte Nutzung von Social Media Plattformen können Unternehmen ihre Sichtbarkeit erhöhen und ihre Employer Brand stärken. Dies trägt dazu bei, dass potenzielle Bewerber das Unternehmen als attraktiven Arbeitgeber wahrnehmen und sich für eine Karriere in diesem Unternehmen entscheiden. Social Media Recruiting bietet somit eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten, um den Fachkräftemangel zu bewältigen und qualifizierte Mitarbeiter für das Unternehmen zu gewinnen. Es ist eine Investition in die Zukunft des Unternehmens und ein wichtiger Schritt, um langfristig erfolgreich zu sein.
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chronurgy · 23 days
Bioware please all I want is a list of rook's possible last names and any assumptions the game will make about rook based on their background and class combo pleaseeeeee I want to start designing my little guy but I need them to be (mostly) canon compliant
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beaft · 5 months
if i think about job hunting too much i get so angry that my face blows up and goes bright red like a person in a cartoon. so i try not to
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pushing500 · 1 day
Kwahu is gonna end up adopting at least one kid in this run in a 'we're keeping this one forever' type of way and not 'send them to the outpost'
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Actual footage of what Sparks would be like if it had been Kwahu from the start instead of Mechi.
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riverkingmarley · 7 months
One of the few things I wasn’t spoiled on was how jack convinced scion to end the world. I had assumed that it would be something to do with the broadcast shard. Or they would be trapped in a bubble together and jack would have infinite time to convince him. Instead Jack just kind of tells him to try it.
I was thinking recently about how powers are trauma and it’s implied that if you get too into your power usage you get kind of overwritten by your shard. In this framework I think the S9 is supposed to kind of represent the lowest point you can reach. You’ve let your trauma consume you and all you do is traumatize others to express your pain. You’ve burned all your bridges. You’re surrounded by people who are in just as bad a spot as you. The only way out involves carving away the only people who can tolerate you (literally in this case).
Jack is a one trick pony. All he does is tell people “maybe taking it out on others will make you feel better”. he cuts (slashes) people’s ties so that they have no support network. It’s fitting that its the only card he had to play against scion as well. He provides no solutions and can’t help anyone. He just convinces people to hurt others to make themselves feel better, and he does it because he’s hurt and he thinks it will make him feel better. “Broadcasting” pain and spreading trauma. It’s fitting that it’s the only thing he can think of to convince scion.
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felikatze · 6 months
yes sure marth may be the blandest fe boy ever but have you considered the insane version of him i have concocted in my mind
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ladywaterfall · 2 months
job searching in the "marketing and communications" category is like you must know how to produce social media videos, podcasts, text for articles/newsletters/social media posts/PR statements/onboarding guides and I'm like I can do that but then they ALWAYS casually tack on "graphic designer" like do you not know that is an entirely different skill set with whole separate educations dedicated to it?? graphic designer is a whole ass separate job?? fun fact you actually want two people
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sol-consort · 28 days
you'd think dating the asari akin to heaven, but it's just repackaged finance bros
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eternalnostos · 16 days
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mitarbeiter-finden · 4 months
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babblish · 7 months
I love your response about ships because sameeeeeee
in re: to the tags in this post I like to think of fandom as being like a picnic and canon brings the picnic essentials, like... roast chickens, pork pies, sandwiches, fruit salads, or whatever people consider picnic essentials, and a lot of people are bringing the same things. Some people stopped by the grocery store and bought a premade cake, others turned up with fastfood from KFC, McDonald's or whatever, that's fine and good because these things tend to get eaten a lot, especially in the context of large groups of people.
But for me, I'm something of a picky eater with an acquired taste, and while I'll grab one or two things from the main table, and after I've had a taste, I'm done. I like to put in the effort to fill a niche no one else is filling because I have crohn's disease and KNOW what it's like to turn up to a picnic and not be able to eat or drink anything. It's fucking miserable.
I'm making a zucchini slice from scratch, I've got a cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off, I have several bottles of chilled water and a thermos of tea because not everyone drinks fanta, lemonade or beer.
If people ask nicely, maybe I'll even discretely share the jar of anchovies I have on my person because while I like that, I'm fully aware many if not most people consider it gross. Some people are even very allergic and I do my best to ensure people know what they're grabbing just in case.
Personally fanta and beer give me FIERCE migraines, even though they're wildly popular. I just avoid that putting in my cup, or if I'm brave, I might add a teeny bit of beer into a cup of lemonade and make a shandy I can hopefully handle.
The whole point is that people have more fun and are more relaxed when there's something for everything and a wide enough variety they don't have to stick to An Single Food Or Drink option. If everyone was locked into what's on the main table and prevented from bringing shit I made with my own two hands, I probably wouldn't come to the picnic at all.
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birchbow · 1 year
Can we hear more about this kitchen clown who serves food based on vibes? I maybe sort of remember seeing that was your self insert but i might also be making that up
Oh, Cisine? She isn't a self-insert per se, but in appearance she is based off me in college, when I very first came up with her haha. I had a lot less Gender and a lot more hair going on back then!
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She was always intended to be 1. huge (because I'm huge) and 2. a cook, which is why her name is Ramson Cisine (gordON RAMSey+C(u)isine). Her lusus was called Seahorsemom but instead of being a flying seahorse like Eridan had, she was a huge hippocampus ala Gamzee's goatdad. She's big into aura-reading and Vibes and shit, which are only patchily accepted as a Real Church Thing, but also she's mostly using it to decide what food to give people or to make personal decisions about her interpersonal interactions, so nobody gives her shit about it.
She's in the complicated sociological position of like...she accrues less esteem in the church because she doesn't really do frontline combat missions, and barely counts as a subjugglator at this point, but also she's several age cadres above Gamzee and rules the kitchen of the Dark Carnival with an iron fist. Could you technically throw your weight around and exert social pressure to order her around? Yes. Would you then never eat a good meal again??? Yes.
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jimmystrudel · 1 month
Sorority girl rushtok rant
#I'm so irrationally angry about the bamamorgan situation#as an active sister (i also hold relevant director positions and have been on recruitment member selection and director/exec selection#committees) in a much smaller and more relax led chapter than any of bamas we would have still be cautious about extending a bid to her#her fanbase is so emotionally involved in her sorority success (like a bunch of 35-50 year olds went to walk around the old row houses in#the summer these are literally just fancy dorms which is so creepy) like you don't want to be living with and partying with and doing phil#with someone who is giving reports to the tiktok moms#like as sisters we are constantly told to be careful about what we post that is related to the org and in these big chapters EVERYTHING you#post is considered a reflection so you shouldn't be calling certain houses top tier (because zta and phi mu wouldn't have been kind to her)#and It's really frustrating to see her continue to milk the situation by posting what she would have worn each day#like it's encouraging her fans to go harrass sisters in all orgs!!#also she rushed last year and turned down the bid she got from a “bottom tier” org#she's not going to get a COB bid because everyone knows her and there's a very limited number of non-first years allowed in#like i feel bad for her but this process works the way it does so you aren't desperately trying to find a place in a chapter that didn't#want you it's called running home for a reason#also the tiktok sorority moms/aunts need to stop constantly talking about greek life#it makes it so much more awkward for our social media teams knowing their ideas are now discussion pieces for women still angry about being#rejected as young adults
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exoscreamsoda · 2 months
im finally not jobless
it took me 200+ applications (not on indeed but directly on compan websites) and almost 2 years since graduating college (WHERE I EARNED A BACHELORS WITH CUM LAUDE HONORS). im 24 years old and i was just now able to secure a job that wasn't given to me out of pity. it should NOT have taken me 6 years of adulthood to get even a chance at having a normal life, out of those 200 applications i only had 3 interviews, all online except for this final one. it should NOT be this hard to get a job in a country with help wanted signs everywhere. i wish every single ceo/boss/boomer in this country had to go through the pain and suffering of job hunting when you have no nepotism to help you.
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youkah · 2 months
Drafting an email to my hockey job boss coming out to her as trans AHHHHHH so nervy... It's a very safe environment that they've fostered and I feel comfortable disclosing it, however I've never been out publicly, I've only ever come out to friends and family... it's one thing to come out to people you know personally that will be supportive, but it's another to come out to coworkers... eep...
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