#social media posts are so fun to draw lol
ryuubff · 2 months
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shuake week 2024
day 2: fake dating
(this is a no pt au)
extra close up on the pic
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pixlokita · 9 months
I feel like ? I gotta remind people it’s ok to unfollow a blog when it upsets you in any way >> like if I ever do that sure, you can let me know if it was anything I did personally I’d appreciate it but if you just don’t enjoy something it’s ok to unfollow ;w; can’t stress enough how important it is to put your mental health first 👌
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numbuh424 · 2 years
#I try to always remind myself that if me from 3 or 5 or 8 years ago saw my art she'd be so stoked abt it#bc the algorithm is almost never in my favor and it's hard not to sometimes feel :/ when I work on something for so long#and literally right after posting it I alr see it gathering dust lol#the algorithm is especially gonna be a huge asshole towards me now that I'm busy with school and can't post regularly#but it's not like it was any different anyways even when I was posting literally every week#I have my excuses now for not posting regularly but if posting like once or twice a month has no difference from posting like twice a week#then I may permanently just slow my posting bc it is genuinely hitting how hard I was trying to get a fully rendered new thing out weekly#idk idk drawing is so fun and I could do it forever but posting it online sometimes does not bode well for how I perceive my work#yes likes n follows don't matter in the grand scheme of things blah blah blah but a steady following can't hurt#especially since that sometimes translates to getting more commissions#or hell just hearing something abt my work in return#I spend way too much time wondering what it is I'm doing wrong and cope with it by starting a new piece everytime#hence why I draw as much as I did/do lol#this turned out to be longer than I expected I hope no one read thru all this go look at my art instead#elle is talking again#dumps this all on tumblr so I can continue to seem mysterious and nonchalant on other social media 🚶‍♀️
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matd0 · 3 months
Hello guys
I had to take a pretty lengthy break from pretty much all social media, super sorry for just disappearing like that.
bunch of stuff happened, I moved back to my parents’ house, tried to focus on school, got kicked out of school lol, went through a pretty rough patch over all :´D
I’ve been trying to work on just pretty much getting my basic needs met every day (eat enough, sleep enough, drink enough water, shower, etc.) and even though it’s a bit of a struggle i think I’m starting to feel pretty stable and happy again. yahoo :3 !!! so yeah i feel well enough to be perceived on the internet again 👍
Since i’m currently a jobless dropout, I should have time to post more stuff i think (this is genuinely something i love, and all I rlly want is to make stuff that makes others happy so thank you all for supporting my goofy and dubiously cringy creepypasta posting)
List of things and stuff I want to do/post/focus on:
- commissions. nbr. 1 priority (unfortunately i become a bit of a perfectionist when i get paid to draw something T_T)
-reply more to asks. It’s fun and I want to interact more with people (just need to beat up the anxiety demons)
-literally just draw more.
-maybe perhaps even post about the eyeless jack AU story thing i have been brewing in my mind…….. maybe.
-also i’m trying to do artfight again this year. bit dubious how much i’ll actually get done but oh well.
Anyway, thanks for reading lol.
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here's a couple of little sketches for you o7
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meruz · 5 months
i hope this hasn't been asked before. what size do you make your canvas? and do you crop it to fit other socials (like Instagram for example)? i hear that 300 dpi is standard. i never know if it's good to make my canvas big or not.
hi i think this ask is like at least 4 months old but i was scanning my sketchbooks from last year and i abruptly remembered i had gotten this ask because i had made a little chart in my sketchbook trying to figure out how to answer it
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anyways theres pros and cons. and the size of your canvas is really going to depend on personal needs + preference. how good ur computer is, how complicated ur art style, how comfortable drawing feels, how much disk space you have to spare, what youre gonna end up using the art for in the end...300dpi is standard for PRINTING specifically, if you only plan to ever post things online then 72dpi works great and will save you space (fun fact a lot of professional animation files i deal with are 72dpi. and those eventually go on your tv screen). but personally i make everything i draw 300dpi because i am always printing stuff for cons, zines, etc and its nice to have the option even if i dont end up printing.
when I was a teen I used to draw on a rly shitty laptop and i made everything 800x800px 300dpi because big canvases would cause a lot of lag and also the resolution on this laptop was pretty small so 800px was a lot of the screen already. now i have a slightly better laptop with a bigger resolution and i sketch on giant 10000px-40000px canvases with the hard round brush and no shape dynamics or transfer whatsoever to minimize lag. when it comes to making a final illustration when i know ill be using a bunch of layer effects/blending modes/colors/mixing brushes etc etc ill generally crop the canvas down to the 6000px range. most illustrations i try to make sure are comfortably printable on tabloid size paper so thats pretty much anything hovering around or above 3000x5000px w 300dpi (so 11x17in). HOPE THIS HELPS?
EDIT: OH ALSO re: socials. i always ALWAYS size down my art to post on the internet. i think its crazy when other artists dont. because why would i ever let the internet have my hi-res file for free. also in general i think it looks better if you do the resizing yourself because if you don't then many social media sites will compress your file for you! a lot of people will post a hi-res file to twitter and then go "Wow twitter killed the quality of this img!!!" UH YEAH because they have an automatic image compressor. because they need to save space too lol and they dont want your image to take 248263895 years to load. same with instagram and to a lesser extent tumblr. when i post anything on social media i resize it down to 1200px-1600px on the longest side... its a little arbitrary but im kind of basing it on the smallest resolution of widely available screens. mostly because i think it looks stupid when u open up an image file fullsize and u have to scroll to see the whole thing... also iirc instagram only takes images up to 1080px before it resizes them? granted if you upload something smaller than that itll also resize it up which will look worse so I think bumping the numbers just over 1080px is pretty safe.
I should really be bringing the dpi down to 72 too when i post online but often im too lazy to do that. but it will technically help ur image load faster and stuff. and make it less likely for people to yoink it off the web and print it themselves.
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mellosdrawings · 7 days
Which numbers have you done for the fandom/fic ask? If you haven't done 24 can you?
Thank you for asking o/ So far I've answered to 3, 5, 6, 14, 21 and 22.
24. Funniest fandom related story
Ok, dunno if it's that funny but storytime, guys.
When I was a young teen, I had a Skyblog (the frenchies should know what I'm talking about). That was my very first social media, I used to post One Piece fanarts and fanfics, I would read a whole lot of fanfics and original fictions, I got three or four online friends I would talk with (one of them turned out to genuinely despise me and wouldn't say it to my face but that's another story). Long story short, I was kind of a popular blog? Like, it worked well.
So anyway, I ended up closing it coz I grew up and got in highschool and didn't have as much time and just generally didn't care all that much anymore (plus Skyrock ended up dying so no blogs anymore).
In highschool, my class and a few others went to Paris to visit museums and all, and we went there by train. I got bored so I started drawing, and the girl next to me started watching. And watching. And watching.
And suddenly she says "Wait, you're [old handle]?"
The cold dread and cringe I felt. Someone I now knew was familiar with all the shitpost I made when I was 12.
Those ridiculous feelings aside, we had a fun time in that train. We talked about One Piece and I told her what the end of the fanfic I wrote and discontinued was and she was genuinely the sweetest girl ever. I ended up giving her the drawing I was making.
We never really talked after that, but that's definitely the day I realized all those numbers on my screen were actual, real people. That was a shock for my 16 years old self.
The other fun fandom story I have is the one time I've spammed comments so much on all the Twst related fanfic of one author, and did like two fanarts for them, that I ended up making a friend.
Basically I became friends with someone because I was unhinged about their work lol. Tested and approved method 👌
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inkzectz · 10 days
hi hi hi (a little embarrassed hi hi) u liked my art on erm tiktok and i just wanted to say that i’ve been such a big fan for such a long time. ur art has inspired me so so so much. so ah! thank you thank you 🙏🌸
also! i guess what is ur biggest piece of advice for artists? like, tips i mean. 😵‍💫😵‍💫 have a good day
I think the best general advice I can give for artists is a pretty simple one, draw for yourself, a few years ago I primarily used tiktok to post art, just in the general video fandom shitpost, and I never had fun because I was drawing for what was trending at the moment, tiktok isn’t a good place for artists since it kind of promotes fast and quick content which was something I didn’t take pleasure in, I found my skills sort of stunted and I wasn’t improving at a rate I was happy with.
When the next trendy thing came along, I tried to get into it but just couldn’t, I opened social medias and it was all that was on and while it was a cute media it just didn’t appeal to me, I kind of realized that I’d let social media dictate what I drew, because while I didn’t enjoy the medias I was posting about, I liked the attention I got from it and without that I felt unhappy.
I stopped posting to tiktok so much after that lol, I since started drawing what I wanted regardless of the attention I’d get from it and I’ve been much happier, it was ocs for a bit and then I got into valve medias; I still occasionally worry about attention, but I’d much rather have fun creating what I want than to draw something I don’t even like that much just for likes and views.
It’s pretty basic advice but it’s helped me a lot and art is just so much more fun this way :3
Sometimes I’ll be thinking about drawing something and worry “oh but there’s like no demand for this” and whats helped me with that is just “I AM the demand” and that’s enough to motivate me to draw it.
I also find that it makes drawing less stressful :P
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monstermonger · 1 month
I have recently been going through a rough patch with my art. I am not enjoying or liking how I do linework and shading, and in order to remedy that, I'm collecting works from artists I like that I can study/re-imagine.
Your linework and composition is stunning 😍 and I am currently working on a reinterpretation of one of your pieces. This is the most fun I've had with a piece in a while. Beautiful work !! 👏 👏👏
....Er, I've been away from social media for quite a while, and even before that, I was behind on messages... I'm so sorry for my late responses to asks. I wanna say I appreciate ppl taking the time to send them, really :") thanks for the patience LOL
I'll try to condense this - respond to multiple in a single post. So I don't take up too much space in people's feeds.
so first of all @laurikarauchscat I'm sorry to hear you're in a rough patch, and I think your method of overcoming it is on the right track. At least, it's definitely something I do and it really helps me xD Most notably with all the Caspar David Friedrich-inspired pieces. As long as you give credit to the artists you're reinterpreting from (and asking is polite too, if they're an alive artist :D so yes thank you for asking) it seems perfectly fine to me to do so. Good luck and hope it goes well, I'm interested to see c:
More asks under the cut!
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@blurred-antics thank you so much for the words ;b; it's validating to hear, since they're definitely emotions I have in mind while drawing lately. I lost both my parents in the last 2 years, and I've dumped a lot of feelings of grief/longing into my pieces since then, including ones that might seem rather cheerful and perfectly peaceful at a glance. I'm happy others can feel the bit of conflict under the surface-- I don't necessarily mind if my art comes across straightforward, since when throwing art into the public it must be accepted that everyone will interpret it how they want, but it does feel nice to know that some people sense the extra bits. Thank you again!
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@kinnersonne thank you very much!! Definitely my favorite subjects at the moment c: You're very sweet.
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@marinaaniseed I'm starting to get to ... quite old ones, and I worry this was a time-sensitive question :"D I'm very sorry if I'm too late.
First of all, thank you for asking! I'm honored people like my art enough they'd want it tattooed, it's pretty mind-blowing to me. I've actually had several people ask to use my art for tattoos the last few months and I think overall, I'm pretty okay with it. if you'd like to express support for my art for using it, then you're welcome to buy a print from my shop. It's not required, but it's very appreciated <3 Hope whatever you end up going for (whether my art or not in the end) goes well ^^
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@wandersoffdoodling Aw, thank you T.T I'm happy they resonate with you! It's kind of my dream to finish some zines and some bigger projects in this sketchbook/journal art style. So that's very motivating to hear. Thanks again c:
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@eldathe once again I apologize for how late I am to respond to questions that were intended to be very quick exchanges lol. First of all, thank you! :") I'm sure this is no longer relevant for how old this ask is, but in case you/(or anyone reading this) would still want to use it as a blog pfp or anywhere, yes, feel free, as long as there's credit somewhere visible! Thank you for asking <3
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@starrforge thank you kindly, yours is great too :")
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@herebesherlocks Aww thank you so much :") I'm honored it evokes that feeling.
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@the-halcyon-effect 100 years later: thank you that's a huge honor to hear :"))))
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crushedsweets · 11 months
anon... yes i like this. general disclaimer this is tailored to my au !! stuff under cut
toby likes it, thinks its fun and stuff. he's not the type to dress up beyond like, maybe a jacket and a mask or whatever, but he'll go and buy(steal) stupid ass halloween decorations from spirit or the dollar store. there r several mini skeletons sitting around his cabin. he treats it like elf on the shelf, but. . . skeletons... def will sit around and watch scary movies with a bag of halloween candy . totally carves pumpkins with whoever will do it with him
tim wouldnt really want to do much cuz he's just tired, but he probably would put out a small little pumpkin and bowl of candy outside his door. he's in an apartment so he doesnt really get trick or treaters. will prob buy some candy after halloween so its on sale
brians so annoying omfg(lovingly) he'd buy a fake arm, blood, and wig and stick it in his trunk so it looks like an arm is sticking out. yall know what im talking about. him and tim share an apartment so he'd prob try to actually put something simple around it, like some plastic pumpkins, but nothing really big. he is also a grown man with no kids, so he doesnt find himself going all out for these things
natalie. ok i recently made it where she's either already a tattoo artist, or learning to be a tattoo artist or whatever, but i could see her and some coworkers setting up the shop all halloweeny. she's so fucking tall that they'd just call her over for all the spider web stuff. she thinks its fun and she likes halloween a lot so it's cool. she'd get a huge kick out of doing halloween tattoos during october too. goes and hangs out with toby/nina for it
nina goes to parties . she HAS to get a whole new costume for every party. its super wasteful but she doesnt care all that matters is shes sexy. every year without fail she is a sexy gothic vampire for one of the parties. she works at hot topic, BUT she'd absofuckinglutely get a second job at spirit halloween for october. she's a creepy galll... def sets her apartment up super cutely, brings toby and nat over so they can carve pumpkins with her, tries to dress them up, etc. tons of halloween posts on her social medias too LOL shes so cute
jeff would prob also go to more like... weirder ( ?) parties with creeps and scary people roaming around just doing crazy shit. warehouse shit. prob finds someone to bring home and kill. he thinks its fun, its easier to just go about his days looking the way he does, he loves scaring the fucking shit out of people. doesnt decorate or wear costumes though, says its cringe LMFAO. hates how hyped nina is about it
jane and mary would totally decorate, but in a much more.. ? elegant ? way. like those tall skinny candles, swap out their doormat for something halloween themed, really nicely done pumpkins for some reason. jane would want to host a cute little halloween dinner for uni friends. probably just gets simple costumes, like she'd put on a witch hat and black dress and thats all, but its cute. takes sally (and ben, if sally asks him to come) trick or treating.
sally draws tons of drawings, loves disney halloween marathons, paints on pumpkins(doesnt like the smell of gutting them), etc. she'd decorate with jane cuz she lives w her. she loves it so much but she still gets scared of the animatronic things at stores and stuff LOL. begs ben to trick or treat w her. really embarrassing for ben
ben wouldnt do much besides like. he'd get worse w his internet trolling (scaring the fucking shit out of teens on the internet), start doing more actual hauntings bc nobody will believe his victims during october which means slender wont find out he's doing it. he would not want to go trick or treating..but he'd go with sally with a pillow case and he'd try to awkwardly stand further back but the ppl at the door would always b like 'aw dont be shy come here!' LOL
jack doesnt celebrate it, his family didnt really celebrate it much when he was human so he doesnt do it now. he does get kinda sad during holiday season though, cuz of obvious reasons, but halloween isnt the strongest Pain for him
liu is so fucking miserable theres no way. jk he'd set out like, some pumpkins and maybe get one of those lights that project ghosts onto his garage, but he wouldnt want to go all out or do anything to the inside of his house. jeff really liked halloween when he was younger so its kinda like ouch but he's getting overit. i guess. . .
kate doesnt..celebrate anything........ but when she does occasionally visit the cabin, maybe for food or a shower, and she sees toby decorated, she'd be happy to see it. she's kinda unsettling to be around, but she'd sit down and watch a movie with him in silence. then bring a massive bag of candy to the mine w her w/o telling toby. he just had to cope
ann and lulu dont do anything in the hospital. they dont really have any concept of time........... or the resources to decorate... and they dont get any trick or treaters... cuz theyre...stuck in an abandoned hospital in the woods . . . yeah..
ty for ask anoni like this one. very simple but very sweet
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1mlostnow · 2 months
Hi!! I’m Evan! This is Intro Post IV.
- Red text is primary information, things that I’d like to bring attention to, or just things I’d like to elevate above the others
I’m genderfluid, I only use he/him, I don’t have a label but I mostly like guys, and I’m a minor!!! If you’re 18+ feel free to interact but please don’t DM me or send asks.
[spotify] [insta] [wall of text] [tone tags] [ppth staff]
This intro post is incredibly long so I put primary info before the cut ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ I love using those faces
Apologies if the red or the Blinkies are hard on the eyes :<
Other Blogs ⇩
EvanRadio : @evan-radio
Poetry and Writing : @1mfoundnow
House MD [B. Corcoran] : @head-of-forensics
House MD [G. Kramer] : @plastic-surgeon-gabi
Blinkies below the cut and throughout intro :>
Table Of Contents ⇩
1. The Basics
2. Fun Facts
3. My Resume
4. Primary Music
5. Guide To Tags
6. Hobbies
7. Other Media
8. Kinnie List
9. Primary Fandoms
10. Cast List
11. Outro
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[ The Basics ]
- I absolutely adore nicknames, feel free to call me anything you want; chances are I’ll be fine with it
- pretty basic DNI -> homophobes, transphobes, racists, xenophobes, proshippers (wincest ಠ_ಠ)
- feel free to interact or spam (the good kind), my notifs are off so you won’t be bothering me at all!! Feel free to do asks or anons as long as yr a minor, I love love love answering asks. I promise I’m not scary, I don’t bite (anymore lol)
- I would prefer it as a personal boundary that you don’t DM me unless you truly deem it fit, those 1 on 1 situations tend to be incredibly uncomfortable for me. If there’s truly something you’d like to speak to me about in private, go for it.
- I love my mutuals to death. Whether we talk every day or haven’t spoken once, ily :)
- I greatly appreciate tone tags!!! There is a list at the top of this intro with a tone tag guide!
- CDT timezone, typically active from 7 AM - 12 AM (this will change to 6-8AM and 5-11PM soon)
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[ Fun Facts ] + notes
- my car’s name is TOMATER (all caps)
- im the ninth wonder of the world
- I love doing little drawings
- if you want one just ask (examples at end)
- once again I love love love my mutuals
- Richard Cameron defender for life
- theme changes often
- ADHD & severe social anxiety
- if you ever draw anything for me I’ll love u forever
- The Man Who Would Be King (6x20) is the best SPN episode and nobody can convince me otherwise
- if I don’t respond I swear I’m not ignoring you!! Chances are I said ‘I’ll answer later’ and then forgot—just @ me!!
- if you ever have any corrections for one of my posts (typo, incorrect facts, hurtful language) please please let me know whether it be public or private, as the last thing I’d want to do is upset anybody.
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[ My Resume ]
- Professional Ghostbuster, Midwestern Cowboy, Supervillain (for the fits)
- Bug you put in a jar with sticks and leaves and a few holes in the lid so it can breathe kinda guy yk?
- Weird kid and loser for life (I’m happy this way)
- I believe I’m incredibly funny (tell me if I’m not)
- Most sentences have bonus sentences (for the thoughts that didn’t fit into the sentence right)
- hot feral scientist
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[ Primary Music ] + fav song by each (‘m basic wtv)
- AJJ -> Getting Naked, Playing With Guns
- Cage The Elephant -> Spiderhead/Halo
- Car Seat Headrest -> Life Worth Missing
- David Bowie -> Rebel Rebel
- Radiohead -> Karma Police
- Seb Lowe -> The Man, The Myth
- The Front Bottoms -> Be Nice To Me / More Than It Hurts You
- The Smiths -> Pretty Girls Make Graves
- Vundabar -> Worn/Wander, Sad Clown
- Will Wood -> Memento Mori
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[ Guide to Tags ]
- #evan speaks -> yapping time, applies to majority of my posts
- #evan rants -> I’ve got a lot to talk about!!
- #evan draws -> I draw :3 some art at the end
- #evan can’t vote -> US politics (doesn’t come up that often, but still)
- #evan loves his mutuals -> y’all are my best friends and ily sososo much
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[ Hobbies ]
- Occasionally crocheting
- Reading and writing
- I play alto sax in marching band (never rains on the *redacted* 🫡🌧️)
- loveeee art so much, specifically pencil drawing and painting
- idk if music counts as a hobby (listening+playing)
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[ Other Media ]
Shows -> Supernatural, Sherlock, House MD, My Babysitters A Vampire (Rory my beloved), Scooby-Doo, Over The Garden Wall
Movies -> Dead Poets Society, Ghostbusters, Velvet Goldmine, The Truman Show, Goonies, Stand By Me, Saw Franchise, IT 2017
Others -> Homestuck, The Secret History, getting into newer classics (highschool english class books tbh), I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
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[ Kinnie List ]
Steven Meeks (DPS), Castiel (SPN), Richie Tozier (IT), Truman Burbank (TTS), Egon Spengler (Ghostbusters), Adam Stanheight (Saw), Henry Winter (TSH), Will Graham (Hannibal)
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[ Primary Fandoms ]
Supernatural, Sherlock, Dead Poets Society, Homestuck, Ghostbusters, House MD
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[ Cast List ] <- y’all are like my family ily
@pingunaa @ghostboyhood @wordssricochet @poetsinnyc @meekspeaks @midwest-quill @yourfavvgal @alightelixe @lv3buzzz @craicapparition @asclexe @lefthandedspaghetti @notcatseatheadrest @wilsons-three-legged-siamese @de4d-poet-kisser @cherrishnoodles @blakenation1 @desire-mona @prettypinkbubbless @sesamie @hemlocksloadofbull @mighthavebeenmurder @tired-and-bored-nerd @neil-perrys-suicidal-tendencies @sillyhyperfixator
^^ if we ain’t close like that lmk and I’ll take you off dw ♥︎ and if I somehow missed you please please tell me and I’ll fix it right away, there’s some people I was gonna add but I wasn’t sure if we were friends like that yet lol
If you made it to the end of this thank you thank you thank you so much it means the world to me.
I can’t add more photos, so I’ll make and link a separate post with my art, so you can decide if that’s something you’d be interested in!!!
[ art here!! ]
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outisgivingpac · 1 year
A message from your loved one🐦💌👀
Hello again, this is another theme from my last poll with the second most votes 🤗 In this PAC, we shall take a look at what your loved one want you to know, and it could be from your friends, family, romantic partner or even your pets 🌱
If you found my reading helpful or entertaining in any ways, please support me by liking and reblogging it. It helps my post reach more people and will be my huge source of motivation to continue creating free content. Check out my pinned post for personal reading. Enjoy~
✨Pick the picture/pile you feel most draw to✨
Pile 1. Pile 2.
Pile 3. Pile 4.
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Pile 1
Death, 7 of Swords, 5 of Cups reversed
(TW: codependency)
Who are they?
This is someone from your past, whose relationship with you has come to an end or currently in the no-contact state. You could be the one who have walked away from them. This might due to objective reasons like one of you moved away to pursue their career. But I feel like it has more to do with how you might have crashed; you no longer saw them as a part of the future you want to have for yourself. The other way round can also be true, and you could both outgrow this connection. The end or halt of this relationship/attachment opened a new phase in your life.
What is their current energy?
They're coping hard in your absence. They might be stalking your social media, and/or trying to get any news about you and your current life through the few mutual friends you guys share. On the other hand, they also try hard to prove to themselves and everyone around them, that they're doing fine on their own even without you. They would try to engage in the same activities/commitments, that they used to have with you, with someone else, just to fill in the emptiness. For the few of you, this person could be a parental figure or a caregiver, who is suffering from the empty nest syndrome. In any case, they based most of their identity with the connection you two had, and is struggling to be something more after you left.
What is their message?
I feel a lot of regretful energy coming from them. They want you to know whatever action and words they put out back then that might have hurt you, it came out at the heat of the moment and they are still regreting it. There're things out of their control, and probably a lot of miscommunication. But, they want you to know they might have been mad/disappointed/ashamed, but never of you. Though, they fear they would sabotage the relationship further if they try to come forwards too strong. So as of now, they still keep the distance and watch your move. They just hope you won't blame/hate them too much for the past.
Pile 2
3 of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles, The Magician
Who are they?
This person could be a colleague at your work place, a classmate or your partner, with whom you're building a life with. In any cases, you guys have been together for a while, long enough to know how to work and play together as a team. For some of you, this could be someone with whom you have collaborated on a more personal (hobby-ish) project long time ago, and still more or less stay on each other's contact. If you are a freelancer artist/writer/ect., this could be one of your customer lol. They stand out because a, they could also be your friend b, they're from the industry/the same fandom as you, the project you took on for them was super fun and successful.
What is their current energy?
Oh this person has some big idea cooking in their mind. They could be just freed from a duty/commitment and they are up to work on something with you, using what they learned/earned from the previous gig. They could have already started it and wanted to invite you in the team for your insight/magic touch. They're not so good at keeping good news secret, so you probably hear from them soon, if not already 🤭
What is their message?
Oh my, this person really looks up to you with spark in their eyes. To them, you're the specialist, a guru friend they can always trust to consult when it comes to this particular field. They want you to take pride in your work and be confident! It hurts them whenever you talk shit about yourself or sell your services cheaply. They want you to know they are always there for you. You can just ask and they would give their sword. Otherwise they would keep away from involving from your work. They are enthusiastically respect your creativity independence and would hate to come off as patronizing/overbearing.
Pile 3
Page of Wands reversed, Queen of Cups, 3 of Swords reversed
Who are they?
This person possesses a youthful or childlike energy. They could be a younger sibling, a child in your family, a junior at your school or workplace. They could simply be a few years younger than you or personality-wise they're just a carefree and/or stubborn type. For some of you it could even be your pet! Another clue I picked up on is they could be going through their rebellious phase at the moment lol
What is their current energy?
Their inner landscape has been expanding in depth as of late. They tend to spend more time for introspection, figuring out their feelings, dreams, and personal values. Because of this, they could appear moody, sensitive and socially less available to others during this time. Like, they would sneak away from people when there's a chance, and would take on solo trip without telling their friends like they usually would. Even though their closed door seem worrisome to most people, their mind is tranquil and they would be happier if people don't make such a big fuss about their absence and return. Just have fun when I'm there, so I heard.
What is their message?
If you guys fought recently, take this as their informal apologies. They can surely do better, but you know how it's harder to say sorry and thank you and I love you to the closest people in our life. On the other hands, they can totally picked it up whenever you're upset, may it be because of them or something else unrelated. Once again, they don't really know how to comfort you and fear that they will only make things worse. So when they see you're in bad mood, they would rather get out of your way and give you space than confronting you be like "What's up?". But it doesn't mean they don't care. Tbh they seem like a big confused puppy whenever it happens. It would be nice if someone could extend an oliver branch so that both parties can talk and clear out misunderstandings and confusion. That person is likely to be you because as I mentioned above, the emotional maturity of the other isn't quite as evolved to take initiatives.
Pile 4
The Sun, King of Cups, 10 of Cups reversed
Who are they?
Think of the most important people in your life right now (yes, pets count), this is one of them. If you believe in that term, this person is one of your soulmates. You just feel whole and safe and the happiest when they're around. Another way to recognize this kind of connection is, you never feel drained spending time with them, in the contrary, you fill each other battery up. For a few of you, they could be someone who is still looking after you from the other side.
What is their current energy?
They are in a state of great emotional stability, or like we say, their cups are full. They're at a place where they can easily sync in with other people, and give out of their compassion, patience and generosity. They're secure, in their lance, flourishing, you name it lol. Their pleasant energy would neutralize the negativity in a room; during this time, you will always see them act out of kindness and love, and be the bigger person in common conflicts.
What is their message?
"We already have everything we need" is the most prominent message that comes through. I think they just want you to take more time to rest and enjoy little things in life with them. They could be sad/worry for you when you were working too hard towards a goal, that you don't stop to fully celebrate your achievement or neglect your mental health. But at the same time, they know how this particular goal means to you, that's why they said nothing. They never want to stand between you and your goal, and would do anything they know to support you on this path. So instead, they make sure other aspect of your daily life is well taken care of. But yeah, there's a little blue like they wish you could just be more gentle with yourself at times. Like what's the point of all the hard work, if you won't let yourself win and enjoy the fruit?
Source for the art I used:
1. Moss by Melanie Miller
2. Warm stars as the dance by Henri Matisse (@plantbasedsav)
3. Art by @pixolotl on Instagram
4. Art by @turndecassette on Instagram
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captainbrookeworm · 1 year
Land of the Living DTIYS Challenge
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Info under the cut:
Thank you everyone who's been enjoying my silly goofy story about these angsty ninja boys! I've never hosted a DTIYS but hopefully this will be a fun experience for everyone!
I've decided not to do a time limit/prize since that didn't seem to be a sticking point for a significant number of people in the poll. My tendonitis has been flaring up recently, and since my prize would've been a commission, I don't want to string anyone along with its unreliability. Hopefully that's not a dealbreaker for anyone who wanted to participate! Y'all have unlimited time now lol
The way it's gonna work instead is I'll have a chapter in LotL Art where I'll compile all the entries, and I'll reblog all of them too.
Tag all entries with #lotldtiys and tag me so I can find it!
Feel free to vary aspects of the drawing such as the angle, lighting, etc. I'm really just looking for a good collection of greencousin hugs from the scene in chapter 12 lol
The only thing about variation is don't make it shipping. However you feel about the ship, the LotL version of these characters is strictly platonic/familial.
Normally when people make fanart, I ask permission before posting a link on LotL Art. However, if you submit it to this challenge, I'm assuming I have your permission. If for whatever reason you're not comfortable with that, just mention that you don't want me to post a link in the description or tags of your entry and I won't.
If you do not have a Tumblr, you can still submit on Instagram! My @ there is captain_brookeworm. I don't have any other social media that would facilitate this so try to keep it on one of those two lol
I probably don't need to say this because everyone I've interacted with has been really cool but stay positive! This is just for fun and is not a competition!
The speedpaint is available here
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sug4r-sp1c3 · 11 months
Could you maybe do villanous x a reader who has rabbit ears please? Thanks!!
ok lets begin since i'm sleepy ITA 1 AM WHAT THE FUCK
"but sugar-sp1c3 you said your limit was 4 character-" I KNOW OKAYI' JUST FORGOT WHEN DOING THIS
Characters, Demencia/Dementia, Dr.Flug, 5.0.5(platonic?), Black hat, penumbra, Sun Blast, Miss heed(not in order lol)
Demencia / Dementia
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she woudl make fun of then
but like
"Hey bunny ears!"
i feel like she would bite them idk
i mean yes she mocks of you BUT THATS HER WAY TO SHOW LOVE TO YOU..at least i think!
she haves 2 sides
the left one where she mocks and jokes and bites of you ears
and the right side where she praises you and your eyes and- you are basically her new black hat
she would often play with them
or if you have both rabbit and human she would be like:
Dr. Flug
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his first honest reaction is that gif sorry i don't make rules
unless his with black hat bc in that case he avoids to look at your ears at all cost since the "jefecito" can notice and idk yeah
he would probably want to do some experiments
but only friendly ones!!
like testing if you can do other things
if you have extra sensitive ears
or somthn idk i have no ideas rn
he would like to caress them on his little free time
oh btw he would LOVE if you and 5.0.5 where like best buddies or you would be his second parent-like figure(i swear i am trying to make his non specified gender I SWEAR GUYS)
he just lvoes you and you ears so much
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he's a fucking bear bruh 💀
ok so thsi will be platonic like buddies or a second parental figure, or smthn like that
he loves to "talk" about your ears or ask you questions.(if you don understand them he would force flug to translate lmao)
he is very careful when he is trying to touch them since y'know..big paws
but he still tries!!
i imagine if he maked cupcakes the icing would be a drawing of an airplane, of dementia, a chameleon or a black hat idk, for you YOUR RABBIT EARS AND A HEART BECAUSE I THINK THEY ARE CUTE!!!!
he would even "ask" you to use you as inspiration for any dessert, or drawing or smthn.
i bet if he haves a rabbit plushie he gives it to you and/or puts something on the ears(ribbons, little hats, etc) he would be like "bow bow!" [siblings!]
Black Hat
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he probably threats to rip off your ears
and eat them
basically hurt you
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SHE OFTEN POSTS THINSG ON HER INSTAGRAM(with your consent ofc) LIKE "my sweetie's ears where a bit messy today! so me and sun blast fixed them just a lil bit.... loved the result! 🐇💜"
she would ask if you are sensitive to things like sound or something to try to not let a lot of hard things that can cause a hard sound when they fall or make sure Curie or Sunblast don't throw things
she oftenly tries to impulse you to not cover them! but if you like to have them covered, she would be okay with that too!
the same that flug
she would ask to make some little and non-offensive, experiments on your ears
if you don't want, its okay!
if you want, its okay too!
"look! i got you this! i bet it would make your ears fur brighter!..and curie's too"
Miss Heed
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but she would never say that out loud.
she would ask to records tiktoks or anything about them, like idk trends, popular songs or just quick vid like "watch me take care of my Sweetie S/o ears!"
if they are sensitive, during the event of when she had everybody under her control or smthn she would keep you away from them
yes she would be a bit sadistic and evil but she still cares abt you
..or she just does the same thing that she did with them..
when she's at..THAT place..she draws in a corner a lot of little ears, like if she misses you and misses your ears..
if you visit, she would beg to touch them again , to feel them..she would be crazy for it..
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Red BEFORE the "The Dreadful Dawn".
Orange AFTER "The Dreadful Dawn" and BEFORE the events of the comic and The "Heedeous Heart"
Yellow AFTER "The Dreadful Dawn" and the events of "The Heedeous Heart" and the little comic
even if you where his S/O he would mock of you and of them..
listen he knows you are his S/O but he just..feels like its the right thing or it doesn't matters
he doesn't even minds as i can think
he is just like "oh i am just joking! geez.."
Now under Penumbra's uhm..how do i say it?..NOW WITH PENUMBRA LMAO
he realized that he may have been a bit too much harsh with you..
he persuades Penumbra to localize you or visit you to apologize
if things go well..you both could try again!
and he is better.
He even tries to make you be friends with Penumbra! like he did with her
He still makes jokes but he thinks about them for a long time like
"no..that would hurt their feelings..NO ITS BAD..well- no wait..no..oh...this one may be good.."
he fears of you getting like the other ones..he tries to protect you at all cost
if you do get under Miss heed's..thing
he would be like mad but that multiplicate it for 10 and then for 100
the only thing that keeps him away from hurting heed and all her followers its his current little size and Curie
when you aren't under heeds control he makes sure you and your ears are okay..
he asks everyday if you are 100% SURE IF YOU ARE OKAY
after the Miss heed thing he is worried more than he should be but like c'mon
leave the little guy alone :(
he lost 2 of his most special people in his life just because a pink bitch
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lunaartgallery · 11 months
October | Updates and More |
Howdy! It's been a while aye, I'm excited to say that after 6months of other work, I finally finished revamping my portfolio specifically my character design stuff! Now I can move onto storyboarding! But I'll be honest in that I'm totally pooped, and have been on a break.
I got Baulder's Gate, and that's pretty much taken over my life in the meantime. I think for the first time years I've drawn fanart, I'll think about posting it in the future, I don't know really. The main thing is I've been drawing stuff just for myself not related to work or anything. It's been fun, the social media burnout hasn't been lol. Guess I've been doing this for so long finally hit the youtubers - I am tired of this -  phase and haven't had any desire to hustle. I'm sure it'll pass once I can recharge myself, but for now I'll post on my usual schedule. Patreon has finally introduced the follower feature so considering following me there for more updates and general news letters! I really want to focus on building that. https://www.patreon.com/lunaartgallery With that Happy October everyone and have a great day~
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gamblergirl · 6 months
Hello! Great blog! 😊 Pretty toes!
Can you tell us the story behind the tattoos on your feet?
Well people have always said they love my toes and feet. I’ve gotten compliments from past relationships and strangers too! People have always called me monkey as well because I can use my feet like I can use my hands. I can drive with my feet, apply makeup, draw, eat, vape lol and people always would ask me to do things with my feet especially in Highschool during class haha! I heard about foot modeling and thought I would post on instagram and social media and see what happens. Turns out tons of people like my feet and I even turned this into a career. Making custom video and doing foot content I could say honestly is a passion of mine that I want to continue as long as I can. I love this community I have been apart of and I’m just so thankful that I can survive off of doing this as well. I’m super fetish friendly and I have SOO much fun diving into different ideas and different fetishes. So yah!!!! I’m 23, my name is Gigi, I’m a size 8, and I live in Florida💖 thanks for reading 🫶🏼
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