#so... ok. you are telling me they made a whole character with 1) a name 2) a VA 3) 2d art
nightofmiracles · 4 months
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everyone else/the npcs in the smaller areas in af all have warmer outfits, why is she dressed so lightly
......is she aura trained?
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wellofdean · 6 months
OK, I was going to reblog this excellent post by @luckshiptoshore so go read it, because yes. Yes!! YES!!! But then when I got started my post got super long and I felt bad tacking it onto her post and decided to make my own in response to these tags:
#i am actually a bit obsessed by the whole hunting as queerness metaphor#it’s so clearly something everyone involved in the show is thinking about#supernatural
Gurl, me too! Like go back to the start! By the time Supernatural began, the backlash against the Joseph Campbell Monomyth-style mode of storytelling had already begun in the hallowed halls of USC film school, and yo: I was there at the time of Kripke's graduation, and my best friends from college are full scale big giant time filmmakers now, whose names I will not share on main because it's uncool, and I don't want that attention, but... yeah. I am referencing FIRST HAND SOURCES on this.
But, for a real source? The Oxford English Dictionary places the first use of the term "Queer Theory" in 1990, with Queer Studies as an option in the academy by 1992. I know the kids think it's a new-fangled thing, but Kripke graduated USC in 1996 (I graduated in 1995) and it was ALL THE RAGE by then. My friends read queer theory in their Critical Studies courses in the Film School, I read it in the College of Humanities getting my degree in Literature. By that time, you could not get through that school with any degree in any non-STEM subject without knowing about ye olde postmodern lenses, queer and feminist theory, and without knowing how to employ those lenses.
Queer refers to sexuality, yes, but the word's earliest use (again, according to the OED) is in the 1500's, meaning: strange, odd, peculiar, eccentric. Also: of questionable character; suspicious, dubious.
So, ok, in 2005, Enter Supernatural, episode 1:
Presented? Two brothers. One actively seeking credit in the straight world that is not available to him in the bosom of his family: Stanford, law school, hot co-ed girlfriend, the other bound to his fractured, wounded family by duty, yes, but also by love, living on the fringe, alone, fighting monsters, and chasing after his father's approval, and who has long since given up any dream of being 'normal'. Episode 1 presents Sam's call to adventure, which he refuses when it's just familial duty, honor and love calling him, but accepts when the show takes a very straightforward and very telling path by classically fridging his woman. Ok, now he's on board. Like John, whose motivation is another dead woman, his motivation is revenge. So far so straight!
Dean though: he's different. He is already on the adventure and he was not 'called' or given the option of accepting or refusing because he had no agency when his feet were set upon this road. He does not fit the straight world at all, because he is cobbled together out of love, duty, deep guilt, striving, desperation and fear. This is who he is now, in some elemental, incontrovertible way. It was not a choice for him, he was born to it. His mother is dead, and we later learn, she made the choices that brought them all to this fate. Dean remembers her idyllically, but he is not motivated by revenge, more than any other thing, he wants to be worthy. He wants his father's approval, his brother's love.
Enter Supernatural's main theme: fucked up relationships between men enmeshed in patriarchy, which will eventually expand to include fucking GOD HIMSELF.
And like, there are SO MANY CLEAR STEPS ALONG THE ROAD in season one, and I am not even talking about sexuality and gender here, but there is SO MUCH TO SAY about it in season 1. But I am not talking about that -- I am talking at a structural, narrative level, the whole thing is just fucking all the way queered, yo.
The big climax?
At the end of the season, Dean says: "I just want my family back together. You, me, Dad... it's all I have." He is Sam's mother, John's partner! His vulnerability and emotion is feminized and contrasted with Sam and John's more overtly driven by their more masculine/straight heroic revenge quest. John: "Sam and I can get pretty obsessed, but you always take care of this family." Only that's not John talking, it's Azazel, and Dean knows it is because his father would never forgive how soft he is, how he will always choose love and family over revenge. Then, in the end, the show makes a huge point of telegraphing that Sam is finally aligning with Dean by refusing to shoot Azazel because he's possessing John, and Sam just can't do that to Dean.
Sam and Dean are thus bound together and cemented into a marginalised path, living on the road, haunting liminal spaces and cheap motels, confronting the monstrous everyday. Sam is presented as the brains of the operation, he does research, logics his way through things (masculine) while Dean is the heart who acts impulsively and on instinct and intuition (feminine).
It later transpires that Sam has a piece of the monster inside himself, and Dean has to learn to love the monstrous, he has no choice, because Sam is his brother and then Cas... and, and, and!
Like... I could go on and on, citing ENDLESS EXAMPLES. This could be a literal book. Maybe one you need to read with a magnifying glass like my condensed edition of the OED. LIke, the queerness of Supernatural is DIZZYING and MYRIAD.
But basically? FROM THE START, hunting is a queered version of family, and within that, Dean is a queered version of a Campbellian hero. Hunting is a metaphor for otherness and liminality, and that's even before you say a WORD about sex. It starts in deviation from the norms of family, masculinity and expands from there on so many levels both in story and on a meta level. The story is flesh on queer fucking bones.
I'm so sorry, but anyone who thinks queerness was not BAKED INTO Supernatural and more specifically into Dean from DAY 1 has clearly never seen Dean's insane lip gloss in season 1, and vastly underestimates the cultural awareness of people who write shit in Hollywood, and also the other people who put pink lip gloss on pretty boys in Hollywood. Nothing that gets on your screen wasn't a fucking choice made and approved by a LONG LIST of people who know what they are about.
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aira-bu · 2 years
༄ anemo boys as shimeji ! 𖧷
☁︎ written as of version 3.3
a/n: i saw some (characters) as shimeji and i got inspired by @midknightwritings so check them out if you want to! (i hope that's ok just dm me if you want anything changed)
sypnosis: shimeji is a type of chrome extension but kinda for your whole computer (i think, it's been some time since i used shimeji) ! if it isn't then just pretend it is lol anyways, anemo boys as shimeji
characters: kazuha, heizou, xiao, venti, wanderer (scaramouche)
disclaimer/warnings: none
will absolutely spoil you with work/study tips
he won't give you straight up answers though, he believes that giving you the solution is good enough and that you shouldn't depend on him for answers
but if you're struggling with anything, he won't hesitate to help you
clings to your cursor a lot
and when i say a lot i mean a lot.
but when you need your cursor to do some work then he'll let go (for now) and watch you from either the bottom of your computer or the very top. there is no in between.
he will definitely organise your folders and everything, but he won't touch your latest works or rename anything
loves it when you drag him around the screen with your cursor, do it more!
probably the most sane and respectful to your tabs and apps opened among the rest of the anemo gang and won't meddle with it
whenever there's even just a little suspicious thing on your pc he'll inform you immediately
he'll greet you every time you turn on or shut down your pc
"good morning/afternoon/evening, (your user), how has your day been so far?"
goodness gracious
mf would clone himself to. the. MAX.
1 heizou is never enough!
he'll let you procrastinate a little if you're tired
but if your near the due date and you still haven't started?
don't even turn on your computer at this point.
the moment you boot up your pc you can find him sitting on top of your minimized empty work tab and crossing his arms at you
anytime you try to open something unrelated to your work he will spam those error messages but with messages like "not yet, finish your work first ;)" or "i'll give your device a virus if you don't finish this >:)" (he won't actually give you a virus)
but when you're actually done with your work or when you have some free time, he will literally hang on your cursor
whether it be him biting your cursor or sitting on it, he will be there
he is your search bar.
you wanna know the whether? he's got it.
you wanna know how babies are made? he'll explain in detail.
you wanna know the average time of how long it'll take for ice to melt inside a microwave at 13°C? he'll find out.
you name it, he's got it.
just expect him demanding a lot of head pats as compensation afterwards
expect him to tease you a lot when you watch any romance.
"if I weren't stuck behind the screen this could be us *wink*"
he's just
drag him around, hold him down with your cursor, stick him to the sides of your pc, he'll label everything you do as a 'nuisance' and a 'distraction'
but we both know he loves it
he doesn't really interfere with your work at all
just quietly judges you as you make a hella lot of mistakes in your project
he'll correct you though!
will literally jump onto your errors and make a fuss about it
say goodbye to those red squiggly lines when you make a spelling mistake because HE WILL HIGHLIGHT IT IN THE BRIGHTEST RED EVER (only if you somehow fail to notice him making a huge commotion in the middle of your screen)
unlike kazuha, he won't inform you of any viruses
you won't even see them in the first place
with him on your pc, no viruses are safe.
he doesn't tell you though, he likes to keep a low profile and worries that you might panic at the thought if having a virus in your computer
he will mostly definitely judge you at your music taste, movies, anything at all
silently though.
every time you boot up your computer he'll be like
"you humans always waste your time on devices such as this."
but the moment you attempt to shut down your comp he will literally make a 😰 face
mf climbs your screen 24/7
whatever you do, he. is. climbing.
turn on your pc? *climbs.*
open up a game? *climbs.*
on a call? *climbs.*
but when you forcefully drag him down to your taskbar, he just kinda whines and make an "ehe." face
when you're doing something boring like working he'll either attempt to help or just fall asleep
most of the time you can't get anything done with him around
when you're free and have nothing to do though, he'll play hide and seek with you!
in your folders of course.
if you have a lot of files, good luck
when he doesn't get found for a long time though, he'll pop out of the file and look around
if he finds that you're afk he'll throw a tantrum, saying "you don't wanna play with me anymore!" or "you love your coffee more than you love me :("
those are just facades to get your attention though
he knows you love him (i think)
wanderer / scaramouche
it'd be smart of you to not install his shimeji in the first place
he'll rearrange your files, play around with your wallpaper, anything that distracts you
he really just wants your attention on him instead of that filthy google doc
but when you're offline and sleeping, he'll rearrange your folders back for you if you hadn't did so already
he'll revert your pc to its original state before his shenanigans
sometimes he'll rename your folders or works because he is absolutely fuming at the sight of
'actual_final_final_essay_attempt_3_(submit this one).doc'
as your file name.
every time you get a message about a virus he will literally hit the screen
you do online shopping? he'll diss everything you see, pointing out every dislike he has towards that... thing. as he likes to call it
watching movies with him are an absolute pain in the ass
he'll openly judge you at anything and everything
just give him a snarky remark or tease him back and just watch him fall into pieces of your control
"hah! your single ass is so down bad to the point you're watching stuff like this?"
"yeah, because the person that i would actually get with is stuck behind a screen."
"w- hey- you're not supposed to- what-.??!"
error message 169
wanderershimeji.exe has stopped responding. close the app?
➪ yes
➪ no
yeah you get the point
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mellohd · 1 month
EMH Marble Hornets AU!!
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ok i know im not creative when it comes to aus but i thought itd be interesting to tell the story of MH through EMH’s story? IF YOU GUYS HAVE THOUGHTS OR QUESTIONS PLS LEAVE SOME IN MY INBOX!!! :-]( or even questions for the MH!EMH characters heh)1
Basically its just marble hornets told through EMH, for example instead of “tapes i found” story telling theyd open a youtube channel for tips and tricks on making your own movie while they make their own called Marble Hornets! EMH/MLA spoilersish up ahead
Heres the character correspondences:
Alex-> Jeff
Jay-> Vinnie
Tim-> Evan
Brian-> Michael!MLA
Jess-> Alex!EMH
Amy ->Jeffs GF(so sorry i forgot her name 😭)
“Masky”->Habit(which makes sense depending on the theories you go with for either series)
“Hoody”->Patrick (same as the last one)
Characters in cant figure out an association with:
Steph, Jess(Evans bestfriend) Shaun So they might just not have a place in this story idk
Since Mlanderson and EMH are in the same universe i thought id make Brian the Michael/Patrick of this story, except more involved. Instead of their being a shaun i think id like Brian to just go to MH crew, if ykwim. I did this cause the only other character i thought could fit Brian was Alex!EMH and I didnt like that.
My take on Masky is that hes just a more aware Tim, not a separate being (tho i do like to think of it that way for fun sometimes ha ha). Masky in my mind was in a battle against the operators control and was ultimately trying to help Jay. I think Masky would br Habit in this series cause of the theory that Habit is one of the first few iterations of Evan, thats why theyre similar and so compatible etc if you know the theory you know. That does mean that Tim isnt gonna act all ha ity, just more erratic i think, i havent gone tooooooo far into a characterization(or even a name) for Emh!MH Habit yet
“Hoody” I see as just brian and he was just disguising himself. in this au “Hoody” would be patrick. Let me explain,
Frim what i gathetef through my second watch of EMH and, my first of MLA , patrick is just Michael but remembers every single iteration, hes a similar being to Habit, thats why he has powers ig? Look i havent gotten too far into theories fir MLA the fandom is so dead i never see any 😭😭. I dont want to get to far into theories on other series anyways cause rhis is about my AU so ANYYYYWAYS i think brian would fit that its just brians story doesnt fit entirely with Michael, actually Tim would probably fit more now that i think about it. Oh god now im thinking of switching them again uhm wtv
I think the rest of the correspondences make sense if you think about it a bit. Jay as Vinnie makes sense to me because of boths compulsive need for answers even though its destructive to those around them. Jay wouldnt be as much as a villain in this like vinnie is (or maybe i havent decided muahaha). I also thought they fit cause they both do that weird thing where they constatly have to document everything.
I thought tim eould fit Evan just cause of the whole habit arc.
Alex as Jeff was more of a fill a role thing that eventually made sense to me. I did think of making him Evan and Tim Jeff, and im still thinking of doing this, but i thought the whole finding the gf arc would fit alex more. Alex would still be one of the villains i think. Like i said this would be marble hornets told through EMH lol. I might even switch it up and assign a habit type role to Alex instead and there be two patrick characters who knows!
As you can tell im still thinking this through so maybe mext post i make about this will be more solid. if youre interested to talk about this kore with me(obv my inbox) or i have a slenderverse discord i made with my friend heh tik tok smug emoji. come join if youre looking for more slenderverse friends(and if youre interested in darkharvest and mla especially cause i need more people to talk about that to 😭😭)
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beezbeeza · 9 months
JJK Men As Your Husband
(SFW )
Characters : Yuuji, Gojo, Toji, Sukuna, Nanami
Warnings : -All characters here are not minors pls dont cancel me😭🙏, mentions of cum, ass thighs boobs also mentioned
-First of all this man is so sweet he would do everything you asked him to do like hello? He is the type that would 100% always buy you flowers everytime he comes back from a mission
-He and you would prolly get a dog and name the dog “Mia” and this guy is so dedicated to the dog 24/7. Once you were in a meeting at jujutsu high when Yuuji called and asked if Mia was ok and everyone in that meeting was just staring at you like (-_-)
-He loves to sleep on your ass. He says its the comfiest spot on your whole body and sometimes when both of you are out in public he would squish it and give you the shittiest grin. He also enjoys laying on your stomach as he tells you about his day and you just combing through his hair
Scenario : You coming back after a long day of work
You walked through your house door with no motivation to do anything. Thats when your lovely husband came to greet you and he noticed something was off.
“Whats wrong darling you look like someone stuck a stick up your ass”
You just shrugged it off and went to shower. While you showering guess what? Yuuji casually walks into the washroom making you slightly embarrassed (even though he had seen you naked so many time)
He walked into the shower like he owned the place and let his hands slither around your waist
“Whats wrong my darling tell me anything that happened im your husband you know im always here”
And you just told him everything in the shower while he listened carefully. After both of you showered you layed on the bed with you on your stomach while he massaged you until you slept.
“Goodnight my doll :)” he said softly
-This guy is so cheeky about being your husband like he would def show you off all day if he could. For your 1 year anniversary this man planned a whole trip just for you and him to go to Italy since he heard you talking about italy being your dream vacation! This guy made sure everything went well just to end your vacation with a long night of his seed in you.
-Did i mention this man is rich? Not any rich but old money rich rich. If you stared at a chanel bag for too long.. the next day its almost guranteed you have it on your bed waiting for you to use it. Not only that but everytime he sees something that reminds him of you he will buy it😭
-Gojo is also really good in cooking suprisingly! If you were too tired when you and him get back home from work he would cook for you and his meals are yummy asf so the only right thing would be to ask for another plate :D
Scenario : You and him going on a date
Both of you had just showered and its 5pm. You both agreed to go on a date after a tiring week of defeating curses non-stop. So like a good husband gojo is, he drives the car and is giving you all the princess treatment you could ever get😩
When both of you arrive to the bougie restaurant a waiter guides both of you to the table and gives you the menu. Your eyes wandered through all the possible dishes you could order while gojo already knew what he wanted and was staring at you.
“You know gojo, staring isnt polite” you said jokingly while calling for the waiter
“Hmm a man cant stare at how divine my wife is?” He replied back which made your chest flutter
You chuckled and decided to plan another week of funess since both of you were on break for a week while waiting for your food🥰
-im praying for all of yall put there this man is big inside and outside🙏 he would randomly throw you over his shoulder to grumble about how much he loves you and you would just be there processing what the hell happened
-He loves when you lay on him whether its on his lap, chest, shoulder he just thinks you look so cute and will snap a few pics of you :3 Nonetheless this man will throw a pillow at you to wake you up in which you get revenge by making him sleep on the couch (girlboss y/n)
-Toji loves to style your hair if you want him to. If you found a pinterest hairstyle you want him to do he would make it look better than the picture itself like this man is so dedicated to his little precious wife and will tend to all her needs
Scenario : You asking Toji to style your hair
It was a very bright summer day when you saw a cute hairstyle on pinterest which you asked your husband to do for you. The moment he reached your cozy house, you jumped into his hands and asked for him to do the hairstyle
“Toji can you please to this hairstyle for me pleaseee” you asked with puppy eyes that your husband could not resist!😨
“Fine brat come here i bet you it will make you look like the prettiest doll”
And he was a man to his words because it actually did turn out better than the picture! But of course you had to pay him by cuddling and pampering him at night in your massive king size bed.
“My love you look so pretty under the moonlight i just want to eat you alivee” you said which made toji feel concerned but fluttered because of the way you complimented him
“Yeah, yeah whatever princess just get some sleep before you get all grumpy in the morning”
You chuckled before you drifted off to sleep not long after.
-Being the wife of Sukuna would probaly fear anyone that you have so much power over him but in reality you could walk this man like a dog on a leash! He looks big, strong, and all that but he just wants his wife in his arms every second of the day
-He loves your boobs more than anything like at night he would just get under ur shirt and lay on one boob while his left hand massages the other boob. You dont mind but sometimes he also lays on your stomach and you play with his hair.
-When the sorcerers (yuuji and the gang) taught you how to use a phone you showed sukuna and boy oh boy this guy almost broke your iphone 14 pro max! Whenever you both take selfies he looks like (•_•) but thats just his way of smiling
Bonus hc bc i love this man too much
-Once, you were massaging sukuna so you were on his back while he was on his tummy and this man moaned loudly which made the maids curious because they taught he got hurt and when they checked in the bedroom, the saw you massaging him! Of course they immediately legt but sukuna sliced their body into 4 pieces😭
Scenario : Teaching sukuna how to use a phone
You opened the gigantic doors to sukuna’s throne room and yelled “Sukuna the sorcerers taught me something today!”
“What did those hooligans teach you this time woman?”
You climbed up the stairs of the throne to sit on his lap while explaining the mechanics of a phone and what it does “this phones are also really useful because when you or i am out we can contact eachother” you said with stars in your eyes
“Why do i need to contact you when i can just bring you out with me?”
“Ugh sukuna my love you dont get it do you?”
It took nearly the whole day for him to understand what a phone is, how it works, why we need it and so on. The next week you got your king a phone and those maids were scared for the life since he would scream st the phone because it apparently ‘wasn’t working’ while you were next to him teaching him why it ‘wasnt working’
Overall you think he made good progress since he came accross a website which showed what makes a good husband and now you definitely get more kisses and compliments🥰
-You honestly have no idea how you got this man like he is such a gentlemen and treats you better than anyone of the list so far. Oh you started your period? He got you pads, your comfort foods and he is your personal furnace.
-He also loves to accompany you when you go the supermarket and just help out! (This guy is a literal angel) If something is out of your reach he would get it for you and ask if anything else you need is out of reach so it takes less time since he just wants to be in your arms😍
-Loves watching movies with you in bed. You always surprise him with his favourite snacks when your in bed or on the couch ready to watch a new episode that both of you guys have been following for some while now. He would drift of to sleep when he is laying on your chest, arms around your waist with you stroking his golden locks!
Scenario : Going to the supermarket
Your kitchen pantry and fridge had been empty for 3 days now so you decided to go to the supermarket with your handsome husband. After you arrived you had no list but just worked around the place to find all the ingredients you need and some things your husband wants.
“My darling are you sure we need 3 packs of popcorn kernels? I love popcorn but isnt that-“ he was cut of with you adding even more popcorn to the nearly overrlowing cart.
“Nothing is too much Nanami and plus you have been working so hard so why not give yourself a treat?” You said cheekily. The man just accepts his fate and continues on shopping for food with his lovely wife.
In the end you guys return home with 2 overflowing carts and a pantry and fridge that could feed a family of 16 people (yay ig?) thankfully it did not cause a hole in both of your bank accounts and that night you watched a movie with nanami and slept peacefully :)
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transmascswagpolls · 4 months
Transmasc Swag Polls- ROUND 1
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Propaganda and other info under the cut.
PUPPET: OOPS! Accidentally Transgender
ALICE: Subtext/ Coded
FNAF: High School (a Youtube animation series), Your Turn to Die (and other related media)
PUPPET PROPAGANDA- (Pollrunner's Note: I genuinely wish I could highlight all the propaganda that was written for this character. Some of the stuff I read was WILD. The submitter uses he/they pronouns for Puppet, but I will have to note the character canonically uses she/her)
On their introduction, Puppet was interpreted by everyone in the fandom as a guy. He has a very deep voice no matter the va, has short hair, and wears the boy school uniform (aka a tie instead of a bow and pants instead of a skirt). His sister has an extra song where she sings about being there for her sibling- uses a lot of male gendered ways to refer to them, and the song has a lot of trans subtext in it ("I'm still that little boy to you" (showing puppet as a kid), "it was only me who could see you", "a light will be born in your new world, and that will be your song"). This song's MV shows Puppet as a kid wearing a dress and a bow in his hair. He looks really sad when looking at their reflection in a puddle and they angrily take the bow out of his hair. In the reflection we can see present day Puppet with his chest covered in bandages, smiling. One time when Puppet is placed in a boy's cabin, other characters point out the 'mistake' to him, which he brushes off and says it's ok (in fact, he seems very happy about it). The creator was confused as to why people were calling Puppet a guy. She says that Puppet is not trans and is just a tomboy. When people thought Puppet was trans, [she] got some backlash for showing unsafe binding, so she said that Puppet doesn't bind and is "just flat chested" (which is really weird to me since his identical twin is not in the least bit flat)
Alice has a whole scene in the spinoff where someone asks him why he talks like a girl sometimes (uses feminine pronouns when he's flustered or stressed in japanese) and he tells them that his mother raised him as her daughter but he knew in his heart that he was a man and eventually got up the courage to tell her. VERY defensive over his gender as a result of that. Sure he's AMAB. But also considering his situation I think he can also count as transmasc. He's one of us Was in his sister's band and played the drums (he doesn't know how to play them). Can only wear striped things if the stripes are in a specific way and is so picky he tries to get a 17 year old to eat his food. He's very kind and cares for people (especially his younger sister) but is also very cringefail... you should play this game. Pleag (Pollrunner's Note: I only met this character thanks to this poll and that alone made everything worth it. His pseudonym (which is a spoiler so I won't include it here) is so clever that it inspired the name of one of the characters in my game. Swaggy fucking guy fr fr)
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livsbrutalitys-blog · 9 months
Unfinished business
pt.1 | pt.3
pairing(s): Rhea x f!reader, wwe x f!reader, not really but aew x f!reader
a/n: this isn’t as Rhea based but it’s still important as it is building up relationships and the character
use of y/n
tw: eventual smut, cussing, physical violence (y’all this is wrestling what’d you expect), idk if there’s more lmk if you see any
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After you put down your phone you took a quick nap to pass the time on the long flight. You woke up just as the plane was landing and once it was time for you to get off you grabbed your things and made your way through the airport after grabbing you luggage. You walked outside and got in your rental car and finally made your way to the pc.
Once you arrived at the pc and made it through the door you were greeted by Stephanie. "Hi y/n, it's so good to see you again. I had a look at your match from last night and it was really impressive." she said with a smile on her face. "Thank you so much Stephanie, that means a lot to me especially coming from you", you said reciprocating the smile she'd given to you.
"Ok so your probably wondering why I wanted you down here so soon" she said "yes and I'm ready for whatever you have planned for me" you said becoming a little antsy. She chuckled a bit before speaking again, "That's good to know, but I wanted you here so you could meet some of our wrestlers and meet your partner in your debut" she said waiting for a response. You were bit surprised not disappointed but definitely surprised because you thought you were debuting alone.
"Partner?" is all you said wanting a further explanation. "Right I didn't tell you yet, you are gonna be entering into a feud with 2 other people one of those being the person you are pairing with at Wrestlemania, but for the night you guys will be friends we'll build the feud after" she said and you could see the passion for this story in her eyes. It wasn't a bad idea at all but it wasn't what you expected for your debut so you took a chance on it and put your trust in Stephanie's years in the business.
You followed Stephanie to room that was meant for working out and when you entered you saw about 5 people in there and she kept walking toward the blonde on the far side of the room. She was currently sitting on a machine getting ready to do another set when we approached her. Stephanie tapped the woman's shoulder and she turned her head to look at who had just tapped her.
When she looked at you you were slightly stunned to see who it was it was a girl you had briefly met at a training camp a few years ago.
"Hi Liv sorry to interrupt your workout but I wanted you to meet your wrestlemania partner" Stephanie said gesturing her hand towards you. "Hi my names y/n, it's so nice to meet you" you stuck your hand out for a hand shake. "Hey I'm Liv" she shook your hand firmly she looked at you inquisitively as she spoke again "have... we met before?" she said "You know what I think so were you at (random training camp lol) a couple years ago?" you said "Oh my gosh! yes that's were I know you from, how have you been its been so long" she said standing up and looking genuinely interested in what you were about to say.
"Everything's been good, do you remember when I told you about a deal I got offered with that indie promotion?" you said "Yes! How'd that go? I saw some of your stuff you were doing at AEW and damn girl you are so good at this whole thing I could probably use a few lessons" she chuckled "Yeah so that indie promotion ended up being AEW and well you can see how well that went" you laughed. "Well I can see you two have some good history, that'll be useful later on but I thought maybe you two could do some team bonding" she said "Oh that sounds like a great idea!" Liv exclaimed "Yeah I'm in what were you thinking?" you asked Stephanie. "Maybe you guys could just go out and grab dinner or do a training session" she said just kind of throwing out some idea's. "y/n, we can do a session together I'm just getting started you are more than welcome to join if you'd like" she asked and you thought about it because you weren't exactly prepared to do any wrestling but eventually you agreed and went and changed.
You walk to one of the rings and found Liv, she was running the ropes and had just finished stretching. So, you decided to stretch outside of the ring and once you were done you slid under the bottom rope and walked over to Liv. "so what'd you want to start with?" you asked her while doing some little arm stretches. "you wanna do some sparring? Just a warning I'm a little rusty I've been out with an injury for a while" she asked and you decided to ask about said injury "Yeah we can, what happened if you don mind me asking?" "Rhea happened" is all she said when answering your question. "Sorry I haven't watched a lot of WWE in a while since y'know I've been kinda working for the rival" you said getting kinda nervous about how she would feel about you not being 'in the loop'. She understood your reasoning and explained further what she meant.
After she told you about what Rhea did to her you felt a sense of anger and protectiveness over Liv. You guys spent a couple hours at the PC and after you finished up you headed to go grab something to eat. While you were eating you two talked about how excited you were about your debut and her return. As you talked about it you realized that this was gonna be a big deal and the people were definitely gonna be talking, Liv realized it too.
As the next couple months passed you and Liv grew a strong friendship and were closer to her than you've been with anyone in a long time. You were 2 days away from your debut on the grandest stage of them all, Wrestlemania. You heard a knock on your new apartments door and ran to answer it cause you knew exactly who it was. You swung the door open and Liv walked in she was just as excited as you because today you guys were gonna be finishing up your outfits.
"Girl I can't believe in like two days we are gonna be making history, this is so crazy!" she said with enthusiasm, you chuckled at her actions. It's not that you weren't excited you were just nervous about seeing her for the first time in years. How would she react? How would you react? What if she hates me? What if the fans hate me? Was all you could think and it was clouding you feelings of excitement. You didn't bother to tell Liv much about how you knew Rhea, all she knew was you and her trained together but what she didn't know is that you two had a sort of... situationship for 4 years and 'broke up' if you'd even call it that because the way things ended was with her abandoning you and then ignoring you after she left that day back at the gym.
You wish you and Rhea could've had real relationship instead of a secret multi year fling. But, she wasn't ready to tell everyone that she was into girls and that she was indeed secretly in love with one. You understood and were content with what you had going on but eventually you wanted more. You wanted to go on dates, kiss her in front of other people or even just hold her hand. Anytime you asked for more its like she would shut down and try to change the subject or try to initiate sex and it would work for a bit but you grew tired of the same old same old. It started to feel like she was ashamed of you or just being with you in that way.
Rhea had said she loved you and you told her you loved her but of course nobody knew how you guys felt about one another and it was beyond frustrating and tiring trying to hide how you felt about her. She was another reason you stopped watching WWE, even though you loved it and it was your dream to make it there you couldn't bear watching her every week and knowing how you felt.
While you were lost in thought about what its going to be like seeing her after all these years Liv saying your name snapped you back to reality. "Hey y/n were did you say those rhinestones were, I wanna practice my makeup for the show" she asked while poking her head out of your bathroom. "Oh they should be in my makeup bag under the sink are they not in there?" you said as you walked away from your bed that had your semi finished out fit on it. "No I didn't see them maybe there in there and i just missed them" she said as she walked out of the bathroom to give you room to look under the sink. "Ah there they are, they fell out sorry about that" you said as you chuckled slightly "Oh no problem thank you for letting me use them" she said grabbing them from your hand and you guys switched spots. "You're welcome I have more somewhere if you want them I'm out of my rhinestone phase" you said as you walked back to your connected bedroom. She gasped "You wore these, oh my god girl I just know you looked so hot with them" she laughed "Yeah I did they just don't fit the vibe anymore y'know" you said while also laughing at her reaction.
You guys finished with your looks and decided to try on your outfit's to see if anything else needed to be fixed or added. Liv tried hers on first and she looked stunning (i hate doing these but i need to so you understand my idea here are the outfits )
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You gasped at her whole look it was amazing. “Liv holy shit I think the whole arena is going to collapse when they see you” you said while getting off your bed to get a better look at it and she laughed because she didn’t expect your reaction to be that positive. “Thank you boo, ok ok now go try yours on I wanna see” she said pushing you towards the bathroom to change. Once you were done you walked out and did a little twirl to give her a good look. She paused and her jaw dropped at how good you looked.
your outfit
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“BITCH OH MY GOD IM DONE YOU ARE GONNA STOP THE WHOLE SHOW” she yelled. “Thank you bae I was worried it was gonna be to much” you laughed not knowing how to properly accept the praise you’re were receiving. “Girl have you seen how Seth and Becky dress to their standards this isn’t enough” you and her shared a laugh knowing how outlandish those two like to dress from seeing some of their pics on instagram.
“Hey did you wanna spend the night so that we can just get up and go to the airport tomorrow?” you asked and this wasn’t an unusual question because you guys had sleepovers often. “Yeah that’ll make it a lot easier since we have to get up and go so early” she said “ok it’s getting kinda late did you want to change and watch a movie, maybe order some dinner?” you asked “yes but can i pick the place this time because you picked last time” she said and you giggled a little bit “yes you can as long as it’s not gross like that one place you picked” you said playfully grimacing at the memory of the awful food and she laughed and also made a disgusted face at the same memory.
After you got done watching the movie and eating dinner you guys were to tired to move so you just slept on the couch and you made sure you had an alarm set for the morning at 4 am since you had to be at the airport at 5 am.
You woke up at exactly 4 in the morning and Liv took a little more convincing to get her up but she eventually got up and walked to your bathroom but before that she had asked if she could borrow a pair of your sweatpants and of course you let her. Once you guys were changed you walked to your car and drove to the airport.
The airport was your least favorite place but seemed to be the place you spent the most time. You got through all the checkpoints with no problem and soon boarded your plane. You and Liv sat next to each other, She eventually dozed off and took a nap leaning on your shoulder and you soon followed resting your head on hers. She woke up about 5 minutes before you were due to land and her movement had woken you right up. “Are we about to land” you asked while yawning “uh yeah it looks like it” she said groggily. You checked the time and it was about 9 am since the flight was a short one,about 2 hrs, you were grateful.
You guys got off the plane and made your way to your shared rental car after grabbing the rest of your luggage. You made your way to the hotel and checked in, it was 1 day till you made your debut and her return. 1 day till you came face to face with her again. The pit your stomach grew but you also had butterflies at the thought of seeing her. You and Liv had been staying in a separate hotel due to nobody knowing about you guys coming.
There was a knock at the door and you glanced at Liv "Are you expecting anyone?" you asked curiously "No are you?" she asked in the same tone and you shook your head. Liv stood up quickly to answer it. Her demeanor changed almost instantly as she greeted the stranger with a hug and a quick hi. You heard a familiar voice as she asked if she could come in and Liv moved aside gesturing her in. You stood up to greet the person and you were settled by the stranger being Stephanie. “Hey y/n how was your flight” she asked as she entered the room. “Oh it was good, a short one which i don’t mind at all” you chuckled and she did the same. “Oh I bet the short ones are the best but what brings me here is I wanted to go over some of the finishing touches for tomorrow” she said while glancing between you and Liv. “Oh ok yeah did you want to do it here or we could maybe go grab a coffee while we talk” Liv suggested. “You know what that sounds great let’s explore the city a bit and get out of this room” Stephanie said happy to get of the hotel. You guys walked around finding a good coffee spot and you all finally chose one.
You all sat down with you drinks and stared talking more business. “So have you girls decided what your wearing tomorrow?” Stephanie asked “Yes we finished them up last night at made sure everything was good” You said glancing at Liv who was nodding in agreement as you spoke. “Great do you have a picture?” she said and you went to look through you photos and couldn’t find one. “I don’t think I took on Liv did you” you looked over at her “uhhhhh… yes I do” she said as she turned her phone towards Stephanie. Stephanie grabbed the phone and got a closer look. “Oh these are amazing I think you’ll win best dressed” she said as she chuckled and handed Liv her phone back. “I think that’s what we were going for” Liv said grabbing her phone back and laughing.
You guys talked for a bit and once you were done you made you way back to the hotel once you got your respective floors you said your goodbyes and heading back to your rooms. You immediately face plant onto one of the beds groaning because you were so tired and also because the amount of business talk you just did drained you completely. Liv slowly made her way to the other bed and you both laid there for a few minutes before you both started laughing. For no reason at all you were both laughing so hard, you turned you head to face her and laughed even harder “what’s so funny” you said between laughs “I don’t know felt right I guess”.
You both calmed down and we’re just having sleepy small talk and making jokes. “God what time is it?” you asked slightly jarring your self to wake up. “Oh shit I have no idea” Liv said as she chuckled and immediately searching for her phone. You found yours first and read the time 6:30 pm you had been laying there for about 2 hours now after your 4 hour long conversation with Stephanie. You both decided to eat something and head to bed early.
You both are laying there watching a random movie on the TV and Liv starts some small talk. “Are you excited for tomorrow?” she asked but she already knew your answer. “Yes god I can’t believe it’s already here it feels like yesterday I was responding to an email on the way to an AEW event” you said recalling the start of this journey. “I know right I mean it really does feel like this whole thing has flown by in no time” she said agreeing with what you’d just said. “I have to ask you something” Liv admitted and you sat up slightly to prepare for what seemed like a hard hitting question. “ok” you said hesitantly “I don’t want to overstep and you totally don’t have to answer if you don’t want to and I won’t be mad if you don’t want to but i’ve been thinking about a lot..” she rambled on “Liv what is it your scaring me” you said trying to get it out of her. “Ok sorry, sorry, so, whenever Rhea is mentioned you get kind of- i dunno- weird- i guess- did something happen with you guys?” she asked quietly not wanting to upset you. “Oh I mean no- not really- I just y’know- had a lit- little crush on her-that’s it” you said while debating if you should come clean or not. “Really because it seems like it was more?” she said not believing you one bit. You sighed as the debate in your head was settled, “ok well that’s not the whole thing- we had a kind of- well i mean not kind of but had- a sorta relationship for a couple years” you said trying to not give to many details.
“What?” is all Liv said trying to understand what you just said. “Yeah I mean it wasn’t that serious but the end really hurt not gonna lie” you said with your head turned down. “wha-why didn’t you say anything?” she asked sounding a little hurt. “i- i don’t know it just didn’t seem important” you said trying to justify it in your head and to her. “Not important? Are you kidding me it’s so important because now we’ve gotta go out there you’ve gotta be your revenge” she said surprisingly more upset at the fact that you didn’t tell her sooner because she could’ve planned your revenge tactic sooner. You laughed surprised she wasn’t mad at you.
“Your not mad?” you said “Girl no that’s your business and i’ll never press you to talk about something you don’t wanna talk about” she said with a matter of fact tone. “Ok but how do you know shes not the one who needs to get revenge?” you asked as she turned towards you quickly. “Did she make you cry?” you nodded your head “ Did she do it over text?” you shook your head “How’d she do it?” she asked now interested “She got on a plane with no word and left” you said grimacing at the memory. “Bitch i’m done you need revenge ‘cause that is seriously messed up” she said looking you dead in the eyes. “I know like who would do that?” you asked in disbelief.
You two carried on talking about your relationship with Rhea for another hour or so. “And please Liv you cannot tell anyone I don’t want this getting out for mine and her sake please” you begged “For you I will I love you girl and I mean that I’ve got you no matter what” she said reminding you that she always had your back.
You two soon fell fast asleep. You dreamed about Rhea which hadn’t happened in a very long time. You suddenly jumped and it woke you up. You stirred and got up to grab a water. You chugged it and crawled back in bed. After a while you couldn’t sleep you grabbed your phone to check the time and scroll through social media real quick. You decided to do something you never thought you’d do. You unblocked her account and viewed it.
You saw a totally different person than you’d last seen. She was more muscular and her hair was jet black and she was fully tatted. It was now not a doubt in your mind that the person you saw at the arena a while back was in fact her. You watched some of the reels on her page and looked at some of her pictures. You felt different towards her you didn’t feel the love you’d once had i mean it was still there just a little further down than they were before you now felt more rage and anger towards her because now you realized you weren’t the problem. You didn’t deserve what she did to you. You needed your revenge.
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swiftsaltsweet · 19 days
Two Knives Interlude 1: Rangi- Damn
Characters: Rangi and Kyoshi (RoK characters tbh)
Pairing: Rangshi
Rating: M
Things have been stressful for Kyoshi. First, she sang a poem and now the whole kitchen staff thinks it’s about Rangi, and is sure that there will be gossip. Then, Yun asks her to join him for the Fifth Nation treaty signing. Now Rangi’s acting strange. It’s becoming a bit much for Kyoshi’s small corner of the world.
(Canon Divergent AU- Kelsang wasn’t the one who heard the poem?….aka What if it took longer for them to realize Kyoshi was the Avatar?)
Other Sites: AO3 
A/N: (Future me edit: Phew! Glad you guys seemed to like the little twist at the end, was a little nervous ngl TT0TT Also YAY! I CAN FINALLY START SHARING THE RANGI CHAPTERS! *sobs* so excited and haha oh man now I’m nervous akfjskfdaj)
(back to past me:) Heyyyyyy it’s POV switch time, just like The Hunt For Kyoshi’s: The Hunter and The Hunted chapters :’D
I only had this POV flip planned so………u_u but hey! It’s like 3 chapters worth in one chapter so :’D Wait…3 chapters….. *looks at the length of this chapter vs the others* Oh someone save meeeeeee TT0TT Haha this is gonna be a long chapter-Oh wait I’m getting a call. Ahuh. Hmm. Yup… 27 pages????......AND YOU AREN’T DONE……. THREE CHAPTERS AND NOT ONE?! Ok We’re splitting this into three chapters sorry. :’D
I underestimated how much Rangi yaps. u_u Pining more than a damn pine tree.
Me from the future (again): *stumbles in* Heyyyyy-o. Oh boi. Um….yes. So….THIS chapter was supposed to be chapter 4, but then I changed it. :’D So like….just remember how these were written/structured: Kyoshi’s first 3 chapters, and then Rangi’s first three chapters, then chapters 4-6, then Rangi’s 4th chapter (that 4th chapter wasn’t originally going to exist too jaklfjds. Man this fic has been shuffled about more than a deck of cards kjfdslafjs
Rangi was an idiot. She couldn’t believe that she walked all the way down to the kitchen, and had forgotten to tell Kyoshi the one important news she wanted to relay to her! She cursed that Aoma girl and her cronies for bullying Kyoshi, because they’d distracted her as well. Instead of telling Kyoshi the good news of Master Kelsang returning from a relief mission early, she was trying to give the giant girl tips on how to defend herself.
All those tips falling on deaf ears, as usual. 
She slowly and silently made her way back down to the ruckus kitchen. She heard them from the hallway, something about singing a dirty song or something about unrequited love. She really hoped Kyoshi wasn’t still wasting her time down there. 
“Kyoshi next!” someone said, and the sound of Kyoshi’s name made Rangi stop on the stairs. “She’s never here, so let’s make the most of it!”
Rangi stood in the middle of the staircase, just out of sight from the kitchen. Unsure of what to do. On one hand, she was annoyed that her hunch was right, and Kyoshi was still down there. But on the other hand, she wondered if Kyoshi was going to join in. If she was going to sing. What her singing voice sounded like. What she was going to sing about. 
She stood there, heart thrumming in her chest to the beat of the kitchen appliances.
“I’ve got two knives that are cast in bronze / they pierce all the way to the soul / they draw you in with the promise of sin / like the moth to the flame to the coal.”
Rangi’s eyes widened as she heard Kyoshi’s singing voice for the first time. It was such a lovely alto. Her voice was smooth, strong and rich. 
The kitchen howled. Someone clucked in disapproval. “Keep going, you naughty girl!” a voice shouted.
Oh, right, she supposed she should be listening to the lyrics. She shook her head, as much as she’d love to listen to Kyoshi’s voice. The song itself might give her an indication on if Kyoshi liked someone.
Let’s see, something about bronze and fire? Rangi’s heart leapt at the thought of the second description, but tapered it down. She didn’t want to get ahead of herself. 
“I’ve got hair like the starless night / it sticks to my lips when I smile / I’ll wind it with yours and we’ll drift off course / in a ship touching hearts all the while.”
Kyoshi drummed on, more percussion started filling the air. And Rangi’s heart started to pound harder. Starless night. Black. A hand flew to her chest. Ok, now she couldn’t stop from getting ahead of herself. There were only a handful of people on the estate that had black hair, and she was one of them. 
“For the way I walk is a lantern lit / that leads you into the night / I’ll hold you close and love you the most / until our end is in sight.”
Rangi could feel the blood pounding in her ears, she could feel the blush covering her body. She knew she was beat red. Black hair, fire, light. Entangled hair. Wanting to hold and love them. Rangi leaned against the wall for support, and prayed. Prayed to every spirit imaginable. Prayed to every Avatar. Prayed that the person Kyoshi was talking about was her. Was Rangi. 
“It’s Rangi!” someone shouted. Rangi nearly leapt out of her skin. She stumbled back a few steps, fearing someone saw her. 
I thought I was out of sight!
“It is Rangi!”someone else cooed, the sound of kissing noises were heard.
“W-where?” Kyoshi asked, alarmed.
“Not in here, idiot!” a male voice said. “In your song! Just admit it, you just sang about Rangi.”
Rangi feared she was going to go into cardiac arrest. So she wasn’t crazy. She wasn’t the only one who saw the resemblance between her and Kyoshi’s song. Now, would Kyoshi admit it? Should she admit it? What should Rangi do if she did?
A million questions spiraled in her mind. 
What she wanted to do right then and there was run down there and…. Take Kyoshi right where she stood? Take her hand and run off with her? Both? 
Rangi drew a breath as quietly as she could. At some point she’d forgotten how to breathe. No, no, she couldn’t act brashly. Kyoshi had to confirm. And….there were other obstacles Rangi may have to overcome if Kyoshi did confirm. 
Rangi, and the rest of the staff waited for Kyoshi’s answer.
“I-I, uh, I,” Kyoshi started. 
Did Kyoshi not mean to sing about Rangi? Did the kitchen staff guess wrong? Did Kyoshi think no one would be able to guess it was about Rangi? 
The wait was killing her.
“I, uh, I have to go get ready for my gifting duties,” Kyoshi said hurriedly, and the sound of movement could be heard.
Rangi jumped and sprinted up the stairs as fast as she could. She quickly ascended the stairs, scratching and clawing on all fours, unable to keep her balance. Surely she was not as silent as she’d wanted to be. As soon as she got to the top she dove through the open window on the other side of the hall from the stairs without thinking. 
She landed in the bushes, and sat there, under the windowsill out of view. Her hand over her mouth to stifle any noises. She heard Kyoshi finish ascending the staircase, and then run in the direction of her room.
Rangi sat there for a moment, trying to catch her breath, and to cool her features off. She didn’t need to be walking around with her face flushed the same color as her red armor.
She placed her forehead on her knees and breathed. She likes me? Does this mean she likes me? She thought to herself, unable to stop the hope rising in her chest. 
For the past two years she’d resigned herself into thinking Kyoshi wouldn’t like her back. That her crush would go unanswered. So this hope was dangerous, if she completely gave in then…. What if Kyoshi still didn't like her? What would she do then?
Rangi took a few more calming breaths, and then slapped her own cheeks. She needed to calm down. She had duties to attend to!
…but first, she should probably go wash her face in her room. The water might help cool it off.
She scrunched up her face into the signature Sei’naka- or maybe it was just the Fire Nation?- stoic look. No one would be able to tell what she was thinking if she kept it like this. 
She made sure now one was looking before she escaped out of the bushes, and ran to her own room.
Rangi ran the cool towel over her face, it warmed almost instantly at the contact of her skin. She repeated the process about a dozen or so times until her reddened face had finally calmed down. 
She grabbed a nearby dry towel and dried her face off. When she finally pulled it away, she began inspecting her appearance in the mirror. Her hair was a mess, so she fixed it. Trying not to think of the lyrics.
She inspected her skin, it was back to the normal pale it usually was, only a slight red hue scattered across it. Her fingers brushed at her neck, then her jaw, then her cheeks and then they froze. Her gaze lingered on her eyes. Her bronze colored eyes. 
“I’ve got two knives that are cast in bronze / they pierce all the way to the soul”
Rangi gasped, and pressed the towel into her face again. As if the pressure could stop the lyrics from forming in her mind. 
Kyoshi had been singing about her eyes. No! No, she needed to think rationally. Kyoshi might’ve been singing about her eyes. Might!
 “They draw you in with the promise of sin / like the moth to the flame to the coal.”
Rangi let out a muffled scream into the towel, her flush coming back red hot. Did Kyoshi really say her gaze was sinful? 
Have I been too obvious? Please tell me I haven’t been too obvious!
She thought about every longing look she thought she snuck and it caused her to do a little dance of embarrassment. Which led to her tripping over her own feet, and falling backwards onto the floor. 
Rangi’s face was still in the towel as she screamed and cringed into it with each memory that passed in her mind; kicking her legs on the floor all the while. It was a pathetic sight. If anyone were to walk in, that might be the final blow to her ego. She may never recover. Thankfully, there was nary a person in the estate that would just barge into Rangi’s room unannounced.
Rangi heard her door slide open with a click.
She slowly removed the towel to see a pair of familiar boots.
She looked up at her mother with absolute dismay. If anyone could or would see Rangi at her lowest and most vulnerable, her mother would always be there with a front row seat. 
Hei-Ran gazed down at her daughter with a deep frown. “What on earth are you doing?”
Breaking down. She thought. Rangi did her best to screw her face back into a stoic expression, the flush be damned. She stood up straight, inhaled, ready to give the excuse of her life. 
She exhaled…..and stared at her mother.
She had nothing. No excuse existed in this world that could’ve explained such disappointing behavior. It’d be better if she told her mother the truth, but she’d never do that. She feared what her mother might say or do if she mentioned her crush on Kyoshi.
Instead, she kept the staring contest up with her mother, until Hei-Ran finally broke it by pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Oh, nevermind. I don’t think I want to know,” Hei-Ran conceded. Rangi was going to leave the biggest and bestest offering for the spirits when she had time. 
Rangi cleared her throat. “What brings you to my room, mother? Shouldn’t you be with Yun?”
Hei-Ran sighed, “Yes, but we are taking a break. However, it appears he wants his break extended. It seems he galavanted off somewhere.”
Rangi nodded. That sounded like her Avatar.
“And I was wondering if his bodyguard would know where he was,” Hei-Ran glared at her daughter.
Rangi stiffened. She’d been neglecting her duties for the day. To be fair, she didn’t necessarily have to bodyguard Yun when he was in the presence of his Sifus, but still. She was slacking.
“I’ll go and fetch him,” Rangi said with a bow.
“Good,” Hei-Ran replied, turning on her heel to leave. 
As she exited the door, a group of servants passed her room in the hall. “Did you see the Avatar?”
“Yeah I saw him on his way to the gifting room, you know where Kyoshi is!”
“How scandalous-Hey!”
Rangi practically barreled into her mother and the other maids as she passed, face pale in distress.
No! No no no no! Not the gifting room! Not those two alone!
Rangi’s mind was now screaming as she sprinted through the estate, she didn’t care if she looked like a spirit out of hell. She had to get to the gifting room, stat!
She was having a possibly amazing day, she didn’t need it to be ruined by the memories from around eight months ago. When she last left Yun and Kyoshi in a room together, alone. How they looked at each other. How Kyoshi sprinkled Fire Lilies over Yun’s face. How they….kissed. Or, almost kissed? Rangi didn’t know, she didn’t stick around to watch.
Rangi rounded the corner, she was running at the door with a full sprint. Body ready to catch them in the act this time, mind not as prepared.
She reached the door, stopped just in time, and slid the door open with a smooth click. 
She gazed at the two in front of her. Kyoshi and Yun were a respectable distance apart. Nothing nefarious happened this time. She sighed inwardly, and then remembered to keep her face in its stoic placement. She didn’t trust her real emotions at the moment. 
"Avatar." She bowed deeply and solemnly to Yun. Then she turned to Kyoshi, Kyoshi appeared more sullen than usual. “And you! You’ve barely made any prog-”
Rangi cut herself off and tore her eyes away from Kyoshi, looking around the room. Her eyes widened a bit. “Oh….it’s…. actually almost done.” She wasn’t expecting that….
Almost all the presents were in neat little piles, all that needed to be done was transfer them.
“I got here early….” she heard Kyoshi muttered. She wouldn’t look at Rangi at all. 
Rangi could feel her pulse race. Is it because of the song she sang? Is it true? Or is she just self-conscious because the kitchen staff had teased her? Questions began to fill Rangi’s mind once again.
“Yeah Rangi,” Yun laughed. “This is Kyoshi we’re talking about, how dare you question her skill of working fast and efficiently?”
Rangi turned on her heel to face the Avatar, glaring at him. He was throwing her under the bus in front of Kyoshi! Again! “D-don’t put words in my mouth! I simply thought due to the volume that came in, and the fact you are skipping training to be a distraction, she may not have gotten as far as she did.”
“Well, I left the kitchen as soon as possible and got to work, just like you wanted,” Kyoshi mumbled. 
Rangi looked back, and Kyoshi had a slight glower on her face. She could feel her palms getting sweaty. Had Rangi upset her? Had she been upset before Rangi arrived? More millions of questions flew through her mind. Too many, she didn’t know which ones to ask first.
Kyoshi looked back at them, eyes widened a little, and then scratched her nose in embarrassment. “Did I say something wrong?”
Rangi stared at Kyoshi, trying to read her but found it too difficult. She looked down at her feet in defeat.  “No… it’s just….” Do you like me? Do you hate me? Do I upset you? So many questions.
“I think Kyoshi’s just a little nervous,” Yun announced.
Was it because of the song? How did he know about it? Did gossip already spread? Wait, if he knows about it then-
“I just asked her to join the Fifth Nation signing and she agreed to go,” he continued calmly.
Rangi’s train of thought came to a crashing halt when she heard him finish his sentence. Kyoshi was…..coming with them? To the daofei meeting. Sweet, innocent, never seen combat before, Kyoshi. She was going to go to a possible battleground. A war. A maid who has never held a weapon in her life, and might have to fight to the death. Her Kyoshi.
Rangi turned on Yun, glaring at him with the heat of a thousand suns. “Wh-what?! What do you mean she’s going?!”
“I was going to tell you,” Yun smiled, putting his hands up in surrender. 
Rangi spluttered and looked between Yun and Kyoshi. Why wasn’t Kyoshi saying anything? Did he pressure her into it? Was she stupid?! Did she not realize how dangerous this was? 
“Have you lost your mind? The both of you? She’s not going!” Rangi couldn’t believe she had to say those words aloud.
“Are you going against your Avatar’s wishes?” Yun grinned at her, his tone was joking. He didn’t mean it. But it hit Rangi like she’d been run over by a komodo rhino. Because that’s exactly what she was doing. She was disobeying the Avatar, to keep the girl she was in love with from harm. “Calm down, it’ll be good to have her there.”
“Good for who?” Rangi groused. He was being selfish again, thinking only of himself and not Kyoshi’s well being. No she couldn’t assume that! He was the Avatar. The Avatar was always well meaning. Maybe he just….didn’t realize the risk? Yes, that’s what it was. She just needed to talk some sense into him!
She pressed a fist to her forehead and sighed. Then she glared at Yun and grabbed his sleeve. “We’re talking about this later. Right now, I’m taking you back to your training!”
She started to pull her charge towards the door.
“Gah! Rangi! Wait!” Yun bemoaned. 
Rangi practically threw the Avatar through the doorway in front of her, and then stopped with her hand on the doorframe. She looked back at Kyoshi. Kyoshi sat there with the same calm and beautiful, silent strength she knew the girl possessed. She didn’t want to see it destroyed by some daofei. She wanted her protected. She hated the idea of some dumb bullies harming the girl, but if that pirate laid a hand on her-!
Rangi gripped the doorframe slightly. She looked around the room, trying to find something for Kyoshi to do. “And you-! Clean-no. Just. Gah. Do whatever you were doing!”
Apparently she couldn’t find anything. So she just slammed the door behind her.
Rangi was greeted by Kyoshi with a scream to the face. 
“I’m sorry,” Kyoshi gasped, looking sincerely apologetic. “You surprised me!”
Rangi began walking, indicating for Kyoshi to follow her. She would escort her to the next destination.
Rangi didn’t mind Kyoshi screaming like that, partially because it wasn’t the first time this had happened. In all honesty, Rangi brought it on herself, sometimes she was too stealthy……or Kyoshi was too absentminded. Another reason why she shouldn’t come.
Rangi seethed inside her head. Yun wasn’t listening to reason. He had it in his head that Kyoshi needed to come along. To remind him of the little people he was doing it all for. 
What a load of bull cow crap! He should be able to see that with the servants that work here every day! Or the villagers he sees when he sneaks a peak over the wall! He didn’t need to drag Kyoshi into it!
Kyoshi had already suffered enough growing up. At least, from what Aunti Mui had let slip to her about Kyoshi’s life before the mansion. Kyoshi didn’t need to be put into peril again, and she most certainly didn’t need to suffer an agonizing death at the hands of some daofei!
She just wanted Kyoshi to live a long and healthy life. But she couldn’t do that if she was dead!
Rangi looked up and realized they were somewhere in the garden. She didn’t notice how she got there, when they got there, nor cared. 
An idea passed through her head. If she couldn’t convince Yun, maybe she could convince Kyoshi.
“Kyoshi,” Rangi started, breaking the silence. She saw Kyoshi flinch out of the corner of her eye.
“You aren’t going,” Rangi said. Rangi tried to say it with a finality. Try to push Kyoshi into the same mindset as her. Whatever it would take to keep her safe.
Kyoshi sighed. “I don’t think I have a choice, Rangi. It’s a special request from the Avatar.”
Rangi stopped walking and turned to glare at Kyoshi. “Of course you have a choice! You just have to tell him you don’t want to! Just tell him ‘no,’ Kyoshi!”
Please, just for once. Don’t think of him. Don’t give in to him. Just tell him ‘no.’ Rangi sobbed internally. Lately, she couldn’t stop the thoughts she’d usually fought to ignore from bubbling to the surface. 
Kyoshi raised an eyebrow and gave her a joking smile. “And disobey the Avatar?”
Rangi stiffened. Yes. That’s exactly what she wanted. Every time she brought it up, it was another hit to her honor. Disobeying her honorbound duty. Each time she tried to find an excuse, to cover up her own horrid act and shame. “It’s not ‘disobeying’ if he gave you an option in the first place, right?”
“I don’t mind though,” Kyoshi said, smiling at Rangi. The same smile and expression she would make whenever she’d come home with dirty clothes and poorly covered bruises. When the other village teens had roughed her up or thrown mud and rocks at her. Rangi knew Kyoshi was lying, and it was making her sick to her stomach.
Kyoshi got closer to Rangi and whispered. “Plus he practically begged me. How could I say no?”
Rangi’s eyes widened. Is that it? Is that all? All Yun had to do was beg Kyoshi and he had her? A simple plea and she’d willingly give herself over?
Nausea started to take over and Rangi started feeling dizzy. It wasn’t fair. People took advantage of Kyoshi’s kind nature so often. And now she was marching herself to an executioner's block to unknowingly stroke Yun’s ego.
Rangi couldn’t have that. If she must, she’d stoop as low as those worms!
She saw Kyoshi had started walking and grabbed the girl by the arm, pulling her back.
“Then what about me, huh?” Rangi got in Kyoshi’s face. Her space. Trying to take up as much residency in Kyoshi’s being as possible. She only wanted the other girl to see her, only her, no one else. “What if I begged? What if I begged you not to come along? What would you do then?”
Would you afford me the same treatment as Yun? Would you give yourself to me too? Do I want you to? 
Rangi shook Kyoshi’s arm once and let her stoic mask crumple. She wanted Kyoshi to know how she truly felt. She wanted Kyoshi to realize someone cared about her. Wanted her to be safe. Not to run into danger because of some misguided duty. 
Rangi shook her arm again. “Please. Kyoshi, please don’t come with us,” she begged again. She’d beg as many times as it would take. 
Rangi watched as Kyoshi bit her lip and held the package she was holding tighter to her being. Recoiling from Rangi. 
She watched as Kyoshi went to form the words “I’m sorry” from her lips, before they got caught by the heat Rangi had started to form around them.
Rangi realized she couldn’t make Kyoshi do anything. Even Yun couldn’t make her do anything. Kyoshi was doing this because she chose to. Just like how she’d actively choose to not defend herself against her own bullies. 
Rangi was a fool, an idiot, to not see it before. Kyoshi had chosen and was doing what she wanted to do. In doing so, Rangi realized Kyoshi had also chosen Yun over her.
Rangi grimaced and released Kyoshi. “Forget it,” she said in defeat, as she walked away. If she couldn’t stop Kyoshi from going with them, then she’d need to find a way to protect her.
A/N:Me: Rangi’s side is more serious! You need to treat it more seriously!Also me: Ok she’s kind of a loser, gotcha. TT0TT
 I love high blood pressure!Rangi, I love gremlin!Rangi. But lovesick!Rangi? Hmmm yes! *throws all three in a blender to mix them up* uwu
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sinni-ok-sessi · 6 months
Would love to hear any thoughts on the codification of the poet-persona over time? 👀
Ok so in the spirit of the ask game, I am not checking any citations on this whatsoever, but if you want those lmk (though they uh. largely do not exist for rímur-poets specifically, because only me and Hans Kuhn have ever cared).
This is going to require some context because, as established, the number of living people who know and care about medieval rímur can be counted on my two hands. Probably without thumbs. So, rímur are a poetic form that developed in 14th cen Iceland, which look kind of ballad-y, in that they often use four-line stanzas with ABAB end-rhyme, though actually the ballad tradition in Iceland is quite distinct (on which, see Vésteinn Ólason, The Ballads of Iceland). End-rhyme was very exciting for Icelandic poets because it was only previously a thing in some uncommon types of skaldic metres, but rímur (as their name suggests) have end-rhyme as a defining feature and rapidly become The dominant form of poetry in Iceland until well into the 19th cen.
There are two very distinctive things about rímur, other than their metres: 1) they almost never tell 'new' stories; almost all rímur narratives are attested earlier in other forms, usually in prose, which can sometimes lead to the fun cycle of saga -> rímur cycle -> old saga is lost, new version is written based on the rímur -> more rímur are written based on the new saga -> repeat until the heat death of the universe; 2) as the form develops, it acquires introductory stanzas known as mansöngvar, a term which elsewhere usually means 'love poetry', although that's not really what they're doing here.
Mansöngvar are verses, sometimes in a different metre to the rest of the canto they're attached to, in which the poet speaks directly to the audience. In the medieval period, they're pretty short and often don't say more than 'look, I made you some poetry', but as time goes on, they get more and more elaborate, and the character of the poet begins to develop some quite distinctive traits. What's interesting here is that rímur were (certainly in the medieval period; less certainly later on) performed aloud, presumably by the poet, so there's definitely some questions to be asked about how accurate the poets' self-descriptions are when presumably the audience could go 'you're not pining away for love, Jón Jónsson, I've met your wife!'
So anyway, these mansöngvar are often linked to the medieval German Minnesänger tradition (er. The actual German word might be slightly different because I still don't speak German despite my PhD supervisor's pointed remarks), which is more overtly love poetry and which sometimes features the poet as an abject and despised lover of some cruel lady. This is something rímur-poets from the later medieval period and onwards have an incredibly good time with. You may be familiar with the story of Þórr wrestling with Elli, the personification of old age in the form of an old woman. There are at least two medieval rímur poets who have a whole extended passage about 'oh alas, when I was young I was a terrible flirt but now I'm old and no women like me, except oh no, I am being courted by this ugly old giant lady; Elli is the only ladyfriend for me now, wah'. it's very playful, it's very fun, it's drawing on this general sense that the poets put forward that they're poetically gifted, but romantically unlucky, which is kind of a Thing for poets across a lot of European literature (and probably more broadly, but I don't know much about that), and is especially pronounced in the earlier Icelandic sagas about poets, which usually feature poets failing to win the love of their life for various reasons (sudden attack of Christianity; sudden attack of magic seals; sudden attack of Other Guy With Sword; etc). So in evoking this, rímur-poets are situating themselves in this existing Image of the Ideal Poet, but doing so in a way that ties them into the specifics of the Norse literary/mythological tradition as well. Poets are also frequently old and tired (same, bro), and a statistically improbably number of them are also blind (although that might just be two guys we know about who were really prolific; most rímur are anonymous so it's hard to say. But it is perhaps convenient that this also links them to A Great Poet of Old, namely Homer).
The other thing that rímur-poets really like to bring up in their mansöngvar is the myth of the mead of poetry, which I will not recount here except to say that Óðinn nicked it from a giant, and also that some dwarves used it to buy safe passage off a skerry once, so it's poetically termed 'ship of the dwarves' because it's the thing that brought them safely across the sea. Every single medieval mansöngur, if one exists at all, refers to this myth in some way, even if it's just by having the 'I made you some poetry' bit use a kenning for 'poetry' that references the myth.* And poets have a lot of fun with this too! Iceland's a coastal community, they know about boats, so you get these extended metaphors about poets trying to board a boat to sample the mead of poetry and finding only the dregs because other, better poets got there first. Or they will describe the process of poetic composition in terms of ship-building: 'Here I nail together Suðri's [a dwarf name] boat'; 'Norðri's ship sets out from the harbour [= I'm about to start reciting the main bit now]'; 'the fine vessel has now been wrecked on the rocks [=I'm going to stop reciting now]'. They'll also speak of poetry as smíð, which means a work of craftsmanship, usually physical craftsmanship (obviously cognate with smithing in English), and of brewing the ale of Óðinn, so they're really into metaphors of physical craft when it comes to the intellectual craft of poetry, which I think is really neat.
*kennings = poetic circumlocutions, e.g. 'snake of the belt' is a sword because swords are vaguely snake-shaped and hang from a belt. Common poetry kennings are '[drink/liquid/ale/wine/mead] of [any of Óðinn's literally dozens of names]' e.g. 'Berlingr's wine', and the aforementioned 'ship of the dwarves' - poetic Icelandic has literally dozens of words for different kinds of ships and also literally dozens of dwarf names, so you can get a long way without repeating yourself.
So all these things that I've mentioned that poets like to bring up - old age, unluckiness in love, poets as craftsmen - become more and more tropified as time goes on, which in turn leads to these imaginative and extended reworkings of the metaphor. No longer can you just say 'I'm old and no one fancies me', no, it's 'My only assignations now are with Elli, wink wink, here's a long description of our date'. So you end up with this very codified image of The Ideal Rímur-Poet as an old man,* ideally blind, ideally unmarried, incredibly self-deprecating about his poetry, and because that's how everyone else talks, it's self-reinforcing.
*there is one (1) known female rímur-poet from the medieval period, the poet of Landrés rímur, who unfortunately didn't write many mansöngur stanzas but is doing her best with the 'unlucky in love' bit, although her lover (male) seems to have died rather than ditched her, which is a novelty.
Anyway, it's cool and weird and fun and as I say, only me and Hans Kuhn care, academically speaking.
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fullmetalgirl98 · 4 months
30 days Paradox Live challenge
DAY 15: a feature you consider absolutely brilliant about a unit
💿 How 獄Luck revolve around the concept of "dogs"
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It took me a while to solve this puzzle since I noticed that somehow it seemed that 獄Luck unit has the dog as its symbol animal, because I could see the connection clearly enough for all the members but not for Kenta.
I think it took me at least a year since the 4 new groups were introduced to figure out where the pun with him was.
So, ladies and gentlemen, below you will find my conclusions in the form of a mini Japanese lesson, which never hurts:
Yuto: this one is easy. The reference is in the kanji "犬", the first one of his last name, pronounced as "inu", which means, obviously, "dog". It's also easy to think of Yuto as a typical guard dog, given his role as a prison guard. Personally, I've always pictured him as a German Shepherd lol.
Ryoga: easy as well. For him, the reference to the canine world is in his MC, PITBULL, a breed of dog (I know you all know this, but I specify it for completeness) (a very ugly one, imo, but nobody cares about that).
Shion: also for Shion as for Ryoga, the pun is in the MC, smokin' dog.
Kenta: ok, that's got me racking my brain. I knew for sure he had to deal with dogs in some way too, but I didn't understand WHAT it was! Until my brain was able to do 2+2 (Eureka!). What is special about Kenta is that the puns on dogs, with him, are at least 2! The first one is provided by dear Shion, who refers to the little guy by the nickname ShibaKen. And therein lies the interesting trick! Shiba + Ken in fact has two meanings: 1) it's the union of the final part of Kenta's surname with the initial part of his name; 2) the Shiba is a typical Japanese dog breed and the kanji in question is "柴", pronounced, in fact, as "shiba". The funny thing is that Shiba Inu literally means "small dog" (Kenta is indeed the youngest among GL) and is a dog with a strong character, indipendent and difficult to submit... Well, perfect for Kenta, I daresay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moreover, it's characterized by an underlying distrust of people and other unfamiliar dogs. Therefore, I thought, "Ken" stood for "dog". Only problem? Kenta's name does not contain the kanji for "dog". The kanji are the following: 御子柴 賢太. So, where's the trick? The pronunciation. Only pronunciation, without reference to kanji, was used. The kanji "犬" (the same of Inukai), in fact, can also be read as "Ken." I just didn't know it! I got there a year late! [one more funny thing: that the kanji "太", read as "ta", the second one of Kenta's name, has a very similar shape to the kanji for "inu"... Mabye this was made on purpose too? It means "plump, thick, grand, magnificent, excellent", tho] MOREOVER, I would just like to point out how the whole nickname itself is absolutely brilliant (Shion, my love, you sure know how to affix nicknames): the kanji "賢", the first of Kenta's name ("Ken"), stands for "intelligent, wise, wisdom, cleverness"... soooooo the whole thing can be read as "Shiba Dog " ooooooor "wise Shiba" (as to say "the genius Mikoshiba" but also as an insult (?) …I mean, you would be calling him smart dog -Shiba-, after all).
One more thing: the kanji of "Goku," "獄," which stands for "prison," contains within it the inu radical (犬), on the right, if you notice.
I'll conclude by saying that the whole name of the group, pronounced as "gokurakku," in terms of kanji could also be written like this: "獄楽," taking on the meaning of "Music in Prison," which is indeed what these 4 poor wretches do in the course of their rap battles in the slammer. The kanji "楽", in fact, stands for "music, comfort, ease" and can be pronounced as "raku" (the same pronounce for the english word "Luck", in Japanese) or "tanoshi".
This also extends the interpretation of the unit name to "Lucky in Prison" or "Fun in Prison" (well, I'd say that the Shion, Ryoga, and Kenta are quite lucky to be able to have such fun, compared to the other prisoners…goodness, they can even participate in competitions outside the prison! Better than that…)
All of this makes me realize that GL is a group for which there was some very serious reasoning behind it. And this makes me VERY pleased.
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neoninky · 3 months
TWST Shenanigans: League of Antagonists (and some actual Villains)
I'm back with another long winded, stupid thought that I may draw some day but in the mean time, here's this lol (also spoilers for my Sacred Crown fics if you haven't read them?? Just FYI)
Scene: Antagonists from canon TWST side events all hang out in a bar and talk about how they fucked with the main characters for reasons unknown
Ashton Vargas: *reminiscing about the Camp Vargas event(s)* HA HA Man you should have seen their faces! We gave those punks a good ol' fashion trauma haunt in the woods. Classic. Divus Crewel: And we looked damn good doing it too. *Camp Vargas Part 1 and 2 Crewel definitely made those costumes* Vargas: Sigh...of course we got a temporary dock in pay to help provide the whimpier ones with therapy sessions but eh totally worth it. Random group of fairies all sharing a bar stool: *makes a bunch of tinkly noises talking about the Fairy Gala* Translation: That's cool but we almost ruined the entire school's ecosystem because we gave into our baser instincts and stole the mage stone cuz it was shiny... damn those kids for crashing our party with their incredibly well made outfits and near flawless sashays (Crewel: I would be more upset if not for the fact I finally got Kingscholar to have proper posture for at least 14 hours.)
Ghost Princess Eliza: *still boohooing over the Ghost Marriage event though technically she is happily married in the end* I just wanted to marry my perfect prince after years and years and YEARS of waiting!! What's a little first-degree murder in the name of true love?! (Fairies: damn gurl / Crewel: that's a mood.) And those horrible boys just kept coming to ruin my wedding! Accosting me with their unprincely behavior! What kind of man doesn't have a legendary sword or a faithful dog that comes at his beck and call?! (Vargas: she does make a good point...) Oh well, in the end, I did find my real prince so it all worked out. We'll be returning for the baby shower they promised to host! (Crewel: the school and every person on campus has at least three restraining orders against you...) - jaunty music suddenly starts playing out of nowhere and the entire room groans - Fellow Honest: *cane twirls his way on screen, ready to spill the deets on the Playful Land event* Trauma, theft, delusionally murderous courtship? That's cute. I suckered a whole group of those dumbasses into a human trafficking con disguised as a theme park! And I did it so well that I basically hijacked 90% of all social media for MONTHS while doing it! Everyone: *disgruntedly* we KNOW Fellow Honest: *much smug* Did I mention how I also cursed the whole place to turn them into wooden puppets if they broke the backward ass rule system I put in place as well? (Vargas: dude what the actual hell?) Sigh...and it would have all gone off without a hitch if it weren't for those damn kids fucking up the entire park (Crewel: our students are pretty much all assholes, yes.) ...I mean sure, in the end, I did tell my shitty boss to suck it and encourage those brats to do exactly that. But then they dared to extend a hand of friendship and understanding to ME?! Entitled, fancy boys with their fancy schmancy education *grumble grumble* Vargas + Crewel: *side-eye glance at each other at the mention of a shitty boss* ..... *both take long sips of their drinks*
Rollo: *appears with sudden intense mood change in the atmosphere* Hmph. I understand your contempt for those frivolous magic users completely... (Fellow: THANK you!) ...I invited a select few of them onto my campus under the pretense of uniting our schools in harmony and camaraderie. In actuality...I wanted to destroy them by taking away their magic and then wiping magic off the very face of the planet. Fellow Honest: ...ok well damn that's a bit harsh- *the group of fairies moves as far away from Rollo as possible*
Rollo: and I would have gotten away with it too. Had it not been for that Malleus Draconia *name said with such distain Rollo might as well be a friggin Batman villain* ...on the other hand, I did completely get away with it. Cuz they tried to guilt trip me by letting everyone believe I was this upstanding person who isn't capable of heinous acts. (Fellow: HA stupid) ...that is until karma bit me in the ass and then my childhood magical dragon friend that I don't absolutely abhor ended up bonding with the magical dragon that I hate with every fiber of my being... *talking about my OC in Her Devoted Throne hitting it off with Malleus lol* Crewel: To be fair, if watching your BFF get with your sworn enemy after you tried to commit mass genocide of magic is the worst thing to happen, you are one lucky bastard.
Rollo: Oh I'm barely as horrible as they are... *scene pans over to another group seated in the Really Fucked Up OC Villain section*
Queen Alva from Her Ivory Crown: I not only gaslighted and emotionally abused my own daughter into working herself to the bone to prove herself as the heir to my throne, I then threatened her and tried to take everything she fought for away from her the minute she had a meltdown and wouldn't marry the boy I picked out for her. Not to mention potentially damning my own Queendom by trying to deprive them of a far better queen than I in the future....now I'm divorced, shunned from society, and living alone in the countryside, forced to do my own housework *has to fetch her own fainting couch so she can dramatically swoon* Zehn Cavaliar, the 'boy' in question: ...yeah I wouldn't take no for an answer so hard that I harassed the crown princess into an Overblot state which could have killed her. I also attacked and injured her while she was in that condition. Her new boyfriend got all his friends to kick my ass before and after I lost everything.... *has the expression of someone going through a Vietname flashback* Don Muraeni from Her Lost Voice: *sitting in a large fish bowl on the counter as a shriveled up sea polyp* I literally paid and sometimes forced several women to bear my children - who I let abuse and murder each other all in hopes of earning my approval btw. I even killed a guy who owed me money and then took his wife and child, made said wife have another one of my kids - who I also abused and forced to do underhanded tasks through the majority of her childhood. I also tried to use my son to get at my sworn enemy after not shedding a single fucking tear after his brother was brutally murdered by said enemy...*stops to think* More child abuse. Collecting siren mermaids and forcing them to be sex workers. Trapping my wife for several years while letting her children believe she was dead....so yeah all that backfired horribly and now I'm trapped as this weird lil slug thing until I die. Or something. Ghost of Don Muraeni's right-hand guy, Proteus: I was a total creep who abused his power and was brutally murdered for it in the end. Also I stole magic from a defenseless, traumatized child. Everyone else: *staring at all of them in horror* .....JESUS CHRIST
Dark Fire is hot but Hell is hotter *sips tea*
Also tagging people for reasons @iscarlettappel @foxwitchaine @wysteriadelights @nuitthegoddess @victoria1676 @1ndigowitch
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gizkasparadise · 8 months
What is the worst, most technically inept drama that you secretly love? Tell us of the best badgood drama, the clunkiest dialogue, the most inexplicable casting, the hideously costumed yet most fun dramas, please.
🫥Anonymously yours🫥,
dear complete stranger (<3),
man i love badgood dramas so much!!! i chose ones that are flatout objectively not good, but i was glued for them all. here's a few that are jumping out
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triad princess (taiwan). it ends on a cliffhanger that will never be continued, the relationship building is non-existent, jasper liu basically plays himself yet still acts like he's doing a community service project, but omg it's cute and hit all the right notes for me. fave bonus is that one of the gangster henchmen falls in love with the FL's best friend, a shy boy who works at a mart and makes youtube covers
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hold on, my lady (chinese). a bandit is offered a choice when she's caught during a heist: be executed or marry this aloof but beautiful but delicate son of the general. she chooses the latter, and hijinks ensue. made on a budget of pocket lint and just wacky, im going to rewatch this today, actually. fave bonus moment: the FL falls dramatically down and the ML breaks both his arms instantly when he tries to catch her
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thumping spike & thumping spike 2 (korean). the two are barely related, but both deal with a competitive men's volleyball team! thumping spike 1 is about a washed up competitive female player going to coach a high school team to glory (just dont...think too critically about the age difference, there) and the second is COLLEGE EDITION with a love quadrangle between two identical twins, one of whom is a cheerleader for the team, the ace volleyball player who's too cool for school, and the WILDCARD volleyball player who gets mad when people call him gorilla. the second one is definitely worse than the first one, but neither are bringing home awards. i still watched them both in one sitting.
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my heart twinkle twinkle (korean). this show is actually insane and a parade of toxic that i can never, in good conscience, ever rec to anyone. but gd did i watch the whole fucking thing. look at this fucking poster. this fucking poster looks like it was doused by a fake snow machine.
premise: Noble But Poor family has 3 daughters: the eldest, who is the caretaker; the middle who is Aloof and Ambitious; and the youngest who is A Fucking Menace. they are lead by their single father, who owns a fried chicken store
Rich but Dysfunctional family also has 3 children: the eldest, who is the only son and a fucking piece of work, the middle who is school colleagues with the other family's middle daughter and a hot mess who loves Da Club, and the youngest, who is clingy and gets into a ton of fights with the other family's youngest but is otherwise ok. they run AN EVIL FRIED CHICKEN FRANCHISE that is poisoning people through subpar ingredients!!
there's so much that's so wrong with this, im going to bullet point it from another post i made:
the entire premise is that there’s a fried chicken restaurant rivalry between two families but somehow there’s murder and slush funds and this guy who owns a string of fried chicken franchises named after himself (yeah) has direct access to seoul’s police commissioner at any given moment
one of the main actresses was involved in a scandal a little over halfway through production so they just….vanish her character/entire plotline like it never happened
the main male lead is toxic personified. him and li chengyin from goodbye my princess could co-author a dating strategy/forced-marriage-after-you-kill-your-girlfriend’s-head-of-household book because jesus christ. he literally screams that he hates women and he ends the drama (rightfully!!) in fucking prison
the second female lead disappears/creates a new identity and becomes a chicken chef student of the world. shes later in a love triangle between a single dad chicken shop interior designer and another vanilla guy
that's right, one guy’s job is he’s an architect for chicken restaurant interiors i cant
the main male lead leaves the main female lead’s father to die in a chicken-coop-themed arsony and then cha-cha slides into the son-in-law’s role during the father’s funeral and later MARRIES the female lead
the main male lead tells the female lead’s father’s grave that HE WON AND DAD LOST because the male lead is standing and the father’s in the dirt?!
a friend/almost!love interest of the second female lead dies tragically in a chicken delivery motorcycle chase????
it's the worst drama i've ever seen. i watched all of it.
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kakafukaka (japanese)
this one is so gd weird and unappealing it somehow circled back around and became off-puttingly charming to me? so the premise is that there's a 20something year old woman whose life has gone to shit and she ends up in a sharehome with the most sexually dysfunctional bunch of people in the world. one of these is her ex, who tells her that she's the only one he can get a boner with (yeah) and asks her to help him get over his impotence in order to write his novel (yeah). if you read the whole show as kind of an exploration into sex without romance/love, it's as not bad, and there's something weirdly endearing about everyone--i really love the second female lead akari in particular. but it's not a good show, not by a long shot (MDL rating? 6.6), and the ship is dysfunctional at the very best. the ost somehow is great though?
speaking of trash dramas with great OSTs, love in sadness has some of my favorite songs:
okay that's enough for now!!!!
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myjunipersjupiter · 2 years
The younger Dixon
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon x reader
Wordcount: 1.9k
Category: Fluff
Warnings: Prison era (s3), slight season 1 spoilers, character deaths spoilers,
A/N: Still trying to find my writing style and stuff so I hope it’s good! Sorry if characters are OOC. !not proof read!
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I was separated from the group in Atlanta, the day they left Merle on the roof. Everyone had already left, but I stayed behind because I knew it would crush Daryl if we left Merle here to die. But it didn’t go as planned. I didn’t have the key to the handcuffs and there was no way for us to break the handcuffs, he told me to cut his hand off, and so I did. I knew they would have come back one way or another, but We couldn’t stay. The walkers were trying to get in and there wasn’t much time. By the time we left the building, everyone left. It was just you and Merle, but both of you wanted to go different ways. We went our ways and promised to find each other again sometime. Well, that was about a year ago, maybe less or more. I have lost the track of time. Ever since then, I have been independent, always working alone. I’ve learned a lot.
For the past week I’ve been walking nowhere in particular, but let me tell you I hit a fucking jackpot. In an abandoned city I found a motorcycle, I always wanted one, and a lot of cars that still had gas in them, and some even had guns, ammo, and other weapons.
It was an early morning, I was on the road with occasional walkers and abandoned cars. I need some food and supplies because I’ve been running low. I made my way to the city that was not too far away. I stopped my motorcycle in front of a grocery store and took my bag to take what I needed. Canned food, water and other drinks, bandages, medicine, hygiene products, and other stuff, still leaving some stuff for other people that would need them. As I was putting my stuff into my bag, I heard a car pull up. I quickly hid behind a counter, the door opened and someone walked inside. Two voices could be heard throughout the whole store.
“Ok, we need baby formula, canned food, and maybe some water. I'm going to look here, and you can go there.” A man’s voice said it was familiar. I couldn’t wrap my head around who it sounded like, so I stuck my head out a little. I saw a woman with short brown hair going through shelves. On the other side of the store, I could only see a little bit of the man’s black hair. I was waiting for them to leave, and then I saw the man turn around. I could see his face. Glenn.  I was contemplating whether I should call out his name or not, deciding I will. 
“Glenn?” I called out from behind the counter, both of them turning around with their guns in their hands, ready to fire. It took a moment for him to recognize me, but when he did, he put his gun down. 
“Yup, it’s me. I missed you.” I softly smiled at him, the girl next to him looked at me with jealousy in her eyes. I walked away from the counter and in front of him, extending my arms, so we could hug. He gave in, it was a short but warm hug.
“Oh my god, where were you? We were waiting for you, but you never came.” he had a little tear in his eye, quickly wiping them away.
“I couldn’t, walkers were everywhere, and I had to stay in Atlanta for a while until it was manageable.” I didn’t tell him about Merle, I probably should have, but it will have to wait for now. 
“Uh, (Y/n), this is Maggie, my girlfriend,” He awkwardly introduced us. I turned to her, smiling at her, “Maggie, this is (Y/n), she was with us from the start, we lost her in Atlanta.” She extended her hand for us to shake, not looking like she trusts me, but let me tell you, I don’t care. I pulled her into a hug, she was still for a few seconds, but she relaxed a little, wrapping her hands around me.
“It’s nice to meet you, Maggie, you’re beautiful,” I turned to Glenn and with a smirk, I asked him, “tell me, Glenn, how could you pull someone like her?” She laughed a little as Glenn pretended to be offended. It was nice getting reunited with him after a year or so, and also meeting someone new. Maggie was still a little unsure about me, but It’s understandable since we just met. 
“So tell me guys, you have a camp somewhere around or something?” I was hoping they would say yes and just maybe take me with them, it would be nice to be with your family again. We were together for so long that I would love to catch up.
“Yeah, actually, I mean, we could take you with us, but I don’t know how others would react.” Glenn looked at Maggie, who subtly nodded at him. He smiled at me and told me to follow them. We went out of the store, and they told me they could take me in their car.
“Actually, I have a ride, so I could just be behind you if that’s ok?” I pointed to the motorcycle that was not far from their car. They said it was fine and so we went. After lord knows how many minutes, I could see a prison in the distance. How did I never notice? It’s huge! They started slowing down when someone came out and opened the gate, a child… maybe it was Carl. I got a little excited as we went inside. We stopped, and the boy came out with a gun pointed at me. I stepped away from the bike and put my hands in the air. Glenn and Maggie got quickly out of the car as more people started approaching. 
“Hey Carl, it’s okay, put the gun down,” Glenn said as he stepped in front of me, shielding me from anyone’s view. Other people came with their guns. 
“Who is that, Glenn?!” Rick was the first one to come. Glenn had a smile on his face and didn’t say anything, just waited for the others to come closer.
“Glenn?” Rick repeated. 
“Look guys, whom we found on our run!” He said with excitement, as he slowly stepped away, so the others could see me. Everyone was silent. I was Rick, Carol, the boy from the gate who later pointed a gun at me which was, in fact, Carl and Carol. A lot of people were missing since the last time I saw them. I had tears in my eyes, I wiped them and looked around. Lori, Andre, Dale, Shane, Jacqui, Sophia, T-Dog, Jim, and Daryl. They were nowhere to be seen.
“(Y/n)? What? I… I have no words.” Rick put his gun down, slowly making his way to me. He hugged me as I hugged back, the tears now going down my cheeks. Everyone else joined in a group hug. I was so happy I could see them again. After a while, I was once again standing alone, wiping away my tears.
“Where are the others?” Please tell me they just didn’t come out. Everyone looked at me sadly.
“Well… we lost a lot of people,” He looked at me with a little smirk. I looked at him confused, why was he smiling, “but there’s someone who I think would love to meet you.” He looked at Carol, who just nodded and quickly went inside. I looked around at everyone.
“Who?” Carl was now next to me, he took my hand and everyone went back to doing what they needed to and taking the supplies inside. I, Carl, and Rick went inside slowly. 
“You will see in a second,” Rick told me as he was in front of me. Inside was already Carol waiting for us. 
“Just wait for a second jeez,” Carol told someone with a little chuckle as we approached, “look.” Was all she said before Carl dropped my hand and Rick stepped away. There he was, Daryl. Standing in front of you, shocked.
“Tell me, you’re fucking kidding me?” He put his crossbow down and came closer, “You’re real?” I chuckled at his statement.
“Of course I am.” Tears once again stained my cheeks. I couldn’t move. But he could, he hugged me, squeezing the air out of my lungs.
“God, I missed you.” He said, his voice soft and quiet with his head resting on my own. I wrapped my arms around him.
“I missed you too.” The younger Dixon and I were always friends, even before the apocalypse, so it was nice seeing him again after so long. He softly pulled me away, looking into my eyes.
“Where were you?” his voice asked me, stern and serious.
“The day they were in Atlanta. I stayed behind with Merle to get him from the handcuffs, but we didn’t make it in time, everyone was already gone and walkers were everywhere. So we left, and then we went different ways, I’ve never seen him since.” His eyes were wide.
“So you stayed to help him instead of saving yourself?” only I could see the tears in his eyes when I mentioned Merle.
“Yeah, I knew you would be upset, so I tried to get him out, but he lost his hand. But he’s alive. Well, at least I hope so.” He may have been an asshole, but you still cared for him. 
The rest of the day I got to know the people I’d never seen, and then we talked about what happened when we were separated. It was peaceful, you finally had your family back.
It was late and almost everyone was asleep. I couldn’t go to sleep just yet. I went outside to go grab something out of my saddlebag, something I haven’t had in a long time, cigarettes. I found them in the shop today and to be honest, you kinda needed them. You leaned on the wall of the prison and lit up your cigarette, taking a long drag.
“God, how I missed this.” You missed everything. Your family, the people, the feelings, and even the cigarettes. When I was younger, I used to sneak out of my house to go smoke with Daryl. I missed those days, but there’s nothing that could bring them back. I closed my eyes, breathing in the smell of smoke and the night air. Not hearing that someone was approaching you.
“You know, when I came back to the camp and you and Merle weren’t there, I wanted to just go there and find the two of you myself. They didn’t let me. They said we would go the other day, we went, and you weren’t there. I was so pissed I didn’t go.” Daryl told you with sincerity in his voice, I always knew he wasn’t the one to get sentimental, but when you were alone he allowed himself to get a little soft. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He looked beautiful in the light of the moon. As my eyes scanned his face, I realized something. The reason I did everything, why I didn’t stop, was him. Daryl. I love him, ever since we were kids. I always loved him, but I never realized it. It all made sense. My train of thoughts was interrupted when his eyes met mine. The world stopped. It was just us against the World, no one else… nothing else. Just us. 
“Yeah, Sunshine?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too,”
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pocketramblr · 2 years
5 hc game: au where Aizawa is nearby and saves Tenko, as he wouldn't ignore a lost toddler with blood on their hands
You narrowly won a kindness in a poll and so I shall not be tricksome and derail this prompt to the existing ten^3 au where Aizawa would be a minor character
1- so a first-year student Aizawa is walking to UA one day and hears something in an alley. He thinks it's a cat and goes to look, instead finding A Whole Child who has clearly seen better days. He tries to ask the kid what's wrong, show the UA uniform and that he's gonna be a hero, but the kid just shies away. When Aizawa gets closer, Tenko reaches out to touch a trashcan next to him, which turns to dust and spills the trash out.
2- "Oh. Can you not control your quirk?" He asks, and gets a little headshake. "And you don't want to hurt me?" A nod.
"That's ok, I can erase quirks, see?" His eyes glow yellow and his hair floats up. He tosses Tenko a trashed chip bag, and when Tenko picks it up, it doesn't decay.
Tenko throws his arms around Aizawa's neck and bursts into tears.
3- now extremely uncomfortable, and erasure no longer active, Aizawa stands up. He figures it's not the end of the world if his UA jacket gets decayed, or even his shirt, he'll just pull an Oboro and change into his gym clothes. But he does decide he needs to get this kid to the real heroes at UA who can actually handle this.
That plan is derailed when, after some time walking, a very tall man with white hair in a suit steps out into the street, frowning that someone took the kid before him. The frown deepens when he calls for Tenko Shimura, and the kid just cries harder, leading Aizawa to look back, activate erasure, and start running
4- Aizawa doesn't go to UA, he knows it's clear from his uniform where he would. It's also clear from the chaos behind him that erupts as soon as his stinging eyes blink shut that whoever that is, he's a villain and bad news. Instead, he hides and calls Oboro, then hangs up when he hears Oboro isn't at school, then calls Hizashi, who is. "Tell sensei a villain tried to kidnap a five year old and is currently after both of us." Then he hangs up, and calls the police.
5- Aizawa keeps moving and hiding with Tenko, trying to stay away from the apparently very powerful villain, but is really only saved by All Might appearing and AfO making the choice to leave because he did not want to ensure All Might actually finds Tenko first- after all, he can get the kid later from UA, and the absolutely fascinating quirk of the boy who grabbed him too.
AfO does not predict that as soon as Recovery Girl hears Tenko's name, she calls Gran Torino and has him race to UA right away. Initially he was only going to take and hide Tenko, but Tenko refused to leave without his hero Aizawa, and Gran agreed that he had made himself a target of AfO too. Aizawa, who is again, like fifteen years old, is very put out by this but at this point, he's stuck with them so.
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ratsoh-writes · 1 day
and yes I am that anon who asked you what hair color I should dye my hair
And i dont know why i decided to ask you 1 hour before my appointment like i already discussed about with myself and friends but to be honest I just wanted to send you something ANYTHING(ok this just made me realize that i am the worst at beginning new relationship...)
I asked my friend to choose between blue or purple, and she chose blue and as a good friend I dyed my hair purple—PURPLE :D (tbh was already planning to dye it that color BUT i just wanted to see which color she’d choose—same thing with you (i am not sorry))
Also you just made me realize I have never dyed my hair a natural color before... but tbh I was considering dyeing my hair brown in the future maybe after a few months when I get bored with my current hair color.
Also.. Ahem.... ahem...again i am realy disappointed in myself bc I was about to make stupid decision by LITERALLY dyieing my hair ORANGE, and no, I’m not talking about something like ginger hair.. I was about to dye my hair AN OBNOXIOUS SHADE OF ORANGE. Thanks to God my mom smacked some sense into me before it was too late. (OK i gotta be honest there is something attractive about bright colors they just grab my attention easily and orange is one of my favourite color soo🤷‍♀️)
Aside from that, I felt and still feel kind of shitty for not introducing myself or even saying "hi" in my previous ask, so hii! Even though it’s kind of late.
Also congratulations to myself for finally picking up the courage to send you whatvere is this not that I’m shy or anything it’s just my usual ✨️procrastinating self✨️ I have been following you for quite a long time. ok maybe not that long BUT I’ve been following you since April I think still call it long though because I’ve been fighting with myself for months about texting you, sending you something, or even just saying hi, until I randomly popped up out of nowhere and decided to ask you what hair color I should dye my hair
Also there is something important that i want to say and NEED to say... ahem, ahem... I ADORE the way you portray your characters especially papyrus definitely not because he is not so clearly my favorite skele
I also realized that i also say also a lot. ALSO Since I’m going to send you random stuff occasionally hope you are ready for that and since i am going to stick with being an anon for a while if not forever I should cho
And wow I just realized I wrote a whole paragraph that i had to delete some parts of the text to not make it long. But it isn't my fault that I talk alot. still tho i feel bad for you for reading all of this especially with how bad my english is (I am sure you already definitely could english tell is my second already language)
OK so back to the name.... tbh I don't trust myself with names sooo.....
-hehe fart💨
Sjdhdhdhdhd anon you’re a perfect fit! We’re all welcoming you with open arms~ but please not fart anon 😭😭. What about gust? Cloud? Smoke?
Also are you the one asking about noir?
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midnight-rice · 2 months
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@lildoodlecat answering this on my sideblog so as not to confuse the tales fans on my main 😅
aaaaaa i'm being invited to go off about a random fixation???? thank youuuuu that's so sweet ;_;
OK SO i feel like I should preface by saying I'm probably not the prototypical fan of this show? I watched it more recently when I was older so my nostalgia isn't based off of childhood memories, I just found a really fun show during a kind of depressing time of my life (2020 lol need I say more?). Also a lot of the fans seem into the shipping scene which is fine i guess but i think they're all sleeping on the potential of the adorkable found family of superpowered teenagers who all live together unsupervised and don't even know each other's real names (seriously they're in costume 24/7 and call each other their work names 😂).
I'll guess I'll start this pitch by listing my favorite things about the show in descending order… which means starting with the animation of all things 😅 There are so many well-animated movies and shows out there but I have yet to encounter one so visually appealing to me personally than Teen Titans (2003). I'm a cartoonist at heart, I generally love exaggerated facial expressions for comedic purposes but Teen Titans really hits for me because it's deliberately styled after anime, with familiar visual language like the red blush lines of embarrassment or the large sweatdrop of anxiety. IIRC Teen Titans was produced by Warner Bros, aired on Cartoon Network, and largely outsourced the animation to Korea, but the homage to Japan is so strong that not only is there a variant of the opening theme performed in Japanese but also the one (1) movie they made is set in Tokyo.
But on top of the silliness of the visual gags the rest of the show is also super well animated, especially the fight scenes!!! Sure some sequences are a little stiff but you can tell that's because they were saving the budget for something like a 360 rotation of the entire group mid-battle (something that seriously impresses me in 2D animation) or a hand-to-hand death match that was almost certainly mo-capped of professional martial artists. Robin in particular is my favorite to watch because he is canonically skilled as an acrobat AND a martial artist and the animators Understood That!! The squash and stretch! The swipes! The smears! I'm swooning 😍 He is a skrunkly rubber band and I love him. (also random side note but i love how much their team's strategies involve yeeting each other at the enemy 😂 like "there is a problem, i'm gonna solve it by throwing my friends at it. i'm sure it's fine BeastBoy will probably turn into an elephant by the time he gets there and not go splat against the monster literally made of concrete")
Moving on from the gorgeous and creatively choreographed fight scenes, I'll try to capture the overall vibes I love about it the most. I'm someone who's always down for a story that's character-driven, balanced between comedy and angst, and above all is genuine and true to itself. In other words, I really respect the tone and way a show handles itself, and Teen Titans (2003) really delivers here. Some episodes are the wackiest nonsense you can imagine (every season has one episode I dub the "pink elephant episode" because its whole purpose is to flex the East coast animation influences in purely abstract sequences often accompanied by music). Some episodes are alarmingly dark and edgy (as an angst and whump lover, my favorite episode is S3 ep31 Haunted in which Robin has a mental breakdown and violent delusions so intense they're worried he's going to go into cardiac arrest… in a kid's show 😅) But what matters most is that both types of episodes are presented with as much gusto and geniuine effort as it is possible to cram into a 23 minute runtime.
They don't hold back with the visuals (so many unique POVs and I love the sponge-like texture in the backgrounds), or the acting (all of the voice actors are top-notch though I can't unhear Lloyd Irving as Robin 😅), or even the score (seriously this time around I was marveling at how well the music accents the emotions of the scene as well as the content, like supervillain Billy Numerous having a repeating banjo motif to represent his duplication powers and Southern US origins). I actually think the worst part of the show is the content itself 😅 this is where it becomes clear it's a kid's show, through cliched tropes, ham-fisted morals, and predictable dialogue, but as someone who's still obsessed with Tales of Graces you can probably guess that cliches aren't something that bother me too much, not when they're being performed with whole-pussy effort 😂
When I first watched the show I watched every episode (all 5 seasons, the movie, and even the lost episode) and made a list of ones that I felt like I enjoyed the most. That's what I've been using to guide my current rewatch, because there are episodes that are a little too childish or moralized or weird to me. If you want me to forward you the list I'd be happy to, but I will admit my selection is very biased toward my own tastes that you might not agree with, and that even my least favorite episodes still have decent entertainment value… with the exception of season 5 😅 idk if this is a controversial opinion in the fandom but I do not care for the last season of Teen Titans at all, you can skip it. I don't know the exact details but there were clearly some developmental and probably networking issues at this point in the series' life, and it shows in the drastic drop in quality (especially in the animation, going from glorious sakuga to powerpoint slides hurts my soul 😭). The content also suffers a bit, going from 4 seasons purely focused on the main 5 with some side characters along the way, to expanding those side characters into the main focus which, although I like them, means that none of the characters feel quite as developed since the focus is spread across too many.
Anyway I guess that's the gist of my pitch 😁 thanks for lending me a platform from which to yell from, I have no idea why I fell back into this fixation rn but it's twice as satisfying when I get to talk about it with a willing audience 💜 thanks Jay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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