#so you're like. shit. is this a family member i forgot. is this some guy that my mom was talking to
lizhly-writes · 2 years
utterly non-canon thing in my villain fiancee cnovel. in which i give our mc his original older sister back.
Yang Haoran had really thought he’d forgotten what Andrew Li’s family had looked like.  He had tried so hard to keep their faces in his memory, but they’d grown blurry, anyway.  Had his mother had short hair?  Long?  What was the shape of his father’s eyes?  The shape of his nose?  His chin?  
In the end, he couldn’t remember.
But the girl coughing smoke in front of him…
He hadn’t needed to even think for even a second to know who she was.
“Haha, this is not what I was trying to do,” the hallucination that is his older sister says in English, rubbing her temples.  “Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea, what even happened…”
“Li Yizhen?” Yang Haoran says blankly.
She jolts upright, flashing an awkward smile when she catches sight of him.  “Um!  Hi.  Yeees, that’s me!  You’ve, uh–” she switches to vaguely American-accented, vaguely Taiwainese-accented Mandarin “– you’ve heard of me?  Like, exclusively by my Chinese name?  That’s kind of funny, since I… have no idea who you are. Sorry.  Have we met before somewhere?  Like, ACA stuff, maybe?”
She smooths a lock of hair behind her ear, does it so not a strand is out of place.  She’d always been so careful about her appearance.  Hair always perfectly straight, clothes always wrinkle-free, as if she printed herself out on paper instead of getting ready in the morning.  That was just the kind of person she was – clinical perfection in her dress, as if to make up for the general imperfection of everything else about her, as if the perfect knife-edge of her eyeliner could hide the shadows under her eyes she never bothered to cover up.
Always the insomniac, his sister.
“You need more sleep,” he says.
Claire Li lets out an agitated groan. “Everybody tells me that!” she cries, throwing her hands up in the air.  “Why does everyone keep telling me that!  Do they think I don’t know?  I want to sleep, too!  It just doesn’t happen!” 
He really thought he had forgotten.  It had been so long.  But this – like this, all the memories are coming back to him.  
“Uh.  Hey, are you crying?” Claire Li says worriedly.  “I mean, that’s a dumb question, clearly you – I mean.  You know what, I’ll just shut up now.” 
…Well.  He supposes he really is crying.
“Um.  I mean.  Do you… do you need tissues or something, I’ve got a pack in my pockets if you want it?  Ah, here it is!”  
She holds out the pack of tissues like a lifeline.  Yang Haoran stares blankly at it.
“Uh, just… just hold out your hand.  Just take the tissues.  Here, I’ll just –” she inches forward gingerly, pokes tissues against his hand.    
It’s real.  
She’s real.
"Shit, are you crying harder.  Hahahaaaa aaaah no, help.”
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jedi-bird · 2 years
So because I'm on antidepressants now I'm apparently not allowed to have any bad days. Like, not sure how to explain that that's not how it works and that ignoring me and refusing to speak to me isn't going to help.
#vent post#personal#I'm just fucking tired today and need a distraction because yesterday sucked#i just wanted to go to a bookstore or a garden center for my birthday and instead i had to sit in silence while my partner played games#for literally the entire day while not speaking to me because they were concentrating#and half the time they wanted the lights off because the gets dark at times and they refuse to adjust the settings#so i couldn't even crochet or read without leaving the room which just made them whine about it later#and i know i don't expect anything anymore for my birthday but being ignored by the one person who promised to never do so hurts#it's like being a kid again and getting told that you're not important and that everyone else gets to dictate what you do on your day#when everyone else got treated like royalty on theirs#i sit at home all day every day with no one to talk to so it's not much to want to have some kind of interaction#and yeah I'm literally complaining about nothing but it hurts so much sometimes to be reminded that I'm not really worth much#i did get some presents and one way really nice#but to immediately after just be left alone and forgotten kind of makes me wish they had just actually forgotten#to top it off the night ended with my estranged family trying to text a different family member about how they forgot again to send a card#immediately followed by oops you weren't supposed to see that because we love and care about you#like please stop and just leave me alone#i don't want anything from you guys ever again because you expect too much in return#and i remember the shit you used to say about and to me and the blame you laid on me#just stop pretending like you care and leave me alone#so today is just hard for stupid reasons and i don't really have a reason for being super depressed but i am#and getting mad that I'm crying isn't going to help#i need a distraction and can't have one and just can't cope#might go buy myself something nice off ebay to try and feel better but also the present i bought myself got stolen so maybe i won't
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harrysfolklore · 10 months
yes for tom!! (bday anon!!)
first of all HAPPY BIRTHDAYY this is short but i didn’t want to leave you without your bday blurb 🥹 hope u guys like it
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gifs by @ssoveia <33
Birthdays were never your thing.
Surely growing up you had a lot of good memories when it came to celebrating your birthday, but as you grew older you forgot the magic behind celebrating your birthday.
However, that changed when you started dating Tom two years ago, he always made sure to make your day special and make you feel loved and celebrated.
In your first year together he threw you a big party in a rooftop in New York City, getting all of your friends and close family together. For your second, you celebrated in a more intimate way with a small trip to Greece.
However, this year you didn’t have any expectations on how would you celebrate your day, since Tom’s schedule was beyond busy with the press, promo and premieres of The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes.
You were extremely proud of him and everything he was achieving, so you wouldn’t blame him if he happened to forget your birthday, he was doing what he loved the most and that was enough to make you the happiest ever.
As the morning of your birthday approached, you woke up feeling a bit disappointed, knowing Tom had to leave early for the some promo shoot for the movie. The empty side of the bed only echoed his absence.
However, when you when you headed the stairs, a full breakfast and a gorgeous bouquet of flowers greeted you, accompanied by a note in Tom's handwriting.
"Happy Birthday, my love. I'm sorry I had to rush off. I hope this brightens your morning a bit. We'll celebrate tonight. Love you x . - Tom."
Just as you were admiring the bouquet, your phone ringed with an incoming video call from Tom.
"Hey, birthday girl!" Tom's face beamed through the screen. "How's your day been so far?”
"It's been good, actually," you smiled fondly at him, "Breakfast and the flowers were such a lovely start"
"Look, I'm really sorry I couldn't be there to say Happy Birthday first thing in the morning," his voice sounded distressed and you couldn't help but feel for him, "I'll make it up for you tonight, I promise."
"Don't worry about it, baby. I completely understand. I know how crazy your schedule is right now," you assured him, "You're doing what you love the most and I'm so proud of you for that."
"Yeah, it's been non-stop. But that I hate that it's keeping me from being there for you on your special day."
"Honestly, you being so busy doesn't take away from the fact that you've made it special already," you shrugged, smiling at him, "And I know whatever you have planned for tonight will be just amazing, so stop being so hard on yourself!"
"About that," he smirked before continuing, "Make sure to be ready at 7. I'll pick you up."
"Whatever you say, handsome," you rolled your eyes with affection, "As long as I would love to stay here, I know you have to go back to work."
"Shit, I do," he said realizing that crew members were already looking for him, "Happy Birthday again, my love. You're amazing."
ending kinda sucked lmao i hope u like this bday anon happy bday
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xan-izme · 9 months
Double Life: 6 (ATSV x reader x Batfam)
Summary: Can't have family dinner without a little family drama
Part 5 Part 7
You and Redhood were currently having a standoff.
You were freaking out a little. Because how long was he standing there? Watching you. . . did he see you use the watch for the portal? how much does he know now? He knows your Spider-woman. This wasn't supposed to happen. Spider-woman was supposed to be dead. Gone.
All of this was going through your mind.
Redhood on the other hand, just didn't like another vigilante doing their business here. Whatever shit he just saw go down, didn't need to be here in Gotham.
"So, you're going to tell me what you're doing here in Gotham? or do I have to put a built in ya for you to talk."
You can tell he isn't bluffing. You've done some research on the vigilantes of Gotham. And Redhood, is known to be one of the most violent ones. You must be cautious.
"Not here to fight. Was just taking care of my own problem." You put your hands up in the air to show you're not causing any harm. But Redhood still kept the gun pointed at you. Walking even more closer to you.
"Whatever problem you have here at Gotham. Is mine as well." Redhood kept a mental note to report this back to Bruce. As Redhood came closer to you. He saw a chip on the ground. An odd looking one.
You mentally curse as you watched Redhood pick up the chip the green goblin anomaly had dropped. You can't risk it being in Redhood's hands right now. You used your web shooter to retrieve the chip.
"This is mine." You stuffed it in your pocket. Redhood frowns. "What's in the chip." He still had the gun pointed to you.
"That's for me to worry about. So, how about we just, go our separate ways and-" Before you can finish your sentence. There was a large explosion at the side of the building. Causing you to fall on your knees and dropping the chip.
"What the hell?" Redhood mumbled. Once he heard multiple gunshots going off, that's when he remembered what he was really here for. He got so distracted he forgot about a gang deal that he was supposed to stop. He cursed under his breath and quickly ran to the window and jumped out of it.
You sighed and was about to just leave this to Redhood. This was his city after all. And he didn't seem to kind on newcomers. But you heard the multiple gunshots and shouting. That sounds like a lot of people. And he's just one man. . .
Redhood was taking cover behind a car. He had already taken down ten guys. But there were a lot more left. He peeks out from behind the car. Trying to come up with a plan to deal with the many more gang members.
Suddenly, you come swinging down with a . . . log? what the hell. where the hell did you get a log?
He watched in utter disbelief as you knocked out a good number of gang members You made your witty comments as you casually roasted the gang members about their hair, tattoos and poor outfit choices.
You were able to buy Redhood some time to get to the leaders of the two gangs. You distracted the gang members as Redhood easily fought his way through to get to the gang leaders who were trying to get away.
Redhood put the leaders down and tied them up. Whilst you had already tied up the other gang members. Redhood turned around, and saw you were already climbing back into the building.
You were in the building. With a silver suitcase that belonged to one of the gangs. You had an odd feeling about it and snatched it. As you opened it, your surprised to see Alchemax tech.
What the hell is Alchemax tech doing all the way here in Gotham. Whatever it is, it's not good. You quickly closed the case and had already decided to take it back home with you.
Before you could leave the building. You heard another shot ring throughout the building. A built was shot to the wall next to you, causing you to stop in your tracks. You slowly turn around to see it was Redhood.
"That case doesn't belong to you." Redhood spoke to you aggressively. Which you fully understand. But he doesn't understand the dangers of what was in this case. and you couldn't explain it to him.
"Sorry buddy. But this is coming with me. You understand right?" You don't even wait for an answer "Ah, knew you'd understand. Thanks!" You quickly dashed out of the room. You hear Redhood following.
Right before you could use your web to get out, Redhood tackles you.
You two fight and struggle to get the case from one another. suddenly, as he ripped the case away from you, he took of your makeshift mask that covered your face.
. . . .
You stayed silent as you realized he has seen your face. You frown, deeply upset about this situation.
"Damn, you're just a kid." Redhood huffed out as he gripped onto the case.
You were upset with the turn of events here, and used both of your webs and shot them at him. Using your supper strength and pulling hard, causing him to stumble, and for his own mask to fall off.
You yanked the mask towards you and held it. Giving him a cheeky grin. "Look, now we're even." You then see his face, and how angry he looks. He looks young too, has to be in his early to mid 20's. and then you see part front of his hair that looked dyed white. You were about to make a snarky comment about it. Then suddenly, you two hear sirens. The cops. For that quick split moment that Redhood was distracted, you threw his mask/helmet at him, he caught it with both hands, causing him to let go of the case.
You used your web shooter and was able to quickly get your hands on the case. You grabbed your mask and quickly slipped it on and ran out of Redhood's sight.
You safely made it home. You stored the case in your secret hiding spot in the bathroom. You gave a quick report on your watch and sent it to HQ.
This isn't good. Redhood saw your face, and you saw his. But that doesn't secure anything. But what worried you most, was Alchemax. Alchemax gave you a hard time in New York. Their, on the low schemas and collaborating with other big-time criminals for more experiments that hurt not only animal subjects, but humans as well. You had to get in touch with Miles and your uncle Aron to inform them of this situation.
As you were in deep thought. A knock was heard at your door. Then you hear Damian's voice.
"Y/n? father wants to make sure you're ready for tonight's dinner." He spoke from the other side of the door.
You let out a deep sigh. Sitting on your bed. So much has happened today. From your panic attack earlier this morning to this moment now. That you had completely forgotten about the dinner.
"Yeah, be done in five." You responded with a very noticeable tired tone. Damian nods to himself. "Okay." And with that, Damian left to meet up with Alfred and his father downstairs. Damian isn't all too happy about seeing Jason. And just hopes Jason will act properly and not make you upset during dinner time.
Bruce had bought you another dress, it was nice and loos and kind of made you look younger. Probably due to the designed. Your hair was let down. You were fidgeting with your bracelet. A little nervous to meet this Jason guy. Your already on good terms with the others, you just hope not to make a bad impression. You were told Jason is a little complicated, so you had to be cautious.
You left your room and bumped into Tim. You and Tim began to have small talk about random things. He mainly asked you what you were more interested besides from video games and your deep interest in Geology.
As you and Tim talk while walking downstairs. Damian was able to slip into your room without anyone's knowledge.
Damian made a beeline for your desk. He searched your desk. Finding mainly schoolwork paper, and some old receipts, which he found off, why did you still have old receipts?
His eyes shifted to your small trash can. And here he sees the crumbled up note you threw away from before. He picked out the note and opened it up.
Call if you need help.
Damian began to wonder who this Miguel person was. With the way you acted when you read the note, you and Miguel don't seem to be on good terms. Mainly you not being friendly to the thought of him. Damian slipped the note in his chest pocket and left your room quietly.
Everyone was downstairs at the dining room table. Dinner was served, but Jason hadn't arrived yet. You were sat next to Bruce who was at the head of the table on your left. And Tim being at on your right, Damian sat across from you, Dick being next to Damian.
"Jason's late." Bruce sighed out under his breath. He looked at you with an apologetic expression. But you just smile, before you could say anything. Damian scoffed.
"What did you expect. That big oaf can't be held accountable for these events. Won't be surprised if he doesn't arrive at all."
"Damian." Dick seemed to not like what Damian said.
Just from this. You know that Damian isn't fond of Jason. But then again, Damian isn't fond of anyone that much.
"Y/n, your aunt called. She said there was a party for your uncle she wanted you to attend." Bruce changed the subject. You paused from the change of subject.
Before you could speak, your cut off once again. The door opens, and in comes Alfred. "Master Jason has arrived." Alfred steps to the side and your heart drops.
Jason. . . Redhood is Jason!?
You and Jason just stare at each other, wide eyed.
"Jason, your late." Bruce sighed out. Jason just kept staring at you. A lot going through his mind right now. You began to get nervous and very anxious. You avoided eye contact with Jason and took a sip of your water.
Jason frowns and took his seat. "Traffic." Was all he said as he sat next to Dick. Bruce began to introduce you to Jason in a more formal way.
Jason just stared at you and leaned back in his chair. "You're Y/n?" Jason spoke with dismay. You set your cup down and gave him a strained smiled. "Yes."
It was silent for a moment, only the silverware clicking against the plates could be heard. Then Bruce decided to continue speaking with you. "Anyways, Y/n. The party your aunt wants you to attend."
"Yeah, my uncle was promoted to captain." You took a sip from your water, still feeling Jason staring at you.
"That's good. How long has your uncle been in the police force?" Bruce asked as he was cutting up his stake.
"Almost 15 years I think." You're not fully sure. You just know your uncle Jeff was a police man for a long time.
Jason lets out a loud hum. "Your uncles a police man. . . interesting." You looked at Jason. The two of you make eye contact. You let out a small, forced smile to Jason. Jason doing the same to you.
There was a clear tension between you and Jason. He knows your secret, and you know his. The question is, who has more to lose?
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illubean · 4 months
Howdy 🤠
So my birthday is this Friday (btw this is a no pressure thing not like that's the deadline 😅) and I was just wondering how the phantom troupe would feel about that [simple HC are fine I know it would be a lot to ask for otherwise]. If that's too much than just these characters are cool
-Uvo, nobu, phinks, shizuku and maybe kalluto-
Order of importance ←⁠_⁠← too →⁠_⁠→
Oh and if reader can be in the troupe but still like "new" so first bday of hers with them yk ┐⁠(⁠‘_`⁠;⁠)⁠┌, HMU if you don't or need anything else.
Have a fantabulous rest of your (__fitb__) ♥⁠╣⁠[⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠]⁠╠⁠♥
Celebrating Your Birthday
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Characters: Uvogin, Nobunaga Hazama, Phinks Magkub, Shizuku Murasaki Type: Headcanons, Gn!reader
hhhhAAAAAAPPPYYY BIRRRTHHHHHDAYYYY TO YOUU- tumblr needs to bring back the yellow font I NEED MORE VARIETY
Warnings: none
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he's probably the most enthusiastic about celebrating your birthday
bro would sneak into your window at like 6 in the morning just to jump on you and wake you up with a loud "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"
pls explain to your neighbors that the large, burly man breaking into your home was in fact just your friend (who also happens to be a wanted criminal but you can leave that part out...)
even if you are fairly new to the troupe Uvogin likes all of you guys equally
new or not you are part of the family
his way of celebrating is...not your average celebration I guess?
in his words, he want's to take you to "get drunk and fuck shit up"
and by fuck shit up he probably means steal or sneak into some sort of underground gambling hall and beat up some lowly thugs
even if you're not into that sort of thing he's dragging you with him and doing it anyways 😭
he wants you to have a good time on your birthday, especially since much of the troupe doesn't know their own!! its just his definition of a good time is much different than your average guy...
Nobunaga Hazama
despite his appearance Nobunaga is actually one of the nicer members of the troupe
so if you mention your birthday around him he will store it in his brain for later
he's not as over the top crazy like his friend Uvogin
but he does make an effort to greet you on your birthday
it might be difficult if the troupe doesn't have a scheduled meeting that day
but if he doesn't see you he'll be sure to greet you later when he does
he might gift you something small, like a candy bar or a candle
he wouldn't initiate going out anywhere but if you asked him to come celebrate with you he would
Phinks Magkub
since your new I lwky don't think he would care all that much about your birthday...
he hasn't had enough time to get to know you and you're naturally the troupe member he has the weakest bond with
he does have a kind heart but to be fair he probably doesn't even know your birthday
but if you tell him day of he's like oh hbd
and leaves it at that
you guys aren't close enough yet for him to want to celebrate with you or get you a gift >.<
Shizuku Murasaki
poor baby
she tries so hard to remember your birthday, even if she comes off as nonchalant at times
she has it written on every calendar possible and even put it in big bold letters on her arm the day of
but she still forgot because she wears long sleeves most of the time 😭
it already took her like a week or 2 to even remember your name
but she really is trying :(
she's a sweet girl who values having bonds with each troupe member
she might try and go out to get you a gift but then forgot what she was at the market for
but when she see's the date again for like the 3rd time that day she will go get another troupe member to come find something for you together so they can remind her
she has no clue what to get you so she probably decides on a pastry or slice of cake that she actually ends up paying for
the money was probably stolen but oh well...it's the thought that counts
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niuniente · 1 year
Hi Nui! I'm going to be visiting a friend in Finland in about a month, and was wondering if you had any advice so I don't look like an absolute FOOL to them and all other Finns I run into on said trip (Also, if there's anything I absolutely have to do/try/see while visiting, that would be appreciated!)
These kind of questions always remind me of this Tumblr user whose father went to visit Finland. He learned Finnish and practiced his pronouncing. When he met a Finn and greeted him - very fluently - the Finn asked "Where are you from?"
The father was a bit bummed that his Finnish wasn't as good as he had imagined and asked was it his accent which gave him away? The Finnish guy replied: "You smiled when you said hi".
So, some dos and donts which came to my mind quickly, depending of course a bit where you will be heading and with whom you'll be spending time with. A 60 year old women from East-Finland is going to be different than a 20 year old guy from the capitol :D
Don't touch Finns Forget hugs, cheek kisses etc. with Finns. You may hug your close friends when you meet but it depends on your friends, of course. Don't touch Finns when speaking as we have extremely wide personal space and its violation will not be taken well. Touching another person in Finland is reserved for family members and a spouse/date. A hand shake is most appreciated if needed :3 Give Finns space It's rude in Finland to go too near of unknown people unless you absolutely have to, like in a crowded public transport. Always leave space between you and a Finn.
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(Finns waiting for a bus in a rush hour and giving space to each other)
Be quiet and modest Yelling, talking loudly, screaming and being overall loud is considered rude in Finland. Especially in public places. There are others there, don't bother them with your yelling and scream-talking. Being too lively and expressive is considered rude.
Take your shoes off indoors! Extremely important! Don't walk inside with shoes! Leave them in the mudroom. Walking inside to someone's home with shoes on is probably the rudest violation you can do. Even construction workers etc. apologize before getting inside with their work shoes (and those are allowed because they're work shoes).
No small talk, no talking to strangers We don't have small talk pleasantries in Finland. I was just watching The Block from Australia, where every single phone call, with every single person, is always started as "Hi! How are you? Thanks, I'm good, too!" and then you tell why you called. Forget that. Just go to the point :D Don't talk to strangers unless you really have to. There are area differences in this though, and for example in East and South East it is fine to strike a chat with unknown people.
Be honest Now, while polite manners are good in every country, Finnish people appreciate honesty. If you don't, for example, like some food you are offered, you can say "Sorry, but this isn't for me" or "Sorry, I didn't like it that much." A Finn will feel like you're making a fool out of them if you, for example, don't like the food their offer but go "Hmmm, this is so tasty!" The Finn will most likely just feed you more the food you absolutely hate because hey, you said yourself that you liked it! Also, if you need something, ask for it. There was an article on a newspaper years ago about Finnish families who hosted exchange students. When asked had there been any issues, one woman said that they had a student from Japan. When the student went to take a shower, the family forgot to give her a towel. Instead of asking for a towel - because that would be extremely rude in Japan - the girl tried to dry herself with toilet paper, messing the whole bathroom. Now that in Finland is rude - you just made a mess, used a full toilet roll and humiliated the family because you didn't note them that "Excuse me, I need a towel."
Don't talk bad about sauna Sauna is a sacred place. You can say that it's not really your thing but don't talk shit about sauna. Again, would you want to go to sauna but you want to wear a towel, say so. Finns will understand.
Apartment buildings and house areas have Law of Silence for the nighttime All Finnish apartments have a silence time. It's a law and if you (or your guests or pets) constantly violate that, you will be evicted, especially if you are a tenant. Avoid loud noise between 10pm to 7am. While it's not illegal to take a shower between 10pm and 7am, if you can take a shower before 10pm or after 7am, please do so. That's being polite towards neighbors and that's how most of the Finns live.
We don't have a word for please Finnish language is straight to the point and doesn't have a word for please. When speaking English in Finland, you can drop "please" out from it. Would you want to be very polite in Finnish, you can use kiitos (thank you) in customer service for please. But otherwise, just ask for what you want without any sugar coating - that's not rude but honest :3 (I so struggle to use normal polite language in English because it doesn't make any sense to me lol)
Watch out for pickpockets in Helsinki If you come to Helsinki, watch out for pickpockets, especially during summer. During summer many criminal groups arrive from East Europe to Helsinki to steal stuff from tourists. You need to be mindful only in the central and tourist attraction spots, though.
Anything you can imagine comes lactose free! Not really a guide but just a little note that if you can't have lactose, Finland is full of lactose free products. Stores have a little L on the price labels for Lactose Free products. Laktoositon = Lactose free. Overall, all kind of different food restrictions are well handled in Finland.
I like to say that if you didn't do it in Japan, because it's considered rude or distributive, don't do it in Finland either and you'll be fine :3 Except for saying what you mean and meaning what you say.
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hoffmanxfurthermore · 4 months
Greatest Almost
(Costas Mandylor as Paul Blankenship X reader)
Movie: Falling For You (1995)
Content: mentions of death/murder of family member, drinking, vomiting, stranger hook up, implied murder, afab reader, cussing, p in v sex, smut.
Word count: 2.1k
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It's the middle of the night, on your way home from the bar. It's the same routine every night, ever since your sister died.
It'd been months since she was murdered, thrown from a window of an apartment building. You felt somewhat responsible. You were supposed to be visiting her that night, but you simply just forgot. The police never caught the guy who did it. But you were pretty sure it was the man she'd been seeing secretly. She never introduced you to him, but only told you about him.
She was your only family, your only support system. You're lost without her. You drink to cope with losing her. Every night. Having taken a cab to a part of town you'd never been to before, you don't know your way around. And, of course, you pull your phone out of your purse only to discover that it is dead. Sighing in defeat, you lean against the wall of a building and close your eyes, the cool misty rain wetting your face combined with your tears.
"Do you need some help?" You hear a voice as a man approaches you. Tall, thin, his brown hair dampened by the rain, parted in the middle. The soft light from the street lamps brings out the blue in his eyes as he walks towards you.
"I'm... lost..." You sob, too drunk to care about giving your emotions. He looks at you with a sympathetic look as you slide down the wall onto the wet sidewalk, apathetic to the fact that you're sitting in a puddle. The air isn't too cold, but cold enough to make you shiver slightly. You pull your jacket closed, lowering your face.
"My name is Paul. Paul Blankenship. Let me help you." He reaches a hand out. You lean forward to take his hand, but dizziness takes over as you heave, and the contents of your stomach spill out onto the sidewalk as well as your legs. Like your best friend at some college party, he holds your hair back as you vomit. A feeling of relief from the cold washed over you as your legs become warm from the liquid on them.
After the last bit of it is gone, you fall onto your side, wavering in and out of consciousness.
You vaguely remember him gently picking you up off the ground before you're out completely.
The next morning, you wake up in an unfamiliar room on a bed. A tall glass of water, a bottle of Gatorade, and a bottle of ibuprofen reside on the bedside table next to you. The clock on the wall reads 9:32am. You feel like complete shit with the worst hangover you've had in years. Sitting up, you chug the water quickly. Your head is pounding so hard that you're almost praying for death just to relieve the pain.
Sunlight peeks out around the blackout curtains that dress the windows. A small night light illuminates the room in a warm light. You're still wearing last night's clothes, but the vomit on your pant legs seems to have been wiped away. The room is a bit chilly, but sweat mats your hair to your forehead.
As you wake up a little bit, the door to the room opens, and the man from last night slowly enters, holding a small plate in one hand and some clothes in the other.
"You're awake," he observes, "how do you feel? I meant to leave this next to you, but I made you some plain toast to sooth your stomach. You looked rough last night."
"Where am i?" You ask, slightly nervous.
"I brought you back to my place. This is my guest room. Don't worry, I didn't do anything except clean you off a little bit." He sets the plate down next to you, smiling. "I brought you some clean clothes, too. I can wash the ones you're wearing. You can have a shower if you'd like," he points to the bathroom just off of the bedroom.
Picking up a piece of toast, you nibble on it as your gaze meets his. His hair looks silky smooth, and he has the most beautiful blue eyes you've ever seen, slightly hidden behind the glasses that rest upon his face.
"Thank you," you manage weakly as you pull yourself to your feet. Paul extends his hand to help you and make sure you can stand.
"I'll leave so you can change," he smiles at you as he leaves the room. Slowly peeling your clothes off, you examine your body in the mirror to make sure he is true to his word and didn't touch you. Nothing seems amiss, and you aren't in any pain besides your throbbing headache.
After you've showered and changed, you make your way down the hallway to the living room. Paul is sitting on the couch, flipping through TV channels, but he stands once he sees you. You hand him your clothes, and he walks into another room. A few moments later, you hear the washing machine filling up with water as he walks back where you've planted yourself on the couch.
"I saw you at the bar. You could barely walk. I wanted to make sure you're safe," he says, sitting next to you. Your cheeks flush red with embarrassment. He must see you as some girl who just drinks too much and doesn't know when to cut herself off. You close your eyes in shame.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," he tells you.
His caring demeanor seemed to help you open up, and before you knew it, you were telling him everything, spilling your entire heart out to a complete stranger.
"I'm sorry, I'm not trying to trauma dump all over you," you look away, "you're a stranger. I don't know you."
"It's okay," he reassures you, "I know you don't know me, and you probably don't like me. But you need a safe person, and I am that person. Whether or not you want to believe me. I can take you home if you want."
You feel a strange attraction to him. You're not usually into guys you'd just met, but there is something.... different about him.
"You don't want to go home, do you?" He inches closer to you on the couch.
"No..." You confess, moving closer to him. Before you know it, his hand is in your hair, his lips pressed against yours. You lean into the kiss as excitement fills your body. The slight scent of peppermint lingers on your lips as he slowly pulls back, scanning your face for any sign of hesitation or denial.
"How are you feeling?" He asks.
"A lot better now."
Leaning in for another kiss, his hand slips under your shirt, and he pauses. You don't try to stop him, so he moves again, cupping your left breast lightly as his soft lips make contact with your neck.
Arousal sparks between your thighs as his teeth nip the skin of your neck lightly. A small moan escapes your lips. Paul accepts that as an encouragement to keep going as he slowly lifts your shirt over your head.
This man is a total stranger. You know nothing about him at all. But in the heat of the moment, all you want is him. Intoxicated by his touch alone, his lips on your skin sending shockwaves coursing through your veins, you can only imagine how it'll feel when things progress.
The rest of your clothes fall off of you like water, and within seconds, you're wearing nothing but your skin as his tongue lightly traces over your collarbone. The light contact sends shivers down your body as his fingertips graze your thigh. You arch your back off the couch slightly, offering yourself to his touch.
Paul wastes no time, reaching out to pull you onto his lap. His hands roam over your body, slipping up your torso to cup your breasts. You moan, arching into his touch as his thumbs rub over your already hard nipples.
"You feel so good," he whispers, his hot breath fanning your neck as he nuzzles your sensitive skin. You lace your fingers through his soft brown hair, holding him against you as his lips leave a trail of fire along your jawline, shivers running down your spine.
You tilt your head back, exposing your neck to him as his lips continue their descent.
"You taste even better," he groans, his voice hoarse with desire. You feel his erection pressing into you, hard and insistent, and you grind your hips down against him, needing to feel him inside you. You lift your hips, allowing him a better look at your bare body.
"You're gorgeous," he growls, his eyes dark with desire. "I want to feel you."
Paul's words send shocks of desire right between your legs, your body throbbing with need. Lifting yourself up, you reach down to grasp the waistband of his grey sweatpants. With a quick tug, you pull them down, releasing his hard length. Paul kicks them off and then urges you to straddle him. You lower herself onto his thick cock, feeling your pussy stretch to accommodate him.
Throwing your head back, a moan escapes lips as he fills you completely. Paul groans, his eyes sliding shut as he relishes the feeling of being encased in your warm, tight pussy. You begin to move, lifting yourself up and then sinking back down, impaling yourself on his shaft.
"Fuck, you feel so good," Paul mutters, his eyes glued to where your bodies are joined. He reaches up, rolling your nipples between his thumbs and forefingers as you set a steady rhythm riding him. You lean forward, bracing your hands on his warm chest as you increase your pace.
"I want you," you gasp, your breath coming in hot gasps, "I need you to make me cum."
Paul smiles, his blue eyes filled with lust.
"I aim to please," he promises, reaching between your bodies to rub your swollen clit in slow, soft circles.
Crying out in pleasure, your body tightens as the coil of tension inside of you snaps.
"Fuck... Paul!" You shout, your pussy clenching around him as wave after wave of pleasure washes over you.
Paul holds your hips, continuing to thrust up into you as your orgasm washes through you.
"Come on, baby, let go," he urges, his voice hoarse with his own need.
Collapsing against him, your sweaty body shakes as your orgasm slowly fades out. Paul rolls you so you're laying on the couch, him on top, never breaking your connection. He begins to move, thrusting into you deeply. You wrap your legs around his waist, meeting his thrusts with your own.
"That's it, take it all," he growls, his eyes locked into yours as he pounds into you, "You're so tight, so fucking wet."
You moan loudly as you dig your nails into his shoulders as he hits your g-spot over and over.
"Oh, God, right there," you whine, your body building towards another climax, "I'm going to cum again!"
"That's it, baby, cum on my fucking cock" Paul encourages you, his own orgasm building. You cry out, your pussy tightening around his girth as you cum again, your slick juices flowing around him.
Paul groans, his body tensing as he approaches his own release.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum," he warns, his thrusts becoming more erratic and spontaneous.
Feeling his cock pulse as his warm cum spills inside you, your own body trembles with the aftershocks of your orgasm. You lie like that for several moments, both of your breath slowly returning to normal as you savor the feeling of your joined bodies.
Finally, Paul kisses you softly, withdrawing from you and standing up.
"Holy shit..." you gasp as he slides his pants back on. Slowly standing up, he hands you some napkins as you feel his warm seed dripping down your thighs. You clean yourself off, discarding the napkins into the bin. Paul walks towards the window of his apartment and opens it as you get dressed. The cool air feels good on your hot, sweaty skin.
"I love it up here," Paul says, peering out the open window, "the whole city... come, look."
Standing in place, you think of your sister. The man she was seeing, who threw her out of a window, lived in a high-rise apartment. Panic washes over you as you slowly back away. It can't be the same guy... you don't want to believe it.
Before you can react, Paul walks over to you swiftly, grabbing you by your hips. His grip is firm, and you're unable to break away as he effortlessly leads you toward the window.
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eggtartz · 2 years
Hi! Can you do a Rindou x soulmate reader, a soulmate AU where the reader has a brother who's in a gang and she's really protective of her brother just like how Nezuko is so protective of Tanjiro, so her brother is getting beaten down in a fight and so the reader beats up the guy who was beating down her brother, just like how Nezuko beat daki up wit NO MERCY, she did the same😬 and literally just stood there with a disgusted face and broke the guys leg by her feet, just the same way Nezuko did to Daki.
And because of the tattoo that the reader has on their arm, Rindou recognized the tattoo since both of you guys are soulmates and have the same tattoo so her recognized it and knew that you were his soulmate. The reader is so protective of her brother and has the strength of Nezuko also the reader is
a/n : is this what im seeing or someone finally requested me to write? HELLO ANON THANKYOU FOR THE REQUEST AAA *eats fist* i did a brainstorm on the concept of soulmates i hope you'll like this 🫶🏻💕
"The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break."
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wc : 2152
you and your brother have been together since you were so young, him being seven while you were just ten. your whole family got into a car crash leaving only two of you to survive in the cruel world. watching your brother grow, the protective side came with an instinct and even though now both of have grown up you were still protective over him.
"onee-san i'll be back late tomorrow. gang stuff" he said while munching on his chocolate bread that you made for him. you worriedly glanced at him and he understood that look very well. "c'mon onee-san, i'll be back before dinner. don't worry too much" he ate the leftover icing on his fingers and went to wash his hands on the sink. without turning your body, you spoke.
"ikeru. what if you get beaten up so bad huh? you got beaten up so bad that you can't even come back home, not coming home to me. is that what you want? i've been letting you do this shady gang stuff for some time, don't you think you should stop?" your tone was worrying and ikeru see no lies from your words. he will get beaten up at a daily basis, the only difference is either his knuckles are going to bloody from his blood or the opponents blood.
"fine nee-san. if it would make you feel better, i'll quit the gang and find a job. would that make you feel better?" he placed his chin on your head and felt your nodding. "so let this be the last time you're doing gang stuff okay? promise me you'll come back as soon as you say quits" you raised your red-tattoed pinky and locked his pinky finger with yours.
except that, he broke the promise.
that day, your brother didn't came back home. you tried to stay rational and thought his friends might've offered him booze but you know him. he would always update on his conditions to you. you tried calling him, messaging him. you knew little about his gang business but you did find their where their hideout is. "listen here little shit, i don't have time and the food for dinner is getting cold. i'll ask you one more time, where the hell is ikeru?" your gaze was cold, unfazed as the so called gang member was trembling under your threat.
"ikeru went out miss. i don't know exactly where but they did said they wanted to stay at the new bar down street" he said while stuttering a lot, your knife still on his throat. you released a heavy sigh and said thank you under your breath and dashed out. it's okay, you assured yourself. he might forgot to tell you, he's probably having a great time. just check on him and then leave, you said to calm yourself down. walking down the street, you saw a familiar bike you confirmed that was your brother's bike. however there was no sight of him. infact there was no sight of anyone at all.
you saw the bar the kid mention but there were too many people. too many, it looked like a crowd. crowd.. people.. the crowd was noisy as there was a fight on the center of the bar floor. standing on your toes, to your horror you saw your brother, ikeru on the floor all bloody while getting punched continuously while he remained unconscious and not moving. letting your body move based on adrenaline, you jumped on the bigger man's back and tried scratching him.
"oi what the hell?!" he easily threw your body across the room and your head knocked one of the chairs. standing up, you hissed but saw a bottle of beer on the counter, took it and ran at the man full speed then smashed his head with it. the glass shattered and the crowd grew wilder as if this was a show but you didn't care. all care thrown out the window, you approached your brother and checked his breathing. it was ragged, uneven but he was breathing. you held his bloody face near to your neck and silently sobbed.
you felt like a failure, no, you were a failure. what kind of sister just let's their little brother do this? you swore that all your life you would protect his life but here he is, almost at the verge at death and you wondered if only he wasn't a gang member would he be in the same situation now.
"yes ikeru?"
"run, onee-san. the guys are bigger than you, they'll kill you. run onee-san, my boss is coming please don't worry" he whispered againts the shell of your ear. you were fuming, furious. inhaling another breath, you said to him "don't worry they can't kill me if i kill them first" then you dragged his body to the nearest chair and sat him on top of it. "onee-san stop, please they'll kill you" he tried grabbing your wrist to stop you but his grip got weaker. ikeru's vision was blurry and he passed out.
meanwhile you, adrenaline pumped in your veins you took a wooden stool and knock one of the gang rivals with it. you recognized your brother's gang by the uniform so you could differentiate them. swinging a punch, the man fell down startled and off guard you took the knife you had and plunged his shoulder. looking him straight in the eye, you twisted the knife and deepened the wound.
the other men stopped what they were doing as they heard the screams of their man getting tortured by a woman half his size. you stand up only to get tackled down but you managed to kick his groin, grounded your knees on the floor and twisted his head with a headlock ikeru taught you while watching mma matches in television. ikeru's member started scooting away as the man averted their attention to you. "now, now girl. you might wanna calm down okay? knife's a dangerous weapon dont'cha think?" one of them said.
"shut the fuck up if you don't want my foot down your throat" you said before running towards one of them, climbed their back and bit his ears. they panicked a lot and tried to grabbed you but using your sweater sleeve you tied one their hands into the man's head making all of them lose their balance and collectively fell. you jumped from his back successfully landing on the ground.
one of them lunge towards you but you dodged him and knocked his nose as hard as you could making him coughing out blood. the crowd wasn't rowdy anymore as they watched the bloody murder you were doing. the rampage of yours didn't seem to stop because the guys kept standing up. the more they tried to stand, the more damaging your attacks were. you didn't had any ounce of mercy.
the guy that earlier was smashing ikeru's face tried to crawl away but you saw him "oh you're not going anywhere. come back!" you dragged his left leg back to the center of the bar floor. you lifted his left calf and stepped on his thigh, breaking his kneecaps. he wailed in pain and as you were going to do the same to the next leg, you felt a shiver down your spine.
"yikes, sweetie you did this by yourself?" a braided hair man asked you while coming through the crowd. the still conscious ikeru's members tried to bow down but some of them fell down as they grow weaker.
"my, oh, look at that. hello keizo is your leg okay? didn't i told you specifically not to barge in this area of ours hm~?" the braided man asked him while he was wailing in pain. you kept experiencing this shivering but you shrugged it for now. the braided man finally looked at you "hm, you might need to go to the hospital love. you're injured" you stepped away from him only up now to realize there was someone else behind him. he wore a black shirt, glasses and had blue and yellow highlights. he was gorgeous and you couldn't stop staring at him. he did the same too, unable to tear his gaze away.
"rinnie could you tell them to clean this up? we have to bring this girl to the hospital" getting a tch as a respond, he inspected all the injuries and observed the damage you did. on the men and on the facility. "im sorry" you said impulsively, and he looked at you confused.
the crowd was already dismissed as silence developed between the two of you. this was strange, you met this man two seconds ago and you felt a huge relief washing over you. you shouldn't even feel better when he's here, he might be a greater threat but you felt the opposite with him. it was like you felt comfortable with him, safe with him.
"it's okay, uh. your name?" his voice did wonders to you. it felt soothing and you actually wanted to step closer to him so you could hear his voice again but this time closer. "i uh y/n"
"okay y/n, im rindou haitani. could you tell me what just happened because the guy almost got killed"
"my brother" you walked to ikeru's cold body and saw the blood on his face started to dry up, making it smell foul. rindou scrunched his nose and tried lifting him up before gesturing you to follow him. "uh hey you think you could ride? you guys need like immediate medical help and using the car, you know. there's traffic and that" he kept averting his eyes somewhere else while talking to you and stuttered a lot. "oh yeah my brother's bike is here so i can go to the hospital myself"
"oh, where's the keys?" he said while one of his gang members reached ikeru's shoulder and took him away. you snatched the keys from ikeru's pocket earlier and you handed it to rindou. you were too exhausted to ride the bike anyway and you felt like you could trust rindou. strangely.
"okay if you feel like falling asleep just hug me so you won't fall" he said while reviving the engine. you did what he said and arrived at the hospital and almost immediately got into an emergency ward. your brother's bed was beside yours although you might discharge earlier as your injuries wasn't too bad. the sight of your brother being connected with so many wires scared you, it was like the time of the car crash where you thought he would leave you. your daydreaming snapped as you heard a soft click on the door and saw rindou with some flowers.
"oh hi. i thought you were asleep. here, uh some flowers and food. i don't know what you like so i bought a few types of- wait why are you crying?" rindou stopped his rambling and placed the items in his hand on the table so he could swipe your tears away. he was worried for me, he's so cute, you thought.
"it's just, i love my brother so much i really thought i lost him" he held your hand and in a trance you two could speak only with your eyes. you desperately closed the gap between the two of you and cried more on his chest. after a while your hiccups was disappearing slowly and your grip on his shirt too had loosened. he laid you back so you could rest while he studied your face.
people would be terrified if their first meeting was with yours, your eyes were bloodshot, knuckles bloody, lip busted and sweater dirty but you looked magnificent is his eyes. your black hair, perfect eye shape, nose, lips hell you had no flaw. rindou was the one who wanted to see the new club, his gut telling him that there was something, someone there. then, he met you and he was correct. the moment he saw you, he fell. hard.
he rubbed his thumb over your bandaged knuckles and kissed the pinky finger with the tattoo on it. rindou wasn't a man of superstition or any sort but he does feel that you were truly his. the same red matching tattoo on his pinky said it.
he only realized you had the same tattoo while you entered the doctor's room for an examination. he didn't believed in fate but he genuinely thinks that you're his soulmate. his other half. the only one for him.
he kissed your forehead to leave so you could rest but you held his tattooed pinky. "stay with me" you softly said. rindou smiled and climbed the bed with you and you instantly snuggled in his arm. you felt safe, he felt complete. you both were truly soulmates.
a/n : this might be the longest fic i've ever wrote i got really indulged
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randomsloredrops · 4 months
Random's Lore Drops - Sand Under Table (FR this time)
Alright, so basically, i hate my shitty sans lore drop so i'm making a real one. Ready? Because it's time for...
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Cursive, Cursive the Skeleton. Wait what do you mean it's not Cursive? Oh, Sans? sorry. Sans, Sans the Skeleton.
Time to rant. Like, REALLY rant. So, Sans The Skeleton. You know him, you love him, or you hate him. I'm in the middle-ground. I don't give a fUCK about that twat. He's the face of Undertale (but most definitely not what defines it), as well as the first person you meet in Snowdin, excluding Mister Camera which people usually miss (it's in the bush right as you exit). He's a comedian skeleton who likes to play pranks, and also tells over half as many puns as Papyrus (wild ain't it?). His first introduction is not at the gate, but instead the walk to it, where you get to watch his shadow move around as you walk, and also watch as he snaps a stick with ease (don't ask how). As you might know, he's completely nihilistic, and refuses to fight you until you actually end up being a threat. That's right, first degree murder on everybody except those two Froggits you forgot about in the Ruins makes you not a threat, but a Genocide route does. Why? Well, it's simple. You become a threat to the timeline. Now, it's to note he DOESN'T remember resets, only being able to tell by Frisk's expression (which is not related to your input). He also doesn't have the deja vu that others have, instead noting down things during resets, like Frisk turning around before he tells them to, and them acting like they did everything before. He DOES, however, state that there are reports of timelines shifting left and right, which means he has some sort of machine to tell. It's pretty known, but the reason he doesn't kill you isn't out of laziness, but instead, having a promise. He outright tells you that he'd kill you in a paci/neutral route during the "date" with him. He is CANONICALLY only friends with Toriel, and even then, he never knows her name until the pacifist pre-ending cutscene, before Asriel. sans.™ literally could not give any less of a shit, but because he knew Toriel for a while, albeit due to the power of knock-knock jokes, he ended up accepting. He also states that he HATES making promises. His attitude really tells a lot, as, even in his boss fight in the Genocide route, he does not give a SHIT about it. He constantly looks like he's joking, and he does NOT act overly emotional in any situation, with the most emotional that he gets being to tell yourself to politely go fuck thyself by telling you to burn in hell, and calling you a dirty brother killer. He still CARES about people, he just rarely shows it. That "dirty brother killer" line really shows it. After all, how would YOU feel if broke into YOUR planet, into YOUR country, into YOUR town/city, and killed your only family member and then said I was above consequences for that. ...Ignore the "your planet" line. Trust me I come from Earth. It's also shown based by his room that he is NOT a clean person. His first stand stinks of condiments, he sells hotdogs at his own stand, and it's assumed that he LITERALLY has the exact same stand everywhere, based on the snow on the roof, which never disappears in any instance of his stand (stand, IS THAT A JOJO REFERENCE?!?!?). His only role, aside from comedic relief, is the final Genocide boss (which he is known as), and the guy to judge you before you go to Asgore, since that is his only role. Now, onto personal hate. People DON'T realize that he's not fucking FIGHTING you because you're a threat to the kingdom, but because you're going to ERASE the timeline, and when something's erased, it usually never comes back. It's because of the timeline possibly being erased forever, in which he fights you and tries to off you. He doesn't know about the "deal" that the Player makes with Chara, in which you trade your SOUL to recreate the timeline from square one. (my personal headcanon for if Sans ever remembers you're genocides is to go fuck off elsewhere, since there's no reason to fight, right? After all, you're not permanently erasing the timeline, he has no reason to fight. It may be erased, but it keeps coming back, even if YOU don't recreate it, because another Player will.)
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theandersenjournals · 23 days
do you have any headcannons for ur bug? :) ur silly guy .. guy we gotta put under a aaaa microscope - @knashingmawz
In preparation for this ask, I turned on Sean’s playlist and then immediately forgot about this ask because I HAD to go write a 2k word analysis on my own rp responses. And then I just kept forgetting. So let’s try to do this AGAIN, YAY, turning on the bleed out mountain goats album.
So, as for my Sean, I refer to him as my bug because I have a fascination with him. Specifically in the like . 🔍 studying manner. But also, actually, I do have this headcanon that he has a fascination with bugs. Actually, I like to imagine he likes all sorts of insects and arachnids and then also separate creatures like mollusks. Little things. 
Okay, onto more concise headcanons! Things I was told but cannot prove also go under this section, like Sean and Lee being childhood friends, Sean growing up in the cult as opposed to forming it, ect. But I use these to base my thoughts because these make for a fun and fascinating story to me! I like the idea that he grew up like this, and i’ve made a note about this when speaking to some friends, but;
Generally my big ones are on the family and building their worldbuilding and what exactly they stand for in the narrative. My favorite concept is that the leader never survives very long ; the leader is always whoever is most necessary to the goal at the time. Hence, why Sean became leader; he was loyal and as close to a Carrier as anyone could be, he had the means to be useful. Before him, it's always pastors, politicians, police, doctors, ect, people who are important, and the cult teaches the children to grow into these professions to garner as much power as possible. They want their hands everywhere, in everything, hearing and speaking to as many as they can. The Family teaches closeness amongst members, speaks that they are the only ones who will find salvation in the new world, that the Leaders will be the gods that reign alongside The Speaker when the world ends and is started anew (by merging purgatory with the overworld! that one's canon) but! the leader of each sector of the cult (i like to pretend it's much bigger than it likely is) never makes it too long! because someone else is always more useful, more important, like Sean! Therefore, they tend to fall into madness from The Speaker's whispers and pass on at its hands, or kill themselves to escape once it starts getting bad. which, funny enough, was HIS fate too! He tells Lee that he gave up his family and his humanity for the Speaker, of course he’s in it’s world in the afterlife, and it’s “his will.” 
Significantly more fucked up headcanon: leaders and important figures to The Family get branded or otherwise 'marked' to display their loyalty and exactly who or what they belong to. Sean got branded when he became leader and at the same time he got REALLY hooked on The Speaker and hes very proud of that fucking mark. "this is my divine right" ass. He’s in deep!! I also like to imagine he leaves this same scar on Lee, sort of binding them together, The Leader and The Carrier, two beings that can never escape their binding fates, they will both be tools for the new world and be together in the afterlife– Sean says this in the series too; they’re going to the same place!
Sean: You think I'd go somewhere else when I died? After sacrificing my humanity- to him? Lee: You're not real! You're not real! Sean: You know- the same thing will happen to you, when you go. Lee: Shut up! Shut up!
This also links into a secondary thought I have about him in which he’s really fucking weird about pain ; The Speaker, canonically, makes whoever it speaks to- sick. Okay, not sick. It actively hurts. It hurts like nothing you've ever felt, according to Lee. And then, if you listen long enough, it has a drug quality to it; Sean is quite literally addicted to his own god! And that shit HURTS, but it feels good, it feels powerful, it feels– right! It becomes necessary, something to attach to, you need it like you need breathing, and you start to associate this pain and agony with good things, pleasure, greatness, going through this means you get this BLESSING of hearing The Speaker’s voice! So now Sean tackles everything with this concept; Pain brings good things, it brings clarity, pain is associated with everything he needs. This doubles; I like to think The Speaker literally warps the way you think. I think , in the sense of a leader , it needs someone cruel and ruthless. We know it's incredibly intelligent, we know it's a mastermind of sorts- it's not hard to make the jump and assume that on top of it all; the irritation and swings of withdrawal, the desperation, all of it- it's fully capable of destroying who you are and turning you into something monsterous in it's image. That's what a good leader should be, ^_^ Resembling their god!
Fuckingngngng freak. I have more thoughts about him. Nicer thoughts. He looks at birds and thinks of Lee. Him and Lee were childhood friends— Sean picks lizards off of bricks and shows them off. They tussle in the grass together. They get fuckin drunk off their asses in the back of Sean’s busted ass car and talk about the future– Sean always said he never knew what he wanted to do. He meant it, because his fate was already decided by someone else. Him and Mo knew each other because of this. He never really had stuffed animals as a kid and he thinks theyre really dorky but he keeps getting them as gifts and from games and shit and he really likes them . he wears almost exclusively graphic tees and band tees and its weird as FUCK to see him wearing anything else. adnd ten million more things but god this is a long post can you send me another ask /silly
overall, one thing: he is THIS FUCKIN SONG! canaries in the coal mine by john congleton and the nighty nite. thats sean wf.
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kubrik-was-a-c-nt · 10 months
Finally watching Spiral! Considering I spend a lot of time thinking about the Saw series I should have watched this a long time ago.
Onto reactions!
Ew, the two things I hate most: sewers, and public port-a-potties. I loath using port-a-potties.
Oooh, updated realistic pig mask! I like!
Ah, the tongue trap I've seen in so many thumbnails. It's even worse when you see hes hanging by his tongue over some kind of flimsy little stool.
Going back to the old box TVs? Must have raided a goodwill.
New voice sounds weird, not sure if I'm okay with it. You'll see.
Okay, pretty iconic sequence right off the bat. Super uncomfortable looking trap, good buildup, lots of blood. A real saw movie.
My rebuttal to Chris Rock's rant about Forrest Gump is that Jenny did not ask Forrest to do any of that and... oh shit, it's the po-po. But I guessed Rock was a cop from the promotional material but this was a good reveal.
So 12 years ago was the Saw 6 and 7 era. That was a time where people would have wanted dirty cops turned in. Hoffman was on a fucking killing spree, gotta nip them in the bud.
It's nice to know that if my dead body was ever found, the cops would immediately take me seriously because my fitbit would tell them that I'm not unhoused.
Jigsaw used an old ass tv in the trap but a USB stick for the video. I guess it's near impossible to find any tapes or tape players.
Putting bad cops in traps... I like this.
That box that guys tongue, isnt it? Yep.
"Damn n**** wash your hands" she told him to get out, he can use hand sanitizer.
Wow, such realism. Someone turns in a cop doing bad things and now they're the bad guy. It's almost like the cops are protecting bad cops.
Is this the first time we meet a victims wife or family member after their death? No one usually gives a shit about them. Good expansion.
"I heard about Boz. You alright?" "No, I'm all fucked up". First time I've seen someone fully admit to being distraught over the death of a friend.
"Dont drain my battery watching Twilight" what is this, 2009??? Wait, is this 2009?! Is this like Jigsaw where- oh wait, they just showed them with smartphones, my bad.
I forgot to turn in subtitles, they make watching movies so much easier for me. And now I can spell everyones names right.
You're looking for a copycat of Jigsaw, the guy who kidnaps and tortures 'bad' people, and you walk into an abandoned building alone? You deserve to die now. The message from earlier even specified that they were going after crooked cops.
Oooh, this trap looks interesting. I havent seen any images of it before.
Zeke, stop trying to ruin other peoples marriages. Not everyone needs to be as miserable as you.
Tip your delivery driver!
I see, the pig theme is being used to mock the police here.
And now I see it, all the cops that hate Zeke are also bad cops. It's almost like the force is full of bad cops and when the one good cop turns one in, they get ostracized.
I'm trying to see the point of the cage on Fitch's head. Maybe to keep him from chewing through the wires around his fingers.
I know someone who almost lost her finger during an archaeological dig. An accident with a sawhorse I think. She still can't watch hand trauma scenes.
"John Kramer didn't target cops" Eric Matthews, Rigg, Straum, Perez, Carrie... Hoffman only got involved because of his fake trap.
Okay, what is Banks Sr out doing?
Dont you have bomb sniffing dogs? Have one take a whiff, easy.
It's the skin from someones head- SCHENK. I LIKED YOU.
Wait, theres always a mole in these movies, someone on the inside pulling strings. Schenk is new, too new to have done anything too corrupt. The only way to positively identify the body would be with dental records. That might take a minute to obtain and analyze.
Okay, I may have seen a small spoiler a few months ago about who is the mole, but I cant positively remember if it was Schenk or not.
They must be raiding antique stores now to get these tape players.
'Sever your spine or get covered in hot wax'? Really thinking outside the box here.
One killer to make a diversion, one to trap Angie? Banks Sr and Schenk working together?
I'm going to be totally wrong and suckerpunched out of left field, arent I?
Yes, he is too close to this. He needs to be taken off the case and given a horse tranquilizer.
WAIT THE FIRST SMARTPHONES CAME OUT IN 2007. THIS COULD BE 2009. I forgot to pay attention to anything that could date the time period.
Banks Sr walked into that one... literally.
As a cop, you should be trained to pick a handcuffs lock, just because. Oh wait, do you know how to pick handcuffs? Holy shit, you have a useful skill.
Oh, hi Pete. I guess someone stole Pete's badge and password to erase the footage. Zeke should have realized that Pete would not have walked into the police station with everyone knowing who he is.
I guess we are in a recycling plant?
Zeke just jumps in and starts helping. See, Jeff? I mean, Pete is bleeding out the mouth so hes 100% dead but Zeke did his best.
Yay, Schenk is alive!
Wait, wouldnt they have noticed that the tattoo was fresh? Fresh tattoos look different from healed ones. Schenk's tattoo is healed and old.
You know you die waaaaay before all 1.5 gallons are drained.
Oh hey, this was Bousman? Nice to see you back in the saddle. Great quality work this time.
Holy shit, I'm feeling super emotional. Great use of the Saw theme at the end there, great payoff to everything. I literally said 'pulling the strings' earlier without realizing how true it is.
I say this is a great offshoot to the Saw storyline. John Kramer is not involved, he only inspired the killing spree. The title is great because Schenk leaned into the spiral motif to emphasize a symbol used by Jigsaw that was not Billy. 'From the book of Saw' is giving me 'Cult of John Kramer' vibes, which I like. It shows how he was so influential as a serial killer who targeted 'bad' people in an attempt to reform them that other people began to copy him. I can see so many others trying to be the next Jigsaw. Of course, Schenk did all of this for personal reasons to seek revenge. Besides Cecil, Kramer actually wanted people to survive and be reformed. I dont think Hoffman cared if people won or lost, but he still made all the traps survivable. One step up from Amanda.
I'm now super interested to see where Saw X takes us. Saw in spaaaaace? Smashing someones face with liquid nitrogen? Uber-Jason?
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smolandweirdwriter · 7 months
Serafina and the Black Cloak Reread Thoughts
I forgot that the book takes place in 1899 for some reason, but regardless I'm very eager to see how that's handled (since I read it when I was much younger, I doubt I would have picked up on that). but I mean that's just fascinating given the history of the civil war (Cornelius Vanderbilt was a union man--not in it himself, but donated a giant steamship worth about 1 million USD). Also fun fact: George Vanderbilt paid his staff New York wages, which were higher than Asheville wages-- up to the equivalent of $73-ish dollars for the highest working members.
sera and her pa are adorable! little serafina not wanting to eat her veggies is my favorite thing & in a modern au he would definitely be the kinda guy to mix spinach into her brownies to try and trick her into eating vegetables
also serafina first line: "Did." do with that what you will
can serafina get rabies? she says she's been bitten by rats before...
love the sprinkling of 1890s southern dialect lmao
I forgot how good the imagery in this book is!! the descriptions of sounds and nature are incredible!!
mr Vanderbilt has over 22 THOUSAND BOOKS that's the kinda life goal I aspire to
serafina made up stories after reading she's just like me for
au where serafina is a PI & part-time novelist perchance?? (Braeden is a vet ofc)
Sera's pa: if anybody ever asks you who you are or where you're from, you don't answer, got it?
Sera: got it
Sera, the second she meets Braeden: hi I'm serafina here's my social security number
OH BRAEDEN FIRST DESCRIPTION WHAT "... or she'd see their twelve-year-old nephew riding his horse across the grounds, with his sleek black dog running alongside." (p. 12)
"Sometimes she dreamed of wearing fancy dresses and ribbons in her hair and shiny shoes on her feet" props to Robert Beatty for not making her have internalized misogyny and hating "girlie" things. the main fight scene is done in a dress if I recall and I'm so ready to read it
she mentions Braeden a lot (calls him "the young master" or "the nephew" but still, good foreshadowing)
awww poor sera wants a real family but also loves her pa *sigh* EMOTIONAL CONFLICT
sera describing the basement as "hers"!!!
the butler's 11 year old assistant gobbling cookies in the middle of the night is so real im sorry. but also sera standing in the shadow watching him & pretending they're friends chatting is gonna make me cry
oooh the rats and bugs all fleeing from cracks in the walls when the man in the black cloak arrives!!!
mr Thorne first line: "Don't worry. We're going right in here..." creepy lil shit
"her legs felt like explosions of speed" idk why but that line made me laugh. the book is so well-written but for some reason that line just feels very, idk, childish? it kinda took me out of the experience but maybe that's just me
"friends had to help friends. she didn't know much about life, but she knew that." she doesn't even know the girl but considers them friends and wants to help her. serafina seems to think Braeden is kinder than she is, but honestly I don't think that's true. I think Braeden is more willing to trust people, but serafina is more willing to sympathize with them, & I think she has preconceptions of people in power being bad (mr v, mr Thorne-- though the latter turned out to be true--rowena, etc) which turns out false
"A tall man in a black cloak and hood, his hands stained with blood" we have our first Mr Thorne description folks!!
"Just stay still, and this will all be over," he said, pulling her toward him. Serafina suddenly realized she'd made a dreadful mistake. This was far more than she could handle." oh god the places my mind instantly went to? dark, awful places. this book is disturbing and I'm inly 19 pages in-- how did I read this so gleefully as a kid?
"...as if the man wasn't of his own mind but possessed by a demented, ravenous demon" I don't quite remember but isn't it true that the cloak can speak to the wearer? so did it take over mr Thorne at some point? did hearing that voice all the time affect him and further corrupt him? did he ever get confused when he took the cloak off, maybe in the beginning, and think perhaps he didn't want to put it back on again, but in the end the urge for power and youth was too great? oooh angsty fanfic ideas.....
"Death was so near that she could see its blackness and hear the screams of the children who had gone before." this book is so dark how is it for children???? it's incredible I love it
ik she's looking for a place to hide from a guy trying to pull our her soul but her thought process when searching for a hiding spot reminds me of playing hide n seek
"She was the CRC. No trap or weapon or evil man was going to catch her." hELL YEAH
ahhhh description of serafina. collar bones that don't connect to other bones --> cats have a detached collar bone. four toes not five--> cats again. (also as a kid who was tiny and short and having been thought practically dead at birth, serafina was always inspiring to me)
"Mice are timid and prone to panic-induced mistakes at key moments. Just stay still little mouse, [she thought]." oooh nice callback to this exact thought about mice when she's hunting rats earlier
Also did I mention how much I love the chapter titles being encircled in brambles that form the shape of her face or a panther?? that's just cool. if I can actually write something good enough to be published, I'd love to have something like that
Babe wake up new slang just dropped: “gnawin’ on leather” 
Her pa doesn’t like mr poe gives “my dad won’t let us watch horror movies so you have to sneak them over in a different dvd cover if we’re gonna watch a horror movie when you sleep over later tonight” omg rowena & serafina girltime au?? (Lol sorry)
Oooooh the dynamo’s busted I wonder what thaaat meeeaannnssss (hehehe)
Biltmore being one of the few homes to have electricity is a nice reminder of the time period
“she’d been trying to follow [her pa’s] rules at least some of the time” lol
“Spotting an upholstered chair she felt an overwhelming desire to run her fingernails over the plush fabric” REAL
Her being shocked at flower vases & the idea of flowers INSIDE the house is so funny
Awwww poor sera, looking for her momma and siblings everywhere…
Serafina is super smart. just putting that out there. She’s brilliant and I love her
Oop the first description of Edith Vanderbilt kinda gives chatgpt-generated ngl (obviously it wasn’t bc it predates chatgpt & shitty ai writing generators, & this book is SO MUCH BETTER than anything an AI could generate regardless) 
“A refined and attractive woman, Mrs. Vanderbilt had a pale complexion and a full head of dark hair, and she seemed at ease in her role of hostess as she moved through the room.” Idk what about this makes me think “AI generated” but it just DOES
“Serafina loved to climb the tapestries at night and run her fingernails down through the soft fabric” AGAIN SHES SO REAL FOR THIS
“I’m sure that most of you already know Mr. Montgomery Thorne,”… Mrs. Vanderbilt said with a gentle sweep of her arm toward a gentleman. “He has graciously offered to play [the violin] for us today.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Vanderbilt,” Mr. Thorne said with a smile as he stepped forward. ... To Serafina, who’d been listening to Biltmore’s visitors her entire life, he didn’t sound like he came from the mountains of North Carolina, or from New York like the Vanderbilts. He spoke with the accent of a southern gentleman, maybe from Georgia or South Carolina.”
Serafina having an eye for fashion was NOT what I was expecting from this reread lol (she describes mr t’s outfit then says “all of which she thought went nicely with his silvery-black hair and perfectly trimmed sideburns”)
Hmmm interesting she actually sympathizes with/likes mr Thorne at first?? I did nOT recall that
Lol serafina liking to watch mr Thorne’s fingers move as he plays and wanting to pounce on them is so Cat of her
Apparently he looks “sickly, a little frail even” which I do not recall, but hes also got “watchful, sensitive brown eyes” and “a rather fetching tussle of wavy brown hair”
“Are you lost?” WE GOT IT WE GOT THE LINE but more importantly we got the NEXT LINE which is “May I help you find your way?” And hes described as not timid or shy but also not overly confident which I LOVE (fun fact this line is very similar to one of the characters of my other favorite kid’s book series, Keefe Sencen’s “you must be lost” line)
Lol Braeden always sharing his food with Gideon annoys the chefs i LOVE him
Name drop at last, missing girl’s name is Clara Brahms. Honestly I’m a little sad Clara isnt a recurring character later on. Braeden, Serafina, and Clara could’ve been a good trio 
OOOOHH “She had heard the servants in the kitchen joke that their master must have secretly found the Fountain of Youth” what a NICE SET UP for how the black cloak keeps people young & serafina’s suspicion of mr Vanderbilt
Mr Vanderbilt: *wears dress shoes to go riding*
serafina: criminal activity right there. Lock him up
Least accurate part of this book is the implication that serafina uses a hairbrush lmao
New slang: spit nails (means be really mad)
“I’m twelve years old. I’m grown up.” Mmmm not quite, but I agree with the spirit!
“Just tell me what’s wrong with me. I want to know. Why are you ashamed of me?” scuse me, I’ll just be over here… crying… in the corner
Ohhhh serafina back story… she could’ve had 3 siblings (AU where all of her siblings survive, but they’re humans too & her pa raises them all???)
The midwives wouldn’t even help a baby??? And the nuns were so mean for what? Like at least consolidate the man, he’s trying to keep a child alive, don’t just tell him “it’s going to die. You should kill it now” who DOES THAT??
It’s so funny to me that serafina didn’t realize she was the baby in the story until after it was over. i get that it’s a kids book but still!
Oooooh nature v nurture very nice very nice
Oh wow I forgot serafina was almost kidnapped when she was probably around 2-3ish (her pa says she was walking/wandering around, so I assume it’s around that time?)
“It’s plain to see that you’re not like other girls” WOW sera’s pa just went there lmao
Ok so when I was first reading this, I remember shipping Leandra and serafina’s pa SO HARD and wanting her to have a proper mother-daughter-father type family, yknow? 
The implication that bright/stereotypically “good” things can ensnare your soul too is so fascinating. That good things can be bad for you too… fascinating
“Her pa had told her to leave them to it, that it wasn’t any of her business, that they weren’t her kin, but who was he to say who was kin and who wasn’t? He stole babies out of the woods!” Help why is this so funny 😭 
Ooohhh she wants to find Braeden! And she keeps thinking of Clara as her friend. I’m so annoyed Clara wasn’t brought back now ugh
Awwww she’s wondering if she can think of Braeden as a friend
Awww poor serafina 
Serafina: *sees dress shoes* THE DEVIL’S APPAREL!!!
Huh apparently there’s a concealed door to the right of the fireplace in the billiard room? Wonder if that’s true
Oooh and it leads to the smoking room, with a similar one leading to the gun room. VERY curious if this was made up for the sake of the story or not
Haha serafina spitting on the back of her hand and using it to wipe her face and hair is so Cat
Serafina loves closets lol 
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Help why is this whole page so funny 😭
Serafina canonically climbing up a tree to get away from a dog and staying there until her pa got a ladder to get her down is so Cat I can’t
“[Shadows…] [which] reminded her of griffins, chimeras, and other twisted creatures of the night which were half one thing and half another.” OOOOH good foreshadowing!!!
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I like this part
when he asks why he’s never seen her and she says “maybe you’ve seen me before and you’ve just forgotten” and he says “I WOULD HAVE REMEMBERED YOU”!!!!
hearinf him say her name has tremendous power over her!!!! I’m going to be sick 😍
smolandweirdwriter reblogged trialserrors Pinned Postsilversickles-deactivated202101 This blog is a safe space.Nazis, TERFs, pedophiles, bigots, Tr*mp supporters, Islamophobes, exclusionists, queerphobes, and anyone who can’t reblog this post, etc, do not interact. I will block you.emo-bunny-1317 FollowHell yeah!#safe space
smolandweirdwriter reblogged smolandweirdwriter Serafina and the Black Cloak Reread Thoughts: chapter Nine and TenMr Vanderbilt: you’ve got to be a man, BraedenSerafina, in the corner, under her breath: yOU’vE gOT tO bE A MaN, bRAeDeNMr Vanderbilt: *gives Braeden some well intentioned, albeit slightly sexist, advice* Serafina: MURDERERNice allusion to Mr thorne’s skill at everything being suspicious Chapter 10 was creepy af (I mean it does take place in a graveyard soo)Cloven Smith has a creepy gravestone, & google told me nothing about him, so I doubt he was realSerafina: *sees a grave to two women* oh these must be sisters me: WIVESAnyway now I wanna write an au about Mary and Margaret being witches or catamounts or something WE FOUND THE GLADEscarred-serafina-fan Djffjjfjvjgnng I'm gonna assume sisters since they were nine but that's freaking funny lolsmolandweirdwriter oh my god I didn’t even read the dates 😭 I’m so stupid
smolandweirdwriter Serafina and the Black Cloak Reread Thoughts: chapter Nine and TenMr Vanderbilt: you’ve got to be a man, BraedenSerafina, in the corner, under her breath: yOU’vE gOT tO bE A MaN, bRAeDeNMr Vanderbilt: *gives Braeden some well intentioned, albeit slightly sexist, advice* Serafina: MURDERERNice allusion to Mr thorne’s skill at everything being suspicious Chapter 10 was creepy af (I mean it does take place in a graveyard soo)Cloven Smith has a creepy gravestone, & google told me nothing about him, so I doubt he was realSerafina: *sees a grave to two women* oh these must be sisters me: WIVESAnyway now I wanna write an au about Mary and Margaret being witches or catamounts or something WE FOUND THE GLADE#serafina and the black cloak#serafina and the black cloak reread
Serafina and The Black Cloak Reread Thoughts: Chapter Seven and Eight
I got bored so my thoughts will be on two chapters at once now (so this goes faster)
Braeden is canonically a horse girl
lol serafina is scared of horses
mr crankshod is a lil sus (I say like I’ve never read the book before)
still. I don’t like him
me personally I would not walk into the forest at night but 🤷
no bc lowkey I hate bugs. I’d be thinking about them walking all over me the whole time (UNFORTUNATELY, I do love camping and nature. Just not the bugs. Which yes yes I know biodiversity they’re good for the environment et cetera et cetera. I wish I loved them— I never kill them in the house or anything, I take them outside, but I just don’t like them
Sera and Gidean trusting each other!!
oooh when Braeden freezes when he gets scared, nice allusion to how the rats/scared creatures freeze
They’re allies!!!
something I find very interesting is that to serafina EVERYONE can be separated into Friend or Foe. Clara and Nolan, whom she barely knows? Friends.
Braeden is such a horse girl
ooooh he’s helping her into the carriage like a GENTLEMAN
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“I’m sorry there aren’t any blankets,” Braeden said. “Not even a good cloak to sleep under.”
”I’ll pass on the cloak, thank you,” Serafina said with a smile, and Braeden laughed.
they’re so 12 year old coded lol
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Braeden backstory!! & emotions
Mr Vanderbilt: you’ve got to be a man, Braeden
Serafina, in the corner, under her breath: yOU’vE gOT tO bE A MaN, bRAeDeN
Mr Vanderbilt: *gives Braeden some well intentioned, albeit slightly sexist, advice* Serafina: MURDERER
Nice allusion to Mr thorne’s skill at everything being suspicious
Chapter 10 was creepy af (I mean it does take place in a graveyard soo)
Cloven Smith has a creepy gravestone, & google told me nothing about him, so I doubt he was real
Serafina: *sees a grave to two women* oh these must be sisters
me, realizing they’re nine: … Childhood lovers who could never fall in love properly because they never grew up?
me, sighing: sisters
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Anyway now I wanna write an au about Mary and Margaret being witches or catamounts or something
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AND LEANDRA!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!
oooh is a creature of the night good or bad? Or is right/wrong/good/bad something we need to decide for ourselves?? Fascinating implications & queries for a kids book
”why do I deserve a present?” “Because we’re friends, right?” SO CUTE!!!!!!
braeden being loud af in the tunnels lol
braeden hanging 30 feet in the air lol
serafina wanting to knock the pieces of the chess set over to watch them fall is so Cat (yes that is what I dub the term)
lmaoooo Mr Thorne calling Mr Rostanov “daddy” aged SO WELL
serafina: let’s go through peoples stuff
braeden: let’s not
Braeden as they go through every room: I like this guy! He can’t be evil! I like this guy too! And this guy!
Serafina: you like too many people
Raphael Room, Van Dyck Room, Sheraton Room, Old English Room, Morland Room
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Love knowing this is actually true!!
“The pumpkin pie, like all pumpkin pie, looked like something a dog would eat” UH! I beg your pardon?? Pumpkin pie is DELICIOUS
Serafina softening to Mr Vanderbilt and seeing how much he cares for his staff and guests!!
Ooooh Mr Thorne is getting sick!!!
Haha Braeden saving serafina from getting her eardrums ruptured
ohhhhh he’s playing the piano because clara is good with the piano
Braeden somehow knowing what kind of food serafina likes and bringing it to her is friend goals
GUYS Braeden says that Mr Thorne owned an estate “before the war between the states.” That’s the civil war, in 1861. It’s been almost 38 years since then. But Mr Thorne isn’t described as an old man at all. But he couldn’t be a fully grown adult and own property 38 years ago but still appear as if he’s in his 40s. Right??
but also Mr Thorne’s death is sooooo overdue. Child murdering evil plantation-owning racist piece of shit got what he deserved
UGH all the descriptions of the night and the stars and nature make me SO MAD I live in a giant polluted city
A good couple pages:
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“The time for sneaking and hiding was over. She was going to make sure one man in particular saw her. And tonight was the night. The Chief Rat Catcher had a job to do.” (Ch 19, p225) YES SERAFINA!!!!!
“She… kept lacing her dress up her back with shaky fingers, but she was having a terrible go of it. Normal girls must have extremely long and bendy arms to do this every night, she thought. Help she’s so funny 😭
“She hated walking straight. And she hated walking slow.” REAL
“She was a China doll, and she was a wraith, in and out of shadows, a girl in between.” Very nice
oooohhhhhh she’s hoping the mountain Lion will show up to kill him. I didn’t realize that the first time i read this
“Come out, my dear child, before I become angry with you.” Thanks to @secretly-a-catamount for telling me Thorne was meant to be a warning to children about child predators because now I SEE IT even more clearly than I did earlier
”At that moment, all the power and ferocity of closed motherhood came ripping out of the woods.” YESSIR
”she was mightily perturbed he hadn’t stayed dead” 💀 😭
yesyesyesyes die rat bastard!!!!! Mr Thorne is dead!!!!! Let’s go!!!!!
Braeden putting together a search party for serafina and sending gidean out ahead is so perfect and wonderful
Am I the only one somewhat perplexed that all Mrs&Mr Vanderbilt did was send down some beds? Like why not give them a proper room even in the servant’s floor or something? Idk
“There are few skills more important than picking good friends.” — Mr Vanderbilt, the man who befriended Mr Thorne 😂
ahhhh I loved this book. I can’t WAIT to reread the rest!
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okok ehm- hi !!
first of all;; you're v v cool and i really like your work and the creativity you put into them OO:
second;; if you are taking requests- its okay if no but maybe autistic transmasc reader and/or william or micheal?? idk they're just very cool manz :DD
OHOHOH AMND HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT >:]] -..I forgot my sign off but it's Ranboo OO:<<!!! Ik I probably shouldn't interact cus idk if youre comfortable with source, big apologies
I will do transmasc reader, but not autistic, bc I have never been diagnosed with autism and do not want to incorrectly represent it. Also, source is not your fault or control, and I also have no idea who Ranboo is (not in a mean way) so you're totally fine!
-(CW: implied m4rd3r, some implied transphobia)-
-Coming out to him was highly nerve-racking, but he accepted you immediately
-Does his best to help with your dysphoria the best he can, whether it be buying you binders/packers, praising you about how strong you look, complementing masculine details about you, or just comforting you on days when dysphoria gets really bad
-Anyone who starts about you being trans is next to be stuffed in a suit/hj
-Has ripped multiple binders because you wore them too long
-Comstantly reminds you of the dangers of binding too long
-Has reminders for when you need to take your testosterone
-Helps you make doctors appointments and goes to every single one of them with you
-Have any family members who aren't supportive? They receive very heated letters from a very angry British man in their mailbox every once in a while
-He's somewhat brash about supporting you, but he's very good at it, and you love him for it
-(CW: For this one specifically, Mike and the reader are a t4t couple. Please do not fetishize t4t couples)-
-You we're scared to come out to him at first, but when you came out, he quickly became elated to know that his partner was also trans
-Knows the struggles you go through, but doesn't try to undermine them
-Constantly uses words like "handsome", "strong", "dashing", and even throws "strapping" in there for fun
-Comforts you during periods and bad dysphoria days, telling you that you'll always be so so wonderful and masculine to him
-Anything you want during a period? It's yours. Just say the word, and he's on the way with it
-Definitely cuddles the absolute shit out of you when you're feeling down on yourself
-Gently reminds you not to wear your binder for longer than you're supposed to, and you do the same for him
-You guys always make sure that the other person gets their testosterone on time
-Just overall very cute and supportive boyfriend who knows what it's like and knows exactly how to help you through it all
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!reading update!
can't believe I almost forgot for to do the reading roundup for my ✨birthday month✨ but it's been A Time! however during that Time I've also been reading A Lot, which I will be recapping for you now. spoiler alert: it's WAY more comics than I realized, your bitch has been reading a lot of comics.
The Sandman: The Doll's House (Neil Gaiman et al, 1989) - MAN the serial killer convention is SUCH a cool and creepy idea. I know that there are, like, a lot of other things that happen here, but it's seriously so neat. and it's been years since I first read the series, but it's so cool to already spot the strings of the bigger plot coming together with Rose and [fucking spoilers for a 30+ year old comic I guess, people watching the netflix series do not get mad @ me that's a you problem] Desire's scheme to get Dream to kill a member of the family. what a cunt! what a magnificent plot! I love being able to dissect a story and appreciate how finely it's made. hopefully in the coming month I'll plan a little better and manage to read more than one volume a month, because this series really is splendid and deserves the attention.
Gideon the Ninth (Tamsyn Muir, 2019) - another reread, which is also spectacularly satisfying to revisit! Gideon remains unlike anything I've ever read; Muir's style and voice are so terrifically distinctive and make the murder mystery so spectacularly propulsive, and the characters are all so fucking delicious. also, reading it now with the benefit of having read Harrow and knowing more about the Lyctors, made my brain go "!!!!!" in certain places. there's just so many layers of lies and foreshadowing and red herrings ALL OVER THE PLACE in this series and it's SO COOL to be able to spot some of it. Tamsyn Muir is a genius and I couldn't be more hype for Nona.
The Batman Adventures (Volume 2) (Ty Templeton, Dan Slott, Gabe Soria, Jason Hall, 2003) - now hang on, I already know what you're thinking: "Makenzie, did you read this just for that one issue where the Riddler is going off the shits trying to trick Batman into hanging out with him and having dinner?" listen. obviously yes. BUT. this is also for sure one of my favorite comic series I've read all year. this is continuation of the universe of Batman: The Animated Series, taking place in a Gotham where the Penguin has been elected mayor and has made Batman illegal. you guys KNOW I love stories where the Penguin is the mayor; I eat that shit up!! and this story really has everything: Bruce's absolute train wreck of a love life. surprisingly obvious romantic tension between Harley and Ivy. Bruce visiting Bludhaven and being a judgey bitch about how Dick does things as Nightwing. some REALLY bold hard moves in regards to certain rogues, leaving them dangling in very uncertain fates. I really can't recommend it enough, which is why I'm dropping you a link to pirate all 17 issues here.
Love Your Asian Body: AIDS Activism in Los Angeles (Eric C. Wat, 2021) - oh man, yall. do you ever just. read about previous generations of queer people struggling and loving and crying and fighting and doing their best to support each other against seemingly insurmountable odds and get weepy about it? because I do. this is a deeply heartfelt account of a decade of activism in a very specific and highly-overlooked community, narrated by the activists who were fighting on the front lines of the movement. the activists interviewed are so refreshingly upfront about their struggles; Wat seems to have no interest in glorifying LA's Asian AIDS activists but rather shares all of their recollections about unglamorous infighting and critiques that have come about with the benefit of hindsight. it's honest and heart-wrenching and I can't recommend it enough to anyone interested in finding queer connections in the very recent past. it's enlightening to see how much and how little has changed.
Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? (Neil Gaiman et al, 2009) - oh man, this really is the most Neil Gaiman Batman story there ever could be. if I didn't know it was published in 2009 I would be entirely willing to believe that it had come out as part of the Sandman in the 80s, honestly; it's got that kind of vibe. I don't say any of that in a derogatory manner; it's a neat little spin on Batman, and you guys know I like stories where the continuity is deliberately runny and everything is canon all at once. and that's pretty much all I have to - oh, sorry, what's that? "Makenzie, did you check this out just because of the extra, unrelated Riddler story included in the back? the one where he's all old and sad talking about how great the silver age was and how modern edgelord shit sucks?" yeah. yeah I did. fuck off.
What We Don't Talk About When We Talk About Fat (Audrey Gordon, 2020) - my friend Emily recently got me extremely into the podcast Maintenance Phase, which Gordon co-hosts, and my friend Danielle recently cited this book prominently while researching for their thesis, so I really couldn't NOT read this now. and god, it's infuriating and smart and fantastic in so many ways. Gordon has just absolutely zero interest in coddling the feelings of thin people, no matter how good they think their intentions are, while she unpacks the cultural bullshit that feeds fatphobia - and why should she!!! which isn't to say Gordon is just mean throughout; she's remarkably vulnerable about some of the worst experiences of her life and articulates that emotion exquisitely, spinning personally narratives flawlessly into articulate essays. if you are, like me, a thin person who gives a shit about fat people and wants to do some serious work confronting the privileges you hold and the shit you need to unpack, you've really gotta read this.
Content Warning: Everything (Akwaeke Emezi, 2022) - I am so DELIGHTED to announce that Emezi's debut poetry collection fucks severely. I'm so enchanted by the way they weave Biblical figures into their poems, envisioning them as extended family - Mary as an auntie, Jesus as a brother, Mary Magdalene as Jesus' lover with whom Emezi develops a relationship of their own. "what if my father called jesus a bastard" is a poem I think about a lot. I don't know, maybe you need to be a #superfan whose read all of Emezi's memoir and highly biographical fiction to get this - maybe the way they relate to Jesus as a fellow young god won't make sense if you don't know about their own very specific understanding of their sense of self. if that's the case then idk, go read all of Emezi's other books immediately and then come back for the poems; you'll be doing yourself a favor.
Harrow the Ninth (Tamsyn Muir, 2020) - I was honestly kind of afraid that I'd run out of everything I had to say about this reread when I was talking about Gideon, but honestly? everything I said about how satisfying it is to reread Gideon goes DOUBLE for Harrow. I can't really say why without getting into massive spoiler territory, because this is a book designed to keep the reader as disoriented as Harrow until the last possible moment before the head-spinning reveal. and you know what? it's SO worth it. the payoff is magnificent; the reread value is tremendous. there seem to be a lot of people getting into the Locked Tomb on my dash right now, which is awesome, but I also keep seeing people talking about how Harrow is too confusing to the point of giving up on it. listen - lean into that discomfort. it's so worth it. you don't have to Get everything all the time and Muir is making lesbian space necromancer ART here.
The Joker War Saga (James Tynion IV et al) - hey man. I'm gonna be real with you. I really liked the arc leading up to this (Their Dark Designs, yes it's the one with the fucked up meth Riddler, you have GOT to mind your own business). I liked it enough that I warily consented to read something called "Joker War" even though I don't usually like Joker-heavy stories and I'm firmly of the opinion that crossover events with "war" in the title are generally pretty bad. and wouldn't you know it? I was right. Joker War sucks. it's dumb and convoluted and just needlessly edgy and draws attention to the Joker's unkillable nature in just the most annoying way. Harley is pretty solid and I enjoy Punchline a lot more than I thought I would, but fuck this.
The Memory Police (Yoko Ogawa 1994; trans. Stephen Snyder 2019) - this was the dark horse winner of my most recent book poll, and once again y'all displayed immaculate taste with your voting power. Ogawa's novel is the haunting story of an isolated young novelist on an unnamed island where things regularly get disappeared not just physically, but from people's minds and hearts as well - birds have been forgotten, as have roses, emeralds, and hats. with every passing day the Memory Police's control on the island tightens, and now whole families are being taken if they're suspected of having the gene to remember things that are taken away. our nameless protagonist's mother could remember, and hid the objects she saved when they vanished, but our protagonist doesn't share this gift. nonetheless, when her editor worries he may be targeted next, our protagonist makes a bold move to hide him from the Memory Police. it's a gorgeously tense and melancholy narrative about fascism and art and emotions and it made me feel a lot of feelings.
Conversations with People Who Hate Me: 12 Lessons I Learned from Talking to Internet Strangers (Dylan Marron, 2022) - as some of you may have noticed from *gestures around* all of this, I have a complicated relationship with the internet and how people on it treat me. I would never pretend that I've had to deal with anything as severe as Dylan Marron receiving homophobic death threats on the regular, but hey - it's not a competition. and in any case, I did cry within the first chapter or two of this book as Marron talked about the process of unlearning the gamification of human interactions online and trying to see the humanity of people who say the MOST vile things to him. I know I can't agree with every single thing Marron says here; I know there are people I just cannot and will not have compassion for because they objectively oppress me and should gargle my balls. but there is a lot here that is genuinely magnificent in its kindness, that I will be trying to integrate into how I comport myself here and in other online spaces.
Any Way the Wind Blows (Rainbow Rowell, 2021) - it took me a long-ass time to finished off the Simon Snow series, despite really enjoying the first one and really enjoying the second one, and really digging these characters in general. but I got there eventually and I DEVOURED it; this books are splendidly readable for being 400+ pages. the plot is watery-thin this time around, but that's alright - sometimes a plot just needs to be a moving sidewalk putting a little extra pressure on the characters while they try to sort out their messy feelings and complicated relationships and codependent childhood friendships. I liked it a lot, I really enjoy the way Rowell writes crushes and intimacy and all the squishy feelings that happen along the way.
Paper Girls Vol. 1-4 (Brian K. Vaughan and Cliff Chiang, 2016-2018) - it's rereading season baby!!! this is like my third attempt to read all of Paper Girls and I'm actually going to make it this time, because I have the final two volumes on hold at the library RIGHT NOW and I'm very much looking forward to picking them up! LET'S GOOOOO. full review to come when I finish the series I guess but Paper Girls is great, go read it. it's a messy brain-bendy little story about friendship and time travelling bullshit, and also has some of the most gorgeous comic book art I've ever seen. Cliff Chiang is brilliant.
I'm Glad My Mom Died (Jennette McCurdy, 2022) - this is one of the buzziest memoirs of the year, and for good fucking reason. McCurdy is a tremendously gifted writer who's clearly been through a lot of therapy and has turned it with remarkable skill into art, and her debut is tremendously impressive. she has an uncanny ability to get the reader in the mindset she possessed at various stages of her childhood, when crying on command and bonding with her mother over anorexia were just facts of life, while also clearly outlining the stark horror of her abuse. readers, I cried more times than I can tell you. I read the entire book in one day. trigger warnings out the ass, so plan accordingly, but if you have the stomach for it this is a really remarkable read. I don't like to call my shots but there's no way in hell I'm Glad My Mom Died isn't going on whatever end-of-year favorite books list I end up making.
Spandex (Martin Eden, 2012) - I read a volume collecting the first three issues of Eden's comic, Spandex, about the titular team of British superheroes, all of whom are queer. I'm going to level with you: it's kind of garbage? the plots feel slapped together, the art is what I would politely call CHARMINGLY scrappy, the team is extremely white with the exceptions of Butch (a super-strong stoic Black woman who doesn't talk much) and Neon (a sexy Japanese ninja who's anime all the way down). but at the same time, it's like... like I'm glad it exists? a lot of mediocre straight art gets published every day; mediocre gay art also deserves that chance. and it's cool to see a superhero team where queerness and gay sex and gender weirdness are the norm instead of being nonexistent or being the entire moral of the story. also Prowler's power is harnessing the abilities of nearby gay people and that rules. that's gay community, babey.
Greenland (David Santos Donaldson, 2022) - WHAT a book !!! Santos Donaldson writes in an absolutely incredible voice, as our protagonist Kip is Going The Fuck Through It. Kip has three weeks to write a novel from scratch for a prospective publisher, and to do this he's boarded himself into the basement of his house against the wishes of his older husband, who has recently announced that he'd like a divorce. the object of Kip's fixation is Mohammed el-Adl, the Black man who had a love affair with older, white English writer E.M. Forster during Forster's time in Egypt. Kip finds much of himself in Mohammed, as a Black man in a relationship with an older white man who has also spent his entire life trying to prove himself as a writer in a predominantly white publishing industry and simultaneously hating the urge he feels to prove himself to a white publishing industry. our man Kip does not have an excellent time in this book, but he's certainly carried by excellent style; his breakdown is narrated start to finish in heady, fervent, manically literary style that never bores.
this one took longer to write than literally any reading recap I've ever done, everyone enjoy xoxo gossip girl
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a-edgar-allan-hoe · 3 years
The Last Chthonian
Bucky x Reader, Sam x Reader, Zemo x Reader
Part 15
A/N: Phew this was a long ass chapter to write! Feedback is greatly appreciated lovelies! That way I know I’m doing this right. 😂 I hope you all have a lovely day! Mwah!
Summary: Imagine being Hekate, the Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft, the night and the moon, doorways and crossroads, creatures of the night, and ghosts and necromancy. You stumbled upon Earth many centuries ago and since then have resided on the foreign planet. During the recent years you created an alias for yourself to hide your true identity, and after the war against Thanos you chose to live out your days in the Scottish countryside, until a certain trio appear at your doorstep one day.
Warnings: language, blood, scars, brief mention of past trauma and torture
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The world seemed dimmer as you sat there on the ground with your back leaned against the metal container, your hand clutched to your aching side from where the bullet had managed to pierce your skin. The bottom of your shirt was soaked with your ichor as you groaned from the sharp pain, your breathing uneven as you looked up to the skies. This had never happened to you before, this wasn’t supposed to happen. With tear stained cheeks, your thoughts focused on your daughter Athena. You couldn’t die, not now. Not when you have your daughter waiting at home for you, no matter how much you wanted to see your family and your beloved violinist. After all the years of heartbreak and wishing to be just as mortal as everyone else, your daughter was the only thing that added color to your life, gave you hope and had you looking forward to the future. No, you were not going to die. You weren’t going to leave your daughter alone in this cold world the same way you were left alone. You were going to be there for her, raise her and watch her grow up. Watch her go to school and graduate, then live out her dreams and aspirations. You absolutely refused to die.
“Gods please.” You choked out, squeezing your eyes shut against the tears that flowed down your cheeks. “Mother, father, uncle, if you can hear me. Wherever you may be resting. Please, not now.” For the first time in many years, you felt like a child, scared and hurt, only this time you were alone, not a single member of your family left that you could turn to.
Lifting up your shirt with a hiss, you stared at the wound right below your rib cage off to the side of your stomach, blood pouring out of the bullet hole with each slight movement. “Fuckin shit. Fuck!” You knocked your head back against the metal container. Sooner or later the guys would be worried about your absence and would come looking for you, and you did not want them to find you like this. If only you could remember the damn healing spell or had any of your healing herbs with you. Ripping off the inner lining of your leather jacket, you tied the strip of fabric around your midsection, tightening it to stop the bleeding until you got somewhere where you could fully tend to the wound. With a deep breath you pushed yourself off the floor with a pained grunt, still leaning against the container for support as you zipped up your leather jacket to hide your soaked shirt. Your vision became blurry from the movement as you straightened up and cleaned your hands off, putting away your sword in your bag before starting to head off to find the guys, each step making you more exhausted than the last. But you kept your posture and pushed through, refusing to succumb to defeat. You turned the corner and a small load was taken off your shoulders, relieved to have found the group safe and without an injury. Thank the gods.
“Y/n!” Sam rushed towards you once he saw you heading in their direction. “Where were you? You nearly had us searching the whole damn place.”
“I was off fighting bad guys off course.” You rolled your eyes, trying your best to keep your composure despite your injury.
“You okay?” Sam stood in front of you with his hands on your shoulders as he searched your face. “You look sick.”
“I’m fine.” You faked a yawn. “I just could use a nap. And some food.”
“You sure?” Sam raised his brow, unsure of your answer.
“Of course Sam. I’m practically bulletproof remember?” You smiled at him before giving him a pat. You smiled at Sharon and went over to Bucky, giving him a pat on the back as well. “Good job guys.”
“Well I don’t know if I’d call that a good job.” Bucky retorted before looking at you once more and studying your face. “You sure you’re okay? You don’t look too good, and you’re sweating.”
“Yes, for the hundredth time yes. I’m fine. And gods can sweat too by the way, we’re not made of plastic.” You added with a quirked brow before looking around. “Where’s Zemo?”
Just as you finished your question you saw Zemo pull up in a classic convertible with a smirk on his face. “Supercharged.”
“Where the hell did you get a car?” You furrowed your brows at him. “You found it didn’t you.”
“You’re going back to jail.” Sam noted, obviously done with Zemo’s antics.
“Do you want to find Karli or not?” Zemo sighed at them before looking over at you, raising his brow as he noticed how your skin had slightly lost color and looked sickly, as if you had a fever, though you stood as if nothing was wrong with you.
“He's right. We need him. And there's two of us, and at least 20 of them. Come on.” Bucky added as he hopped in the front passenger seat.
“Fine.” Sam glared at Zemo as he got in the backseat. “But if you try that shit again...”
“I wouldn't dream of it.” Zemo replied as he watched you get in the back from the rear view mirror.
You hesitated, eyeing the pristine white seats with shifting eyes. Shit. You didn’t want to get them dirty and you definitely did not want them to notice you were bleeding. With a silent prayer that you didn’t mess up the seats with your blood, you slid in the backseat next to Sam right behind Zemo, trying not make a strained face from the movement. Zemo had noticed this, how you were extremely careful in getting in his car, and he wondered what went wrong with you to act this way. It looked as if you almost didn’t want to get in. Your behavior was strange.
“Well, that was one hell of a reunion.” Sharon commented as she stood by the car.
“Come back to the States with us.” Sam offered her.
“I told you I can't. Just get me that pardon you promised me.” Sharon mentioned before walking away.
“You're not gonna move your seat up, are you?” Sam glared at the back of Bucky’s head.
“Can you kids chill out? Don’t make me put you on time-out.” You muttered, grabbing your sunglasses out of your jacket pocket and putting them on. You were starting to get a massive headache from your wound and the sunlight was not helping at all, only blinding you at the moment.
“Hey, don’t call us kids.” Sam glared at you.
“I’m 23,000 years old. I’ll call you kids whenever I goddamn want.” You leaned back in your seat, only to have Bucky and Sam look at you with an offended frown while Zemo smirked before driving away.
You had arrived at the landing strip where Zemo’s jet was. Being careful to get out of the car, you looked back at your seat in relief to see that it was still clean, not a drop of your blood on it. Oeznik greeted you all as you came in. And as you glanced at the seats of the jet, you rolled your eyes as you pushed your sunglasses up on your head. You forgot the seats of Zemo’s jet were also light colored. With a sigh you sat down, being careful not to move too much that would cause you to lose more blood. You don’t know how you had managed to last that long with a wound like that.
“Would you like anything to drink miss?” Oeznik approached you, asking you in Russian.
“Water is fine thank you.” You answered back in Russian as you smiled politely at him. You could really use a glass of cold water right now. Your wound was not only making you exhausted, it was also making you extremely dehydrated.
“I didn’t know you can speak Russian.” Zemo commented when he heard you speak.
“Perks of being a Greek god.” You turned to face Zemo in front of you. “We can speak all languages.”
Oeznik came back with your glass and you thanked him, downing the glass in one sitting. The cool water felt harsh against your dry throat that felt like the Sahara dessert, as if you were swallowing sharp shards of ice. The glass of water did nothing to quench what seemed to be a never ending thirst, you could have chugged down a 5 gallon jug of water but it still wouldn’t have provided you any relief. You wanted desperately to ask for another glass and another after that, but you couldn’t let the guys get suspicious. You didn’t want to delay their mission and have them be worried about you, there was already enough on their minds. So you slid your sunglasses back on, ignoring the anxiety, the pain, the weariness, and the uncontrollable thirst as you leaned back to get into as much of a comfortable position as you could get. “I’m going to take a quick nap. So if you three could not argue like a pack of chihuahuas, that would be great.” You noted before closing your eyes.
“We don’t-“
“Shhhhh Sam. Thank you.” You mumbled as you struggled to fall asleep, the symptoms you were feeling only getting more severe. The sooner you landed and found a place to rest, the sooner you could tend to your wound.
“Is she okay?” Bucky whispered to Sam.
“Yeah, she gets like that when she doesn’t get her nap.”
“I heard that.” You announced with your eyes still closed.
“I thought you were going to sleep.” Sam looked at you.
“I’m in the process.” You mumbled, crossing your arms over your chest as you shifted in your seat, soon drifting off to sleep.
When you woke back up, you noticed that the plane was already starting to land. “So where are we landing?” You grumbled as you sat up in the seat, feeling more drained than before despite the nap you took. You rubbed your eyes from under your sunglasses, adjusting your vision to look out the window and seeing the clouds pass as you declined towards the earth.
“Riga, Latvia.” Zemo answered your question.
“How are you feeling?” Sam asked you once he saw that you were awake.
“Almost there.” You lied. “Once I get some food in my stomach and a proper night’s sleep, not a nap, to recharge, I’ll be like brand new.”
Once the plane landed, you got up and checked the seat again with a quick glance, it seemed as if luck was on your side, in a strange and twisted away. The seat was clean. You thanked Oeznik on your way out of the plane and followed Zemo into the streets of Riga, glancing around at the European architecture. The four of you received a few stares as you went, making you lower your head and hide your face behind the strands of your hair.
“I heard what became of Sokovia.” Zemo spoke. “Cannibalized by its neighbors before the land was cleared of rubble, erased from the map. I don’t suppose any of you bothered visiting the memorial? Of course not. Why would you?”
You winced at the jab Zemo made towards Sam and Bucky. Something told you Zemo hadn’t meant it towards you. Did he know you were there? You had visited the memorial once before with Wanda. At the time, you couldn’t help but feel guilty, despite your efforts to stay back after the defeat of Ultron to help clean up and find any remaining survivors. You, a Greek goddess, couldn’t even save the country from collapsing or the man you once loved. Who’s to say you can save your daughter if anything were to happen to her?
“We are here.” Zemo announced as he stopped at a building.
“I’m gonna go on a walk.” Bucky mentioned.
“You good?” Sam asked him.
You looked towards Bucky, silently asking him if he needed anything.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll see you guys in a bit.” Bucky nodded before heading off.
You watched him walk away with a raised brow, something was bothering him. You heard the sound of keys and turned back to see Zemo unlocking the door to a building, revealing a small flight of stairs.
“This way.” Zemo gestured. “We should stay the night here before heading off to find Madani first thing tomorrow.”
Fuck. You weren’t sure if you had enough strength left. You stared at the steps as Sam and Zemo went up.
“Y/n. You coming?” Sam called out to you, making you look up at him.
“Uh yeah.”
“Hey, are you sure you’re good?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You nodded with a feigned smile before heading up the stairs behind them, using everything in you to not collapse right then and there as your side burned with each step. Halfway up the stairs you were hit with vertigo, clutching your head as the world around seemed to sway along with you.
“Y/n?” You heard Sam’s voice, muffled by the throbbing that grew in your head.
Your body leaned backwards, just about to fall down the flight of stairs before a pair of arms grabbed you. You fell limp into Sam’s arms as he stared down at you with wide eyes, searching your clammy face for any signs of what could be wrong.
“Y/n? Y/n answer me!” Sam held you with panic in his voice, your body felt frail and cold in his warm arms, making his concern and worry only grow.
“Quick.” Zemo affirmed as he opened to door to his place. “We need to get her in.”
Sam picked you up, your head falling back limp as he carried you up the stairs.
“Quick. Set her down over there.” Zemo nodded towards the couch in the living room before closing the door behind him, watching Sam go over and lay you down as gently as he could. A sense of perturbation filled within Zemo as he saw you there. In the few days that he had known you, he had grown accustomed to seeing you always standing strong, your head held high and and a look on your face that meant you were ready for whatever troubles that may lay themselves on your path. He had gotten used to seeing you as the immortal daughter of Zeus himself, the princess of Olympus. Yet here you were, laid out on the couch in front of him, looking mortal and frail. It looked as if death itself was hovering just centimeters from your body, ready to snatch your soul and leave nothing but an empty vessel behind.
“What is wrong with her?” Zemo asked quietly as he moved over to where Sam was crouched by your side.
“I......I don’t know.” Sam shook his head as he tried to check your pulse before pausing, his eyes growing dark. “She’s.....dying.”
“What?” Zemo replied, his voice louder this time. This couldn’t be happening, Sam had to have made a mistake. You used to rule the Underworld alongside Hades. You were the one that guided the souls there. And after what happened, you were left to rule the dead on your own. How could you, goddess and ruler of the Underworld, die?
As you laid there, cold and sweating with what felt like your whole body was on fire, and your mind spinning from the vertigo, you felt Sam’s hands move towards the zipper of your jacket. You grabbed his wrist before he could touch you, pulling his hand away from your body.
“Don’t.” You breathed out, straining to open your eyes as you looked at him, only to see a blur of his figure.
“Y/n. What the hell is going on?”
“Don’t touch me.” You rasped out, licking your lips from how dry they felt.
“Don’t make me force you Sam. I’m fine. I just need some sleep.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it.” Sam glared at you, wishing you weren’t so stubborn even in a state like this. “I’m going to remove your jacket to try and see what is wrong.”
“Don’t.” You squeezed your eyes shut as you groaned from the pain in your side.
“Y/n.” Sam’s voice was stern. “I checked your pulse. Don’t give me that shit. What the hell is going on?”
You sighed, not wanting to look at Sam in the eyes. You heard the door click open and saw Bucky walking in, his eyes trained on you. “Y/n? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” You whispered.
“No she’s not fine.” Sam sighed as he turned towards Bucky, trying his best to stay calm in a situation like this. “Her pulse is weak.” Sam couldn’t help but feel that he was to blame for this. He let you go on this mission with him, and now you were injured, on the brink of death with your daughter still at home expecting your return. He promised Athena he would bring you home safe.
“Her pulse is weak? What do you mean?” Bucky furrowed his brows as he rushed over to where you were.
“It means what it means.” Sam looked away, his heart wrenching form the thought of what might become of you.
“Sam said she might be dying.” Zemo uttered, his eyes trained on the floor at his feet, he still didn’t want to believe what Sam had said. He wanted to be by your side, to hold your hand. But how could he with Sam and James there? A part of him wanted to do it anyways, despite what the two thought, but he couldn’t. He knew you wouldn’t allow him.
“Dying?” Bucky looked at him in anger from the words that came from him, grabbing Zemo by the collar of his coat. “The hell are you talking about? How can she be dying?”
“Can you guys cut it out?” You said louder this time, making the men turn to you, they couldn’t exactly tell what you were going through. But to you it felt as if your head would split open in any moment. “Y’all talk too damn much.” There was no point in trying to hide your situation now. With a groan and using every last bit of strength you had left, you pulled yourself up to a seating position, struggling in taking your jacket off before tossing it down on the floor.
“What the hell is on your shirt?” Sam knitted his brows together as he reached over to touch the golden liquid that stained your shirt, unsure of what the strange substance was.
“I said don’t touch me!” You shouted as you swatted Sam’s hand away.
“Wha-y/n what the hell is on your shirt?”
“..............It’s my blood, or ichor. It’s......extremely toxic to mortals, which is why I specifically said to not touch me.” You spoke with labored breaths as you leaned back on the couch.
“Your blood?” Bucky’s eyes widened. “Why are you bleeding? And why is it gold?”
“Not everyone bleeds red James.” You rolled your eyes.
“...........lift your shirt.” Sam ordered you.
“I’m not gonna ask again y/n. I know you don’t want us to go near you. But I at least need to see what the hell is going on in the first place.”
You hesitated, your lips firm as you stared down at the ground. Not only were they going to see your wound, they were going to see the scars on your back as well, and there was nothing you could do about it. With a sigh, you grabbed the bottom of your shirt, peeling it off your skin since some of your blood had dried and stuck to your torso. Wincing as you did so, you lifted your shirt up to the bottom of your sports bra and untied the strip of fabric around your stomach, revealing the bullet wound underneath.
“You’ve been shot? But how?” Sam knitted his brows together. “I thought you were bulletproof.”
Once Zemo received a view of your wound, the blood within his veins burned with rage. He tried his hardest not to go out there right now and kill whoever had managed to put you in such a condition. You had a bullet imbedded in you this whole time, suffering, nearly bleeding to death and he hadn’t noticed. Why did you keep this from them?
“I’m supposed to be bulletproof Sam. I did not expect to be taken down by some bootleg Duane Chapman. But don’t worry, he’s dead.”
“But how?” Bucky asked you, your reaction to being shot was not what he had in mind. “Are you...are you going to die?”
“Look, I’m just as clueless as you are.” You grunted, wincing from the pain. “All I know is that I have to take out this bullet and stitch up the wound as soon as possible. I don’t want to find out what will happen if I don’t.”
“Christ.” Bucky ran his hand threw his hair, thinking of any way he can help you, but you refused to let them near. They couldn’t even come in contact with your blood because of how you treated it as if it were acid to them. “So what now?”
“I’m going to have to do this myself.”
“No way.” Sam shook his head. “That’s dangerous.”
“I’ve patched up Spartans, gladiators and knights before Sam, and many others after that. After centuries of doing it, I think I know what I’m doing.”
“Well have you ever done this on yourself?” Bucky asked you.
“..........no. But I can manage. As long as you guys don’t freak out, I won’t freak out.” You blinked before gesturing to your jacket. “Inside my right pocket there’s a tiny duffel bag, can one of you grab it please.”
“Tiny duffel bag?” Sam raised his brow.
“Yes, that’s what I said. Now can one of you please get it?”
Sam went over to where your jacket was on the ground, pulling out a miniature duffel bag from the pocket.
“Good. Now set it down on the floor.” You watched as Sam set the small bag on the floor with confusion. He thought it looked like it belonged to a Barbie doll. What the hell were you doing with it? “Okay good. Now step away.” With a flick of your wrist, the men watched you with curiosity as you used your magic to turn the duffel bag into it’s normal size.
“Well that’s totally normal.” Bucky commented.
“Okay. Now open up my bag, I want you to pull out my bottle of wine.”
Sam looked at you quizzically before zipping open your bag and rummaging through it, finding your glass bottle of wine and handing it to you. “I thought you don’t drink.”
“Never said I didn’t drink, I just don’t drink your mortal shit.” You grumbled, popping open the cork with your teeth and keeping the cork in place to prevent you from biting your tongue. Slowly, you poured some of the wine on your wound, grunting from the stinging sensation that made you bite down on the cork. After a few seconds, you set the cork and bottle down beside you. “Now, would any of you happen to have a needle and thread? And some gauze? Or even some clean strips of fabric?”
“I can check.” Zemo offered before heading off. Shortly after, he came back with gauze that he managed to find, along with a sewing needle that already had a string of thread looped through.
“Thank you.” You grabbed the things from Zemo, setting them aside on the table that was within arm’s reach before hovering your hand above your wound.
“Y/n....” Sam’s voice was unsure, laced with concern once he figured out what you were going to do.
Zemo turned away. He had seen many injured Sokovian soldiers before, but this was different, he couldn’t stand to see you like this. To see you in pain hurt him in a way he never thought he’d feel when he met you.
A violet mist appeared around your fingertips as you attempted to regain your breathing, trying your best to keep your hand steady despite how nervous you were. Yes, you had patched up many people in the past, but you never once had to do it on yourself, and you were terrified. What if it went wrong? But you couldn’t have someone else do it, Olympian blood was considered toxic to mortals, killing anyone who came in contact with it. No, it had to be you. With a single deep breath, you used your powers to extract the bullet from the wound, clenching your jaw as you hissed from the pain. Tossing the bullet aside, you added pressure to the wound to prevent any more loss of blood before cleaning it out.
Holding the needle in one hand and holding out your open palm in the other, you muttered a few words in Ancient Greek, using a pyromancy spell to light your free hand up in a violet flame.
“What are you doing?” You heard Sam ask.
“I have to sterilize the needle of course.” You answered before holding the needle up to the flame to heat it up, waiting for the metal to turn red before extinguishing the flame. You grabbed your wine bottle again, taking a few swigs out of it before setting it back down. With a huff of your jagged breath, you started on stitching it closed, hissing each time the needle pierced your skin.
The three felt guilty for having stood there, not being able to do anything to aid you while you stitched yourself up. But what could they do? If your blood was as toxic as you said, there was nothing they could do.
Once you were done stitching up your wound after what felt like hours, you had Sam help you with the gauze since you weren’t able to move much. You were practically waiting for him to see the scars on your back and ask about it. What would you even tell them? How would they react? You had managed to hide those scars for many many years until now, it was a memory you did not wish to relive. Logan, Charles, and Erik were the only souls who knew about them. One thing was for sure, you did not have the strength to explain to them the story behind them.
“Y/n.” You heard Sam’s worried tone of voice. You didn’t even have to look at his face to know where his eyes had landed. You could practically feel the gaze of the three of them, staring at your back with what you could only imagine as horror.
Though Zemo had caught a glimpse of them in the dark when he was in your room, the shadows that were cast against them from the moonlight failed to show just how deep and jagged they were, as if the skin on your back wasn’t even yours.
“Y/n.” Sam spoke softly after seeing the troubled look on your face and how silent you had become. “Y/n.............what is this? What happened to your back?” Sam had seen these kind of scars before, but only in photographs in history books, never in person, and he was afraid to hear what your answer would be.
There was only one thought that came to Bucky’s mind when he saw your back. He had been in a similar territory. Those scars that lined your back were almost too familiar to him and he didn’t need to have the same ones to know there was only one possible way you could have gotten them.
“I know you guys are concerned, about my scars.” You muttered, your back still facing them as you were left in your sports bra while you changed into a clean shirt, hiding the skin on your back. “But I’d rather not talk about it right now. And if you don’t mind, I’d like to get some proper rest.”
The men nodded their heads, accepting your request before heading off in their own directions. They understood your decision and weren’t going to question it.
“Sam wait.” You stopped him, seeing him stop in his tracks to face you. “Please stay.”
Sam looked at you with a raised brow, wondering why you wanted him to stay before sitting down on the sofa beside you. “How you feeling?”
“I feel like shit, but less shittier than before.” You chuckled softly before wincing from the action. “But don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. Listen Sam, about my injury, please don’t blame yourself for what happened to me.”
“I’m not-“
“I can tell Sam.” You sighed. “I just want to let you know that none of it was your fault. I chose to go on this mission.”
“I let you come along and you got hurt.” Sam looked at you. “This wasn’t part of the plan.”
“Hey, not everything works out perfect. Trust me, I thought I would be fine because only a god can kill a god..........but I obviously got shot. But the thing that matters is I’m fine. Sure, I thought I was going to die. Hell, you all thought I was going to die. But I’m still here.”
“Do you know why that happened?” Sam asked you.
“To be honest? I still don’t know the true answer to that. Part of me thinks that it has to do with the loss of my planet. Maybe my time away from my planet has left me weak.”
“Hey.” Sam spoke up. “You are not weak. You are the strongest woman I know.”
“Right after your sister.” You quirked.
“Right after Sarah.” Sam chuckled softly. “Look, what I’m trying to say is, and I’ve seen you do it, you need to stop thinking that you’re weak, and less important than everyone else. You have gone through so much, and seen so many things. I can’t tell you how to feel about the things you have gone through because I don’t know what that’s like. I didn’t grow up on another planet, I’m not a Greek god and I’m definitely not thousands of years old, so I don’t know what that must have been like for you. But what I can say is that you’re not alone, you have a daughter who you raised all by yourself with zero experience of being a parent, and you raised her well. And you have us, so don’t feel like you need to hide every single thing from us. We’re here to help. I get that there are some things better left unsaid, but please don’t feel like you have to suffer through everything alone. If you keep eating at yourself like you do, and bottle up all your thoughts and feelings, it’s only going to do you more harm than good.”
“Y’know.” You looked at him, staring into those beautiful brown eyes of his that you always loved, the ones that reminded you of a safe place that you could seek shelter in no matter when. “I was supposed to give you a pep talk, but you have beat me to it.”
“Hey, if it works.” Sam smiled at you.
“Thanks Sam.” You smiled back.
“Come here.” Sam opened his arms out for you. “You need to rest.”
A sheepish grin appeared on your face as you scooted over to him, letting yourself relax in his warm embrace. Sam always gave the best hugs. Back when you worked with the avengers, Steve, Clint, and Sam were the three you would go to whenever you wanted a hug or just someone to hold you to wash all your worries away. Before them it was always Thor, and your brothers before him. But Sam’s hugs always felt as if you were hugging a big soft teddy bear, and gods you could stay in his arms forever. You two had stayed like that for a while, Sam with his back against the couch, and you cuddled up against his chest, wrapped in his arms. Right before you fell asleep, you thought about what Sam had told you. You knew he was right. But your thoughts couldn’t help but drift over to the recent events, how you were slowly starting to fall apart to your titaness form, the dream you had of Athena, and how you had been shot. After thousands of years, your skin had been pierced by a mortal for the first time. You thought about the prophecy you had heard a long time ago, the one your father had warned you about. Did this have anything to do with that? Were you in fact becoming mortal, or was this just paving a path to something much darker, and far more sinister.
Tag List: @Little-baby-vixen @girl-obsessed-with-things @aerynchromie @sunshinepower17 @viviace @kakimakiloh @thehornyles @gambitsqueen @awhorewithissues @spookycereal-s @lulu-yuming @mochminnie @Gabitanaka47 @s00nhi @vanteguccir @tomhollandsslilslut @dracoxxyoflam @suchababie @uhhhcrypticbastard @on-my-way-to-erebor @thewinterrbucky @mylifeispainandiloveit @fillechatoyante @padmoonyfeorge @montypythonsholysnail @pollynx @aziraslowlylosestheirshit @roundbrownlover @awesomeowlbook @bookloverfilmoholic @hargreevesd
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blazefire-engine · 3 years
The Deal (Part VI)
Backed into a corner, Paradis is in need of advanced weaponry to go against Marley forces. Mikasa Ackerman understands this more than anyone. The Azumabito family complies with her request to share Hizuru’s technology with the island demons- in exchange for being “Hizuru’s hope.” A small price to pay, according to the ever loyal and self-sacrificing Mikasa.
Canon-divergence from chapter 107 to 132 (-ish). Which means slight spoilers until chapter 132.
Part: I  |  II  |  III  |  IV  |  V  |  VI
"Oi, what was that for?" Commander Hanji exclaimed from the floor, rubbing her right butt cheek.
Eren sighed. "You know how the Captain feels about his height, Hanji-san."
The Captain’s glare turned to the Titan shifter at the mention of the sensitive topic. "Are you looking for another beating, Eren?"
Jean slammed his forehead by the window. "Idiot."
- - -
"Tomorrow the new recruits from the 106th Cadet Corp are arriving." Hanji announced in their evening meeting. Levi took the liberty to pour them all a cup of tea. "I will be assigning you all team leader and instructor roles."
The remaining 104th soldiers stared at her in shock. 
"Commander Hanji-" Armin started. 
"I will not take no as an answer." She said seriously. "You have all proven your worth and your experience is needed." 
"We are the only capable ones left." Levi added, reminding them all their comrades perished in the battle at Shiganshina. "We need to rebuild the Survey Corp and all of you are essential to carry out this role."
“It’s essentially a promotion!” Hanji grinned. “Armin, you will be our new instructor for strategy and my right-hand for all exploration plans.”
Said new instructor was sitting with his mouth open like a gaping fish.
Hanji continued on. “Connie, you will be leading ODM training and equipment management.”
“Huh?” The young man stuttered, then looked at Jean. “But wouldn’t Jean be more suited for the ODM training?”
“I was going to get to that: Jean will be assisting you on the ODM and equipment, but he will lead horse training.”
“Hah?” Jean shouted.
“Sasha, your hunting skills will be useful for rifle and survival training.”
She saluted silently from behind a loaf of bread.
“Eren, we have duties with Historia in the capital. But when you're here, you will lead the hand-to-hand combat and physical training.” 
“Mikasa, you will assist or lead depending when Eren is here. And you will lead the combat aspect of ODM and weapons training.” Hanji finished assigning the roles. “Levi will be supervising. Some Garrison members will be transferring as well to help with logistics and increase our numbers- I will handle those.” 
"Also, Mikasa, please do the orientation for the new recruits." The Commander concluded their evening meeting.
"Copy that." Mikasa noted it in her notebook. 
"Hanji-san, are you sure you want Connie to lead ODM training?" Jean mentioned as he and Connie shared a concerned look.
Eren couldn't help but snicker.  “How fitting that Jean is in charge of horse training.”
"Wanna say that again?" Jean threatened as Connie raised his hands to ease him.
"Connie has the expertise and he’ll lighten up the atmosphere." Hanji addressed Jean. "And you will be there to assist, you will be fine."
Armin smiled as he collected his papers and added. “You do have an affinity with horses, like Captain Ness.”
"And you have an affinity with strategy." Hanji grinned at the blonde boy. 
"You sure you aren't Erwin's kid?" Levi added seriously. The kid uncannily inherited Erwin's genius. Maybe he wasn't his kid, but maybe Erwin’s soul had reincarnated into him. 
Armin blushed. "Of course, I can never compare to the brilliant intellect of Commander Erwin… Hanji-san, can you proofread my lecture notes before-"
"Nope!" She chirped. "I trust your judgment."
“Oh, I almost forgot, I have chosen two new squad captains: Mikasa and Jean.”
In a freshly laundered green cloak and her hair tied up, twenty fresh recruits were lined up in front of her. 
With a salute, she introduced herself. “Hello, I’m Mikasa Ackerman. You may address me as Captain Mikasa. I’ll keep this brief.”
“Here are your schedules.” She handed them each a small packet. “Use the rest of the day to prepare your gear, settle in, and get familiar. You can expect similar routines as within the Cadet Corp, however, more rigorous. Warm ups start tomorrow morning so please get plenty of rest. Our routine expedition outside the walls will be in two weeks. Any questions?”
“Will we be getting our own horses?” A young man asked with a raised hand.
“Yes.” Mikasa nodded. “Captain Jean will assign you your horses tomorrow. They are your comrade and friend. Please treat them as such and with care.”
“When will we be getting our uniforms?” 
“Ah.” She was about to respond with another 'tomorrow,' but paused when she saw Captain Levi turning the corner with a stack of green cloaks in his arms.
“Captain.” She went to him and grabbed half of the cloaks. “Here are your uniforms.” They each gave the recruit a cloak. 
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“Wear it with pride. If you have no further questions, you are dismissed.”
As the recruits filed out, murmuring as they went, a single female soldier stayed behind, silently smiling at her.
It didn’t take long for Mikasa to recognize her.
"It's you." She stared at the amber eyes and short, blond hair. 
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"You're the young girl." She remembers slaying the titan in Trost, buying time for the civilians to evacuate. She looks at her chart. "Louise."
Yes." The girl gave a salute, one that mirrored Mikasa’s own salute all those years ago when she saved her. “I look forward to your instruction, Captain Mikasa.”
“Yeah…” She replied and watched the young girl follow the rest of the recruits."
Levi stood at the side as he watched each new recruit. Ever since the coup d'etat and the truth of their world released, the Survey Corp surprisingly gained more willing bodies, albeit more young ones who were no doubt fighting for freedom. 
He narrowed his eyes at the group of boys that looked at Mikasa with shining eyes. 
“That’s her!” One of them whispered. “The woman worth a hundred soldiers!”
“She’s probably worth more now- probably an entire brigade!”
“Graduated top of the class. Shadis said she’s a genius, top marks on everything.”
“Slayed more titans than anyone in the 104th.”
“Said she’s second to Captain Levi.”
“She’s so pretty too…”
“They must be crazy strong to survive the battle at Shiganshina…”
The murmurs died out and the Captain turned to watch the young woman, who seemed fixated on her clipboard.
“You have a few admirers.” He noted.
She paused but kept her eyes down. “Captain, I’m rather impartial to their admiration.”
He couldn’t help the small smile. “You and me both. They admire us because we’re strong. We give them hope.”
She picked up the sacks of cornmeal with ease, intending to bring it to the kitchens to help the Garrison members. “Do you think our strength is because of our Ackerman blood?”
“I don’t know. Could be.” He easily picked up the sacks as well. “But does it matter?”
“I suppose not. It was just a thought.”
- - - -
“Did you guys notice?” Eren said, curiously watching across the mess hall. “Mikasa and Captain Levi.” The two people were carrying two heavy looking sacks. “It feels like they’ve gotten closer.”
“Why? Jealous?” Jean teased behind his bowl of soup.
“No.” He scowled slightly. “I’m actually glad that she’s opening up to other people.” He watched her again. “And I think her grudge against the Captain is gone.”
“They’ve always been close.” Armin responded. “I think the Captain sees himself in Mikasa. He’s always patient with her, tells her to calm down. They’re usually the ones who lead the charge.”
“Now that I think about it, Mikasa is the only one the Captain actually tolerates talking to.” Connie said.
“That could be because she doesn’t talk much in the first place.” Eren replied. “She usually gets straight to the point like the Captain.”
“It could be an Ackerman trait.” Sasha exclaimed. “Birds of a feather flock together.”
“Huh.” Armin pondered. “You may be right, Sasha.”
A/N: Man, it's been a few days since I updated. After 139, I realized I could expand on this fic so I’ve been brainstorming and school + work has just been in the way. 
Also, damn, I suddenly got an explosive amount of activity with Beast. I wrote this shit like 6-7 years ago lmao thank you RM fam. 
I didn’t emphasize it, but the setting was young adult Mikasa with... urges and she tried to relieve herself with some cadets but just couldn’t get what she wanted (everyone was lowkey intimidated by her) and Levi definitely noticed and knew what she needed.
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