#so you can't do non-lethal damage?
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I had Astarion eat a goblin child. I feel so bad.
And then one got away anyway and it turned out that letting them go free isn't even that bad.
I am the worst.
#baldur's gate 3#Baldur's gate 3 spoilers#in the tags#like so many spoilers in the tags#This is a filler tag to try to make sure the spoilers don't show up without you clicking to see them#Like three more enemies showed up#But the game literally won't let you make melee attacks on the kids#so you can't do non-lethal damage?#wtf is up with that#I had Astarion right there and just... it's a bonus action#I am terrible#I thought they were going to alert the whole camp and ruin my cunning lure of Gut and my destruction of the war drums#but no#they just go and get the three people in the room outside#and honestly that makes the Minthara fight so much easier?#and this time the drum didn't glitch either#so still no one knows that we're killing people#just left Minthara naked in a pool of her own blood#I feel kind of bad about that too#I told Withers all mortal lives were infinitely valuable this time#and I am trying so hard to live up to that#I have talked to so many people#but... how do you fulfill the kill the goblin leaders quest without... killing the goblin leaders?#If Withers is testing me to see if I was truthful#I am failing so bad
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FNaF World: Sister Location and Pizzeria Simulator finished!
Hey folks! I've had more characters in the works for a while now, and I've finally almost finished this row! Are you excited? I know I am! Let's get into it!
First, I elected to finish off the Sister Location animatronics, with the rambunctious scamps themselves...
The Bidybabs!
With all the wound-up energy of a pair of british schoolchildren, the Bidybabs are a welcome addition to the cast! These were a fun set of characters to make, and like last time, gave me a lot more practice animating multiple characters in one! In terms of animation, I endeavored to express the energy of a couple of silly kids roughhousing. This hurt animation features some walking, and while it is unusual, it was ultimately necessary for encapsulating the wobbliness of their stack. Like with the Minireenas, it was a tough decision whether or not to do an individual or a duo, but I knew it was going to be necessary for them to be a group in order to keep them distinct from the next character...
This kid scares me. Someone find this kid a hobby. Preferably something non-conductive.
The neglected weird kid of the Sister Location Custom Night group, this overcharged infant is packed full of likely lethal electrical powers can put any pitiable poltergeist in this franchise to shame! Jumpscares? Hallucinations? Possession? That all pales in comparison to Electrobab's capacity for emitting immensely powerful controlled shocks! I guess it learned from how it was raised.
Now that we've finished off Sister Location's cast of oddballs, let's finish off the strange folks from Pizzeria Simulator! First up we have our unforgettable bowl of overcooked ramen...
Molten Freddy!
This noodly feller was quite a bit of fun to make. Rigging up all the wires was tough, but in the end I achieved exactly effect I was going for. And it's just plain fun to watch him go! For the main body, I was going to use a set of rigid bones to make it bend, but after some testing it didn't look very good. Too robotic, not silly enough. That was when I remembered the stretchy bone I'd used for Phone Guy's cord. I gave it a shot, and the resulting stretchy bouncy effect was just what he needed! The hurt animation is a little brutal-looking, but he'll probably be fine. These guys have been murdalized and melted down how many times now? They're troupers, they'll go through a thousand new marketable forms before they're finished!
Since everybody loved one bear so much, how about another Heeeere's...
The surprise puppet-trap himself! Lefty was a fairly simple one, as the character is largely a recolor of Rockstar Freddy. Nonetheless, I tried to give Lefty a distinct personality from Rockstar Freddy as best as I could. The animation direction for this character was very unnatural, disjointed, and jerky; like a dancing beartrap (or puppet-trap, hee-hee). In his hurt animation you can see the Puppet's eyes inside his detached jaw, dizzy from being spun around and stretched. I would be too.
I do not envy Charlie's situation, being stuck inside a robotic bear and forced to burn to death. Oh well, at least the darkest pit of hell is ready to swallow her greatest enemy whole— oh, he got out again? Why do we keep using fire?
Oh well, guess we've got...
Designing a cutesy version of this character is a tall, tall order. I did my best, and I think in the end it captures his design pretty well while remaining pretty simplified all-around. It's a little more stylized than I usually like to do, but I can't tell if that's on my part or if that was inherent to the character. He's not the most stylistically consistent of Scott's designs, even in his original FFPS appearance. In terms of animation direction, I decided to animate him like a bit of a cartoon villain. Exaggerated hunched posture, unbridled aggression when attacking, and shocked frustration upon being damaged. Fun animation tidbit, the skull inside his helmet moves its jaw with his. Look closely at his mouth and you can see it. Pretty spooky! Here's a behind the scenes look at his skull. Yikes!
That about does it for the scrap animatronics, though I've got another cooking up for next time, just you wait and see...
To finish us off, here's a remake of my Yenndo hurt animation! I decided the last was too generic!
Thanks for tuning in as always! I hope to bring you some more neat stuff soon! I'll catch you on the flipside!
#bidybab#electrobab#molten freddy#lefty#scraptrap#yenndo#fnaf world#five nights at freddys#fnaf pizzeria simulator#sister location#fnaf sl#fnaf sister location#ffps#art#mellowtrashtrash#3d artwork#blender#3d animation#fanart#animated#animated gif#looping gif#animation
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I've read all the stuff you've written about the megadungeon and some of Alexandrian's posts on it, and I think the stuff about wandering monsters and restocking rooms is absolute gold. Do you have any advice on designing dungeon crawl puzzles and traps, or maybe an example of your favorites or go-tos? Everything I find is either the classic "anything can be a puzzle" non-answer or kinda lackluster. I've had some success looking at the Book of Traps supplement for 3.5e d&d, but it feels like advice for puzzle design is a bit thin on the ground.
I'll talk about traps first, then puzzles.
My favourite traps are situation traps. When the party triggers a situation trap, there's no immediate threat to their lives, there's no damage, but the triggering of the trap somehow fundamentally changes the situation and makes it more dangerous. In my big megadungeon post I mentioned an example of one of these: the party triggered a trap that rotated a room, dumping them in a new wing of the dungeon and triggering a long, terrified escape. I love traps like this because a lot of the best and most fun dungeon gameplay happens when the party is pushed to their limits and put in desperate positions. But smart play mostly means trying to avoid those situations. Traps like these create more opportunities for those types of moments.
Probably the simplest situation trap is the classic portcullis trap. The party is walking down a hallway and steps on a trapped floor panel or trips a tripwire or whatever, dropping a portcullis in the middle of the hall. But it doesn't drop in front of the triggerer, it drops a short distance behind, likely splitting the party on opposite sides. You can combine this with an ambush for a good time, but even without it, in a system where lifting a portcullis is non-trivial this becomes a whole situation.
Another one of these I've really enjoyed using is showing the party an extremely deadly monster, something they'd struggle to fight even in the best of circumstances, behind a magic barrier or something where it can't get to them. Later, deeper in the dungeon, they trigger a trap that they can hear cause the magical barrier to drop. No immediate threat, but suddenly the rest of the delve becomes incredibly tense.
The basic structure of a situation trap is that the trigger should fundamentally change the circumstances in a way that is notably more dangerous, but not imminent. The fun for the players is that it immediately becomes a problem for them to start working on. I tend to design these by thinking of fucked up situations and then trying to come up with a mechanical pretense to trigger them. Generally, if I can't think of how I would handle the new situation, it's too harsh, but if I think the players would knowingly trigger it, it's not harsh enough. Also don't invest too much energy into designing these, or you'll be tempted to try to hard to get the players to trigger them. Teleportation and portcullis traps are such classic examples of this in part because they're very low effort to design, so if the players thwart them, no worries.
The second big category of traps I enjoy are set piece traps. These are the big, dramatic traps that pose an imminent threat but are more complex than saving throw vs damage. The room is slowly filling with sand, the statue is rotating and shooting lasers out of its eyes, the floor is slowly turning upside down over a deadly pit, etc.
I think these are fairly easy to design. You have some kind of peril, which is easy to brainstorm (tip: think of things that kill people) in some configuration that is imminently but not instantly lethal. And then you let the players interact with it to try to stop it. I would usually try to make sure you can think of at least a couple of ways to interact with it, but as long as you are clear on what the actual mechanism is, these will usually suggest themselves. Block the sand spouts, cover the statue's eyes, jam the motor rotating the floor, etc.
One thing that I do value doing with these traps is telegraphing them. If the statue is going to rotate and shoot lasers, I'll describe groove marks along the wall, and perhaps with investigation the players will determine that they were burned into the wall. Reckless players can be surprised by these, but cautious players should usually have a sense when they're about to trigger a big trap and what. Usually I'll describe the mechanisms for these as sufficiently complex and deeply built into the construction that they can't be disabled by a basic thieving skills check, but if they can describe a way around the trigger, I'll certainly let them roll for it.
My last big category of traps is simple traps, the ones with a basic trigger (a trapped floor panel, opening a drawer, walking through a beam of light) and a basic effect (a pit opens, a poison needle shoots out, the room gets fireballed) that you get a saving throw against. I still think these are okay, but I think using them effectively depends on how you're using them. Any time I'm using a simple trap, the question I am asking is, what is this accomplishing?
Sometimes they're just there for verisimilitude. In a standard dungeon game setting, sometimes it just feels like "obviously this guy would have a trap on this drawer." In these cases, the trap is there to be found and disabled. I'm not expecting it to trigger. This can give me leave to make the trap really nasty. I'm a big fan of petrification traps in dungeons for example (getting back to where you left the statue of Morningwood the Elf with a Stone to Flesh scroll is a great little sidequest.) But the trap is nasty so the thief can feel good for disabling it. On the rare chance someone gets hit by one of these, it should always provoke a reaction of, "Ugh, yes, obviously that was trapped and I should have anticipated that." Not surprise.
The second way I tend to use these is as setting. The existence of these traps tends to say something about the location and it's denizens. The traps associated with Tucker's Kobolds are great examples of these. Pit traps that can support the weight of a kobold but not a human, trip wires above a kobold's height, trapped hallways that kobolds can avoid via tiny crawlspaces, these speak to the defenses of the kobolds and the way they make the space their own. When deploying traps this way, they're often not meant to be a challenge on their own. If the party is passing through a kobold warren without kobolds, they likely won't trigger any traps, and once they've described how they're proceeding (using poles etc.) I probably wouldn't even roll, I'd just assume they handle them competently. But during a fight these become an active component. And before a fight, they foreshadow the locations' inhabitants. Designing for this use case basically starts by thinking about how the dungeon inhabitants would fortify their space against their enemies and the mechanizing it in a handful of simple ways. Usually it's a good starting point to think of what traps the trap-makers could ignore. What's unique about them? Are they unusually small or large, can they fly, are they immune to poison or fire, etc.
The third way is to set tone, and in this approach I use these very sparingly. Sometimes you want to establish the dungeon as a place that hates you, a place that you should not be, and traps can be a great way to do that. But bogging the game down to a constant crawl of extreme caution isn't desirable. Throwing a handful of simple traps (some of them already triggered and expended, as set dressing) can establish this tone and reward caution without being too disruptive to play. And besides, if I really want to establish a dangerous tone, set piece traps are often more fun for this.
I've covered loosely how I come up with all of these, but in terms of extant examples, there are a few good sources I know. OSR blogs used to have a ton of these, some of which are still around. I won't link any specific ones for... OSR reasons... but if you search for OSR traps you'll find examples. Pathfinder 2e's hazards are also good for these, I especially enjoy their complex traps for set piece traps, and they tend to be conceptually pretty easy to port to other games. I wish more of them were available on AoN. I get the full list from foundry and there's some real winners in there. If Paizo published a full on Bestiary-type book of these I would buy it in a heartbeat.
This has gotten long, so I think I will cover puzzles separately in a reblog of this once I get a chance to write my thoughts down.
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not as sick just as bored.
same rules as before, this time we're making a DC superhero. lemme know how strong you think this guy would be.
Etiquette: (100 cp) "You are instinctively knowledgeable about the etiquette and deference that must be shown in any martial art or martial culture. You are aware of faux pas or mild signs of disrespect and will subconsciously avoid making them. You know how to show respect as well as where and when it is best to show it without being considered a sycophant or rude. So long as the culture is rooted in combat and discipline, you will never offend someone unless you actively seek to do "
"Army Defying: (200cp) "You cannot be overwhelmed by mere numbers. If an enemy would not present a threat to you in a one-on-one battle, then any number of similarly skilled foes are equally useless in the face of your martial prowess."
In for a Penny, in for a Pound of Flesh: (200cp) "Training? Guns? Numbers? All is for naut against true battle experience. You have no issue taking on entire armed groups on your lonesome. The more you kill, the larger groups you can take on, and the stronger individuals you can challenge. With a few wars under your belt, taking on a small army or a stone-skinned monster is child’s play "
Instant Ninja: (100cp) "Blending in is all well and good, but if there are security cameras around you'll feel a bit out of luck. You can't do anything, act out or you'll expose yourself. Say you do wanna act though, but aren't in disguise, what are you to do? Upon purchase, you become incredibly skilled at whipping up ""ninja"" themed disguises using only what you have on hand or find in your surroundings. Disguises usually consist of masks, flowing scarves and tactical wrappings that help pull the look off. These improvised disguises are surprisingly effective at keeping your identity secret, with a single flaw that may expose you to the especially observant, your footwear. Something about your shoes leaves them the only thing people will be able to recognize in and out of your disguises, if they ever saw them to begin with."
Angel of the Battlefield: (400cp) "Just being a leading star in the medical field isn’t enough to change the world, not when you have to do it from the front of a battlefield too. While you are most certainly at the front of the pack in terms of medical skill and knowledge of your time, at least as far as Nightingale’s time, your talents are more notable than that. A superb instinct for all things relating to medicine, it allows you to easily master techniques and technology even centuries advanced from your time if you can gain access. Even without access, advancing medical knowledge comes smoothly and quickly to you, accelerating the speed of new discoveries greatly.
Medicine becomes widely applicable in your hands, in some ways superhumanly so. Your knowledge makes you a lethal combatant even with limited combat training, innately understanding the most efficient ways to move your own body, the most vulnerable vital points to strike and how to greatly reduce damage with the right block. Your treatments become applicable on all targets, even against what seems like common sense, as you can stitch up the wounds of spiritual beings with no more difficulty than a flesh and blood human. Even non-humans take only a small time to study before you can effectively understand and begin treatment. While this talent does not directly boost the power of healing magecraft, your knowledge and the skill it lets you use those spells with make you a far superior wielder to most."
edit: forgot the free roll
Philosopher Kings: (free, 100cp) "The greatest kings and military leaders were more than just warriors and tacticians. They were men of incredible fortitude beyond the simple body, with wills to push forward against the impossible for years at a time, so that they could grasp victory. They were more than fighters, with experience as philosophers or explorers that they bent towards their goals of conquest. You’re not a great king yet but you share those beginnings. You’ve got a will like a wall of diamond, incredible hard and near impossible to break or bend. You might not last forever against everything but it’ll take a damn lot to make you bend the knee by choice. Your childhood, where you found that will, was spent not just on military training but also in another field of life of your choice, such as exploring distant lands for years to experience new cultures or spending time as a notable teacher of the arts at home, which has given you a wide array of minor skills and experiences that aid you in finding creative solutions to your enemies."
he spent his childhood learning the law
the basic concept is simple, a frontline doctor who's able to keep up with and heal the heavy hitters of the JL something like a batman but one devoted to keeping his allies in the fight rather than planning up grand strategies to take on the bad guys, that being said he is still growing with every fight, and he can easily ignore fodder. that being said just starting out he's got no combat training and will need someone to help get him started. at least he knows how to do the basics like throw a punch without hurting himself.
@howlingday @heliosthegriffin @weatherman667 how well do you think this hero would do in the DC universe?
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Honestly I'm thinking... so hard about Nightwing 119. I'm fascinated by how Dick is aware that in order to keep people safe, you might have to do things not everyone agrees with, and how you might have to do things that are on the 'morally gray' side of things.
Its interesting how Dick is trying to control crime, over just stopping it. It really reminds me of Under The Red Hood, and how Jason argued that you can't stop crime, only control it to minimize the damage. And that seems to be exactly what Dick is doing here, albeit in a non-lethal way lol. It's a decision Bruce definitely isn't gonna like, based purely on what happened with Jason, though I'm not sure what Bruce will do about it. I'm not sure how that conflict will go, but that's something I'm really, really excited to see.
Overall I really love a morally dubious Dick, especially one who's taking a page out of his brothers book!!
#felix (host)#dick grayson#dc comics#dc#nightwing#Nightwing 119#jason todd#bruce wayne#just mentioned tho#very very interesting to see Dick go the 'controlling crime' route#i expect Bruce will be an asshole about it tbh#i mean#its bruce lol#i wonder if fics will incorporate this bc I'd love to see that
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Silm reread 22: Earendil (and very vague Elwing)
Earendil rules the people in the area. Elwing, despite being the heiress of the crown of one of the two groups who joined in there, is simply his wife. Huh.
Also, he's got sea-longing and wants fo find his parents (not a good reason to leave your wife and kids) and find Valinor and ask the Valar for mercy (ok, this is a better reason). So, Círdan makes Vingilot (from birch tree) and Earendil sails off. Elwing is sad.
But… his sailing is still a good thing, because he wants to ask the Valar for help? I guess? I have a hard time with Earendil, I'm not a fan of absent husbands. But I guess his mission is important.
And also, maybe they did discuss it with Elwing before they got married ("I dream of sailing far and for long periods of time." "ok, I may be sad with it but I still want this marriage.")…. You know what? I am going to HC that they did have this talk. It makes him 20x more sympathetic to me.
Meanwhile, among the Feanorians… Maedhros is restraining himself (again!) because he is remorseful for Doriath. But. the oath tornments them all (ok, so it is a compel, but not absolute. Not "dominate person", but it does give them mental damage for not following it. Unless it is just honor and stuff, but it doesn't sound like it.)
The Feanorians gather. (Which is a bad sign). They send messangers to Elwing, demanding "politely but clearly", the Silmaril. Well, you should have tried "politely" with Thingol, now, after Doriath, your politeness feels a bit empty.
[Also, Maedhoros' life would be much, much easier if he had the ability to just throw C&C under the bus and blame everything on them. It was even mostly true! And might have worked. But he is loyal to his brothers. And this is a good thing. This is tragic: he has one good trait, but can't manage another (not murdering people), and so he fails both morally, and fails at his chosen goal.]
Elwing, and the people of Sirion didn't want to give him the Silmaril. Because:
people have died and suffered for it (the usual argument, which I feel is increased by the nature of the Silmaril)
their ruler was not home, and they didn't want to make the decision without him (this is stupid, on a very mundane level. Earendil should have chosen someone to make important decisions when he's away. Also, Elwing seems either very indecisive / shy, or not respected by the people. My bet would be on "shy", or eldritch/shy, somewhat Varda-style)
it seemed to them that the Silmaril was the reason of their health and prosperity (this is a new idea)
So: it is not Elwing's decision. And it is not based mostly on "we hate them, they killed our people", but on survival needs (and a misconception). And again, there is no textual evidence that the people of Sirion know about the Oath.
Yes, there are people from Gondolin there, but who exactly? Turgon died. Idril was a child when the Oath happenned. They may not know, or they may not share the knowledge (but the later would be unwise).
Based on what the people of Sirion know and assume, their reply makes complete sense to me.
(Also, it seems like it was less a clear "nope" and more of a "umm, let's wait till Earendil returns, but we can't give you an ETA for that".)
The remaining soF suddenly attack the poor people of Sirion and the book is pretty clear that this is bad. It's so bad that some of their followers change sides and die trying to protect Elwing (because of course they do die, we can't have any characters getting any sort of redemption… yea, I understand, it makes sense realism-wise that they all die. But still, non-lethal wounds causing unconciousnes are a thing and I think it was a thing among the Elves? I can't remember an example)
Anyway, A&A die (because this is the unburned version).
Oh, and also Gil-Galad comes to the (too late) rescue (with Círdan). Which means that the mainstream Noldor are (for the first time) willing to fight the Feanorians. They just miss the party. Hmmm, this one detail makes me more fond of G-G son of Fingon. Because: think of the angst. (Or even better: G-G son of one of the Feanorians. But this has other problems)
There are a few survivors who join G-G.
It is told that E&E were captured. It is told that Elwing jumped to the sea with the Silmaril.
For the capture we later get a confirmation. But not for how exactly Elwing landed in the sea.
No info on how much she knew about her sons (already captured? assumed dead? hidden? whatever?). No info on whether she panicked and run blindly, or tried to distract M&M from killing other people, or wanted to maneuvre them into falling into the sea too, or one of myriads of possible scenarios. Or just even fell by a lucky "accident".
You want a perfect, flawless Elwing? The text doesn't contradict it (though she is at least a bit indecisive or not in such a position of power that would make sense given her parentage).
You want a stupid, indecisive Elwing who does a random thing? The text doesn't contradict it.
You want a young, lost, completely panicked Elwing? The text doesn't contradict it.
You want Elwing putting the prosperity of her people (which is assumed to be based on the Silaril) and them not dying of hunger above her own children? The text doesn't contradict it.
(No, we can't have a canon-compliant terrible mom Elwing, we'll get a counter for this.)
She joins Earendil and they are really terrified about their captured sons. So yes, they do care about their sons. they fear that M&M will kill them.
Kidnap fam mentioned, Maglor is sad and tired because Oath. :,(
Earendil wears the Silmaril on his forehead. So… what happenned to the necklace? Did Ulmo take it when he shapeshifted Elwing? The text very much sounds like the necklace is now gone, it's just the gem.
It is said among the gnomes wise, that the Silamril was what guided them to Valinor and let them pass all the magic barriers/traps.
Elwing has Lúthien vibes of "No, I am your wife, you aren't going to do the deadly risky thing alone!"
Earendil comes during a celebration and we are reminded that it's just like Morgoth and Ungoliant did (but he does it by accident). Nice bracketing, I guess? He is scared that even if Valinor something bad happenned. I like this scene.
Eonwe gives him a really cool (however very formal) greeting. "the looked for that cometh at unawares, the longed for that cometh beyond hope." I love this line. Yes, a lot of Tolkien's good lines give the vibe of "wrote it as part of a prayer, rewrote it to fit in his fantasy book". It's not a flaw. But I do find it a peculiar kind of funny.
Anyway, stuff is happenning. The Valar summon even Ulmo for a conversation. They talk. Námo plays the bad cop, which peronally I don't like but ok. I guess somebody has to, it is his job.
Manwë goes "we won't punish them, because they took this risk out of love" which is a solid argument. Earendil&Elwing (and by mention their sons) get the choice.
Also, interesting wording (or translation): they will be judged according to the laws of the species they chose. Huh. Interesting phrasing, I'm not sure what to think of it.
I totally forgot Elwing chilling out with the Teleri in the meantime.
Anyway, Vingilot gets an upgrade, the three sailors get a new ship. Also, doors of Night mentioned. Also, Earendil comes back to Valinor at sunrise and sunset. And it does seem like he does land, he is banned from the mortal lands, but not from Aman? So I guess he does spend some time home with Elwing. When she flies to him it's just to meet him earlier.
But I may be wrong.
Estel / "High Hope" mentioned.
M&M notice a new star. Confirmation that they saw the Silmaril sinking in the sea. Mae is like "Sure it's the silmaril." Maglor is like "we are supposed to rejoice." Anyway they do, at least they are no longer despairing.
And Morgoth is freaked out. :D But he doesn't expect the war (as they say), because the Valar were upset at the Noldor, and he doesn't get what pity is.
The army has white banners, the Vanyar are there (all of them? I suppose Ingwë stayed with Manwe, because before we were told he never went back to ME? Maybe only some Vanyar went to war.) And so are the non-Exile Noldor.
There are some Teleri in the army of the West!!! Just not many. At least that's how the Polish text reads. "Not many wanted to go to war" — so, some did want? some went?
More Teleri (convinced by Elwing) join as sailors, but those Teleri stay at the ships and don't touch tha land. (So yes, it seems there were other Teleri there)
I will leave the War of Wrath for later, maybe for the Morgoth into the Void day 1. Maybe not. Maybe i will do it sooner.
#silm#silmarillion#tolkien legendarium#the silm#the silmarillion#silm reread#sirion#third kinslaying#elwing#earendil#maglor#maedhros#eonwe#why is he so stiff? is anyone surprised that i don't like him that much?#he is stiff#i do like him he's one of the good guys but. stiff. like a paladin. which he sort of is.#also#vingilot#also why do i have a drift of -t to -th??? same problem I had with Ungoliant#eri reads the legendarium
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Du bist Giftig
Hey again Previous (?) part Word count: 1393 And a song: Rammstein - Giftig
Your days started to look the same: Wake up before sunrise, prepare for the day, shower (with help from the medical staff to clean the area under your neck brace), and head out to the labs. While you didn't have to do anything with the chemicals perse, he required you to run errands, check on the researchers, and so on. Your body still felt too stiff after the exhausting surgery to throw you onto the battlefield, so you did that until you recovered.
Oh right, the neck brace - is made out of thick and sturdy, yet fairly comfortable material. It allowed you some movement - although limited. Wesker said it's for your good, so the P30 on your spine wouldn't damage or potentially kill you, piercing through your spinal cord.
By noon you were done, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. People learn quickly to get out of your way, or they'll face the wrath of their terrifying supervisor. You returned to the office area, prepared specifically for your needs - a comfortable chair with a non-interacting backrest with the device on your upper back and neck, a computer with all the access you could ever ask for, and more. While waiting for your next order you'd spend your time here, silently monitoring the area, like a falcon - ready to strike its unassuming prey.
And so, he came, walking long and purposeful strides to your desk, standing right behind you before you could notice. Albert placed his hand on your shoulder, a sign. He got an assignment for you. Or a lesson. You quickly stood up, trying to look up into his eyes - the brace on your neck only allowed you to tilt your head ever so little. He took a step back for you to face him comfortably. How considerate.
"Come." He ordered, making a small beckoning gesture for you to follow him. You obeyed.
His pace is hard to keep up, but you're trying your best, breaking into a light jog every few steps to catch up with him. He didn't notice your struggle, his mind focused on one thing. He leads you in silence to the elevator leading to the surface. Finally, sunlight after a month is spent underground or in a medical facility.
"Tell me, what do you do with problematic people?" Just as the doors closed, he laid the question on you. His voice was flat, speaking with a cold detachment. Your eyes widened slightly, lips parted as you took a breath to respond, yet your voice caught in your throat. You stuttered an action that brought his attention to you - shown by him looking at you through his dark glasses. You swallowed thickly, taking one more deep breath and exhaling slowly.
"Get rid of them." You answered, looking directly into your reflection in his glasses. Your answer seemed to please him, his face twitching into a resemblance of a crooked smile. He didn't say anything more, not yet, looking directly into the door again. And you didn't ask either. Better not to ask. You'll see the reason soon enough.
*Ding*. And you arrived on the surface. Wesker led you out of the building into the soaring, African sun. The air felt hot, dry, and suffocating. You couldn't help but glance around - all the equipment stood there, but not a soul man in sight. All the workers must've taken a break. You seemed to be dressed more appropriately for the weather - a short-sleeved shirt with a zip at the front and a low cut back (another thing made specifically for you and your device), lighter tactical pants, and quite comfortable boots. How on earth is HE not sweating in his tough-looking suit and trench coat?
The area he led you to changed drastically. It seemed colder, despite being in full sun, with no shade in sight. The stench of death looms, enveloping your senses in its lethal grasp. You curled your fists, preparing for the worst. Your mind started running, recapping the past few months for any mishaps. You can't find any, not anything that'll result in your untimely demise at least.
Once you reached the destination, he beckoned you to take a step further. You could breathe a sigh of relief - if the situation wasn't this grim. You saw a man, hands bound behind his back and on his knees. He looked battered, the light beaten out of him. And yet, he still breathed, whispering something under his nose. Was that a prayer? Or perhaps he pleaded for mercy? You couldn't understand a word spilling from his lips.
"Good job. Now." Wesker started, his voice cold, but with an edge of sadistic amusement. He reached out to you, holding his gun by the barrel, inviting you to grab it. You froze, sensing what's to come. Your mind started to flood with thoughts, your body stiffening and freezing. He waved it gently, narrowing his eyes on you. And you reluctantly took the weapon from his hands. It felt so heavy in yours, despite the enhanced strength he's gifted you.
"He's the rat you caught, a useless weed in my garden. And now I allow you to plow the leech. Make an example for others." He spoke with so much amusement and wicked enthusiasm it gave you chills. He crossed his arms on his chest, supervising and observing your reluctant actions. From how you made sure the weapon was loaded and ready to shoot to your shaky, slow steps toward the man.
You put the barrel to the man's head. You saw all of his reactions, the tremble in his lips, the shakiness of his whisper, turning into a low, raspy plea. Your finger loomed over the trigger. It was so close to pulling on it, but you couldn't. Your mind stopped you. The thought of ending someone's life made you sick on the spot - stomach churning and knotting, mouth feeling dry, and throat burning. You felt tears coming to your eyes, threatening to spill onto your cheeks. Your own body trembled as you tried to keep the aim straight.
You stood there for minutes, yet they felt like hours. Hell, days even! You swallowed thickly, each breath coming in shaky gasps.
"Don't make me do this, little lamb." Wesker moved behind you, leaning into your ear. He whispered, but his voice changed to growl mid-sentence. His left hand rested on the junction of your neck and shoulder, his thumb tracing lines up and down your neck - the gesture as intimate, as it was threatening. His right snaked around yours, stabilizing the aim. The usual heat of his body burned almost cold, his breath fanning over the shell of your ear. You could hear it all, his whisper, his deep breaths, as his finger curled around yours, pulling onto the trigger.
No. No no no nononono. You had to do this. You can't disappoint him. Or worse. You grit your teeth, close your eyes shut, and turn your head away - as much as you can anyway - before you pull the trigger. The shot deafened you temporarily, stopping the victim's voice. It was... silent for a while. The hum of the institute grew distant, disappearing somewhere outside your hearing range. Even Wesker's breath in your ear was gone. It was only you and the weight of the soul you just took. You heaved an open-mouthed sigh, your eyes wide in horror of your actions. You stared ahead, trying to avoid the pool of gore forming where the victim fell.
"You did so good." He murmured into your ear, chuckling lowly in amusement. His right hand moved to hold your wrist, just in time as your arm went limp. He pried the weapon from your hands, leaving them to fall along your body.
Wesker straightened up, looming behind you, suffocating you with his sheer presence. He moved his arm down, resting it on your arm, holding it tightly - not enough to cause you harm, but enough to make you feel the threat.
"You just made me so proud, little bunny. You're learning so quickly."
The praise felt more like a cold statement, except for the pet names, pronounced with drawled vowels and much huskier than the rest of the statement. They weren't made for anyone's ears but yours anyway.
#albert wesker#resident evil#resident evil fanfic#resident evil fanfiction#resident evil wesker#resident evil x reader#albert wesker x reader#re wesker#re x reader#x reader#wesker x reader#x reader fanfiction#re5 wesker#re5 wesker x reader
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Okay but Shanks being SUCH A SIMP is so hilarious and also RIPE FOR CHAOS. She needs a non-fruit user for some of it ((maybe up to and including some seastone experiments)), and Mihawk either can't or Won't ((or, and he refuses to admit it, doesn't exactly want to run the risk of hurting her or Croc if there's Residue)). Now she has the Best Little Guinea Pig Ever.
Shanks never considered himself to have a weird k!nk for unhinged scientist clown women, but hey, Buggy awakens things in him, what can he say?
Also imagine the exchanges there.
B: "so we're gonna take this bomb, and I'm gonna throw it at you. And you're gonna cut it, and see if the explosion causes any damage."
S: "I dunno, Bugs, it could be kinda dangerous-"
B: "if you do, I'll kiss you."
S: "YES MA'AM!!!!"
Personally, I think she'd either be fairly The Same as far as outfits go, for practicality, but she also is friends with Alvida, and she's a Flashy Princess, so OBVIOUSLY there's gonna be some SKIN. And just... imagine for a moment.
A gathering for/of pirates. No I do NOT care that it's not a Canon feasible event. Moving on.
Pirate Gathering. A Dress Code. Formal.
Clown Princess in Princess Dress.
Clown Woman In Any Dress. And HEELS. and if it gets uncomfortable, she just detaches her ankles and floats while her feet rest at their table.
Crocodile and Mihawk get to coordinate with her a lil bit, and they both get to watch her bounce around and just grin bc no matter who she charms or spends time with or Spends Time With (👀), she's still theirs. Open relationships.
Also also - consider Luffy and crew being there. Sanji is SWOONING. Nami is disgusted to be a clown fucker, but she's also Looking. There's bets being plaxed on Who Will Flirt First and one of Who Will Be Most Successful.
Luffy meanwhile is splitting his time between FOOD, FRIENDS, and AUNTIE HI HOW ARE YOU I LOVE YOUR DRESS.
She acts all annoyed and put out but she and Luffy CLICK in a way few ever have, their brands of Unhinged and Feral are complimentary.
((Extra Bonus, maybe it's a gathering for the Emperors. Shanks is there too. He is frothing at the mouth bc AAAAA LUFFY and AAAAA BUGGY and AAAAA LOOK AT THEM TOGETHER.
The only way we include Teach in this is if he's in Dirty Baby Jail, hit on Buggy and got OBLITERATED, or Buggy point blank 'seduces' him to knock him out, steal his treasure, and then locked him in a closet with seastone cuffs and a toothbrush.))
I love seeing an ask starting with "women my beloved". It makes a lesbian's day. Do not stop loving women.
This is all amazing. Thank you. Yes. Absolutely. Shanks would let Buggy do anything to him and he'd thank her and honestly? Understandable. While Mihawk and Crocodile just see their girl do her own stuff with pleased smiles on their faces. If their clown wants to torment people with her silly shenanigans and lethal inventions, who are they to intervene?
And the outfits would kind of be the same, yeah, but she'd definitely want to catch people's attention. Maybe at first she still wears the same things, but after a while of feeling comfortable in her body and with her identity? She has a closet full of clown-themed outfits. Beautiful dresses. She has everything. From classy, more sophisticated dresses to sillier outfits. Everything is provided by Crocodile because now Buggy is some kind of beautiful Barbie he dresses and watches explode things. "This Barbie is a pyromaniac clown" but like, literally.
Sanji and Nami are having a moment™. Leave them alone. It's understandable. Sanji is shameless about it, though, while Nami is questioning her entire persona (that's only like the first five seconds tho). Zoro wants to get out of there and he can't stand them (<- gay gay homosexual gay) but at least he has a chance to talk to Mihawk again so, whatever. And Luffy won't stop annoying Buggy but she secretly loves the kid a ton, and he won't stop telling her to go "boom boom" on stuff together while they catch up and that's something she can't say no to.
Shanks is going through a heart attack, by the way. I heard those AAAAAAAAAAAAs in his voice. He's SO happy to see Luffy. And SO excited to see Buggy like that. And SO thrilled to see them together getting along. He can't get rid of Mihawk and Crocodile who're staring at him menacingly (because yes, they have an open relationship with Buggy but that does not mean Shanks gets to hurt her again. So they try to be careful even when they know he's pretty much her silly toy now to try her new inventions on) but he doesn't really care about it.
#I LOVE FEM BUGS FEM BUGS MY BELOVED#she's so gender#i wanna look like her#i mean i already cosplayed her but i wanna do it again#one piece#buggy the clown#fem buggy#cross guild
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Day 6: Fankid.
My children will be happier than I was. My children will be better siblings than we ever were.
surprise! owynn fankids! yay :) Fankids for our ship of owynn x loon x red, AKA what we lovingly title "worlds worst throuple" lmao Their names are Lila and Asiri!
Lila is the brown haired one, she got her animal from red (cicada) and her hair color from loon. Her name is a family tradition thing from red, since Red's guardian is named mauve, color themed! Asiri is the purple haired one, she got her animal from loon (ladybug) and her hair color from Owynn, her name means smile in quechua :)
Their earrings correspond to their blood colors! Lila has a green earring with a little alien since shes interested in those, and Asiri has a yellow sun earring
They both dress in a really simple manner with tshirts or sweatpants, and i think it's a nice way to show that they are comfortable and happy. I make owynn use loose clothes when hes at his worst (hoodies and sweatpants and whatnot) and then over-dress himself when hes compensating (suit and tie, leather jackets, etc), so he never really dresses comfy and feels good about it. These two dressing "lazyly"/ in a simple way and not feeling wrong while playing and being happy is a nice way to showcase how his children are happier than he was, and that he broke the cycle.
On the siblings part of the equation, his girls are really close, they play together and are attached at the hip. Owynn's relationship with his brother is much more strained. They were really close when they were smaller but since vincent was older and also lived in a horrible house, he left once he had the chance and didn't take Owynn with him. Once Vincent was more stable and came back to try and help (repent?) Owynn already hated his fucking guts. The sadness of being left by his big brother was replaced with just raw hatred, how dare he leave? how dare he not live the same way he does? why would he come back? just to rub it in his face that he has actually made a life out of himself while he rotted in the same stupid house? He starts antagonizing him every chance he has, which is laughably easy given the guy is ridden with guilt and depressed. And he wishes he could find it in him to forgive and forget, he wishes he could simply get over him not showing his face when owynn was half fucking mauled to death or in any other of the situations that have happened to him. But he can't, at least not truly. And without the strain of a horrible household, his children will have the bond he wishes they had.
On the subject of their animals: Cicadas are often associated with the act of being reborn or renewed. They represent change and a new begining. A new life now in the sun instead of trapped in the dark and cold underground. ladybugs are said to bring good luck and be "holy", Farmers would pray to Virgin Mary to prevent their crops from being destroyed by pests, and when ladybugs did just that they were titled the bug of the lady or the bug of Mary. Ladybugs are pest control. The reason neither of them are scorpions like Owynn, is because scorpions don't really tend to have any positive connotations (and Owynn himself is acutely aware of that). In the bible they are often associated with a great evil alongside snakes, a simile to wicked people (Ezekiel 2:6), enemies (Luke 10:19), cruelty (Revelation 9:10) and are in some versions present in the locust plague of egypt (despite them not being locusts, but yknow old book and all) Scorpions, even the non lethal ones (like owynn) are nuisance pests. meaning that more than a danger they are just a nuisance. A sore sight for the eyes and a creature that you simply don't like. Because why would you? Even if it can't do serious damage to you it looks monstrous, even if its not deadly it can hurt you and it crawls like vermin. Pests are meant to be erradicated. So them NOT being scorpions is good for owynn's brain because he's kind of insane about being one ^^
And that's it :D bonus of the first ever time i conjured up the designs for those two lol
#fhs week 2024#πa art#fnafhs#our au#fnafhs au#fhs#fnafhs fanart#fhs fanart#owynn fnafhs#owynn fhs#i like the idea of making his future better :) hes just a kid and there's always a chance and stuffff#owynns stinger is in his hair and his stupid legs are inside his hoodie btw if someone was like “why does his brother get those”#he uses his legs to hide his waist so you never really see em#lab babies btw. if we can have computer people we can have babies that just spawn#also only arachnids get big little legs on their back hence why the children also dont got em#save the world... my final message.... arachnids aren't insects.....#this is probably the best one i did which doesnt :/ make me really happy :/ because its like whatever#but ALAS!!!!!!!!
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I have a Pokémon headcanon that Pokémon possess two different kinds of vitality.
Energy Vitality is one kind, and is what Pokémon use in recreational battle. Potions and such can easily heal damage sustained by a Pokémon's energy vitality, and having this type of vitality depleted results in the Pokémon being weakened to the point it cannot fight back in any way, though it will often still be conscious enough to still help its trainer with non-battling tasks like swimming or flying. Generally, damage to a Pokémon's energy-based vitality is short-term and easily healable, even in extreme cases, and is very rarely fatal on its own. However, it doesn't heal over time and does require external resources like potions or berries to regenerate energy.
The other type is the "Physical Vitality" that they share with us, humans. Physical attacks (seperate to the move category, I could not think of a better name) are dangerous and can have long lasting effects on an individuals health if untreated. In fact, its this form of attack that Pokémon use when lethally defending themselves from humans, since humans lack energy-based vitality. And this is what Pokémon use when hunting others to make a meal out of.
Often, Pokémon will weaken each other's energy to make the other Pokémon easier to hunt. Villainous organisations and individuals also often battle using the energy vitality system in order to weaken a person's Pokémon and make them defenseless, which is useful for theft and other criminal activities. Rarely, a criminal may command a Pokémon to attack using its physical proweress in order to hospitalise or even kill their enemies if their goals lead them to do so, though this is rare, as thankfully the Pokémon world is more peaceful than our own. Generally, a person has no chance up against an opposing Pokémon on their own, especially if they are threatened with physical attacks, so in most cases defeating a person's Pokémon in an energy-based battle is enough to get what you want out of them.
The energy that is exclusive to Pokémon is also what allows them to shrink into and enter Pokéballs, a talent that humans very much can't replicate themselves. Though how they do this is still a mystery, it is clear that it is thanks to the energy that they are made up of that we lack.
These distinctions are what make recreational battles acceptable and even fun to seek out. Not only do many trainers enjoy the challenge of a battle, but gaining experience this way also means you have a stronger defense in case you are threatened with the worst. There are strong laws in place, however, for threatening or using physically harmful moves in or outside of battle with very harsh punishments if you are found out.
Well anyway, thank you for reading my headcanon and feel free to build upon it if you like :-]
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Tell me about Donovan I hear he's a dead guy and I wanna know more!
OK SO i don't have much like, actual plot to his story since he's a "minor" OC of mine but i do think there's potential for a good story about him! >:3
Gerard de Vos was a dutch sailor that turned to piracy in the 18th century around the end of the Golden Age of Piracy, eventually getting captured and sentenced to be hanged for his crimes. the previous night to his execution, as he was locked in his cell, desperate as he was, instead of praying to whatever god a normal person might've believed in, he called upon a "demon" (TL;DR aliens from other dimensions that have wacky powers that don't follow Earth's rules) and asked it for immortality. of course, immortality doesn't exist (citation needed), so instead the "demon" traded his soul for an eternal flame. and the time for his execution arrived. Gerard de Vos died, hanged in public for the crime of piracy. that is what the records say. what they don't mention is that the next day, the body of the pirate was missing, the rope he was hung from burnt on its end. that day, Donovan Byrne was born
his body was dead, but his new soul kept it alive and running. this meant he was immune to most physical harm. he could get stabbed, shot, cut, it didn't matter. he simply did not die. and so he pirated, pilfered, robbed, assaulted, murdered and commited heinous crimes to the whims of his non-beating heart's content, for years and years to pass... ghost stories would be written about Donovan the Undying, the pirate that couldn't be killed, the pirate that would haunt the seas
but history moved on and piracy stopped being a thing, although that didn't stop him from continuing his crime spree. he adapted, changed with the times and became more accustomed to the new ages. he kept his unlawful activities for a very, very long time. but everything loses its shine as it ages, and boredom started to grow inside him. with no risk it also came no thrill, and with no thrill there was no fun to be had. he started slowing down. aimlessly wandering from place to place instead of eagerly looking for his next hit. he's done almost everything life has to offer him, after all. he didn't need to sleep anymore, but sometimes he'd find a place to stay and simply lay down, not sleeping, but moreso in a sort of comatose state, letting as much time pass as he could bear. he was bored, tired. immortality wasn't so fun anymore
he attempted to take his own life several times to no avail. he'd always end up waking up somewhere else in one piece, his body impervious to lethal damage. you can't die if you're already clinically dead, after all. and turns out that having something that's not a soul where your soul should be ends up giving problems. with time, this hellflame started to become unstable, and its contact with Donovan's body started to faulter, which in turn caused him a series of troubles. sometimes his soul wasn't able to reach his body properly, causing him to die during variable periods of time, from minutes to days or weeks. sometimes his soul would overflow its physical container with its energy, detonating a fiery magic explosion around him, destroying whatever was close with ice-cold flames. his body was starting to crack under all that energy flowing in him, and it wouldn't be long until something really bad happened if he didn't do something about it
soo that's more or less where he currently is. since he's in my modern monster world, that means he's still alive at least in the 90s, so he hasn't nuked a continent yet hhhhh. but! he is looking for a way to safely kill himself. he doesn't really know that waiting for the soul to burst out of his body would be a cataclismic event, but he's smart enough to know it'd be bad, not only to the millions of people that would die, but because he's not sure what'd happen to him afterwards, so he prefers looking for the safest way out. the only problem is that he's spent the last century or so doing basically nothing, so he's uh, very out of date regarding, well, EVERYTHING, but mostly technological advances. lots to catch up on
now for the more technical details about his undeadness! because i know you like those ehehe. i did do some very barebones research about decomposition for this. his "soul" provides energy for almost all his bodily functions: that means he doesn't need to eat, his blood doesn't flow, he doesn't need to breathe, the standard undead stuff. he does need to hydrate though (otherwise he'd end up like a raisin), so the only thing he ingests is water. eating food will end up with the food rotting inside his stomach because his digestive system stopped functioning ages ago. he also has certain-- i'm not gonna say regeneration bc it's not THAT extreme; it's more like sped-up natural healing process powered by his soul, where his wounds, no matter how severe they are, will eventually close. arm cut off? hold it in place for a few days and tada! reattached. they do leave scars tho. and i'm not sure what'd happen if you cut his head off, so let's not do that maybe hahah. the thing about having a dead body running around against its will is that it will try to die. sure, being fed with energy and constantly moving around keeps it from decaying, but only to a certain extent. as centuries pass and Donovan starts being less active thus lessening the amount of energy he uses from his soul, his body starts doing normal corpse things like starting to decompose. it doesn't get to rotting levels, but the "i'm supposed to be dead" signs start to show. his senses start decaying, his body temperature averages to room temperature, his skin gets really pale, his movements become sluggish and his brain starts malfunctioning too, which leads to memory losses among other things
i've only got two scenarios written about him. one is about how he meets this girl who works night shifts on a gas station on the outskirts of a city, saving her from a poorly attempted armed robbery in which it's revealed that he is in fact, undead. after the initial shock has worn down, the girl is actually pretty chill about it, and they end up becoming friends, her also helping him with learning about modern times. eventually, she'll also help him find someone who can euthanise him safely, even if that means dealing with iffy individuals and questionable and very possibly illegal supernatural research groups
the other scenario is about how he "dies" during a walk through a park and is discovered by a random civilian walking their dog a few days later. after calling emergency services and getting absolutely no identification from him (they found a very antique powder gun on him tho, strange), his body ends up in the nearby town's morgue, ready to get an autopsy and see if there's anything that could hint at this man's identity. the doctor (mortician?) who's assigned to examine him stays late to get it done as soon as possible, so he starts opening him up and taking a look inside. a very bad time for Donovan to regain consciousness. he almost gives the doctor a heart attack when he suddenly grabs him by the labcoat and very angrily asks him what the HELL does he think he's doing, spilling his guts like that. after the initial shock has worn down and a few words have been exchanged, Don convinces him that no, he's not gonna kill him, he just wants to leave and be left alone. the doctor hesitantly agrees to help him, and then shenanigans ensue
andddd that's all the Donovan lore i currently have! i hope this was an interesting enough read hjfdkhgjfdksgjfdk, i'm not very confident on my worldbuilding skills yet. if i said something that wouldn't make sense or you have questions about how certain things would work, ANY of you can feel free to mention it! maybe i can apply a bit more realism to the story, or maybe i'll just go "a wizard did it" and call it a day! who knows! but i'm always up to recieving feedback and/or ideas i could incorporate to my stories and magic systems :] i love making shit up it's so fun teehee ^·^
Spooky Askbox is open! asking about my OCs is very much encouraged!
#me: oh i don't have actual plot written for him#also me: proceeds to write a bible's worth of lore about him#thanks for enabling me North!! a kiss for you!!!#the Nexverse#Donovan Byrne#chatter#and YES i did spend ALL the time since you sent the ask up until i posted it writing the response NONSTOP. it is currently 1:40am. help me#actually it's 2am now i keep going back to the post to proofread it and edit wording and details i missed#send help hfdkgdsjsgsdhskdhs#STS
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Evie (Ace!Tav) Playthrough Day 3(?)
Day 1... Day 2 - Day 4
Astarion x Evie (Ace!Tav) Masterlist
For the uninitiated, I wrote a Tav well before I ever had a chance to play the game. Now, I finally can and thought it might be fun for my first play through to be as that Tav. Or, at least as much as the game play will allow me.
These are just some of my notes and scattered highlights that I thought would be fun to share.
Let me know if you think if I should continue this and any suggestions you might have.
This actually is more Day 3/4 since I did go back and redo some stuff I wasn't keen on; yes, I've discovered the power of quick saves!
Guys I'm going to romance Gale so fast and I don't think I can hurt this man
Got the "go to hell" dialogue with him; stood in front of the goblin so he's told me at least some of his deep dark secret; basically in the green on approval
I'm not sure if I'm strong enough to reject him guys
Obviously I'll keep playing and see how it goes, but I told myself this would be an Astarion play through
Of course, it does align with my thoughts about Gale having feelings for Evie at the start, so it might all work out
Giving me a lot more ideas about slow burn Astarion and Evie stuff in act 1
Going forward from that Wyll is now in the squad!
He's so perfect and soft with the kids
Definitely more distant at the start in terms of putting on the Blade of Frontiers mask, which I actually really like for future development
Switched out some stuff and guys "Speak with Animals" for the extra animal dialogue is so worth it; I love being a bard
Volo has also been underplayed in how funny he is: I'm now picturing Evie being unsure whether to be annoyed or amused by him every time they meet
She's definitely met his type before; they have very different approaches to the role of the bard in society
Got a lot of quests and God I never wanted to slap a bitch as hard as with Kagha
The fact I can't punch her in the nose without sparking all the druids to turn on the tieflings really does hurt my soul
Evie's nails are digging into her palms the whole time
On that note, the fact you can kill Netti without consequences is objectively funny to me
I rejected even taking the poison because Evie wants to live, she's not just going to take her life
Was not expecting Netti to fight, but needless to say four against one isn't much of a fight
We walked out of there and nobody has said a thing
Also shocked that choice doesn't get Astarion's approval; I thought for sure it would
Actually that's a question I have to the internet: can you do non-leathal damage? There are some things I'd like Evie to try to steal and don't necessarily want to do lethal damage
Found the back underground passage, but turned around because I knew I would get distracted and I wanted to find Karlach
Went out of the grove, found some of the Absolute followers
Astarion not happy with Evie saying we can't trust the power the tadpoles give us
They're really not starting off on the right foot
Now debating going forward with the guy squad or going back to camp, picking up the ladies and either go back to the underground cavern or continue to search for Karlach
Suggestions at this time are welcome
#bg3#baldur's gate 3#astarion x tav#astarion x oc#astarion x evie#bg3 playthrough#tav#asexual!tav#bard!tav#spawnsong
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⬐[rp starter for @abitmoody]⬏ ━━━━━∙⋆⋅⋆∙━━━━━
regulus wouldn't have answered the first letter at all if he had known it was for an official ministry case. when an old yearmate wrote to him about an unknown curse, he'd been initially excited. the effects are utterly gruesome, but non-lethal, apparently - and recent enough that they've yet to discern if there's any way to undo the limb damage. it's terribly exciting, a puzzle he eagerly writes back for, uncovering every extra piece he can through his classmate's limited knowledge to try to figure out the larger image.
she eventually admitted that this was for an ongoing ministry case, and the aurors were stumped, and the victims weren't significant enough (apparently) to warrant negotiating for a second gringotts curse-breaker after the first had failed to tell them anything. and it was so terribly convenient that she'd gone to school with a rumoured expert on these matters! regulus does not care for the ministry, and certainly not for aurors. he'd rather eat his cane than do them any sort of favour.
... but he's interested now. regulus can't just let the matter slip past, or let an interesting new bit of dark magic slide from his grasp. not even for the ministry. it could be brand new, or ancient, and regulus can't just ignore it. he'd think he was snared by a cunning plot, if his old yearmate hadn't been a hufflepuff.
so he sends back his terms (lower pay than an official cursebreaker, but he gets full credit for any counter-curses he comes up with and the legal rights aurors carry to break spellcasting regulation during investigations, because he cares about that more than stuffing even more gold into the family vaults). he's expecting to be turned down ... and instead, he's simply told he'll be assigned an auror to accompany and monitor him during his own investigation, and when to arrive.
and so he does, feeling more apprehensive than ever about the mark on his arm, or the ugly scars crossing his face. he dresses well but not too well and arrives twenty minutes early, leaning against a desk in an empty office and reading through his own notes.
he only looks up when the door swings open again, and his pale face goes even paler. he'd been expecting some younger auror, useless enough to be spared for babysitting, not -
"auror moody," he greets in a soft, flat voice, perfectly level and calm. "it's a pleasure to meet you."
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And Another Thing: Mistake Contest Runners-up!

Our runners-up this week are @corporalotherbear, @nine-effing-hells, and @stupidstupidratcreatures!
@corporalotherbear — Counterstrike
I was quite torn on this card, actually. It's incredibly complicated when it needs to be and extremely simple—and powerful—in every other circumstance. Honestly, I'd play this card for sure; at its worst, it's "deal 3 damage to target attacking or blocking creature, or a creature that's being declared an attacker at the beginning of combat before it can do its thing." At its best, it destroys combat tricks and smashes face. Versatile is the name of the game.
Is it just me, though, or is this quite ambitious for an uncommon? I think that the complexity stands out to me because of all the possible restrictions and inter-rules complications. I can imagine players being quite annoyed if their choice of target becomes illegal, and so the spell they were trying to counter still resolves. And at the same time, that's a corner-case that's easily explained in more complex gameplay in general, so like, I get it, and I love it. I especially love, if your opponent's at 3 life and about to swing for lethal, you can get them before damage with this and blow them away. I'm weird like that, though—and for the record, the mechanics stood out first and foremost but the flavor text is also sending me. Great job on the humor there.
@nine-effing-hells — Oeuvre Bonfire
Looks like this wizard's work is now...oeuvre-done. Heyo! Anyway, this card's probably fine as a ramp spell in limited if you really need it. I can't imagine that it would get more than 3-4 mana depending, but what do I know? I think that a set like Shadows over Innistrad showed the power of Delirium, but even then, the question is: at what point in the game are you hoping to fill your graveyard to the point where this card is worth it? If you max out on non-planeswalker card types in a normal limited environment, then getting artifact + instant + sorcery + enchantment + creature + land for 2→6 mana is... I don't know, I don't think it'd be worth it.
All the same, some combo players are gonna try to make it work through channeling and discarding and all that nonsense, so what do I know. The flavor of it makes it worth it. What kind of madness are we seeing here? Is this the freedom from the mistake that grants the speaker a new lease on life? Or, are we seeing the beginning of a madness only emergent from one's realization that time has been wasted so? The ambiguity here is really doing it for me—including the question of whether this was by force from an outside perspective, internally a mistake, or a choice upon a mistake realized. I love what you've done with this, honestly.
@stupidstupidratcreatures — Bright Idea
This flavor text saved you from the fact that you submitted this card literally three minutes before I had queued the list of entries. If you're gonna try to cut it that close again, you better believe you'll be scrubbing yourself out of the tiles! Regardless, I can't say that this card is especially inspired considering the 2BB instant that destroyed a creature or planeswalker, but for one, the tapped requirement is fair enough, and the W ideal cost is a little more aggressive and combat focused, and it exiles, so whateva. And the world as well! I can imagine this being less of the Kamigawa variety and more... Hm, that's a good question, actually.
Where would a wizard try to put a star in a bottle? I'll be honest, the first person I imagined was an old-school wizard in star robes with a fancy hat, and I'm stopping myself now before I try to go down the Wikipedia rabbit hole about historical depictions of wizards in fantasy. Maybe this is Dominaria, maybe this is even Capenna because of the janitorial angle. All the same! I think that the dark humor in a wizard's alchemical mistake is enough of a mildly-gross moment that I'll admit to cracking a smile here. Hey, what more can you want?
Commentary comin' as it comes. @abelzumi
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GUHHHH once again thinking about how hard an apotheosis vs riptide fight would go mannn. i am imagining a choreographed fight in my heeaaadddd.
apotheosis vs riptide. its set up as a gameshow so non lethal but like go off and be as deranged as u want u know what i mean. when it starts the pcs are a bit disorientated because where the fuck are they?? help??? theyre introduced to the premise of the game. differing reactions. peter "no", exandroth "YES", gillion "sounds like fun!! i accept this challenge!!!", thanatos "what is the point of this", rumi "yeah exactly thanny we dont gotta do this i dont want to fight", chip "exactly!! (going to pee his pants at the sight of thanatos)", jay "yo but i could totally take them in a fight??" but you know they cant go home if they dont play and its not LETHAL so they agree. besides, both teams are relatively confident?
les go!! count down 3 2 1 and the teams are fighting. each pc naturally splits off to face against the best fitting match. chip vs rumi, peter+exandroth vs jay, gillion vs thanatos. they start off confident but very quickly things go WRONG... the godslayers are like strong WAYY strong and the albatrio are taking hits man. this one on one is going down and it really starts dredging up all their anxieties. chip doesnt feel like he's a good leader, he's not confident, he doesn't know what he's doing, rumi is tripping him up repeatedly and doesnt even seem phased. gillion thinks he's strong but he's getting SLAMMED by thanatos and gillion is freaking out because oh god he's not strong enough, he can't protect his friends, he's going to LOSE. jay she's fuckinnngg usually a good shot like she deals DAMAGE she's grown UP being the good shot, she spent her childhood training, but it literally just doesnt phase whatever the fuck she's fighting, it's not making a good enough dent.
shit aint working so the albatrio scramble and change their matchups. gillion vs rumi, chip vs peter+exandroth, thanatos vs jay. gillion is so brute force that rumi is forced back a bit. chip is. chip. exandroth is struggling to hit this little worm. jay keeps her distance from thanatos and is able to get some good shots in. they're chipping away at the godslayers it looks like they're getting up and. well. the godslayers are getting bitter abt it they got sensitive egos so they muster up enough coordination to knock chip and jay back, and they DOWN gillion. and holy shit the albatrio are gonna LOSE but half time is called. dear god. just in time.
jay gets gillion back up but evidently, they're not winning k? like fuck it sucked so bad that the godslayers started off kicking their ass, but downing gillion?? GILLION TIDESTRIDER??? that was an emotional blow so hard they're going to need to have a big cry after this. but you know how the albatrio are, they have the brain power, they're gonna scheme on how to take down these bitches.
and if you're wondering how the godslayers are doing at half time they're feeling pretty good about themselves. exandroth takes a nap after healing up thanatos and rumi, rumi fawns over peter like "are you okay???" "yeah rumi im okay" "rumi, stop babying peter he is fine" "i love you peter" "huh???"
second half starts up again and BOOM THE COORDINATION. the godslayers work okay together but we've plucked them out at a point in the story where not everyone is on the same foot... but the albatrio?? babygirl, they've been friends for a while!!! the point is friendship is fucking magic and with the power of their teamwork they strategise so good they take down the godslayers one at a time. i dont know exactly how but it's definitely a mix of something ridiculous and actual good observation and good planning. GOD SLAYERS KNOCKED OUT BABYYY.
in the bg i like to imagine that dm condi and grizzly were like commentating the entire time btw, and dm condi was so confident in his team. then he just starts crying at the end like "NOOOO HOW DID THEY LOSE" dm grizzly laughs "MWAHAHAH I KNEW IT I KNEW THEY'D WIN anyways that's the end of the game!! thank you for playing everyone!! bye bye!!" and every1 gets sent home.
this is the narrative that's been trapped in my brain for a long time. do you see it. do you understand. *shakes you* do you get it????
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the unpopular character that you actually like + why more people should like them and it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
North Chooses Violence II Accepting
The answer will shock no one who knows my blogroll (sup @peranarkia), but Lonnie Machin.
I am, first of all, obsessed with that character in general. But second of all, if you have to get into Lonnie by being into Tim first, how can you not get into Lonnie? He's such a deeply integral part of Tim's story that it's impossible to miss him unless you're intentionally ignoring everyone but Tim.
(To be clear-- Lonnie is also much more than a support role character. But most people are introduced to him via his support of Tim as Moneyspider, so that's why I say that).
Believe you me, as a communist who was converted to being an anarchist via Lonnie's comics (not a hard sell to be fair) I fell hard and fast for Lonnie's character, and it is a crying shame that he is 1. slept on in the fandom in general, but then also 2. severely misunderstood by the comic fandom that prefers fanfiction to canon in terms of understanding characterizations and canon events.
I have never pretended to like fanon, but the way the fandom as a whole understands Lonnie makes me wanna tear my hair out. He is a character motivated by unconditional love of humanity, the belief that we have no choice but to be our best selves because it is how he sees humanity, by the knowledge that we not only can, but will change things for the good of all mankind-- and he is literally, canonically, so honest that he can't even bring himself, morally, to lie to The Joker. He is not, by any stretch of belief, some adventurist who only blows shit up "4 da chaos lols" or "because society sucks or whatever." Lonnie is willing to engage in (non-lethal, mind) property damage, of course, but unless someone understands what Direct Action is, it is very rarely presented correctly or with the right amount of nuance in the fandom, and as an anarchist (been one for about two and some change ish years now), it is infuriating to see how anarchist characters are handled by comic book fans (given the trust in the justice system that they provide. and hey, fair enough that trust in comic/fictional justice is present; it's just... comics were built on real-world commentary. DC not using that chance to make real statements about the world is just capitalistic and cowardly at this point, and fans should stop trusting or crediting DC with/to present any kind of good faith argument for anything but institutional, corporate-benefiting, punitive justice that doesn't work, flat out.)
At the end of the day, I can't control how someone engages with comics, and I won't be rude to them about it, but I do reserve the quiet/private right to believe that someone is going about Lonnie comics the wrong way if they don't 1. look at him past his involvement with Tim and 2. give his ideology a real, hard, genuine, earnest look.
Lonnie is a delight through and through, and if you'd like to know more about him, my pages at @peranarkia are readily available to show more about him, such as: a reading guide, a (not comprehensive, but close to it) case-by-case bio, a canon-exclusive FAQs page, and my own personal musings tag (not fully canon-based, as much as indie rp can't be 100% canon sometimes).
I cannot recommend this character enough.
In fact, to add to the propaganda, enjoy a scene from Batman Chronicles that makes me giggle every time:

#m4uga#[i cannot overstate how important lonnie is to me]#[i think he upseats tim in favorite dc character of all time and that's really saying something bc i've been writing tim for a full decade]#{answered asks}#[thank you for this ask i love infodumping about dc's most missed opportunity character ever]
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