#so you HAVE to trust. you HAVE to trust that her judgements are correct ENOUGH
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i havent really read hamlet but this is the most hamlet she gets i think
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sapphiresandferrari · 3 months
His sweet girl
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Summary: Aemond catches feelings for one of the girls at the brothel and his brother, Aegon, almost ruined everything
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x ocf!reader
Warnings: emotionally constipated Aemond, cunt Aegon, implied smut, lactation kink if you squint, fluff
Word count: 2.1k
A/N: Hello everyone, I'm Rosie and this is my first fic ever
Likes, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated, feel free to give me advices or suggestion, just be polite
English is NOT my first language, so apologies if there are any mistakes
Gif credits: @aegonx
Enjoy 🫶🏻
Aemond doesn’t know exactly when se became so important to him.
One night he went to the brothel for his usual service, the last weeks has been hectic, everything was overwhelming, his father’s death, Aegon’s coronation and Luke’s death, so he had to find a way to release the stress that it wasn’t training with ser Criston Cole.
So, when he arrived at the pleasure house, he thought that Madame Sylvi was waiting for him like she usually did for the last weeks, instead, one of the servants informed him that Madame was unavailable for that night, but that she had chosen another girl that would satisfy him as much as she did.
Hearing those words, made him want to turn around and leave, not comfortable with the idea of opening himself with a different woman than the one he was used to, yet something inside of him didn’t want to leave, he thought that if Madame Sylvi has personally chosen this girl, then maybe he should’ve give it a shot and try, see how it was.
After all, she knew him and his needs, especially with all the times they laid together, so he decided to trust her judgement, and let the servant guiding him to the secluded area prepared for him.
Once he moved the curtain, he found a girl, no more than few years older than him, laying on the bed, surrounded by pillows and candles: she was wearing a sheer robe, her hair down, thick and long dark locks were covering her, in her eyes an expression he was having a hard time to decipher, a mix of excitement and fear.
She was staring at him, taking her time to admire the beautiful and stoic man in front of her, he was exactly as the girls at the brothel and the small folk described him: his long silver hair, his purple eye, his fierce aura, he was a mesmerising sight.
As he approached her, he thought that he never saw her before at the brothel, he was trying to remember her small face but he simply couldn’t so he figured that she might be a new addiction there, yet if Sylvi chose her specifically, this means she wasn’t someone new.
He started to undress slowly, taking his time to look at the girl in front of him, her appearance was pleasant, she wasn’t exactly what he was searching, but she still had something magnetic in herself, she had a soft body, with plump breasts and wide hips, her body was different from the one of Madame, yet she still had something comforting that made him at ease right away.
She stood up, taking few steps and stopping in front of him, slightly bowing her head “good evening, my prince, Madame Sylvi apologise that she can’t serve you tonight, but she thought I might be a good enough substitute for you tonight”.
She extended a hand for him, which he took after few moments of silent, noticing how small it was compared to his, slowly walking him to the bed in the middle of the room.
“I’ve never saw you before, when did you start working here?”, he asked, curious to see if his assumption was correct
“Oh, I don’t exactly work here, my prince. My father sold me to Madame when I was a child and she thought I was too young to work here, so she kinda raised me like a daughter, usually I stay upstairs or I serve refreshments, I only work when she specifically asks me to”
So, she wasn’t a whore, not entirely at least, and this awakened something inside of him, he started wondering how many men she slept with, how many she pleased, if she was indeed able to please him as she said.
“Did you sleep with many men before? Are you sure you can serve me properly, child?”
“Not many men, but I’m sure you’ll be very satisfied my prince, and if you don’t trust my words, trust Madame’s judgement”
And so he did, and while he was thrusting inside her soft and warm flesh, he thought how different she was than Sylvi, how tight and wet she was, how her whimpers and moans were shy, how full she was making him feel.
He stayed there after he came, his head placed on her soft breasts, her hands caressing his hair and forehead, their breaths steady, her heartbeat calming, he felt well, satisfied with her service, his thoughts and troubles away for the time she was embracing him.
He told her about his worries, about his dreams, and what shocked him the most, was that she wasn’t afraid to tell him what she was thinking: she spoke calmly, without fear, but still in a respectful manner, not wanting to disrespect him nor his family, it was a rare thing, usually people lie to him or tells him half truth in order to not upset him, Sylvi included.
When he came back evenings after, he hoped to find her again, and he was slightly disappointed to see that Sylvi was waiting for him and not her once again.
Madame realised it too, she could feel a shift in his behaviour, at first thinking it was because of everything it was happening with the war and his family, but when he asked her where she was, her doubts became certainty.
“You don’t want my services anymore, my prince?”, she asked as they laid together after their highs, his head on her lap, curled up like a babe.
“Is not that, I like you and you help me a lot, but it was different with her, she understands me, she is not afraid to tell me the truth and actually gives me advises, she listens carefully and tells me what she thinks, it is a rare thing nowadays, everyone too scared to offend me and have me lose my patience
That’s why I want her to serve me from now on, you were good to me, but I think I found a better match”.
Sylvi wasn’t too pleased about this decision, she enjoyed the evenings with the prince, he treated her with respect, making her feel desired and appreciated, but he was still a prince, and if he didn’t want her services anymore, she had to accept it and move on, at the end of the day, he was still a paying costumer like everybody else, and her last goal was to please him, whether it happened personally or not.
Aemond kept going to the brothel almost every night, gently fucking her and then laying on the bed, his head on her chest, talking about his days, about his dysfunctional family, his plans for the war, and she stayed there, listening to him and caressing his head, and when he wasn’t talking, he was listening to her, talking about the books she was reading or about something she did that day, his lips sucking on one of her nipples lazily, eyes closed, eyepatch discharged somewhere on the bed, hand kneading the soft flesh of her hips.
He loved those moments, he felt at peace, somehow invincible, wondering if he will ever feel like this with another woman, but deep down knowing that no noble woman would be so understanding of him, especially not his betrothed.
It was during one of these nights that his brother, Aegon, had found him, ruining the only good thing he had in his life, Vhagar excluded.
They were there, entangled after their highs, the comfort of her arms making him feel so well, when his drunk brother opened the curtain, revealing himself to him and his mates, not wasting a second to humiliate him.
Aemond immediately got up, sitting there, looking somewhere on the floor, trying to steady his breath, listening to his brother rambling about him “fucking her like a hound”, watching her trying to cover herself for the embarrassment, shielding her body from his brother’s eyes.
He decided to leave, being too angry and humiliated, his brother rambling about searching for Madame to “make a man out of one of the white cloaks” but he found a better amusement after he saw his brother there
“You can have her, brother, one whore is as good as another” he said before taking his leave, the look of disappointment and heartbreaking in her face.
He couldn’t sleep that night, he kept seeing her disappointed face over and over again.
He knew he hurt her, that she had no fault for what happened, his brother was a drunken cunt, and she had to suffer the consequences for his stupid actions.
For days he contemplated about going there and apologise, explaining that he was not expecting for his brother be there, that he hasn’t gone to the brothel in years and he thought it was a safe space for him, away from his brother’s mess, yet he couldn’t do it, he couldn’t go there, relieving the memory of that night again.
In the end he decided to go, he was longing her touch, her softness, her sweetness, ha had to admit to himself (with an enormous amount of strength) that he needed her, so he went there one morning, when he knew anyone would’ve gone there and disturb them.
As he walked the street of silk, he kept thinking about what he wanted to tell her, trying to find the words to explain to her that he was sorry, that he understood if she didn’t want to be with him ever, but that he was still hoping for her forgiveness, since she knew how complicated his relationship with his brother was.
He knocked on the door, Sylvi opening it as he thought, looking at him hostilely
“What are you doing here, my prince”
“You know what I’m doing here, I want to speak with her”
“You hurt her, deeply, I don’t know if she wants to see you”
“Just…just ask her, please? I will leave if she does not want to speak with me”
Madame Sylvi looked at him one last time, before moving towards the rooms upstairs, allowing him to enter the brothel.
She came back a while back, telling him that he can go talk to her, but also to be quick, she didn’t want to give him too much time, she was very hurt by his actions.
He went upstairs, anxious and excited, wanting nothing more than explaining to her, his heart beating fast and hard in his chest at the thought of seeing her sweet face again.
His sweet girl, sited on the bed, a book between her hands, looking beautiful with the sun light, certainly different from the candlelight he was used to
“Good morrow, I know my visit is…unexpected, but I had to come, I had to talk to you”
“Good morrow, talk then, but make it quick, I will have to get ready for work soon, I have clients to take care of”
“Clients? I thought you weren’t fully working at the brothel, I don’t understand”
“After what happened that night, your brother’s guard told everyone how good I was, so a lot of men asked for me and Madame couldn’t refuse them, so now I work full time”
“I’m sorry, sweet girl, I really am, I didn’t want to treat you in such a way” he walked towards her, sitting slowly on the bed besides her, taking her hands on his and leaving some kisses on them “I swear I wish I said something that night, but my pride took the best of me; my brother was there, mocking me like he did when we were children, I couldn’t stay any longer.
Forgive me, sweet girl, you’re the only one I didn’t wish to hurt that night, yet you’re the one who suffered for my lack of temperament”
She stayed there, their hands still entwined, listening to his pleadings, wondering what was the best thing to do, reminding herself that he hurt her deeply, but also that he loved this man so much, that she couldn’t stay away from him any longer.
She kissed him while he was still talking, needing to feel his lips on hers once again, his hands on her once again, his cock deep inside her, feeling her to the brim with his seed, making her his and his only.
As he thrusts inside her, hips snapping, his hands kneading the soft flesh of her hips, they never felt so good in their life, so at peace, so happy.
They kissed and bit and marks each other, and in Aemond’s mind, the only thought was that she was his and he wasn’t going to let any man take her from him, the only good thing in his life.
She was his sweet girl, only his.
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imagionationstation · 6 months
Today on the Mikey Is Not Abused news
Research shows that 78% of the “Poor Mikey” fanclub claims that Mikey is incapable of standing up for himself, whether that be because he fears further abuse, fears his brothers in general, suffers from intense depression, an abuse sort of conditioning, or *insert other incredulous views here* (Statistics may not be entirely accurate and should be used with caution).
Unfortunately for them, Mikey does knows how to stand up for himself and it has been shown that he can speak his mind to even the main abuser, Raphael, and walk away unscathed.
Astonishing claim, I know, but the facts prove themselves.
Mikey has brought up beliefs on several occasions, but his lack of awareness outside his own mind often disproves his own claims.
Years of leprechauns, cream cheese demons, and certainty in cupcake uprisings have worn down his brothers’ trust in his word on many different subjects. This is not his brothers ignoring him out of spite. This is merely because he has proven himself to be an unreliable source when it comes to reality.
His lack of interest in taking most battles and training sessions seriously grate on his brothers’ nerves and often lead them to doubt his prowess and abilities on the field. Mikey being the youngest and earning all of their must protect with life instincts doesn’t exactly help his case. He knowingly brings much of their wrath upon himself- with tauntings, and purposefully infuriating acts, and the constant reappearance of Dr. Prankenstein.
When Mikey doesn’t go gun-hoe or call Raph out for a whack on the head, it’s probably because he’s conscious enough to know he likely said/did something stupid, or because he purposefully did something annoying.
However, if he sees an injustice affect another by his brothers’ hand, he will be the first one to stand up and correct it.
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Mikey is proven to be more likely to speak his mind when it comes to others around him getting retribution that he deems underserved.
IN FACT, a few of the only times fans actually see an aggressive argument/challenge poised to a brother is to Raphael, often in regards to his crass judgement.
Take Fourfold Trap as an example:
“I got the answer for you! Karai’s a lost cause!”
“Don’t say that, dude!”
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Mikey shoves at Raph’s shoulder to make him face him and they both begin yelling/bickering/roughly gesturing. Mikey is in no way scared of how Raph will react to this and is immediate in getting physically aggressive and speaking his mind.
Not normally how someone who’s been abused all their life would act towards the main abuser, I think. Not convincing enough?
Well, The Curse of Savanti Romero is another:
In it, Renet is seen admitting to her mistake of letting Romero loose. Raph responds by immediately coming down on her for it, even though she understands and regrets her mistake.
Mikey has zero hesitations about jumping into the picture.
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“You really are the worst time traveler ever! The worst!”
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“Back off, bro! She needs our help!”
Psychology of most abusers would not point to this kind of situation going well. If this were the case- in no universe would Raphael have relented under his brother’s glare and stepped away, especially not after being shoved and yelled at in front of someone outside the family. That would be seen as a calling for punishment.
Moving away would be letting the abused assert dominance and think that they’ve gotten away with a win.
If this were really an abusive relationship, then Raphael would have had a far more violent reaction to his youngest brother butting in.
Instead, he growled, glared, and then relented. He could tell this was not an issue that could be further challenged. Mikey was standing his ground, intensely meeting his glare, and so Raph stepped away.
Now, have there been times where Mikey felt like he was left out or being ignored and that made him feel insecure?
Yes. Absolutely. Mikey Gets Shellacne is a prime example.
But, have the abusers, his older brothers, been made to share similar feelings of being unable to rely on their brothers at one time or another? Perhaps due to his direct or indirect actions? Why, yes.
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Because, as hard as it is to believe, every person in that family has made mistakes when dealing with another family member. Relationships are hard. Not one person, or mutant, is perfect, and facing or accepting insecurities is always a fact of growing up.
Is this to say Mikey never stands up for himself?
No. Not even close.
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Is it ever portrayed as something big and dramatic as a focal point of an episode? No. Because it doesn’t need to be.
If Mikey holding onto resentment and depression from how his brother abuse him was meant to be part of his character, it would have been a plot point in the episode where they’re literally in his brain. There would have been the slightest hint of something going on somewhere in that chaotic realm.
Instead, Mikey’s brain welcomed all of his brother with open arms.
And the true, inner Mikey runs ecstatically toward his brothers and into Leo’s open arms for snuggles, no more scared of his brothers inside his mind than outside of it.
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The only time that he has thoughts of “my brothers are so mean to me I should run away” is the episode The Croaking, where he takes accountability and has the realization that his brothers aren’t the jerks that he thought they were when he ran off…
“Dude. Your brothers sound awesome.”
“Yeah. They are… Even after I trashed the house.”
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Mikey doesn’t often react violently to his brother’s teasing because there’s not a reason too. He understands that his brother’s pick on him, but in reality, he picks on them too. It’s not a big enough deal to point out unless an evil planet is letting Angry Mikey consume all of his thoughts and then everything is terrible.
Mikey can stand up for himself. Mikey will always stand up for others.
And that brings this article to an end. Subscribe for more!
Next time, we’ll discuss why Parasitica May or May Not have a worse reputation than it truly deserves. Cowbunga!
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edenesth · 1 year
Blossoming Alliances
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Pairing: prince!Yunho x princess!reader
AU: arranged marriage au
Word Count: 10.9k
Summary: As a means to bring peace between two kingdoms, Prince Yunho of Wonderland is forced into an arranged marriage with the Princess of Aurora. Firmly against the idea of being bound to a complete stranger, the prince makes things more difficult than it has to be. What happens when he finds himself falling for the princess that he so strongly refuses to marry?
ATEEZ Masterlist
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"I don't care what the king and queen have planned for me, I'm not-"
Yunho's protest abruptly halted as he skidded to a stop, the air seemingly knocked out of his lungs and his words stuck in his throat. He stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, his gaze ensnared by an ethereal sight.
Following closely behind him, Yeosang, the prince's trusted advisor and personal assistant, muttered a quiet curse as he narrowly avoided colliding with the taller man's back.
The prince's eyes widened in awe as he beheld the graceful figure of the individual meant to be his future princess, strolling amidst a sea of blooming flowers.
The delicate hues of the petals seemed to pale in comparison to her radiant presence, she had the beauty parallel to that of a Greek goddess. With every step she took, her flowing gown mirrored the elegance of her movement and a gentle breeze played with the tendrils of her hair, adding to the aura of enchantment.
The instant Yunho laid eyes on the princess he was bound to marry, all previous arguments and objections he had harboured about the arranged marriage faded into oblivion, vanished entirely from his thoughts.
His jaw hung slack and he struggled to find words. His feet remained firmly rooted to the ground as he stared, momentarily transformed into a foolish, unprincely observer.
"You were saying, your highness?" Yeosang inquired, his tone tinged with sarcasm, his brow arched.
"Is that… her? The p-princess?" Yunho stammered, his ability to speak suddenly elusive. His advisor nodded, regarding the prince with an amused glint in his eye, "Yes, your highness, that is her. Beautiful, isn't she? It seems the rumours about her divine beauty were entirely accurate."
Indeed, she is.
The prince's breath caught in his throat as he watched her, his heart beating faster than usual.
Her every gesture seemed to be poetry in motion, as though the garden itself had come alive to pay homage to her beauty. He felt a sense of time slowing down, his world narrowing to encompass only her in that moment. And as the princess turned to catch a glimpse of him, their eyes finally met.
Flustered, Yunho blinks his eyes rapidly and clears his throat loudly.
Stunned by the charming smile she had sent his way, he gives the princess a curt nod out of courtesy before looking away quickly, embarrassed.
It probably wasn't anything new to the princess for people to gape at her the way he did. But he wasn't just anyone, he was the crown prince of Wonderland, goddammit.
Ah great, I've just made a complete fool of myself.
Gone were all the words of his carefully planned and well-rehearsed speech he had spent all night to come up with, fully prepared to have a whole debate with his parents today about why they should not go through with the plan.
Sensing Yeosang's judgemental gaze on him, he scoffs before waving the shorter male off.
"W-whatever, beauty isn't going to be enough to keep a marriage strong. She could be spoiled and haughty for all we know, and the last thing I need is a wife that's all looks and no brains."
The advisor scoffs, "Sounds to me like an excuse, my prince. You seem to be convincing yourself more than anyone else. The princess should be anything but spoiled and haughty if she is already here ready to meet you."
Yunho glares down at his oldest friend in irritation, he sometimes wished Yeosang could be less rational because the advisor was annoyingly correct with his statement.
A part of the prince wanted the princess to be on her worst behaviour, that would give him a good reason to not comply but if she continues on with her good girl act and wins everyone's favour, that would make him seem like the bad guy.
Or perhaps, he was.
Why was he so against this again?
Right, because she's a complete stranger. And not just any stranger, she had to be one all the way from Aurora too.
That was why he came to seek an audience with his parents. They'd be kidding themselves if they thought he'd be backing down so easily without a fight.
With his sights set on the grand doors to the throne room, the prince reminds himself of why he's come to this part of the palace. He proceeds to march forward, determined to talk his way out of the marriage no matter how breathtaking he finds the princess to be.
Yes, the princess was insanely gorgeous.
That was an undeniable fact and Yunho would have to be blind to think otherwise.
However, he genuinely believed that beauty alone amounted to very little, especially in marriage. This union was a lifelong commitment.
This was no fairytale.
Whoever it was that Yunho married, he had to spend the rest of his life with, so his future wife would have to possess a lot more qualities than simply being easy on the eyes.
Pull yourself together, Jung Yunho. She's just another beautiful face and you've seen plenty of those.
You see, Crown Prince Yunho, heir to the throne of Wonderland, has found himself entangled in the intricate web of politics when his parents arrange a marriage with the princess of the neighbouring kingdom, Aurora. Tensions have simmered between the two nations for years, and this alliance is seen as a way to bring peace to the region.
But there was just one major problem, Yunho was vehemently opposed to the arranged marriage.
He resents the idea of being bound to a stranger, especially from a rival nation. His preconceived notions about the princess lead him to believe she's merely a pawn in her own right, just as he feels he is in this political game.
Unfortunately for him, the meeting with his parents had pretty much gone the exact way he wished it hadn't. As Yeosang had predicted, each of his arguments was met with compelling responses from his parents, rendering him momentarily speechless.
Yunho accuses the princess of being spoiled but with his continuous stubbornness and adamance, he was beginning to look the part himself.
While he voiced concerns about potential issues arising from this union, such as constraints on personal freedom, emotional distress, compatibility problems, and the inevitable cultural and societal pressures, his parents remained unfazed.
They had anticipated their son's dissatisfaction when they initially revealed the arrangement and had been prepared for his complaints.
"Yunho-yah," The queen began, her voice gentle yet firm, "We understand your concerns about the arranged marriage. But you must also understand the broader implications of our decision."
The king leaned forward, his expression serious, "Our kingdom stands at a crossroads, my son. The tensions between our nation and Aurora have lingered for far too long. The alliance formed through this marriage could finally bring about a lasting peace."
The prince's brow furrowed as he folded his arms, a mix of frustration and reluctance in his eyes, "But father, how can I marry someone I've never met? Someone from a land with which we've had conflicts?"
His mother's gaze softened, "Yunho, we're not asking you to abandon your feelings or desires. We're asking you to consider the greater good. The princess is in the same situation, and she's willing to put aside her own reservations for the sake of her people. It's a sacrifice for both of you."
And there it was, he must look like an absolute asshole all thanks to her obedience. Yeosang would definitely agree, even his advisor was supportive of the marriage. The prince seems to be the only one against this.
"We've always taught you to put the needs of the kingdom before personal wishes. This is one of those times when our actions will shape the course of history. Your cooperation can be a bridge towards a more peaceful future."
His father added, eyes trained firmly on his son.
He needed Yunho to understand that this matter was not up for negotiation, the only reason they were still entertaining his tantrums was to hopefully talk some sense into him. After all, his compliance would make a huge difference and things could be so much easier.
Yunho sighed, his shoulders slumping, "I understand the reasons, mother, father. But how can I be expected to share my life with someone I know nothing about?"
The queen leaned forward, her expression filled with empathy, "Arranged marriages are not what they used to be, Yunho. You'll have the opportunity to get to know the princess, to find common ground, and perhaps even build a genuine connection."
She was right but for some reason, Yunho's brain refuses to see things that way.
There had to be alternative methods to form an alliance; why did he need to sacrifice his choice to love? As a royal, he was only permitted one marriage and now one of the most momentous decisions of his life was about to be dictated by the future of his kingdom.
He would have said those words out loud had it not been for the look in his father's eyes, the king was growing tired of this pointless talk.
As the prince's gaze shifted between his parents, a mixture of uncertainty played across his face. He knew their words held weight, that his compliance could influence the fate of their kingdom. With a sigh, he uncrossed his arms and met their eyes.
He sensed that further argument was futile. The arrangement would proceed whether he liked it or not, "I hear you, father, mother," He finally said, his tone resigned, "I'll meet the princess and try to see the bigger picture."
And by that, what he actually meant was that he would be keeping busy, looking for loopholes to escape this predicament.
It was an exhausting journey getting from Aurora to Wonderland by carriage but you didn't voice your discomfort because you knew it must have been so much harder for your guards and servants.
It hasn't been easy on you, learning of the sudden need for you to wed the prince of another nation. It had to be Wonderland too, of all kingdoms, the specific one that hadn't been on particularly good terms with Aurora for as long as you could remember.
The truth was that you had been prepared for this all your life.
Since childhood, your mother had instilled in you the belief that your primary duty, as a princess, was to marry for political reasons someday. As much as you had dreaded it, you had always known that this day would arrive sooner or later.
What truly caught you off guard, however, was the fact that you were arranged to marry the future king of Wonderland, not Utopia. This was partly because you had always assumed you'd marry Prince San of Utopia, a kingdom with strong ties to your parents.
You and San had practically grown up side by side, he was a good friend of yours and you wouldn't have minded spending your life with him. He was easily one of the most gentle and caring men you've met, he would have made a fine husband.
While you didn't harbour any personal grievances against Prince Yunho or Wonderland, you had heard of his discontent with the arrangement, which naturally left you feeling disheartened.
It wasn't like you were ecstatic about this either but you understood that it was an integral part of your role as a royal, no?
Due to the prince's resistance, his parents had requested your arrival a bit earlier than initially planned, hoping to give him time to warm up to you before both kingdoms made the official announcement regarding your alliance to the public.
Fortunately for you, the king and queen of Wonderland had warmly received you upon your arrival and offered a brief tour of the palace's central court. They made every effort to make you feel welcome before escorting you to your chambers.
Unfortunately for you, the prince was nowhere to be seen. You couldn't help but have mixed feelings about his nonattendance, especially since he was the primary reason for and the most significant aspect of your visit.
But you supposed that may have been too much to ask of him, given his well-known opposition to this marriage.
Here you were, finally settling into the grand bed chambers designated for you. You sat in contemplative silence by the ornate vanity while your handmaiden, Yeri, attentively touched up your appearance.
"What is the matter, my princess? Are you feeling okay?"
Once she was done brushing your hair, you moved to pat her hand appreciatively, "I'm fine, Yeri, really. Just... trying to adapt to the new environment. It's quite different here compared to home, isn't it?"
"If you're trying to say it's more depressing here, then yes, I agree with you," You laughed quietly, attempting to hush her with an alarmed expression, "Oh my god, keep it down, you fearless woman! If anyone hears you, we're dead," She snickers, nodding quickly, "Yes, yes, your highness. I was just playing with you, at least it finally got you to smile again."
Scrunching your face up at her playfully, your heart warmed at how sweet it was of her to ensure you were alright.
"You're the best, Yeri. I really can't do this without you, so please be on your best behaviour," You shook your head when she grinned cheekily, "Now where's the fun in that?" She lifted her hands to surrender when you glared at her, unamused, "Okay, okay, sheesh."
"Go and get some rest, Yeri. You must be tired, tell the rest to join you too. I'll send Mingi for you if I need anything," She stood with her hands on her hips and let out a huff, "I know you won't, you're too kind for your own good. If I catch you trying to do anything by yourself, I'm never leaving your side again."
Before you could offer any protest, she gestured across her lips, mimicking a zipper, "I won't say this again, my princess. Let the servants do their jobs. We're not in Aurora anymore, you can't let these foreigners think you're weak or easy, do you understand?"
She was right, you hadn't thought of that at all.
Back at home, you had treated all the royal staff like friends and often chose to handle tasks yourself to avoid inconveniencing them, even when it was their responsibility. But you were no longer in Aurora, and your actions in Wonderland could potentially be mistaken as weakness or gullibility.
Yeri did not leave you until she made you pinky promise her.
You softened, hugging her before she went to catch up on some much-needed rest. Thanks to your cheerful and friendly disposition, all members of your staff have developed a deep fondness for you. Yeri, in particular, always had your best interests at heart.
Deciding it was probably best to familiarise yourself with the layout of the palace, you began wandering around with your personal guard, Mingi, following closely behind. You would have sent him to his chambers too, had he not frowned warningly at you.
He didn't have to say the words out loud, all it took was one look for you to understand his 'don't you even dare' loud and clear.
Thankful for and comforted by Mingi's tall frame towering over yours protectively from behind, you took your time sauntering about. You noted the difference between the interior at home and here; while the colours back at home were brighter, most of the decor in Wonderland leaned towards the darker side.
Your lips curved upward when you happened upon the royal garden just outside. The garden held a special place in your heart; it was your sanctuary in Aurora. There, you'd lose yourself in books, indulge in painting or simply unwind on days when you have no princess etiquette lessons.
Bounding toward it with excitement, you instructed Mingi to wait for you by the garden gates while you took a stroll by yourself. Lost in your own world, your attention had been fully captured by the new flowers you hadn't seen back in Aurora.
Unbeknownst to you, a certain pair of eyes had remained trained on your frame for quite some time now.
It was only when you finally sensed this invisible gaze that you turned and found yourself locking eyes with a strikingly tall and handsome man. As was your instinctual reaction, you greeted him with a warm smile, even if you didn't know who he was.
You resisted the urge to giggle at his expression which was similar to that of a deer caught in headlights as he nodded once politely at you before turning away almost instantly.
But before you could watch on any longer, Mingi had come to escort you back to your chambers. Exploration time was over, you had to get ready for dinner with the king and queen soon.
And all the way back, you couldn't get your mind off the man you had seen earlier.
That tall and handsome man, you later learned, was your future husband, Crown Prince Yunho of Wonderland.
On your second day here, you had the pleasure of sharing a light meal with him. Perhaps it was your jitters or perhaps it was the knowledge of his displeasure with the arrangement, you half-expected him to be rude or mean.
To your complete surprise, he had been more civil and polite than you had imagined. However, it was quite apparent to you that he had made a constant effort to keep you at arm's length.
Even after a week of your presence in the palace, he remained equally reserved.
As suggested by his parents, you have been sharing meals together more often in order to get to know one another better. Weirdly though, the questions exchanged between you two during conversations remained surface level and he refused to dive any deeper beyond simple pleasantries.
It was almost impossible to get close to him.
In a way, it was frustrating. You couldn't quite put your finger on it but you almost wished he would express his displeasure or frustration openly. His aloof behaviour, on the other hand, made you feel unimportant and irrelevant.
Gazing miserably up at the stars littered across the night sky by your balcony, you don't notice Yeri coming up to you until you feel her wrap a shawl over your exposed shoulders.
"You alright, your highness? Mingi mentioned you looking particularly upset these days. I thought things were going well with the prince?"
You sighed, pursing your lips, "I don't know, Yeri. I suppose that's how it looks to others from the outside but..." Your heart clenched, and you wondered to yourself if this was how life was going to be like married to Yunho.
"Even when he's right in front of me, he still feels so far away," Laughing humourlessly to yourself, you rubbed your hands tiredly over your eyes, "Does that even make any sense?"
Yeri runs her hands comfortingly up and down your arms, "Wow, so he's going to be that kind of husband, huh. I'm so sorry, your highness. You, of all people, don't deserve this kind of treatment, especially from the man who is supposed to be your husband."
You shook your head to ease her worries, "I'll be fine. Maybe he'll warm up to me eventually, hm? Just the way you did," She smiled half-heartedly at you, "Gee, for your sake, I sure hope so."
While you were caught up in your own feelings of despair, Yunho dedicated the majority of his time to the library, fervently seeking an alternative method for forming the alliance, anything except marriage. He refused to believe that this was the only way to do so, even when Yeosang had told him countless times that his efforts would be fruitless.
As his advisor had reiterated over and over, even if he did find another way, nothing could be stronger than an alliance formed through marriage. But Yunho would like to argue that his adamance might be stronger, though he knows he would be shot down mercilessly by his friend with actual logic.
In frustration, he slammed yet another book shut, running his hand through his hair and groaning loudly without bothering to keep his voice down. Nobody in the library would dare ask him to quiet down anyway, he was the crown prince of the nation.
Come on, there has to be another way.
Without wasting another moment, he moved on to the next book. He couldn't afford to waste any more time. Every passing day brought him closer to the solidifying of this arrangement.
Despite his lack of success in finding a solution, he was rather pleased with how he had handled you. As he had expected, you appeared to be nothing more than a pawn, sent here to be manipulated by your parents.
In the few conversations he had with you, you seemed somewhat one-dimensional, repeatedly expressing your contentment with fulfilling your duties as a princess for the betterment of your kingdom. No doubt just reciting words handed to you in a carefully crafted script, you appeared to lack personality whatsoever.
Yunho knew he was right about you from the beginning, you were all looks and not much else.
Or so he thought.
The prince had been quick to judge without bothering to get to know you any better. He couldn't have possibly been able to get a feel of your character when he continuously kept you at a distance.
It wasn't until he was forced to spend time with you as you navigate several formal events and ceremonies meant to showcase your unity, that he began to see you in a new light. You were not the stoic and passive figure he had imagined.
You revealed yourself to be an incredibly articulate and knowledgeable speaker, both on and off the stage. From delivering formal speeches to engaging in discussions with important figures of Wonderland, he was thoroughly impressed by your depth of knowledge and your ability to hold conversations on topics that sometimes even challenged him as the crown prince.
Not only that, he later saw how intelligent and compassionate you truly were but most importantly, how you shared his concerns about the forced arrangement.
It was within the confines of the royal garden that you and Yunho engaged in a heartfelt conversation, away from any prying eyes.
Your sigh was soft, your gaze fixed on the distant horizon, "Thanks for agreeing to see me, Yunho. There's something I feel I must address, I cannot go on like this for much longer." Concern filled the prince's eyes when he detected the exhaustion in your tone.
"You know, I'm not an idiot. I know what you've been doing this whole time, trying to keep me at a distance. I'm well aware of your feelings about this arrangement."
Yunho hung his head in shame, realising that he had underestimated you, believing you wouldn't see through his actions.
"I just... I need you to understand that it hasn't exactly been easy for me either. I'm not a fan of all this, to be quite honest with you. You don't think I want to marry for love too? At this point, I've just accepted that it would be a dream never to come true. Life as royalty comes with sacrifices and this is only one of many, Yunho."
The prince turns to face you, his voice was sincere, "Gosh, I honestly didn't know. All this while, I've thought only about myself. I... I'm sorry for the way I've acted, princess. I have no excuses for that."
Well, that was a surprise.
You didn't think you'd hear him apologise to you. So sincerely too.
"Thank you for the apology, it means a lot," He nodded but seemed like there was more he wanted to say, "Yunho, is there something else you wish to say?"
The prince hesitates, "It's just... You sounded like you're being weighed down by a lot. I know our kingdoms haven't been on the best of terms but, is everything okay in Aurora?"
You took a moment before meeting his eyes, your gaze holding a blend of determination and vulnerability, "My kingdom, Aurora, it's... it's in a delicate state. The tensions between our kingdom and Wonderland have taken a toll on our people. There have been losses, conflicts that have stretched on for too long."
Yunho nodded slowly, empathy evident in his features, "I know that our kingdoms have had their differences. But you've chosen to embrace this alliance, despite the challenges it presents."
Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, you continued, "I've seen the suffering, Yunho. I've seen families torn apart by the feuds between our lands. I've felt the weight of the responsibility that rests on my shoulders. This marriage, as much as I've also hated the concept, offers a chance for healing. It's a way to bring peace to our people, to ensure a better future."
Yunho studied you, his admiration growing with every word you spoke, "Princess, I think that your willingness to prioritise your people's well-being over personal desires is truly commendable."
A faint smile touched your lips, "Thank you, I've wrestled with it and struggled against the confines of tradition. But I've come to realise that sometimes, as leaders, we must put aside our own wishes for the greater good."
That's just great, the prince has never felt more ashamed of himself. He must seem like a brat compared to you, he now fully understands why you were so loved by the people around you.
If only he had opened his eyes to this side of you sooner. There was no one to blame for this but himself, he was filled with immense guilt and regrets for the way he had treated you before.
He reached out hesitantly before gently placing a hand on yours, "Your strength and dedication are inspiring, princess. To choose the path that challenges your heart for the sake of your people speaks volumes about your character. I'm sorry for misjudging you before."
Your eyes met his, and for a moment, the weight of your shared responsibilities seemed to lessen, "Let bygones be bygones, Yunho. I hope that even if we cannot feel love for one another, you'll still be able to find a friend in me."
Yunho squeezed your hand gently, "Likewise, I hope you'll be able to do the same with me."
As you spend more time together, Yunho witnesses your genuine commitment to bridging the gap between your nations.
He discovers your efforts to learn about Wonderland's culture and language, your sincere desire to foster understanding and your determination to defy your own family's pressure for the sake of your people.
One day in the library, he stumbled upon you buried under piles of history books, dictionaries and many more Wonderland-related materials. He was surprised to learn from the royal librarian that you had been visiting frequently for the past few days.
Seeing you so engrossed in your studies, he decided not to distract you and instead settled at the table across from yours. He occasionally stole glances at you while he went about his own tasks.
You didn't notice the prince's presence until hours later when you finished one book. Stretching your limbs, you let out an unintentional moan before finally looking up, only to find Yunho staring at you, clearly amused.
A loud yelp escaped your lips ungracefully upon seeing him, and the librarian shot you a warning glare while you repeatedly bowed your head apologetically.
You hid your face in your palms, overcome with embarrassment, as the prince snickered cheekily. Now that he had your attention, he moved to your table and sat down in front of you.
"That surprised to see me, princess? I can't believe you didn't notice me at all, I've been here for hours."
Your jaw dropped, "Really? Gosh, I didn't realise."
He didn't dare say it out loud but Yunho found you so incredibly adorable in that moment, his heart skipping a beat at your natural and genuine reactions. He felt so privileged to have been able to see this candid side of you, it was so fresh and unlike the whole princess facade that you were always forced to put on in front of others.
After he ordered a nearby servant to prepare you both some light snacks and tea, you engaged in a relaxed conversation.
"Now we all know why I'm here but what are you doing here, Yunho? Shouldn't you be kept busy fulfilling your princely duties?" He sighs, pulling out the books he's been frantically looking through to show you. You furrowed your brows at the sheer amount of materials related to strategic alliances, historical governing regulations and such, "I'm afraid I don't understand."
There was a brief pause when the servant returned with the snacks Yunho had requested. He waited until you were alone before he continued.
"To be completely honest, from the moment you arrived here, I've been searching for ways for Wonderland and Aurora to form an alliance without marriage. Initially, it was for my personal reasons, but after speaking with you and realising how much you disliked this arrangement, I knew I had to keep looking—for both our sakes."
You stared at him, astonished, "You're saying that you're doing this for me too?"
He nods, "Yes, especially after hearing you speak of the struggles of your people, I knew then that this alliance must be formed for the greater good. But you also spoke so bitterly about not being able to marry for love, it pained me to hear you say that it would only be a dream never to come true."
The sincerity in his tone was enough to touch your heart, you hadn't expected him to take your words this seriously.
"So, I figured we must find another way to go about this, in order to secure peace between our kingdoms as well as our right to marry someone of our own choice."
As grateful as you were for his efforts, you didn't want to cling to false hope, as the ideal outcome he aimed for seemed far-fetched. Seeing him conduct this research alone, you could tell that his advisor likely considered it impossible and had given up trying to reason with the prince.
You smiled appreciatively at him, patting a hand gently over his.
"That's very sweet of you, Yunho, to be so considerate, from worrying about the state of my nation to my happiness. You have no idea how much this all means to me. But you do understand that it's a scenario highly unlikely to come to fruition, yes?"
Guilt washed over you when you saw his face slightly fall due to your words.
"Yeah, I'm aware, but I won't give up. We'll never truly know if we don't try, am I right?" To lift the mood and avoid making you feel bad, he wiggled his eyebrows playfully, not missing the way his heart skipped a beat when you let out a small giggle.
This has been happening way too frequently lately.
But Yunho reassured himself that he was just happy to have made a new friend, nothing more and nothing less.
He continued to tell himself that, even when all he could think about was your beautiful smile and cute laugh, feeling determined to do whatever it took to keep that smile on your face.
Despite his initial resistance, Yunho and the princess slowly begin to discover common ground. You find yourselves sharing your hopes, fears and dreams, gradually forming a connection that transcends your initial animosity.
"You sure seem a lot happier these days, I assume things are going well with the princess?"
Yeosang wonders out loud, spotting that dreamy look on the prince's face again, he's been seeing it more often lately.
He hoped this change in demeanour indicated Yunho's willingness to comply, as he was growing weary of the prince's stubbornness. The advisor feels he was about to age another ten years if he had to deal with any more of that.
However, to Yeosang's dismay, Yunho's response was not what he wanted to hear, "If by things going well, you mean us finally becoming friends, then yes. But I'm telling you, I haven't given up trying to find that loophole."
The advisor could feel his blood pressure rising; he knew the king would not be pleased with this response. Unbeknownst to Yunho, his parents had instructed Yeosang to provide daily progress reports on his relationship with the princess.
Yeosang had hoped that the improved rapport between the prince and the princess would finally allow him to deliver some positive news to the king and queen. These reports were also shared with the princess' parents in Aurora, as both sets of parents eagerly awaited the day when Yunho would agree to the arranged marriage.
As much as they were rulers of their kingdoms, they were also parents to their children.
While your parents bore the weighty responsibility for the welfare of your kingdom and its people, they fervently hoped to spare you from an utterly loveless marriage that could subject you to potential mistreatment from an apathetic spouse.
Their genuine desire rested on the Prince of Wonderland's acceptance of you, with the hope that affection would develop over time, all while forging a harmonious bond between your respective realms. You were, after all, their only daughter and they weren't entirely heartless.
Beneath their regal exteriors was compassion for you.
If worse comes to worst, they were prepared to alter their strategies and seek a more suitable match for you.
The truth was that you were originally pledged to wed Prince San of Utopia, a strategic move aimed at bolstering the economy, consolidating authority and expanding your territorial holdings. If it weren't for the impending conflict between Wonderland and Aurora, your union with San might have already taken place.
Back then, your parents deemed it less advantageous for Aurora to merely grow stronger through an alliance with Utopia, knowing that it would eventually still culminate in a costly war with Wonderland. It was during this pivotal moment that their priorities shifted, with the king and queen of Aurora deciding that averting war held more importance.
Yet, if Prince Yunho of Wonderland remained obstinate in his refusal to cooperate, they were prepared to consider risking war if it meant securing a more promising marriage prospect for their daughter.
With Utopia's support, Aurora could potentially secure victory against Wonderland without undue hardship.
This, ultimately, constituted your parents' contingency plan.
Though they hoped it would never have to come down to that.
As time passes, Yunho and you can no longer deny the growing attraction between you.
You secretly spend more time together, leading to many heartfelt conversations and shared experiences that further strengthen the bond between you.
Neither of you had been entirely sure of your feelings for each other until one particular evening when you decided to sneak out to town.
Yunho was determined to show you how vibrant and exciting life could be in Wonderland, especially after you had been making endless jokes about his kingdom being gloomy and depressing.
Dressed in the simplest clothing he could find in his wardrobe, he patiently awaited your arrival by the secret passage leading to the town. Yunho had discovered this hidden path during his teenage years, with the assistance of a younger and more rebellious Yeosang.
Embarrassingly enough, he found himself momentarily frozen when he first saw you in casual attire.
You had to bring him back to reality by waving your hands in front of his face, grinning when you noticed the faint blush on his cheeks.
For Yunho, it was incredibly difficult to take his eyes off you that night. His natural protectiveness over you had been triggered by the absence of your guard, Mingi. To his dismay, he wasn't the only one who had his eyes on you. Your beauty was just a natural magnet to all beings around you, attracting looks from almost everyone passing by.
Even in a simple cream-coloured gown, likely borrowed from one of your maids, Yunho couldn't help but wonder how you managed to radiate such elegance and charm.
However, Yunho was oblivious to the fact that you were equally captivated by his appearance. It was your first time seeing him dressed so casually and you were awestruck by how attractive he looked. You couldn't help but wonder if he was aware of the effect he had.
As you strolled through the night market, side by side, there had been many heart-fluttering moments between you all throughout the night.
Upon your arrival, you stumbled upon a street performer whose humorous antics made you both burst into uncontrollable laughter. You later dared each other to try exotic street foods like spicy skewers and strange-looking desserts. Watching each other's reactions as you savoured these new flavours brought moments of playful intimacy.
A street musician catches your attention when he suddenly begins playing a sweet, melodic tune on his guitar. Yunho, with a smile, pulled you into a spontaneous dance under the moonlight, leaving your heart racing. It felt different from all the times you'd danced together during the many formal events and ceremonies.
With your arms circled around his neck and his hand firmly on your waist, he pulls you impossibly close. Your heart pounds twice as fast as your trembling eyes meet his in a deep gaze, you wonder if he felt what you felt too.
But it wasn't until his gaze fell upon your lips that your breath hitched. His eyes were unreadable, he seemed to have a million thoughts going through his mind before he looked back into your eyes, smiling assuringly at you.
Feeling flustered, you nestled your head against the space between his neck and shoulder, seeking refuge from his intense gaze. Yunho's heart melted and he gently rested his cheek against the side of your head.
Deep beneath your hearts, you'd both wished for time to remain frozen and for this moment to last forever.
Neither you nor Yunho bothered to correct the musician when he called you a lovely pair of newlyweds. Instead, you both exchanged shy smiles with each other before gracefully sauntering away.
As the night went on, you found yourselves at a candle-lit vendor stall, choosing handcrafted candles together. The vendor's stories about the meaning behind each candle's design further deepened your connection.
Next, you stumbled upon an antique shop tucked away in a corner. As you explored the treasures within, you exchanged stories of your past, revealing vulnerable moments and secrets, which drew you closer.
Nearing the end of your tour, you found a secluded bench to rest before returning to the palace. The night sky above was clear and you both paused to gaze at the stars. The moment felt magical, it was almost as if the universe itself was conspiring to bring you together.
"So, is Wonderland still as 'gloomy and depressing' as you'd previously described it to be?" The prince questioned cheekily, making dramatic air quotes as you laughed, "Fine, guess I was wrong about that. It's pretty amazing, I suppose."
It was getting late and Yunho knew he had to take you back soon, no matter how reluctant he was to do so.
In an attempt to prolong your little date by a bit more, he offered to buy you a pack of those candied fruits he recalled you saying you liked to enjoy together before leaving.
"Wait for me, I'll be back real quick."
You watched endearingly as the prince squeezed his way through the crowd to get to the dessert stall where you'd stopped by earlier. This Yunho was so different from the one you had first met, he was making it hard for you not to catch any feelings.
Lost in your own thoughts, you failed to notice a drunkard approaching you from a dimly lit nearby alley.
Startled, you emitted a gasp of surprise as he harshly gripped your arm and abruptly yanked you from your seat, "Wait a moment, I know you. Aren't you that darn princess from Aurora?" His words struck you like a thunderclap, and his narrowing eyes bore into you ominously.
How could he have possibly recognised me?
"S-sir, I think you've been mistaken. I'm no princess, just a commoner like you," You couldn't help but recoil at the sight of his discoloured teeth as he clenched them menacingly, "Don't you dare deceive me, girl! Your accent betrays you; I know you're not from around here!"
With wide, frightened eyes, you struggled desperately to free yourself from his rough grasp, which was sure to leave a bruise on your wrists, "N-no, please!"
There were no words to capture the terror coursing through you as he attempted to drag you into the alley from which he had emerged, "You'll pay for what your people have done to me! Thanks to you Aurora scum, I've lost my family!"
You looked around frantically in search of Yunho, tears threatening to spill from your eyes as you cried out his name desperately for help.
"Shut up, bitch. How dare you taint the name of my prince with that filthy mouth of yours." The man growls, your heart stopping as he bends down to pick up a shard of shattered beer glass from the ground.
Just as he swung the shard toward you, a tall figure leapt between you and the man, wrapping you tightly in his arms and instantly turning you away to shield you from the attack. He took the blow on your behalf, a sizable gash now marring his back.
The drunkard froze in place, realising the injury he had inflicted upon his own prince, "Oh, my prince! I had not intended to harm you; it was meant for her-"
Turning his head to direct a scathing glare at the man, Yunho sneered, "How audacious of you to attempt an assault on royalty. Do you realise that she is to become your future princess?" The man fell to his knees, begging for forgiveness, "Leave my sight at once. You will not escape so lightly should you ever attempt such a thing again."
Yunho shifted his focus back to you once the drunkard had hastily departed, looking you over for any signs of injury.
Once assured of your well-being, he pulled you tight into his embrace. He couldn't get over the way his heart lurched in his chest at the sight of you being manhandled by the drunk homeless man.
Tears flowed down your cheeks as the realisation dawned that the prince had indeed heard your desperate pleas for help. You found yourself sobbing, torn between profound relief and a gnawing sense of guilt.
You were relieved, beyond words, that he had come to your rescue. Yet, the guilt weighed heavily on your heart, knowing that you were the reason he had been hurt. Swiftly, you pulled away from him, turning him around to inspect his injury. To your astonishment, your eyes widened in shock.
"We must return immediately! You need medical attention, Yunho!" You exclaimed urgently.
Not wanting to further distress you, Yunho nodded in agreement. Together, you made your way back to the palace. Along the journey, he handed you the crumpled bag of candied fruits he had kept in his pocket this whole time.
"Here, please stop crying. I like it better when you smile." He said, his lips curving into a fond chuckle. Your response was to cry even harder at his touching gesture.
"I'm sorry for leaving you behind," Yunho admitted with a sigh, "I should have taken you with me," Your brow furrowed in confusion, "Why should you be sorry? You saved me, Yunho! And now, you're injured because of me."
With a tender sigh, he pressed a gentle kiss to your temple as the palace gates drew nearer.
This was indeed an unforgettable night.
Yeri and Mingi were utterly startled when they learned about your recent adventure with the prince, an escapade that had placed you perilously close to harm's way. In fact, the entire royal staff shared their incredulity. As a result, security measures around the palace grounds had been heightened significantly to prevent any recurrence of such incidents.
Nevertheless, the prince and the princess seemed to have drawn closer in the wake of these events. You faithfully visited Yunho daily to monitor his recovery and ensure he received the necessary rest.
The recent days had been remarkably peaceful, and judging from the interactions between the two, there was a palpable sense of optimism among those who observed them. It seemed that perhaps, at long last, the prince might come to terms with the arranged marriage with the princess.
Unfortunately for you all, the peace only lasted so long.
One day, as you spent time with Yunho in his garden, Yeosang abruptly burst in, his breathless urgency disrupting the tranquil atmosphere. He conveyed the news that you had never imagined could transpire.
"We're under attack, and by 'we,' I mean both Wonderland and Aurora," He gasped out, causing you to leap from your seat in shock, "What- by who?" You demanded, your voice quaking.
The advisor swallowed hard before responding, "It's Utopia. We suspect they are displeased with Aurora for terminating their alliance to form a new one with us instead."
Utopia, long thought to be peaceful, had suddenly launched a surprise attack on both you and Yunho's kingdoms. For generations, the neighbouring kingdom of Utopia had been a beacon of peace and tranquillity on the horizon.
But on this fateful morning, a shockwave of dread rippled through both Wonderland and Aurora as the tranquil facade of Utopia shattered.
You sank back into your chair, a sense of hopelessness washing over you as you gazed up at Yeosang, "Is there any chance I could have a conversation with Prince San? We've shared a close bond since childhood. If I could just speak with him, perhaps we could find a resolution without resorting to further violence."
Detecting the despair in your voice, Yunho offered a comforting gesture by gently covering your hand with his own. It was a silent reassurance that you were not alone in this ordeal, that he would stand by your side throughout the entire journey.
The advisor nodded in response, his tone assuring, "I'll do my best to arrange it. It shouldn't be too difficult if he's willing to meet with you."
You marvelled at Yeosang's ability to work swiftly, and soon enough, you found yourself granted a brief audience with San. Despite your insistence on meeting him alone, Yunho vehemently protested, vowing never to allow you to do something so dangerous on your own.
And so, it was how you and Yunho came to be seated across from Prince San of Utopia, a figure from your childhood and the person who should have been your betrothed by now.
As expected, his expression brimmed with heartfelt apologies.
San retained the gentleness and caring nature you had known throughout your shared history. He candidly admitted that this was all orchestrated by his parents, emphasising his own reluctance and powerlessness to halt their plans.
"Believe me, I tried everything within my ability to dissuade them from this reckless course of action. However, my father felt deeply betrayed by your parents for abruptly breaking our long-standing alliance."
San rubs his neck sheepishly, "You understand how eagerly my parents had anticipated our union. Your sudden change of heart and the decision to arrange a marriage with the Prince of Wonderland, of all people, appeared to our people as if you were abandoning your friends to align with the enemy."
Your face fell as you comprehended the unfavourable perception that had taken hold among the people of Utopia. In hindsight, you realised it was difficult to blame them for their anger.
"But, of course, this doesn't excuse my father's decision to attack your kingdoms." San continued earnestly.
"I stand firmly against this aggression, just as you do. However, my position as the prince of Utopia places me in a precarious situation. I cannot betray my own nation to support you directly. What I can pledge is my commitment to not interfere in any way. I won't participate in this conflict, that much I can assure you."
With San's explanations, you gained a clearer understanding of the circumstances that led to the current crisis.
While Yunho watched on, harbouring a trace of jealousy, you bid farewell to the Utopian prince with a tight embrace. San whispered kind words in your ear before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead, offering his good wishes and luck for the challenging road ahead.
Armed with this newfound knowledge, you promptly corresponded with your parents in Aurora to notify them of the latest developments.
Despite your parents' earnest attempts to de-escalate the situation through diplomatic negotiations with the Utopian rulers, it became evident that quelling their anger was no simple task. It appeared that the only viable path forward was to prepare for the impending conflict, as the prospect of war loomed inevitably.
The unexpected and brutal surprise attack launched by Utopia's forces leaves the people of Wonderland and Aurora reeling in disbelief. The peace they had cherished for so long was now under siege and their very survival hung in the balance.
Your kingdoms, though distinct in culture and tradition, were suddenly united by a common enemy that threatened to engulf you in an unending nightmare. Forced into an alliance born out of dire necessity, the people of Wonderland and Aurora put aside their prior differences and prejudices.
In the midst of the chaos and devastation, you and Yunho found yourselves facing an unthinkable reality.
You and the prince were gathered in the meeting chamber where you were scheduled to meet not only with the king but also with some of Wonderland's most influential figures, including generals and other military leaders, to discuss war strategies.
As you waited for the meeting to commence, an overwhelming sense of guilt gnawed at you, and you felt the need to seize the moment and extend an apology to the prince.
"I'm truly sorry, Yunho. If it weren't for our decisions, this devastating war wouldn't have befallen Wonderland either. Now you're embroiled in this conflict as well." You confessed with remorse.
Yunho shook his head, a faint smile gracing his lips as he gently tilted your chin upward, causing you to meet his gaze.
"You do realise that war would have inevitably reached Wonderland regardless, yes?" He replied, his words carrying a weight of resignation, "The difference lies in whether it's a war with Aurora or Utopia. And you know what? I'd much prefer to stand beside you in this fight. So, thank you for coming to me."
Your heart leapt at his words which felt almost like a confession.
The prince's unwavering eyes remained fixed on yours and just as he leaned in closer, his nose brushed against yours, Mingi loudly cleared his throat, snapping you out of your reverie and interrupting the delicate moment.
Yunho directed a disapproving glare at your guard but soon grasped the reason behind his actions, as the arrival of other attendees signalled the commencement of the meeting.
Thankfully, everyone else had been too distracted by the gravity of the situation to notice your slightly flustered state.
As you and the prince work together to assess the scale of the threat and develop a strategic response, the bond between you grows even stronger than it already is. It was a connection forged not only by your shared responsibility to protect your people but also by the vulnerability and uncertainty of the situation you found yourselves in.
Through this, you discovered that your strengths complemented each other beautifully. Yunho's tactical brilliance and leadership skills blended seamlessly with your sharp intellect and diplomatic finesse.
Through long nights of planning and strategising, you began to trust and rely on each other implicitly.
In the dimly lit courtyard, the air was heavy with anticipation and worry. Prince Yunho of Wonderland stood resolute, clad in his regal armour, his sword gleaming at his side.
Beside him, your eyes brimmed with concern about the inevitable separation.
During your many discussions, you'd insisted on going to war by his side but he had protested and convinced everyone that it would be wiser to keep you in the palace as backup. Deep down, you know it was merely a tactic to keep you safe.
Yunho gazed into your eyes, a gentle smile playing on his lips as he brushed a strand of hair from your face.
"Remember," He began softly, "I promised to return safely," His voice was unwavering, filled with conviction, "I hope you understand it's crucial that you remain here in the palace, as a beacon of strength and hope for our people. You'll be our guiding light."
You nodded, your eyes shimmering with unshed tears.
Yunho continued, his voice tender and persuasive, "Staying here is the right choice, my princess. You will provide the vital support we need from within these walls. Trust in my determination. I'll do everything in my power to ensure our victory."
As you reluctantly released each other's hands, Yunho planted a tender kiss on your forehead, a final gesture of reassurance.
With unwavering resolve, he turned to depart, leaving behind the woman he now knows he cherished, fully determined to fulfil his promise and return to your side.
And since the day he left to fight the war that your kingdom caused, your days had been marked by waiting, your heart a constant blend of hope and fear. You paced the palace corridors, restless but steadfast, watching the horizon for any sign of Yunho's return.
As time crawled by, whispers of the war's progress reached your ears. Each tidbit of news was a double-edged sword, carrying both relief and anxiety. You clung to the words of those who assured you of Yunho's valour and the strength of your armies.
Then, one fateful day, a messenger arrived, breathless and dishevelled. He bore news of victory, but it came at a price. Your heart raced as you learned that Yunho had been injured in the final battle.
Despite the fear that clenched your heart, there was a glimmer of hope. The prince was on his way back to the palace, victorious yet wounded. You could hardly contain your emotions—relief, worry and an overwhelming desire to see him safe and sound.
With bated breath and tears of both joy and anxiety in your eyes, you readied yourself to welcome the prince home, ready to tend to his wounds, grateful that he was coming back to you.
As Yunho stirred from his week-long coma, he couldn't have been more elated to find you as the first sight that greeted his awakening. You were perched on your elbows by his bedside, fast asleep with tear-stained cheeks.
The sight of you tugged at his heartstrings, a profound realisation washing over him. He knew then, without a shadow of a doubt, that waking up to you each day was what he yearned for.
Gently placing a hand on your cheek to tenderly wipe away your tears, he took care not to disturb your slumber. He breathed a contented sigh as you instinctively nestled into his touch in your sleep.
Gosh, I could watch her like this forever.
But of course, the peace was short-lived like always. Just as Yeosang entered and spotted him awake, the serene moment vanished with the advisor's enthusiastic shout, "He's awake!" echoing down the corridor to summon the attention of the healers.
Yunho silently cursed when the sound roused you from your sleep.
You sat up abruptly, realisation dawning as you discovered he was finally conscious, "Oh my god, Yunho!" You threw your arms around his neck and enveloped him in a tight embrace. Returning your embrace with equal fervour, he buried his face against your shoulder, hearing your whispered words, "It's over, it's finally over."
Although he understood that you were referring to the end of the war with Utopia, he seized the moment to confess his feelings for you.
"No, it's not over yet," You pulled away, a look of confusion crossing your face, "What do you mean it's not over? We won the war, didn't we?"
He smiled, his fingers caressing your face tenderly.
"It's not over until you tell me if you're willing to marry me. If you haven't already noticed, I love you, princess. I can't pinpoint when it all began, but after all the time we've spent together and all the trials we've faced, I only know that I can't bear to spend another day without you by my side. Throughout that war, the one thing that kept me going was the thought of returning to you and asking you myself; Will you marry me?"
At long last, Yunho admits to himself and you that he's fallen in love with you. Lucky for him, you felt exactly the same.
You smiled tearfully back at him, "I thought you'd never ask, Yunho. I love you too, my prince. And the answer is yes, I will marry you." Putting a hand up to stop the healers and Yeosang from entering, he wasted no time pressing his lips firmly against yours in a passionate and emotional kiss.
Not wanting to cockblock the pair any further, the servants scurried to pull the doors to the prince's bed chambers closed to give the two some privacy for the time being.
Now, all that's left for the prince to do is man up and speak to his parents about this.
In the opulent royal chamber of the palace, Prince Yunho, his demeanour a mix of determination and vulnerability, stood before his parents. You had initially offered to go with him but he had refused, telling you that this was something he had to do on his own.
With a steady voice and unwavering eyes, he expressed his heartfelt desire.
"Mother, father," He began, "I wish to marry the Princess of Aurora now, without delay." His words carried a depth of conviction that resonated through the room.
His parents, the king and queen of Wonderland, exchanged knowing glances. A warm, teasing smile crept onto their faces as they responded to their son's heartfelt request.
"Well, well," The queen quipped with a playful glint in her eye, "It seems our prince has finally surrendered to the inevitability of an arranged marriage."
The king chuckled in agreement, his tone light yet affectionate, "Indeed, my son. It's about time you acknowledged the wisdom of our arrangements."
Yunho, while blushing slightly at their playful teasing, nodded with a genuine smile.
His parents' gentle ribbing was a testament to their shared understanding and affectionate bond. It marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life—one filled with the promise of love, unity and a bright future with the princess he had come to cherish.
Meanwhile, back in Aurora, your parents brimmed with joy upon receiving the news. They got to work immediately with the wedding arrangements.
Swiftly, an official announcement about the union of the Prince of Wonderland and the Princess of Aurora was made to the people of both nations.
In the wake of the collective struggle against Utopia, the people had found a way to set aside their differences and grievances.
Together, they rejoiced in their newfound unity, celebrating not only the alliance between the two kingdoms but also their triumphant victory over Utopia. The past was relegated to history and a promising future beckoned, marked by cooperation, harmony and shared aspirations.
"Congratulations, my dear princess," Yeri grinned as she took a step back, admiring her handiwork. Your hair and makeup were flawless, "Thank you, Yeri, for standing by my side through it all," You expressed your gratitude, "I hope you've grown accustomed to Wonderland because we'll be here for the long haul."
Yeri chuckled, "Oh, princess, I didn't come here with the expectation of returning to Aurora. I suppose deep down, I knew this is where you truly belong—right by Prince Yunho's side."
A delicate blush warmed your cheeks at the mention of your soon-to-be husband.
Yeri regarded you with affection, her gaze filled with sincerity, "You look so genuinely happy these days, princess. That's all I've ever wished for you—happiness. Promise me you'll keep this joy alive for a long time."
You nodded, tears shimmering in your eyes, "I will, Yeri, I promise."
"Don't you dare shed a tear; I spent ages on your eye makeup!" Yeri quipped and you both shared a laugh. Your heart swelled with warmth when you noticed Mingi, your closest guard, wearing a subtle smile in his corner, "I see you there, Song Mingi." You teased.
He scoffed lightly, "I wasn't trying to hide. But congratulations, your highness." Touched by his gesture, you approached Mingi and hugged him, careful not to disrupt your wedding gown.
At that moment, the bond between you and your loyal guard and handmaiden was a testament to the enduring friendships that had guided you through the journey to this joyous occasion.
In the resplendent palace courtyard, where the sun bathed the surroundings in a warm, golden glow, the Prince of Wonderland and the Princess of Aurora stood before their families, their subjects, and the benevolent eyes of the heavens.
With heartfelt sincerity, you exchanged vows, your voices carrying the weight of your love and commitment. Yunho's voice, steady and unwavering, vowed to cherish and protect you for all time, while your words promised to stand by his side through all the trials and joys that life would bring.
As you concluded your vows, the air seemed to hold its breath, witnessing this profound declaration of love.
The moment that followed was pure magic—a sweet, tender kiss that sealed your promises and marked the beginning of your journey together as husband and wife. The world around you faded, leaving only the prince and princess, lost in the warmth of your love and the promise of a beautiful future ahead.
The kingdoms of Wonderland and Aurora have come together not only through the arranged marriage but also through the genuine love and connection between Prince Yunho and his princess.
Your union becomes a symbol of lasting peace.
Gazing out from the balcony of your and Yunho's bed chambers, you released a contented sigh, entranced by the breathtaking view of Wonderland.
Never had you imagined such a reality for yourself.
Marriage had always appeared as a mere obligation, a duty that came with your role as the princess of your realm. Yet, here you stood, wedded to the love of your life.
It was beyond anything you could have hoped for.
Reflecting on your initial apprehension at the prospect of marrying Yunho, you chuckled at the insignificance of those fears now.
Your lips curled into a smile as the familiar embrace of strong arms enveloped you from behind, drawing your form close to his, the contrast in your sizes a comforting reminder of his protective presence.
"What are you doing out here all alone, hm? Come back to bed, my love," He murmured, pressing affectionate kisses along your exposed neck, "Just reminiscing about how silly we were at the start. Look at us now, so happy together."
Yunho's smile illuminated the night as he gently turned you to face him, "I'm glad that marrying for love is no longer only a dream never to come true for you," He whispered before capturing your lips in a loving kiss, "I love you so much, my princess."
A swell of joy filled your heart, a testament to the boundless depth of your love, "I love you too, my prince. Thank you for making my dream come true."
In the realm of Wonderland and Aurora, where love had once been the cornerstone of your alliance, Prince Yunho and you, the Princess of Aurora, embarked on your journey of happily ever after.
Your union, born from an arranged marriage but nurtured by genuine love, was a symbol of unity and hope for your kingdoms.
Together, you ruled with wisdom, compassion and unwavering devotion to your people. The lands of Wonderland and Aurora flourished under your reign and the scars of past conflicts began to heal as the two kingdoms truly became one.
Hand in hand, you ventured through the seasons of life, sharing laughter, dreams and challenges. Your love, built on a foundation of trust and companionship, only deepened with time. Together, you found solace in each other's arms and the comfort of knowing you were each other's greatest support.
As the sun set over your united kingdoms, you stood on the balcony of your palace together, watching the horizon with hearts full of contentment.
Your journey had been one of growth, resilience and love, and you knew that your happily ever after would continue to unfold, a testament to the power of love in the face of adversity.
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Hope you enjoyed this and thank you for reading! I love reading your thoughts, reviews and feedback so feel free to leave a reply, an ask or even a message if you want! <3
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bethanydelleman · 2 months
Hello! I've got a question. In sense and sensibility we see Elinor heartbroken over Edward Ferrars possibly marrying someone else. Correct me if I'm wrong, but they knew each other for a very short period before falling in love, right? And then she spent a significant amount of time away from him too. So why did he have that much power over her? I understand being surprised, even upset. But to me, the portrayal of her pain felt a little disproportionate, everything considered. (Tbf I never did understand her attraction to him in the first place either, so it's very possible that it's colouring my judgement)
You may be surprised to learn that Elinor Dashwood & Edward Ferrars have one of the longest getting to know each other periods of all of Austen's couples. They are only beaten by the friends to lovers couples, Emma & Knightley and Edmund & Fanny.
Edward spent most of six months living at Norland after Mr. Dashwood died:
This circumstance was a growing attachment between her eldest girl and the brother of Mrs. John Dashwood, a gentleman-like and pleasing young man, who was introduced to their acquaintance soon after his sister’s establishment at Norland, and who had since spent the greatest part of his time there.
Therefore, Elinor and Edward had a lot of time to get to know each other and crucially, it would have been time without a whole lot else going on. The family was in mourning and wouldn't be going to balls or doing a ton of visiting. This is likely why Austen glosses over the six months after the father's death.
Now I do think that Austen doesn't spend enough time establishing Elinor and Edward's relationship, I would say it's a weakness of this novel, but look at Elinor being a total simp for Edward:
“No taste for drawing!” replied Elinor, “why should you think so? He does not draw himself, indeed, but he has great pleasure in seeing the performances of other people, and I assure you he is by no means deficient in natural taste, though he has not had opportunities of improving it. Had he ever been in the way of learning, I think he would have drawn very well. He distrusts his own judgment in such matters so much, that he is always unwilling to give his opinion on any picture; but he has an innate propriety and simplicity of taste, which in general direct him perfectly right.”
She's such an apologist for him! She almost sounds like Lady Catherine! It's also clear, she knows him very well and has talked to him a lot.
They spent nearly six months together, living in the same house, and grew very close. It was clear enough that everyone else thought they would marry. That is why Elinor was so attached, and rationally in my opinion. But I do agree that we just don't see enough of Edward to fully love him as readers, we just need to trust in Elinor's taste!
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cardboardheartss · 5 months
Hi cardboardbox, could you pls do a reading on Newjeans and Min hee Jin controversy with Hype labels and how the future of new jeans will be? I am so so worriedly for the girls. Thanks a lot🥺
Min Hee Jin vs HYBE Labels Situation Reading
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background information :
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Are the allegations true? : Star rx
Yes, but not all of them are true. In this situation it seems as if hybe have been lurking around and watching her every move waiting for this exact moment to expose her.
MHJ should’ve seen the signs from the beginning 🙎🏽‍♀️ smh…
Is this media play? : AoC rx
Not really, HYBE have been keeping quiet about MHJ shady work and finally got the chance to expose it now.
Did MHJ really sell NWJNS members personal information? : Devil, Hanged Man, Emperor, 2oP, The World rx, WoF rx, 5oC
Yes, she did in fact sell the members personal information. She probably sold it to a man of power within the industry and it seems as if MHJ promised him some hush money and MHJ either didn’t pay or she didn’t give enough. So… this man decided to expose her too.
Will MHJ be stepping down as CEO? : 7oS, Empress rx, 10oP, 8oC, 10oC, 10oW rx
Ummm… yes, there is a possibility that MHJ will be stepping down. She will literally sign that letter and take all her creativity and ideas along with her. To be honest, she is quite sad too because she is going to lose A LOT of money and her staff members too.
Will MHJ departure affect HYBE’s income? : 2oS rx
Not really, they will try a way to get right back up on their feet. They just did not really support MHJ actions because of the boundaries she had been causing and how this issue could’ve led to the downfall of HYBE.
MHJ current energy? : QoW
She’s reading to fight, and she probably likes all the attention she’s being given right now.🤦🏽‍♀️
MHJ’s thoughts on situation? : The Tower rx, PoP rx, 5oP, PoC rx
She’s just worried about losing her bag. She’s REALLY tried to keep this info secret but it led to it being exposed. It seems as if she really couldn’t believe that they actually exposed her, she’s in shock and is quite discouraged too because of her hardwork being torn down.
Also she thinks all of this comes from a place of envy because she’s aware that other CEO’s aren’t as creative and smart as her lol.
Why does Bang Si Hyuk want MHJ to step down? : Judgement rx
He just doesn’t agree with MHJ shady work and actions. He doesn’t want the NWJNS members to be used for money, he wants to protect them.
Future of ADOR? The Sun rx & Temperance rx
A mess… the company will not do well and there will be A LOT of imbalance overall. The company will basically experience a MAJOR downfall.
Future of HYBE after MHJ departure? : 2oW, KoS, 9oS, KNoS, Justice, KoC, AoS
They will take time to get back on their feet… possibly a loss of money? They will work hard and find a different ceo to replace MHJ and surprisingly… they’ll actually succeed.
NEWJEANS overall thoughts on this situation? : 8oW, KoS, KNoS, QoS
They just find it odd how all the male ceo’s are beefing with MHJ… they quite mind boggled to be honest?!😅
Hyein : AoS
She’s aware of this situation… but doesn’t wanna share more.
Haerin : The Fool rx, The Magician rx, The High Priestess rx, Empress rx, Emperor rx, KNoP rx, KoP rx
She thinks MHJ was real stupid doing all of this… she knows this will affect nwjns in a way and she’s unhappy about it. Haerin also believes MHJ was once again.. really stupid for trusting a high up man because why would she even trust him,
“You trusted a man?! Out of all people you trusted THAT guy specifically?? Really man?”
lol that’s the message/thought from haerin 🤣
Hanni : KoC rx, AoW rx, 2oW rx
My pookie is stressedtffftf? She is really anxious and worried about everything right now. This has stressed her out to the point where she really doesn’t want to work anymore and hanni is really worried about the group and her career.
She doesn’t want MHJ to leave 🥺💔
Danielle : 3oW, 4oW, 7oW, 6oW, 7oW
Dani really appreciates MHJ, she could view her as her work mom. She feels very safe around her and is overly grateful to have her as a ceo. Dani is aware of this and DOES NOT want MHJ to leave… I mean look at these cards…
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Minji : World
She’s like “meh… I guess it’s your time to go” Minji was probably aware of what was going on and she wanted MHJ to be disciplined in a way.
She also thinks MHJ will be fine and probably start a new life overseas and create a new gg/bg.
Future of NWJNS career? : 5oW, 7oC rx, The Magician
Still fights between members and within the industry too ( 🚫in terms of streams and awards🚫). I know bunnies are worried but NEWJEANS will continue succeeding.😚🐰🎊
Thank you for reading 📦
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spriteofmushrooms · 1 year
Hi! I've read your jc's post and I find interesting how you framed jc and jyl's relationship. we don't have one single scene only about them (novel canon), because it's from wwx's pov mostly. So there's a lot of room for interpretations. For example, imo their relationship is almost quite balanced; jyl is much more a mother figure for wwx than she is for jc, because jc has a living mother, a mother he fiercely loves. jyl doesn't need to stress much about jc, because he doesn't give problems. At his worst, jc is a bitch. wwx, at his worst, is a BIG problem. Also the moment when jc says that jyl is the one who has to forgive jzx, not them, it's an important moment Imo, because it gives me the impression that he perceives her as a person and he respects her wishes. I would love to hear your interpretation about them and their relationship!
I agree with you, anon. Also, I've been thinking of this every day since you sent it. Thanks for the obsession.
Jiang Yanli is the only authority figure in Jiang Cheng's life who gently corrects him and encourages him to be better without damning him for having flaws. When Jiang Cheng kicks out Wei Ying, she is the one he knows will help him. She does so, and she encourages him to apologize and put Wei Ying's bed back in his room--which Jiang Cheng, it turns out, has already done. Whenever Jiang Yanli corrects him, he accepts her better judgement and never argues or feels unloved or compared to anyone. Jiang Yanli is, I think, a truly kind person, without whom the household would not survive.
Wei Wuxian tells Jiang Cheng to comfort Mianmian in the cave; and he says that Jin Ling looks like his mother only when he's crying, at which point Jiang Cheng defends and comforts him. I think Jiang Cheng was the one who comforted Yanli, while Wei Wuxian likely tried to distract her. Jiang Cheng can accept his people's negative emotions; Wei Wuxian almost seems to blame himself for them.
Jiang Yanli is the only person that we know Jiang Cheng is comfortable showing his softest side to. Therefore, she must be completely safe. If she teases him, it's gently and without malice; but I don't think she teases him. He privately suggests that Wei Wuxian give Jin Ling his courtesy name; Jiang Yanli shares this because she knows Wei Wuxian would feel loved by this gesture.
When YunmengJiang is in desperate need of allies, respectability, and funds, Jiang Cheng gently rebuffs Jin Guangshan's offer of a rekindled betrothal. He respects Jiang Yanli enough to make her own decision, and he values her more than political gain. She, in turn, trusts him to mean what he says; and I think she knows that Jiang Cheng would have supported her all her life in Lotus Pier if she could not find a love match.
In short, I think they were tied together very closely.
My personal headcanons include that she teaches him how to do non-cultivation things when he's overwhelmed, like cooking and needlework. Before he was old enough to understand why Yanli doesn't cultivate (which I accept CQL's suggestion that she's chronically ill), he tried to help her improve by giving her baby lessons on meditation. I think that Jiang Cheng is a deep well into which secrets can be shared without fear, and I think he was safe for her to express her more filial negative opinions. I think she was the safest person to tell any positive, delicate feelings to.
Baby Jiang Cheng followed her around like a duckling. After she married, he must have visited dozens of times. Through her, Jiang Cheng and Jin Zixuan were able to understand each other better; as you may have seen in my recent chengning ficlet, I think that happy year ended with Jiang Cheng privately calling him Zixuan-ge.
All she wanted to be truly content was for her a-Xian to come home. Jin Zixuan and Jiang Cheng tried to make it happen for her. Because who wouldn't want to make her happy?
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f4iry-bell · 5 months
Before I tell you about my request, I have to acknowledge that you are so FREAKING amazing at writing!!
Don't know if you've already done these before, but Jameson's POV of when he first met Avery, during the will reading, when he first snuck into Avery's room, and when Avery was leaving Will Blake's ranch in tfg. It's probably a lot, but I've been wanting to read about these for a while and I also know a good writer who is capable of doing that. Also, just know that I'm probably going to request you many more things to write about.
first of all I'm HONOURED. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TRUSTING ME. second of all, i really hope this satisfy you and is enough 😭😭I'm no jlb, this is completely of what I think jameson would have thought from my understanding. if you think otherwise please do let me know. again, it's completely from my understanding of jamie's character. also sorry it took so long.
NOTE: all four parts are here. pretty long. some copy pasted dialogues!!!!!! hope you enjoy.
Jameson meeting Avery for the first time.
It was not easy for the Hawthornes, everyone grieved in their own way. But for some reason the grievance was put aside today by everyone, Jameson would like to say he has put it aside as well but the bottle in his hand and the obvious intoxication would say otherwise. It is not a good idea to get drunk during an important time like the reading of the will of the great Tobias Hawthorne, and it's definitely not a good idea to leave your family hanging while one sits at the edge of the balcony, only supported by the railing. But that's exactly what Jameson Hawthorne did.
His mind was all over the place looking for something, something that would give him the thrill more than sitting at the edge of the balcony, drunk. He might have been wrong, but there was a two out of ten chance that he may be right. He refused to look away from the brown haired girl who was standing in the backyard, completely mesmerised by the Hawthorne backyard. As she took in the view he took in her features and movements. He finally decided to interact in the only way he knew to find out what she is.
“If yes is no and once is never , then how many sides does a triangle have?” His words slurred but it got her attention. She looked up to him, bending her neck backwards.
“You’re going to fall.” She told him.
He smirked. “An interesting proposition.”
“That wasn’t a proposition,” She said.
He offered her a lazy grin. “There’s no shame in propositioning a Hawthorne.” Jameson’s smirk grew a bit wider when she noticed that he was shirtless.
“You must be Mystery Girl,” he said.
“I’m Avery,” She corrected.
She looked at him like anyone who knew what recently happened in the Hawthorne family would look at him, wondering why his face was anything but filled with grief. He wouldn't blame her for being a little judgemental. He is very good at grieving in his own way and an expert at hiding it.
“Whatever you say, M.G.,” he retorted. “Can I call you M.G., Mystery Girl?” He was trying to taunt her at this point.
She crossed her arms. “No.”
He brought his feet up to the railing and stood. He wobbled, he could see her thinking about something with worry and panic when he put one foot in front.
“Don't!” But he didn't listen to her. He twisted and grabbed the railing with his hands, holding himself vertical, feet in the air and dropped. He landed right next to her.
“You shouldn’t be out here, M.G.” He told her.
“Neither should you.” He can tell that her heart is beating fast. It was so obvious. Janeson’s heart was racing too, he told himself that it was because of the stunt he just pulled.
“If I do what I should no more often than I say what I shouldn’t”—his lips twisted—“then what does that make me?”
She sighed like she just realised who he is. She was taking in his features to make sure, especially his eyes, and his abs.
“What,” he repeated intently, “does that make me?”
“Drunk,” She said. Jameson was about to say something else, he was ready with a comeback but she added two more words. “And two.”
“What?” Jameson Hawthorne said.
“The answer to your first riddle,” She told him. “If yes is no and once is never , then the number of sides a triangle has… is… two .” She didn't explain her answer, she didn't have to.
“Touché, M.G.” Jameson ambled past her, brushing his bare arm lightly over mine as he did. “Touché.” He was impressed and intrigued.
Two out of ten, this time the odds were in his favour. And now that Jameson Hawthorne got the answer he wanted from this Mystery Girl, he has no plan to leave her alone. That moment he knew she was special. And his grandfather brought her here for a reason. He will find out why.
The Will Read
Jameson made his way to his wing and managed to find himself a shirt and suit jacket. He checked himself in the mirror once before heading to The Great Room. Once he was inside his eyes looked for a specific pair of brown eyes but he realised Avery hadn't arrived yet. He went further inside and stood with the rest of his family. Soon he watched Avery make her way inside and made eye contact with him. He immediately gave her a cheeky smile and a salute, he can also noticed Grayson stiffened at his action through the corner of his eyes.
Once the lawyers made sure everyone who is mentioned in the will was in the room they started. First, they handed an envelope to everyone in the family and to Avery as well. They were asked to open the letters after the will reading. Jameson is already curious about his letter and what the old man has to say to him and to Avery Grambs. His eyes were fixated on her envelope for a whole minute before focusing on the reading prudently.
“Mr. Hawthorne stipulated that all of the following individuals must be physically present for the reading of this will: Skye Hawthorne, Zara Hawthorne-Calligaris, Nash Hawthorne, Grayson Hawthorne, Jameson Hawthorne, Alexander Hawthorne, and Ms. Avery Kylie Grambs of New Castle, Connecticut.”
Everyone's eyes including a pair of green ones were on her. Avery Kylie Grambs.
“...To my daughters, Zara Hawthorne-Calligaris and Skye Hawthorne, I leave the funds necessary to pay off all debts accrued as of the date and time of my death.” Mr. Ortega paused before speaking, he looked directly at Zara and Skye then back to the will.
“Additionally, I leave to Skye my compass, may she always know true north, and to Zara, I leave my wedding ring, may she love as wholly and steadfastly as I loved her mother.” Another pause, more painful than the last.
“Go on.” That came from Zara’s husband.
“To each of my daughters,” Mr. Ortega read slowly, “beyond that already stated, I leave a one-time inheritance of fifty thousand dollars.”
Jameson wanted to smile but he knew better, just like how he knew that his mother and aunt won't be the one holding the old man's entire fortune. It's not a surprise, none of them should be surprised that the person who would be taking the fortune would be the heir apparent, his brother, Grayson Devenport Hawthorne.
There was a mini quarrel between Zara and Skye on how Jameson and his brothers became the old man's favourite, how Skye gave them to him so that her sons would have the inheritance.
“Now, if I may continue…” Mr. Ortega looked back down at the will in his hands. “To my grandsons, Nash Westbrook Hawthorne, Grayson Davenport Hawthorne, Jameson Winchester Hawthorne, and Alexander Blackwood Hawthorne, I leave…”
“Everything,” Zara muttered bitterly.
Mr. Ortega spoke over her. “Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars apiece, payable on their twenty-fifth birthdays, until such time to be managed by Alisa Ortega, trustee.”
Everyone heard Alisa’s audible shock. Unlike his brother Grayson who was utterly shocked and threw knives for the word ‘what’ Jameson Hawthorne thought that this is getting interesting.
The old man didn't leave everything to Grayson like everyone thought the old man would because of the way he was groomed. Or to Nash, or to Xander, or to me. There is only one person left in the will. There could be two things happening right here, and if his guess is right…
“The remainder of my estate,” Mr. Ortega read, “including all properties, monetary assets, and worldly possessions not otherwise specified, I leave to Avery Kylie Grambs.”
And it was indeed right, if you're smart you would have seen this coming right after they read that Tobias Hawthorne didn't leave his fortune to his daughters or his grandsons. The only blood related heirs. But now? A new heiress. Not blood related as far as he knows. She is not a random girl. He knew his grandfather too well to know that he wouldn't randomly write his entire fortune to a stranger. This is something. He doesn't know what she is yet. But he will find out.
Everyone's demeanour changed, especially Skye and Gray's. Not surprised. Even Avery’s, she is in utter shock, he can only say that much.
“...I assure you, there is no mistake.” Mr. Ortega met my gaze, then turned his attention to the others. “And I assure the rest of you, Tobias Hawthorne’s last will and testament is utterly unbreakable. Since the majority of the remaining details concern only Avery, we’ll cease with the dramatics. But let me make one thing very clear: Per the terms of the will, any heir who challenges Avery’s inheritance will forfeit their share of the estate entirely.”
“No will is that ironclad,” Constantine said, his voice acidic.
“Not when there’s this kind of money at stake.” “Spoken,” Nash Hawthorne interjected, “like someone who didn’t really know the old man.”
“Traps upon traps,” Jameson murmured. Trying to look into the old man's mind about this context. Trying to look into her mind. “And riddles upon riddles.” He looked right into Avery's eyes looking for something.
“I think you should leave,” Grayson told me curtly. An order. Typical Grayson.
“Technically…” Alisa Ortega sounded like she’d just swallowed arsenic. “It’s her house.”
“I don’t understand,” She said.
“My daughter is correct.” Mr. Ortega kept his tone neutral. “You own it all, Ms. Grambs. Not just the fortune, but all of Mr. Hawthorne’s properties, including Hawthorne House. Per the terms of your inheritance, which I will gladly go over with you, the current occupants have been granted tenancy unless—and until—they give you cause for removal.” He let those words hang in the air. “Under no circumstances,” he continued gravely, his words rife with warning, “can those tenants attempt to remove you.”
Oren stood between us and her.
“Oren!” Zara sounded shocked. “You work for this family.”
“I worked for Mr. Hawthorne.” John Oren paused and held up a piece of paper. It took me a moment to realise that it was his letter.
“It was his last request that I continue in the employment of Ms. Avery Kylie Grambs.” He glanced at her “Security. You’ll need it.”
“And not just to protect you from us!” Xander added to her left.
“Take a step back, please,” Oren ordered.
Xander held his hands up. “Peace,” he declared. “I make dire predictions in peace!”
“Xan’s right.” Jameson smiled, he knew it and he knew that he is not wrong about this. A random girl picked out from a random place far from home to be The Hawthorne Heiress, this isn't something regular, this a game. One of the old man's games. “The entire world’s going to want a piece of you, Mystery Girl. This has story of the century written all over it.” He reminded her about the media and how the world is going to talk about her.
Avery didn't say anything, she walked outside. He wanted to follow her but instead he opened the envelope that was held by him.
Jameson going to Avery’s room through the secret passageway
Avery didn't stay at Hawthorne House that night, he assumed her bodyguard and lawyer took her to one of the hotel's that was owned by Tobias Hawthorne and now hers. He saw her later the next day solving the keys, yet another game that proved that she is special, she solved it faster than any Hawthorne to start with. That night Jameson read his letter again and again, it took him one read to realise it was a clue, he can't help but read it again to see what it says, where it leads. But he also knew this would be nothing without the major clue, a walking brown eyed clue.
If he was a normal person he would have knocked on her door. Jameson Hawthorne is anything but normal. He walked into her wing and moved a picture frame to solve a simple puzzle to release a handle that popped two inches away from the drawer nearby the picture frame, he pulled it and twisted it four times to make the drawer and the wall it was attached to open.
Secret passageway. It was everywhere in Hawthorne House.
He made his way inside and made his way to his grandfather’s room, now owned by Avery. Once he was close to the fireplace he heard nothing, almost thought she wasn't there. But he gave it a shot anyway.
“Pull the candlestick.”
He wasn't sure if she heard because it was dead silent. So he spoke again “Pull the candlestick on the fireplace, Heiress. Unless you want me stuck back here?” His tone was frisky.
“Pretty sure this qualifies as stalking.” His lips curved into a smile once she said that.
He can tell that she was just pulling it. “Don’t just pull forward. Angle it down.”
She did as he asked. Once he heard the click and saw the gap below, Jameson lifted the fireplace up to the mantle to go through the opening. Once he was in the room he positioned the candlestick back to it's original form.
“Secret passage,” he explained to know if it intrigues her. “The house is full of them.”
“Am I supposed to find that comforting?” She asked him. “Or terrifying?”
“You tell me, Mystery Girl. Are you comforted or terrified?” He let me sit with that for a moment. “Or is it possible that you’re intrigued?
She didn't say anything but he knew the answer. She didn't ask him what he expected her to ask.
“You’re not asking about the keys.” Jameson offered her a crooked little smile. “I expected you to ask about the keys.”
She held the keys up. “This was your doing.” Not a question, he noted.
“It’s a little bit of a family tradition.” He said with a motive. He has done nothing but think about the will reading and raise questions to himself, whys and hows.
“I’m not family.” She tried to make a statement but wasn't sure herself.
He tilted his head to one side. “Do you believe that?”
“I don’t know.” She thought before she spoke. Does she know something? That was Janesons first thought.
“It would be a shame,” Jameson commented, “if we were related.” He spared another smile for me, slow and sharp-edged. “Don’t you think?” Jameson is good at a lot of things, flirting is definitely one of them.
“I think that you already have more family than you can deal with.” She crossed my arms. “I also think you’re a lot less smooth than you think are. You want something.”
Points to Heiress. She's quick.
“Everyone is going to want something from you soon, Heiress.” Jameson smiled. “The question is: How many of us want something you’re willing to give?” He spoke in a way that would make her want to give into him. But her resistance was stronger than he thought.
“Stop calling me Heiress,” She shot back. “And if you turn answering my question into some kind of riddle, I’m calling security.”
“That’s the thing, Mystery Girl. I don’t think I’m turning anything into a riddle. I don’t think I have to. You are a riddle, a puzzle, a game—my grandfather’s last.” He spoke and looked at her very intently. He didn't care how it sounded to her, he was sure of what he believed to be true.
“Why do you think this house has so many secret passages? Why are there so many keys that don’t work in any of the locks? Every desk my grandfather ever bought has secret compartments. There’s an organ in the theater, and if you play a specific sequence of notes, it unlocks a hidden drawer. Every Saturday morning, from the time I was a kid until the night my grandfather died, he sat my brothers and me down and gave us a riddle, a puzzle, an impossible challenge—something to solve. And then he died. And then…” Jameson took a step toward her. “There was you.” He tried explaining to her how Hawthorne House is, how his grandmother was. Why his grandfather chose her wasn't random.
“Grayson thinks you’re some master manipulator. My aunt is convinced you must have Hawthorne blood. But I think you’re the old man’s final riddle—one last puzzle to be solved.” He took another step, bringing the two of them much closer. “He chose you for a reason, Avery. You’re special, and I think he wanted us—wanted me —to figure out why.”
This point he was convinced that she was a puzzle to be solved or a clue that would lead him to something. Something his grandfather wanted him to find, to know. Because the old man knew damn well that Jameson Hawthorne could never resist a game.
“I’m not a puzzle.” Her heart was beating faster because of their closeness or because of what he's saying.
“Sure you are,” Jameson said. “We all are. Don’t tell me that some part of you hasn’t been trying to figure us out. Grayson. Me. Maybe even Xander.”
“Is this all just a game to you?” She put her hand out to stop him from advancing farther. He took one last step, forcing her palm to his chest. That touch shouldn't have excited him, even if it did, he didn't concentrate on it.
“Everything’s a game, Avery Grambs. The only thing we get to decide in this life is if we play to win.” He reached up to brush the hair from her face, and she jerked back.
“Get out,” She said lowly. “Use the normal door this time.”
“You’re angry,” Jameson said. Making her angry isn't helpful, if she's angry with him she may not help. Or see that this is a game, and she is a piece of it.
“I told you—if you want something, ask. Don’t come in here talking about how I’m special. Don’t touch my face.”
“You are special.” Jameson kept his hands to himself, but the heady expression in his eyes never shifted.
“And what I want is to figure out why. Why you, Avery?” He took a step back, giving her space. “Don’t tell me you don’t want to know, too.”
She does, she wants to know. She must.
“I’m going to leave this here.” Jameson held up an envelope. He laid it carefully on the mantel. “Read it, and then tell me this isn’t a game to be won. Tell me this isn’t a riddle.” Jameson reached for the candelabra, and as the fireplace passage opened once more, he offered a targeted, parting shot. “He left you the fortune, Avery, and all he left us is you.”
Avery coming out of Vincent Blake’s mansion (tfg)
Jameson wouldn't forgive himself if something happened inside, if someone happened to either of them. Avery and Grayson. Especially Avery because he let her go inside, knowing the kind of man Vincent Blake is. His heart could pop out any second, it was beating that fast. He tried to keep it cool with all the paparazzi outside. He kept looking at the gate, waiting for her. For her to come out alive and bring his brother, maybe Toby even. Whatever is happening inside, he prays that she is winning. Somehow she must.
His heart skipped a beat once he saw Avery come out with Grayson and Toby. He wanted to run and hug her, he didn't care that they'd cause a scene. but he stopped himself because he saw Toby talking to her, he slowly made his way to them and the car. To let her know he was there. He also let her have her moment with Toby.
He didn't know what happened inside, but from the look of it he can tell that Avery won. Whatever game they played, however she played, she won. And she was safe along with Grayson. That's all that mattered to him at that moment.
When she made her way to him, he didn't ask her what happened. “The knight returns with the damsel in distress,” Jameson declared. He glanced toward Grayson. “You’re the damsel.”
“I figured,” Grayson deadpanned.
“What are you doing here?” She asked Jameson. He can see the victory in her eyes, she was more open with him now that the first time they met. It was getting easier to tell what she was thinking.
“I thought you could use a ride home,” Jameson told her. She looked past him, expecting to see a helicopter.
“Pretty sure you aren’t allowed to land a helicopter there,” Grayson told his brother.
“You know what they say about permission and forgiveness,” Jameson replied, then he focused back on her with a familiar look—equal parts I dare you and I’ll never let you go. “Want to learn to fly?”
Avery smiled and took his hand. He still didn't ask her what happened, he just enjoyed her victory in the air. Just Avery and Jameson.
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zablife · 1 year
Hi Lee! I’m back again with another gif request (sorry I’m blowing your inbox up 😬)
What about something with this Luca gif?
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How Could I Love You?
"Do you really think I give a damn what people think anymore, Luca?" you asked with a defiant toss of your head. It was the third time this month he had called you into his office like an errant employee who needed correcting and you were at your breaking point.
"I give a damn when my men tell me people all over this city are talking about my CRAZY FUCKING WIFE!" he yelled at you, slamming his palm against his desk. "Do you know how that looks?" he asked, seething with anger.
You looked away biting your lip as you shook your head. It seemed ridiculous to attempt a meaningful discussion about your growing unhappiness, and yet you had no other option. You were in over your head in a failing marriage and you needed him to recognize that. Turning to face him you asked, "Aren't you going to ask me why I've changed?"
He exhaled sharply through his nose, tired of playing these games with you. He married a beautiful young woman to decorate his arm and bear his sons, not create problems he had little time nor inclination to solve. "What does it fucking matter?" he asked. "When my father is dead and my mother needs us, hmm?"
As soon as the words left his mouth he thought of his mother and his shoulders began to slump. She deserved the stability of the remaining family uniting around her. Therefore, he would coddle you one more time as much as he despised the thought. He tried not to grit his teeth as he crossed the room to embrace you. "Trust me, we can get through this, Y/n," he promised in a flat, unconvincing tone.
You immediately recognized his pathetic attempt to sway your emotions. His hug felt so distant and cold, you wanted to cry. You stiffened in his arms as you looked down at his hands barely touching you. "Look how you hold me, Luca," you scoffed as you began to back away from him. "You don't look at me with love anymore. I'm invisible to you," you added bitterly.
"Jesus Christ, I can't talk to you when you're like this," he said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You really have lost your fucking mind, you know that," he said pointing a finger in your face accusingly.
"Because you've picked me apart piece by piece, chasing unattainable perfection until I couldn't take it anymore," you said, throwing your hands in the air. "Fuck you," you spat with your head held high.
Looking at you with disgust brewing in his stormy green eyes he snarled, "You say that and wonder why I don't hold you the way you want or look at you with love. How could I love you?"
Studying him with a look of determination, you finally felt courageous enough to do what you'd dreamt of for months. "It's not about having someone to love me anymore. I have to save myself and get the hell away from you," you informed him as you pushed past, leaving his office and his cruel judgements behind for the last time.
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peachymilkandcream · 6 months
Fraud | Part 6 | Yandere All Might x Reader
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(A/N: The amount of delusion reader is under right now is wild, and it's just going to get even worse. Hope you enjoy and comment to be added to the taglist!)
WARNINGS: implied noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, graphic depictions of violence, mind breaking, misogyny, power imbalance, age difference, cheating, unprotected sex, etc.
All Might pounded into the woman beneath him. Maisy, or Ellie, he couldn't be bothered to remember her name. All he knew is that this was one of the deals he was willing to make. She had done a good job, bringing Shade right where he wanted her.
Until she was willing to accept his advances All Might would take any good pussy he could get. After all being the number one hero came with stress that needed to be relieved from time to time.
Some men claimed to be big, but he was bigger. Pounding into her with such ferocity she was nothing more than a fucked out mess, taking what he could give.
She was taking him so well, he wouldn't be opposed to keeping up similar meetings like this. Stretching out her tight cunt to fit him and only him while she writhed and clutched the sheets, cum dripping out of her womb.
Unlike that pathetic excuse of a man, he wouldn't have to worry about Shade finding out, this woman clearly would do anything for one evening with him if he kept up these rendezvous he could find a way to control his urges without risking everything he had worked for up until now.
An besides, great sex was a price he was willing to pay.
"There." He sighed, finally through with her. "I've kept my end of the deal."
She smiles seductively, reaching to put her clothes back on. "You have indeed~"
"So how will you manage lover boy?"
"Oh trust me I will, he's asked me to start going out with him, so it seems I might have a boyfriend now."
"Glad everything worked out."
She nods, heading for the door.
"That doesn't mean these ahem- Meetings, are over, correct?"
Her smile becomes bigger. "Wouldn't dream of it."
As he watches her go, he turns back to the task at hand.
"Your first day at Might Tower, how are you getting settled in, any troubles with that scoundrel?"
Shade finds a small sense of comfort in his reassuring smile. The last couple days had been hell, but there was a light at the end of the tunnel, she was going to make her dreams come true and let that asshole rot in the dust.
"Not really, he was at first but we worked it out."
"Glad to hear it, although I'm curious how you could come to an agreement with a man like that."
She goes quiet and slightly pale, not noticing the way his face darkens.
"Don't tell me-"
"Look he had very sentimental items, okay? And I don't know...I felt like I had to know for myself if it was really over."
"After what he did to you- how could you-"
"I don't need your judgement, okay? And trust me, it's over. It's really over."
"As long as you promise me that you'll never speak to that man again."
"Why is my boss so interested in my personal life all of a sudden?" She forces out a laugh.
"Because as someone who works for me your wellbeing and mental state is required to do your job correctly. And as a hero my job is to protect citizens from harm, and that man is a danger to you. I only insist because I care."
She nods, regretting lashing out at him when he's been nothing but generous and nice to her. "Thanks All Might, I don't know what I'd do without you."
"It's the least I can do for someone in need."
She sighs, that feeling of not being enough filling her head.
"Hey now, don't be upset. It may not seem like there's an out now but there will be, in time. Soon you'll feel your confidence returning and you'll find someone better to love."
"I don't think I'll ever love again."
"You say that now, but one day you'll find someone, probably someone right in front of you, who cares deeply about who you are and wants to cherish you how you should."
She smiles again, he always knew how to make her feel better. "You're right, I'll be okay."
"And until that day, I'll be right here for you, supporting you every step of the way." He laughs his hearty laugh, banishing those self-loathing thoughts and embracing her with warmth.
She turns to continue unpacking, missing the way his smile vanishes into a more sinister look.
"I'll always be right here for you."
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Another average day in Family Video:
You are another average midwest small-town teen. You are also completely and utterly fucked.
You lost the rock, paper, scissors game in your friendgroup and have to do the most terrifying mundane task there is in Hawkins: return a movie to Family Video.
For a moment you stand frozen in front of the doors. Unfortunately said doors are transparent, and you can already see the two monsters behind the counter whispering to one another while staring at you. You take a deep breath and enter.
You do not feel brave enough to confront them head on yet, so you browse a bit in the horror section. Your hands start shaking when you see The Exorcist. You had sworn to yourself that you would not rent anything, no matter what. That this would be the last time you entered this godforsaken store. But....The Exorcist man.
While you ponder this impossible dilemma you hear snickering. You swear you can feel two pairs of judgemental eyes staring at you, but every time you look up they seem to be busy with something. You look down at the movie you are here to return: The Shining. They eerily remind you of the identical twins.
You muster all your courage and walk up to the counter. As soon as they notice you they stop whispering.
"Have you read the book?", Steve Harrington asks when you return The Shining. You are pretty sure he has never willingly read a book in his life. You shake your head, no. Their expressions don't change but you get the feeling that that was the wrong answer.
"You didn't rewind the tape", Robin Buckley says as if you have wronged her personally. You curse Tommy under your breath, he had sworn up and down that he had done it.
"You should never trust men", Steve Harrington, a man, says.
You start regretting taking The Exorcist. This interaction could've already been over.
"Did you enjoy the acting?", Robin Buckley aggressively asks. Maybe she is still mad about the tape or maybe she is just an angry person in general. "Specifically Wendy."
"Uh, yeah. It was...really good."
Steve shakes his head in disappointment. You are not sure where you misstepped this time.
"You know this movie is by Kubrick, right?", she continues. You did not, but you nod anyway. "He treats his actors very badly. Especially the female ones. Do you agree with this? Do you think it is okay to jeopardize the safety and well-being of actors if it will result in "a better performance"? After all, actors die, but movies are forever"
You are not sure what the correct answer is.
"I would suspect that your answer is yes", Steve Harrington (who now apparently is also a movie connoisseu) says, holding up The Exorcist. "Considering that they put the twelve years old main actress in multiple actively dangerous situations"
"I...I guess. Dunno."
Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley exchange a long look. Finally, he names the price. The time it takes to search for the correct amount of money in your wallet is longer than both movies combined. You do not dare to look up while you shove the money on the counter and leave, The Exorcist in hand, without another word.
You exit Family Video. Your hands are trembling. You are regretting every life decision you have ever made. You swear to yourself that you will never enter that godforsaken store again. You look down at the movie you just rented. You sigh.
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gosecretscribbles · 1 month
Rise August Day 7: Disco
Donnie and Leo walked into Hueso’s, hotly debating the chronological order of the Jupiter Jim movies.  They didn’t even notice April sitting in a booth until she called out to them.
“Hey guys!” she waved.  “You eating here or to go?”
Donnie broke off his absolutely correct argument by shoving Leo face-first into the booth seat.  “Oh hey April!  What’s with all the paperwork?  Is it the systematic documentation of your descent into becoming a human drone?”
“Nah, I’m done with homework.  Hueso wanted me to brainstorm ideas for theme nights from the human world.”
Leo popped up from the seat.  “Ooooh, you’ve got an aquarium idea!  I’d love to see how that would work.  Fill the place with water?  It’s not like skeletons need to breathe, but I don’t know about some of the guests.”
All three of them looked around the room.  Most of the yokai present were obviously mammals, but a few were reptilian and one looked like an axolotl shaped out of bright green slime. 
Leo rubbed his chin.  “How mad do you think Hueso would be if I dumped water on the slime lizard?  In the interest of testing aquarium feasibility.”
“I am entirely in favor of scientific testing,” Donnie said thoughtfully.  “And also of becoming Hueso’s favorite in two seconds flat.”
April rolled her eyes.  “Guys, he’d just bring in an aquarium and hire a few mermaids.  So far I’ve got ideas for Geocaching, Dungeons and Dungeons, Gothic Horror, Disco –”
Donnie gasped.  “<em>Disco Night?!</em>  April, this is by far the greatest presentation of sick beats I have ever laid eyes on outside of my own brain!  You <em>have</em> to pick this one!”
“It’s an automatic ‘no,’” said a voice from behind them.  Hueso had appeared with a pitcher of lemonade in his hands and a dour look on his face.  “I do not trust the judgement of someone who repeatedly encourages the idiota azul.”
“I unintentionally deterred him less than five seconds ago!  Also!”  A few quick taps on his vambrace and a holographic slideshow appeared in the air.  “I already have a plethora of playlists and equipment that I’ve been saving since that time I used the mental intelligence reprogramulator!  I’ll design and install everything myself!  I’ll even have Mikey create a few disco-themed desserts.  I bet he could make cream puffs that look like disco balls!”
Hueso looked dubious.  “The last time I let two of you operate in my restaurant, it was half-devoured by unicorns.  Frankly, I’m only consulting with April because she’s the only human I know who hasn’t made a bone pun in my general direction.”
Leo whistled.  “Impressive, when there’s so much to work with.  206 things to work with, in fact.”
“This is why you are not my favorite.”
All three of them stared at Hueso.
“I don’t know what that look is for.  It is very clear he has <em>never</em> been my favorite.”
They continued to stare.  April raised an eyebrow. 
Hueso rolled his eyesockets.  “Your collective sense of humor continues to confound me.  Ms. O’Neil, let me know when you have picked the best two or three topics.  And keep in mind that their success will determine whether I use your ideas again.”  He turned on his heel and strode away.
April shook her head.  “Never seen denial so bad.  How much longer do you think he can fool himself?”
Leo shrugged.  “I mean, Hueso Jr. gave me a ‘Best Big Brother’ mug, so not much longer.”
Donnie grabbed them both by the shoulders, grinning maniacally.  “Enough with your emotional mockery!  This time next week, Run of the Mill will have transformed into an authentic discotheque!  WE MUST SUMMON OUR BROTHERS AT ONCE!”
April had to admit, the disco idea was fantastic. 
Donnie designed almost everything and spent the night beforehand doing minor renovations (minor, the way Splinter had a minor infomercial obsession).  The walls had been spraypainted hot pink and the ceiling purple with matching violet lights.  Three discoballs of varying sizes hung from the ceiling.  The tables had been pushed aside to make room for a custom-sized dance floor with checkerboard yellow and purple tiles that lit up when stepped on.  Donnie had a DJ setup in the corner. 
Per Donnie’s instructions, his brothers also had their assigned roles.  Mikey designed disco-themed desserts, including gingerbread men with bellbottom frosting and the disco cream puffs.  Leonardo and April went shopping in the Hidden City and thrift shopped items that guests could wear.  They stuck rhinestones onto tacky glasses and cut up fabric to make Velcro bellbottoms, crop tops, and adjustable metallic skirts, depending on the yokai’s anatomy.  Raph had done a lot of heavy lifting with the installation and was manning (or turtling) a small photobooth in the corner. 
April found Hueso about an hour into the event, taking a short break against one of the booths.  Correction: It was so packed that he couldn’t get back to the kitchen, and was waiting for a song break to make a dash for it.  April sidled up to him and grinned. 
“So, whadya think?  Human Theme nights a success?”
“Much moreso than I expected,” Hueso said.  It was hard to tell without facial muscles, but he looked stuck between excitement at the business and dread at who had brought it in.  “I had no idea the Hamatos could be so…industrious, given their usual destructive tendencies.”
There was a crash over the music.  Leonardo and Mikey had started dancing together, jumped onto a table, and overturned it. 
Hueso sighed.  “I brought it upon myself.  Although they are unusually tame tonight, all things considered.”
She shrugged.  “This meant a lot to Donnie.  And I told them they could take turns picking the next theme night if they were on their best behavior.  Mikey really wants an origami competition, and Raph is really into wrestling.  I think Leo’s caught between skateboarding and a comic book expo, but the others want him to go last since he’ll get two in a row.”
“He will get no such thing, as he is still not my favorite.”
April just laughed.  “Sure, Hueso.  Hey, you wanna try crowd surfing to the kitchen?  I don’t think Donnie’s going to let up the music anytime soon.”
Donnie shouted something over the crowd.  The music transitioned smoothly from ‘Le Freak’ to ‘Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now.’  Mikey threw a glowing chain over one of the ceiling beams and hoisted himself into the air.  Raph gave him a shove and he went soaring above the crowd, high-fiving every hand, flipper, and tentacle below. 
Hueso sighed.  “I’m glad we charged admission at the door, since only half the patrons have ordered anything.”
“Less clean up for your crew!”
Hueso grumbled something inaudible.  April just laughed again and jumped, reaching up with both hands.  Mikey caught her and they swung through the air together.  Finally, a party that went right – as long as there were no animatronics in site!
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aleksanderscult · 8 months
I think i remember leigh writing something along the lines of that 'wanted best for his people and he was a tyrant' etc, basically a nuanced view. Do you have it? I don't remember where it was.
I think you mean this, right?
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It's from her acknowledgements on "Demon in the Wood" (graphic novel). If this is not what you mean, tell me.
She always gives a very nuanced characterization about him which makes me mad because I don't understand her point of view for him at all. It only confuses me more.
"I want the readers to make their assumptions about him. I don't want to affect their view of him". Look. If you give your own opinion of him which will consist of ten pages then it's going to be the reader's problem if they want to "adopt" your view or not. Also, your readers are not stupid. They can distinguish their own assumptions FROM your own opinion. And if they can't, then they're not fit to read books and complicated characters. It's called critical thinking. You take an opinion, read it, see if it makes sense with the canon we have from him and make your judgement. Easy peasy.
Now about that note. I agree that Aleksander isn't purely a hero or a villain. He sees himself as the hero while Alina and the others see him as the villain. We, the readers, mostly see him as something in-between and, at the same time, something entirely different. A human that has lived for too long and as a result of his immortality and tragic events he has reached a point of desperation that make him act relentlessly against the corrupt monarchy and in favor of a persecuted group of people and a country that he has lived and loved for almost all of his life.
Therefore, his characterization is (I believe) something more than the archetype of "good hero" and "bad villain".
Is he a survivor? Yup. In all the meaning of the word.
Does he want safety for his people? Isn't that why he didn't give up on life already? It was the ambition that drove him the most and kept his heart beating.
Is he a tyrant? I think that term needs to be studied. Back in Ancient Greece this word had different meanings.
1) A ruler who has usurped a legitimate ruler's sovereignty. The Darkling did that (good for him).
2) A person who rules without law, using extreme and cruel methods against both his own people and others. If Leigh means that then I'll have to disagree. First of all, we didn't see enough of the Darkling's rule to know if he was that cruel (unless she knows something we don't). And even from what we saw, it seems the word doesn't apply to him. He was sitting on the throne and listening to reports, signing paperwork, making an alliance with his enemy to feed his army. So where it the "cruel methods against both his own people and others" came from? He didn't have a beef with otkazat'sya that lived in Ravka and he certainly didn't want to hurt his own Grisha (unless they committed treason). So Leigh just threw that word in like it was nothing.
And, lastly, he brutalizes and exploits those who trust him most.
Brutalizes. Hmm....
Genya: she committed treason so he punished her.
Sergei: he committed treason so he punished him.
Baghra: committed treason so he punished her (and very lightly actually).
Yeah.. right...umm. Look. If he had attacked them or killed them for literally no reason then I would say "Yes, he brutalized them". But there was always a reason for his actions against them. He didn't see Genya on board and said "I'm bored. Gonna ruin your face 'cause I've got nothing else to do".
And he exploits them.
To exploit someone is this:
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If my memory serves me correct, his soldiers (his Grisha) knew what they were serving him for. And he didn't use them for something completely selfish like "gaining power for myself because I like it" but he needed power to make Ravka better. So he didn't do it for selfish reasons.
The one instance where the term "exploit" may apply is when he gave Genya to the Grand Palace knowing what a pervert the King was. But then again, wasn't the Queen's responsibility to keep her safe?
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the-lil-exorcist · 15 days
Collateral Damage|| Lil & Winter
PARTIES:@the-lil-exorcist and @longislandcharm TIMING: Right after Who you gonna call? WHERE:  Bread Cemetery, in the back SUMMARY: Winter and Lil have to talk about the whole poltergeist thing and where to go from here. Neither react how the other expects. WARNINGS: Domestic abuse tw
She sat in the back room of  the Bread Cemetery with her tea in hand, Winter still refusing to look at Lil. There had been silence since they’d got back from Thea’s place. She didn’t want to talk about her failures, ever, but right now it felt so much heavier. Someone could have gotten seriously hurt because of her bad judgment, her eagerness to prove that she could be the medium that she’d always pretended to be, and she wasn’t particularly excited to admit that she had been wrong.
Not just wrong to take on the task but wrong about her belief in herself. 
This was the biggest confidence blow that Winter had ever experienced in her life. It beat out the time she’d placed second to last in a local ice skating competition, the time she’d lost her girlfriend to another friend of theirs, and the time she’d realized that she would never quite live up to her mother’s legacy. In each of those instances Winter had been motivated to push harder, to be better, but this time it seemed to hit differently than before. 
She wanted to give up.
That had never happened to her before. She’d never lost the will to push herself harder until today. But seeing how terrified Thea had been, feeling that terror herself, it was enough to feel the lump that she hated forming in her throat. She needed to say something to make it go away. “I shouldn’t have done that, I know. Yell at me all you want.”  
Because judgements made Winter feel better. Judgements from her mother were always the best fuel to add to her fires, to keep her going, so maybe it would work with other people too. “Tell me everything I did wrong.”
Lil wasn’t her favorite type of confrontation, when someone else had dome something dangerous. Usually it was something that she was apologizing for not the other way around. She didn’t really know how to navigate it. After all, it wasn’t like she had a great mentor on that front, her father’s corrections were never soft or kind. It as the type of sharpness she was used 
“You shouldn’t have. No,” Lil said calmly with a sigh the anger that she felt replaced with a calmness that reminded her more of her mother. “You went into a situation without knowing enough about it, you didn’t take any precautions, and you didn’t try to extract yourself or Thea from the situation when you got in too deep. You should have called Jonas or I to come with you.” Her voice was steady and she paused for a moment and continued, “But you did call. You called and you did the best you could to keep the other person safe. I’m not going to discredit that just because what you did almost got yourself hurt.” 
Lil sipped at her tea as she said gently, “ Winter you’re a spitfire and I get that. Trust me I get that - but you are still new to all of this. You need to rely on other people or you’re going to get hurt or die. I’m not saying that to scare you, I’m saying that because - I’ve seen people get fucking hurt. So you’re at a crossroads here. Do you want to be a medium that works with ghosts - or do you want to go back to interacting with them the least amount. I’m willing to help you, but you have to fucking trust me.” 
“I did have salt on me.” It was a meek argument to the no precautions thing and she knew that wasn’t the point. It was a habit. Saying what she could, arguing with the people doing the judging, so that she could come out looking even a smidge better in the long run. It seems breaking her confidence didn’t break that habit. Still, it wasn’t enough to negate any of the other things Lil had said. Those criticisms would burn themselves into Winter’s mind, joining the ranks of her mother’s criticisms of each and every episode she filmed of Spirit Speak and just about everything else in her life as well. But it was okay. It made her stronger. It made her think through every possibility that could hurl itself at her in any given situation. It was why she tucked them away, gave them power. The power always came back in folds, fueling her successes.
And she would have successes no matter how impossible that idea sounded to her. Winter knew in her core that they would come. The sting of her failures would fade with time. she just had to get over this hurdle. She had to learn more. She had to listen to someone who knew more than her and she was willing to do that if it meant never being in a situation like she’d had with Thea again.
“Lil…you can’t scare me more than that poltergeist did.” She looked down at her hands, her fingers running over her palm so she could have something to focus on as she admitted things that stuck heavy on her tongue. Truths that didn’t want to come out. “I know what you’re saying is true. I understand that I can’t jump into things without the facts. I was too eager to prove myself.” 
She paused, finally looking up into Lil’s eyes as that last line ran through her mind. Trust didn’t come easy to her. It had to be earned and nurtured and fed like it was a living breathing thing between her and whoever was trying to maintain that bond. But she’d trusted Lil enough to call her in a dire situation and the woman had come through in folds, blasting through that door in a blaze of courage and outrage. If she could trust Lil then, she should be able to trust her now when there was no danger to force it. “I trust you…I’m just not used to relying on other people that aren’t my parents. I don’t think I’ve ever had to fight for anything that they haven’t handed over on a silver platter before.” A sobering realization, the words said mostly to herself. “I want to do this Lil. I wanted to before but now I…have to.”
Lil wanted to say that there were worse things than a poltergeist that was upset. Her own training had proved that - but there wasn’t a use to it. Her pain and her experiences could only be used as a lesson if Winter ended up needing it. Lil refused a long time ago to be her father. 
At that moment it became clear. Lil wasn’t angry - she was scared. She was scared of what could have happened. That she gave Winter just enough information to make her brave and reckless. She had - in her own way created a ticking time bomb. If she left now Winter could be dead quickly. 
She had intertwined at least somewhat Winter’s fate with spirits and that was on her. 
She hadn’t looked at the person she had been helping as a student, but a peer. Sighing slightly Lil said, “I get it. You didn’t know and I haven’t been pushing you to train as much as I should have. I just - don’t know how to do it and not be my dad about it. That’s not an excuse though,” she said lightly rubbing the back of her neck. 
Lil paused at the confession of trust. It was something that she understood was hard to give and receive. After all how many people did she actually trust outside of Jonas and Jamie? She had been learning as she came back to this hellish place, but it was always hard to reach out to another person. Usually she could get people to trust her for the moment, in times of quick decisions and need, but Winter and her needed something more. 
It struck her that they weren’t that different. Lil had chosen to be an exorcist and to reject being a demonologist - but before that moment had she not just done what she was asked. She had to have a watershed moment too, a moment saying that she was going to be an exorcist and help people. That she had too. 
Pausing for a moment Lil slumped a little and said, “Won’t be easy. I’m not promising you can be an exorcist one day, but I can at least help you get further along in mediumship.Teach you how to protect yourself so it won’t be this scary. Give you time to call an exorcist.” It was pragmatic in a lot of ways, exorcisms were hard and even simple rituals could take years. It wasn’t a limit, but it was a commitment. “It’ll be a lot of boring days studying techniques and some pretty bullshit exercises. It might not come naturally to you, but if you put your trust in me - I’ll help. I get needing to do something, and I’d rather you have someone in your corner then not.”
No, this wasn’t right. Lil shouldn’t have been agreeing with her. She should have been arguing with Winter, telling her more that she’d done wrong, telling her over and over that she’d been the one who messed up and that salt wasn’t nearly enough. That was how it went right? That was how people motivated others to do better, to be better. At least, that was what her mother would have done. Winter shook her head softly at the words but she didn’t say anything to negate them, a war brewing in her mind. Her nature was to accept any ways of getting out of taking responsibility for the bad but everything she had been taught was to allow others to nitpick until there was nothing left. What was she supposed to do with Lil’s words? Just accept them and move on? It was up to her to berate herself then, teach herself that this couldn’t happen again. “Maybe being your dad would help…” Because if he was anything like her own mother then she would respond beautifully.
Again, her mentor’s words stirred something within her. No guarantees to be an exorcist? Well, then Winter would work twice as hard. She didn’t even know if she wanted to be one but the challenge posed was too great to let it go. Working for it, being something that others would never expect, that was everything that she strived for. The main reason she had chosen the television show over her ice skating career was because she’d been told she’d never have the success her mother had. It was something that Sharon Hall repeatedly brought up on the phone these days. ‘You just couldn’t handle it, baby, and that’s okay.’ The condescending words floated through her mind, making her shake her head again.
She wouldn’t fail. She would become what she needed to become in the medium world and then bring the show back bigger and better than ever. Then her mom would see. Her dad would understand too, that she was made for this life. That him hiding everything from her was the worst mistake he had ever made. 
“I’m made for research, Lil. What you may think is boring, I’ll thrive with. It’s the physical that will get me in the long run but I’m ready to throw myself into this. I’m ready to give you the trust you need from me.” Even though most of the people in her life who had earned that right turned out to break her more than once. She could do this. She could let herself give up the fight of keeping people at arms length for this one person if it meant bettering herself. “No matter how scary it is.” Winter didn’t realize she’d said that out loud until it was too late, the girl diverting her eyes down to the ground so that she didn’t have to face Lil’s gaze. “Just tell me where to start.”
Lil snorted thinking about her dad’s methods. Maybe he would have thought she was too soft hearted for not pushing, not going over and over how Winter had failed. Maybe she was, her hand scared over again and again in the almosts. Still, she didn’t think she was wrong, her mom was gentle in teaching and she had learned so many languages from careful guidance. 
Maybe there was something in the middle Lil could be, she didn’t know. Still looking at the other at a moment considering her words. She wasn’t built to be a mentor, she wasn’t really. Even now at her age she wouldn’t be considered in the Ghostbusters even a peer mentor let alone a teacher. 
Still, Winter looked determined and - if she was going to be honest she might be the only other person stubborn enough to stick with it. More pragmatically, it wasn’t as if Lil and Jonas could push away help either. Winter had potential, she had enough foresight and tenacity that while a traditional exorcist might have turned her away - she might actually survive Wicked’s Rest. 
“I see. Well,” Lil sighed not knowing if this was the right thing to do, or if this was dooming another person. “Okay. We’ll have to get you trained up in being a practicing Medium first - it’s what we usually do as Ballards and those lessons will be good to start with and practically speaking you’ll have gaps if you don’t. It’s not a quick thing, but it is a steady one. Then we can start if you still want at that point in you transitioning into exorcist training.” 
It felt odd in Lil’s mouth to say something like that, she normally would have shut down the idea and maybe it wouldn’t work out in the end. Still, hope and fear were funny things and for a moment she could see herself sitting in a graveyard holding her necklace tightly chanting to keep the fear away. If Lil could do it, she really didn’t see why Winter couldn’t. 
Being a practicing medium? Wasn’t she already one of those? For years, Winter had missed out on seeing ghosts because she had somehow blocked them from her mind with the help of therapy she had never asked for. But for a year now, even longer actually, she’d been able to talk to them. Hell, she’d even had one glued to her hip. What else was involved in becoming a practicing one? 
She would do it though, the girl nodding her head at Lil’s words to show that she was listening and willing. There was nothing else to say other than agree. It was one of the first times in her life that she’d been able to stop the flow of sass that was threatening to spill from her lips. It almost made her want to give credit to the poltergeist for accomplishing something that no one in her life (besides her mother) had ever been able to do because it was a feat. Almost like the way that poltergeist would stick with her forever. Being stuck in that closet would come to mind before each ghost encounter now, influencing every choice she made.
“I’ll still want it.” She wouldn’t stop until she had it. Once her mind was set to something that was it, it was happening. Especially if it was something unexpected of her. But for right now, just for today, she wanted to go home. She wanted to sit in the quiet of her room or the widow’s peak and give herself everything that Lil hadn’t. Thinking about everything she did wrong was the only way to move past it and not do it again. “I think I’m going to go, Lil. We can start tomorrow.”
Lil wanted to warn the others more, say that exorcism was hard, that it was often thankless dangerous work. Still, it wasn’t as if it had stopped herself. Sure the situations were different, Lil had always been in this world and she had stopped before being pushed into demonology - but that hadn’t been out of fear. She’d never shrunk away from the danger, more so she had been scared she was going to lose herself. She’d been worried that the ties that had bound her to her twin - to her family would unwind - unravel in the pressure she couldn’t handle.
She didn’t hold that fear with Winter, sitting there even now looking determined, almost challenging. Maybe it would change her, it undoubtedly would, but it wouldn’t be the twisted change Lil had feared.  “Yeah. We won’t start tonight, probably not tomorrow either. Take a few days and I’ll try to get some stuff together for you.” Lil finally said with a nod getting up. “Get some rest, and try not to be too hard on yourself.”
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lonelylonelyghost · 5 months
In Blossom: a fun mystery Cdrama
Once upon a time in Heyang city, there lived a kind girl Yang Caiwei with a scar on her face, who respected the dead and distrusted the living. Then she met a man Pan Yue, who was as beautiful as he was dangerous, and her life became a total shit show.
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There is a proverb about marriage being good for men's health but terrible for women's. And in this particular case the saying was proven to be correct, because Yang Caiwei dies literally on her wedding day...
... but actually not really.
You see, right before the ceremony she was kidnapped by Shangguan Zhi, a rich woman fixated on two things and two things only: her own beauty and Pan Yue.
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Shangguan Zhi swapped her own face for Yang Caiwei's in order to marry the object of her obsession. The procedure was finished just in time for the wedding (insert a joke about miraculous plastic surgeons in Ancient China here), but unfortunately the only thing this stunt brought this poor delusional girl was her own brain splattered on the stairs. Woops.
So now Yang Caiwei, with the face of her almost-husband's stalker forced upon her, has to investigate her own murder. The biggest suspect is Pan Yue, who conveniently returns from the capital to Heyang city a couple of months later after the "death" of his wife, engaged to a princess and with white streaks in his hair that could not possibly be due to grief.
And thus the shenanigans ensue!
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And I liked this drama a lot!
The pacing
is great. This is a crime solving drama, and the cases that our characters investigate are actually quite unique (and messed up), there's no dragging out the details. The general flow of the drama is fast too, and while there is tension and mystery where it needs to be, the kinds of misunderstandings that usually are getting on the viewers nerves are resolved quickly. As an extremely anxious person, I appreciate this on a spiritual level.
The cinematography
is absolutely gorgeous. It's main character in its own right. It's gorgeous, gothic and brooding, just like our ML.
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(the screenshots I have are mainly of ML, but what can I say except you're welcome)
The characters
are also great.
Yang Caiwei is a mortician, and the fact that she is now in a body of a spoiled rich girl doesn't deter her from continuing doing her job and finding out the truth behind her case and many others that she encounters on the way.
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Pan Yue is a magistrate in Heyang, which is kind of like a head of a government investigation agency or something. He's cold, two-faced, smart as hell and terrifying when you get in his way (especially at the start), but is ready to do anything for a person he loves - which are the most attractive qualities a fictional man can have, fight me.
Also, look at him
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Once the actual story begins, those two go through several stages of their relationship - from mutual suspicion to respecting each other as fellow justice-driven professionals to working together but this time as a couple. And all of the stages are enjoyable to watch in their own ways. I loved how they respected and trusted each other's judgements and abilities. A power couple with a surprisingly healthy dynamic between them. Awesome.
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Other characters are interesting as well. There are many people that we encounter in Heyang and beyond, good, bad and something in between, each with their own goals and motivations.
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The episodic characters featuring in the cases are not flat cardboard cutouts either, and as much as Chinese censorship would permit, even the villains are allowed to be people with justifiable reasons to be the way they are.
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To be completely honest, I hesitated to even start watching this drama because of all the negative stuff I've heard. But thanks to talented gif-makers on here and @hils79's watch parties, I was tempted enough and finally clicked on the first episode. And well, I didn't regret my decision! And I actually finished the whole drama without any breaks, which is a very rare thing for me.
If you try you can pinpoint many faults in this drama, no doubts. But I'm personally just looking for a good time. For me the characters were great, I vibed with the acting, and the cases were an appropriate amount of bonkers, so...
It's up to you, dear reader
This has been your friendly ghost from Abyss, with some recommendations on how to distract yourself from the horrors of existing(*^-^*)
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msbhagirathi · 6 months
Cooooooooommmmmmmeeeeeee onnnnnnnnn. Letzzzzzzzzz beginnnnnnnnnnnn.
Lol. Episode starts with Arnav talking about 'aukaat'.
2. And, now, he's being an a__hole, here. Where Khushi is so hugely horrified over what happened last night. Arnav, ever the a__hole that he is, is smirking and having the audacity to ask, "Kyun? Kya kiya hai maine?" (Why? What did I do?)
3. Like. Really? Arnav? You want her, to spell out, what you did to her last night? Fckin a__hole. And look at that face. Fckin smirking.
4. Their debate about god and his existence is -kind of- interesting & thought-provoking.
5. Khushi is coming from a place of absolute surrender to god and an unbreakable faith and trust on her devi-maiyya. We can see that, in her words.
6. But, Arnav. His words, indicate that he has an absolute distrust on the existence of god. He believes that, had 'any kind of god' been there, then he won't have faced the situations, that he had to. He believes that the amount of pain that he faced, any god, if there, won't have let him face it, all alone. "Iss duniya main agar bhagwaan hota naa, toh dard naam ki cheez nahi hoti."
Now, who is correct, you ask? I will say, both. Yes. Both are correct, in the context, of what they faced in their pasts, what their history, with god, is. It's just that, they don't want to consider any other opinions apart from what they think is 'correct', for them. And, that is the problem. That's what's wrong with these two egotistical idiots.
7. Look at his expression when he says the first line. He is raw. Vulnerable. In the truest sense. Almost in tears. Voice trembling with anguish that he has for 'his god', who did not help him out when he needed him the most. All his guards are down. At this exact moment. We get a glimpse, of what is hidden behind, that, usually unreadable expression.
8. This is a huge thing. That, even if, he is not exactly showing his face. BUT he is, indeed opening up, about his pain, in front of Khushi. He does not have any reason to do so. In fact, he does not have to stand here, waste his precious time, explaining this naive girl, about the evils of this world.
9. Instead, of going on his way, to attend that important meeting, which can't be cancelled. Nevertheless, he does so. Something inside him, is intrigued, by this girl. Something in this girl, sparks an urge, inside him, to explain himself, even if, he doesn't need to.
10. Coming to the second part, of what he said. He thinks that money and only money gives a person, the authority, to have all the powers and make decisions related to his own fate and destiny. "Iss duniya mein jiss insaan ke paas paisa hai, ussi ke paas taakat hai."
11. Notice that, he believes this, SO strongly. Because he has seen this, with his own eyes. When he and his sister were ousted out of their own home, by their 'beloved' chachaji. He has seen that, money, indeed, has the powers and authority; all that he needed to avenge for his betrayal.
12. Look at his expression, when he says the second line. There's this confidence in his face, that he feels, when he knows, what he has observed, is totally correct. Because, he is, indeed, totally correct.
13. Only that, from now on, every time, after this, whenever Khushi would do or say something, that would be against his belief or would be something, that would force him, to re-think his opinion. It would make him, question his judgement, over her character, only then, he would find his confidence, 'of knowing girls like her very well', wavering away.
14. Wow. Enough. Now back to the epi.
15. So. She challenges him with her beliefs and he retaliates, in the worst possible sense.
16. He orders his PR team to release the fashion show footage to all the TV News channels.
17. He has, again, repeated the same thing. He did not think this through. He did not think, to the extent, to which it could destroy Khushi's life. He, also, did not think about his own reputation, here.
18. Living in a society, like that. Where your honor is the family's honor and that it should be kept hidden and protected at all costs. He did not realize that she is a middle class 'girl' in the truest sense possible. He did not realize how much it would affect her and her family's reputation.
19. After all, what was her mistake? She just challenged his belief system. He could have retaliated, in any possible way, but he chose to involve the whole world, including both their families, into this.
20. He, even, could have easily ignored a chit of a girl, who had said something about his belief on god or lack thereof.
21. He should have 'farak nahi padta' to her.
22. But, no. He is the mighty ASR. He, indeed, 'farak padta hai'. And thus, went on, to torture her, in new ways.
23. Fckin A__hole.
24. Back to Gomti Sadan. Khushi offers a cup of chai to her Amma but she refuses.
25. Amma is also upset for being a little too harsh on Khushi, I think? What's with that look that she gave her when Khushi went away?
26. Payal asks about the broken pearls of the blouse and Khushi is, again, reminded of the horrific night. Payal notices her distress and asks the reason and Khushi starts ranting about (her) 'laard governor'. I think, she -kind of- likes talking about her 'woh'. This scene, also, indicates that no one knows about their 'meeting' yet.
27. Arnav asks about Mul Rajani. "Chote log aksar aukaat se bada muh kholte hain." (People with small status often have a 'big' mouth. *pun intended*) This line is for both Mul Rajani and Khushi.
28. His meeting with Khushi, is still very fresh, in his mind.
29. "Roop suhana lagta hai, chaand puraana lagta hai, tere aage o jaanam." Can you see me jiggling my shoulders? I -kind of- got hooked to this song. Wow.
30. Amma catches Khushi dancing and jumping on the -sofa?-that furniture. Whatever. And she cannot stop herself from smiling at her daughter. Finally, Khushi notices her and hits a direct six and the ball is straight out of the stadium. Lol. I mean to say, that she is finally successful in pacifying her Amma.
31. Initially, I thought why did she give an example of cricket, out of the blue. But then, I realized that, it was 2011. That year, we had world cup going on and guess what, India had won it, under MSD's captaincy :)
32. The writers did a great job, here, if you ask me ;)
33. "Arre naach toh hum dikhawat hain." (Let me show you how to dance!)
34. Wow. Babuji joined them. What a classic 'papa' dance. Lol. I don't know but I just felt that somehow I have seen my father dancing like that too. Like. Not exactly like this. But the body language. Pata nahi choro.
35. Buaji, the Hitler of GS (Gomti Sadan. Lol. I kind of love the sound of this name.), comes and scolds them. Why Buaji? Can't they have a sweet family moment? I don't know what's your problem, Buaji. But you need to chill.
36. Lol. "Joru ke saamne bandar ban sakat ho, bitiyan ko naahi sambhaal sakat ho?" (You can be mischievous (like a monkey) in front of your wife but can't handle your own daughter?) By the way that question doesn't even make sense, Buaji. Your existence doesn't make sense, Buaji.
37. What? I did not say that, ok? I have manners.
38. LMAO. Everybody escapes from Buaji's presence. The unity that they have. My god. It's just amazing. Lol.
39. A note here. This hairstyle, for Khushi, here, was the perfect. They kept it, this way, till the office track and somewhere in the midst, they changed it, to a plain braid which was....fine, but, this one suited her more.
40. The head of Panch Bhog Caterers (Shop no. 14 Hazrat Ganj Lucknow) is -kind of- taunting them. The disgusting line of the century- "Ab e toh uhi baat ho gyi, ki thaali mein utha liya par khaya nahi; par jhutha toh hua naa." (Now this is the same thing as being picked up in a plate but left uneaten, nevertheless it would still be considered a left over by others.")
41. Guess what. He is talking about Payal. I mean. Wow. The audacity. The disgusting comment thrown around for a girl's character, so casually, as if her character really depends on whether some money-hungry family 'accept' or 'reject' her for marriage.
42. Khushi wants to speak up, but, Amma stops her.
43. And, if you thought, that was enough, then, it was not. Now, listen to him, talking about Payal, being like his own daughter and taking care of her ('dignity') after butchering her character, a few seconds ago.
44. Amma pulls her hand away. Khushi, taking the cue, speaks up. But, is uncharacteristically calm. But, what she says next, not just wins Babuji's heart but ours' as well. Wow. Writers of this show are so freaking talented, man.
45. WOW. This is amazing. The Mul Rajani sequence is just amazing. See, I searched up a bit about this name, but, turns out, its actually a surname, precisely, a Rajasthani surname.
46. So, Mul Rajani is actually a Marwari business man and has dared to stop a photoshoot for AR Designs. Because of a balance payment. He demands his balance payment for 50 lakh. Only then, he would let the photoshoot, continue.
47. But, that is not enough. While demanding, he addresses Arnav, very disrespectfully. That was fine, too, but when he crossed a line, by mentioning his mumma, Arnav lost it.
48. He slaps him. Oh. Damn. What a slap. WOW.
49. Lol. Mul Rajani says that, this slap will cost him 1 Cr. , an incomplete photoshoot and a bad name (getting blacklisted) in the industry. Arnav slaps him, again. Lmao. And then, tells Akash to give him a 'dhaai crore ka cheque'. "Pachaas hazaar iski payment aur 2 Crore do thappadon ke." (A cheque of Rs. 2.5 Cr.) (50k for the payment and 2 Cr. for two slaps.)
50. The sassy-ness in that smirk, when he sees, MR realizing that he is getting paid in surplus. Take a bow, Mr. Sobti. *bows down with joined hands*
51. You see? This is the problem. Why Arnav thinks money can solve everything. He uses his money to shut people up. And each time it works and his theory of "Paisa hi taakat hai" is proven right, each time he feels a little bit more proud of himself. That, he cracked the code to deal with 'this world' and 'it's ways'.
52. LMAO. Listen y'all, I don't care what you say, but Buaji makes me laugh. Period.
52. Ohh. So. The clip is out, finally. My poor baby. She is, again, getting insulted without any fault of hers. That freaking b_stard. ASR. Or, whatever.
53. He again managed to hurt Khushi, in the most unimaginable way, possible. Wow. Just wait till you fall for her, Bitwa, madly, shall I say so, then you will feel yourself falling into an unending pool of guilt, engulfing you, for the rest of your life. And, you will not be able to stop yourself from feeling guilty, ever again.
P.S. : No P.S. today, coz too tired to think of anything. Ok. Bye. Have a good day/night ahead. God bless you.
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