#so whats happening here with Sapnap not being able to remember
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Thinking about how Minecraft NPCs are technically immortal (though not invincible) so Milo and Naomi would still be alive post time skip.. after all this time they love Sapnap so bad and they were like the only thing Sapnap had from team mafia after their deaths. team mafia teasing Sapnap and being like when you were 5 you legitimately had a phase where you thought you were a pet but Sapnap’s forgot since then and it’s :( because he was young so he remembered how he felt but not very much the details? and that feeds into the disconnect that he feels with them. Oh I made this sad
Once baby sapnap realizes he can't go back to the base anymore, it's him bothering every nutria he can find to take him back. And they all refuse. And he doesn't know why!!! 'It's too dangerous', but it's never dangerous there! (His dads made sure it was never dangerous)
And he's causing tantrums and crying that he needs to go! It's important!!! It won't be until sylvee gets through to him and asks what does he need from there? And he's bawling, barely managing to get out "g-ga-gati-tos..." Oh!
It's nutria 23 with his helicopter and peele accompanying, the two trying to wrangle two Very skittish cats into the very loud helicopter (it was NOT easy), peele looking around the base and feeling. Sad. They know they shouldn't be feeling such things as a robot but. They can't help it. But there's a mission to be completed now!
And the baby is in his new (empty, cold) room in the mountain. Sniffling. He wants milo and naiomi....Shadouni said to take good care and he hasn't...he's been a bad older brother to them :(
It's not until he hears Juan screaming and Peele also yelling, the baby sliding off his bed, poking his head out of his room and seeing two cats chase a running Juan, screaming to get the cats to stop!! He's not food!!! Don't kill him PLEASE!!!
Sapnap! Is so happy!! He's running out his room and scooping up the cats(juan: ay madre mia por fin), one in each arm, so so happy!!! (The cats are struggling to get out of his 7yr old grip lmao)
It's. All he really has left of them. As years go past and he's growing up, all he can recall is Shadoune telling him to take care of them. He can't even remember the exact memory anymore, he just knows it was Shadoune who told him. And when Eon says he should server hop to explore and get out of this forsaken world for a little bit (go grow and learn, we'll still be here), he trusts Eon and the nutrias to take of them for a while!
And once he's grown. And his dads are back. Seeing Shadounes face when he's reunited with the cats. He laughs a bit saying he's suprised Sapnap hadn't managed to kill them by accident (hey!!).
It leads to the guys reminiscing, laughing about old memories. Telling sapnap about how he thought he was a pet. How shadoune had to convince him he's their older brother so he'd take care of them and to stop throwing them out of the base. The rest of the guys laughing and bringing up moments when baby sapnap himself would answer he was their pet. It's a fun time!
For them.
Because Sapnap. Can't recall any of it. He's having. A sudden realization, he can't recall much of when they were all together. It's. Scary. He laughs along though, more out of shock he did those kinds of things and a "I can't believe you guys let that happen haha" kind of way.
And when the guys keep bringing up old memories, find Sapnap's old baby armor. Sapnap will be looking at them like he's never seen them before. Surely he'd remember something like that. It's the guys making inside jokes about Sapnap that he should know, he should. And he won't laugh, confused.
And the others, will look at each other, also confused. They'll bring up his apple slices or the way he used to beg for deditas. Nothing.
And Sapnap feels. Distant from them. Like they're talking about a whole other person. The other guys too will notice, that this grown person isn't the baby they know. The baby in their minds, they had left to go on a mission that would only last a day. But almost 15 years passed by instead. It's. Too jarring.
But Sapnap keeps trying. Going through old photo albums he has access to now, something he never had before (forbidden from leaving the mountain because of the danger). He's trying to recall he is. He remembers nightmares. Of them leaving. That day of them saying goodbye and never coming back. He remembers crying a lot.
He remembers when he was gifted his stuffed rabbit. And he remembers growing up with the nutrias and being told to server hop and all his memories from after that.
He just can't really remember them. But. He remembers feelings. Of being safe with them. Feelings of admiration for Farfa and feelings of comfort from Serpias and Shadoune. Just Knowing Conter was the one to help him with nightmares the most. Just knowing to give Goncho extra apples when he goes out. Just knowing Spreen was always a little annoyed with him.
He remembers their love for him. But he doesn't know if that is enough for them anymore.
#ehm asks#ehm aus#baby dedsafio au#so whats happening here with Sapnap not being able to remember#he was basically barred from going to the one place Full of his memories.#he has nothing to reinforce it and everyone at the mountain sure arent talking about the guys (theyre scared it might make him sad)#so....he forgets.#he still has the foggiest recollection#like a “hey I just know this...its a gut feeling” he probably goes through a lot of deja vu with them tbh#Though. He remembers a lot of the scary stuff that's happened actually!#The guys just haven't brought it up yet(they were scared too lmao)....they're kinda discouraged that sapnap can't remember the Silly times#I DO THINK THOUGH. Bad might be able to help here. Cause I do have it in my mind that Sapnap shared a lot of memories with him!#Cause Sapnap was much younger still! He still can Recall more.#I probably shouldn't be putting all this in the tags lmao
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Ok so u support dreamnap? Me as well but what are your thoughts bc ur extremely educated and well spoken
Okay first of all careful with the "well educated and well spoken" part. I'm 16 and trying my very best not to lose my mind. After four years in this fandom, I'm very well aware of how words can become violently misconstrued and everything is taken as the end of the world. I get it, parsing through information like this is difficult and trying to figure out where you stand is even harder- but don't take my words as final. Don't take anyone's. Consider your own thoughts and feelings against the evidence we all have and make up your own mind. That's part of the reason we're in this mess. That being said:
I think the largest factor here is that George and Caiti lived two very different experiences that night. I don't believe that George was attempting to get with her in any way- I don't think that any of the girls were invited to Dream's hotel room for any sexual reasons. I think from the first night they hung out Caiti was uncomfortable with the age gap and thought of George as weird, potentially flirty, and maybe untrustworthy. Neither Caiti or her friends liked Dream to begin with.
When they decided to go up to Dream's hotel room that night, Dream did not know how old Caiti was. Caiti says that George did. I don't know what their instagram dms were. However they interacted, they were all drunk and Caiti perceived George's actions to be sexual.
I think, based on how we know George to act when he's drunk (Sapnap's stories, Dream's stories, and the drunk banter episode) that he likely was touchy with whoever was around them that night. That doesn't invalidate what Caiti felt. She hasn't been around George much prior to this, certainly not while drunk, and she already felt like he was flirting with her. Whatever touching happened wasn't called out or even noticed by anyone in the room. Nobody remembers it happening except Caiti (and potentially George, but it's unlikely)
When she went to leave, she was already uncomfortable and then he followed her to the elevator. Benefit of the doubt, he was probably just going to walk her back to her hotel room, but she was very drunk and very uncomfortable, which he failed to recognize. The minute she told him no, he backed off and left her alone.
He likely did not interpret any of her signals that night, as she said they were all non-verbal until the elevator. He probably doesn't even remember it. We know that when George is drunk, he'll often sit on the laps of his friends (Sapnap) or hang on them (Karl) or even kiss them (Dream) but that's not okay to do with strangers.
This isn't a story about an abuse of power or age, but likely recognizing that some people just can't handle getting drunk. George is not good at reading people when he's sober, and can't be trusted not to trample on people's boundaries when he's drunk. Alcohol is not for everyone.
This is likely, hopefully, a one-off event. I believe that George's tweet yesterday was reactionary, as our first time seeing the allegations was likely also his first time hearing them. I doubt that he remembers the details of the night.
None of this is to abstract his fault. If Caiti was uncomfortable with any of his actions, he should have been able to recognize that and step away. The fact that he couldn't proves that he was too drunk and needs to reflect on his own problems with alcohol.
That being said, if what I think happened and what actually happened are the story that George explains when and if he goes live, and on the condition that Caiti believes him and accepts his apology, I will continue to support George.
I think there is a lot of growth that needs to happen in his own life. I think he's emotionally stunted, I think he uses alcohol in an unhealthy way, and I think he needs to come to terms with the fact that he hurt someone even if it was unintentional.
Lying will not get him out of this.
With all that said, I will continue to support dream and sapnap regardless of their reaction to this. Sapnap wasn't there. He has no part in this other than being George's friend. Dream didn't notice it when it happened and was never aware of any of it. He's been caught up unfairly in the allegations and I don't feel it's right to drop him over this, at least personally.
I don't think Dream or Sapnap will stop being friends with George. I think dream and George are more than friends and have completely built their lives around each other. I think sapnap's content is already mostly stand alone but dream has been his best friend for over a decade and George is such an integral part of that. I think it is naive to think George will be kicked out, and that doesn't mean that either of them are supporting a bad person, it just means they're being good friends.
Sometimes you have to be a good friend because somebody needs it. I don't know when George will go live and I don't know what he'll say, but I don't regret my time here regardless of what it is.
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Meet Me on the Battlefield
Written for the dreamnblade christmas event @alterdnbweek is holding this year.
Day 11 Prompts: Soulmates AU; First Encounter
I had a lot of fun writing this one. I love worldbuilding and, well, soulmate aus are always an excuse to do that in various ways.
For this one, I went with the idea that the different realms in minecraft have different ways that soulmates express themselves. Overworld is markings like a name written on their wrist or that one where what you write on you skin shows up on their's. End relates to senses such as sharing their sense of taste, being able to hear them singing, or feeling everything they touch. Nether are perfect matches, able to match each other one for one in whatever it may be.
His third adult tournament is just as exciting as the previous two. Dream has already recognized a couple names and faces. Most of them have at least waved at him with a smile, a few saying they look forward to the chance to face him. The vendor who makes the best pretzels he's ever had is here along with the one Sapnap says makes some of the best Nether based food he's ever had. (Dream will take his word for it. He swears he could see sparks and flickers of flames coming off the skewers Sapnap was holding.)
It's as he's grabbing some of those amazing pretzels he happens to overhear his name being mentioned.
He's careful to not look at them as he listens to their conversation. It sounds like they're talking about a competitor. Someone called 'The Blood God' without even a mention of a different name. Dream hasn't heard of that title before even though he knows exactly what kind of feats it would take to have the attendees only referring to them by a title. It sounds like they're competing, though, so he should be able to figure some things out about them.
Happy with his pretzels and the potential of battle, he heads back to where his friends are waiting with their own.
Bad is acting as their marker, standing an easy two heads over everyone else and Dream be-lines for him. Sapnap and George are already there. Sapnap has more food from that Nether food stand and George is dodging the waving hand motions that risk smacking a skewer into his face.
"Find anything interesting?" he asks, hopping onto the fence.
"Nothing that I wanted for their price," Bad sighs, glancing around them. "Looked gorgeous though."
Sapnap nods, "Good food! Finally!"
"You said that last time," Dream drawls. The other two laugh as he sputters a denial.
Sapnap glares at them all, skewer sticking out of his mouth as he says, "So wha' 'bou' you?"
He hums, "Not really. Got some more of those pretzels, but that was it. I did overhear some interesting things though."
"What was it?" George asks.
"A competitor called 'The Blood God'. They sound like a good fighter," he explains. He pauses, staring at them, "Alright. What do you know."
Sapnap bares his teeth, "A lot of bets on if you or The Blood God would win in a fight."
"I've been hearing the same," Bad offers, adjusting George who's passed out on his side. "Plus a few fights that security has had to break up."
"Well now I'm even more curious," he states. The fighting ring isn't too far from them and he still has some time before his first match. "Think we can catch one of their matches?"
Sapnap cheers, rushing off. Bad slings George over his shoulder and walks with Dream toward the ring. Sapnap already has a spot for them having climbed up a post and waving rapidly at them.
"At least he choose a spot people aren't going to be complaining about your height," he says, nudging Bad's side.
Bad sighs as they reach the post. Dream finds his own foothold to stand on. The ring is just finishing being cleared from the prior battle - an avian versus someone from the end, if he remembers right - and he's pretty sure the Blood God is going to be next if the excitement vibrating through the crowd is anything to go off of.
It's not long before the competitors are called - neither called with the title, but it becomes very obvious, very quickly who holds it after the match starts.
Dream stares into the ring, at the person holding a sword at their fallen opponent's throat. There's no blood, but few people are ever able to end a match as quickly as it starts and his skin itches with the desire to fight them. He wants to find them and talk about fighting. That skill is something Dream knows takes a long time and a lot of dedication to get to. There's so few people he's been able to talk with who've invested that amount into fighting and, well, they can't be too much older than Dream. Not with how these tournaments are run.
"Dream," Bad hisses into his ear, tugging on his sleeve lightly. "You're match is going to start in five minutes. Go."
He nods, staring for another moment as the Blood God sweeps from ring before shoving his way through the crowd to get ready for his own match.
His match and the next two hours pass in a blur. His opponent was more of a challenge than the old tournaments he was doing, but still not a real one. The time rushes by as he vibrates in place for his next match. There's no way to be sure since the organizers always keep how they put the brackets together a secret, but Dream is willing to bet his next match is going to be against the Blood God. Someone that skilled and obviously known isn't going to be an underdog and he is still new enough that he'll be tossed into the middle thanks to his skill in the junior tournaments.
Which comes true as he enters the ring and sees the Blood God - Technoblade - standing on the other side.
His hand tightens around his axe, gloves creaking faintly from his grip as he rocks in place. The other is still in contrast. Only watching him from behind a pig skull mask with a titled head as the announcer counts down.
Dream lifts his axe to cross over his chest.
The Blood God straightens fully, sword at their side.
He goes still-
Out in the audience, Sapnap is cheering along with everyone else. He's excited for his friend to finally face someone who might have a chance at matching him in combat. It was so hard for Dream to hold back during the junior tournaments like he needed to and the adult ones where all surprisingly strict when it came to only letting participants old enough to enter in.
His lips pull back over his teeth as the excitement spikes as the battle lasts past the ten second mark. The prior battles the Blood God was in where already over at this point. He's willing to bet no one was betting on that! (Except him. Because he is smart!)
Bad is busy juggling George - still out of it -, their Dream cheering sign, and looking around for a sound inaudible to anyone else so he isn't paying attention as Sapnap's volume lowers. As he tilts his head watching the match in the ring as it reaches thirty seconds, forty, fifty, a minute. He's not watching as Sapnap pulls himself up higher on the pole to get a better view of the ring. As he runs a hand through his hair as it starts to spark.
Dream and the Blood God keep matching each other.
Every blow is matched. Each dodge is predicted and defended. All parries are avoided. Their footwork keeps pace with each other. A dance of feet across the sand ring where they trade off the lead and follow seamlessly. A step matched with whatever is needed to stay in hitting range of each other. Neither able to grab hold of the loose fabric he knows to be traps yet he watched them both reaching for them. Dream can't get the distance he needs to harry his opponent and the Blood God can't land the blows Sapnap is sure would be devastating should they land.
It's uncanny for two random people to be this matched.
Or it would be if he didn't know of the other possibility.
Sapnap keeps watching the dance of equals in front of him as the crowd falls silent. The battle's dragging into the minutes now, the referee moving hands at the announcer as they clearly weren't planning for this at all. He's not sure if they'll try to call a draw to move on or not, but he knows this can keep going for a while. Dream has insane stamina which watching this, is making a lot of sense. Same with the fighting skills unmatched by literally everyone around them.
Something happens. He doesn't catch what, but it has Dream stumbling in the perfect rhythm. His feet catching under himself and it's enough for the Blood God to pin him with a sword to his front before he can roll away.
The crowd erupts. He can hear Bad and George both cheering next to him even as he keeps staring. The Blood God offers a hand to Dream - the same he's done for all of their opponents though they didn't take it. Dream does. He's pulled to his feet and it's clear to Sapnap at least that his focus is mainly pinned to the other even if his mask does turn to face the referee as they hustle both of them off the field.
Dream's always worn clothes that cover him from toe to chin. Wears makeup across his face as well as the iconic (for the right people at least) white mask or half-masks when they're out in general. He hates even talking about it and Sapnap knows it was because of the bullying he experienced when he was younger and he's respected that. But now he thinks he's going to have to be the asshole and ask to see the marks on his skin.
"Sapnap, are you okay?" Bad's voice snaps him back to where he is.
Right. He's still clinging to a pole in front of the fighting ring he's pretty sure one of his best friends has just encountered their soulmate in.
He hops down, "I'm good. I'm going to find Dream!"
Bad sighs, but he ignores it. He has to make sure he catches Dream and explains what just happened. Has to see what is marked on his skin - even a part of it. They have to somehow, hopefully catch Technoblade before they leave and at least get a feeling for if he would be interested in hanging out at some point.
AU Notes:
dream's soul marks stretch over his whole body. it's clear they have a purpose, but no one's ever been able to figure it out which lead to him being bullied a lot when he was younger. sapnap does know what they are/mean, but by the time they met, dream was already covering them completely
techno is like, a year younger than dream in this. mainly because i think it would be funny, but also to add in my head canon that time conversion between the realms can get weird, especially with the nether so the people in charge of the tournaments think he's old enough, but he's not.
they decide to snag techno's contact to talk more since dream's a bit too anxious (years of internalizing self-hatred about something will do that) to actually have the conversation about them being soulmates just yet. so they become friends before they start a relationship.
(techno does know they're soulmates, but also doesn't want to push when it's pretty clear dream is anxious and chat is rambling in his head to not push the topic. not that he was, but-)
bad is hearing skeppy throughout this. they actually wind up running into each other while sapnap is explaining things to dream.
This one was a lot of fun and I might add more to it, expanding things after this point in time. Not sure how, yet, though.
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A/N sorry this is kinda trash
3 AM drives had become a tradition for you and Dream. His sleep schedule was already fucked up and you couldn't sleep without him curled up next to you. It was a way to unwind from the days stressors, just the two of you against the world.
Unfortunately, 3 AM was also when those who should have been cut off hours earlier decided they should fall asleep somewhere more comfortable than a barstool.
The drive was just like any other, Dreams hand lounging on the steering wheel and the other warm on your thigh. Radio blasting a playlist full of old songs that you'd both grown up listening to, both of you belting the words at the top of your lungs, laughing and just being together.
Everything happened so fast after that.
The other driver didn't even have time to try and swerve, to try and avoid hitting the car. When you'd first woken up, Sapnap informed you that the coward just drove away, not bothering to contact anybody. You'd suffered a broken leg and arm, as well as a small concussion, but that was the extent of your injuries.
Dream was far worse.
The car was totaled, the initial impact T-boning the drivers side. Dream had broken bones, blood loss, and a severe concussion. And he hadn't shown any sign of waking up soon.
Once you were discharged you went straight to his room and just...sat.
It hurt to look at him. His shining eyes shut, one bruised bleeding, an impossible frown settling on his lips, a bandage flattening the fluffy hair on his forehead. Wires were connected to him, machines beeping monotonously, IVs delivering a clear liquid into his vein.
"Dream..." you whimpered. You'd give anything to have him back.
Sapnap and George took turns visiting, as well as Dream's family members. They'd try convincing you to go home and rest, get some real sleep, but you always said you were fine. George would bring you meals from the cafeteria, and you'd pick at them, but never enough to fill you stomach. You didn't know if you'd be able to keep anything more down.
Finally a week later the machines started beeping faster. Dream was making progress, pulling through.
Everyone wanted to be there to see his eyes open for the first time. The staff tried their hardest to prevent it, but when Dream finally woke up, all of you were at his bedside.
"Dream, Honey?" His mom whispered, trying to hold back tears.
"Mom? Dad? What happened?" You could see Dream wince from the hoarseness of his voice, trying to clear his throat. "Water?"
"You were in a pretty bad accident about a week ago." George answered.
Dream took a cup of water from his dad's outstretched hands. "Hey, guys." Dream nodded towards George and Sapnap.
"Dream." You breathed, almost scared that this was a dream and you'd wake up and he'd be asleep still.
"Hello." He responded, but it wasn't in the way you would have expected your boyfriend to. You decided to brush it off figuring he was just tired or something from the medication.
"How are you feeling?" You asked, taking his hand in yours.
"Fine, I guess. I'm sorry, do I know you?" He asks, pulling his hand from yours.
The room fell silent.
"Dream..." You asked in disbelief.
Before you could say anything else a Doctor came in to check on Dream.
"I need anyone who isn't family to stay in the waiting room please. You all shouldn't be back here. Now go." He said, shooing you and the other boys out of the room.
"Babes..." Sapnap starts, seeing how hurt and confused you are.
"It's probably just temporary." George assures you. "Let's go sit down and i'm sure when we can see him again, he'll have remembered."
Nodding slightly, the lead you to the stiff chairs of the waiting room.
A little while later Dream's dad came into the waiting room.
"He's going to be alright eventually. Just needs lots of rest and time for his bones to heal. Unfortunately, he does have a kind of amnesia. He remembers most things leading up to the accident, but not what happened during."
"Most things?" George asks.
"There are certain...aspects...that have slipped his memory" Dreams dad says, looking away from the three of you.
"It's me, isn't it?" You say, a feeling of dread growing within you, being almost too scared to say it out loud.
"Yes. But don't worry, the Doctor said it should be temporary." He quickly reassured.
What was said after that fell upon deaf ears. What were you going to do? You'd moved in with Dreams years ago, and never as just a roommate. You were building a life together and that was just....gone. You guessed you could move into the guest bedroom for a while...
"Have you told him anything about who I am?" You interrupted the current conversation.
Dreams dad nodded. "We told him you're a friend of the family. That way when he sees you around..."
"He's not so weirded out."
Dreams dad nods solemnly.
"You're all welcome back to see him though." He offers, trying to lighten the mood.
"Actually, I think i'm going to go home. Rest up a bit." You declined. You figured it'd be better than staying a feeling like a stranger.
You still visited the hospital every day until Dream was discharged, but you didn't stay as long, and stayed as far away from Dream as you could in the tiny room.
When Dream was discharged his mom insisted he stay with them for the time being so she could keep an eye on him.
Whenever you'd visited before, Dreams childhood home was a safe place. A place where you feel like you belonged, and were loved. Like a second home. Now you felt like you were intruding. A guest in this family home. No matter how much his parents promised you were part of the family and that this would all go away soon, you began to wonder if it would.
"Hey Mom, Hey...(Y/N), right?" Dream said, entering the kitchen where you were visiting with his mom to grab an apple from the fridge.
Once Dream left the kitchen you turned to his mom.
"Do you really think it's temporary?"
"Oh, Sweetheart. I know it must be hard. But I really do think that deep down, Dream still knows exactly who you are and loves you every bit as much as he did before."
You fingered the necklace he'd gotten you for your anniversary, only a month before the accident."
"I know I should have hope, it's just...too hard. Too see him, smiling and laughing again, and knowing that I can't be the cause. Knowing that he has no idea who I am.." You say, a sob threatening to escape taking your words.
"I'm sorry. I have to go." You say, standing up and leaving without another word.
Days went by without you visiting. George and Sapnap would update you, but they never said what you needed to hear.
After a month went by with no sign of his memories returning you decided you'd given it enough time.
You moved in with your friend for a while until you were able to find an apartment. Sapnap fought hard to convince you to stay but George understood how hard it was for you and eventually Sapnap gave up.
Once Dreams mom felt comfortable with it, he moved back into the Dream Team Household, still without a inkling of memory for you.
Then, one day months later, Dream rushed into the living room where George and Sapnap were lounging on their phones.
"Guys, I'm freaking out. I can't find (Y/N) anywhere and all her stuff is missing." He says, tugging on his curls, panic rising in his voice.
"(Y/N)?" George asks, surprised, looking at Sapnap who returned the same surprised expression.
"Don't be stupid George, I'm serious. I cant find her and I've tried calling and texting with no answer."
"Dream, calm down. (Y/N) is fine, just staying with a friend." Sapnap started slowly.
"A friend? What the hell is going on?" Dream asked. HIs legs felt wobbly and throat felt tight with fresh tears. He sat on the couch to steady himself.
"After the accident..." Sapnap started.
"You suffered from a sort of amnesia." George took over.
"Right. The doctor said that's why I couldn't remember the accident at all." Dream said, confused. Why were they telling him all this again?
"There was something else you didn't remember. Well, someone." Sapnap said.
"What?" Dream felt a heavy wash of something come over him.
"You woke up and couldn't remember (Y/N) at all. Your parents told you she was a family friend so you wouldn't be so confused as to why she was around all the time. We wanted to tell you , but your mom convinced us that it would be better for you to go along with the lie, she said you were in such a fragile state that it'd just be better that way. And then we didn't know when the best time to tell you would be."
"I forgot her?" Dream asked. He couldn't believe it. This was the girl he'd pictured a future with. The love of his life. No way did he just forget her.
"It got too hard for her. She started out visiting your house nearly every day, but eventually it was too much and she moved out. Forced herself to move on." George said.
"Move on?" Dream whispered. "No, I can't let that happen. I have to see her. Have to let her know I remember her. We can be together again." He looked at Sapnap. "Do you know what friend she was staying with?" Dream had only met a few of your friends, but only knew where one or two of them lived.
Once Sapnap told him and Dream thanked whatever God he believed in that it was one of the ones whos addresses he knew, he grabbed his keys and got into the car and started driving.
A knock on the front door of your friends apartment startled you from where you were sitting on the couch scrolling through yet another page of apartment listings on your laptop.
Placing the computer on the coffee table you opened the door, eyes widening at the sight in front of you.
"Dream.." you whispered.
You were wrapped in his arms immediately, being crushed to his chest in a suffocating hug.
"Baby, I'm so sorry. I don't know how I could have ever forgotten you."
"Oh, Dream. " you said, with tears in your eyes, wrapping your arms around him and burying your fact into his neck.
"Please don't tell me i'm too late. That you haven't given up on us. That you didn't forget me."
"Dream, even if there was anyone else I never would have been able to forget us. Never would have been able to completely move on. I love you."
Dream smiled widely pulling you into a kiss.
"I can't wait to make more memories with you."
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*pretends to be an analyst like in the mcc subreddit* okay so do i think Cyan Coyotes will win
My main point here will be to compare MCC Underdogs Purple Pandas and MCC 33 Cyan Coyotes. Obviously my brainrot causes me to involuntarily compare a team that Bdubs was on and a team that Etho is on, however there are a few parallels.
First off, the most obvious one is FireBreathMan. He's an insanely good player, he's good at movement and PvP, and he's known for being ❗ Technoblade's sensei ❗ he also used to be an MCC tester, which, while a lot has changed since then, means that he has almost as much experience as a regular MCC player; and, after being in a few actual MCC's since then, would amount to a serious amount of experience.
Secondly, from my observations, Etho and Impulse are about on the same level in general Minecraft gameplay. They both learn quickly, are able to adapt and are smart and agile players. I would compare Bdubs and Scar in terms of skill as well, being only slightly behind their partners. That would mean that Etho and Scar would be on about the same level gameplay wise as Bdubs and Impulse were, BUT impdubs were both new to MCC, while Scar ISN'T, meaning scab could potentially be even better. I don't know how well Etho and Scar play together, but they certainly get along very well. I haven't watched MCC in a while, but i remember Scar's big problem being communication (when he went silent and the rest of the team didn't know where he was, how he was doing, what was happening, etc). I can see Etho communicating fairly well, but there's also a factor of being new to a THIRTY THIRD EVENT and getting a little paralyzed and overwhelmed, which WILL be an obstacle.
Now, Scott, FBM, Etho and Scar is a strong team with a lot of potential, and a similar team from before won the event, despite having 3 new players! BUT there is a key difference... In that MCC Underdogs, in which Bdubs, Impulse, FBM and Blushie won, was an MCC that only had people that haven't won yet. This means that, on average, it had less super good very competitive players. This time it's a normal MCC, which has more competition and more players that are a big threat (Fruit, Pete, Jojo, Purpled, Punz and Sapnap on the same team?!) Teams like Red, Aqua, Blue and Purple will be BRUTAL.
Do i think Cyan will win? No. Do i think they can win? Definitely. I don't think that's very likely. But i do think they will come in top 6. I predict Etho will be in top 35. He will do well in Grid Runners and Ace Race, maybe well in Parkour Warrior, TGTTOSAWAF and Sands of Time. I could see him do well in Battle Box, Sky Battle and Parkour Tag IF HE'S LUCKY. I don't remember other games.
But idc if all of what I'm saying is wrong!! I don't care if he's great at everything or if he sucks and comes 45th in a game with 40 players!! I just want to see Etho in a new setting that's unusual for him, and to see him have fun with his friends and meet new people :D my biggest wish for this MCC? have him join a few vc's at the end, when everyone is just chatting and discussing each others performance. Or others joining his vc would also be neat. I don't see him staying on for long, but imagine Cub, False, Joel, Impulse, Philza, Captain Sparklez joining to praise him???? That would be so sweet!! Maybe people who don't participate could also join the vc since they probably have access to it wink wink Bdubs wink wink actually i also want Bdubs in Etho's chat, and Etho replying to his messages once in a while. Usually it's Etho in Bdubs's chat, so to see this get reversed???? ONCE IN A LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY, I TELL YA. Even if Bdubs ends up being too busy, he will definitely come watch at least for a little bit. Can't wait to see Tango and Skizz and Doc and Ren and perhaps some other friends in chat too. Can't wait to see them discuss Etho's first MCC afterwards. Can't wait to just. See Etho in MCC! It's wild that it's happening!!!! People have been speculating about him joining since the first events. It's actually happening guys. I'M SO EXCITED.
Edit: so, update, Etho won't stream apparently :( but hey! At least a part of my dream will happen right :D?
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Some dsmp fics I would write if it was my full-time job:
----A Sapnap/Techno fic, that explores Sapnap's feelings about BBH as his father becomes distant with him and becomes the head of the Egg cult, being invited to its banquet even. Sapnap angst where he gets to express how awful he feels about being constantly abandoned by the people he loves, over and over. Insecurity where he thinks something might be wrong with him, struggling to maintain a relationship with Karl when Karl doesn't even remember who he is half the time and calls him by a different name.
I think it should have Sapnap end up needing to take arms against the Eggpire and try to get his father back, and he ends up joining with Techno instead of the Techno/Quackity team-up. Techno and Sapnap should have a lot of moments that explore what it means to be a person, to have friends, and how much it hurts to be abandoned when you're a naturally devoted person. If apologies for any past lore between them need to happen, they happen. I think there should be a lot of parallels between Philza/Techno and Sapnap/Dream, but Dream isn't treated negatively in this scenario or shown to have Secretly Been A Bad Friend All Along, and there's actually potential for a reconciliation as Sapnap realizes that he and Dream stopped communicating the way they should have been, and a resolution to go back to the prison after he finishes with the Eggpire.
(which would eventually lead to him discovering the torture and abuse which would lead to him freeing Dream and-)
And this should end with Sapnap defeating the Egg with Techno, and freeing Bad, who's obviously not doing too great, and they hug, and Sapnap gets to say I missed you and Bad gets to say I'm sorry with something like reconciliation that could become more secure in the future (if the Dream stuff doesn't end up destroying it). Sapnap and Techno get to be close and protect each other in battle and Techno invites Sapnap to the arctic sometime, and Maybe Even. Feelings. Mayhaps. Maybe even the future promise of Sapnap joining the Syndicate when he goes to get Dream and realizes he can only go to one person he trusts more than anyone to have his back.
----A Wilbur/Michael McChill fic that explores Revivebur not entirely knowing what to do with himself post-revival, hearing the radio talking about Serenity, an interesting metaphor and concept for a man like Wilbur who has never known that kind of peace a day in his fucking life, and deciding that Yes He Would Definitely Go To This Country. And then he shows up the the Radio Station That Is,,,, Not A Country, or particularly serene. He's positively miffed but he's here now, and he is going to make himself McChill's problem now.
So now Wilbur is crashing on McChill's couch and no matter how much McChill tries to explain that Serenity Was A Metaphor, Wilbur isn't hearing it. And really, McChill did want to know about the true history of the DSMP and its stories, and look! He's got the original artifact in the form of a dead man who started it all. Yeah, he's pretty sure that every other word out of Wilbur's mouth is bullshit or a very deeply twisted truth, but this is his first real visitor, the only real answers to things he has. If the fanfic is from his POV, its an interesting, mysterious thing, the idea of Wilbur Soot.
But also I think that they could be a really interesting dynamic in the form of McChill being able to call bullshit on Wilbur's stories the way his CC called bullshit on the disc finale before it was revealed it was staged. I think that McChill would set some ground rules and force Wilbur to take a shower. Wilbur can play his guitar and McChill can snark that somethings out of key, and Wilbur can snark back, but their relationship will never explode or set anything on fire. Wilbur wants everything to be about him, needs to be the center focus, and he gets that to some degree by controlling the narrative of his past! But also McChill is someone who is unaffected by that past and has nothing to do with it. Wilbur can't pull on the past as a way to maneuver this relationship, so he's forced to just... be whatever he is in the present.
And I think Wilbur struggles a lot to figure out what he is in the present, but even if he bullshits and backslides, McChill is never going to enable his past behavior or be too traumatized to push back. If Wilbur is going to come all this way and steal his couch, McChill is going to tell him he needs to eat something other than sand. This isn't therapy, but it is Wilbur coming home to Philza with his very exasperated boyfriend and insisting that He Is So Good At Healing And Being Normal.
---- A Tina/Hannah fic that Explores their developing relationship and Hannah falling to the Egg. I want this Slow Burn from when they first meet on the SMP to maybe-possibly being very close to being romantically involved, that sort of deep tethering pull and dates-that-are-not-dates that could also have the fun background effect of letting us see how other characters we don't normally get a lot of focus on are doing in their day to day lives. It feels very light-hearted at first, almost slice of life-esque, tooth rotting fluff.
But as time goes on, clearly something is wrong on Hannah's end. The reds in her outfit have always been a lovely rosy shade, but lately they've become more dappled with crimson and mahogany. Its not something most people would notice, but Tina does. Tina notices every little shift in her behavior, the way her dearest friend withdraws more and more.
And Tina wants to help, of course, as she always does, but Hannah has realized both that she's being taken over by the Egg, and that the Egg wants to take Tina too, coaxing Hannah to try and infect her as well. Not acceptable. Hannah's goal is to attempt to keep Tina safe from whats happening at all costs. She'd leave a trail of blood behind her if it meant that she'd see Tina, whole and happy, on the other side.
Tina isn't really happy to be told "I'm doing this for you!" as the love of her life starts going a little ax-murder-y in a sacrificial cult. She thinks that taking away a bit of her agency, low-key. She doesn't want Hannah to destroy the world for her, she just wants Hannah, safe and happy and in her arms.
I want Tina to put on very cute, purple/pink armor and pick up a sword and maybe even join the Syndicate in taking down the Egg. I think Tina should go up against Hannah and the vines and the sacrificial cult and win after nearly losing, because Hannah has her hanging by a vine and insists that they could be Happy Like This, that Tina could be her beloved treasure, safe from the wars and conflicts of the SMP that she's seen through her hivemind connection- only for Tina to cut herself free and insist that she doesn't want to be safe. Not like this. If being safe means never being free, then she'd rather live a life full of danger. And she wants to live that life with Hannah as herself, not the facade the Egg insists she is.
I think, after the Egg is defeated, Tina is cradling her love very gently in her arms. I think they should kiss, blood still on their lips.
(I think they should get married, but its probably too soon for that.)
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So, to get into how c!Dream can both be c!Sapnap's childhood friend and c!George's Blade for 3 years. Or, a timeline of what is going on with Blade!Dream.
At the very beginning, Dream was made from a fragment of a shattered Aegis. Dream is a powerful Blade; it is hard for most people to Awaken him because most people don't have the aether tolerance for it.
The famous duel between Technoblade and Dream does not happen during the events of the server. We are re-locating this duel to take place about 50 years before the DSMP server, and roughly 2 lives previous. Dream and Technoblade faced off as powerful warriors; the majority of the audience did not know they were Blades. Dream had the same general theme of green with a smiling mask, but the overall look was different.
Most of this duel was a learning experience for Dream. Even though the current Dream does not actively remember participating in this duel, he could re-enact it step-by-step as a paired exercise based on Procedural Memory.
Dream's next life after the duel was spent with the granddaughter of his previous Driver. They were together as a Blade-Driver pair for nearly 30 years. During this period, Dream met Sapnap. Sapnap doesn't really remember Dream very well, just that Dream was older than him and they had a lot of fun together for 6mo - 1yr before Dream and his Driver moved on. Sapnap vaguely remembers Dream being with an older woman, and pre-Blade reveal at Staged Finale, thinks that this woman was Dream's mom.
At 4 years pre-DSMP, Dream is killed. It is an accident caused by the death and respawn of his Driver. Dream's Driver is able to recover his core crystal, but is devastated by the loss. Mostly I've talked about poor Blade-Driver relationships, or relationships gone wrong, but that is uncommon and more a symptom of Dream's particular fears. In this bond, Dream's Driver loved him like family and was distressed about the idea of reAwakening a version of Dream that wouldn't be the one she lost. She chooses not to reAwaken Dream herself, and instead looks for someone else to be his Driver in his new life.
Dream's new Driver is George. This is roughly 3 years pre-DSMP. Along with a memory journal that Dream's previous life kept, George is also given Dream's mask. As Dream travels with George, they eventually meet up with Sapnap.
The problem here comes from poor communication, which will eventually fracture the relationship later. Sapnap has strong, emotion-based memories of his time with Dream's previous life. Dream has a written record of things that his previous life thought was important, but that is limited. Not every memory Sapnap treasures was entered into the journal. And the journal can only give facts about the events that happened; it does not give Dream any emotional data, and the memories are kind of flat.
This creates a flaw in the foundation of their current friendship, which the DSMP events exacerbate. It does not get fixed because this is the DSMP and everyone is allergic to actually having meaningful communication about their relationships until everything explodes.
DSMP start-to-Staged Finale takes about 1 year. By the time Dream ends up breaking the Resonance with George, they have spent about 4 years in Resonance. Post-Staged Finale, Dream is usually in Resonance with Punz. Sometimes, if they know EW!Ranboo will be Awake for a long period of time, EW!Ranboo will Drive Dream. This period of Resonance is more like several shorter Resonances as Dream and Punz test their Memory Patch as well as general Resurrection arte/Revival rituals.
Fun facts:
While c!Wilbur knows that Techno is a Blade, the fact that Techno's opponent in the duel was also a Blade did not come up. Even though Dream's outfit has shifted with his new Drivers, the similarities between the current outfit and the old outfit make Wilbur paranoid. Add to the fact that you get hybrids with extended lifespans and other traits, and it can cause a lot of confusion. Some part of Wilbur is absolutely treating Dream as the age he is imagining him as (60+ years) rather than the age his appearance suggests (21-ish, and younger depending on how he dresses).
Despite only being Awake for 3 years, Dream does have the intelligence matching his apparent age. While he has knowledge of emotions and how they affect people, his actual emotional experience is low because he is recently Awakened (recent meaning any Blade that has been Awake less than 5 years).
Techno and Phil absolutely pegged Dream as the Blade Techno fought in the duel, but they're a little clueless as to who Dream's current Driver is. None of them get a chance to sit down and talk about Blade things together until c!Ranboo shows up with Dream's core crystal sometime post-Staged Finale.
Everyone should be very glad that this version of Dream is a healing Blade. If he was like the Aegis in XC2, then he'd basically have an orbital strike canon/laser on call. So, basically the Divine Judgment arte from Aselia. Literally no one who does not already know Dream is a healing Blade (George, Punz, Techno, and Phil) guess that is his alignment during the conspiracy theories about Dream that pop up post-Staged Finale.
Dream does lose his mask during the Staged Finale. Sapnap ends up keeping it.
I know the hoodie is iconic, but I'm tempted to say that Blades are Awakened with a default outfit. Dream's default outfit is full-ruffles type of JRPG healer outfit each time, and Dream has to change back into the hoodie. Since Blades disappear with the clothes they had on when they revert to core crystal, the reAwakening process is essentially eating Dream's favorite hoodies and not giving them back :(. Not 100% on doing this idea with this AU, but DSMP has a strong humorous streak even when dealing with serious subjects. If I did go through with it, I imagine that Dream's default outfit would look something like Yulia Jue's concept art from Tales of the Abyss and it annoys him to no end.
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Also! C!george being able to see the multiverse through a lil window dreamXD made to show him
What does he see?
CC!george, sapnap and dream watching a football game (cc!george isnt really watching anyhow) (XD explains how everything is pacific and domestic here without wars or dumb monarchies and betrayals they all just live together and chill)
A swapped places AU where c!dream isnt a weirs puppet thing and is actually c!george who is that weird monster (that c!dream stares back and just stares confused until some weird god comes by and XD changes the universe quickly) ("who was that?" '...did i tell you im divorced?' "...loser." '...LOSER???!!')
....flowers from 1970... But its just a room with poems in the walls and the palms marked in them with that specific song playing ("...what happened here?" 'Some dimensions are good and have nice endings and some dont! Thats just how it is' "oh...not my problem anyway") (i alao dont know if you know abt the fanfic its pretty good but also quite old) (no good ending tho)
Squid craft 2 (the part where george finds dream just dead as hell) (i dont even know if you even watched the event)
And well if you thought the cc!au was upsetting!
The window opens to the inside of the castle that is decorated with blue and white and c!george sitting in the throne and c!dream is just by the side of the throne with a knight kind of look just talking to him about his day
C!george gets upset and closes the window "this sucks youre an idiot and this is dumb" '...making that window is hard you know?' "I dont care leave me alone i have things to do" 'mean.' "I dont care"
Yess! Draculaura just starts assigning superheroes to her friends (most dont make sense thanks to her lack of knowledge in the topic) then she finds a comic where they did make batman a vampire and she just refuses to think that it isnt the principal story
Clawdeen hates Twilight
She wakes up and posts abt how much she hates it everyday for like 4 months until she finds a good book of werewolves to read
oh my gosh i forgot to answer this i’m so sorry 😭😭 i looked at it and was like “ok i’ll answer that later” and then forgot about it
WINDOW BEDTIME STORIES!!! George gets an au bedtime story POG
weirdthingC!george and actuallynormalC!dream is a cool little swap :000!! AND XD BEING DIVORCED BAHAHAHAHA
i think i remember flowers from 1970? probably? it’s a dnf fanfic right? i think my dreamteam friend told me she was reading it at one point
OK SO. I feel like the external videos, previous smps, and contests are still a part of the dsmp. At least most of them. Like, the characters are an extension of the CC and their YouTube/Twitch journey. The characters join the dsmp, and they come from different places, and those places are the series the CC is currently working on. Like they have a built in backstory.
For instance: Tommy, SMPEarth and Skyblock are canon for him. Philza, hardcore world and SMPEarth. Techno, Hypixel, MCM, SMPEarth, so on and so forth. BadBoyHalo, MunchyMC, videos with Skeppy, and MCM. And Dream, MunchyMC and Manhunts. MCC for all of these too. I gave a lot of examples just to show a lot of the different places they come from. There can ofc be more!
And I KNOW they said it wasn’t canon, but I think the Fundy marriage was canon too. Just to put into perspective how many of these things are considered canon for anyone who might be in doubt, everyone thought the Fundy proposal videos were canon until they said it wasn’t. Which obviously I didn’t listen to.
I will say, I do continue the “characters are an extension of their CC” thing with the QSMP (like the dsmp part of the character is canon in the qsmp), but with the QSMP, they knew they were making characters, so not all things really flow over the same, at least we don’t know if the dsmp is canon yet (some other old smps seem to be though), but I still headcanon that the island tried to wipe the characters memories and make them forget about important things they left behind so they wouldn’t want to leave the island. Thus, the character is still carried on, they probably just don’t know it.
Anyways, carrying on. I actually haven’t watched Squid Craft 2. I did not know that existed :0
And dw I was not saddened by the window. But like I did just sorta explain, George looking at the manhunt would be like George looking at his happy past. The knight thing’s totally an au tho.
“Why’d I get stuck with the janky old broke hobo Dream?” —c!George
Draculaura says that Ghoulia is the Flash, and Ghoulia is upset that Draculaura assigned her as the “off brand Dead Fast.”
and clawdeen WOULD hate twilight. I actually just started reading it, and it was going pretty well until the whole “dude makes girl uncomfortable but it’s ok because she actually secretly likes it!! Haha!!” thing. I feel like clawdeen would hate twilight mostly though because she sees herself in the main character, but the story reacts in such ways that are just unsatisfactory and not at all what actually happen to a girl like Bella, which Clawdeen experiences because she feels she is actually a girl like Bella and she HATES IT. She’s like, “That’s not how it works! Vampires might have all these super awesome powers, but that’s not what makes them likable!!” (as I haven’t read enough of twilight yet, I just have a hunch about this hc, so I will say my main basis for clawdeen relating to Bella is because she also has a crush on a vampire.)
And instead of a werewolf book, she actually finds the dog version of warriors.
#ty for the ask!#I don’t remember what the dog version of warriors is#dsmp#dream smp#georgenotfound#dream#dreamwastaken#monster high#hcs#ask#ack#text post
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honest opinion of all of the "big fics" I remember reading (nobody asked for this but here it is anyway):
- ff1970: gorgeous read even if the writing was wattpad coded sometimes. that is right up until the last arc and then it all went to SHIT and was BORING and I couldn't suspend my disbelief anymore
- accelerate: fuck that book genuinely why is George mewling why is sapnap homophobic why is dream an absolute cardboard cutout. also the writing is so "synonyms for red" coded like I think the author has an allergy to writing what's actually happening without writing an obnoxiously smug metaphor
- passerine: confession time I was mostly an sbi fan back when it was big but even then I hated it. what is the genuine point in an au if you're going to literally completely change everyone's character just to fit into your little predefined story for angst purposes. also the writing sucked ass
- heat waves: again! gorgeous read! I actually really loved heat waves when it was out but I think at some point I got kind of sick of it and stopped reading (also could've been my sbisms clouding my judgement) but I do remember loving how the author was weirdly able to reflect the overall vibe of the song in the writing and I've always thought that's why it resonated as such a big thing.
dream being a cardboard cutout was crazyyyyy lol. kind of an iconic insult
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Mending a Broken Friendship
AKA: in an alternate universe where Quackity apologizes to Dream at La Velada, and time proving that his intentions were genuine and not a publicity thing. (This isnt great but I wish so badly that they could have worked it out, so here's a writing where they do.)
The D-Team had been invited to La Velada, and were excited to meet some of the Spanish content creators. They also knew while they were there, there would be someone else who they did not necessarily want to see. Quackity. It had been a little over 2 months since fans of Quackity had put the lives of the Dream Team in danger through threats and doxing. Through it all Quackity remained silent, even after Dream had attempted to reach out to him a few times.
Dream remembered all the good times him, George, and Sapnap had, had with Quackity. Long nights spent on Jackbox, laughing, and roasting each other. It had seemed so genuine. What happened?
Yes, they had both had almost the exact same idea with creating a multilingual Minecraft Server. But they were adults, they could talk it through. Communicate their thoughts to each other, except Quackity wouldn't. And even through all of it deep down Dream wanted to be able to forgive Quackity and be friends again. He even talked it through with George and Sapnap who were not excited about the idea after seeing how much Dream had gone through.
"I think I should at least try and talk to him, since we'll be at the same place. What's the worst that could happen?" Dream tried to reason.
"You were literally doxed and sent death threats...Dream, and you're asking what's the worst thing that could happen?" Sapnap yelled.
"I still care about him." Dream admitted.
"Well stop, he doesn't care about us Dream!" George replied with a scoff.
"Okay fine." Dream agreed. "I won't try and talk to him."
Sapnap and George sighed in relief.
He really wasn't going to talk to Quackity....but then Quackity unexpectedly approached him at La Velada.
Quackity had never been good with confrontation, but valued his and Dream's friendship enough to try and fix things, way too late. He watched as the Dream Team walked together, and finally gathered up the confidence to approach them. He cleared his throat in order to get their attention, and was met with glares from George and Sapnap. Dream was wearing his mask so Quackity had no idea what emotions he was hiding behind the mask. Sapnap and George's glares terrified him. He knew they would do anything to fight for Dream, but he had come this far.
"Hey." He started. "I think we need to talk." Quackity started with a slight frown.
Before Dream could reply George stepped in between them, and answered with a simple, "No."
Sapnap also chimed in with: "You had time to fucking talk to him, he gave you multiple chances, but now it's too fucking late."
Quackity looked up at Dream's mask with pleading eyes,
"I really am so fucking sorry, and it took me way too long to figure it out, and I've been such an asshole, but I realize now what Ive been missing out on....and I want to make it right!"
George continued to glare at him in response.
"And what have you been missing out on? You think it might be a better business move to be friends with us again? It's all about fucking business to you. How can I get the most views?" George was furious at this point.
Dream attempted to talk again but was shut down immediately by Sapnap.
"He doesn't value friendship as much as you, he threw us away when we no longer benefitted him, and he'll do it again. It's all fake.
"Let me try and prove it to you....if I can't you never have to acknowledge my existence again." Quackity pleaded again, tears forming in his eyes.
George just looked at him in disbelief and shook his head. "Leave...."
So that's what he did he left, knowing it was no use to try and argue anymore. He would still try and make it up to them somehow, but decided to give them their space.
Being who Dream was he felt bad. He felt bad even when the other person was clearly the guilty one.
"Maybe we should have let him try?" Dream wondered out loud after Quackity had walked away.
"Its not worth it, bro, he's not worth it." Sapnap answered while putting a hand on Dream's shoulder.
Quackity still attempted to make things right. He decided his friendship with Dream and the rest of the content creators was more important then his job so he made the risky decision to leave his life of fame behind. He had stepped on other creators to rise higher in fame and views, and it was evil, and he didn't want it, since it had been acquired through these means. He announced he would be full time studying in law school and shutting down the QSMP. He would also delete his YouTube channel, and other social media. It was a bit sad to have stopped following his dreams in order to better his life, and he would miss the luxuries Living a famous life would hold. But he had fucked up and he was trying to patch things up.
Months passed, and Quackity had gotten used to living a pretty average life. It was kind of freeing in a way. Not always thinking of ways to impress fans or getting bombarded. Dream hadn't even reached out, but he hadn't expected him to. They had probably seen this as a dramatic publicity stunt to make him feel bad. After Quackity had not returned to social media even months later, they figured he might have actually been serious. He ended up getting a text out of the blue from Dream.
Dream: Hey...I was thinking of you. I really miss your content. Congratulations on working on finishing your schooling though. If you're not too busy I was thinking we could combine our ideas for the Minecraft servers and create the QUSMP.
And that's how they became friends again. They worked together to create the best Minecraft survival server ever, and Quackity made sure that most of the profit off the server would be going to Dream. He didn't want to have to fight against Dream. It took awhile for the fans to warm up to the idea of Quackity being partially back in the creator world, but as time proved that Quackity had genuine intentions, a good majority accepted him back.
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Oughh i love vampires so much, and the concept of humans being sires is really cool!! Actually, recently, i remembered i had a library app and started reading a long ass book about vampires! :3
:0!! Thats so cool omg!!! That reminds me of when I worked at a bookstore as a cashier and all the different kinds of vampire books people would buy hehe I regret never getting one for myself now TwT
But yea human sires! They're not....very good sires tbh! But neither Dream nor George or Sapnap know that so it's fineee
Human sires just lack....all the vampire stuff lmao
A rouge fledgling vamp would more likely kill the human they imprinted on for food than actually be so enamored by them. The survival instinct just kicks in more. It's just Sapnap and George have the added benefit of most of their childhoods being old ladies always yelling at them about different vampire legends and warnings pfft So they like....know what to do....kinda..... Humans only know so much tbf
And all they know is Dream needs blood. And thats all they think he needs. What's really happening is that they're feeding Dream animal blood which is....not the best source of nutrients for a fledgling nor is it enough to be fully satiated...but it is enough for that survival instinct to calm down and for the inner fledgling to pop in and beg for affection and love and protection! It's just a baby you gotta take care of it!!
And they lack that kind of....communication really! Dream is lacking the mental connection a typical fledgling will have with their Sire and coven. The inner fledgling is constantly trying to reach out to George and Sapnap and because there is no mental reciprocation, it leads to Dream being even more desperate for their attention. But they still leave him in this lonely cave to sleep all alone :( He must not be a good fledgling for them....the few times he tried to follow them made them super mad and made his inner cry out more, making Dream literally cry. Sapnap and George thinks just the fact of being undead, the idea of being technically dead, is making Dream much more emotional...not that this is necessarily a vampire thing.
Dream just can't properly communicate that he Needs them to stay with him. He can say outloud all he wants that he doesn't want them to leave, stay for a little longer please, it's lonely here :((( But snf not really quite grasping how Serious this all is for Dream.
Like it probably does suck to be alone in this forest while your 2 closest people are off doing things you can't participate in anymore :/ like he can't even eat his favorite foods anymore!! They themselves probably wouldn't want to be alone and bored in this dumb forest but that's just a small sacrifice for now! Not really knowing...the mental anguish and despair Dream is going through everytime they leave :(
And they've tried taking turns but it never really quite worked out for a various number of reasons. Such as it taking two of them to actually hunt and also steal various things from town and bring stuff over. But the initial...fear...of just one of them with a vampire was not great...Even if it is just Dream...Though. I think once that's worn off, there is a sort of....pleasure?...that the two of them experience when they get back and Dream is running up to them and hugging them as tight as he can and being generally weepy about them returning every single time. A sort of gratification that Dream needs them so much now and they're so good at taking care of him that he's reduced to this kind of vulnerability. Dream /needs/ them to survive and they /love/ being able to provide for him. They love they have their chance to take care of Dream now.
It probably has something to do with underlying guilt of causing Dream's death tbh...If Dream wasn't trying so hard to take care of them he wouldn't have died. So they want to make up for it as much as possible! Trying....a little too hard tbh....hmmm.
And that's the other thing about human sires. How does a fledgling affect the humans themselves!
While there is no clear mental connection between them, there is a sort of.....amplification of feelings that a fledgling gives off. It's just a survival mechanism tbf, a way to make sure they're not abandoned by their Sires. Super effective on vampires(most of the time)! Not very....effective on humans...but still working!
And it works in odd ways, at least for George and Sapnap. They're a unique case and not human researchers nor bitten vampires themselves would be able to really understand how Sapnap and George are being affected. Just that they are.
They care for Dream unconditionally of course but now theyre under the added influence of... fledgling should just be taken care of and that's all a fledgling can/should do.
This insatiable need to care for Dream always lingering in them but not to the point of not being able to pull away from him. They need to leave to take care of him, of course! Not that they like the obvious evidence of Dream being desperate for their care pfft no never! That just means they're doing a good job! (Not really lmao)
Until...Dream becomes a little more clear headed...and starts doing things on his own again...Fighting back against them more and insisting to allow him to help too...hrmmm...
His inner fledgling begging to just stay in the cave(nest) and be good and wait for Sires...but Dream knows he can help out...and his inner likes the idea of making his Sires happy so....Dream tries....and then snf /aren't/ happy. And his inner is crying and crying and Dream wishes the weird guilt and sad feelings and tears would stop!! He knows he's right on this!!!
And it's a huge conflict in Dream really. He does recognize to a degree that his autonomy is being stripped from him but.....he isn't /too/ bothered by it really....he's more acting cause he cares about George and Sapnap. His rational brain constantly worried about them getting hurt because of him...dying because of him...
It's a real conundrum when Dream is able to fight against his inner fledgling more(due to the lack of an actual vampire sire) but snf can't shake off the feelings of "Dream needs us and should be dependent on us". Quite a pickle!
There's a few conflicts that are bouncing in my head, just putting them in Situations lmao
Like George and Sapnap facing the reality of.. are they really choosing some vampire over their own fellow human(yes of course duh, Dream isn't just some vampire pfft) and sacrificing a bit of their humanity(i.e. murder) to protect Dream (much to Dream's horror and his inner fledgling's delight)
Or Dream facing off another rogue vampire born from the same town and now Dream facing the reality of him being a Monster...perhaps it was one of the brat rich kids that always messed with them and treated them poorly. The curse isn't picky with who the troublemaker is apparently, no excuses! Though....that does lead to a lot of the townsfolk becoming suspicious of Sapnap and George...(The townsfolk could never believe this good and well behaved kid turned on his own, he must've been bitten! And they never got to cremate Dream's body as a precaution...hmmm)
There's also the idea of a bitten vampire coming across Dream while snf are out. Seeing a vulnerable fledgling ripe for the taking. It can't be a rogue because Dream is so well put together, obviously still having his mind in tact! Poor baby trying to survive in this shit cave... And struggling against them! Must have been freshly abandoned and still bonded with his Sire...well, nothing a little of their own blood can't override :)!
#ehm asks#ehm aus#vampire au...? human sires au?? idk what to name this lmao#an amazing ask to wake up to cause Im just using it as an excuse to yap LMAO#unbitten au
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hello! so, i’m kind of new at requesting stuff at all so this is my first request to anyone basically so sorry if i don’t really get this well or anything
but i’ve been wondering, how would they react to being with their high school sweetheart for so long and how they are now? you don’t need to if you don’t want to but i hope you have a great day! and again, sorry if it was confusing!
( btw, can i be a anon?? if so, 🎟 anon? )
Hallo, thanks for requesting!
I saw that you requested this a second time, I'm sorry it took a while but as soon as I opened my request I was bombarded with them :'D
Anyways, I hope you enjoy and welcome to the family 🎟️ anon <3
DSMP react to being high school sweethearts for so long
Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, C!Technoblade, Nihachu, Eret, Punz, FoolishGamers, Awesamdude, Aimsey
Click Here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
You did so much for Dream during highschool; you were with him through thick and thin, so he is happy to still be able to spend his life with you. Especially now that he can give you whatever you ask, even if you feel guilty;
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
George will sometimes just stare at you, especially when you're happily talking to chat. He just can't believe how lucky he got, and chat always makes sure to remind him of how love sick he is;
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
I feel like Sapnap is already a lovesick puppy with you 24/7. He is literally stuck to you like glue and has been for years now. But whenever he's reminded of how long you've been togheter it just makes him randomly very happy and gives him the need to shower you in kisses;
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Bad gets a bit emotional when he's reminded of all those years you've spent togheter. You never judged him and always supported this career of his and he couldn't be more happy;
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Kind of like George, Quackity goes in a trance as he remembers all your happy moments togheter. He sometimes questions just how someone like you could stay with someone like him, but you are quick to change his mind about those questions;
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
You and Karl have always had those "how did I get so lucky?" conversation. Once a month, one of you would look at the other and start going on a sweet spiral of compliments and happiness. It might me very cheesy, but you two don't really care;
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Wilbur realized how longs you've been togheter when he saw you screaming your lungs out at one of his concerts. To him seeing you in the crowd was like reliving all those moments where you were there for him, just like you are now and just like you would be in the future;
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
[For Techno is since you joined the SMP] the voices love to remind Techno about all the times he went soft or was "simping" for you. So he is constantly thinking of how longs it's been and how happy you make him. But most importantly, how he wants to protect you from all those who would try to hurt you to get to him;
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Niki had been through a lot during her entire childhood, that's why she loves to relive her highschool days once in a while. Because there is where she met you, the best thing that happened to her;
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
From time to time, Eret will tell you he loves you. Just out of no where, with no context. He just likes to see you go all shy and blushy, just like you did when he first asked you out
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Punz always acts tough around his friends, but whenever you are mentioned he cannot help but get soft. He'll sometimes even start rambling about your high school days to chat, and he won't stop for HOURS
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
You'll sometimes see Foolish randomly smiling happily at absolutely nothing. And 90% of the time, when you ask him what got him smiling like that, he'll answer that he was thinking about all the years you've spent togheter and how he never wants this to end because he is so happy
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Sam gets cuddly whenever he's thinking about you. All those high school memories flood his head when he looks at you, and he feels like he's falling in love all over again; so he holds you close and whispers small "I love you's" that send chills down your spine
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Aimsey absolutely loves to have you around them, and will sometimes bring up moments you two had togheter just to see you get shy and and demand them to stop. They've always found this side of you to be very cute
#dreamsmp#dsmp#mcyt#dream smp x reader#dsmp x reader#mcyt x reader#dream x reader#georgenotfound x reader#sapnap x reader#badboyhalo x reader#quackity x reader#karl jacobs x reader#wilbur soot x reader#technoblade x reader#nihachu x reader#punz x reader#foolishxreader#awesamdude x reader#aimsey x reader#beescenarios
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◇ NSFW 18+ only ◇ Minors/Ageless blogs DNI ◇ You will be blocked ◇
Finished Writing: February 9, 2022
Pairing: C!Dream , AFABFox!Reader
Warnings: afab, fox!reader, heat, photography, degrading, breeding, dumbification, smidge of orgasm denial, “master”,
A/n: idk what happened here, i wrote it in like an hour
You didn't know what you and Sam were, not after all the things he had done. The most recent kidnapping being your last straw you left. Part of you wished you had stayed a few more days for Sam to be able to satisfy your heat. The beginning of your heat slammed into you while visiting Kinoko. "M fine, just going to leave now," you gave a pained wave to Sapnap and Karl. The pair exchanged a look but shrugged it off. You stumbled carelessly to your house chucking things recklessly around your living room.
Too bad you didn't notice someone following you.
Now you were laying on your stomach, hips raised slightly as you plunged two fingers into your hole. Your heat had fully grasped onto you, turning you into a puddle of warmth. You hadn't even noticed him standing there, instead trembling and whining for something better than your own hand. Your ears were flattened, and tail curled up around you, desperate to ride out this heat. You sobbed cumming again, slick covering your fingers, but it wasn't enough. You needed to be bred.
Dream slowly dropped his sword against the ground creating a small thud. Your eyes shot open, hazily focusing on him. He couldn't tell what noise you made, somewhere between a trill and a yip, but he knew what it meant. You were calling out to him. Had you more sense you would have remembered this is one of your number one enemy. Dream needs to be locked back up in the prison again, but your mind was already too far gone, clouded by lust and need. You made the sound again and Dream grinned, beginning to shed most of his armor, his clothes following soon after. He had only planned to get some information about Sam from you, but this was so much better.
"Poor little vixen, let me help," he moved in front of you, tapping his cock against your lips. "Be a good girl," he cooed.
Dream barely finished his sentence before your mouth dropped open, enveloping him between your lips. He groaned as you began to please him, he originally was just going to fuck your mouth, but you had taken control far too quickly, leaving him breathless. "Nng fuck, wait," he gripped your hair pulling you off. He wouldn't admit it, but your mouth was magic, and he was all too close to cumming and he could think of a better place to do that. Slowly he climbed up onto the bed with you taking a moment to touch every bit of uncovered skin. Dream moved up onto his knees behind you, his hand curved down your back and over your ass. You were trembling in anticipation. The light teasing touches were unlike him, and each drag of his finger lit your skin on fire; his touch burning you. He watched you wiggle a bit before looking back at him with the most desperate expressions.
"Please," you whined.
Dream sucked in a sharp breath.
Begging? God this was really the icing on the cake. "Hm?" He hummed innocently.
Sam was going to love to hear about this.
"Please, please, please," you repeated sobbing.
Your tail moved to try and curl around him, to bring him closer. Dream slowly inched forward. He liked this version of you. Reduced to a whimpering trembling mess with nothing but his cock on the brain. This power surge was like no other. His fingers slowly gripped your hips pulling them up and rutting his cock against your hole a few times.
"Hm, I don't know," he trailed off.
You cried pushing back. "Please, dre please fuck me, m need it,"
"You need it? In that case," he began to push in slowly. He couldn't help but groan, you wrapped around him perfectly, squeezing him just right. "This what you needed all along, princess? Just needed a cock to satisfy you?"
You agreed whimpering.
Dream pulled back and slammed into you fully. His pace was brutal, but you didn't care. "Could have been anyone and you would have spread your legs for them, just a dumb little fox," his harsh words just added to the fuzz of your muddled mind. Best decision of his life to follow you.
Your tight heat attempted to suck him back in everytime he pulled back. Responsive as well. It wasn't long before Dream found himself cumming, his cock twitching. You whined thinking it might be over now, he would just finish you on his fingers, to your surprise however Dream began moving again fucking his cum deeper into you. You didn't even try to squirm away instead taking everything he gave you. Dream's head spun. He hadn't really needed to be so rough with you. You were putty in his hands, perfectly pliant. Letting him take what he wanted, eager to be filled by his cum once more.
Sam had begged for him to leave you alone. Poor Sam.
Maybe if Dream felt merciful, he'd take a picture to give to Sam later. Tell him all about how you begged for him to fuck and bred you. These thoughts fueled his thrusts, drilling you into the mattress.
For a moment you couldn't moan, just gasps and pants. Your fingers dug into your bed sheets and you tightened around him. Dream continued fucking you through your orgasm. You should have known better though. He pulled you up by your hair.
"You don't get to cum unless you ask, maybe your dumb heat filled mind will remember that, do it again and I'll stop," he snapped before letting you drop back down against the bed.
As his hips snapped against yours, his hands moved to your tail and ears. "I've heard hybrids are a bit more sensitive," he murmured. "Especially here," his fingers worked their way into a spot near the base of your tail. "And here," he moved up towards the soft fluff of your ears. Your brain practically fried.
"Need to cum," you whimpered.
"Already? No," Dream grinned denying your orgasm.
He leaned down pressing kisses along your shoulder blades. Each press of his lips against your skin became more feverish. The kisses turning into marks turning into small nips. Your sounds were like sweet music to his ears. Distantly he wondered if he could make you lose your voice from screaming his name. Tears pricked your eyes, desperately you needed to cum. Dream ignored your cries for a few moments instead choosing to mark you up a bit more. Hopefully they would stay for a long while, a reminder.
"Please let me cum," you whimpered underneath him.
"Fine cum, slut," he huffed, catching your clit for a moment with his thumb.
"Thank you master," you sobbed, cumming around his cock. Your thighs trembled harshly as the orgasm fell over you.
Oh fuck.
Dream groaned, biting into your shoulder as he spilled into you. The sudden name set ablaze to his senses. "That's right," he grinned, pushing down on your head into the bed. "I am your master," although Dream wasn't a hybrid, all of his manhunts and being on the run had increased his stamina tenfold. He wasn't going to get tired any time soon.
"Don't need Sam anymore do you?"
You shook your head as best as you could.
"No. Just need your master's cock," Dream chuckled, hips snapping into you. "Well don't worry my little vixen, I'll make sure you're pretty pink hole is stuffed every heat, make sure you're bred nicely,"
Dream filled you again, slowly rocking against you. He didn't want to pull out so soon. What a waste of cum if it were to drip out just yet, so he kept you plugged up with cock. The overstim and fatigue was slowly creeping up on him, but who could stop when you begged so prettily for him to cum inside once more. Dream draped himself over your body, practically laying on top of you. His cock lazily grinded into you, able to fill you with cum a few more times before stopping.
Dream moaned as you clenched around him as if you were trying to make sure he had given you anything. Slowly he pulled out a tiny bit of cum trailed down your thigh. Then he realized. His cock twitched at the fact that all of his cum was still stuffed inside you, your body keeping it from leaving. One more before he leaves couldn't hurt right?
Dream grabbed his cock furiously stroking. It wasn't long before cum splashed against your skin.
What a perfect picture to give to Sam. Consider it Dream's last bit of payback. But... the thought of sharing such a picture made a spark of jealousy and possessiveness creep up. If there’s one thing, he didn’t like doing it was sharing.
His fingers spread you open gently. You whined, your clit and hole sensitive and puffy. Maybe another time he'd get a taste. If there even was another time. He cleaned you off a bit before starting to gather his things. As he turned to leave you made a small noise of disappointment. Dream glanced at you.
"There's several days of heat you know," you slurred softly.
An invitation.
Dream grinned immediately, dropping his items. Looks like he'll be staying a bit longer.
Sam would be fineee. Dream deserved a nice break didn’t he? With the way you were looking at him though he was starting to think maybe he wouldn’t ever leave.
He slipped into the bed, pressed up against you.
“You start doing any manipulation bad guy shit and you’re gone, you’re only here for one reason,” you mumbled into his chest.
“So you admit i’m a good fuck,” he chuckled.
“Shut the fuck up,”
“Noted...” the silence was short lived. “You look good with my marks,”
He’d ask your opinion on Punz later.
Reminder: DNI = Do Not Interact
If you are a Minor/Ageless blog, Do not follow. Do not comment. Do not reblog. Do not like. DO NOT INTERACT.
Either add your age to your bio/pinned, message me in private, or DNI.
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no thoughts just reader wearing a maid dress with the different mcyt. (nsfw)
Title: Maid Dress Hc's
Warnings: NSFW (Minors DNI), praise, pet names, exhibitionism (not rlly) ???, possessiveness, SUB reader,
Pronouns: They/Them, non specified genitalia
Synopsis: The reader wears a maid dress and here are the mcyt's reactions.
Word count: 1.2k
Note: you guys are so down bad, I love it <3
*I hate the word smirks because it makes me think of Debbie Ryan's weird smile from radio rebel but whatever :/
cc! Dream
- His face was one of shock, this wasn't expected but was certainly welcomed. "Oh wow Darling, is all this for me?" Dream is just casually sitting in his chair when you come up to him wearing the maid dress "It better all be for me, because I'm not letting anyone else get the privilege of seeing you like that!" Dream is flustered.
- He's torn apart. One side of him wants to keep you private and all to himself but another part of him ones to show you off as a prize to all of his friends, putting you on display and having everyone worship you but not being able to actually do anything to you.
- He'd put his arms behind his head and just watch you, smirking to himself "Do a little twirl for me.." he bites his lip and watches you spin around in your short dress. His pants tighten around his crotch and that's when you know that you're done for.
cc! Sapnap
- "Hey babe, look at me!" you interrupt him while he's on a call with his camera turned off, Sapnap turns around and looks you up and down "Wow darl' that's fuckin' gorgeous.. These guys wish they could see you right now.." Sapnap groaned as he stared at you.
- Sapnap suddenly feels a tad bit flustered as he remembers that the guys can actually hear what he's saying but plays it off anyways, You spin around for him and show him your frills and lace "You're so pretty oh my lord.." he smiles at you.
- Sapnap suddenly grabs you and places you on his lap, signaling you to be quiet as he slowly explores your clothed body. You shut your mouth and try to keep quiet, your breathing becoming heavier as Sapnap slides his hand up your dress.
- Sapnap pushes his fingers past your underwear and slips his fingers inside of you, stopping himself from groaning at the feeling of your warm walls around his fingers. "Come on Sapnap, don't be rude! Show them to us, we're all really intrigued now!" The guys complain "That's too bad because they're all mine.." Sapnap smirks.
cc! George
- He lets out a full on gasp as you enter the room which causes Dream (on the phone) to question what was happening "NOTHING, absolutely nothing!" George is flabbergasted by how you look. You're everything he's ever wanted and you're everything that he needs, George's jaw drops and you can hear Dream complaining again.
- "Sorry It's just my partner, they look SO good!" George gulps nervously as he cant take his eyes off you "Aw, they look better than me? :( " Dream asks jokingly "Everyone looks better than you" George replies "Hey- don't be rude.." you laugh.
- "I think- I've gotta go.. I'll call you back actually" George hangs up on Dream and he stands up, his hands finding their place on your hips as he leans towards you and kisses your lips. George lowers his hands so he's now full on groping your ass, squeezing your thighs as well.
- You let out a soft moan as you feel George's hardness press up against you, the muscle becoming bigger in his pants by the second. "So.. So pretty.. So good.. All mine.."
cc! Eret
- He just sits there in his chair expectedly and waiting for you to come in the room, her expression and whole mood changing the instant you enter the door with the dress on. "What are you wearing? Is- Is there something special?" They're confused but not angry about it.
- Her hands are quickly working to get it off as quickly as you were working to get it on. Eret appreciates every little piece of lace and clothing you put on for them as they take it off, sliding the skirt off and pausing to look at the soaked lace undies.
- His hands massage your thighs gently, admiring you thigh high socks you put on as well. Their eyes wander and they notice you're also wearing thigh garters "So dressed up, and you're all mine.." Eret gets a rush from seeing you like this.
- You. Will. Not. Walk. That is a warning. Eret will 100% guaranteed keep you from being able to walk tomorrow (assuming you could already walk in the first place) by ramming into you at high speeds and bruising your hips.
cc! Karl
- He was already expecting it, he was the one who bought you the maid dress in fact but he just didn't expect how damn good you looked in it. The dress complimented you perfectly, the sight in you in it made Karl's mouth water.
- He will probably try to keep the costume on you, only sliding your underwear to the side to fuck you. He would of course worry about ruining the dress with his cum though "What if this is the last time I see you in this dress?" he doesn't like that thought. He needs to see you dressed up like this for him way more.
- He would grind against you while you sit there looking pretty in your outfit, feeling happy to do it and attend to your every will. Karl is your happy boyfriend and would do fuckin' anything for a hot person like you, and I mean anything.
- He would get so upset if you told him that stream wanted to see the maid dress "Well they can't! This is all mine!" he will pout and keep you to himself "That's not fair Karl.." you remind him "Well- I'll wear the maid dress then! Just not you, who knows who might try to steal you away!" he crosses his arms "I don't know about that but I'm all for making you wear the maid dress" you grin.
cc! Punz
- "Holy fuck!" he tackles you to the bed and pins you underneath him, "Is it my birthday already? Holy shit.." Punz looks down at you. You look up at him with your lust filled eyes, ready for him to just take you.
- "Thought you may like it" you smile "More than just like it! I love it!" his hands won't leave you. Punz' rubs your skin, patting your hips and opening your legs up for him to get between. You close your thighs around your face unintentionally but he loves it, gasping at the feeling of being trapped under you.
- Punz will ruin you and probably ruin that maid dress you were wearing, his teeth ripping the lace underwear so he could have better access to your genitals "h-hey! That was expensive!" you complain. "I'll by you some more if you wear them for me, babe.." Punz hums from under you.
- He will destroy you the moment he actually fucks you, his hips shuddering against your non-stop until you both cum and even then he still isn't stopping. You unleashed a beast and now he won't stop until he's fully calmed down and satisfied.
#dreamsmp x reader smut#dream smp x reader smut#dreamsmp smut#dream smp smut#dsmp smut#dream smut#mcyt x reader smut#mcyt headcanons#send me stuff#mcyt smut#georgenotfound smut#sapnap smut#karl jacobs smut#eret smut#punz smut#dreamwastaken smut
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Tidal Waves
See, I promised that I wasn’t dead or gone, I was just working on a story for you all. With the craziness of being a grad student, turning another year older, and being a responsible employee..its hard to sit down to write a story. But i hope you guys enjoy this one even if its way past may.
Warnings: Soft vore, Safe vore, gaslighting, manipulation, physical abuse.
All Tommy had ever known was Dream, and that Mer’s like him were bad, he had to be better than them. But what happens when two brother’s try to find a pesky human, and find a new baby brother instead?
Dream was the only thing Tommy had ever known, his face was the first he’d seen when he broke through the membranous skin of his egg, holding him in his warm hands as he took his first breaths of air. He understood why he looked so different from him, he was a mer and Dream was a…human, a thing without the same scales and luxurious fins. Humans were boring, but he was the only family he had… especially since other Mer’s were dangerous. When Tommy learned to speak...English .. he asked Dream when he could meet another mer like him, it was boring to be in his tank alone and the man barely played with him anymore. That led to another one of his lessons for asking such a dumb question and Tommy was forced to eat just kelp for a month, but he did learn that mer’s were nothing but monsters. They could take the shape of humans and use some sort of hypnotic voice to lure those to their death, but Tommy wasn’t like those monsters, he was a good mer. He only sang when Dream said he could and let the man hold him to clean his scales, even if his fingers were rough on his delicate fins… he had forgiven the man when he accidentally tore a small portion and left a gap in the fin after all.
It was only an accident.
“That fucking bastard,” Tommy flinched and hid towards the bottom of his tank as the blond man slammed his way into the room, green eyes blazing as he threw a bundle of papers onto the desk and trudged his way to the bedroom, not sparing a glance towards Tommy as he slammed the door. Tommy slowly moved towards the lid, barely able to see the bolded words at the top of the closest page. Treaty with Mers ends decades of bloodshed. What did the treaty mean? The door slammed open again as Dream came back to his desk, a large bag slung over his shoulder, panting harshly as he stopped before Tommy’s tank.
The man leaned forward and placed his fingers inside, smiling slightly as the child swam up to cuddle the digit,” I’m going to be going away for a bit Tommy, do you remember Sapnap?” He smiled as Tommy nodded excitedly, he was the nice human that played with him for hours and gave him more shrimp than usual,” He’s going to come here in four days when I send him the coordinates, I have to leave for a while, but he’ll take care of you until I can take you back.”
Tommy whined and let out a sad chitter before correcting his mistake,” why do you have to leave…what am I going to eat before Sapnap gets here… there's no more fish or shrimp,” Normally when Dream left for a long while he left a wide variety of fish and shrimp for Tommy to both play with and eat while he was gone, he had to eat the last fish not too long ago...He had promised to get more, but he knew that Dream was just too busy at his human job.
This made Dream frown and the fingers holding him started to tighten,” are you complaining Tommy, and what did I tell you about not speaking English..,” The pressure got worse before the man dropped him fully,” No matter, you’ll be fine for four days, I’ll get you something big when I pick you up from Sapnap... Just hide in your skull if anyone else comes in here.” Dream walked away from the tank for the front door, taking one last glance at the small boy,” be good Tommy,” before shutting the door and locking it behind him.
Tommy could only give a low whine as he gently placed his hands on his tail, whimpering in pain that would definitely be bruised in the morning, he should have known better. He sighed as he moved to lay across the top of the skull in his tank, not ready to go inside it to sleep yet, he’s going to be the best boy for Dream and for Sapnap when he gets here. Tommy couldn’t help but yawn slightly to himself, maybe Sapnap will be early….the last time he saw him he got into a big fight with Dream…Maybe this means they made up and they can play again. This was his last thought as he drifted off to sleep…
Tommy couldn’t help but grumble as he pulled his tail tighter to him as he blew some bubbles, he couldn’t tell how many days had passed now, he couldn’t see the sun or use his sleep schedule since it was the only escape from his boredom. In his dreams, he could be swimming in a massive pool with shrimp and fish plenty, and singing with Dream again.
He jumped when a loud bang rattled the front door, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and swimming to the top of his tank in excitement, it took Sapnap long enough to get here. He called out happily when the door slammed open, but the happy trill was cut off when a group of men in dark suits entered the room, holding weird objects in front of them…and none of them were Sapnap. He quickly dived down to hide within his skull, peering out the eyehole fearfully as the men began to tear apart the entire apartment, emptying every drawer onto the floor and bashing open plant pots to search inside them. He had no idea what they could be looking for, he softly whimpered to himself when another pair of men entered the room and they just oozed predatory energy. The boy knew immediately what the two of them were when their faces turned in the direction of his tank, with a scattering of scales and slitted pupils eerily similar to his own when he saw his reflection, they were dangerous Mers.
The shorter of the two Mers snarled loudly as he kick over the tub that held umbrellas,” how did that bastard escape us, we've been tracking him for weeks,” The curly brown hair on its head almost seemed to curl tighter in rage, but Tommy was sure he was just imagining things in his terror, especially as the other one turned to stare at his tank before walking over. It had long pink hair that framed its face with intricate braids and its blood-red eyes were slowly scanning his home,” He can't have been gone long, there's not much dust on this furniture, search for anything that could point us to his trail… Techno what are you doing?”
The now named Techno didn’t answer as he lifted a hand to place in the water and brought it to his mouth to taste, humming thoughtfully as he continued to scan,” Why did he have this tank still running when everything else is turned off.” Tommy had nearly burrowed himself completely into the sand in his skull hide, he remembered the stories of these monstrous Mers, they ate humans, and what would stop them from eating him!! He wanted to growl as the hand reached in to take his plants and other rocks out of the tank, those were his things and they had no right to take them. So when the pale fingers curled into the empty eye sockets and despite the lessons to not bite, he open his mouth wide and dug his teeth into the closest digit. He just as quickly released when a loud “HEH?!” echoed from outside the tank, and smiled to himself when the hand was pulled away from his hide and out of the water.
Techno looked at his finger in annoyance, whatever had bitten him within the tank didn’t break the skin, but the fact the thing inside bit him got on his nerves. Only something extremely stupid or brave would bite him. Wilbur was quick to stride over to look at his hand,” what would be dumb enough to bite a Mer, the tank is too small for one of those pistol shrimp, it's still salt water so not a stupid piranha…” Techno ignored him as he reached into the tank again to grip the sides of the skull and pulled it from the water, and felt his instincts flair in panic as it registered the distinctive shriek of a baby mer in distress. He quickly turned the skull in his hands and Wilbur was pressed to his side and staring at his hands,” is that a ??”
A quick shake led to a small red tail sliding out of one of the eye sockets, the older two Mers both winced at how thin the child was, it clearly hadn't been fed properly and its body was covered in old scars and bruising before the tail slipped back into the skull. Wilbur was quick to turn to the humans in the room hissing some orders at them while Techno gently turned the skull over so he could scoop more water into it, he didn’t want the child to dehydrate on him. He jumped and growled aggressively at his brother when the brunette shoved a glass of water at him,” That skull isn’t going to hold water as we travel back home, you're going to need to store the pup…you’re, unfortunately, bigger than me and they don’t need to be too compressed until we can look at their injuries,” Techno warily took the cup as the other glanced back at the tank,” when the fuck did that asshole find a baby…”
Techno looked at the skull in thought as he could now see a small pair of blue eyes staring back at them,” He’s not super young, but definitely past the infant stage… probably old enough to speak if he’s been taught.” Techno gave a soft croon to the child safe…safe... But the only thing he received was a low growl that made him smirk, this child had spunk… but spunk wouldn't keep him healthy. He lifted the glass high and quickly drained the salted water into his brood pouch, feeling the organ swell slightly and shove his formerly rumbling stomach aside, preparing to hold the child where nothing could reach them... Techno looked back down at the child again and crooned one last time before he tried to remove them from their hide, “this is probably going to terrify them if they've only been raised by a human. “ Safe…protector..safe.. Warm.
Tommy was terrified of the whole situation, the big Mers were using the sounds he wasn’t supposed to, and they were breaking the rules, which proved they were as bad as Dream said…But the sounds the pink one was making made his body want to relax on its own, and it took a lot in him not to chirp back in return to them…but he forced himself to growl instead. The fingers came back again and he went in for another bite, digging in his claws this time to increase the pain, but that made it easier for him to be pulled out of his skull and into the open air. He held firm while glaring at the pink-haired one, but shifted his eyes angrily at the brunette when they made that same calming noise at him, what a bastard. He flinched when he felt warm hands grab his tail, fully expecting them to crush his body, but they were gentle as they moved across it. He tensed up when the finger hit the space in his fin… he knew Dream didn’t mean to rip it, it was his fault since he jumped in the middle of cleaning, but the area was still very sensitive. The pink-haired mer snarled in rage, but seemed to stop when Tommy accidentally let out a whine of fear… what did this monster want with him?
Tommy got his answer when he was lifted over the pink-ettes face, and when the tip of his fins brushed against the lips, they opened wide to show sharpened teeth and the dark abyss behind them.
The child grew frantic when he opened his mouth, clamping tighter with its teeth and arms around his fingers as the tail tried to thrash away from him. Wilbur was at his side and tried to croon to the child like he had, telling them it was safe and to calm down, but it was useless. He only sighed and pulled away,” just get him stored quickly so we can get out of here, I’ll stand guard outside since there's nothing here for us to find,” and he stepped out with that, giving a final look that was mixed with both concern for the child and envy that Techno got to store them. Techno could faintly hear him talking with the agents they had brought with them, but he turned back to the child as he lowered the fins into his mouth, using his tongue to protect the already damaged skin from his teeth. A burst of spiciness hit his tastebuds with every flick and it took a lot of self-control on Techno’s part not to hum, but he held it off as he lowered the boy further, gently slicking up the soft scales that almost flacked off; bad sign... Techno was going to rip this Dream character apart for what he did to this child, they were clearly underfed and mistreated probably since his hatching since the child didn’t understand mer. The more he lowered his hand, the more panicked the whines got, tugging at the formerly nonexistent heartstrings he had, and almost crooned when the little spitfire detached and began to verbally plead with him.
Tommy was terrified, his biting was not stopping the monster, would it even listen to him if he pleaded with it…there was only one way to find out. He pulled his mouth away from the scarred skin (noting sadly that his teeth left nothing but indents) and began to plead,” I’ll do anything if you don’t eat me…. don’t eat me…what did I do to you!!!” He swore the red eyes seemed to soften for a moment as the massive tongue paused in its tasting of his tail, and his heart rose as the giant hands shifted a bit, but he wailed as the new hold let the bigger mer push him further down its gullet. He didn’t want the bigger mer to see him cry, but as the heat of the mouth traveled up his body and could feel the clingy saliva left by the tongues swipes, he fell into an instinctive state of fear. He was so longer speaking English, but dissolved into the primal language his human “parent” tried to erase in him,” SCARED…PARENT… HELP….Danger!!
Techno’s eyes dilated as his instincts registered a fearful child, he wanted to take the process slowly to not scare the child any further, but he had to hurry them into the safety of his pouch away from the ‘danger’. He gave faster and faster swallows to shield away his new charge but kept his fingers around them until his knuckles knocked against his teeth, he needed to let the child go now. He rumbled softly when the child released another panicked whine as he pulled away, the tiny fingers scrambling against his skin until he was looking at his own saliva-drenched fingers. He gave the final swallow to pull the child from his maw and towards his pouch. Once his voice box was clear he began to chuff and click softly to the child, he could clearly feel the panicked twitching as they traveled down, doing his best to calm them by keeping his heart rate low and keeping his breaths shallow. He brought a hand down to his torso and waited, giving a soft huff when the warm weight dropped into his core, making him shudder as the unused organ tried to make sense of what was happening. But the more the child moved, the more the walls started to ungulate in soothing waves in tandem with his heartbeat, massaging the tense form inside while he hummed softly. He continued this until the child began to still, breathing deeply but no longer fighting against him, and almost seemed to lean into the touch of his fingers.
With a satisfied huff Techno moved to leave the crummy apartment, pausing long enough to tuck the skull into his pocket, he wasn’t going to leave the child's possession in this place. It also made him smile over their shared love of skulls. He gave a quick nod to Wilbur as he strode out of the apartment,” He’s calmed down a little bit, but we need to get some food for them, I wouldn’t know I was storing anything if he didn’t move.” Wilbur placed a gentle hand over his storage and gave a low thrum of safe as he felt the child press back, causing Techno to let out a deeper thrum of happiness at having His child and brother so close to him, the only thing that would make it better would be his father. Phil is going to be so happy to have another child to care for. He motioned for the few armed men that remained to get into the car,” take us to the nearest market and find me the freshest shrimp you can find.”
Tommy didn’t know what to think anymore as he floated in the mer’s stomach, all he could taste was salt water, not the bitter stuff that came out of him when Dream punished him for being too greedy. He whined as the walls gently brushed up against him again, the flesh was the softest thing he ever felt, even more so than the skin of his egg. He didn’t want to relax though, what if everything suddenly changed and it tried to hurt him, who cares if the giant Mers said it was safe; you can’t trust them. He couldn’t help but sway along with each step the mer took, listening to the sounds of their heartbeat and rumbling words around him, it was very humbling and almost made him feel like he was nothing compared to these things. Dream was right about that, he always said that Tommy was nothing like these things, and this being proven made him feel very small… He jumped when a sudden pressure rubbed against his side and the low rumble of a sound that somehow clicked in his mind as Guppy Safe. Why was it comforting him, and why did he want to chitter in response, it went against everything Dream taught him, but his body went against him. He opened his mouth and let out the softest chirp of Protector, it was a sound he made when he first hatched and Dream rarely allowed him to use it, and he flinched for the punishment he was used to receiving.
But instead of pain, the walls grew closer to him in a firm embrace as the mer let out the deepest and happiest sounding purr he had ever heard, the pressure returning to rub against his side. Tommy wanted to slap himself as he realized it was the mer rubbing its hand against him, acknowledging his existence… and praising him for using his chirps. The larger mer rumbled again and switched to using English to speak with him, which both relieved and saddened him somehow,” I bet that you’re hungry guppy, shrimp is your favorite right?”
Tommy couldn’t help his excitement as he pressed into the walls around him, swapping between English and happy chirps, and he grew excited when he heard the sound of swallowing. He swam around the small space and jumped when a weight dropped onto his head…It was a full shrimp! Tommy let out an excited squeal before chomping into his prize, not caring how messy he got as he enjoyed the meal given to him.
Maybe these big Mers aren’t so bad.
Sapnap was excited to see the little mer again, gently adjusting the package of sliced tuna in his arms as he ran for the apartment, this could be his only chance to feed the kid properly before he was forced to give them back to Dream. He didn’t like how the man was treating them, it was like having a child, not training an animal to be a guard dog like Dream wanted. He remembered that fight all too well when he promised to take the mer from him, but the threat of Dream “disposing” of his project made him back down, but here was his chance.
He paused when he saw the door to the apartment was wide open… almost looking like it was bashed in, he didn’t care about holding the tuna anymore as he rushed for the door, screaming for the kid. “Tommy? Tommy can you answer me, whistle if you can hear me!!” The only thing that answered him was the humming of an empty tank, fake plants laying next to it, but missing both the skull and little mer that hid inside it… that and the mess around the entire apartment just made his heart sink. Sapnap slowly raised his phone to his ear, not giving the person he dialed any time to answer as he spoke,” Dream… I think you're going to have a major problem.”
#mcyt g/t community#mcyt vore#gt soft vore#soft vore#safe vore#merT0mmy#mer Techn0#Mer W1lbur#human Dre@m
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Can C!George Predict Events Through His Dreams?
A quick little theory I have.
The famous George lore, we love to see it.
Today, BadBoyHalo waited for George to wake up so he could log onto the DSMP to participate in the Red Banquet:

However, we notice that George plays no significance to the Banquet, so why did they feel the need to wait for George to be able to be there? What was the reason?
I think I know.
Remember when George had his first dream we saw?
In that dream, BadBoyHalo threatened to kill George and Niki over the egg. DreamXD was able to save them from Bad.
Now, let’s look at today’s events.
BadBoyHalo was going to kill everyone who was there, including George and Niki. Just like the dream.

In addition, Georges dreaming lore stream ended with Quackity.
Quackity also ended the Red Banquet.

One difference, is that DreamXD did not show up to protect George like he did in Georges dream.
Now, how does this prove he can predict events?
Well, he was able to dream about BadBoyHalo killing him over the egg, and the same thing happened in reality.
Furthermore evidence consists of the lore that concluded Georges anniversary stream. In this dream, Dream escapes prison, and Karl tells George that he is a time traveler. Sapnap takes Georges shield, and George is happy that Dream is with him.
How did George know about Karl being a time traveler in his brain? Karl has never told George anything about it. Could this be foreshadowing that George could have something to do with Tales From The SMP lore? After all, foreshadowing and symbolism is a huge factor of Georges lore. For example, his shield, and him standing outside the prison for “no reason.”


I’m only saying, if Dream escapes the prison, and George is one of the people Dream relies on, George most definitely can predict things.
However, Sapnap, in Georges dream, did kill Dream when he said he has escaped the prison. How would George have known that Sapnap told Dream he would kill him if he escaped?
George lore is being built up. Foreshadowing, and symbolism are genuinely present, and they wouldn’t be doing this if it were nothing.
Something is going to happen with George.
We’ve always thought about how George never showed up to events because Dream told him nothing was happening, or he simply slept through it.
But, what if he truly just knew things could go wrong, so he didn’t even bother?
Here’s George, looking sad as everyone laughs at Dream being in the prison:
(He was not afk, he was moving from side to side)


BadBoyHalo CONFIRMED on his stream last night (April 28th) that is WAS, IN FACT, IMPORTANT for George to be at the banquet. He also cleared up that George wasn’t actually late, Sam was.
Also, during Sapnap’s one year anniversary stream, George did say he had something planned for George Lore. This could easily just be a joke, but keep it in mind that George wasn’t late to the Banquet stream and was meant to be there.
#dream smp#georgenotfound#gnf#dreamwastaken#sapnap#dreamnotfound#dnf#quackity#karl jacobs#the red banquet#red banquet#badboyhalo#bbh#dreamxd#nihachu#george lore
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