#so what if i’m so passionate about cultures and languages i know nothing about
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frogtossing · 22 days ago
on that note. this year is the year i stop being ashamed of/ cringing at my interests and passions
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thatfdkupgrl · 10 months ago
There are many things that I dislike about the Ride the Cyclone fandom, and the one specifically that I wanna yap about is how some people see Mischa as a “dumb jock” like character. I wanna state my thoughts on it. He is most certainly the opposite of dumb. As we know, he speaks **4** languages. It takes a lot of skill to be bilingual, let alone in 4 languages. I see him more as someone who has a lot of potential and could most definitely get a scholarship, but he doesn’t try as hard as he can and instead likes to focus on his rap career. Even though he doesn’t try in classes, I feel like his average grades are F’s not because he sucks, but because he sometimes completely forgets to turn it in, or forgets about it in general due to heavily fixating on rap and his other passions.
Like a lot of people, I like to headcanon that Mischa is autistic, so I think of him more as someone who takes more time with picking up stuff socially and emotionally and not in a book-smart way. So when I say I think Mischa doesn’t understand the fact he’s bisexual and can’t grasp the fact he feels a small attraction to men isn’t because he doesn’t know what it is, but because he’s always seen himself as someone who’s attracted to girls, and the thought of going by a completely different label and sexuality is sort of intimidating for him in a way, especially for someone who seems to have fragile masculinity. Other stuff just clicks easier than others for him. For example, I like HC Mischa is Trans-masc. Before Mischa had his trans awakening, he still knew he liked girls. Since that was before he fully knew about labels and stuff, he didn’t mind the fact he was attracted to girls since it was nothing new. His transgender awakening and self-discovery is a whole other paragraph I can get into about my thoughts on the HC and what I feel like he might’ve gone through
I also heard another post mention how some people HC that he sucks at cooking while in reality that would also most likely be false for many reasons. For one being that he’s a major mama’s boy and probably would get a lot of skills from his mother, cooking being one of them. Two, he is very passionate about his culture and homeland, including the food there. He probably has memorized a lot of recipes from Ukrainian food to stay connected to his homeland. The reason I enjoy to HC the fact he mainly eats pizza rolls is because he doesn’t have access to ingredients, and well, a kitchen due to the fact he mainly has to stay in the basement and pizza rolls are quick and easy to make when being burnt out all the time since that can be an aftermath from being angry and enraged all the time. And for the people that do HC Mischa sucks at cooking, I’m not trying to go after you completely, I just love talking about RTC and love to find reasons to write about it. I myself also have HC’s that make 0 sense when looking back on the actual lore, so take what I say with a grain of salt:3!
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sierrawitch · 10 months ago
Manifestation of the Spoken Word
by autumn sierra
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Manifestations aren’t always the product of ritual, or even a spell. Many times witches and people outside the community akin manifestations to actions bringing about the desired outcome, whether magickal or mundane. In my case, I did nothing but use the spoken word.
We as a people vastly underestimate the power of language. Whether we see it as inherently magickal or as an amazing evolution of ancient communication, language has a very important role in each life and in many ways. For someone living in the mundanity of our world, language is a means of communication and an outlet for creativity, an escape from the outside and a retreat into the vividness of the imagination. It’s also used to further education and community.
In witchcraft, we understand that language is all these things and more. We understand that in order to speak, we need to first think about what we’re going to say, and in order to do that we must conjure thought from a void within ourselves. In conjure or manifestation work, something is created from nothing, or at least by using limited tools to achieve the desired outcome. Some use tools like herbs and crystals, coins and fire. In my case (and in the case of others I’m sure) the tools were whittled down simply to the spoken word.
For the past few weeks, among my numerous hobbies I began practicing sewing and tailoring for my own growth and benefit. My younger sister realized I was doing this, and asked me to tailor her clothes, which then turned into paid commissions completely transforming old clothing into new pieces for her wardrobe. Doing all of this by hand, I often exasperatedly cried out “if only I had a sewing machine!” or “just wait until I get a sewing machine”. I said things like this over and over, usually in frustration and with fatigue, but also in excitement of the possibility of what I could achieve without needing to stitch everything by hand.
Was it my pure intention to manifest a sewing machine? Absolutely not. I did no fancy ritual work or spell casting. Nothing was set in motion physically for me to obtain one. I even recognized that I needed to put that want on hold for lack of space! And yet, my words became the catalyst of my desire. My frustration, hope, and pride in my own work fueled those words and suddenly, I found myself waking up to a text from my aunt. She had found a sewing machine at a yard sale. It was selling for $10, when it originally retailed for $130-250. She offered to give it to me free of charge. Flabbergasted, I accepted, and within the afternoon it was in my hands.
Have I found a place for my new sewing machine? No. But I have realized the immense power of the spoken word. Not only were thoughts conjured from a void within me, but my purest desires fueled with emotion were put out into the world. They were spoken of over and over again, until they came to fruition 2 weeks later.
The power of the spoken word is not limited to your native tongue. Magick is attached to languages of ancient times, like Latin, Gaeilge, Gàidhlig, Egyptian, Greek, Chinese, Ainu, Inuktut, and many more through tradition, culture, and generations of ancestral knowledge. By incorporating ancient language into witchcraft practices, we connect with those who came before and call upon the wisdom of the living word in whichever circumstance we find ourselves in. They can be used in prayer, ritual, offering, spell work, ancestor work, deity work, and manifestation. Simply using the language imbued with history and memory to commune with the world around us is magick.
So even if you’re not trying to manifest a sewing machine, consider how the words you speak so passionately could affect your life. They say “be careful what you say” and “be careful what you wish for”. Little do they know just what can be spoken into being.
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literary-illuminati · 2 years ago
Book Review 40 – Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin
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Okay, 40th book of the year! And yes I’m going to be smug about that, no matter how pathetically it pales in comparison to some of the rest of you. To commemorate the occasion I decided to acquire some actual Culture of the kind I can talk about reading to older relatives and have them nod approvingly. I’d say I wish this had been assigned in some English class I took, but honestly I’d have just ended up skimming and using sparknotes and generally ruined it for myself.
Baldwin, as it turns out, really does live up to the hype. This book was absolutely sublime. I feel like it’s going to be impossible to be fair to whatever I read next.
The book follows David, an American expat in late ‘50s Paris. Specifically, a queer man with truly apocalyptic levels of internalized homophobia and lack of self-awareness spending his late 20s valiantly pretending not to be gay while contriving every possible excuse not to go back to his father and the rest of his life in America. The book takes place while his girlfriend is taking an extended vacation in Spain deciding whether she wants to marry him, and he meets Giovanni, a gorgeous Italian man who’d left his village and ended up in Paris under unclear circumstance, while he’s working at a gay bar David views with visceral contempt even as he visits it. They have a passionate romance, and unsurprisingly it all falls apart in a mess of a tragedy that ruins just about everyone involved (Giovanni most of all).
This was the most beautiful thing I’ve read all year. I’m not even sure it’s particularly close. Every single page had a line or two of incidental narration or dialogue that struck me enough to want to save it – I’d given up trying to note them all by the end of the first chapter. The narration has the sort of elevated, literary quality where everyone is two or three times more eloquent and articulate than they really should be, but when the things they say are so lovely it’s hard to mind that minor offence against verisimilitude – the constant peppering of French into everyone’s dialogue is honestly much more of an annoyance, if only because it keeps making me wonder what language all the other dialogue among these French Parisians is supposed to be in. The exact details of their speech (and tendency to monologue about the details of their psychology) aside, just about every character felt really, achingly real, all broken by the world in one way or another and dealing with it with whatever self-destructive coping mechanisms they have to call their own. Insert your favourite Richard Silken quote here.
Tangentially to the actual content of the book; I of course know Baldwin was one of the canonical Great Authors of the 20th century (I knew this before I knew literally any other fact about him), but my god does the edition I have of the book lay it on thick. There’s a 17-page forward that seemed to be an incredibly dryly written English essay talking about his influences and the role of Paris in American literature and etc (I skimmed the first few pages and skipped the rest, as is my habit with forwards by people who had nothing to do with actually creating the book and whose name I don’t recognize), followed by several more pages of a timeline of the authors life. I swear it’s like they’re trying to make reading this seem as much like homework as possible.
Even more tangentially; I was aware that Baldwin was gay, before reading this, and more vaguely aware that some of his work explored this. But I was expecting more, like, Great Gatsby-plus levels of subtext, not just explicit and unsanitized portrayals being the focus of the entire book. That came out in ‘59! Not exactly an obscure or reviled one either. I feel like I could go back and retroactively give myself permission to sneer and roll my eyes at a lot of ‘grounbreaking queer representation’ now. (This is a sign I have spent altogether too much of my life reading discourse on tumblr and tiwtter).
Trying to talk about the themes of Giovanni’s Room is probably just wasted effort – spend five minutes and I’m sure you can find an extensively researched essay by someone whose devoted years of their life to the subject. But it did really strike me how, like, fundamentally inegalitarian the book’s vision of romance is? Aside from David and Giovanni themselves I mean (and even then, David’s internalized homophobia expressed itself in large part through a terror and resentment of being made the woman (domestic homemaker) to Giovanni’s man (breadwinner)). David and Hella’s relationship is just drowning in ‘50s patriarchy, of course, with the future they sketch out for themselves both baldly hierarchical and just incredibly bleak, and David’s parents and upbringing aren’t exactly inspirational reading either. But Paris’ gay underground isn’t exactly portrayed as a liberated and welcoming space – it’s disgusting older men blatantly exploiting and being exploited by desperate younger ones, everyone involved pretending they don’t know what they’re doing and hating themselves and each other for it. All just incredibly unsentimental and anti-romantic.
David as a character and as a narrator really was fascinating, too. In that he’s such a fucking mess with zero awareness of his emotions who keeps making everything worse and seems to almost cause as much heartache for everyone around him as he possibly could. If he wasn’t the protagonist he’d be the most loathsome character in the book, or at least close to it. Was great.
Though one thing that really does drive home how historical the setting is is just how coincidental so many social meetings are. The cast is largely a bunch of bohemians and vagabonds and expatriates without real fixed addresses, and so much of their interaction revolves around just happening to run into each other as they frequent some of the same locales. Which, like, yes, that is just how socializing worked for most people until a historical ten minutes ago, but still very alien to me, someone with an electronic correspondence planning and scheduling ~90% of social things I’ve done since I left school.
Anyway yes, this isn’t an easy read – most emotional and heartwrenching thing I’ve read all year by far, and the only thing last year I can really think of that might beat it is the final chapters of The Making of the Atomic Bomb – but it really is a beautiful one. Five stars.
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cathumanwarriors · 3 months ago
Warrior of the Day: Berrynose
I don’t like canon Berrynose. But that’s fine, I’m not supposed to like Berrynose. He’s intentionally obnoxious and annoying and acts as a rival to Lionblaze like he’s in a classic shounen anime. And typically the rival is defeated by the power of friendship and becomes the hero’s best friend, but that’s not what happens here. He just kind of always stays a little obnoxious. 
So if I were to change things, it would be to give him that classic “rivals to friends” arc. He starts off annoying, obnoxious, and unbearable, but gradually matures and mellows out, not exactly stopping being a brat, but able to look beyond himself to the small group of people he cares about. It’s Berrynose’s world, and we’re all just living in it. But to those he respects, to those he cares for, he would want to make his world better for them. 
And Berryheart starts off thinking he’s unstoppable, that nothing can get in his way. It’s a childish, immature way of thinking, but he was confident and passionate. 
However, things started to break this worldview. He didn’t have a father figure so he’d just be his own father figure, even if it hurt just a little bit. He couldn’t stop kids from gossiping about rumors he was an undocumented immigrant so he’d just be louder and bully them before they could bully him. But it was fine, because he was so cool. He couldn’t stop Honeyfern from senselessly dying, but it was fine because…because…
Honeyfern’s death is really what broke him. Despite all his bravado and confidence he still couldn’t protect her. He was met with the cruel reality that he couldn’t be a god. And it broke him for many years. 
He tried to move on, to be happy, but he was still trying to cling onto the hope he could have saved her. It’s why he and Poppyfrost got married. But their reasoning wasn’t because of genuine connection, but because of trauma. Poppyfrost tried to become Honeyfern, to give her the life she could have had, but it didn’t make her happy. And Berrynose tried to deny there was nothing he could have done by trying to do it over, and do it right this time. But by the time they realized they didn’t love each other, Poppyfrost was pregnant and they felt they had to be there together for their twins. They would later divorce amicably, but after their children turned 20. 
He had positive traits, like being close to his siblings and mother and taking up the mantle of a bossy big brother to Rosepetal and Toadstep. He’s a great cook, and very passionate about food. He secretly likes Mariah Carrey. He’s great with kids, and he’s a huge dog person. 
Name: Benito “Benny” Nolan Garcia
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Description: Berrynose has a large, sturdy frame with a wide head, broad shoulders, and a round face. He has light skin with cool undertones, a lightning-shaped scar on his right shoulder, and is missing his left hand. He has short, thick, wavy, cream-colored hair and round, bright amber eyes. 
Berrynose lost his hand in a tree fall accident. He had climbed a giant sycamore, and was crying because he couldn’t get down. Russetfur witnessed the scene but didn’t help because he thought he had brought it upon himself (and because she judged him as the same outsiders that once hurt her so she felt vindictive seeing one of “them” suffer). But he ended up falling and damaging his left hand so badly it had to be amputated. He didn’t get a prosthetic until the 1990s, but has used one since then. 
Berrynose is Latino, Smoky being from Mexico and Daisy who grew up in a Latina community with a Guatemalan mother. So he is very proud of his heritage and steeped in Latino cultural traditions. He does know Spanish, and it was English he had to learn as a secondary language. 
He strikes me as someone who would live in a small town and end up becoming the local high school football coach. And normally he might have also been a high school football player, but with his missing left hand, I’m not sure if he would have been on the starting team. I also like the idea of him being a male cheerleader.
He’s bisexual. He’s what I’d call an “extra” bisexual, not exactly catty, not exactly campy, but very, very extra. He dated a few guys after he and Poppyfrost divorced. He dated Birchfall for a few months after he divorced. 
He very oddly is written to be Ashfur’s lackey in The Broken Code, which I don’t think makes sense for his character. Instead, I want Ashfur to be a little smarter (and more spiteful). To besmirch Bramblestar he picks Berrynose to be his deputy, who was his apprentice and has never had an apprentice. Berrynose, being Berrynose, takes this very seriously and begins being childish about his role, because he is now the second-most important person in ThunderClan and can boss others around. He ends up dying because he finds out he is Ashfur in Brambleclaw’s body, and threatens to tell everyone. 
Because despite being of average intelligence IQ-wise, he’s very good at reading people. He remembered that the imposter would always sing this offkey tune of London Bridge using different lyrics during leader-deputy meetings.
He also remembered another thing, that he knew of only one person who sang that version. And it was Ashfur. And he connected the dots between all the details and came to the conclusion that somehow, Ashfur had taken over Bramblestar’s body. 
He is the type of person to be bad about texting and driving. He's definitely had an accident before where he fender bendered the car in front of him.
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destinyimage · 11 months ago
Your Kingdom Inheritance—Ruling as Joint Heirs with Jesus
Most people believe that we live in hundreds of different countries, large and small, that cover the face of the earth.
We order our lives according to the governments and cultures of those countries. We eat the food that the earth provides and we raise our families. It’s all we’ve ever known and it’s all our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents ever knew. We believe that we are stuck with what earth has to offer. We limit our whole lives to what’s on the planet because that’s the way everyone has been living for thousands of years.
However, we have lost touch with reality.
Even those of us who claim to know the ultimate King (God) do not understand that we also belong to a country that supersedes any of the known countries. We think of “the Kingdom of God” as a term pasted into prayers and sermons like an add-on. We don’t consider it our home country any more than Mars. We think the Kingdom of God and Heaven comprise some kind of invisible future destination above the clouds.
The truth about the Kingdom is difficult for people to understand. I always feel as if I’m battling against 2,000 years of mental block. We’ve been so conditioned to think “religion” that God has difficulty getting through to us the real message He delivered to us through Jesus Christ—which is about His Kingdom and how much He wants us to be full citizens of it, even while we’re still living on this globe. In fact, He wants us to be royalty!
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God’s message is personal. Anyone who claims Christ as Savior becomes a citizen of the Kingdom of God, yet too many leave their citizenship on the shelf. They consider their faith to be religion, not citizenship, and they don’t realize that it should be making a difference in every detail of their personal, earthly lives.
You can’t see citizenship; you must experience it. In the same way, you can’t see the Kingdom of God; you must experience it. This book, divided into 90 devotional-type sections, will help you experience the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven, which are the same.
God, the King, has set up His Kingdom as earthly outposts, or colonies, populated with His citizens. The story of these colonies has not been an easy one. When Adam and Eve declared independence from Heaven, they had to set up their own government. God’s Holy Spirit was no longer their “Governor,” because they didn’t want Him to be.
So Heaven started to seem like someplace far away. We lost the language, the culture, the values, the morals, the convictions, and the lifestyle that should have been the standard for any earthly colony of the Kingdom. We became aliens to God.
Because God wanted to turn that scenario around, He sent His Son Jesus to make sure we would know about the Kingdom again. Once we find out how we fit into the Kingdom of God, everything is reversed. We begin to feel like aliens on planet Earth. We feel as if we belong someplace else. We also rediscover the present-day benefits that come with our heavenly citizenship, our royal place in the Kingdom.
It is my great passion to introduce people to the fullness of their citizenship in this heavenly Kingdom. You will see as you read that the Kingdom of God has almost nothing to do with religion. Instead, it has everything to do with the King Himself—with replicating His character and reproducing His will on earth. Maturing in their citizenship, Kingdom citizens grow to reflect their King’s culture, values, morals, nature, and lifestyle.
“Kingdom” is not my idea—it’s God’s idea. I don’t know why we ignore the obvious. Almost every book of the Bible has some reference to the Kingdom. Jesus talked about His Father’s Kingdom all the time. But we do not. Instead, we talk about the Church and Christianity.
I have a serious problem with people who define the Kingdom of God too narrowly, in terms of one denomination or a single ethnic expression of faith in Christ. Yet I have an equally serious problem with people who define it in mushy terms, as if almost everyone living on earth is a Kingdom citizen without even thinking about it.
Like the people who are profiled in chapter 11 of Hebrews, we should be looking instinctively for the Kingdom of Heaven. We all miss Heaven, but most of us can’t figure out what we’re missing. We are missing our home country:
We miss the lifestyle of peace, love, and joy.
We miss the place where the streets are paved with gold and nobody has to steal it.
We miss the place where the crystal-clear air is filled with joyful singing instead of smoke and gang violence.
We miss our heavenly Father and our older Brother, not to mention all of our other brothers and sisters who belong to the King.
We miss all of that, and somehow we think we must wait many years before we can go there. Not so.
The Kingdom of God is a present-tense place. It is an exciting place to call home. Let’s explore together this Kingdom where we sit as royalty with Him!
And You have made them a kingdom (royal race) and priests to our God, and they shall reign [as kings] over the earth! (Revelation 5:10 AMPC)
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drewoclock · 1 year ago
Drying Paint
Originally written May 20th, 2014
OHHHHHHH YES!  Salutations, everyone.  I’m Drew D’Amelia, and inspiration has manifested itself as a phantasm and a club simultaneously, striking me as a phantasm with itself as a club to bestow me with some fascinating scrawlings for you to—
Stop right there!
You’re going to write something about your outlook on life, aren’t you?
…b, but how did you know?!
It’s the same old whistle and wiggle with you, Drew.
…well, pah-haw!  I’ve got another jam-slammin’ topic to—
Is it about girls?
It’s about relationships!
But does it stem from girls?
…G-doir!  Well—well that’s all fine, I’ve got—
You’ve got ideas on physical appearance?  Nostalgia?  Your opinion on the way things should be?
Harrrrghar!  What are you making me?
I’m making you nothing, Drew.  You’ve made yourself.  You’re the stalest thing since stale bread.  Talk about something DIFFERENT, Drew, or I’ll tap my foot a little.
The countering literary device has a point.  I’ve written about things that I love in one way or another, but most of these topics have been more than familiar to me.  Very few have been new, and as someone that’s an active proponent of keeping an open mind, I feel obligated to do something about it.
But to write something new, I need two things.  First, I have to be passionate about what I’m writing about.  That’s not very implausible—I’m adept at finding things interesting.  I thought about paint drying as a joke to write here and legitimately started to think that it was cool.  I mean—think of the science behind it.  It’s liquid, and then it’s not, and it’s a new color.  It’s probably the most fascinating thing in the entire universe now that I think about it.
But second, I need something to write about, and that’s usually the problem.  Sure, paint drying is among the greatest treasures of this delectable planet, but what can I say about it?  It involves air, and chemicals, and paint, which has color, which IS SO AWESOME.  But that’s really just a sweet nothing.  It’s more than just discovering something.  It’s stumbling upon something to say.
It’s also hard to actually find something truly new.  I know about language, culture, history, arts, sciences… I’ve got virtually all of the main categories too in tune to be truly new.  If I want to hit new, I’ve got to dig deeper to get to the really specific stuff.  I can’t just think of fruit.  I have to think of a kumquat, grown under less than ideal conditions of a farmer who’s been fumbling under the pressure of educating his daughter on sexual intercourse.  And the kumquat is an atheist.  That’s not the easiest, especially when I’m operating in a less imaginative universe.  And then I have to be passionate about it, and find something to say about it.
To try to encourage myself, I’ve created a little game for myself I call Ten Degrees of Separation.  The objective is to think of anything that’s not immediately present in your moment right now.  So since I’m currently googling how to masturbate elephants, I probably shouldn’t think of Google.  So I’m going to actually authentically play this right now… Ghosts.  There we go.  Ghosts are currently not relevant, unless it’s a ghost that’s masturbating this elephant, and I’m pretty sure it’s not.  (I’m not actually watching a video of an elephant being masturbated.) (I did watch that yesterday though.) (That’s a joke, just to be clear.) (It’s a joke.)
The next part of the game is to think of something the thing you picked reminds you of.   Then do the same thing for that new thing, until you’ve hit a tenth thing.  Then see if that tenth thing provides you with what you’re looking for!  So let’s see here…
Haunted houses
My weird love for houses
My opinion on my home town
Popular things to major in
How to know what you want to do with your life
10. Broadening your horizons 
So as you can see, the game totally didn’t work this time around.  I landed on “broadening your horizons”, and that’s definitely not something new or unique.  If I wrote about that, it would fit right in with most of my other stuff, and of course, that’d be completely defeating the purpose of trying to write about something new hahahahahahahaha.  But I do hope to play this game for next time and hopefully, it’ll result in me writing about something both engaging and new to me.  I think it’s worth doing every once in a while to keep myself from being stagnant.  I want to be like drying paint: Colorful, cool, and showing no signs of drying any time soon.
0 notes
scorpiobabez · 3 years ago
Pick a Couple - Your Relationship Dynamics With The Love of Your Life
Take a deep breath and choose the image that you feel closer to yourself. Since it's a general reading, take what resonates and leave the rest. Please excuse any grammar mistake because I'm not a native English speaker. This is only for entertainment purpose, I suggest you to not make any important life choices based on tarot readings. I hope you enjoy it.
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Pile 1: Bella & Edward
This is the pile where you become lovers with your best friend. You two silly will have a crush on each other but you couldn’t confess because your relationship as friends is too good.  You may know each other for quite some time and at some point you will realize it’s more than friendship. And finally when you confess it will be like; “Erm...I think I love you...”, “OMG!! I love you too!!”. And I feel they will be the first one to confess.
This looks like a team of two equals. Probably a small to zero age gap, similar interests, similar socio-cultural levels. Pure soulmate vibes. You finish each other’s sentences, you can feel immediately if something is going on with them and you’re bickering like baby goats. I feel some childish stubbornness of both of you but nothing serious. You may have different personalities but somehow you will get along well. Full of support and trust I see here. You will have your ups and downs in life like everyone but you will always feel their presence at your side. And this will be mutual. 
Playing video games over who will wash the dishes, movie nights, going out together with other friends, letting you to have the last piece of their favorite dessert...It’s all about you two.
Keywords: Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, green eyes, coffee shop, college, cotton candy, sunglasses, pancakes, island, palm trees
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Pile 2: Sookie & Eric
Right off the bat, this pile gives enemies to lovers energy. Your relationship will start with a conflict. E.g. they may be your competitive classmate or demanding boss who’s annoying you. But as time goes by, you won’t be able to resist the tension between you two. The event that will make them lovelier in your eye is they will save your ass from some kind of trouble. After that you will start to think “Huhh, maybe they’re not that bad as I thought.” and they will start to show their interest to you. 
I’m getting mature vibes here, they may be simply older or just looking mature than their age. But they are damn classy, they like expensive stuff, not just for themself but for you too. Giving gifts will be their love language.
They are hot and dominant. Kinda fifty shades vibes.
The keyword in your relationship is passion. Power struggles and challenging each other may be your routine. Not that you want to create problems but this is just how you are created. You both don’t like to bend the knee. Both of you are free spirits. But deep down you will know they care about you.
It won’t be firecrackers and butterflies at first but the love will grow slowly between you. Looks like a solid relationship.
Keywords: Capricorn, Scorpio, Taurus, Aries, pen, ash brown hair, Paris, strawberry cake, Chanel, skyscrapers
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Pile 3: Elena & Damon
This pile is the love at first sight. It won’t be much time between your first meeting and start to date. I’m seeing a crowded place like a night club or party. They will directly spot you and find a way to meet you. You will feel that you know each other from before. It may be a past life connection.
You will talk a lot. Like A LOT. I’m seeing sleepless nights with long and deep conversations. This will be the meeting of two familiar souls and you will have so much to tell each other. Also your love language will be verbal expressions. Wine and dine, walking hand in hand in the moonlight, small picnics in the woods, so calming and soft. It will feel like you finally coming home after a long wandering.
Only thing you have to be careful with this relationship is that you both may become so ecstatic in this relationship, you will forget about other people around you. And this is not so benefical for your social lives. Your friends and families may start to complain eventually. You just need to give some space to each other for your own social circles.
Keywords: Cancer, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, hooded eyes, dark hair, spaghetti, seafood, train, pets, champagne, silver bracelet, ocean scent
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otherperson12 · 2 years ago
Avatar: The Way of water Requests
I saw the movie when it was released in my country (December 14) and I must say I loved it, I sat in the theater for three hours and I didn't even realize it was three hours. As a literature student and writer (more or less, I try) I must say that the narrative was fair and necessary, some things could have been better (like the music, I expected much more) but well. I'm anxious to see what happens with Pandora's world.
Clarifications .
I feel I should clarify a couple of things that have happened in the fandom since I've joined in after watching the movie:
The teenage characters, I think when you're a teenager (I'm almost 20 years old, it's not much but it's something) you do a lot of stupid things of all kinds, from alcohol to spicier things (kisses and touches). That's why I will accept requests like "heated moment whit Neteyam/Lo'ak", "Kir's first kiss", “Spider’s first time with a beer”, idk. But nothing specific or explicit, you know what I mean? NOHING LIKE THAT FOR MY BABY TUK!
I know there's a whole discussion about cultural appropriation of the film and that sort of thing, I just write out of passion and with no intention of offending anyone. (I’m not white, I’m a proud latina)
For requests:
you have to specify as much as you can/want.
If is a you/oc x character, please specify what you want.
If is a prompt please send me a photo of it (like the Pinterest ones)
English is not my first language, so, please, be kind.
I write:
Ships (of all kind, no minors)
Your oc x any character of your choice
Something heated but no smut (no minors)
I don’t write:
Gore of any kind
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knockyasocksoff2022 · 10 months ago
Ideal No. 2
(812 words)
When Kunikida looks at me like that I almost think that maybe he could share even an ounce of my feelings and then I remember his ideals: a list of 13 cursed things keeping me from being anything he would ever desire. A list he sticks to diligently.
I walk past him, pick-pocketing his notebook yet again just to see the list one more time, to once again stare down the traits that separate me from the realm of polite society and tease myself until I feel like I’m going to puke because that’s the kind of pathetic loser I am.
I open the book while its owner briefs Atsushi on how to prep a file for sending to the Gifted Special Operations Division.
The List is on the fourth page of the book and I flip there immediately, knowing I only have so much time before Kunikida notices its absence.
The page reads:
The Ideal Woman:
Quiet and calm
Long hair 
Confident and sure of themselves.
Polite with good manners
Likes to have long thoughtful, philosophical conversations
Cultural minded. 
Love travelling 
Interested in languages. 
Shares at least one of my passions (cooking, art, architecture)
Just to cause myself more pain I make a counter list in my head, or rather bring up the one I make every time I stare at this wretched book.
I am:
Loud and Obnoxious
Unfocused and so lost in my dark thoughts I forget that other people exist
(have) short mousy hair
Extremely insecure about myself and my place among other humans, hell I’m not even human, I lost all humanity before age 18, and if I am somehow still human then I’m rapidly losing my humanity. (I don’t mind but I know others do)
What are manners again?
(someone who) thinks life has no meaning so why bother debating it
(have) never been outside of Japan before (mafia work-related missions don’t count)
Capable of speaking many languages but they bring me no excitement
Not someone who has even bothered to know what Kunilida likes (because I’m so selfish)
Mentally ill
Trust? Never met them, but they sound nice.
I want to rip the page right out but I hold my fingers stiff, gripping the notebook so hard I imagine it crumbling under my touch, I feel my fingers going numb but I can’t lose my grip.
I keep mentally crushing the book even as Atsushi looks directly at me. He looks worried, “Hey, um, Kunikida-san.”
Kunikida looks up from the paperwork, I know I’m busted but I can’t make myself do anything. “Yes, Atsushi-kun?”
“Dazai-san has your notebook again.”
“Wha-” Kunikida feels his pocket and turns around to me, “You pilfering pest, return it at once.” His voice is calmer than it usually is when he scolds me and I notice that his hand is almost as stiff as mine, outstretched to me.
He doesn’t seem to question my motivations for taking the book or what I saw but of course, I just have to make a joke anyway, an ill-timed insult because I can never just leave anything as is.
“Your taste in women is truly depressing Kunikida, so regular, so boring, so average.” I can see him getting angry and I want to say “Far too average for someone like you.” but a nice polite wife is really what is perfect for him so instead I just say “Gosh, I can just imagine it now, your children are going to be doomed to mediocrity.” and continue to rifle through the pages aimlessly, not actually paying attention to their contents, after a second the book is ripped from my hands and Kunikida walks away.
I want to laugh because Kunikida is so far from mediocre that no matter how dull a woman he chooses his children are bound to be smart at the very least. (At the same time this thought, of Kunikida settling down with a woman, makes me want to cry, and I know its so fucking selfish that the thought of him happy makes me feel so sick but I can’t help it.)
I wait the entire rest of the day for the lecture but even after he’s done helping Atsushi he says nothing. It worries me
I want to come to work early but I can’t make myself, and when I stroll in at 10:00 Kunikida doesn’t even glare at me.
I should’ve expected this. I’ve always known he was going to get tired of my antics and cut me off entirely, as he should. This makes me, a selfish, toxic person, sick to my stomach. We’re going to have to talk at some point, and I wish I wasn’t such a fuckup so that we could all move on from our lives because I don’t think I can stand any more of this.
IDEALS [kunikidazai]
(A/N: I've been palying around with ship names for these two and came up with Ideal Human because together these two make one perfectly functioning person. Kind of like how Tachizaki is Midwinter Snow because if their abilities)
Dazai Osamu is the farthest possible thing from the ideal woman Kunikida Doppo has written so much about in his notebook.
And yet . . . Kunikida is hoplessly in love with him anyway. Kunikida doesn't belive he has a chance with his coworker, I mean, have you seen the way he flirts with women? Straight as the rulers Kunikida used to use in his maths class.
Dazai meanwhile is also inlove with uptight but still charming coworker. But how can Dazai ever come close to the woman Kunikida has in mind?
Will these two damn idiots figure their shit out or not? God, I hope they do, for all our sanity!
(Summary sponsered by Edogawa Ranpo)
Categories: angst, fluff, getting together
Warnings: N/A
Thank you to @wildroseroguefor inspiring me to write Kunikidazai for the first time. Rose has lots of Kunikida content on her blog, check it out.
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annebelle93 · 4 years ago
Obey me boys react to an MC with a Th.D
You just finished your Th.D (Theology and religious studies Doctorate), younger of the class and now you’ve been struggling a bit to decide on what to write. Lucky you, you wake up in devildom, surrounded by all of the figures you’ve been reading about for the last years.
Is a bit impressed at first. You’re so young and already speak Latin? Maybe this exchange won’t be a total waste of time
Then he is annoyed
You just ask SO. MANY. QUESTIONS.
“MC, I swear to Diavolo, if you ask me one more time to teach you Sumeric I’ll lock you in your room!”
After you pester him over and over again with questions, he secretly asks Barbatos to find him a copy of your thesis
It’s about him. 300 pages of him.
The man is intrigued.
“Did you really spent three years writing about me?”
“Yeah, man” you shrug “the history f***ed you up. I always thought you were a much more complex character then described in the Bible”
He will teach you Sumeric now. And ancient Latin. And whatever dead language you ask him.
Honestly, he will marry you if you ask him nicely enough
He doesn’t like you very much at first
Why do you use so many big words? It’s confusing
Very disappointed on how little you know about him compared to his brothers
“What do ya mean not enough lore?”
“I’ll show ya lore”
Lucifer may or may not have to “rescue” you from field trips to the fourth circle
Snake boy is flustered
You know him?
You actually like his stories?
You are i-i-interested in the g-great admiral?
“Why should I share my stories with a normie like you?”
Is very confused by you and he doesn’t like to be confused, so he keeps his distance
Until you slide a copy of an article you wrote about “Leviathan through cultures: similarities and idiosyncrasy”
You are a big obsessed nerd like him, only he likes video games and you books (don’t get me wrong, you like playing too, you just suck at it)
“I’m your Ruri-chan” he whispers after reading it
“Come with me! I’ll tell you every thing you need to know!” *anime pose*
Finally someone who understands the beauty of spending hours reading in a library
At first was a bit bothered to always find someone else using the library
But you are very quiet when you concentrate
And you concentrate. For hours.
Very different from your overall hyper and impulsive behavior
Will happily explain to you all the inconsistencies in human literature
His memory is amazing, so he remembers every single event
Is very eager to explain why Satanás is far superior in literature and not at all the same character as Lucifer
“Why the humans always get it confused? It’s not that hard” procedes to give a very hard explanation
By the end of the program your research is so detailed and refined you can’t even publish it. No one will believe THAT level of details.
Like Mammon, doesn’t like you at first.
Goes batshit crazy when you ask him why he doesn’t have three heads
“You appear one time to one human as an ugly beast after loosing a bet and then suddenly everyone thinks you are ugly!”
Demands you write at least one article proving to the humans he is beautiful
Will send you 7728372 selfies for you to use on the article
Likes to braid your hair and do your nails while you study, because “by Diavolo, you can be quiet when you focus!”
Is constantly worried about you because you don’t stop studying to drink water, eat or exercise
“Who is going to spread my beauty to the humans if you die?”
Secretly he just worries about you, nothing to do with spreading his beauty
Is VERY confused by you.
He didn’t ever remember he was once a god after he fell, how do you?
“What do you mean Mammon is seen as a part of me? Mammon is Mammon, I’m Beel”
Eventually he begins to enjoy listening to you talk about your research. You are very passionate about it and he enjoys when people like his brothers
Was upset when you reminded him about the god thing, because he recalled humans used to give him food offerings all of the time and now they don’t
You walk around with food on your pockets now
Doesn’t like you. Doesn’t dislike you. You are just there.
Thinks you’re weird for writing 300 pages about Lucifer. Who would want to know that much about him?
Eventually he finds out you like to cuddle when you read in bed and “whatever, you are warm, I’m sleepy. I’ll indulge you”
He is like a big cat around your legs while you read
One day he peaks at what you are writing now
It’s about Lilith and how much of a power figure she is through history
You don’t see her as a fragile little girl
He will hide his face, he can’t let you see him emotional after all
But he’s is much more affectionate. He’ll even let you run your fingers through his hair now
Will tell you everything about his sister
The rest of the boys are here now!
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skepticalarrie · 3 years ago
I’m very passionate about class issues in the UK so excuse me lol but. H and Louis did come from different economic classes growing up, I grew up in Harry’s area but on Louis’ family income and let me tell you the Styles can be described as “posh” (not rich mind you, just very comfortable). I find it so interesting/important that that’s why Louis and Zayn’s friendship was so vital in the band because they both came from a working class Yorkshire background and only the two of them could fully understand that.
Having said that, it’s stupid and classist to assume that because Louis was poorer that means that his interests would be inherently different to Harry’s. The reason why wealthier people are more likely to get into art and politics and culture is literally just because they’re less exhausted from not working 40+ hour weeks for minimum wage. There’s nothing in working class peoples DNA that makes them stupid despite what the Tories would like you to think. So yeah Louis has the humility of a working class background and the resources now to reach his full potential which we have seen include: in depth music and queer history, sign language, interior design, art, film, literature, sports, literally all sorts that prove he’s incredibly intelligent and has everything in common with Harry. Self identifying as a “chav” is probably grounding for him, it’s also very queer but I don’t have time to get into that, but those people who call him a chav as an insult couldn’t even hold a conversation with him if they knew how clever he is.
Yes! Great addition to this discussion, I really love to learn the cultural side of it. Thank you for that, anon!
Plus IIRC (sorry I have a really selective memory sometimes), I do remember something about Harry's family struggling a bit when Anne first got divorced and stuff... so I think people just like the idea of making a big deal out of it and painting them as these completely opposite people. Empashasing Harry is "too posh" for Louis is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. And even if they were the opposite of each other, like you said, it's no reason for two people not to be together. It's such an immature and classist thought. This doesn't really seem to be a problem when we're talking about heterosexual couples most of the time. People are out there completely fine with Harry dating someone 10 years older than him, coming from a different country/culture, with kids and an ex-husband... and Louis and Harry are hard to be pictured together because they're "too different"? Is that really the problem here? C'mon. Of course, their roots are an extremely important part of them, especially for Louis, reclaiming the whole chav persona thing and being so proud of where he is from. But listen, they literally went through the same experience 12 years ago, only the five of them know how it is to have their lives turned upside down like that, to be the most famous boyband, they were together through the most important and crazy experience of their lives. That alone gives them more things in common than what most of us mere mortals have with our significant others.
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lunatic-pudge · 2 years ago
I saw your 2-D headcanons and I’m wondering if you have any others about the Noodle or Russel, (just because there’s already so much out there about Murdoc already) you don’t have to do both or either if you don’t want to
How about this, I give you headcanons for BOTH Noodle and Russel? I know how hard it can be to find stuff for them so allow me to offer something. Also, if anyone want to ask stuff, please do! I need ideas and I wanna give the people what they want! It can be for Gorillaz and/or the Gangreen Gang, I've been thirsting over Snake recently and I need some Snake content plz. :D
TW for Russel, I bring up SH with him.
• I've always pictured Russel to be Asexual. I just feel like he wouldn't have a sexual attraction towards people. He def prefers the romantic aspects of a relationship. This was probably something that he struggled to understand at first, but then once he found out about Asexuality it all clicked and he was finally able to find peace with that part of him.
• His biggest struggle of all has always been his mental health. He tries to get help for it but nothing seems to work and it hurts to know. He's actively advocates for mental health awareness and suicide prevention. He also suffers from self harm, not as much as he used to but the urges are strong and hard to fight. He tries his hardest to seem strong and able to handle anything but sometimes he has days where he doesn't even want to get out of bed cause of how miserable he feels.
• Out of him, 2D, and Murdoc, he's def the most Father-like towards Noodle. He sees her as his daughter and was the one who had a set schedule for her when she was a child. He was the one she would go to at night when she'd have nightmares. He would always make sure that when it came to food, she had the best and only the best. I can see him helping her with embracing her Japanese heritage and even learned the language so he could speak to her and help her! Has probably even taught her about his out heritage as well and they def bonded over it all. This man is a 12/10 Father for her.
• Def knows MMA, and other types of fighting styles. Growing up how he did, he had to learn these skills in order to survive. But I see him being more of a pacsifist cause of it so he will only fight in self-defense, but would do boxing charities cause he good boy. Has taught Noodle how to defend herself.
• Is the best out of all of them when it comes to cooking. Is always trying new recipies. Has all sorts of cook books from different cultures. He and Noddle are the ones deligated to cooking, Murdoc and 2D are banned from the kitchen. He knows how to even make the most difficult dishes and would even have some of the most hard to get spices, he's the reason why Noodle is also a good cook.
• Taxidermy is his passion. If you wanna be his S/O, you better also be into taxidermy as well. Imagine working on a project with him, yeah it'll be gross and tedious, but it's Russel so it makes it all the better. He has countless anatomy and zoology books he constantly reads so when he works on an animal, it looks as alive as he can make it. You'll never see a bad taxidermy project from him.
• Also loves to paint. Will go to national parks and paint the scenery. Tries different types of paint but I see him like oil paints the best. Will go to art museums to study the works in there. This man is always looking to improve his craft.
• I will forever say that Noodle is a lesbian. You'll have to pry this from my cold, dead hands. She will never give men the time of day. She just can't see her self being with a guy. Though it's hard having a relationship when they keep getting scared away by the rest of the band (mainly Murdoc). You can find her at LGBT+ clubs hitting on all the cute women who talk to her.
• Def an alt girl. She's the hot goth girl that appears on your For You page on Tik Tok. She'd be blasting J-Rock day and night, going to concerts for bands such as Dir En Grey. She'd wear Demonia's just so she can be tall for once. You know damn well she has a Demonia collection and has mastered the art of walking (and even dancing!) in them. She's gotta impress the ladies somehow!
• Has a MASSIVE video game collection. From retro to new, she's always playing something. Is def an avid Animal Crossing player. Has a super beautiful town and some top tier villagers. She'd be the type to trap unwanted villagers with pitfalls or making holes around them so the can't move. I can also see her doing some competitive gaming as well. She'd be owning them smelly neckbeards and when they throw a fit about losing to a female, she'd laugh in their faces like the bad bitch she is.
• She'd be the type of person at conventions to give foul smelling people deoderant and protect those who are getting harassed. She would hand make her outfits and is open to pictures, just no touching though. Is always buying stuff at cons and leaving with handfuls of stuff. She loves supporting small creators and will have the stuff she bought hung up in her room, she rotates stuff so everything has a chance to be up on her walls.
• I see her owning some exotic or less conventional animals. She'd either own a snake, rats, a hedgehog, a fox, or other animals. I feel she would be a rat mom most of all. And she'd give them such an amazing life! They would have such a huge cage and all the things they could ever want and need. She would let them free roam in her room and has over a dozen photoalbums of her precious babies.
• I can see her having children and being child-free. She would be a good Mother if she ever has kids but I know kids aren't everyone's forte. But if she chose to be child-free, I doubt she'd bring it up often. She'd most likely keep it to herself and when it comes to relationships, she'd bring it up first so they knew where her stance on having kids is at. She doesn't want to hurt her S/O's feelings.
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damonjuicyscock · 3 years ago
Power Failure
Pairing: Dilf! Damon Albarn x Female Reader
Summary: You’re in Iceland with Damon and there’s a power cut, you have to light yourself with a candle, who knows what will happen?
Warnings: Fluff, Smut (Oral both receiving, candle play, reader is on the pill), language
A/N: Hello everyone, as promised, here's the little smut you've all been waiting for. This is my first smut so please, be gentle with me. Also, English is not my first language, hope I didn't make any spelling mistakes.
This smut came to me after the Paris Match interview, here is the link if you want to read it : https://www.parismatch.com/Culture/Musique/Damon-Albarn-melodies-planetaires-1769882
It's in French, but you can always translate it with DeepL (at least that's what I advise because google translation is terrible in the field of translation.
Here's the part which inspired me:
" Paris Match: What is your dream for the planet?
Damon: A massive power outage. We wouldn't be able to charge our phones, our screens would go blank. The chaos would be interesting to experience. I would only have to play the piano..."
Enjoy your read !
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-Y/N ? I can’t see anything, where are you? Damon asked me, from his studio
-In the living room, I’m coming!
I walked towards him with the light from my phone.
-My phone is soon gonna run out of battery, do you have some candles?
-Yep, might have some in the kitchen, follow me.
He put his arm on my shoulder, both going to the kitchen. He looked in a drawer and found some pilar candles.
-Here they are. Shit, I don’t have my lighter, could you bring it to me please?
-Where is it?
-In my studio probably. I had been smoking a cigarette before the lights turned off.
I went to pick his lighter in his studio and came back to him in the kitchen. He lit a few candles, and gave one to me.
-You might need this.
-Thank you. Are you still working on songs?
- Yup. Wanna watch?
-Can I? I don’t want to distract you.
-You won’t darling, I’d be really happy for you to join me. You inspire me.
I followed him to his studio, and I sat beside him on the piano stool, looking at him playing and composing. The thing is… looking at his fingers running on the piano gave me sinful thoughts. I imagined his fingers inside me. And his voice… imagining him whisper sweet dirty things in my ear with his low sexy voice… I felt the heat invade my body. And I didn’t want to disturb him. At least, not yet.
-Alright Chopin, I’m heading for a shower.
-In the dark?
-I got candles remember? And the light could come back soon! Or maybe you might want to join me to make sure nothing happens to me?
- I would have loved too my love, but I’ve got to work.
-You’ve been working for a few hours, take a break! Take some time for yourself!
-Just give me an hour okay? And I’ll be all yours.
-Okay. I’m just worried about you honey, I don’t want you to work yourself to death.
-Don’t worry about that. I’m fine baby.
I kissed him on his forehead before heading to the bathroom. I took my clothes off, and stepped into the shower, putting the temperature to cold. That’s what I needed. And an idea came to me, I wasn’t sure it would work, but at least, I would try.
When I stepped out of the shower, I dried my hair and my body, and went to Damon’s home studio naked, holding a candle in my hand. I stopped and stood in the doorway.
-I know you said you wanted to work an hour more, but I insist that you take a break.
He turned around to look at me, he was speechless.
-You’re right. I think I need to take a break.
He turned his back to the piano, still sat. I walked towards him, sat on top of him and kissed him passionately.
-God Y/N, do you want to kill me?
-Only with love, baby. Let me relax you a bit.
I slipped to the ground, getting on my knees. I unzipped and unbuttoned his jeans. As per usual, he wasn't wearing any underwear. He was already hard as a rock. I pulled down his jeans all the way. His length painfully sprung free, and I took him in my hand, running it up and down. He threw his head back and whimpered. Then I kissed the tip of his cock before pushing him in my mouth, eliciting a groan from him.
-Fuck baby…
I bobbed my head up and down, as his hand went to grab some of my hair, so he could hold onto something. I sped up the pace, swirling my tongue around his tip.
-Oh…Oh… Wait…Y/N…stop…I don’t w-want to come like this. He said taking your mouth away from his shaft.
We both got up, and he grabbed me by my waist.
-Bedroom, I’m right behind you.
I walked to the bedroom and lied on the bed. A few seconds later, I saw him entering our bedroom with a candle.
-You’re going to have what you ask for. Stay still.
I obeyed, he took his clothes off and approached me with a red candle. He straddled me, his legs on either side, tilting the candle, the wax flowing on my naked body. It was hot, but not unbearable. I gasped at the feeling. His index traced a full line on my chest, putting some wax all around my torso. He kept tracing this line lower and lower until he reached my womanhood. He spread my legs and rubbed my clit before shoving his mouth on it, licking long stripes from my clit to my entrance, tasting my juices. He was swirling his tongue around my sensitive nub, then sucking on it making me cry out in pleasure, while holding my hips to keep from squirming under him.
He pulled his lips and tongue away from me, making me whine at the sudden loss.
-Don’t worry baby, I’m not done with you, I’m going to fuck you, and your moans are going to be the melody we will hear on my next album. He said, stroking himself
His length was erected in front of me, soaked with pre-cum. He started teasing my entrance with the tip and entered me with a harsh thrust, not letting me adjust to him. He grabbed my hips again and started pounding into me with a merciless pace.
-T-That’s what you’re g-getting for being so sexy. You’re mine, all mine. Y-You’re my girl. He said between grunts
So much I love yous were slipping from our lips between moans and pants. Suddenly he hit my sweet spot, I let out a high-pitched moan.
-D-Damon… I almost screamed
-That’s right, say my name. He growled with a low tone voice
He kept going with his brutal pace, and I felt the coil form in my stomach, indicating I would cum soon.
-D-Dames, I’m going to…
-Come on baby girl, cum for me.
He put my legs on his shoulders, then licked his thumb, moving it to my clit, rubbing it. This position gave a new angle to our union. I started to scream. It was too much. I could tell he was close as well as his movements got sloppier. My face contracted in a wince of pleasure. My back arched on the bed, I threw my head back and my eyes squeezed shut, as I started trembling, and my walls convulsed around him. Seeing me threw him over the edge. I felt him release his hot cum inside me, grunting and panting loudly, as his Adam Apple bobbed in his skin.
He let go of my legs and collapsed on me, both catching our breath.
As I started to caress his sweaty skin, the light came back.
-looks like you can work again. I said
-Work? Nah, I’m done with it today. I propose a shower. You’re full of wax.
-Do you also propose a round two?
-with pleasure.
-And this time, I want you to finger fuck me like there’s no tomorrow with these beautiful fingers that know how to touch a piano.
-Think I can do that. Just give me a minute, I’ll join you, I have to cut the voice recorder.
-What? I said confused
- I recorded us, I can always use it on tour if you're not there.
-Smart ass.
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demoiselettes · 2 years ago
Hello hello!! I can never get over your stuff and this time I’m here for a mash up :D
I am a girl who goes by she/her personally but I genuinely don’t care if people get my pronouns wrong. Call me a he and I would still respond. Though I wouldn’t correct anyone despite being proud that I am a girl. I am Hispanic but despite my strict culture I am very open to anyone and will welcome anyone with open arms. Any gender, background, looks, Even people who want to try to change for the better are welcome. I have dark brown/black (I don’t know depends on who you ask) that goes down to my lower back. But I am trying to grow it longer. My hair is always on a side braid on my left side and it’s only down during special occasions. I also have brown eyes with long eyelashes. I reach to a height of 5’4 and still hit my head, arms and legs on everything despite being average height. I really don’t enjoy getting angry and because of that it has been said by other people that I have a lot of patience. Wayyy too much patience apparently. I can just happily stand there while someone throws insult after insult and I would not do anything about it, and will wait until the end of the world if someone wants to tell me something but doesn’t have the guts to do it. I will wait. Somebody spilled something on me on purpose, don’t worry I always wear an undershirt just in case a clothing malfunction happens :D it’s really hard for me to get angry as I prefer to calmly talk through my way from tough situations. I really dislike holding on to a strong reliable image that people will put onto themselves to either his trauma or just to show there’s nothing to worry, because in the end of the day you need someone to cry on. I am more than willing to be that person can rely on without worrying about their strong person image. I will not tell a soul what happened until given permission too. I am extremely loyal and hold the people I love extremely close to my heart. Tell me a really private secret because I accidentally found out, you can torture me until I die and I will still not say a word. Having a really tuff living situation, stay at my place. Anything my friends give me I have cherish and kept safe for many years. Give me a rock and I will still love that rock to death. Just because it came from someone I love. I always keep a look out but not just for my friends but strangers too. My friends will complain that I keep disappearing and when they find me I am helping a stranger with their stuff. It’s really hard to avoid things when you have perfect vision. Thought I have a bad habit of undermining that things i do. I have a large passion for art but in my mind my art is the most mediocre art out there. I am pretty skinny and have a decent appearance, but in my mind I am not pretty. But I am fine with that. But sadly enough I do suffer from anxiety and with social anxiety. I will start fucking shaking if a situation goes wrong and its my fault. I have become non verbal in situations I am extremely nervous in because I can feel my voice cracking in fear so I mostly depend on body language. I’m slowly getting better at handling it by my self. It’s a work in progress. I am an artist at heart and not just with one medium but with all kinds of mediums. This leads me to fixing all kinds of things for people which I still enjoy in the end. I don’t mind loud people but don’t speak up on me and suddenly start yelling cause I will jump. I adore kids and will take care of any kids who need it. I often prefer to show my affection in physical touch like hugs, hand holding, or just doing a funny dance because we hear music in the background. I am traditional when it comes to my culture because the only food I know how to make is traditional Hispanic foods. I’m not kidding. But I love learning about new things.
That’s all I got for the match up. Thank you very much if you take this
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I match you with Masachika Kumeno!
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•This is a bit risky since i don’t know much about him
•But he’s too adorable let’s goooo
•Masachika was likely drawn to your unusual patience and kindness
•I mean he, himself, is regarded as having both of these qualities, but sometimes he does get upset
•You, on the other hand, don’t which is why he couldn’t help but want to befriend you, since he thinks it’s quite hard to find good people
•He worries about you a lot
•Though Masachika approves of being nurturing and kind towards others, he doesn’t like to see you take the brunt of everything without retaliating
•So, say someone is insulting you and you aren’t doing anything about it, he’ll stand in front of you and lightly scold your offender
•He wouldn’t get physical unless that person says/does something really low and even then he’d rather not have you witness it
•He adores and admires the fact that you rarely get angry and have the ability to remain calm even in.. ah, troublesome situations
•But he often reminds you not to bottle anything up, and that he’ll be there to listen or to talk to if ever you need to rant
•As a demon slayer, there’s always the chance that today might be your last sobs which is why he makes sure to remind you of his love everyday
•No, seriously, he doesn’t find any shame in admitting his feelings for you
•He isn’t exactly like Zenitsu going around begging you to marry him, but complimenting you is a routine thing for him
•Though rare, he does have times when he breaks down from the memories of his brother’s death, he can’t remain strong everyday right?
•He loves it when you comfort him
•Wrap an arm around him and listen to him sob out his story and he’s yours for the day
•He values those he loves a lot, so he’s always putting your safety above everything, not wanting you to suffer the same fate as his brother
•It’s the fact that you’re such a loyal, gentle and trustworthy soul that makes him practically see you as an angel and he thanks the gods everyday for letting him meet you
•Since he knows you cherish gifts from people, he makes it a must to bring you little presents or trinkets whenever he can
•I feel like he’d be more willing to give you flowers, or ribbons
•I can totally see him struggling to braid your hair, but once he’s gotten the hang of it, he’ll probably tie ribbons throughout the braid, or stick flowers into your hair
•He’s fond of watching you go about your art and he’s gasping and getting excited over every little detail
•He doesn’t really understand how you see your art as being mediocre, but he understands that sometimes people don’t come to realize their talent
•Never the mind, he knows how pretty your art is
•Constantly frets over your social anxiety
•In moments when things are not going well and he sees you shaking or hyperventilating, he’ll sidle up next to you and squeeze your hand
•He is so proud of you for doing your best to handle it, and it doesn’t matter if it’s just baby steps, it’s a process so it’ll obviously take time
•He’ll be there for you until you get better and even after that
•He likes sneaking up on you from behind and covering your eyes with his palms, but if he notices you getting jumpy he’ll stop
•His voice automatically tones down when he’s around you, and he’ll be talking to you in the gentlest tone
•You and Masachika often find yourselves comforting kids who have gotten lost or have lost their families to demons
•He likes to leave it to you, since he melts when he sees you taking care of them
•In his free time, he asks you about your culture and in exchange, he tells you of his!
•He’d love to be able to try your cuisine one day and try out your dances but there’s never any time..
•Safe to say, Sanemi’s a third wheel in this
•Has a habit of giving you headpats absentmindedly
•It’s not really something he means to do, but it’s just- ruffling your hair or petting your head helps him calm down so..
•I feel like he’d be sort of affectionate, maybe not too much, but he wouldn’t be shy of showing small signs of affection, liiiike kissing your cheeks!
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years ago
Search No More
Pairing: Andy Barber x fem!Reader
Words: Guessing cuz I’m on mobile again, 1.5k?
Summary: Andy has a new job and needs you to save him from forced camaraderie.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected vaginal sex), alcohol consumption by adults of appropriate age, Neal Logiudice (cuz fuck this guy), SMUT, 18+ ONLY!!!
A/N: Another one from the WIP folder that is specifically for @imanuglywombat’s “Is that even a sex position?” challenge, week three. I figured a nice soft position would be perfect for our favorite floofy lawyer boi. Please check out the other great fics this challenge has given us and enjoy!
Check out my masterlist and join my taglist if you want!!
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It had been a slow night at the bar, so your staff practically insisted on sending you home early, Jesse shoving out the door as you protested feebly.
“Take a night off, boss.” He grumbled amicably as he ushered you towards your car, handing you your coat and bag as a light snow started to fall. “Maybe go snuggle with that boyfriend of yours that’s always hanging around. Where is he tonight anyway?”
“There was a new faculty mixer.” You said with an eye roll. “You’re sure you’ll be fine, Jess?”
“We’re always fine.” He said dismissively with a wave of his hand as you climbed into your vehicle.
You texted Andy as you started your car to see where he was and he practically begged you to come meet him at the party, whining about how sinfully boring law professors were. You got the address from him and headed out, arriving in the posh Newton neighborhood in a little under 30 minutes.
There were a few partygoers hanging around outside, and you cursed to yourself when you saw them wearing cocktail attire. Leave it to Andy to forget to mention a dress code. Thank god your dry cleaning was in the back.
You tried to find something relatively conservative and settled on a simple satin sheath that was probably a little shorter than was appropriate but it’s not like you had a lot of options. You started to awkwardly disrobe in your front seat, shimmying out of your jeans and pulling your sweater over your head. A surprising knock on the window made you yelp while you were bent over the console with the back of your dress unzipped to grab your emergency heels.
“Ma’am, we’ve gotten some reports of an extremely attractive woman getting naked in a 2003 Acura, any chance that’s you.” A gravelly voice said behind a blinding flashlight.
You growled and opened your driver’s side door into Andy, almost making him drop his phone in the street. He let out a chuckle at your scowl as you stepped out of the car and straightened up, starting to pull the zipper of your dress up your back.
“I would’ve changed at the bar if you let me know this was a cocktail party asshole.” You snarled at him, turning to let him help you draw the zipper up the last few inches.
“Or, you would’ve gone back to your apartment to try to find something else to wear, and I would’ve been stuck listening to professor McDrones-A-lot talk about torts for god knows how long.”
“Aww, are your new coworkers boring, babe?” You teased him as he wrapped an arm around your waist and guided you inside.
“God, they’re so fucking boring.” He murmured into your hair before turning to introduce you to some ancient man with elbow patches. “Professor Donaldson, this is Y/N.” He said, throwing you a wink. “She was just telling me how interested she is in tort reform.”
“Splendid! Are you a lawyer my dear?”
You shook your head and did your best to listen politely as you glared at Andy over the old man’s shoulder. He gave you a stupid grin before heading to the bar to grab the two of you some drinks.
“What the fuck are you doing here, sweetheart?”
You cursed under your breath and turned to glare at Neal Logiudice, the absolute last person you wanted to see.
“Hello Neal.” You grumbled.
“Get out of here, Wally.” He said, dismissing the professor he had very rudely interrupted. “Go find some other asshole to bother.”
The old man just huffed and gave you a sympathetic pat on the arm as he hobbled away.
“That was rude.” You said, your eyes roaming the room in search of Andy. You didn’t feel like dealing with Neal’s bullshit tonight. “Why are you here Neal? I thought this was a faculty only event.”
“Alumni are invited too. And you still haven’t told me what you’re doing here.” He growled, stepping closer and invading your bubble. “Cuz you’re definitely not alumni or faculty. You work your way through all the lawyer dick at your bar and come looking for more?”
“Lovely.” You said dryly, frowning at the smell of whiskey that enveloped the man. “You’re drunk.”
You felt a warm hand on your shoulder and turned your head just enough to see Andy scowling behnd you. He slotted himself beside you and wrapped his arm around you in a protective embrace as he and Neal stared each other down.
“Logiudice.” He said menacingly, and you rolled your eyes as the levels of testosterone in the room shot up suddenly.
“Barber.” The giant said with a sneer. “I see you’ve moved on to the leftover dregs of the Newton law community. I hear that pussy’s had every defense attorney cock in town.”
Andy let out an absolutely feral growl and you just managed to hold him back as you glared at Neal.
“Jesus, Neal. Glad to see you’re not bitter.” You said with little humor as your arm strained against Andy’s chest.
“No bitterness here, sweetheart. Just waiting for you to work your way to me.” He leered at you, giving you a lascivious wink.
You let out a sigh as you started to shove Andy away from the idiot, grateful for all your experience manhandling drunks as he fought against you every step of the way.
“He’s not worth it, baby.” You murmured once you had achieved a good amount of distance, your hands smoothing his jacket over his chest in a soothing gesture as Neal let out a guffaw behind you.
“I dunno, I kinda feel like punching him in the face is definitely worth it, sweetheart.” Andy said as he took some deep breaths and turned his gaze back to you.
“Maybe not at your first event for your new job though.” You teased him, tugging softly on his beard and making him grin at you. “Where’s my fucking drink?”
“Shit, I got distracted. I’ll be right back.” He said apologetically, starting to turn away from you.
“Oh no, you are not leaving me by myself again. All I need is to get cornered by some crazy professor who wants to tell me all about bird law.” You said as you tagged after him, the two of you weaving your way through the partygoers as you made your way to the bar.
“What the fuck is ‘bird law’?” He beamed at you after ordering your drinks, leaning against the bar and cocking one eyebrow at you.
“Jesus, I think you might be too classy for me, Barber.” You teased. “We’ve gotta work on your pop culture references.”
The two of you managed to have a relatively pleasant evening, even though you had no idea what anyone was talking about most of the time. But you loved watching how relaxed Andy was around you, and how passionate he got whenever he started to debate with one of his new colleagues. He was in the middle of a particularly heated discussion about the evolution of laws regarding sovereign immunity when he noticed you gazing at him, and his face broke out in a grin.
“You’ll have to excuse me, guys, I didn’t realize how late it’s gotten and I worry I’ve been neglecting my date. Let’s continue this on Monday?”
He made his way through the party, saying some quick goodbyes as his hand rested on your lower back. You let out a soft moan when you reached the foyer and he pressed you into the wall, his lips brushing against yours before he broke away to find his coat.
He returned after a few minutes and wrapped his arms around your waist, his mouth moving against yours hungrily as he guided you out the door.
“Jesus, Andy!” You whined when he lifted you slightly as the two of you made your way to his Range Rover. You bent your knees so your toes wouldn’t drag along the pavement.
“I dunno what you expected when you were looking at me like that, sweetheart.” He teased as he wrapped one arm around you tightly and brought his other hand to fumble through his coat pockets in search of his keys.
“I couldn’t help it.” You murmured in his ear as he pressed you against the driver’s side door, working to open the door to the back seat. “All that law talk does things to me.”
“Yeah?” He muttered around a grin, finally getting the door open and setting you down across the back seat. “You didn’t find it boring?”
“Not when it was you, Professor Barber.” You said in a husky voice, winking at him as he climbed on top of you and pulled the door closed behind him.
“Fuck honey.” He growled as he tossed his coat in the front seat before burying his face in your neck. “You’re gonna need to call me professor more often.”
“Mmm, professor.” You hummed as he ran his teeth over your throat before sucking a bruise over your collarbone. “I had some questions about affidavits I was hoping you could help me with.”
He gave a dark chuckle against your chest as his mouth kept moving lower, his lips brushing over the swell of your breasts as his hands moved under your back to unzip your dress. Once he had it open he yanked it off you and tossed it aside, bending over you again to nip at your skin as you dragged his suit jacket off over his shoulders.
“Why do I feel like you just want to hear me say affidavits?” He teased as you drew his tie off and started to work on his shirt buttons. He wrapped your thighs around his hips and ground himself into you, making you whimper as a fresh rush of arousal flooded your panties.
“Fuck, say more lawyer words, professor.” You whined as he drew the straps of your bra down your shoulders, drawing your breasts out of the soft lace and wrapping his lips around one of your nipples.
“Amicus brief.” He teased as his tongue laved over your nipple and you felt your pussy clench around nothing.
He moved to give your other breast the same soft attention as you worked on undoing his belt, your breath coming in shallow gasps as he worked you over. You finally drew his belt off and he sat up to remove his slacks, his lust blown eyes never leaving yours as he dragged his pants and boxer briefs down over his legs, tossing them on top of the rest of his clothes in the front seat as his cock bounced up against his abs, making your mouth fill with saliva at the sight.
You didn’t give him a chance to dive on top of you again, instead climbing into his lap as he knelt there and sucking his lower lip into your mouth. He groaned against your lips as you brought a hand down to wrap around his dick. You dragged his length through the slick that had soaked your thighs before shoving your panties aside and guiding him to your entrance.
Andy let out a deep sigh as you sank onto him, taking his full length in one smooth motion until he was fully seated in you. His tongue pressed between your lips and curved against yours as you wrapped one hand around his neck and the other around his bicep.
“You’re so goddamn perfect, baby.” He muttered against your lips as he started moving his hips at a languorous pace. “So fucking warm and wet for me.”
“Mmm, Andy.” You moaned as you nipped at his lips softly. “I love having you inside me.”
“Yeah, pretty girl?” He murmured as he started to move a little faster. “You love feeling my big cock in that tight little pussy?”
“Fuck, I need this cock, baby.” You hissed, resting your forehead against his and staring into his eyes. “Nobody fucks me like you do.”
“Shit. You’re squeezing me so good, honey.” He muttered as he ground against you. “I wanna feel you cum on my cock.”
“Fuck, I’m so close, Andy.” You whined as his hips thrust against you even harder. “God, right there. I’m gonna cum”
“Do it, I wanna see that cream all over my dick.” He buried his face in your neck and gave one last violent push of his hips.
You let out a cry as every muscle in your body went rigid, your fingers digging painfully into his neck and shoulders. Your pussy clenched around him for a beat before fluttering in your release as your torso rolled against his and a wave of intense pleasure washed over you.
“Jesus, baby.” He murmured as you came down, straightening his legs one at a time as he held you to him tightly.
You were still kneeling and the new angle had him hitting you even deeper than before, making stars burst behind your closed eyelids. Andy bent his knees slight behind you and leaned you back to rest against them as he moved his mouth to your breasts, making you whimper as his tongue brushed against your nipple.
“God, I could spend all night like this.” He murmured as he started pulling you down to him over and over, making you devolve into a mewling, whimpering mess. “My face buried in these perfect tits and my cock buried in that perfect pussy.”
You felt yourself clench around him at the praise and dug both hands in the hair at the base of his skull, pressing his mouth to your chest as you arched into him. His cock twitched inside you in response as he let out a deep groan, his hips meeting yours desperately.
“I’m gonna cum again, shit. You close, baby?” You felt him nodding between your breasts as his hips stuttered. “Fuck, I wanna feel it fill me up. I love when your cum inside me.”
“Goddamn it.” He hissed, and that was it for both of you.
Your knees squeezed his hips painfully as you tugged at his hair, a moan coming from deep in your chest as your orgasm ripped through you. Your cunt fluttered uncontrollably as your muscles spasmed around him, milking his cock for everything he could give you. He shouted your name against your chest and dug his fingers into your waist as his spend filled you up, painting your velvety walls in hot ropes that mixed with your own release and seeped over your thighs in a thick mess.
He collapsed back against the seat with a groan, taking you with him as he still held you tightly. You nuzzled into his neck as aftershocks still shook through you, your pussy clenching around his softening cock at random intervals.
“Well, fuck me Professor Barber.” You teased as he buried his face in your hair.
He let out a groan and grinned at you as he brought his face to meet yours, his tongue slipping between your lips as he kissed you deeply.
“God, I fucking love you.” He whispered without thought as his hands ran over your spine. His hands stopped suddenly as he realized what he’d said and his held his breath as he waited for your reply.
You just buried your face in his chest hair and sighed before whispering “Love you too, Andy.”
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