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Your gothic girl next door// Z // She/her // ♏sun+ ♏rising+♌ moon //Tarot and Astrology student//
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So I just pulled cards for “Does my ex-flirt still check on my profile on the app that we met?” question and I got 8 of Wands, 7 of Pentacles and 2 of Pentacles. My interpretation is, he probably still checks on me but also he’s mainly going online to talk with other chicks^^
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Pick a Couple - Your Relationship Dynamics With The Love of Your Life
Take a deep breath and choose the image that you feel closer to yourself. Since it's a general reading, take what resonates and leave the rest. Please excuse any grammar mistake because I'm not a native English speaker. This is only for entertainment purpose, I suggest you to not make any important life choices based on tarot readings. I hope you enjoy it.

Pile 1: Bella & Edward
This is the pile where you become lovers with your best friend. You two silly will have a crush on each other but you couldn’t confess because your relationship as friends is too good. You may know each other for quite some time and at some point you will realize it’s more than friendship. And finally when you confess it will be like; “Erm...I think I love you...”, “OMG!! I love you too!!”. And I feel they will be the first one to confess.
This looks like a team of two equals. Probably a small to zero age gap, similar interests, similar socio-cultural levels. Pure soulmate vibes. You finish each other’s sentences, you can feel immediately if something is going on with them and you’re bickering like baby goats. I feel some childish stubbornness of both of you but nothing serious. You may have different personalities but somehow you will get along well. Full of support and trust I see here. You will have your ups and downs in life like everyone but you will always feel their presence at your side. And this will be mutual.
Playing video games over who will wash the dishes, movie nights, going out together with other friends, letting you to have the last piece of their favorite dessert...It’s all about you two.
Keywords: Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, green eyes, coffee shop, college, cotton candy, sunglasses, pancakes, island, palm trees

Pile 2: Sookie & Eric
Right off the bat, this pile gives enemies to lovers energy. Your relationship will start with a conflict. E.g. they may be your competitive classmate or demanding boss who’s annoying you. But as time goes by, you won’t be able to resist the tension between you two. The event that will make them lovelier in your eye is they will save your ass from some kind of trouble. After that you will start to think “Huhh, maybe they’re not that bad as I thought.” and they will start to show their interest to you.
I’m getting mature vibes here, they may be simply older or just looking mature than their age. But they are damn classy, they like expensive stuff, not just for themself but for you too. Giving gifts will be their love language.
They are hot and dominant. Kinda fifty shades vibes.
The keyword in your relationship is passion. Power struggles and challenging each other may be your routine. Not that you want to create problems but this is just how you are created. You both don’t like to bend the knee. Both of you are free spirits. But deep down you will know they care about you.
It won’t be firecrackers and butterflies at first but the love will grow slowly between you. Looks like a solid relationship.
Keywords: Capricorn, Scorpio, Taurus, Aries, pen, ash brown hair, Paris, strawberry cake, Chanel, skyscrapers

Pile 3: Elena & Damon
This pile is the love at first sight. It won’t be much time between your first meeting and start to date. I’m seeing a crowded place like a night club or party. They will directly spot you and find a way to meet you. You will feel that you know each other from before. It may be a past life connection.
You will talk a lot. Like A LOT. I’m seeing sleepless nights with long and deep conversations. This will be the meeting of two familiar souls and you will have so much to tell each other. Also your love language will be verbal expressions. Wine and dine, walking hand in hand in the moonlight, small picnics in the woods, so calming and soft. It will feel like you finally coming home after a long wandering.
Only thing you have to be careful with this relationship is that you both may become so ecstatic in this relationship, you will forget about other people around you. And this is not so benefical for your social lives. Your friends and families may start to complain eventually. You just need to give some space to each other for your own social circles.
Keywords: Cancer, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, hooded eyes, dark hair, spaghetti, seafood, train, pets, champagne, silver bracelet, ocean scent
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If hot girl summer is finally over, let’s start the witch bitch autumn 😎
I’m working on a new PAC reading, stay tuned 🤘
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reblog if you’re a safe place for:
hopeless romantics
non binary folks
the whole spectrum etc…
follow everyone who reblogs ;)
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Pile 1 it’s soooo accurate
—tarot pick a card reading—
hi! it's KissCooking again! if you're curious to find out what's making you beautiful and what people like in you, then choose a picture and find out!
also check out my previous work here! don't forget to give me feedback! comment later on, which pile you've chosen! I'm very curious. 🥳
I apologise in advance for any language, grammar, orthography mistakes. I don't own any of these pictures.
If you need you a private reading, you can always DM me!


astrology placements: Scorpio/Mars/Pluto dominant, Capricorn, Venus dominant, Neptune dominant, Virgo
what makes team 1 beautiful?
your face is very symmetrical and conventionally beautiful. there is something about your eyes, they ooze people. they make people fall head over heels for you. you have magnetic yet sweet and lovely aura. you radiate motherly, nurturing and protective energy. you protect what's yours — especially your loved ones, what I heard. you are rather talkative person. you have gained knowledge and you always share it with others. you give me teacher/professor vibes. you know random interesting facts. I feel that you are lucky person — everything is always working in your favor. for example: you were drunk with your friends at night in public place and police wanted to give you all fine, because drinking in public place is forbidden (at least in my country). SOMEHOW you managed to accidentally avoid being punished by cops, but all your friends had to pay a fine. you know what I mean haha. this is the vibe that I got. strange luck. your lower body is amazing! your legs are rather curvy and very muscular. you may also run quite fast. oh, and if you're female, you have beautiful boobs, and cute nipples (that's what I channeled I promise). you may be quite sexual as well. you're actually very specific and unique person. you menage to balance out things in your life. you might have libra placements or axis placements (ex. Libra—Aries, Scorpio—Taurus, etc.). you balance out your emotional and practical side, your logical and spiritual side, work and rest, ego and soul, joy and seriousness. but you give me off little bit cold exterior vibe at first sight. intimidating cold impression, that pull people in. but once people get to know you, you give them your heart they melt. you know that Katy Perry song "Hot'n'Cold"? it can't get out of my head. you're very hot and cold person. you change your exterior often. one day you're brunette and next day you dyed your hair blonde, impulsively. I feel scorpionic, transformative energy. you like shocking people, you like making them astonished. maybe you also shock them by the things you say — controversial opinions, taboo topics. you're not afraid to "get dirty". nevertheless you're hardworking yet also professional procrastinator (haha me too). you value your safe space, and you provide safe space for people that are close to you. you may enjoy dark humor that many people can't get. you don't like being tied up and controlled. very independent group. you crave for recognition and spotlight, and people will give it to you because you're soooooooo magnetic and oozing.

astrology placements: pisces/Neptune dominant, Virgo, Jupiter dominant, Aquarius, Moon dominant
what makes team 2 beautiful?
you have beautiful, silky, shiny hair. people are obsessed about your hair care routine and they envy you your hair. some of you could be blonde. you have very dense hair btw. your face is well structured, you may have nice cheekbones and jawline that cut even paper ✂️. you may look quite unique by the way — you might not look similar to your parents, or might look little bit different than people from your ethnicity. I'm hearing that you are tall, like + 1,75 m. strong upper body. your eyes are dreamy, could be blue because of neptune influence. your eyes might look sleepy, tired, or very watery (like almost crying). you may have beautiful caramel skin. you're rather emotionally closed off — you guard your heart and you don't let any random person near it. at first, you give off masculine energy, dominant, stubborn, king like personality. yes, I get that vibe, that your personality is big, BIG. you dress very neatly, sexy but extravagant . I don't think you like studying. you're party animal, wide group of friends. you give off playful energy. maybe you're good at joking, teasing people. you might have your own business or you're freelancer — you're your own boss. when people look at you, they think you're detached, little bit lost on your own world. you're always thinking about something or somebody. you may enjoy wearing long gown or dresses. I think you're the type to be Disney Princess haha. you're powerful visioner and manifestator, you think about future quite often and you're imagining better world. maybe you wonder about new inventions, social problems etc. you have strong intuition and you don't let outer world change your opinions and believes. you have a list of goals in your mind and you're working your ass off to achieve them. wow, sexy. I feel that you need a lot of time to open up to somebody emotionally, and maybe that's why you surrounded yourself with masculine energy. it's kinda like defense mechanism. you have powerful presence. i got also the message that you like law or may be involved with law. people love your honesty and fairness. wherever there is a conflict, you're the first one to make situation better and reconcile both sides. did I mentioned that you're amazing friend? cause you definitely are. I strongly picked up Libra and Aquarius energy.

astrology placements: Mars dominant, Uranus, Gemini, Pluto, Pisces/Neptune dominant, Cancer
what makes team 3 beautiful?
your body and your moves. you have beautiful body shape. if you're female you're curvy and you have beautiful boobs. maybe you like exposing them a little bit. femme fatale kinda vibe. if you're a male then you have broad shoulders and narrow hips. regardless gender, you have beautiful thighs, smooth, well toned. it's easy for you to gain muscles/loose weight because of mars influence. you embody both masculine and feminine features, that combined makes beautiful, dreamy you. you have magnetic lips, nice shape. kinda like Angelina Jolie. eyes little bit perked up, darker ones. you might have birthmark on your body that's really outstanding. you might also have juicy ass. (does somebody out here have foot fetish? idk it just strongly popped up in my head). I feel like team 3 is really beautiful, and people can't stop staring at you. you leave them in awe, their breath is taken away (I love this energy). you move with such a grace, your moves are ethereal and elegant. damn, marry me. you have that angelic aura. but at first sight you may intimidate and turn off people. don't get me wrong. most of people think that you are not real and you don't belong to this world. I get strong Capricorn and Neptune ascendant vibe. people hesitate to approach you, because of your protected aura. maybe your angel guard and protect you. you have resting bitch face, and I'm sure about it. kinda emotionless look, like something sucked all emotions from your face. emotion vacuum cleaner? lol. color blue stand out to me. you may look good in blue, you might have blue eyes or hair. you also like darker vibe and you probably like doing your nails all black (just like me haha). you also might have little bit tired or sad look as I said. I think that you like wearing glasses and head accessories, rings, bracelets. apart from your beauty, you radiate strong leader vibe. very decisive, full of energy person, courageous. Mars in fire signs/1H energy to be honest. you stand up with your head up, you don't let anybody mess with you. Mrs/Mr president. you don't have so many people around you is what I feel. some of your friends in the past turned out to be jealous and envious of you, your appearance and your personality. you may have like 3 close friends to you, that always make sure that you're entertained and self confident. you also may like to partying or go clubbing. if you resonate with it, know that whenever you party, all eyes are on you, and all the people in the club are looking at you, admiring you, thinking weather to approach you. you are rebellious and you don't follow the rules. to most of the people it's really sexy and it turns them on. I'm hearing Camilla Cabello's song "crying in the club". idk if that resonates.
I hope you liked it guys! Let me know! If it didn't resonate, that's also fine. Please like, follow, reblog. it motivates me to do better ♡
(I'm planning answering intuitive asks, but now I'm soooooo busy in my life and I have some missed assignments from my Korean classes. lol. wish me good luck.)
Love you all. Kiss Cookin
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Pick a Card - Your Forever One

Hello, this is Z, it's my first PAC reading. Take a deep breath and choose the image that you feel closer to yourself. Since it's a general reading, take what resonates and leave the rest. Please excuse any grammar mistake because I'm not a native English speaker. This is only for entertainment purpose, I suggest you to not make any important life choices based on tarot readings. I hope you enjoy it.

Pile 1:
I see a lot of masculine energy here regardless of your and their gender orientation. Mostly Earth and Air influence. They are very giving person. They can sacrifice anything to provide for their (future) family and make you happy. They are practical, analytical, a sharp mind like a sword. However they are quiete stubborn and authoritative at times. They have a clear opinion about what's right and wrong like everything is black and white for them and they are never afraid to express their thoughts. They are bold af like a real boss bish. Also they are very calculative in money matters. That's maybe they've had financially hard times before. But like I said, they are a good provider and they will do anything to provide for you. They are self made, they built everything they had from scratch.
I don't get much romantic vibes in this pile however they can be a bit obsessed with you. They may want you near them all the time. Especially at the beginning of the relationship you can feel like you're attached to the hips with them. Or simply you both may think that you're destined to be together and that you complete each other's world. I see expensive dinner dates at luxury restaurants.
Travel will be very prominent. Either for job or for fun. This is for a very small amount of you but they may be into acting, or just like to go to theater.
They have clear boundaries between fun and duties. Which means they are aware when to work seriously and when to relax and have fun. And I can assure you that they know how to have fun.
Keywords: Aries, Capricorn, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces, Leo, Virgo, succesful, fun, hidden motives, soulmate, pop music, full moon, jawline, scars, black car, tuxedo

Pile 2 :
Ouchie.. Your person seems to getting over a heartbreak recently. They are in a hermit mood by choice, trying to heal their wounds. They are very romantic and chivalrious, yet that can cause them to be more vulnerable in personal relationships. Their friends are very important to your person. They like to hang out with them whenever they have a chance.
They are literally living for their passions, whatever they are...This pile gives mostly Water and Fire vibes. They have also a spiritual side.
Your person is very caring, nurturing and compassionate. They may like to cook for you and feed you with their own hands. They will baby you a lot.
This is a fated connection. However they get quickly overwhelmed by their emotions and that can cause some unstable behaviors. They cannot ever be sure that they are loved enough. Probably because of their past experiences. But they will love you with their whole existence. Just you need to make them sure that you love them and be with them at any circumstances.
Keywords: Sagittarius, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, brave, prince charming, ripped jeans, messy hair, lighter hair, shaped lips, pride, supportive, guitar, spiritual, family portrait

Pile 3:
This person seems very abundant. They may come from a whealthy family. And also well known, at least locally. Family is very important to them. Especially their mother. You need to get along with her.
Your person is quiete kind. They will like to give you gifts.. I mean a lot of gifts.
This pile is creative and artistic. Either they or both of you like to express the subconcious through artistic skills. But somehow I get also healer vibes for some of you. They can be a doctor or even have healing abilities maybe? And they are also good in communication with people.
When it comes to love matters, this person has a lot of options. Seems like a popular bachelor. Actually you may get suprised when they choose to be with you.
This person can be from a different background than yours. This can cause some conflict at the beginning but it's not a big deal. You can meet them through your friend circle.
Keywords: Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, lunar eclipse, tranformation, far places, wavy hair, high bridge nose, white shirt, cupcake, cherries, desert
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