#so two ex friends went out today with loads of girls from school
seongclb · 1 year
literally crying in my bathroom rn wtf
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streetlight11 · 1 year
What Are You Doing Here?
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Summary: It's been 6 years since you earned the title of being an Aunt to one of the most beautiful little girl you've ever laid eyes on. She was your sister's daughter and you love her with all your heart. So what happens when you go over to your sister's place to surprise both her and your niece, only to meet the babysitter who has been looking after your niece for a few weeks now?
Theme: babysitter au, ex-schoolmates to lovers
Genre: slowburn, romance, fluff
Warnings: mild language, mentions of irresponsible partner,
W/C: 10.9k
Pairing: Babysitter!Changmin x Fem!Reader
a/n: Hello! I'm back with another fanfic! Apologies for my horrible description about y/n's work and job role because I know nothing about finance and how it works 🤡 Hope you like the overall fanfic though 🙏🏼
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6 years ago, your sister gave birth to the most gorgeous little human being you’ve ever seen. She was the reason why you became an aunt. You love your niece with all your heart, promising to be there beside her every step of the way. Reason being the guy who got your sister pregnant who is supposedly her boyfriend of 3 years, had chosen to abandon his responsibilities as a father when he found out she was carrying his child. You were beyond furious with him to the point where you actually went down to his apartment to curse the fuck out of him.
After your niece was born, you made sure that you were there with her as she grew up. She was the reason why you look forward to living everyday. There wasn’t a day where you didn’t spend time with her. When you were in college, you worked as a part time barista to pay off your school fees and monthly expenses on food and stuff. The extra money you had was spent on her toys, snacks, food, anything that would make her happy and lessen your sister’s burden in a way.
She is a single mom after all so it’s only right for you to help out with whatever you can. Whenever your sister has to work or is busy with something, you’re always there to help her out no matter how tired or busy you are. A few years following her birth, your sister had saved enough money to rent an apartment solely for her and her daughter, Lucy.
As much as she was thankful that your parents were okay with having her and Lucy live in your family home, your sister wanted to move out because your parents were already old and she didn’t want to burden them even more. Taking care of two kids was already enough for them. Therefore, your sister rented a place not too far from your campus. During the first three years after you graduated high school, you were still living with your parents.
When you finally saved enough money, that’s when you moved out and rented an apartment that was just a 15 minutes walk from your sister’s place. It was way easier to travel back and forth to look after Lucy and spend time with her ever since.
Sometimes you would go to their place, sometimes they would come to your place. You are pretty close with your sister. You loved her unconditionally so to see her go through parenthood alone, it definitely breaks your heart but you also see how strong she is. Not many people can do this and yet, here she is. You are beyond proud of her.
It’s been 7 years since you graduated high school and you are now a working adult. You are working under a pretty well known company. Your job is stressful but most of the time, you have very codependent team members whom you work well with. You are thankful that your team is a bunch of nice people who you can bond with. The team has a total of 5 people and you’re all really good friends with each other. There was Jieun, who is your team leader, Yoongi, Taehyung, Yeji and yourself.
You have been working with this company and the team for almost 2 years now and you’re still grateful for it till today. Whenever you’re having a whole load of work stress, they’re always there to relieve it. Even your sister knows them because of how often you tell her about them.
However a few months ago, your CEO announced that they were starting this new production line which will be a test to see how well the sales are. If it goes well, they will launch the product for good and put it out on the market. Your job was to keep an eye on the sales and calculate the financial impact of the product. It’s stressful but at least you have a team working with you on it.
Due to this new project, you had to OT more often every week and this has led to you only seeing Lucy on weekends and less on weekdays. It sucks that you have to spend less time with your niece but at least you still see her on weekends.
It was a Saturday afternoon and you promised to bring Lucy to the mall. So it was Lucy, your sister and yourself who are going to the mall to hang out for the day. Jisoo drove so she placed Lucy in her baby chair at the back seat while you sat in front with your sister. Lucy was sleeping so you had this time to have a private chat with Jisoo about life and work. A year ago, you were dating someone you met at university. He was two years younger than you and everything was going well with him.
He was your person.
Unfortunately, with the accumulating fights and disagreements began to slowly build up at one point, a huge argument happened one day and both of you decided to break things off after realizing that it might never work. Both of you had very different perceptions of things and could never come together as one. Therefore, that was the only logical thing to do and this all happened just over 2 months ago.
“I haven’t heard about him in a while. Lucy asked me about him recently too.” Jisoo said, only for you to stare blankly into the dashboard.
It took you a while to reply but when you did, you had to take a deep breath first and said, “We broke up…” Your sister glanced at you briefly but made sure to keep her focus on the road.
“2 months ago, give or take…” You said quietly to avoid waking Lucy up.
“I’m sorry.” She said, making you shake your head.
“No, it’s fine. I just feel like we’re too different and we’re no longer compatible with each other. So I didn’t wanna waste my time pining over someone who doesn’t wanna work together.”
“Well, I guess you did the right thing then… What are you gonna tell her though?” Jisoo asked as you glanced at the back seat to find Lucy sleeping.
“I won’t say anything to her until she asks me about him, I guess…”
“Yeah, I think it’s best if she hears it from you instead of me.” Jisoo said. You agreed with her decision because it’s your life so you should be the one sharing, not her. Just then, she changes the topic to avoid the awkward atmosphere about your ex boyfriend.
“By the way, I know I should’ve told you sooner but a few weeks after you started to get busy with your OTs, I started to keep getting night shifts so I decided to hire a babysitter. It’s been a month now. And guess what?”
“Lucy loves him! She adores him so much, it’s literally so adorable.”
“Wait a minute… Your babysitter is a guy?” You asked in disbelief.
“Yeah. Young and handsome too.” She said with a cheeky wink, causing you to gag. Your sister then scoffs at your reaction to defend herself before you get the wrong idea.
“Not for me, you fool. I’m telling you that he’s young and handsome.” She smirked teasingly to which you rolled your eyes.
“How young? And I don’t trust your tastebuds.”
“Rude. Look, he’s your age and I’m telling you… He is drop dead gorgeous.” She said but all you did was brush her off.
You still won’t believe her until you see him for yourself. Only then will you agree with whether he’s handsome or not.
You changed the topic again, not wanting to wake Lucy up as Jisoo finally pulls into the mall car park. All three of you got out of the car once it was properly parked and made your way into the mall. You spend almost half a day there, grabbing lunch, going to the clothing store to shop for your things, going to a toy store to buy Lucy new toys and plushies, going to watch a new cartoon movie in the cinema.
All in all, it was a very good day well spent with Lucy after a stressful week at work. Unfortunately, your day was being cut short when your sister got a last minute call from her senior nurse telling her to come down tonight to cover a shift for her colleague who took an urgent leave. You were pissed because today was supposed to be Jisoo’s day off but there’s nothing much you can say. Even if you told your sister to tell them it’s her day off, she would still go down to cover the shift.
Which is why you were now at her apartment to keep Lucy company for the night while your sister left for work. After she left, you showered Lucy and prepared her dinner. You were just feeding her dinner in the living room when she came to you with a sketchbook filled with drawings.
“Wow, did you draw these?” You asked as she sat in your lap to flip through the pages.
“Yeah! But Uncle Minie drew some of it!” She said, making you wonder if that was the name of her babysitter.
“Is Uncle Minie a good person?”
“He is! He’s very nice to me and mommy.”
“Mmm, you must really like him then, don’t you?” You said and as a result, she giggled adorably in your lap.
“I do! You have to meet him… I think you will like him too, Auntie Y/N!” She said so all you could do was smile. You continued to play with her after dinner until she grew tired so you could tuck her into bed. When she was finally asleep, you cleaned up the house a little before taking a shower and went to bed.
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Almost a month has passed since you last saw Lucy and your sister. Work got very hectic and your schedule has been pretty off lately. You had to work on weekends for the past few weeks and it was mentally draining. The project has been a success recently which is why you had to work extra everyday but your schedule was starting to simmer down and was now proceeding to launch it for real and properly this time. Nevertheless, it has been really tiring for you but thankfully you had your team with you to motivate each other and give words of encouragement to one another.
It was a Friday evening and you decided to surprise Lucy and your sister tonight after not seeing them for so long. Before heading over to their place though, you didn’t forget to stop by Lucy’s favourite fast food restaurant to get her french fries. It was her ultimate favourite snack that she would never fail to ask for whenever you brought her out or came over to the house. You bought extra food so everyone could eat, including the babysitter just in case he was hungry.
It didn’t take long to arrive at your sister’s apartment so when you made it in front of her door, you gave it a few knocks and waited patiently for someone to open it. The one who ended up greeting you at the door was Lucy.
“Hi baby!” You said as she hugged your hips tightly with his small dainty arms.
“How are you, my favourite niece?” You asked as she let go of your hips to let you walk in. You closed the door behind you as Jisoo came out from the kitchen with her uniform already worn.
“I’m good, auntie!” Lucy said, making you kiss the top of your head before holding out the bags of food in your hand.
“I bought all of us dinner. And I bought you fries, Lucy!”
“Yay!” She cheered as she ran off and disappeared into the living room.
“What time are you leaving for work?” You asked as your sister took the bags from you while you took off your heels by the door.
“Soon. I have to come early tonight because one of the nurses took an urgent leave.” She said.
“Eat something first at least before you go. Don’t delay your dinner.” You scolded her while she quietly took out the fries from the bag. You helped her take a plastic plate from the cabinet, passing it to her. She then took out a handful of fries and placed it on the plate before you took it and brought it to the living room where Lucy was playing with her dolls.
“Lucy, auntie will put your fries here okay?” You said as she ran over to take one and put it in her mouth while excitedly thanking you. Just when you turn to go back to the kitchen, a figure comes out of the hallway only to stop dead in his tracks. His eyes were completely wide from shock.
“Changmin? What are you doing here?” His name slips off your tongue naturally as your sister looks back and forth between you and Changmin. He was speechless and so were you until Lucy ran up to his side and held his hand in hers with a bright smile.
“Auntie, how do you know Uncle Minie? Is he your boyfriend too?” Lucy asked as you glanced over to your sister and then to Changmin. He was still staring at you quietly but his eyes were no longer wide so you looked at Lucy and smiled.
“H-He’s just an old friend, who happens to be a boy. Not my boyfriend.” You explained to her while she let go of his arm and hops over to you when you gestured her to come to you.
“Who is your boyfriend then?” She asked, to which you kneeled down beside the coffee table while you pulled her into your lap.
“Remember Uncle Sunwoo?”
“The one who gave me the stitch soft toy?” She asked and you smiled at her.
“Yes. Do you remember him?”
“I do!”
“That was my boyfriend.” You said while gently cupping her cheek.
“Why isn’t Uncle Sunu here today?” She asked, only for you to accidentally glance up to find Changmin staring at you quietly with no particular expression on his face.
“Because he’s no longer my boyfriend anymore, that’s why he’s not here. But it’s okay, you have Uncle Changmin now right? I heard you like Uncle Changmin a lot.” You asked, only for her to giggle and point to him with a bright smile on her face.
“Yes! I like Uncle Minie!” She said. After you’ve let go of her, she runs back to him only to bring him to her play area in front of the tv.
You’ve known Changmin since kindergarten and high school. You used to bicker with him a lot and because he was your classmate, all the more reason for you to fight with him almost everyday. As much as you don’t like him at the time, you don’t consider him your enemy though. It’s not like you despise him or anything as a person. Sure he’s sort of similar to you in terms of being introverts but other than that, he’s too much of a weirdo to actually understand how he sees things when he was younger. Therefore, the endless amount of arguments with him. And after graduating, you never saw him again.
You went back into the kitchen to help pack the food for your sister, making sure she wouldn’t starve at work knowing how she is when she’s stressed or is thinking too much about things she chooses not to share with anyone. So when you placed the bag of burger and fries in her smaller lunch bag, you reminded her to eat when she’s having her break time and to not skip her meals during work. You then walked with her to the front door only to call Lucy over.
“Lucy, your mommy’s going to work.”
“Okay! Bye mommy!” She said as she ran to your sister to give her a hug and kiss. You were just watching them when Changmin’s voice sounded softly from behind you.
“Didn’t expect to see you again.” He said.
“Me too… Didn’t take you for a babysitter.”
“This is just a past time thing…”
“But you babysit her almost everyday.”
“Because I like her.” Upon hearing his words, this made you whip your head to him with a frown.
“My sister or my niece?” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“What do you think? Not gonna lie though, your sister’s pretty hot.” That’s when you slapped his arm and glared at him.
“My sister is off limits you pervert.” You scolded him, only for him to cackle.
“Fine. What about her sister then? Is she off limits too?” It took you a while to realise what he was saying and before you could even reply to him, Lucy was already rushing to you and waving to her mother.
“Bye sis.” You smiled as you gestured to Lucy to follow Changmin while you went to lock the front door. You came back to the living room to find Changmin teasing her by stealing her fries. You’ve never seen this side of him. Who knew Changmin of all people would be this good to a child especially considering he’s the youngest in his family.
About an hour or so later after you’ve showered and changed into your pyjamas since you’ve already planned to sleep over, you came back out to find Lucy curled up in Changmin’s lap on the couch. Paw Patrol was playing on the screen but it seemed like no one was really watching. You carefully walked closer to find Changmin patting her to sleep in his arms. He saw you from the corner of his eye so he glanced over his shoulder with a small smirk on his face.
“I think she’s in love with me.” He said, making you roll your eyes at him.
“I doubt that.” You walked over to kneel in front of his legs only to gently cup her face.
“Darling, come on. Let’s get you to bed.” You softly said as she stirred awake.
“Are you sleeping here tonight?” She asked tiredly while her tiny head was still against his chest.
“Yes, darling.”
Just then, Lucy looked up at Changmin and asked, “Are you sleeping here too?”
Changmin couldn’t help but glance over to you for a brief second before answering her, “I don’t have to sleep over tonight since your Auntie Y/N is here.” He said but she instantly whined.
“But… I want both of you here.” She said, making you stunned. Both Changmin and you exchanged looks for a second as if to figure out what to say but he beat you to it.
“Alright then. Uncle Min will stay with you and Auntie Y/N, okay?”
“Okay.” She giggled tiredly as she opened her arms to you so you took her onto your waist and carried her to her room. Once you’ve tucked her in, you sang her to sleep. Her favourite lullaby that apparently, only you and Changmin can sing for her. Lucy wouldn’t let your sister sing for her. She would ask your sister to read her a bedtime story instead. You made sure she was already fast asleep before you kissed her forehead and left the bedroom door slightly ajar. You came back outside to find Changmin cleaning up the mess she made with her toys.
While he was doing that, you cleared the kitchen by putting the leftover food in the fridge and throwing away whatever is deemed as trash. Both of you were working in silence, never once talking to each other. After you finished cleaning the kitchen, you went to the living room to find it empty. Changmin must’ve gone inside to sleep so you let out a soft sigh of relief. About half an hour later, you were just watching a tv series on netflix when soft footsteps came approaching you from behind. Before you could turn, Changmin came into your peripheral vision and sat down next to you.
“Why aren’t you asleep?” He asked as a strong whiff of vanilla filled your nostrils. It must be the body wash you saw in the bathroom.
“I could ask you the same question.” You said, earning a click of his tongue.
“I’m not sleepy yet. Your turn.”
“I need a break before I do a bit of work.” You said and he finally turns to you with a frown. You looked at him and gave him a shrug of your shoulders, “What?”
“It’s already after hours… What work do you possibly have to do?” He asked only for you to sigh.
“My work… You wouldn’t know.” You ended off in a whisper while turning your focus back to the tv. A few minutes later, Changmin excused himself quietly without telling you where he was going. Not like you cared or anything. So when you realised he never came back out after an hour, you guessed he was asleep. You stayed up till 4 in the morning just working on the upcoming project you had with the company’s sales.
You were doing your work at the kitchen island with your back facing the hallway. At one point during the night, Changmin left the guest room to go to the bathroom. He saw you seated on the stool with fingers tangled in your hair. He was curious to know what work you had to do that made you stay up all night but he wasn’t going to ask. He saw that it was nearing 4am and it kind of worried him a little. Changmin knew how tiring and mentally draining it is to stay up late to do work so he could only hope you’ll get the rest you deserve.
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Days began to pass by fast, making sure to visit your sister’s house a few times a week on days where you weren’t working overtime so that you could spend time with Lucy again. It’s been over three months now and you’ve been to their house almost every week now. Of course not everyday since the project was still going on. And in all the times you came over, Changmin was always around. There are times when he’s oddly nice and kind to you, never once picking on you. Other times he was always being a little ass to you briefly so Lucy doesn’t catch on.
One thing’s for sure, Changmin has never really said something that made you absolutely pissed before so that’s good in a way. It was a Thursday evening and you made it to your sister’s apartment a few minutes after she left. You had to stay at the office for a bit and she had to leave early due to an emergency. Therefore, you didn’t get the chance to meet her. However, it’s okay because you still went over to spend time with Lucy.
You brought cakes for dessert, knowing she loves the strawberry shortcakes that were sold at a nearby cafe. When you reached their doorstep, you gave it a few knocks, only to hear her high pitched voices and soft footsteps rushing towards the door.
“Auntie!” She exclaimed excitedly as she carefully tiptoed to grab onto the door handle. But before she would accidentally wedge her toes under the door, Changmin was quick to hold onto the side of the door while gently telling her to step away from it.
With that being said, she hopped to the side only to hug your leg so you wrapped your arm around her hip and carried her up with one arm while the other was holding onto the bag of cakes. Changmin closed the door while you took off your shoes, only to feel him take the bag from you quietly and bring it to the kitchen. This allows you to properly hug Lucy and playfully swing her around as she laughs against your chest. You then placed her down on her feet, running back to her toys in the living room.
Changmin was just staring at the cakes so you couldn’t help but giggle softly at his sim-like behaviour and asked, “Why are you just staring blankly at the cakes? Is there something wrong with it?”
“No… I just, I’m trying to figure out which cake is Lucy’s.” Changmin said as you came to stand beside him.
“Make a guess.” You said. It took him 3 tries but when he finally got it, he decided to act smug about it like he was just trying to test you.
“I knew which one she liked. I just wanted to see if you knew.” Changmin said, making you mock him with a laugh. He made a silly face to you while rolling his eyes, earning a soft slap to his chest before calling for your niece. She came over to you and was utterly surprised upon seeing her favourite cake.
“Is this mine?” She asked excitedly, making you nod.
“Yeah! Do you want me to feed you or do you wanna eat it on your own?”
“Hmm… I want Uncle Minie to feed me.” She giggled while sticking her tongue out the side of her mouth teasingly. You faked a shocked face and soon pretended to get upset.
“Do you like Uncle Minie more or Auntie more?” You asked.
“Uncle Minie.” Lucy said with a laugh and that was it. You wanted to get back at her for choosing an outsider over yourself. Of course this was all just for fun and games, you weren’t actually this petty. However, while all this was happening, Changmin was actually enjoying this scene in front of him where you were having a playful banter with your niece. He was almost adoring you in a way where nobody else would realise unless someone was there to see his reaction live.
“Fine. Then you can’t have Uncle Minie. He’s mine.” You said as you stood in front of Changmin to shield her from him. Lucy laughed as she tried to go to the side but you followed her to block her. She was laughing till her heart’s content, failing to get to her babysitter who was all the while just standing there with the most fondest smile on his face.
Just when Lucy was holding your hands to apologise for choosing him instead of you, the pair of warm hands sliding over your waist and around your front was enough to catch you off guard as you accidentally crashed backwards into Changmin’s chest.
“Lucy ah, if you want uncle Minie, you have to want auntie Y/N too or else she’s gonna be very sad. Okay?” Changmin said as you tried so desperately hard not to turn your head because if you did, the chances of accidentally kissing him is very high. Not that you wouldn’t want that to be honest. But at least not right now. So with that being said, Lucy giggled and she quickly apologised to you before hugging you. Changmin had already pulled away from you but he was so tempted to keep his arms around you.
After you’ve kissed the top of her head, Changmin held her hand and brought her to the front to play and eat before she went to bed. All the while, you helped to tidy the house a little so that your sister wouldn’t have to do much cleaning when she gets home from work tomorrow. Hours later, you had just put Lucy to bed and so it was time for you to leave since you’re working tomorrow.
You came back out to find Changmin just finished cleaning up her scattered toys and putting them back in her basket. He stood up and immediately locked eyes with you, feeling something tickle your stomach.
“You’re not staying?” He spoke up first while he slowly approached you.
“I have work tomorrow. I have to come early and stay late to finish up the quotas for the project.” You sighed, watching as he stopped right in front of you. All you needed to do was stretch your arms out, grab his shirt and pull him in but of course you’re not gonna do that.
“So I’m assuming that you won’t be stopping by tomorrow evening?” He asked.
“Probably not… Why? Are you gonna miss me?” You couldn’t help but ask as a smirk slowly creeps onto your face.
“Miss you? I think you’re delusional, babe.”
“Am I?” You asked, seeing the way his eyes grew a tad larger for just a split second before it shrunk back to his original size.
“I’d miss you any day.” Changmin teased you back, now you’re the one who’s speechless. He laughed at your reaction, thinking you were hella cute as he watched you take your work bag and was making your way straight to the door. You left without another word said to him, hearing his cackle grow softer the minute the door was shut. As soon as Changmin had locked the doors and was making his way back into the apartment, he caught Lucy standing in the middle of the hallway just tiredly rubbing her eyes and was slightly groggy.
“Where did auntie go?” She asked so he carefully walked to her and carried her onto his waist to bring her back to her room.
“Auntie has to go home, darling. She has to work tomorrow.” Changmin gently explained to her while laying her back onto her bed and pulling the blankets over.
“Uncle Min?”
“Yes baby?”
“Do you like my auntie?” Lucy asked as she yawned but was patiently waiting for his answer. Changmin took no less than a minute to answer her question easily in a heartbeat.
“Yes I do. I like your auntie… I like her a lot.”
“You should tell her. I like you with my auntie a lot too.” She said as she slowly fell asleep again. Changmin unconsciously smiled, remembering this conversation. He definitely wasn’t lying to her about how he feels about you.
If only he can tell you…
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A week has passed, as usual, your sister was working a night shift today and Changmin would be at her place to look after Lucy. Since it was a Friday evening, you were okay with sleeping over at your sister’s place since you’re not working tomorrow. So when you went there, everyone was present in the house. However, there is a new individual who is in the house and he was playing with Lucy while Changmin and your sister were in the kitchen preparing Lucy’s dinner.
“Hey! I’m here.” You said after Lucy greeted you at the door. Once you’ve taken off your heels, you made your way further into the house only to lock eyes with the new guy who soon stood up to greet you.
“Hello? I’m sorry but I don’t think I’ve met you before. You are?” You asked politely as he let out an awkward laugh and responded to your question nicely.
“I’m Heegeun. Jisoo’s uh… friend.” He smiled and you could tell he was lying but you never pry any further.
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m her younger sister, Y/N.” You said before making your way into the kitchen. She was practically hiding behind Changmin so you pinched her side softly in annoyance.
“He’s not just your friend, is he? Who is he? Your boyfriend?” You asked in a whisper all behind Changmin who was scooping out the rice porridge into a bowl for Lucy. Even then, Changmin couldn’t help but smirk hearing this conversation happening right behind him.
“He’s… ah. I’ll explain tomorrow. I have to go now.” Jisoo escaped despite you trying to hold her back.
“Heegeun ah, let’s go. Lucy, mommy will see you tomorrow okay? I love you.” Jisoo said as she bid her daughter goodbye at the doorway. Meanwhile, you clicked your tongue in annoyance and whispered to yourself, “Ugh. He’s definitely not her friend…” Nevertheless, you heard the door click shut and Lucy soon went back to her toys. So you took this opportunity to interrogate Changmin instead.
“Why are you smiling? You know something, don’t you?” You asked, only for him to shrug his shoulders teasingly.
“I don’t know anything. He was already here when I came about an hour ago.” Changmin said, making you growl.
“There’s something fishy going on here…” You said while narrowing your eyes at him but then changed the topic as you took the bowl and walked over to Lucy to feed her dinner.
Your mind keeps drifting off to the guy earlier and you can’t stop worrying about history repeating itself again. Ever since what happened with Lucy’s biological father, you have gotten awfully overprotective towards your sister that you tend to analyse whoever wants to date her. So the fact that this guy suddenly appears in the picture without your sister telling you a thing about him, makes you feel slightly skeptical.
All the while you were just blankly staring into space with your mind somewhere else, Changmin was actually observing you. He kept smiling to himself knowing you were probably going crazy about who the guy was and all that. When you knew it was pointless to keep thinking about that guy’s relation with your sister, you just glanced to the left randomly with no particular intentions. Unfortunately, that caused you to lock eyes with Changmin but all he did was smirk at you charmingly.
After you’ve fed Lucy, you went to clean up the kitchen while Changmin accompanied her for the next few minutes before bringing her to bed. It took him less than 10 minutes to get her to finally sleep as he leaves her room quietly. Changmin walks into the living room to find you seated on the couch just watching your favourite american youtuber duo on the smart tv.
Changmin soon came to join you, sitting so close to you that you could literally rest your leg on his thigh since you sat with your legs bent into your chest. Still in your work clothes but thankfully you’re in formal pants so it’s fine to sit like that.
“What would you do if that guy is actually dating your sister?” Changmin suddenly asks, causing you to get agitated again.
“I’m gonna make sure he doesn’t break her heart and treat her the way she deserves to be treated or else I’ll come for his throat.”
“Woah. You’re literally threatening him.” He laughed but you frowned.
“After what that asshole did when he found out my sister was pregnant, I’m never letting any guy come near her unless he’s proved to me that he’s worthy of my sister.” You said protectively and he could sense that from you. Nevertheless, he totally understands where you’re coming from.
“So what kind of guys do you like?” He suddenly changes the topic, catching you off guard a little.
“I-I… I actually don’t know… If I like someone, I’ll just know I guess.”
“How would you know if you like someone?” He asked, making you shy all of a sudden. It was difficult for you to answer at first but you managed to do it after a few seconds of buffering.
“W-Well… When I have butterflies while being around them? Or maybe when I feel comfortable and safe around them?” Changmin seemed to digest your answer as you wondered why he was asking you this question. Just then, he got up and said he wanted to go to sleep claiming he’s tired and sleepy. You bid him goodnight as you went to take a shower before going to bed yourself.
The next morning, your sister came home at about 8am as she found you sleeping in her bed. That same afternoon when Jisoo had already gotten her sleep since today was her day off, the four of you decided to hang out at the mall. Changmin was the one driving today so you sat in front with him while your sister and niece sat at the back. All the while, Lucy poked her head through the gap in the middle between you and Changmin. She sang and danced to the songs that Changmin put on his car radio just for her.
At one point, while Lucy was just talking to her mother about something out the window, you glanced back only to smile at the sight. The car gradually came to a stop at the traffic junction so you turned to look in front but instead, you caught Changmin’s gaze on you.
“What?” You asked softly, earning a cheeky little smile from him. One that wakes the butterflies in your stomach.
“Have I ever mentioned you’re pretty?” He suddenly flirts with you despite knowing there’s two other people in the back.
“Shut up.” You dismissed him with a shy laugh, knowing he’s just being playful. There’s absolutely no way he actually means what he said… Right?
Just then, Changmin glared and clicked his tongue at you to show that he was probably disappointed with your reaction. Though, knowing how he is, he was just joking with his reaction and it was true because he then replied, “Ungrateful…” Upon hearing this, you gently punched his arm and he hissed but never got angry for real. How did you know? Because right after he did that, you could see the way the corner of his lips curled up.
In another 10 minutes, you arrived at the mall where Changmin finally parked the car in the parking lot upstairs. The moment the engine was turned off, Lucy was already scrambling out of the car and was dragging her mother into the lobby which leads straight into the shopping mall. She was so eager to go see the toy shops she saw the other day. While the two mother and daughter were walking ahead, you waited for Changmin to get out of the car and locked it before walking with him.
You were going to turn the corner where the slope is when Changmin slid his right arm around your waist from behind to pull you in right as a car was speeding down the slope.
“Watch where you’re going, pretty.” Changmin said, making you blush.
“I-I was about to stop…” You faked an excuse as he squeezed your side softly before letting go.
Both of you made it safely into the mall, not surprised when you saw the two of them entering the toy shop just opposite from the lobby. You walked towards the shop and went inside to find them. Lucy was going around, looking at all the toys and playsets but your sister told her not to get any because she already has a lot at home.
Lucy isn’t the kind to cry and beg her mother for something she wants but you can see from her expression. Your heart breaks whenever you see her like that so when all of you were now at an ice cream shop, everyone had their own ice creams except for Lucy. She was sulking so she didn’t wanna buy anything even when her mother consoled her. With that being said, you looked at Lucy who was seated diagonally across from you and beside Changmin with a smile.
“Hey Lucy darling, mind if you accompany me go see a dress at one of the shops? I think I might change my mind about it.” At first she just shook her head and hung her head against Changmin’s chest. So you got up and went over to her side before you cupped her face and made her look at you gently, giving you the chance to whisper to her something her mother couldn’t catch.
“I’ll buy whatever you want from the toy store but don’t tell mommy.” That was all you said as she finally tore away from Changmin and kept her sad face on but decided to follow you. It was only when the two of you were no longer visible in their sight that you high fived her and she giggled excitedly to you.
Meanwhile, after you left, Changmin was just eating his ice cream when your sister suddenly spoke up from her seat diagonally across from him.
“Changmin, you’re a really nice guy and apparently a very good babysitter.”
“Oh. Thanks? I’m just doing my job.” Changmin said with a laugh, only for her to smile.
“But I think it’s time for me to talk to you about this…” She paused to give him the element of suspense. He was thinking that he was gonna be in trouble for something he did wrong or maybe even fired at this point. Except, the question that came out of her mouth was the least expected question to ever cross his mind.
“Do you like her?” She asked, catching him off guard.
“H-Her who? Your daughter or your sister?”
“I know you like my daughter. But unfortunately, I’m referring to my sister.” She laughed to lighten up the mood and it worked. Changmin felt a little less tense but he was still nervous about the question. Since he was taking too long to answer, she decided to change her question.
“Okay, nevermind. Scratch that. Let me rephrase myself… What do you think of my sister?”
Now that’s a question he could answer in a heartbeat.
“I think she’s an amazing person. She’s smart, kind, and can be annoying sometimes back when we were younger but she’s such an amazing auntie to Lucy and I can see that really well.” Your sister smiled happily at her bowl of ice cream before she spoke up afterwards.
“Now is it easier for you to answer my original question that I asked?” She teased and so Changmin chuckled nervously but he felt ready to give her his answer.
“I do like your sister. I actually like her a lot now…”
“Good. Because I think she likes you too, just that she’s still trying to figure that part out.” Your sister said as he felt something tickle his heart. Do you really like him too? If you do, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself. Just a few seconds after, you came back with Lucy and there was a huge plastic bag you were holding in your hand, paired with a toothless soft toy in Lucy’s arms. Your sister’s jaw drops as Changmin simply laughed at her reaction.
“I knew you were lying earlier, you brat.” She said to you, making you stick your tongue out at her teasingly.
“I know.” You said as you flipped your hair sassily and she scoffed but her smile betrayed her.
“Well, now that you’re here, I’m gonna go check out the home furniture store upstairs.” She said as she soon disappeared. Changmin brought Lucy to go buy her ice cream since she was in a happier mood now. When they came back, Lucy asked Changmin to feed her. He did it without hesitation, paying full attention to her only to abandon his own cup of ice cream that was ⅓ done.
“Lucy, can you eat on your own? Uncle Min needs to finish his ice cream before it melts” You said, trying to make her listen.
“No! I want Uncle Minie to feed me.” She said with a proud smile on her face.
“Can I feed you then? He needs to eat his ice cream too.” You tried to persuade her but she whined.
“Lucy.” You called her name once in a serious tone but she looked at you with a frowning pout. Her eyes started to get glossy so Changmin quickly stepped in and smiled at her.
“It’s okay, Lucy. Uncle Minie will eat later. Come, open your mouth.” He said while slowly bringing the spoon to her mouth. She eats it quietly, avoiding your gaze in case you scold her as she fiddles with her toothless soft toy ears. You let out a soft sigh, which was unfortunately heard by Changmin. You pressed your fingertips to your temples, only to hear him direct his words to you.
“Since she doesn’t want you to feed her, you can feed me before my ice cream turns into soup.” Changmin said. You glanced at him and then his ice cream bowl. It was starting to melt so you took his bowl and scooped a spoonful of ice cream and his toppings before bringing it to his mouth.
He ate it and the corner of his lips instantly curled into a small smile. You pretend you didn’t see that as he turned back to Lucy to feed her. This continued until her ice cream was finished, only then could he eat his dessert on his own. However, when you were about to pass it to him, he simply sat there with his mouth open. You raised your eyebrows at him in question and he smirked.
“Since you’ve been feeding me, you might as well continue.” Changmin said, making you shove the spoon onto the tip of his nose, getting a small blob of ice cream on it. You laughed as he narrowed his gaze at you on purpose but it didn’t scare you.
“It was a perfect opportunity. I’m sorry.” You said, only to feed him the last scoop before handing the rest to him. Changmin ate on his own after wiping his nose while Lucy came to sit next to you and apologised for making you angry. You told her you weren’t angry and that you just wanted her to be independent and she listened. All the while, Changmin was listening to you and it sparked something in him. Not long after, your sister came back and soon, all of you left to head home.
A few minutes upon reaching back at her apartment, you told your sister you weren’t staying over because you have to clean the house tomorrow so she said okay. Changmin also said he needed to go home to do his laundry. So when it was time to say goodbye to Lucy, both Changmin and you gave her a goodnight hug despite her crying, begging for you two to stay. Changmin went ahead and cupped her cheeks in his hands, giving her forehead a soft kiss to calm her down.
“Don’t cry, Lucy. Uncle Minie will come see you again soon. Auntie Y/N too, okay?” He said, making your heart swell.
“Y-You promise?” She asked so he nodded and did a pinky swear with her.
“I promise.”
“O-Okay…” She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck before letting go. She then came to you so you squat down to match her height and gave her a warm hug too. When both you and Changmin finally stepped out of the apartment unit, she gave you one big wave before her mother gently guided her back inside.
You were quietly walking next to him when he asked, “How are you getting home?”
“Bus, probably.” You said, only for him to offer you a ride home.
“I-It’s fine. I can take the bus.”
“I don’t take no for an answer.” He said, allowing you to enter the lift first. Once you got into his car, he asked for your address and so you gave it to him. In the car, his mind drifted back to your sister’s words earlier.
“I think she likes you too”
Changmin’s mind was swirling with questions following those words but he never actually voiced out to you about it. When he finally parked the car in front of your apartment complex, you thanked him for the ride home and bid him goodnight. He simply nodded and so you left his car right after.
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Days have passed and it was recently announced that there will be a company event at the end of this week. The event is to celebrate the company’s 25th anniversary upon its first launch. Not only that, everyone was encouraged to bring a plus one to the event, be it their significant other, a friend, a family member, etc. Therefore, your friends in your team have decided to invite their partners along since they were all either engaged or in a relationship with someone. The only one who is single between the five of you, is you.
“So, are you guys gonna bring your partners?” Taehyung asked, earning a smirk from Yoongi.
“Hell yeah. I would be glad to show off my fiancè to that girl in the HR department who keeps flirting with me at work.” Yoongi said, making you laugh.
“How about you?” Yeji then turned to ask you, earning a quiet sigh from you. They knew you broke up with Sunwoo a while ago and that you’ve been single ever since. She felt bad for asking you so she tried to cheer you up, “You can go with me. We don’t need to bring anyone to the event.”
However, you knew she would love to bring her boyfriend to this event so you just smiled and rejected her offer. You reassured them that you’ll figure something out and told them not to worry about you. As much as they didn’t want you to feel left out, they knew you wouldn’t be affected by going solo to the event. With that being said, the topic was dropped and Jieun proceeded to talk about something else.
A few hours later, you made it to your sister’s apartment after work to have dinner before your sister leaves for work. You were at the kitchen island eating the kimchi soup your sister made with her while Changmin was in the living room with Lucy and you kept thinking about the company event. Your sister could probably sense your mind being somewhere else so she was the first to break your train of thoughts.
“You look like your mind just did a brain fart over there. What’s going on?” She asked you calmly as you sighed.
“My company is doing a 25th anniversary event this Saturday evening. They invited everyone in the company…”
“But?” She said knowing you were hiding something when you paused.
“But they encouraged all the workers to bring their plus ones. I can’t bring Sunwoo because he’s my ex now.”
“So ask Changmin.” She said almost so easily, causing you to widen your eyes in shock. Just then, Changmin’s voice sounded from behind you as he heard his name in the equation.
“Ask me what?” He said as you glared at your sister to keep her mouth shut but she of course didn’t care.
“She has this company event on Saturday evening and she needs a plus one so I told her to ask you since I’ll be out of town from Friday to Sunday with Lucy.” She said with a proud smile on her face. You just wanted to stab her right now for being so blunt. Nevertheless, Changmin looked at you and gave you his answer with no hesitation at all whatsoever.
“Sure. I’ll go with you. That is if you’re okay of course.”
You were speechless but maybe you were just a tad bit happy that he was okay to go with you considering you weren’t technically friends to begin with. So since he already said he could go with you, that’s one less thing on your checklist to prepare for the weekend.
A few days went by and it was finally time to get ready for the company event. You texted Changmin to ask again if he was really okay with going to the event as your plus one. He sent you the cutest message you’ve ever gotten by someone even though it sounds pretty threatening considering it’s him who texted it.
“You can either accept the fact that you’re going with a handsome lad or choose to go to the event with your lonely ass. You pick.”
It wasn’t a surprise that you laughed upon reading the text but he doesn’t have to know that… For the event, you decided to pick out the most formal yet casual dress you owned which was a simple black fitted lace dress that stops at your mid thighs. Pairing it with your favourite nude open toe heels that were just 3 inches at least. Your makeup was very light and you had your hair clipped up, leaving your bangs down to frame your face. When he texted you at 7pm saying he was downstairs, you texted back to acknowledge him and soon took your necessary belongings.
When you made it downstairs, you saw him lean against the passenger side door looking handsome as ever. Changmin was wearing a black skinny jeans, white button down formal shirt with the first four buttons undone, a black blazer over that and his black boots. His hair was jet black with the slight side parting, hair styled up to show his forehead.
Your heart was beating so fast as you approached him but you quickly maintained your composure when he finally looked up to meet your eyes. Changmin checked you out briefly and pretty much openly, making you feel a little small under his intense gaze. When he finally locked eyes with you again, he smirked charmingly at you and said, “Have you always looked this hot?” His comment was totally unexpected as it awoke the butterflies in your belly.
“Apparently not, I guess.” You said, only for him to laugh. Both of you got into the car and you gave him the address so he finally drove off following the map. In the car, he asked you more about the event and you tried your best to answer every question to your best abilities.
Right after he parked the car in the parking lot, he turned the engine off and suddenly asked, “By the way, what am I supposed to be tonight?”
“Oh… U-Uh… I don’t know. I guess just go with the flow?”
“Good idea.”
With that being said, both of you made your way into the lobby and went up to the ballroom level via the lift. When you arrived at the ballroom, you showed the security your staff pass and soon entered the venue with Changmin closely behind you. The room was filled with your colleagues but only a few were recognisable to you. Changmin scanned the entire room curiously, trying to get used to the new environment until he felt soft fingers wrap around his hand to bring him back to reality.
“Hey, keep walking or you’ll get lost.” You said with a gentle smile on your face, making his heart flutter. Nevertheless, he followed you to a table where your friends and their plus ones were seated at.
“Y/N! You made it!” Yeji said with an excited tone as her eyes soon flew over to Changmin behind you. She smirked at you but Taehyung beat her to the questions.
“Hey, who’s this?” He asked with a teasing smirk, making you blush.
“Guys, this is Changmin… He’s uh…” You paused as your mind grew fuzzy on what to say so you naturally turned to look at Changmin. However, he seemed oddly calm as he finally looked at them and spoke up confidently that it made you slightly shocked.
“Boyfriend… I’m her boyfriend.” Changmin said, causing your friends to make excited sounds that you couldn’t help but laugh, finding it funny.
“It’s nice to meet you, Changmin. You definitely made a good choice.” Taehyung said, making you slap his arm and soon took a seat in the empty chair next to him while Changmin sat next to you. All of you began to chat as Changmin surprisingly got along well with your colleagues and including their individual partners too. The event was going well so far, the CEO gave out his speech and was giving out awards to the staff members in the company. After that segment was done, it was currently a free and easy time. People can mingle around, dance on the dancefloor, etc.
Just then, Jieun noticed a photobooth at the other side of the room so she spoke up, telling everyone at your table to go take pictures for memories. Changmin remained seated at first but when you noticed he wasn’t moving, that’s when Yoongi spoke up to address him.
“You too, Changmin. Come on.” Changmin’s eyes grew wide as he looked up at you and you smiled. You patiently waited for him, seeing how hesitant he was. So to ease him up a little, you laced your fingers with him and he turned to look down at your intertwined fingers. Changmin glanced up to meet your soft eyes staring back at him, melting him into a puddle.
“We’re here together, remember?” You asked so he nodded. Both of you began to make your way to the photobooth where your friends and their partners were already busy choosing props for the pictures.
They beckoned you over so you dragged Changmin with you. Once you’ve chosen your prop which was a cat ears headband, Changmin chose the same as you so that you were both matching. First picture, the girls sat on the bench while the guys stood behind you. Second picture, the bench was taken away as you guys scattered around to stand with your partners. You stood behind Jieun while Changmin was to your left. Right before the picture was taken, you felt his warm hand gently rest on your waist to hold you securely beside him.
Your heart was racing as the picture was taken and they were now deciding how to pose. Meanwhile, you turned to him and saw that his hair was a bit messy. While everyone was deciding how to pose, you reached up and carefully adjusted his bangs so that they weren’t poking his eyes. All the while, Changmin couldn’t help but stare into your eyes even though you weren’t looking at him. When you finally realised he was staring at you, that’s where you giggled and whispered to him quietly.
“Nothing. You just look really cute right now.” Changmin said.
You blushed yet again as you gently slapped his chest but he quickly wrapped his arms around your waist, his left hand holding his right wrist to keep you secure against him. Since you were stuck like that, you ended up resting your hands on his chest while you posed for the third picture.
“Okay guys! Should we do a cute photo for the last one?” Yeji asked, only for Taehyung to suggest something very unexpected.
“We should kiss our partners!” He said, making you panic slightly. Changmin noticed the way you tensed up in his arms so he felt the need to calm you down. With that being said, Changmin nudged your cheek with his sharp nose to make you look at him. When you turned, Changmin smiled down at you with his arms still around you.
“We don’t have to kiss if you don’t want to. We can just pretend.” He said calmly, making your heart melt.
Has he always been this sweet?
“I-I… Are you sure?”
“Of course. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable or anything.” He reassured you and it was enough to make you feel a lot better.
Everyone else was already in their positions as they brought back the bench. Two couples were seated while the other three were standing. You were on the left side with Changmin, standing behind Yoongi and his fiancè. The cameraman did a countdown to tell you when he would snap the picture. So you turned to look at Changmin as you slid your hands onto his neck and kept them there.
Changmin smiled softly at you while he carefully leaned down to let his nose brush against yours.
You then saw his gaze fall down south easily as he let out a soft but shaky breath to calm his own rapid heart despite the smile still plastered on his face.
Just two seconds before the cameraman took the picture, you tilted your head up to let your lips crash against his softly. He was still smiling into the kiss when the picture was captured, making you caress his jaw gently with your thumbs. When you pulled away, you struggled to meet his eyes. Butterflies erupted rapidly in your stomach, earning a soft laugh from him.
“Look who’s being brave tonight.” He teased you over a whisper, making you shy.
“It’s the best opportunity I have, I guess?” You said and he couldn’t help but agree. All of you returned the props back to the table and made your way back to the table. About an hour later, the event was finally over so it was time to head back home. You bid goodbye to your friends and their partners before walking back to Changmin’s car.
Both of you remained quiet during the first few minutes, not really sure how to approach the topic of what happened earlier. At one of the traffic junctions, you were just staring out the window, your mind currently running haywire thinking about the kiss when you felt his soft hand slip into yours and carefully laced his fingers together with yours. Changmin brings your hand up only to plant a gentle kiss to the back of your hand before resting them in his lap while he drives. When he made it to your apartment, he didn’t need to be asked because he was already walking with you to the lobby.
You quietly brought him to the lift and up to your apartment level, all in a peaceful silence. When you reached the 12th floor, both of you got out of the lift as you led him to your door. After you’ve unlocked your door, you turned around but Changmin thought you wanted to say your goodbyes.
“I’ll see you around then? Goodnight Y/N.” Changmin said as he was about to walk off when you held his wrist and pulled him back only to cup his face with your other hand and tugged him down to kiss him. Changmin was genuinely stunned this time as he froze when you kissed him. His hands were awkwardly hovering over your waist. Changmin was so scared of making the wrong move but when he felt how genuine your kiss was, that’s when he finally melted against you.
He easily wraps his arms around your waist to pull you into his chest while guiding you back to gently crash against the door. Changmin’s kiss was passionate and needy, his hands squeezing your sides as though he was afraid to let you go. You pulled away first to take a breath, holding his face with both hands and smiled.
“Stay with me tonight…” You whispered over his lips, causing him to go crazy.
“I would absolutely love to.” Changmin smirked as he kissed you again while reaching for the door handle to push it open. You stumbled back into your apartment while he held you to prevent you from falling over.
He then kicked the door closed and locked it before lifting you up onto his waist while kissing you again. He kicked off his shoes while he helped to unbuckle your heels and let it slip down to the ground. He walked deeper into your apartment, guiding him to your bedroom. Once he made it there, he brought you to your bed, gently laying you down as you sat up and watched him take off his blazer and tossed it to the ground.
Changmin crawls up the bed to join you, situating himself between your legs as you pull him down for a kiss. While you were busy kissing him, your hands began to unbutton his white shirt and pushed the material off his shoulders for him. He threw it to the ground as he then pouted to you adorably.
“Why am I the only one with less clothes on?” He asked, only for you to giggle.
“Because mine is just one piece.” You said, earning a playful smirk from him. Changmin kissed you while pinning your hands above your head. He laced his fingers with yours, holding them against the mattress while he kissed you lovingly. Suddenly, he stopped only to look you dead in the eye. You thought he was going to change his mind and that he just realised that this wasn’t what he wanted but then what comes out of his mouth next was totally unexpected.
“I think I love you.”
This time, he said it confidently.
“Scratch that… I love you, Y/N.” Changmin said, making your heart swell. With that being said, you kissed him longingly while caressing his cheek. When you pulled away, you slowly fluttered your eyelids open to meet his gaze and smiled.
“I love you too, Changmin.”
That was all he needed to hear before continuing with where you both stopped. Knowing that the feelings are mutual, it felt a little more intimate now. All the while, he was being gentle to you, asking you questions to make sure you’re okay with what he’s doing. He would only go rough when he needs to, etc. That night, you felt so loved and respected. He showered you with so much love that it made you feel so full at the end of it all.
You’re glad he went to the event with you that night because if he didn’t, you probably still wouldn’t know how you felt for each other.
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possiamo-andare · 4 years
Midsummer: JJ Maybank
JJ x Reader
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word count: around 6k
a/n: took a long time writing this and I've never done anything like this (where its y/n) so any feedback would be greatly appreciated <3
You had never technically been to the Midsummer festival. Of course, since you were a Kook, your parents were invited and tried to make you go but every year came a new excuse. First, you had the "stomach flu." Then, there was that time you said you had "strep throat." Another time, you had a "fever." You had so many excuses for not going to Midsummer every year, you had become a pro at lying.
Only this time, you had an actual reason not to go and, out of all the times, your parents didn't believe you.
You had told them the truth. You and Rafe had just gotten into a huge argument and had technically broken up. It wasn't official or anything but you both knew it was the end. You wanted to stay home and binge watch 'New Girl' from the beginning and maybe order some food. You just wanted to indulge yourself for a moment. You had lost 170 pounds (aka Rafe) and you kinda wanted to celebrate.
Rafe loved keeping up appearances and you were just another way to do that. You were the "perfect" girl next door. You surfed, played soccer during the school year, and it helped that your parents were loaded. You and Rafe looked like a great couple on the outside, but the reality was you were both broken in one way or another. You were struggling with your mundane life, finding every day one endless loop. You were desperate to break free but didn't know how. Rafe was struggling with addiction and wouldn't admit to you that he had a problem.
Finally, you were at your breaking point. This morning, while you still had the courage, you started to talk to Rafe about getting help. You had kept this secret for him for too long and keeping it any longer wouldn't help anyone. Rafe, as you expected, flew off the handle and said the most horrible stuff. He called you a bitch, a slut, and basically every thing that could hurt a person. And you took it because that's what you always did. Then he said something that you couldn't forgive.
You're gonna die alone.
All of those words before never hurt as much as this one. You think it hurts the most because there's a possibility that it's true. You have never had an honest conversation with anyone in your life, including Rafe. You let people in, but not all the way. You were scared to get hurt, but even more scared to die alone. Rafe knew that.
So, you told him you're done and then left. No, you're here, talking to your parents and telling them you couldn't go because you had broken up with Rafe.
"I just don't understand what happened. Rafe is such a nice young man." Your mother said, going through her jewelry box to find the right earrings to match the dress that was laying across her bed.
The Midsummer party was not to start until the sun set in about three hours but your mom loved getting ready early and this party was no exception.
"I just don't want to go. Rafe is escorting me and I don't wanna put on a smile and pretend like everything's okay when it's not."
You didn't understand your mother sometimes. She was fine with letting you stay home from the party for years now as long as there was a physical reason like a cold. Now that you're telling her it's a mental reason, she could care less. You watched her by the frame of her bedroom door. She continued to look in her jewelry box and not for one second check on you.
"It's just for tonight sweetie." She smiled, but not at you.
At first you thought it was directed at you even though she wasn't looking at you. Then you realized she had found the matching earrings and that's why she was smiling. She held them up to her ears and looked in the mirror for a second.
You wondered if she remembered she had a daughter. It felt like she didn't remember sometimes.
You couldn't change her mind. You knew this now. She was picking out her jewelry and accessories now and the room for anything other than the talk of jewelry and makeup was not interesting to her. You decided to cave, not wanting to plead your case again.
So, you returned to your room and called the only person that ever listened to you. Your best friend, Sarah Cameron. She had recently met a Pogue named John B. and also didn't want to go to the Midsummer party where Topper, her soon-to-be ex boyfriend, was escorting her. She had planned to break up with Topper to be with John B. but hadn't gotten the chance yet. Although she wanted to end things with Topper, she didn't want to cause any drama and breaking up with him at the Midsummer party was definitely not a good way to avoid drama.
Sarah understood. She always did.
"Hey girlie." Sarah chimed as she answered the phone.
You instantly smiled, sitting down on your bed. "Hey."
You could basically hear the frown in Sarah's voice as she spoke. "What's wrong? Did Rafe text you?"
You hummed a no. Just hearing Sarah's voice made you feel better. "I tried to tell my mom I don't feel like going but she refuses to listen."
Sarah sighed. "I'm sorry Y/N. I'll look after you tonight. Make sure Rafe doesn't talk to you. He'll escort you to the party and then that's all you'll see from him. I promise."
You chuckled. "And who is gonna make sure Topper stays away from you as you go meet up with your new boyfriend?"
"Ah, my friend," Sarah chides. "That's where you come in. We'll help each other out tonight."
You laugh, the plan sounding ridiculous but it made enough sense to actually work. "Okay, I'll see you then."
"See you there sister." sang Sarah, hanging up the phone soon after.
After you put your phone down to charge, you decided to take a shower and start getting ready for the Midsummer party. You showered quickly, scrubbing your hair so that it wouldn't smell, as your mother says, "like the sea."
After you got out, you washed you face with a cleanser and towel dried your hair. You then brushed your teeth for the second time today and popped in a mint. You put your hair up in a bun while it was still wet so it could dry on it's own. That's when you picked out your dress. Your mom had bought it for you a week ago and it had been collecting dust in your closet ever since. You laid it out on your bed and finally got a proper look at it.
It was a yellow, spaghetti strap dress that fell to your ankles. It was made out of silk and shined even with your bedroom light. When you had tried it on, your remembered how tight it was on the bodice and how it dainty it looked on you. You did like it and it made you feel like a princess, you just wished you didn't have to wear it for the Midsummer party.
You started your makeup first. You applied a tinted moisturizer to give yourself a natural glow and then applied some concealer to lighten your under eyes. Once ever was evenly applied, you filled in your brows and brushed them back and applied some mascara. You added blush and some highlighter to give you a brighter glow. You finally finished off the look with a nude lip.
You let your hair down and it was stil damp. In an attempt to get your hair to dry faster, you got a blow dryer and dried the rest of your hair. Once it was all dry, you brushed it through once and let it stay down. It had turned out nice, the natural curls in your hair giving you the volume you needed. Why change something that already looked so good.
With your makeup and hair done, you finally got changed into your dress. Once it was own, you gave yourself a proper look in the mirror.
You did look beautiful. You had to admit, when you put effort in, you cleaned up well. Although you liked how you turned out, your heart still hurt. Not because of Rafe, but because you can't imagine doing this every year for the rest of your life. Your parents were always okay with doing the same things everyday. You weren't. You wanted to go out on adventures and experience all life had to offer. You wanted to travel by yourself. You wanted to have something different to do everyday. This mundane life you saw your parents do was not for you but you were scared if you lived any more days like this, it was going to be your future. That's what scared you the most. Not being able to get out of the bubble your parents and your life as a Kook put you in. It's one of the reasons you envied the Pogues. Sure they might not have as much money but they had adventures and didn't lead a mundane life. Everyday was different. You sometimes wished you were a Pogue.
You slipped on your heels and looked into the mirror one last time. You looked good but still couldn't smile fully. You didn't hate how you looked, you hated the person looking back.
You didn't know if that ever would change.
Sarah always looked beautiful and you hated it. Even on days when she woke up, hung over with bed head, she just had to smile and she'd look beautiful.
When you entered Sarah's house, she was waiting for you in her bedroom. Her dad, Ward, told you where she was and you basically rushed upstairs. You hadn't seen her in two days since before she went on an adventure with John B. and you needed to know all the juicy details.
Now, as you looked at her in that perfect white dress, you didn't feel self conscious, but you certainly felt like you had to change.
"Holy hell." Sarah said as she stood up from her bed. "You look so sexy."
You rushed to her and hugged her for a moment before saying anything. "I look sexy? Look at you. You look like an angel."
Sarah laughed, grabbing your hand and squeezing it. "How are you doing?"
You shrugged. There wasn't much to say. You weren't really torn up over the situation. "I'm fine. We both knew it was coming."
Sarah laughed. "You should've seen my brother. He was totally freaking out when he called Topper."
You frowned. "Sorry. I know he's your brother."
Sarah waved her hands in the hair. "Are you kidding me? Someone needed to knock Rafe down a few pegs. I'm glad you guys are done. He doesn't deserve you."
You hugged Sarah again. She really was the most important person in your life right now. You didn't know how you got so lucky.
"Speaking of which, are Topper and Rafe here?"
Sarah sighed and nodded. "Waiting for us downstairs to escort us to the Midsummer party."
You rolled my eyes, grabbing onto Sarah's hand again. "Ugh. We can't just keep them waiting."
Sarah smirked, playing along with your sarcasm. "God forbid."
As you guys made your way downstairs, you talked. You knew you couldn't ask her all the details right now but you made sure to let her know that once you were alone, you'd pressure her to tell you all the information. You had seen John B. and his friends around OBX but had rarely talked. The only time you ever encountered each other was when you and Sarah slept on the boat overnight and John B. had come in the early morning to drop off the scuba gear. They seemed to not get along at all so you still wonder what changed.
"Just one question?" You pleaded as you and Sarah made your way to the sliding glass doors, leading you to the backyard where the party was taking place. The sun was setting now and the party would be starting any minute.
"Fine, shoot." Sarah nodded, whispering to you now since Topper and Rafe could see you and Sarah now.
"Is he a good kisser or not?" You leaned over to whisper in her ear.
"What are you beautiful ladies whispering about?" Topper asks as he approaches you and Sarah. You instantly pull away, acting very suspicious.
"How to please a woman. Not that you would know." You smirk at Topper, being very mean. For good reason though. He had made Sarah feel very bad about not sleeping with him and you were glad she had moved on. Now, hopefully Topper would too.
Topper rolled his eyes. "Hello Y/N. How are you?" You know he's only being so nice to try and impress Sarah and show her he's changed. Of course Sarah doesn't buy it.
"I'm spectacular." You gave Topper a wide smile. Maybe if you stared at him long enough, his head would explode.
"Good." Topper grumbled, looking at Sarah. "You look amazing."
Sarah frowned. "Yeah, thanks." She seemed so unenthusiastic it was almost funny.
Topper extended out his hand, ready for Sarah to take it. Sarah looked at you and tried to smile but you could see her discontent. Sarah unwilllingly reached for it and smiled again at Topper.
Here's the thing; if you have to smile so much at everyone all the time, you're probably not happy.
Just as Sarah and Topper move away, Sarah stops, tells Topper to wait one moment and turns around to you. She smiles, for real this time, and says, "To answer your question; yeah, really well."
You giggle, trying to make sure Topper does not ask too many questions. That smile that you had, though, is now replaced with a frown.
You can see him lurking near the door, finding the courage to come up to me.
God, I wished he would just leave me alone, you thought.
You decide against confronting him and instead walk to Sarah's kitchen to grab some water. The doors to Sarah's backyard can be seen if you stood in Sarah's kitchen so you can see Sarah walk out with Topper, smiling and waving. People who don't know Sarah well won't know the difference but you do. Her shoulders are slightly droopy and her smile is not as wide as it usually is.
You watch her quickly depart from Topper soon after he's escorted her around and you can see Topper stay behind, a little shocked she's gone. You don't know why he is, but that's the thing with guys like him. They never think they're the problem.
Speaking of problems, Rafe has followed you into the kitchen and is just standing there. You pretend not to see him. Maybe if you ignore him, you thought, he'll take the hint and walk away.
Of course, he doesn't and as you try to walk past him, he stops you from leaving the kitchen. He's standing in front of you. So, you move to the right and he follows, blocking you again.
"Can we talk?" He asks, reaching out for your hand.
You move my hand out of the way. "Don't touch me."
"Y/N..." He's looking at you with those puppy dog eyes and granted it would've worked at one point but not anymore.
"No." You say sternly. "This is what's gonna hapen: you're gonna escort me out and after that we'll never talk again."
Rafe frowns even harder. "I don't want that. I said things I shouldn't have but -"
"No." You cut him off. "There's no more excuses. We're done."
Rafe's brows crease together. You can tell he's pissed now. "No. You're not giving up on us."
You scoffed, his confidence misplaced. "Trust me, you gave up a long time ago." You then grab onto his elbow, surprising him a little. You could tell he was confused and so you rolled your eyes and then spoke again, "you're escorting me."
Rafe's eyes widened and quickly nodded, guiding you to the glass doors. As you walked, you felt a weight lifted. It had been a long time for you to admit this but you wer glad you guys were over. Your relationship was not aware near perfect and very toxic. The weight lifting, you realized, was definitely Rafe's link to your life.
As the doors opened, you put on a smile and stared waving. You looked around and smiled at your family and friends but you were looking for Sarah. You saw your mother, who was clapping and had a proud smile on her lips. She gave you a thumbs up but you looked away. Could she seriously be any more annoying?
Finally, you spotted Sarah near table. She was looking at you and clapping. You could tell from her facial features that she was being sarcastic. You stuck your tongue out quickly as you walked and waved and she quickly flipped you off.
Once you were done, Rafe let go of you. You turned to him and gave him a half smile.
He did not smile back. "I'm sorry."
Your smile dropped. "Are you?"
And with that, you walked away. Once you got to Sarah's table, she was already standing you give you a hug. You hugged her tightly, sighing as you did. It was finally over. You never had to speak to him again.
"How are you feeling?" Sarah asks, the boh of you sitting down at the table beside each other.
You shrugged. "Surprisingly, I'm good."
Sarah smiled. "It's cause you know it's for the best."
You nodded. You hoped so. "You want a drink?"
Sarah nodded. "Thanks so much."
You got up and went to find a waiter. There were so many around you but each one was speaking to someone and you didn't want to bother them. It took a little of a walk but you finally saw a blond boy in a waiter's suit, standing there. He seemed to be doing nothing so you approached him.
"Excuse me." You said politely, causing the blond boy to turn around. You knew who it was.
JJ Maybank. A Pogue. Specifically, one of John B.'s friends. More specifically, the guy who pulled a gun out on Topper. You were there and saw it all. He had never liked him. Although you hated Topper as much as the next sane person, he didn't deserve that.
JJ looked at you, up and down. He then smirked and crossed his arms over his shoulders. "Yes princess?"
You scoffed. "Not happening. I need a ginger ale and Sprite."
JJ scoffed back, imitating you. "A 'please sir' would help. Or do you Kooks not know how to say please?"
You glared at him. "I know how to say please to people who deserve it."
"And I don't?" JJ asked, bemused.
"No." You said coldly.
"You don't even know me."
"I know the type." You retorted.
JJ grabbed ahold of his chest, faking being wounded. "Wow, that stings Y/N."
You rolled your eyes, ignoring the fact he knew your name. "You don't need me to explain it to you?"
JJ nodded, a smirk adorning his lips. "I really do, miss."
So you did. "I've heard stories about you JJ. You pulled a gun out on Topper, use girls left and right, and get into trouble with the law for fun. Trust me, I don't wanna get to know you."
JJ frowned, maybe for real this time. "Ever heard of don't judge a book by the Kook's stories?"
You tried to suppress a laugh. "Just get me those drinks."
JJ nodded at you and then you turned away and made your way back to Sarah. To be honest, he wasn't anything like Rafe had said. Yes, you had been there the night he pulled the gun but he was completely different now. He had a personality. He was more than a meathead Pogue like Rafe had said. Maybe you should stop listening to what Rafe and try to decide for yourself who JJ was.
When you returned to you table beside Sarah, the drinks where already there. You were confused. How did he get there before you?
"Took you long enough." Sarah joked as she sipped on her drink.
"Sorry." You sat down, confused. You looked at your drink, then at Sarah. "Who brought them here?"
She shrugged. "Some girl. She said that you had told her to hurry up. What did you say?"
You looked around for JJ. Finally, when your eyes found him, he was already looking at you. He smiled and gave you a small wave before walking away.
You smiled. You wanted to tell Sarah what happened and why JJ had made such an impression on you but you didn't get a chance.
Suddenly music came from the dance floor that had been decorated for this party. You looked to the dance floor were people had stared dancing and then you looked back to Sarah.
"Can for a dance?" You extended you hand out to her.
Sarah smirked. "Of course."
And so, as the sky turned to dark, you two danced.
You had been consecutively dancing for about an hour and your feet ached. You were wearing heels and although you were skilled in the art of wearing heels, you were completely overwhelmed by the aching. You had to stop.
You looked to Sarah, who was holding onto both of your hands as she swayed to the music. You smirked at her. She was a terrible dancer but her confidence made her seem like the best dancer ever.
Once you stopped moving in the middle of the song, Sarah noticed almost instantly and stopped along with you. She looked at you face and instantly knew.
She frowned. "Just until the end of this song."
You sighed, easily swayed when the music was so good. You nodded, swaying to the music again. Sarah picked up where she left off and you both smiled again. The song seemed to be in the middle so you only had to wait a few minutes. You trudged along, the soles of your feet aching so badly you chewed on the inside of your cheek to distract yourself.
"Hey, if you need to stop me can -" Sarah was about to stop but she was cut off by a tap on her shoulder.
A blond boy you now knew as JJ, danced beside Sarah. "Val?"
You frowned. Maybe he thought she was someone else and you thought that was true when you saw Sarah's face, who was confused for a moment.
"JJ?" She questioned and your eyes widened.
"What do you want?" You ask defensively. You wanted to keep up the impression you were still cautious around him.
JJ looks to you and perks up a little. You do the opposite. The other side of his face is badly bruised. You hadn't seen it before because of the darkness before, but now it was all you could see. It looks like he got punched over and over again. You suspected he probably got into another stupid fight. You almost felt sorry for him. The only way to boost his ego was for him to punch someone.
"Well, hello m'lady." He said, bowing.
You took a step back, bemused. As he bowed, he extended his hand for you to take. To indulge him, you grabbed it and he then stood up straight and pulled you close. One had rested, surprisingly, respectfully on your back and the other intertwined with your hand. You looked to Sarah, who was laughing. Your hand rested on his shoulder as you tried to contain your laughter.
"Madam, who you be so kind to get a note for Sarah out of my pocket for me?" JJ asked, swaying with you to the music.
You pulled away only enough to look at him the eyes. "Can't you do that yourself?"
He smirked. "Yes but I'd have to take my hand off your back and I don't wanna do that."
You rolled your eyes, swaying with him. Although he was a tad annoying, it was a comforting type of annoying. Your past presumptions of him yelled to you in your head about the gun and the fights but you quieted them. For this moment, he was being nice and you would look the other way. Maybe you had been wrong.
You nodded to him and reached to the back pocket on his pants and pulled out a note, handing it to Sarah.
Your hand soon returned to his shoulder as he smiled. "Thanks."
"Were you flexing your ass?" You laughed, shaking your head. You were embarrassed. Never had you done that but you couldn't help but laugh. JJ was one weird guy.
"Trying to impress you." He smirked, making you laugh. He then looked to Sarah and nodded at her. She was blushing so hard, and you were about to ask her what happened but she was already running off.
You looked to JJ. "What's going on?"
JJ leaned towards your ear as you swayed. You felt his lips touch your ear and you shivered. "She's meeting JB."
You smiled at JJ as he looked back at you. "I see. Star crossed lovers."
JJ shrugged his shoulders. "Didn't see the appeal of macking with a Kook but now," JJ says, looking you up and down. "I see the appeal."
You gasped and laughed, embarrassed again. "I'll slap you, I swear."
JJ smirked. "Please do."
You rolled you eyes. The next song had already started but you continued to dance. Your feet hurt no longer. "And why shouldn't I just smack you right now?"
JJ smirked. "Because I'm about to dip you and if you slapped me, I would drop you."
You shrugged. "Good enough."
And with that, he dipped you. You leaned your head back as he did and you felt the pressure of his hands on your back. You felt so secure. You knew he'd never drop you.
Once you came back up and looked at him again, you spoke. "I'm sorry for earlier."
JJ smiled. "Are you kidding? Probably the sexiest thing that's ever happened to me."
You rolled your eyes. "Really?"
JJ shrugged, continuing to sway. You had never felt like this. It felt as if you and JJ were the only two people on his dance floor. Not even with Rafe. This feeling was new and you didn't think you'd feel it with JJ. Someone who, before today, you never would've wanted to spend time with.
"So," he started as you continued to dance. "Have I impressed you?"
Before you could answer, you were pulled apart by two hands you recognized immediately. It was Rafe. Topper was right behind him, ready to fight. But this fight wasn't fair. It was two against one. How would JJ ever stand a chance?
"Rafe -" You started but Rafe silenced you by speaking over you to JJ.
"What're you doing dancing with my girlfriend?"
"Actually ex girlfriend." You corrected, standing between Rafe and JJ. "You have no right -"
"No right?" Rafe scoffed, his glance shifting to me now. "Until three hours ago I was your boyfriend and now you're grinding against this Pogue?"
You glare at Rafe. "Get away from me."
"Oh, I will." Rafe gritted through his teeth. As he spoke, his arm went around you and he tried to grab onto JJ's collar. JJ was quicker though and dodged his grasp.
"Run!" You yelled, turning around and pushing JJ our of the way.
JJ was fast. You were in heels so you weren't exactly the fastest person at this party but even as you ran, JJ was miles ahead of you. He looked back for a second, to see where you were and stopped to wait. You were surprised.
"C'mon." He said, grabbing onto your hand as you both ran into a closet and hid.
You heard Rafe and his goons tun down the same hallway you had just run down and they missed you completely. They were such idiots that they didn't even check the closet.
As you both caught your breath in the closet, you couldn't help but smile like an idiot. You had never felt so alive and you still couldn't believe you felt like this with JJ. He was the last person you ever thought could make you feel like this.
Soon, your dumb smile made JJ smile like an idiot and soon you both were smiling at each other. No longer did you guys have to catch your breath but you both still were breathing heavily. You were chest to chest and you were sure JJ could feel your heartbeat pick up.
He looked to your lips. "Why're you smiling?"
You shrugged. "Never done this."
JJ raised his brows. "What? You never ran from your ex with a boy you just met and ended up in a closet?"
You covered your mouth as you laughed. "You have?"
JJ shrugged, obviously joking. "Yeah, like five times."
You nodded, suppressing your smile. You were afraid if you smiled too much, your happiness would be taken away too quickly. You didn't want this to end. "With your rap sheet, I believe you."
JJ gasped, grabbing his chest again and falling an injury. "Another shot. I'm starting to think you're jealous."
You scoffed. "Jealous? No."
JJ raised his brows. "No?" His hand reached up from his sides and came to the hair in front of your face. He brushed it to the side and tucked it behind your ear. "Never thought about kissing me?"
Your smile was gone and replaced with butterflies. "Nope."
"I'm hurt." JJ confessed, fake frowning.
You smirked. "Why?"
"Because," JJ whispered, leaning forward. "I've thought about kissing you ever since you spoke to me for the first time."
Your breath hitched in your throat. His face was so close, his lips even closer. All you would have to do was lean forward and your lips would definitely meet. So, with a deep breath, you leaned forward to meet JJ's lips.
The second you kissed, you felt heat move through your entire body. JJ's hands came up to cup your face as your hands rested on his chest.
Your lips were on fire. For about the millionth time since you met him, he had proved you wrong. You were so glad he did. This kiss was like your favourite song. It was a beautiful sunset on a summer night. It was everything. You never kissed anyone like this. Whether it was adrenaline or the fact that he was someone you barely knew, this kiss was passionate. Your heart felt like his hands were around it. You didn't know how to act when this kiss would come to an end.
You angled you head so that your kiss would deepen. He tasted like mints and liquor and it tasted divine. You seriously couldn't get enough.
But sadly, you had to part. You needed to take a deep breath and you couldn't when his lips were on yours. You were the first to pull away and take a breath.
Once you did, JJ was the first to speak. "Um, wow."
You nodded, wiping your mouth. Your lipstick was definitely smudged. JJ saw your struggle and moved your hand to help. Except he didn't. Once he touched your lips again, your stomach dropped and you leaned to kiss him again. He instantly closed the space and kissed you again.
God, he was addictive. You definitely got it now. Sarah was right. The way Pogue boys kissed was so different from any Kook boy. Kook boys were careful and soft but JJ was the exact opposite. He was passionate but slow and everytime your tongues touched, you felt your stomach flip.
Finally, you both pulled away again. This time he actually helped you rub away your lipstick without kissing you.
"Wow." You said this time.
JJ nodded, catching his breath. He held onto his chest dramatically once more, making you giggle. "Who the fuck are you Y/N?"
You shrugged. Then, you remembered something. "You wanted to kiss me even when I was ripping your head off?"
JJ chuckled, shaking his head. "The first time I met you was when you smiled at me at the station."
You tried to remember that. Finally, you did. You were interviewing Sheriff Peterkin for the school newspaper and that's when JJ walked into her office. He plopped himself down as you said your goodbyes to Peterkin and you hadn't spoken to him at all. He had sarcastically waved goodbye to you and you genuinely smiled. You remember feel bad for him. You barely remembered his name but you saw him around school, always pissing someone off. You wondered why he wanted to kiss you then.
So, you asked. "Why'd you want to kiss me then?"
JJ rubbed his good eye and smiled at you. There was no arrogance under this smile, it was just pure happiness. "You smiled at me like I wasn't a delinquent like everyone else. You just saw me, a regular person."
You were so surprised. You hadn't thought anything of it and never thought of that day again. Until right now. How could JJ remember that?
"I'm surprised you remembered that." You confessed, grabbing ahold of JJ's hand.
JJ smirked. "If you ever tell anyone that, I'll embarrass you."
You giggled. "How?"
"I'll tell everyone you kissed me." JJ joked, squeezing my hand.
"That's not embarrassing." You gave JJ a fake frown, suppressing a smile. "Tell them I once peed my pants in ninth grade."
JJ cackled as you said this. Scared we'd be found, you covered his mouth. "Don't."
It was too late. Someone had heard you and JJ.
Only seconds later, someone opened the closet door. You squeezed JJ's hand to brace yourselves for Rafe but instead it was another waiter. He looked disappointed but not surprised.
"You gotta get out of there." He deadpanned, making way for you to leave.
JJ exited first, you following him shortly after. After you exited, he let go of your hand and looked to you. You were standing in a hallway now and you were too busy looking out to see if Rafe and his goons were around, you didn't realize he was trying to get your attention.
"Y/N." He said, finally getting your attention. Once you looked to him, he spoke. "You wanna pretend like this never happened?"
Your heart sank. Maybe you were wrong in giving him the benefit of the doubt. You sure decided to be honest. You never wanted to go back to never knowing JJ Maybank.
You shook your head. "Do you?"
JJ smiled. "No."
You both just stood there and smiled at each other for a moment. You were just content in being together. You wondered that maybe this is how relationships were supposed to be; easy. It seemed so easy with JJ.
After a long period of silence, JJ leaned forward and kissed you once more. As you pulled away, he spoke."I should go. Don't wanna get my ass handed to me by those goons."
You laughed, shaking your head at him. "I'll see you around then?"
JJ shrugged. "Let's just say, I forgot my keys in Sarah's closet and I'll come by tomorrow at three to get them. If you're there, then I'll see you then."
You shook your head, smiling so wide. "I'll see if I can make it."
JJ nodded and then let you go, making his way farther and farther away from you. At first, you watched you as he walked but when he got to the door, leading him in the opposite direction of the party, he turned around and opened the front door of Sarah's home. Then, JJ was gone. He was gone before you could even say goodbye.
But you knew its wasn't goodbye. This was just the beginning.
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flufflepuffle296 · 4 years
Heathers au: Beautiful Songfic
This is more centred around Veronica/Marinette so not really any mentions of Heather/Heather/Heather. Sorry if someone’s done this before I apologise I just got into Heathers like two days ago. Also I changed some lyrics and took others out to make it more “realistic”. Sorry I suck at endings, it’s 5:30am rn and this is my first fic so be nice please! (I’m on mobile so I can’t add the keep reading tag so sorry if you don’t like this) xxx
I brushed down my dress: I couldn’t give them anything to criticise me over. Everything had to be perfect. I had to be perfect. Chloé sat next to me, my beautiful fiancée, slipping on her kitten heels. She may be 3 months pregnant but no Bourgeois woman would be seen wearing flats. I was in a red floor length a line dress — I grew out of my childish pink years ago, before it even went out of fashion! My hair was twisted into two plaits that were knotted together into a stylish bun at the back. Chloé meanwhile had stuck to her white and gold aesthetic, currently in a slim fitting white dress, showing off her small baby bump, decorated with gold jewellery. I rummaged through my drawers, trying to find a lipstick, when a thin book toppled out. I picked it up, and laughed fondly when I saw what it was.
My old Collège and Lycée diary.
I flipped through it, landing on the page that stuck most clearly in my mind. It was the day my class reminded me of my current reality at that time, shocking me out of a bubble that had surrounded me during the summer holidays that year.
September 1st, 1989.
Dear Diary: I believe I'm a good person. You know, I think that there's good in everyone, but—here we are! First day of senior year!
And uh... I look around at these kids that I've known all my life and I ask myself—what happened?
I bit my lip. What happened? I knew darn well what happened. Lila Rossi. She came in, flaunting her friendships and connections, a new disability every other week to cry about, another rumour about me coming out every 3 days.
Alya ended our friendship, Adrien continued to cry about Lila’s feelings. Lila just kept doing what she did best. The class gave up on changing my mind and instead decided that calling me names would be better. Because logic?!
“Freak!” “Slut!” “Burnout!” “Bug-eyes!” “Poser!” “Lard-ass!” Were the insults they liked to yell daily. Yeah, they weren’t the most creative...
We were so tiny, happy and shiny. Playing tag and getting chased. Singing and clapping, laughing and napping. Baking cookies, eating paste.
Nino and Kim used to come over to the bakery when we were kids, where we’d gorge ourselves on sweets, before celebrating our sugar rushes by chasing each other in the park and then crashing on my sofa, cuddled in blankets and laying on top of each other.
Then we got bigger, that was the trigger. Like the Huns invading Rome. Welcome to my school, this ain't no high school: This is the Thunderdome. Hold your breath and count the days, we're graduating soon. College will be paradise, if I'm not dead by June!
But I know, I know, life can be beautiful. I pray, I pray for a better way. If we changed back then, we could change again. We can be beautiful...Just not today.
I scoffed at my optimism back then. Them changing? They never did, I don’t know why I bothered trying at that point. I should’ve moved on but hey! We all make mistakes. It’s just that sometimes you make 11 friendships worth of mistakes.
“Freak!” “Slut!” “Cripple!” “Homo!” “Homo!” “Homo!”
I cringed as I read their old “insults”. They would write homophobic messages across my locker, getting Alix to spray paint a few slurs across my work after I came out as bisexual.
Things will get better soon as my letter comes from Harvard, Duke, or Brown. Wake from this coma, take my diploma. Then I can blow this town. Dream of ivy-covered walls, no smoky French cafés. Fight the urge to strike a match and set this dump ablaze!
I had purposefully sent out applications to universities far away from these people, from Paris. All three schools accepted me, something I can’t say about my classmates, most of whom were rejected for essays on false information (sourced by Lila) and a quick scan over the Ladyblog meant not a single newspaper would even consider my ex-best friend. Gabriel Agreste, as I later found out through my internship in America, had to bribe several schools with double tuition to get even one to accept Adrien, after he got exposed as sexual harasser and disgraced hero “Chat Noir”. I turned back to my diary, having to peel off rock hard gum from the page that someone had smeared in “revenge”.
Le Chiên Kim. Third year as linebacker and eighth year of smacking lunch trays and being a huge dick.
“What did you say to me, skank?” He would yell, his fist raised in the hallway.
“Aah, nothing!” I then cowered. I may be Ladybug, but he was 150lbs of pure rage. No one can compete with that!
But I know, I know... Life can be beautiful. I pray, I pray, For a better way. We can be beautiful...
“Marinette! Wide load! Honnnnnk!”
He was the smartest guy on the football team. Which is kind of like being the tallest dwarf.
“Hey! Pick that up! Right now!”
“I’m sorry, are you actually talking to me?” He used to snarl, his hands covered in sauce from knocking my tray.
I stood my ground, I had been practising for this moment. “Yes, I am. I wanna know what gives you the right to pick on me. You're a high school has-been waiting to happen. A future gas station attendant.”
Kim then smirked, crouching down to eye level and pressing a finger to my forehead. “You have a zit right there...” he pointed out, causing the cafeteria to laugh at my expense.
I used to ask myself “Why... Why do they hate me?”
And hear Adrien whisper “Why don't I fight back?”
Watch as Max Googled “Why do I act like such a creep?”
Listen in on Lila stamping her feet in the bathroom asking “Why won't he date me?” Clearly frustrated.
Kim panicking as he wondered “Why did I hit him?”
And Chloé sob down the phone “Why do I cry myself to sleep?”
I would stay up late, screaming, begging. At my lowest points I would cry out “Somebody hug me! Somebody fix me! Somebody save me! Send me a sign, God! Give me some hope, here! Something to live for!”
I remember when I first met my real friends. The famed trio had gone into the bathroom and I followed after them, clearly my throat.
“Who are you?”
“Uh... Marinette Dupain Cheng. I crave a boon”
“What boon?” Chloé asked, filing her nails.
“Um. Let me sit at your table, at lunch. If our class think that you guys tolerate me, then they'll leave me alone...”
Chloé threw her nail file out and began circling around me, running her hands through my hair, commenting that “For a greasy little nobody, you do have good bone structure!” Before coming to a conclusion.
“And ya know, ya know, ya know? This could be beautiful. Mascara, maybe some lip gloss, and we're on our way. Get this girl some blush; and Kagami, I need your brush. Let's make her beautiful.” Sabrina and Kagami, chimed in, echoing her words.
“Let's make her beautiful...”
“Let’s make her beautiful...”
“Make her beautiful...Okay?” Chloé ordered, dragging me out with Kagami and Sabrina, driving me to her hotel. They sat me down, taking my hair out of its bunches and brushing it out. Kagami painted my nails a deep navy with surprising precision, manning my cuticles. Sabrina twirled my hair into a high bun, leaving a few pieces at the front to frame my face. Chloé came back from her wardrobe, throwing a blue blazer and grey skirt at me. I changed into my outfit for them, to which they clapped their hands in glee. They dragged me back to school, taking in everyone’s reactions to the new and improved me. This became my new daily outfit for the rest of the year — the class couldn’t find anything bad about it, and even if they did Chloé would threaten them with her father’s power.
I was happy with my squad. Kagami taught us Japanese and Chloé taught us American English that she’d picked up from her mother. I taught them self defence, under the guise of learning it from my mum, unknowingly training them for the day I would rip Chat Noir’s miraculous from him, before slamming it into Kagami’s palm. I needed help that day, so thrust them bee and the fox miraculous at Chloé and Sabrina respectively. They became permanent heroes, Kagami under the name “Noirette”, Chloé under the new guise of “Buttercup” and Sabrina “Renard Rouge”. Akuma attacks have never lasted more than 15 minutes since we got rid of that alley cat, and we’ve been closing in on Hawkmoth recently.
I shook my head, snapping the crude book shut, throwing the diary in the bin. Today was going to be the day I made peace with all that happened, our 10 year school reunion. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna make up with anyone, just that I will finally leave everything behind. I found my lipstick and smeared on the crimson lip, smacking my lips together. I grabbed my clutch and helped Chloé stand up, though she wobbled a little in her heels. I slid her miraculous into her updo, blowing a kiss at her as to not ruin her makeup.
We met up with Kagami and Sabrina in the hallway, Kagami in a wine red suit with gold jewellery, and Sabrina was in emerald green to compliment her red hair. We stepped into the limo awaiting us outside and set off, arriving at the school 10 minutes later. We walked up the steps, hitching up our dresses and arrived in the courtyard. It had been lit up with fairy lights, with stands of food and drinks scattered around the court. Our old classmates were huddled in small groups, whilst Mlle. Mendeleiev’s was in a large group, enjoying each other’s company after 10 years apart.
No one noticed us, until Rose pointed at me and whispered “Who’s that with Chloé?” The group turned to stare at us, trying to place my face. Adrien looked up from talking to Lila, who seemed to be flaunting a rather tacky Gabriel engagement ring, and whispered,
The class began gossiping amongst themselves, “Marinette? Marinette? Marinette?!”
I ignored them, their childish ways were behind me, and walked up to Aurore and Mireille, fawning over their relationship. They turned Kagami, asking her about her life and squealing over her Olympic medal for fencing. I grinned as I watched my old class, happy that they had moved on from each other — well apart from Alya and Adrien, who were still hooked on Lila. I was finally, content! I thought back on my diary, one particular paragraph standing out to me at this time.
And you know, you know, you know, life can be beautiful. You hope, you dream, you pray, and you get your way! Ask me how it feels, lookin' like hell on wheels...My God, it's beautiful! I feel so beautiful... And when you're beautiful...It's a beautiful frickin' day!
Chloé boasted my achievements, my business, my awards, and the entire of Mendeleiev’s class started chanting “Marinette! Marinette! Marinette!”, much to my embarrassment. I boasted her’s in return, Sabrina revealed how far she’d come as a lawyer, Kagami swung her prized sword from side to side as she listened to us all catching up, laughing at the memories.
It really was a beautiful day.
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lokilickedme · 4 years
Hulu and Do You
A Hammer Of The Gods Jake & Tate Shortfic, Part One
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Part One - The Worst Kind of Man Rated M for language and adult themes - no sex yet (and I stress yet) 1703 words Takes place a year after the events of Hammer of The Gods
I’m posting this here for now because I’m not in the mood to accidentally start another longfic and AO3 tends to do that to me.  This will be two parts with the second coming later.  Written under the duress of a headache and not edited or proofread, so...whatever’s down there is what ya get.
I’ll reblog later tonight with my tag list attached.  Slide under the cut and lets go :)
“Geezus fuck kid, take that to your mom.”
Tate flinched, that same old kneejerk reaction to a raised male voice that she’d always had, a holdover from another time, another place, and most definitely another man.  But the man in the next room hadn’t really raised his voice, had he?  No, it was just that she was so damn used to it happening that the reflex had become too deeply ingrained to not be automatic.  It made her feel ashamed of herself for not being over it, just a tiny bit.
Jake didn’t raise his voice.  Not at her, not at her kids, not ever.  She’d never really actually heard him raise it, not in anger, not even when he was threatening a creatively bloody demise toward her long gone ex the day he’d popped his jaw damn well near clean off his face.
Jake wasn’t a yeller.
But he was definitely a curser, and her son had committed the unforgivable by blasting into the room he was working in to offer up an empty GoGurt tube in trade for a new one.
It wasn’t unforgivable in this house though, and it wasn’t unforgivable with this man.
Only The Ex.  Once upon a time.
Jake didn’t mind the kids coming into his study room; he wasn’t insanely nuts about them being around him, but he had no particular dislike of it either, other than when one or the other of them handed him something sticky.
Like the youngest just had.
She couldn’t blame him, to be honest.  GoGurt tubes in the hands of a four year old weren’t something she enjoyed dealing with herself, and Jake - well, Jake wasn’t the daddy type.  But he was a good man, albeit a filthy-mouthed one, and the words hadn’t even been the slightest bit irritated sounding.  Just more of an Ew, hell no.
So why the flinch?
She’d been trying to sort that in her head for the past year, and the only conclusion she’d reached was the uncertain possibility that she was simply afraid that one day Jake would become like The Ex.  Angry, irritated, controlling, condescending.  Disapproving.  Abusive.  She had nothing to base it on other than the fact that it had happened once and her luck, though vastly improved since the night she’d grabbed the kids and walked out with nothing but Jake’s tuition money in her pocket, couldn’t possibly hold.
Or could it?
Perhaps Pete had been right when he’d summed his friend up in a single sentence - He might look like he’d snap your neck for a half smoked cig but he’d just as soon pay you a nickel for it.  It hadn’t made sense at the time, but a year of dating the man had put a bit of clarity on it for her.  Jake was quick to anger in attitude only.  For the most part he was levelheaded, quiet, capable.  He had a low tolerance for idiocy and a deep appreciation for common sense, and what he put into the world by way of surliness he made up for in an intense intelligence and observant nature that dictated he simply deal with problems himself instead of waiting for anyone else to solve them.  And now, after all this time, she knew something not many other people knew.
The angry attitude wasn’t real.
Jake Harper was a fraud.
He didn’t hate the world...he was just uncomfortable in it.  Whether it was shyness or impatience or what his sisters referred to as “a near fatal case of attention deficit coupled with just too damn smart for this world”, she’d probably never figure out.
Not that it mattered.  She’d long since sorted how to work around it and keep that furrow-browed scowl from being used on her.
Jake was easily distractable...and he didn’t like to watch TV.
At all.
And that was where Tate’s secret weapon came into play.
He’d been studying a lot lately.  Way too much, but he had finals coming up.  She shouldn’t even be here, not really, not while he was working on such a time crunch with such a massive class load, but they hadn’t seen each other in a week aside from a quick lunch on Tuesday and a late night Facetime sexup the following evening.  It hadn’t been difficult talking him into letting her come over.
Or talking Pete into picking up the kids and taking them to the park so she and Jake could be alone for a couple of hours.  But he was running late and the kids were making a lot of noise, and now there was a drippy GoGurt tube incoming.
“Pete, come on.”
“Your wish is my command, Tatertot.”
Her face went a bit warm, hearing that crude word pop out of her own mouth.  She’d been around Jake too much, he was rubbing off on her.
Rubbing off on her.
The alternate connotations of that phrase added more heat to her cheeks but thankfully Pete didn’t notice.  He was too busy grabbing her son up and tossing him haphazardly into the air, a horrifying habit she’d gotten used to.
“Sorry, runnin’ late.  Little girl, come on lets go!”  One huge paw came up to gingerly remove her son’s tiny fist from where it was twisted in his long unruly hair.  “Ew.  Is that GoGurt?  Better be blueberry, the cotton candy looks shit on me.”
Good old Pete.  If Jake hadn’t been the one to break the lock on her bedroom window - euphemism or no - things might have been a little different at this juncture of her life.  But Pete was a better friend than Jake would have been if the roles were shifted, and she was grateful for the big brash Viking’s helpful companionship.
Especially now.
“Take some frozen peas for the ducks.”
And then they were gone, and she was left standing in the doorway to Jake’s study room, looking at his broad back and swooning just a little bit over the contrast between his long dark hair and the light blue of his tee shirt as he hunched forward over his desk, deep in concentration that she knew didn’t come easy for him.
“You want to take a break?  Kids are gone, we could watch some TV.”
She knew he didn’t like TV, he didn’t have either the ability or the desire to put that much focus into something recreational after devoting so much effort into keeping his head on his studies.  He turned his head just slightly to the side, not looking at her, but acknowledging her presence.  “That show you like, they put the final season up.”
“Yeah?  Which one?”
He leaned back in his chair, stretching his back.  “That whack one about the preacher and the vampire.”
“You’re kidding?!  Want to start it?  I can call us in a pizza.”
He turned his chair to the left, coming around slowly to face her.  There was something dark and slightly wicked in the twist of his lips that shot a shiver through her.  “Do that.  I’m gonna finish this chapter and then I’m gonna Hulu and do you.”
“Ooh...and here I thought the whole Netflix and chill trend was going to just pass us by.  I mean...”  She took a step back, exiting the doorway, letting her hand stray purposefully toward the top button of her shirt.  “You’re always so busy with school and you have that personal vendetta against Netflix and all - “
“They sold Doctor Who to Amazon.  Fuck ‘em.”
“Well yeah, can’t disagree with you there.”
His eyes passed over her briefly, lingering for just a moment on her hand where her fingers toyed with the button.  It was enough.  Jake didn’t ogle, though there were times she wished he would as some sort of a courtesy warning shot before he made his intentions known.  There wasn’t a lot of preamble with him.  Straightforward and to the point, always.
Good old Viletongue.
She had no complaints.  Because she always knew where she stood with Jake.
But today...today she wasn’t planning on standing.
He was bored already, she could tell.  He was a scientist at heart, which she found humorous - Captain Curseword, the filthiest-mouthed man she’d ever met, the guy who could take a toddler’s boardbook with eleven words in it and turn it into a foul diatribe so intensely crass it made you step away from him for fear of the wrath of God accidentally hitting you while aiming at him - this man was possessed of an analytical mind so sharp and detail oriented that anything shy of a scientific documentary lost his attention within minutes.  His chosen profession suited his intellect, the chemistry aspect of pharmacology more than enough to give his mind something to work on all the time, but it ran so counter crossways to the physical side of him that sometimes she found herself wondering if he’d been accidentally housed inside the wrong body at birth.
In fact, sometimes it seemed like he wasn’t quite human at all.
She’d thought him an angel once.
And then she’d slept with him and realized he was, in fact, a god.
A god that was about to fall asleep less than ten minutes into Preacher episode one season four.  She looked over at him, next to her on the couch with his head back on the cushions, those stormy sky blue eyes half closed while his fingers tapped out an odd little rhythm on the thigh of her jeans.  Likely typing a chemical equation of some kind, his brain’s stubborn refusal to shut down long enough to rest seeping out through the steady drum of his fingertips.
He was a confusing thing sometimes.  He was both the best kind of man and the worst kind of man...and what she needed right now was the worst kind.
Taking that busily distracted hand from her thigh, she moved it up to her chest and laid it palm-down over her breast.  Jake didn’t respond, but his fingers clenched slightly; she looked over to find he’d closed his eyes entirely, but the tiniest twitch of a grin was gently turning up the corners of that filthy, filthy mouth.
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Happier (4) | T.H.
Summary: Y/N & Tom speak to each other for the first time in 3 weeks! Tom is in talks of doing a new movie. Lots of yelling, painful pictures being sent. Harrison and Harry go on a trip. Does Kate finally tell the truth to Y/N?
A/N: Hmmm....seems like Natalie & Matt is everyone’s favorite/hated suspects. More theories lets hear em!!!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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Its a word often used to protect those within a troubling world. For some it’s a church, a home, sometimes a family and friend. For Y/N and Tom, sanctuaray was no where to be found. Three weeks it’s been since the world felt like it collapsed on Y/N and Tom. Three weeks of feeling left in a troubling space that they could not get out of...until now. As soon as they heard each other’s voices on the phone, it gave them a moment of relief, but only for a moment.
“So...how are you?” Tom asks nervously. He wanted to pick his words out carefully in hopes that he wouldn’t upset her.
“Im okay.” Y/N responds quietly as she looks back at her phone. No message yet, maybe she was in the clear and that gave her a small boost of confidence. It was going to be okay. “How about you?” She asks back, not really sure how to carry the conversation. In any case, how does one continue talking to an ex without making it awkward? Let alone how does one talk to someone without the fear of being blackmailed.
“Yeah Im great...really great.” Tom lies and chuckles nervously.
Y/N could tell by the tone of his voice how nervous he was. A habit she always found to be adorable for him. Y/N rolled her eyes with a slight smile before she questions him in a serious tone “Why did you call Tom?”
Tom closes his eyes, letting out a stressed sigh. “I miss you Y/N and I dont care what you say or what you said to me that night, but this wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“I miss you too but things happen beyond our control, Tom. Sometimes it just can’t be helped.” Y/N responds nonchalantely, staring at her phone again. No messages still.
“Thats a load of bullshit and you know it. We were supposed to get through anything. Fuck the rumors fuck everything! This isn’t like you Y/N!” Tom vents out every feeling and thought he had since she left. “You say you miss me but then what are we doing? Why are we continuing to hurt ourselves like this?”
Y/N shakes her head, knowing deep down the reason why but could never say. Not unless she wanted to ruin his dream. She could never. “It’s not that simple.” She croaked.
“We would have found a way to get through it, but you gave up so easily. I know for a fact my Y/N never gave up without a fight.”
Y/N looks again at her phone, and no messages were to be found. Maybe she could tell him, and they wouldnt know, but Y/N knew better. Somewhere out there there was someone always watching her every move. “I cant do this right now. Goodbye Tom.” Y/N hangs up as she continues to cry herself to sleep. So much for sanctuary.
Its the morning after, and as Y/N heads downstairs, she hears soft laughter and conversations echoing through the halls. For a second it almost sounded like Tom’s, and she hurried toward the room only to be disappointed. In the living room was Matt and Kate as they made small talk awaiting for Y/N’s arrival.
“Y/N! You’re awake!” Kate exclaims as she gets up from the seat to give her a hug. “Look who decided to drop by!”
Matt looked up at Y/N and gives her a shy smile and wave. He’s dressed in his navy blue LBI shirt and cream colored shorts. It was typical high school Matt...nothing had changed with him.
“Yes I see that....I’m sorry did we have plans and I forgot?” Y/N asked confused.
“No actually uh I invited him over because I knew you wanted to catch up with him after last week..so I pulled some strings.” Kate whispers.
“You..what?” Y/N asked annoyed, her eyes glaring and her brows furrowed. If there was one thing Y/N hated it was blind dates. She had stressed that over and over throughout the years that she hated it, especially with people she used to have romantic feelings for. The keyword..USED.
“Cmon Y/N. Remember this was the time for you to move on and forget. Plus you wouldn’t want to send him away after he came here just to see you!” Kate tries her best to sell it, she had to...there’s wasnt really a choice.
Y/N looked back at Matt and groaned silently to her best friend. “Fine I’ll go, but this is the last blind date you’re ever setting me up on AND you’re doing the dishes.” She emphasized as she got ready and grabbed her purse.
To say Y/N was surprised was an understatment. For sure, she had a feeling this was going to be awkward in so many ways like any other first dates, but this...wasn’t too bad. Though she realized it wasn’t a date this was just two old friends catching up from the past.
She learned a lot about him and how his younger brother Steven was working on becoming an engineer and how his little sister Emily was also grown up and working towards becoming a physical therapist. As for Matt, he was working in the city too as an accountant for a finance firm. While they continued to eat their lunch at Chelsea’s Market, she couldn’t help but make the comparisons.
Matt didn’t dress up like Tom, didnt make her laugh like Tom does, didnt make her blush the way Tom does, didnt smile like Tom, and when he touched her hand...she didnt feel the goosebumps the way Tom would. It was clear. He wasn’t Tom and could never be Tom.
The date came to a close, but Y/N hadn’t really gathered much from it since she was so focused on Tom. Every word Matt had said to her barely made it through. She’d be lying if she didnt say the date was okay but she’d be lying even more if she had said she’d enjoy it.
She looked into his blue eyes as he looked into hers. Matt tried to lean forward to give her a kiss, but Y/N moved away. She couldnt. Not when Tom was still present in her thoughts and her mind. “Im sorry...I just got out of a serious relationship and well —” Y/N whispers feeling guilt in her heart.
“No no. It’s fine really. Maybe I was too forward with this and I had no idea....I’m sorry.” Matt laughs, feeling heavily disappointed. “I’ll uhh I’ll see you around?” Y/N nods as she waves him goodbye.
The next day, Tom wakes up in his bed still praying that this whole phase was just a nightmare he’s still having trouble waking up from. Today was not that day. He got up and dressed appropiately knowing that today would be a meeting for his upcoming project. He had forgotten all about it especially with everything going on. When he arrived and entered the room with Harrison, Natalie also appeared sitting in one of the chairs with a smile and coffee on hand.
“Jesus you’re like everywhere now.” Harrison speaks out taking the seat across from her, while Tom takes the seat next to Harrison.
“Well I mean I do live with you guys temporarily until my flat gets fixed, and I did get cast in the same movie as Tom.” She laughs pointing out the obvious.
Tom looked up, his eye wide open and brows raised. He completely forgot the fact that she was going to be playing his love interest for the film. He tried to recall if he had told Y/N about it before and if maybe that’s why she was also mad. Maybe if he told her now, that would make her feel better? Tom was lost in his thoughts he didnt hear the other publicists in the room calling out to him. “Tom are you listening?”
Harrison quickly hits his best friend to wake him up from his thoughts. “Huh? Uh..no sorry.” Tom confesses, looking down at the table.
The publicists, both roll their eyes in annoyance. “We’re telling you that you need to do a lot of PR for this movie in order to boost the sales, and recoginition for both you and Natalie. This means..you’re going to have to pretend you’re in a relationship for some time.”
Tom and Harrison are now fully attentive and furious. “What?! Im not doing PR for this. That is low for the both of us. We shouldnt have to fake a relationship to get our work across” Tom yells out fury burning in his brown eyes.
“I know Tom, but no one watches it for the films nowadays it’s about the image, and right now we’re trying to help both of yours and Natalie’s. You’ve been looking liek a depressed bloke this past month and Natalie is trying to get some exposure in the business.” The publicists expalin. “Harrison, help us out here.”
“Look mate, Im just his assistant. It’s up to Tom if he wants to do this or not.” Harrison speaks out as he points to his best friend. He faces Tom and whispers, “You don’t have to do this mate, there are other projects out there.”
Tom nods, as he looks at the room of people. He closes his eyes, but all he could see was Y/N. Deep down, Tom knew he couldnt do this to her. “I..I don’t think I can do this.”
Natalie and the publicists’ eyes shot up in fear, unhappy with the response given. They knew there was only one thing they could do now. “Ah I understand. It’s because of a girl isn’t?” Natalie’s publicist speaks out. Tom looks at her and then down at the table, as he slowly nods his head. “Yes well Natalie’s told me all about her. Seems like a bright girl, but believe Tom she doesn’t love you as much as you thought she did.”
Tom’s eyes dart towards the publicist as his eyes continue to stare down in anger. He was angry, pissed off that they could ever make that assumption. “Fuck you! You don’t know anything!” His tone set in anger.
“Oh..but we do. See you think Y/N is remaining as faithful as you after a breakup, but why is she already out with another guy.” The publicist continues. She hands her phone to Tom as he swipes through the pictures of Y/N and Matt’s date. He saw Y/N smile at Matt, laugh with him, and touch his shoulder. Yet, the one picture that broke him the most was the one where Matt almost kissed Y/N. While Tom didn’t know the backstory, he could very well imagine how it went. Everything in him shattered, and his eyes started to well up.
“Mate..there’s gotta be an explanation for all of this. Y/N wouldn’t move on from you that quickly. You know her..she wouldn’t. This is all rubbish.” Harrison tried to reason to his heartbroken best friend. For once, he couldn’t rule out Natalie. She didn’t blackmail Y/N, someone else did.
“Fine. I’ll do it.” Tom grumbles as he gets up and walks away.
The world was quiet for the next two days, and it almost seemed like a break from all of it. Back in the New York, Y/N was minding her own business in the apartment with Kate, when she got a text message.
Answer the next phone call. ❤️
Y/N’s phone rings and it’s Tom. Her hands are shaking, afraid of what was going to happen. “Y/N.” Tom says shortly, tone filled with disappointment.
“Tom” Y/N replies, her voice shaking.
This wasn’t sanctuary anymore. This was hell.
“Tell me it’s not true.” Tom speaks out, needing to hear the truth. “Did you go out with another guy?”
Y/N hesistated for a moment, unsure of what to say. She could either lie or tell the truth but it didnt matter at this point she was fucked either way. “Yes.” She breathes out. “But — ”
“It’s not what I think? Right?” His tone getting louder. “So it’s okay for you to judge me with Natalie, but not okay for me to judge you with some bloke you’re with?”
“Matt is my friend and I had no choice in that matter!” Y/N yells out, unhappy with how Tom was confronting her.
“Did he threaten you?”
Y/N hesitated for a moment, not him but someone was threatening her. “No.”
“Then you did have a choice.”
As soon as Y/N was going to speak, she got a new message. This time it was a picture from Unknown. One of Tom and Natalie getting cozy as they walked out of a building. Natalie was smiling and Tom had his arms wrapped around her shoulder. “Yeah, guess you made yours too with Natalie.”
Tom was in shock, did she know about the him and Natalie. “Y/N it’s not what you —”
“What? What I think? Yeah that makes two of us, but you want to make assumptions? Fine. You look like you already moved on yourself, but moving on with a girl you know I can’t stand...that’s an all time low for you.” Y/N hangs up and throws her phone across the room. Kate quickly comes to comfort her best friend.
“He...he moved on.” She sobbed quietly in Kate’s arms.
“I know...it’s going to be okay.” Kate whispers. Tears started to also fall on Kate’s eyes as she saw how much pain her best friend was in. She looked at her phone and quickly deleted the pictures she had taken of Y/N and Matt. “Im so sorry. I..have to tell you something.”
Y/N had fallen fast asleep, exhausted from crying. Just when Kate was ready to tell the truth...the door rang.
“Kate!” Harrison and Harry said spoke out in relief as they hugged her.
“Hey..what are you guys doing here?” She asked surprised but also relieved.
Harrison and Harry looked at each. “We want to help find out the truth.”
@hollanddolanfangirl​ @ifilosemyselfagain @hevjadams @averyfosterthoughts​ @fangirl-with-a-mission @drishtisikarwar @eridanuswave​ @ifntelyinspirit​ @trumpettay @astridcommings @parkershoco
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
Secure the Stage
Ch 4: Two Flames Are Better Than One
Silas's first reaction when he got the email about on campus classes being cancelled was delight. He would get to spend more time at the theater. That was closely followed by guilt, someone could have been hurt. He turned off his school alarm and got ready for bed. Monday found him awake at his usual time despite the lack of an alarm. He knew he wasn’t going to be getting anymore sleep, so he got out of bed and started getting ready for the day. Luther had put the finishing touches on some pieces that Silas had needed help with. Luther would be stopping by the theater to drop them off at some point today. Silas filled his travel mug with hot water from the sink, added instant coffee, put the lid on and shook it. Connor would be disappointed, but Silas cared more about caffeine than taste at the moment. He grabbed his bag, checked to be sure he had everything he would need, put on his shoes and left for the theater. He wasn’t in his usual clothes today. He planned to paint the set pieces Luther was dropping off as well as others that needed it. So he had opted for an old tshirt that an ex-hook up had left behind and an older pair of jeans that had seen paint days before. Part of him wondered if he would be seeing Allen today, and if did he wondered what they would talk about this time. They talked on his smoke breaks because rehearsals kept him busy and Allen was on the clock and couldn’t just stop to chat. When he got to the theater, he sent Luther a text to check in.
Sixer: I just got here.  Sixer: Text me when you get here and I’ll open the delivery bay Sixer: Tell the girls hello if they are with you :) Superman: They say hello :) Superman: I should be there in a half hour Sixer: See you then!
He made his way to the side door and checked if it was locked. It wasn’t. He stepped back and then shoved his bodyweight against the door as he turned the knob to get it open. He grabbed the doorstop and wedged the door open so whoever came in next wouldn’t have to fight with it. He walked into the auditorium flicking the lights on as he went. He took the stairs to the left of the stage and set his bag down outside the supply closet. He opened the closet and got out what he would need. He let his mind wander as he got things set up. He was looking forward to seeing Allen today, if he was working today that is. After that awkward first day they had struck up a bit of an odd friendship. They didn’t talk often, only if Allen’s breaks lined up with his, or if Silas got to the theater early enough to catch him on his lunch break. They had built whatever this was on stolen conversations and the occasional wave from across the room. In spite of all that, he considered Allen to be one of his close friends. Not close enough to actively let his guard down, but closer than most.
Allen was his opposite in a lot of ways. The one that stood out the most to Silas was how open and inviting Allen was. Where Silas would think about how to answer a question truthfully but without giving any of himself away; Allen just answered them. He let people in close without thinking about the consequences. Not that Allen hadn’t gathered whole truths from him; because he had. The security guard could slip past his defenses without an issue. Silas hadn’t given him much yet, but Allen still knew more about him than anyone else outside of his carefully constructed family. It made him nervous. He learned a lot about Allen in their stolen moments. Some of them were little but personal. Like how he played the guitar and wrote his own songs sometimes. To broad but important things, like his desire to keep people safe. The thing that fueled his desire to become a SWAT captain. He lived in a house with four other people and was hoping to move out soon. Allen had so much he was freely willing to give. It amazed Silas, and remined him, in some ways of his twin. He was pulled out of his thoughts by the smash of of piano keys from his  back pocket.
Superman: I’m here Sixer: Alright I’ll get the door
He put his phone away and jumped off the stage. He made his way to the back of the theater and into the delivery bay. He typed in the security code, set the garage door to open, and ducked under it once it was high enough.
“Luther, you’re the fu- best” He caught himself mid curse when he saw Alice’s head pop out of the back window of the truck. “These go to the same place as before. The code has already been typed in so you don’t have to worry.” Luther nodded as he pulled the truck in a little closer. Once he came to a stop Silas climbed into the bed and started grabbing containers with some of the smaller props in them while Luther got out and started on the bigger stuff. He was trying to be quick because it looked like Luther was in charge of taking Alice to school today. “Kara’s still not feeling well?” He asked as they made their way to the stage with the first load of set pieces and props. “I’d have rescheduled if I’d known.” “She’s starting to feel better, today was just an off day.” He set down the set frames he had been carrying, “I made time for this, Alice won’t be late.” Silas was relieved for that at least, “I’m glad I didn’t mess anything up then.” Luther hummed in acknowledgement as he went to go get another load. Silas set his load on the tarp he had set up and then followed him. They managed to split the last of it between the two of them and get it put away. Silas followed Luther back to the truck. “Thanks again for all your help Luther.” Silas said with a smile, “I’d be up a creek without a paddle otherwise. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.”
“It’s no problem Silas.” Luther squeezed Silas’s shoulder, “Thank you for giving Kara and Alice something they can both enjoy.” “I can’t take the credit for that. They were here before I was.” He ducked his head and Luther gave his shoulder another squeeze before he headed for the truck. Silas walked to the back window so he could say goodbye to Alice. “Have a good day at school peanut.” Silas said through the window, “I’ll be seeing you this afternoon right?” Alice smiled and waved at him from the back seat, “Bye Silas!” He waved and stepped away from the truck so Luther could leave. Once they were gone Silas closed the delivery bay and headed back to the auditorium. He opened the sound booth and connected his phone to the system via bluetooth. With music playing to help pass the time, he settled in on the tarp and got to work. Silas wasn’t sure how much time had passed before a shadow fell across the tarp and scared the life out of him. He wiped his hands off on his jeans and paused the music. “Hey.” He said flatly, annoyed at being interrupted. He looked up to find Allen looking down at him in confusion. “What’s up?” “Hey.” Allen echoed as he looked over the tarp. His brow furrowed more as he spoke, “Aren’t you supposed to be in class?”
Silas shrugged. Leave it to Allen to believe that Silas was ditching classes to be at the theater. He’d only done that once so far. “Classes are online for the time being. There was a fire on campus over the weekend so they have to rebuild.” He displayed his paint mess with a flourish of his paint stained hands, “I picked up a couple of extra shifts at work, but the rest of my time is going to be spent here.” “That sucks.” Allen said after a moment, “I’m sorry about your school.” Silas shrugged, “It was just a building an no one was hurt. So things should be back to business as usual in a few months.” “That’s one way to look at it I suppose.” Allen said as he looked over the mess on the tarp, “So you have a key to the side door then?” “Kinda.” Silas said in an attempt to dodge the question. Allen didn’t take it and motioned for him continue. “This building is pretty old and that door in particular is picky. So unless you have the deadbolt just the right way, it doesn’t lock. It’ll look locked though. One stiff push from the outside and you’re in.” Allen gave a slow nod and spoke after an almost awkward stretch of silence, “So you broke in.” Silas rolled his eyes, “If you want to get technical about it, sure. Though personally, I only use the term if I have to use the fire escape or delivery entrance to get in here.”
“Why not just wait for someone to let you in?” Allen asked, as any reasonable person would. “Because nobody gets here until like eight.” He grabbed his paintbrush so he could get back to work. He wanted to be at least halfway done before rehearsal started, “I get here around six, seven if I take a cab.” “Does the owner know?” He pressed. “James? Yeah.” He grabbed the set piece he had been working on before and proceeded to get more wet paint on his hands. He ignored it and started on the next coat, “Why do you think I know the code to the security system?” It was amusing to watch Allen’s expression go through a rollercoaster of expressions. Going from panic to slight amazement. He collected himself before he spoke again, “Well I should be getting to work then.” Silas lifted his hand in an absent wave, “I’ll be here if you get bored.” He started his music up again as Allen left. He was pulled back into painting and a few more hours passed before his body decided whatever was left of his coffee was actually not enough to function off of. He checked the time and decided there was enough time to take a break and still get what he wanted done for the day. Since they were the only ones here it seemed fair that he checked to see if Allen wanted anything. He wiped the excess paint off of his hands onto his jeans, hopped off the stage and made his way toward the security office.
He knocked on the office door but didn’t get a response. He tested the handle, and opened it when he found it unlocked. He opened it just enough so that he could lean into the room, “I was gonna go grab some food before everyone else got here this afternoon.” He took some delight in watching Allen’s head snap up, apparently he hadn’t noticed Silas yet, Do you want anything?” “You might want to clean up a bit first. You’ve got paint all over your face.” Allen stood and stretched, “I’ll take my lunch break and come with you. The person working the afternoon shift should be here soon.” He felt paint crinkle and peel at his skin as he furrowed his brow. He touched his cheek to see if any of it was wet and came away with nothing so he gave a noncommittal shrug. “This stuff is a pain in the ass to get off so I’ll just shower when I get home.” Allen wrote something down before he turned back to Silas, “Alright. What are you in the mood for?” “Chinese.” He didn’t even have to think about it. He stepped back into the hallway figuring Allen would follow him. “There’s this place down the street. The outside doesn’t look like much, but the sweet and sour pork is to die for.” Allen laughed. “I’ll take your word for it. Are we walking or driving?”
“It’s pretty close, so probably walking if you don’t mind.” Silas said as he turned toward the auditorium. “You might want to get some shoes on first though.” Allen said, “If you cut your feet up too much you won’t be able to perform.”  That was an odd thing to say, he was pretty sure he had shoes on. He looked down just to be sure, and found that he was, in fact barefoot. “Motherfucker!” Apparently he hadn’t put his shoes on before he went to find Allen, “One sec okay?” He took a few steps back and then ran at the stage and jumped up onto it when he had enough speed. He walked to the left of the stage and found his shoes right where he had left them, right beside his bag. He grabbed them and headed for the front of the stage. He put his socks and shoes on tying them tightly before he jumped off the stage again. “Alright.” he made his way back to Allen, “I’m ready.” He let Allen leave out the side door first, he flipped the deadbolt to unlocked before he followed suit. They made small talk as they walked toward the restaurant. He directed Allen toward the older building and got the door for him. He was surprised to see how crowded it was. “Is takeout okay?” Allen asked as he looked over the crowd. “Takeout is just fine.” He replied noncommittally. “I didn’t realize it was going to be this busy. We can just head to the counter and order, then when it’s up we can be on our way.”
They ordered their lunch and waited in easy silence for it to come up.  As soon as they got back to the theater Silas took his shoes off and put them by his bag. He joined Allen at the front of the stage and settled in to eat. “So this might be dumb to ask.” Allen started, “But why do you always have your shoes off?” Allen gestured to his bare feet, “Every time I see you you’re barefoot.” “I’m just more comfortable with them off.” He mimicked Allen’s gesture, “If I’m not in an environment that strictly requires shoes I’m gonna be barefoot.” Allen smiled and shook his head, “What happens if you step on something you shouldn’t? Like glass or something?” Silas shrugged, “Pull it out and hope for the best.” They talked until Allen had to go back to work. Silas cleaned up the mess he had made of the stage and threw away the trash from lunch. After that he started getting things ready for practice. He was hoping their streak of good luck would hold out. They were ahead of schedule, and if they kept it up they would be able to practice the play all the way through twice before opening night. With everything set up, he walked into the sound booth to check his phone. Daniel still hadn’t gotten back to him about tonight.
 Rehearsal was a disaster, if Silas had to pick a word. Half of the people who said they were going to be there didn’t show, and because of that they couldn’t work on the scene they were on. Instead, they ran through what they could with who they had, which was also a cluster fuck. The only thing that kept him from swearing up a blue streak was that there were kids present. He ended rehearsal an hour and a half early to help ease his frustration. “Are you mad at me?” Alice asked as they were waiting for Luther in front of the theater. “No, it’s not you Peanut, but some of the grown ups.” He said kindly, “You were great today Ally-cat.” Alice smiled and hugged him. He returned it and helped her down off the wall when he saw Luther’s truck pull into the lot. She rushed to meet her dad and Silas waved as they pulled off. “I need a fucking smoke.” He said to the open air. He grabbed his cigarettes from his pocket and paused when he didn’t feel his lighter with them. He checked his other pockets, his panic rising each time he came away with nothing. He put his cigarettes away and rushed inside to look for it. It had to be here somewhere. He didn’t know what he would do if it was lost. When the sound booth and concession stand proved to be dead ends he made his way back to the auditorium to look through his bag. He didn’t know what he was going to tell Richard if he had actually lost it. Getting something like that engraved had to have been expensive. When he dug in one of the side pockets and felt its outline he breathed out a sigh of relief.
“What were you looking for?” Allen asked as Silas jumped off the stage. Silas hadn’t notice him come in. “My lighter.” He said as he put the engraved silver lighter in his pocket with his cigarettes, “It was a gift so I don’t want to lose it.” He headed for the door, “I’m going for a smoke break. Care to join me?” “I don’t smoke.” Allen stated, “But I wouldn’t mind keeping you company out there?” Silas rolled his eyes as he opened the door, “I know you don’t smoke. You turn me down every time I offer you one.” He put space between them once they got outside so he wouldn’t have to worry about blowing smoke in Allen’s face. He sat on the short wall and lit a cigarette. He relaxed considerably on the first inhale and let the smoke out as a content sigh. “So how was rehearsal?” Allen asked just before the silence could get uncomfortable. Silas groaned, he had hoped he wouldn’t have to talk about it so soon. He took another longer drag. He tipped his head back and and blew the smoke into the air. He watched it curl away into nothing before he spoke.
“Horrible.” He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his free hand. “We’re far enough ahead that it didn’t hurt anything. It’s just frustrating, you know?” He took another drag and adjusted his position on the wall to one that was a little more comfortable, “But that’s what I get for bragging I guess. I run my mouth to a few friends about how well things are going and then it all falls to shit. Though its better to happen now than on opening night I suppose.” “You’ll be fine.” Allen reassured, “I’ve only been here a few months, but from the things I’ve heard the plays you’re a part of always seem to do well.” Silas smiled stiffly, that was part of the issue. He took a short drag and let the smoke ride on his words, “The plays I’m in do well. The ones I write and direct tend to fall through.” Allen hummed pensively, “So you’re not in this one then?” Silas shook his head. “I am. I took two minor roles that no one wound up auditioning for.” He took another puff, “I do a little talking and have about ten minutes of total stage time.” “You do a lot here.” Allen said with a slight smile, “You do a lot for this place; acting, writing, directing, building the sets, painting them, and probably other things too. Why not just go to a better theater? You’d probably find more recognition that way.”
Silas motioned toward the building. He loved this place. “Don’t get me wrong; when I got into this in high school, I was chasing the Broadway pipedream.” He could feel himself getting pulled down memory lane, it wasn’t anything overly personal so he didn’t mind telling Allen, “When I got to college; my freshman year, we had to do a project on local theaters and why so many of them fail.” He took another drag and let the smoke out with his words, “I learned how many of these little theaters fail because all anyone is worried about anymore is exposure, and I wanted to keep that from happening.” He sighed, “Established theaters are good for exposure, which is fantastic if that’s what you’re after; but I want to foster the love of theater in other people. So here I am.” His cigarette was down to the filter so he put it out. He was still pretty tightly wound so he lit a second one. When he looked at Allen, that concerned furrow was back in his brow and he was frowning. “What’s with that look?” He said a little sharper than he had intended. He took a breath and continued in a more conversational tone, “It’s only my third one today. After this one I’ll head back and we can clean up a bit.” “I was just surprised.” Allen said lifting a hand placatingly, “You normally only have one then we head in back inside.” Silas laughed humorlessly, “Today’s a two smoke kinda day. It’s nice out and I have good company.” “I suppose that’s true.” Allen agreed.
Silas turned to face Allen, “You look like you  want to give me a health lecture. My brother is a nursing student, so I’ve probably heard it. But if it makes you feel better, I’ll listen.” Allen sighed and looked away from him for a moment. “You sing and do a lot of the things you do rely on your voice.” He cleared his throat and looked back toward him, but not at him Silas noticed, “I mean, you seem to love doing this and I would hate to see you have to stop before you’re ready to.” “I am trying to quit.” He said a little defensively. “Trying being the optimal word. I’ve gotten down to having three or four a day, but I’ve never managed to actually stop. Every time I get to the point that trying seems like it would go well, something else I have going on gets fucked up and I start all over again.” “So its a stress thing?” He asked. “Kinda.” He said with a tired sigh. This conversation only made him want to smoke more, “That’s what it started out as. I like to say I do it to clear my head or gather my thoughts, which is also kind of true, but I also do it when I’m bored or nervous. It’s devolved into an all the time kind of thing. It helps keep me busy and that’s why its such a fucking crutch.” As proof of his point he took another drag to help ease the tension he felt coiled around his bones and let it out with the smoke, “I’m trying to quit now too. I’m trying to keep under a pack a day now, and then work my way down from there and hope for the best.” He shrugged, “The usual.”
“I can um. If you want, I could give you my number.” Allen suggested, “Then if you need a distraction you could call me instead. We could talk, or if it’s real bad I could come over and hang out.” “I’d appreciate that. Thank you Allen.” He found himself smiling around his cigarette as he patted himself down for his phone. It was still inside. “Fuck. Its still in the sound booth. “ “I’ll just send you a text, then you’ll have my number.” Allen said as he handed Silas his phone, “Problem solved.” Silas nodded hid acknowledgement and put his number in under the nickname Theater Bitch <3. Allen could change it if it made him uncomfortable. He smiled and handed the phone back. “Nicknames huh?” Allen remarked around a smile. Silas laughed, “Did you expect anything else from me?” “Not really no.” Allen teased. Silas put his free hand over his chest in mock offense and huffed out an over dramatic sigh, “You are so rude to me. I provide you free entertainment and this is the thanks I get.” Allen laughed, it was a sound Silas would never get tired of, “You’re so dramatic.” Silas put out his half smoked cigarette, “What part of Theater Bitch didn’t you get?” He got down off the wall and threw both cigarettes away. He made sure he still had his lighter before he headed for the door, “Let’s get the stage cleaned up.”
“Alright, let’s go.” Allen said after a moment. Silas dusted his feet off when they got back inside. He could hear his phone still playing music, it was still charging in the sound booth. He checked his feet once more and then made his way to the stage. He walked to the utility closet to grab what he needed for cleaning. He was not ready to hear his text tone blast over the speakers and it scared the life out of him. “Ah, fuck!” He yelp as he jumped and dropped the mop, “Fuck. I should change that.” He picked up the mop as well as the broom and made his way back to the main stage. He leaned them against the wall and then moved to start on the sets. “What do you need me to do?” Allen asked as he stepped up onto the stage. “Same as last time.” He said casually, “We’ll breakdown sets then I’ll do the rest myself.” They got to work and the small conversations they usually made fell away. Silas got pulled in enough that he began to sing along to what was playing on his phone. After a few songs he stopped, he remembered Allen was there. It didn’t stay quiet long, he started singing again. The cycle repeated itself a few times until everything was done and he had grabbed his phone from the sound booth. He had two messages. One from Daniel and one from Allen.
Danny <3: We’re still on for tonight ;) I’ll be to the theater soon. Then I have to go pick up Simon, so I’ll see you again at 9. That okay? Sixer: We’re golden. See you soon <3
Unknown Number: Guess who Theater Bitch :)
He set Allen’s contact The Okayest Captain. He was getting ready to got talk to Allen again, maybe have another smoke break when Daniel texted him again.
Danny <3: I’m here. Simon got off early so please be quick. Sixer: On it. I’ll be right out
“Fuck. My ride is here, I gotta go.”  He tossed his shoes into his bag and leapt off the stage and ran toward the side door. “I’ll text  you later! See you tomorrow Al!” Daniel was waiting outside with the top down on his car. Silas didn’t bother with the door, he boosted himself over the side and stuck his bag in the footwell. He kissed Daniel’s cheek before he put his seatbelt on as they headed for his apartment. “Let me guess, you didn’t tell Simon.” Silas remarked and they both cracked up. “You know how he is about these things.” Daniel responded, “I get he’s worried about the whole coworkers thing, but it’s you.” “We’ve been at this since what? Senior year? I’d hardly say the coworkers thing is something to be worried about.” When they got to his apartment he kissed Daniel’s cheek again before he got out. “You bringing the good stuff tonight?” Daniel just winked. Silas grabbed his bag and headed for the elevator. He texted Allen on the way up.
Sixer: Guess who :) Sixer: Sorry for running out on you! I have a friend coming over and I needed to clean my apartment. They Okayest Captain: You’re good. Have fun! Sixer: Thanks Sixer: Will I be seeing you tomorrow? The Okayest Captain: Yup Sixer: Cool. Have a good night! They Okayest Captain: You too.
Silas rushed to clean up his apartment. He took his time in the shower, because the paint was a bitch to get off and he wanted to be sure he got all of it. Afterwards he put on one of his favorite shirts, it was for Knights of the Black Death, and his favorite pair of socks. He felt like being a little shit so he took a picture in his full length mirror and sent it to Daniel.
Sixer: Still coming over? <3
He set his phone down for a moment. He and Connor hadn’t checked in a for a while so he decided to do that before he got distracted and forgot again. When he opened his messaging app he froze before he even got to Connor’s conversation. He hadn’t sent the picture to Daniel but to Allen. Well, that was one way to break the ice he supposed.
Sixer: I am SO sorry! Sixer: That was meant for a different friend! Sixer: I just hit the most recent contact. Sixer: You can keep it if you want thought <3 Sixer: I wouldn’t be opposed to you staying the night ;) Sixer: Just not tonight though. The Okayest Captain: No problem. The Okayest Captain: I’ll think about it ;) The Okayest Captain: Have fun and be safe.
Speaking of distracted, he had Allen on the brain again. The whole point of inviting Daniel over was to get his mind off the security guard, and now he was regretting not having invited him over. What was that saying about too many choices. He’d be pulled in when Daniel showed up, but for now he was left wanting and he hated it.
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pixie88 · 3 years
Meeting the Parents pt1
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Chapter 11 - Always the Bridesmaid.
A/N: I’ve had this chapter in my draft for a few days now after the last chapter everything seemed to flow so well now I have 4 other chapters in my drafts eeekkk! But I will slowly release them because, some of the story lines in a couple of the chapters I’m not sure I’m going to stick with just yet. I hope you like it.
If you would like to be ADDED or REMOVED just let me know!
Read previous chapters HERE!
Warnings: Fluff & Light NSFW
Word Count: 2052
Pairings: Laila x Harry
Ever since they saw Gemma he had been quiet, Laila wondered if maybe he wasn't over her? Or was it because he felt awkward he had called her his girlfriend? He had even turned her down to take a shower with him. He wanders into the kitchen where she's cooking, she too lost in thought to notice him come in.
"Laila?" He made her jump, "Sorry I was away with the fairies" she weakly smiles at him "Nice shower?" She tries to sound neutral "Yeah, thanks. Do you need any help in here?" Talking to him feels awkward it has never felt awkward not even when they were first dating she has to ask.
"Harry, what's wrong?" He's shocked she had pick up on his mood "Nothing," he shook his head, "You've been off since we saw Gem? So many things are going around in my head right now"
"Like what?" He asks "Like are you being off because you still have feelings for her?" He's shocked, he grasps her shoulder "No! No, I don't those feelings are dead and buried a long time ago! I love you!"
"Then why are you being so weird?" He sighs "Laila, I want to tell you I do.." she rolls her eyes "But you can't...Harry if you can't tell me what's wrong or why you're being so off I don't think we should meet each others parents...I'm sorry I can't sit there and pretend everything is OK when it's clearly not!"
He knows this is a big step in their relationship "I'm worried if I do I'll lose you," she let out a soft laugh "If what I told you about Josh didn't scare you away, then nothing will scare me away. I'm like chewing gum in your hair annoying and you can't get it out!" He chuckles "The thing is I'm not even a hundred percent myself"
"Is it because you called me your girlfriend? Do you wishing you could take it back?" He had forgotten about that, she's smirking at him "I don't want to take it back" he smiles at her "But you haven't asked me!" She laughs.
"Maybe I should tell you what's been bothering me before I ask you....Gemma and I split a little over a year and a half, after I found out she had been cheating on me with one of my clients. Today was the first time I saw her since we split up, when I asked her about the kid I did the calculations. Laila, I could have a son"
Laila is a bit thrown, but then she remembers what her brother Nate went through. He turns away from her "Harry?" She reaches for his arm, turning him towards her. This is the part where she ends things...or so he thought!
"Harry, will you be my boyfriend?" This was the last thing he thought she'd ask considering what he had just told her. He looks at her confused expect her to laugh, saying she was joking, but she doesn't "What?" He asks not quite believing he heard her.
"Harry Taylor, will you be my boyfriend?" She asks again "But..I just...Laila.." she cuts him off "Harry stop! Answer the question!" He can't believe he can be this lucky "I would love nothing more! This isn't a joke is it?"
She laughs, "Of course not! You told me what was bothering and whether you have a son or not I love you and having a child isn't going to change those feelings. Plus, how can I get angry over something you clearly knew nothing about! I understand my brother Nathan went through the same kinda thing he had a baby at 16 with his then girlfriend, she moved away and never told him. She was a bit of a psycho he didn't find out until she was 2 years old. We will do this together!"
His arms wrap around her as his lips capture hers, he pulls away just a little "You know you are amazing right!" She laughs "You're only just realising this! Why did I get myself a boyfriend that is so slow on the uptake" she jokes. He laughs, "Harry all I know you can't change the past, but you can improve the future. All we can do now is find out the truth and go from there"
He really can't believe this girl..Others would have run a mile or thrown a paddy, but she didn't? He guessed that's the difference between dating a woman rather than a girl. He picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder "Harry!! The dinner!!" She squealed, he turned back to the hob turning off the heated ring before making his way to her bedroom, slapping her cheek as she playfully protests.
Buzzzzz, buzzzzzzzz, buzzzzzzzzzzzz!
"HARRY!" Laila giggles as he tries to pull her back to bed while she is redressing and making a run for the door. Her parents are early they always were no matter where they went. "Hello?" She picks up the intercom "I'll buzz you up," she says as she's pulling on her underwear. Her skirt gets tucked into her lacy underwear revealing her ass cheek which has an teeth mark impression.
He smirks as he untucks her skirt he gently taps her cheek, She smirks at him as she opens the front door of the flat while smoothing over her hair. Liz walks through the door and Terry is close behind her "Mum, Dad! Hi!" Liz pulls her in for a hug before letting go "Harry, nice to see you again!" he shook her hand "Thanks, nice to see you again and you Terry"
"Like wise!" Terry nods at him, Laila secretly laughs inside, Terry was exactly the same with Josh. "Come in, would you like a drink?" Both her parents nod, Harry helps her. They take a seat at the table, "Harry, you're a personal trainer right?" Terry asks.
"Yeah, I am" Terry smiles "So, any tips on how to get rid of this beer gut?"
"I get book you in for some sessions with me...only if you want to?" Under the table, he grips Laila's hand he's nervous, his hands are sweaty. She runs her thumb over his knuckles which instantly calms him down.
"How much are these sessions?" Terry seems interested. "Erm..normally £65 a session, but I'm sure I can sort out a discount"
"Don't you think I can afford the going rate?" Terry hisses making Harry stumble on his words. When Harry isn't looking Terry winks at his daughter letting her know he's joking.
"Erm...no...I didn't mean to insult you..sorry I...think"
Terry chuckles "I'm just messing with ya! Look I'm not one of those dad's who's hard on their kids partners. I can see you make her happy and with what she's gone through in the past I'm glad she's found someone to make her sparkle again! But I will say one thing....I'm nice until you mess her about that's when you need to run!"
A bell rings from the kitchen telling Laila the dinner is ready, Harry automatically gets up to help her. "He's trained" Liz laughs, Laila tuts at her mum.
In the kitchen, Harry lets out a breath "Your dad had me then!" She laughs, "He's like that with everyone. He's friends with anyone until they cross him!"
"What will he think if he knew the truth about Gemma?" He looks worried.
"He'll be fine, if anything he'll feel sorry for you! Like I said my brother Nate didn't know he had a kid until Zeppy was nearly 2 years old! Now stop fretting until we know for sure and help me take these out"
She hands him a couple of plates.
After dinner Liz helps Harry take out the plates, leaving Laila and Terry at the table, "He seems like a nice guy, sweetie!" She's relieved he approves "He is!" Terry can see right through his daughter even when she's trying to hide it "I sense a but?"
She can't lie to her dad, he will know she's lying straight away. She looks round to the kitchen door where she can hear them loading the dishwasher.
"Laila, what is it?"
"You can't tell mum! He thinks he might be a dad"
Terry immediately looks to his daughters tummy "Not with me! We bumped into his ex today. She had a little boy with her and Harry did the sums he could be his son. I'm fine with it, but am I ready to be step mum to a kid who's if he is the dad I've been dating for only 2 months?"
Terry sighs, "Laila, if I was having this, talk with your brothers, I would tell them to run a mile, but that's only because they aren't mature enough to bring up another person's child. But you, well you have a good head on your shoulders, you love him, right?" She nods "Well, I think you will surprise yourself how well you take to it. Plus nothing set in stone yet. So, don't throw away something good for something that might be!"
"Who's ready for dessert?" Harry calls out as he comes into the dining room with his homemade cheesecake.
Terry winks at his daughter, she knows he's right...he always is.
"So how long have you two been dating?" Liz asks the pair.
"Well, he stalked me at work, then stole a business card after the stag weekend"
"Determination! That's what I like to see!" Terry jokes.
"See told you it wasn't stalking!" Harry bumps his shoulder with hers, she rolled her eyes at him.
"Terry stalked me! I had bumped into him at the local corner shop where we lived, I was in my school uniform 16 at the time, he was 18. We got talking then the following day he was outside my school ready to walk me home. Unbeknown to him I only lived 2 streets!" Liz laughs.
"Hey, they say chivalry is dead now a days. So, count yourself lucky" Terry jokes.
"Not completely dead" Laila winks at Harry, who blushes "This one wouldn't let me get the tube alone...twice!"
Liz coos from across the table "I've told you about that too! So, thanks Harry!" Terry tuts at his daughter.
Harry smirks at her "We'll have to have everyone round for dinner so you can officially meet the rest of the family!" Liz saying excited.
"Yes, her 3 older brothers" Harry smiles awkwardly.
"I'll have a word with them, so they lay off you," Terry winks, Harry had his full approval "Do you any siblings?"
Harry nods "3 older brothers and a younger sister. Laila has already met one brother and my sister"
She laughs remembering Arthur had came to the stag weekend and that night had met Izzy "Ah yes! Izzy! I thought you were on another date!" She hadn't told him this.
He seemed shocked "Sorry to break it to you darling, I'm a one woman man. Even when we aren't official" She rolls her eyes at him.
"Are you two official yet?" Liz asks, Laila nods "This afternoon actually mum!" Liz claps over excited.
"Yes, your daughter is a 21st century woman she asked me!"
"She always did know what she wants and how to get it!" Terry laughs.
"Well, I did say I love you first! Bit of a theme there" she winks.
Terry chuckles "She knows her own mind!"
Later they are in bed "Do you think your parents liked me?"
"I think you won them over straight away, they can see how happy you make me and how much I love you so they approve"
He pulls her on top of him "I hope they saw how much I love you too" he smiles.
"I think they did! Harry, are you going to speak to Gemma?"
"I was thinking about speaking to her tomorrow, the sooner I know the truth the better"He pulls her lips to his.
The next morning
He rang the door bell, his heart was in his throat, he's 50/50.
One side he kinda hopes he is his son, but on the other he hopes he's not.
The door opens, she's surprised "Harry, what...." he cuts her off "Is he mine?!"
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 12
@lem-20​ @shewillreadyou​ @secretaryunpaid​ @aussieez​ @khoicesbyk​ @irisofpurple​ @txemrn​ @casualpostqueen​ @tea-me-kah​ @shannonwrote​ @fanjessfic​
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meepmoopfanfics · 4 years
you don’t get a win unless you’re playing the game: Daveed Diggs x Reader. Chapter 2.
Reminder: this is gonna be a long fic! please be patient :)
You are finally ending an excruciating first week of dance rehearsals.
You’re gearing up finishing Act I finally, your brain feeling completely fried from all of the material given, especially the vocal parts. You were so used to singing the melody line of all the songs and being given the alto part was a challenge in itself, let alone applying singing while doing the choreography. The dancing was second nature but you didn’t realize how much stamina you’d actually need to getting the notes out without sounding breathy, pitchy or exhausted. You did NOT want to embarrass yourself in front of the OBC when it came time to integrate.
You had only worked with the ensemble closely so far and were getting close with Stephanie, the universal dance captain of the show. She had mentioned to you that the principals and ensemble members would be having a little hang out session at her brother’s penthouse apartment downtown after rehearsals ended tonight.
“Brilliant work today everyone. I know it’s been tough. But take the weekend to really review the material and let everything sink in.” Stephanie’s eyes were lit up. The way she was so attentive to detail and every backstory of every movement was so inspiring and eye opening.
You wiped the sweat off of your face as you partner, aka M3, aka George Eaker, aka Cedric, gave you a wink and a thumbs up. You were way too lucky to be matched with Cedric. If you jumped across the stage, somehow you’d trust him to catch you with seconds to spare before landing.
The ensemble cheered together and began to pan out to the house to grab their things and head up to their dressing rooms to get ready for the party.
“Is everyone coming tonight?” Stephanie yelled excitedly.
You heard a cannon of yeses and hell yeahs around the group.
“The wolfpack’s coming too!” That was her nickname for the OBC crew. “It’s gonna be a raaaaaager!” She started gyrating her hips. Everyone erupted with laughter.
“A safe one at that, of course. Be on your best behavior around Lin… just kidding he’s an absolute child.
Alright now go, get out. Go get hot.”
You followed the ensemble up the stairs backstage to end up at your dressing room which you shared with W4, Michelle.
“Girl... what’re ya wearing tonight? I can’t decide.” Michelle asked while anxiously rummaging through her back full of scribbled on legal pads, muscle rollers, and random items of clothing.
You had packed your favorite black jeans that made your legs look flawless, your signature suede boots, and a Kith hoodie. You wanted to look put together but also casual and cool. Most importantly, you wanted to impress all of your idols. This was your only chance to give them the best first impression of you.
You thought about grabbing your Oakland sweatshirt that your parents got you as a gag gift for Christmas, in honor of your celebrity crush’s hometown. You immediately regretted even thinking of wearing it, as Daveed would definitely find it way too weird. You were from Massachusetts... not California. The Bay Area would be embarrassed for you.
“I just brought these little guys. All black, of course. Feel like it does the job. Also, the sweatshirt will let me eat alllllll of the pizza guilt free.”
Michelle stared longingly at your suede boots. “These are fuckin fancy!”
“They’re only Steve Madden!!” You were proud of your ability to find luxury looking goods for a cheap price. You don’t think that will ever change, even when you saw your first broadway check hit your checking account.
You were happy you could share a safe and fun dressing room space with Michelle and knew the two of you would become close friends.
You both ran into the shower room across the hallway, and quickly washed off. You decided you were going to straighten your long light brown hair. You loved your hair, but it got so curly and tangled when you sweat. Thankfully they were going to put you in a wig for the show instead of using your natural locks. Being a head sweat-er was the worst. Your makeup was minimal, as you looked best with a nice dewy makeup glow, with highlighted cheekbones. You wore a nude matte lipstick, which matched the natural color of your lips, and lightly liquid lined a cat eye over your big (insert eye color) eyes.
You saw your reflection. You didn’t know if it was the confidence of finally reaching your goal or if you just were having a good hair/makeup day... but you were stunning.
“Damn mama!” Michelle gasped as she saw your finished look. “Whose mans are you about to steal at this gig? Better not be Cedric, he’s mine.”
You laughed. You couldn’t help to think about who you already had your heart set on.
“Definitely not Cedric.”
Michelle opened her iPhone 11 plus and immediately opted for a mirror selfie. She quickly opened Instagram and posted it to her story.
You opened the app yourself to go check if it looked good.
Posted 32 secs ago
#MamaHam and #TheBullet hit the town 🎉
“Ready?” Michelle asked, putting the final touches of her gold Fenty highlight on her cheeks. “We should grab a quick bite before hitting the place. I plan on drinking my weight in Truly seltzers tonight.”
“Let’s get it.” You smiled. “I’ll call the uber.”
You called the uber, hopped in, and began driving downtown. You felt your anxiety creeping up on you.
“Trulys? Really? I’m gonna need to be doing shots of Jager in order to be able to speak a single word to any of these principals.”
“What are you... nervous? You already got the role. You’re equals with these guys.”
She wasn’t wrong.
“Guess I’ll just have to act as chill as possible. That’s the plan anyways... also Michelle, wanna know something ridiculous?”
“I’ve had a middle school full fledged crush on Daveed since I can remember.”
She blurted out with laughter.
“Well girl he is on the market now. Shoot ya shot.”
You already knew this. Daveed was recently single and focusing on rebuilding himself up. His breakup with his last girlfriend wasn’t bad. It was mature and mutual. You knew he was taking time to himself, so you didn’t want to be overbearingly flirtatious when you first met him.
You also couldn’t stop thinking about your ex, whom you left last year around this time. His goals just weren’t lining up with your future. He hated musicals, he hated almost everything you liked... but you couldn’t stand the fact you shattered his heart.
“I’ll see what happens... after 5 shots.” You responded, winking at Michelle.
You arrived at the cutest little Italian place downtown in TriBeCa. You knew carbs and wine were the perfect pregame for this shindig.
After loads of pasta and splitting a bottle of wine, you began to feel the confidence needed to shake the nerves from you. You hit the bathroom to give yourself a double check before walking to your final destination.
As you walked up to the massive high rise residence, you couldn’t believe this was your lifestyle now. As you approached, you noticed an extremely familiar face exit the revolving door.
Holy shit, that’s Rafa.
Rafael Casal. Daveed Diggs’ best friend.
You stopped in your tracks stunned.
He turned his head immediately in your and Michelle’s direction.
“Y/N?! What’s going on?!”
“Shut up shut up shut up...” you whispered through your teeth. “Just keep walking.”
As he passed you both, he smiled, and turned into the Duane Reade on the corner. Probably picking up something he forgot.
You realized you would be on edge all night not being able to keep your cool. Rafa wasn’t even in the damn OBC and here you were, freaking out entirely on the freaking sidewalk.
Through the doors you went, passing the crystal clear marble floors, giant chandeliers, and up to the doorman.
“Can I help you beautiful ladies?”
Michelle blushed. The doorman was actually attractive.
“We’re here for Klemons? Penthouse 2?”
“Oh yeah! Hamilton!!! Love that show. Have fun!”
You hit the elevator as you looked down at your phone.
Perfect timing. Almost 20 mins late. Fashionably late, of course.
“Oh shit shit shit.”
You realized you haven’t changed your wallpaper from Daveed grabbing his crotch.
Michelle laughed as you fumbled to change your wallpaper to a pic of you and your family from when you were younger. Perfect. A conversation starter. Your overthinking was killing you softly.
Your teeth were legit chattering. You felt anxiety waves rush through your nervous system. The pit in your stomach grew. Your heart was beating a mile a minute. This was it. Your chance at something greater than you ever thought was possible to achieve.
The elevator doors opened to the open concept apartment. Voices were clashing over the blaring hip hop music in the dimly lit room. A full bar in the corner, Joe’s pizza scattered over the island in the kitchen. Beer pong set up on the dining room table.
There they were. Every single one of em. Scattered across the flat. Starstruck wasn’t even the beginning of what you felt.
Your eyes scanned quickly around.
There he was. Curly headed locks and all. Leaning up against the floor to ceiling windows that circled the place, holding a cocktail in his strong, large right hand accessorized with a few rings. Simply staring at the sights of the city. He looked like a million bucks and he was in a simple casual outfit. Light washed jeans, black boots, with his left hand in his black hoodie pocket.
Wait. You guys were wearing the same hoodie.
The same fucking hoodie.
Of course this would happen.
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Fifty-Five
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Smut and Fluff.
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
Your alarm goes off at four the next morning. Harry groans like you’ve never heard him before.
“Why are you up so bloody early?”
“I’m going to the gym before work.” You whisper. “Go back to sleep.” You change and pack up everything you’ll need.
“Too dark in the evenings right now, I have zero motivation after work. I’ll be back before I go to work.”
You ran three miles. You have no idea why, but you did. You lifted some weights, and then got back to your apartment by 6:30 to shower. Harry was still in bed when you got back. He rolled over and saw you. You strip yourself of your clothes and he thought you looked like a runway model with the way you were strutting around.
“Right, so I’ll be showerin’ with ya.” He says getting up. You turn to grin at him.
“We have to be super quick.” You fix your hair into a bun so it won’t get wet. “Niall and I are going to carpool today, and he leaves super early.”
“Well, enough talkin’ then, let’s go.”
You turn the water on and wait for it to heat up. You stand under the warm water to wash the sweat away. Harry gets on his knees and pulls you towards him. You giggle, and then gasp when you feel his mouth on your clit. Your hands rake through his hair. He moves one of your legs over his shoulder so he can lick your center easier.
“Ugh, Harry.” Your head rolls back. “Feels so good.”
He dips a finger up inside you while his mouth focuses on your clit again. He curls it up inside you making the “come here” motion, and you’re not sure how much longer you’ll last.
“Harry, shit, don’t stop.”
You feel him smirk while he flicks his tongue faster on you. It’s when his second finger slips inside that you lose it. You gasp loudly, and practically scream while your stomach coils. One of your hands grasps at the tile on the shower wall. Your release comes and he continues to pump in and out of you while you ride it out. He stands up as you catch your breath. You lean your forehead on his chest.
He lifts you up quickly and puts your back flush with the wall. You wrap your legs around him and he thrusts up into you. Your eyes roll into the back of your head.
“Always so reactive in the mornin’.” He smirks. He starts moving in and out. He grabs one of your hands with his and laces your fingers together.
“I love you so much.” You kiss him while he fucks up in to you.
“I love you too.” He says into your ear. “Love this tight little cunt too.” You moan at his words.
“Keep going.” You breathe out. He could feel you pulsing against him.
“Feels so good wrapped around me.”
“Yeah, s’like it was made just f’me.” You tighten around him.
“Fuck, Harry.” You start panting while he moves in and out of you faster. “I wanna come at the same time, can we do that?”
“Fuck, yeah.”
“Harry, it’s gonna, I’m, oh god!”
His come shoots up inside you as you release around his cock. He stays pressed against you for a moment before pulling out, and setting you down. He kisses you before stepping into the water to rinse off. You give his bum a little pinch as you step into the water.
“I love that ass.” You giggle.
You get dressed quick and throw some makeup on. It was already 7:15. You made a quick smoothie and kissed Harry before heading out the door. Niall had just pulled his car up.
“Good morning.” You smile big at him. You certainly didn’t seem the way Harry had described. But it was a new day after all.
“You seem perky.”
“I went to the gym really early, I feel so energized.”
“That’s good. Wish I could do that, I get every last drop of sleep I can possibly get. Plus, Sarah usually gives me a good work out.”
“Don’t be gross.” You nudge him.
“As if Harry doesn’t give you a parting gift in the morning.”
“Oh he does, did this morning in fact, but that’s none of your business.” You smirk.
“Mhm, yeah.”
You and Niall stop for coffee and head to the office. You liked carpooling already. It was nice to have that time together in the morning. You decided to switch off every other day. You get to your desk and get through some lingering emails. Harry texts you a kissy face and it makes your heart flutter.
Harry gets to work around nine. Isaac says good morning like he usually does.
“Harry! We missed you last week.”
“Thanks, wish I could say the same.” He smiles along with his joke.
“Very funny.”
“Actually, I would have much preferred you had come with us. We coulda had a lot of fun.” Isaac blushes as Harry walks into his office.
His coffee was already waiting for him. He sighs with relief. He logs onto his computer and loads up some of the pictures he started editing. He gets them onto a flash drive and walks down to Mykenzie’s office. He taps on the outside of the door.
“Hey.” He says to her.
“Hi.” She says looking over at him.
“Got the pictures from last week for yeh.”
“Thanks, you can just leave that on Julia’s desk.”
“You’re not even gonna look ‘em over?” He pouts.
“Why do I need to? She’s the one writing the pieces.”
“You’re gonna look her shit over though right?”
“Yeah, when she’s done. I’m working on something else right now.”
“Alright then.” He turns on his heel and leaves her office. She hated when he’d pout like that. It was too cute. He walks over to Julia’s desk where her eyes are glued to her computer screen. “Hey, here are the pictures from last week.” He places it on her desk.
“Thanks.” Her cheeks heat up looking at him.
“Ya good?”
“Thanks for the coffee.” He winks at her and walks away.
You were too busy jamming out to your Glee cast playlist playing loudly in your ears to notice Harry standing in your door way around lunch time. He got a kick out of you bobbing your head around, mouthing the words that he knew you desperately wished you could be belting out. He makes a coughing noise, and you look up at him.
“Oh! Hi, sweetie.” You pause your music and get up.
“It okay I came by?”
“Course! Wanna eat with Niall too? He missed me all week.” Harry goes to speak but you’re already walking down the hall to Niall’s office. “Hey, come to my office for lunch, Harry’s here too.”
“Sounds good!” You come back and get your lunch out of your lunch box.
“Nothin’…” He sits down in one of the chairs by your desk. Niall comes in and sits next to him.
“Hey mate.”
“Hey. How was car poolin’?”
“Good! We’re going to do it every day.” You say sitting down.
“It’s a nice way to start to day off.” Niall says.
“Agreed.” You smile at him. “How’s work today, babe?”
“Good, everyone really liked my pictures.”
“That’s great! They were beautiful. Niall, Harry got to dive under water.”
“Ohh, he likes doin’ that.”
“Shut up.” He nudges him. You roll your eyes at the inside joke. “Hey, Niall, you ever notice how much Y/N rolls her eyes?” They both smirk.
“Oh, all the time. She should have an award for it.”
“I really don’t even notice I’m doing it!”
“The best is when I catch you doin’ it in a bad meeting, I have all I can do to not start laughin’.”
“Good to know I can be so entertaining.” You stick out tongue out at him and he sticks his back at at you.
“You both wanna come over tonight to watch The Bachelor?”
“Or you could come to our place! Is that okay Harry?” He nods yes.
“Perfect. Sarah can’t come over tonight, and I hate watchin’ it alone.”
“I cannot believe you like watching it.”
“It’s addicting as fuck! Y/N actually got me into it. When she first started here she was talkin’ about the Bachelorette like all the time.”
“Mhm, so I started Niall off with Bachelor in Paradise that summer.”
“It was wild.”
“Jesus, you two are a married couple.” Harry chuckles.
“We’d be one of the couple’s from the fifties that have the twin beds instead of like a normal bed.” You joke.
“Yes! That’s exactly how I’d picture it.” He laughs.
Niall leaves you and Harry to hang out alone around 12:30. He closes the door behind him, and you move to sit in Harry’s lap.
“Hi.” You nuzzle your nose to his.
“You’re in a good mood today.”
“Hard not to be when you gave me an earth shattering orgasm this morning.” You blush as you say it.
“Earth shatterin’ huh?”
“Didn’t you hear me scream? Jesus, I’m still thinking about it. You have magic fingers. Actually, you have magic everything.” You giggle and lean down to kiss him.
“Would love to do that for ya again, now.” You stand up immediately.
“I already told you I’m not going to fuck you in my office.”
“Can we make out then?”
“Yeah, okay.”
You sit on the edge of your desk and he stands between your legs. Your hands stay on his hips while he kisses you.
Harry left your office with swollen lips and a fresh hickey on his collar bone. Isaac smirked at him as he came back up to the studio. Harry grabs a mint from the top of his desk.
“What’s that face for?” He asks him.
“Nothing, I just think it’s cute that you have this like high school romance with your girlfriend.”
“High school romance?” Harry scoffs.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone ready to pounce like you, you’re a like a teenager going through puberty.”
“Come off it. Can’t help that I’m with the most gorgeous girl in the world. Need to her to kiss me any chance I can get.” He shrugs.
“It’s nice seeing you so in love, H. It looks good on you.”
“Thanks, mate.”
Harry shakes his head and goes into his office. He was genuinely over the moon happy.
Niall drives you home at the end of the day, and says he’ll be over around 7:30. You get home before Harry, so you decide to start dinner. You get your music going and start a pot of water on the burner. You were thinking egg noodles with mushrooms and peas. Harry comes home to the smell of your cooking and sits down at the island in the kitchen.
“Hi sweetie.” You say to him. “Dinner’s just about ready.” You kiss him on the cheek. “How was the rest of your day?”
“Good, no complaints for once. How was yours?”
“Pretty good. Had a few meetings. I hate afternoon meetings, people are exhausting after lunch.” You plate up the foot for the two of you and sit next to him.
“Mm, this is delicious, thank you.”
“I made enough to have leftovers for tomorrow.”
“Sounds good. What time is Niall comin’?”
“Perfect, plenty of time for a shag.”
“C’mon, let’s go. Need t’save time for a cuddle and all that.”
“Okay, can we just clean up first?”
He practically throws the plates in the dishwasher, and yanks you into the bedroom. Your legs were over his shoulders before you knew it. Your back arching upwards several times. This man truly knew how to fuck a woman right, there was no doubt about that. When you were both done you laid their facing each other, legs tangled up in each other. Light pillow talk, giggles, and stolen kisses.
Around 7:15 you both get up and throw on some sweats. You decide on wearing Harry’s clothes. He notices you’re not wearing a bra.
“Hey, could you put somethin’ on under that?”
“It’s a sweat shirt, you can’t even tell.”
“Yes you can.”
“That’s because you’re looking. He won’t be.”
“Harry, I don’t know how else to say this, but Niall has seen me without a bra on several times. It’s really not a big deal. It’s not like I’m wearing a tight little white shirt. I’m wearing one of your sweatshirts. I’ll even keep my arms crossed. See?” You hear the buzzer go off. “I’m gonna let him up. Could you make some popcorn?”
“Hey!” You say to Niall as he comes in. He had his glasses on and was also clad in sweats. Harry comes out of the kitchen. “Look, he’s got his glasses on, full relaxation mode for the Irish lad.”
“Shut up, I was done with contacts for the day.”
“Want a glass of wine?”
“Wouldn’t be the bachelor if we didn’t.”
“Perfect! Go sit, I’ll get it.”
Harry felt like he was intruding on a date or something. He sits next to Niall on the couch and puts the popcorn on the coffee table. You come over with three wine glasses and pour it for them both, and yourself.
“Harry, could I please sit in the middle?” He shuffles over. “Thank you.”
The show starts and Harry is already bored. He really felt like a third wheel while you and Niall made comments to each other.
“He’s lettin’ her come back?!” Niall shouts.
“I thought we were free! I’m gonna say it, Peter’s a stupid bitch.”
“You’re right, and you should say it.”
“He literally just wants to bone, I don’t know why he wanted to do this.”
“Probably for that exact reason. Just wait for the fantasy suites.”
“What in the fuck are fantasy suites?”
“When he gets to the final three women, they each get an overnight date with him.” You explain.
“But only if the girl accepts.”
“And it’s no cameras. So the couple can talk all night without the producers meddling, or they can fuck.”
“And there’s no cameras at all?”
“Mhm, it’s like the most crucial date.”
Harry found himself getting more invested with the show. It reminded him of one his novels. You felt your eyes start to get droopy. You had been up really early, and the wine was making you sleepy. Your head falls on Niall’s shoulder. He looks down at you and chuckles. Harry’s jaw tenses. Niall nudges his shoulder up to wake you.
“Hm? Sorry, dozed off for a second.” Harry hooks his arm around your shoulders and pulls you into him. “Ya good?” You ask looking up at him.
“Yup.” Niall shakes his head, but keeps his attention on the TV.
When it ends the three of you are exhausted. You and Harry say goodnight to Niall, and you both shuffle into the bedroom, and into the bathroom to do your nightly routines. You take the sweat pants and sweatshirt off and get into bed. You couldn’t wait for Harry to wrap his arms around your soft skin. You sigh with relief when he does.
“That was fun tonight.”
“Yeah, s’not the worst show I’ve ever seen.”
“It’s very addicting.”
“Clearly.” He yawns.
“Love you baby.” You kiss his cheek.
“Love you too, goodnight.”
You were sort of embarrassed when you went to see Dr. Mara. You had called her office last week and told them you were too sick to come in.
“Hi, Y/N, are you feeling better?” She says to you as you sit down.
“I wasn’t really sick last week.”
“I just didn’t feel like coming in and talking.”
“Well, that’s alright. Do you feel like you don’t need weekly appointments anymore?”
“No.” You sigh. “I definitely still need weekly appointments. I’ve been sort of depressed, and I’ve been trying to repress all of it.”
“What are you depressed about?”
“I don’t know…could be my seasonal thing. Harry and I have had sex from behind a couple times and I’ve had some bad flashes. I kept it to myself, but I told him about it…so I’m a little better. I was just feeling really low for some reason. I don’t know if it was because I was keeping something like that to myself, so I was just making it worse?”
“Why do you think you kept it to yourself?”
“Because I didn’t want him to worry, or treat me differently. I could tell he was really enjoying it, which made me enjoy it too…”
“You don’t have to put yourself through anything just because you know he wants it a certain way.”
“I know that, and he’s said the same thing to me.”
“So why try to force it?”
“Because I just want to be able to do things!”
“And you will, but not if you force yourself before you’re ready. I mean look at you, you look depressed.”
“I’m feeling better.”
“You look exhausted.”
“I’ve been sleeping just fine, getting up early, going to the gym.”
“Are you fatigued?”
“A little.” You sigh. “I’m going to Aruba in April…Harry and I got into a fight about it.”
“Why? Isn’t that a family trip?”
“Yeah, he was upset because he had just gotten back from a work thing in Florida, and he felt like I wanted to get away from him by bringing up my own trip. He really missed me. I missed him too, but he like really missed me.” You pause for a moment as she nods along. “He felt really bad for leaving because we were supposed to have the week off together to move. I told him it was no big deal, it really wasn’t. I honestly didn’t care, it was out of my control.”
“You usually like being the one in control.”
“On a person to person basis, yeah. But something like this, a bigger picture thing, like there’s literally nothing either of us could do, so it was whatever.” You shrug. “I don’t think he handles being out of control very well. I think once there’s a plan in place he gets really upset when it changes drastically.”
“Do you think that’s why he was upset when you brought up Aruba?”
“I think his family is supposed to come here for Easter, and he hasn’t truly accepted that I won’t be around for it. I don’t think he fully understands the relationship I have with my Nannie, even though he’s seen me absolutely sob over her…I hate it when we fight. We fight over the stupidest fucking things. We were in a restaurant over the weekend and he threw my fucking degree in communication in my face! Can you believe that?! And then when we got home he put on this big show of making it known he was going to sleep on the sofa. Good! I sure as hell wasn’t going to tell him not to. An hour later he comes back in and starts yelling at me. So we talk some shit through. I mean, he drives me crazy sometimes. I know I’m not the easiest person sometimes, but Jesus neither is he.”
“Do you want to break up with him?”
“What?! God, no. I love him too much. The thought’s never even crossed my mind.” You sigh. “We had sex after our fight, it was good, but I got really emotional. It wasn’t like we had made love, it was almost angrier than that. Like a hate fuck or something. Only I was in control the entire time, all of it was coming from me.”
“Maybe you hadn’t resolved everything like you thought you had when you talked.”
“But I don’t want to have angry sex with him. Sure, a little rough is okay, but not angry. That shit doesn’t solve anything. It sure as hell didn’t make me feel better after.” You cross your arms and look away. “The next day I didn’t get out of bed until nearly one in the afternoon. I knew he was worried. I went to take a shower and he told me he needed to go to Niall’s for something. I know he went there to talk about me, why else would he have slipped out like that?”
“What do you think they would have talked about?”
“Why I was acting the way I was, I’m sure. I don’t like that it feels like I’m not allowed to not be okay. I can’t be okay all the time. Besides that, Sarah was with them and she texted me.”
“How did that make you feel?”
“Incredibly annoyed, but she told me what they talked about…I chose to just let it go.”
“What did they talk about?”
“Every depressive episode I’ve ever had. It was like a fucking team of doctors or some shit.”
“Y/N, we’ve talked about this before, but do you think you’d like to try going on some kind of medication? We could start you on a very low dosage-“
“No…that’s like a last resort. That stuff just fucks with your mood.”
“There are some side effects sure, but-“
“I said no.” You both look at each other for a moment. “Sorry.”
“It’s alright. So you know Harry went over there to get some information on you, and you chose not to freak out about it. Very different from a couple months ago.”
“I honestly just didn’t have the strength or energy to fight with him again. Now he knows these things about me. Awesome, I really don’t care.”
“But you do care. You look pissed.”
“Of course I’m pissed! How would you feel if three people who were really close to you had a conference to talk about every time you’ve ever been sad? It’s embarrassing. You think I like getting like that? I’d say it’s the only thing about living with someone I don’t like. They can see every time you’re vulnerable.” You groan. “And I lied to Niall last week. I told him I came to see you, and Harry had to have told him I lied.”
“Are you going to talk to him about it?”
“I don’t know. It’s sort of a moot point now…but now who knows if either will believe me when I come here.”
“Niall’s opinion of you really matters, doesn’t it?”
“We love each other, I don’t want him looking at me differently because I fibbed one time.”
“How does Harry feel about the way you and Niall love each other?”
“I don’t know. Sometimes he cares and sometimes he doesn’t. He gets jealous really easily. But he’s just a clingy, needy, guy.”
“Does that bother you?”
“Not at all…until it starts some shit. I think it’s cute he wants me all to himself. God, you don’t think we’re toxic do you?”
“No…but you two need some boundaries set. He shouldn’t get upset with you because you’re going on a trip with your family. But you’re not off the hook either. I know how you can be. You need to cut him some slack once in a while too. He’s not a mind reader, remember?”
“But I’m not one either.”
“Exactly. So, instead of biting each other’s heads off, just try communicating more clearly. If you notice him act a certain way, don’t just call him out on it. Take a step back and think about why he may be acting that way, and go at it from another angle. I know you do that work, bring it home with you.”
As you drove home from your appointment, you knew she was right. She was always right. The doorman greets you as you go inside, and you check your little mailbox just in case Harry hadn’t. You say hello to the desk attendant, Michael, as you head up to the elevator. You had gotten to know Michael well during the week of moving.
You key into your place. Harry was up in the loft working. You go right for the kitchen since you were starving. You take out the leftovers from last night, put some in a bowl, and heat it up. Harry comes into the kitchen to greet you.
“Barely heard ya come in.” He kisses you on the cheek. “How was it?”
“Annoying.” You say under your breath.
“Good, it was good. Actually, it exhausted me.” Your mood had soured. “I just wanna chill out and watch Chopped.” The microwave goes off and you take your food out.
“Why was it exhausting?”
“Um…I told her about what happened over the weekend.” You say taking a bite of food.
“Oh.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Would you, um, like some time to yourself?” You smile at him.
“That would be kind of nice, actually.”
“Alright, I’ll just be upstairs.”
“Thanks, Harry.”
After you eat, you change into some of Harry’s sweats, and plop down on the sofa. You turn the TV on so you can watch Chopped. After the two episodes, and some time to yourself, you looked up towards the loft. You get up from the sofa and climb the spiral staircase. Harry had his headphones in and he was playing a video game. He pauses it when he sees you. You crawl right into his lap and wrap your arms around his shoulders, nuzzling your face into his neck. He wraps his arms around you as well and rubs your back.
“My sweet girl.��� He coos.
“Miss you.” You nuzzle into him more. “Can we go cuddle in bed?”
You stand to get off him, and you both go down the stairs. You both go through your routines and get into bed.
“Harry, can I just lay on you for a bit?”
“Course, love.”
You shift and lay completely on top of him. Head resting on his chest, and legs on either side of his. His hands move up under your shirt just to rub your back. You sigh happily.
“So soft.” He coos. You smile against his chest.
“Yes, love?”
“I love you more than anything, I hope you know that.”
“I do. I love you too.” He holds you a little tighter to him.
You fell asleep on top of him. He didn’t mind. He actually really liked when you were needy for a change. You were his sweet little angel.
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theliterateape · 3 years
Why Keep Giving Facebook My Business?
By David Himmel
It was the day after Christmas, 1996. I was a senior in high school on winter break. My friends and I piled into Brad Feely’s red Jeep Cherokee—me in the trunk because there weren’t enough seats for all of us and I was the smallest and cramming into a car too small for the passenger load is what high school kids do. We were headed to the mall to return ill-fitting gifts and fuck around because fucking around at the mall is—was—what high school kids do.
Brad had some things to return or exchange at Abercrombie & Fitch. He was at the checkout counter with the young woman making the exchanges. The rest of us wandered around the store. I started throwing on shirts, coats, hats, scarves, and such and acted out a runway fashion show. My friends giggled. I went bigger with my one-man flash mob fashion show. Other customers stared, some laughed, some ignored me. I went bigger. My friends laughed harder. Other customers laughed harder and tried to ignore me. I had achieved my goal. I’d fucked around in a store and made people laugh.
I took off the clothes, placed them back on the racks and shelves and walked up to Brad still at the counter. The employee had stepped into the back to retrieve something.
“Almost done?” I asked him.
He whispered to me, “You won’t believe what this girl just said about you.”
“She called you a ‘dirty faggot.’”
“You’re sure.”
“One hundred percent. She said it under her breath, but, yeah. I heard her say it.”
I waited there for the young woman to return. A few moments later, she did. She finished up Brad’s exchanges, handed him his bag of stuff and said, “Have a nice day.”
“Excuse me,” I said to her, leaning in so as not to make a scene. Because this scene wasn’t going to be funny. But I was sure not to be too quiet about it since I did want the store to know what was going on. “Did you see my fashion show?”
“Um. Yeah?”
“Did you like it?”
She smirked uncomfortably. “Sure.”
“So why would you call me a ‘dirty faggot’?” Her face went white. Blank. Her eyes wide. Mouth agape. She’d been caught. “Yeah. My friend here heard you say it. So my question to you is this: What was dirty about what I was doing? And what about what I was doing made me a ‘faggot’? And if you thought I was being gay, what’s wrong with that? And why would you refer to a gay person as a ‘faggot’? Seems a little hateful.”
“I… I…” she stuttered, still pale faced and surprised.
“Doesn’t seem like the best customer service, does it? Insulting your customers—or their friends—with homophobic slurs.”
“I… I…”
“Yeah. Mind your mouth. Don’t be such a hateful, homophobic asshole. Especially in a store filled with photos of what have to be the gayest modeling shoots in retail history.”
People were watching and I took the cue to go louder. “That’s right, everyone. This woman, this Abercrombie & Fitch employee called me a ‘dirty faggot’. Just know the kind of person you’re buying your clothes from.”
I saw one guy drop whatever was in his arms and walk out. My friends and I followed suit.
I never stepped foot in an Abercrombie & Fitch store after that. And I’m proud to say I never owned or wore a single item of theirs after my impromptu fashion show. Yeah, sure. She was a bad apple, but still. It had turned me off to the whole brand. Fuck ‘em.
Did my not buying their mostly ugly clothes—country club grunge?—hurt their bottom line? Did it send a message? No. Certainly not. Did it change the mind and behavior of that employee? I have no idea. Maybe. Maybe she’s a super-duper social justice warrior today. Maybe she doubled down and tried to Stop the Steal. Doesn’t matter. What matters is that I experienced an insult to the customer and a group of people, and chose not to give that company my money.
I don’t shop at Hobby Lobby because of their treatment of workers—denying them birth control through their benefits program. I don’t eat Chick-fil-A because they oppose marriage equality and used to fund activities to suppress it. I wring my hands every time I order something on Amazon because I’m worried the worker filling my order might piss or shit themselves trying to meet their quota with my order. Or worse, get hurt doing so. Because we all know that Amazon treats its warehouse workers like demented mules instead of actual human beings with physiological limitations and full bladders.
It’s principle. I try to spend where my money will do the least harm because I know, in most instances, my spending won’t help much other than to keep someone employed at a shit job and make the owner that much richer.
So why haven’t I quit Facebook yet? Same reason I haven’t quit Amazon: It’s too convenient.
Also like Amazon, but far worse, Facebook is a monster. It was from the start. I joined under duress in 2008 because it was part of my job. When that job laid me off in the wake of the Great Recession, I killed the account. But Facebook gained more and more traction, and it seemed that I was missing out. Plus, it was a great way to promote the shows I was writing and producing. And I reconnected with old friends from lives past. Fun!
It became a reflexive way to procrastinate. Instead of standing up and stretching or reading a news story or going for a walk, I’d scroll mindlessly. Still, it was fun. It became a habit I wasn’t even aware of.
And it’s still fun, sometimes. I enjoy being easily—reflexively lazy—connected to those old pals I don’t see every day and probably wouldn’t communicate with if not for the ease of Facebook. But Facebook is bad. And when I say Facebook, I’m including Instagram, which I rarely use. (I have no issue with WhatsApp but I also only use that maybe once every two years.) They both suck. So it’s bad for our brains, bad for our body images, bad for democracy, bad for discourse, and so on. None of this is news. And this week’s whistleblowing of how actively evil Facebook leadership is reinforces the fact of how bad it apparently wants to be. And that’s insulting to all of its users and even non-users.
Because Facebook could still make millions of dollars a week and take active measures to be a better corporate citizen, a better steward of human decency. Like, has Facebook even added a pink ribbon to its logo for Breast Cancer Awareness Month? I don’t think so. Evil.*
I don’t need Facebook. The community groups are nice. And I really do like seeing those old friends I wouldn’t otherwise communicate with. And I take joy in the possibility that ex-girlfriends might occasionally poke through my profile and see how awesome my hair is. But I don’t need it. If I want to promote something, I can place an ad anywhere else. My god, what did we do before Facebook? And there are so many other digital ways to share our bullshit.
If I leave, will Facebook feel it? Nope. Just like Abercrombie. My aversion is less than a pebble drop in the ocean. But I’ll feel better. Right? I’ll miss my friends I wouldn’t otherwise talk to, but if they mattered that much to me, I could make the effort to text or call. But I won’t. Because the apparent truth is that having them as friends on Facebook is more about the voyeurism. So wait, are we even friends then? Jesus. Facebook has even warped our sense of friendship. 
I don’t know if I’ll leave it. But it’s been on my mind for a while now. Maybe I won’t go cold turkey, maybe I’ll start by deleting the app from my phone. Or maybe it’s best to pack up all my shit and walk right out. That’s the advice I’d give to someone else in an abusive relationship.
 *Just so we’re clear, this whole going pink in October thing that companies, local police departments, sports organizations love to do is dumb. It’s the bare minimum at best and limp virtue signaling at worst. If you really care about breast cancer, do a better job of caring about women. So, you know, pay better wages, offer childcare, don’t shoot them in their homes. Take your pink ribbon and shove it. Do better.
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lost-in-sokovia · 4 years
toxic - chapter 5
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oof. i don’t think you’re ready for the thrombey/drysdale clan. good luck, reader. (may contain spoilers to Knives Out)
Your first night at Ransom’s home was both interesting and uncomfortable.
His house was absolutely stunning and you were afraid to touch anything, fearing the subtle thought you may break something. Ransom showed you around and your mouth continued to gape at his beautiful belongings. You felt the part you felt most uncomfortable visiting was his room. It was nice, yes, but you wondered how many one night stands taken place in his bed, and if he intended you to end up there at some point. You had turned slightly red and made sure that part of the tour ended quickly.
He showed you the beautiful guest room where you would be staying and you dropped all your bags in there. After the tour ended it was later than you had expected. He asked if you needed anything to eat, but the nervous knot in your stomach prevented any hunger.
After wishing him thanks again and goodnight, the two of you parted ways into your rooms.
“If you need anything, just let me know.” Ransom had flashed a grin.
After taking a shower in the connected bathroom and brushing your teeth, you went over your day in your head. It was actually happening. You were staying in your ex best friend’s house after not seeing or communicating with each other for ages. Is this how fast normal people took things?
You shuddered in the cold as you climbed into the white satin sheets, biting your lip thinking about who could have possible been in this bed as well. But the thoughts left quite quickly as you got comfy and slowly drifted off to sleep after your long day.
Ransom chuckled to himself after closing his door. This experience was different for him. Most of the time whenever a girl was at his house she was with him partaking in other activities. But now you were here and were going to unknowingly meet his family tomorrow, the load of crackheads.
Sighing deeply as he turned off the lights, he turned to his side and fell asleep to an empty bed.
You woke up around 8:30 and quickly got dressed and ready for the day. Your outfit consisted of a long sleeved fleece fall yellow shirt, black jeggings, and fall-patterned socks for fun. As you walked into the kitchen your heart jumped momentarily when you were greeted by Ransom, looking undoubtedly attractive in his cream knit sweater and jeans.
“Good morning,” he greeted politely. You swallowed hard and walked slowly over to the table. You sat down carefully and looked back over at Ransom as he prepared breakfast.
“Coffee?” He asked.
“Yes please,” you responded and sat quietly. The days in Boston kept getting cloudier and cloudier as the days progressed. Gray light cast into the kitchen as you stared blankly out the window.
He set a mug in front of you and thanked him quietly. You picked it up and held it to your lips gently.
“Hey,” Ransom started as he poured a mug for himself. “Did I mention to you last night that we’d be going to meet my family today?” He asked casually.
You choked slightly on your coffee.
“I don’t think I can do this,” You expressed nervously to Ransom.
The two of you were still sitting in his BMW in front of his grandfather’s large estate. The thought of facing his family sent shivers down your spine. The way he talked about them now compared to boarding school never changed, if anything it may have only gotten worse.
“It’s going to be fine.” He put his hand on your shoulder, making your heart rate increase. “I’m sure they all remember you, and Harlan probably still loves you,” he reassured. You exhaled with a chuckle. Harlan did really like you when you were younger. Despite never meeting you in person, he thought you were a wonderful and mature little girl who had a positive influence on his grandson. He even went as far as to send you letters along with Ransom’s.
You took a couple deep breaths and nodded your head. You unbuckled and Ransom smiled. “There we go,” he praised.
You continued to look at the marvelous home as you got out. It looked like a castle, with it’s pointed rooftops and worn brick. You longed to stand and look out over the beautiful balcony, much bigger than the small one back at your apartment.
You shuffled through rock and dead leaves and were suddenly met by loud barking and the sound of running.
Two brown and black german shepards came running towards you and you grinned.
“Oh hello babies!” You squealed as the dogs came up and jumped on you. You pet them both and laughed as they sniffed you and pawed at you.
Ransom cocked an eyebrow as he watched the scene. You didn’t mind Harlan’s dogs. You actually seemed to enjoy them. You continued to surprise him more and more since you arrived.
After the dogs settled down you managed to kneel down to meet them face to face.
“I gotta go in there now, okay?” You whispered. One of them licked their nose and you giggled, rubbing one of each’s ear.
Ransom walked over and stood behind you.
“Ready?” He asked. You stood up with fake confidence and nodded, slowly walking forward with him.
Just before making it to the door, the two of you were met with a sharp “Ransom?”
Ransom rolled his eyes as his mother emerged through the door. Your eyes widened as you were faced with Linda Drysdale herself. You had only seen her one other time after Ransom and you had graduated. She looked good; her hair was white and cut to a pixie cut. She had round black glasses with little rounded edges on each corner to add a more feminine touch. She wore matching navy blue pants and a flowy shirt.
“Oh, there you are,” she said. She looked over at you as you stood there, staring right back at her. She eyed you up and down in almost a look of... disapproval?
“Hello, and you are?” She asked uncertainly. You glanced at Ransom and cleared your throat awkwardly.
“Mom, this is (Y/N) from boarding school, remember her?” Ransom explained before you could respond. You smiled meekly.
“I-It’s alright, it’s definitely been a while since-“
“Oh yes I remember you,” Linda cut you off and clapped her hands triumphantly. “Yes yes dear how are you?” She asked before walking forward to give you a brief hug.
“I’m fine, thank you,” you chuckled in surprise. She smiled at her son before opening the door.
“Well come in! We’ll get the whole family to meet you!” She exclaimed. You nodded and laughed nervously.
You walked into the warm home and looked around. It was becoming more and more like a castle. Of course you knew that Harlan was an accomplished author, so you expected nothing less.
You wiped your combat boots on the mat before walking further to take off your coat. Ransom strutted in confidently and left you to follow him.
A middle aged woman passed by carrying a tray from which Ransom grabbed a biscuit from.
“Hey Franny,” Ransom said smugly as he took a bite of biscuit. The woman named Fran rolled her eyes as she made her way into the direction of what you assumed was the kitchen. Ransom chuckled and continued to make his way into the main living area. There was a fireplace and gorgeous couch and chairs, natural light entering through the windows.
In there sat a young boy, a teenage girl, a man who had a cane propped against his chair, you recognized Richard who read from a newspaper, one woman glued to her phone, and another woman sitting next to the man with the cane. You made guesses as to who they could be because Ransom never actually cared enough to go into detail how his family looked.
Linda breezed past you and Ransom and clapped her hands. Everyone in the room turned their attention to her as she stood in front of you and Ransom.
“Everyone, Ransom has invited a friend to stay with him this holiday,” she announced. She moved over to the side to give everyone view to you and Ransom. Ransom smugly smiled and rocked back on his heels as you made quick eye contact with everyone and nervously laughed before subtly waving a hand.
“Uhm, h-hi,” you stuttered politely. Richard stood up and walked forward to shake your hand.
“Oh hello (Y/N),” he said as you held his hand to shake it. He smiled at you and you immediately felt uncomfortable. Not only was he a horrible father, he never gave off a comfortable vibe to you.
“H-Hi Richard,” you greeted back uncomfortably. He glanced at his son before his eyes scanned you. In that moment you felt like you weren’t wearing enough, despite your body being covered in cold weather clothing.
“So, Ransom, how’d you get her here?” He asked his son. Ransom shrugged.
“Oh you know, it’s always nice to get in contact with an old friend,” he casually replied. He was very vague, probably trying to avoid acknowledging the fact it had to do with your best friend and his mother.
“That’s nice, very nice,” Richard complimented. The man with the cane came up next to greet you with the same blonde woman who sat with him.
“Hi, I’m Walt,” he said and shook your hand. He sounded very unsure of himself, he read like he had a lack of confidence. The woman just smiled and nodded at you, adding a quiet “Donna” after Walt said his name.
“Nice to meet you,” you said politely. His expression shifted to confusion.
“H-Has Ransom never really talked about me?” He asked meekly. You thought about when Ransom talked about Walt’s son Jacob and how Walt didn’t do shit. You decided to spare that and brush it off as you’d never really met.
“N-Not much,” you replied, trying to show sympathy. He nodded and sighed, looking down and staggering back as his wife looked down to the floor. The young boy was next and continued to look at his phone. You stood there in silence and glanced up at Ransom for a moment.
“Jacob get off that damn phone,” Ransom snarled and the boy looked up reluctantly.
“Jacob,” he said curtly. “So Ransom, is this your girlfriend of the week?” He asked sharply. Your insides froze and Ransom laughed mockingly.
“Yeah you think you’re funny pal. No, she’s just an old friend who you wouldn’t remember because I never posted her on social media.” He retorted. You weren’t quite sure of what he meant, but this kid didn’t seem like he was worth your time.
A teenage girl who was close to your age walked up next. She smiled warmly at you and hugged you. You were slightly taken aback but didn’t mind.
“Hey, I’m Meg,” she said warmly. You smiled at her. She obviously was probably one of the more sane ones in this family.
“Hey, I’m (Y/N). I think Ransom has mentioned you a couple times,” you replied. She laughed softly and rolled her eyes.
“I hope it was all true, and not some made-up shit,” she said. You laughed as she looked at you one more time before walking away. A blonde woman with curls walked up to you and smiled.
“Namaste, (Y/N),” she said and put her hands on your shoulders. You stared at her for a moment, speechless. This woman’s voice was kind of annoying and she seemed like a handful.
“Joni don’t scare the poor girl she just got here!” Richard piped up from the side. She smiled at you, ignoring Richard’s comment.
“I’m Joni, you might have heard of me,” she tried not to boast. You lied and nodded, just trying to get this woman away from you as fast as possible. “I’m here for you if you need it and you can always come stay with me if-“
“That’s enough Joni,” Ransom cut in and ushered her away. You gulped and glanced up at Ransom, who shook his head. You sighed. His family was definitely interesting in real life, and you knew you were in for a long week.
“(Y/N), my dear!” A voice chimed from behind you. You looked over and saw Harlan walking down the stairs with a young girl, making sure he was alright. You couldn’t help but smile. Even though you barely knew him you always felt connected to him and like he genuinely cared.
“Hi!” You greeted back. Harlan walked over and shook your hand with both of his earnestly.
“How are you my dear? Still doing great work at The New York Times?” He asked. You gasped, you didn’t know he read your work!
“I-I’m great, thank you!” You said. He nodded and gestured to the young Latina girl.
“This is my assistant, Marta Cabrera,” he said. Marta smiled and shook your hand.
“Nice you meet you,” she greeted with a Latina accent. You smiled.
“Pleasure.” You has a feeling you would turn to be friends with her. Harlan turned to his grandson.
“Ransom I had no idea you would be inviting this lovely girl to join us!” He exclaimed. You blushed, he was truly one of the kindest.
“Yeah well, I thought a surprise would be nice,” he lied through his teeth.
Harlan shrugged before turning back to you. Before he could say anything else, Ransom walked to you and put his arm around your shoulder.
“Well (Y/N) and I really should be heading out,” he said. Harlan frowned.
“Leaving so soon?” Richard asked. Your insides twisted uncomfortably and you nodded in agreement with Ransom.
“I’ll be back tomorrow!” You said to everyone. Ransom grabbed your coat and handed it to you.
“It’s been great, bye!” He said shortly and sarcastically as everyone began talking at once to him. He slammed the door and chuckled to himself. You stared at him and giggled at him.
“What?” you asked. He shook his head, knowing things were only going to escalate from here. The two of you climbed in the car and he began to drive off.
“You’re welcome,” he cut the silence. You looked at him.
“Figured I’d spare you an extra day of staying with my family, so you’ll just have to hang with me I guess,” he explained. You smiled and inhaled.
“Your family sure is more interesting than you ever described them,” you laughed lightly. Ransom chuckled and shook his head.
“Sometimes I just can’t find the right words to describe them,” he joked. You laughed.
The rest of the day you and Ransom talked, becoming reacquainted with each other. Ransom could tell you were beginning to break out of your shell, showing his plan was working perfectly. It should be a breeze getting you to do whatever he pleased now. You, unknowing of his intentions, just thought things were going back to old times.
Maybe he wasn’t as toxic as you thought?
this chapter was a little long! but i couldn’t just skip over the family, they need a long chapter tbh😂 chapter 6 is in the works, hope you enjoyed!!🤍
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keanuvibe · 5 years
Noses in Roses (John Wick x Reader)
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A/N: Hi! this is the teacher!reader x John fic I’ve been working on since literally December 21st. It’s taken me so long, and you’ll see why in the word count. This aint even all of it. I decided I’m going to post this in two parts, as there is so much I want to add to this little world. Anyways; enjoy <3
Words: 12.7k
Warnings: swears, pregnancy, mentions of deceased ex-spouse
Summary: You are an elementary school teacher, first grade to be exact. One afternoon your student, James’s nanny is late to pick him up. You then meet his father, John Wick. 
October 9th
“Okay kids, go to your cubbies and grab your art folders!” You smiled at the children sitting throughout your classroom. The children immediately got up, rushing over to grab their things. A gentle sigh escaped your lips as you sat down in your desk chair, hand resting on your pregnant belly. The sun shone into the classroom, casting a golden glow throughout the space. Your eyes watched as the kids eagerly began to make art, chatting amongst the others at their tables.         
You are an elementary school teacher, first grade to be exact. You've been teaching for nearly seven years now, starting back when you were twenty-five. You jumped around from grade to grade for about three years before settling into teaching first graders. You've been doing that for three years now, and couldn't be happier. You are also pregnant, six months and three days; expecting a little girl. You were very excited, however things hadn't turned out to how you planned.
You used to be married, in fact you were married for six years. Unfortunately, your husband passed away over five months ago. An unknown brain tumor, you found out a few days after. You were devastated and fell into a deep depression. The only thing that helped was your little baby. When she began to move around at four months, it gave you a renewed sense of purpose. From then on you decided to seek help, and now you are doing better. Sure, there were still the bad days, but they were few and far between. Work helped, not being so lonely all the time. Your coworkers were a big help, always offering to be there for you. Miss Dalton, a fellow first grade teacher, had become a close friend of yours over the past three years. She helped you through your husband's death, and still does. There are days where you’ve cried in her class during lunch. 
“Miss (Y/L/N)?” A quiet voice asked. You turned your attention to James, one of the boys in your class. He stood next to your desk, arms holding a paper behind his back.
“Yes, honey?” You responded, looking into the boys dark brown eyes. He shyly held up a piece of paper containing a watercolor painting of a tree. The background had been hastily painted blue, and the bottom green. There was a little sun on the top corner of the sheet as well. Typical kid art. 
“I made this for you.” He spoke quietly. You smiled wide, grabbing the paper from his grasp. 
“Oh, James, it's beautiful!” You cooed the boy, setting the artwork on your desk. James is a bright young boy, and quite adorable. He was one of your favorites, though teachers don't have favorites. You've never met his parents, as his Nanny tends to pick him up. She also attends his parent teacher conferences. You were curious though; you’ve always wanted to meet the mysterious Wicks.
“Thank you.” He said, cheeks turning pink. You smiled at him and gently pat his shoulder before he returned to his seat. 
Class ended at the usual time, 3:15. You watched as the children scattered, gathering their backpacks and jackets before exiting. From your classroom windows, you watched students load onto buses and cars before taking a seat at your desk, letting out a sigh. You started grading papers, humming quietly before a small knock sounded at your door. Furrowing your brows, you padded over to the entryway and swung open the door. You met the sight of your supervisor, Nancy, and little James standing in front of her. 
“What’s up?” You asked, allowing the two of them to enter the room. 
“His ride is late, he came to the office unsure what to do.” Mrs. Nelson spoke, sitting James down at one of the tables and handing him a little package of Animal Crackers from her pocket. 
“Oh, I’ll handle it from here Nancy, thank you for collecting him.” You spoke to the woman. With a nod, she exited the room. 
“I’m going to call Miss Lee, okay?” You spoke to James. Miss Lee is the boys nanny. You’ve gotten relatively close with her, as she’s quite active in Jame’s school career.  The boy nodded with a content look, enjoying the crackers in front of his person. You sat back down at your desk, opening a drawer and gathering the kids personnel files. You located his Nanny’s phone number before dialing. There was no answer, even after you've called twice. You took a deep breath, quietly hanging up the phone and looking at the young boy who was sitting at a desk quietly, having finished the crackers. You opened his file once more, noticing another number that'd been scribbled below his Nanny’s. You made out the numbers as best you could and bit your lip before dialing. 
“This is Wick.” The phone rang twice before a deep voice answered. 
“H-Hi, Mr. Wick. I’m your son's teacher, Miss (Y/L/N). It’s nearly four now, and I noticed James’ Nanny hasn't picked him up.” You stuttered, feeling intimidated by the deep voice. You haven't even seen his face before. Maybe he’s a little dorky but has an attractive voice? Whoa. You've haven't been this flustered over a man since you and your husband started dating. 
“She hasn't?�� He asked, frustration lacing his tone. 
“Um, yes.” You answered, looking at James take a sip from his water bottle. 
“I’ll be there in ten.” The line went dead. You nodded and hung up, pursing your lips. So, today was the day you're going to meet Mr. Wick. You were a little nervous, to be honest. James looked in your direction and gave you a warm smile, causing you to feel your heart swell at his cuteness. 
“Your father is on his way, James.” You gave him a gentle grin and he nodded in return. 
Mr. Wick did arrive exactly when he said, ten minutes nearly on the dot. You could hear his shoes echoing down the carpeted hallway of the school, he walked that loud and determined. 
“Miss (Y/L/N). Nice to meet you.” You turned your attention from James to the figure that had entered your classroom. Your breath caught in your throat upon seeing the man. He was gorgeous. Sharp features accommodating dark brown eyes; tall, larger than six foot no doubt. His hair was long, but cut at his shoulders and gelled behind his ears. He donned a three piece black suit, and sleek shoes to match. 
“Mr. Wick.” You swallowed and stood from your seat, hand smoothing your shirt over your pregnant belly. Mr. Wick caught the movement, and you swear you saw his eyes soften at the sight of your bump. 
“Please, call me John.” He spoke gently, holding out his hand for you to shake it. His large grasp engulfed your own, the two of you shaking your arms in unison. You broke the handshake, feeling your fingers tingle from his touch and stepped back. 
“James is a wonderful boy, he’s quite smart.” You changed the subject, beckoning the boy to come over. You witnessed him blush slightly, jogging over to his father and hiding behind his leg. 
“Well, he wouldn't be this way without a wonderful teacher.” John replied, a smile crossing his features. You felt your heart race and shyly straightened your shirt across your belly. 
“Thank you.” You responded, trying to hide the hotness of your cheeks. The man nodded, making sure James had gathered all of his things. John was so gentle with his son it made your heart ache. The way he spoke to him was so caring, and the tender touches. You caught yourself staring while rubbing your own bump and quickly blinked, clearing your throat. John’s hands placed themselves on his son's shoulders. You took note that there wasn't a ring donning his left hand. So, there isn't a Mrs. Wick? Interesting. 
“Thank you, Miss (Y/L/N).” James spoke, gleaming up at you. You smiled, pinching his little cheek gently.
“Of course. I’ll see you tomorrow, honey.” You spoke, then looked up to John. He nodded at you, and began leading James out of the classroom. You padded back to your desk, taking a seat as the two men exited. However, footsteps once again approached your door and John poked his head back into your classroom.
“When is the next parent teacher conference?” He asked. You bit the inside of your cheek, trying to repress the butterflies that's erupted in your tummy. 
“October twenty-fourth, first come first serve at four in the afternoon.” You responded, blinking at the attractive man. He nodded, making a mental note before disappearing behind the door once more. 
October 14th - 11:45am
Your students had just been excused to lunch when your door opened. You set down the sandwich in your hand and looked up, eyes greeting Mr. Wick. He donned a suit, like the last meeting you'd had. He must've come from work. You stood from your seat, brushing off any bread crumbs that'd been trapped on your belly. 
“Mr. Wick, what do I owe the pleasure?” You asked softly. Johns eyes smiled as he walked over, towering your shorter frame. 
“James forgot his lunch this morning.” John spoke, holding out his sons lunch box. You felt your heart swell at the deed, and grabbed it from his grasp. Your fingers brushed as you passed the container, causing your cheeks to gather a little heat. 
“I will make sure he gets this.” You said softly, setting the box on your desk. John still stood, his eyes looking around your classroom. You took the moment to study his face, really gathering in his features. He was older you could tell, as he had a few wrinkles by his eyes And his beard contained little gray specks. His hair was gelled back like before as well. You noticed a small cut along his cheekbone, and furrowed your brow. Possibly a shaving nick? 
“Oh, are these their solar system projects?” The man asked, pointing to a display table that contained little clay displays of the planets. You nodded, and walked over to them prompting John to follow. 
“Yes. Aren't they cute?” You asked with a soft giggle, picking up one of the displays and showing it closer to John. “I picked colored dough out of the carpet for at least three days after school. I didn't want the custodians to be mad at me.”
John admired your face while you fiddled with the displays. He took in how adorable you were when it came to the kids, always cheerful and loving towards them. At least, from what he's witnessed with James. John hasn't felt much over his life span. Growing up for him wasn't exactly easy, when he discovered he had a son, he promised to be a family-- one he's never had. James’ mother only stayed for a few months of his life before she bailed. She left a nearly folded note on the pillow next to Johns explaining that she didn't want to be a mother anymore. John was left to raise James all by himself, with the help of Nannies over the years. He hadn't tried dating again, maybe a few flings while he was away on work. However after meeting you; he was reconsidering. 
He’s also noticed how you don't wear a ring on your finger. Were you single? A part of him hoped you are. Plus, he doesn't even care you're obviously pregnant. In fact, he thought it was cute. You were indeed a cute pregnant lady, wearing dresses with matching cardigans. He wanted to know more about you.
“Anyways, I should run this to the lunchroom so James gets food.” You spoke, setting down the display in your grasp and stepping back to your desk. John nodded, and made his way towards the door.
“I should get back to work.” He murmured, looking back towards you. You grabbed the boys lunchbox and made your way towards the door, meeting John there as well. 
“I’ll see you later, Mr. Wick.” You spoke, looking up at the tall man. He smiled at you, nodding in response before flipping on his heel and walking towards the school lobby. 
“James, here's your lunch honey.” You spoke, walking up to your students designated table. James turned to you from hearing his name and he furrowed his brow. You took note of the school look in front of his person and then furrowed your own brow in confusion. 
“I always get school food Miss (Y/L/N). That's not mine.” James spoke, pointing at the box. You nodded and clicked your tongue, a little smile crossing your face. 
“Right, I must have you confused.” You replied before turning around. Did John lie about his sons lunch just to see you? 
October 24th - 4:07pm
You currently sat at one of the tables in your classroom, three chairs set up across from you. Today was parent teacher conferences, the day you'd secretly been looking forward to. Ever since you met John, you honestly couldn't get him out of your mind. There was something so interesting about him. He was mysterious, broody, and quite handsome. You haven't seen him since your previous encounter regarding James’s lunch box. It still gave you butterflies, but you didn't mind. 
You quietly flipped through your students folders when a knock sounded at the door. You looked up, your eyes greeting the sight of John and James. The man was dressed casual today; worn jeans, a white top, and his hair was loose. You resisted the urge to bite your lip and stood up to greet them. 
“Mr. Wick, James,” You smiled between the two boys, “It’s wonderful to see you again.” You reached out your hand for John to shake, his large hand once again engulfing your own. 
“The pleasure is mine.” John spoke, a little smile donning his cheeks. You felt slightly dazed by his charm, quickly rubbing your hand over your belly and gesturing to the table for them to sit. 
“Please, take a seat and a cookie. I baked them myself. ” You smiled, taking a seat for yourself. James eagerly grabbed a cookie, but looked up at his father for permission. John nodded, causing the boy to start eating the frosting-covered treat. You giggled at the interaction before grabbing James’ folder from the pile.
“I must say, he’s smart for his age.” You began, opening the folder and showing John the statistic covered paper, grading his son. You talked him through each basic genre, telling him what James was strong in and what he needed to practice. The two men sat quietly, listening as you explained what you needed to. John even ate a cookie at one point, filling you with butterflies as he enjoyed the sugary delight. 
“Thank you, Miss (Y/L/N).” John spoke, standing up. You and James mimicked his movement, and you straightened your shirt over your belly. Johns eyes cast down, softening at the sight of your bump. 
“Please, it’s nothing. I love teaching James.” You smiled. “Speaking of; James, how about you take some of your artwork home, hmm?” The young boy nodded, a smile crossing his cheeks as he darted across the room to his cubby. 
“How far along are you?” John’s deep voice took you by surprise. You blushed, fidgeting with your shirt before answering.
“Six and a half months.” A little gleam overtook your eyes as you looked down to your belly. Your thumb carefully traced the design on your shirt before you looked back up to John. 
“I assume you and your husband are excited?” The man then asked. You let out a nervous laugh, followed by feeling your heart ache. Your husband. You two were very excited.
“Um, actually-” You paused, looking up to John, “M-My husband passed six months ago.” You nodded, pursing your lips. 
“I’m sorry to hear that.” John spoke softly, one of his hands coming up and placing itself on the side of your arm, as though he was comforting you. You subconsciously leaned into the touch, enjoying the warmth his hand provided. 
“Thank you.” You responded, your voice barely above a whisper. Just then, James returned with some of his art, ready to show his dad. The boy eagerly held up every piece and John commented on each one, praising his son. You smiled at the interaction, once again feeling the warmth cover your nerves. John is a good father. For a long time, you assumed ill of the Wicks; as you'd only ever met the Nanny. It seemed like they were absent parents. Now having met John twice, you felt different. And James seemed to love his father, which helped convince you more. 
“You and his mother must be very proud.” You commented as James rushed back to his cubby to grab some more.
“His mother- She’s not… in the picture.” John stated, voice getting quieter with each word. You nodded, your heart cramping at the thought of James not having a mother. 
“Oh... That’s unfortunate.” You murmured, looking over to your student. He finished grabbing all the artwork he was content with and returned to you and John.
“Ready?” John asked and James nodded eagerly. You let out a soft giggle at the boys reaction.
“I’ll hopefully see you soon, Mr. Wick.” You commented as the two boys began to exit the room. John nodded in agreement, leading James out by his shoulders. You let out a quiet sigh, sitting down into your seat, resting a hand on your belly. You felt her kick, her little foot pushing the roundness of your belly slightly out of proportion. 
“Miss (Y/L/N)?” Your eyes shot up, jumping at the voice that filled the room. John? 
“Call me (Y/N).” You responded, standing back up. John walked over to you, his cheeks slightly more pink that before. 
“Okay, (Y/N). Would you like to go on a date?” Johns words rocked you to your core as nerve endings suddenly felt like live wires.
November 2nd - Saturday - 7:29 pm
Your heart pounded as the clock turned 7:30. John would be knocking at your door any minute. It was weird to think you are dating one of your students parents; was it against the rules? I guess, to you, It was more shocking he even asked. John seemed to have his shit together. You’re a single mother with a low-paying job. It was a mystery how this man was so allured by you.
You studied your figure in the closet door mirrors, your signature date dress donning your body. It’s long, hugs your figure in the perfect spots, and not to forget it nicely shows your cleavage; now that you’re a few cup sizes larger. You slipped on a pair of flat shoes, no longer caring for heels. A little anxious sigh left your lips as the doorbell ring startled you. You made your way to the door, looking through the peephole. Seeing Johns figure, you pulled the door open. The man stood, hands tucked behind his back. He turned his head, a grin growing across his lips as you two made eye contact. He wore a fancier, nicer, suit from the previous ones you've seen him in. His hair hadn't been gelled back and remained loose and untamed, falling above his shoulders. The man held out a bouquet of pink roses in one hand, pushing them towards your figure. 
“I got these for you.” He murmured, a pink blush crossing his cheeks. You took them from his grasp, a giggle escaping your lips. 
“Oh, John, they're wonderful.” You smiled, smelling the roses. “Please, come in. I’m almost ready.” You spoke up, quickly jogging to the kitchen and placing the flowers into a vase. You heard the door close, assuming John was the cause, then padded back out to the living area. 
“You have a beautiful home.” He spoke, taking a seat onto the couch. 
“It’s not much. I had to move somewhere smaller after my husband… I couldn't afford the mortgage on my own,” You sighed, “Plus, with a baby on the way it's more cost friendly.” You shrugged. “God, I'm over sharing.” You blushed, quickly walking back to you room to finish getting dressed. 
John chuckled as you exit and stood up, walking to the picture collection you had on the mantle. He saw one containing an ultrasound picture, smiling softly at the ‘4 months!’ that was scribbled under. He then saw another photo slightly hiding behind it, a photo of you and your ex-husband. You were kissing the cheek of the man, arms draped over his shoulders. He must've taken the photo, as he was smiling at the lens. John set the photo back down, straightening his suit jacket as he heard your footsteps trailing towards him.
“I’m ready.” You smiled. John took in your full appearance now, lavishing over how nicely your dress clung to your frame. He bit the inside of his cheek as his eyes glazed over your cleavage, feeling his mouth water slightly at the delicious sight. You always dressed quite modest at work; which were the only times he’d seen you.
“You look beautiful.” He smiled, holding his arm out for you to wrap your own around. You graciously accepted, and the two of you exited your apartment.
John took you to a fancy restaurant downtown. You couldn't even pronounce the name, it was that gaudy. Tables were dressed with white cloths and centerpieces with candles, chandeliers littered the ceiling, expensive curtains donned the windows, and there was even a string quartet playing in the corner of the space. The host seated you at a table near the window, providing a vast view of the city. You two ordered your food and drinks. Of course, you got the cheapest thing on the menu.
“What made you want to be a teacher?” John asked, watching you twirl some spaghetti onto your fork. 
“I’ve always enjoyed kids,” You responded, a little smile overtaking your cheeks, “I'm the favorite Aunt to my nieces and nephews.” 
“How long have you been in the profession?” He then asked, quietly sipping on a glass of water. John hadn't ordered any alcohol which was surprising to you. He merely requested a pitcher of water for the table.
“Seven years.” You answered, looking up to meet his gaze. The man's features were softened by the candlelight that danced between your figures. You found yourself getting lost in his eyes before clearing your throat and blushing while looking away. 
“And you've strictly taught elementary, or…?” He trailed off, a little smile resting on his lips. You were enamored over the fact he was so interested. It felt flattering. 
“My first year I was a sixth grade teacher.” You recalled, resting your napkin over your bump. “It was awful. I only stayed one year before I moved down to fourth grade. Ever since then I've jumped lower and lower.” John watched as you spoke, adoring the gleam in your eye as you blabbered on about your career. He felt the urge to hold your hand gently creep up his finger tips, and he took advantage of the moment, grasping your fingers that were resting on the table. You stuttered over your words, feeling a blush crawl it's way up. John’s hand nearly drowned your own, but it was comforting. 
“You know,” You began, changing the subject, “You've never told me about your job. In fact, you're a mystery to me, Mr. Wick.” His fingers tightened around your own at your comment. He also just really enjoyed how you still refer to him as Mr. Wick on occasion. 
“Well, I bind books.” He stated simply. You furrowed your brow, his personality not matching his career in your head. Your eyes even drifted down to glance at his expensive suit and quickly back up to his face.
“Really?” You managed to ask, surprise lacing your tone. John chuckled at the comment. His fingers removed from your own as he gently pushed some of his hair behind his ear. 
“Yes. There is a market for it.” He followed, taking a sip from his drink, feeling relief cross his nerves. Of course John couldn't tell you his actual job. You'd never see him the same.
“Well, if it pays the bills…” You trailed off with an amused shrug. 
The ride home from dinner was lovely. Johns stunning car hummed as he drove, a quiet classic rock station playing over the radio. John’s right hand was intertwined with your left, while your other hand rest on your belly. You felt the baby moving and smiled, placing your fingers where her small foot pushed your skin. Johns hand subconsciously squeezed your fingers at the sound of your giggling.
“What’s funny?” He asked, glancing over while stopped at a light. 
“Sometimes when she moves, I get to touch her feet or hands.” You commented, looking over to John. The adoration across his face made you blush. The car began to move again and the man focused back onto the road. The city passed by as you two may way back to your apartment. You watched as the night life roared around, many people donning their tight cocktail dresses and sparkly high heels. Neon lights from the businesses cast hues of blue and red across the streets. 
“John, can I ask you a question?” You asked after the two of you had gotten quiet. Your right hand rest on your bump comfortably, thumb grazing softly. 
“Yes.” He responded, his hand squeezing your own. 
“Why're you not… scared… that I’m pregnant?” You blurted, feeling a sheer shade of pink coat your cheeks. It’d been on your mind for a while now; since John had begun showing interest. The man was silent for a couple minutes before answering. 
“I’ve let myself remain unhappy for a long time... And with James… I need to be at my best. After I met you, I- I felt myself falling. I don’t care that you’re my son’s teacher. Infact, it makes it easier to see you.” The man paused, “I’m not scared because I care about you. Deeply.” John's words caused furious butterflies to scatter throughout your stomach. You bit your lip, holding back both excitement and a smile. 
“It doesn't bother you that i'm almost seven months along? ” You asked, rubbing your hand down your belly.
“I don't mind that you're pregnant. It’s kind of exciting.” He spoke softly, his right hand squeezing your left firmly. Your heart felt full at his comment. You didn't respond, only basked in the happy glow surrounding your figures. John turned up the radio a little bit, and the two of you spent the rest of the car ride in a comfortable silence.
November 8th
Rain pattered down onto the classroom windows as your students sat quietly, taking a vocabulary test. It was the end of the day, and Friday, however you didn't have any plans. John has been out of town due to his job for nearly 5 days now. You didn't know book binding could be such… meticulous work. You tried to coo it out of James as to where his father had jetted off to, but the little boy didn't have a clue. A little sigh passed your lips as you felt some sadness wash over you. You missed John. As weird as that felt; you've only been on one date. You've been texting, and he’ll call you in the evenings, but you wished he was standing right here.
A couple of your students stood from their desks and placed the tests onto your desk. You gave each of them a little smile as they returned to their seats. James came up next, placing his paper onto the stack of the others. He looked up towards you, a little melancholy across his face. You furrowed your brow, and made a mental note to speak with him after class. 
The last fifteen minutes of class flew by, and before you knew it the bell rang dismissing the kids. You greeted each of them at the door, making sure they were bundled up from the cool fall rain outside, before sending them on their way. James was the last, you made sure. Just as he was placing a little beanie atop his head, you spoke up. 
“James, how are you?” You kept your tone caring. 
“I miss my dad.” He spoke, looking down at his feet. You frowned and walked over to comfort the boy. You kneeled, as best you could, at the side of his desk and placed a hand on his shoulder. 
“I understand why,” You responded, wishing you could've said ‘Me too’. “Shall we give him a call?” You then asked, the idea popping into your head. James looked up at you and a little smile crossed his cheeks.
“Okay,” His voice was soft, but eager. You stood back up, and trailed over to your desk retrieving your cell phone. James stood close to your person as you dialed and put the phone onto speaker. It took three rings before John answered.
“Hello.” His voice was rough, as though he was out of breath. 
“Hi, Mr. Wick. It’s um, Miss (Y/L/N). I have James here with me, and he-”
“Hi daddy!” James exclaimed, excited to hear his father's voice. 
“Is everything okay?” John asked. There were a few muffled grunts coming from the other line and you furrowed your brows. What could he be doing at the moment? Binding books too aggressively?
“Yeah, we’re fine... Are you?” You asked him, looking up at James. 
“When are you coming home?” James interrupted any answer John couldve given with an innocent smile. You could hear John speaking a few muffled words.
“I’ll be home tonight.” The man's voice was rough. It honestly gave you flushed cheeks. Well, to be fair, your hormones right now are out of control; being this pregnant. John made you feel like a fifteen year old, not being able to control yourself.  
“Oh, wonderful.” You managed, a smile crossing your cheeks. 
“(Y/N), I’m going to pick you up, we’ll have dinner with James at my home.” John’s voice floated out of the phone and butterflies erupted in your tummy.
“That sounds lovely.” Was all you managed. 
John arrived to your apartment around six-thirty that evening. His vintage car roaring outside was the tel he’d arrived. You carefully trotted down your apartment’s stairs before climbing into the man's car. He greeted you with a kiss on the cheek, as you haven’t actually kissed yet. No, he was too much of a gentleman on the first date. You wanted to feel what those lips had to offer though. God. Your hormones. 
You hadn’t been to John’s home yet, and when he pulled through the gate, your eyes bugged. His home was nice, large, and private; emphasis on large. John pulled into the garage, exiting the car first and opening the passenger door for you. You thanked him as he grabbed ahold of your hand to steady your frame from falling. He then escorted you inside. Your eyes met the sight of a lavish kitchen, covered in white cabinets and light wood floors. It’d been used, as there was a pile of dirty dishes in the sink and little food remnants on the countertops. Did John cook dinner? After being gone on a business trip for five days? The man continued through the house, towards-- you assumed-- the living room. You could hear James’ laughter coming from the area, and the sounds of a TV. 
“James?” John called as you two entered the room. It was spacious, donned with a fireplace and a TV above it. The little boy turned his head, facing you and his father. A smile crossed his face upon seeing you and jogged over to where you two stood.
“Miss (Y/L/N)!” He exclaimed. You let out a little chuckle to his enthusiasm.
“James, you can call me (Y/N) when were not in class, how does that sound?” You spoke softly, placing a hand onto the boy’s shoulder. He nodded, still remaining cheerful. John’s hand found its way to the small of your back and rest there. You felt a blush cross your cheeks and glanced back at the man who donned a loving gleam in his eye. Upon further study, you noted another cut on his cheek, this time higher on the bone. This was the second time you've seen the man with some type of injury. John could sense you’d noticed the abrasion to his face, and cleared his throat, gearing to speak.
“I made dinner, shall we eat?” He’d already begun leading you and James towards the dining room. The table had already been set, and the food sat scattered across the surface in serving dishes. John pulled out your chair and you graciously thanked him as you sat. James eagerly climbed into the chair across from yours, and John sat at the head of the table. He wasn’t wearing a suit, surprisingly. He donned dark jeans with a white shirt and jacket atop. It was almost more sexy to see him dressed down. 
“You made all this?’ You asked to confirm. 
“I don’t mind cooking.” The man answered, tying his hair back into a bun to avoid getting it into his food. You bit your lip seeing his exposed neck and shook your head, clearing away the thoughts. John served the two of you, filling your plates full of food. You felt your baby kick excitedly and softly chuckled placing your hand over your belly. John’s free hand grabbed your own at the sound, his eyes fixated lovingly on you.
The three of you ate dinner comfortably chatting about school, John’s job, random things James would babble on about. It was lovely to feel apart of a family again. You’ve been so lonely since your husband’s passing, and John brought so much of that familiarity back. You haven’t even kissed yet. You didn't care though, opportunities take time. 
After dinner, you and James settled on the living room couch as John put on a movie. You watched as the man pulled it from the shelf, and noting how it was a VHS tape. 
“John, is that a VHS...?” You trailed off, feeling laughter bubble up as the man held it up for you to see. The object looked worn, lovingly though. That tape alone is probably thirty years old. 
“Yes, it is.” He spoke, raising his brows at your amusement. 
“I haven’t seen one of those since 1997.” You giggled, biting your lip at him. He smiled and shook his head, sliding the tape into the player. He clicked the rewind button causing the machine to begin a loud whirr sound. While John was fiddling with the VHS, James politely asked if you could get a cup of juice for him. You nodded, standing up with a little extra effort, and padded towards the kitchen. Your eyes searched the cupboards, curious as to which one actually held the cups. Goodness, Johns home was elaborate. All of this from a book binding job. You never would've thought. It seemed somewhat suspicious, however. Of course if the relationship persisted, you'd really need to find out what was going on. The mans mysterious wounds didn't help the fact. 
“Third to the left.” John’s voice caused you to jump, and turn to face him. He stood in the entryway, leaning against the doorframe. His arms were folded, causing his biceps to be more defined. You caught yourself staring at his muscular arms and blushed, quickly gathering a cup from the instructions he’d given you. 
“You scared me,” You hummed, opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of orange juice. You heard his footsteps get closer to your figure, followed by his hands wrapping themselves around your waist from behind. John’s full body was pressed against your back. Butterflies soared through your tummy and goosebumps formed where he touched you.
“I didn’t mean to.” His voice was low, near your right ear. He kissed the top of your head and you set the juice down, turning to face him. Your belly pushed the two of you apart slightly, causing both of you to chuckle, as you quietly apologized. John put his hands onto your waist, pulling you as close as you could manage. You looked up, forgetting how tall he was compared to you, and met his eyes staring back with adoration plastered across his face.
“I guess I can forgive you.” You smirked, placing your hands atop your bump. You and John kept eye contact before he broke it, glancing down to your lips. You felt yourself slowly standing on your tippy-toes and your hands moved up to rest on his chest. John’s lips connected with your own, and you inhaled softly at the sensation. 
“Wow.” You murmured, breaking apart. John smiled softly, his hand creeping up to the side of your cheek and pushing a piece of hair behind your ear. His other hand creeped and rest on the side of your belly. You felt as the baby kicked in the spot John rest his hand.
“Did… Move?” He asked, not forming a full sentence with his eyes widening. You nodded, adjusting his hand to where she was really active. You watched the emotions range across his face, a little smile crossing yours. Had John not experienced James’ mother's pregnancy? It hurt your heart to consider his past: what type of woman abandons her son? You love James, and honestly have since before meeting John; the man was just an added bonus. The thought of him not growing up with a mother caused a tightness to form within your chest. 
“Can I ask you something?” You murmured, hearing the movie roar to life in the living room. That meant James wouldn't cause a distraction; though you still needed to give him his juice. John nodded, quietly removing his hands from your belly. 
“How old was James when you two met?” Your voice was soft as you spoke.
“A couple weeks, why?” He responded. 
“You've… you've just seemed so enamored with my pregnancy and… not that there's anything wrong with that- in fact, I’m kind of enjoying it too.” You trailed on, before shaking your head to gather your thoughts correctly. “I guess it just makes me sad you didn't get to experience the whole… waiting period. The doctors appointments, clothes shopping, putting the nursery together...” 
“What are you trying to say?” John asked softly, stepping closer to your figure. 
“I have a doctors appointment on the Eleventh, just a 7 month check-up,” You grabbed John’s hand, intertwining your fingers, “Would you like to come?” The man went silent for a moment, and you began to regret the question. Was it too soon? Did you overstep the boundaries? Maybe he doesn't really want the responsibility.
“I’d love to. I’ll just have to arrange my schedule.” John's voice was gentle. The anxiety that had claimed your veins vanished and you stood on your tippy-toes initiating a kiss. His large hands wrapped around your figure, as best they could. 
November 11th
Your hands rest on your pregnant belly as you sat in the waiting room. Some random song from the 2000’s played over the speaker system as quiet murmurs from the people around you filled the spare silence. You didn't like hospitals, and had good reason not too. That was part of the reason you invited John to tag along. He hadn't arrived yet-- as you agreed to drive separate due to work conflicts-- but you at least expected him to be somewhat early. 
A quiet sigh escaped your lips as the doors opened, however another couple walked in. Couples. That's all who was surrounding you currently. Your eyes glanced around the room, quietly observing the life around. There was a man and woman one seat to your left, giggling over something on a phone. Across the room sat two women lovingly holding hands and rubbing the pregnant belly of the other. Next to them were another man and woman, however she looked not as far along. There were a few others, but you didn't bother looking at them. Seeing them all so gleeful made you realize how lonely you must look, sitting by yourself. Granted, you've been to all your appointments alone, however now that you've got John it almost hurts more. Where is he? 
The room smelt like a sterilized hospital. You weren't fond of the aroma that coated medical centers. Your history with hospitals hasn't always been great; your husband's passing is a cruel reminder of that. The scent triggered memories you didn't like to recall. 
-- 6 and a half months earlier --
You pushed the heavy emergency room doors open, breathing rapidly. The beat of your heart was hard and unregulated as you ran to the receptionist. Time seemed slowed as the woman calmly directed you towards your destination. You pushed passed groups of people in the lobby, making your way to the floor and room the receptionist had given.
You shoved the door open before entering the hospital room. A doctor stood over the figure lying on the bed, clipboard in hand. Your eyes filled with tears as you approached the bed, your lifeless husband under the sheet. 
“It was unexpected, Mrs. Austin. He collapsed at work, there was nothing anyone could've done.” The doctor's voice was trying to show remorse, but you know the woman didn't actually care.  
“Miss (Y/L/N), we’re ready for you.” A small woman dressed in scrubs caught your attention, breaking you away from the memory. Right. You nearly forgot you’d changed your last name after his passing. It hurt too much, so your therapist recommended you change back to your maiden name. You nodded towards the nurse and used the chairs armrests to help you stand. 
“How're you today, hun?” She asked, throwing a smile in your direction while opening a door to the exam rooms. She donned colorful scrubs, the top being some type of pink and purple design while the bottoms were a solid baby pink. 
“I've been better.” You answered, following the short woman into one of the rooms. She gestured for you to sit onto the exam table before quickly washing her hands in the rooms sink. 
“What’s got you down?” She asked, drying her hands and sliding on a pair of latex gloves. You climbed onto the table, looking around the bleak, cheaply decorated room. 
“Oh- it’s- it’s stupid really.” You stuttered, waving your hand in dismissal, but the nurse gave you a raised brow look. She grabbed a blood pressure arm wrap off the wall and paced over to you.
“If it’s stupid, you wouldn't have reacted like that.” She murmured, wrapping the device around your arm. 
“Okay, well my-” What the hell do you call John? “My boyfriend is supposed to be here, but he’s obviously late.” John's most definitely not your significant other-- at least you haven't had the conversation yet. You've only been on one date and a handful of hangouts. He felt like your boyfriend, you weren't gonna lie, but he isn't. 
“Men.” The nurse scoffed, rolling her eyes. You chuckled at her comment. The two of you fell into silence as she took your blood pressure. You studied her face, noting the age added to it; guessing she was in her late fifties. She wore her hair back in a messy low bun and had a few grays scattered throughout. 
“Sorry, I just realized I didn't catch your name.” You spoke up as she was getting ready to take your temperature. 
“It’s Connie.” She smiled warmly.
“How long have you been a nurse?” You then asked as Connie had you stand up to gather your weight. She led you over to the scale, having you take off your shoes first. 
“Thirty- three years. Everyday I experience something new.” The woman answered, writing down your weight and guiding you back to the exam table. She then used her stethoscope to gather the rhythm of your heartbeat. You two fell back into silence as she finished taking your vitals. You didn't know what it was, but she made you feel a little better. Sure, John didn't show, but there was nothing you could do. You still had the ultrasound anyways, maybe he’ll arrive then. 
“Alright honey, you are healthy. We’ll get you over to the ultrasound room in just a couple minutes.” Connie spoke, wrapping her stethoscope back around her neck. You thanked her softly and she gave you a reassuring smile as she exited the room. A quiet sigh left your lips as you rubbed your belly, feeling the baby kick. 
“Just you and me, kid.” You murmured as the sensation of her foot hitting your hand occurred.
 You only waited for about two minutes before a knock sounded at the door and a figure walked in. Your eyes looked up to greet those of John. He looked a little rough around the edges. His usually gelled hair was out of place, his suit seemed disheveled and there was an obvious cut across the bridge of his nose.
“Hi,” He murmured, quietly closing the door.
“Are you okay? What the hell happened?” You immediately asked, sliding off the exam table and waddling over to his person. You reached your hands up, moving his face via his chin and assessing the gash across his nose. 
“I’m fine.” The man responded, dismissing your question. “I’m sorry I’m late.” Your eyes studied his own with doubt sprinkled into the mix, but you shook your head, turning back around and sitting onto the exam table. 
“It’s okay. I haven't gotten the ultrasound yet.” You responded, sitting down with a sigh. John nodded, sitting in the guest chair. His long body was slightly too large, having to stretch his legs. Even though you were upset, you couldn't stay mad for too long. Whatever the reason he was late must've been serious, and you honestly didn't feel like getting into it. You just wanted to go to the ultrasound and see the baby. John’s chair was close enough to the exam table that he placed his hand on your knee, thumb rubbing the area. You placed your hand over his own, causing the man to look up at you. 
“I-I’m not mad.” You spoke, voice soft. “It’s just slightly alarming when you're late and arrive with wounds. How do you get so many? This isn't the first time I've seen your face cut, John. It’s worrying me.” You didn't mean for it to sound like such a lecture, as though you were scolding a student, but it did. John even slunk into his chair, the feeling of shame floating through his veins. The man didn't speak for a few moments, contemplating in his head whether to tell the truth or not. 
John’s career isn't exactly conventional, he’s never told anyone about it before; save for James’ mother, who also was in the profession. He wanted to tell you, so badly. Lying to your face about most of his life always stung. He wishes he could tell you about the fact he’s an extremely skilled assassin with a large reputation under his belt. He wishes he could explain the cuts and bruises that litter his body on occasion, and why he has to leave for days at a time. But he can't. He doesn't have the courage to tell you and lose you. 
Another knock interrupted the silence that had taken over the room as Connie walked in. 
“Miss (Y/L/N), Mr. (Y/L/N). We’re ready for you in the ultrasound room.” The woman greeted, a smile across her cheeks. You looked over to John, quizzical as to why she referred to him with your last name, a question you’ll need to find the answer to later. John helped you stand up from the exam table, keeping his hand on your back as you began your walk to the other room. Connie opened a door to a darkened room and  gestured for you to enter. You thanked her, walking into the space. You climbed onto the chair while John stood by, helping you sit comfortably. 
“How are you today Miss (Y/L/N)? I’m Nora, i'll be doing your ultrasound today.” The doctor walked into the room, a wide smile on her face. She was younger than Connie, probably late thirties.
“I’m good, thanks.” You responded, gearing to pull your shirt up. Nora gathered a small tray of items, then rolled it over to the chair she was going to sit in. John’s hand wrapped around your own, giving it a gentle squeeze. You looked up at him, feeling bad for lashing out earlier. His eyes were filled with adoration, a small grin across his face. You'd nearly forgotten this was his first ultrasound. 
“Alright, lift your shirt slightly higher, the gel is going to be cold.” The woman spoke, pulling on a pair of gloves. She switched on the machine, grabbing the gel from her tray. Her hand hovered over your bare belly and you flinched as soon as she poured the goo. 
“Never get used to that.” You chuckled, watching as she used the machine to find the baby. John’s hand squeezed tighter as the heartbeat sounded over the little speaker. 
“There's her heartbeat.” Nora murmured, finding the spot on your belly where you could make out her body and head. “And here is her head, her arm is poking here, and there's a leg and foot.”
“She's getting so big.” You spoke, sadness lacing your tone. John leaned down, kissing your forehead. He felt his heart swell at the sound echoing in the room. 
“Yes, but she is healthy and happy. Has she been active?” The doctor asked, moving so you could see a different angle. 
“God, yes. She’s always moving.” You answered with a laugh, glancing up to John whose eyes were fixed on the screen. His hand was still laced with your own, holding it tightly. 
“Would you like pictures?” Nora then asked, removing the device she held from your belly and placing it onto the tray. You nodded as a response and the doctor was quick to type a few things into the machine before giving you a roll of paper towels to clean your tummy off. She then exit the room to go grab the printout of the ultrasound. 
“Hey, why did she call you by my last name?” You asked John, throwing away the dirty paper towels and pulling your shirt down.
“I had to lie about us being married so they'd let me back.” John responded, watching as your cheeks tinted pink and a silent ‘Oh.’ left your lips. He padded towards you and pulled you into his chest as close as he could, due to the bump. 
“I'm sorry I was late.” The man spoke softly. He gently kissed your forehead afterwords. 
“It’s okay. You made it to the important part.” You responded, looking up at him. The cut across the bridge of nose still stood out, and you also noticed a little bruise on his cheekbone. You didn't see that when you first saw him. John leaned down, catching your lips against his own. You sighed dreamily into the kiss, running your hands up his chest and to the nape of his neck. He smiled into the kiss, however the moment was lost when Nora knocked on the door and stepped in. 
“Here are the photos,” She began, handing you over an envelope, “And we’ll see you next time Miss (Y/L/N).”
You shivered when the cool autumn air hit as soon as you stepped out of the hospital. John’s hand found its way to your lower back as he began to follow you towards your car. His large figure towered over your own as you waddled beside him, hand resting firmly on your bump. You approached the vehicle and unlocked it, John standing closely behind you. Before you climbed in you grabbed the envelope from your purse, gently sliding out one of the ultrasound pictures and placing it into John’s hand.
“Thank you for coming.” You spoke softly. John held the photo up so he could see, a smile growing across his face.
“I should be thanking you for allowing me to.” He responded, opening his wallet and sliding the picture in, followed by kissing your forehead. You let out a soft giggle, one of your hands gently grasping his chin. You guided his head to greet yours, lips touching ever so gracefully. His free hand placed itself on your waist, fingers gripping onto your shirt. 
“I’ll be leaving again.” John whispered softly, breaking the kiss. You felt your heart squeeze at his comment. 
“How long?” You asked, trying not to let the sadness of your person be evident. The man still caught onto your shift in tone, a slight frown covering his features.
“Four days. I’ll be home early Saturday morning.” He responded, voice soft. You nodded, looking down at your belly. The silence that covered the air caused a chill to run up your spine, knowing the man was staring down at you. You quietly let out a breath, rubbing the top of your bump.
“Okay, well, we’ll be waiting patiently for your return.” You then spoke, looking back up. His eyes softened, realizing you were talking about the baby too. He gave you one more, heavenly kiss. His hand gripped your waist tightly, the other at the nape of your neck. His lips dominated your own in such a pleasing way, you'd need to take a cold shower later. The man ended up breaking the kiss. His eyes scanned you over; causing you to drown in his brown eyed haze. You bit your lip feeling a shyness wash over your person, and you swiftly turned to get into your car.
“(Y/N)?” The man asked, his hand wrapped around your arm to stop you. 
“Yes?” You answered, turning back around.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” His voice was deep, and so softly spoken; you could listen to him speak for hours.
“I thought you'd never ask.” A smile overtook your cheeks as you squeaked from joy. John wrapped you in his arms, bringing you in for another kiss. 
November 16th
Sirens echoed throughout the silenced streets. You groaned, adjusting your pregnancy pillow after being awoken by the noise and peeled your eyes open. Save for the city lights that shone in, the room was room was mostly pitch black. A sigh escaped your lips as you searched for your phone amongst the sheets. Your hand wrapped around the device, and you pulled it from under the blankets, your eyes greeting the screen. Blinking, you adjusted to the brightness and looked at the time. 5:32 AM. 
“Great.” You huffed, laying the phone back down. Looks like you weren’t getting much sleep tonight. It’d already taken you two hours to fall asleep, and that was only three hours ago, 2AM. You looked at your phone again, unlocking it and opening up messages. You met the conversation you had with John earlier; he was at an airport\, while you were trying to go to bed. He’d left on another work trip on Tuesday; now it’s Saturday. Luckily, he was coming home today, but not for another hour. 
John - 2:17AM: Shouldn’t you be asleep, little one?
You - 2:18AM: I can't sleep :(
John - 2:20AM: Why is that?
You - 2:23AM: Baby is sitting on an organ. And I miss you.
John - 2:24AM: I miss you too. Only 4 hours and I’ll be home. 
You - 2:27AM: James can't contain his excitement for your arrival. He’s been counting down the days. 
John - 2:28AM: I want to see you before we go to see James. It’ll be in four hours.
You - 2:30AM: That’s okay. I’m excited. I’ll probably be awake, but if not, the spare is under the rug. 
John hadn’t replied after that, only leaving you to assume he’d boarded the flight. You fell asleep shortly after you’d sent the last text anyways. 
Another siren roaring down the street caught your focus and you sighed, climbing out of bed. The cool air of the apartment caused a shiver to crawl down your spine and you swiftly grabbed a robe you’d tossed over the hamper. You then exited the bedroom, making way to the kitchen. You flipped on the light, grabbing decaf from the cupboard and beginning a brew. As the aroma of coffee filled your little apartment, you walked to the windows, opening the curtains to the still dark morning sky.
 A sigh fell past your lips as you cast your eyes to the framed photo of your ex-husband. You subconsciously rubbed the side of you belly while picking it up, feeling the baby kick. The smile on his face caused an ache to form deep in your chest, and you furrowed your brows from the pain. Maybe you weren’t as moved on as you thought. It was difficult, however much you tried. His family, the Austin’s, still wanted to meet their newest family member. Your ex-mother-in-law demanded you give the baby the Austin last name, but you protested. To be honest, you wanted to move on from that part of your life, and she was always mean to you anyways. Not that that was the main reason, no, it was simply too painful to be keeping the memory of him around. You couldn’t even speak his name. 
Swiftly placing the photo back, face down, you made your way to the kitchen. The coffee maker steamed and hissed, filling the pot as best it could. You grabbed a mug, followed by pouring just enough creamer to satisfy before taking the pot from it’s dock and pouring the fresh coffee. You glanced at the clock, reading 6:03.
The jingle of a key caught your attention, causing you to flip around and witness as John entered your apartment, spare in hand.
“John!” You exclaimed from excitement, making your way over to him. He dropped his bags, bringing you into a tight embrace. Your belly bumped his person, but he didn't mind, he was content having you back into his arms. 
“I've missed you.” The man spoke, voice low. He used his fingers to pull your chin so your faces aligned and kissed you with such hunger; his beard scratched slightly. A deep sigh of content left your lips as the kiss broke and a lazy smile crossed your face. 
“I missed you too.” You spoke softly, running your fingers through his raven locks; tucking what you could behind his ear. His dark eyes searched your own and you felt a blush crawl up your cheek. He leaned down kissing you once again, before breaking away and gathering his bags. You went back into the kitchen, quickly fixing John a new pot of coffee. As you poured in fresh water, his arms wrapped around you from behind, and his head rest against your own. You could tell he was exhausted, probably from the long flight. There wasn’t enough time to go back to sleep before he promised the Nanny he’d return and release her from work. 
“Would you like some coffee?” You murmured softly, watching the machine pour the liquid into the pot. The man nodded, too lazy to verbally respond. You directed him towards the couch, sitting his figure down and placing a pillow into his lap. You then grabbed his suitcases, rolling them over by the couch.
“Do you want to change from that suit?” You murmured. John made eye contact, a lazy nod as his answer. You gave him a short nod before returning to the kitchen. Though you were in a separate room, there was still a view from the kitchen into the living room. Meaning, you could see as John began to change. The room was still dim as the sun hasn't risen yet, but your lamps illuminated just enough so your eyes could make out Johns figure as he stripped down to his boxers. You studied his torso, eyes widening at the bruises that covered his flesh. You also met the sight of his tattoos just before he slipped a white t-shirt over the exposed skin. Blinking, a blush crawled your cheeks and you turned around, pouring John’s coffee into a mug to avoid staring.
You thought back to the bruises, concern coursing through your veins. How could a book binder have such painful bruises? And leave on trips one to three times in a month? You didn't want to admit it, but a suspicion that John was lying about a large aspect of his career was starting to feel true. 
Without another thought, you brought him the mug, placing it on the side table next to the couch. He thanked you, taking a sip of the hot liquid.
November 28th - Thanksgiving
The radio played a holiday tune while you worked on basting the turkey. James sat quietly across the bar from you, coloring in a ‘First Thanksgiving’ drawing you’d printed out for him. John wasn’t currently home, as he was out on a mission to purchase pie filling before the stores closed. It was Thanksgiving today, the first one you didn’t dread attending, as it was going to be only you, James and John. John brought up the idea a few weeks ago, mentioning how he’d like to have a real family dinner, for James. It made your heart swell, the man mentioning it as family dinner. 
So, here you were making dinner for the three of you. Your family was upset that you had decided not to go home, but you claimed you didn’t want to fly at nearly eight months pregnant. You hadn’t told your family about John yet. Your parents loved your ex-husband, and the thought of you moving on already would make them throw a hissy fit. 
“(Y/N)? Can you get me juice?” James’ sweet voice broke you from your thoughts and you nodded at the boy.
“Sure, honey.” You smiled, setting down the basting tool, and opening up the fridge. The absence of the juice became evident and you sighed, turning around to deliver the bad news.
“It looks like we’re out.” You spoke, closing the fridge. James furrowed his brows before perking up again, an eager smile crossing his cheeks.
“Dad has the old fridge downstairs! He keeps more juice down there.” The boy spoke eagerly. You chuckled at his enthusiasm and nodded, shucking off the apron you’d put on before you began cooking. The size of your bump has started to get in the way, causing many spills to happen. So, you purchased the apron to save your clothing. 
“Okay, sweetie. I’ll be right back.” You answered, ruffling the boys hair. You exited the kitchen, making your way to the closed door that led to the basement. You felt slightly nervous, as John seemed quite private regarding the basement. In fact, you remember an instance where James wanted some type of drink and John refused to let you go downstairs to get it. His reasoning was the fact you’re heavily pregnant, but your suspicion of John’s lies provided there was another reason. 
Twisting the handle you opened the door to a dark staircase, leading to a blackened room. You swallowed, flipping on the lightswitch and grabbing the banister as you made your way down. The first item you saw was a desk covered in tools used for book binding, you assumed at least. The desk was neatly organized, not even dust was out of place. Yours eyes scanned the space, seeing an old armoire next to the desk. You slowly opened one of the cabinet drawers, eyes greeting the sight of three black suits hanging neatly. Furrowing your brows, you snooped more, opening a few other compartments of the wardrobe.
Your breath caught in your throat, eyes greeting the sight of three pistols laid out neatly within a drawer. Your mind raced to the image of John’s bruised body, and the numerous cuts you’ve seen litter his face. There were few other things littered within the drawer, besides the guns. One was a photo. You picked it up first, examining the item. It appeared to be a photo of John and another woman. You felt your heart pull at the sight, but you kept studying the image. He was kissing her cheek as she smiled gleefully towards the camera. The physical condition of the photo wasn’t great, it was worn on the corners and had a few fold creases. There was even a few small stains that resembled brown dots scattered across it. Was that dried blood? You shook your head, placing the photo back into the drawer before grabbing another item.
The heaviness of the necklace you grabbed next took you by surprise. A beaded chain with a large cross at the bottom was all the jewelry had to offer. You studied the cross, noting how it lacked actual gems in the design, though there were holes for small stones. It was worn, like the photo, but remained intact. Why would John have this? He’s made no mention of religion before, nor even implied he was active in a church. It wasn’t anything special, but it must be related to the other items in the drawer.
You placed it back down, grabbing the last remaining thing from the drawer. It resembles that of a watch, a pocket watch; the one’s where you pressed a button and the cover opened to reveal the clock. You studied the outside of it, noting how it had a foreign language across the edge and an intricate design. It was a faded golden color, a few dirt stains covering the metal. You bit your lip, pressing the little button. The small device popped open, and you gasped as it took you by surprise. Inside, there wasn’t a watch, but a bloody thumbprint. Your eyes widened, and you swallowed heavily. Who are you, John Wick?
Suddenly the garage door sounded overhead. Heart racing, you quickly shoved all the compartments closed, slipping the small fake-watch into your pocket. You then waddled over to the fridge in the corner, opening it and spotting an extra jug of apple juice. Grabbing it, you hustled up the stairs, hoping to beat John into the kitchen. 
“...Where is (Y/N)?” You heard John speak just as you opened the basement door. His eyes caught the movement and you blushed sheepishly, closing the door with the apple juice in hand. You could feel John’s stares coating your person as you waddled over to the two of them.
“James wanted juice.” You spoke softly, eyes glancing between the boy and John. You placed the jug onto the countertop and James’ eager self grabbed his empty cup shoving it in the direction of his father, silently asking him to pour the juice. John removed his eyes from you and opened the juice for his son, filling the cup with it. You placed your hand into your pocket, feeling the cool metal of the… thing. You weren’t quite sure what it is, and as to why there's a bloody thumbprint inside of it. It was scary. You thought you knew your boyfriend, but this? This was curious. 
You watched John put away some of the groceries he’d gotten while you put your apron back on. His handsome figure caused an ache to form in your lower abdomen, but you didn’t have time to be horny. You needed to know who this man is. Was he some type of mafia boss? You know those guys are prevalent in New York. Oh my god, (Y/N). You’re dating a mafia boss. Wait. No. That’s dumb. Was he a dirty businessman? Does he do shady shit? You shook your head, letting out a huff of amusement from your stupid thoughts. You stepped in front of the turkey, continuing on with basting.
“Can I go watch cartoons?” James asked, setting down some crayons in his grasp. You looked at his drawing and noticed how he’d finished coloring it in. Sure, the people were colored variants of blue and green, but he completed it. 
“Sure, baby.” You answered without thought. After the boy had scurried off, only you and John remained in the kitchen. It was silent, save for the radio that still played Christmas music. You could feel John was a little tense, and it was probably due to you going to the basement. 
“You know how I feel about you going down there.” John spoke up after a few moments. He’d begun to gather the items needed to begin the mashed potatoes. 
“Your son wanted a drink.” You merely answered, however the guilt of taking the device was beginning to eat at you. You subconsciously placed your hand over your pocket, and John’s eyes caught the movement. 
“What’s in your pocket?” His voice was low, causing your heart rate to pick up speed. You grasped the item in your hand tightly, anxiety coursing its way through your veins. You swallowed thickly, looking at John. His stare was heavy, eyes dark. It caused a slight stir in your abdomen from the tension. You bit your lip, keeping eye contact before pulling the item from your pocket. You twirled it in your hand before you held the metal piece up so that the man could see it.
“Who are you.” Your voice was low, asking the question in the form of a statement. John grabbed the device from your hand, slowly, as though he didn’t want to scare you. You studied his face as he stared down, avoiding eye contact. A quiet sigh escaped his lips as he looked back up at you, sadness evident. You felt your heart soften at his expression, your guard lowering slightly.
“I didn’t want for you to find out this way.” He murmured, staying quiet as to not alarm James. Your heart felt pained and you took a deep breath.
“Who are you, John?” You repeated, voice softer. The man sighed, placing the item down onto the counter and gestured for you to sit onto one of the barstools. You quietly thanked him, sitting on the chair. You watched as his eyes stared at your belly while you rubbed it. Over the time you’ve dated, he’s become really fond of your daughter. He loves to feel her kick, or any movements she does really. He’s also kept her ultrasound picture in his wallet ever since you gave it to him. When he goes out of town, he uses that photo as a way to calm down. That and alcohol.
“I’m an assassin. I receive contracts to kill people, bad people only.” John spoke so quietly, you barely heard. You know he’s trying to remain quiet incase James could hear. You felt your heart rate pick up, the dots beginning to connect. The cuts, the bruises, the occasional small blood splatter across his collar. The guns in the drawer downstairs, the mysterious items as well. John is an assassin; a man who is paid to kill people. You studied his figure; his strong muscles capable of inflicting pain, large callused hands which have been covered with human blood many times, strong, intimidating face with dark eyes. A chill ran down your spine as you made eye contact.
“Does James know?” You then asked, not allowing his stare to intimidate. John shuffled on his feet, almost as though he was a scolded schoolboy. 
“No. He doesn't, and I'd prefer to keep it that way. At least until he's older.” He answered after a few moments. You nodded, respecting his wishes. Besides, telling James, whose six years old, that his father kills people will definitely scar the boy.
“What is that thing?” You then questioned, gesturing towards the fake watch in John's hand. He looked down at it, a deep sigh escaping his throat.
“It’s called a Marker. It’s a ‘You owe me, no questions asked’ sealed with their blood..” He answered, popping the device open. He held it so you could see the thumbprint once again. 
“And the woman in the photo, who is she?” You spoke up, mind replaying the image of the mysterious lady. John seemed genuinely happy in the image, it almost hurt that it wasn't you being the reason behind his joy. A little off your rocker, sure; However, you're almost eight months pregnant and can blame everything on your hormones. The man shut the marker, sliding it into his pocket. He glanced at the walkway that connected the living room to the kitchen, knowing his son was close to earshot. You gestured for you to stand, and you obeyed, sliding off the bar stool and regaining balance using the counter top. 
John grabbed your hand, snagging a cardigan you’d left on a table chair, before leading you towards the sliding doors that led to the patio. He quickly slid them open, tugging you outside before closing them again. You shivered, instantly triggering John to hand you the article. Thanking him softly, you slid the warmth over your chilly arms before looking up again. You found the man staring out into the yard, a lost look donning his face. You followed his gaze, not meeting the sight of anything but the hedges that sculpted the backyard.. 
“Baby?” You questioned, softening your guard and touching your cold hand to his bicep. He blinked at the sensation, pulling him out of his trance. 
“Her name was Helen. She is-” He paused, looking down at you,”She was James’ mother.” A quiet ‘Oh.’ Left your lips and you wrapped your arms around his strong one, attempting to comfort him. You gently rubbed his lower back, a trick you used to use with your ex-husband to ease his anxiety.
“Why do you say ‘was’?” You spoke after a few moments. Was she deceased now? John scoffed, shaking his head. Genuine emotion gathered in the creases of his eyes as he looked down at his feet. 
“She gave birth to him in a hotel room in France, not bothering to go to a hospital. He didn't have a birth certificate or social security number. When she showed up with him, she hadn't even given him a name.” He paused with a sigh, “After she left, I finally took him and got him recognized as a citizen. That makes me his sole guardian.” 
“How did you not know she was… expecting?” Curiosity filled your veins. You’ve been dating for a few months, you barely knew John. It felt good, minus the circumstances of the conversation, to really see him feel.
“We had a fight about… the business; our careers. She stormed out and never returned- Until James.” He spoke lowly. You wrapped your arms around his core, pulling him in for the tightest hug you could manage. He slowly mimicked your actions, too wrapping his arms around your body. You two hugged in the cold for a few more seconds before you shivered. 
“I know this is cheesy of me to say, but... You have me now. I’m not going to abandon you. You’re stuck with me, bub.” You said lightly, slowly inching towards the sliding door. John broke and chuckled from your comment, shaking his head. You smiled, opening the door and entering back into the warm house. Shivers ran down your spine as you pulled the cardigan tighter around your figure. John closed the door and came up behind you, kissing the top of your head.
“Thank you, (Y/N).” He spoke, gaining your attention and leaned down to kiss you. You accepted, enjoying the minor beard burn that came when kissing him. He broke the kiss with a smile, and stepped back.
“You’re welcome, baby. Now I need your strong muscles to lift this fat turkey into the oven.” You spoke, handing John a pair of minnie mouse themed oven mitts.
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yandere-society · 5 years
Day 11 | Santa Tell Me
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Synopsis: You’ve always been strangely scared of Santa as a child. The thought of a stranger in heavy boots breaking into your home and rummaging through your stuff has always terrified you. And you felt that terror right now, in this instant, as you laid there with two men in bright green suits hovering over your pretend-sleeping form.
The 12 Days of Black Christmas Event Masterlist
Pairing: Vmin x Female Reader
Admin: @roses-ruby​​
Trigger warnings: Yandere themes, bad crack, attempted kidnapping, stalking, stupid jokes, joke about religion, swearing, bad mouthing Santa 
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
You really hated Christmas.
You hated everything that had to do with Christmas. All the sugary deserts, the unhealthy binging, the fake family bonding and seasonal depression longing. The freezing weather that froze your toes and pipes, the blinding red and greens, otherwise known as holiday delights. The overzealous consumerism around every corner, the empty materialism that gave everyone boners. The deforestation and self-righteousness, the ugly sweaters and proud religious mess. You hated Christmas and its warping spider’s net and all the very, merry, happy, holy, holly, jolly shit that went along with it.  
It wasn’t like you ever had a good Christmas to change your mind. When you were six, every girl at school had the brand-new light up Princess Dolly sneakers for Christmas but thanks to your skinflint of a dad, you got the direct knock off; Princess Polly sneakers. Polly with a PUH. They didn’t even fucking light up. To this day you get nightmares from the bullying. At 15, you got typhoid fever before the big ski vacation and while everyone else got to go have the time of their life, you were stuck rotting at home with your weird cousin Sigil who collected the dead skins from snake sheds. And just last year, at an unbearably boring office party, your ex best friend and crush made out under the mistletoe for 15. Whole. Minutes. Last you heard of them, they were engaged.
Let’s not even start about your irrational fear of Santa Claus. Every bad Christmas could be traced back to him. You cried the first time you heard your dad describe the bearded old man. Your reaction confused the hell out of him but to you, he was the strange one. What kind of parent allows an overgrown, capitalist bear man who dresses in red and brainwashes elf and reindeer to come into their home using the chimney and spy on their kids throughout the whole year? Was he a sadist? When you were younger, you would wet the bed just thinking of him stomping around your house in the dark. Safe to say, you never left him any cookies. Now, you’re just glad you grew out of the phase of believing in such a horrid creature like Santa Claus. Finally, you could sleep happy knowing that no one would sneak into your house in the middle of the night.
So, while we’re on that topic…who exactly were the two men whispering in the dark inside your room if it’s definitely not Santa?
“We have to quickly get back before he notices we’re missing. QUICKLY, Taehyung.”
“I know, I know. Let me just untangle this rope, Jimin.”
Who the fuck were Taeyoong and Jimmy and what the fuck were they doing in your house? That’s what you were thinking as you laid on your bed pretending to be asleep, absolutely still in the complete dark. Of course, you had a break in on the night of Christmas because why the fuck not. What made you think this one year, your Christmas day would turn out okay?
You were stuck even further because you lost the window of opportunity to wake up and startle the intruders and perhaps scream for help because since the moment they snuck in (3 minutes ago) you did nothing but lay there listening to their banter like the idiot you are. Maybe you could pretend all their ‘noise’ woke you up, but then again you weren’t too fond of your acting skills.
But honestly, who were they? What did they want? Why did they keep mentioning returning before this ‘he’ found out they were gone?
As you were pondering your crisis, someone blew straight into your ear. You shot up from the bed with a scream and immediately turned on the lamp beside you. Two men in strange green tunics and stockings, pointy ears, and tall hats with a bell stare back at you with an equally horrified expression.
They were dressed up as…elves?
“See, I told you she was awake.” The one on your right, resembling a small animal, possibly the bastard who blew in your ear, chirps.
“Wow, you really do have night vision, Jiminie.” The taller one behind the edge of your bed, the one holding a rope says, while staring at you in a daze.
“Who the fuck are you both? How did you get in? What do you want?” You shout, bringing your comforter to your chest.
All they do is stare at you with lovesick eyes to which you scowl. Hold on, why were your potential murderers so hot?
“_-___,” The one on the right calls you carefully. He had round and soft features with a sharp jaw. Slender eyes and bright pink hair matching his rosy cheeks on his otherwise cute pale face. “It’s an honor to finally meet you…my name is J-Jimin.”
“I’m Taehyung.” You turn to the man with the rope. His features were extremely well proportioned and downright lethal. A devilishly handsome face, beautiful golden skin and dark brown mopy hair. He appeared and sounded like a mature sugar daddy but stared at you like a 12-year-old pervert.
You sat silent after the two men’s greetings. What were you supposed to say after intruders introduced themselves? Nice to meet you? And how did they know your name?
“…O-Okay…Jimin, Taehyung…why are you in my house.”
“We’re here to kidnap you.” Jimin smiles, his eyes turning into crescents.
“E…Excuse me?”
“Yeah! We’re here because we love you and we want you for ourselves, so we have to take you from your home.” Taehyung says, stretching the rope in his hands.
“WHAT?” You couldn’t believe your ears. Did you perhaps start hallucinating after your edible once again? Because that would explain this crazy ass dream you were having right now. Since when did you have an elf kink though?
“So you see,” Jimin begins walking to stand beside Taehyung so now they were both in front of you, “We’re Santa’s elves. We were the ones assigned to watch over you, see if you were naughty or nice.”
“Pfft, you’re very naughty~” Taehyung giggles, blushing like crazy. You raise an eyebrow at him.
“And over the years,” Jimin continues, “We came to fall in love with you to the point of obsession. So now we want to kidnap you and take you to the north pole where we three will live in a polyamorous relationship and only me and Taehyung will get to be with you.”
“We’ll fuck every day.” Taehyung chimes in proudly, earning a smack to the back of his head from Jimin who mutters ‘not yet.’
“Ahahaha, what Taehyung meant was…of course any sexual relationship would be consensual. No means no, after all.” Jimin winks awkwardly
You just sat there, mouth wide open as your brain refused to process all the information that was just presented to you. So not only were your intruders dressed up as elves, but they were also clinically insane.
“I’m calling the cops.”
“W-wait! We can prove it to you!” Jimin jumps, rushing back to your side. “When you were 10, you really wanted a MayaMaya doll collection set didn’t you? You didn’t tell your dad about it because you thought he would get you the knock off; the Papaya doll collection. It was the first and only time you were okay with Santa coming into your house, so you didn’t even set the bear trap in the fireplace like you did every year.”
He was right. What the fuck.
“W…how did you know that?”
“We saw you.” Jimin says, eyes soft and smile tender, “You were wishing so earnestly that Christmas Eve, it almost made me cry.”
“W…wait so…Santa is real?”
“Of course.” They sang in unison
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, time out.” You huff, “He’s been real this whole time, yet he’s never gotten me what I wanted for Christmas?”
“Oh, my love.” Taehyung strides up and sits on your side of the bed, taking your hand in his. “It was out of our hands…we tried to get you on the nice list, but he could sense your bad vibes…also I’m pretty sure he was salty you never left him cookies. He is sort of petty.”
“So you’re telling me that hippy bitch Claire really did deserved that large purple dollhouse more than me?”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, she hasn’t been on the nice list for a long time now…all she asks for are sex toys.” Taehyung stares off into the distance.
“How long have ya’ll been watching me?”
“We are supposed to stop once a kid doesn’t believe in Santa anymore...but we were just always rooting for you. Before we knew it, we were watching you way into adulthood...and then slowly we started falling in love with you.” Jimin blushes
“...Have ya’ll seen me-”
“Naked? No...but we really want to.” Taehyung bites his bottom lip.
“I can’t believe this…” You groan, placing a palm over your forehead.
“Hey now, Jesus didn’t die today for you to be full of despair.” The taller elf rubs your hand with his thumb
“No, you idiot. He was born today…I think.” Jimin tsks
“Oh…well the point still stands. Don’t be sad my love. We never want you to have a bad Christmas again.”
“Anyway, we should hurry before Santa notices we abandoned him. That ass-kisser Jin also tagged along so we don’t have to worry too much about our portion of the presents since he would love to show off how competent he is to Santa all by himself. We can just say we ran a bit late because some kid almost woke up.” Jimin tells Taehyung to which he nods, getting his rope ready.
Oh right, this was a kidnapping. You forgot.
“___, just stay perfectly still and we’ll easily load you into the bottom of Santa’s gift sack. That thing is huge, no one will notice but us.”
“Guys, wait.” You say to which they freeze. “Let me think about this.”
They look at you with pleading puppy dog eyes and you start to contemplate it. Should you go with the two elves that barged into your house and tried to kidnap you and possibly turn you into a sex slave?
What were the pros and cons?
If you go to the North Pole, you’d basically be stuck with everything you hate about Christmas all year round. But could it be that bad seeing how smoking these two elves were? They could easily keep you warm. Were all elves this hot? Wait…could Santa possibly be hot? Your mouth watered thinking about it. Is this an enemies to lovers AU after all?
Whatever it was, it was interesting and more importantly you had a lot of unfinished business with the man in red. You could see it now, forming a mutiny with all the elves. Killing Claus and taking over his empire. Then it would be you who rules Christmas and boy, do you have a few changes you wanted to make like the beginning of this story states. Finally, all your wishes will come true. This time you WILL get the light up Princess Dolly sneakers and MayaMaya doll collection set.
And so, with a sinister plot forming in your head, you smile at the two eager elves in front of you.
“Alright boys, let’s go.”
Maybe this Christmas won’t be so bad after all.
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lilmissbeanie · 4 years
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Tobio Kageyama x F!reader Word count ~ 1977 Genre ~ Fuff - SFW Happy birthday @sunkissedautumn​ sorry that it’s a few days late!  This my first time writing Kags so we shall see how it goes!
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Kageyama stood in the hall way stiff as a board with nerves, a light  blush covering his cheeks as he stared at the beautiful petit girl in front of him, he rubbed the back of his neck, looking away from her, thrusting his other hand out to her that held a teal, her favourite colour, bag, “happy birthday,” he mumbled  to her. 
The h/c girl, allowed her own blush to cover her cheeks as she gently took the bag from his finger, “thank you,” her own voice quiet and shy, the pair both liked one another but neither of them acted on their feelings. They had been friends since the first day of high school, he had bumped into her on his way to class, if he hadn’t caught her, she would have fallen to the floor. Kageyama apologised profusely to her and since they have been friends.  
She opened the bag and squealed, inside was the cutest plushie of a penguin, a keychain also a little penguin, she pulled out the card from within the bag, opening the envelope, she smiled at the card, there were two hand drawn little penguins hugging each with Happy Birthday written in bubble writing, she opened the card to find two tickets to aquarium. Looking up at threw her eyelash to meet Kageyama dark eyes, she bit her lip.  
“You, umm, you can take anyone you like, it doesn’t have to be me-” 
“I want to go with you,” She quickly cut him off, her blush spreading across her cheeks to her ears and down her neck as her words spilled from her lips, his own blush grew deeper as Kageyama nodded giving her a small smile. “So, umm, Saturday? At ten?”  
“I’ll pick you up from yours,” He replied, nodding placing a hand on her head giving it a gentle pat, making sure to not mess up her hair that was half tied back in a braid.  
Reaching up on her tiptoes, the girl, placed a quick gentle peck on his left cheek “Thank you for my presents, I'll see you later.” She quickly turned on her heels and headed to her classroom, hopping he didn’t see how deep red her blush had become.  
“So, did she like them?” The ball of energy known as Karasuno’s middle blocker suddenly appeared next to Kageyama after the girl had rushed off towards her classroom, his fingers were pressed against the spot where her lips lingered for a second. “Oi? Kageyama?” 
“Huh? What did you say Hinata?” The shorter ginger boy’s eyes widen at the fact that Kageyama didn’t snap at him, he knew why, smirking he replied, “She like the presents then.”  
Whipping his sweaty hands on the fabric of his black jeans before he knocked on the door to Y/n house. He had been here loads of times, for movie days to studying together but for some reason it felt different this time. This time he was picking her up and it was just going to be the pair of them, no one else, usually when they went out it would be with the rest of their friends such as Yachi, Hinata, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. He stood there waiting for the door to open, it felt like eternity, but she finally opened the door, there she stood in a doorway, wearing a boat neckline baby blue jumper, that was tucked into a black skater skirt, little tanned ballet pumps. She looked beautiful with her gently curled, she had put on a light layer of make up only marasca and a little eye shadow that matched her jumper.  
Y/n gently twirled her toes against the floor of the entry way pf her house. “Hi Kags,” She mumbled, y/n hands were gentle clasped behind her back. “Hi, S/n, ready to go?” The h/c girl smiled, grabbing a jacket and her purse.  The pair walked along toward the station, the two nervously both walked silently next to one another, both wondering what they should talk about, they had often spent time together alone, but both of them felt like it was so different this time, they weren’t even sure if you could class it as a date but it felt like it was a date the pair had taken forever to choose their outfits, to the point Y/n had called Kiyoko, even though she had graduated two years prior she was still close to the ex-Karasuno manager.  
Kageyama had done just the same, he had begun with Hinata who wasn’t much help, he also tried Tsukki and Yamaguchi, Yams being a little more helpful but Tsukki’s constant comments just made the matter more complicated. In the end he called Suga, who happened to be with Daichi and Asahi, of course Asahi jumped at the chance to help the boy dress appropriately. 
It was their seniors that put the idea in their heads that this was a date.   
“No, Kageyama! You can’t wear that on a date! Haven't you been crushing on this girl for the past three years.” Asahi grumbled, Kageyama could hear the former setter and captain laughing in the background. “Your nice black jeans you got last time you were in Tokyo with us, and the blue shirt I made buy. Yes, wear them, oh and do no wear trainers, you need to wear something comfy but not trainers.”  
“Y/n! You have to wear that black skater skirt; it hugs the curves of your waist nicely and pair it with your baby blue boat neck jumper.” Kiyoko smiled through the phone at the third-year manager who she recruited all those years ago, Tanaka appeared behind his girlfriend, planting a kiss on her cheek before saying; “Kiyoko is right that will suit you perfectly and make that boy drool for ya! Have fun on ya date!” Those final words cause the blush to explode over her cheeks and her eyes widen, before she could stutter out it wasn’t a date Tanaka had already hung up. 
The pair kept taking sly glances at one another, sometimes their eyes meeting, causing them both to look away quickly. Biting her lip, Y/n sighed though her nose, her lips parting to speak, but Kageyama words slipped out first, “So I was thinking we could look around the mall first, get some lunch before going to the aquarium?” 
“Sure!” Cringing at the sound of her own enthusiastic voice, thinking it was maybe to enthusiastic. Kageyama eyes widen at how cute she looked when she cringed. “Cute,” He mumbled chewing at the inside of his cheek.  
Y/n head flicked towards him, swearing she heard him say cute, yet it was so quiet and with the buzz of the people and the traffic of the street she barely heard him, so she couldn’t be sure, “Did you say something?” peering up at him, eyes burning with curiosity.  
“N-no,” he stuttered out, praying she didn’t actually hear him. They finally arrived at the mall, Y/n spotted the cute little stationary store, squealing she grabbed his hand dragging him in the direction of said store. It wasn’t until Y/n lift her hand to pick up one of the notebooks did she notice they were still holding hands. “O-oh I’m sorry.” She quickly let go, blushing.  
“It’s okay, I, umm, liked it.” He replied as he bit his lip, this may not be a date but Kageyama would be damn if he left today without telling her how he felt. “You did?” He nodded giving a small smile.  
Fuck it she thought, it’s been three years I should tell him how I feel, she peered up at him “Me too, so, um, want to, um,”  
“Y-yea I w-would.” He strutted out reaching his hand out to take her hand, Y/n thinking the same causing their hands to bump into one another's rather harshly. Both turning their heads away bashfully before laughing slightly. Kageyama reached out for her hand again, slipping his fingers between her, the blush on his face seeming to never disappear since the day started it. “So, s-shall we continue?”  
Y/n smiled up at him, giving him a nod, the pair left the stationary shop and continued to wander around the substantial shopping centre window shopping ever now and again either one of them would want to go into a shop, Y/n did laugh when Kageyama dragged her into the sports shop and was fussing over the latest range of volleyball shoes. She found his passion for volleyball admirable and quite adorable.  
Midday rolled around and the pair made there way to the food court, Y/n somehow managed to talk Kageyama into dropping his heathy diet for today and convinced him it was a burger and fries' time. They pair squabbled over who was paying, “No, S/n, this is your birthday treat you are not paying for a thing.” He nudged her shoulder while his smiling down at her. “So, what do you want? Tell me then go find us a table yea?” 
Grumbling under breath, “Fine, I’ll have a double cheeseburger meal with chocolate milkshake, thank you.” She gave his hand a squeeze before slipping her fingers out from between his. He nodded with a smile and gave her a gentle push towards the seating area. Pulling out her phone for the first time that day she had seen the third year volleyballers group chat had exploded with constant question of how hers and Kageyama’s day was going.  
From: Y/n   To: The boys and Yachi  12:16pm  Sorry guys, we just stopped for food we are having fun so far. 
She replied quickly before slipping her phone back into her pocket looking up to see where Kageyama was at, noticing that we was walking her way with a tray containing the food in his hands. He placed the tray down on the table before taking a seat opposite her. Thanking him she grabbed her burger and fries before the pair started to munch happily on the food, she couldn’t help the small giggle to slip past her lips as she saw the look of pure happiness spread over his face as he took his first bite of his burger. “When was the last time you had a burger?”  
“To be honest I cannot remember the last time I got a burger.” He shrugged continuing to scoff it down.  
They made their way to the aquarium, their hands slipping into one another naturally. Showing the tickets at the front desk they entered the first hallway which was filled with different types of corral and sea anemones, Y/n’s hand slipped from Kageyama’s as she giddily walked to the windows to peer in as Kageyama followed after her. He loved how happy she was looking at the different creatures.  
When they finally made it to the penguins, Y/n was struggling to contain her excited, “Kageyama! Look they are so cute!” Her voice filled with pure excitement as she wrapped her arms around one of his as she giggled.  
“Hey, um, Y/n?” Y/n head moved so quickly to look at him, Kageyama was sure she would have whiplash, she looked like a fish out of water with the way she was gaping at him.  
“You... You called me by my first name” She gasped at him, 
“Well it is your name.” He smirked at her, “I wanted to ask you something.” She nodded motioning him to continue. Kageyama bit his lip taking a deep breath. “Will you be my penguin? 
Her eyes widen at his words, before a face splitting smile crossed her face. “I would love to be your penguin, if you will be mine, Tobio?”  
Wrapping his around her shoulders pulling her into his side, he buried his nose in Y/n’s h/c hair with a gentle smile on his face. “There’s no one else I would allow to call me a penguin.”
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©️ All content  belongs to lilmissbeanie, do not copy, edit, repost or translate. 
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wellimaginethat · 4 years
Bruises (PRELUDE)
Pairing: Crockett Marcel x (female) Reader
Word Count: 1296
Author’s Note: SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON 5 FINALE!!! This happened because of Chicago Med’s season finale the other night. I got this idea and it just stuck. I couldn’t shake it so I had to write it.
Trigger Warning(s): MENTION OF CHILD’S DEATH (Dr. Marcel’s daughter, Harper), ABANDONMENT, divorce, CAR ACCIDENT, MENTION OF BLOOD (in later chapter), slight injury (in later chapters), hospital stay (in later chapters), bad medical knowledge because I’m not a doctor (yet, maybe someday, lol), Dr. Manning is a noisy brat (no hate, maybe a little shade, but no full on hate), DEPRESSION (in later chapters), mention of alcohol abuse, mentions of self harm (in later chapters)
Disclaimer: I don’t owe nor am I affiliated with any of the Chicago shows, I just like to play with the characters
Summary: This is probably, kinda, sorta AU because I’ve missed some of Chicago Med (the others too due to work) so I’m just going based off what I know and research (which has come up that we don’t know much about Marcel’s past, other than this shocking new tidbit). Also, the name is from the song Bruises by Lewis Capaldi, which is the song I was listening to while writing this
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~counting days, counting days since my love up and got lost on me~
7-8ish years ago
The two of you fell for each other hard. It started with a simple ‘hi’ and within two months the two of you were happily dating. He was older than you, but just by a bit. Soon enough three years passed by the two of you and you were still together, engaged and living together in fact. He was in med school and working part time, you were in college and working part time as well, so you both cherished the time you got to spend together.
Then you found out you were pregnant. It wasn’t really the best timing, with the two of you in a tiny apartment, just making ends meet. But the look on his face when you told him, it was enough to make all the worry go away, at least for a little bit. He knew things would be tough for a little while, but he swore that someday everything would be great.
He promised you that you’d have the wedding of your dreams as soon as the two of you were able to save up the money, and that the courthouse deal was just for now, just to get it out of the way.
And then Harper was born. She was the most precious and beautiful thing you’d ever laid eyes on. Everything was great for a little while, but it ended too soon. At three months she was diagnosed, and by the time she was a year, she was gone. It crushed the two of you.
And then he left you there. All alone. You went back to your tiny apartment to find that he wasn’t there. He stumbled in when the bars closed, and didn’t say a word when he fell into bed with you, didn’t hold you while silent tears streamed down your cheeks.
A month passed by like that before you had enough and finally packed your things while he was away and left. You left your key on the counter and walked out of the apartment you shared. You stayed with your best friend for a little while, she comforted you and made you feel a little better. But nothing could fill the hole inside your heart. You didn’t just lose your little girl, you lost your husband too. He had been your best friend once upon a time, your everything.
You had moved on the best you could, every once in a while you would have a really bad day but you’ve been doing a lot better lately. You thought about Harper more than you did about Crockett, but every once in a while your mind wandered to him. Sometimes you’d find yourself wondering where he was, how he was doing, what he was doing at that specific time. You wondered if he ever went back to New Orleans, you had once in a while to visit Harper’s grave and to catch up with old friends.
But today you hadn’t even given him a thought, not until your phone rang and you were met with questions about him from a detective. That’s when you found out he was in Chicago, you wondered how long he’d been there, but you told yourself that you didn’t care.
The detective politely asked you to meet them in either Chicago or meet one of the detectives working the case in New Orleans. You were closer to Chicago so you told him that you’d meet him there, on the condition that you didn’t have to see your ex. He agreed that you wouldn’t have to.
So you went to Chicago, went to the police station and talked with the detectives, and as you were leaving you spotted him being brought in. You felt a mix of emotions, mostly anger and sadness, it was like the bandaid you stuck over the wounds you suffered all those years ago was ripped off and that the wound hadn’t healed at all.
His eyes finally found yours, a mix of shock and guilt in them, or at least that’s what it seemed like.
You turned on your heel to face the cop. “I thought you said I wouldn’t see him?” “I didn’t know they were bringing him in for further questioning today.” The detective barely gave you an apologetic look.
You huffed, annoyed, and turned away from him. If you wanted to leave, you’d have to walk right by him. Without even thinking about it, that’s what you did. You didn’t even look at him as you walked right past him.
The air outside was sort of warm, at least in the sun it was. It was a nice day, not overly hot and there was a nice breeze, and Chicago didn’t seem nearly as noisy as you expected it too.
You were just getting ready to walk over to a taxi to go back to the hotel when you felt a hand on your shoulder, causing you to turn and come face to face with him.
“What do you want?” You couldn’t help the bite to your tone, you were feeling all the pain of so many years ago come rushing back.
The look on his face told you that he hadn’t expected that tone. “I want to talk.”
“I have nothing to say to you, Crockett.”
“I’m not the one who left.”
That was a low blow. “You might not have physically left me, but you did abandon me when I needed you the most.” And with that you turned and hurried over to the taxi. The minute you got to the hotel you called the detective and told him that if he had any more questions for you, he’d have to call you to ask them because you were going home. You then gathered what stuff you did bring with you and loaded it into your own car (which you had left at the hotel because of not knowing your way around Chicago) and began to drive.
Maybe it was because you weren’t paying attention, or maybe it was because the other driver was texting. You were certain you had the green light, that you were in the right. But that didn’t matter. They plowed into the side of your car, on the drivers side. As you slipped in and out of consciousness, you could hear sirens, then someone’s voice, a male, saying they were going to get you out.
As they wheeled you into the hospital, they read off your stats.
Natalie was the one to notice the look on his face, and gave him a look as they examined you. “Do you know her?”
“Yeah, she’s my wife.”
He had to be forced away from you, since the two of you were still technically married, and he didn’t calm down until he was told that you were okay, that you just suffered minor injuries despite the damage done to your car. The most worrisome injury was a gash to your head, but a few days of observation and you would be able to go home.
He was gathering his things when Natalie walked in. He knew she was about to bombard him with questions, so he turned.
“Crockett.” She stopped him, taking a hastened step forward.
He turned to look at her, an exhausted look on his face.
“So she’s your wife?” Was the first question out of her mouth
He nodded once.
“Harper’s mom?”
“Look, I don’t really wanna talk about this, especially not now.”
She seemed to get it because she nodded and shut up.
He turned and walked out, going up to your room and taking a seat next to your bed, waiting for you to wake up
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